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Invitation (undangan) merupakan undangan yang diberikan oleh seseorang kepada orang lain untuk menghadiri sebuah acara. Misalnya: pesta ulang tahun, pernikahan, rapat, kelulusan sekolah atau perpisahan. Dalam invitation (undangan) biasanya ditulis: orang yang diundang, acara, waktu (hari, tanggal, jam), tempat, pesan, serta orang yang mengundang.

UN 2007/2008 Student Writing Contest THE ATLANTIC MONTHLY invites submissions of poetry, fiction, and personal or journalistic essays for this year's Student Writing Contest. CATEGORIES Poetry, fiction, and personal or journalistic essays. MANUSCRIPTS should be typewritten (one side only, please) double-spaced, and accompanied by a cover sheet with the following information: title, category, word count, author's name, address, phone number, e-mail address (if available), and academic institution. Of this information, only the title should appear on the manuscript itself. POSTMARK SUBMISSIONS BY DECEMBER I, AND SEND TO: Student Writing Contest The Atlantic Monthly 77 N. Washington Steer Boston, MA 02114 Source: 5. What A. B. C. D. is the purpose of the text? To describe the student writing contest. To announce the student writing contest. To amuse the students with writing contest. To retell the students about writing contest.

Contoh soal UN UN 2008/2009

Scout Association of SMP Bunga Bangsa Semarang To: All Scout Members. We are going to go camping at Bringin area, from 14-16 June 2009. The contribution is Rp75,000.00. Members who would like to join the activity should register their names to Mrs. Katmiati. Registration will be on 10th June, 2009. Naufal A. C. The Chief

SKL : Menentukan informasi rinci tersurat 7. To whom is the announcement above? A. Mrs. Katmiati. B. The chief of the association. C. All scout members. D. Scout association of SMP Bunga Bangsa Semarang. 8. When will the camping activity start? A. 10th June 2009. B. 14th June 2009. C. 15th June 2009. D. 16th June 2009. SKL : Menentukan makna kata 9. "The contribution is Rp75.000,00 What is the meaning of the underlined word? A. Food, drinks, or services which are provided by an organization for guests. B. Sum of money that is given to a person or organization to pay for something. C. The act of making official report of something or someone. D. Payment made by someone because he has a debt.


The following are required for the works that the participants should prepare, except that they are . A. original B. unpublished C. easy to read D. typewritten

7. The announcement tells us about .

a. remedial program b. enrichment program c. extra curricular program d. examination 8. What subject is going to have an enrichment program? a. Math b. English c. Biology d. Computer 9. When will the enrichment program be conducted? a. In the morning c. In the afternoon b. At midnight d. In the evening 10. Where will the enrichment program be conducted? c. In the school lab c. In the school canteen d. In the library d. In the school hall

1. The announcement is for community. a. market c. school b. village d. teacher 2. What is announced in the text? a. The Independence Day festival b. Te Jakarta City festival c. The parade d. The prizes 3. to see the parade with the principal. The Principal is . a. The person teaching at school. b. The person working at a library. c. The person in charge of a school. d. The person cleaning the school.

Attention There will be no basketball extracurricular tomorrow due to New Year holiday. Trainer
Answer the following questions. 11. What is the announcement about? a. The cancellation of basketball extracurricular. b. The recruitment for basketball team. c. A basketball competition. d. A vacancy for basketball trainer. 12. The synonym of trainer is . a. teacher b. coach c. referee d. player 13. When is the announcement announced? a. 1st January b. 2nd January c. 31st December d. 30th December

ANNOUNCEMENT All of the seven grade students must join the English conversation club on Wednesday, July 1st 2010 at 10.00 am. Please be punctual. Mr. Adam (Teacher)
4. To whom is the announcement for? a. All students. c. Class 8 Students b. Class 7 students d. Class 9 students 5. Which one is true about the announcement? a. 7th grade students must join a speech contest. b. The conversation club meeting starts on July. c. The conversation club is in the afternoon. d. Mr. Adam is the juror for English contest. 6. Please be punctual Punctual means . a. late b. early c. on time d. in hurry

ENRICHMENT CLASS FOR EIGHT GRADE STUDENT Will be conducted on Tuesday, May 20th2008 at 1.00 p.m. in the school hall. ENGLISH TEACHER

14. with . 15.

frightened has the closest meaning f

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