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EXT. STREETS. LONDON -- DAY Two teenage boys are walking on the street. The boy on the left is wearing black shoes, trousers, white shirt and carrying a backpack in his hands . This is Kenny. The boy on the right is wearing a the same clothes but has black jumper tied around his waist and has his backpack on his back. KENNY Bro whats the best way to get bigger biceps? ADAM Why you focusing on your biceps? Focus on your triceps bro if you want your punches to be powerful. Kenny nods in confirmation to Adam. As Kenny and Adam keep on walking, a passer by from the opposite footpath shouts out. PASSERBY 1 (shouts) Adam! Adam turns around, followed by Kenny. Adam nods at the passerby. The passerby lifts his hand up and moves his finger up and down while pointing at Adam. Adam and Kenny carry on walking. Kenny begins to have a wondering look on his face. KENNY Adam, what the best protein I should take? casein or whey? Adam takes a deep breathe and shakes his head. ADAM Bro quit stressing, the one your using is perfectly fine. Kenny nods his head. Adam ties his jumper on more tighter around his waist. Kenny looks at him weirdly. KENNY Bro, chicks dont dig that, makes you look gay. Adam looks at Kenny, then unties his jumper and puts it over his forearm like handbag.


CONTINUED: ADAM What about like this? Adam starts to laugh. Kenny looks at Adam smiling. KENNY Thats just gay.


Adam takes the jumper off his arm and puts in back around his waist. ADAM Well where else am i going to put it? My bag is full. Kenny points at a bin near them. KENNY (Laughs) Put it in the bin. Adam shakes his head in disappointment. Adam walks on, Kenny catches up to him. KENNY So you going home or what? ADAM Nah, going to head to the gym, you wanna come? KENNY Errm... Kenny starts to think. KENNY Yeah, might as well. Kenny and Adam carry on walking. In the distance coming towards them are two girls. Kenny nudges Adam. ADAM What? KENNY That them college girls. ADAM I know. The two girls approach Adam and Kenny.




GIRL 1 Hey babe. Kenny looks at Adam. ADAM Hey, you lot doing OK? The 2nd girl moves forward. GIRL 2 You coming to Dwaynes house party? Kenny moves a bit forward. KENNY Yeah. Both the girls look at Kenny and roll their eyes back to Adam. GIRL 2 Well babe are you coming? Adam smiles at the girl. ADAM Yeah I might come. Girl 2 moves closer to Adam. GIRL 2 You can bring your friend if you want. GIRL 2 Ill see you there. Girl 2 moves off followed by girl 1 who gives a prolonged stare into Adams eyes. Both Adam and Kenny are looking at the girls moving away from them. Adam turns his head to Kenny and lifts the sleeve of the his his jumper around his waist. ADAM Nah bruv, chicks dont dig this remember. Kenny shakes his head in amazement. FADE TO BLACK


INT. GYM. LONDON -- DAY Both Adam and Kenny enter the gym. Kenny stretches with his hand in the air and lets out a long yawn. Kenny then throws his bag on the floor which barely making a sound. Adam takes his backpack off and throws the heavy bag on the floor, which makes a loud thump upon hitting the ground. As the bag hits the ground a thick GCSE book slips out the bag. Kenny looks at Adam confused. KENNY Bruv, we didnt even have them subjects today, no wonder your bag has no room. Adam is at the other side of the room talking his jumper off and unbuttoning his shirt. ADAM Just wanted to get some revision done you know. KENNY Right.. Adam starts to put on his boxing gloves. Kenny does some boxer shuffles. Adam straps his gloves. Kenny shadow boxes. Adam starts to punch the punchbag. Kenny lifts some weights. KENNY So... are you gunna tell me wassup? Are things still rough at home? Adam stops punching the punchbag and takes a long deep breath, and looks down. Adam pauses for a second and begins to punch the punchbag more aggressively.The sound of everything else fades away till only the sound of Adam punching the punch bag is heard. He gives one last forceful punch. CUT AWAY INT. LONDON. HOUSE. ADAMS ROOM -- DAY The alarm clock goes off. Adams room has certificates from school and trophies in his room. Adam is laying in his bed facing away from the alarm clock. The room is quite dark with only the sunlight illuminating Adams face. Adam turns around shuts his alarm clock off and lays there for a while. Adam slowly gets out of bed and makes his way out the room.

5. INT. LONDON. HOUSE. KITCHEN -- DAY Downstairs in the kitchen Jamal is sitting at the dinning table dressed in overalls. Jamal is going through some letters and putting them to the side. One letter he picks up stating To the parent(s) or guardian(s) of Adam. Jamal opens the letter and begins to read it. JAMAL (V/O) Mr and Mrs Harris. I regret to inform you that your son Adam is a serious cause of concern. Recently Adams progress has been noticeably deteriorating. Adam is usually a high achieving student, we hope you help us to encourage him to get back on track. Adam is coming down the stairs. Jamal turns around and gets up from his seat and approaches Adam with the letter in his hand and a look of concern. Adam sees Jamal walking up to him. ADAM Morning dad. JAMAL Morning son, I received a letter from your school today. Adam starts to look concerned. ADAM What was it about dad? JAMAL You tell me? Jamal hands the folded letter to Adam. Adam opens the folded letter and reads. JAMAL Well... what happening with your grades it says your progress is going downhill. Adam folds up the letter and clutches it in his hands and looks down. ADAM Sorry dad I wont let it happen again. Jamal places his hand on Adams shoulders. (CONTINUED)



