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Thats exactly what the Netezza TwinFin is in the data warehousing and analytics world a true appliance, which sets it apart from the competition It is engineered from the ground up for data warehousing and analytics And offers a complete solution that integrates database, server and storage together It supports standard interfaces such as ODBC, JDBC and ANSI SQL, making it very easy to deploy. Takes 2 days to get up and running versus weeks for other solutions The appliance characteristics translate into real value for customers (what we refer to as the 4 Ss) TwinFin is 10-100X faster than competitors like Oracle, Teradata and others. When analytic queries take seconds instead of hours to perform, customers get the opportunity to completely rethink their business processes and in some cases, even launch entirely new businesses The appliance is unlike anything that DBAs and IT teams have experienced in the past. Whereas Oracle and Teradata data warehouses require armies of specialists to manage, Netezza offers performance out-of-the-box, without requiring any tuning, indexing, aggregations, etc. A single appliance scales to more than a petabyte of user data capacity, not just acting as a repository for information, but allowing complex analytics to be conducted at-scale, on all the enterprise data By embedding analytics deep into the data warehouse, TwinFin powers high performance advanced analytics 100s or even 1000s of times faster than possible before

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In fact the mainstream analysts are finally catching up to the reality of appliances Gartner predicts that 50% of enterprises will include This is where the IBM-Netezza marriage will shine We can disprove the analysts yet again by beating the 50% number handily What that translates into is an average ASP of $1.2 - $1.5 million per sale

Je vous propose lagenda suivant : Un rappel des enjeux et besoins des diffrentes Directions dans lentreprise, et des projets ILM qui peuvent y tre associs, Quelques lments de rponse en terme darchitecture fonctionnelle et technique, Et la dmarche projet associe, pour accompagner nos clients.

However Users in the enterprise, seeking insights from their BI and data warehouse infrastructure to make critical, business-affecting decisions Are resigned to live with and work around those issues on a daily basis. In fact, according to Gartner, nearly 70% of data warehouses experience performance issues

Not to mention the constant tuning and specialist resources required to get any meaningful results from the data in the DW
And despite all the tuning and indexing, a single new report or ad-hoc analytic query can throw the data warehouse out of whack Requiring hours or even days in some cases to process the report And new indexes, aggregations and tuning parameters to eke out some meager measure of performance from the system While breaking the older reports, queries and aggregations.

And thus the cycle continues!

At the same time Data continues to grow exponentially in every industry as more information is digitized We as consumers and users of the web and mobile devices are generating a larger and larger footprint everyday Not just our likes and dislikes, but our moods, behaviors, connections, interactions and influences are potentially captured as digital data Interactions between machines GPS devices, mobile phones, RFID sensors will dwarf the amount of data generated by humans At the same time, the window of opportunity keeps shrinking and the sheer number and complexity of decisions that enterprises make keeps going up dramatically E.g. which ads to place on a website, what offers to make to customers, which network to route calls on, how to detect fraudulent transactions and stop them before completion The rich sources of data offer far deeper insights than were available before, fuelling the need for more analytics As more and more companies compete on analytics, the data warehouse becomes mission critical and businesses simply cannot afford to continue with the status quo!

Many first generation warehouses are based on databases designed and optimized to run online transactions processing systems A relational database such as Oracle RAC is deployed on a general purpose server for example from Sun attached to storage from a vendor such as EMC This data warehouse infrastructure is COMPLEX with many moving parts to deploy, configure and manage. And complex systems are often very expensive to own and operate. More problematical is that this architecture is simply not good at analyzing big data. Transaction processing systems dont need to move big data sets. They rely on an index to quickly find one or two records on disk and move them into memory for updates or deletes by the database management system. Data warehouse workloads are very different, typically reading very large data sets and then analyzing them to find threats and opportunities; to find the needle in the haystack Vendors who ignore fundamental differences between transaction processing and analytical workloads damn their customers to constant tuning. Transaction processing databases are simply not designed for analytic processing; their query performance is never fast enough. Poorly performing queries frustrate users attempting to solve challenging problems. Not rectifying this situation risks the business losing confidence in the warehouse.


