Entry Level Translation of Sarvasar Upanishad - v0.91

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|| SarvaSaar UpaNishad ||

Entry Level Translation of Sarvasar Upnishad_v0.91


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Few thing need to know first

Since the original Text is written in Sanskrit, each word have a different meaning when it used with other words, so much more complex explanation can be possible, Also sometime writer encrypted the information using metaphors as well This attempt is to present it as I understand it and there is very high possibility to present it in much much better way. .... In day-today-life sometime or obviously the question arises who I am what is my really identity and and.... few of us keep digging deep into...what we see in ourselves the body, the five senses and the mind....and soon realized that this is not my true identify ....then what is the truth ... and then seeker (student) ask the guru (knower) ... and Guru reply............

........and all the worries disappear as soon start thinking without emotions, since this all is illusions ( maya) , and it disappears in fraction of time, We start taking action which are right, dutiful , without discrimination, without any bias , doing just only what is right without pain , without worries ........... and so on.....

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|| SarvaSaar UpaNishad || ..................................................................................................................... 1 Few thing need to know first .................................................................................................................... 2 Beginning. ................................................................................................................................................... 4 Prayer ........................................................................................................................................................ 4 And the seeker (student) ask the Guru (knower) ......................................................................................... 5 First set of Confusion - what is bondage, what is freedom ...................................................................... 5 Second confusion - the four state ............................................................................................................. 5 Third Confusion - Five Kosha..................................................................................................................... 5 Fourth Confusion - 5 positions of self ....................................................................................................... 5 Fifth Confusion - 3 fold dimensions of the cosmos................................................................................... 6 The knower explains: - in very simple terms ................................................................................................ 7 First confusion explained .......................................................................................................................... 7 Second confusion explained ..................................................................................................................... 8 The third confusion answered .................................................................................................................. 9 The Fifth question answered .................................................................................................................. 11 SarvSaar (Summary of all summary) .......................................................................................................... 13 Prayer .......................................................................................................................................................... 15 The beginning.............................................................................................................................................. 15

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This is presented as the conclusion doctrine of all the wisdom (vedam)

The conclusion and only conclusion - without any mystery... the secret, the final truth (unchangeable truth)

This is to understand the divine light, divine sound meditative knowledge, elements of Yoga


Aum (Supreme) the One, guard us (seeker and knower) together. Nourish us together; Let both of us strive together.

Let our learning shine brightly. Let us not hate anyone.

Aum, shanti (Peace) , shanti ( harmony ), shanti (Tranquility).

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And the seeker (student) ask the Guru (knower)

First set of Confusion - what is bondage, what is freedom

Seeker wants to know: what is real freedom and what is bondage ( Bandhan) , and the true cosmic knowledge (Vidhya) which is transcend or independent of time and what is avidhya ( false or waste learning) ?

Second confusion - the four state

What are these four states: Waking ( Jagrat), dreaming ( swapna), sleeping( supt) and turiya ( Turia ) ?. Seeker seeks answer about self who awake, sleeps, dreams and beyond. Who is there in all these different state, what these states are all about and how these help to understand forward.

Third Confusion - Five bodies (Kosha)

What are these 5 kosha's - bodies? sheaths of food, breath, mind, knowing, and bliss? Seeker wanted to know the five systems ( working bodies) viz the physical body, the breathing body and thinking body and the knowledge body and the happy status , it could be directly-indirectly related to types of people we see around, first one who think this body is everything or so-called materialistic people, the people who think breath is everything , the third type is intellectual, and fourth type is who claim they know the truth and last one which seeker has seen , those are happy forever ( chit- anand )

Fourth Confusion - 5 positions of self

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What is the meaning of the doer, living being, Panchvarga ( 5 groups) kshetragya knower of the field, sakshi - witness,kutastha -the supreme - and antaryami - the imminent? on other dimension, one who do or act , the one who know what I am doing ( can analyze acts as right .. in NLP it is termed as second position within self), the third is one who is mute to these first two but only sometime we get glimpse of that ... it do not advice us but knows what we are doing .. and witnessing it ... forth is difficult for me to describe ... it is like dynamic entity within us as well cosmos some people termed it as soul and the fifth one is ....God itself

Fifth Confusion - 3 fold dimensions of the cosmos

The same way, what are self, supreme self and maya - the world of appearances. Now seeker curious about the 3 fold nature of the cosmos, self (swam), the field between self and supreme (maya) and the supreme ( swam-bhu)

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The knower explains: - in very simple terms

First confusion explained

The self or soul is both supreme and living being. But the body and soul are two different entities. We are made of only two component, the body ( deh ) and the soul, the soul has many fold identity from primitive to advance.. (Knower explains it further...)

We get infected with a sense of ego, and that is what is called bondage. The cessation of this ego is what is called freedom. when this soul get infected with I , or ego, it is termed as living being , the person who really doesn't realize the true nature of soul is living as bondage and once the soul understand it true nature , it is freedom ( first question answered , need to read further...)

Knowledge which gives rise to the ego is called avidya (false learning) The knowledge that doesn't lead us to freedom or the truth or gives us the sense of Ego, separate us from the supreme, this is termed as false knowledge (.. as a result of this false knowledge , suffers from all know of pain....)

