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The Lady In Red Posted on 9 May 2012 in Couple [Votes: 6 | Rating: 6.83] 3 Comments It was about 9:30 pm.

I was returning from my office after a good days work. The KR Puram Bridge stretched empty before me, under the Neon lights. I was in no hurry to get back to the emptiness of my bachelor den. My good old Royal Enfield thumped lazily beneath me at 50 km/h. I removed my helmet and let the cool and dry Bangalore breeze flow through my hair. It was a good feeling and everything seemed perfect as I was driving along. I noticed a red Hundai Santro parked to the side on the middle of the bridge. I could also see the shape of a person near the railing. I slowed my Bullet to see what was going on. It was a woman I could not see her face and she wore a red sari and she was leaning too far out on the bridge railing something looked fishy. I brought my Bullet to a halt next to the car and got down. She hadnt noticed and she looked like she was in a trance and her eyes fixed onto some distant spot on the horizon. I just stood there I dont like intruding into other peoples business unless I have to by now I was getting a peculiar vibe about this whole situation. There was something wrong. I couldnt place my finger on what it was but there definitely was something wrong right then she climbed onto the railing. I knew it then. She was going to jump down the bridge end her life. I ran forward and grabbed her by her hips and heaved inside. She fell into my arms and we both fell down and she had a surprised look on her face. We both lay there for some time and looking into each others eyes. Her eyes spoke they spoke of longing, of abandonment, of being neglected. I understood I did not ask her anything there were no sexual undertones in that request and I felt none. It was as if a daughter was asking her father to hold her a little longer. It was like a sister asking her brother to hold her a little longer. I held her close as we got up and sat on the ledge below the railing. She lay her head on my shoulder snuggling into my arms wrapped around her and I could feel her shivering in my arms. How can I put down in words how I felt at that moment? I felt protective. I felt like smashing whatever or whoever had hurt her gradually she stopped shivering and seemed a lot more composed. We got up and I asked her are you all-right now? She said yes and thanks you. Where is your house? Ill take you there and I said. No. Please dont and I've already caused you so much trouble, she said and I replied yes, you have. Now I want to make sure that you reach your house safely. Are you ok to drive? Ill follow you on my bike. She understood from my look that I was not going anywhere without making sure that she reached home safely. Ok, she said, follow me and its nearby. My good old Royal Enfield came to life on the first kick and I followed the red santro to an apartment building near to the bridge. The security guard jumped up from his sleep on the sound on the car and rushed to open the gates. Salam

Mrs. Varma he blurted out. She nodded and waved my in and I followed her and put my engine on idle as she parked her car. It was getting late and I was keen to get moving. You can park the bike on the side she said. No. I just wanted to make sure that you got back safely. I have to get moving I said. No please dont leave just yet. I really dont want to be alone tonight. Could you stay for just half-an-hour? She said what could be the harm in it? I thought. It was not as if someone was waiting for me back at my house. I too knew that if I left then, then we would be strangers for life. I wanted to know her and I wanted to find out what had caused her to take such a drastic step. That protective feeling I had felt back on the bridge when she cried in my arms had still not left me. I wanted to be there for her please stay, she mumbled out but her eyes begged me. She was not ready to be alone yet. Ok, I said and we walked towards the lift. It was in the lift that I first noticed how beautiful she was. She was not the typical shallow, fair complexioned, makeup laden ladies you normally encounter. She was about 52 feet tall and dark, smooth, unblemished skin. Dark, jet black hair fell freely on her shoulders. Her sari elegantly hugged her curved hips and full bosom. Not a hint of obscenity but insanely erotic. Looking at her, one could feel the depth of her intellect, her maturity, not only that there were values that she cherished but also freedoms that she enjoyed and she was a woman! The apartment was one of four on that floor. The living room was cozy and comfortably furnished. You could see her personality shining through. The low height sofas surrounded the thick kashmiri carpets. The adjoining balcony, do you drink? Can you fix me a Vodka Lime? Ill be right back, she said, pointing to the mini-bar. The minibar was in the balcony adjoining the living room. It was private and one could see the entire length of the Neon lit majestic KR Puram Bridge from there. It contained a thick cushioned divan bed surrounded by lush potted plants. I noticed a crumpled spot on the bed and a half empty glass of vodka and ice on the floor next to it. It was not old. The ice had melted leaving strains of moisture on the glass. She must have sat here looking out at the bridge for a long time before deciding to go there and do it and I fixed her a Vodka Lime and myself an Old Monk and Coke. She came back and sat on the divan. I handed her drink and she gulped half of it and made a sparkling pulling expression with her face and I thought it was awfully cute. The drink was too stiff for her. I poured some water into her glass. She took another sip. Now it was right. She smiled at me and I sat next to her in the darkness. Neither of us spoke anything. We looked at the occasional car inching slowly over the KR Puram bridge and I looked at her in and her face beautiful in the distant Neon glow. She looked so elegant and poised. So mature and in control but I knew that inside her was a shattered and lost person.

