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Milestone Review Flysheet


Institution Name Ingraham Aerospace Sciences Academy Vehicle Properties
Diameter (in) Length (in) Gross Liftoff Weight (lb) Launch Lug/button Size Motor Retention 3 inches 89.75 inches 8.41803 lbs 0.5 inches Aluminum Tailcone Motor Manufacturer Motor Designation Max/Average Thrust (N/lb) Total Impulse (N-sec/lb-sec) Mass pre/post Burn (lb)


Preliminary Design Review

Motor Properties
Animal Motor Works J370GG 370 N / 365.5 N 1040 newton/seconds 8.4 lbs / 6.4 lbs

Stability Analysis
Center of Pressure (in from nose) Center of Gravity (in from nose) Static Stability Margin Thrust-to-Weight Ratio Rail Size (in) / Length (in) 65 inches 58 inches 2.27 calibers 10 to 1 1 in X 1 in / 96 in

Ascent Analysis
Rail Exit Velocity (ft/s) 62 ft/s 802 ft/s 0.83 115 ft/ s^2 6478 ft

Max Velocity (ft/s) Max Mach Number Max Acceleration (ft/s^2) Peak Altitude (ft)

Recovery System Properties Drogue Parachute

Manufacturer/Model Size Altitude at Deployment (ft) Velocity at Deployment (ft/s) Terminal Velocity (ft/s) Recovery Harness Material Harness Size/Thickness (in) Hand-crafted by the team 20 inches apogee 30 ft/s 81 ft/s Kevlar shock cord 0.5 inches Size

Recovery System Properties Main Parachute

Manufacturer/Model Altitude at Deployment (ft) Velocity at Deployment (ft/s) Landing Velocity (ft/s) Recovery Harness Material Harness Size/Thickness (in) Hand-crafted by the team 70 inches 800 ft AGL 79 ft/s 24 ft/s Kevlar shock cord 0.5 inches

Recovery Harness Length (ft) 15 ft Two fiberglass bulkheads with metal eye Harness/Airframe bolt epoxied in Interfaces
Kinetic Energy During Descent (ft-lb)

Recovery Harness Length (ft) 20 ft Two fiberglass bulkheads with metal eye Harness/Airframe bolt epoxied in Interfaces
Kinetic Energy Upon Landing (ft-lb)

Section 1

Section 2

Section 3

Section 4

Section 1

Section 2

Section 3

Section 4

Recovery System Properties Electronics/Ejection Perfect Flite MAWD, Featherweight Altimeter(s) Make/Model Raven Perfect Flite MAWD is the primary altimeter, Featherweight Raven is the back up. 2 hrs

Recovery System Properties Electronics/Ejection Rocket Locators (Make, Ozark ARTS Telemetry system
Model) Transmitting Frequencies Black Power Mass Drogue Parachute (gram) Black Power Mass Main Parachute (gram)

***Required by CDR*** 0.8 grams 1.1 grams

Redundancy Plan

Pad Stay Time (Launch Configuration)

Milestone Review Flysheet

Institution Name Ingraham Aerospaces Science Academy Milestone Preliminary Design Review

Payload/Science Meassurement of rocket vibration and internal stresses in flight through use of peizo electric strips Succinct Overview of Payload/Science attatched to a voltage recorder.

Identify Major Components

9 peizo electric strips mounted on 3 bulkheads with data/ voltage recorder. Two payloads, one just past nosecone, other just above motor. Estimated at 140 grams but likely to increase

Mass of Payload/Science

Test Plan Schedule/Status To be performed when rocket is close to completion

Ejection Charge Test(s)

Planned for December 10th.

Sub-scale Test Flights

Full-scale Test Flights

Planned for February 25th. Back up test date planned for end of March; specific date yet to be determined.

Additional Comments

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