TriTek ECM Connector Framework

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PegaRULES Process Commander ECM Connector Framework


IBM FileNet P8 Image Manager & IBM FileNet P8 Content Manager

Table of Contents

1. Introduction ............................................................................................................ 9 2. Functional Capabilities ........................................................................................ 11 3. Technical Design .................................................................................................. 13

3.1. PRPC Class Structure ............................................................................................................... 13 3.1.1. Work Objects ..................................................................................................................... 13 3.1.2. Document Properties Data Class .................................................................................... 63 3.1.3. Integration Data Class ...................................................................................................... 65 3.1.4. Document Indexing Data Class ....................................................................................... 67 3.1.5. IS Integration Class ........................................................................................................... 72 3.1.6. CE Integration Class ......................................................................................................... 87 3.2. Custom Java Classes ............................................................................................................. 103 3.2.1. com.triteksol.content.j2is.J2ISPegaWrapper ............................................................... 104 3.2.2. com.triteksol.content.isqueue.QueueWrapper ............................................................ 106 3.2.3. com.triteksol.content.p8.P8PegaWrapper .................................................................... 107

4. Installation .......................................................................................................... 109

4.1. 4.2. General System Information .................................................................................................. 109 Installation instructions .......................................................................................................... 109

5. Configuration...................................................................................................... 112
5.1. IS/CE Prerequisites ................................................................................................................. 112 5.2. PRPC Rules.............................................................................................................................. 113 5.2.1. Properties......................................................................................................................... 113 5.2.2. Model ................................................................................................................................ 113 5.2.3. Connectors Integration-Mapping................................................................................ 114 5.2.4. Activities .......................................................................................................................... 114 5.2.5. Flow .................................................................................................................................. 114 5.2.6. Decision Table ................................................................................................................. 115 5.2.7. Section ............................................................................................................................. 115 5.2.8. Agents .............................................................................................................................. 115

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Table of Figures
Table 1 - AccountNumber Property Rule Properties ............................................................................................. 14 Table 2 - docid Property Rule Properties ................................................................................................................ 14 Table 3 - DocType Property Rule Properties .......................................................................................................... 14 Table 4 - DocumentTitle Property Rule Properties ................................................................................................ 14 Table 5 - ECMDocProperties Property Rule Properties ........................................................................................ 15 Table 6 - GUID Property Rule Properties ............................................................................................................... 15 Table 7 - ISDocIds Property Rule Properties.......................................................................................................... 15 Table 8 - pagelistCounter Property Rule Properties .............................................................................................. 16 Table 9 - WorkbasketChoices Property Rule Properties ....................................................................................... 16 Table 10 - WorkbasketName Property Rule Properties ........................................................................................ 16 Table 11 - WorkType Property Rule Properties ..................................................................................................... 16 Table 12 - PickOneFromValueListWithActivity HTML Tab ............................................................................... 17 Table 13 - PickOneFromValueListWithActivity HTML Property Parameters .................................................. 18 Table 14 - DisplayCEPropertiesMain Flow Rule Properties ................................................................................. 18 Table 15 - WorkBasketDecision Decision Table Rule Table Tab .......................................................................... 19 Table 16 - WorkBasketDecision Decision Table Rule Pages & Classes Tab ........................................................ 20 Table 17 - DocumentIDNotNull When Rule Conditions Tab ................................................................................ 20 Table 18 - DocumentIDNotNull When Rule Page & Classes Tab ......................................................................... 20 Table 19 GUIDNotNull When Rule Conditions Tab ........................................................................................... 20 Table 20 - GUIDNotNull When Rule Pages & Classes Tab ................................................................................... 20 Table 21 - CEProperties Flow Action Rule Properties ........................................................................................... 21 Table 22 - TransferToWorkBasketModified Flow Action Rule Properties ......................................................... 22 Table 23 - ISPropertiesFullSection Section Rule Properties.................................................................................. 23 Table 24 - ReIndexStatus Section Rule Properties ................................................................................................. 24 Table 25 - WorkbasketDropDown Section Rule Properties .................................................................................. 24 Table 26 - TriTekFWRepoConnectorWork.NewWork.CreateNewWork Service HTTP Rule Properties ....... 25 Table 27 - CallReIndexMultiple Activity Rule Step 1.0 Properties....................................................................... 26 Table 28 - CallReIndexMultiple Activity Rule Step 1.1 Properties....................................................................... 26 Table 29 - CallReIndexMultiple Activity Rule Pages & Classes Tab Properties ................................................. 27 Table 30 - CallReIndexMultiple Activity Rule Security Tab Properties .............................................................. 27 Table 31 - CallReIndexMultipleMain Activity Rule Step 1 Properties................................................................. 27 Table 32 - CallReIndexMultipleMain Activity Rule Step 2 Properties................................................................. 28 Table 33 - CallReIndexMultipleMain Activity Rule Step 3.0 Properties.............................................................. 28 Table 34 - CallReIndexMultipleMain Activity Rule Step 3.1 Properties.............................................................. 28 Table 35 - CallReIndexMultipleMain Activity Rule Step 3.2 Properties.............................................................. 29 Table 36 - CallReIndexMultipleMain Activity Rule Step 3.3 Properties.............................................................. 29 Table 37 - CallReIndexMultipleMain Activity Rule Step 4 Properties................................................................. 29 Table 38 - CallReIndexMultipleMain Activity Rule Step 5 Properties................................................................. 30 Table 39 - CallReIndexMultipleMain Activity Rule Parameters Tab Properties................................................ 30 Table 40 - CallReIndexMultipleMain Activity Rule Pages & Classes Tab Properties ........................................ 30 Table 41 - CallReIndexMultipleMain Activity Rule Security Tab Properties ..................................................... 30 Table 42 - CallURL Activity Rule Step 1 Properties .............................................................................................. 31 Table 43 - CallURL Activity Rule Step 2 Properties .............................................................................................. 31 Table 44 - CallURL Activity Rule Step 3 Properties .............................................................................................. 31 Table 45 - CallURL Activity Rule Parameters Tab Properties ............................................................................. 32 Table 46 - ConnectAndGetPropertiesMultiple Activity Rule Step 1 Properties .................................................. 32

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Table 47 - ConnectAndGetPropertiesMultiple Activity Rule Step 2 Properties .................................................. 32 Table 48 - ConnectAndGetPropertiesMultiple Activity Rule Step 3.0 Properties ............................................... 33 Table 49 - ConnectAndGetPropertiesMultiple Activity Rule Step 3.1 Properties ............................................... 33 Table 50 - ConnectAndGetPropertiesMultiple Activity Rule Step 3.2 Properties ............................................... 33 Table 51 - ConnectAndGetPropertiesMultiple Activity Rule Step 3.3 Properties ............................................... 34 Table 52 - ConnectAndGetPropertiesMultiple Activity Rule Step 3.4 Properties ............................................... 34 Table 53 - ConnectAndGetPropertiesMultiple Activity Rule Step 4 Properties .................................................. 34 Table 54 - ConnectAndGetPropertiesMultiple Activity Rule Step 5 Properties .................................................. 35 Table 55 - ConnectAndGetPropertiesMultiple Activity Rule Parameters Tab Properties ................................. 35 Table 56 - ConnectAndGetPropertiesMultiple Activity Rule Pages & Classes Tab Properties ......................... 35 Table 57 - ConnectAndGetPropertiesMultiple Activity Rule Security Tab Properties ...................................... 35 Table 58 - ConnectAndGetPropertiesMultipleMain Activity Rule Step 1 Properties ......................................... 35 Table 59 - ConnectAndGetPropertiesMultipleMain Activity Rule Step 2 Properties ......................................... 36 Table 60 - ConnectAndGetPropertiesMultipleMain Activity Rule Step 3 Properties ......................................... 36 Table 61 - ConnectAndGetPropertiesMultipleMain Activity Rule Step 4.0 Properties ...................................... 36 Table 62 - ConnectAndGetPropertiesMultipleMain Activity Rule Step 4.1 Properties ...................................... 37 Table 63 - ConnectAndGetPropertiesMultipleMain Activity Rule Step 4.2 Properties ...................................... 37 Table 64 - ConnectAndGetPropertiesMultipleMain Activity Rule Step 4.3 Properties ...................................... 37 Table 65 - ConnectAndGetPropertiesMultipleMain Activity Rule Step 4.4 Properties ...................................... 38 Table 66 - ConnectAndGetPropertiesMultipleMain Activity Rule Step 4.5 Properties ...................................... 38 Table 67 - ConnectAndGetPropertiesMultipleMain Activity Rule Step 4.6 Properties ...................................... 39 Table 68 - ConnectAndGetPropertiesMultipleMain Activity Rule Step 4.7 Properties ...................................... 39 Table 69 - ConnectAndGetPropertiesMultipleMain Activity Rule Step 4 Properties ......................................... 39 Table 70 - ConnectAndGetPropertiesMultipleMain Activity Rule Step 5 Properties ......................................... 39 Table 71 - ConnectAndGetPropertiesMultipleMain Activity Rule Parameters Tab Properties ........................ 40 Table 72 - ConnectAndGetPropertiesMultipleMain Activity Rule Pages & Classes Tab Properties ................ 40 Table 73 - ConnectAndGetPropertiesMultipleMain Activity Rule Security Tab Properties ............................. 40 Table 74 - MapCorrespondingProperties Activity Rule Step 1 Properties .......................................................... 41 Table 75 - MapCorrespondingProperties Activity Rule Step 2 Properties .......................................................... 41 Table 76 - MapCorrespondingProperties Activity Rule Step 3 Properties .......................................................... 41 Table 77 - MapCorrespondingProperties Activity Rule Parameters Tab Properties ......................................... 42 Table 78 - MapCorrespondingProperties Activity Rule Pages & Classes Tab Properties .................................. 42 Table 79 - MapCorrespondingProperties Activity Rule Security Tab Properties ............................................... 42 Table 80 - MapCorrespondingPropertiesMain Activity Rule Step 1 Properties ................................................. 42 Table 81 - MapCorrespondingPropertiesMain Activity Rule Step 2 Properties ................................................. 43 Table 82 - MapCorrespondingPropertiesMain Activity Rule Step 3 Properties ................................................. 43 Table 83 - MapCorrespondingPropertiesMain Activity Rule Step 4 Properties ................................................. 43 Table 84 - MapCorrespondingPropertiesMain Activity Rule Parameters Tab Properties ................................ 44 Table 85 - MapCorrespondingPropertiesMain Activity Rule Pages & Classes Tab Properties ......................... 44 Table 86 - MapCorrespondingPropertiesMain Activity Rule Security Tab Properties ...................................... 44 Table 87 - SavePegaProperties Activity Rule Step 1 Properties ........................................................................... 45 Table 88 - SavePegaProperties Activity Rule Step 2 Properties ............................................................................ 45 Table 89 - SavePegaProperties Activity Rule Step 3 Properties ............................................................................ 45 Table 90 - SavePegaProperties Activity Rule Parameters Tab Properties ........................................................... 46 Table 91- SavePegaProperties Activity Rule Pages & Classes Tab Properties .................................................... 46 Table 92 - SavePegaProperties Activity Rule Security Tab Properties ................................................................ 46 Table 93 - SavePegaPropertiesCE Activity Rule Step 1 Properties ...................................................................... 46 Table 94 - SavePegaPropertiesCE Activity Rule Step 2 Properties ...................................................................... 47

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Table 95 - SavePegaPropertiesCE Activity Rule Step 3 Properties ...................................................................... 47 Table 96 - SavePegaPropertiesCE Activity Rule Parameters Tab Properties ..................................................... 48 Table 97 - SavePegaPropertiesCE Activity Rule Pages & Classes Tab Properties.............................................. 48 Table 98 - SavePegaPropertiesCE Activity Rule Security Tab Properties ........................................................... 48 Table 99 - ToWorkbasketWithDecision Activity Rule Step 1 Properties ............................................................. 48 Table 100 - ToWorkbasketWithDecision Activity Rule Step 2 Properties ........................................................... 49 Table 101- ToWorkbasketWithDecision Activity Rule Parameters Tab Properties ........................................... 49 Table 102 - ToWorkbasketWithDecision Activity Rule Pages & Classes Tab Properties .................................. 49 Table 103 - ToWorkbasketWithDecision Activity Rule Security Tab Properties................................................ 50 Table 104 - UseToRefreshWOB Activity Rule Step 1 Properties .......................................................................... 50 Table 105 - UseToRefreshWOB Activity Rule Parameters Tab Properties ......................................................... 50 Table 106 - UseToRefreshWOB Activity Rule Security Tab Properties .............................................................. 50 Table 107 - FNCELibrary getDocPropsFunction Parameters Tab....................................................................... 51 Table 108 - FNCELibrary getDocPropsFunction Java Tab .................................................................................. 51 Table 109 - FNCELibrary reIndexFunction Parameters Tab ............................................................................... 52 Table 110 - FNCELibrary reIndexFunction Java Tab........................................................................................... 52 Table 111 - J2ISLibrary getDocPropsFunction Parameters Tab.......................................................................... 53 Table 112 - J2ISLibrary getDocPropsFunction Java Tab ..................................................................................... 53 Table 113 - J2ISLibrary reIndexFunction Parameters Tab .................................................................................. 54 Table 114 - J2ISLibrary reIndexFunction Java Tab.............................................................................................. 54 Table 115 - QueueLibrary deleteFunction Parameters Tab .................................................................................. 55 Table 116 - QueueLibrary deleteFunction Java Tab.............................................................................................. 55 Table 117 - QueueLibrary getDateStringFunction Parameters Tab .................................................................... 56 Table 118 - QueueLibrary getDateStringFunction Java Tab ................................................................................ 56 Table 119 - QueueLibrary getEntryFunction Parameters Tab ............................................................................. 56 Table 120 - QueueLibrary getEntryFunction Java Tab......................................................................................... 57 Table 121 - QueueLibrary getStringFunction Parameters Tab ............................................................................ 57 Table 122 - QueueLibrary getStringFunction Java Tab ........................................................................................ 58 Table 123 - QueueLibrary logoffFunction Parameters Tab .................................................................................. 58 Table 124 - QueueLibrary logoffFunction Java Tab .............................................................................................. 58 Table 125 - QueueLibrary logonFunction Parameters Tab................................................................................... 59 Table 126 - QueueLibrary logonFunction Java Tab .............................................................................................. 59 Table 127 - FNCELibrary Packages Tab ................................................................................................................ 60 Table 128 - J2ISLibrary Packages Tab ................................................................................................................... 60 Table 129 - QueueLibrary Packages Tab ................................................................................................................ 60 Table 130 - TriTek-FW-RepoConnector-Work Class properties ......................................................................... 62 Table 131 - TriTek Agent Rule Schedule Tab Properties ...................................................................................... 62 Table 132 - AccountNumber Property Rule Properties ......................................................................................... 63 Table 133 - DocType Property Rule Properties ...................................................................................................... 63 Table 134 - DocumentID Property Rule Properties ............................................................................................... 64 Table 135 DocumentTitle Property Rule Properties ........................................................................................... 64 Table 136 - GUID Property Rule Properties ........................................................................................................... 64 Table 137 - TriTek-FW-RepoConnector-Data-ECMDocumentProperties Class Properties ............................. 64 Table 138 - ClassName Property Rule Properties .................................................................................................. 65 Table 139 - JNDI Property Rule Properties ............................................................................................................ 65 Table 140 - MaxRetries Property Rule Properties ................................................................................................. 65 Table 141 - Password Property Rule Properties ..................................................................................................... 66 Table 142 - PollingInterval Property Rule Properties............................................................................................ 66

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Table 143 - QueueName Property Rule Properties ................................................................................................ 66 Table 144 - UserName Property Rule Properties ................................................................................................... 66 Table 145 - Workspace Property Rule Properties .................................................................................................. 66 Table 146 - EnvProperties Model Rule Properties ................................................................................................. 67 Table 147 - reIndex_return Property Rule Properties ........................................................................................... 68 Table 148 - getDocumentPropertiesXML Activity Rule Step 1 Properties ..........................................................69 Table 149 - getDocumentPropertiesXML Activity Rule Step 2 Properties ..........................................................69 Table 150 - getDocumentPropertiesXML Activity Rule Step 3 Properties ..........................................................69 Table 151 - getDocumentPropertiesXML Activity Rule Step 4 Properties ..........................................................69 Table 152 - getDocumentPropertiesXML Activity Rule Parameters Tab Properties ......................................... 70 Table 153 - getDocumentPropertiesXML Activity Rule Pages & Classes Tab Properties ................................. 70 Table 154 - getDocumentPropertiesXML Activity Rule Security Tab Properties ............................................... 70 Table 155 - reIndex Activity Rule Step 1 Properties .............................................................................................. 70 Table 156 - reIndex Activity Rule Step 2 Properties .............................................................................................. 70 Table 157 - reIndex Activity Rule Step 3 Properties .............................................................................................. 71 Table 158 - reIndex Activity Rule Step 5 Properties .............................................................................................. 71 Table 159 - reIndex Activity Rule Security Tab Properties ................................................................................... 71 Table 160 - J2ISWrapper Class General Tab Properties ...................................................................................... 72 Table 161 - checkdocid Property Rule Properties .................................................................................................. 72 Table 162 - docidIsNull When Rule Advanced Tab................................................................................................ 72 Table 163 - createWorkObjectF Activity Rule Step 1 Properties ......................................................................... 73 Table 164 - createWorkObjectF Activity Rule Step 2 Properties ......................................................................... 74 Table 165 - createWorkObjectF Activity Rule Step 3 Properties ......................................................................... 74 Table 166 - createWorkObjectF Activity Rule Step 4 Properties ......................................................................... 74 Table 167 - createWorkObjectF Activity Rule Step 5 Properties ......................................................................... 75 Table 168 - createWorkObjectF Activity Rule Step 6 Properties ......................................................................... 75 Table 169 - createWorkObjectF Activity Rule Step 6 Properties ......................................................................... 76 Table 170 - createWorkObjectF Activity Rule Step 8 Properties ......................................................................... 76 Table 171 - createWorkObjectF Activity Rule Step 9 Properties ......................................................................... 76 Table 172 - createWorkObjectF Activity Rule Step 10 Properties ....................................................................... 76 Table 173 - createWorkObjectF Activity Rule Step 11 Properties ....................................................................... 77 Table 174 - createWorkObjectF Activity Rule Step 12 Properties ....................................................................... 77 Table 175 - createWorkObject Activity Rule Parameters Tab Properties ........................................................... 77 Table 176 - createWorkObject Activity Rule Pages & Classes Tab Properties ................................................... 77 Table 177 - createWorkObject Activity Rule Security Tab Properties ................................................................ 77 Table 178 - getDistQueueProperties Activity Rule Step 1 Properties ................................................................... 78 Table 179 - getDistQueueProperties Activity Rule Step 2 Properties ................................................................... 78 Table 180 - getDistQueueProperties Activity Rule Step 3 Properties ................................................................... 78 Table 181 - getDistQueueProperties Activity Rule Pages & Classes Tab Properties .......................................... 78 Table 182 - getDistQueueProperties Activity Rule Security Tab Properties........................................................ 78 Table 183 - getISEntry Activity Rule Step 1 Properties ......................................................................................... 79 Table 184 - getISEntry Activity Rule Step 2 Properties ......................................................................................... 79 Table 185 - getISEntryF Activity Rule Step 3 Properties ...................................................................................... 79 Table 186 - getISEntryF Activity Rule Step 4 Properties ...................................................................................... 80 Table 187 - getISEntryF Activity Rule Step 5 Properties ...................................................................................... 80 Table 188 - getISEntry Activity Rule Step 6 Properties ......................................................................................... 80 Table 189 - getISEntry Activity Rule Step 7 Properties ......................................................................................... 80 Table 190 - getISEntry Activity Rule Security Tab Properties ............................................................................. 80