Who are you? I wanted to ask her and what happened that drove you to this extreme? Do you want someone to talk to? We finished our drinks. She got up and fixed one more. This time she came back and sat close to me. I could smell her. I hear her slow, rhythmic breath. She squeezed my hand and said thanks and I put my hands around her shoulders. She leaned into me and I feel so safe now, you know, she said like I felt when you held me on that bridge. I feel like I understand you I said but I dont know you. I want to know you go on talk to me when I was standing on that ledge, I heard a million voices in my head screaming a million visions in my eyes of my past and of my future. I was being torn apart and I felt cold. I could not feel my arms. I wanted it all too just end then when you held me close, the only sound I could hear was of your beating heart. I felt warmth sweeping throughout my body. I felt calmness like Ive never felt in a long time. The visions vanished one by one and I suddenly felt like I used to feel sitting on my fathers lap in our veranda squeezed between him and his newspaper. his arms encircling me and we kissed passionately and our tongues met and fondled each other. Tasting, sucking and exploring. My arms tightened around her and caressed the curve of her back. The other arm squeezed the exposed side of her curvy stomach between her blouse and sari. Her hands were running through my hair and trying to rip them out in a surge of intense passion. Her breathing started to get heavier. My hand made its way underneath her blouse through the back. It started rubbing under the bra straps on the back side. My mouth had left hers and was now sucking on her neck and shoulders. She tried hard to hold in a moan but a feeble one escaped. I looked up and her eyes were closed and the expression on her face was one of intense ecstasy. I pushed down onto the cot and lay on top of her. My erect cock was trying to rip apart through my tight underwear and jeans. I squeezed my bulge into the folds of her sari over her vagina. She caught my head and moved it back to her mouth. She put her whole tongue out and I hollowed my mouth and sucked it deep. We kissed passionately for some more time. She was thrusting her hips into mine. I was thrusting my rock hard cock back when I moved back; she removed the small safety-pin which pinned together her left blouse shoulder and the pallu folds of her sari. I took the safety pin form her and safely put it on the small table nearby. I then removed the pallu. I admired her full bosom, trying to burst out of her bra and blouse. My hands started caressing her full and shapely stomach. Her brown and polished skin was glowed in the distant neon light from outside. I buried my face into her deep navel, thrust my tongue into its depths and sucked. She let out a moan of pleasure. I sucked the shapely sides of her stomach and moved up. I sucked and squeezed her boobs, over her blouse. My hands traveled to her armpits and I pressed my thumbs into its wetness. I looked into her eyes and sucked her sweat off my salty wet thumb.

