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1 GOVERNMENT OF ANDHRA PRADESH ABSTRACT MEDICAL ATTENDANCE Sanction of medical advance for medical treatment of Government employees and

d their dependents in NIMS, Hyderabad for certain serious diseases Delegation of Powers to Departments for Sanction of advance Orders Issued. FINANCE AND PLANNING ( RW. EXPR.HM & FW) DEPARTMENT. G.O. Ms.No. 86 Dated : 1-6-1992 Read the following :1. G.O.Ms.No. 609, HM &FW (E2) Dept., dt. 21-11-88 2. G.O.Ms.NO. 445, HM & FW (E2) Dept., dt. 19-7-91. 3. G.O.Ms.No. 184, HM & FW (K1) Dept., dt. 2-4-92. ORDER : In the G.O. 1st read above, Government have issued orders declaring Nizams Institute of Medical Sciences as referral Hospital subject to the following conditions :1. The Nizams Institute of Medical Sciences will be a referral hospital other than for Emergencies. 2. Reference of patients to Nizams Institute of Medical Sciences should be from the Teaching Hospitals with the approval of the Head of the Department/Speciality Concerned. 3. The referring hospitals should ensure that facilities available in that hospitals are fully Utilized in the first instance. 4. The referring hospitals should refer the cases with all details including a referral Summary. 5. The patients should be clearly informed that taking up of the case by the Nizams Institute of Medical Sciences is dependent on the availability of accommodation and Other facilities in the Nizams Institute of medical Sciences. 2. In consideration of the difficulties being experienced by the beneficiaries and also the delay involved in settling the medical claims, it has been decided to delegate the powers to the concerned Heads of Departments for sanction of medical advances to the employees working under their administrative control in respect of the following diseases without referral by Authorised Medical attendant vide orders issued in G.O. 2nd read above. a) Acute Mycardial infraction (Cardiololgy Department) b) Acute renal failure (Nephrology Department) c) Severe cases of head and spinal injury (Neuro-surgery Department) d) ses of Coma (Neurology Department)

2 3. The Medical claims of State Government employees covered by A.P.I.M.A.Rules, 1972 can be broadly categorized into :i) Claims preferred against treatment in Government Hospitals/Referralhospitals. ii) Claims preferred against treatment in unrecognized private hospitals. iii) Claims preferred against treatment in NIMS who were admitted direct without reference by the A.M.A under emergency circumstances to Undergo treatment for the diseases noted under para 2 above. 4. At present in respect of the claims noted against item (1) and (iii) under para 3 above, Government is vested with the powers of sanction of medical advances to Government employees and their dependents towards medical expenditure incurred while undergoing treatment for certain diseases. 5. In respect of claims preferred by the individuals either for sanction of advance or for reimbursement of medical expenditure incurred for treatment undergone in unrecognized private hospitals the Government would not entertain such claims normally. 6. After due consideration, it has been decided to delegate the powers to Heads of Departments concerned for sanction of medical advance to Government employees and their dependents and settlement of final bills for undergoing treatment in NIMS in respect of cases referred to under G.O.Ms No. 445, HM&FW (E2) Dept., dt. 19-7-91. subject to the following conditions : a) b) c) The maximum amount should not exceed Rs. 50,000/- and the expenditure incurred over and above Rs. 50,000/- should be borne by the individual. The Head of the Department should ensure that the amount sanctioned as Advance shall be paid to NIMS by means of cheque/draft within 15days from the date of receipt of estimation of the expenditure from the NIMS. The advance drawn and paid to the NIMS shall be adjusted by preferring claims by the concerned Head of the Department within 3 months from the date of drawal of advance with necessary certificates and vouchers prescribed in A.P.I.M.A. Rules, 1972. The claim sent by the NIMS must relate only to the items of expenditure admissible under the A.P.I.M.A. Rules, 1972. The bills need not be sent to the D.M.E. for scrutiny and the claim be admitted based on the admissibility certificate issued by NIMS.

d) e)

7. If a Government Servant seeks admission in NIMS vide orders issud in G.O.Ms.No. 609, M&H dt. 21-11-88 the Head of the Department is competent to sanction advances and also the final Bill following the conditions mentioned in pare 6 above. In addition he shall ensure that the patient is referred to NIMS. Hyderabad by the Authorised Medical Attendant. The A.M.A of the NIMS, Hospitals with the approval of the Heads of the Department/Specialist of the hospital alone have to refer the cases to NIMS. Other Heads of departments of any-mofussil/Headquarters or City Hospitals who are not the Heads of Departments/Specialists of the teaching hospitals would not be reckoned as Authorised Medical Attendants, competent to

3 refer the cases to NIMS covered vide orders issued in G.O.Ms.No 609, M&H dt. 21-11-1988. 8. Where the authority referring the cases to NIMS is not deemed as Authorised Medical Attendant, such cases are to be referred to Government for relaxation of A.P.I.M.A. rules in H.M. & F.W. Dept., and Fin. and Plg. (FW) Dept., for concurrence and for relaxation of A.P.I.M.A Rules . The Head of the Department is not empowered to sanction advance if relaxation of A.P.I.M.A Rules is involved. 9. The Government extend the facility available for Central Government servants wherein a member of the family can also apply and draw the advance when the Government servant is critically ill and hospitalized so as to avoid inconvenience. In such cases the wife or a legal heir of the Government employee shall submit an application for sanction of advance to the Head of the Department under whom the employee is working incase the employee is critically ill and cannot sign the application. This facility is available to all Government Servants who avail of the facilities in the NIMS Hyderabad under G.O.Ms.No. 445, HM&FW (E2) Dept., dt. 19-7-91 and G.O.Ms.No. 609, HM&FW (E2) Dept., dt. 21-11-88. 10. The advance sanctioned shall be debited to the Service Head of Account to which the pay and other allowances of the employee are being debited. 11. This order issues with the concurrence of H.M. &F.W. Dept., vide their U.O.No. 16038/K1/92-1., dt. 27-5-1992.

