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Nursing Process - Oxygenation

Ineffective Breathing Patterns

Ineffective Airway Clearance
Impaired Gas Exchange
Risk for Aspiration

„ Hypoxia: inadequate
oxygenation at the
tissue level.
„ Hypoxemia - PaO2 <
80 mmHg
„ Hyperventilation -
PaCO2 < 35mmHg
„ Hypoventilation -
PaCO2 > 45mmHg

Signs/Symptoms of Hypoxia

„ Change in mental status:

restlessness, confusion,
irritability progressing to
somnolence, coma
„ Change in vital signs: initial
compensation for hypoxia –
late changes -
„ Changes in skin
„ Secondary symptoms:
change in GI function,
change in renal function

Pulse Oximetry
„ Values are approximate…
„ O2 sat. 90% = PaO2 55mmHg = moderate
„ O2 sat. 75% = PaO2 40mmHg = severe
„ O2 sat. 50% = PaO2 25mmHg = life threatening
„ * O2 saturation of 90% is a critical value. Do
assess baseline relative to client’s history of
pulmonary disease.

Defining Characterisitcs
„ Ineffective Breathing „ Impaired Gas Exchange:
Patterns: Major: Dyspnea on
Major: Change in exertion
respiratory rate or Minor: Pursed-lip
rhythm from baseline breathing, use of tripod
Minor: Orthopnea, position,
respirations Decreased O2 saturation

Defining Characteristics
„ Ineffective Airway „ Risk for Aspiration
„ Presence of favorable
Major: Ineffective or
absent cough
conditions for
Inability to remove airway
secretions Reduced LOC,
Minor: Abnormal breath delayed gastric
sounds emptying, impaired
Abnormal respiratory rate, swallowing
rhythm, depth (dysphagia)

Oxygenation –
Nursing Interventions
„ Positioning for
maximum respiratory
„ Ambulation
„ Deep Breathing
„ Coughing
„ Hydration

Techniques for Coughing and

Deep Breathing
„ Cough Techniques:
- Deep cough
- Huff cough
- Stacked Cough
- Incisional splinting

„ Incentive Spirometry:
- Rationale:
- Indications:
- Client Teaching:

Oxygen Therapy
„ Flow expressed in liters
per minute
„ Concentration is expressed
as a %
„ What is the concentration
of O2 in room air??
„ Goal is to provide lowest
percentage of oxygen that
will maintain arterial
oxygenation within a
normal range

Oxygen Therapy
„ Nasal Cannula: „ Non-rebreather Mask:
delivers 24 - 44% delivers up to 90% @
oxygen at flow rate of 10-15 L/min
1-6 liters per minute „ Venturi Mask:
(L/min) Delivers 24 - 50%
within 1% @ 3-8
„ Rule of “4” L/min
„ Simple Mask: delivers „ Low flow partial re-
40 - 60% @ 6-10 breather: delivers 60 -
L/min. 80% @ 6-8 L/min

Nursing Considerations
„ Nasal Cannula: „ Non-rebreather:
Limit maximum flow to 6 Use sufficient flow to
L/min. keep reservoir inflated
mouth breathing does not „ Venturi Mask:
diminish O2 delivery if
nasal passages are patent.
provides precise and
consistent O2
„ Simple mask:
concentration if
minimum of 5-6 L/min adjusted according to
flow is required to prevent specifications
re-breathing of CO2

Nursing Considerations
„ Oxygen is a drug!!
Requires an order to
„ Oral and Nasal care
„ Noise
„ Comfort
„ Claustrophobia
„ Safety

The Post-op Client

„ Nursing Interventions: „ Documentation:
„ Assess!! „ 10/30/03 0800 HOB up 45
„ Turn, cough, deep breathe degrees. Lungs clear on
every two hours auscultation. O2 sat. 95%
„ Incentive spirometer if on room air. Used
ordered incentive spirometer x5.
„ Increase activity OOB Able to raise to 1500cc.
„ Positioning for maximum Productive cough small
lung expansion amount white sputum
„ Hydration afterwards. M. Bright SN

The Dyspneic Client

„ Documentation:
„ Nursing interventions: „ 10/30/03 1000 C/o SOB.
„ Assess!!! Resp. 32, labored. Lungs
„ Stay with the client bilateral scattered rales.
O2 sat. room air 88%
„ Call physician based on Color pale, nail beds
appropriate assessment cyanotic. Skin cool. HOB
findings. elevated to 45 degrees.
„ Position for comfort and RN notified. M. Bright SN
maximum lung expansion „ 1010. Above findings
verified. Physician
„ O2 therapy if indicated notified. O2 4L/min.
and ordered. started via nasal cannula.
Lasix 40mg IVP given. I.
Emtha RN

The Client Hypoventilating
„ Documentation:
„ Nursing Interventions: „ 10/30/03 0800 Somnolent.
„ Assess!!! Resp. 12 and shallow. O2
sat. on O2 2 L/min.
„ Position for maximum cannula 90% Re-
lung expansion positioned in bed with
HOB up 45*. Stimulated
„ Stimulate and and encouraged to take
encourage deep deep breaths. M. Bright
breathing SN
„ 0815 More awake, talking.
Resp. 14. O2 sat up to
94% on O2 2 L/min.
cannula. M. Bright SN

Critical Elements
„ Positions client to facilitate oxygenation.
„ Assures correct oxygen delivery.
„ Assess oxygen saturation.

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