Our eyes were filled with primal lust. I couldnt control myself anymore. I ripped open her blouse and bra. Two luscious, motherly, full, ripe breasts danced in front of my eyes. I just buried my face in between them and I was in heaven. Surrounded by the softest of flesh! I held one of them with both my hands and sucked deeply on the erect, brown nipple with my mouth, I felt the texture of her skin change from soft to slightly smooth. I used my tongue moved from her breast skin to the dark brown, pug-marked circle around her thick long nipple. My tongue played with the nipple. First tapping them, then trying to press them in, then moving around them and then I sucked hard on the nipple. Like a newborn and hungry for its first taste and I sucked both her breasts, and the valley between them, and her shoulders, and her neck, I sucked on the tip of her jaw. By this time her mouth was thirsty for another kiss and I gave in. We kissed passionately and she took control now. She rolled on top of me, still kissing then she sat upright on me and her sari raised to her thighs half naked and glowing in the neon light. She caught hold of my shirt and ripped them open in one quick motion. With her long nails she clawed through my hairy chest. She bet down and sucked on my nipples. Her mouth bit my thick shoulder-blades. I could feel the tips of her nipples on my stomach and shoulders. She kissed me again my arms encircled her and lifted her up. We were sitting up, facing each other and kissing. We hugged each other. I then rolled her over so that she lay on the edge of the bed. Her knees bent down over the edge through the folds of her crumpled sari, now rolled up till her knees, she loosened the knot that held her pavada with one heave and I pulled everything down and threw them on the floor her sari, her pavada and her wet panties. I stood up and took her right leg in my hands and started sucking her toes. I slowly progressed inward towards her knees and thighs. I kneel down between her thighs. The smell from her slightly hairy vagina was driving me crazy. Like the scent of a flower drives the honeybee crazy for its nectar then my mouth reached heaven! I sucked her vagina with as much passion as I had sucked her mouth before. I sucked gently but deeply. Her taste in mouth and her smell in my nostrils as my tongue caressed her clitoris, gently, she moaned. She was wiggling in uncontrollable ecstasy. First trying to push me away then trying to push me in deeper and I held tightly onto her thighs with both my hands. My head between her spread legs and I sucked her vagina for some time. Till her taste was completely gone. I couldnt feel a tinge of saltiness anywhere. She grabbed me and sat up on the edge of the bed. She then made me stand up and slowly, methodically, she started to unbuckle my belt. She unbuttoned my pants and opened my zipper. My pants fell in a crumpled heap on my feet. She rubbed her hands over the long, bulge in my briefs and pulled them down. My long, erect, cock stood up. I removed the

briefs and pants from my feet. I was standing there completely naked. She reached behind me and pulled me closer to her face and sitting on the edge of the bed, she kissed my flat stomach. I could feel her cheeks on the side of my cock and on its tip I could feel her hair. She slowly kissed my thighs and stomach and started kissing the side of my cock. Then she kissed the tip after that she looked into my eyes and sucked hard on the tip! It was a feeling of uncontrollable ecstasy. I was shivering the whole time. Her tongue was moving all over the tip of my cock sucking, sliding, and rubbing its edge over the edges of my bulged cock head. It was too much but when I would touch her face, meaning for her to slow down, she would rub it harder! I couldnt bear it anymore. I held her shoulders and made her stand up. We stood there looking into each others eyes. I wanted to make sure that she was ok with this. I was willing to stop if she did not want me to continue but as if to answer my unasked question, she took a step closer, now both our bodies were touching each other, and gave me a strong kiss then she whispered into my ears. Enter me and I bent down and reached for the condom I had in my wallet. She stopped me and said I dont want anything between us. I want to feel your skin inside me and I trusted her completely and her eyes told me that she trusted me too. I too realized that I did not want anything between us. I let my wallet fall on the floor and she lay down on the bed. I lay down on top of her and we kissed. My rock hard cock rubbed the walls of her vagina. She started breathing hard. Very gently I pushed it between her vaginal lips. She let out a moan. I took it out and gently pushed it a bit deeper and I repeated this, slowly, till my entire length was inside her and both of us were one now. We kissed deeply. I could feel her vaginal walls compress on the sides of my long hard cock. She heaved her hips into mine, hinting for me to go faster. I increased my speed but thrust it all the way in each time. She was moaning loudly now and her long nailed fingers scratching my back. Her eyes closed and face stretched in ecstasy. I pumped my hips to enter her deeper and deeper, faster and faster. She was crying out in ecstasy faster she cried. My full hard cock found new depths of her vagina cum inside me! Cum inside me! I trusted her. I wanted her. I had never felt in such unity ever before in my life. I knew there was only one way we could be one. I would cum inside her. I pumped faster and deeper and harder. Her finger nails scratched my chest. We were both in a haze and our eyes met and we both knew we were going to climax and then we both climaxed! Together, I came powerfully inside her and suddenly I felt something had just been sucked out of me. I did not remove my cock from inside her vagina. I took her head in both my hands and kissed her deeply and after our climax, we lay in each others arms throughout the night. She talking me and listening. She talked about her childhood, her joys and her sorrows and what had led her to