C. S. RAO Secretary to Government.

GOVERNMENT OF ANDHRA PRADESH ABSTRACT Medical Attendance to State Government employees at Sri.Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences. Tirupathi with eligibility for reimbursemen/medical advance Orders - Issued. HEALTH MEDICAL AND FAMILY WELFARE (K1) DEPARTMENT G.O.Ms.No. 544 Dated: 9-11-1993. Read the following : 1. 2. 3. 4. G.O.Ms.No. 445,HM &FW dated 19-7-1991. G.O.Ms.No. 184, HM &FW dated 2-4-1992. G.O.Ms.No 86, Fin & Plg (FW) dept., dt.1-6-92. From the President, A.P Non-Gazetted Officers Association, Hyderabad letter dated 31-8-1993.

ORDER : The medical attendance to State Government employees and their dependent family members is governed by the provision of Andhra Pradesh Medical Attendance Rules, 1972. As and Additional facility orders were issued in the Government Order first read above allowing them to obtain treatment at Nizams Institute of Medical Sciences, Hyderabad directly without reference in the following medical situations with eligibility for reimbursement of the admissible expenditure therefore or for advance with reference to the estimate furnished by the Nizams Institute of Medical Sciences, subject to the monetary ceiling fixed by the Goveernment from time to time. a) b) c) d) Acute Myocardial Infraction (Cardiology Department) Acute renal failure (Nephrology Department) Severe cases of Head and sspinal injury (Neuro Surgery Dept.,) Cases of Coma (Neurology Department.)

1. In all other cases also the facility of treatment for them at Nizams Institute of Medical Sciences, with eligibility for reimbursement or advance is made available subject to reference to that Institute by a Specialist/Head of the Department of a teaching hospital and subject to the monetary ceiling as mentioned above. Orders have also been issued in the Government order third read above delegating powers to the Heads of Departments for the sanction of advances within the monetary ceiling for the treatment at Nizams Institute of Medical Sciences as indicated above. 2. In quite a number of cases the employees working in the border districts of Nellore, Chittor and Cuddaph are obtaining treatment in neighbouring states and coming up with requests for reimbursement. Each of these cases are being examined on merits and such of those cases, where the required treatment is not available in State Government Hospitals within the area of the State, a liberal view is being taken and such claims are being allowed in relaxation of rules on compassionate grounds in view of the distance involved in coming to State capital.

5 3. Now the Super Speciality Hospital , viz., Sri Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences, Tirupathi, financed by Tirumala Tirupathi Devastanam, has commended functioning at Tirupathi as a Society with the following specialities. 1. Cardio Thoracic Surgery 2. Cardilolgy 3. Neurology 4. Urology 5. Nephrology 6. Endocrinology. The President, Andhra Pradesh Non- Gazetted Officers Association in his representation fourth read above has requested for according permission for treatment at this Institution as at Nizams Institute of Medical Sciences Hyderabad. 4. Government have reviewed the matter including the policy as mentioned in para 2 a bove and here by extend the facility of treatment at Sri. Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences, Tirupathi to all those who are eligible for medical attendance, under Andhra Pradesh Integrated Medical Attendance Rules, 1972 on the same lines as applicable for the treatment at Nizams Institute of Medical Sciences, Hyderabad including the eligibility for advance. Simultaneously Government have also decided not to allow relaxation of Andhra Pradesh, Integrated Medical Attendeance Rules 1972, Orders in the cases of the type mentioned in para 2 above with immediate effect. 5. These orders will have prospective effect from the date of issue of this orders.

K. SWAMINATHAN Principal Secretary to Government.

GOVERNMENT OF ANDHRA PRADESH ABSTRACT Medical Attendance Medical Treatment of Government / Retired Employees and their dependants Reimbursement of Expenditure Treatment in private recognized Hospitals within and outside the State Admissbility of Medical Expenditure with 20% cut on eligible amount without referral from Nizams Institute jof Medical Sciences, Hyd. Srivenkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences, Tirupati in cases of emergencies Orders Issued. HEALTH MEDICAL AND FAMILY WELFARE (K1) DEPARTMENT G.O.Ms.No. 175 Dated : 29.5.1997. Read the following:1. 2. 3. 4. G.O.Ms.No. 38, HM&FW, dated 23.1.1996. G.O.Ms.No. 258, HN&FW, dated. 15.6.1996. From the President, APNGOS. Association Representation Dated 22.3.96 and representation from certain service Associations. From the Director of Medical Education, Lr.R.C. No. 3773/MA. A/96. Dated 9.10.1996.

ORDER:In the Government Orders 1st and 2nd read above; orders were issued permitting the State Government Employees, both serving and retired to secure treatment in Private Hospitals within outside the State indicated therein that under Rule 7 of the Andhra Pradesh Integrated medical Attendance Rules; 1972 on a reference made by Nizams Institute of Medical Sciences/Sri. Venkateswara Insstitute of Medical Sciences. 2. In the reference 3rd read above the Andhra Pradesh Non-Gazetted Officers Association and some other Service Asociations represented that the orders issued in the Government Orders 1st and 2nd read above are not beneficial to the employees because of the condition that the employee has to obtain a referral certificate from Nizams Institute of Medical Sciences. Hyderabad/ Sri.Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences. Tirupathi to get treatment in Super Speciality Hospitals within or outside the State and requested that this stipulation be omitted. 3. It has been observed that a number of cases are being referred to Government for relaxation of the Andhra Pradesh Integrated Medical Attendance Rules, 1972 when the treatment has been obtained directly at the Private Hospitals without referral from Nizams Institute of Medical Sciences, Hyderabad/Sri. Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences. Tirupathi in view of the serious nature of the patient and lack of sufficient time to obtain such referral letter from the hospitals stsated above.

