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----- Original Message ----From: "David Amos" <> To: "peter.dauphinee" <>; "andre" <>; "mhayes" <mhayes@stu.

ca>; "evelyngreene" <>; <>; "courtney.o.mills" <>; "andremurraynow" <>; "Arthur Taylor" <> Cc: <>; "thepurplevioletpress" <>; "thenewbrunswicker" <> Sent: Saturday, May 12, 2012 1:38 AM Subject: I see that you are starting to figure out Chucky Leblanc Peter Dauphinee said... Dear Charles, I supported you in your battle against police action since the beginning of the section 301 arrest and search. As you know, I supported you from principle, knowing virtually nothing about you before. You have now been vindicated, the police action universally condemned, and I am pleased at the outcome. As I looked into the past actions against you by public officials, I believed that in those dealings with the governments and police, you acted upon sound principles such as environmental protection, decent social assistance, and fair and equal justice. Your recent endorsement of Mayor Woodside for another term of office seems based entirely on unsubstantial grounds and even contrary to principles you claim to stand for. Brad Woodside has been Mayor of Fredericton for 28 years. He has obviously done a lot for the City, and has many accomplishments to be proud of. However, the world has changed quite dramatically in recent years and Mayor Woodside is n longer the most appropriate candidate for the job. There are a number of serious missteps recently that can be traced to Mayor Woodsides inabilities. First, it is clear that Woodside neither understands nor properly executes his role in supervising the Fredericton Police Force. He has a legal responsibility to ensure that Council establishes and supervises the operations of the Police Force. Council has failed in this, and that failing falls principally on Woodside. Worse, Woodside has seriously equivocated, on one hand affirming a close relationship with the Police Chief, on the other hand distancing himself from police actions when they turn out to be unpopular. Second, Woodside has shown a lack of understanding of and disdain for the law. Again, he wishes to flout the law when it is popular to do so, yet tacitly appeal to law against an unpopular cause. In a nutshell, Woodside flouted the law in evicting the Occupy protestors without proper legal authority or Court sanction. Yet, because the eviction of Occupy was popular, he acts as if they are miscreants, whereas the best advice that has been presented to the public is that the Occupiers broke no laws at all. They were acting within their

rights as citizens. Third, Woodside effectively stood by while your rights were blatantly abused by the Fredericton Police. He hid behind legality where common sense and a small bit of courage may have enhanced his reputation and saved a great deal of grief and expense for the City of Fredericton, not to mention your dignity and peace of mind. Who would have complained had he intervened to end a reckless and illegal action by police against a citizen of the City? Finally and more generally, Woodside is clearly out of touch with the expectations of accountability and transparency that suit the current age. He has equivocated on shale gas and on providing decent care to the disadvantaged in the City. He has engaged in real estate adventures of debatable merit or worse without sufficient, disinterested citizen engagement to enable public assessment of merit. In conclusion, Charles, it looks to me like you have supported the Mayor based mainly on your personal interests and contrary to principles that I thought we hold in common. Of course it is your absolute right to have and share your own opinions regardless of any cost in esteem from me and any others that may find the reasons you give for your endorsement to be trivial and essentially self serving. Regards, Peter Dauphinee May 11, 2012 4:55 PM, May 11, 2012 One picture tells a thousand words about Woodside and I This photo was taken within 2 months of my being constantly harassed and threatened to be arrested on the UNB campus by the Fat Fred City Finest on polling day because the DRO did not beleive that was my name was on the ballet (I have his signature) Chucky and his politcal corrupt buddies will get sued though or my name ain't "Just Dave" The police actions against him were dumb but I bet that they may stil charge him under Section 300 after the election to save face You may find this interesting Libel ruling unleashes bloggers Court clarifies defamation rules for political blogging By Cristin Schmitz September 16 2011 issue Ottawa lawyer Peter Burnet acted for a blogger in a suit that resulted

in a groundbreaking Internet defamation ruling. [Photo by Roy Grogan for The Lawyers Weekly] Click here to see full sized version.

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Derogatory remarks that might be seen as libelous when made in other forums may be viewed less seriously in the freewheeling debates that characterize political blogs and message boards, suggests a groundbreaking Internet defamation ruling from Ontarios Superior Court. Left-wing blogger John Baglow, who sued after right-wing blogger Roger Smith described him on a conservative message board in 2010 as one of the Talibans more vocal supporters, is appealing the Aug. 30 summary judgment which tossed out his defamation suit against Smith, and Connie and Mark Fournier, the operators of the blog/message board FreeDominion, said Baglows counsel Peter Burnet of Ottawas Jones Horwitz Bowles Burnet. Whether a statement is judged to be libelous should not differ based on whether it was made in the blogosphere or in any other form of written communication, Burnet told The Lawyers Weekly. It would be our submission that that could properly be an issue relating to [assessing the quantum of] damages. Added Burnet, using his Honours test for blogging, what would be defamatory? If there are special contexts in blogging debates which go to the character of whether or not a statement is libelous, could they not be used to defend using just about any invective against a blogger? Burnet and the defendants counsel, Barbara Kulaszka of Brighton, Ont., agreed that the case is important for potentially clarifying the ground rules for defamation in the context of Internet debates. This is the first Canadian judgment that analyzes, in a comprehensive manner, the context of political blogging in a defamation case, Kulaszka told The Lawyers Weekly. Just as a TV broadcast is a different context from a newspaper context, blogging has its own unique culture and expectations, which the judgment recognized. Justice Peter Anniss judgment recognizes that the medium of message boards is dynamic and interactive, she noted. It is often said that politics is a blood sport and so too is political blogging. People enjoy the cut and thrust of the debate and anticipate the come-back of each player. Defamation law has to adjust to the 21st century, and this judgment went a long way in doing that. Among other things, the Ontario Court of Appeal will likely be asked to review Justice Anniss apparent suggestion that a statement made

during Internet debates on blogs and forums may be deemed to be non-defamatory if the plaintiff engaging in that debate doesnt try to remove the sting of the libel by responding to the statement. Commented Burnet, I am not aware of any law which says that a statement is, or is not, libelous depending on whether or not the target of the statement rebutted it or not. Justice Annis held that the impugned wordswhich he found to be a comment rather than a purported statement of factwere not capable of damaging Baglows reputation. This was because reasonable readers following the blogs would understand the comment as being simply one side of a vigorous debate over the validity of the prosecution of Omar Khadr at Guantanamo Bay. In that context, Smith contended that Baglows expressed opposition to Khadrs prosecution on the basis that it violated international law was tantamount to supporting the Taliban. Justice Annis concluded that reasonably informed readers of the blogs would understand that labelling the plaintiff as a supporter of the Taliban was simply a catchy label to showcase what they considered to be the weakness of the liberal argument in the debate, and would not consider the comment capable of lessening the reputation of the plaintiff. The alleged defamatory words were made in the context of an ongoing blogging thread over the Internet, Justice Annis explained. Internet blogging is a form of public conversation. By the back and forth character it provides an opportunity for each party to respond to the disparaging comments before the same audience in an immediate or a relatively contemporaneous time frame. This distinguishes the context of blogging from other forms of publication of defamatory statements. One exception could be the live debate, of which blogging constitutes the modern written form. Justice Annis said that even if the words were held to be defamatory, the defendants were shielded by the defence of fair comment. He went on to take exception to the fact that instead of responding on his blog to the defendants allegation that he was a vocal supporter of the Taliban, the plaintiff left the statement unanswered and sued. This indicated his desire perhaps to frame the alleged defamation as it stood, without any comeback on what he actually stood for rather than nipping it in the bud with a timely rejoinder. Bringing an action on the comment in mid-debate runs contrary to the rules and has the effect of chilling discussion, observed the judge. If allowed, it places the opposing party [who made the allegedly defamatory statement] in a defensive mode, rather than an offensive one, strategically putting that party at a disadvantage. He noted Baglow himself used his own blog to colourfully and aggressively berate others, describing his opponents, for example, as yokels with pitchforks. He suggested (by way of illustration only) that Baglow could have

prevented potential damage to his reputation by responding: Mr. Smith knows full well that I abhor what the Taliban stand for. His calling me one of their supporters because I think they should be entitled to due process in accordance with international law would be like me calling him (some derogatory descriptor, e.g. a Nazi fascist) because he wants to trample the rights that Canadians cherish, etc. Said Justice Annis, the blogging audience is expecting, and would indeed want, to hear a rejoinder of this nature where the parry and thrust of the debaters is appreciated as much as the substance of what they say. In essence, I am suggesting that the court, in construing alleged defamatory words in an ongoing debate, should determine whether the context of the comment from the perspective of the reasonable reader or listener is one that anticipates a rejoinder, which would eliminate the possible consequence of a statement lowering the reputation of the plaintiff in their eyes. To some extent the court is attempting to decide whether the debate should have gone forward, such that walking off the blogging stage, so to speak, is a form of gotcha contrary to the rules governing the debate. Justice Annis suggested defamation cases are now more amenable to summary judgment, given Ontarios modified rules, which accord judges more scope to weigh evidence, assess credibility and draw reasonable inferences on such motions. In particular, this matter lends itself to consideration via summary judgment because the factual foundation of the case is largely captured in the extensive materials taken from the parties blogs, he explained. Reasons: Baglow v. Smith, [2011] O.J. No. 3886.

----- Original Message ----From: "David Amos" <> To: "Kelly, David" <>; <> Cc: "Judi Day" <>; "Evelyn Greene" <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; "Blackmore, Jerett" <>; <>; "MacPherson, Chris" <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; "Estey, Paul" <>; "Banks, David" <>; <>; "MacKnight, Barry" <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <> Sent: Wednesday, March 07, 2012 7:32 PM Subject: Fredericton deserves the likes of arseholes such as David Kelly, his ex wife and all her corrupt cop buddies

> On 3/4/12, Kelly, David <> wrote: >> Thank you. >> >> David Kelly, Deputy Mayor >> City Councillor/Conseiller Ward/Quartier 12 >> 128 Chemin/ Golf Club Road, Fredericton >> The "Capital" City Of New Brunswick/Nouveau Brunswick, Canada >> E3B 5M6 H/W (506) 458-8518 fax 443-0808 >> e-mail:<> >> City Website:<> >> >> "Fredericton...what a city should be/toute une ville". >> "Volunteers aren't unpaid because they're worthless, volunteers are unpaid >> because they are priceless"- Author unknown >> "There are no mistakes in life, only lessons"- Donald E. Kelly (my Father) >> >> "We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give"- Winston >> Churchill >> "You treat each day as "special" David because you never know what tomorrow >> will bring"- Donald E. Kelly (my Father said this to me in Hospital in June >> 1975 after he fell off a roof leaving him a paraplegic) >> >> From: Judi Day [] >> Sent: Sunday, March 04, 2012 5:37 PM >> To: Evelyn Greene;;; >>;;; >>;;; >>; Blackmore, Jerett;; >> MacPherson, Chris; Kelly, Stephen; Chase, Stephen;; >> Kelly, David; Woodside, Brad;;; >>;; >>;;; >>;; >>;;; >>; Estey, Paul; Banks, David;; >> MacKnight, Barry;;; >>;;; >>;;; >> >> Subject: Re: More Surveillance and New Video >> >> My Dear Evelyn, and others who will take an interest to read. >> >> Evelyn, you are now labelled as a whistle blower/ trouble maker and you are >> becoming the martyr like many of us have become in the past. Be very >> careful with whom you attack as many in authority are all of one cloth. I >> call them wolves in lamb's clothing, so you will not know who may come after >> you you next. Snipe shooting is not going to work. >> >> Many whistle blowers/ trouble makers are eliminated or set aside to waste >> away by being diagnosed as mentally ill and then locked up in mental >> institutions, drugged to incapacity and then let out to make away with >> themselves. It is known as "pump and dump", with very little follow up when >> these victims commit suicide. >> >> I know you are a very stong individual, but so was I. You cannot win this

>> battle as there are few who really care, one way or the other. They are not >> in your shoes. Read the book Playing with the Devil by Martha Jette about >> another whistle blower in Nl. who spent months locked up in a psychiatric >> institution and it never made the news. This man is still trying to obtain >> justice after forty years of abuse. >> >> I survived my battle with the ones in authority, psychiatrists, forced >> psychotropic drugs, and lived to tell the tale in a book called Judging >> Judi. I hope some day you will take an interest in this book and read it, >> available at Not one of us is immune from this abuse, so >> journalists it is time to act and expose it. >> >> Judith M.L. Day >> >> >> ----- Original Message ---->> From: Evelyn Greene<> >> To:<> ; >><> ; >><> ; >><> ; >><> ; >><> ; >><> ; >><> ; >><> ; >><> ; >><> ; >><> ; >><> ; >><> ; >><> ; >><> ; >><> ; >><> ; >><> ; >><> >> ;<> ; >><> ; >><> ; >><> ; >><> ; >><> ; >><> ; >><> ; >><> ; >><> ; >><> ; >><> ; >><> ; >><> ; >><> ; >><> >> ;<> ; >><> ; >><> ; Judi

>> Day<> ; >><> ; >><> ; >><> ; >><> >> Sent: Sunday, March 04, 2012 11:53 AM >> Subject: FW: More Surveillance and New Video >> >> TO: THE EDITOR OF THE DAILY GLEANER AND THE OTHER EDITORS OF NEW BRUNSWICK >> NEWS OWNED BY "IRVING" >> >> I CHALLANGE YOU, MR. JOHN WISHART AND OTHER EDITORS AND MR. IRVING HIMSELF, >> TO PRINT WHAT I JUST WROTE SO THAT NEW BRUNSWICKERS CAN DECIDE FOR >> THEMSELVES WHAT WE REALLY KNOW FROM YOUR REPORTING. WHY ARE YOU NOT WRITING >> ABOUT THIS. I TOLD YOU MR. WISHARD, AND THE CBC AND ANDY CAMPBELL OF CTV >> THAT I WOULD BE IN COURT ON JAN. 11/12 ON A SERIOUS PUBLIC INTEREST STORY. >> THE ATTORNEY GENERAL'S LAWYER, MR. WILLIAM GOULD, SAID TO THE JUDGE: " YOU >> SEE JUDGE THERE IS NO PUBLIC INTEREST HERE. THERE ARE NO CHURCH FRIENDS, NO >> INTERESTED PUBLIC AND NO PRESS. THIS WAS ALL TRUE. SO I WOULD LIKE TO HEAR >> BACK IF ME GOING BEFORE 3 JUDGES TO THE APPEAL COURT IN MAY IS REALLY WORTH >> IT. I HAVE DONE THE PREPARATION AND THE COSTS AND MY TIME, BUT DOES ANYONE >> CARE? I WOULD LIKE TO HEAR BACK FROM THE PRESS IF THEY WILL BE THERE OR THE >> CCLA WHO HAS WRITTEN ON BEHALF OF THE NEW BRUNSWICK BLOGGER, MR. CHARLES >> LEBLANC WHOSE RIGHTS ARE BEING QUESTIONED. BUT WHAT ABOUT THE MOST >> VULNERABLE OF OUR SOCIETY, THE MENTALLY ILL. AS REGIONAL HEALTH AUTHORITY B >> ALONE HOW MANY DEATHS HAVE OCCURED IN PSYC UNITS SINCE 2004. AT FIRST, HE >> WROTE ME AND SAID THEY DO NOT KEEP THOSE STATISTICS, THEN HE SENT ANOTHER >> LETTER SAYING APPROX. 4. NOW THE NUMBER HAS INCREASED. AGAIN, IF WE CANNOT >> ACCESS OR RIGHTS UNDER THE MENTAL HEALTH ACT, THEN WE HAVE NO GOOD MENTAL >> HEALTH CARE. I PERSONALLY HOPE TO LEAVE THIS PROVINCE SOMETIME THIS YEAR >> WHEN I GET MY BUSINESS FINISHED, SO IT WILL NOT BE A BENEFIT FOR ME, BUT FOR >> YOUR FRIENDS AND FAMILY. DOES THIS NOT EQUAL PUBLIC INTEREST IN THE NEWS >> BUSINESS WHEN YOUNG 22 YEAR OLD AND 52 YEAR OLD ARE DYING IN THE PSYCH UNITS >> THAT ARE KNOWN TO NOT FOLLOW RULES, AND MOST DO NOT UNDERSTAND THE CRITERIA >> OF FORM 1 PROCEDURE AND I HAVE THAT IN WRITING ALSO. >> >> >> Hi to All: This freelance writer, Rob Wipond, from B.C. is an excellent >> freelance reporter and has been in many big papers. I wanted to share his >> email with you, albeit sometimes it is hard to get a one on one message >> back, as he tends to write to a lot of contacts on a regular basis. He >> speaks the truth. He once wrote about the Ombudsman out there who was told >> by the Liberals to drop an investigation. I say that happened to me in New >> Brunswick. >> >> Why is there nothing in the paper about the 22 yr. old girl, believed >> murdered, at St. John Regional Hospital. Then I saw Criminal Professor, >> Michael Boudreau, being interviewed (I believe in St. John) saying that the >> police did not want to embarass the girl's family. What did he mean by >> that? I suspect it will be the hospital that will be embarrassed as I have >> written evidence from the Provincial Mental Health Advocate revealing the >> staff admitted the rules under the Mental Health Act across the province are >> not being followed. Then there is the issue of "No enforcements for >> breaches" which was mentioned in the Annual Report of the Fredericton

>> Coroner's office. The Coroner's office (Deputy Coroner Brian Brown) says >> they can make recommendations to the Minister of Health and Minister of >> Public Safety, but they cannot enforce the Minister's to implement anything. >> Look at the year end annual report of the Coroner for 2020 wherein the last >> pages say that the Minister of Health is implementing Judge Michael McKee's >> recommendations on his "Mental Health Review" which cost taxpayers lots of >> money. Ask Health Minister Dube and Attorney General Marie-Claude Blais >> what was implemented? Do you remember the CBC interview wherein the >> Attorney General of New Brunswick, Ms. Blais, said that "mental illness is >> dear to my heart." When I was before Judge Clendening on January 11, 2012, >> for a hearing regarding public interest funding to bring in a well respected >> law firm who said they would work at half their hourly costs and have >> prepared the Ontario Mental Health Act for the Govt. of Ontario, it was the >> opinion of Judge Clendening that it is not of public interest. This was in >> spite of the Attorney General's lawyer, William Gould, who told the Judge in >> the open court room that "the psychiatric staff at the hospital would quit >> if they thought they could be sued." Then he said something to this affect: >> "the province would have a flood of claims coming in if the staff could be >> sued." >> So really what is left, ladies and gentlement, is a cockeyed, >> unconstitutional Mental Health Act which, if no once can access his or her >> rights, may as well be thrown to the wind, because the government >> self-regulates abuse, both in their actions and in their intentions when >> they drafted this impunged legislation. Look particularly at sections 66 >> (1) (2) (3) of that Act. and 7.1(4) and then go to section 8 and read where >> it says before a doctor can give a non-consenting partient over 16, >> psychiatric drugs, he or she must first notify the Patient Advocate and the >> Chair of the Tribunal, who in Fredericton is Matthew Tweedie of Cox and >> Palmer. However, please note that Cox and Palmer also represent the >> hospital so who is really representing the detainees who are under a form 1 >> that the rules are not beeing adhered to. >> >> Just think about the 52 yr. old man who was found hanging by a belt in the >> CNC lockdown at Chalmers Hospital not all that long ago. He was in the CNC >> (Concentrated Nursing Centre (lockdown) which has a continuous running >> camera on the patient. Plus this man was on 15 minute suicide watches. He >> went there very suicidal. When they are admitted, all clothing and other >> articles are taken from the patient so that there is no way they can harm >> themselves or others. They are allowed to call a lawyer and/or family, but >> my experience was that I was not allowed this right and was told it was for >> my own good. Then this man was found hanging by a belt in the washroom. >> >> I mentioned this to a man recently and he said, well maybe a friend took the >> belt in to him. I said: "What kind of friend would do that?" >> >> Needless to say, I believe the Coroner went there as is the usual practice, >> but did the hospital investigate this? No. >> >> Did any of you folks know about this incident or the incident of the girl >> being murdered in St. John Regional. I know it was in the St. John paper, >> but like a lot of things, the editor of Irvings "Daily Gleaner" told me that >> he feels many stories are not of interest to us in Fredericton; such as when >> the new Director of Public Prosecutions, Luc LaBonte, was quoted in the >> Moncton paper as saying when the police are involved in charges, and I >> assume complaints, they bring in outside investigators. This was not done >> in my case as the Chief of Police, Barry MacKnight wrote the N.B. Police

>> Commission, asking them if he should bring in an outside investigator when I >> complained about four officers being me up at Ambulance N.B. Inc. on May 13, >> 2011, and then manipulated the CCTV video so that these 14 motion sensored >> cameras did not show me entering or leaving the building or being beaten in >> the parking lot with my hands behind my back and handcuffed. I have given >> the evidence of the CCTV manipulated evidence now to Chris MacPherson, our >> civic authority who said he did not look at it, but gave it to the City >> Solicitor. My question is this: "Why did Mr. MacPherson not review this >> evidence and take it before council members as per my request?" What kind >> of police force and city governance do we have. Then while I was there >> delivering the evidence, City Clerk, Brenda Knight, said the council will >> not meet with me nor the mayor and they do not have any control over the >> police or police commission, the they basically deal with "pot holes." She >> grabbed my arm to ask me to leave and I was told prior that I could go there >> and speak to Leslie and give Leslie the tapes. Then I learn from the >> security guard that Ms. Knight had sent him a memo two days earlier saying >> that Evelyn Greene may show up here with papers, and if so, take action. >> >> I reported all of this to the police to the attention of Inspector J. >> Blackmore. The CCTV video and audio need to be reviewed by the police and >> council members. Why, because even the inside police investigator of my >> issues, tried to hide the evidence of my many bruises and soft tissue injury >> pictures from the crown, saying he was confused with the evidence. Then he >> told me last Thursday that he did not know that Robin O'Hara from Ambulance >> N.B. brought the CCTV evidence on a USB stick and gave it to one of the >> police culprits, Sebastien Blanchette who was one of the officers who beat >> me. Then he is the one all of the evidence went directly to. >> >> I was then told by Aux. Constable David Banks that he gave the 911 audio >> evidence directly to Cst. Estey (court liaison officer) to give to the Crown >> Prosecution on Dec. 2, 2011. However, the Crown says they have no further >> disclosure. So what happened to the 911 audio evidence? Who is the biggest >> liar here? Now Cst. Estey is on some sort of leave and the Crown insists >> they never received this evidence. Are they investigating why not? I wrote >> Luc LaBonte and he will not respond nor will the Crown Prosecutor, the 6th >> one on the bogus charges against me, respond. This is malicious >> prosecution. >> >> I have left all this information to Inspector J. Blackmore of the >> Fredericton City Police. Also on last Thursday, another Constable Hughson >> who was standing at the reception area with a young female employee, who >> gave me the number to call Leslie at City Hall to arrange to take the >> tampered CD evidence to which she agreed. This is really awful. I also >> received a letter from Ambulance New Brunswick Inc. (Allan Stephen) who said >> that if the CD's were manipulated that the management of ANB did not ask >> anyone to do it, and that only two employees would have the capability and >> access to do manipulation which were Robin O'Hara and facilities manager, >> Paul Cormier. So it is down to two and have the police looked into >> investigating this. I even offered to Judge Richards to pay for the expense >> of sending the videos to the RCMP crime lab for analysis and was told no. I >> was told by the Crown and the Judge that I was expecting too much. >> >> I would like to hear back from anyone who wishes to do so. >> >> Cheers. >>