that act of desperation. Ill talk about that in Part 2. If you liked my story you can mail me: Bhabhi Ya Sali Posted on 9 May 2012 in Desi [Votes: 7 | Rating: 4.71] 0 Comments Hello friends Im dev once again with yet another sex experience to share with you. It happened when my wife fell ill and became hospitalized for about 4 weeks at that time due to the requirement of attending the household tasks my Bhabhi came from village to help us out here. My mother used to be with my wife in the hospital and bhabhi was the in charge of the house and related works. Let me tell you about bhabhi she is 26 years of age, whitish in colour, long hair, round face, large eyes, lips are bit heavy and swollen type just like actress Priyanka chopra. She is very active in all the tasks and quite chirpy too. She is married to my elder cousin brother almost two years back. There is one more thing about her which is interesting that she comes from the same place where my wife comes from. They both are relative of each other (cousin sisters type) so I have double relation with her and normally remain silent and very reserve type of nature I possess, I do speak to her but within limits not very friendly or close to her and she behaves normally with me and everything was running normal as it should be lekin aap log samjhte hi hain ki jahaan khoobsurat jism ho wahaan use pane ki aag to lag hi jaati hai. Mujhe wo attractive toh kafi lagti thi par due to family obligations un sexy vicharon ko control karna hi padta hai. Mom ka to mostly time hospital mein hi guzarta tha, bas jab bhi kissin cheez ki zarurat hoti tab ghar aakar le jaati aur phir hospital chali jaati. Mera toh office jaana hota that toh main sabhi zaruri kaam nipta kar phir office ki tayyari mein jut jaata subha mom k hospital jaane k baad main aur bhabhi akele Reh jaateghar par jab tak main office nahin chala jaata. Main is smay ka kuchh fayada uthakar bhabhi ko dekhkar aankhein garam kar leta, wo mast lagti thi mujhe normally saree pehnti thi, ek dum kasa hua badan, gori baahein, chikni peeth, gadraya hua pet, sexy bum, pairon mein payal thi jo chhan-chhan karke bajti thi main to madhosh ho jata thi bhabhi mujhe naashta karati aur ghar ke baki kaam mein lagi rehti. Main unhein apne saath hi naashta karne ko kehta, pehle to wo inkaar kar rahi thi phir kuchh dinon baad roz ka wahi routine tha to hum ek dusre ko smajhne lage aur friendly bhi hone lage. Wo bhi mujhme interest leti thi aur chhupi nazaron se mujhe dekhti thi. Ek din main office se hal day lekar ghar aaya, dopahar mein bhabhi so rahi thi, unhone darwaaza khola phir main apne room mein chala gaya aur bhabhi dusre room mein sone chali gayi. Maine socha mouka achchha hai chalo aaj apni jhaanton ki safai kar leta hoon to meain itminaan se apne room mein razor lekar jhaantein banana laga normally jhaantein banate waqt lund to khara ho hi jaata hai, mera 7 ka lund

tankar hara tha aur main baal kat raha tha. Jhaantein kaatne ke baad maine tel liya aur apne lund maharaj par tel ki maalish karne laga. Ab toh mera lund ek dum lumba chora hokar tan gaya aur chikna bhi poora area oil ki wajah se chikna aur chamakdaar ho gaya tha. Main lund ki maalish karte waqt bhabhu k bare mein sochne laga, mujhe bada mazaa aa raha tha. Tabhi mujhe ehsaas hua jaise mere room k door par koi hai, mujhe kuchh chhan-chhan ki awaaz bhi lagi. Mujhe doubt hua ki kahin bhabhi to nahin, maine jaldi se saara saaman sameta aur phir normal hokar bahar aaya to wahaan koi nahin tha bhabhi k room mein dekha to wahaan nahin thi, wo bathroom mein thi. Mere mann mein doubt ghar kar gaya ki ho na ho bhabhi door k key hole se mujhe dekh rahi thi aur ab ghabrakar bathroom chali gayi hain. Kahir thodi der baad main hall mein gaya TV dekhne laga, bhabhi bhi aa gayi aur poochha Bhabhi: Kaise ho devar ji? Kuchh loge? Me: Aapke paas lya hai dene k liye? Bhabhi chonktey hue: kya? Arre chai /coffee kuchh banakr laaoon? Me: Oh haan haan chai bana lijiye Phir wo chai banana kitchen mein chali gayi, thodi der baad unhone awwaz lagai Bhabhi: Arre suno devarji, yahaan ana zara Me (kitchen mein pahunchkar) Kya hua boliye? Bhabhi: Arre ye sugar box upar shelf mein rakha hai zara utar dijiye maine wahaan aksar rehne wale stool ko khoja par wo nahin tha. Me: Bhabhi wo stool kahaan gaya? Bhabhi: Arre aaj chat par gayi thi use lekar wahin bhool gayi Me: Ab ye kaise utrega? Bhabhi: Aap koshish karo na, shayad wahaan pahunch jao maine koshish ki haath upar badhaya par baat nahin bani issi beech bhabhi mujhe aur merte sharer ko dekh rahi thi Me: Ab kya karein. Chalo main jaakar stool lata hoon Bhabhi: Arre devarji, aisa kijiye ki aap mujhe uthakar wahaan tak lift kar dijiye to kaam ban jayega kahaan stool lene jaayeige, do minute ka toh kaam hai. Main thoda jhijhakte hue unko uthaya, unko bahob mein bharne ka wo sama