7 4. After careful consideration of this issue in consultation with the Director of Medical Education. The Government have decided to permit employees, both serving and retired and also to their dependants to secure treatment in the Private Hospitals recognized in the Government Orders 1st and 2nd read above. When the case is serious whih requires immediate treatment and there is no sufficient time to obtain such a referral letter from Nizams Institute of Medical Sciences. Hyderabad/Sri. Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences, Tirupathi. All the competent authorities are therefore permitted to sanction reimbursement of Medical expenses for the treatment at private Hospitals recognized in the Government Orders 1st and 2nd read above after satisfying themselves that the patient was admitted in the hospital in a very serious condition and it was an emergency case and there was no sufficient time to obtain referral letter from Nizams Institute of Medical Sciences, Hyderabad/ Sri.Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences, Tirupathi if necessary after obtaining a certificate from the hospital to that effect and after obtaining copy of the case sheet. In all such cases of the treatment without referral letter a 20% cut have to be imposed on the eligible amount after getting the bills scrutinized by the Director of Medical Education, Hyderabad 5. All the Departments of Secretariat and all Heads of Departments are also informed that such cases covered under para 4 above need not be referred for relaxation and the authority competent to sanction the medical reimbursement can sanction such reimbursement in the above cases also. In all other cases where the vompetent, authority though not satisfied with the alleged seriousness of the condition of the patient, but when the patient has obtained treatment at a private hospital directly on his own choice shall be referred to Government for relaxation when the heads of Department consider that there is genuine cause for anxiety and recommend for relaxation. 6. All Departments of the Secretariat and all Heads of Departments are informed that the rejected cases shall not be reopened and the cases pending as on the date of this order with the concerned competent authorities may be disposed of as per above order. 7. This order issues with the concurrence of Finance and Planning (Fin.EBS VIII ) Department vide their U.O.No. 2579/Fin. & Pig. (Expr.) /97, dated. 3.5.1997.

C.ARJUN RAO Principal Secretary to Government.

GOVERNMENT OF ANDHRA PRADESH ABSTRACT Nizams Institute of Medical Sciences Medical treatment of State Government Employees, Retired Employees and their Dependents Reimbursement of Expenditure for all diseases without referral letter etc. Orders Issued. HEALTH MEDICAL AND FAMILY WELFARE (K1) DEPARTMENT G.O.Ms.No. 134. Dated: 09-04-2001. Read the following : 1. 2. G.O.Ms.No 445, H.M & F.W. (F2) Department, dated 19.07.1991. G.O.Ms.No. 175, H.M. & F.W. (K1) Department, dated 29.05.1997.

ORDER: In the G.O 1st read above, Government have permitted the Government employees and their dependants to obtain treatment at Nizams Institute of Medical Sciences for four earmarked diseases referred to therein without referral letter from Teaching Hospitals and reimburse in full admissible amount without scrutiny of the bills by the Director. Medical Education, Hyderabad. 2. In the G.O. 2nd read above, Government have permitted the employees both serving and retired employees and also to their dependants to get the treatment at Recognised Private Corporate Hospitals under emergency circumstances without referral letter from Teaching Hospitals duly imposing 20% cut on the admissible amount. 3. Government have now decided that the State Government employees/Retired employees and their dependants may be permitted for full admissible reimbursement without imposing 20% cut for the treatment for all the diseases other than the earmarked four ailments in Nizams Institute of Medical Sciences, Hyderabad directly, under emergency circumstances without referral letter from Teaching Hospitals subject to certain conditions. 4. Government after careful consideration of the matter have decided to permit Government employees with both serving and retired and also their dependants to secure treatment for all diseases at Nizams Institute of Medical Sciences, Hyderabad directly without referral letter from Teaching Hospitals under emergency circumstances subject to conditions mentioned in pare 4 of G.O Ms. No. 175,, Health , Medical and Family Welfare (K1) Department, dated 29.05.1997. In all such emergency cases of treatment without referral letter, imposing of 20% cut and scrutiny of bills by Director of Medical Education need not be insisted. 5. This order shall come into force with effect from the date of issue of this order. 6. This order issues with the concurrence of Finance Department vide their U.O.No. 10718/A2/EBS. VIII/2001 dated. 31.03.2001.

C. ARJUNA RAO Special Chief Secretary to Government

GOVERNMENT OF ANDHRA PRADESH ABSTRACT Medical Attendance Medical Treatment of Government Employees/Retired Employees and their dependents Reimbursement of expenditure treatment in private Hospitals within the State and outside the State - inclusion of Certain Private Hospitals as referral Hospitals Orders Issued. HEALTH, MEDICAL AND FAMILY WELFARE (K1) DEPARTMENT. G.O.Ms.No. 150 Dated. 20.5.1998 Read the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 10-97 22-10-97 and 17-11-97. ORDER: In the G.O. first read above, orders have been issued, permitting the State Government employees both serving and retired, to secure treatment in the Private Hospitals, with in and Outside the State, under Rule 7 of the A.P.I.M.A. Rules, 1972. In the said G.O. Government have also recognized certain private hospitals within and outside the State for the treatment to the Government employees, retired employees and their dependents. In the G.O. second read above Durga Bai Deshmukh Hospital and Research Centre, Hyderabad and in the G.O. third read above Bidi. General Hospital and Cancer Centre, Hyderabad and Citi cardiac Research Centre, Vijayawada, were included in the list of recognized hospitals as referral hospitals within the State issued in G.O.Ms. No. 38,HM & FW (K1)Department, dt. 23-1-1996. 2. In the reference fifth read above, the Managing Director/Chairman of private Hospitals viz., (1) Owaisi Hospital, Hyderabad (2) Mahaveer Hospital, Hyderabad etc. have requested for inclusion of their hospitals, in the list of recognized hospitals for medical treatment and reimbursement of expenditure for State Government employees both in service and retired and their dependents. Government proposed to include the L.V. Prasad Eye Institute, Hyderabad, also in the above list, as it was already recognized as an approved centre for Training and Research in Opthalmology and as well as a referral centre for advanced care of eye problems. 3. Government, after careful examination in consultation with the director of Medical Education, here by include the following Private Hospitals in the list of recognized Private Hospitals as referral hospitals within the State issued in G.O.Ms.No. 38, HM & FW (K1) Department, dated 23-1-1996, for treatment to Government employees and Retired employees and their dependents on reimbursement basis. G.O.Ms.NO. 38, HM & FW. (K1) Dept., dated 23-1-1998. G.O.Ms.NO. 258, HM & FW. (K1) Dept., dated 15-6-1996. G.O.Rt.NO. 713, HM & FW. (K1) Dept., dated 22-5-1997 G.O.Ms.NO. 199, HM & FW. (F1) Dept., dated 16-5-1996. Representation received from the Managing Director of the Owaisi Hospital, Mahavir Hospital etc. From the D.M.E. Lr.No. 1132-MAA/97, dated 16-5-97, 29-9-97, 21-


