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GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT THE BOOK Title of the book 1. The story of mankind Author of the book 2. Hendrik Willem Van Loon Book type 3. Children book based on evolution and world history. First printed in 4. November 1921 by Boni and Liveright , inc, USA Winner of 5. Newberry Medal in 1922

OBJECTIVE OF WRITING THE BOOK 6. In Foreword of the book, the author goes about explaining his inquisitiveness in the quest for knowledge, which according to the book, became more vibrant after his visit to the tower of Saint Lawrence in Rotterdam and his introduction to the keeper of the church, who shared his experience with the author. Similarly, the author also explains his hopefulness, with his attempt to educate his grand children Hansje and Willem, the importance of knowledge via this book and at the same time stimulate their drive for knowledge. This book, therefore, was an attempt of the author to enlighten his grandchildren and their contemporaries about evolution of mankind and world history.

REVIEW OF CHAPTER ONE THE SETTING OF THE STAGE 7. The author begins by inquiring into the roots of mankinds existence and its future, which in effect, is also aimed at setting the scene for the readers, to also be inquisitive about the subject matter of human evolution. The author has also stressed on the perseverance of human beings as specie and mentions about the resilient nature of mankind that has brought todays world into existence. Hence, according to the author, its a subject that is worth exploring, though not much of facts have been drawn out from the data that is available to mankind so far. The author also stresses on the need to explore further to find mankinds own roots.



8. The style that has been adopted by the author to describe events is rather directed to bringing about interest in the children who reads it. In other words, its story telling the evolution. In a similar fashion, the author explains about the first ever existence of mankind in its earliest form which also became the first to use its brain. Hence, mans weapon to defeat the forces of nature was far more superior to that of other animals. According to the author, this becomes the reason for it to be the most interesting topic of all even though other species also have their own interesting histories behind them. 9. The author briefly summarizes the big bang theory and the existence of earth as a livable planet. Similarly, he dwells upon the existence of life in planet earth for the first time as a single cell and then goes about explaining the evolution process, which ultimately brings mankind to existence. The author in a story telling style has also made it clear for the potential readers, the possible habitat of those developing species. He has also covered a very brief evolution process of the plant kingdom and the split in the animal kingdom which separated reptiles, birds and mammals. 10. The author ends the chapter by explaining the advantage mankind had of intelligence. This quality according to the author, make mankind successful than the other species. Its ability to hunt and reinvent good techniques to hunt better over a period of time and the ability to communicate are some of the examples the author has given to prove his point.

CRITIQUE OF CHAPTER ONE 11. The subject matter of chapter one is totally about evolution of planet earth and mankind. The details have been fully oriented to get the target audiences interest, and are also simple enough to be comprehendible by children. It is a very good summary of how earth came into existence and how mankind was in the pipeline of the over all evolution process. It can be a very good read for children, but it cannot be a reference material for those seeking full study on the big bang theory or Darwinian Theory of evolution. However, it meets the purpose, and should be regarded as a commendable piece.





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