And that which leads to the cessation of the ego is called vidya - right learning. The knowledge which lead us to freedom or in other words the knowledge by which the I, Me, My and Mine disappears and ego disappears, is the right learning, those are on right knowledge path.... this knowledge lead us to union with supreme

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Second confusion explained

And the Guru explain further - the 4 state

Through the instrumentality of fourteen (mind, intellect, mind stuff, ego and then the ten sense organs ) we becomes sensitive to sound, touch and such other gross objects, and the state is called waking state. Five sense organs ( to start with what NLP knows today ) and ten sense organs , those in conjunction with the mind constitute consciousness state ( waking state) ,

Walking state has sense to sound, touch and such other gross objects -due to unfulfilled desires , senses or feel the same without ten organs is called the dreaming state So when five sense operates with 10 sense organ it is awaking or conscious mind, when these five sense operates in mind without actual involvement of these organ ( just in mind) , it is subconscious state or dreaming state.

The sleeping state is one, in which all the fourteen organs are still and tranquil, the self or soul is insensitive to sound, touch and such other objects. The sleeping state is one in which all 14 organs went into still state.

And the one, which is aware of the creation and dissolution of these three states -waking, dreaming and sleeping - but which is itself beyond creation and dissolution, is known as turiya, the fourth state of consciousness, the state of turiya ((may be termed as pure consciousness)
Entry Level Translation of Sarvasar Upnishad_v0.91 harshgoel2k@gmail.com Page 8

The third confusion answered

Now the Guru (Knower) explains the five types of bodies within us - the one made up of the food is termed as physical body or annamaya kosh

In the phsical body, there are 14 kind of vital energy-systems working to keep it alive , called pranayama kosh( vital body).

The self, having ten organs and four mind components (virtual) start sensing the world around (like sound, smell, touch etc) . Start reacting to environment is called mental body (manomaya kosh).

The physical body, the vital energy system body, and the mental body together constitutes the next higher level body called Knowing body ( or Vigyanmaya Kosh)

When the self, in union with four bodies dwells in its primeval and causative ignorance it is called as anadamaya kosh (bliss body)
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The Fourth confusion quenched

In the context of pleasure (Sukh ) and pain ( Dukh) , the desire for pleasurable things is called the sense of pleasure, and aversion to painful things is called the sense of pain. And because of what one does to gain pleasure and shun pain, one is called a doer. Sound, touch, form, taste, and smell - these five objects are causes recording of events and trigger emotion like pleasure and pain associated with them. When the self, in pursuit of virtuous and sinful acts, identifies itself with the body, which it is not, then it is called the diseased being.

Grouping of mind, vital breath, desire, essence and virtue with the associates is called panchvarga, or five groups.

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A living being identified with the nature of the panchvarga cannot be free of them without knowledge or knowing. The disease arising out of the subtle elements like the mind and the rest of it seems to be covering the self, and it is called the seed body; it is also known as the knot, or complex of the heart. And the consciousness dwelling inside it is called the kshetragya, or the knower of the field.

The one , who is aware of the creation and dissolution of the knower , the known and the knowable is called sakshi ( 2nd position ) as this is beyond creation and dissolution but cannot witness slef.

The one, who dwells in the minds of all beings, from the creator to the minutest possible living being ( ant or amoebae) is called kutastha or the crest-indweller. Which lives everlastingly even after even after the destruction of our physical and mental bodies .

The self, Which permeates the body like a thread threading a necklace is called imminent or anteryami.

The Fifth question answered

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When the self become pure consciousness, which is nothing but only the truth , knowledge, infinity and bliss,devoid of all its attributes like name, place, classification etc, become freed from all its forms such as bangle and a crown, it is called twam. The self with truth, infinity and knowledge became indestructible and does not perish, even after destruction of space, time etc is called the avinashi ( the imperishable)

Eternal consciousness, itself beyond creation and destruction, is known as knowledge. The consciousness, that is whole and all-pervading, and that permeates the entire cosmos like clay permeating the articles made of clay, and like gold permeating the articles made of gold, and like yarn permeating the articles made of yarn, is called infinity.

That which is blissful consciousness, which is an ocean of unlimited bliss, and which is the very nature of everlasting happiness is known as bliss. These four (truth, knowledge, infinity and bliss) are the characteristics, and that which is changeless, in spite of symbolic objects like space, time, etc, is called Tat or that, which
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is the equivalent of paramatma or the supreme self or pure- consciousness. That which is beginning less and yet which never ends, which is neither being nor nonbeing and which in itself is seen as the purest of energies is called maya or the magical world or illusion.

This maya is like ignorance, petty and unreal, but is seen by the deluded persons as real at all times - past, present, future. Therefore to say that it is such cannot explain its real character. Writer has given some classical example of maya

SarvSaar (Summary of all summary)

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(Difficult for me to explain this....) I am not born (not even as body) , I am not even ten sense organ or the feeling associated with them. I am neither mind nor the ego associated with it ,

I am above and beyond these, the pure self-nature, without breath and egoistic mind. I am the witness without intellect, without doubt

Whatever is happening, I am ( as supreme) neither the doer or the consumer , just the witness, being the witness I am beyond the properties associated with the thinking with these organ and these organ behave accordingly in absolute manner. No doubt exist as I witness as pure consciousness in bliss state.

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I am the supreme self, as those who know ( Vedanta ) described , I am neither air, neither fire, neither ether , nor like anything appear in the world ( formless, shapeless, property less ) , I am sat-chit-anand (exist, aware, blissful) state. I am not physical body, so how can pain affect me, and how can I subject to Birth and death. I am not the vital breath, so how can I be subject to hunger and thirst and associated things. I am not the mind, so how can I be subject to sorrow and attachment and other emotional things. I am not the doer, so how can I be subject to reaction associated with it, And all the worries disappear as soon start thinking without emotions, since this all is illusions ( Maya) , and will disappear in fraction of time, start taking action which are right, dutiful , without discremation of cast, creed , faith, without any bias , doing just only what is right without pain , without worries of what will happen next ..... and so on.....


The beginning..........

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