Botanical Monograph Project Belladonna

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Department of pharmacognosy By

1-Heba Mohammed ali 2-Marwa Hossam 3-Fatma El Shahat 4-Asmaa Abd Al Fatah 5-Heba El Ghazaly 6-Dana Shokry Mohammed 7-Asmaa Mohammed Mosbah 8-Sheren Karam Ezzat 9-Aya Mosbah 10-Nehal Abd El Latef 11-Fatma Hussein

Self-learning project 2012

Arabic name: Common name: Belladonna (Nightshade) Origin: It is the leaves and flowering tops of Atropa belladonna
Family: - Solanaceae

A-Morphological characters:

The Leaf is a simple leaf Insertion Cauline leaves.

Phyllotaxis Alternate. Venation Petiole Leaf base Stipules Lamina Lamina Base Margin Apex Reticulate Pinnate. Petiolated. Normal. Foliacious. Ovate. Asymmetric. Entire. Acute.
Fig.1 Belladonna leaves

Self-learning project 2012

-The flowers are long, wide and have a curved pedicle , the corolla is campanulas and livid purple color when fresh. -Cohesion of sepals: Gamosepalous. -Cohesion of petals: Gamopetalous. -Insertion of corolla: Hypogenous flower. -Adhesion of Stamen: Epipetalous -Gynoecium: Monocarpellary. -Placentation: Free and central. -Inflorescences: Simple cymose.

Fig.2 Belladonna flower

Self-learning project 2012

B-Microscopic character:
-The epidermal cells, on making a surface section, appear undulating, on the lower surface the stomata are more numerous, near to which arise trichomes, which tend to cover and protect the stomata by preventing too great evaporation and so assist the work of transpiration.


A-Epidermis (upper surface and lower surface) B-palisade cells under which are the mesophyll cells C-crystal containing cells (calcium oxalate in minute crystals) D-simple trichomes E-head-bearing and gland-bearing trichome Fig.3 T.S in Belladonna leaf

1. Upper epidermis with underlying crystal sand idioblasts 2. Lower epidermis showing cuticular striations and anisocytic stomata.

Fig.4 Epidermal character

Self-learning project 2012

-Vascular bundle: Bicollateral -Ergastic substanc:calcium oxalate crystal -Stomata: Anisocytic -Trichomes:
1 -Galndular A- Clavate Trichome B- Unicellular head ,multicellular uniseriate glandular trichome 2-Non glandular C-Multicellular Uniserriate non glandular trichome

Fig.5 Trichomes of belladonna

Fig.5 Anisocytic Stomata

Self-learning project 2012

C-Pharmaceutical Uses:-Quite often Belladonna is used as homeopathic remedies such as the common cold, earaches, fever, menstrual cramps, sunstroke, toothaches, headaches, sore throats, and boils. -How the patient ingests and how much they ingest is determined by a few various factors such as their symptoms, mood, and overall temperament. -When Belladonna is administered for homeopathic use it is highly diluted because of the toxicity level of it. - No one should ever use Belladonna as a self-help measure and it should only be taken under the care of a qualified doctor. -The doses given of Belladonna are always in very low doses. -When Belladonna is prescribed it is either added to sugar pellets or mixed with other types of drugs and is available by prescription only. So while it is clear that Belladonna is an extremely dangerous herb it is also very beneficial when used correctly. Belladonna extract is used in some commercial product such as Bellacid.

Fig.6 Bellacid Tablet an antispasmodic medication.

Self-learning project 2012

Reference:-Roy Upton et al, American Herbal Pharmacopoeia Botanical Pharmacognosy - Microscopic Characterization of Botanical Medicines, Pages 129155, CRC Press 2011. -BETTY P. JACKSON et al, ATLAS OF MICROSCOPY OF MEDICINAL PLANTS, CULINARY HERBS AND SPICES, pages 1819, Belhaven press

Self-learning project 2012

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