>> Evelyn Greene >> >> ________________________________ >> To: >> Subject: More Surveillance and New Video >> Date: Sat, 3 Mar 2012 21:31:56 -0500 >> From: >> >> Victoria's chief of police insulted me at a conference in front of 200 >> people, including the BC Privacy Commissioner. It was unsettling to witness >> this behaviour in someone who, in his position, you would expect, or at >> least hope, would be the consummate community diplomat. But then again, I >> guess he was pretty upset when I revealed some of the inconsistencies in his >> statements... You can read about some of it below (but you know you really >> had to be there, as they say...) >> I've also produced a very short video, "What's Causing My Erectile >> Dysfunction?" which you can view right here: >> >> thanks for subscribing! >> Rob >> ******************************* >> Privacy Commissioner slams provincial surveillance program >> by Rob Wipond >> >> Documents suggest BC Solicitors General and the RCMP have been misleading >> the public for years. >> >> "THERE'S NOTHING, in my view, to be alarmed about," said Victoria Police >> Chief Jamie Graham. He was speaking at February's Reboot Privacy and >> Security Conference in Victoria, to 200 privacy experts, academics, and >> government and corporate executives from around North America, including >> Alberta Privacy Commissioner Jill Clayton and BC Privacy Commissioner >> Elizabeth Denham. >> Graham was on a panel with Christopher Parsons, a UVic PhD candidate in >> political science and surveillance studies. Parsons was presenting findings >> from research done by him, me and tech expert and civil rights advocate >> Kevin McArthur into Automatic Licence Plate Recognition (findings first >> revealed in February's Focus, "Hidden Surveillance"). >> Automatic Licence Plate Recognition (ALPR) involves equipping police >> cruisers with cameras and software that can read thousands of licence plates >> per hour and compare those plates to crime "hot lists." The program operates >> as a joint effort between the RCMP, BC government and local BC police >> forces, ostensibly to primarily catch stolen vehicles, unlicensed drivers, >> and prohibited drivers. >> However, in some other countries, ALPR captures data about all cars on the >> road, which helps create comprehensive intelligence profiles about innocent >> people's behaviours. ALPR has then been used, for example, to identify >> individuals with "suspicious travel tendencies" and intercept citizens >> headed to protests. And during our research, our team found disturbing >> evidence that ALPR has already been used here, and is intended in the near >> future to again be used, for tracking and recording the movements of all >> citizens. (Retention of ALPR data about most innocent citizens has been >> temporarily suspended after the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada >> expressed concerns.) >> After eight months of digging, our research team had managed to ascertain >> this and some other facts about the ALPR program-though it only took minutes

>> for Graham, at the conference, to recast or contradict many of them. We have >> documents indicating that Victoria police have purchased an ALPR system-but >> Graham said, "We borrow the Mounties' car." Sources and documents explained >> to us that updated hot lists are put into that cruiser daily, whereas Graham >> said weekly. The BC Privacy Commissioner's office told us they'd been >> "briefed a number of times" about the ALPR program, while Graham described >> that as ongoing discussions with the Commissioner's office about ALPR data >> retention: "We're in the middle of kind of working that out..." >> Graham added that he wanted to see open discussions about ALPR between >> police and concerned citizens and "be up front, here's what we want, here's >> what we're doing, let's work together..." This, even though VicPD refused to >> provide anyone to talk with Focus about the ALPR program.To top it off, >> during the Q&A, I pointed to several such inconsistencies and asked a >> question, and Graham took the opportunity to describe my Focus article as >> "inaccurate" and engage in some back and forth with me. In reply to my >> question as to why he wanted to keep the ALPR data, he then said, "If what >> we're trying to achieve and what we're trying to search and locate require >> judicial authority, not your okay but judicial, we get it. If we don't, >> we'll axe it. Our standard is what the courts say, not by a marginal >> journalist." This comment was met with a chorus of disapproving "ooo"s. >> Graham later said he was being "facetious." >> For the record, Focus has not been contacted by VicPD or the RCMP with >> corrections to any supposed inaccuracies in our article about ALPR. But we >> invite-indeed encourage-any corrections or clarifications that the >> authorities would like to provide. >> "It's symptomatic of the trend we've been finding, that we get documents and >> then we have an interview with someone and we hear a different story," >> observes Parsons afterwards. "It's deeply concerning that we can point to a >> document, and then we're told the document is inaccurate, misleading or out >> of date. But a lot of times what people say is not official, either. It's >> frustrating. It actually challenges a cornerstone of democracy: your right >> to know what your government is up to and why." >> In any case, Graham gave general reassurance to the conference audience. >> "Right now, there is a big fear that there's this database where all the >> non-hit data retained by police for some nefarious purpose," he said. >> "That is not true." Nevertheless, Graham then explained, like the RCMP has >> as well, that such a database is essentially what he wants to build. "I want >> that non-hit data. I make no bones about it. What would I do with it? I >> don't know what I would do with it. But if I need it, I'd like to have it." >> "Chief Graham professes there is no nefarious purpose," comments McArthur, >> "but even the most basic documentation on the program, like the RCMP Privacy >> Impact Assessment, has been designated as 'particularly sensitive, Protected >> B', and pages were redacted when it was released to us." >> And indeed, startling documents newly obtained by Focus show the Office of >> the Privacy Commissioner of Canada (OPC) has expressed even more serious >> concerns than we have, and also reveal that the BC government and RCMP seem >> to have been misleading the public since day one. >> It began in November of 2006. A BC government press release announced the >> ALPR program, and stated "the federal privacy commissioner has reviewed the >> technology." Soon, the Richmond Review, Burnaby News Leader, Chilliwack >> Progress and other news outlets covered the story, reporting that, according >> to then-Solicitor General John Les, "the system was approved by the federal >> privacy commissioner." In mid-2009, when ALPR expanded to more BC police >> forces and RCMP detachments, the Victoria Times Colonist and Nanaimo Daily >> News reported that RCMP Sgt Warren Nelson told them, "Both federal and >> provincial privacy commissioners have approved the system"

>> However, the BC Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner has never >> officially reviewed the ALPR program. And confidential correspondence from >> the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada to the RCMP, obtained >> through an access to information request, contradicts these government and >> RCMP claims. >> The federal Privacy Commissioner first received a copy of a "Preliminary >> Privacy Impact Assessment" about the RCMP's ALPR program in 2005. However, >> the OPC was struggling with staff shortages and never reviewed the document. >> In 2007, the OPC finally indicated readiness, and asked the RCMP for an >> up-to-date ALPR privacy impact assessment. But that updated version didn't >> arrive until two years later. The Office of the Privacy Commissioner of >> Canada finally conducted and issued its first review of the RCMP's ALPR >> program on July 15, 2009. But by that time, the ALPR program had already >> spread to numerous police forces and areas around BC, and the BC government >> and RCMP had been telling the public for three years that the federal >> Privacy Commissioner had both "reviewed" and "approved" the program. And as >> recently as December of 2011, RCMP officers leading the ALPR program were >> still making such claims. >> "Permission was obtained from both the federal and provincial privacy >> commissioners to use as a pilot project [in 2006]," Sgt Nelson told Focus. >> "Generally, been very supportive," said RCMP Superintendent Mike Diack. >> Yet in fact, the July 2009 review shows Steven Morgan, Director General of >> the Audit & Review Branch of the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of >> Canada, describing the RCMP's ALPR program as "a generalized and ubiquitous >> form of surveillance" with "real and substantial" privacy risks, and he >> repeatedly questions the entire program's very legality. >> For example, the RCMP has long claimed licence plate numbers are not >> personal information, and so they need not abide by most privacy laws when >> tracking Canadians with ALPR. But Morgan writes, "Licence plate numbers and >> images of individuals captured by ALPR equipped cruisers would in fact >> qualify under the Act as personal information." >> Morgan further expresses concern that the ALPR program has no clear lines of >> governance and accountability within the RCMP, and no plan to ensure program >> changes are legal prior to being implemented. This situation, he states, >> contravenes directives issued by Treasury Board (Treasury Board is >> responsible for ensuring federal government programs comply with Canadian >> privacy laws). "e request that the RCMP explicitly identify those >> individuals responsible for ensuring compliance with applicable policies and >> legislation for the ALPR program," writes Morgan. >> Morgan also challenges the RCMP's right to gather so much information about >> citizens for no clearly defined reasons, adding, "We therefore request that >> the RCMP provide explicit reference to legal authorities (both federal and >> provincial) under which the ALPR program is being conducted." >> Morgan questions how the RCMP will manage ALPR errors. The RCMP's own >> studies show 8-10 percent of plates are misread. This could translate into >> thousands of false records daily from the Victoria area alone identifying >> people's cars in places where they haven't been. Yet these false records >> would still be stored automatically in RCMP databases. Citing subsection >> 6(2) of the Privacy Act, Morgan writes, "e ask the RCMP to provide our >> office with details of the measures in place to ensure that records...are >> accurate." >> Morgan adds that the RCMP has not provided any procedures for people to >> access or correct information about themselves in the database, even though >> such access and correction procedures are requirements under privacy law. >> And notable in light of the difficulties our research team has had obtaining >> information, Morgan describes "unease" in the Commissioner's office "over

>> the lack of RCMP communication to the public on this initiative," and >> states, "The public has a right to know about the ALPR program and its >> purpose." >> If all this isn't disturbing enough, the most startling comments emerge in >> relation to an aspect of the ALPR program which has never been publicly >> revealed before-aspects possibly discussed on the two redacted pages in the >> Privacy Impact Assessment obtained by Focus. >> Morgan notes with concern that the RCMP's Privacy Impact Assessment >> discusses "the collection of a series of additional data elements-race, >> ethnic origin, gender, blood type, financial transactions etc-which do not >> clearly fit within the purview of the ALPR program." >> What does collecting information on our blood types and financial >> transactions have to do with catching unlicensed drivers? >> "Wow," says BC Civil Liberties Association policy director Micheal Vonn, >> reading and repeating these "data elements" aloud. "That is dazzling in >> terms of its overbreadth...Shocking on so many different levels, it's hard >> to know where to begin." >> Is this evidence that police are planning to use the ALPR database as a >> foundation for a much more expansive repository of diverse intelligence >> information? >> Vonn, a lawyer, is more circumspect: "This is further information to show >> that the program is not being used for what the public is being told." >> Where would they even be getting information about our blood types or >> financial transactions? >> "What they're planning to tap into, I can't tell you," says Vonn. But she >> points to the Liberals' recent privacy legislation changes and notes, "I can >> tell you the government of British Columbia is actively attempting to create >> huge data linkages between all kinds of databases that exist within >> government programs." >> Vonn isn't sure what agendas are driving the ALPR "overbreadth," but points >> out that police, somewhat understandably, always want as much information as >> they can get their hands on. Consequently, she says, it's government's >> responsibility to ensure this "voracious appetite" is properly balanced >> against the privacy rights of law-abiding citizens. >> "What the government is not doing in this case, it would appear, is >> appropriately regulating this, so that we can get the right balance," says >> Vonn. "When we allow the police to decide what the balance is, it's police >> one hundred, citizens zero. We would have barcodes on our foreheads." >> I provided the OPC report to federal Conservative Tony Clement, President of >> the Treasury Board, and Liberal Shirley Bond, BC Minister of Justice, and >> asked how they'd bring the ALPR program into compliance with the law. The >> Treasury Board stated their responsibility "does not include an enforcement >> role." The BC Justice Ministry issued no reply. >> The OPC's Morgan summarizes concerns with an overarching recommendation: "To >> the extent that ALPR's program leaders are unfamiliar with the requirements >> of the Act...we would strongly recommend that the RCMP engage its internal >> privacy experts and legal counsel in assessing the organization's >> obligations for privacy protection." >> Vonn says that's as close to declaring a program flatly illegal as the >> Privacy Commissioner's office would ever get in such a review. This is >> because the OPC must adjudicate complaints from the public about government >> programs, and so cannot appear prejudiced. "The advice of 'please review' is >> as strongly worded as you can get without prejudging the issue," says Vonn. >> "Which is why it is very, very important to take the recommendations >> seriously, because they do indicate serious problems." >> However, following this rebuke, the RCMP and OPC held a conference call in

>> January, 2010, which Morgan later summarized in a letter. "e note that the >> RCMP asserts that..." begins Morgan, and what follows is a point-form list >> of virtually every major concern the OPC had expressed, framed in the form >> of a dismissal from the RCMP: The ALPR program does indeed have adequate >> safeguards and controls, asserts the RCMP. Everything is indeed being done >> "in accordance with applicable laws." There is indeed proper governance and >> accountability in place. And so on. >> "This is clearly the RCMP telling the federal Privacy Commissioner that it >> doesn't want to do what it's being requested to do," interprets Vonn. " have >> not implemented the changes. They have not addressed the concerns." >> Yet with that, the OPC parked its file. Their office has little authority to >> do anything more unless someone complains about the ALPR program. But how, >> asks Vonn, do we complain about a surveillance program about which we can >> learn almost nothing? So Parsons, McArthur and I have decided that precisely >> that question itself will be the starting point for a letter to our federal >> and provincial privacy commissioners. >> Rob Wipond has been a freelance writer and investigative journalist for over >> two decades. Last year he was a finalist in the Western Magazine Awards for >> his Focus column, and previously won for business writing. Read the full >> text of the Privacy Commissioners' letters to the RCMP about ALPR right >> here: >> >> >> >> ->> If you do not want to receive any more newsletters, this >> link<> >> >> To update your preferences and to unsubscribe visit this >> link<> >> Forward a Message to Someone this >> link<> >> >> [powered by phpList2.10.17, (c) phpList ltd]<> >> >> ________________________________ >> >> This electronic mail, including any attachments, is confidential and is for >> the sole use of the intended recipient and may be privileged. Any >> unauthorized distribution, copying, disclosure or review is prohibited. >> Neither communication over the Internet nor disclosure to anyone other than >> the intended recipient constitutes waiver of privilege. If you are not the >> intended recipient, please immediately notify the sender and then delete >> this communication and any attachments from your computer system and records >> without saving or forwarding it. Thank you. >> >> >>

----- Original Message ----From: "David Amos" <> To: <>; <>; "We are Fred up" <>; "andre" <> Cc: <>; "law" <>; "evelyngreene" <>; <>

Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2012 4:01 PM Subject: Well lawyer feel free to tell the truth as you see it and I will tell it as I has lived and witnessed it. >I stand and act alone. I have many friends that I trust with the lives > of my seed. 14 very decent men have had my Durable Power of Attorney > for many years. > > Trust that I am not going to take seven years of my precious time to > try to learn to trust a lawyer particularly after all that I have > experienced in my dealings with them. > > Because of your blog and the documents that you obviously got from him > perhaps someday soon I will call you to tesify about what you know to > be true about the shit that went down between your hero Chucky > Leblanc and I. > > To put it simply there is NO MIDDLE GROUND between that nasty Bastard and I > > Veritas Vincit > David Raymond Amos > 902 800 0369 > > On 4/26/12, Peter Dauphinee <> wrote: >> Hi David, >> >> It was, as always, interesting talking to you today. >> >> I think we both have the same objective, namely, to make the world safer and >> better for our offspring. Anyone can say this but few mean it, and most >> have no idea what they are up against. So as I see it, we need to work on >> alliances of people committed to truth and justice, and eliminating the >> corrupt system we have. >> >> You have great investigative skills. I don't doubt what you are telling >> me. My strengths are different. I focus on one or two things at a time and >> try to build a convincing presentation. You know as well as I do what an >> uphill battle it is to persuade the passive multitudes who cling to the >> belief that everything is fine and our leaders will protect us from evil. >> >> I don't have the enormous retention of facts and events that you have. I >> can't take in all that you say at once. I would appreciate your patience. >> It was only last November that my final hope for justice using our system of >> so-called justice was extinguished by the Supreme Court of Canada, so my >> quest for truth outside the so-called justice system is relatively recent. >> I post my thoughts on my blog for my own reflection mainly as I refine my >> beliefs around the new reality. I am still in a state of shock which I >> believe is akin to post traumatic stress disorder. >> >> I grew up believing in truth and justice as the highest goals of a civilized >> society. I believed in the rhetoric of the sixties, in Trudeau and his >> Charter of Rights and Freedoms. I thought people were essentially good, but >> I found they are generally not so good and are easily corrupted. Within a >> corrupt system, no amount of laws, contracts or good intentions mean >> anything. >> >> I accept the things you tell me, but I have an obligation (according to my

>> principles) to come to my own conclusions based on your information and any >> other credible information I can access. That is also my main strength. >> >> It takes a long time and perhaps some extraordinary shared or common >> experiences to really trust someone. Usually about seven years I have found >> though my bullshit detector is improving. Because trustworthy people are >> hard to verify and not obvious to identify, I am tolerant of the relatively >> insignificant glitches. There are lots of reasons why these happen other >> than corrupt or unethical conduct. It is my conviction that we should >> collaborate with people committed to fighting corruption and upholding >> ethical values (rare as they are) until it is clear that they are >> hypocrites. >> >> I would like to work with you, but I will not join with you in making >> enemies of people for relatively trivial slights. Anyway, it obviously >> won't work if you don't overcome that because you have already hung up on me >> three times for absolutely nothing at all. >> >> If you really believe in doing something good, you would do well to focus on >> the cause and be more tolerant of the individuals that are fighting the same >> fight. >> >> >> Peter >> ->> >> Peter Dauphinee >> >> 506 866-2571 >> >> >> >> >> ----- Original Message ----From: "David Amos" <> To: "peter.dauphinee" <>; <>; <> Cc: <>; <>; <>; "robin reid" <> Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2012 3:17 PM Subject: Mr Dauphine say Hoka Hey to your hero Noam Chomsky and his lawyer buddies such as Dianne Wilkerson, Paul Saba and Barry Bachrach for me will ya? Ask you fellow members of the bar or your blogger hero Chucky Leblanc or a couple of ethical lndian adies I know why I get so pissed ff when a lawyer implies that I am a liar after I supplied him the proof that I am no such thing. ----- Original Message ----From: Bachrach, Barry A. To: 'David Amos' Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2004 8:28 PM Subject: RE: Has Noam Chomsky ever talked to you? SURE MENTION ME. CHAOMSKY IS PART OF THE FAKE LEFT. THEY ARE LOSERS. -----Original Message----From: David Amos [] Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2004 3:33 PM To: Bachrach, Barry A. Subject: Has Noam Chomsky ever talked to you?

This really pissed me off. I have long email exchanges with him and when he and Paul Saba spoke in Milton (I had served Saba the same stuff you got at the same time.) I gave the same stuff to Noam's help without a CD recording. The old bugger don't mind running off to Canada to rub elbows with other Canadians he finds newsworthy but won't even pick up the phone to call me. He sure can talk a good talk though. I even had a long talk with Graham's buddies. I guess it is time to write his lawyers a letter do you wish for me to mention you?

This e-mail message is generated from the law firm of Bowditch & Dewey, LLP and contains information that is confidential and may be privileged as an attorney/client communication or as attorney work product. The information is intended to be disclosed solely to the addressee(s). If you are not the intended recipient, be aware that any disclosure, copying, distribution or use of the contents of this email information is prohibited. If you have received this email in error, please notify the sender by return email and delete it from your computer system. For more information about Bowditch & Dewey, please visit our web site at ----- Original Message ----From: Bachrach, Barry A. To: 'David Amos' Sent: Saturday, May 01, 2004 12:59 PM Subject: RE: Arlo's Trial i know i don't have to tell you this but don't let him know we know each other. -----Original Message----From: David Amos [] Sent: Saturday, May 01, 2004 9:55 AM

To: Bachrach, Barry A. Subject: Fw: Arlo's Trial Try to tell Maritimers don't know how to fish ----- Original Message ----From: To: Sent: Saturday, May 01, 2004 2:08 AM Subject: Re: Arlo's Trial David-In my opinion, Rensch provided due process right to Looking Cloud. Was it an adequate defense? Hardly not. That's our system, however. It favors those that can afford it, in our country. I'd be glad to take a look at what you have. Thanks for the e-mail. Fred Youngbear

This e-mail message is generated from the law firm of Bowditch & Dewey, LLP and contains information that is confidential and may be privileged as an attorney/client communication or as attorney work product. The information is intended to be disclosed solely to the addressee(s). If you are not the intended recipient, be aware that any disclosure, copying, distribution or use of the contents of this email information is prohibited. If you have received this email in error, please notify the sender by return email and delete it from your computer system. For more information about Bowditch & Dewey, please visit our web site at

----- Original Message ----From: "David Amos" <> To: <>; <>; <>; "evelyngreene" <>; "law" <>; "peter.dauphinee" <>; "Wayne.Lang" <>; "woodsideb" <>; "mhayes" <>; "andre" <>; "We are Fred up" <>; <>; "Barry.MacKnight" <>; "pm" <>; "tflanaga" <>; "danielle" <>; "PREM Premier" <>; "premier" <>; "jeff.kasbrick"" <>,, "thomas" <>,,, "Barry Winters" <>, "thepurplevioletpress" <>, "robin reid" <>, "campaign" <>,, "vacman" <> Cc: "minister" <>; <>; "toewsv1" <>; "toews. v" <>; <>; "birgittajoy" <>; "fischerc" <>; "rajotj1" <> Sent: Saturday, April 21, 2012 2:20 PM

Subject: Here is an interesting email exchange between Robin Reid and I about Alberta on an interesting anniverary before the stock market took a nose daive EH Mr Flahety? ----- Original Message ----From: "David Amos" <> To: "robin reid" <>; <> Cc: <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <> Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2008 4:16 PM Subject: Re: the very corrupt Mr. Stelmach and his evil Attorney General

Hey Robin Perhaps I should have mentioned this earlier but better late than never. In 2005 when Rotten Ralphie was Premier I talked to him and we had quite a little spit and chew after he came back from Washington while Franky Boy McKenna was our Ambassador and he staged a mini Calgary Stampede down Wall Street. A friend of mind knew him when he was just a funny drunk before he became a Mayor and he was quite a showman then. Rotten Ralphie so pissed me off that I sent his Attorney General and every other one I had not crossed paths with a registered letter with about 300 documents and a CD of the Yankee police surveilance wiretap tape # 139 then I came home a ran for Parliament again. Everybody ignored me except the RCMP as usual. After Stelmach got elected boss he kept the same Attorney General but one of that bastard's Assistant Attorney General's called me at Werner's farm quite awhile back (Spring of 2007). The sneaky lawyer bastard in Alberta called from his home instead of his office. He sounded like a nervous camper and lied like the typical bureaucrat so I told him to fuck off and called Stelmach and the RCMP (Sweeney) and read them the riot act once again because I was getting death threats out of Edmonton and Saudi Arabia at the same time while Harper was trying to find somebody who wanted to be the next RCMP Commissioner. No shit Werner witnessed it all and his phone bill can prove it. It is amazing how many hits I get on my blog from Alberta far more than I do from New Brunswick. Danny Boy put an email of mine which contained the text of that letter to Rooten Ralphie long ago within his blog but only pointed to the BC Premier and no one else for some strange reason. Here it is

Anyway here is the text of that letter. Have some fun with it and forward this email to anyone and everyone with my blessings and thanks. Obviously I already started the ball roling for you.

