RPP Telling Time

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Disusun dalam rangka pembelajaran Microteaching in English Dosen : Dra. Hartati Widiastuti

Disusun Oleh : Priyo utomo A 510 09 0249 Group 13



Primary School Class Semester Subject Meeting Time

: SD Negeri Satu Hati :V :1 : English : 1st : 1x25

A. COMPETENCY STANDART 2. Reveals a very simple instruction and information in the context of the school. B. BASIC COMPETENCY 2.1Bercakap-qualified to be thankful that accompany speech act involves giving instructions. C. INDICATOR To respond by taking action as instructed by thanking the school context. To talk to accompany the action is acceptable speech acts involving giving instructions. To read aloud the words, stress, and intonation are appropriate and acceptable involving: words, phrases and simple sentences. To spell simple words correctly and grateful. D. OBJECTVE Students are able to respond by taking action as instructed by thanking the school context. Students are able to talk to accompany the action is acceptable speech acts involving giving instructions. Students are able to read aloud the words, stress, and intonation are appropriate and acceptable involving: words, phrases and simple sentences. Students are able to spell simple words correctly and grateful. E. CHARACTERS OF THE STUDENTS TO BE DEVELOPED Diligence Discipline Responsibility Attention Carefulness Respect to the environment

F. LEARNING METHOD Lecture Picture and picture Making dialog

G. MATERIALS Telling time H. LEARNING STEPS a. Opening (3) Teacher open the lesson by greeting the students. Teacher checking the students attendance. Teacher explain the objective of the lesson. Aperception : asking to students some place which have been visited. b. Main Activity (19) Exploration In the exploration : Teacher Motivating students to learn vocabulary and phrases related to time Teacher Give examples of pronunciation vocabulary and expressions related to time. Elaboration In the elaboration : Teacher shows some pictures Student noticed the picture shown dy techer Student complete the sentence according the picture Confirmation In the confirmation : Students working on assignments and speaking takhsis simple conversation about time. Student asses the students work Teacher asked the unknown student c. Closing (3) Teacher gives question to the student Student answer the question Teacher and students conclude the lesson about time Teacher gives the task paper for homework. Teacher closes the lesson. I. SOURCES BSE Kamus Bahasa Inggris


ASSESSMENT Procedural assessment Test Non-test

On agreement, Headmaster

Surakarta, 6 Mei 2012 Teacher

Mrs. Hartati NIP : -

Priyo Utomo NIM : A.510090249

MATERIAL APPENDIX In general there are two methods used to convey the time that a formal way but easier and way more popular. Formal way but easier Saying the first hour followed by minutes. Example: 7:45 - seven forty-five For 01 to 09 minutes, we can say '0 'as oh Example: 11:06 - Eleven (oh) six A more popular Saying the first minute followed by an hour. Use the past and the previous hour to minute 01 to minute 30. Use to and hour to come to 31 to 59 minutes. Example: 7:15 - fifteen minutes past seven Example: 7:45 - fifteen minutes to eight Another way to say "fifteen minutes past": a quarter past Another way to say "fifteen minutes to": a quarter to Another way to say "30 minutes past": half past Example: 5:30 - half past five To further facilitate see the picture below: Note: Use o'clock only at the right. Example: 7:00 - seven o'clock (but 7:10 - ten past seven) In ordinary English conversation, used 24 hours. Example: 17:20 - past twenty five For the time around midnight or midday we could use the expression midnight or midday / noon instead of the number 12. Example: 00:00 - midnight Example: 12:00 - midday or noon To clarify whether you mean the time before 12 o'clock or later, we can use in the morning, in the afternon, in the evening, at night. Use in the morning before 12 noon, and use in the afternoon after 12 pm. Example: 3:15 - a quarter past three in the morning OR a quarter past three at night A more formal disclosure to indicate whether a time is before noon or after noon is am (ante merediem - between 00.00 to 12.00 noon) and pm (post meridiem - between 12.00 pm to midnight).Pronunciation like this should be strung together in a formal way to say time. Example: 3:15 - three fifteen a.m. Unusual use am and pm or to the past. Example: 3:15 - fifteen minutes past three OR a quarter past three

INSTRUMENT TEST Make a short dialogue according to the picture above ! example :

A : What time is it? B : It is seven oclock.

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