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Online Quiz of Computer Networ ing Youll get 10 minutes to answer 10 mcq questions. (more) < ing-set-1#more-1919> : Computer Networ ing (Quizzes) < ing-quizzes> : Computer <>, Computer Networ < >, Computer Networ ing < ing-2>, IT <>, IT MCQ <>, MCQ <>, MCQ Questions <>, Multiple Choice Questions <>, Networ < >, Networ ing < ing>, Objective Questions <> MCQ of Computer Networ ing Set 3 < ingset-3> by Ganesh Maharjan This is a new set of MCQ Questions in the category of *Computer Networ ing*. In this set as usual you will get 10 Multiple Choice Questions related to Computer Networ ing and four options for each questions but only one options is the correct answer. This is 3rd set of this series. Correct answers of this MCQ Questions are given below of this question set. MCQ on Computer Networ ing Multiple Choice Questions of Computer Networ ing *3-1. Why IP Protocol is considered as unreliable?* A. A pac et may be lost B. Pac ets may arrive out of order C. Duplicate pac ets may be generated D. All of the above *3-2. What is the minimum header size of an IP pac et?* A. 16 bytes B. 10 bytes (more) < ing-set-3# more-1909> : Computer Networ ing (MCQs) < ing-mcq> : Computer <>, Computer Networ < >, Computer Networ ing < ing-2>, IT <>, IT MCQ <>, MCQ <>, MCQ Questions <>, Multiple Choice Questions

MCQ of Microsoft Excel Set 10 <> by Ganesh Maharjan This is another set of MCQ Questions in the category of *Microsoft Excel*. In this set as usual you will get 10 Multiple Choice Questions related to Microsoft Excel and four options for each questions but only one options is the correct answer. Correct answers of this MCQ Questions are given below of this question set. MCQ of Microsoft Excel Multiple Choice Questions of Microsoft Excel *10-1. Which of the following syntax is correct regarding to SUM function in Excel?* A. =SUM (A1, B1) B. =SUM (A1:B9) C. =SUM (A1:A9, B1:B9) D. =All of the above *10-2. What is the shortcut ey to hide entire column?* A. CTRL + B. CTRL + 0 (more) < e-1877> : Microsoft Excel (MCQs) <> : Computer <>, IT <>, MCQ <>, MCQ Questions <>, Microsoft Excel <>, MS Excel <>, Multiple Choice Questions <>, Objective Questions <> MCQ of Microsoft Excel Set 9 <> by Ganesh Maharjan A new set of *MCQ Questions* on the category of *Microsoft Excel*. In this set you will get 10 *Multiple Choice Questions* related to the Microsoft Excel. For each questions there are four options but only one options is the correct option. Correct answer of these questions are given at the bottom of this question set.

<>, Networ < >, Networ ing < ing>, Objective Questions <>

MCQ of Microsoft Excel Multiple Choice Questions of Microsoft Excel *9-1. What is the AutoComplete feature of Excel?* A. It automatically completes abbreviated words B. It completes text entries that match an existing entry in the same column C. It completes text and numeric entries that match an existing entry in the same column D. It completes text entries that match an existing entry in the same wor sheet *9-2. Which of the following is correct?* A. =AVERAGE(4, 5, 6, 7) B. =AVERAGE(A1, B1, C1) (more) < -1861> : Microsoft Excel (MCQs) <> : Computer <>, IT <>, MCQ <>, MCQ Questions <>, Microsoft Excel <>, MS Excel <>, Multiple Choice Questions <>, Objective Questions <> Online Quiz on Microsoft Access Set 3 <> by Ganesh Maharjan This is another set on Online Quiz of *Microsoft Access* (Set 3), this Online Quiz is based on Microsoft Access and this quiz is for those user who want to test their nowledge in *Microsoft Access*. To attempt this online quiz type your name and clic on start button bellow. MCQ of Microsoft Access Youll get 10 minutes to answer 10 mcq questions. (more) <> : Microsoft Access (Quizzes) <> : Computer <>, IT <>, MCQ <>, MCQ Questions <>, Microsoft Access <>, MS Access <>, Multiple Choice Questions <>, Objective Questions <>, Online Quiz <> Page 1 of 1812 <>3 <>4 <>5 <> <>...Last <>

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