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Table 191 - MapMultipleDocIds Activity Rule Step 1 Properties ......................................................................... 81 Table 192 - MapMultipleDocIds Activity Rule Step 2 Properties ......................................................................... 81 Table 193 - MapMultipleDocIds Activity Rule Parameters Tab Properties ........................................................ 81 Table 194 - MapMultipleDocIds Activity Rule Pages & Classes Properties ........................................................ 81 Table 195 - MapMultipleDocIds Activity Rule Security Tab Properties .............................................................. 81 Table 196 - SearchForAccountNumber Activity Rule Step 1 Properties ............................................................. 82 Table 197 - SearchForAccountNumber Activity Rule Step 2 Properties ............................................................. 82 Table 198 - SearchForAccountNumber Activity Rule Step 3 Properties ............................................................. 83 Table 199 - SearchForAccountNumber Activity Rule Step 4 Properties ............................................................. 83 Table 200 - SearchForAccountNumber Activity Rule Step 5 Properties ............................................................. 83 Table 201 - SearchForAccountNumber Activity Rule Step 6 Properties ............................................................. 84 Table 202 - SearchForAccountNumber Activity Rule Step 7 Properties ............................................................. 84 Table 203 - SearchForAccountNumber Activity Rule Parameters Tab Properties ............................................ 84 Table 204 - SearchForAccountNumber Activity Rule Pages & Classes Properties............................................. 84 Table 205 - SearchForAccountNumber Activity Rule Security Tab Properties .................................................. 85 Table 206 - startISProcessF Activity Rule Step 1 Properties ................................................................................. 85 Table 207 - startISProcessF Activity Rule Step 2 Properties ................................................................................. 85 Table 208 - startISProcessF Activity Rule Step 3 Properties ................................................................................. 86 Table 209 - startISProcessF Activity Rule Step 4 Properties ................................................................................. 86 Table 210 - startISProcessF Activity Rule Step 5 Properties ................................................................................. 86 Table 211 - startISProcessF Parameters Tab .......................................................................................................... 86 Table 212 - startISProcessF Activity Rule Security Tab Properties ..................................................................... 86 Table 213 - QueueWrapper Class Properties .......................................................................................................... 87 Table 214 - http_request Property Rule Properties ................................................................................................ 87 Table 215 - http_response Property Rule Properties ............................................................................................. 87 Table 216 - UserName Property Rule Properties ................................................................................................... 88 Table 217 - Password Property Rule Properties ..................................................................................................... 88 Table 218 - ObjectStore Property Rule Properties ................................................................................................. 88 Table 219 - AppId Property Rule Properties .......................................................................................................... 88 Table 220 - basePath Property Rule Properties ...................................................................................................... 88 Table 221 - ClassName Property Rule Properties .................................................................................................. 89 Table 222 - UseVirtualFolders Property Rule Properties ...................................................................................... 89 Table 223 - WcmApiConfig Property Rule Properties........................................................................................... 89 Table 224 - reIndex_arg1 Property Rule Properties .............................................................................................. 89 Table 225 - reIndex_return Property Rule Properties ........................................................................................... 90 Table 226 - createWorkObject Activity Rule Step 1 Properties ............................................................................ 91 Table 227 - createWorkObject Activity Rule Step 2 Properties ............................................................................ 91 Table 228 - createWorkObject Activity Rule Step 3 Properties ............................................................................ 91 Table 229 - createWorkObject Activity Rule Step 4 Properties ............................................................................ 91 Table 230 - createWorkObject Activity Rule Step 5 Properties ............................................................................ 92 Table 231 - createWorkObject Activity Rule Step 6 Properties ............................................................................ 92 Table 232 - createWorkObject Activity Rule Step 7 Properties ............................................................................ 92 Table 233 - createWorkObject Activity Rule Step 8 Properties ............................................................................ 93 Table 234 - createWorkObject Activity Rule Step 9 Properties ............................................................................ 93 Table 235 - createWorkObject Activity Rule Step 10 Properties .......................................................................... 94 Table 236 - createWorkObject Activity Rule Step 11 Properties .......................................................................... 94 Table 237 - createWorkObject Activity Rule Step 12 Properties .......................................................................... 94 Table 238 - createWorkObject Activity Rule Step 13 Properties .......................................................................... 94

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Table 239 - createWorkObject Activity Rule Step 14 Properties .......................................................................... 95 Table 240 - createWorkObject Activity Rule Step 15 Properties .......................................................................... 95 Table 241 - createWorkObject Activity Rule Step 16 Properties .......................................................................... 95 Table 242 - createWorkObject Activity Rule Step 17 Properties .......................................................................... 95 Table 243 - createWorkObject Activity Rule Parameters Tab Properties ........................................................... 95 Table 244 - createWorkObject Activity Rule Pages & Classes Tab Properties ................................................... 96 Table 245 - createWorkObject Activity Rule Security Tab Properties ................................................................ 96 Table 246 - getDocumentPropertiesXMLF Activity Rule Step 1 Properties ........................................................96 Table 247 - getDocumentPropertiesXMLF Activity Rule Step 2 Properties ........................................................96 Table 248 - getDocumentPropertiesXMLF Activity Rule Step 3 Properties ........................................................97 Table 249 - getDocumentPropertiesXMLF Activity Rule Step 4 Properties ........................................................97 Table 250 - getDocumentPropertiesXMLF Activity Rule Parameters Tab ......................................................... 97 Table 251 - reIndexF Activity Rule Step 1 Properties ............................................................................................ 98 Table 252 - reIndexF Activity Rule Step 2 Properties ............................................................................................ 98 Table 253 - reIndexF Activity Rule Step 3 Properties ............................................................................................ 98 Table 254 - reIndexF Activity Rule Step 4 Properties ............................................................................................ 98 Table 255 - reIndexF Activity Rule Parameters Tab.............................................................................................. 99 Table 256 - MapMultipleDocIds Activity Rule Step 1 Properties ......................................................................... 99 Table 257 - createWorkObject Activity Rule Step 2 Properties ............................................................................ 99 Table 258 - createWorkObject Activity Rule Parameters Tab Properties ........................................................... 99 Table 259 - createWorkObject Activity Rule Pages & Classes Tab Properties ................................................... 99 Table 260 - createWorkObject Activity Rule Security Tab Properties .............................................................. 100 Table 261 - SearchForAccountNumber Activity Rule Step 1 Properties ........................................................... 100 Table 262 - SearchForAccountNumber Activity Rule Step 2 Properties ........................................................... 100 Table 263 - SearchForAccountNumber Activity Rule Step 3 Properties ........................................................... 101 Table 264 - SearchForAccountNumber Activity Rule Step 4 Properties ........................................................... 101 Table 265 - SearchForAccountNumber Activity Rule Step 5 Properties ........................................................... 101 Table 266 - SearchForAccountNumber Activity Rule Step 6 Properties ........................................................... 102 Table 267 - SearchForAccountNumber Activity Rule Step 7 Properties ........................................................... 102 Table 268 - SearchForAccountNumber Activity Rule Parameters Tab Properties .......................................... 102 Table 269 - SearchForAccountNumber Activity Rule Pages & Classes Tab Properties ................................... 103 Table 270 - SearchForAccountNumber Activity Rule Security Tab Properties ................................................ 103 Table 271- CEEnvProperties Definition Tab ........................................................................................................ 103 Table 272 - J2ISPegaWrapper Method Parameters ............................................................................................. 104 Table 273 - logon Method Parameters ................................................................................................................... 104 Table 274 - getDocumentProperties Method Parameters .................................................................................... 104 Table 275 - launchURL Method Parameters ........................................................................................................ 105 Table 276 - getDocumentPropertiesXML Method Parameters ........................................................................... 105 Table 277 - reIndex Method Parameters ............................................................................................................... 105 Table 278 - logon Method Parameters ................................................................................................................... 106 Table 279 - QueueWrapper Method Parameters ................................................................................................. 106 Table 280 - getISQueueEntry Method Parameters .............................................................................................. 106 Table 281 - getString Method Parameters............................................................................................................. 107 Table 282 - getDateString Method Parameters..................................................................................................... 107 Table 283 - P8PegaWrapper constructor Parameters.......................................................................................... 107 Table 284 - logon method Parameters ................................................................................................................... 108

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1. Introduction
Pegasystemss SmartBPM software, PegaRULES Process Commander (PRPC), focuses on closing execution gaps by eliminating manual software coding. Applications built using PRPC seek to integrate the business process with the business practice. This allows users to manage the work lifecycle from inception to completion. PRPC provides powerful tools which enable an enterprise to develop BPM solutions. Its strength lies in the ease of creating business process flows and accompanying user interfaces. However, Pegasystemss flow-based philosophy for BPM incorporates very limited functionality for capturing and viewing content. Within the customer service sector, Pegasystemss traditional focus, workflows are not content-driven, so integrating content within the workflow is unnecessary. On the other hand, the vast majority of BPM workflows in the insurance and financial sectors are content-driven. Developing a viable content-driven PRPC application would require additional functionality: Launching a workflow once a document was ingested into the system Attaching documents to the workflow once launched Storing documents within a content management system Viewing documents attached to the work item in a true document viewer. Adding documents from the in-flight work item, whether documents already stored in the content repository, or documents yet to be added to the repository Removing documents from the in-flight work item Viewing and reindexing document properties from the in-flight work item

IBM/FileNet (FileNet) offers enterprise content management systems which provide the aforementioned functionality required for a content-driven PRPC application. Thus, integrating PRPC with IBM/FileNet ECM systems will result in a more fully-featured application, able to leverage both PRPCs strength in BPM and workflow, as well as FileNets strength in content management. Integrating PRPC with IBM/FileNet will require the following steps: Creating a PRPC work object and launching an associated flow when a document is committed to an ECM repository Developing custom PRPC harnesses and sections to display ECM documents associated with the PRPC work object Leveraging the Daeja document viewer to allow users to view the document from a PRPC work object

Section 2 - Functional Capabilities describes the functional capabilities of the PRPC/FileNet integration.

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Section 3 Technical Design describes the design of the integration, specifically the rules created in PRPC and the custom code written to support the integration. Section 4 Installation describes general information about installing the connector framework in an environment. Section 5 Configurati describes necessary configuration post-installation to enable full connector framework functionality.

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2. Functional Capabilities
The Pega/FileNet connector will integrate Pega RULES Process Commander (PRPC) with an IBM FileNet Image Services content repository. Once integrated, documents committed to the IS content repository will be associated with PRPC work objects. Multiple documents associated with a single case, such as supporting documentation for an insurance claim or policy application, may all be associated with a single work object. Users may manipulate the documents without exiting PRPC, i.e. viewing document content, viewing and reindexing document index values. PRPC will automatically authenticate against the IS instance at specified time intervals to query for all documents of a single document class within a specific distribution queue. For each document found, PRPC will query the database for an existing PRPC work object that matches on a defined key, such as document ID. If no such match is found, PRPC will create a work object and map single-value document property values from the IS document to the configured work object fields, including but not limited to document ID. The work object can be created in a specific workbasket, depending on the document type value. If a match is found, PRPC will associate the document ID with the work object document ID value list property. Once processed, PRPC will remove the document from the distribution queue and save the PRPC work object to the database. PRPC will iterate through each document in the distribution queue, following the same process, until no documents remain within the distribution queue. Once a document is committed to CE as an instance of a specific document class, CE will pass the documents index property information to PRPC. Once PRPC receives that document index information, PRPC will search for an existing PRPC work object that matches on a defined key, such as document ID. If no such match is found, PRPC will create a work object and map the single-value document property values from the CE document to corresponding work object fields, including but not limited to document ID. The work object can be created in a specific workbasket, depending on the document type value. PRPC will then save the work object to the database. If a match is found, PRPC will associate the document ID with a work object document ID value list property. PRPC will then save the work object to the database. Once the work objects have been created, users may login to PRPC and use either the WorkUser or WorkManager portals to view and process these work objects. When selected, the work object will display within the harness values populated from the FileNet document, as well as all document ID values associated with the work object. If only one document ID is associated with a work object, that documents index values will be displayed within the work object. If multiple document IDs are associated with a work object, the user may select each document ID. This will refresh the harness, updating the work object properties to display the selected document IDs property values. Users may view a documents content by selecting the document ID and clicking a View Image button. This will open a new browser pop-up which will display the document within the FileNet Daeja viewer. All extant Daeja viewer functionality will be available to the user.

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Users may also reindex a documents index values. The user may change the populated values on the work object and click a Reindex button. PRPC will authenticate against the FileNet content repository, query for the matching document, and reindex the documents property values within the FileNet content repository. The user may process the work object as normal, and either reassign the work object to another workbasket or process the work object.

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3. Technical Design
Integrating PRPC with IS requires defining a PRPC work class with a page list property to store the document property values, as well as sections with custom buttons that allow displaying the document content in a document viewer servlet and reindexing the document within the IS content repository. Integration also requires custom Java classes to be called by PRPC in order to connect to the IS instance to retrieve the document index information and reindex the IS documents. Integrating PRPC with CE requires defining a PRPC work class with a page list property to store the document property values, as well as section rules with custom buttons that allow displaying the document content in a document viewer servlet and reindexing the document within the CE content repository. Integration also requires custom Java classes to be called by PRPC to reindex the IS documents.

3.1. PRPC Class Structure

TriTek-FW-RepoConnector-Work (Section 3.1.1 - Work Objects) defines the Work class and work objects created for the FileNet integration. TriTek-FW-RepoConnector-Int (Section 3.1.3 Integration Data Class) is the parent class to all the classes responsible for the actual integration between PRPC and FileNet. TriTek-FW-RepoConnector-Int-QueueWrapper (Section 3.1.5 - IS Integration Class) is responsible for querying IS for documents and creating work objects based on the new documents. TriTek-FW-RepoConnector-Int-CEWrapper (Section 3.1.6 - CE Integration Class) is responsible for creating work objects based on document index information passed from CE. TriTek-FW-RepoConnector-Int-J2ISWrapper (Section 3.1.4 - Document Indexing Data Class) is responsible for retrieving document properties from the FileNet content repository, and writing new document index properties back to the content repository.

3.1.1. Work Objects

TriTek-FW-RepoConnector-Work defines the Work class. Work objects will be derived from this class. This class contains all the rules necessary to support processing a work object, including properties, flows, sections and various activities which will call additional activities related to displaying and reindexing documents from within PRPC.1 Pega Properties

The following are the required property rules.


The activity rules responsible for retrieving and reindexing document properties are located in TriTek-FWRepoConnector-Int-J2ISWrapper. Calling those activities allows for iterating through a list of documents attached to a work object.

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The AccountNumber property rule holds the AccountNumber associated with a CE/IS document. Since the implementation groups documents into Work Objects by AccountNumber this is a required field.
Table 1 - AccountNumber Property Rule Properties

General Tab Property Mode Single Value Docid

Property Type Decimal

HTML Property n/a

Table Type None

The docid property rule contains the IS document ID value. Will be displayed to the user within a section rule. Selecting this document ID value and clicking View Document will allow the user to view the document in the Daeja viewer.
Table 2 - docid Property Rule Properties

General Tab Property Mode Single Value

Property Type Text

HTML Property n/a

Table Type None


The DocType property rule contains the IS document type value. Will be displayed to the user within a section rule.
Table 3 - DocType Property Rule Properties

General Tab Property Mode Single Value

Property Type Text

HTML Property n/a

Table Type None


The DocumentTitle property rule contains the document title associated with a CE document. For CE documents, this Document Title will appear to an end user as opposed to the GUID and is displayed in the UI.
Table 4 - DocumentTitle Property Rule Properties

General Tab Property Mode Single Value

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Property Type Text

HTML Property n/a

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Table Type None


The ECMDocProperties page list property contains the document index values for FileNet documents associated with the PRPC work object. See section 3.1.2 - Document Properties Data Class.
Table 5 - ECMDocProperties Property Rule Properties

General Tab Property Mode Page List

Page Class:

TriTek-FWRepoConnectorDataECMDocument Properties GUID

Validate embedded page true

Java Page


On Change Activity: n/a



The GUID holds the unique identifier for a CE document. It is the CE counterpart to the docid in its usage for retrieving and reindexing documents.
Table 6 - GUID Property Rule Properties

General Tab Property Mode Single Value

Property Type Text

HTML Property n/a

Table Type None


The ISDocIds value list property will store all document ids associated with a work object. The user will be able to review these document ids and reindex the document property values from the work object.
Table 7 - ISDocIds Property Rule Properties

General Tab Property Mode Value List

Property Type: Text

HTML Property: n/a

Table Type: None


The pagelistCounter property is used to map the correct document ID value to the proper element in the ISDocIds value list property.
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Table 8 - pagelistCounter Property Rule Properties

General Tab Property Mode Single Value

Property Type: Integer

HTML Property: n/a

Table Type: None


The WorkbasketChoices property rule will reference a workbasket name. This value will be leveraged to route the work object to the specified workbasket when selected in the assignment flow action. The workbasket names are stored in a local list table.
Table 9 - WorkbasketChoices Property Rule Properties

General Tab Property Mode Single Value Table 1 2 3 4 NIGO Supervisor Pend

Property Type Text

HTML Property n/a

Table Type Local List


The WorkbasketName property stores the name of the workbasket the work object is currently located in. This value will be used to determine work object routing.
Table 10 - WorkbasketName Property Rule Properties

General Tab Property Mode Single Value

Property Type Text

HTML Property n/a

Table Type None


The WorkType property displays the work type value to the user.
Table 11 - WorkType Property Rule Properties

General Tab Property Mode Single Value

Property Type Text

HTML Property n/a

Table Type None

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HTML Properties

The following is the required HTML property rule. PickOneFromValueListWithActivity

The PickOneFromValueListWithActivity HTML property rule is referenced by the docid field in order to select a document ID stored in the field, and subsequently call the MapCorrespondingProperties activity. The parameters are defined from the docid field configuration, as defined in the ISPropertiesFullSection.
Table 12 - PickOneFromValueListWithActivity HTML Tab

HTML Source <% String size = tools.getParamValue("size"); if(size.length() == 0) size = "6"; String handle =tools.getActive().getEntryHandle(true); String propRef = tools.getParamValue("propertyUsedFor"); String propToDisplay = tools.getProperty(propRef).getStringValue(); %> <pega:save name="currentValue" value='<pega:reference name="$this-value"/>'/> <input type=hidden name='<pega:reference name="$this-name"/>' value = '<pega:reference name="$this-value"/>'/> <SELECT onclick="pickOneFromValueListSelected(event.srcElement); handleClientEvent('SERVER', '<pega:reference name="param.activityToBeCalled"/>','', '-1')" handle="<%=handle%>" size="<%=size%>" style="width:100%" <pega:choose><pega:when test='$mode-input'></pega:when><pega:otherwise>disabled</pega:otherwise></pega:choose>> <% String cv = tools.getSaveValue("currentValue").trim(); //get list elements String listRef = tools.getParamValue("valueListReference").trim(); if(listRef.length() > 0){ ClipboardProperty cppList = tools.getStepPage().getProperty(listRef); for (int i = 1; i <= cppList.size(); i++) { String field_selected = ""; String v = cppList.getPropertyValue(i).getStringValue().trim(); if(v.equals(propToDisplay)) field_selected = " selected='selected' "; tools.appendString("<OPTION value='" + v + "'" + field_selected + " >" + v + "</OPTION>"); } }
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String noSelection = ""; if (cv.length() == 0) noSelection = " selected='true' "; %> </SELECT> <script> function pickOneFromValueListSelected(srcElement) { var field = document.getElementById(srcElement.handle); field.value = srcElement.value; } </script>

Table 13 - PickOneFromValueListWithActivity HTML Property Parameters

Parameter valueListReference activityToBeCalled propertyUsedFor

Value ISDocIds MapCorrespondingProperties pyWorkPage.docid


The following is the required flow rule. DisplayCEPropertiesMain

This sample flow rule demonstrates the Pega-CE/IS integration. Work objects created by either implementation will start the DisplayCEPropertiesMain flow. At the QA Process assignment smartshape, work objects will be routed to the appropriate workbasket, where a user may access the work objects through the WorkUser or WorkManager portal. To integrate Pega and CE/IS, the assignment smartshape requires a router smartshape attached. The assignment smartshape will reference the WorkBasket rule, and one of the Local Actions will be the TransferToWorkBasketModified flow action rule. The router will reference the ToWorkbasketWithDecision activity rule.
Table 14 - DisplayCEPropertiesMain Flow Rule Properties

Assignment Name
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QA Process
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Rule Instructions StatusWork StatusAssign ConfirmationNote HarnessPurpose UseCurOperIfBasketNotFound Service Level Local Actions Effort Cost Notify Router Entry Point? Only Going Back? Post Action on Click Away? Router Name Rule Workbasket Connector Flow Action Application WorkType Use Case Likelihood Properties Audit Note Decision Table

WorkBasket n/a n/a n/a n/a Perform false n/a TransferToWorkBasketModified n/a n/a n/a true false true

To DocType WB ToWorkbasketWithDecision TriTekWB

CEProperties ISCon Work n/a 100 n/a n/a


WorkBasketDecision will return the name of a Work Basket based on the DocType property of the Work Object.
Table 15 - WorkBasketDecision Decision Table Rule Table Tab

Conditions if else if else if tempDocTypePage.DocType NEWBUSINESS ACCOUNTSERVICES DEPOSITS

Actions Return NewBusiness AccountServices Deposits

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else if else if otherwise


Transfers Compliance TriTekWB

Table 16 - WorkBasketDecision Decision Table Rule Pages & Classes Tab

Page Name tempDocTypePage When

Class TriTek-FW-RepoConnector-Work


Used to detect if docid has a value.