JAMAL Son... I only want whats best for you. During your break dont waste time punching that stupid bag its not going to get you anywhere. Spend your precious time studying so you can become something. Adam lifts is head up and looks at Jamal. ADAM Okay dad I wont let it happen again. Jamal takes his hand off Adams shoulders. JAMAL Alright, Im off to work Ill see you later. Jamal makes his way towards the front door. ADAM Bye dad. Adam makes his way upstairs. INT. LONDON. HOUSE. ADAMS ROOM -- DAY Adam enters his room and gets a back pack from underneath the bed and shoves it behind him. Adam then gets a pair of boxing gloves and puts into his backpack and leaves the room. INT. LONDON. ADAMS HOUSE -- DAY Adam has the backpack on his back and moves slowly and silently towards the front door. A rattling noise comes from the kitchen and Adam stop. Adam Walk to the kitchen to find Maria standing in the kitchen with one her hand on her forehead. She slightly peers up at Adam. MARIA (quietly) Do you want something to eat? ADAM (calm voice) Nah mum, dont feel like eating. Im going now.




Maria still has away from Adam. his mum to kiss him. Adam moves

her hand on her forehead, she is facing the Adam stands there waiting. Adam goes towards her on her cheek. Maria is reluctant to face closer to Maria to see her face is swollen.

Silence as Adam is shocked. ADAM Mum... what happen? Maria faces him exposing the full face. MARIA Nothing Adam it wont happen again...Make sure your back home before your father gets in. Adam stand there for a while looking at his mother. Adams hand goes into a fist and begins to twitch. CUT AWAY INT. GYM. LONDON -- DAY Adam is punching the punch bag with gloves on with full strength. Kenny looks at Adam in a confused way. Adam is still delivering punch after punch. Adam sees his mothers bruised face. KENNY Easy there bro. Adam keeps punching the bag, totally ignoring what Kenny said. Adam gives the bag one hard punch the falls to his knees. Adam is out of breathe. Kenny goes up to him to help him up. KENNY Bro something is definitely up. Adam is up and takes his gloves off aggressively and throws them across the room. Adam walks to his bag and takes out some water. Adams back is facing Kenny. ADAM (slowly) I went to say bye to my mum before coming here. KENNY Yeah.




ADAM As I went up to kiss her goodbye on her was swollen. Kenny looks at Adam in shock. Adam turns around. KENNY Didnt she tell you? Adam puts on his hoodie. ADAM No she didnt.. anyways ill see you tomorrow I aint in the mood. Adam leaves. Kenny tuts and shakes his head in disappointment. INT. LONDON. ADAMS HOUSE -- NIGHT Adam slowly opens the front door, in the kitchen Jamal and Maria are arguing and dont notice Adam coming into the house. Adam slowly and silently walks up the stairs. MARIA(O/S) (shouting) Youre always at work! Halfway up the stairs Adam stops and eavesdrops on the argument. Both Maria and Jamal are standing in the kitchen. MARIA (CONTD) You never have time for me, let alone for your only son. What is Adam supposed to think of his father who is hardly there for him. JAMAL Oh yeah? Yeah well, Id love to see you go out and work half as hard as I do! Im out there, trying to put food on the table and all you do is fucking complain! Any other women would actually appreciate me! MARIA Well, go find yourself another woman then, you probably are for all I know. Jamal stand there with rage building up in his face. Jamal then swing his hand round and slaps Maria on her face. (CONTINUED)

CONTINUED: Adam still halfway up the stairs backs up in shock. Maria falls to the ground Adam is still standing halfway up the stairs looking worried. Jamal slams his fist on the table. Adam jumps in sudden shock. Adam suddenly runs downstairs to the kitchen. Adam sees Jamal towering over Maria who is on the floor. ADAM Dad what the hell have you done?!


Jamal ignores Adam and begins to storm off in a rage toward the front door. Adam grabs Jamals shoulder aggressively to pull him back. ADAM NO! JAMAL What on earth do you think youre playing at son?! MARIA Adam stay out of this! Jamal attempts to storm out the house again. ADAM (Stutters) No I-I cant just let him, just.. Adam turns around to catch a glimpse of Maria covering half her face and crying. This then infuriates Adam ADAM argh! Adam marches toward Jamal. Jamal turns around Adam attempts to punch Jamal Jamal grabs Adams first and pushes it back into his wrist, then pushes him further back. Adam falls to the floor helplessly. JAMAL I dont need this. Jamal walks off and out of the house. (CONTINUED)