IBM Netezza took a completely fresh approach to analytics, designing an appliance from the ground up specifically for high-performance DW and analytics an appliance that has totally transformed the data warehousing landscape By making analytics on big data dramatically simpler and faster, IBM Netezza has made analytics more accessible within the enterprise With IBM Netezza, data warehouses are no longer just repositories where data enters to never come out, just holding pens for data Rather they are systems that users rely on to derive meaningful, timely insights that drive the business


That is exactly what the IBM Netezza TwinFin has done in the data warehousing world a true appliance that has revolutionized how customers approach data warehousing and analytics It is engineered from the ground up for analytics on big data And offers a complete solution that integrates database, server and storage together It supports standard interfaces such as ODBC, JDBC and ANSI SQL, making it very easy to deploy and operate, thus lowering the total cost of ownership of the data warehouse significantly The appliance characteristics translate into real value for customers (what we refer to as the 4 Ss) TwinFin is 10-100X faster than competitors like Oracle, Teradata and others. When analytic queries take seconds instead of hours to perform, customers have the opportunity to completely rethink their business processes, and in some cases, even launch entirely new businesses The appliance is unlike anything that DBAs and IT teams have experienced in the past. Whereas Oracle and Teradata data warehouses require armies of specialists to manage, IBM Netezza offers performance out-of-the-box, without requiring any tuning, indexing, aggregations, etc. A single appliance scales to more than a petabyte of user data capacity, not just acting as a repository for information, but allowing complex analytics to be conducted at-scale, on all the enterprise data


So what exactly do we mean by the term appliance? Appliances or black-box solutions are commonplace in the IT industry With networking appliances, even the most incompetents when it comes to IT can create a multi-user network in their homes in a matter of minutes The iPod is a great example of an appliance that revolutionized digital entertainment instead of using a PC to do the same function

With a PC, you had to install your own software, download music in the correct format, worry about pirated content
The iPod made the entire experience completely seamless from accessing to paying to playing digital content These appliances have some common attributes that make them very attractive compared to the old way of doing things They do only one thing, but do it better than the alternatives

They are plug-and-play, with a simple interface that anyone can operate
They are generally much cheaper than the alternative Most importantly, through these attributes, these true appliances have completely transformed the user experience




The Nielsen companys business is all about data Nielsen gathers information from multiple sources and offer clients a complete understanding of what consumers watch, browse and buy Their entire analytics infrastructure is based on IBM Netezza, where their 15,000+ end-user clients run close to one million queries a day 50 times faster compared to their previous systems

The scale and performance of IBM Netezza has been transformative at Nielsen
I love this quote from their SVP of Application Development when youre able to get deep insights in 10 seconds instead of 24 hours, you can do remarkable things with the business http://www.IBM


As a true appliance, TwinFin is extremely simple to deploy and offers very quick time-to-value It takes less than 2 days from crate-to-query from the time the system arrives in a crate at the customer site to getting it plugged into the data center to sanity testing to get it ready for data loading The quote from the VP of Technology at eHarmony (the leading trusted online dating site for singles) says it all http://www.IBM http://www.IBM


The simplicity of the true appliance approach ultimately delivers much lower total cost of ownership The architecture is pre-tuned and optimized for high-performance analytics Requiring no tuning, indexing, partitioning, aggregations, etc. it is a plugand-play data warehouse At iBasis, one of the largest carriers of international voice traffic in the world The entire data warehouse team is one or two employees that are needed once every three months .. To operate a multi hundred terabyte data warehouse Its that simple to administer, delivering very low TCO



Je vous propose lagenda suivant : Un rappel des enjeux et besoins des diffrentes Directions dans lentreprise, et des projets ILM qui peuvent y tre associs, Quelques lments de rponse en terme darchitecture fonctionnelle et technique, Et la dmarche projet associe, pour accompagner nos clients.


The specialized architecture of the TwinFin appliance is what gives it the phenomenal performance and simplicity relative to other architectures The hardware is designed and optimized to process analytic queries And the software is fine-tuned to ensure that we derive the maximum possible performance from the servers and storage; thus requiring no tuning for performance There are no indexes, aggregations, partitioning, etc. to manage The TwinFin is a massively parallel processing (MPP) database machine The software is designed to push the absolute majority of processing to the MPP backend Ensuring that all processors are fully utilized for maximum performance <CLICK> Truly unique to TwinFin is the hardware-based query acceleration, which uses a specialized chip to filter out 95-98% of the data not needed for query processing This hardware-based filtering deals with the deluge of data typical of data warehousing, and thus accelerates performance significantly Note: No other major vendor offers hardware-based acceleration Lastly, we have created an analytics platform that processes complex analytics inside the TwinFin appliance itself 20


The power of the TwinFin system is our ability to work at physics speed. I/O limitations are eliminated as data is processed at disk speed. We designed an architecture that specifically meets the needs of enterprise-class BI. Unlike existing solutions that are an inefficient patchwork of systems, for example an Oracle DBMS + a sun server + EMC storage. TwinFin is whats in the box an appliance that integrates software, servers and storage into 1 easy-to-use solution. AMPP is what we are calling our breakthrough architecture the best combination of SMP and MPP for performance and scalability.