Table 17 - DocumentIDNotNull When Rule Conditions Tab


docid has a value

Table 18 - DocumentIDNotNull When Rule Page & Classes Tab

Page Name pyWorkPage

Class TriTek-FW-RepoConnector-Work GUIDNotNull

The GUIDNotNull When Rule is used to determine if the property GUID exists and has a value in the work class. This is used primarily to determine if the current document being viewed is from IS or CE (as IS documents do not have an associated GUID) and is necessary when reindexing or mapping properties to the ECMDocumentProperties tab.
Table 19 GUIDNotNull When Rule Conditions Tab


Property pyWorkPage.GUID exists and has a value

Table 20 - GUIDNotNull When Rule Pages & Classes Tab

Page Name pyWorkPage

Class TriTek-FW-RepoConnector-Work Flow Actions

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The following are the required flow action rules. CEProperties

The CEProperties connector flow action is outgoing from the QA Process assignment smartshape in the DisplayCEPropertiesMain flow rule. This flow action is called when the work object is initially opened. Before the flow action executes, the ConnectAndGetPropertiesMultipleMain activity is run. The flow action displays the ISPropertiesFullSection section. After the flow action executes, the CallReIndexMultipleMain activity is run. The Action tab lists flow action properties.
Table 21 - CEProperties Flow Action Rule Properties

Action Tab BEFORE THIS ACTION Run Activity VALIDATE Validation Rule AFTER THIS ACTION Apply Cost Run Activity Look for an assignment to perform? If not found, look in other flows on this work object? If not found, look in flows on the cover object? For each also consider assignments in workbaskets? If an assignment is not being performed INDICATOR Used As Disqualify this action from bulk processing? The Security tab lists security information. Security Tab Privilege Class TriTek-FWRepoConnector-Work

ConnectAndGetPropertiesMultipleMain No Parameters Available n/a n/a CallReIndexMultipleMain No Parameters Available true false false false Show Harness, Confirm Local and Connector false

Privilege Name n/a

When Name n/a

Audit Use? false

The HTML tab lists information about the HTML generation. HTML GENERATION
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Section Reference

Enable Client Side Validation?

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Enable Expression Calculation?

Reference Section

ISPropertiesFullSection true



The TransferToWorkBasketModified flow action is a local flow action that will run the CallReIndexMultiplMain activity to reindex documents, then display a list of workbaskets to which the work object may be forwarded. The flow action will display the WorkBasketDropDown section. After the flow action is run, it will run the ReassignToWorkBasket activity to transfer the work object to a selected Workbasket.
Table 22 - TransferToWorkBasketModified Flow Action Rule Properties

Action Tab BEFORE THIS ACTION Run Activity VALIDATE Validation Rule AFTER THIS ACTION Apply Cost Run Activity Parameter ReassignWorkbasket InstructionNote Note Look for an assignment to perform? If not found, look in other flows on this work object? If not found, look in flows on the cover object? For each also consider assignments in workbaskets? If an assignment is not being performed INDICATOR Used As Disqualify this action from bulk processing? The Security tab lists security information. Privilege Class n/a n/a

CallReIndexMultipleMain No Parameters Available n/a n/a ReassignToWorkBasket Value Primary.WorkbasketChoices Transferred n/a true false false false Show Harness, Confirm Local and Connector false

Privilege Name When Name ActionTransferToWorkBasket n/a AllFlowActions n/a

Audit Use? false n/a

The HTML tab lists information about the HTML generation. HTML Section Reference Enable Client Side Enable Expression

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GENERATION Reference Section Section

Validation? WorkbasketDropDown false

Calculation? false

The following are the required section rules. ISPropertiesFullSection

The ISPropertiesFullSection rule contains read only information about the IS/CE document. Allows user to view document and manually reindex values. The following are required: A cell must be defined to display all values contained within the docid property.
Table 23 - ISPropertiesFullSection Section Rule Properties

Cell Properties Property Display As Behavior General Tab Visible Required Wrap Text Read Only

.docid PickOneFromValueListWithActivity n/a

Always false false false

A cell must be defined with a button to allow the user to open a viewer in the Daeja Viewer servlet. Cell Properties Type Caption Tooltip General Tab Do Action Target Window Width Window Height Visible Wrap Text Disabled

CUSTOM &View Image n/a

CallURL Pop-up window 60 85 Always false false

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Cells must be defined that display the document index values. These are dependent on the specific FileNet implementation.


The ReIndexStatus section rule is called once a manual reindex has been performed to display the status of the document reindexing. The following is required: A cell that displays the status of the document reindexing.
Table 24 - ReIndexStatus Section Rule Properties

Cell Properties Property Display As Behavior General Tab Visible Required Wrap Text Read Only Read Only Condition WorkbasketDropDown

J2ISPegaWrapperPage.reIndex_return Default n/a

Always false false true Always

The WorkbasketDropDown section allows users to select a destination workbasket for work object routing. The following is required: A cell that displays the possible workbasket choices in a drop-down.
Table 25 - WorkbasketDropDown Section Rule Properties

Cell Properties Property Display As Behavior General Tab Visible Required

.WorkbasketChoices PromptSelect ONCHANGE

Always true

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Wrap Text Read Only Service HTTP

false false

The following describes the required Service HTTP rules. TriTekFWRepoConnectorWork.NewWork.CreateNewWork

The TriTekFWRepoConnectorWork service HTTP rule allows FileNet CE as the client to send a request to PRPC as the server. Here, CE will pass document properties when a document is committed to the CE repository to PRPC. PRPC will call the createWorkObject activity, and return a success or failure message to CE. The Service tab details information about the service, including the activity called.
Table 26 - TriTekFWRepoConnectorWork.NewWork.CreateNewWork Service HTTP Rule Properties

PRIMARY PAGE Page Class Page Model Page Name SERVICE ACTIVITY Activity Name PROCESSING OPTIONS End requestor when done Method is read-only Execution Mode Request Processor

TriTek-FW-RepoConnector-Int-CEWrapper n/a MyServicePage createWorkObject false false Execute synchronously n/a

The Request tab details information about the request received. HEADER FIELDS MESSAGE DATA Description Map To Map To Key none Urgency added by user Clipboard .http_request

The Response tab details information about the response returned. RESPONSE CONDITION Condition Default HEADER FIELDS n/a
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When Name n/a

Content Type text/xml

Status Code 200

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MESSAGE DATA Description Map To Map To Key Activity

work process info Clipboard .http_response

The following describes the required activity rules. CallReIndexMultiple

(DEPRECATED. REPLACED BY CallReIndexMultipleMain) The CallReIndexMultiple activity rule will take document property values from each document associated with the work object and reindex each within the IS repository. The Property-Set method will set various work object properties equal to the IS document index values. This method has an iteration that will repeat for each document associated with the work object within the ECMDocProperties page list property rule.
Table 27 - CallReIndexMultiple Activity Rule Step 1.0 Properties

Iteration Label 1.0 PropertiesName pyWorkPage.AccountNumber pyWorkPage.DocType pyWorkPage.docid pyWorkPage.LastName pyWorkPage.receivedDate Description

For Each Embedded Page Step Page Method pyWorkPage.ECMDocProperties Property-Set PropertiesValue pyWorkPage.ECMDocProperties(<CURRENT>) .AccountNumber pyWorkPage.ECMDocProperties(<CURRENT>).DocType pyWorkPage.ECMDocProperties(<CURRENT>) .DocumentID pyWorkPage.ECMDocProperties(<CURRENT>).LastName pyWorkPage.ECMDocProperties(<CURRENT>) .ReceivedDate

The call reIndex method will call the reIndex activity rule. The reIndex activity will reindex the IS document index values. This is the first and only iterative step tied to step 1.0 - Property-Set.
Table 28 - CallReIndexMultiple Activity Rule Step 1.1 Properties

Label 1.1

Description Step Page Method Call the reindex J2ISPegaWrapperPage call reIndex activity in J2ISPegaWrapper

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Pass current parameter page?


The Page-Remove method will remove the step page from the Clipboard (and server memory) to free up resources no longer required. Label 2. Description Delete our step page Step Page Method Page-Remove

The Pages & Classes tab lists the required pages.

Table 29 - CallReIndexMultiple Activity Rule Pages & Classes Tab Properties

Page Name J2ISPegaWrapperPage pyWorkPage ecmDocPropsPage

Class TriTek-FW-RepoConnectorInt-J2ISWrapper TriTek-FW-RepoConnectorWork TriTek-FW-RepoConnectorDataECMDocumentProperties

Mode n/a n/a n/a

The Security tab lists the security settings.

Table 30 - CallReIndexMultiple Activity Rule Security Tab Properties

May start? true

Authenticate? false

Activity Type Activity

Privilege Class TriTek-FWRepoConnectorWork

Privilege Name n/a


The CallReIndexMultipleMain activity rule will take document property values from each document associated with the work object and reindex each within both the CE and IS repositories by using conditional logic (CE documents will have an associated GUID, as IS documents will not). The Page-New methods will create new pages on the clipboard for each of the desired Integration classes.
Table 31 - CallReIndexMultipleMain Activity Rule Step 1 Properties

Label 1

Description Create new page

Step Page Method CEPegaWrapperPage Page-New

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Table 32 - CallReIndexMultipleMain Activity Rule Step 2 Properties

Label 2

Description Create new page

Step Page Method J2ISPegaWrapperPage Page-New

The Property-Set method will set various work object properties equal to the CE document index values. This method has an iteration that will repeat for each document associated with the work object within the ECMDocProperties page list property rule.
Table 33 - CallReIndexMultipleMain Activity Rule Step 3.0 Properties

Iteration Label 3.0 PropertiesName pyWorkPage.AccountNumber pyWorkPage.DocType pyWorkPage.docid pyWorkPage.LastName pyWorkPage.receivedDate pyWorkPage.DocumentTitle pyWorkPage.GUID Local.isCE Description

For Each Embedded Page Step Page Method pyWorkPage.ECMDocProperties Property-Set PropertiesValue pyWorkPage.ECMDocProperties(<CURRENT>) .AccountNumber pyWorkPage.ECMDocProperties(<CURRENT>).DocType pyWorkPage.ECMDocProperties(<CURRENT>) .DocumentID pyWorkPage.ECMDocProperties(<CURRENT>).LastName pyWorkPage.ECMDocProperties(<CURRENT>) .ReceivedDate pyWorkPage.ECMDocProperties(<CURRENT>).Document Title pyWorkPage.ECMDocProperties(<CURRENT>).GUID false

This step uses the When rule GUIDNotNull to determine if the GUID exists and has a value and if so to set our local parameter to true to use reindexF activity in CEWrapper.
Table 34 - CallReIndexMultipleMain Activity Rule Step 3.1 Properties

Label 3.1 Precondition: Enabled When GUIDNotNull PropertiesName Local.isCE

Description Check guid If True

Step Page pyWorkPage If False Skip Step

Method Property-Set

Continue Whens PropertiesValue true

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The call reIndexF method will call the reIndexF activity rule in CEWrapper when the precondition is true. The reIndexF activity will reindex the CE document index values.
Table 35 - CallReIndexMultipleMain Activity Rule Step 3.2 Properties

Label 3.2

Description Call the reindex activity in CEPegaWrapper When Local.isCE==true If True

Step Page CEPegaWrapperPage

Method call reIndexF

Precondition: Enabled

If False Skip Step

Continue Whens

Pass current parameter page?


The call reIndexF method will call the reIndexF activity rule in J2ISWrapper when the precondition is true. The reIndexF activity will reindex the IS document index values.
Table 36 - CallReIndexMultipleMain Activity Rule Step 3.3 Properties

Label 3.3

Description Step Page Method Call the reindex J2ISPegaWrapperPage call reIndexF activity in J2ISPegaWrapper When Local.isCE==false If True Continue Whens If False Skip Step

Precondition: Enabled

Pass current parameter page?


The Page-Remove method will remove the step page from the Clipboard (and server memory) to free up resources no longer required.
Table 37 - CallReIndexMultipleMain Activity Rule Step 4 Properties

Label 4.

Description Delete our step page

Step Page Method CEPegaWrapperPage Page-Remove

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Table 38 - CallReIndexMultipleMain Activity Rule Step 5 Properties

Label 5.

Description Delete our step page

Step Page

Method Page-Remove

The Parameters tab lists the local variables

Table 39 - CallReIndexMultipleMain Activity Rule Parameters Tab Properties

Name isCE


Data Type boolean

The Pages & Classes tab lists the required pages.

Table 40 - CallReIndexMultipleMain Activity Rule Pages & Classes Tab Properties

Page Name J2ISPegaWrapperPage pyWorkPage ecmDocPropsPage


Class TriTek-FW-RepoConnectorInt-J2ISWrapper TriTek-FW-RepoConnectorWork TriTek-FW-RepoConnectorDataECMDocumentProperties TriTek-FW-RepoConnectorInt-CEWrapper

Mode n/a n/a n/a


The Security tab lists the security settings.

Table 41 - CallReIndexMultipleMain Activity Rule Security Tab Properties

May start? true

Authenticate? false

Activity Type Activity

Privilege Class TriTek-FWRepoConnectorWork

Privilege Name n/a


The CallURL activity rule is called when the user wants to view an IS or CE document within PRPC. This activity will set the document URL to be displayed in the Daeja viewer. The Property-Set method will set the URL value based on the document ID value, then store that URL value in a local parameter to be displayed in the users browser window. Note that the URL itself must be configured to match the environment.
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Table 42 - CallURL Activity Rule Step 1 Properties

Label 1.

Description Set the document URL based on document ID

Step Page

Method Property-Set

PropertiesName local.url local.result

PropertiesValue http://pega:9080/PegaContentServletProject/displayContent.jsp?docID= + .docid <SCRIPT LANGUAGE=JAVASCRIPT>window.location.href= + local.url + ;</SCRIPT>

The Property-Set method will set the URL value based on the document ID value, then store that URL value in a local parameter to be displayed in the users browser window. Note that the URL itself must be configured to match the environment.
Table 43 - CallURL Activity Rule Step 2 Properties

Label 2.

Description Set the document URL based on document ID

Step Page

Method Property-Set

Precondition: Enabled When GUIDNotNull

If True Continue Whens

If False Skip step

PropertiesName local.url local.result

PropertiesValue http://pega:9080/PegaCEContentServletProject/displayContent.jsp?docID= + .docid <SCRIPT LANGUAGE=JAVASCRIPT>window.location.href= + local.url + ;</SCRIPT>

The Show-Property method will display the URL value in the new browser window. This will display the IS document in the Daeja viewer.
Table 44 - CallURL Activity Rule Step 3 Properties

Label 3.

Description Display the document URL in the browser

Step Page

Method Show-Property

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window Parameter Property Value local.result

Two local parameters are required, one to generate the URL based on a stored URL value plus the document ID, one to store the URL to be displayed in the browser window.
Table 45 - CallURL Activity Rule Parameters Tab Properties

Local Variables Name result


Description Holds the URL to be displayed in the browser window. Holds the generated URL based on the document ID.

Data Type String



(DEPRECATED. REPLACED BY ConnectAndGetPropertiesMultipleMain) The ConnectAndGetPropertiesMultiple activity rule will retrieve the IS document properties from the IS repository for each document associated with the current work object. The Page-New method will create a step page and initialize it with values from the EnvProperties model.
Table 46 - ConnectAndGetPropertiesMultiple Activity Rule Step 1 Properties

Label 1.

Description Create a new temporary page

Step Page Method J2ISPegaWrapperPage Page-New

Parameter Model PageList NewClass

Value EnvProperties n/a n/a

The Property-Set method will set the index parameter equal to 1. This value will be used to determine which documents index values will be retrieved.
Table 47 - ConnectAndGetPropertiesMultiple Activity Rule Step 2 Properties

Label 2.

Description Step Page initialize counter

Method Property-Set

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PropertiesName local.index

PropertiesValue 1

The Property-Set method will set the docid property equal to the value stored in the appropriate element of the ISDocIds property. This method has an iteration that will repeat for each element in the .ISDocIds value list property.
Table 48 - ConnectAndGetPropertiesMultiple Activity Rule Step 3.0 Properties

Iteration For Each Element in Value List Label 3.0 PropertiesName .docid

Property Name .ISDocIds Step Page pyWorkPage Method Property-Set

Description For Each ISDocIds add to .docId PropertiesValue .ISDocIds(local.index)

The Call getDocumentPropertiesXML method will call the getDocumentPropertiesXML activity, which will retrieve the document properties in an XML format. This is the first of four steps in the iteration associated with step 2 Property-Set.
Table 49 - ConnectAndGetPropertiesMultiple Activity Rule Step 3.1 Properties

Label 3.1.

Description Step Page Method call J2ISPegaWrapperPage Call getDocument getDocumentPropertiesXML PropertiesXML Value n/a

Parameter return

The Property-Set method sets properties associated with an ECMDocProperties embedded page equal to the values retrieved from the IS instance. This is the second of four steps in the iteration associated with step 2 Property-Set.
Table 50 - ConnectAndGetPropertiesMultiple Activity Rule Step 3.2 Properties

Label 3.2

Description Sets the properties to appropriate page in pagelist PropertiesValue .AccountNumber .DocType

Step Page pyWorkPage

Method Property-Set

PropertiesName .ECMDocProperties(local.index) .AccountNumber .ECMDocProperties(local.index)

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.DocType .ECMDocProperties(local.index) .LastName .ECMDocProperties(local.index) .ReceivedDate

.LastName .receivedDate

The Property-Set method sets the document ID property associated with an ECMDocProperties embedded page equal to the value stored in the corresponding element in the ISDocIds value list property. This is the third of four steps in the iteration associated with step 2 Property-Set.
Table 51 - ConnectAndGetPropertiesMultiple Activity Rule Step 3.3 Properties

Label 3.3

Description map the docid the page list

Step Page pyWorkPage

Method Property-Set

PropertiesName PropertiesValue pyWorkPage.ECMDocProperties .ISDocIds(local.index) (local.index).DocumentID The Property-Set method adds 1 to the value of the index property. When the iteration repeats, the next element in the ISDocIds property will be evaluated. This is the fourth of four steps in the iteration associated with step 2 Property-Set.
Table 52 - ConnectAndGetPropertiesMultiple Activity Rule Step 3.4 Properties

Label 3.4 PropertiesName local.index

Description Increment index by 1 PropertiesValue local.index+1

Step Page

Method Property-Set

The Call MapCorrespondingProperties method will call the MapCorrespondingProperties activity. The MapCorrespondingProperties activity will map the document index values to the corresponding work object properties.
Table 53 - ConnectAndGetPropertiesMultiple Activity Rule Step 4 Properties

Label 4.