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Owaisi Hospital, Hyderabad. L.V. Prasad Eye Institute, Hyderabad. Mahaveer Hospital, Hyderabad. Yashoda Super Speciality Hospital, Malakpet, Hyderabad. Usha Cardiac Centre, Vijayawada. Care Hospital ( The Heart Institute ), Hyderabad.

4. This order issues with the concurrence of Finance and Planning (Fin.Wing) Department wide principal Secretary Peshi No. 875, dated 18-5-1998.

RACHEL CHATTERJEE Scretary to Government.

11 GOVERNMENT OF ANDHRA PRADESH ABSTRACT Midical Attendance - Medical treatment of Govt. Employees/Retired employees and their dependents Reimbursement of expenditure - Treatment in private hospitals within the State and out side State Orders Issued. HEALTH MEDICAL AND FAMILY WELFARE (K1) DEPARTMENT G.O.Ms.No. 38 Dated : 23-1-1996 Read the following:1.
2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

G.O.Ms.No. 609, HM & FW dated 21-11-1988. G.O.Ms.No. 445, HM &FW dated 19-7-1991. G.O.Ms.No. 184, HM & FW dated 2-4-1993. G.O.Ms.No. 544, HM & FW dated 9-11-1993. G.O.Ms.No. 579, HM & FW dated 1-12-1993. From the D.M.E. Lr. Rc.No. 20739/MA.A /94, dated 9-2-1995.

ORDER: The Pay Revision Commission has made certain observation sin regard to the medical facilities to the Government Employees and retired employees and their dependents in teaching hospitals and also private hospitals within the State as well as outside State. 2. The Government have constituted a Committee to go into the recmmendatins of the Pay Revision Commission and submit suggestion/ recommendations. The said committee suggested the following recommendations : i) that the existing system of reference of teaching hospitals shall be continued. ii) that they have reiterated the recommendations made in 1986 to extend the facility of well known hospitals outside the State also. iii) the maximum ceiling of Rs. 50,000 may be continued and the same could be reviewed periodically. In respect of treatment in hospitals outside the State with the permission of the Government the bills may be settled subject to scrutiny by Director of Medical Education regarding entitlements of the officials who undergo treatment in such hospitals. iv) Even in respect of twin cities also, where specialized treatment is available only in private hospitals which is not available in Government hospitals, the employees may be given the benefit of treatment in such hospitals subject to payment according to the entitlements and within the ceiling subject to scrutiny of Bills by the Director of Medical Education. v) In respect of suggestions at items (ii) to (iv) above, reference from Superintendent of a teaching hospitals/Superintendent of Dist. Headquarters hospitals, expect in respect of cases like Acute Myocordial Infraction as may be specified, shall be necessary. 3. The above recommendations have been sent to the Director of Medical Education for his remarks and to the hospitals which could be recognized for purposes of reimbursement. The Director of Medical Education considering the recommendations of the High Power Committee has submitted proposals to

12 Government. After careful consideration of the recommendations of the Director of Medical Education. Government hereby permit the employees both serving and retired to secure treatment in the private hospitals both within and outside the State. 4. Under Rule 7 of the A.P.I.M.A. Rules 1972 Government hereby recognize the following Private Hospitals within and outside the State for treatment to the Government employees, retired employees and their dependents. I Private Hospitals within the State : 1. Apollo Hospital, Hyderabad. 2. Medwin Hospital, Hyderabad. 3. C.D.R. Hospital, Hyderabad. 4. Mediciti Centre, Hyderabad. 5. Satya Kidney Centre, Hyderabad. 6. Seven Hills Hospitals, Visakhapatnam. 7. Kamineni Hospitals Limited, L.B. Nagar, Hyderabad. 8. Sree Padmavathi Orthopaedic & Surgical Nursing Home,Himayatnagar, Hyderabad. - 29 II Private Hospitals out side State : i) Apollo Hospitals, Madras. ii) Sankar Netralaya, Madras. iii) Adayar Cancer Centre. Madras. iv) v) vi) vii) viii) Vijaya Nursing Home, Madras. C.M.C., Vellore. N.I.M.H.A.N.R.., Banglore. Kidwai Memorial Cancer Hospital, Bangalore. Tata Memorial Cancer Hospital, Bombay.

