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Universidad Arturo Michelena. Date____/____/___ Escuela de Idiomas Modernos. Grade_________ Facultad de Humanidades, Letras y Artes.

English IV Names __________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________

Unit 8: Hypothetical or imaginary situations.

Hypothetical or imaginary situations express untrue, nonfactual ideas in the present or in the past using the if-clause (Conditional sentence).

Form 1. To talk about hypothetical situations in the present we use an if-clause in the past
tense: (Second conditional). Rule [If + past] + would + infinitive. We use Second conditional to talk and express hypothetical cases. We use it to describe imaginary situations. Its used to talk about things which are unreal (nor true or not possible) in the present.

Examples: If I won the lottery, I would travel around the world and buy a castle in Norway. (I think
it is very unlikely that I will win the lottery. However, in this unlikely condition, I will travel and buy a castle)

If I wasn't watching TV now, I would be playing football. (I am watching TV, but I am

imagining an alternative activity I would be doing if I wasn't watching TV)

If I were an alien, I would be able to travel around the universe. (It is impossible for me
to be an alien. However, I am imagining what I would do in this situation) (We use were with all of the pronouns when something is impossible or unlikely to happen, when its far from the real situation. I were, you were, he were, she were, it were, they were, we were.)

If I were rich, I would travel everyday (but Im poor) If I saw Brat Pitt in the street, I would faint.
NOTE: The order of the clause is not fixed the if clause can be first or second.

(I would be able to travel around the universe if I were an alien) or (If I were an alien, I would be able to travel around the universe). *You can omit the comma (,) if you place your if-clause at the end of the sentence.

2. To talk about hypothetical situations in the past we can use an if-clause in the past
perfect tense: (Third conditional). [If + past perfect] + would + have + past participle. Things that didn't happen, but we can imagine. You cannot change the situation but you can describe what would have happened if the circumstances had been different. Rule


If I had won the lottery, I would have traveled around the world and buy a castle in Norway. If I had known you were coming, I would have baked a cake. If you had revised, you wouldnt have failed your exam. We can use other modal verbs in place of would.

o o o o

If I had more money, I could buy a car. (Buying a car would be possible) If I won the lottery, I might give all the money to charity. (Giving the money to charity is only a possibility) If I were rich now, I might buy a new car. If it werent raining, I might work in the garden.

To express imaginary or hypothetical situations we can also use Wish

1. To talk about what we wish for the present, we can use wish plus the past

I wish it was Saturday (But its only Tuesday) I wish I had money (But I dont have)

2. To talk about what we wish for the past, we can use wish plus the past perfect

I wish you had phoned me (but you didnt) I wish you had let me know that you were coming They wish you had called before coming.

3. To talk about wishes for the future, or about things we want people to do (or to
stop doing) we can use wish plus would.

I wish it would stop raining (but it probably wont) I wish you wouldnt smoke in here (but you probably will)

Synonyms of if

We use:

a) as long as, providing (that), provided (that) as alternatives to find if and

meaning on the condition that. As long as your shoes are clean, you can come in. Providing (that) hes quiet, he can come into the room. Provided (that) they have done their homework, they can go out to play.

b) But for to introduce the only factor that prevents something from happening. It
is followed by a noun. eg: But for to Tina, we would have lost all the files (=If it hadnt been for Tina, we would have lost all the files)

c) Unless with the meaning of if not.

eg: Unless you give me a pay raise, Im leaving. (=If you dont give me a pay raise, Im leaving)

d) in case to talk about doing something or having something as precaution

against something happening. eg: Take the scarf with you in case its cold. (=It might be cold, so take a scarf with you)

1. Complete the sentences below:

a) b) c) d) e)
f) g)

I wish I _________________ (get) to know my grandparents better. I wish I _________________ (live) in bigger town. My mother wishes she ______________ (learn) Spanish when she was younger. My brother wishes he _______________ (not start) smoking. I wish I ___________ (can) play the piano. If my sister _____________ (pass) all her exams, she __________ (be) a brain surgeon. If my team ______________ (play) better, they ____________ (win) the league. better now.

h) My German is terrible. If I ____________ (study) harder at school, I __________ (speak) it i) j)

If I ____________ (win) the lottery money, I _____________ (go) abroad. If my father _____________ (come) to visit, I _____________ (cook) his favorite dishfried liver.

k) If I _________ money (have), I _______________ (buy) a big house with a balcony. l) If I _____________________ (know) you were coming, I ___________________ (bake) a cake. m) Magda didnt study Hungarian. She says, If I _____________________ (study), I
______________ (be) able to communicate.

2. Complete the sentences with as long as, providing (that), provided (that), but

for, unless or in case. a) You will drop the bags, _____________ you use both hands. b) ___________________ the security guards, they would have escaped with four or five watches. c) Take the umbrella with you ____________ its raining. d) ________________ you bring a ticket, theyll let you in. e) I think you should write it down _________________ you forget it.


Theres no problem with you writing it by hand _____________________ its clear.

g) Take the scarf with you _________________ its cold.

3. Discuss and continue these sentences. a) In a perfect world we would b) We wish people were c) If we were richer d) If we had the power to change the world e) We wish things wouldnt f) We wish g) If I were an alien h) If I were a boy/girl

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