Description Map properties of selected docid to the properties displayed in the section

Step Page pyWorkPage

Method Call MapCorrespondingProperties

Pass current parameter page? false The Page-Remove method will remove the step page from the Clipboard, freeing server memory.

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Table 54 - ConnectAndGetPropertiesMultiple Activity Rule Step 5 Properties

Label 5.

Description Remove our temporary page

Step Page Method J2ISPegaWrapperPage Page-Remove

The Parameters tab lists the required parameters.

Table 55 - ConnectAndGetPropertiesMultiple Activity Rule Parameters Tab Properties

Local Variables Name index


Data Type int

The Pages & Classes tab lists the required pages.

Table 56 - ConnectAndGetPropertiesMultiple Activity Rule Pages & Classes Tab Properties

Page Name J2ISPegaWrapperPage pyWorkPage

Class TriTek-FW-RepoConnectorInt-J2ISWrapper TriTek-FW-RepoConnectorWork

Mode n/a n/a

The Security tab lists the security settings.

Table 57 - ConnectAndGetPropertiesMultiple Activity Rule Security Tab Properties

May start? true

Authenticate? false

Activity Type Activity

Privilege Class TriTek-FWRepoConnectorInt-J2ISWrapper

Privilege Name n/a


The ConnectAndGetPropertiesMultipleMain activity rule will retrieve the CE/IS document properties from the CE/IS repository for each document associated with the current work object. The Page-New method will create a new page of the J2ISWrapper class with the EnvProperties model rule.
Table 58 - ConnectAndGetPropertiesMultipleMain Activity Rule Step 1 Properties

Label 1.

Description Create a new temporary page

Step Page Method J2ISPegaWrapperPage Page-New

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Parameter Model PageList NewClass

Value EnvProperties n/a n/a

The Page-New method will create a new page of the CEWrapper class with the CEEnvProperties model rule.

Table 59 - ConnectAndGetPropertiesMultipleMain Activity Rule Step 2 Properties

Label 2.

Description Create a new temporary page

Step Page CEPegaWrapperPage

Method Page-New

Parameter Model PageList NewClass

Value CEEnvProperties n/a n/a

The Property-Set method will set the index parameter equal to 1. This value will be used to determine which documents index values will be retrieved.
Table 60 - ConnectAndGetPropertiesMultipleMain Activity Rule Step 3 Properties

Label 3. PropertiesName local.index

Description Step Page initialize counter PropertiesValue 1

Method Property-Set

The Property-Set method will set the docid property equal to the value stored in the appropriate element of the ISDocIds property. This method has an iteration that will repeat for each element in the .ISDocIds value list property.
Table 61 - ConnectAndGetPropertiesMultipleMain Activity Rule Step 4.0 Properties

Iteration For Each Element in Value List Label 4.0 PropertiesName

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Property Name .ISDocIds Step Page pyWorkPage Method Property-Set

Description For Each ISDocIds add to .docId PropertiesValue

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.docid Local.isCE

.ISDocIds(local.index) false

This step checks to see if the document has a GUID. If so, it is mapped to the .docid property on pyWorkPage and the local boolean isCE is set to true.
Table 62 - ConnectAndGetPropertiesMultipleMain Activity Rule Step 4.1 Properties

Label 4.1

Description For Each ISDocIds add to .docId

Step Page pyWorkPage

Method Property-Set If False Skip step

When .ECMDocProperties(local.index).GUID!="" PropertiesName .docid Local.isCE

If True Continue Whens

PropertiesValue .ECMDocProperties(local.index).GUID true

The Call getDocumentPropertiesXMLF method will call the getDocumentPropertiesXMLF activity in the J2ISWrapper class, which will retrieve the document properties in an XML format if the precondition evaluates to true.
Table 63 - ConnectAndGetPropertiesMultipleMain Activity Rule Step 4.2 Properties

Label 4.2.

Description Step Page Method call J2ISPegaWrapperPage Call getDocument getDocumentPropertiesXMLF PropertiesXML If True Continue Whens If False Skip step

When local.isCE==false

Parameter return

Value n/a

The Call getDocumentPropertiesXMLF method will call the getDocumentPropertiesXMLF activity in the CEWrapper class, which will retrieve the document properties in an XML format if the precondition evaluates to true.
Table 64 - ConnectAndGetPropertiesMultipleMain Activity Rule Step 4.3 Properties

Label 4.3.

Description call

Step Page CEPegaWrapperPage

Method Call

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getDocument PropertiesXML


When local.isCE==true

If True Continue Whens

If False Skip step

Parameter return

Value n/a

The Property-Set method sets properties associated with an ECMDocProperties embedded page equal to the values retrieved from the CE/IS instance.
Table 65 - ConnectAndGetPropertiesMultipleMain Activity Rule Step 4.4 Properties

Label 4.4

Description Sets the properties to appropriate page in pagelist PropertiesValue .AccountNumber .DocType .LastName .receivedDate

Step Page pyWorkPage

Method Property-Set

PropertiesName .ECMDocProperties(local.index) .AccountNumber .ECMDocProperties(local.index) .DocType .ECMDocProperties(local.index) .LastName .ECMDocProperties(local.index) .ReceivedDate

The Property-Set method sets properties associated with an ECMDocProperties embedded page equal to the values retrieved from the CE instance.
Table 66 - ConnectAndGetPropertiesMultipleMain Activity Rule Step 4.5 Properties

Label 4.5

Description Sets the properties to appropriate page in pagelist

Step Page pyWorkPage

Method Property-Set

When local.isCE==true PropertiesName .ECMDocProperties(local.index) .DocumentTitle

If True Continue Whens PropertiesValue .DocumentTitle

If False Skip step

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The Property-Set method sets the document ID property associated with an ECMDocProperties embedded page equal to the value stored in the corresponding element in the ISDocIds value list property.
Table 67 - ConnectAndGetPropertiesMultipleMain Activity Rule Step 4.6 Properties

Label 4.6

Description map the docid the page list

Step Page pyWorkPage

Method Property-Set

PropertiesName PropertiesValue pyWorkPage.ECMDocProperties .ISDocIds(local.index) (local.index).DocumentID The Property-Set method adds 1 to the value of the index property. When the iteration repeats, the next element in the ISDocIds property will be evaluated. This is the fourth of four steps in the iteration associated with step 2 Property-Set.
Table 68 - ConnectAndGetPropertiesMultipleMain Activity Rule Step 4.7 Properties

Label 4.7 PropertiesName local.index

Description Increment index by 1 PropertiesValue local.index+1

Step Page

Method Property-Set

The Call MapCorrespondingPropertiesMain method will call the MapCorrespondingPropertiesMain activity. The MapCorrespondingPropertiesMain activity will map the document index values to the corresponding work object properties.
Table 69 - ConnectAndGetPropertiesMultipleMain Activity Rule Step 4 Properties

Label 5.

Description Map properties of selected docid to the properties displayed in the section

Step Page pyWorkPage

Method Call MapCorrespondingPropertiesMain

Pass current parameter page? false The Page-Remove method will remove the step page from the Clipboard, freeing server memory.
Table 70 - ConnectAndGetPropertiesMultipleMain Activity Rule Step 5 Properties

Label 6.
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Description Remove our temporary page

39 of 115

Step Page Method J2ISPegaWrapperPage Page-Remove

Label 7.

Description Remove our temporary page

Step Page CEPegaWrapperPage

Method Page-Remove

The Parameters tab lists the required parameters.

Table 71 - ConnectAndGetPropertiesMultipleMain Activity Rule Parameters Tab Properties

Local Variables Name index isCE


Data Type Int boolean

The Pages & Classes tab lists the required pages.

Table 72 - ConnectAndGetPropertiesMultipleMain Activity Rule Pages & Classes Tab Properties

Page Name J2ISPegaWrapperPage pyWorkPage CEPegaWrapperPage

Class TriTek-FW-RepoConnectorInt-J2ISWrapper TriTek-FW-RepoConnectorWork TriTek-FW-RepoConnectorInt-CEWrapper

Mode n/a n/a

The Security tab lists the security settings.

Table 73 - ConnectAndGetPropertiesMultipleMain Activity Rule Security Tab Properties

May start? true

Authenticate? false

Activity Type Activity

Privilege Class TriTek-FWRepoConnectorInt-J2ISWrapper

Privilege Name n/a


(DEPRECATED. REPLACED BY MapCorrespondingPropertiesMain) The MapCorrespondingProperties activity will map each document ID value to the corresponding PageList of properties. These properties will be displayed in the section when a document ID is selected from the list. The Property-Set method sets the index parameter equal to 1. This value will be used to determine which element in the ISDocIds value list property will be processed.

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Table 74 - MapCorrespondingProperties Activity Rule Step 1 Properties

Label 1. PropertiesName local.index

Description Initialize index param to 1 PropertiesValue 1

Step Page

Method Property-Set

The Property-Set method adds 1 to the index parameter value. This method has an iteration that will process for each element in the ISDocIds value list property. This method also has a precondition that compares the docid property value to an element in the ISDocIds property. If this is true, the step is skipped. If this is false, the activity continues.
Table 75 - MapCorrespondingProperties Activity Rule Step 2 Properties

Iteration For Each Element in Value List Precondition When

Property Name pyWorkPage.ISDocIds enabled? (true) If True

pyWorkPage.docid== Skip step pyWorkPage.ISDocIds(local.index) Label 2. Description Find ISDocIds index of selected docid PropertiesValue local.index+1

True Param n/a

if False Continue whens

False Param n/a

Step Page pyWorkPage

Method Property-Set

PropertiesName local.index

The Property-Set method maps from the page list property to the corresponding work object properties displayed in the section.
Table 76 - MapCorrespondingProperties Activity Rule Step 3 Properties

Label 3.

Description Map corresponding properties to workpage properties

Step Page pyWorkPage

Method Property-Set

PropertiesName .LastName .AccountNumber .receivedDate .DocType

PropertiesValue .ECMDocProperties(local.index).LastName .ECMDocProperties(local.index).AccountNumber .ECMDocProperties(local.index).ReceivedDate .ECMDocProperties(local.index).DocType

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41 of 115

The Parameters tab lists the required parameters.

Table 77 - MapCorrespondingProperties Activity Rule Parameters Tab Properties

Local Variables Name index


Data Type int

The Pages & Classes tab lists the required pages.

Table 78 - MapCorrespondingProperties Activity Rule Pages & Classes Tab Properties

Page Name pyWorkPage

Class TriTek-FW-RepoConnectorWork

Mode n/a

The Security tab lists the security settings.

Table 79 - MapCorrespondingProperties Activity Rule Security Tab Properties

May start? true

Authenticate? true

Activity Type Activity

Privilege Class TriTek-FWRepoConnectorWork

Privilege Name n/a


The MapCorrespondingPropertiesMain activity will map each document ID value to the corresponding PageList of properties. These properties will be displayed in the section when a document ID is selected from the list. The Property-Set method sets the index parameter equal to 1. This value will be used to determine which element in the ISDocIds value list property will be processed.
Table 80 - MapCorrespondingPropertiesMain Activity Rule Step 1 Properties

Label 1. PropertiesName local.index

Description Initialize index param to 1 PropertiesValue 1

Step Page

Method Property-Set

The Property-Set method adds 1 to the index parameter value. This method has an iteration that will process for each element in the ISDocIds value list property. This method also has a precondition that compares the docid property value to an element in the ISDocIds property. If this is true, the step is skipped. If this is false, the activity continues.

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Table 81 - MapCorrespondingPropertiesMain Activity Rule Step 2 Properties

Iteration For Each Element in Value List Precondition When

Property Name pyWorkPage.ISDocIds enabled? (true) If True

pyWorkPage.docid== Skip step pyWorkPage.ISDocIds(local.index) Label 2. Description Find ISDocIds index of selected docid PropertiesValue local.index+1

True Param n/a

if False Continue whens

False Param n/a

Step Page pyWorkPage

Method Property-Set

PropertiesName local.index

The Property-Set method maps from the page list property to the corresponding work object properties displayed in the section.
Table 82 - MapCorrespondingPropertiesMain Activity Rule Step 3 Properties

Label 3.

Description Map corresponding properties to workpage properties

Step Page pyWorkPage

Method Property-Set

PropertiesName .LastName .AccountNumber .receivedDate .DocType

PropertiesValue .ECMDocProperties(local.index).LastName .ECMDocProperties(local.index).AccountNumber .ECMDocProperties(local.index).ReceivedDate .ECMDocProperties(local.index).DocType

The Property-Set method maps from the page list property to the corresponding work object properties displayed in the section if it is a CE document.
Table 83 - MapCorrespondingPropertiesMain Activity Rule Step 4 Properties

Label 4.

Description Map corresponding properties to workpage properties enabled? (true) If True Skip step

Step Page pyWorkPage

Method Property-Set

Precondition When GUIDNotNull

2010 TriTek Solutions, Inc.

True Param n/a

43 of 115

if False Continue

False Param n/a

whens PropertiesName .DocumentTitle .GUID PropertiesValue .ECMDocProperties(local.index).LastName .ECMDocProperties(local.index).AccountNumber

The Parameters tab lists the required parameters.

Table 84 - MapCorrespondingPropertiesMain Activity Rule Parameters Tab Properties

Local Variables Name index


Data Type int

The Pages & Classes tab lists the required pages.

Table 85 - MapCorrespondingPropertiesMain Activity Rule Pages & Classes Tab Properties

Page Name pyWorkPage

Class TriTek-FW-RepoConnectorWork

Mode n/a

The Security tab lists the security settings.

Table 86 - MapCorrespondingPropertiesMain Activity Rule Security Tab Properties

May start? true

Authenticate? true

Activity Type Activity

Privilege Class TriTek-FWRepoConnectorWork

Privilege Name n/a


The SavePegaProperties activity maps work object properties displayed in the section to the page list property. This activity is called from the createWorkObject activity when a work object is created to map the properties to the work object. This activity is also called in the ISPropertiesFullSection section. For properties that will be displayed within the section that have corresponding values from the IS document, for on change events, the section will be refreshed and this activity will be called for those fields to update the property values. The Property-Set method sets the index parameter equal to 1. This value will be used to determine which element in the ISDocIds value list property will be processed.

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Table 87 - SavePegaProperties Activity Rule Step 1 Properties

Label 1. PropertiesName param.index

Description Initialize index param to 1 PropertiesValue 1

Step Page

Method Property-Set

The Property-Set method adds 1 to the index parameter value. This method has an iteration that will process for each element in the ISDocIds value list property. This method also has a precondition that compares the docid property value to an element in the ISDocIds property. If this is true, the step is skipped. If this is false, the activity continues.
Table 88 - SavePegaProperties Activity Rule Step 2 Properties

Iteration For Each Element in Value List Precondition When

Property Name pyWorkPage.ISDocIds enabled? (true) If True

pyWorkPage.docid== Skip step pyWorkPage.ISDocIds(local.index) Label 2. Description Find ISDocIds index of selected docid PropertiesValue local.index+1

True Param n/a

if False Continue whens

False Param n/a

Step Page pyWorkPage

Method Property-Set

PropertiesName local.index

The Property-Set method maps the work object properties displayed in the section to the page list property.
Table 89 - SavePegaProperties Activity Rule Step 3 Properties

Label 3.

Description Map corresponding properties to workpage properties PropertiesValue .LastName .AccountNumber .ReceivedDate
45 of 115

Step Page pyWorkPage

Method Property-Set

PropertiesName .ECMDocProperties(local.index) .LastName .ECMDocProperties(local.index) .AccountNumber .ECMDocProperties(local.index)

2010 TriTek Solutions, Inc.

.ReceivedDate .ECMDocProperties(local.index) .DocType


The Parameters tab lists the required parameters.

Table 90 - SavePegaProperties Activity Rule Parameters Tab Properties

Parameters Name


Data Type







Prompt Default Value n/a

The Pages & Classes tab lists the required pages.

Table 91- SavePegaProperties Activity Rule Pages & Classes Tab Properties

Page Name pyWorkPage

Class TriTek-FW-RepoConnectorWork

Mode n/a

The Security tab lists the security settings.

Table 92 - SavePegaProperties Activity Rule Security Tab Properties

May start? true

Authenticate? true

Activity Type Activity

Privilege Class TriTek-FWRepoConnectorWork

Privilege Name n/a


The SavePegaPropertiesCE activity maps work object properties displayed in the section to the page list property. This activity is called from the createWorkObject activity in the CEWrapper class when a work object is created to map the properties to the work object. This activity is also called in the ISPropertiesFullSection section. For properties that will be displayed within the section that have corresponding values from the CE document, for on change events, the section will be refreshed and this activity will be called for those fields to update the property values. The Property-Set method sets the index parameter equal to 1. This value will be used to determine which element in the ISDocIds value list property will be processed.
Table 93 - SavePegaPropertiesCE Activity Rule Step 1 Properties



Step Page


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1. PropertiesName param.index

Initialize index param to 1 PropertiesValue 1


The Property-Set method adds 1 to the index parameter value. This method has an iteration that will process for each element in the ISDocIds value list property. This method also has a precondition that compares the docid property value to an element in the ISDocIds property. If this is true, the step is skipped. If this is false, the activity continues.
Table 94 - SavePegaPropertiesCE Activity Rule Step 2 Properties

Iteration For Each Element in Value List Precondition When

Property Name pyWorkPage.ISDocIds enabled? (true) If True

pyWorkPage.DocumentTitle== Skip step pyWorkPage.ISDocIds(local.index) Label 2. Description Find ISDocIds index of selected docid PropertiesValue local.index+1

True Param n/a

if False Continue whens

False Param n/a

Step Page pyWorkPage

Method Property-Set

PropertiesName local.index

The Property-Set method maps the work object properties displayed in the section to the page list property.
Table 95 - SavePegaPropertiesCE Activity Rule Step 3 Properties

Label 3.

Description Map corresponding properties to workpage properties PropertiesValue .LastName .AccountNumber .ReceivedDate .DocType

Step Page pyWorkPage

Method Property-Set

PropertiesName .ECMDocProperties(local.index) .LastName .ECMDocProperties(local.index) .AccountNumber .ECMDocProperties(local.index) .ReceivedDate .ECMDocProperties(local.index) .DocType

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.ECMDocProperties(local.index) .DocumentTitle .ECMDocProperties(local.index) .GUID

.DocumentTitle .GUID

The Parameters tab lists the required parameters.

Table 96 - SavePegaPropertiesCE Activity Rule Parameters Tab Properties

Parameters Name


Data Type







Prompt Default Value n/a

The Pages & Classes tab lists the required pages.

Table 97 - SavePegaPropertiesCE Activity Rule Pages & Classes Tab Properties

Page Name pyWorkPage

Class TriTek-FW-RepoConnectorWork

Mode n/a

The Security tab lists the security settings.