5. The above private Hospitals both within the State and outside the State shall be regarded as referral hospitals subject to the following conditions : a) The above private hospitals will be referral hospitals for all types of cases including Acute Myocordial Infracture; Acute Coronary Disease, Acute Renal failure, Severe cases of Head and spinal injury and cases of Coma. b) Referal of patients to the above private hospitals should be from the Director, Nizam Institute of Medical Sciences, Hyderabad/Sri. Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences, Tirupathi in respect of above cases, only on a Certificate given by the Director, Nizams Institute of Medical Sciences, Hyderabad/Director, Sri.

13 Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences Tirupathi stating that Nizams Institute of Medical Sciences /Sri. Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sceinces will not be able to cope with the work load in the interest of the health of the patient such a reference to Private Hospitals is essential. c) The referring hospitals should ensure that facilities available in those hospitals are fully utilized in the first instance . 6. The ceiling of Rs. 50,000 (Rupees Fifty thousand only ) fixed by the Govt. vide G.O.Ms.No. 184, Health Medical and Family Welfare, dated 2-4-1992 for reimbursement to Government employees including pensioners will be continued. 7. In respect of treatment in the above Private Hospitals with priorpermission, the bills may be settled subject to scrutiny by Director of Medical Education about the entitlement. 8. This order issues with the concurrence of Finance and Planning Exp. HM & MA Dept., Vide their U.O.No. 1244/Spl. C.S. /Fin. & Pig./ 95, dated 5-4-1995.

A.P.V.N. SARMA Secretary to Government.


Sub: Medical Attendance - Sanction of Medical Attendance/reimbursement to Panchayati Raj employees/Teachers on par with Government employees - Clarification - Issued. Ref: 1. G.O.Ms.No. 86, Finance Dept., dated 1-6-1992. 2. Memo No. 32132/454/A3/96, dated 1-12-1996 from the Director of Local Fund Audit, Hyderabad. 3. Lr. From the General Secretary, Panchayati Raj Teachers Union, A.P. Hyderabad dated 13-3-1997. The General Secretary Panchayati Raj Teachers Union, in his letter third cited has requested the Government to clarify on the objection raised by the Director of Local Fund Audit in his memo. Second cited in respect of sanction of Medical Advance/reimbursement to Panchayati Raj Employees/Teachers. Government after careful examination hereby clarify that: a) The medical advances/reimbursement may be sanctioned to Panchayati Raj employees/Teachers under 90/091 Grams in aid towards salaries. Since all the rules and regulations applicable to the Government employees are being adopted to Panchayati Raj employees/teachers also consequent on provincialisation of their services. The medical advance/reimbursement payable to NIMS in respect of P.R. employees/teachers may be made through crossed cheque in favour of NIMS with a condition that in any case the amount is not utilized for the purpose for which it is released shall be refunded by the NIMS to Government within 2 months from the date of payment through cheque.


The Director of Local Fund Audit shall take further necessary action accordingly. K.SUJATHA RAO Secretary to Government

15 FROMS AND CERTIFICATES APPENDIX II APPLICATION FOR CLAIMING REFUND OF MEDICAL EXPENSES INCURRED IN CONNECTION WITH MEDICAL ATTENDANCE AND TREATMENT OF GOVERNMENT SERVANT AND TEEIR FAMILIES. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Name and Designation & Section (in block letters) Office in which employee Pay of the Govt. servant as defined in FRs and Other employments which should be shown separately Place of duty Full residential address with door. No. and Name of the Mohalla Name of the patient, his/her relationship To the Govt. servant. In case of children state Age also. Place at which the patient fell ill Nature of illness and its duration Details of amount claimed, cost of Medicines purchased from the market/list of Medicines/cash memos, and the essentiality certificate Should be attached each in duplicate signed by treatment Doctors. Total amount claimed List of enclosures : : : : : : : :

7. 8. 9.

: : :

10. 11.

16 DECLARATION TO BE SIGNED BY THE GOVERNMENT SERVANT/PENSIONER I here by declare that the statement in this application is true to the best of my knowledge and belief and that the person from whom medical expenses were incurred is a member of my family as defined under the Government servant Medical attendance rules 1972 and wholly dependent upon me. Signature of Govt. Servant/Pensioner And Office to which attested CERTIFICATE-A (To be completed in the case of patients who are not admitted t hospital for treatment.) 1. I Dr. --------------------------------------------------------------- here by certify a) That I changed Rs. ---------------- for -----------consultation on ------------- at my consultation room/ at the residence of the patient. b) That I charged Rs.-------------- for administering intramuscular/ intravenous/ suboutaneous injections on ---------------------- (Dose to be given) at my consulting room at the residence of the patient. c) That injections administrated repay in formatting or propyloction prupose. d) That the patient has been under treatment at --------------------------- hospital /consulting room and that the undermentioned medicines prescribed by me in this connection were essential for the recovery/prevention of serious deterioration in the condition of the patient. The medicines are not stocked in the ---------------- hospital and do not include proprietary preparations for which cheaper substances of equal therapeutic value are available not preparations which are primarily foods, tonics, toilets or disinfectants. Name of the Medicine Cost --------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------- -------------------------e) That patient is/was suffering from -------------------------and is/was under my treatment from ------------------------f) That the patient was/ not given prentation post treatment g) That the X ray, laboratory tests etc., for which an expenditure of Rs. ----------------was incurred was necessary and was under taken on may active at the ------------------------------ (name of the hospital or laboratory) h) That referred the patient of Dr.-------------------------------- for specialist multilation and that the necessary approval of Director, Medical Service as required under the rules was obtained and i) That the patient did not require / required hospital etc. Date ---------------------------Signature and Designation Of the Authorised Medical attendant.