kya gazab tha dosto haii wo makhmali badan, garam body, unke baalon se khushboo aa rahi thi, maine unki kamar mein haath dale hue they unki peeth mere chehre par. Ragad rahi thi, unke baal khule hone ke kaaran mere sir ko dhank rahe they mere sharer mein us thodi se pal mein hi na jaane kitne current daud gaya tha. Main kahin kho sa gaya tha tabhi Bhabhi: Aji neeche bhi utariye, nahin toh thak jayeinge aur muskurane lagi. Main dheere se unko neeche sarkane laga, mere baahon ka ghera unki kamar se hota hua. Unke chikne pet pe sarakta hua unke gol gadraye hue unke boobs par aakar ruka. Unki saansein bhi kuchh garam aur bhaari lagi mujhe unhone mujhe tirchhi nazaron se dekha aur maine nazar chura li. Thodi der mein bhabhi chai lekar hall mein aayi, hum dono chai peene lage aur ek dusre ko dekhne lage aag dono taraf barrabar lagi thi par shuru kaise karein yahi soch rahe they tabhi maine kaha Me: bahbhi chai mein doodh kuchh kam lag raha hai Bahbhi: hann aaj doodh subah aaya nahin that oh jot ha wahi use kar liya isliye kuchh kam lag raha hai Me: Haan yahaan yehi sab problem ho jaati hain, warna village mein toh sab kafi quantity mein available rehta haiab aapke paas bhi toh bahut doodh hota hai. Bhabhi: Kya matlab? Me: Arre bhabhi jaan main keh rahaa hoon ki village mein aapke ghar kafi doodh hota hai, bhains jo hain kai. Bhabhi: ok Me: Aap dar kyon gayi thi, aapne aise kyon react kiya Bhabhi: Arre kuchh nahin, main smajh nahin paayi thi Me: Aap kya apne doodh k bare mein soch rahi thi Ye sunkar bhabhi ka rang laal ho gaya aur kaha hato badmaash kahin Me: Waise aapki bhains zyaada doodh deti hai ya aap? Bhabhi almost chillate hue: ye kaisi baatein shuru kar di hain, mujhe achchha nahin lag raha Me: kya bhabhi tum bura kyon maanti ho main toh bas yun hi mazaak kar raha tha, waise bhi mera tumse mazaak karna banta hai aakhir tum meri bhabhi bhi ho aur ek rishtey se saali bhi ho.

Bhabhi: Achchha ji to main bhi toh mazaak hi kar rahi thi mere devarjijaji! Me: Wow bhabhi kya double rishte ka ek hi baar mein naam le liya hai, tussi great ho Bhabhi: Greta to tum bhi ho aur tumhare paas ek aur cheez hai jo bahut great hai Me: Chonkte hue achchhha ji aisa kya hai? Bhabhi: Wahi cheez jo ek aurat ya ek ladki ka sabse achchha dost hota hai, jo usko mast kar deta hai, really tumhari wife, meri cousin bahut lucky hai Me: Main kuchh samjha nahin Bhabhi: bano mat tum achchhi tarah samajh rahe ho Mein kiske bare mein baat kar rahi hoon waise bhi aaj jab tum uski maalish kar rahe they toh maine usko khoob dekha hai kya mast hathyar hai yaar Main to ye sunkar ek dum hot ho gaya, khushi ke mare uchhal pada.. Me: Achchha tabhi mujhe lag raha tha ki bahar door par koi to hai, mujhe doubt tha par kuchh keh nahin sakta thi ok tabhi phir tum bathroom mein bhag gayi thi ungli karne hai na Bhabhi: Haan mere devarjijaji tumne sahi jaana, us khambe ko dekhkar mujhse ruka nahin gaya, kya cheez payi hai tumne yaar. Ab maine aur bhabhi ne ek dusre ko baahon amin bhar liya tha aur hum dono hi ek duje ko kaskar daboch lena chahte they. Maine unhein zor se gale lagaya, aahaa kya ehsaas tha, wo naram aur garam boobs mere seeney mein ghare jaa rahe they, wo Garam badan mere saare sharer mein current dauda raha tha. Ab maine bhabhi ke dono hothon ko apne munh mein bhar liya aur bade pyar se unko choos raha tha. Bhabhi mast hone lagi thi, mere baalon ungliyaan ghumate hue mere hothon ka swad le rahi thi. Hum dodno wahin haall me bichhe hue carpet par hi dohre ho gaye aur ek dusre ko bahon mein kaskar ek jagah se dusri jagah roll kartey rahe thodi der baad jab hamara kiss break hua to hum dodno ek duje ko dekhkar hansne lage Bhabhi: Shai mein yaar tum bahut hot ho tumhare saath karne mein bada mazaa aanewala hai, par ye karna galat toh nahin hoga na? Me: Arre bhabhi, ab itna kar liya, tumne mera lund dekh liya, ab kya sahi aur kya galat waise bhi hum dono k do rishtey hain main tumhara devar hoon yani ki doosra var aur tum meri saali ho yani ki aadhi gharwali to phir sochne ko bacha hi kya, aakhir rishta bhi hamein is baaat ki ijaazat de raha hai Bhabhi: Scah tum bahut smart ho, kissi ko manaana ya pattaana aur baatein