Table 98 - SavePegaPropertiesCE Activity Rule Security Tab Properties

May start? true

Authenticate? true

Activity Type Activity

Privilege Class TriTek-FWRepoConnectorWork

Privilege Name n/a


The ToWorkbasketWithDecision activity rule is a router activity that will control to which workbasket a work item is routed. The routing is based on the document type value. The Property-Map-DecisionTable method will evaluate the work object document type value against the WorkBasketDecision decision table and return a result value. This value will correspond to the destination workbasket.
Table 99 - ToWorkbasketWithDecision Activity Rule Step 1 Properties

Label 1.
2010 TriTek Solutions, Inc.

Description Call decision

Step Page

Method Property-Map-

48 of 115

table to check DocType Parameter PropertyName DecisionTableName AllowMissingProperties


Value Primary.WorkbasketName WorkBasketDecision false

The Property-Set method will set the AssignTo field value equal to the workbasket name in order to route the work object.
Table 100 - ToWorkbasketWithDecision Activity Rule Step 2 Properties

Label 2.

Description Set AssignTo to workbasket in param

Step Page

Method Property-Set

PropertiesName param.AssignTo

PropertiesValue Primary.WorkbasketName

The Parameters tab will contain the Workbasket parameter, containing the workbasket ID for routing purposes.
Table 101- ToWorkbasketWithDecision Activity Rule Parameters Tab Properties

Parameters Name Workbasket

Description ID of the workbasket to route the assignment to

Data Type String

Required? No

In/Out n/a

Prompt Default Value n/a

The Pages and Classes tab defines two pages.

Table 102 - ToWorkbasketWithDecision Activity Rule Pages & Classes Tab Properties

Page Name pyWorkPage tempDocTypePage

Class TriTek-FW-RepoConnectorWork TriTek-FW-RepoConnectorWork

Mode n/a n/a

The Security tab defines the ToWorkbasketWithDecision activity as a Route type activity.

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Table 103 - ToWorkbasketWithDecision Activity Rule Security Tab Properties

May start? n/a

Authenticate? n/a UseToRefreshWOB

Activity Type Route

Privilege Class n/a

Privilege Name n/a

The UseToRefreshWOB activity is called by the WorkType property in order to refresh the section when a work type is selected. See for more information. The Property-Set method has no purpose; the activity is called to refresh work object values.
Table 104 - UseToRefreshWOB Activity Rule Step 1 Properties

Label 1.

Description Used in refreshing our section via WorkType property. Property-Set value is not important.

Step Page

Method Property-Set

PropertiesName param.Purpose One parameter is defined for this activity.

PropertiesValue NoPurpose

Table 105 - UseToRefreshWOB Activity Rule Parameters Tab Properties



Data Type



Prompt Default Value



The security tab contains various security settings for this activity.
Table 106 - UseToRefreshWOB Activity Rule Security Tab Properties

May start? false

Authenticate? true

Activity Type Activity

Privilege Class TriTek-FWRepoConnectorWork

Privilege Name n/a

Function FNCELibrary getDocPropsFunction

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The getDocPropsFunction rule calls the P8PegaWrapper java class constructor, login, getDocPropsXML, and logoff methods and returns a String parameter.

Table 107 - FNCELibrary getDocPropsFunction Parameters Tab

Parameter Name docid username password classname wcmapiconfig appId objStore

Java Data Type Type String String String String String String String Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text

Page Class TriTek-FW-RepoConnector-IntCEWrapper TriTek-FW-RepoConnector-IntCEWrapper TriTek-FW-RepoConnector-IntCEWrapper TriTek-FW-RepoConnector-IntCEWrapper TriTek-FW-RepoConnector-IntCEWrapper TriTek-FW-RepoConnector-IntCEWrapper TriTek-FW-RepoConnector-IntCEWrapper TriTek-FW-RepoConnector-IntCEWrapper TriTek-FW-RepoConnector-IntCEWrapper

In/Out In In In In In In In In In

UseVirtualFolders String basePath String

OUTPUT Return Type: String

Pega Type: n/a

Page Class: n/a

The code in the Java tab is as follows:

Table 108 - FNCELibrary getDocPropsFunction Java Tab

JAVA P8PegaWrapper p8 = new P8PegaWrapper(classname, wcmapiconfig, appId, objStore, UseVirtualFolders, basepath); try{ p8.logon(username, password); return p8.getDocPropsXML(docid); } catch(Exception e){ throw new RuntimeException("Unable to get document properties", e); } finally{ p8.logoff();
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} FNCELibrary reIndexFunction

The FNCELibrary reIndexFunction calls the P8PegaWrapper java class constructor, login, reIndex, and logoff methods and returns a String parameter.
Table 109 - FNCELibrary reIndexFunction Parameters Tab

Parameter Name xml username password classname wcmapiconfig appId objStore

Java Data Type Type String String String String String String String Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text

Page Class TriTek-FW-RepoConnector-IntCEWrapper TriTek-FW-RepoConnector-IntCEWrapper TriTek-FW-RepoConnector-IntCEWrapper TriTek-FW-RepoConnector-IntCEWrapper TriTek-FW-RepoConnector-IntCEWrapper TriTek-FW-RepoConnector-IntCEWrapper TriTek-FW-RepoConnector-IntCEWrapper TriTek-FW-RepoConnector-IntCEWrapper TriTek-FW-RepoConnector-IntCEWrapper

In/Out In In In In In In In In In

UseVirtualFolders String basePath String

OUTPUT Return Type: String The Java tab is as follows:

Pega Type: n/a

Page Class: n/a

Table 110 - FNCELibrary reIndexFunction Java Tab

JAVA P8PegaWrapper p8 = new P8PegaWrapper(classname, wcmapiconfig, appId, objStore, UseVirtualFolders, basepath); try{ p8.logon(username, password); return p8.reIndex(xml);

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} catch(Exception e){ throw new RuntimeException("Unable to reindex document" + xml, e); } finally{ p8.logoff(); }

J2ISLibrary getDocPropsFunction

The getDocPropsFunction rule calls the J2ISPegaWrapper java class constructor, login, getDocPropsXML, and logoff methods and returns a String parameter.
Table 111 - J2ISLibrary getDocPropsFunction Parameters Tab

Parameter Name docid username password classname jndi maxretries pollinginterval

Java Data Type Type String String String String String int int Text

Page Class

In/Out In In In In In In In

TriTek-FW-RepoConnector-IntJ2ISWrapper Text TriTek-FW-RepoConnector-IntJ2ISWrapper Text TriTek-FW-RepoConnector-IntJ2ISWrapper Text TriTek-FW-RepoConnector-IntJ2ISWrapper Text TriTek-FW-RepoConnector-IntJ2ISWrapper Number TriTek-FW-RepoConnector-IntJ2ISWrapper Number TriTek-FW-RepoConnector-IntJ2ISWrapper

OUTPUT Return Type: String The Java tab is as follows:

Pega Type: n/a

Page Class: n/a

Table 112 - J2ISLibrary getDocPropsFunction Java Tab

JAVA J2ISPegaWrapper j2is = new J2ISPegaWrapper(classname, jndi, pollinginterval, maxretries); try{ j2is.logon(username, password); return j2is.getDocPropsXML(docid);

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} catch (Exception e){ throw new RuntimeException(e); } finally{ j2is.logoff(); } J2ISLibrary reIndexFunction

The J2ISLibrary reIndexFunction calls the P8PegaWrapper java class constructor, login, reIndex, and logoff methods and returns a String parameter.
Table 113 - J2ISLibrary reIndexFunction Parameters Tab

Parameter Name xml username password classname jndi maxretries pollinginterval

Java Data Type Type String String String String String int int Text

Page Class

In/Out In In In In In In In

TriTek-FW-RepoConnector-IntJ2ISWrapper Text TriTek-FW-RepoConnector-IntJ2ISWrapper Text TriTek-FW-RepoConnector-IntJ2ISWrapper Text TriTek-FW-RepoConnector-IntJ2ISWrapper Text TriTek-FW-RepoConnector-IntJ2ISWrapper Number TriTek-FW-RepoConnector-IntJ2ISWrapper Number TriTek-FW-RepoConnector-IntJ2ISWrapper

OUTPUT Return Type: String The Java tab is as follows:

Pega Type: n/a

Page Class: n/a

Table 114 - J2ISLibrary reIndexFunction Java Tab

JAVA J2ISPegaWrapper j2is = new J2ISPegaWrapper(classname, jndi, pollinginterval, maxretries); try{ j2is.logon(username, password); return j2is.reIndex(xml); } catch(Exception e){

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throw new RuntimeException("Unable to reindex document" + xml, e); } finally{ j2is.logoff(); }

QueueLibrary deleteFunction

The deleteFunction deletes an entry from the IS DistQueue.

Table 115 - QueueLibrary deleteFunction Parameters Tab

OUTPUT Return Type: String The Java tab is as follows:

Pega Type: n/a

Page Class: n/a

Table 116 - QueueLibrary deleteFunction Java Tab

JAVA PublicAPI tools = null; PRThread thisThread = (PRThread)ThreadContainer.get(); if (thisThread != null) { tools = thisThread.getPublicAPI(); ClipboardPage cbp = tools.findPage("javaObjectPage"); QueueWrapper qw = (QueueWrapper) cbp.getObject("QueueWrapper"); qw.delete(); cbp.putObject("QueueWrapper", qw); } else{ throw new PRAppRuntimeException("Pega-RULES", 0, "Unable to obtain current thread"); } return ""; QueueLibrary getDateStringFunction

The QueueLibrary getDateStringFunction calls a specialized method that pulls an IS Property of type Date and reformat it into a String that PRPC will then recognize when cast into a PRPC property of type Date.
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Table 117 - QueueLibrary getDateStringFunction Parameters Tab

Parameter Name searchString OUTPUT Return Type: String

Java Data Type Type String Text

Page Class TriTek-FW-RepoConnector-IntQueueWrapper Page Class: n/a

In/Out In

Pega Type: n/a

The Java tab is as follows:

Table 118 - QueueLibrary getDateStringFunction Java Tab

JAVA PublicAPI tools = null; PRThread thisThread = (PRThread)ThreadContainer.get(); String returnString = null; if (thisThread != null) { tools = thisThread.getPublicAPI(); ClipboardPage cbp = tools.findPage("javaObjectPage"); QueueWrapper qw = (QueueWrapper) cbp.getObject("QueueWrapper"); returnString = qw.getDateString(searchString); } else{ throw new PRAppRuntimeException("Pega-RULES", 0, "Unable to obtain current thread"); } return returnString;

QueueLibrary getEntryFunction

Table 119 - QueueLibrary getEntryFunction Parameters Tab

Parameter Name workspace queuename colname

Java Data Type Type String String String Text Text Text

Page Class TriTek-FW-RepoConnector-IntQueueWrapper TriTek-FW-RepoConnector-IntQueueWrapper TriTek-FW-RepoConnector-IntQueueWrapper

In/Out In In In

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56 of 115

OUTPUT Return Type: String The Java tab is as follows:

Pega Type: n/a

Page Class: n/a

Table 120 - QueueLibrary getEntryFunction Java Tab

JAVA PublicAPI tools = null; PRThread thisThread = (PRThread)ThreadContainer.get(); if (thisThread != null) { tools = thisThread.getPublicAPI(); ClipboardPage cbp = tools.findPage("javaObjectPage"); QueueWrapper qw = (QueueWrapper) cbp.getObject("QueueWrapper"); qw.getISQueueEntry(workspace, queuename); if({ cbp.putObject("QueueWrapper", qw); return qw.getString(colname); } else{ cbp.putObject("QueueWrapper", qw); return "null"; } } else{ throw new PRAppRuntimeException("Pega-RULES", 0, "Unable to obtain current thread"); } QueueLibrary getStringFunction

Table 121 - QueueLibrary getStringFunction Parameters Tab

Parameter Name searchString OUTPUT Return Type: String

Java Data Type Type String Text

Page Class TriTek-FW-RepoConnector-IntQueueWrapper Page Class: n/a

In/Out In

Pega Type: n/a

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The Java tab is as follows:

Table 122 - QueueLibrary getStringFunction Java Tab

JAVA PublicAPI tools = null; PRThread thisThread = (PRThread)ThreadContainer.get(); String returnString = null; if (thisThread != null) { tools = thisThread.getPublicAPI(); ClipboardPage cbp = tools.findPage("javaObjectPage"); QueueWrapper qw = (QueueWrapper) cbp.getObject("QueueWrapper"); returnString = qw.getString(searchString); } else{ throw new PRAppRuntimeException("Pega-RULES", 0, "Unable to obtain current thread"); } return returnString; QueueLibrary logoffFunction

Table 123 - QueueLibrary logoffFunction Parameters Tab

OUTPUT Return Type: String

Pega Type: n/a

Page Class: n/a

Table 124 - QueueLibrary logoffFunction Java Tab

JAVA PublicAPI tools = null; PRThread thisThread = (PRThread)ThreadContainer.get(); if (thisThread != null) { tools = thisThread.getPublicAPI(); ClipboardPage cbp = tools.findPage("javaObjectPage"); QueueWrapper qw = (QueueWrapper) cbp.getObject("QueueWrapper"); qw.finalize(); } else{ throw new PRAppRuntimeException("Pega-RULES", 0, "Unable to obtain current thread"); }

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return ""; QueueLibrary logonFunction

Table 125 - QueueLibrary logonFunction Parameters Tab

Parameter Name classname jndi maxretries pollinginterval username password

Java Data Type Type String String int int String String Text

Page Class

In/Out In In In In In In

TriTek-FW-RepoConnector-IntJ2ISWrapper Text TriTek-FW-RepoConnector-IntJ2ISWrapper Number TriTek-FW-RepoConnector-IntJ2ISWrapper Number TriTek-FW-RepoConnector-IntJ2ISWrapper Text TriTek-FW-RepoConnector-IntJ2ISWrapper Text TriTek-FW-RepoConnector-IntJ2ISWrapper

OUTPUT Return Type: String The Java tab is as follows:

Pega Type: n/a

Page Class: n/a

Table 126 - QueueLibrary logonFunction Java Tab

JAVA PublicAPI tools = null; PRThread thisThread = (PRThread)ThreadContainer.get(); QueueWrapper qw = new QueueWrapper(classname, jndi, pollinginterval, maxretries); if (thisThread != null) { tools = thisThread.getPublicAPI(); ClipboardPage cbp = tools.createPage("TriTek-FW-RepoConnector-Int-QueueWrapper", "javaObjectPage"); qw.logon(username, password, jndi); cbp.putObject("QueueWrapper", qw); } else{ throw new PRAppRuntimeException("Pega-RULES", 0, "Unable to obtain current
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thread"); } return "";

Library FNCELibrary

Library utilized by Rule-Utility-Functions to access Content Engine.

Table 127 - FNCELibrary Packages Tab

Java Packages to Import com.triteksol.content.p8.P8PegaWrapper J2ISLibrary

Library utilized by Rule-Utility-Functions to access Image Services.

Table 128 - J2ISLibrary Packages Tab

Java Packages to Import com.triteksol.content.j2is.J2ISPegaWrapper QueueLibrary

Library utilized by Rule-Utility-Functions to access IS DistQueue.

Table 129 - QueueLibrary Packages Tab

Java Packages to Import com.triteksol.content.isqueue.QueueWrapper

Text File

The following describes the required text file. TriTekFWRepoConnectorWork.NewWork.xsd

The TriTekFWRepoConnectorWork text file is an xsd schema created for the service HTTP rule. The following is the schema.

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <xs:schema xmlns:xs=""> <xs:element name="ProcessInfo"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="pyAssignmentList" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="pyAssignedTo" minOccurs="0" type="xs:string"/> <xs:element name="pyAssignmentClass" minOccurs="0" type="xs:string"/> <xs:element name="pyAssignmentHandle" minOccurs="0" type="xs:string"/> <xs:element name="pyFlowType" minOccurs="0" type="xs:string"/> <xs:element name="pyInstructions" minOccurs="0" type="xs:string"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> <xs:element name="pyCurrentUserHasOwnership" minOccurs="0" type="xs:boolean"/> <xs:element name="pyErrors" minOccurs="0"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="pyMessages" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="pyErrorCount" minOccurs="0" type="xs:int"/> <xs:element name="pyErrorMessage" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" type="xs:string"/> <xs:element name="pyPageName" minOccurs="0" type="xs:string"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> <xs:element name="pyFlowsToAdd" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" type="xs:string"/> <xs:element name="pyProcessState" minOccurs="0"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="pyAssignActions" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="pyActionLabel" minOccurs="0" type="xs:string"/> <xs:element name="pyActionName" minOccurs="0" type="xs:string"/> <xs:element name="pyActionType" minOccurs="0" type="xs:string"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> <xs:element name="pyAssignmentHandle" minOccurs="0" type="xs:string"/> <xs:element name="pyFlowIdentifier" minOccurs="0" type="xs:string"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> <xs:element name="pyStatus" minOccurs="0" type="xs:string"/>

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<xs:element name="pyWorkObjectHandle" minOccurs="0" type="xs:string"/> <xs:element name="pyWorkObjectStatus" minOccurs="0" type="xs:string"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> </xs:schema>


The following describes the class definition. TriTek-FW-RepoConnector-Work

This class is a class group that inherits directly from Work-.

Table 130 - TriTek-FW-RepoConnector-Work Class properties

General Tab Select: Concrete

Created in Version: 01-01-01

This Class is a class group

Encrypt BLOB? Class Group false TriTek-FWRepoConnectorWork

KEYS Name pyID

Caption Work Object ID Parent class (Directed) Work-

Find by name first (Pattern)? true Agents

The following describes the required agent. TriTek

The TriTek agent runs the startISProcess activity on a regular basis to process IS documents. Settings will need to be customized for the specific PRPC instance. It is configured in Advanced mode to run automatically on a periodic basis, given the unpredictability of documents being committed to the IS content repository.
Table 131 - TriTek Agent Rule Schedule Tab Properties

Agent Name Pattern StartISProcess Periodic AGENT-WIDE SETTINGS

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Interval (sec) 30

Mode Advanced

Enabled? no

62 of 115

Enable this agent Interval (seconds)

true 30

3.1.2. Document Properties Data Class

TriTek-FW-RepoConnector-Data-ECMDocumentProperties is the concrete data class that holds the document properties to be displayed within PRPC. This class is referenced by the ECMDocumentProperties page list property rule to display the values on the work object, as well as to allow reindexing an IS document with PRPC user-input values. DocumentID and DocType are required properties. Additional properties may be defined to reflect the IS instances document class and document index properties. Pega Properties

The following describes the required properties. These properties will be displayed in the PRPC work object. AccountNumber

The AccountNumber property will hold the number by which documents are grouped into work objects.
Table 132 - AccountNumber Property Rule Properties

General Tab Property Mode Single Value

Property Type Decimal

HTML Property n/a

Table Type None


The DocType property will store the document type value from the FileNet instance.
Table 133 - DocType Property Rule Properties

General Tab Property Mode Single Value

Property Type Text

HTML Property n/a

Table Type None


The DocumentID property will store the document ID from the FileNet instance. This document ID will be used as a key to identify the proper document and retrieve property values from the FileNet instance, as well as write property values to the FileNet instance.