Adam gets up slowly in pain and walks to the kitchen to see Maria still in tears struggling to get up. Adam leans onto the side of the doorway holding the arm he tried to punch Jamal with. ADAM Mum weve got to put a stop to this! Maria eventually gets up and sits on the kitchen chair. MARIA Listen to me very carefully son. Ill handle it OK? Im only with your father because I love you. You just focus on your studies.Dont want you to waste your time with boxing or whatever, become something successful... dont become like your father. Adam looks at his mum worryingly and slowly gets up from his seat. ADAM OK mum. Adam gets up slowly and leaves the kitchen. INT. LONDON. HOUSE. ADAMS ROOM -- NIGHT Adam is sitting in a chair in his room with a laptop, books and papers on his desk. Adam starts to day-dream and looks at his certificates which are on his wall. Adam then looks down to the current papers on his desk, one paper in particular which is graded D. Adam lets out a sigh of frustration then shoves the papers off his desk and to the floor. Adam then puts his hand on head and logs into Facebook. INT. LONDON. ADAMS HOUSE -- NIGHT Jamal walks in through the front door. Maria is in the kitchen. Maria looks up and her face is slightly bruised. MARIA Come to finish me off? (MORE) (CONTINUED)



MARIA (contd) Adam over hears his parents conversation. Jamal walks into the kitchen. JAMAL Lets get one thing straight yeah, Im only with you because of Adam. I dont want him to grow not knowing who or where is father is. Otherwise i would of left you a long time ago. INT. LONDON. HOUSE. ADAMS ROOM -- NIGHT Adam is sitting in his chair and gets his mobile phone out and texts Kenny. ADAM (V/O) Kenny...I just cant take this anymore. I really need your help bro... INT. LONDON. HOUSE. KENNYS ROOM -- NIGHT Kenny is playing video games, his mobile phone is next to him and makes a noise but Kenny doesnt notice it. INT. LONDON. HOUSE. ADAMS ROOM -- NIGHT Adam is sitting at his desk with the mobile phone of the desk in front of him. Adam is feeling un-easy and keeps looking the mobile phone on his desk. Adam then picks up the mobile phone text Kenny again. ADAM (V/O) Kenny I cant take this no more my parent are always arguing and fighting and I know now what I have to do to end this. Adam sends the text and leaves the room.


INT. LONDON. HOUSE. KENNYS ROOM -- NIGHT Kenny is playing video games, his mobile phone is next to him and makes a noise but Kenny doesnt notice it. INT. LONDON. HOUSE. BATHROOM -- NIGHT Adam enters the bathroom with a bottle of water in his hands. Adam closes the bathroom door and moves the the sink. Adam places both hand on the edge of the sink and stares into the mirror. Adam then takes a deep breathe and starts popping out the pills from the strip. INT. LONDON. HOUSE. KENNYS ROOM -- NIGHT Kenny is playing video games, his mobile phone is next to him. Kenny glances to side of him and picks up his mobile phone. He starts to read the text. KENNY (Shocked) Fuck! Kenny gets up and rushes out of his room. INT. LONDON. HOUSE. BATHROOM -- NIGHT Adam takes a deep breathe and starts to put one pill at a time in his mouth and drink from the bottle of water. EXT. LONDON. STREETS -- NIGHT Kenny is running on the road. INT. LONDON. HOUSE. ADAMS ROOM -- NIGHT Adam is sitting at the side of his bed and lets out a sigh. Adam then lays on his bed with his head slightly arched up and looks at the ceiling. Adams eyes start to close slowly. INT. LONDON. ADAMS HOUSE -- NIGHT Jamal is sitting on the sofa in the front room, watching TV. Kenny starts to bang on the door aggressively and repeatedly (O/S). Jamal gets up with a confused look on his face.




JAMAL Who the hell can that be? The banging continues,Jamal makes his way to the front door and opens it. At the door Kenny is standing there with a concerned look on his face. KENNY Wheres Adam? JAMAL He is in his room and what time do you call this? Kenny tries to makes his way into the house. Jamal sticks his arm out, blocking his way. Kenny shoves Jamal to aside and makes his way to the stairs. JAMAL Oi! Maria comes out of the kitchen. Kenny runs up the stairs followed by Jamal and Maria. INT. LONDON. HOUSE. ADAMS ROOM -- NIGHT Kenny barges the door open. KENNY Adam! Kenny makes his way toward Adam, who is laying on the bed, lifeless. Kenny glances at the empty strip of tablets and picks it up. KENNY! No! Adam! Kenny throws the empty strip to the side. Jamal in disbelief, moves towards Adam and tries to wake him up. JAMAL (crackling voice) Come on son, stop fucking playing games wake up. Maria is in the background in shock with both her hand over her mouth. Jamal starts to shake Adam harder.




JAMAL Come on Adam wake up...Please wake up! Kenny shakes his head in grief. Maria goes hysterical,falls to her knees and bursts into tears on the bedside where Adam is laying. Jamal continues shaking Adam. JAMAL Adam! Adam! Adam! Jamal continues shaking Adam. FADE TO BLACK "18% of young people aged 11-17 years in the UK were exposed during childhood to domestic violence between adults in their homes" (National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children - NSPCC) FADE TO BLACK You dont need to be a victim of violence to be a victim of domestic violence. THE END

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