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Notes to understand the question buildup of Oxford History Exams.

Presented by
Dr. Rameez Sarwar D.V.M (U.A.F) B.A (Eng.Lit) (P.U) 0332-6850119

NOTE: Students are advised to read the chapter thoroughly first, then go for the questions as I have covered only those which are unable to be captured during a superficial reading.

Age of Professionalism demands perfection in all respects. Sometimes the things we neglect or leave during studies come forth to us like bad dreams in practical life. They become a continuous source of headache for us as our brain grows old to understand the thing to understand it. Then you will see the University toppers who although crammed the syllabus overnight go on facing continuous failures in aptitude tests like GREs, state exams and tests like Selection, Pre-Selection for good Jobs or are a total failure in the practical field out side the wall of varsity. So, in this world of perfect aptitudes you need to be up to date in all respects.. If you are reading in this book about Xerxes, you neglect and forgetSome way in life in any exam you are asked about such ( and surely you would be) after 10,20 or even 30 years, you will be just keep on scratching the head and rubbing the ballpoint on paper and remembering the voice of your teacher coming from your subconscious..XerxesXerxes..Greek?? Persian or A Monster?? So, before Mr. Xerxes become a Monster for you and you become a bag-piper trying to push the rats into the stream, you must do something for it. Remember, human history is your history too, so study it like that, surely you are not a monkey rather Cheers Rameez

The First Humans

1< Which is the best place to find about the beginnings of first humans? 2< In which forms the archeologists found the evidences? 3< How much old the evidences are?( Range ) 4< What type of humans we found in low levels of remains? 5< Hominids of modern types are found in which level? 6< Write some differences between Apes and Human beings. 7< Figure out at least five differences between Homo habilis, Homo erectus and Homo sapiens. 8< Ice age linked which parts of earth? 9< Write an example of huge beast early humans used to kill. 10< Write a note first tailors, about how they sewn which things with which stuff. 11< How the first civil engineers managed to provide shelter? 12< What were some favorite subject animals for early painter? 13< If you fail to date a fossil more than 60,000 years then which type of another method you will use? 14< Can we find the remnants of advanced hunters now? Where?

Land of Two Rivers

1< What is civilization and state its basic components? 2< Which thing is considered necessary for emergence of a civilization? 3< Write the pathway of River Tigris and Euphrates? 4< How Sumerians were impressive people? 5< Which civilization appeared after Sumerians in the region? How? Where? 6< State Merits and Demerits of Hammurabi laws. 7< Babylonians strived hard to survive. Discuss. 8< Name the conquerors over Babylonian. 9< Name those who were defeated by Babylon. 10< In the history some unknown people came to intrude the civilizations. They were called as? 11< Who were Hittites? Important Points. 1. Four Chariots abreast over the wall 2. Greek Traveler 3. The Great city has become a great desert. 4. Cyrus, The King of Persia 5. Nebuchadnezzars Ziggurat, Babylon. 6. Ten Miles city 7. Treatment with slaves.

Daily Life in Ancient Egypt

1< Mekketras model give us some clues about daily life in Egypt. What are those clues? 2< How was tax generated and know it was utilized? 3< Compare the modern life and ancient life in the light of Hekanakhte letters? 4< Give an account on the Egyptian science. 5< Give the concept of life after death of the early Egyptians. 6< Give important points to understand the Early Egyptian religion and role of priest? 7<Why the Amenhotep IV failed to establish his religious thinking? 8< What were some modifications introduced by Amenhotep? 9< Why the civilization remained static for 3000 years? 10< Write in sequence the peoples dwelled in Nile valley? 11< Which religion vanished the priestly faith of ancient Egypt? 12< How many Gods did the Ancient Egypt held and which were the leading ones?

The Indus Civilization

1< Write the route of Indus River? 2< Which was the oldest civilization found in the Indus valley?

3< Why Indus civilization being the Mysterious? 4< What are some written records about Indus we have? 5< How much expanded the area of Indus valley was? 6< What sort of food the Indus people had? 7< Which two cities were found in Indus valley? What was their estimated population? 8< How Harappa was found? 9<Write an account on the type of bricks they used to build their houses? 10< Compare some features of Harappa civilization with that of Mesopotamia and Egypt? 11< Write an account on the crafts of the Indus. 12< What do you know about the religion of Indus people? 13< Write some features of important trading post of Indus, What is that? 14< What do you know about seals of Mohenjo-Daro? 15< Which things can be revealed if we understand the mystery of seals? 16< Who probably ended the Indus Civilization? Important Points

Excavations by Sir Mortimer Wheeler. 2. 1920 3. Lahore-Multan Railway


Indo Gangetic Kingdom

1< Who were Aryans? (From where do they came, their identity in history) 2< How the Aryans spread across the India? 3< Why they are called as pastorals? 4< With the villages and towns which professions originated? 5< What are some ancient civilizations existed inn India? 6< How many kingdoms were present in Indus-Ganga valley? And what they used to do? 7< What do you know about caste system of Aryans? 8< Was the caste system good for humanity? How do you think it was a wrong thing? 9< Write names and occupations of gods in the Aryans empire? 10< What type of social life they used to spend? 11< How do we know about the chiefdoms and kingdoms? 12< Name all the sacred books of Aryans? 13< Write story of Rama, Lakshmana and Sita?