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Table 134 - DocumentID Property Rule Properties

General Tab Property Mode Single Value

Property Type Text

HTML Property n/a

Table Type None


The DocumentTitle property will hold the title associated with the document.
Table 135 DocumentTitle Property Rule Properties

General Tab Property Mode Single Value GUID

Property Type Text

HTML Property n/a

Table Type None

The GUID property will store a document ID from the CE instance. This GUID will be used as a key to identify the proper document and retrieve property values from the CE instance, as well as write property values to the CE instance.
Table 136 - GUID Property Rule Properties

General Tab Property Mode Single Value

Property Type Text

HTML Property n/a

Table Type None


The following describes the class definition. TriTek-FW-RepoConnector-Data-ECMDocumentProperties

This data class will contain various FileNet document property values, to be displayed to the user on the work object.
Table 137 - TriTek-FW-RepoConnector-Data-ECMDocumentProperties Class Properties

General Tab Select: Concrete

Created in Version: 01-01-01

This Class: does not belong to a class group

Encrypt BLOB? false

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Find by name first (Pattern)? true

Parent class (Directed): TriTek-FW-RepoConnector-Data-

3.1.3. Integration Data Class

TriTek-FW-RepoConnector-Int- is an abstract data class that is parent to the various Pega/FileNet integration classes. This class stores a model rule that will contain information necessary to log into the IS instance. Properties

The following describes the required configuration properties. All of these properties must be configured based on the IS instance logon information. ClassName

The ClassName property contains the fully qualified class name of the J2ISWrapper class. This class is used to connect to the IS instance.
Table 138 - ClassName Property Rule Properties

General Tab Property Mode Single Value JNDI

Property Type Text

HTML Property n/a

Table Type None

The JNDI property contains the name of the Image Services Resource Adaptor (ISRA). Used to connect to the IS instance.
Table 139 - JNDI Property Rule Properties

General Tab Property Mode Single Value

Property Type Text

HTML Property n/a

Table Type None


The MaxRetries property contains the maximum number of retries of failed logon attempts before stopping.
Table 140 - MaxRetries Property Rule Properties

General Tab Property Mode Single Value

Property Type Text

HTML Property n/a

Table Type None

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The Password property contains the password used to logon to the IS instance.
Table 141 - Password Property Rule Properties

General Tab Property Mode Single Value

Property Type Text

HTML Property n/a

Table Type None


The PollingInterval property contains the number of seconds between failed logon attempts.
Table 142 - PollingInterval Property Rule Properties

General Tab Property Mode Single Value

Property Type Text

HTML Property n/a

Table Type None


The QueueName property contains the name of the IS queue which will contain the documents.
Table 143 - QueueName Property Rule Properties

General Tab Property Mode Single Value

Property Type Text

HTML Property n/a

Table Type None


The UserName property contains the user name used to logon to the IS instance.
Table 144 - UserName Property Rule Properties

General Tab Property Mode Single Value

Property Type Text

HTML Property n/a

Table Type None


The Workspace property contains the name of the IS workspace to connect to.
Table 145 - Workspace Property Rule Properties

General Tab
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Property Mode Single Value Model

Property Type Text

HTML Property n/a

Table Type None

The following describes the required model. EnvProperties

The EnvProperties model initializes the values used to log into the IS instance.
Table 146 - EnvProperties Model Rule Properties

Data Dictionary Property .ClassName .JNDI .MaxRetries .PollingInterval .UserName

.Password .Workspace .QueueName

Data Dictionary Value fully qualified class name of wrapper class Directory name of Image Services Resource Adaptor; set equal to ISRA maximum number of retries of failed logon attempts before stopping number of seconds between failed logon attempts user name used to logon to the IS instance. Note that this username should have administrative rights. password used to logon to the IS instance. name of the IS workspace to connect to name of the IS queue which will contain the documents

3.1.4. Document Indexing Data Class

TriTek-FW-RepoConnector-Int-J2ISWrapper is an abstract data class responsible for connecting to the IS instance to retrieve document properties to be displayed on a work object, and passing document properties when reindexing the IS documents. The rules in this class are responsible for connecting to the IS instance to retrieve information and reindex properties. Properties

The following describes the required properties. These properties will pass information between PRPC and IS, and will not be directly displayed to the user. reIndex_return

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The reIndex_return property contains the status of the reindexing sent from the IS instance to PRPC. The status will either be Reindex Successful or Reindex Unsuccessful and is displayed to the user in the section rule.
Table 147 - reIndex_return Property Rule Properties

General Tab Property Mode Single Value

Property Type Text

HTML Property n/a

Table Type None

Parse XML

The following describes the required Parse XML rule. DocPropertiesXMLParse.Document

The DocPropertiesXMLParse.Document parse XML rule will map incoming document index values from the IS instance to the appropriate work object properties in PRPC. Note that this will need to be configured for the specific IS instance. XML Stream

The following describes the required XML Stream rule. reIndexStream.ReIndex

The reIndexStream.reIndex XML Stream rule will map outgoing document index values from the work object to the document index values in the IS instance. Note that this will need to be configured for the specific IS instance. Activity

The following describes the required activities. getDocumentPropertiesXMLF

The getDocumentPropertiesXML activity rule retrieves an IS documents properties in XML format. The activity logs into the IS instance, passes the document ID, calls the getDocumentPropertiesXML Java connector rule to retrieve the document index properties from the IS instance, maps the values to a field, then applies a Parse XML rule to map the values to work object properties. The Page New method calls the creates a new connector rule.

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Table 148 - getDocumentPropertiesXML Activity Rule Step 1 Properties

Label 1. Parameter Model PageList NewClass

Description Create a temporary data Page

Step Page Value EnvProperties

Method Page-New

The Property-Set method calls the J2ISLibrary logonFunction function rule.

Table 149 - getDocumentPropertiesXML Activity Rule Step 2 Properties

Description Step Page Method Map outbound Property-Set clipboard values PropertiesName PropertiesValue Local.returnxml Lib(TriTek:J2ISLibrary).getDocPropsFunction(pyWorkPage.docid, Primary.UserName, Primary.Password, Primary.ClassName, Primary.JNDI, Primary.MaxRetries, Primary.PollingInterval) 2. The Appy-Parse-XML method will parse the String of xml returned from CE and map them to the clipboard.
Table 150 - getDocumentPropertiesXML Activity Rule Step 3 Properties


Label 3.

Description Use parse rule to map to Pega Propertiess

Step Page

Method Apply-Parse-XML

Parameter Namespace Element SourceProperty

Value DocPropertiesXMLParse Document Local.returnxml

The Page-Remove method will remove the Primary page.

Table 151 - getDocumentPropertiesXML Activity Rule Step 4 Properties

Label 4.

Description Remove the temporary data page

Step Page

Method Page-Remove

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Table 152 - getDocumentPropertiesXML Activity Rule Parameters Tab Properties

LOCAL VARIABLES Name Description returnxml Xml returned

Data Type String

The Pages & Classes tab defines the required pages.

Table 153 - getDocumentPropertiesXML Activity Rule Pages & Classes Tab Properties

Page Name pyWorkPage

Class TriTek-FW-RepoConnectorWork

Mode n/a

The Security tab defines the security settings.

Table 154 - getDocumentPropertiesXML Activity Rule Security Tab Properties

May Start? false

Authenticate? true

Activity Type Activity

Privilege Class TriTek-FWRepoConnectorInt-J2ISWrapper

Privilege Name n/a


The reIndex activity rule will log into the IS instance, set the document index values to be reindexed, and call the reIndex Java connector rule to execute the document reindexing. The Page-New method creates a new page associated with the J2ISWrapper class.
Table 155 - reIndex Activity Rule Step 1 Properties

Label 1.

Description Create new page

Step Page

Method Page-New

Parameter Model

Value EnvProperties

The Property-Set-XML method calls the XML Stream rule.

Table 156 - reIndex Activity Rule Step 2 Properties

Label 2.
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Description Set XML Properties

Step Page

Method Property-Set-XML

70 of 115

Parameter PropertyName XMLStream XMLType

Value Local.reindex_arg1 reIndexStream ReIndex

The Property-Set method calls the J2IS reIndexFunction function rule.

Table 157 - reIndex Activity Rule Step 3 Properties

Label 3.

Description Call reIndex function

Step Page

Method Property-Set

PropertiesName Primary.reIndex_return

PropertiesValue Lib(TriTek:J2ISLibrary).reindexFunction(local.reindex_arg1, Primary.UserName, Primary.Password, Primary.ClassName, Primary.JNDI, Primary.MaxRetries, Primary.PollingInterval)

The Page-Remove methods removes the Primary page

Table 158 - reIndex Activity Rule Step 5 Properties

Label reindex_arg1


DataType String

The Parameters tab defines the local variables Name 4. Description Remove page Step Page Method Page-Remove

The Security tab defines the security settings.

Table 159 - reIndex Activity Rule Security Tab Properties

May Start? true

Authenticate? true

Activity Type Activity

Privilege Class TriTek-FWRepoConnectorInt-J2ISWrapper

Privilege Name n/a


The following describes the class definition. TriTek-FW-RepoConnector-Int-J2ISWrapper

The J2ISWrapper class is an abstract class that inherits directly from TriTek-FWRepoConnector-Int-.

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Table 160 - J2ISWrapper Class General Tab Properties

Select: Abstract

Created in Version: 01-01-01

Find by name first (Pattern)? true

Parent class (Directed): TriTek-FWRepoConnector-Int-

3.1.5. IS Integration Class

TriTek-FW-RepoConnector-Int-QueueWrapper is an abstract data class responsible for querying the IS instance for documents within the distribution queue, and attaching document references to either new work objects or existing work objects that match on a given key. Property

The following lists the required properties. These properties will pass information between PRPC and IS, and will not be directly displayed to the user. checkdocid

Holds the docid of the next document in the ISDistQueue

Table 161 - checkdocid Property Rule Properties

Property Mode Single Value When

Property Type Text

HTML Property n/a

Table Type None

The following describes the required when rule. docidIsNull

The docidIsNull when rule is referenced in the getISEntry activity to evaluate whether or not additional documents must be processed from the configured distribution queue. Conditions Tab When .checkdocid EQUALS null The Advanced tab contains the logic used to evaluate the when rule.
Table 162 - docidIsNull When Rule Advanced Tab


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Label A0

Field Operation Name true Equal

Value @(PegaRULES:ExpressionEvaluators).compareTwoStrings(.c heckdocid, "EQUALS", "null")

Logic of Table Elements Logic A0 Backward Chaining Skip this rule false


The following describes the required activities. createWorkObjectF

The createWorkObjectF activity rule will retrieve document index properties for an IS document. The activity first maps the document ID to the AccountNumber property and queries the PegaRULES database for a work object with a matching AccountNumber property value. If a match is found, the activity will open the existing work object. Otherwise, the activity will create a new work object for the IS document, then set the pagelistCounter equal to 0. The activity will associate the IS document ID with the existing work object, populate the work object with document index properties retrieved from the document stored in the IS instance, save the work object, commit the work object to the PegaRULES database, and remove unnecessary pages. The Page-New method will create a new page, pyWorkPage. This page will be initialized by the pyDefault model.
Table 163 - createWorkObjectF Activity Rule Step 1 Properties

Label 1. Parameter Model PageList NewClass


Step Page pyWorkPage Value pyDefault n/a n/a

Method Page-New

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The call getDistQueueProperties method will call the getDistQueueProperties activity. This will retrieve certain IS document index values, including the document id. These values will be stored on the tempDocTypePage page.
Table 164 - createWorkObjectF Activity Rule Step 2 Properties

Label 2.

Description Get the DocType

Step Page

Method Call getDistQueueProperties

The Call SearchForAccountNumber method will call the SearchForAccountNumber activity. Using the document ID stored on the tempDocTypePage page, the SearchForAccountNumber activity will query the PegaRULES database for a work object with a matching document ID and return a boolean. This boolean will be used to determine whether or not to create a new work object, or open an existing work object.
Table 165 - createWorkObjectF Activity Rule Step 3 Properties

Label 3.

Description Search for matching AccountNumbers

Step Page

Method Call SearchForAccountNumber

Pass current parameter page? true The Call svcAddWorkObject method will create a new work object. A precondition evaluates the CreateNewWob value. If the CreateNewWOB value returned from the SearchForAccountNumber method is equal to true, the step continues execution. If the CreateNewWOB value is false, this step will be skipped. 2
Table 166 - createWorkObjectF Activity Rule Step 4 Properties


Enabled? (true) When if True param.CreateNewWOB==false Skip step

True Param

if False Continue Whens

False Param

The svcAddWorkObject method creates the new work object, and starts the associated flow, before committing that work object to the database. It is possible to incorporate the account number matching into a utility activity referenced in the flow. However, this approach would require deleting the newly created work objects if a matching work object was found. These work objects (not yet committed to the database) would have to be stored on a temporary page, and then deleted from the temporary page if the database query resulted in a match. Moving the matching account number query before the new work object creation reduces system overhead, creating new work objects only when necessary.

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Label 4.

Description Create new work object

Step Page pyWorkPage

Method Call svcAddWorkObject

Parameter FlowType organization workPage

Value DisplayPropertiesMain pyWorkPage

The Property-Set method sets the pagelistCounter property equal to 0. A precondition evaluates the CreateNewWOB value. If the CreateNewWOB value is equal to true, the step continues execution. If the CreateNewWOB value is false, this step will be skipped.
Table 167 - createWorkObjectF Activity Rule Step 5 Properties


Enabled? (true) When if True param.CreateNewWOB==false Skip step Label 5. PropertiesName .pagelistCounter Description Initialize pagelistCounter

True Param

if False

False Param

Step Page pyWorkPage

Method Property-Set

PropertiesValue 0

The Call MapMultipleDocIds method calls the MapMultipleDocIds activity. This activity will map each document ID to the next element in the ISDocIds value list-type property stored on the tempDocTypePage page.
Table 168 - createWorkObjectF Activity Rule Step 6 Properties

Label 6.

Description Map docid parameter to ISDocIds

Step Page

Method Call MapMultipleDocIds

Parameter docId

Value tempDocTypePage.docid

The Property-Set method sets the AccountNumber to the current WOB. This needs to be set at the very least if we are not mapping the other properties at this time. This is to insure that WOBs that have yet to be viewed in a flow action will be searched for when looking for matching Account Numbers

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Table 169 - createWorkObjectF Activity Rule Step 6 Properties

Label 7. PropertiesName .AccountNumber

Description Set AccountNumber of the WOB

Step Page pyWorkPage

Method Property-Set

PropertiesValue tempDocTypePage.AccountNumber

The Property-Set method will map the first value in the ISDocIds value list property to the docid property. This value will be considered the default document ID value for the work object.
Table 170 - createWorkObjectF Activity Rule Step 8 Properties

Label 8.

Description Map ISDocIds(1) to docid (default value) PropertiesValue .ISDocIds(1)

Step Page pyWorkPage

Method Property-Set

PropertiesName .docid

The Obj-Save method marks the work object for a pending save to the PegaRULES database.
Table 171 - createWorkObjectF Activity Rule Step 9 Properties

Label 9. Parameter WriteNow WithErrors

Description Save the work page Value false false

Step Page pyWorkPage

Method Obj-Save

The Call commitWithErrorHandling method commits the work object to the PegaRULES database.
Table 172 - createWorkObjectF Activity Rule Step 10 Properties

Label 10.

Description Commit everything

Step Page pyWorkPage

Method Call commitWithErrorHandling

Parameter OnlyCreateOutputPageIfError OutputPageName OutputPageClass

Value false n/a n/a

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The Page-Remove method removes the tempDocTypePage page from the clipboard.
Table 173 - createWorkObjectF Activity Rule Step 11 Properties

Label 11.


Step Page Method tempDocTypePage Page-Remove

The Page-Remove method removes the primary page from the clipboard.
Table 174 - createWorkObjectF Activity Rule Step 12 Properties

Label 12. Label 13. Exception

Description Remove Primary Page Description Exception handling exit activity

Step Page

Method Page-Remove Method Exit-Activity

Step Page

The Parameters tab lists the parameters required for the activity.
Table 175 - createWorkObject Activity Rule Parameters Tab Properties



Data Type



Prompt Default Value true

docId CreateNewWOB AccountNumberToSearch

String Boolean Decimal

Yes No No


The Pages & Classes tab lists the pages required for the activity.
Table 176 - createWorkObject Activity Rule Pages & Classes Tab Properties

Page Name pyWorkPage tempDocTypePage

Class TriTek-FW-RepoConnectorWork TriTek-FW-RepoConnectorWork

Mode n/a n/a

The Security tab lists security settings for the activity.

Table 177 - createWorkObject Activity Rule Security Tab Properties

May start? false

Authenticate? false

Activity Type Activity

Privilege Class n/a

Privilege Name n/a

77 of 115

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The getDistQueueProperties activity rule will retrieve several document index values from the IS instance and set properties on the tempDocTypePage page equal to these values. The Page-New method creates a new step page, the tempDocTypePage page.
Table 178 - getDistQueueProperties Activity Rule Step 1 Properties

Label 1.

Description Create new page

Step Page Method tempDocTypePage Page-New

The Property-Set method calls multiple function rules .

Table 179 - getDistQueueProperties Activity Rule Step 2 Properties

Label 2.


Step Page

Method Property-Set

PropertiesName tempDocTypePage.DocType tempDocTypePage.AccountNum ber param.AccountNumberToSearch

PropertiesValue Lib(TriTek:QueueLibrary).getStringFunction("DocType") Lib(TriTek:QueueLibrary).getStringFunction("AccountNum ber") tempDocTypePage.AccountNumber

The Page-Remove method removes the Primary page

Table 180 - getDistQueueProperties Activity Rule Step 3 Properties

Label 3.


Step Page

Method Page-Remove

The Pages & Classes tab defines the required pages.

Table 181 - getDistQueueProperties Activity Rule Pages & Classes Tab Properties

Page Name tempDocTypePage pyWorkPage

Class TriTek-FW-RepoConnectorWork TriTek-FW-RepoConnectorWork

Mode n/a n/a

The Security tab defines the security settings.

Table 182 - getDistQueueProperties Activity Rule Security Tab Properties

May start? false

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Authenticate? true

Activity Type Activity

78 of 115

Privilege Class TriTek-FW-

Privilege Name n/a

RepoConnectorIntQueueWrapper getISEntryF

The getISEntry activity rule will retrieve an entry from the IS queue, retrieve the document ID from the IS instance, call the createWorkObject activity, then remove the document from the IS queue. This will continue until all documents in the IS queue have been processed, at which point processing ends. The Page-New method creates a new Primary page using a model rule.
Table 183 - getISEntry Activity Rule Step 1 Properties

Label 1. Parameter Model PageList NewClass

Description Create new page with EnvProperties Value EnvProperties

Step Page

Method Page-New

The Property-Set calls QueueLibrary getEntryFunction function rule

Table 184 - getISEntry Activity Rule Step 2 Properties

Label 2. Parameter Primary.checkdocid

Description Call getEntryFunction

Step Page

Method Property-Set

Value Lib(TriTek:QueueLibrary).getEntryFunction(Primary.Workspace, Primary.QueueName, "DOCID")

The Call createWorkObjectF method calls our activity

Table 185 - getISEntryF Activity Rule Step 3 Properties

Precondition When hasNext Label 3.

Enabled? (true) if True Exit Activity

True Param

if False Continue Whens Step Page

False Param

Description Create new work object if docID exists

Method call createWorkObjectF

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The Property-Set method invokes the QueueLibrary deleteFunction function rule. The returned String is mapped to local.deleteString
Table 186 - getISEntryF Activity Rule Step 4 Properties

Label 4. PropertiesName local.deleteString

Description After round, delete entry from IS

Step Page

Method Property-Set

PropertiesValue Lib(TriTek:QueueLibrary).deleteFunction()

The call getISEntryF method invokes our activity.

Table 187 - getISEntryF Activity Rule Step 5 Properties

Label 5.

Description Get next entry from IS Queue

Step Page

Method Call getISEntryF

The Page-Remove method will remove the Primary page.

Table 188 - getISEntry Activity Rule Step 6 Properties

Label 6.