Veritas Vincit David Raymond Amos July 31st, 2005 Lt. Gov. J. Lonce Bernard Lt. Gov. Myra A. Freeman Premier Pat G. Binns Premier John F. Hamm c/o Att. Gen. Mildred A. Dover c/o Att. Gen. Michael Baker Fourth Floor, Shaw Building, North Department of Justice 4th Floor 105 Rochford Street Room 5151 Road P.O. Box 2000 P.O. Box 7 Charlottetown, PEI C1A 7N8 Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 2L6


Lt. Gov. Norman L. Kwong Lt. Gov. Iona V. Campagnolo Premier Ralph Klein Premier Gordon Campbell c/o Att. Gen. Ron Stevens c/o Att. Gen. Wally Oppal 208 Legislature Building Stn Prov Govt PO Box 9044 9E210800 - 97 Avenue Parliament Buildings East Annex Edmonton, Alberta T5K 2B6 Victoria, BC V8V 1X4 RE: Public Corruption Hey, Apparently everybody wanted to play dumb about my concerns and allegations so that Humpty Dumpty Martin's minority government would not fall and they could party hardy while the Queen was in Canada. As you all know months ago, I began faxing, emailing and calling the eight other Lt. Governors I had yet to cross paths with. I fully informed them of my indignation towards the Governor General Clarkson and two of her other Maritime Lieutenants Roberts and Chaisson before the latest wave of bad acting Yankees invaded my home in the USA without warrants or due process if law. I made certain all of the provincial Attorney Generals and Premiers can never deny the fact that I tried to make them well aware of my concerns and allegations in order to make everybody should sit up and pay attention. Not one person from any of your offices ever responded in any fashion at all. You can be certain that I expected the deliberate ignorance. It is one of the oldest tricks in the book that lawyers employ in order to play their wicked game of see no evil,

hear no evil speak no evil. I knew it would happen particularly after Nova Scotia's Conflict of Interest Commissioner Merlin Nunn had blocked my emails before I had contacted you. I have no doubt it helped to relieve him of his ethical dilemma before the NS NDP decided what to do about their chance to unseat the Conservatives. I have no doubt whatsoever many lawyers in Canada were praying that the Suffolk County District Attorney would have me back in the loony bin by April 28th and that all your troubles would go away. I opted to let you all have your way and did not bother you anymore until the Queen had left our shores and Parliament quit for the summer. Now it is my turn to have some fun and raise a little Political Hell. While the Queen, Clarkson and Martin where all having a grand old time on the Canadian dime my little Clan went through living hell down here. Trust me, lawyers need to learn some new tricks. Ignorance is no excuse to the law or me. Making some Canadian Attorney Generals and their political buddies show me their arses is child's play to me after all that I have experienced in the last few years. If you doubt me ask Michael J. Bryant and Yvon Marcoux why I am so pissed at their bosses and the DHS. Then check my work for yourself. If the tag team of John Ashcroft and Tom Ridge could not intimidate me, believe me you people don't have a prayer. Both of those dudes have quit their jobs but I am still standing and squaring off against their replacements now. If it were not for all the decent folks I know, the snotty ones like you would make me feel ashamed to be a Canadian. There is no shortage of lawyers. It is just that ethical ones that are rare birds, that's all. You must know how easily the Canadian people can replace you with other lawyers if it becomes widely known how willing you are to ignore crime if it means some fancy dude may be compelled to suffer for his own wrongs. The justice system is supposed to be self-policing. It should clean up its own act rather than trying to maintain a false mask of integrity for lawyers that are obviously criminals. It is way beyond my understanding why you people would choose to support the likes of Paul Martin, Adrienne Clarkson, T. Alex Hickman and Billy Matthews if you are not all as crooked as hell as well. The deliberate ignorance and double-talk employed by the wealthy few to dodge simple truths is absolutely offensive to ordinary people blessed with the rare attribute called common sense. Not all folks are like sheep. Paul Martin's latest tricks make for a very fine example of truly how bad things are. Even amidst wholesale scandals breaking out hell, west and crooked everywhere lawyers and politicians just close ranks and stand together as thick as the thieves they are. I stress tested the ethics of the ladies of the Bloc Quebecois and the Gomery Inquiry immediately after Martin's carefully orchestrated little circus in Parliament on May 19th was a matter of history. Lets just say I was not surprised to not hear one peep in response from anyone other than to get a call from an unidentified and very nervous but cocky Yankee lawyer claiming that Tony Blair was mad at me. Pursuant to my phone calls, emails and faxes please find enclosed as promised exactly the same hard copy of what I sent to the Canadian Ambassadors Allan Rock and Franky Boy McKenna and a couple of nasty FBI agents on May 12th just before an interesting event in front

of our home in Milton. I have also included a copy of four letters I have received in response since then that you may find interesting to say the least. I also sent you a copy of a letter sent to a lady Ms. Condolezza Rice whom our former Prime Minister Brian Mulroney considers to be the most powerful woman in the world. The CD of the copy of police surveillance tape # 139 is served upon all the above named Attorney Generals as officers of the court in order that it may be properly investigated. I will not bother you with the details of what I am sending to you byway of the certified US Mail because I will be serving identical material to many other Canadian Authorities in hand and tell them I gave this stuff to you first and enclose a copy of this letter. All that is important to me right now is that I secure proof that this mail was sent before I make my way back home to the Maritimes. However I will say I am also enclosing a great deal more material than what Allan Rock had received in the UN. Some of it is in fact the same material the two maritime lawyers, Rob Moore and Franky Boy McKenna in particular received, while I was up home running for Parliament last year. Things have changed greatly in the past year so I have also included a few recent items to spice things up for you. I am tired of trying to convince people employed in law enforcement to uphold the law. So all I will say for now is deal will your own conscience and be careful how you respond to this letter. If you do not respond. Rest assured I will do my best to sue you some day. Ignorance is no excuse to the law or me. Veritas Vincit

David R. Amos

153 Alvin Ave

Milton, MA. 02186

The enclosed letter from The Public Service Integrity Office, whose boss recently testified before the Gomery Inquiry and following quotes prove why I must speak out. "Well what do you expect?" said Le Hir in reaction. "Anybody who had been involved in that kind of thing isn't going to admit readily, or willfully, to having participated." Asked why he's waited 10 years to come out with his allegations, Le Hir said he was "sworn to secrecy." "I'm breaking that oath, and the only way I could have been relieved by that oath was by a judge in a court saying, 'Mr. Lehir, I understand that you have made an oath of secrecy; and you're hereby relieved of that oath." "Mr. Wallace added that police and the courts, not internal rules, are best-equipped to deal with bureaucrats who cross the line and break

the law. But Judge Gomery did not appear satisfied. "It takes a major scandal to get the police involved," he said. "It is not in the nature of the public service to call in the police." Everybody knows that in order to protect the rights and interests of my Clan and to sooth my own soul, I have proven many times over that all lawyers, law enforcement authorities, and politicians in Canada and the USA are not worthy of the public trust. I maintain that their first order of business is to protect the evil longstanding system they have created for their own benefit rather than the people they claim to serve. Call me a liar and put it in writing. I Double Dog Dare ya.

Baker got my material. So did everyone else. Only the Attorney General in Quecbec refused it. I bet our newest Governor General knows why. It is likely for the same reason she will not accept my emails. It should be obvious to anyone why I must sue the Crown.

USPS Track and Confirm Label/Receipt Number: ED71 7170 440U S Detailed Results: Delivered Abroad, August 05, 2005, 9:23 am, CANADA At Foreign Delivery Unit, August 05, 2005, 8:10 am, CANADA Out of Foreign Customs, August 04, 2005, 2:52 pm, CANADA Into Foreign Customs, August 04, 2005, 2:22 pm, CANADA Arrived Abroad, August 04, 2005, 2:22 pm, CANADA International Dispatch, August 03, 2005, 10:28 am, KENNEDY AMC Enroute, August 03, 2005, 9:08 am, JAMAICA, NY 11499 Acceptance, August 02, 2005, 10:32 am, QUINCY, MA 02169

On 9/11/08, robin reid <> wrote: > > David, went to the ledge, stelmach is who knows where, so I called > everyone, > harper, you name it I am calling, > David, I will make this happen, they have done enough harm, no no no more, >I > am so done, times are going to change here, for every one, David, I knew > nothing, but felt many things all my life. I tell them I will not be > ignored, hey they are all to busy spending money once again to even give a > human being a call, well see if mr. mason calls me this afternoon, I was > threatened, if I hang around I would be escorted our by security, so I

> made > sure to tell people Mr. Stelmach is fired. I will be back. I did it > alone > David and I was ok. I am going to do this, when I look at how hard you > have > been fightiing, it makes me want to fight even harder now for us all. I > thank you so much David and all your info must make them shit cuz it sure > makes me giggle, thank you so much. I hope you are all ok. > > freedom > rob On 4/21/12, David Amos <> wrote: > From: robin reid <> > Date: Tue, 15 Jun 2010 22:37:55 -0700 > Subject: FW: DON'T BOTHER CALLING > To:,, >,, >,, >,, >,, finance > min <>,, >, >,, >,, >,,, >,,, >,, >,, >,,, > MICHAELLE JEAN GOV GENERAL <>,, >,, >,, >, >,, >,,, > > > Yes, this is just another party like Wildrose Alliance, Conservatives, > Libs, Ndp and Green what cons and killers of human life. The cause of > human suffering and death for a profit. > > > From: > To: > Subject: DON'T BOTHER CALLING > Date: Tue, 15 Jun 2010 21:07:18 -0700 > > GOOD DAY, > > WENT OVER YOUR WEB SITE AGAIN. PLEASE DON'T CALL. YOU REMIND ME TO > MUCH OF THE BAD GOVERNMENTS WE ALREADY HAVE, CORRUPT GODS GETTING RICH > ON HUMAN SUFFERING. > > THANK YOU > ROBIN REID

> > ---------- Forwarded message ---------> From: David Amos <> > Date: Tue, 15 Jun 2010 12:20:02 -0300 > Subject: Fwd: WikiLeaks may be under attack No shit so am I EH Mr Teows? > To: robin reid <>,, >,, >,, >,, >,, finance > min <>, >, >,, >,, >,,, >,,, >,, >,, >,, >,, MICHAELLE JEAN GOV GENERAL > <>,, >,, >,, >,, >,, >,,, >,, "John. Foran" > <>, krisaustin <> > Cc: "Gilles. Blinn" <>, Barry Winters > <>, "john.adams" <>, > "" <>, > "Wayne.Lang" <>, "Dean.Buzza" > <>, "John.DeWinter" > <>, "PATRICK. MURPHY" > <>, "rick. skinner" <> > > ---------- Forwarded message ---------> From: WikiLeaks <> > Date: Tue, 15 Jun 2010 10:09:22 +0100 (BST) > Subject: WikiLeaks may be under attack > To: > > > WikiLeaks may be under attack. > > You were generous enough to write to us, but we have not had the labor > resources to respond. > > Your support is important to us. Please read all of this email to > understand what is going on. We apologize for not getting back to you > before. It is not through any lack of interest on our part, but an > enforced lack of resources. > > One of our alleged sources, a young US intelligence analyst, Bradley > Manning, has been detained and shipped to a US military prison in > Kuwait, where he is being held without trail. Mr. Manning is alleged

> to have acted according to his conscious and leaked to us the > Collateral Murder video and the video of a massacre that took place in > Afghanistan last year at Garani. > > The Garani massacre, which we are still working on, killed over 100 > people, mostly children. > > Mr. Manning allegedly also sent us 260,000 classified US Department > cables, reporting on the actions of US Embassy's engaging in abusive > actions all over the world. We have denied the allegation, but the US > government is acting as if the allegation is true and we do have a lot > of other material that exposes human rights abuses by the United > States government. > > Mr. Manning was allegedly exposed after talking to an unrelated > "journalist" who then worked with the US government to detain him. > > Some background on the Manning case: > > > > > > > > > [ note that there are some questions about the Wired reportage, see: > >] > > WikiLeaks a small organization going through enormous growth and > operating in an adverserial, high-security environment which can make > communication time consuming and the acquisition of new staff and > volunteers, also difficult since they require high levels of trust. > > To try and deal with our growth and the current difficult situation, > we want to get you to work together with our other supporters to set > up a "Friends of WikiLeaks" group in your area. We have multiple > supporters in most countries and would like to see them be a strong > and independent force. > > Please write to if you are interested in > helping with Friends of WikiLeaks in your area. You will receive > further instructions. > > We also have significant unexpected legal costs (for example flying a > legal team to Kuwait, video production. Collateral Murder production > costs were $50,000 all up). > > Any financial contributions will be of IMMEDIATE assistance. > > > > Please donate and tell the world that you have done so. Encourage all > your friends to follow the example you set, after all, courage is

> contagious. > > Julian Assange > Editor in Chief > WIKILEAKS >

----- Original Message ----From: "David Amos" <> To: <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; "Jacques.Poitras" <>; <>; "mclaughlin.heather" <>; <>; "nmoore" <>; <>; <> Cc: <>; <>; "Barry Winters" <>; "Ken.Zielke" <>; "Barry.Shaw" <>; "bob.rae" <>; "robert.trevors" <>; "toewsv1" <>; "MacKnightb" <>; "woodsideb" <>; <>; <> Sent: Wednesday, January 25, 2012 2:28 PM Subject: RE Sect 301 For the PUBLIC RECORD now that the Fat Fred City Finest have evil Chucky Leblanc's Computer I see that the CBC ets car supporting Chucky Baby bigtime while e is supporting his blogging buddy Andre but not the ladies such as Evelyn Greene and Jenn Wambolt EH? They can never deny that you, Chucky, his cyber butt buddies, all your cop buddies and I know a lot about section 301 and CRIMINAL Libel EH Mr Baconfat? EVEN THE VERY CORRUPT CBC and vverbody and his dog knows that you and Chucky's many cyber friends have been calling me a pedophile for years. blg8-qi-TV63wVfxq From: Evelyn Greene <> Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2012 16:09:56 -0300 Subject: FW: GNB harassing public To:,

Gentlemen: Can you try and get me some press coverage and I have lots to say. Jenn Wambolt was provoked, then the Sheriffs and police said she uttered threats and her lawyer quit just hours before the hearing. You call this Justice. Evelyn Greene ---------- Forwarded message ---------From: john kelly <> Date: Sat, 2 Oct 2010 06:35:31 -0700 (PDT) Subject: Re: Perhaps John Kelly and I should have a long talk ASAP EH Peter Teasdale? 902 800 0369 To: David Amos <> Dear David, Thank you for your support, this is just a quick update... I now have limited access to the internet and the Crown is unlawfully trying to trestrict even that, They attempted to have a section placed in an order that I have refused to acknowledge or sign. The section is restrictive unreasonable and is a blatant attempt to stop me from commenting on their false charges and providing the truth to anyone.

That section states the following (in capitals) " PROVIDED HE DOES NOT POST ANY COMMENT OR CONTENT ON THEM THAT IS RELEVANT TO THESE PROCEEDINGS SPECIFICALLY ANYTHING THAT IS ON THE WEBSITE WWW.ROTTENAPPLES.INFO AND ANY OTHER INFORMATION REGARDING DETECTIVE MERCER OR DETECTIVE FRIZELL OR OTHER NAMED PEOPLE IN CONDITIONS 5 AND 6 ". My next court date is October the 7th and despite numerous requests and promises the RCMP cannot provide any evidence to substantiate the allegation and charges they have laid agains me. Applications will be made to the Court to get them to comply...more to follow soon..... truly, John Kelly

________________________________ From: David Amos <>

To:; peter.teasdale <>; "" <>;;;;; Jacques.Poitras <>; "" <>; terry.seguin <>; danfour <>; "" <> Cc:;; Barry Winters <>; Ken.Zielke <> Sent: Sat, September 18, 2010 10:49:23 AM Subject: Perhaps John Kelly and I should have a long talk ASAP EH Peter Teasdale? 902 800 0369 What the RCMP claims is pure bullshit need I mention the name of Byron Prior to CBC or the mindless bad arsed blogger Chucky leblanc? lgaryHome

---------- Forwarded message ---------From: David Amos <> Date: Mon, 13 Sep 2010 23:57:17 -0300 Subject: How is your conscience and sense of ethical conduct doing now ladies? To:, Cc: "" <>, "Dean.Buzza" <> Jane McAloon (Group Company Secretary) BEc (Hons), LLB, GDipGov, FCIS Term of office: Jane McAloon was appointed Group Company Secretary in July 2007 and joined the BHP Billiton Group in September 2006 as Company Secretary for BHP Billiton Limited. Skills and experience: Prior to joining BHP Billiton, Jane McAloon held the position of Company Secretary and Group Manager External and Regulatory Services in the Australian Gas Light Company. She previously held various State and Commonwealth government positions, including Director General of the NSW Ministry of Energy and Utilities and Deputy Director General for the NSW Cabinet Office, as well as working in private legal practice. She is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Secretaries. ---------- Forwarded message ---------From: "Collins, Susan J (COSEC)" <> Date: Tue, 14 Sep 2010 09:23:12 +1000 Subject: Email to BHP Billiton Chairman's To:

Please find attached a letter from Mr Jac Nasser, Chairman of BHP Billiton Susan Collins Company Secretariat BHP Billiton | 180 Lonsdale St | Melbourne Vic 3000 |Australia T: +61 3 9609 2654 | M: +61 427 713 994 | F: +61 3 9609 3290 E: <>

<<Amos D 2010 09 14.pdf>>

> -----Original Message----> From: David Amos [] > Sent: Thursday, August 19, 2010 8:36 AM > To:;; >;; >; shawn. graham;; > krisaustin;;; >;; >;;; >;; >;; > rick.hancox; Bernard.LeBlanc; Liebenberg, Andre; >; MooreR; danfour;; > Harris, Brendan; Dean.Buzza; Gilles. Blinn > Cc: wcoady;;; > WaterWarCrimes; Penny Bright; tony; Nasser, Jacques > Subject: Fwd: PotashCorp should mention my concerns about their lack > of ethical conduct and actions against me to your shareholers before > you people buy much stock in their stock eh? > > With ANOTHER election in the near future I see no need to explain my > issues again about theexploitation of our natural resources to a > bunch of sneaky lawyers.(everyboy shoul checkout the pdf hereto > attache) especially our former Deputy Prime Minister Lanslide Annie > McLelllan an the RCMP thought they knew everything seven years ago and > did nothing let alone call me back just like you an your many > conservative cohorts NEVER did EH Brucy Baby Northrup? (902 800 0369 > Notice my new contact number? You an the RCMP can forget Werner Bock's > now) > > Clearly there is no need for politicians to try to be confidential > with mean old me when the Globe and Mail loves spiling the beans > sometimes ou woul think those unethical journlists woul know that > simple truths spoken amongst common folk about corrupt politicians > have a good habit of coming to the surface sooner or later anyway EH? > > Veritas Vincit > David Raymond Amos > >

This message and any attached files may contain information that is confidential and/or subject of legal privilege intended only for use by the intended recipient. If you are not the intended recipient or the person responsible for delivering the message to the intended recipient, be advised that you have received this message in error and that any dissemination, copying or use of this message or attachment is strictly forbidden, as is the disclosure of the information therein. If you have received this message in error please notify the sender immediately and delete the message. With ANOTHER election in the near future I see no need to explain my

issues again about theexploitation of our natural resources to a bunch of sneaky lawyers.(everyboy shoul checkout the pdf hereto attache) especially our former Deputy Prime Minister Lanslide Annie McLelllan an the RCMP thought they knew everything seven years ago and did nothing let alone call me back just like you an your many conservative cohorts NEVER did EH Brucy Baby Northrup? (902 800 0369 Notice my new contact number? You an the RCMP can forget Werner Bock's now) Clearly there is no need for politicians to try to be confidential with mean old me when the Globe and Mail loves spiling the beans sometimes ou woul think those unethical journlists woul know that simple truths spoken amongst common folk about corrupt politicians have a good habit of coming to the surface sooner or later anyway EH? Veritas Vincit David Raymond Amos's_Chairman.pdf

From: David Amos <> Subject: Attn Rob Moir I have read some of your work perhaps you should read something from years ago

To:,,,,,,,,,,, Cc:,,, Date: Wednesday, April 30, 2008, 9:46 PM

First things first meet Lenny Gold, Dougy Foster and Joey Podwika. You can be certain that these wicked bastards know exactly who I am and are no doubt quite nervous that the Feds have not figured out a way to shut me up yet. Everybody knows that far away corporate lawyers such as these three stooges have been making the big score off us dumb Maritimers forever and a day and have been laughing their nasty arses off at us all the way to their buddies' bank. They appear to fear only one Maritimer and that is yours truly. Ask them if I am liar or not as I speak of the Bank Fraud Tax Fraud, Securities Fraud and Murders that you are afraid to talk about. Shawn Graham should know everthing he partied hardy with my G.A.L. Brian Bixby's Law firm in Beantown one year ago and I effected an introduction with the lawyer Leonard Gold because that very dumb Maritimer came to Beantown to talk to many evil Yankees ten times more worldly wise than Shawny Baby ever could be. Your laments Bobby Baby about lost water really rot my socks. You should know I covered that base years ago and everybody just ran away scared. Ask the Minister Larry Cannon why I laughed when he gave out a little federal gold just before Bernie Lord had the writ dropped in 2006 in the provincial election. It was very telling thing just like all the money being passed out right now. I noticed that you and all you NDP pals ignored the fact that I ran in that election as well as the Fed one and the one in Nova Scotia earlier that year. Yea I saw you and Pat Hannratty ducking out the back just as I walked in that night in January of 2006. Why you didn't answer my friend Jack's letter either spoke to your personal integrity EH? If Rob Moore or none of the Conservatives on the Hill faraway won't talk to you just ask the lawyer Smith in Saint John the boss of the NB Securities Commission if I didn't raise a little Hell while he filled the other lawyer Nicholson's boots in PUB just long enough to cram the pipeline through to the trunk while the election was on and I was intervening in the pipeline matter in Saint John at the same time and Norm Miller and his lawyer ignored my arguments but read my words about it all on the web all the same. Better yet why not have some fun and ask the very strange PCS dudes in Sussex why they had my photo posted at the gate and the RCMP were to be called if I made an appearance there while I was running against your pal John Carty in Fat Fred City. Your clue to their malice is UBS and another lawyer named Dave Aufhauser whom I have been battling with for six long years. Do you even know who he is? Rest assured Lenny, Dougy and Joey do.

Whereas you trust the words of the very malicious CBC or the Irvings and not mine read what the CBC were saying one year ago. Then read what the local Irving rag wrote about me four god damned years ago. For the record Bobby Baby I still remember you commenting on the trouble I was having with the Feds so that my minor son could return to the USA to comfort his mother and how little milk of human kindness you have had in your greedy little PHD soul ever since. Can ya tell I don't like you not even a little bit? Read on Teacher pay particular attention to my words about oil and gas.and crossborder public corruption. For the record I have always considered the water in Penobsquis a federal matter concerning the NEB and if they ignore me then maybe i would take it up in the Federal Court. It won't go anywhere though if Maritimers don't finally wise up start listening to me.

FYI I have started to upload some of my ducument for the public to view. They can be found here and there will be a great deal more to follow as my time allows. This Maritimer Danny Boy Fitzgeral who is studying for his PHD in Holland made several interesting blogs about me as he attacked my integrity. In the end methinks I may have turned him my way and in return I left his school out of my battles. Perhaps you should study them sometime EH Teacher? You should take careful notice that college degrees mean less than nothing to me. Just like any true Maritimer it is fighters, foresters, farmers and fishermen I admire not rich snots that do not understand the meaning of hard work. That said it does appear that Danny Boy does work very hard on his blog. I do know how long such things take and his blog is a fine and as fancy as anyones and constantly updated. I particularly apprciate the fact he leaves his comments open without moderation. Also for the record I signed your Fake Left friends' petition.

Penobsquis Deserves Safe Water 98 Fran Oliver There is no excuse for this situation. A responsible provincial government and a responsible corporation would never allow local families to bear the financial and social burden, likely resulting from a provincial mining operation, while government and corporation choke on huge profits. 99 David Raymond Amos Ask Garth Moore why my picture is posted at the gate while I ran for Parliament will ya? My friends tell me tha the Photo the PCS dudes had posted as some sort of criminal the RCMP were watching out for was clipped from the pages of the Kings County Record that contained the following articles. The following email and two deleted blogs can be found within one pigheaded Maritimer's blog about government injustice. After the Irvings had his pal's Chucky Leblanc' former blog wiped out I had to tease and torture him into doing the right thing and allowing just one of my comments to stand. Some much for Freedom on Speech on the Internet when even Maritime bloggers are unethical EH teacher? For the record only the Gypsy and Danny Boy fitzgerald have allowed all of my comments to stand the test of time and ethics. Thus far so I must give credit where credit is due. Your chosen profession such as it is should at least understand that EH Mr. Moir? Here is my last post in the blogs tonight. Obviously I do not pretend to be somebody I am not. N'est Pas? Veritas Vincit David Raymond Amos The following email can be found here ---- Original Message ----From: "McKnight, Gisele" To: Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2005 2:53 PM Subject: David Amos Hello Lisa, David Amos asked me to contact you. I met him last June after he became an independent (not representing any political party) candidate in our federal election that was held June 28. He was a candidate in our constituency of Fundy (now called Fundy-Royal). I wrote a profile story about him, as I did all other candidates. That story appeared in the Kings County Record June 22. A second story, written

by one of my reporters, appeared on the same date, which was a report on the candidates' debate held June 18. As I recall David Amos came last of four candidates in the election. The winner got 14,997 votes, while Amos got 358. I have attached the two stories that appeared, as well as a photo taken by reporter Erin Hatfield during the debate. I couldn't find the photo that ran, but this one is very similar.