We connect to existing apps and tools through SQL, ODBC and JDBC.
Data is loaded into the box using our fast loader. On the left side is the SMP host a Linux OS running on a Compaq 4x:the host handles query plan optimization and table and set ops On the right side is the MPP intelligent storage: for the lower level operations that can be done blindingly fast using parallelization. Our basic unit on this side is the SPU: snippet processing unit which consists of a disk, FPGA and microprocessor. As we add data/complex queries, the system grows by adding SPUs. We started with a clean sheet of paper and designed an architecture that specifically meets the needs of tera-scale BI 22

A key component of IBM Netezzas performance is the way in which its streaming architecture processes data. The IBM Netezza architecture uniquely uses the FPGA as a turbocharger a huge performance accelerator that not only allows the system to keep up with the data stream, but it actually accelerates the data stream through compression before processing it at line rates, ensuring no bottlenecks in the IO path. You can think of the way that data streaming works in the IBM Netezza as similar to an assembly line. The IBM Netezza assembly line has various stages in the FPGA and CPU cores. Each of these stages, along with the disk and network, operate concurrently, processing different chunks of the data stream at any given point in time. The concurrency within each data stream further increases performance relative to other architectures. Compressed data gets streamed from disk onto the assembly line at the fastest rate that the physics of the disk would allow. The data could also be cached, in which case it gets served right from memory instead of disk. The first stage in the assembly line, the Compress Engine within the FPGA core, picks up the data block and uncompresses it at wire speed, instantly transforming each block on disk into 4-8 blocks in memory. The result is a significant speedup of the slowest component in any data warehousethe disk. The disk block is then passed on to the Project engine or stage, which filters out columns based on parameters specified in the SELECT clause of the SQL query being processed. The assembly line then moves the data block to the Restrict engine, which strips off rows that are not necessary to process the query, based on restrictions specified in the WHERE clause. The Visibility engine also feeds in additional parameters to the Restrict engine, to filter out rows that should not be seen by a query e.g. rows belonging to a transaction that is not committed yet. The Visibility engine is critical in maintaining ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation and Durability) compliance at streaming speeds in the IBM Netezza. The processor core picks up the uncompressed, filtered data block and performs fundamental database operations such as sorts, joins and aggregations on it. It also applies complex algorithms that are embedded in the snippet code


Lets look at how analytics has traditionally been done in most organizations. Note: The analytics process can be thought of as 2 distinct activities modeling and prediction. Modeling is the process of mining historical data to identify patterns and relationships of interest. Once those patterns and relationships are identified, modelers/quants build a mathematical model that describes a particular behavior such as propensity to buy or churn, potential fraud, etc. Prediction is the process of applying the model to data to predict the event described by the model. Modelers and statisticians generally have their own workstations or servers where they perform the modeling tasks. This requires them to move large amounts of data out of the data warehouse onto these systems. The data is cleansed, pre-processed and transformed to fit the needs of the server and analytics tools they are using. These computers are severely limited in how much data they can handle, frequently forcing modeling to be done only on a small sample instead of all the historical data available. Testing the model requires more data to be pulled out from the DW, further slowing down processing. This results in lots of IO and data getting distributed in lots of silos across the organization. Once a model is built, it is deployed on an analytics server, typically a large SMP server or grid that once again pulls data off the DW to run the predictive model on. The prediction is done off-line and data loaded back onto the DW. This is again a slow and cumbersome process, requiring the maintenance of additional infrastructure, while the off-line process often leads to processing of stale data.