Description Remove Primary page

Step Page

Method Page-Remove

Table 189 - getISEntry Activity Rule Step 7 Properties

Label 7.

Description Exception handling exit activity

Step Page

Method Exit-Activity

The Security tab lists the security settings.

Table 190 - getISEntry Activity Rule Security Tab Properties

May start? false

Authenticate? true

Activity Type Activity

Privilege Class TriTek-FWRepoConnectorIntQueueWrapper

Privilege Name n/a


The MapMultipleDocIds activity rule will increment the pagelistCounter property value and then add a document ID to the ISDocIds property.

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The Property-Set method adds 1 to pagelistCounter.

Table 191 - MapMultipleDocIds Activity Rule Step 1 Properties

Label 1.

Description increment pagelistCounter

Step Page

Method Property-Set

PropertiesName prWorkPage.pagelistCounter

PropertiesValue pyWorkPage.pagelistCounter+1

The Property-Set method adds the current document ID to the ISDocIds value list.
Table 192 - MapMultipleDocIds Activity Rule Step 2 Properties

Label 2.

Description Add docid to value list

Step Page

Method Property-Set

PropertiesName PropertiesValue prWorkPage.ISDocIds(pyWorkPage) Param.docId The Parameters tab lists the required parameters.
Table 193 - MapMultipleDocIds Activity Rule Parameters Tab Properties

Name docId


Data Type String

Required? Yes

In/Out In

Prompt Default Value n/a

The Pages & Classes tab lists the required pages.

Table 194 - MapMultipleDocIds Activity Rule Pages & Classes Properties

Page Name counterPage pyWorkPage

Class TriTek-FW-RepoConnectorInt-QueueWrapper TriTek-FW-RepoConnectorWork

Mode n/a n/a

The Security tab lists the security settings.

Table 195 - MapMultipleDocIds Activity Rule Security Tab Properties

May start? true

Authenticate? true

Activity Type Activity

Privilege Class TriTek-FWRepoConnectorInt-

Privilege Name n/a

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QueueWrapper SearchForAccountNumber

The SearchForAccountNumber activity rule will create a temporary page to store search results, query the PegaRULES database for a work object with a matching document id, and store the match on the temporary page. The CreateNewWOB property is set equal to true. If no match was found, the page is removed. If a match was found, CreateNewWOB is set equal to false, and the matching work item is opened. The Page-New method creates the searchResults step page. The page will be initialized with values from the pyDefault model rule.
Table 196 - SearchForAccountNumber Activity Rule Step 1 Properties

Label 1.

Description Step Page Create a new page to hold the search searchResults results Value pyDefault n/a n/a

Method Page-New

Parameter Model PageList NewClass

The Obj-Browse method queries the PegaRULES database for any AccountNumber value equal to the AccountNumberToSearch value.
Table 197 - SearchForAccountNumber Activity Rule Step 2 Properties

Label 2.

Description Query the DB using the AccountNumber param

Step Page

Method Obj-Browse

Parameter PageName ObjClass MaxRecords GetRowKey RowKey ReadOnly Logic Label n/a Select False

Value searchResults TriTek-FW-RepoConnector-Work n/a False n/a False n/a Field Condition .AccountNumber Is Equal Value Sort Param.AccountNumberToSearch No Sorting

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The Page-Copy method copies the searchResults page to the tempWorkPage page.
Table 198 - SearchForAccountNumber Activity Rule Step 3 Properties

Label 3.

Description Copy the first entry of pxResult page list to pyWorkPage(should only be a single entry)

Step Page

Method Page-Copy

Parameter CopyFrom CopyInto Model PageList

Value searchResults.pxResults(1) tempWorkPage n/a n/a

The Property-Set method sets the CreateNewWOB property value equal to true.
Table 199 - SearchForAccountNumber Activity Rule Step 4 Properties

Label 4.

Description Default CreateWOB to true PropertiesValue true

Step Page

Method Property-Set

PropertiesName param.CreateNewWOB

The Property-Set method sets the CreateNewWOB property value equal to false. A precondition will evaluate whether or not the AccountNumber value is equal to the AccountNumberToSearch value. If this is true, the activity continues. If this is false, this step is skipped.
Table 200 - SearchForAccountNumber Activity Rule Step 5 Properties


Enabled? (true) When if True tempWorkPage.AccountNumber== Continue param.AccountNumberToSearch Whens Label 5.

True Param

if False Skip Step

False Param

Description If AccountNumber equals param.AccountNumber change to false PropertiesValue false

Step Page tempWorkPage

Method Property-Set

PropertiesName param.CreateNewWOB

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The Obj-Open-By-Handle method opens the work object that has the same value as the pzInsKey value stored on the tempWorkPage page.
Table 201 - SearchForAccountNumber Activity Rule Step 6 Properties

Precondition When tempWorkPage.AccountNumber== param.AccountNumberToSearch Label 6. Description

Enabled? (true) if True

True Param

if False Skip Step

False Param

Step Page pyWorkPage

Method Obj-Open-ByHandle

Parameter InstanceHandle Lock ReleaseOnCommit LockInfoPage

Value tempWorkPage.pzInsKey true true n/a

The Page-Remove method removes the searchResults page from the Clipboard.
Table 202 - SearchForAccountNumber Activity Rule Step 7 Properties

Label 7.

Description Remove unneeded page

Step Page searchResults

Method Page-Remove

The Parameters tab lists the required parameters.

Table 203 - SearchForAccountNumber Activity Rule Parameters Tab Properties



Data Type



AccountNumberToSearch CreateNewWOB

Decimal Boolean

No No

In Out

Prompt Default Value n/a n/a

The Pages & Classes tab lists the required pages.

Table 204 - SearchForAccountNumber Activity Rule Pages & Classes Properties

Page Name tempWorkPage searchResults

Class TriTek-FW-RepoConnectorWork Code-Pega-List

Mode n/a n/a

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The Security tab lists the security settings.

Table 205 - SearchForAccountNumber Activity Rule Security Tab Properties

Security Tab May start? true

Authenticate? true

Activity Type Activity

Privilege Class TriTek-FWRepoConnectorIntQueueWrapper

Privilege Name n/a


The startISProcess activity rule will create a new page, call the function rule to log into the IS instance, call the getISEntryF activity to process all documents in the IS distribution queue, then log off from the IS instance and remove the page from the Clipboard. The TriTek agent calls this activity on a periodic basis. This activity serves as the starting point to the entire process, as it monitors the IS distribution queue and intakes new documents. The Page-New method will create a new page associated with the QueueWrapper class. This pages values will be initialized by the EnvProperties model rule.
Table 206 - startISProcessF Activity Rule Step 1 Properties

Label 1. Parameter Model PageList NewClass

Description Create new page Value EnvProperties n/a n/a

Step Page

Method Page-New

The Property-Set method will call the logonFunction function rule. The logonFunction rule will logon to the IS instance.
Table 207 - startISProcessF Activity Rule Step 2 Properties

Label 2. PropertiesName local.logonVar

Description Logon

Step Page

Method Property-Set

PropertiesValue Lib(TriTek:QueueLibrary).logonFunction(Primary.ClassName, Primary.JNDI, Primary.MaxRetries, Primary.PollingInterval,

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Primary.UserName, Primary.Password) The Call getISEntryF method will call the getISEntryF activity rule. The getISEntry activity rule will retrieve a document from the IS distribution queue.
Table 208 - startISProcessF Activity Rule Step 3 Properties

Label 3.

Description Call get IS queue entry

Step Page

Method call getISEntryF

The Property-Set method calls the logoffFunction function rule which will log off of the IS instance.
Table 209 - startISProcessF Activity Rule Step 4 Properties


Label Finalize

Description log off IS Library

Step Page

Method Property-Set

PropertiesName Local.logonVar

PropertiesValue Lib(TriTek:QueueLibrary).logoffFunction()

The Page-Remove method removes the primary page.

Table 210 - startISProcessF Activity Rule Step 5 Properties

Label 5.

Description Remove primary page

Step Page

Method Page-Remove

The Parameters tab lists the local variables.

Table 211 - startISProcessF Parameters Tab

Name logonVar


Data Type String

The Security tab lists the security settings.

Table 212 - startISProcessF Activity Rule Security Tab Properties

May start? true

Authenticate? false Class

Activity Type Activity

Privilege Class n/a

Privilege Name n/a

The following describes the class definition.

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The QueueWrapper class is an abstract class that inherits directly from TriTek-FWRepoConnector-Int-.
Table 213 - QueueWrapper Class Properties

General Tab Select: Abstract

Created in Version: 01-01-01

Find by name first (Pattern)? true

Parent class (Directed): TriTek-FWRepoConnector-Int-

3.1.6. CE Integration Class

TriTek-FW-RepoConnector-Int-CEWrapper is an abstract data class responsible for parsing incoming document properties passed from CE, and based on the information, attaching the document reference either to a new work object or to an existing work object that matches on a given key. Property

The following describes the required properties. These properties will pass values between PRPC and CE, and will not be displayed directly to the user. http_request

The http_request property will hold the incoming CE document properties as XML.
Table 214 - http_request Property Rule Properties

Property Mode Single value

Property Type: Text

HTML Property: n/a

Table Type: None


The http_response property will hold the status of the work item creation (success or failure).
Table 215 - http_response Property Rule Properties

Property Mode Single value

Property Type: Text

HTML Property: n/a

Table Type: None


The UserName property will hold the user name needed to logon to CE.
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Table 216 - UserName Property Rule Properties

Property Mode Single value

Property Type: Text

HTML Property: n/a

Table Type: None


The Password property will hold the password needed to logon to CE.
Table 217 - Password Property Rule Properties

Property Mode Single value

Property Type: Text

HTML Property: n/a

Table Type: None


The ObjectStore property will hold the name of the CE Object Store which to connect to.

Table 218 - ObjectStore Property Rule Properties

Property Mode Single value AppId

Property Type: Text

HTML Property: n/a

Table Type: None

The AppId property will hold the name of the AppId used in connecting to CE

Table 219 - AppId Property Rule Properties

Property Mode Single value

Property Type: Text

HTML Property: n/a

Table Type: None


The basePath property will hold the full path of the directory that contains the file.

Table 220 - basePath Property Rule Properties

Property Mode
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Property Type:

HTML Property:
88 of 115

Table Type:

Single value

Text ClassName



The Classname property will hold the name of the class which implements ContentSystem for CE (com.triteksol.content.p8.P8ContentEngine)
Table 221 - ClassName Property Rule Properties

Property Mode Single value

Property Type: Text

HTML Property: n/a

Table Type: None


The UseVirtualFolders property will hold the String value of true or false to be used when creating a connection to CE.
Table 222 - UseVirtualFolders Property Rule Properties

Property Mode Single value

Property Type: Text

HTML Property: n/a

Table Type: None


The WcmApiConfig property will hold the name of the eponymous file.
Table 223 - WcmApiConfig Property Rule Properties

Property Mode Single value

Property Type: Text

HTML Property: n/a

Table Type: None


The reIndex_arg1 property will hold a string of xml containing the new values.
Table 224 - reIndex_arg1 Property Rule Properties

Property Mode Single value

Property Type: Text

HTML Property: n/a

Table Type: None


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The reIndex_return property will hold the value returned from the reIndex function with a Successful or Unsuccessful
Table 225 - reIndex_return Property Rule Properties

Property Mode Single value

Property Type: Text

HTML Property: n/a

Table Type: None

Parse XML

The following describes the required Parse XML rule. DocPropertiesXMLParse.Document

The DocPropertiesXMLParse.Document parse XML rule will map incoming document index values from the CE instance to the appropriate work object properties in PRPC. Note that this will need to be configured for the specific CE instance. XML Stream reIndexStream ReIndex

The reIndexStream Reindex stream rule will map properties from the workpage into an xml schema similar to that of the Parse XML rule. In the CE instance the GUID (CEs unique content identifier will take the place of the docid in the DOCID node. Activity

The following describes the required activities. createWorkObject

The createWorkObject activity rule will map a document ID to a work object. The activity parses an incoming XML stream, containing CE document properties, and copies the results to a temporary page. It queries the PegaRULES database for a work object with a matching AccountNumber property value. If a match is found, the activity will open the existing work object. Otherwise, the activity will create a new work object for the IS document, then set the pagelistCounter equal to 0. The activity will associate the CE document ID with the work object, populate the work object with document index properties retrieved from the document stored in the IS instance, save the work object, commit the work object to the PegaRULES database, and remove unnecessary pages.

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The Page-New method will create a new page, pyWorkPage.

Table 226 - createWorkObject Activity Rule Step 1 Properties

Label 1. Parameter Model PageList NewClass

Description Create new workpage Value n/a n/a n/a

Step Page pyWorkPage

Method Page-New

The Page-New method will create a new page, tempDocTypePage. This page will temporarily store document index values.
Table 227 - createWorkObject Activity Rule Step 2 Properties

Label 2. Parameter Model PageList NewClass

Description Create temp page Value n/a n/a n/a

Step Page Method tempDocTypePage Page-New

The Apply-Parse-XML method will parse the incoming http request from the CE instance, stored in the http_request property, to retrieve the CE document property values.
Table 228 - createWorkObject Activity Rule Step 3 Properties

Label 3.

Description Parse the http request

Step Page

Method Apply-ParseXML

Parameter Namespace ElementName SourceProperty

Value DocPropertiesXMLParse Document .http_request

The Page-Copy method will copy the values from the pyWorkPage page to the tempDocTypePage.
Table 229 - createWorkObject Activity Rule Step 4 Properties

Label 4.

Description copy to temp page

Step Page

Method Page-Copy

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The Property-Set method will set the AccountNumberToSearch property value equal to the document ID.
Table 230 - createWorkObject Activity Rule Step 5 Properties

Label 5.

Description map to param

Step Page

Method Property-Set

PropertiesName param.AccountNumberToSearch

PropertiesValue tempDocTypePage.AccountNumber

The Call SearchForAccountNumber method will call the SearchForAccountNumber activity. Using the document ID stored on the tempDocTypePage page, the SearchForAccountNumber activity will query the PegaRULES database for a work object with a matching document ID and return a boolean.
Table 231 - createWorkObject Activity Rule Step 6 Properties

Label 6.

Description Search for matching AccountNumbers

Step Page

Method Call SearchForAccountNumber

Pass current parameter page? true The Call svcAddWorkObject method will create a new work object. A precondition evaluates the CreateNewWob value. If the CreateNewWOB value returned from the SearchForAccountNumber method is equal to true, the step continues execution. If the CreateNewWOB value is false, this step will be skipped. 3
Table 232 - createWorkObject Activity Rule Step 7 Properties


Enabled? (true) When if True param.CreateNewWOB==false Skip step

True Param

if False Continue Whens

False Param

The svcAddWorkObject method creates the new work object, and starts the associated flow, before committing that work object to the database. It is possible to incorporate the account number matching into a utility activity referenced in the flow. However, this approach would require deleting the newly created work objects if a matching work object was found. These work objects (not yet committed to the database) would have to be stored on a temporary page, and then deleted from the temporary page if the database query resulted in a match. Moving the matching account number query before the new work object creation reduces system overhead, creating new work objects only when necessary.

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Label 7.

Description Create a newWOB

Step Page pyWorkPage

Method Call svcAddWorkObject

Parameter FlowType organization workPage

Value DisplayCEPropertiesMain pyWorkPage

The Property-Set method sets the pagelistCounter property equal to 0. A precondition evaluates the CreateNewWOB value. If the CreateNewWOB value is equal to true, the step continues execution. If the CreateNewWOB value is false, this step will be skipped.
Table 233 - createWorkObject Activity Rule Step 8 Properties


Enabled? (true) When if True param.CreateNewWOB==false Skip step Label 8. PropertiesName .pagelistCounter Description Initialize pagelistCounter

True Param

if False

False Param

Step Page pyWorkPage

Method Property-Set

PropertiesValue 0

The Apply-Parse-XML method will parse the incoming http request from the CE instance, stored in the http_request property, to retrieve the CE document property values.
Table 234 - createWorkObject Activity Rule Step 9 Properties

Label 9.

Description parse http request (again) to current workpage

Step Page

Method Apply-ParseXML

Parameter Namespace ElementName SourceProperty

Value DocPropertiesXMLParse Document .http_request

The Property-Set method will add the prefix D to the GUID. The D stands for document as opposed to a V for versioning. This will have to be configured depending on how CE is set up.

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Table 235 - createWorkObject Activity Rule Step 10 Properties

Label 10. PropertiesName .GUID

Description add 'D' to beginning of GUID PropertiesValue D +.GUID

Step Page pyWorkPage

Method Property-SEt

The Call MapMultipleDocIds method calls the MapMultipleDocIds activity. This activity will map each document ID to the next element in the ISDocIds value list-type property stored on the tempDocTypePage page.
Table 236 - createWorkObject Activity Rule Step 11 Properties

Label 11.

Description append docid to value list

Step Page

Method Call MapMultipleDocIds

Parameter docId

Value tempDocTypePage.docid

The Call SavePegaProperties method calls the SavePegaProperties activity. This activity will map work object properties displayed in the section to the page list property.
Table 237 - createWorkObject Activity Rule Step 12 Properties

Label 12.

Description append properties to pagelist

Step Page

Method Call SavePegaProperties

Pass current parameter page?


The Property-Set method will set the http_response property equal a success status, since the activity has reached this point without error.
Table 238 - createWorkObject Activity Rule Step 13 Properties

Label 13.

Description Set http response (hardcoding it for now) PropertiesValue Success

Step Page

Method Property-Set

PropertiesName .http_response

The Obj-Save method marks the work object for a pending save to the PegaRULES database.

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Table 239 - createWorkObject Activity Rule Step 14 Properties

Label 14. Parameter WriteNow WithErrors

Description Save the WOB Value false false

Step Page pyWorkPage

Method Obj-Save

The Call commitWithErrorHandling method commits the work object to the PegaRULES database.
Table 240 - createWorkObject Activity Rule Step 15 Properties

Label 15.

Description Commit to DB

Step Page pyWorkPage

Method Call commitWithErrorHandling

Parameter OnlyCreateOutputPageIfError OutputPageName OutputPageClass

Value false n/a n/a

The Page-Remove method removes the tempDocTypePage page from the clipboard
Table 241 - createWorkObject Activity Rule Step 16 Properties

Label 16.


Step Page Method tempDocTypePage Page-Remove

The Page-Remove method removes the Primary page from the clipboard.
Table 242 - createWorkObject Activity Rule Step 17 Properties

Label 17.


Step Page Method tempDocTypePage Page-Remove

The Parameters tab lists the parameters required for the activity.
Table 243 - createWorkObject Activity Rule Parameters Tab Properties



Data Type



CreateNewWOB AccountNumberToSearch
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Boolean Integer
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No No

Prompt Default Value true

The Pages & Classes tab lists the pages required for the activity.
Table 244 - createWorkObject Activity Rule Pages & Classes Tab Properties

Page Name pyWorkPage tempDocTypePage

Class TriTek-FW-RepoConnectorWork TriTek-FW-RepoConnectorWork

Mode n/a n/a

The Security tab lists security settings for the activity.

Table 245 - createWorkObject Activity Rule Security Tab Properties

May start? true

Authenticate? true

Activity Type Activity

Privilege Class TriTek-FWRepoConnectorInt-CEWrapper

Privilege Name n/a


The getDocumentPropertiesXMLF activity will call the FNCELibrary getDocPropsFunction and retrieve the xml in the parameter returnxml and pass that to the Parse XML rule. (DocPropertiesXMLParse Document) The Page-New method initializes a new primary page with the properties set from our model rule.
Table 246 - getDocumentPropertiesXMLF Activity Rule Step 1 Properties

Label 1. Parameter Model PageList NewClass

Description Create a temporary data page Value CEEnvProperties n/a n/a

Step Page

Method Page-New

The function rule getDocPropsFunction is called via a Property-Set.