A1-debate A1-amos,David for MP 24.doc debate 2.JPG Gisele McKnight editor Kings County Record Sussex, New Brunswick Canada 506-433-1070

Raising a Little Hell- Lively Debate Provokes Crowd By Erin Hatfield "If you don't like what you got, why don't you change it? If your world is all screwed up, rearrange it." The 1979 Trooper song Raise a Little Hell blared on the speakers at the 8th Hussars Sports Center Friday evening as people filed in to watch the Fundy candidates debate the issues. It was an accurate, if unofficial, theme song for the debate. The crowd of over 200 spectators was dwarfed by the huge arena, but as they chose their seats, it was clear the battle lines were drawn. Supporters of Conservative candidate Rob Moore naturally took the blue chairs on the right of the rink floor while John Herron's Liberalswent left. There were splashes of orange, supporters of NDP Pat Hanratty, mixed throughout. Perhaps the loudest applause came from a row towards the back, where supporters of independent candidate David Amos sat. The debate was moderated by Leo Melanson of CJCW Radio and was organized by the Sussex Valley Jaycees. Candidates wereasked a barrage of questions bypanelists Gisele McKnight of the Kings County Record and Lisa Spencer of CJCW. Staying true to party platforms for the most part, candidates responded to questions about the gun registry, same sex marriage, the exodus of young people from the Maritimes and regulated gas prices. Herron and Moore were clear competitors,constantly challenging each other on their answers and criticizing eachothers' party leaders. Hanratty flew under the radar, giving short, concise responses to the questions while Amos provided some food for thought and a bit of comic relief with quirky answers. "I was raised with a gun," Amos said in response to the question of thenational gun registry. "Nobody's getting mine and I'm not paying 10 cents for it."

Herron, a Progressive Conservative MP turned Liberal, veered from his party'splatform with regard to gun control. "It was ill advised but well intentioned," Herron said. "No matter what side of the house I am on, I'm voting against it." Pat Hanratty agreed there were better places for the gun registry dollars to be spent.Recreational hunters shouldn't have been penalized by this gun registry," he said. The gun registry issues provoked the tempers of Herron and Moore. At one point Herron got out of his seat and threw a piece of paper in front of Moore. "Read that," Herron said to Moore, referring to the voting record of Conservative Party leader Steven Harper. According to Herron, Harper voted in favour of the registry on the first and second readings of the bill in 1995. "He voted against it when it counted, at final count," Moore said. "We needa government with courage to register sex offenders rather than register the property of law abiding citizens." The crowd was vocal throughout the evening, with white haired men and women heckling from the Conservative side. "Shut up John," one woman yelled. "How can you talk about selling out?" a man yelled whenHerron spoke about his fear that the Conservatives are selling farmers out. Although the Liberal side was less vocal, Kings East MLA Leroy Armstrong weighed in at one point. "You're out of touch," Armstrong yelled to Moore from the crowd when the debate turned to the cost of post-secondary education. Later in the evening Amos challenged Armstrong to a public debate of their own. "Talk is cheap. Any time, anyplace," Armstrong responded. As the crowd made its way out of the building following the debate, candidates worked the room. They shook hands with well-wishers and fielded questions from spectators-all part of the decision-making process for the June 28 vote. Cutline David Amos, independent candidate in Fundy, with some of his favourite possessionsmotorcycles. McKnight/KCR The Unconventional Candidate David Amos Isn't Campaigning For Your Vote, But. By Gisele McKnight FUNDYHe has a pack of cigarettes in his shirt pocket, a chain on his wallet, a beard at least a foot long, 60 motorcycles and a cell phone that rings to the tune of "Yankee Doodle." Meet the latest addition to the Fundy ballotDavid Amos. The independent candidate lives in Milton, Massachusetts with his wife and two children, but his place of residence does not stop him from running for office in Canada. One has only to be at least 18, a Canadian citizen and not be in jail

to meet Elections Canada requirements. When it came time to launch his political crusade, Amos chose his favourite place to do soFundy. Amos, 52, is running for political office because of his dissatisfaction with politicians. "I've become aware of much corruption involving our two countries," he said. "The only way to fix corruption is in the political forum." The journey that eventually led Amos to politics began in Sussex in 1987. He woke up one morning disillusioned with life and decided he needed to change his life. "I lost my faith in mankind," he said. "People go through that sometimes in midlife." So Amos, who'd lived in Sussex since 1973, closed his Four Corners motorcycle shop, paid his bills and hit the road with Annie, his 1952 Panhead motorcycle. "Annie and I rode around for awhile (three years, to be exact) experiencing the milk of human kindness," he said. "This is how you renew your faith in mankind you help anyone you can, you never ask for anything, but you take what they offer." For those three years, they offered food, a place to sleep, odd jobs and conversation all over North America. Since he and Annie stopped wandering, he has married, fathered a son and a daughter and become a house-husband Mr. Mom, as he calls himself. He also describes himself in far more colourful termsa motorcyclist rather than a biker, a "fun-loving, free-thinking, pig-headed individual," a "pissed-off Maritimer" rather than an activist, a proud Canadian and a "wild colonial boy." Ironically, the man who is running for office has never voted in his life. "But I have no right to criticize unless I offer my name," he said. "It's alright to bitch in the kitchen, but can you walk the walk?" Amos has no intention of actively campaigning. "I didn't appreciate it when they (politicians) pounded on my door interrupting my dinner," he said. "If people are interested, they can call me. I'm not going to drive my opinions down their throats." And he has no campaign budget, nor does he want one. "I won't take any donations," he said. "Just try to give me some. It's not about money. It goes against what I'm fighting about." What he's fighting for is the discussion of issues tainted blood,

the exploitation of the Maritimes' gas and oil reserves and NAFTA, to name a few. "The political issues in the Maritimes involve the three Fs fishing, farming and forestry, but they forget foreign issues," he said. "I'm death on NAFTA, the back room deals and free trade. I say chuck it (NAFTA) out the window. NAFTA is the North American Free Trade Agreement which allows an easier flow of goods between Canada, the United States and Mexico. Amos disagrees with the idea that a vote for him is a wasted vote. "There are no wasted votes," he said. "I want people like me, especially young people, to pay attention and exercise their right. Don't necessarily vote for me, but vote." Althoughif you're going to vote anyway, Amos would be happy to have your X by his name. "I want people to go into that voting booth, see my name, laugh and say, 'what the hell.'" ---------- Forwarded message ---------From: David Amos <> Date: Wed, 18 Aug 2010 16:38:35 -0300 Subject: Fwd: PotashCorp should mention my concerns about their lack of ethical conduct and actions against me to your shareholers before you people buy much stock in their stock eh? To: henrybanta <> ---------- Forwarded message ---------From: David Amos <> Date: Wed, 18 Aug 2010 15:47:02 -0300 Subject: PotashCorp should mention my concerns about their lack of ethical conduct and actions against me to your shareholers before you people buy much stock in their stock eh? To:, ir <> ---------- Forwarded message ---------From: David Amos <> Date: Wed, 18 Aug 2010 15:47:02 -0300 Subject: PotashCorp should mention my concerns about their lack of ethical conduct and actions against me to your shareholers before you people buy much stock in their stock eh? To:, ir <>

> > ----- Original Message ----> > From: "STAINTON-JAMES, Angela" <> > > To: "'David Amos'" <> > > Sent: Tuesday, June 01, 2010 5:50 AM > > Subject: RE: So what is the Conservative MP Hugh Robertson gonna do > > about people in his riding torturing people on the Internet? In Canada > > such slander is a crime EH Vic Toews? >> >> >> > > Dear David >> > > Thank you for your e-mail addressed to Hugh Robertson. Your e-mail > > has come through to Hugh's constituency office when, clearly, you need > > his Department. Sadly, I do not have an e-mail address for him but > > the telephone number of the Department of Media Culture and Sport is > > 020 7211 6200 and they should be able to provide you with the > > necessary information. >> > > Thank you for writing to Hugh and if you have any problem at all > > please do not hesitate to come back to me. >> > > Best wishes > > Angela Stainton-James >> > > -----Original Message----> > From: David Amos [] > > Sent: 29 May 2010 23:24 > > To: STAINTON-JAMES, Angela; toewsv1 > > Cc:; Gilles. Blinn; gilles.moreau; roger. gillies; > > rogerduguay21 > > Subject: So what is the Conservative MP Hugh Robertson gonna do about > > people in his riding torturing people on the Internet? In Canada such > > slander is a crime EH Vic Toews? >> > > Need I say that "Satan's Crack Dealer" and his many evil little fans > > atacked the wrong pissed of Maritimer in Youtube? Scroll down read > > real slow and then call your lawyer or the cops Mr Roberson >> > > > > Richard Coughlan > > Faversham, United Kingdom > > email > > Website: > > Phone 07935333407 >> >> > > ---------- Forwarded message ---------> > From: David Amos <> > > Date: Sat, 29 May 2010 15:46:20 -0300 > > Subject: Mr. Finkelstein I just discovered you and your concerns today > > perhaps we should have a long talk ASAP? i an be reached at 506 485 > > 2578 for a couple of days > > To: >>

> > Need I say that I am hounoured that this evil person hates me/ >> > > >> >> > > ---------- Forwarded message ---------> > From: David Amos <> > > Date: Fri, 28 May 2010 14:23:46 -0300 > > Subject: Lets see if the Russians will understand Fwd: We just talked > > this what I was trying to relate to the President of Mexico while he > > was in Canada > > To: >> > > ---------- Forwarded message ---------> > From: David Amos <> > > Date: Fri, 28 May 2010 14:19:51 -0300 > > Subject: We just talked this what I was trying to relate to the > > President of Mexico while he was in Canada > > To: atperez_lee <> >> > > The easiest way to check something about my concerns quickly is to go > > to the US Senate Banking Committee hearing on November 18th and 20th > > 2003 and notice the webcasts and transcripts of a very important > > hearing about the financial industry are missing. Please notice the > > crook Eliot Spitzer testified on the 20th >> >> > > >> >> >> > > >> >> > > >> > > Now look for Spitzer's answer to me on page 13 of this pdf file >> > > >> > > The easy answer to your next question is YES I am the the guy nobody > > will talk about. so perhaps you should for the benefit of your > > concerns and pocketbook. (Google David Amos and Wendy Olsen to see how > > far down the rabbbit hole I can take anyone) >> > > I explained some of it a year ago on many talk shows and nobody cared. > > Listen here if you wish then go figure whom you should trust. >> > > >> > > If nothing else have laugh at my espense and Google this expression

> > "Nobody will say my name" >> >> > > Here is just one of the many reasons why >> > > -----Original Message----> > From: Olsen, Wendy (USANYS) > > Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2009 9:21 AM > > To: David Amos; USANYS-MADOFF; Litt, Marc (USANYS) > > Cc: webo;;; > > Subject: RE: USANYS-MADOFF AND IMPORTANT INFORMATION FROM US > > ATTORNEY'S OFFICE SDNY >> > > Thank you for your response. >> > > Wendy Olsen > > Victim Witness Coordinator >> > > -----Original Message----> > From: David Amos [] > > Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2009 8:48 AM > > To: USANYS-MADOFF; Olsen, Wendy (USANYS); Litt, Marc (USANYS) > > Cc: webo;;; > > Subject: RE: USANYS-MADOFF AND IMPORTANT INFORMATION FROM US > > ATTORNEY'S OFFICE SDNY >> > > Ms Olsen >> > > Thank you for keeping me informed. >> > > Yes unseal all my emails with all their attachments immediately and > > make certain that the US Attorny's office finally practices full > > disclosurement as to who I am and what my concerns are as per the Rule > > of Law within a purported democracy. >> > > As you folks all well know I am not a shy man and I have done nothing > > wrong. It appears to me that bureacratic people only use the right to > > privacy of others when it suits their malicious ends in order to > > protect their butts from impreacment, litigation and prosecution. >> > > The people in the US Attorney's Office and the SEC etc are very well > > aware that I protested immediately to everyone I could think of when > > the instant I knew that my correspondences went under seal and Madoff > > pled guilty so quickly and yet another cover up involing my actions > > was under full steam. Everybody knows that.the US Government has been > > trying to keep my concerns about the rampant public corruption a > > secret for well over seven long years. However now that a lot of > > poeple and their countries in general are losing a lot of money people > > are beginning to remember just exactly who I am and what i did > > beginning over seven years ago.. >> > > Veritas Vincit > > David Raymond Amos > > 506 756 8687 >> > > P.S. For the record Obviously I pounced on these Yankee bastards as

> > soon as the newsrag in Boston published this article on the web last > > night. >> > > > > ormat=&page=2&listingType=biz#articleFull >> > > Notice that Nester just like everyone else would not say my name? It > > is because my issues surrounding both Madoff and are NOT marketing > > timing They are as you all well know money laundering, fraud, > > forgery, perjury, securites fraud, tax fraud, Bank fraud, illegal > > wiretappping and Murder amongst other very serious crimes. >> > > "SEC spokesman John Nester dismissed similarities between Markopolos > > and Scannell's cases as "not a valid comparison." >> > > He said the SEC determined the market-timing by Putnam clients that > > Scannell reported didn't violate federal law. Nester said the SEC only > > acted after another tipster alleged undisclosed market-timing by some > > Putnam insiders. >> > > Scannell, now a crusader for SEC reforms, isn't surprised the agency > > is in hot water again. >> > > Noting that several top SEC officials have gone on to high-paying > > private-sector jobs, he believes hopes for future employment impact > > investigations. "It's a distinct disadvantage to make waves before you > > enter the private sector," Scannell said." >> > > --- On Mon, 3/30/09, David Amos <> wrote: >> > > From: David Amos <> > > Subject: Fwd: USANYS-MADOFF IMPORTANT INFORMATION FROM US ATTORNEY'S OFFICE > > SDNY > > To:,, "oig" > > <>,,, > >, "Dan Fitzgerald" <> > > Cc:,, > >,, > >,, > >, > > Date: Monday, March 30, 2009, 10:00 PM >> > > Need I say BULLSHIT? >> > > > > ormat=&page=2&listingType=biz#articleFull >> >> > > ---------- Forwarded message ---------> > From: David Amos <> > > Date: Mon, 30 Mar 2009 00:03:13 -0300 > > Subject: RE: USANYS-MADOFF IMPORTANT INFORMATION FROM US ATTORNEY'S OFFICE > > SDNY > > To:,, > >, > > Cc:,

> >,, jacques_poitras > > <> >> > > ---------- Forwarded message ---------> > From: David Amos <> > > Date: Sun, 29 Mar 2009 23:40:55 -0300 > > Subject: Fwd: USANYS-MADOFF FW: IMPORTANT INFORMATION FROM US > > ATTORNEY'S OFFICE SDNY > > To:, MartiK1 <>, > > "Paul. Harpelle" <>, Jason Keenan > > <>, Kandalaw <> > > Cc:, >> > > From: "Peck,Dave" <> > > Date: Sun, 29 Mar 2009 22:32:32 -0400 > > Subject: Out of Office AutoReply: USANYS-MADOFF FW: IMPORTANT > > INFORMATION FROM US ATTORNEY'S OFFICE SDNY > > To: David Amos <> >> > > I will be unavailable until 4/1/09. >> > > Deputy Chief MacNamara will be in charge while I am away. >> > > He can be reached at 254-4831 or email him at > > >> > > I will not be checking emails or cell phone messages. >> > > Thank you, >> > > Chief Dave Peck >> > > ---------- Forwarded message ---------> > From: David Amos <> > > Date: Sun, 29 Mar 2009 23:32:18 -0300 > > Subject: Fwd: USANYS-MADOFF FW: IMPORTANT INFORMATION FROM US > > ATTORNEY'S OFFICE SDNY > > To:,, >> > > ---------- Forwarded message ---------> > From: David Amos <> > > Date: Sun, 29 Mar 2009 23:19:35 -0300 > > Subject: RE: USANYS-MADOFF FW: IMPORTANT INFORMATION FROM US > > ATTORNEY'S OFFICE SDNY > > To: >> > > -----Original Message----> > From: USANYS-MADOFF > > Sent: Saturday, March 28, 2009 3:06 PM > > To: DAVID.RAYMOND.AMOS@GMAIL.COM > > Subject: IMPORTANT INFORMATION FROM US ATTORNEY'S OFFICE SDNY >> > > In United States v. Bernard L. Madoff, 09 Cr. 213 (DC), the Court > > received a request from NBC and ABC to unseal all correspondence from > > victims that has been submitted in connection with the case. >>

> > This includes your email to the Government. >> > > If the correspondence from victims is unsealed, the victim's personal > > identifying information including name, address, telephone number and > > email address (to the extent it was included on the correspondence) > > will become public. The Government must submit a response to the > > request by NBC and ABC by Tuesday, March 31, 2009. Please let us know > > whether you consent to the full disclosure of your correspondence, or > > whether you wish to have your correspondence remain sealed for privacy > > or other reasons. > > If you wish to have your correspondence remain sealed, please let us > > know the reason. We will defend your privacy to the extent that we > > can. Thank you. >> > > I looks like the US attorney in New York finally has to unseal my > > emails that you dudes have been sitting on for quite some time for no > > reason I will ever understand other than you are just a bunch of > > chickenshits. >> > > I know NBC, ABC, your blogger buddies or any other media wacko will > > never say my name but the pissed off folks that lost a lot of money > > with Bernie Baby just may ask how the hell I am EH? >> > > Veritas Vincit > > David Raymond Amos >> >> >> >> > > From: David Amos <> > > Date: Wed, 11 Mar 2009 15:48:50 -0300 > > Subject: Fwd: Trust that whatever covert deal that Bernie Madoff and > > KPMG etc may make with the Feds they are not fooling mean old me > > To: >> > > ---------- Forwarded message ---------> > From: David Amos <> > > Date: Wed, 11 Mar 2009 15:29:42 -0300 > > Subject: Fwd: Trust that whatever covert deal that Bernie Madoff and > > KPMG etc may make with the Feds they are not fooling mean old me > > To: > > Cc: webo <> >> > > ---------- Forwarded message ---------> > From: "Olsen, Wendy (USANYS)" <> > > Date: Tue, 10 Mar 2009 19:08:04 -0400 > > Subject: RE: Trust that whatever covert deal that Bernie Madoff and > > KPMG etc may make with the Feds they are not fooling mean old me > > To: >> > > On March 10, 2009, the Honorable Denny Chin provided the following > > guidance for victims who wish to be heard at the plea proceeding on > > March 12, 2009 at 10:00 a.m.: >> > > Judge Chin stated that there are two issues that the Court will > > consider at the hearing: (1) whether to accept a guilty plea from the

> > defendant to the eleven-count Criminal Information filed by the > > Government, which provides for a maximum sentence of 150 years' > > imprisonment; and (2) whether the defendant should be remanded or > > released on conditions of bail, if the Court accepts a guilty plea. > > Judge Chin also stated that, at the hearing on March 12, 2009, he will > > conduct a plea allocution of the defendant and then will announce > > whether the Court intends to accept the plea. At that time, the Court > > will solicit speakers who disagree with the Court's intended ruling. >> > > Assuming the defendant pleads guilty and his plea is accepted by > > the Court, the Court intends to allow the Government and defense > > counsel to speak on the issue of bail. The Court will then announce > > its intended ruling on that issue. The Court will then invite > > individuals who disagree with the proposed ruling on bail to be heard. >> > > The Court noted that there will be opportunity for victims to be > > heard in the future on the subjects of sentencing, forfeiture and > > restitution in advance of any sentencing of the defendant. The Court > > also noted that it is not appropriate for victims who wish to speak > > concerning sentencing issues to be heard at the March 12, 2009 > > proceeding. >> > > A link to the a transcript of the March 10, 2009 Court hearing can > > be found on the website of the United States Attorney's Office for the > > Southern District of New York: >> > > >> >> > > -----Original Message----> > From: Olsen, Wendy (USANYS) > > Sent: Monday, March 09, 2009 10:56 AM > > To: > > Subject: FW: Trust that whatever covert deal that Bernie Madoff and > > KPMG etc may make with the Feds they are not fooling mean old me >> >> > > -----Original Message----> > From: David Amos [] > > Sent: Friday, March 06, 2009 12:58 PM > > To:; Nardoza, Robert (USANYE); > > USAMA-Media (USAMA); Olsen, Wendy (USANYS) > > Cc: oig > > Subject: Trust that whatever covert deal that Bernie Madoff and KPMG > > etc may make with the Feds they are not fooling mean old me >> > > >> > > ---------- Forwarded message ---------> > From: "Sartory, Thomas J." <> > > Date: Fri, 6 Mar 2009 07:41:20 -0500 > > Subject: RE: I did talk the lawyers Golub and Flumenbaum tried to > > discuss Bernie Madoff and KPMG etc before sending these emails > > To: >> >>

> > Dear Mr. Amos, >> > > I am General Counsel at Goulston & Storrs. Your email below to > > Messers. Rosensweig and Reisch has been forwarded to me for response. > > While it's not clear what type of assistance, if any, you seek from > > Goulston % Storrs, please be advised that we are not in a position to > > help you. Please do not send further communications to any of our > > attorneys. We will not be able to respond, and your communications > > will not be protected by the attorney-client privilege. >> > > We wish you well in the pursuit of your concerns. >> > > Sincerely, >> > > Thomas J. Sartory >> >> > > -----Original Message----> > From: David Amos [mailto: > > Sent: Wednesday, March 04, 2009 8:18 PM > > To: Rosensweig, Richard J.;; Reisch, Alan M.; > > > > Subject: Fwd: I did talk the lawyers Golub and Flumenbaum tried to > > discuss Bernie Madoff and KPMG etc before sending these emails >> > > Perhaps somebody should call me back now. EH? >> > > UK Parliament Disclaimer: > > This e-mail is confidential to the intended recipient. If you have > > received it in error, please notify the sender and delete it from your > > system. Any unauthorised use, disclosure, or copying is not permitted. > > This e-mail has been checked for viruses, but no liability is accepted > > for any damage caused by any virus transmitted by this e-mail. >> >> >> > > ----- Original Message ----> > From: "R Hide (MIN)" <> > > To: "David Amos" <> > > Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2009 6:33 PM > > Subject: RE: BENJAMIN'S EASTON'S PROTEST NOTICE ABOUT INJUSTICES I > > have an idea for you Ben >> >> > > On behalf of the Hon Rodney Hide, Minister of Local Government, I wish > > to acknowledge receipt of your email. >> > > Your correspondence has been placed in front of the Minister. >> > > regards >> > > Sandy Grove > > Ministerial Private Secretary (Advisory) > > Office of Hon Rodney Hide > > WELLINGTON > > Ph 04 817 6630

> > Email: >> > > The content of this email, including any attachment, is intended for > > the named recipient only and is not necessarily the official view or > > communication of the Department of Internal Affairs It may contain > > privileged material and/or confidential information. >> > > If you are not the intended recipient of this email, you must not > > copy it, distribute it or take any action in reliance on it. If you > > have received this email in error, please notify the sender > > immediately and delete this email. Although this email has been > > scanned for viruses, this email is not guaranteed to be free of > > viruses and should be checked by your own security mechanisms. No > > liability is accepted for any loss or damage arising from the use of > > this email or its attachments. >> >> > > -----Original Message----> > From: David Amos [] > > Sent: Tuesday, 29 September 2009 3:05 pm > > To: T Ryall (MIN); Amy Adams; Jim Anderton; > >; Jacinda Ardern; Shane Ardern; Chris > > Auchinvole; Kanwaljit Singh Bakshi; Rick Barker; Carol Beaumont; David > > Bennett; Loren Bolton (MIN); Jackie Blue; Chester Borrows; > >;; John Boscawen; > > Sue Bradford;; Simon Bridges; Natalie > > Roberts (MIN); Brendon Burns;; Chris Carter; > >; D Carter (MIN);; J Carter > > (MIN);; Steve Chadwick; Charles > > Chauvel; Ashraf Choudhary; J Coleman (MIN); J Collins (MIN); > >; Clayton Cosgrove; > >; David Cunliffe; > >; Clare Curran;; > > Kelvin Davis; Jacqui Dean; Catherine Delahunty; Roger Douglas; P Dunne > > (MIN);; Ruth Dyson;; B > > English (MIN);; Darien Fenton; > >; C Finlayson (MIN); Jeanette Fitzsimons; Te > > Ururoa Flavell; Craig Foss;; David > > Garrett; Aaron Gilmore;;; > > Jo Goodhew;; Kennedy Graham; Hon. Tim > > Groser (MIN);; > >;; Kevin > > Hague; Hone Harawira; Terry Ututaonga; George Hawkins; John Hayes; P > > Heatley (MIN); Tau Henare;; R Hide (MIN); > >; Paul Hutchison;; > > Shane Jones;; S Joyce (MIN); Rahui Katene; > > Nikki Kaye; Sue Kedgley; J Key (MIN);; > >;; > >;; > >; Melissa Lee; > >; Keith Locke; > >; > >; Tim Macindoe; > >; Nanaia Mahuta; > >; Trevor Mallard;; > >; W Mapp (MIN); Todd McClay; M McCully (MIN);