Lets look at how analytics has traditionally been done in most organizations. Note: The analytics process can be thought of as 2 distinct activities modeling and prediction. Modeling is the process of mining historical data to identify patterns and relationships of interest. Once those patterns and relationships are identified, modelers/quants build a mathematical model that describes a particular behavior such as propensity to buy or churn, potential fraud, etc. Prediction is the process of applying the model to data to predict the event described by the model. Modelers and statisticians generally have their own workstations or servers where they perform the modeling tasks. This requires them to move large amounts of data out of the data warehouse onto these systems. The data is cleansed, pre-processed and transformed to fit the needs of the server and analytics tools they are using. These computers are severely limited in how much data they can handle, frequently forcing modeling to be done only on a small sample instead of all the historical data available. Testing the model requires more data to be pulled out from the DW, further slowing down processing. This results in lots of IO and data getting distributed in lots of silos across the organization. Once a model is built, it is deployed on an analytics server, typically a large SMP server or grid that once again pulls data off the DW to run the predictive model on. The prediction is done off-line and data loaded back onto the DW. This is again a slow and cumbersome process, requiring the maintenance of additional infrastructure, while the off-line process often leads to processing of stale data.


Netezza has created an extremely flexible analytics platform that offers orders of magnitude performance at petascale. The integrated, easy-to-use appliance dramatically accelerates the entire analytics process. The programming interfaces and parallelization primitives offered make it straightforward to move a majority of analytics inside appliance, regardless of whether they are being performed in SAS and R or written in Java, Python or Fortran. By bringing analytics to the data, modelers and quants teams can operate on the data directly inside the appliance instead of having to move it to a different location and dealing with the associated data pre-processing and transformation. More importantly, modelers can take full advantage of the MPP architecture to ask the most complex questions on all the enterprise data, without the infrastructure coming in the way. They can iterate through different models more quickly to find the best fit. Administrators can easily create marts and sandboxes inside the appliance to allow modelers to work on their analytics problems without disrupting normal business operations. Data stays within a central repository instead of getting distributed all over the organization. Once the model is developed, it is seamless to put it into prediction mode. The prediction and scoring can be done right where the data resides, inline with other processing, on an as-needed basis. Users can get the results of prediction scores in near real-time, helping operationalize advanced analytics and making it available throughout the enterprise.



TwinFin has a revolutionary design based on principles that have allowed IBM Netezza to provide the best price-performance in the market. The four key components that make up TwinFin are: SMP hosts; snippet blades (called S-Blades); disk enclosures and a network fabric (not shown in the diagram). The disk enclosures contain high-density, high-performance disks that are RAID protected. Each disk contains a slice of the data in the database table, along with a mirror of the data on another disk. The storage arrays are connected to the S-Blades via high-speed interconnects that allow all the disks to simultaneously stream data to the S-Blades at the fastest rate possible. The SMP hosts are high-performance Linux servers that are set up in an active-passive configuration for high-availability. The active host presents a standardized interface to external tools and applications, such as BI and ETL tools and load utilities. It compiles SQL queries into executable code segments called snippets, creates optimized query plans and distributes the snippets to the S-Blades for execution. S-Blades are intelligent processing nodes that make up the turbocharged MPP engine of the appliance. Each S-Blade is an independent server that contains powerful multi-core CPUs, IBM Netezza's unique multi-engine FPGAs and gigabytes of RAM--all balanced and working concurrently to deliver peak



Cooling: 26,500 BTU/hr


Lets focus on the High-Performance series as this is the model that the majority of our existing systems equate to and will form the majority of Data Warehouse/Data Mart implementations. You can see that the systems start as small as 3 S Blades (24 disk, FPGA, Processors). You can then grow this system within the Frame upto 12 S Blades, 96 processors, 125TBs of user table space. Beyond this you can add additional Frames, right up to 10 frames with a processing power of 896 Snippet Processing Units and 1.25PBs of storage. The Entry Level Development and Test system enables customers to have smaller Dev/Test environments but maintain the processor/FPGA/disk ratios.


Sga Pga

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As the clear market leader in data warehouse appliances, it is no surprise that IBM Netezza have relationships with leading global systems integrators and complementary technology providers. This rich after-market ensures there is a rich supply of services and applications. A significant first-mover advantage for IBM Netezza has been getting certification for the tools it supports. This is a problem that plagues more recent start-ups who find it difficult to get in the certification queue.