17 ESSENTALITY CERTIFICATE I Certify that Mrs. /Mr./Miss ------------------------- Wife/Son/Daughter of Mr.----------------------------- employed in the ------------------------------------ has been under my treatment for --------------------------------------------- deceases from ---------------------------to-------------------------------- at ------------------------------------- Hospital/ my consulting room and that the under mentioned medicines prescribed by me in this connection were essential for the recovery/ prevention of serious deterioration the condition of the patient. The Medicines are not stocked in the ------------------------------- Hospital ( for supply to patients) an do not include proprietary preparations for which cheaper substances of equal therapeutic value are available or preparations which are primarily foods, toilets or disinfectants. Name of Medicines ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Price ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Signature and designation of Authorised Medical Attendant Signature of the Medical Officer Incharge in the case of the Hospital. EMERGENCY ADMISSION CERTIFICATE This is to certify that Mr./Mrs./Ms. ------------------------------------------------S/O.D/o.W/o. -------------------------------- aged about ---------------------------------admitted in our Hospital in ------------------------------- Department under emergency on ------------------------------------ at ----------------------------- am/pm. The provisional diagnosis is ------------------------------------Signature and designation of the attending medical authority NON DRAWL CERTIFICATE Certified that the claim of reimbursement of medical expenses incurred by Sri --------------------------------------------------------------- retired/ working as -------------------------------------------------------------------- on his treatment for -----------------------------From------------------------------------------- to ------------------------------ at-----------------------Hospitals --------------------------------- amounting to Rs.--------------------- (Rupees ---------------------------------------------------- only) was neither preferred nor drawn previously. SIGNATURE AND DESIGNATION


ADVANCE CERTIFICATE (Certificate to be furnished by the Medical Officer under Rule 6) Certified that Sri/smt. ------------------------------- a member of the family of sri/smt working as ---------------------------------- in the office of ---------------------------------------- at ------------------------------- is suffering from --------------------------------- and that a sum of Rs.------------------------ (Rupees ---------------------------------------------- only) is necessary as advance to cover the medical expenses reimbursement by Government in the case. Date: State: Signature Designation ADVANCE CERTIFICATE FOR SECOND TIME TREATMENT ( Certificate by Medical Officer under Rule II ) Certified that sri/smt -------------------------------------------- a member of the familyof sri/smt ------------------------------------------------------------ working as ------------------------------- in the office of the ---------------------------------- at --------------------------------------- (place) is still suffering from ---------------------------------------- and that a further sum of Rs. ---------------------- (Rupees ----------------------------------------------------------- ) only is necessary as advance to cover the reimbursement medical expenses in this case as from this Date: State: Signature Designation

Note : Strike off unnecessary potion when the certificate relates to the government employee himself. DECLARATION CERTIFICATE I ------------------------------------- -- ( Full name & Designation ) here by declare that my father/ Mother, Sri/Smt --------------------- has no property or income of his/her own and that he/she is wholly dependant upon me. Station : Date: -----------------------------Signature & Desingnation


CHECK LIST FOR SUBMISSION OF MEDICAL ADVANCE/ REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT 1. 2. 3. 4. Name of the employee and Designation Name of the patient and relationship With employee Name of Disease Whether disease covered in G.O.Ms.No. 86 Fin. & Plg. Dt. 1.6.92 if so, admissibility Certificates should be enclosed. Whether the patient has been referred to NIMS/SVIMS in case the diseases is Not covered in G.O.Ms.No. 86 dt. 1.6.92. : Whether the patient underwent treatment Hospital is a recognized Hospital as per Govt. Orders. : Whether the patient has been referred By NIMS/SVIMS is case of treatment Taken in the hospital recognized. : If not referred by NIMS/ SVIMS, justified Reasons and nature of the urgency of obtaining Treatment in recognized hospital as per G.O.175 H&M dt. 29.5.97. Whether enclosed estimation certificate in case Of advance/Essentiality Certificate in case of Reimbursement : : : :







Whether bills have countersigned By concerned Head of Department in NIMS/SVIMS In case of Medical reimbursement : : 11. Amount of advance/reimbursement required in case of reimbursement in various hospitals Separate station to be shown. : 12. 13. Whether the claim has been referred within (6) Months. Remarks of recommending officer : : Signature of the Recommending Officer.



S.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

Name of the Hospital AIMS New Delhi Appollo Hospital, Hyd. Appllo Hospital, Chennai Adayar Cancer Centre, Madras AP Super Speciality Dental Hospoital, Hyd. Aditya Hospital, Hyd. Appollo Hospitals, Visakkhapatnam. Aware Hospitals, Hyd. Bibi General Hospital and Cancer Centre, Hyderabad. Bollineni Ramanaiah Memorial Hospital Pvt.Ltd., Nellore. C.M.C., Vellore C.D.R. Hospital, Hyd. Citi Cardiac Research Centre, Vijayawada. Care Hospital, Hyd. Care Hospital Visaka, (Visakha Hospitals & Diagnostics Private Limited) Charita Sri Hospital, Vijayawada Durga Bai Deshmukh Hospital, Hyd. F.M.S Dental Hospital, Hyd. Golbal Hospital and Institute of Gastroentrology & Laparoscopic Surgery, Hyd. Dr. Gouds Dental Hospital, Hyd. Indo-American Cancer Institute and Research Centre, Hyd. Image Hospitals, Hyd. Jaya Hospitals, Hanamkonda. Kamineni Hospital, Hyd. Kidwai Memorial Cancer Hospital, Hyd. Kshema Speciality Dental Hospital, Hyd. L.V. Prasad Eye Institute, Hyd. Laxmi Ayurveda Hospital, Hyd. Medwin Hospital, Hyd. Mediciti Centre, Hyd. Mahaveer Hospital, Hyd. Mythri Multi Speciality Hospital, Hyd. NIMS Hyderabad Nimhans, Bangalore Owaisi Hospital, Hyd. Pratima Institute of Medical sciences, Nagnur, Karimnagar Dist. Rohini Medicare Hospital, Hanamkonda