> >; Sue Moroney;; > > Stuart Nash; Russel Norman; Hekia Parata; David Parker; Allan Peachey; > > Ritchie Wards;; S Power (MIN); > >;; Rajen > > Prasad; Paul Quinn;; > >; Chris Hipkins; > >;; Pete > > Hodgson;; Parekura Horomia; > >;; Darren Hughes; Raymond > > Huo;; Ross Robertson; > >;; Eric Roy; H > > Roy (MIN); Heather Henderson; Pita Sharples (MIN); Sua William Sio; > > Trish Wanden;; N Smith (MIN); > >; Maryan Street; Lindsay Tisch; > >;; > >;; > > Metiria Turei;; T Turia (MIN); > >; Philip Twyford; Louise Upston; Nicky Wagner; K > > Wilkinson (MIN);; M Williamson (MIN); Michael > > Woodhouse;; P Wong (MIN); > >;; > >;;; > >;; > >;; > >; >;; > >;; > >;;; > >;; > >;; > >;; > >;; > >;; > >;;; > >;; > >;;; > >;; > >;; > >;; > >;; > >;;; > >;;; > >;; > >;; > >;; > > > > Cc:; jane burgermeister > > Subject: RE: BENJAMIN'S EASTON'S PROTEST NOTICE ABOUT INJUSTICES I > > have an idea for you Ben >> > > From: National Kapiti Electorate Office <> > > Date: Mon, 28 Sep 2009 09:14:19 +1300 > > Subject: RE: NZ HEALTH MINISTER TONY RYALL - MS PENNY DO YOU READ > > EMAILS AS WELL AS WRITE THEM? > > To: David Amos <> >> > > Dear Mr Amos

> > Thank you for copying Nathan in with your email to NZ Health Minister Tony > > Ryall. This has been passed on to Nathan for his information. >> > > Regards > > Heather >> > > Heather Shaw| Electorate Agent for Hon Nathan Guy MP for Otaki > > P: +64 4 298 2906| F: +64 4 298 4845| Shop 3, 23 Amohia Street, > > Paraparaumu, > > Kapiti Coast 5032 > > >> > > Regards > > Heather >> > > Jan 3rd, 2004 >> > > Mr. David R. Amos > > 153 Alvin Avenue > > Milton, MA U.S.A. 02186 >> > > Dear Mr. Amos >> > > Thank you for your letter of November 19th, 2003, addressed to > > my predecessor, > > the Honourble Wayne Easter, regarding your safety. I apologize for the > > delay in responding. >> > > If you have any concerns about your personal safety, I can only > > suggest that you contact > > the police of local jurisdiction. In addition, any evidence of > > criminal activity should be brought > > to their attention since the police are in the best position to > > evaluate the information and take > > action as deemed appropriate. >> > > I trust that this information is satisfactory. >> > > Yours sincerely > > A. Anne McLellan >> > > September 11th, 2004 >> > > Dear Mr. Amos, >> > > On behalf of Her Excellency the Right Honourable Adrienne > > Clarkson, I acknowledge receipt of two sets of documents and > > CD regarding corruption, one received from you directly, and the > > other forwarded to us by the Office of the Lieutenant Governor of > > New Brunswick. >> > > I regret to inform you that the Governor General cannot > > intervene in matters that are the responsibility of elected officials > > and courts of > > Justice of Canada. You already contacted the various provincial authorities > > regarding your concerns, and these were the appropriate steps to take.

>> > > Yours sincerely. >> > > Renee Blanchet > > Office of the Secretary to the Governor General >> > > > > > > ---------- Forwarded message ---------> From: David Amos <> > Date: Wed, 28 Jul 2010 10:12:44 -0300 > Subject: Fwd: We just talked > To:,, > > Cc: IgnatM <>, LaytoJ <>, >, hiddenfromhistory > <> > > Need i say i was not surprised when Askari and his boss Kevin Page > formerly of the PCO office did not respond to my phone calls or email > yesterday? > > ---------- Forwarded message ---------> From: David Amos <> > Date: Tue, 27 Jul 2010 15:39:54 -0300 > Subject: We just talked > To: > > Mostafa Askari > Director General > Library of Parliament > Economic and Fiscal Analysis > Parliament Buildings > Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A9 > Canada > > Telephone : 613-992-8045 > > > ---------- Forwarded message ---------> From: David Amos <> > Date: Mon, 12 Jul 2010 18:07:59 -0300 > Subject: You Cato dudes played dumb again about your missing blog and > the documents I sent ya but lets see if one of your Directors is a > dumb as you and the Feds pretend to be > To:,,, > Cc: "rick. skinner" <>, "Dean.Buzza" > <> > > The text of the blog of Tom Palmer's that Cato denies existed can be > found within my blog and many other places as well as this email > >

> > March 24, 2005 > Crazy as a Loon, but Free > > Off to Iceland! > > Well, Bobby Fischer has his Icelandic passport. The U.S. government > can now stop persecuting him for the crime of playing chess in > Yugoslavia. Fischer may be out of his mind (thats almost certain, if > you consider his anti-Semitism and praise for the 9-11 attacks), but > hes not out of his mind for choosing Iceland as his country of > refuge. And the Icelanders, who may later regret having such an > utterly crazy person wandering around in their country, have done the > right thing by offering him refuge. > > NOTE: I seem to have attracted a stalker, who keeps posting strange > messages on this site. Whatever. > > Posted by Tom Palmer at March 24, 2005 07:09 AM | TrackBack > > Comments > Quite frankly I do not understand this. What does Iceland gain from > this? Fischer himself stated that he would NEVER return to chess. So, > it is unlikely that he will play for Iceland... and even though he > did, it is not like hed be back at the top. > Now, he might want to teach his fellow Icelanders > Fischerrandom...Fischerrandom is to chess what Estonian grammar is to > linguistic ...And THAT sounds like a threat to me. NV > > > Posted by: Nathalie I. Vogel at March 24, 2005 08:36 AM > I doubt that Iceland has much to gain. (And I suspect that the > inhabitants of Reykjavik may suffer from having an insufferable > loudmouth crackpot wandering around.) But they did the right thing. > The better thing would have been for the U.S. to drop its case against > Mr. Fischer. I don't think you should lose your passport or suffer > criminal prosecution for traveling someplace to play chess. I think > that the position of the U.S. government (and of both Democratic and > Republican administrations) is the harder one to understand. > > Posted by: Tom G. Palmer at March 24, 2005 08:47 AM > TGP: "Fischer may be out of his mind (thats almost certain, if you > consider his anti-Semitism " > > I don't want to go all Szaszian on someone for what is most likely a > casual comment, but suggesting someone is "out of his mind" simply > because he is (labeled as) anti-Semitic seems overmuch. Immoral, > perhaps...poorly informed, possibly...holding to views developed as a > result of childhood associations, maybe...a confusion on either the > part of Fischer or the person making the accusation of anti-Semitism > with anti-Zionism, quite possible. But "out of his mind"? > > Posted by: Ross Levatter at March 24, 2005 11:17 AM > Ross, Tom did refer to 'his' anti-Semitism; maybe it's not just that > Fischer does not like Jews, but that he suffers from a particularly > radical form of bigotry.

> > I wouldn't know myself, but that was the inference I drew from Tom's comment. > > Posted by: Henri Hein at March 25, 2005 02:45 AM > Then, Henri, he would be immoral, or bigoted, not "out of his mind". > And he should consult an ethicist, not a travel agent or chiropracter > to bring him back to his mind or better align it. > Again, my point was merely that "out of his mind" implies one must be > crazy or mentally ill to be anti-Semitic; I think that's a category > error. > > Ross > > Posted by: Ross Levatter at March 25, 2005 06:54 PM > Ross's points are well taken, but I do think that some term such as > "crazy" (I'll stay away from "mentally ill") is useful in describing > Mr. Fischer. (And even Thomas Szasz readily admits that there are > "lots of crazy people" around; he just says that they're not sick.) > > The anti-Semitism that Mr. Fischer spouts is not of the "they wouldn't > be welcome in our club" sort (bad as that is), but of the "Organized > International Jewry is out to get me," sort. The former is an example > of bad behavior, bad manners, immoral views, or the like. The latter > sort of anti-Semitism is an obsession that seems in general to be > immune to either moral appeal (since it's a claim about an alleged > state of affairs, viz., that the Jews run everything and are out to > get one) or to factual refutation (how do you argue someone out of > such a...for want of a better word...crazy view?). > > Posted by: Tom G. Palmer at March 25, 2005 11:34 PM > ----- Original Message ----> From: David Amos > To: > Sent: Sunday, March 27, 2005 9:59 AM > Subject: This is going to get interesting > > > Hey Richard > > Thanks for calling me back the other day. Here is my number in Boston > 617 698-6549 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 617 698-6549 > end_of_the_skype_highlighting. I will be hitting the road shortly > and I will be sending out to you hard copy of what I am sending to > Scott Daruty. However there is a great deal more you should know ASAP. > I am involved against the biggest and baddest of them all and we all > know they play for keeps. It is important that you know much and have > evidence of it in order to protect yourself. I know they moniter my > phone calls and I have know doubt that they listen to the Canadain > Cell as well. The fact that you spoke to me honestly and openly puts > you in jeopardy. If you had acted like most lawyers, the bastards > would leave you alone. If you come to my aid, they will attack you. > Trust me it has happened before and I will send proof of it in the > following emails. Some contain the Tiffs I mentioned I am curious to > see if they get through AOL system. I hack been blocked by them in the > past. I have not heard from Barry Bachrach since just after he warned > me that the FBI was about to pounce on me on Oct 1st. It seems they

> have him running scared. I must do my best to protect honest men.. > > The following is what I just posted but it seems Bill Gates does not > allow Tiff files in his sites so I will forward it to you to support > what I said is true. Answer this email if and when you get it an I > will send some others if you wish. However I think it would be better > not to use AOL. As I said just get one in Yahoo or Hotmail they work > better and are free. > > From: motomaniac in response to Message 1 Sent: 3/27/2005 9:21 AM > > In defense of Bobby Fischer I must say that he is just another man > like me. He has his strengths and his weaknesses. Just like me. One > particular forte of his, the amazing ability to play a game very well > thrust him into the limelight for the whole wide world to study and > examine his every move. More importantly I believe his fame caused him > to become a pawn in the big big game. Although he had his right to > privacy, the whole world dogged at his heels and critized his every > action as a man. The Masters of War obviously tried use him to their > advantage during the Cold War. He is not a stateman or a lawyer. He is > simply a free thinking individual who has every right to speak his > mind particularly after he has suffered through hell just because he > plays chess so very well. > > I say judge not lest ye be judged and mind your own mouth about things > you do not know all the details of. I am far more outspoken than Bobby > ever was and yet you have never even heard of my name. It is because > the corporate controlled media is not permited to do so. I am nobody > with any special talent that had caused me to be thrown into public > scrutiny before I was compelled to speak out as Bobby has done. I do > not have to agree or disagree with his every word over the years to > understand his meaning and his troubles. That said, in all honesty it > would behoove us both if his lawyer would listen to me and employ > Bobby's fame to expose the truth of all that we say. > > I am am not a perfect person and neither is Bobby. I do not know him > nor do I judge him. Yet I do agree with with his standing in defense > of his freedom. The Chessmaster has every right to spout off against > the Masters of War because they have offended him greatly. It is for > his attorney to weed out the truth and evidence of his convictions and > present it in court in order to seek relief on his client's behalf. A > jury of his peers will decide the truth of his matters not us bloggers > without veiwing and hearing all the evidence. Forget what you may > glean from the media. The information is controlled and slanted > against him. Listen to what his lawyer says and what is used in > arguement against him on the public record. Do not hold court in the > media just gossip about things you know are true in order for the > courts to act properly in the public interest. > > Bobby has paid the devil his due and done time in his jails. It is > time for him to seek relief. I have as well. I was summoned to jail in > the USA while running for Parliament in Canada and held under the > charges of "other". I will not want allow myself to be judged on just > one particular act or deed. My criminal trial in the USA is coming > very soon. I will have lots to say. >

> It is the average of all our days and deeds that speaks of us as the > men we are. Like any game, it is what happens in the end that counts. > Sometimes sacrifices must be made and sometimes mistakes are made. > However once the word "checkmate" is declared, it is all over but the > crying as long as we play by the rules and the fat lady sings in tune. > I am more than happy to provide to Mr. Vattuone my evidence of much > public corruption in order to support Bobby's lawsuit against the USA. > It is high time the the Masters of War paid the fiddler and then be > compelled to dance to a different tune as we make them fall on their > own sword. No one is above the law. The public trust must be upheld or > we are all losers in the the big big game. Forget Bobby and chess for > a minute and listen to what he is saying through his attorney. I > applaud is efforts in support of Bobby and his legal matters. I hope > we get on like a house on fire. Any enemy of my foe should be a friend > of mine. Bobby lawyer is your neighbor listen to him and then speak > out to protect your own civil rights. What happened to Bobby and I > could happen to you next. Get it? > > If anyone wishes to challenge what I have said, respond to this > message with a email account that can hold of 25 megs of attachments. > I will send you Tiff files of legal documents etc. that will take you > down path of of the Garden of Good and Evil that everybody knows is > true. I simply made it a point to prove it. My particular forte that > helped accomplish such a necessary task is that I am more stubburn > than a pig, meaner than a snake and smarter than the average bear. > Much to my chagrin, I am just an average sort of chess player and have > much to learn from Bobby in that regard but I maintain that chess is > just a game. Bobby was compelled to play a far more serious and deadly > game just because of his love of a game. I do recognize his talent but > my hat is off to him because of what he did and stood for as a man not > a chess player. In regards to his legal actions methinks I can teach > his attorney a trick or two of mine. > > If anyone has any questions here is my phone number. 506 434-1379 > begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 506 434-1379 > end_of_the_skype_highlighting Feel free to argue me and stress test my > ethics to the max. It is your freedom as well as my own that I am > protecting. I think anyone has the right to question my motives. I > speak plainly and do not hide my identity. Integrity does not need a > mask to hide behind. However men like John Ashcroft and all his > cohorts need jails to cage honest men who speak their mind about their > masks of virtue. > > Bobby is just one man of many. His is fortunate that he is famous. > Iceland would not do such things on behalf of the likes of me and many > others. However Canada or Japan or whatever would do the same against > me to support President Bush in a New York minute. In fact it already > happened. The one file I have attached is the reason Clark Kent Ervin > got fired immediately after the recent election. He long along proved > to me that he was not interested in Truth Justice and the American Way > and in fact he is a dumb as a post. I will wager I could beat him at > chess. I know I played him like a fiddle as a lawyer and that is his > game of choice. It was really to funny to me the advice he offered to > others as he entered into the Aspen Crowd of nasty dudes. I feel the > need to quote him. Many a govenment lawyer will understand why I am > busting my gut laughing. I hope Bobby's lawyer does too.

> > Lauren Robinson POGO Fellow " Any advice for your fellow public servants?" > > Clark Kent Ervin "Well, just do your job and let the political chips > fall where they may. Unless your're willing to do that, it seems to me > you shouldn't take the job in the first place." > > My answer to his remark is No Shit Sherlock. The former Inspector > General can expect a rather profound civil lawsuit. He must argue me > Pro Se or a at least without government assistance on his behalf > because he failed to act within the scope of his employment and he is > now out of the job. > > David Raymond Amos > > > Posted by: David R. Amos at March 27, 2005 06:12 PM > December 7th, 2003 > > Gene Healy Senior Editor Cato Institute > 1000 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W. > Washington D.C. 20001-5403 > Phone (202) 842-0200 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting > (202) 842-0200 end_of_the_skype_highlighting > Fax (202) 842-3490 > RE: Corruption > Sir, > Please find enclosed an exact copy of a letter with all its enclosures > recently sent to the Hearst Corporation and many others. Many of your > directors such as Lewis E. Randall, John C. Malone and Jeffrey S. Yass > should find the documents an interesting read. I ask that you make > them available for their review. > I watched David Boaz speak on C-Span the other day and heard him say > many things. What I found the most interesting was that he said that > the Cato Institute was named after some rather prolific letter > writers. I invite you all to read mine. They can be found at the > website mentioned in the enclosed documents. I could not send this > letter to Mr. Boaz because he is not a lawyer and an officer of the > court as you are. This is because only law enforcement authorities or > officers of the court have any right to listen to the copy of wiretap > numbered 139. It is served upon you in confidence as an officer of the > court in order that you may act ethically and see that it is properly > investigated. Please share the contents of the Cd with only the proper > authorities so that I may never be accused of violating anyones > Fourth Amendment Rights. > As I have said to many other lawyers, at the very least I have now > made you a witness to my pursuit of justice. I ask you simply the > following. What will you do with your newfound knowledge of Civil > Rights Violations and Government Corruption? > Best Regards > David R.Amos > 153 Alvin Ave. > Milton MA. 02186 > > Posted by: David R. Amos at March 27, 2005 06:22 PM > Um, as I was saying about some people being, um, a bit....well, "different."

> > Posted by: Tom G. Palmer at March 27, 2005 09:12 PM > Did I mention that I found snotty Oxford dudes had stuffed shirts and > were great fun to poke fun at as they bullshit others about how smart > they are? > > ----- Original Message ----> From: David Amos > To: > Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2005 5:08 PM > Subject: Fw: I just called I am not kidding > > > > ----- Original Message ----> From: David Amos > To: ; ; > ; ; > ; ; > > Cc: ; ; ; > ; ; ; > ; ; > ; ; ; ; > ; ; ; > ; ; ; > ; ; > ; ; > ; ; ; > > Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2005 4:21 PM > Subject: Fw: I just called I am not kidding > > > Hey > > It appears that all the Law Schools know nothing of ethical behavior > if it may affect their coffers. I made it my task to prove it. Lets > see if I can turn the worm and make the light dawn on Marblehead for > the benefit of all. > > Whereas Todd Klipp is on Legal Advisory Committee United Educators > (UE) Insurance Risk Retention Group I called Corporate Counsel, Jan > Holt and told her something is up and that I would be serving the Hard > Copy of the evidence that proves what I say is true upon Mr. Klipp. If > I were you I would go to the US District Court in Beantown, query the > dockets that bear my name and ask the BU professor Chief Justice Young > about his integrity and his association with crooks like Charles J. > Kickham Jr. and all of his cohorts. > > Cardinal Law would be a good witness to ask to start a proper > investigation that is if you can get whoever becomes the next US > Ambassador to the Vatican to make him fess up about his sins. > Otherwise ask his former secretary Robert Kickham he is now O'Malley's > secretary. I have no doubt that little bastard knows everything but > trust that the three legal stooges Todd, Rogers and Hannigan have told

> him to shut up and wait for me to quit or die. However I think the > Kickhams will soon fold their hand and start rattin out others very > soon. Their is no honour amongst theives and I have the Kickhams > cornered after three years of hard work. Their big daddy Chucky is > dead and the rest of them are as dumb as a post. Uncle Franky has been > dead since last June and I have finally forced the court to admit it. > None of their accountings have been assented to by anyone and the IRS > must check their work before my wife will settle. the Feds have a big > problem and everybody knows its me. > > I am proud to say I won't quit and don't care if I die. I made certain > that my truths live on and that no Kickham relatives can no longer > claim to be kin to my little Clan. I refuse to allow my family to > associate with bible pounding criminals that expound of law nor will I > settle with them in order that they may escape justice. They must be > held accountable and so should all their friends. > > I may seem crazy but at least I know my rights and will not allow > wrongs against my family to go unpunished, particularly when the > wrongs are practiced by people well paid or licensed by the state to > insure that matters such as this never happen. If I am not crazy then > the governments of Canada and the USA must be insanely corrupt. I know > for a fact that there are a lot of ordinary people that agree with me > therefore I know I am OK but I have my doubts about you. i am giving > Mr. Klipp just enough evidence to impeach George Bush and for safe > measure I am giving the same material to many others as well. Here's > hoping ethics wins out after all. Otherwise we are all losers and the > crooks within such organizations as the Aspen Institute will keep on > advising the bastards on how to screw us all. > > The judges of the First Circuit of the US District Court have a lot to > be accountable for and Judge Young is well aware of it all. He has no > right to teach others about trial practice and the law until he proves > that he understands how to uphold the law. I will be suing the bastard > in short order you pick whether you wish to stand with him or me. > There is no middle ground in this legal battle for Boston University > to stand on. Judge Young is in your employ. However methinks he is no > longer a feather in your cap. The University has bragged to have such > a man to teach the students. What say you now? > > Trust that I don't care if anyone reads this email or not. In fact it > will be more fun if ya didn't. > > "The Honorable William G. Young was appointed judge of the U.S. > District Court for Massachusetts in 1984, after serving as associate > justice of the states Superior Court. Prior positions include special > assistant attorney general, chief counsel to the governor, and clerk > for the Honorable Raymond Wilkins, former chief justice of the > Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court. Judge Young has a long list of > pro bono activities, teaching experience, and several awards, > including the Award for Judicial Excellence from the Massachusetts > Academy of Trial Attorneys. Judge Young developed the course Advanced > Trial Practice and also teaches Evidence." > > ----- Original Message ----> From: David Amos

> To: > Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2005 1:02 PM > Subject: Fw: I just called I am not kidding > > > > ----- Original Message ----> From: David Amos > To: ; > Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2005 12:36 PM > Subject: I just called I am not kidding > > > > ----- Original Message ----> From: David Amos > To: ; ; > ; peter. ; > > Cc: ; ; moto > maniac ; ; ; > ; Wes Penre@Illuminati ; ; ; > ; ; ; > ; ; > ; ; ; > ; ; > ; ; > > Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2005 9:30 AM > Subject: I just left voicemail for Jim Spiegelman > > > Hey Fellas > I have picked you Mr. Gerson to send exactly the same material that I > sent to two Solicitor Generals last year before I ran for Parliament > in Canada. I am certain that material caused Theodore Olson to quit > his job and your brand new fellow, Clark Kent Erwin to get the boot > from his job right after the last Yankee election. > Obviously I picked you because of your own bragging. There is no need > for me to expand upon things that you and I know to be true. It is > merely my task to prove to the world that you are well aware of my > concerns and allegations. Then if you and your Association does > nothing to uphold the public trust, I will make it my best effort to > embarrass you all in court in front of a jury of my peers. You people > claim to inspire people to ethical leaders? I say Bullshit. What say > you? > Say Hey to Superman for me. Will ya? Yea I know I just did but he > likes to keep everything in confidence while his cohorts keep me > falsely imprisoned. However I plan to call him to testify during my > pending criminal trial as I have the right to do. I should be very > interesting to see if he takes the fifth. > David R. Amos > > > "Elliot Gerson is responsible for the Aspen Institute's seminars, > including the Executive Seminar, topical and custom seminars, and