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Network speed analysis things change in real time. The IBM Netezza Analytic appliance enables you to keep ahead of it. Performance of course about queries But also data load and unload



Je vous propose lagenda suivant : Un rappel des enjeux et besoins des diffrentes Directions dans lentreprise, et des projets ILM qui peuvent y tre associs, Quelques lments de rponse en terme darchitecture fonctionnelle et technique, Et la dmarche projet associe, pour accompagner nos clients.



The impact of poorly running data warehouse on a BI environments includes: -poor service -falling profit -customer churn -data quality issues -customer/user satisfaction -poor customer response -increasing costs -increased latency in decision making.




qualifying questions








We make some very bold claims That we can deliver 10-100X performance that can transform businesses That our appliance is the true appliance and very simple to deploy and manage, requiring no tuning That TwinFin can scale to petabyte-plus of user data, while delivering the 10100X performance, and help you keep up with growing data

That our true appliance is Smart and will serve as the foundation for better, more intelligent decision making in the enterprise
These are not claims we make in a vacuum We will back these claims up On your data, at your site with our appliance At no risk to you Take TwinFin for a Test Drive and find out for yourself what the TwinFin can do for you!


Je vous propose lagenda suivant : Un rappel des enjeux et besoins des diffrentes Directions dans lentreprise, et des projets ILM qui peuvent y tre associs, Quelques lments de rponse en terme darchitecture fonctionnelle et technique, Et la dmarche projet associe, pour accompagner nos clients.


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Ross Stores is a Fortune 500 company and the US' second largest off-price apparel retailer, operating >900 Ross Dress for Less and more than 50 dds DISCOUNTS stores that sell closeout brand-name department and specialty stores merchandise at discounted prices. Ross also sells furnishings, toys and games, luggage, and gourmet food in some stores. How can Ross afford to provide customers with high quality merchandise at such low cost? THE CHALLENGE: In 2005, Ross was having trouble providing its buyers with the information they needed to leverage bargain opportunities at the right time and get the appropriate merchandise to precisely the right stores. Ross HQ and data center are located in Pleasanton, CA but its buyers are strategically based in LA and NYC. As the volume of sales and thus, data grew, Ross couldnt provide buyers with information on what merchandise sold the week before until 8am PST Monday mornings. Since the most opportunistic buys typically open up on Monday mornings, buyers make most of their purchasing decisions each Monday. But with buyers on the east coast unable to make data-driven decisions until almost noon on Mondays, they were forced to either bypass opportunistic deals or rely largely on intuition to identify what merchandise would sell. And it was impossible to do any region-level reporting. Ross buyers made their purchasing decisions using a top-down merchandising model, meaning they bought a certain number of one SKU and evenly distributed that product to all stores nationwide. This prevented buyers from taking into account regional trends or individual stores needs and ultimately resulted in inefficient supply chain processes and imprecise store-level merchandise stocking. SOLUTION BENEFITS: Todays 1500+ Ross buyers can view detailed sales and inventory data from the previous week by 8am EST each Monday morning, allowing sufficient time to analyze trends at the store level before making any purchasing decisions. The store leverages an open-tobuy budgeting model to align its marketing, financial and merchandising operations while optimizing supply chain efficiencies. Before only 18 users at a time could view 15 weekly reports maximum, providing little insight into the business; now they can now customize any report, at any time, without limitation on the number of concurrent users that can access the system. Ross runs hundreds of reports that were impossible before, providing complete visibility into the business and allowing merchants to continuously capitalize on the best buys. Ross merchants can analyze detailed data at the store level over the past six months, vs. at the region-level on only one months worth of information. They can also now use a bottom-up merchandising model to identify which specific stores need what particular products, and then they can cross-reference that information with the top-down reports to identify the optimal purchase plan. Buyers are unconstrained in their analyses; at any time they can ask questions such as: Which products sold well in what locations last week? What didnt sell? What SKUs should be discounted this week and where? In which stores do this pair of jeans sell better when in the Junior vs. Petites department? What is my open-to-buy budget to go shopping with this week? Ross buyers also have complete visibility into the lifecycle of their purchases, from making the initial purchase order to tracking when each SKU hits the store shelves. And their supply chain reports can help smooth the arrival of merchandise to various distribution centers, preventing the company from incurring unnecessary trailer detention fees or having to pay worker overtime compensation for time spent idle. This business process improvement saves Ross Stores over $1 million per year. Merchants are uninhibited in their ability to ask questions like: Whats on order to arrive in which stores today? If I order this product that is in high demand in Charlotte at the LA discounted price, will I save any money after shipping than I would by purchasing it at a slightly higher price in Raleigh? At the end of the day, by implementing and embracing state-of-the-art merchandising operations supported by deep analytics, Ross experienced buying organization is well-equipped to execute the most effective merchandising strategies and operational efficiencies. Ross Stores merchants ask complex questions and get real-time answers to accurately forecast which products will sell where, and to find the best buying opportunities, thus ensuring cost-effective operations and continuously reliable revenues.