banana koi tumse seekhey, zabardast explain kartey ho. Me: Achchha meri aadhi gharwali Bhabhi: Haan mere doosre var chalo ab khel ka mazaa lete hainapna hathyar dikhao na Me: tum khud hi nikal kar dekhlo, tumhara bhi to aadha adhikaar hai us par itna sunkar bhabhi ne mere trouser ko meri taangon se alag kar diya aur phir ek hi jhatke mein mere under wear ko nikaal kar door phenk diya mera lund ek dum Chikna aur oiling ki wajah se chamakdaar hokar bhabhi jaisi hot and sexy aurat ke saamne salaami dene laga. Bhabhi ki aankhon mein chamak aa gayi unhone ek dum dono haathon mein lund ko bharkar dabaya aur usko apnea jeebh se chaatne lagi mere munh se siskiyan nikalne lagi bhabhi lund ko choosne aur chaatne lagi kamre mein unki saanson, aanhon aur meri siskariyaon ki awaazein goonjne lagi Bhabhi: Yaar mast hai tumhara lund, mazaa aa gaya haii uii mmmm. Main bhabhi ke baalon mein haath ghuma raha tha, kabhi kabhi unke baalon ko pakad kar liund ko unke munh mein andar bahar karne lagti bada mazza aa raha tha jab mere control se bahar hone ka time aane laga to maine bhabhi ko roka aur unko upar uthane ki koshish ki par wo nahin maani aura b wo mere lund ko munh se nikal kar Lund ke aas paas ka raea chatne lagi wo itna mazza de rahi thi ki main bata nahin sakta, aisa mazza sirf feel kiya jaa sakta hai, gazab ka nasha swart ha hum dono par itne mein unke dwara ki jaa rahi gudgudi se kafi excite ho chukka tha aur mere lund maharaj ne apna fawwaara chalu kar diya mere lund se saara cum nikalkar baahr aa gaya jo kuchh bahabhi ke badan par gira aur kuchh neeche carpet par Bhabhi: haii jaane mann mazza aa gaya your so good I love you devarji haaiiumm. Ab maine bhabhi ko seedha kahada kiya aur unki saaree jo poori tarah astvyast thi usko dheere dheere unke gore badan se alag kiya, phir maine unko zabardast tareeke se bahon mein kas liya aur unke hothon ko choomne or choosne laga, phir peeth par haath le jaakar blouse ki dori kholi aur unke blouse ko utaar phenka, ab Iske baad baari thi unki gulabi rang ki bra ki,,, pehle toh maine unki peeth par kafi der haath phera uske baad bra k hooks khol diye aur bhabhi ka uoari badan nanga kar diyajaise hi bhabhi se meri nazarein mili wo Sharma gayi aur apne haathon se apne boobs chhupane lagi maine unke haathon ko hatate hue unke ek nipple ko munh mein bhar liya aur doosre ko haath se dabaane laga, kya aanand aa raha thagazab Ki feeling thi dosto kafi der unke boobs k saath khelne k baad maine unke pet