Table 247 - getDocumentPropertiesXMLF Activity Rule Step 2 Properties

Label Description 2. Call function rule PropertiesName PropertiesValue

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Step Page

Method Property-Set

96 of 115


Lib(TriTek:FNCELibrary).getDocPropsFunction(pyWorkPage.GUID, Primary.UserName, Primary.Password, Primary.ClassName, Primary.WcmApiConfig, Primary.AppId, Primary.ObjectStore, Primary.UseVirtualFolders, Primary.basePath)

The Apply-Parse-XML rule calls our Parse XML to parse the returned xml string from the getDocPropsFunction.

Table 248 - getDocumentPropertiesXMLF Activity Rule Step 3 Properties

Label 3. Parameter Namespace ElementName SourceProperty

Description Step Page Use parse rule to map to Pega Properties Value DocPropertiesXMLParse Document Local.returnxml

Method Apply-ParseXML

The Page-Remove method removes the primary page as it is no longer needed.

Table 249 - getDocumentPropertiesXMLF Activity Rule Step 4 Properties

Label 4.

Description Removes the page

Step Page

Method Page-Remove

The Parameters tab lists the local variables.

Table 250 - getDocumentPropertiesXMLF Activity Rule Parameters Tab

Name returnxml

Description XML returned reIndexF

Data Type String

The reIndexF activity rule will call the Stream XML rule to create a string of xml and then pass that to the Rule-Utility-Function FNCELibrary reIndexFunction. The Page-New method initializes a new primary page with the properties set from our model rule.

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Table 251 - reIndexF Activity Rule Step 1 Properties

Label 1. Parameter Model PageList NewClass

Description Create a temporary data page Value CEEnvProperties n/a n/a

Step Page

Method Page-New

The Property-Set-XMl methods calls the Stream XML rule

Table 252 - reIndexF Activity Rule Step 2 Properties

Label 2. Parameter PropertyName ElementName SourceProperty

Description Set XML properties Value Local.reindex_arg1 reIndexStream ReIndex

Step Page

Method Property-SetXML

The function rule reIndexFunction is called via a Property-Set.

Table 253 - reIndexF Activity Rule Step 3 Properties

Label Description Step Page Method 3. Call reIndex Function Property-Set PropertiesName PropertiesValue Primary.reIndex_return Lib(TriTek:FNCELibrary).reindexFunction(local.reindex_arg1, Primary.UserName, Primary.Password, Primary.ClassName, Primary.WcmApiConfig, Primary.AppId, Primary.ObjectStore, Primary.UseVirtualFolders, Primary.basePath) The Page-Remove method removes the primary page as it is no longer needed.
Table 254 - reIndexF Activity Rule Step 4 Properties

Label 4.

Description Removes the page

Step Page

Method Page-Remove

The Parameters tab lists the local variables

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Table 255 - reIndexF Activity Rule Parameters Tab

Name reindex_arg1

Description Outgoing XML MapMultipleDocIds

Data Type String

The MapMultipleDocIds activity rule will increment the pagelistCounter property value, then add a document ID to the ISDocIds property. The Property-Set method adds 1 to pagelistCounter.
Table 256 - MapMultipleDocIds Activity Rule Step 1 Properties

Label 1.

Description increment pagelistCounter

Step Page

Method Property-Set

PropertiesName prWorkPage.pagelistCounter

PropertiesValue pyWorkPage.pagelistCounter+1

The Property-Set method adds the current document ID to the ISDocIds value list.
Table 257 - createWorkObject Activity Rule Step 2 Properties

Label 2.

Description Add docid to value list

Step Page

Method Property-Set

PropertiesName PropertiesValue prWorkPage.ISDocIds(pyWorkPage) Param.docId The Parameters tab lists the required parameters.
Table 258 - createWorkObject Activity Rule Parameters Tab Properties

Name docId


Data Type String

Required? Yes

In/Out In

Prompt Default Value n/a

The Pages & Classes tab lists the required pages.

Table 259 - createWorkObject Activity Rule Pages & Classes Tab Properties

Page Name pyWorkPage

Class TriTek-FW-RepoConnectorWork

Mode n/a

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The Security tab lists the security settings.

Table 260 - createWorkObject Activity Rule Security Tab Properties

May start? true

Authenticate? true

Activity Type Activity

Privilege Class TriTek-FWRepoConnectorIntQueueWrapper

Privilege Name n/a


The SearchForAccountNumber activity rule will create a temporary page to store search results, query the PegaRULES database for a work object with a matching document id, and store the match on the temporary page. The CreateNewWOB property is set equal to true. If no match was found, the page is removed. If a match was found, CreateNewWOB is set equal to false, and the matching work item is opened. The Page-New method creates the searchResults step page. The page will be initialized with values from the pyDefault model rule.
Table 261 - SearchForAccountNumber Activity Rule Step 1 Properties

Label 1.

Description Step Page Create a new page to hold the search searchResults results Value pyDefault n/a n/a

Method Page-New

Parameter Model PageList NewClass

The Obj-Browse method queries the PegaRULES database for any AccountNumber value equal to the AccountNumberToSearch value.
Table 262 - SearchForAccountNumber Activity Rule Step 2 Properties

Label 2.

Description Query the DB using the AccountNumber param

Step Page

Method Obj-Browse

Parameter PageName ObjClass

Value searchResults TriTek-FW-RepoConnector-Work

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MaxRecords GetRowKey RowKey ReadOnly Logic Label n/a Select False

n/a False n/a False n/a Field Condition .AccountNumber Is Equal Value Sort Param.AccountNumberToSearch No Sorting

The Page-Copy method copies the searchResults page to the tempWorkPage page.
Table 263 - SearchForAccountNumber Activity Rule Step 3 Properties

Label 3.

Description Copy the first entry of pxResult page list to pyWorkPage(should only be a single entry)

Step Page

Method Page-Copy

Parameter CopyFrom CopyInto Model PageList

Value searchResults.pxResults(1) tempWorkPage n/a n/a

The Property-Set method sets the CreateNewWOB property value equal to true.
Table 264 - SearchForAccountNumber Activity Rule Step 4 Properties

Label 4.

Description Default CreateWOB to true PropertiesValue true

Step Page

Method Property-Set

PropertiesName param.CreateNewWOB

The Property-Set method sets the CreateNewWOB property value equal to false. A precondition will evaluate whether or not the AccountNumber value is equal to the AccountNumberToSearch value. If this is true, the activity continues. If this is false, this step is skipped.
Table 265 - SearchForAccountNumber Activity Rule Step 5 Properties


Enabled? (true) When if True tempWorkPage.AccountNumber== Continue param.AccountNumberToSearch Whens

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True Param

if False Skip Step

False Param

Label 5.

Description If AccountNumber equals param.AccountNumber change to false PropertiesValue false

Step Page tempWorkPage

Method Property-Set

PropertiesName param.CreateNewWOB

The Obj-Open-By-Handle method opens the work object that has the same value as the pzInsKey value stored on the tempWorkPage page.
Table 266 - SearchForAccountNumber Activity Rule Step 6 Properties

Precondition When tempWorkPage.AccountNumber== param.AccountNumberToSearch Label 6. Description

Enabled? (true) if True

True Param

if False Skip Step

False Param

Step Page pyWorkPage

Method Obj-Open-ByHandle

Parameter InstanceHandle Lock ReleaseOnCommit LockInfoPage

Value tempWorkPage.pzInsKey true true n/a

The Page-Remove method removes the searchResults page from the Clipboard.
Table 267 - SearchForAccountNumber Activity Rule Step 7 Properties

Label 7.

Description Remove unneeded page

Step Page searchResults

Method Page-Remove

The Parameters tab lists the required parameters.

Table 268 - SearchForAccountNumber Activity Rule Parameters Tab Properties



Data Type



AccountNumberToSearch CreateNewWOB

Decimal Boolean

No No

In Out

Prompt Default Value n/a n/a

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The Pages & Classes tab lists the required pages.

Table 269 - SearchForAccountNumber Activity Rule Pages & Classes Tab Properties

Page Name tempWorkPage searchResults tempDocTypePage

Class TriTek-FW-RepoConnectorWork Code-Pega-List TriTek-FW-RepoConnectorWork

Mode n/a n/a n/a

The Security tab lists the security settings.

Table 270 - SearchForAccountNumber Activity Rule Security Tab Properties

May start? true

Authenticate? true

Activity Type Activity

Privilege Class TriTek-FWRepoConnectorIntQueueWrapper

Privilege Name n/a

Model CEEnvProperties

Sets the values of properties used to connect and logon to CE

Table 271- CEEnvProperties Definition Tab

Property Primary.UserName Primary.Password Primary.ClassName

Primary.AppId Primary.ObjectStore Primary.UseVirtualFolders Primary.WcmApiConfig Primary.basePath

Value The username needed to log on to CE The password needed to log on to CE com.triteksol.content.p8.P8ContentEngine(the name of the java class which communicates with CE) AppId The name of the object store A true or false value in the form of a string $/, The name of the WcmApiConfig file The basepath to the WcmApiConfig file.

3.2. Custom Java Classes

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Several Java classes will be used within the ECM connector framework. The J2ISPegaWrapper class will retrieve document properties from the FileNet content repository. The QueueWrapper class will query the IS instance for documents in the distribution queue, in order to create PRPC work objects. The CEWrapper class will generate work objects based on document property information passed from the CE instance.

3.2.1. com.triteksol.content.j2is.J2ISPegaWrapper

The following details the methods in the J2ISPegaWrapper class. J2ISPegaWrapper

Public method that initializes the object with the input parameter values. These values will be used to logon to the IS instance.
Table 272 - J2ISPegaWrapper Method Parameters

Input Parameters Name sClassName sJNDI iPollingInterval iMaxRetries

Type String String int int

Description classname used to login JNDI reference to the IS instance number of seconds between login attempts maximum number of attempts to login before stopping


Public method that logs onto the IS instance using the input parameter values and the values initialized when the object was created.
Table 273 - logon Method Parameters

Input Parameters Name sUSer sPassword

Type String String

Description username used to login password used to login


Public method that returns a map of document properties based on the input document identifier.
Table 274 - getDocumentProperties Method Parameters

Input Parameters Name sDocID

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Type String

Description document identifier

104 of 115

Output Parameters Name myMap

Type Map launchURL

Description map of document index properties and values

Public method that does one of two things; if Windows is the operating system, opens the document in the Daeja viewer servlet in a browser window. If Windows is not the operating system, returns a system error stating the browser could not be opened.
Table 275 - launchURL Method Parameters

Input Parameters Name URL

Type String

Description URL passed to open document in the Daeja Viewer servlet


Public method that calls getDocumentProperties to retrieve the document properties.

Table 276 - getDocumentPropertiesXML Method Parameters

Input Parameters Name sDocID Output Parameters Name docElement

Type String

Description document identifier

Type Element

Description contains XML string of document properties


Public method that parses an XML object containing values to reindex the properties of a specific document.
Table 277 - reIndex Method Parameters

Input Parameters Name xml

Type String

Description XML containing document property values to be parsed


Public method that logs off of the Content System

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3.2.2. com.triteksol.content.isqueue.QueueWrapper
The following details the methods in the QueueWrapper class. logon

Public method that logs onto the IS instance.

Table 278 - logon Method Parameters

Input Parameters Name sUSer sPassword jndi

Type String String String

Description username used to login password used to login JNDI reference used to login


Public method that initializes the object with the input parameter values. These values will be used to logon to the IS instance.
Table 279 - QueueWrapper Method Parameters

Input Parameters Name sClassName sJNDI iPollingInterval iMaxRetries

Type String String int int

Description classname used to login JNDI reference to the IS instance number of seconds between login attempts maximum number of attempts to login before stopping


Public method that retrieves the data from the first row of the specified IS distribution queue.
Table 280 - getISQueueEntry Method Parameters

Input Parameters Name workspace queue

Type String String

Description name of the IS workspace name of the IS distribution queue


Public method that does one of two things; if the resultSet is populated, a value from the specified column will be returned. Otherwise, a null value will be returned.

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Table 281 - getString Method Parameters

Input Parameters Name columnName Output Parameters Name This.resultSet. getString(columnName) .toString()

Type String Type String

Description property name Description map of document index properties and values


Public method that retrieves a date property value based on the input property name if there are documents in the IS distribution queue.
Table 282 - getDateString Method Parameters

Input Parameters Name columnName Output Parameters Name String df.format(date)

Type String

Description propertyname

Type Description Date date value DateFormat property value in date format

3.2.3. com.triteksol.content.p8.P8PegaWrapper
The following details the methods in the P8PegaWrapper class. P8PegaWrapper

Public method that initializes the object with the input parameter values. These values will be used to logon to the CE instance.

Table 283 - P8PegaWrapper constructor Parameters

Input Parameters Name sClassName sWcmApiConfig sAppId sObjStore sUseVirtualFolders

Type String String String String String

Description classname used to login Name of the config file($/ Name of the appId Name of the Object Store in CE Read as a String but later converted to Boolean (true/false)

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String logon

Basepath to the directory containing WcmApiConfig file

Public method that logs onto the CE instance.

Table 284 - logon method Parameters

Input Parameters Name sUSer sPassword jndi

Type String String String

Description username used to login password used to login JNDI reference used to login


(See Section getDocPropsXML

(See Section reIndex

(See Section logoff

Public method that logs off of the Content System

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4. Installation
The following details the installation instructions for the Pega/FileNet connector.

4.1. General System Information

Version of PRPC used during development - 5.5 Application server name and version that the component was built on - IBM WebSphere Application Server version 6.1 Version of the java JDK installed at the time of development 6, standard edition, update 18 Min/Max JVM memory setting for application server - 512 MB/2047 MB Version of Visio used to create any process diagrams - Visio 2007 Any frameworks that the component may rely on (i.e., Retail Banking Industry Framework (RBIF), Multi-channel Insurance Framework (MCIF), etc.) no framework dependency PRPC database and version information - Microsoft SQL Server version 9.00.4035 What JDBC driver was used during development - Microsoft SQL Server 2005 JDBC Driver

4.2. Installation instructions

Note: The FNImageViewer application must be deployed to the application server. Deploy the following EAR files to the application server: PegaContentServletEAR.ear, PegaCEContentServletEAR.ear Copy the following JAR files to the APP-INF\lib\pega directory within the main PRPC application ear file: ISQueueWrapper.jar CEJ2ISPega.jar Logon to PRPC as a user with access to the developer portal. Go to the import menu from the developer dashboard (File>Import)

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Upload the ECM Connector product rule zip file to PRPC server

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Click the import button. Make sure the compile libraries and overwrite existing rules boxes are checked.

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Log off, and log back as username: password: admin See Configuration system below for details regarding modifications to PRPC Rules as well as your Content System

5. Configuration
The following section details requirements and notes for Pega/IS/CE integration.

5.1. IS/CE Prerequisites

The FileNet content repository must be properly configured before integrating the repository with PRPC. Image Services Once the Image Services instance has been created, configure the document index fields that will be mapped to PRPC. Create a distribution queue that will hold these documents for processing. Assign a username and password rights to access the distribution queue and documents within, add documents and modify the document property values.

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Content Engine Once the Content Engine instance has been created, configure a document class with the document index fields that will be mapped to PRPC. Set up a workflow subscription tied to a document creation event, and reference the document class. Create a CE event action. Assign a username and password rights to add documents and modify the document index values. The event action should pass a string of XML to the PRPC service rule (http://<servername>:<port>/prweb/PRHTTPService/TriTekFWRepoConnectorWork/NewWork /CreateNewWork). The format of the XML should correspond to the format expected by the PRPC Parse XML rule. For this implementation the following structure was used: Sample XML <Document> <Properties> <DOCID>-1</DOCID> <DocType>DEPOSITS</DocType> <AccountNumber>443380</AccountNumber> <LastName>smith</LastName> <ReceivedDate>20100506T000000.000 EDT</ReceivedDate> <DocumentTitle>sampledocument</DocumentTitle> <GUID>{94BCF7C9-06FF-460C-AAD6-5E7DCB03F37A}</GUID> </Properties> </Document>

5.2. PRPC Rules

The following details the changes required in PRPC to update the configuration. The rules found in the Work class should be configured to the specific implementation while the rules found in the Integration classes should need minimal configuration outside of the model rules.

5.2.1. Properties
Based on the business requirements, create property rules in the ECMDocumentProperties data class to which the FileNet document property values will be mapped. Ensure that the data types correspond and can be mapped between CE/IS and PRPC. In the Work class, when defining the ECMDocProperties property, set the Property Mode to Page List and reference the ECMDocumentProperties data class.

5.2.2. Model
TriTek-FW-RepoConnector-Int.EnvProperties Set the UserName, Password, Workspace and QueueName to the appropriate values for logging into the IS instance. TriTek-FW-RepoConnector-Int-CEWrapper.CEEnvProperties Set the UserName, Password, and other appropriate values for logging into the CE instance.
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5.2.3. Connectors Integration-Mapping

TriTek-FW-RepoConnector-Int-J2ISWrapper.DocPropertiesXMLParse.Document - Change the property value mappings to reflect the incoming FileNet document properties to be mapped to the corresponding PRPC work object properties. TriTek-FW-RepoConnector-Int-J2ISWrapper.reIndexStream.ReIndex - Change the property value mappings to reflect the outgoing PRPC work object properties to be mapped to the corresponding FileNet document index properties. TriTek-FW-RepoConnector-Int-CEWrapper.DocPropertiesXMLParse.Document - Change the property value mappings to reflect the incoming FileNet document properties to be mapped to the corresponding PRPC work object properties. TriTek-FW-RepoConnector-Int-CEWrapper.reIndexStream.ReIndex - Change the property value mappings to reflect the outgoing PRPC work object properties to be mapped to the corresponding FileNet document index properties.

5.2.4. Activities
TriTek-FW-RepoConnector-Work.CallReIndexMultipleMain - At step 4.4, 4.5 Property-Set, update all PropertiesName and PropertiesValue values to reflect the document properties defined for this instance of PRPC. TriTek-FW-RepoConnector-Work.CallURL - At step 2 Property-Set and step 3 Property-Set, update the URL fragments to reflect the location of the Daeja viewer servlet. TriTek-FW-RepoConnector-Work.MapCorrespondingPropertiesMain - At step 3, 4 PropertySet, update the PropertiesName and PropertiesValue values to reflect the document properties defined for this instance of PRPC. TriTek-FW-RepoConnector-Work.SavePegaProperties - At step 3 Property-Set, update the PropertiesName and PropertiesValue values to reflect the document properties defined for this instance of PRPC. TriTek-FW-RepoConnector-Work.SavePegaPropertiesCE - At step 3 Property-Set, update the PropertiesName and PropertiesValue values to reflect the document properties defined for this instance of PRPC.

5.2.5. Flow

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The flow configuration is highly dependent on the specific environment. However, the sample flow (TriTek-FW-RepoConnector-Work.DisplayCEPropertiesMain) may be leveraged to route work items to different workbaskets for processing.

5.2.6. Decision Table

TriTek-FW-RepoConnector-Work.WorkBasketDecision should be updated to specifications of the incoming DocTypes and the names of the workbaskets to use.

5.2.7. Section
TriTek-FW-RepoConnector-Work.ISPropertiesFullSection - Layout 2 (ECM Document) displays the document IDs as well as the document index property values associated with the documents. Update the document index property values to reflect the document properties defined for this PRPC instance.

5.2.8. Agents
The TriTek-FW-RepoConnector-Work.TriTek Agent rule is responsible for calling the startISProcess activity which retrieves document properties from the IS DistQueue. It should be set for the desired interval and enabled.

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