IBM Netezza selected to solve a few problems initially more as the relationship developed

Customer Value Creation Database for Marketing and Sales

Provides Customer Segmentation and Analytics Product/Features Adoption Improved Batch Reporting Cycle from 18 hours to 55 minutes Provided unprecedented 360 degree near real-time visibility to Sales and Marketing

Marketing Campaign Management and Response Tracking Video Audience Measurement With Openet
Improved data loading from 3-8 hours per division to 45 minutes fo ALL divisions Provides near real-time feedback for Marketing Campaign Collect television tuning events, VOD/PPV usage, ad insertion, programming Aggregate subscriber data from billing, provisioning systems Enrich and Anonymize subscriber data transactions Deliver to SDM System
Complex Event Processing to collect, process, anonymize all subscriber and usage data and conduct pattern recognition Data warehouse to house subscriber and usage data across all services Data mart for business intelligence (reporting) Business intelligence applications across verticals (ad sales, marketing, revenue operations, network operations Transactional database (planned) to support real-time applications (policy, charging, self-care, CRM, subscriber profiler Data integration to migrate data from warehouse to operational DBs

Openet Subscriber Data Management System

Audience Measurement Business Intelligence: Provide real-time viewing metrics based on actual viewership data, not the sampling approaches used by media research companies Extended OLAP capabilities enable operators to extract maximum value from data
Marketing promotions, loyalty programs Revenue Operations leakage and fraud Network Operations - capacity planning Deliver business analytics and customizable reports of actual viewing data Account for small cable networks, multi-TV households, time-shifting and channel surfing Support post-campaign ad delivery with reports on actual ad impressions


Nielsen is probably one of the top 3 Data Service Providers (DSPs) in the US: Has deployed IBM Netezza for all major business units (Consumer, Media, Online, Mobile) > 25 major applications in production on IBM Netezza >15,000 users directly connected to IBM Netezza on any given day ALL customers performing true unconstrained ad hoc analysis In 9 months, Online went from losing business selling 23 day old data to winning major market share selling 7-8 day old data on IBM Netezza In 2006, Consumer was losing major market share. After re-architecting their applications onto IBM Netezza, they won the top manufacturers (GMI, Kraft, P&G, Unilever, Coke, etc) . President John Lewis is happy to be a reference for IBM Netezza. Media (TV ratings) revamped their entire Media platform on IBM Netezza. It rolls out in Q2, 2010 CEO Dave Calhoun knows who IBM Netezza is. When they need to take on a competitive challenge, he asks his team to make sure they engage IBM Netezza.
Deploying IBM Netezza as its EDW, Nielsen can provide right-time data, drive insightful decision-making, correctly measure marketplace dynamics and effectively bridge the gap between retailers and manufacturers, which is vital to the companys success. Nielsen can accommodate more customers now than ever before, and these customers can run custom-defined, ad hoc market analyses, whereas before they were limited to static views of the market. Also, more data history can be retrieved and analyzed than ever before and new data can be made available in NRT. Analyses are unconstrained and have greater functionality and flexibility. Nielsen runs 50,000+ queries each day, often accommodating 1000+ concurrent queries. Data preparation has been reduced from 25 days to a few hours; Complex analyses that used to consume 40+ minutes can run in just seconds; Queries run 50x faster.