> those offered in the Society of Fellows and Socrates programs. He also > manages the Institute's public programs and activities, including the > Aspen Ideas Festival. He is a graduate of Harvard College, Oxford > University, where he was a Rhodes Scholar, and Yale Law School. As > American Secretary of the Rhodes Trust, he manages the U.S. Rhodes > Scholarships and is an advisor to the Mandela Rhodes Foundation in > Cape Town, which focuses on African higher education and leadership. > He was a U. S. Supreme Court clerk and has had a career including the > practice of law, executive positions in state and federal government > and a presidential campaign, president of leading insurance and > healthcare companies, and service on many non-profit boards, > especially in the arts." > > > Posted by: David R. Amos at March 30, 2005 05:23 PM > > ----- Original Message ----> From: David Amos > To: > Sent: Monday, March 28, 2005 4:01 PM > Subject: Fw: Cya in court Cato > > > ----- Original Message ----> From: David Amos > To: ; ; ; > ; ; ; > ; ; ; ; > > Cc: Wes Penre@Illuminati News ; > ; ; ; lloyd > brinson ; J. D. Kuntz ; ; Jack Hook ; John Bjornstrom > Sent: Sunday, March 27, 2005 8:47 PM > Subject: Cya in court Cato > > > > Hey Tommy Boy > You invited me. These are your words correct? I tried to register on > line but your link does not work. I want to come. we should be in > agreement in most things but I know we are not and we should really > talk about it before I file my civil lawsuits. You people have already > proven to me your malice. this is your last chance to act ethically. > My criminal trial will begin shortly thereafter and I may call some of > you to testify at it. One of them could be you. I am one of those > people that many already turn to for an honest opinion. Right or wrong > they know my answer comes from sincere ethical consideration because I > am more a man of my word than legions of lawyers ever were. I am good > to my friends and sheer hell to my foes. I hate the false fronts of > integrity of the people you joke about within your following > invitation. You are joking. I am not. > Dear Friend, > > Would you like to be the person to whom others turn for an explanation > of the debate over Social Security and retirement, the economics of > international trade, or how to control pollution and protect the

> environment through incentives? Would you like to be better able to > explain the benefits of free markets, private property, and free trade > to your friends, colleagues, and family members? > > If so, you should come to Washington, D.C., for the Cato University > seminar April 28 to May 1 on Applied Economics: User-Friendly Tools to > Understand Politics, Business Enterprise, and Life. The faculty > includes top-level economists and policy experts from universities and > the Cato Institute. > > The seminar will be held in the F. A. Hayek Auditorium of the Cato > Institute, with dinner and a tour at Mount Vernon, the historic home > of George Washington. > > Our goal is to help attendees become the people to whom their friends > turn to explain the economy and how political interference in markets > tends to generate disaster. And there's a reason it's being held in > Washington, D.C. You see, we want to change fundamentally the culture > of Washington, D.C. Washington's a very strange city. Most of the > people here spend their working days taking from Peter to give to Paul > (minus a substantial cut, of course). Or writing minute and > incomprehensible "regulations" on the optimal size of broccoli, or > warning people to wear sensible shoes, or just figuring out new ways > to strip American citizens of their rights and dignity. > > You can come to D.C. for a long weekend and learn how to change that. > You'll learn how to make the arguments that will convince your > friends, coworkers, and neighbors that they don't need or benefit from > all those rules, redistributions, regulations, and rip-offs. > > You're invited to attend one Cato University seminar, or two, or > three. Each is a stand alone seminar, but all three are complementary. > (The other two are on history and on the art and technique of > persuasion.) > > Please check out the faculty and schedule, and register using our > secure registration form. Online registration is safe, easy, and fast. > > Come to Washington, D.C. ... and learn how to change it. > > I look forward to welcoming you to Cato University this year. > > Cordially, > > and Signed by you. Tom Palmer > > In order not to be somehow overlooked, I just called you cell phone to > cell phone so that I would have a record of contact to let you know we > had a problem to discuss. You were to busy to talk so you missed your > chance. Methinks you are a fine example of the reason your buddy Gene > Healy and his ilk ignored me. I read enough of your work to think you > are a very snotty tall talking whore for the Global Corps. I wanted to > hear your voice to be certain my feelings were correct. You did not > dissappoint me. If you don't like my opinion of you, sue me and bring > all these emails to court. I promise I will not file a motion to > dismiss. In fact I can't wait to meet your lawyers. I thought what you

> said about Bobby Fischer was far more offensive and as you can see I > blogged in his defense. Many people call me crazy too. That seem to be > the label bad actors put on someone when they are cornered. I wanted > you to hear my voice so that you would understand that I am not nuts > but very sincere. when you shunned my last words were see you in > court. Ignore me some more and you certainly will. Check my work > before you laugh and call me crazy too. > In order to prove you all I am serious I will send Roger Pilon, Vice > President for Legal Affairs at 1000 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W., > Washington D.C. 20001-5403 hard copy of exactly the same material I > sent to two Solicitor Generals last year just before I ran for > Parliament. Teddy Olson quit and went into private practice as soon as > Stephen Harper opened his mouth about the Arar Inquiry but thus far > Landslide Annie has hung onto hers. Now if you have any questions of > me before we meet, ask them to New Canadian Ambassador Franky Boy > McKenna. He knows exactly who I am and what has happened in the year > since. If you want a Yankee perspective ask John Ashcroft, John > Edwards. Tom Ridge, Clark Kent Ervin, Theodore Olson or David > Aufhauser to name a few. They all are now free agents and in the same > hot water as your buddy and now you. > I emailed ya, blogged ya, called ya and am now telling some your > friends plus a few of mine for good measure. Under Title 18 of the > federal code you are all as guilty as everyone else if you don't get > honest real fast. Ask Frank Quatronne and Martha Stewart about email > evidence in federal court > In light of the reasons I was falsely imprisoned and what I had sent > you dudes the year before it makes Cato's work in "Go Directly to > Jail: The Criminalization of Almost Everything." a total bullshit > piece of work. It is my job to properly shame you bastards so that > nobody will take you seriously ever again. > > "At one time, the sanction of the criminal law was reserved for > serious, morally culpable offenders. But during the past 40 years, an > unholy alliance of tough-on-crime conservatives and anti-big-business > liberals has utterly transformed the criminal law. Today, while > violent crime often goes unpunished, Congress continues to add new, > trivial offenses to the federal criminal code. With more than 4,000 > federal offenses on the statute books, and thousands more buried in > the Code of Federal Regulations, it is now frighteningly easy for > American citizens to be hauled off to jail for actions that no > reasonable person would regard as crimes. At the same time, rampant > federalization and mandatory minimum sentencing are making Americas > criminal justice system ever more centralized and punitive. The result > is a labyrinthine criminal code, a burgeoning prison population, and > often real injustice. Go Directly to Jail examines those alarming > trends and proposes reforms that could rein in a criminal justice > apparatus at war with fairness and common sense." > If you dudes do not want me to turn up after being invited please let > me know why in writing and introduce me to the lawyer I will be > arguing someday in court. > David R. Amos > 153 Alvin Ave. > Milton, MA 02186 > > ----- Original Message ----> From: David Amos

> To: > Sent: Sunday, March 27, 2005 10:20 AM > Subject: Fw: Hunky-dory EH Petey > > > ----- Original Message ----> From: David Amos > To: > Sent: Sunday, March 27, 2005 10:04 AM > Subject: Fw: Hunky-dory EH Petey > > > ----- Original Message ----> From: David Amos > To: > Sent: Friday, March 25, 2005 7:27 AM > Subject: Fw: Hunky-dory EH Petey > > > ----- Original Message ----> From: David Amos > To: > Sent: Friday, March 25, 2005 7:03 AM > Subject: Fw: Hunky-dory EH Petey > > > ----- Original Message ----> From: David Amos > To: ; ; Jack Layton ; > ; ; ; > > Cc: ; ; > ; ; ; > ; ; > > Sent: Thursday, March 24, 2005 7:12 PM > Subject: Hunky-dory EH Petey > > > I got a better one for ya Petey Boy. "Thar she blows". I bet Belinda > is really pissed off at everybody and is letting off some steam. If I > were you I would start bailing out of your new party like any other > rat that would desert a sinking ship. That is one boat that could > never float. The way you back stabbed your way into its creation will > likely never be forgotten. Some of the new Senators Martin just > appointed proved that didn't they? Right now you are just hanging on > and kissing Harper's arse because nobody else will ever trust you in > their Dory except maybe the diddler, Billy Matthews. He is used to > turningcoat and needs help bailing out his punky little craft. I think > the liberals are tired of him by now and Johnny Crosbie is likely > pretty pissed at him too. I think you two dudes should be good company > for each other as everybody else tries to distance themselves from a > couple of cry babies that call themselves Maritimers. You were born > there alright but a lair lawyer and a nasty old diddler reflect poorly > upon the rest of us. But bad apples fall from the best of trees. The > sooner the better so that they don't suck the sap out of the good

> ones. > Dare to argue me Petey Boy? I am ten times meaner with no temper than > the man that pitches silly fits kicks chairs. I would kick your arse > in a good debate. I would laugh if you asked me to step outside, head > for the door and quit talking immediately in a sincere effort to kick > your arse in the street. Win or lose, rest assured I would have fun. > Fighting is a true Maritime tradition. EH MacKay? Feel free to try to > call me a liar. Everybody knows it would be a case of the pot trying > to call the kettle black. > > "The Nova Scotia MP described his relations with Conservative Leader > Stephen Harper as "hunky-dory, everything's great - that's a good > Maritime phrase." > Forwarded Message > > Date: Thu, 24 Mar 2005 10:14:47 -0800 (PST) > > From: David Amos" > > Subject: Attn Don Amos > > To:,, > > > As I stated within an earlier email, Scott Daruty finally called me > back and pissed me off. He picked the wrong guy to try and toy with. I > will take up my concerns with Magna byway of Daruty and Cellucci down > here in the Yankee courts. I have much proof of what I sent Belinda > Stronach long before she ever became a Member of Parliament up home. I > will deal with her in a political fashion first to see if she is > interested in up holding the public trust while protecting her > interests in Magna. Good luck with your conscience as a lawyer named > Amos as you check my work. Here is my phone number 506 434-1379 > begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 506 434-1379 > end_of_the_skype_highlighting if you have any questions before > deciding whether or not to uphold the law and protect the investor's > interests in Magna from my necessary civil actions. I gave my material > to Argeo P. Cellucci in Canada in July of 2002 before I sent the > Sheriffs out with my first complaints. I know by the fax numbers at > the top of my first complaint that it was Ashcroft and Cellucci that > directed the US Attorney to try to make my complaints evaporate. Now > that Cellucci speaks for Magna and Belinda speaks for Canadians there > is a couple of Amos boys that should have along talk about many > things. But forget trying to label me as your brother until I am > assured of your integrity. I have a high contempt towards lawyers and > their sense of ethics for very justifiable reasons. > > Note: forwarded message attached. > > > ----- Original Message ----> From: David Amos > To: ; moto maniac ; ; > ; ; ; > ; ; ; > ; ;

> ; ; > ; ; > > Cc: ; ; ; > ; ; > ; ; > ; ; > ; ; > ; ; > ; ; > ; ; > ; ; > Sent: Thursday, March 24, 2005 12:14 PM > Subject: Shame on you Della > > > At least I am a man of my word. I called you personally as I stated I > would. I have the record of the call that I was directed to do by your > boss, Stevey Boy May. Too bad you would not speak to me to protect > your own interests. At least I have your signature because no word > from you is worthless to me. You can never claim ignorance of my > concerns after directing me to your lawyer. I stuck my hand out to you > as a layman but you had picked your friends the lawyers and had > enlisted them to bite it? Do you really Think I am afraid of dealing > with the likes of Johnny Crosbie and Stevey Boy May when I am > preparing a lawsuit against the likes of John Edwards, John Ashcroft > and Theodore Olson to name a few? Plus there is the irrefutable fact > that you and the law firm you work for have already admitted that you > are aware of the crimes practiced against me. You have done nothing to > uphold the law and have already filed the evidence of that fact in the > Newfoundland Supreme Court. Lady, either I or my estate will bankrupt > you and your firm with its own sworn testimony that you witnessed. You > can take that to the bank. The first question I must ask you Della > what did your law fir do with its copy of the police surveillance tape > # 139 and did you listen to it? You should not have because you are > not an officer of the court nor are you employed by law enforcement. > The Lieutenant Governor Roberts notified me that he had given his > copies of the material to Tommy Marshall to be investigated but I have > received no word from your law firm as to what the hell they did with > their copies. Have your lawyers explain their integrity to you because > you and I will never come to an understanding of ethical behavior > after your treatment of me today. I often sing the praises of Newfys > because they are amongst the nicest folks on the planet excepting of > course their lawyers and their cohorts such as you Della. By the way I > heard about the clerks in Supreme Court having a little wager over who > buys lunch if I managed to do what I said I would do. I would like to > meet the lady who felt I was as serious as a heart attack and willing > to buy lunch if I was not a man of my word. I would love to buy her > lunch some time because the courts need more folks like her in their > employment. She clearly did not disregard the word of a common man. > On the other hand after our exchange of the mere few words today it > would not be wise for me to trust your word or typing if I had left > the voicemail you desired. I have much evidence of many edited > transcripts of things I have said in the past. You and I will argue > them some day no doubt byway of your lawyer friends because I think > you don't speak pro se very well in order to protect your personal

> interests. I just got off the phone with one of Frank Stronach's > Yankee lawyers Scott Daruty. He did me the service of really pissing > me off today by finally calling me back after I had torn a piece off > of Magna in Canada about his neglect of duty on their behalf. He > thought he was funny by joking that the Canadian lawyer, Don Amos was > my brother. No lawyer is a brother of mine. He thought I was joking > when I told him I would sue him personally if he did not uphold the > law and rat out Magna's brand new Vice President his brother, Argeo P. > Cellucci so I had to repeat myself so he would understand me in no > uncertain terms. I do make a lot of jokes about very serious business > however it would not be wise to underestimate my sincerity and attempt > to toy with me. I enjoy a good fight win or lose as long as I stand on > the right side of the battle. You just picked a fight with me lady on > a day when I ain't taking prisoners from lawyers or their cohorts. All > lawyers are liars and I have proven it. It is only laymen I will > settle with from now on and only if they tell the truth, the whole > truth and nothing but the truth. > I don't care if your god helps you or not. We can all do it again in > hell for all I care. > From now on I must rely on hard copy of my own creation. For now I > will send you and Stevey Boy a bunch of emails that have been > forwarded to many other people first. I require the record of doing > so. Whereas I have no doubt Stevey Boy will wan to argue about the > emails I have already sent I figure why not be hung for a cow as a > calf? Since everything in heaven and hell is done in threes. I will > forward to Magna's lawyer, Don Amos, Stevey Boy and three large emails > that contain Tiff files. There is no need to be redundant with hard > copy already sent to Scott Daruty and Johnny Crosbie. You can tell the > folks at Patterson Palmer who directed you to offend me that the > emails contain exactly the same documents that Greg Byrne and Johnny > Crosbie received and that you should all prepare to argue every word > within in them. The first email contains a file called Big Day. It > contains every document I served upon Two Solicitors Generals Theodore > Olson and Anne McLellan before I ran for Parliament and Olson quit his > job on June 24th immediately after Johnny Crosbie told Stevey Harper > to shut up about the Arar Inquiry. the second file is called Big > Canada Add and it is a copy of the documents served upon my political > opponents while running for Parliament. Last but not least are what > was added to the first to pile of documents and then served upon > Patterson and Palmer by way of Greg Byrne. > Scott Daruty is receiving the documents within "Big Day" and other > interesting material that Magna should find quite interesting to say > the least. Magna really made my day when they appointed Cellucci and > their new VP. I is comical that he is going to lobby the government > about horse racing especially after listening to what is recorded on a > lot of the tapes and the fact that the top dog of the RCMP had to > teach that dumb Yankee how to ride a horse last summer so that he > would not make an ass out himself at the Calgary Stampede. This was > almost as rich as when Martin sent Franky McKenna to Washington after > he and I had a spit and chew about dogs and pork. At least I am clever > enough to realize when I am a lucky man and how to make the best out > of a golden opportunity to see that justice is served upon some very > nasty bastards. I am very pissed off but still having more fun than > ten men. I love cornering lawyers and listening to them stutter and > try to duck the issues. I will wager that you are having a bad day > too. EH Della? It looks good on you if you are. Why not get mad? I

> hope you share your anger with the others at Patterson and Palmer and > start bitchin about me. Never forget all I want is the truth from you. > It will cost you nothing. Why do you want to stand with crooks and > liars for a days pay? I bet you have witnessed lots of dirty dealings. > I truly beleive that there is no honour in your work. To me working > for lawyers is like a lady being sent to a nunnery in Medieval times. > I share ol Shake's opinion of such a place. Times changes nothing > lawyers still work for Jesuits. Look around downtown St John's and > call me a liar. I dare ya. Even the name of the town says it all. > Cya'll in Court:) > David R. Amos > > ----- Original Message ----> From: David Amos > To: ; moto maniac ; ; > ; ; ; > ; ; ; > ; ; > ; ; > ; > Cc: ; ; ; > ; ; > ; ; > ; ; > ; ; > ; ; > ; ; > ; ; > ; ; > Sent: Thursday, March 24, 2005 8:33 AM > Subject: RE: Me versus Patterson and Palmer > > > Hey Della, > I see that Stevey Boy is on vacation and told me to contact you. I am > happy to hear that he is saving all of my emails in a special spot for > some apparent future litigation. I keep very good records as well and > look forward to his argument but I will wager that I sue him first. > I see by the following Affidavit you witnessed and Stevey Boy filed in > court that every lawyer within Patterson Palmer is a flat out liar. I > served Greg Byryne in Fredericton myself with witnesses before Byron > Prior served everyone else in Newfoundland. If Byrne did not share the > info with his buddy Johnny Crosbie, it is not my fault. Yet I suspect > that he did so out of the gate because he sent me an email in which it > appears that he was conferring with many others about me and my > concerns. It was too funny that Byrne clicked the wrong button and > forwarded his email to me as well. > I also sent many of your people the same emails that I sent to Byrne > and May as soon as I got out off jail last October and Stevey Boy > first contacted Byron Prior and I had called him. (Thank you for > making a transcript of my voicemail and filing it in court for me. It > is quite hard for me to make lawyers even admit that I exist) Some of > the aforesaid emails were responded to by other members of your law > firm byway of their computers like Stevey Boy's just did. At least > computers are far more honest than the lawyers that own them. I am > compelled to rely on the integrity of their machines and the ability

> of their computers and mine to keep perfect records. (Never forget I > am being prosecuted for sending an email to a lawyer I have been > litigating against for years who even went as far to fraudulently > create a document bearing my signature) Because of the fact I can > prove contact with many members of the law firm you work for, they can > never say that they did not know of my concerns and allegations long > before Stevey complained of Byron Prior's actions on behalf of his > client Billy Matthews. He only went forward with his malicious threat > when he thought my goose was cooked down here. There is quite simply > no way you could have prepared his filing on January 21st and he had > Judge green sign it in the time between Byron had served it and the > Judge signed it without the Bastards reading our private emails and > listening to our phone calls. I sent the last email containing the > words to Byron's counterclaim just before I went to court that morning > and he only managed to see it filed by 3 PM Newfy time. You may be a > fast typists but the courts don't work that fast unless they are > covering up something big time. No know as well as I that is true > because the judge and Stevey Boy do not even want other lawyers to > view the public record. Small wonder he took a vacation. If Stevey Boy > has any semblance of a conscience he no doubt has trouble dealing with > himself. I can only wonder if he and Johnny Crosbie are singing for > more tequila right now. > As you no doubt know I am preparing to defend myself in a criminal > trial in the USA and filing some rather profound civil lawsuits in > Canada and the USA that will make the whining of Billy Matthews in > Newfoundland Supreme court seem rather comical. I will be filing > copies of the documents you no doubt helped create for Stevey Boy May > on behalf of your law firm in many courts. > If Greg Byrne, the former Minister of Justice and Attorney General of > New Brunswick had acted ethically last September while I was in Canada > and under Brad Green's jurisdiction I would not have been falsely > imprisoned in the USA the following month. I will be suing him, your > law firm and many others for personal injury and conspiracy to cover > up the many crimes practiced against my Clan and I. My question to > you, Della is why don't I sue you too? As you can see if you have read > my work my battle is with corrupt lawyers not layman. I would settle > with you in a heartbeat for costs if you would be honest about all > that you know to be true. If you decide to go against me I suggest > that you seek legal counsel outside of your law firm or in fact all of > Newfoundland. I am about to take on every damned lawyer within the > Newfoundland law Society. You would not be wise to doubt me before you > have a look at my work in the USA. I will deal with Newfys under the > heading of fun after I have embarrassed the Yankees. > I will give you a call as Stevey Boy suggests so that at least you can > understand that I am not an unreasonable person and not the sort of > person that lawyers claim that I am. I am just a simple, sincere and > serious man that refuses to play the wicked games lawyers play. I am > willing to die in order to expose the truth. No lawyer can say that. > they love money to much to be willing to miss the chance to spend it. > Judge me for yourself and your own best interests before you choose > whom to stand with. > Whether you believe me or not I am battling for your rights as well as > my own. I am forwarding this email to many ordinary people like you > and me. To Hell with the lawyers and politicians. They do what they do > for personal gain not public service. Their concerns are lucre not > justice and everybody knows it. All I did was go to great lengths to

> prove it. There is no need for you and I to argue about simple truths. > As far as I am concerned up until the time you received this email all > you have done is type things and witness signatures. However you > cannot say that anymore. > My pending phone call to you is not harassment. I need the Yankee > phone bill record of my call to you in order to assist in the defence > of my freedom in the USA. Stevey Boy told me to call ya. Please be > nice. After today you can't say that you are not involved in my false > imprisonment in the USA. I am doing no more or less than Stevey Boy > and his malicious clients would do if the same thing had happened to > them. If Billy Matthews had been summoned to the USA while he was > running for his seat in Parliament to be presecuted by an unsigned > criminal complaint and then held without bail under the charges of > "other", he would be more pissed off than I am. > Cya'll in Court:) > David R. Amos > > ----- Original Message ----> From: "May, Steve" > To: "David Amos" > Sent: Wednesday, March 23, 2005 8:32 PM > Subject: Out of Office AutoReply: Dan and Tom Remember me > > > Mr. May is out of the office till 11 April 2005. He will not be > checking his e-mail. Please contact Della Hart at 709-570-5527 > begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 709-570-5527 > end_of_the_skype_highlighting or if you > require immediate assistance. > > > 2005 01 T 0010 > IN THE SUPREME COURT OF NEWFOUNDLAND AND LABRADOR > TRIAL DIVISION > BETWEEN: > WILLIAM MATTHEWS PLAINTIFF > AND: > BYRON PRIOR DEFENDANT > > AND BETWEEN: > BYRON PRIOR DEFENDANT/PLAINTIFF > BY COUNTERCLAIM > > AND: WILLIAM MATTHEWS PLAINTIFF/FIRST DEFENDANT > BY COUNTERCLAIM > > AND: T. ALEX HICKMAN SECOND DEFENDANT > BY COUNTERCLAIM > > AND: THOMAS MARSHALL THIRD DEFENDANT > BY COUNTERCLAIM > > AND: DANNY WILLIAMS FOURTH DEFENDANT > BY COUNTERCLAIM > > AND: EDWARD M. ROBERTS FIFTH DEFENDANT

> BY COUNTERCLAIM > > AND: JOHN CROSBIE SIXTH DEFENDANT > BY COUNTERCLAIM > > AND: PATTERSON PALMER SEVENTH DEFENDANT > BY COUNTERCLAIM > SUMMARY OF CURRENT DOCUMENTCourt File Number(s):2005 01 T 0010Date of > Filing of Document:25 January 2005Name of Filing Party or > Person:Stephen J. MayApplication to which Document being filed > relates:Amended Application of the Plaintiff/Defendant by Counterclaim > to maintain an Order restricting publication, to strike portions of > the Statement of Defence, strike the Counterclaim in its entirety, > and to refer this proceeding to case management.Statement of purpose > in filing:To maintain an Order restricting publication, to strike > portions of the Statement of Defence, strike the Counterclaim in its > entirety and refer this proceeding to case management. >AFFIDAVIT > > I, Stephen J. May, of the City of St. Johns, in the Province of > Newfoundland and Labrador, Barrister and Solicitor, make oath and say > as follows: > > THAT I am a Partner in the St. Johns office of PATTERSON PALMER > solicitors for William Matthews, the Member of Parliament for > Random-Burin-St. Georges in the Parliament of Canada. > > THAT Mr. Matthews originally retained Mr. Edward Roberts, Q.C. on or > about 30 April 2002 after Mr. Byron Prior, the Defendant/Plaintiff by > Counterclaim, had made allegations against Mr. Matthews in a > publication called My Inheritance - The truth - Not Fiction: A Town > with a Secret. In that publication, the allegation was made that Mr. > Matthews had had sex with a girl who had been prostituted by her > mother. That girl was alleged to have been Mr. Priors sister. > > THAT upon being retained, Mr. Edward Roberts wrote a letter to Mr. > Prior. That letter to Mr. Prior is attached as Exhibit 1" to my > Affidavit. > > THAT subsequent to Mr. Roberts letter to Mr. Prior, Mr. Roberts > received a 1 May 2002 e-mail from Mr. Prior. That e-mail is attached > as Exhibit 2". > > THAT subsequent to Mr. Roberts receipt of the e-mail, Mr. Prior swore > an Affidavit acknowledging that what had been said in that publication > was false. That Affidavit is attached as Exhibit 3" to my Affidavit. > Following Mr. Roberts receipt of that Affidavit, Mr. Matthews advised > that he was satisfied not to pursue the matter any further and our > firm closed our file. > > THAT on or about 25 October 2004, I was retained by Mr. Matthews > following his gaining knowledge that a web site, made a series of > allegations against him relating to my having sex with a girl of > approximately 12 years old through to an approximate age of 15 years > old. It also accused him of being a father of one of her children and > accused him of having raped that girl. Upon checking the web site I