GO.No. 1274 38 38 38 38 282 332 328 713 372 38 38 713 150 223 169 258 378 196 119 133 462 331 38 38 106 199&150 113 38 38 150 329 609 38 150 36 485 493

Date 29.10.1978 23.1.1996 23.1.1996 23.1.1996 24.1.2001 13.7.2001 23.8.2001 23.8.2001 22.5.1997 1.10.2001 23.1.1996 23.1.1996 22.5.1997 20.5.1997 16.6.2001 18.5.2002 15.6.1996 15.7.2003 24.5.2001 29.3.2004 9.4.2001 11.12.2001 28.3.2001 23.1.1996 23.1.1996 18.3.2004 16.5.1996,20.5.1998 25.4.1998 23.1.1996 23.1.1996 20.5.1998 23.8.2001 21.11.1988 23.1.1996 20.5.1998 13.2.2002 3.9.2003 11.9.2003

21 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 Rainbow Children Hospital, Hyd. Remedy Heart Institute, Hyd. SVIMS, Tirupathi Sankara Netralaya, Chennai Satya Kidney Centre, Hyd. Sree Padmavathi Orthopaedic & Surgical Nursing Home, Hyd. Seven Hills Hospital, Visakhapatnam. Swatantra Hospital, Visakhapatnam. Smiline Dental Hospital, Hyd. Saivani Hospital, Hyd. Sai Krishna Super Splty. Hospital, Hyd. Tata Memorial Cancer Hospital, Bombay Usha Cardiac Centre, Hyd. Usha Mullapudi Cardiac Centre, Hyd. Vijaya Hospital, Vijaya Heart Foundation, Madras. Vijaya Health Care Hospital, Secbad Willington Hospital, New Delhi Yashoda Hospital, Malakpet, Hyd. Yashoda Hospital, Somajiguda, Hyd. 105 403 38 38 38 38 402 464 479 484 38 150 449 38 339 1274 150 462 18.3.2004 26.7.1993 23.1.1996 23.1.1996 23.1.1996 23.1.1996 3.9.1998 18.8.2003 29.8.2003 3.9.2003 23.1.1996 20.5.1998 24.11.200 23.1.1996 8.8.2002 29.10.1998 20.5.1998 9.12.2002



TREAMENT OF HOSIDAYS PREFIXED OR SUFFIXED TO VACATION AND LEAVE The following conditions govern the prefixing end suffixing of holidays to leave or vacation. 1. Holidays that intervene between two spells of leave should be treated as leave (SR 3 under PR 68) 2. Holidays may, be prefixed to leave. They may be affixed to the leave subject to the following regulations (SRI under PR 68 ) i) It shall not involve the handling and taking over securities or moneys other than permanent advance. ii) The delay in return does not involve corresponding delay in he transfer to another station of the Government servant or in the discharge of a person temporarily appointed to it. 3. Holidays means the holidays notified under the negotiable Instruments Act, 1881, or optional holidays or holidays notified without reserve or qualifications (Explanation 2 under SR 3 under FR 68). 4. Local holidays notified in the District Gazette only, cannot be treated as holidays for this purpose, (Ruling 5 under FR 68.) 5. Holidays proceeding vacation which Is prefixed to leave should be excluded from calculation for he purpose of reckoning the maximum amount o leave on full pay admissible at any one time (Ruling 3 (a) under FR 68.) 6. Holidays intervening between vacation and leave shall be treated as part of vacation (Ruling 3 (b) under FR 68) 7. Holidays proceeding/following the leave on Medical Certificate may be treated as follows: (Note under SR 3 under FR 68 inserted through G.O.Ms. No 319 F&;P Dt. 18-12-1981.) i. If the fitness certificate is of the date on which the Government Servant resumes duty or the date just proceeding the date of joining the holidays may be treated as part of leave and shall not be suffixed to leave. ii. When the fitnesw certificate is of the just proceeding the holidays, then the holidays may be allowed to be suffixed provided the Government Servant makes la request in this respect. iii. When the fitness certificate is of the date intervening the holidays, the entire period of holidays may be treated as part of leave. Illustration A Government servant was granted leave on Medical grounds from 20-11-1991 to 13-12-1991 with permission to suffix public holidays on 14-12-1991 and 15-12-1991 to leave. He reported to duty on 16-12-1991 duly producing fitness certificate. i) If the fitness certificate is date 16-12-1991. the public holidays on 14-12-1991 and 15-12-1991 have to be treated as leave and shall not be suffixed to leave. ii) If the fitness certificate is of he date13-12-1991 the public holidays on 14-12-1991, and 15-12-1994, will have to be allowed be suffixed to leave. iii) If the fitness certificate is of the date 14-12-1991 or 15-12-1991, both the holidays on 14 and 15-12-1991 should be treated as leave.