Bank of America has deployed IBM Netezza in more than nine

different lines of business, including corporate investments, treasury and payment services, client and sales reporting, customer relationship management services, merchant services, and more. Previously, the bank had struggled with numerous disparate data warehouses and marts that suffered from poor performance. With IBM Netezza, the bank has realized the following benefits: batch cycles have become more efficient (reduced by eight days in some instances); time to develop new applications has been significantly reduced; query performance has improved by 10-500x; front-end applications are more responsive; the company has increased capacity for acquiring new data sources; and the company is saving millions each year from reduced labor, DBA requirements, and avoidance of disk storage buys. The company can analyze billions of records, millions of accounts, more than 10,000 product details and 36 months of data very quickly and easily using IBM Netezza. The company also runs scoring for 300 million credit bureau records on IBM Netezza leveraging in-database analytics that allow the bank to process 850 million records (approximately 1.5 TB) in 25 minutes. Data Volumes on IBM Netezza: 50+ TB IBM Netezza Users: 10,000


The purpose of the project was: Leverage the wealth of information and tools available on the Datawarehouse to deliver personalization Build a system that is system and delivery channel agnostic Build a mechanism to reasonably measure the efficacy of personalization. Top execs at BCBSMA view this as a strategic system that provides a competitive advantage. Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts (BCBSMA) has a mission "to always put our members health first and a vision to have a Transformed Healthcare system that provides safe, timely, effective, affordable, patient centered care for all. BCBSMA accomplishes this by taking a total population health approach with its enrollees creating prevention, wellness, and care management programs tailored for the member. BCBSMA believes that the most promising way to slow the growth in health care costs is to make care safer and more effective by addressing the misuse, underuse and overuse of health care services. The success largely depends on the extent to which the BCBSMA can engage in educating members about their health and the steps to reduce their out of pocket expenses. BCBSMA theref ore needed a system to deliver engaging, personalized messages that are secure, timely and based on their existing health conditions. The need for member personalization Previously, BCBSMAs web interactions were limited to members logging in to check their health insurance plan benefits and history of incurred claims. This passive, static interaction with our members did not engage them in their healthcare. BCBSMA formerly educated its members about health screenings and wellness programs through generic newsletters. A survey of our members showed that most never read those newsletters. With BCBSMA having 3 million members, the company was facing a challenge to find a cost effective mechanism to deliver secure, personalized health related messages to our members. BCBSMA had several new initiatives to reduced health costs which were heavily dependent on an engaged, educated consumer making informed decisions about preventive care, provider networks and appropriate care sites. BCBSMA could save millions of dollars in paid claims if the member receives recommended preventive care that he is unaware of. Only 60 percent of patients with chronic conditions receive the care recommended for their condition. (Source: Rand, 2003) PROJECT MATURITY Web personalization solution The Informatics and E-Business team at BCBSMA worked collaboratively to develop a sophisticated rules engine which leveraged the web portal to deliver personalized messages to our members. Based on a members demographic, benefit plan, historical claims information and evidence based rules, the new personalized member portal would show alerts and reminders that will help member manage his health in an effective manner. (Exhibit 1) BCBSMAs member portal currently shows the following alerts after the member logs in to his account and qualifies for that alert (Exhibit 2 ) Measuring success and value The member portal web logs and member survey reinforces the total success and value of member portal personalization. Since the new member portal went live in Jan 2010, the web traffic to has increased by 40%. The number of members registering at BCBSMA member portal has increased by 26% in Q1 2010 compared to that in Q1 2009. Among the members who were surveyed about the personalized member portal experience, 76% receiving PHA alert said that they would take PHA, 61% receiving Brand Vs Generic Rx alert said that they will consider generic drugs and 81% of members surveyed said that they would like to receive personalized healthcare reminders and are likely to visit the personalized member portal to take control of their health. Other success criteria for this project include increase in Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set (HEDIS) scores and a potential increase in enrollment in BCBSMAs wellness programs eventually leading to decrease in amount of paid claims. RELEVANCE: DW BEST PRACTICES Leveraging data warehouse to drive the personalization engine BCBSMA has a mature enterprise data warehouse (EDW) that has grown into 15 terabyte in size with over 1 billion claim lines. EDW houses rolling 7 years of data that includes member, accounts and provider enrollment information, member medical and pharmacy claims, member billing, lab results, referral, authorization and call data as well benefit plan information, marketing information and over 15 data marts that analyze and store member, account and provider specific metrics. BCBSMAs EDW is a valuable corporate asset acting as one stop shop for all analytics and data mining operations. Before the member personalization project went live, EDW was primarily used for reporting and analyzing of past financial performance but was rarely leveraged to improve and personalize communications with a member. Dr. Thomas Hawkins, BCBSMA Medical Director of Medical Innovations The EDW team built Member Health Intelligence (MHI), an application that brings together relevant health data and benefit usage information from EDW into a format that can be used for member level reporting and analysis. MHI application implements complex evidence based rule sets to come up with member level health indicators. MHI can be used to personalize interactions with members across print or web channels. A FRAMEWORK FOR INNOVATION Implementing Member Health Intelligence The Informatics and E-Business team of BCBSMA came up with an innovative solution that leverages the power of data warehouse while interacting with a member through the member portal. Presently, the MHI application is used to generate various cost and member health alerts and reminders that are delivered through member portal. The custom message, the hierarchy of the alert/reminder and the action taken on alert/reminder click are provided by the business. The members have the option to disable or enable the specific alert/reminder and the member preferences are fed back to the MHI application. The member portal application accesses MHI data, alert/reminders rank and custom message before displaying the alert to a member. The information flow for building member health intelligence datamart and member personalization alerts is shown in exhibit 3. One of the main requirements of delivering member alerts through web portal was that the data should be near real time. The EDW team was asked to refresh the MHI datamart on a nightly basis within a specific hour long window. In order to accomplish that, BCBSMAs EDW team chose the IBM Netezza data warehouse appliance to build all the MHI data mining transformations and populate the MHI datamart. With the help of the IBM Netezza appliance, BCBSMA can now process and analyze billions of rows on a daily basis and refresh the member specific alerts and reminders on the member portal server. The future BCBSMA has built and deployed an innovative solution where it has successfully integrated its data warehouse with member portal in near real time providing personalized messages for it members. This framework is scaleable to handle new data sources, alerts, reminders and campaigns with minimal coding changes. BCBSMA plans to use the MHI application and personalized web portal framework for its provider and broker portal as well to communicate personalized alerts, reminders and campaigns to its providers and brokers. Some of the alerts and reminders that MHI engine will generate going forward are shown in exhibit 4. Chronic diseases such as heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes, and arthritis are among the most common, costly, and preventable of all health problems in the U.S (Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) In the light of the national health care reform law going into effect, more people are expected to enroll in health insurance plans. Preventive care will play an important role in early diagnosis and driving down the cost of healthcare. With BCBSMAs informatics driven personalization platform, the company has established a system that will proactively educate and engage its members in improving their health and reducing their out of pocket expenses.