> saw that Byron Prior, the Defendant, had been identified as the author > of the material on the site. > > THAT Mr. Matthews instructed me to write Mr. Prior, to remind him of > the fact that the allegations had been admitted to being false through > a 16 May 2002 Affidavit to advise him of Mr. Matthews intentions to > commence legal proceedings if the comments were not removed from the > web site. A copy of my letter to Mr. Prior is attached as Exhibit 4" > to this Affidavit. > > THAT I attach as Exhibit 5" a transcript from a 5 November 2004 > voicemail left by David Amos, identified in the voicemail as a friend > of Mr. Prior. > > THAT I attach as Exhibit 6" a portion of a 6 November 2004 e-mail > from Mr. Amos. > > THAT until I received his voicemail and e-mail, I had never heard of Mr. Amos. > > THAT Mr. Amos has continued to send me e-mail since his 5 November > e-mail. Including his 6 November 2004 e-mail, I have received a total > of 15 e-mails as of 23 January 2005. All do not address Mr. Matthews > claim or my involvement as Mr. Matthews solicitor. I attach as > Exhibit 7" a portion of a 12 January 2005 e-mail that Mr. Amos sent > to me but originally came to my attention through Ms. Lois Skanes > whose firm had received a copy. This e-mail followed the service of > the Statement of Claim on 11 January 2005 on Mr. Prior. I also attach > as Exhibit 8" a copy of a 19 January 2005 e-mail from Mr. Amos. > > THAT I attach as Exhibit 9" a copy of a 22 November 2004 letter > addressed to me from Edward Roberts, the Lieutenant Governor of > Newfoundland and Labrador covering a 2 September 2004 letter from Mr. > Amos addressed to John Crosbie, Edward Roberts, in his capacity as > Lieutenant Governor, Danny Williams, in his capacity as Premier of > Newfoundland and Labrador, and Brian F. Furey, President of the Law > Society of Newfoundland and Labrador. I requested a copy of this > letter from Government House after asking Mr. Roberts if he had > received any correspondence from Mr. Amos during his previous > representation of Mr. Matthews. He advised me that he received a > letter since becoming Lieutenant Governor, portions of which involved > his representation of Mr. Matthews. Mr. Roberts letter also covered > his reply to Mr. Amos. > > THAT I attach as Exhibit 10" an e-mail from Mr. Amos received on > Sunday, 23 January 2005. > > THAT I swear this Affidavit in support of the Application to strike > Mr. Priors counterclaim. > > > SWORN to before me at > St. Johns, Province of Newfoundland > and Labrador this 24th day of > January, 2005. > >

> Signed by Della Hart STEPHEN J. MAY Signature > STAMP > DELLA HART > A Commissioner for Oaths in and for > the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador. > My commission expires on December 31, 2009. > The Conservatives in Canada have very Punky Dory EH Tommy Boy? > > Posted by: David R. Amos at March 30, 2005 05:26 PM > The Cato dudes ain't got nothin on me when it comes to letter writing. > Here is where I am teasing abunch of dumb Yankees. The whole world > calls our Newfys dumb. So what does that say of Danny williams the > Premier? He is a Rhodes Scholar that works for free. Is he dumb or > evil? I will have to ask the Aspen Dudes have I attend Tommy's little > hoe down EH? > > Posted by: David R. Amos at March 30, 2005 05:38 PM > > HMMM no link we will try this way ok? > > Posted by: David R. Amos at March 30, 2005 05:40 PM > I'm very proud to have had such a person as David Amos, help us with > our fight and the legal work. I will never be able to repay him.Thank > you David. > Byron Prior > > Posted by: Byron Prior at August 21, 2005 10:59 PM > keno hot spot califorina lottery odds of wining keno sandles > keno paypal card keno > and .... > california state keno odds information ohayou - keno mp > keno satisiken > free keno keno outdoor > theatres keno casino_html > .Thanks. > > Posted by: wildball keno at December 23, 2005 10:46 PM > This is great stuff! I can't wait to see how things end for David! An > "edge of the seat" and "mile a minute" thriller with unsuspected > twists and turns! Keep up the good work! When it comes to writing > fictional thrillers with international intrigue and betrayals, John > LeCarre has met his match. Love it! > > Posted by: MFH at January 24, 2006 02:05 PM > Post a comment > > > ---------- Forwarded message ---------> From: David Amos <> > Date: Mon, 12 Jul 2010 14:35:16 -0300 > Subject: Fwd: I called the crook from Calgary Jason Kenney to remind > him of the documents his office recieved from during the election of > the 40th Parliament > To:,,, >,,, >,,,

>,, > Cc:,, >, whistleblower <>, > "" <>, vickiconrad > <> > > ---------- Forwarded message ---------> From: David Amos <> > Date: Mon, 5 Jul 2010 19:33:09 -0300 > Subject: Fwd: I called the crook from Calgary Jason Kenney to remind > him of the documents his office recieved from during the election of > the 40th Parliament > To:, > > ---------- Forwarded message ---------> From: David Amos <> > Date: Fri, 28 May 2010 13:52:15 -0300 > Subject: I called the crook from Calgary Jason Kenney to remind him of > the documents his office recieved from during the election of the 40th > Parliament > To:, godiny <>, toewsv1 > <>, Mackap <>, robin reid > <>, "" > <>, tony <>, > WaterWarCrimes <>, "Wayne.Lang" > <>, "John.DeWinter" > <>, billestabrooks > <> > Cc: pm <>, "" <>, info > <>, info <>, IgnatM > <>, LaytoJ <> > > His snotty help picked a very bad day to play games with me EH Vic > Toews? Although Kenney never cared about my human rights as he laughed > while i was falsely imprisoned and my children were sexualy harassed > and threatened at least he cannot deny receiving my documents twice > thanx to an ethical government computer EH stevey boy Harper? > > > > > ---------- Forwarded message ---------> From: Minister <> > Date: Fri, 28 May 2010 12:39:27 -0400 > Subject: RE: Sept 23rd is coming fast for another Yankee War Resister > eh Mr Harper? > To: David Amos <> > > > > La version franaise suit. > > > > >

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> From: David Amos <> > Date: Tue, 9 Sep 2008 04:09:14 -0300 > Subject: Sept 23rd is coming fast for another Yankee War Resister eh Mr Harper? > To: "" <>,, >,,, > > Cc:,, >,, >,, >,, >,,, >,,, >,,, >,,, >,,, >,,, >,,, >,,, >,, > > When do ya think one will ignore his dumb lawyer such as Jeffry House, > sprout some balls, print a pdf file and say my name? > > Before polling day would benefit all Canadains not just the wannabes and the > wannabe Prime Ministers eh Jacky boy Layton? . > > Veritas Vincit > David Raymond Amos > > If your too chicken to print a pdf file perhaps you can watch Youtube then > EH Jacky Boy Layton? > > > > > > ---------- Forwarded message ---------> From: David Amos <> > Date: Tue, Jun 3, 2008 at 12:16 PM > Subject: Maybe Corey Glass should contact me before Harper gives him the > boot EH? 506 756 8687 > To:,, >,,, > > Cc:,,, > > > > > > His purported friend Lee Zaslofsky would not give me his contact > number for some strange reason i will never understand. > > I would lay odds that would have be different if I had been elected > in the last couple of elections or was player within one of the

> established politcal parties. It certainly appears to me that fellow > concerned Canadian citizens don't count to American war protesters and > their outspoken supporters unless they are politcally connected EH > Mikey Ignatieff AKA Canada's Prince of Darkness south of the 49th? > > That said I cannot begin to try to help anyone unless they learn how > to help themselves and that starts with picking up the phone retuning > calls and answering emails. N'est Pas Stevey Boy Harper? > > Veritas Vincit > David Raymond Amos > > ---------- Forwarded message ---------> From: David Amos <> > Date: Tue, 3 Jun 2008 02:17:23 -0300 > Subject: Your tally of blogs about me to date dictates that maybe you > can inspire a war resister such as Corey Glass to contact me before > Harper gives him the boot. > To:, > Cc:,,, >, > > Like you everybody thinks I am a nut excepting of course Stevey Boy > Harper and the dummy Dion. They just flat out hate me. Nest Pas? > > > > >l > > >l > > >l > > >l > > >l > > >l > > >l > > >l

----- Original Message ----From: "David Amos" <>

To: "Kelly, David" <>; <>; <>; "brian.t.macdonald" <>; <>; "We are Fred up" <>; "andremurraynow" <> Cc: "Evelyn Greene" <>; "premier" <>; "dan. bussieres" <>; "thepurplevioletpress" <>; "danfour" <>; "Woodside, Brad" <>; "MacPherson, Chris" <>; "Knight, Brenda" <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <> Sent: Thursday, February 09, 2012 11:39 PM Subject: Re: CITY POLICE CHIEF AND CERTAIN OFFICERS, CITY OF FREDERICTON; MALICIOUS PROSECUTION BY CROWN; GOVERNMENT WILLFUL BLINDNESS - UNCONSTITUTIONAL SELFREGULATED GOVERNMENT PROSECUTION ---------- Forwarded message ---------From: Evelyn Greene <> Date: Thu, 9 Feb 2012 13:17:46 -0300 Subject: FW: Response need from S. Seheult as per Deputy Mayor David Kelly's direction To:,

Is there any way to post this so that people can come to court on Monday and see the justice or lack thereof in Fredericton? Thanks Evelyn

Tuesday, February 07, 2012 Two local Wing Nuts will have a say in this Blog!!!

They have issues with the Justice System and the Fredericton Police Force so get ready to read their issues in this Blog!!! While protesting in front of the Police Station? Many citizens came forward with their problems or issues with the Police. These two Wing Nuts are not afraid to share their stories so stay tuned!!1

Hi Charles, Thank you for your time today and, yes, I would like to set up a blog for others to read what has been done to me by the Fredericton City Police and Crown and to hear their stories and comments. I am hoping to get a group together who might be interested in a class action and a Public Enquiry into what is happening here in Fredericton and New Brunswick that is so very wrong. Police broke into my home on 6th February 2010 under the Mental Health Act, admitted in their reports they physically assaulted me and then arrested me for assaulting them!

They had no powers to arrest me under any law and unlawfully charged me to try to force me to withdraw my complaints against them. I now know they have used this tactic against others and would like to hear from them - it is called "testilying". Looking forward to becoming a Blogger Sally the "Wingnut"!

Dear Charles: This message is from the other "wingnut". My friend Sally and I fit in with the people of this City in a special way. We are not sitting back taking the abuse from the police and the crown and the judges who want to squash our chances for Justice. Chief Barry MacKnight needs to resign and we need an inquiry as to why the Mayor, Mr Woodside, is failing in his position to enforce the Chief to be accountable and transparent. I personally believe it will take the council members to get rid of this monster in a blue suit who knows nothing about justice. There must be a blue suit nut house for him somewhere in Canada, because he is not playing with a full deck. I agree with Sally. A class action against MacKnight and his cronies who are getting away with police corruption and to me, the Mayor is playing willful blindness. Is this because the Chief has something on the Mayor? Mayor Woodside is responsible for the steering of the police and yet, he goes away on a three week leave and the first thing you know, Charles LeBlanc is put in jail and his computer is taken by the police. No one will convince me that the Mayor did not know this was going to happen, because the Charles believes the Mayor can do nothing, in contrast to what Sally and I believe. Thanks Charles. Please think about what I said in the second paragraph. Do not be so naive. You are a good person Charles and we need you to get the word out to the public. It is a shame we have a newspaper monopoly here called Brunswick News. I have not seen one paragraph of my plight and the plight of Andre Murray in this newspaper monopoly. I wonder why? Are they gagged by the Government. They do not know me, so why would they not print the evidence I took to the Daily Gleaner which was filed in the Courts? INQUIRY NEEDED. Evelyn Greene Posted by Charles LeBlanc at 6:15:00 PM 24 comments: Anonymous said... Sally, if the police came into your home based on a MHA call, then they arrested you using powers granted under that act. What was the reason for the police coming to your home. We're you threatening suicide? We're you threatening to harm yourself? If you're going to post on a blog like this, at least have the stones to tell the WHOLE story. 7:19 PM, February 07, 2012 Sally said...

Thank you for your interest anonymous. The whole story is - I did not need help and the police do not have the power to arrest under the MHA, only detain you for examination. They charged me as resisting arrest and I have a statement from the AG's Special Prosecutor Jeff Mockler confirming they did not arrest me that night, that the police had no powers to arrest me ye... here I am cherged with resisting arrest! (Which is a bogus charge anyway). They broke into my home because my ex-lawyer, the ex-deputy mayor of Fredericton City, cheated me of spousal support to keep my paying her outrageous fees and her FPF buddies thought they could do her a favour and beat me up to shut me up. If you ever want to see the falsified calculations she submitted to court let me know - or get them from the Court record, Court file number Court file No: 1301-56811 FDF-81-07 - the motions from 2011 explain the falsified numbers in detail. It's fraud and perjury but the police are only interested in hiding it and making me look like a criminal. Is that enough information to explain? Kind regards Sally 7:51 PM, February 07, 2012 Anonymous said... Anonymous: These ladies look like fine upright citizens to me. What is wrong with this city that the police need to harass women. That is the sign of real police bullies who have not been properly trained. Obviously, Sally did not represent a threat to anyone if she was home and therefore how did she get arrested and why if she was home doing nothing wrong? We need to hear that part of the story because how could she be charged under the Mental Health Act while at home? This does not make sense to me. I can see detainment, but not arrest. Do the police not need a special warrant or order to arrest someone in his or her own home and if she was sick enough to be detained under the MHA, then she was not responsible for an assault charge. The police cannot have it both ways. Explain this please Sally. 8:01 PM, February 07, 2012 Anonymous said... @ Sally. Cool story bro, but you're misinterpreting the facts; someone like you would be good at that. They charged you for resiting arrest, but cannot arrest you under the MHA. Ergo, everything that went down on your arrest was played by the book. Now crawl away to that dark area of the net and never come out again. 8:04 PM, February 07, 2012 sally said... Anonymous, You sound like one of the police officers that came to my house that night - who else would assume to "know" what went down? How do you know the facts better than me unless you were there? I think you a FPF piggy! Your last line is disturbing - we were just discussing today that the police probably have someone reading this site full time! Goodnight

8:35 PM, February 07, 2012 Charles LeBlanc said... I see the Cowards Jerkface are coming out of the wood work! I'm rejecting a few nasty comments...Try to debate the issue and never mind these personal attack! Must be cops??? Sigh.... 3:29 AM, February 08, 2012 Mord said... I think the issue is no informed decision can ever be made with out all the information. I have done a little digging in to the situation of Sally. Of course this is all arm chair detective work and asking around. I suppose my concerns are that I've heard the following about the situation. 1) Sally has a history of mental health issues. There is nothing wrong with that, that just is how it is sometimes. 2) Sally called a local hot line and said/implied that she was going to kill her self. 3) The police are required to intervene when a person is threatening to do self harm. 4) The police arrived, were refused entry. At this point the police forced their way in and were attacked by Sally. Now of course - this is pretty easy stuff to find out. So, to Sally I ask: Do you have a history of Mental Illness? Did you call a hot line and threaten to kill or harm yourself? I suppose those are the two most important questions to start asking. If you deny them and the police insist it is true, then a citizen interested in the truth needs to look further in to the matter. We are not sheep and can not just take one side of a story as face value. I do not believe everything I read - but I try to find out all the facts. 9:26 AM, February 08, 2012 sally said... Thank you for your questions Mord. I made an enquiry that night from a worker who only did the night shift. She promised to get me counselling but no-one called so I checked back with her after a week or so and she kept nrefusing my calls which were diverted to a person who said they were "just taking messages" for Mental Health. I asked for a return call which nver came and I got beligerent. I had also

emailed the AG (then Kelly Lamrock) and the ex-Deputy Mayor Norah Davidson Wright about the fraudulent spousal support calculations that were submitted to court that non of these law-society members cared about (that have now cheated me of thousands of dollars and are what made me ill in the first place) and the next thing I knew four police officers smashed my door down (no "knock and announce procedure!), pushed me to the ground screaming at me that I was going to harm myself. I believ the ex-dep mayor was involved and wanted to shut me up. The police dispatch records show the police arrived at 11.27.02 outside my home and had already called in my arrest for "Assault with intent to resist arrest" by 11.29pm! One minute and fifty eight seconds - and they are required by law to follow many procedures that one minute and 58 seconds precludes. Their reports all conflict and contradict each other and they had power only to detain, not to arrest. The MHA gives no power to arrest but the point is now to cover up for excessive use of force against a mentally ill person. 11:28 AM, February 08, 2012 sally said... Thank you for your questions Mord. I have anxiety and severe depression due to a very hostile divorce. I made an enquiry that night from a worker who only did the night shift. She promised to get me counselling but no-one called so I checked back with her after a week or so and she kept nrefusing my calls which were diverted to a person who said they were "just taking messages" for Mental Health. I asked for a return call which nver came and I got beligerent. I had also emailed the AG (then Kelly Lamrock) and the ex-Deputy Mayor Norah Davidson Wright about the fraudulent spousal support calculations that were submitted to court that non of these law-society members cared about (that have now cheated me of thousands of dollars and are what made me ill in the first place) and the next thing I knew four police officers smashed my door down (no "knock and announce procedure!), pushed me to the ground screaming at me that I was going to harm myself. I believ the ex-dep mayor was involved and wanted to shut me up. The police dispatch records show the police arrived at 11.27.02 outside my home and had already called in my arrest for "Assault with intent to resist arrest" by 11.29pm! One minute and fifty eight seconds - and they are required by law to follow many procedures that one minute and 58 seconds precludes. Their reports all conflict and contradict each other and they had power only to detain, not to arrest. The MHA gives no power to arrest but the point is now to cover up for excessive use of force against a mentally ill person. 11:37 AM, February 08, 2012 Anonymous said... Looks like police pulled out the club when a few kind words and maybe compassion and empathy were all thats needed(is this reserved for vip`s)but it seems to be missing from police training? A long list of People who were supposed to be doing their jobs also contributed! Standard police treatment though,make up a charge to shut them up or jail them! 12:57 PM, February 08, 2012 Mord said... So, Sally.

When were you taken by the police to a Mental Health Facility or were you taken to Jail? 2:56 PM, February 08, 2012 Anonymous said... Contact Andre Murray at the same story is repeated at least the illegal without Court issued Warrant BREAK and ENTER and subsequent Warrant less Arrest of Andre Murray because he fights back except he was not charged and is now suing THE CITY OF FREDERICTON 5:58 PM, February 08, 2012 Anonymous said... People braking into our houses ought to experience resistance especially police without warrants. 6:06 PM, February 08, 2012 Anonymous said... My god women are fighting back while men are becoming effeminate. What is happening to us is this political correct brainwashing? Good job girls I hope those police bastards received at least one black eye for their behavior which is more than a metaphor. 6:20 PM, February 08, 2012 Anonymous said... Wow the Andre Murray stories read like a torture session with multiple Fredericton city police home invasions and police beatings of Andre Murray while handcuffed. Stories are all becoming similar in Fredericton. 6:28 PM, February 08, 2012 Anonymous said... If you believe any of Andre's stories, 6:28, then I have a bridge I'd like to sell you. 7:03 PM, February 08, 2012 7:03 PM YOUR WRONG! said... 7:03 PM YOUR WRONG! Chief of Police Barry McKnight has confirmed what IT IS that has happened at the hands members of FREDERICTON POLICE FORCE to Andre Murray in Police Chief Barry McKnight's many letters he was required Chief to write as a result of Andre's NEW BRUNSWICK POLICE COMMISSION complaints that he had to reply to Andre Murray. These letters are all on his blog and make interesting reading as in each case the Chief of Fredericton city Police is admitting that these Police are breaking and entering into the residence of Andre Murray

yet somehow he believes he can justify this criminal behavior of his Police Force members. 8:10 PM, February 08, 2012 sally said... Hi Mord, on to your next question. During the one minute and ifty eigth seconds it took to arrive and complete arrest I was pushed to the ground, pepper-sprayed in my eyes, mouth, nose, hair and on my upper chest,neck and arms while being held down and handcuffed - there was no opportunity to fight back with four cops against 50-year-old, single mum me - and then I passed out. The next thing I knew I was being hoisted onto a gurney but couldn't see, breathe or hear much due to the pepper spray. I was taken to hospital and locke up in ER overnight and released the next morning with the referal for the counselling I had been seeking in the first place and got a cab home. I filed a complaint about the four officers conduct, the police then conducted a sham of an investigation - exonerated the fine, upstanding thugs they sent to my home, and then five and a half months later laid an information and served me with a summons to appear a month after that. I was told twice by my defective legal aid lawyer that the police "usually drop the charges if you withdraw your complaints". I refused and he withdrew service after refusing to call for any evidence other than the defective polince sham of an investigation. That is all for now - it makes me fell ill today but let me know if you wish to know more as this is a good way to share the experience with others and I hope more people will come forward with their own stories. Thank you Mord. Andre Murray - I support you and I feel for you. i understand what you have been through and no-one can really truly understand how demeaning and victimised a person feels unless they have gone through it. Keep on truckin and I will be reading your information but I have heard some of the horror. Thank you all for your comments and interest. 9:01 PM, February 08, 2012 sally said... Oh yes Mord, when I filed the complaint about the forced entry and assault I also filed the oomplaint that both my ex-husband's and my ex-lawyer had filed the falsified spousal support calculations onto court record that defrauded me of (now) around $50,000 and the police refused to investigate - could be because my ex-lawyer was the deputy mayor at the time! The police closed that investigation with no explanation or letter the day they laid the charges against me - I guess that sent the message the mayor wanted me to get! 9:46 PM, February 08, 2012 law student said... Sally I am sorry for the harassment by MORD who is obviously some kind of Police partisan. The information that he is sharing is confidential and you could sue him for this. I as a student of law am aware of pain compliance tactics now employed by Police all over Canada where entry level IQ is much higher than FREDERICTON POLICE FORCE.