The following Special kinds of leave under FRs are admissible to Government Servants. 1. Maternity Leave (FR 101) 2. Hospital Leave (FR 101 (b)) 3. Special disability Leave (FR 83) 4. Study Leave (FR 84) Maternity Leave Maternity leave is admissible to married women Government Servants under the subsidiary Rules framed under FR 101. The sanction of leave is governed by the following conditions. i. The leave may be sanctioned upto 90 days (G.O.Ms. No. 384, F&P Dt. 5-111977) ii. The leave is to be sanctioned on full pay SR (1) under FR 101. iii. Non-permanent Government Servants should take ordinary leave on full pay for which they may be eligible. If no leave is admissible or if the leave lat credit falls short of 90 days, the leave for 90days or the portion that falls short of 90 days, as the case may be sanctioned. iv. From 29-6-1984 all female Government servants either permanent or nonpermanent including those appointed under emergency provisions may be sanctioned maternity leave for 90 days without applying the condition in time (iii) above. (Vide G.O.Ms. No. 219, Fin & Plg. Dt 29.6.1984) v. The leave may be combined with leave of any kind, of the request is supported by a Medical Certificate including illness of newly born child. (SR 2 under FR 101.) vi. In case of mis-carriage including abortion, the leave shall not exceed six weeks and shall be supported by a Medical Certificate from a registered medical Practitioner. ( Explanation under SR 1 under FR 101 as amended in G.O.Ms. No. 291, Fin & Plg. Dt 13-8-1976) vii. Abortion included under the Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act 1971 is a case of abortion for granting the leave. Such leave shall not exceed six weeks and should be supported by a Medical Certificate. (G.O.Ms. No 762, Fin & Plg. Dt. 11-8-1976) viii. The leave is not debitable to leave account. ix. If the maternity leave falls during the working period of the school year 90 days may be sanctioned as Maternity Leave. If it falls during vacation period 90 days may be sanctioned subject to the condition that after enjoying the vacation, the residuary period, if any may be treated as maternity leave subject to maximum of 90 days. (G.O.Ms.No. 463, End Dt. 4-5-1979 and G.O.Ms.No.562, Edn., Dt. 23-6-1981) x. From 18-3-1992, the Maternity Leave in cases of confinement shall be granted in a female Government Servant with less than two surviving children (G.O.Ms.No.38, Fin & Plg., Dt. 18-3-1992.)

24 GOVERNMENT OF ANDHRA PRADESH ABSTRACT Public Services Andhra Pradesh Civil Services (Classification, Control and Appeal ) Rules. 1991- Minor Penalities Effect of Penalty Orders - Issued. GENERAL ADMINISTRATION (SER.C) DEPARTMENT G.O.Ms.No.342 Dated : 4-8-1997 Read the following 1. G.O.Ms.No.187; General Administration (Ser.B) Department,Dt. 25-4-1985 2. G.O.Ms.No.58; General Administration (Ser.C) Department, Dt. 4-2-1997 ORDER : Under rule 9 of Andhra Pradesh Civil Services (Classification, Contro. & Appeal ) Rules, 1991 the following are the minor penalties: i. Censure ii. Withholding of Promotion iii. Recovery from pay of the whole or part of any pecuniary loss caused by him to the State Government or the Central Government or to a Local Authority or to a Corporation owned or controlled by the State or the Central Government by negligence or breach of orders, while working in any department of the State or the Central Government local authority or Corporation concerned. iv. Withholding of increments of pay. v. Suspension, where a person has already been suspended under rules 8 to the extent considered necessary. 2. .As per para 11 of G.O.Ms.No.187, General Administration (Service B) Department ,dated 25-4-1985 the individual who is undergoing punishment should not be recommended for promotion. In case, where the period of punishment imposed is already over, each case has to be evaluated by Department Promotion Committee on merits. 3. The need for issue of comprehensie instructions on the currency and effect of minor penalities on Government employees who were involved in disciplinary cases and who come up for consideration for promotion to higher categories has been examined and further instructions are issued as follows: Penalty i) Censure Effect Interms of orders issued in G.O.Ms.No.53, Genl.Admn.(Ser.C) Dept., Dt.4.2.1997 every Censure awarded shall debar a government employee for promotion/appointment by transfer for one year to both selection and nan-selection posts. This penalty awarded to Government employees shall debar the individual for promotion/appointment by transfer to a


Withholding of Promotion

25 Higher post during the period of subsistence of penalty which shall be indicated in the order imposing the penalty subject to a minimum period of one year, both for selection and nonselection posts. Whenever a Government employee is awarded the penalty of recovery from pay, it shall debar the individual for promotion/appointment by transfer toa higher post during the period of penalty which shall be indicated in the order imposing the penalty subject to a minimum period of one year both for selection and non-selection posts. Even if an employee remits the amount in one lumpsum, he/she shall not be considered for promotion/appointment by transfer for a minimum period of one year.


Recovery from pay of the wholer or part of any pecuniary loss caused by him to the State Government or the Central Government or to a Local Authority or to a Corporation owned or controlled by the State or Central Government by negligence or breach of orders while working in any department of the State or the Central Government, Local Authority or Corporation concerned.

iv) Withholding of increments of pay a) With Cumulative effect

(i) In G.O.Ms.No.335, Genl.Admn. (Ser.C) Dept., Dt 14-6-1993 orders were issued to the effect that the penalty of stoppage of increments with cumulative effect amounts to a major penalty under the Andhra Pradesh Civil Services (CCA) rules, 1991 and the elaborate procedure prescribed under rule 20 of the said rules is to be followed: (ii) In terms of G.O.Ms.NO.968 Genl.Admn.(Ser.C) Dept., Dt. 26-101995, whenever any of stoppage of increment with cumulative effect, the cases o such empoloyeesshall not be considered for promotion/appointment by transfer for twice the period for which the increment (s) is/are stopped with cumulative effect, both for selection and non-selection posts. iii) Whenever any Government employee is awarded the penalty of stoppage of increment with cumulative effect, the individual shallnot be considered for promotion/appointment

26 b) Without cumulative effect. By transfer for twice the period with a minimum of one year both for selection and non-selection posts. This penalty awarded to Government employee shall debar him/her for promotion/appointment by transfer to a higher post during the period of subsistence of penalty which shall be indicated in the order subject to a minimum period of one year, both for selection and non-selection posts. Where suspension is revoked exenerating a person fully his/her case may be considered for promotion with retrospective effect. Where the disciplinary proceedings finally resulted in a penalty he/she will be debarred during the period of penalty and subject to a minimum period of one year from the date of reinstatement. In case the suspension period itself is treated as substantive penalty, he/she shall be debarred for promotion/appointment by transfer for a period of minimum one year both for selection/non-selection posts.

. v) Suspension where a person has already been suspended under rule 8 to the extent considered necessary


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