Battelles Pacific Northwest division is using IBM Netezza to conduct a regional smart grid demonstration project for The United States Department of Energy. The TwinFin architecture was chosen for its ability to efficiently manage massive data volumes generated by the smart grid meters and sensors, and have the data accessible, analyzable and actionready within minutes of receipt. Some of the possible analyses that the TwinFin will enable include grid health, price fluctuation, energy consumption, risk identification and fraud detection. This demonstration project will become a model for innovative electrical grid advancement, helping the U.S. achieve its energy goals including reduced energy consumption and cost savings. Being able to proactively understand and prepare for demand further establishes PNNL as a leader offering strategic solutions to ever-changing market demands with best of breed, costeffective solutions. Being able to analyze data at the lowest level of detail enables one to become intimate with how the grid functions under different circumstances, thereby giving them a 360 degree view of the overall energy usage, grids performance, health and capacity at any given time. To get this complete and integrated view of such a complex network it is vital to have a back-end data infrastructure that is high-performing, scalable, predictable, reliable and simple to manage.


Je vous propose lagenda suivant : Un rappel des enjeux et besoins des diffrentes Directions dans lentreprise, et des projets ILM qui peuvent y tre associs, Quelques lments de rponse en terme darchitecture fonctionnelle et technique, Et la dmarche projet associe, pour accompagner nos clients.


Speed, simple, scalabe, smart

65 65


RAC unfit for DW workloads


This is a number we like to boast about A number that we hope youll come to cherish as well and help us maintain and grow in the future This is our win-rate against Oracle, both historic and current, as of last quarter with and without Exadata! In fact, even when we lost deals, we lost them on business grounds against Oracle ELAs and business relationships .. and not on the technical merits of their products Obviously our obsession has paid off very well Click to proceed The acquisition is naturally making Larry nervous He knows that the success of Exadata is key to his ambitions against IBM He also knows that if he couldnt beat IBM Netezza as a standalone company, he doesnt stand a chance with the combination of IBM Netezza and IBM When it comes to data warehousing, we have the right technology leadership, experience, proven customer successes and the right formula for winning every single time!


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