ko jamkar chaata aur dabaya, wo siskariyaan bahar rahi this ur tarah tarah ki awaazein nikal rahi thi jaise uii maa haai ummmm iiisshhh mere jaana devar ji jaa ji main ye sab sunkar aur bhi zyaada excite ho gaya, ab maine uske petticoat ke naare ko apne daanton se khola petticoat ko phir neeche sarkaya aur taangon se juda kar diya Ab main jo dekh raha tha wo thi duniya ki wahi cheez jiske liye saare ladke aur kard pagal hain gulabi panty main chhupi wo pao roti k samaan phuli hui choot mujhe invite kar rahi thi main panty ki elastic mein haath daala aur usko un maansal bum and jaanghon se alag kar diya, panty choot k ras ki wajah se bheeg chuki thi maine bhabhi ko neeche carpet par lita liya aur inke upar chadh gaya mera poora nanga Badan bhabhi ke poore nange badan se chipak gaya. Hum dodno kafi garam ho gaye they. Ab main unka poora sharer upar se neeche tak chatte hue neeche badh raha tha unki chooth par pahunchkar maine apni do ungliyaan chooth mein ghusa di off hhmmmmkya feeling thi meri ungliyaan maano makkhan ke mulayam cake mein ghus gayi hoi aisi feeling aa rahi thi par wo cake kafi garam bhi tha chooth jal rahi thi. Maine unhein itni der ungliyon se choda jab tak ki wo jhad na gayi unki awaazein mujhe ignite kar rahi thi ho ahai aaaaahhh uummmmnnhhhh uiii mar gayi shshs chodo mujhe ye lund ghusa do ab bardasht nahin hota ye chikna aur lumba kahmba mujme pel do yaar. Mera to waise hi bura haal tha in awwaazon ko sunkar main kadak ho rahe lund ko haath mein ppakda aur bhabhi ki hot choot ke Munh par rakha, bhabhi sisiya uthi uii maa haii maine apne poore badan ko bhabhi ke makhmali badan par chadha diya aur unki neck ko kiss kartey hue ek jhatke mein lund ko unki choot ki deewaron ko cheertey hue andar ghusa diya Bhabhi: haii main mar gayi maar daala ooma cheer de meri choot Me: kya bhabhi darling haiii mmmm experienced hokar aise kar rahi ho off mmm. Bhabhi: Oh jaanu, meri jaan, tumhara lund hai hi itna zabardast aur mazedaar meri chooth mein naya raasta bana diya hai jo aur bhi gehra ho gaya hai aisa lag raha jaise lohe ki rod pel di ho tumne ummmm ommaaa uiii bhabhi ko maze bhi aa rahe they aur thoda dard bhi tha, unki choot ki deewarein shayad thodi chhil gayi thi mere shot se, wo apne hothon ko apne ek honth se dabakar padi thi. Maine unhein pyar se choomna or choosna shuru kar diya uar unke mast boobs ko bhi dabane laga, Thodi der mein bhabhi masti se choor ho gayi aur gaand uchhal uchhal kar mere lund mein shot marne lagi. Ab toh mera lund aur unki choot ek saath rhythm mein aa gaye aur shot pe shot padne lage. Main apni poori taaqat se choot ko chod raha tha, aur tez awaazein nikal rahi thi bhabhi bhi har shot pe cheekh padti, wo achchhi tarah janti thi ki asia karne se excitement aur badh

jaati hai isliye wo mujhe barabar excite Kar rahi thi aakhir hum dono hi is khel ke purane or experienced khiladi they toh ye jaantey they ki kab kon si style, kon si awaaz hamare maze ko doguna kar degi, is tarah ye chooth aur lund ki 61-62, 61-62, jhatke pe jahtke chaltey rahe, lund mein ek gudgudi si hoti thi, mann kar raha tha ki ye khel kabhi khatm na ho par aisa ho nahin sakta, thodi hi der mein hamare lund aur choot jawaab dene lage aur humne kaskar Ek duje ko jakad liya ek saath cheekhtey hue siskariyan bhartey hue hum donon ne pana apana cum chhod diya mera lund unka garam ras mein bheegkar mast ho gaya aur unki choot mera cum mein doobkar shant ho gayi. Hum dodno kafi der take k duje ko sahlate rahe chumma, chati chalti rahi main apna poora sharer unke sharer se ragad raha tha. Thanks.

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