14< How the books passed for hundred of years? 15< What is the topic of Mahabharata? 16< What do you conclude from these books about the Aryan civilization?

The Eastern Mediterranean

1< Which thing made King Minos to sacrifice the people? 2< Why Theseus wanted to kill the Minotaur? 3< How Ariadne helped Theseus? 4< Why Aegean sea named so? 5< What is the importance of Palace Knossos? 6< Why historians criticize Sir Arthur Evans? 7< Which animal was important for the Cretans and how we came to know it? 8< Did the Labyrinth existed actually? 9< Why the Cretans did not fortified their palaces? 10< With whom they used to trade? 11< How the civilization came to end and who occupied it again?

12< What was Trojan War? Why it took place? Between which people? And the conclusion? 13< Why the wooden horse was build? What Troy people thought about it? 14< Why Troy and Mycenae were at a continuous war between each other? 15< Poems of which poet tells us about the fight of Troy? Important Points 1. Linear B 2. Mother of Birth

Persian and Greeks

1<How Xerxes managed to observe his fleet drowning the Greek ships? 2< On what issues Spartan army and Athenian navy were arguing? 3<What is meant by the advice Trust in your wooden walls 4<What trick was played by Greeks on Xerxes? 5< Why some of the Persians army left behind in Greece? 6< What type of land was owned by the Greeks? 7< Discuss the ruling system of Greeks?

8< Discuss economical status of the Athens? Which thing made them to survive better? 9< Why Athens was the leading city of Greeks? 10< In what ways Sparta was different from Athens? 11< Who were helots? 12< How Spartans used to train their children as warriors? 13< Who used to govern the Spartan region? 14< What was the battle of Marathon? Strategy? Conclusion? 15< How Leonidis was defeated? 16< How Greeks got advantage of their freedom of 150 years? 17< Why the Greeks started to fight away themselves and what were its aftereffects? 18< Why Athenians waged war against Sicilians? 19< How Athenians got defeated finally? What was the Greeces fate then? Important Points 1. Salamis 2. Ephors 3. Thermopylae 4. Thebans 5. Marathon Race 6. Athenian Navy 7. Spartan Army

8. Philip of Macedonia 9. Hellas, Freemen

Greek Ideas and how they spread?

( Only Syllabus Covered)

1< The Philosophy was triggered by which person? 2< Describe family background and appearance of Socrates? 3< How the first academy started? 4< What way was adopted by the Socrates to improve the Wisdom? 5< Who founded the first University of the world? 6< Write some life aspects of the founder? 7<What type of ruling system was suggested by the Plato? 8< Why do you think Aristotle failed to become head of Platos academy? 9< What was the background of Aristotle and Plato? 10< How can we gain knowledge and happiness in the world of Aristotle? 11< In which field of sciences the Aristotle was interested?

Alexander The Great

1< Riding of Bucephalus was the prediction of a successful rule? Describe.

2< Why the Macedonian court was not a happy place? 3< How Alexander proven himself the successor of Philip? 4< What characteristics made the Alexanders army unbeatable? 5< Why Tyre was the next prey? 6< Why Tyre people were fearless? 7< How Alexander proven their idea of strong walls wrong? 8< Why did not the Alexander followed Darius? 9< Running into Siwah Oasis???? What this thing depicts about the personality of Alexander? 10< Why Egyptians termed him the Pharaoh? 11< Alexander was impressed by Persians? Explain. 12< Despite of Elephants Porus had to defeat. Why? 13< How the Porus was treated and Why? 14< Why his army refused to advance further? 15< How they returned home? 16< What was the dream of Alexander? 17< How Greek culture intruded in other cultures? 18< How Alexander was really The Great?

Important Points 1. Hellenization 2. Oracle of Delphi 3. Hyphasis River 4. Roxanne 5. Appearance of Alexander

The Early Religions (Syllabus)

1< From where do the word Yehudi was extracted? 2< Which region can be declared as the main region of Yehudis? 3< Which was the Golden period of Jews? 4< Write in sequence the rulers over Jews? 5< Jews were divided into two kingdoms? Which ones? 6< Why Jews were forced to become the Diaspora? 7< When did the two revolts took place and why they were proven unfruitful?

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