11:41 PM, February 08, 2012 Mord said... Law Student. I've not been trying to harass anyone. I'm just trying to get the full story. Small town - lots of rumors fly around when you ask questions. Just like it is foolish to believe everything you read - as a Law Student you must have a working knowledge on Critical thinking skills. There is nothing wrong with asking direct to the point questions when such serious statements are being made against those in position of authority. Wanting to know the truth is never a bad thing. Accepting any statement posted in a blog as fact? That is foolish. I'm very happy Sally has been kind enough to answer my questions and given me a clearly picture of her side of events. That said - Suing me? Police Partisan? I think you should check with Charles. I'm just some dude that works a Clerk position at a corner grocery store. I am 100% against how heavy handed the police came down on Charles and I think both sides have let things boil out of control. I've never met Sally before. I'm just asking questions based of rumors, reporting, and publicly available documents. Nothing confidential. I would really love to sit down and talk with you sometime, I'm sure you have many interesting views and experiences that would help me make an informed and intelligent opinion. Feel free to drop me a line at 12:17 AM, February 09, 2012 Anonymous said... It's a real nice bridge, 8:10, in New York ... dirt cheap, too. 7:19 AM, February 09, 2012 sally said... Hi Law Student at 11.41 - I think you are the police infiltrater, not Mord who is very genuine and I am only telling Mord what is already on the public record. why else would you try to stop me from telling my truth? My purpose for being on this blog is to tell the ugly truth of what has been done to me by the very people who had a legislated duty to protect me and to encourage others to tell their stories and to not be afraid to step forward. If you were a genuine Law Student you would also be interested, but you obviously just want to stop the dialogue. To any who are interested Evelyn has a hearing on Monday 13th Feb 9.30am for her bogus charges (identicle to mine just four different cops and malicious Crown Prosecutor!) The Court is struggling to find a judge who wants to preside since Evelyn now knows too much of the complicity in wrong-doing and is not afraid to ask awkward questions. To any in a similar situation it is good to hear what is said - we all learn more at each hearing and get more evidence on the court record of the outrageous wrong-doing. Hope some of you can make it - STU, maybe you can come in your uniform!

1:24 PM, February 09, 2012 sally said... Forgot to say - Law Student, if you are who you say you are, please tell me why Evelyn and others get fingerprinted by the police for summary charges when the Act states only indictable offences and terrorists cn be fingerprinted? Has this been done by FPF to anyone else on summary charges only? It is wrong and contravenes the Act.Can you tell me law student? 1:28 PM, February 09, 2012 ----- Original Message ----From: "David Amos" <> To: "Kelly, David" <>; <>; <>; "brian.t.macdonald" <>; <>; "We are Fred up" <>; "andremurraynow" <> Cc: <>; <>; "Evelyn Greene" <>; "premier" <>; "dan. bussieres" <>; "thepurplevioletpress" <>; "danfour" <>; "Woodside, Brad" <>; "MacPherson, Chris" <>; "Knight, Brenda" <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <> Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2012 11:12 AM Subject: Re: CITY POLICE CHIEF AND CERTAIN OFFICERS, CITY OF FREDERICTON; MALICIOUS PROSECUTION BY CROWN; GOVERNMENT WILLFUL BLINDNESS - UNCONSTITUTIONAL SELFREGULATED GOVERNMENT PROSECUTION I must say Chucky Leblanc the mindless French Blogger and the snobby British broad Sarah Brooks are a perfect match. I doubt if either one even knows if their arses are bored or punched by their "God" yet they continue to yap on and on as if they know everything about everything. BTW I just had two VERY interesting conversations One with David Kelly and the other with the NB Police Commission that he thinks he knows everything about. Wednesday, March 21, 2012 Wingnuts at the Justice Building in Fredericton??? Hey Charles, I thought you would like to know what happened to me recently. I was in the courthouse (being victimized!) and I ran into T.J.Burke. I couldn't resist calling him an asshole for representing Cst. Steven Stafford at a cost of almost $250,000 to the Government of NewBrunswick and I told him I would be filing a civil action against him for negligence, fraud and conspiracy against me while he was

Attorney General of New Brunswick. T.J.Burke obviously knew who I was - his only response was "Go and take your pills!" It turns out he then complained that I was uttering threats against him (!) and I am now followed around the Courthouse by Sheriffs every time I go there and I am not allowed into that public place to attend public functions without an appointment or permission! Well, the Sheriffs are really sweet - hello Keith, Janet, Megan, Jessie, Craig and Russel! But as for T.J.Burke - what a big girls blouse! That's all for today! Sally Posted by Charles LeBlanc at 7:08:00 PM 13 comments: Anonymous said... Yep, she is a wingnut! 7:48 PM, March 21, 2012 Anonymous said... lol...Clearly that girl is confused and is in her own world...However, its funny to hear her made up non-sense stories... Keep entertaining us weirdo ! By the way, have you ever won one of your many lawsuits ??? Yeah... I did not think so... 9:18 PM, March 21, 2012 sally said... 7.48 - hello T.J. ... we both agreed on that anyway! 9.18 - you did not even give me the chance to reply! Your retorical question is a little pathetic, given the necessary time taken to win a lawsuit! I suggest you keep watching the blogsite because I am kicking ass against the GNB and have dirt you could not even imagine - well, you probably could because you obviously know what I am up against! 10:35 PM, March 21, 2012 Anonymous said... Who on earth would believe a lawyer? No contest... 10:37 PM, March 21, 2012 Anonymous said... Ever think about maybe listening to him? 11:15 PM, March 21, 2012 Anonymous said... Lol... Sally... Please tell us what you won....Your lawsuits dont go no where...Maybe in your head they do... But in reality, thats different ... We all know it...Just like Charles lol

11:53 PM, March 21, 2012 Anonymous said... TJ is a criminal! 11:59 PM, March 21, 2012 sally said... 11.59 - you are right and that is what I will disclose. 11.15 - if T.J.Burke ever did more than sing "pants on the ground" maybe I would listen but so far he has said nothing either honest, memorable or compelling. He told the NB Legislature that the Law Society Act was a Private Act!!! The Law Society of New Brunswick is legislated to serve the public, uphold justice and protect the rights and freedoms OF ALL PERSONS - he could not have told a bigger lie and it is recorded in the Legislature records and by the Queen's Printer! Then he took a government contract to represent Stafford within 12 months of losing his seat as an MLA - which is against the law, but who cares? Not the Government of New Brunswick or Law Society. Yes, I will have my day it's what God put me here for. 12:25 AM, March 22, 2012 Anonymous said... 11.59 is right ! 12:45 AM, March 22, 2012 Cannon said... While I can't say anything about Sally's own court case (s) as it was her reason for her confrontation with TJ Burke..her suit against the Attorney General of New Brunswick will cost us taxpayers just the same way the the trial against Cst Stafford cost us. However, as a resident of our province she is able to file such a suit. I cannot say anything about that case as I dont know the merits of it. As for her reason for calling TJ Burke an asshole for representing his client in a case which cost us taxpayers upwards of $250,000, I would have to place that blame on a certain Luc Begin. It would have been Mr Begin that tried to push a complaint against the police force that had no merit. Because of his frivolous claim, an officer of our local police force was forced to defend his actions. His union, same as the university professors and nurses who both used the same lawyers and techniques to continue to work gave him the best defence available to him. The Court found Cst Stafford innocent the charges brought against him and had Charles sat through as much of the trial as I did, he would know as much. 1:42 AM, March 22, 2012 Anonymous said... T J Burke represented that bastard Fredericton City cop who broke the back of an innocent man outside Sweetwaters bar. 4:08 AM, March 22, 2012 Anonymous said... Well said, Cannon. Sally, you're suprised that someone reacts defensively after being called an asshole in his workplace? Get a clue.

7:00 AM, March 22, 2012 Anonymous said... Sally, please put your delusional paranoia and false hope away before you hurt yourself. You don't belong in jail, you belong in an asylum for the mentally challenged. 8:21 AM, March 22, 2012

From: To: CC:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Subject: FW: Response need from S. Seheult as per Deputy Mayor David Kelly's direction Date: Thu, 9 Feb 2012 13:16:09 -0300

To the Chair and other Board Members of the N.B. Police Commission: cc: Mr. David Kelly, Deputy Mayor of Fredericton And cc: to: Attorney General Marie Claude-Blais (I understand that it was your Asst. Deputy Attorney General, Guy Daigle who authorized the charge against me without a prescreening conducted; could you please confirm and if it is correct, why are you allowing this malicious prosecution to proceed against a disabled person?). I am copying your Deputy AG, Judith Keating in case she may wish to proceed to do the right thing as well). I am before the Judge on Monday on these bogus charges and I saw three different judges so far and six different crown prosecutors who advised me there was no time to review the CD evidence and that I expected too much). One Judge, Chief Provincial Judge Jackson allowed crown prosector, Christopher Lavigne to say hearsay evidence against me in court, while the Judge had told me not to interrupt prior to his); then the judge said he was not sure I needed a lawyer. I have the video of the hearing but had to sign a confidential form not to release it to the public. If It got stolen then it would not be my problem, but I do not want that to happen.

Please confirm receipt right away and advise if you will look at the tampered CD evidince provided by the Police, who refused to review it or have it sent for analyses by outside agency, such as RCMP crime

lab; and it was refused to me by Pierre Beaudoin who basically told me to leave the office as he did not want to review it. It is only about 1 hr. long with the audio tampered version included. The times on the video do not match the police transcripts as well as there are up to four minutes of "splitting" occuring which is suspect by all people in the CCTV video industry. At no time on the 13th of May, 2011, does it show be entering or leaving the paramedic station but is shows other people. Then the person from Outreach Productions provided me with a report saying that a police office magically appears from nowhere which is just unheard of. There are 14 cameras at that building and two on each side of the paramedic station door (this is the door at ambulance N.B. with the Ambulance crest overhead and it is considered a "public" place and the police had no right to remove me as I was not a threat to them or myself and there was no reason for a 911 call. In fact, David Banks, in dispatch said he said the version of the 911 call to the Crown who says they do not have it. Then I learn there is another person in Fredericton, Andre Murray who was beaten up by the same officer as me, Cst. Nancy Rideout. Now I have never met Mr. Murray but learned that he has a civil action against the police and city in the courts for his beating in 2009. Also you all know I reported being sick that day to the 4 officers and two officers wrote that in their notes and reports. How could I be a threat when I am sick to my stomach, as I have hypoglycemia (low blood sugar and prone to fainting) as well as an implanted heart defibrillator (implanted in Feb. 2010) and I have two serious heart conditions known as "Angina" and "Prolonged QT Syndrome" (leads to torrades (sick) or instant death) and the defibrillator is supposed to shock me back to life. I need a doctor's report before I go on an airplane; if I experience a shock, I lose my drivers license for six months); I must be careful entering certain stores such as Walmart that can send off an alarm; I must avoid wanding up around my heart for mere seconds or it can loosen by leads to my defibrillator. On the date and time of the incident, my heart doctor said I experienced sinus tach which made me dizzy and feeling faint and sick. The implanted defibrillator can be downloaded by my heart doctors to the date and time the incident happens. In fact, it was the first time anything showed on my reports after having the implant. The doctor and staff said it was consistent with getting beaten up. Before taking me to the police station, Cst. Nancy Rideout kept tightening my handcuffs which were behind my back. I said I felt like my implant was coming out of my chest. She said: "If you conk out here, we have paramedics." (The paramedics were standing there watching the abuse). I asked if she would let me get my nitro puffer out of my purse which was left behind in my car which was being impounded. On the CCTV video it shows Cst. Andrew Phillips walking across the lot in the front of the building carrying my white purse into the paramedic station after I was shoved and kicked into Rideout's car without my nitro, my purse, and there was $150 missing as I had a recent garage sale which I can prove. This left me vulnerable to the abuse I later got at Capital Towing when I got a taxi there and their debit machine quit all of a sudden and he called the police to say I would not leave which was a lie. A female officer showed as did a male officer in a police van with a young female student who was being shown the ropes of police conduct. The female

officer drove me to my bank and the debit card worked fine and I was able to get my car. I went to Canadian Tire on Prospect St. and got gas for the car and my debit card worked fine. I asked the young man to write down his name, which he did, to show there was not problem with my debit card. I headed home straight away as I was all bruised and in pain and when I turned the corner to go on Hanwell Rd. there was a police cruiser sitting in a nearby driveway watching me. I must report that before I came home from the police station, I made four complaints against the officers albeit I was sick. Then Identification took 7 pictures of my soft tissue injury and bruises. Then one of the police culprits, Sebastian Blanchette was the person who sent all evidence from the police to the Crown. He denied for months that there were any injury pictures of Greene, only her mug shots. I was fingerprinted for a summary charge which I understand is in violation of all my privacy rights. I had never been fingerprinted before this date. In one memo to the police, Crown Prosecutor asked Blanchette why there were no pictures of Greene entering or leaving the building on May 13, 2011. I never saw a response to that and the crown will not supply one. I told the Crown and the Judge that the police investigated themselves; there was no outside investigation albeit I complained of four officers; there was no precharge review and my health was not taken into consideration nor my injuries; my file was not sent by the Regional Prosecution to the Specialized Crown Prosecutor as per the rules. The Judge Richards said it was too expensive to send the CD evidence to the RCMP crime lab and I was told that all five crown prosecutors to date have not had time to review the video and me asking them to do so was expecting too much (Crown Prosecutor Rose Campbell) and this was echoed by Judge Richards. I then offered to pay what I believe would cost about $500 to send the tampered CD evidence to the RCMP crime lab and that too was refused so money was not the problem. I was told by RCMP Inspector Lucie Dubois that the Minister of Public Safety, Robert Trevors, would not okay them to do an investigation and look at the tampered CD. They referred me to the Police Commission who I already contacted and this is a repeat. This was before I wrote a claim in the courts, so there is no room to argue the reason it was not properly investiaged by the Police Commission is due to the legal action. In fact, the Police Commission as a duty of care to conduct an investigation and review the video and audio and take action against all those involved in my beating. I am submitting a report which was on the CBC reports just recently and you will see why having an implanted defibrillator and the cautions they give patients about avoiding contact sport which would be equivalent to my getting beaten. I have soft tissue injury and neck injury and depression. I am in effect, a disabled person who was illegally arrested and they arrested me for assault before they said I was under arrest for anything and it was them who assaulted me and then laid the charge of assault against me, which I read recently is a general practise of police when they want to cover up their wrong doings. It works for them in most cases if there is no

accountability. I would like to hear back from you shortly as I need an answer to take to court on Monday at which time I am still facing two bogus assault police charges. And I am not unique in this situtation here in Fredericton. I was referred to you by Deputy Mayor David Kelly and I will send you his email saying you are the responsible ones and that the City council and the Mayor has no responsiblity to force the chief or his officers to do anything. I look forward to hearing from you. I also have 8 by 10 pictures of my bruises and I have two doctor reports of my soft tissue injuries, depression and neck injuries and finger injuries. I want to bring the CD to your and let you see what I am talking about here. Thank you. Evelyn Greene (P.S. I am copying David Kelly and I am asking that he copy of members of council and the Mayor) From: To: CC: Date: Thu, 9 Feb 2012 09:57:02 -0400 Subject: RE: Response need from S. Seheult as per Deputy Mayor David Kelly's direction

Ms. Greene:

Just reminding you that any correspondence should be directed to the Commission email box.

thank you,

Julie Williams Administrative Assistant / Assistante Administrative The New Brunswick Police Commission / La Commission de police du Nouveau-Brunswick 435 King Street, Suite 202 / 435, rue King - Pice 202 Fredericton NB / Fredericton (N.-B.) E3B 1E5 Tel/tl. ( (506) 453-2069 Fax/tlc. (506) 457-3542 E-mail/courriel

From: Evelyn Greene [] Sent: 8 fvrier 2012 21:29 To: Williams, Julie (NBPC)

Subject: Response need from S. Seheult as per Deputy Mayor David Kelly's direction

Dear Ms. Williams: Would you please confirm if Mr. Seheult is going to make a speedy response to my request to view the tampered CD evidence of the CCTV audio and video or not? If not why not? I will send you what Deputy Mayor Kelly wrote.

Thank you.

Evelyn Greene

From: To:; CC:;;;;;;;;;;;; Subject: FW: Who is the prosecutor now. I hope not Mr. Murray after he ignorantly ordered me out of the Court during the hearing before Judge Dickson. Date: Wed, 8 Feb 2012 13:47:26 -0300

Mr. P. Seheult, Chair of the N.B. Police Commission: Do you remember

me. I am the complainant who has once again been referred to you by our Deputy Mayor David kelly regarding police corruption which you are well aware of and the fact you refused to look at the evidence of the tampered CD of the video and audio given by Ambulance N.B. and sent to police and on to the crown. How can you determine the guilt or innocent of the offices if you refuse to look at the evidence, including the 8 by 10 pictures of my injuries, the tampered CD, etc.

Please tell me what you are will to do as Mr. Kelly seems to think you should do something.

Please let me know immediately as I am before some Judge and some Prosecutor next Monday and it could be anybody's guess who it might be. I only know they would not have had time to review the file as is the case over the last several months.

I would appreciate if you would confirm to Deputy Mayor David Kelly what was the position you took on my complaints against the four officers and that Chief MacKnight left out Cst. Daryl Carter. We need to hear from Cst. Carter and I would like to subpoena him to Monday's hearing at 9:30 a.m. in Provincial Court (Feb. 13/12).

Evelyn Greene

From: To:; CC:;;;;;;;;;; Subject: Who is the prosecutor now. I hope not Mr. Murray after he ignorantly ordered me out of the Court during the hearing before Judge Dickson. Date: Wed, 8 Feb 2012 13:39:45 -0300

Ms. Drain:

Would you please confirm immediately if you have any more disclosure to give me yet.

1. Haveyou yet interviewed any witnesses independently, especially Cst. Daryl Carter?

2. Have you looked at my medical records and that I was suffering sinus tach. on the date I was beaten up by cops?

3. Have you received the 911 audio tapes yet from David Banks who confirmed he sent them to you on Dec. 2, 2011?

4. Have you received the letter yet from Robin O'Hara as to who gave evidence in a letter that O'Hara referred back to Sebastien Blanchette as to why the CCTV video and audio not working on May 13, 2011 and why?

5. Have you asked for the copy of this letter and if not, why not?

Have you analyzed the tampered CD video and audio, and if so, what did you find? Are you sending it for analysis as per the rules of evidence?

6. Have you interviewed the police individually as per your prosecution guidelines and got their statements?

7. Why was my file not sent to the Specialized Crown Prosecutor?

8. Are you now releasing the McNeil reports on the four officers

involved, since I now know about another victim of Cst. Rideout's abuse; Have you looked for more incidents of excessive force and attempted culpable homicide by Nancy Rideout; if not, why not?

9. Are you calling any witnesses on Monday, and in that respect, do you mind if I do?

10. I am requesting the police investigation records since the police basically investigated themselves, contrary to regulations under the Police Act;

10. I am alledging that Christopher Lavigne commited perjury when he told the Judge names of people who wanted me followed around court, but they all denied same to me? He is not fit to sit on my case as a crown prosecutor.

I may have more questions tomorrow, but please get back immediately on these disclosure questions.

Thank you.

Evelyn Greene

On 2/8/12, David Amos <> wrote: > ?????? > > > From: Evelyn Greene <> > Date: Wed, 8 Feb 2012 13:26:06 -0300 > Subject: FW: CITY POLICE CHIEF AND CERTAIN OFFICERS, CITY OF > FREDERICTON; MALICIOUS PROSECUTION BY CROWN; GOVERNMENT WILLFUL > BLINDNESS - UNCONSTITUTIONAL SELF-REGULATED GOVERNMENT PROSECUTION > To: > > > Hi David, can you send these emails on to Charles, on my behalf, I > think they should be on the blog right up where people can see them > and then I am going to get a Petitition started to remove the council > members and the Mayor and the Chief of Police. Thank you. Evelyn > Greene > > Ms Greene

> > Whats with the nonsense above? Why do you ladies act so sneaky after I > practiced the spirit of full disclosure with you and everyone else as > you laugh at my troubles with the same cops you lament about? > > Wambolt, Murray, Brooks and you already have had Chucky Leblanc for a > blogging buddy since last October.Here is Chucky latest edition as he > calls his buddies a couple of wingnuts Correct? > > > > If you recall Chuckt reintroduced us all to the CCLA recently and you > passed around some of my communications with them. (Scrol down to see > some you did not see)Months agoI told you all how I could assist you > against the actions of the police etc It wass you people who ignored > me for some strange reason that I will NEVER understand. > > Immediately below is some stuff for the mindless Depupty Mayor Kelly > to review. Whereas the CCLA wants to argue my former Newfy friend's > matters I wonder if Kelly his ex wife the cop Bobbi Simons even > remember Byron Prior or my conversations with them and Jeff Mockler or > all their corrupt police pals in 2004 after Dan Bussierres illegaly > barred me from the parliamentry properties in Fat Fred City for > political reasons while I was running in the election of the 38th > Parliament. > > Everybody and his dog knows your Badassed Blogging Buddy Chucky > Leblanc had a lot of fun teasing me about that until it happened to > him in 2006. Hell he ever comapared me to his dead dog CHICO or > whatever in 2004 REMEMBER CHUCKY BABY? > > Veritas Vincit > David Raymond Amos > 902 800 0369 > > P.S. Yo Alward did anybody but mean old me notice that Norrad removed > the info about Chucky's welfare address to send money to help her and > Chucky keep on blogging? > > > > > > > > ----- Original Message ----> From: Kelly, David > To: 'Byron Prior' ; David Amos ; Whalen, Tony > Cc: Kelly, David ; MacLaggan, Cathy ; Kelly, Stephen ; Jellinek, Tom ; > McConaghy, Scott ; Kerton, Marilyn ; Brown, Walter ; Davidson, Norah ; > Obrien, Mike ; Grandy, Bruce ; Keenan, Dan ; Woodside, Brad ; > ; ; > Abbott-Charters, Marilyn ; ; > ; ; ; > ; ; ; > ; ;

> ; ; > ; ; CITY ADMIN'S / MAYOR'S > OFFICES ; ; ; > ; ; ; > ; ; > ; ; > > Sent: Monday, October 25, 2004 10:57 PM > Subject: RE: Child Rape in Newfoundland by Liberal MP > > > Remove me from this mailing list immediately. > > David Kelly > City Councillor, Ward 12 > 128 Golf Club Road > Fredericton, NB E3B 5M6 > The "Capital" City Of New Brunswick > (506) 458-8518 fax 443-0808 > e-mail: > City Website: > > "In politics, if you want anything said, ask a man. If you want > anything done, ask a woman"- Margaret Thatcher > > "There are no mistakes in life, only lessons" - Donald E. Kelly > > "We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give" > Donald E. Kelly > > "An apology is the superglue in life, it can repair just about > anything" - Lynn Johnston > > "Even if you are on the right track, you'll get run over if you just > sit there" - Will Rogers > > "The sweetness of low price lasts nowhere as long as the bitterness of > poor quality" - Author Unknown > > > > -----Original Message----> From: Byron Prior [] > Sent: Monday, October 25, 2004 10:26 PM > To: David Amos; > Cc:;; >;; >;; >;; >;; >;; >;; >;; >;;; >;;; >;;;

>;; >;;; >;;; >;; >;; >; > Subject: Re: Child Rape in Newfoundland by Liberal MP > > > Liberal MP Bill Matthews & his friends, raped the same child > repeatedly, for more than 3 Yrs. At 14 ,she had a second baby, Aaron, > she said she was 80% sure he is Matthews son. A third baby, Harriett, > at 18 & 3 miscarriages also, by this time, what abuse of a child. > Matthews & his lawyer, Ed Roberts, pressured me to sign papers, saying > Matthews had nothing to do with my family & I imagined it all. NOT SO. > I have copies of their letters. 2 weeks after I signed these papers, > MR ED, THE HORSE'S ASS, ROBERTS was made LT. Govenor of NFLD. & LAB. > by MR JEAN, THE JACK ASS, CHRETIEN, soon to be known as Canada's most > CORRUPT Prime Minister. After the Justice Minister, Rapes & > Impregnates a 12 Yr. old child, in a small town & everyone knows, who > will stop or charge anyone else, for Raping & abusing that same > child?? PAUL MARTIN, IS THIS FEDERAL ENOUGH FOR YOU OR MUST I NAME > MORE LAWYERS & JUDGES?? DO SOMETHING NOW or I will be forced to name > many more, RESPECTABLE NEWFOUNDLANDERS, many names you won't like to > read yourself. VISIT MY WEB SITE : > ----- Original Message ----> From: David Amos > To: > Cc: ; ; > ; ; > ; ; > ; ; > ; ; > ; ; > ; ; > ; ; > ; ; ; > ; ; ; > ; ; > ; ; > ; ; > ; ; ; > ; ; > ; ; ; > ; ; > ; > Sent: Monday, October 25, 2004 5:19 PM > Subject: Now this is too too funny > > > Hey > Apparently while I was composing the last email Mayor Woodside was > busy proving to me that he is a liar. Obviously he did not delete my > emails as spam as he claimed and decided to send me one of my own > emails back to me a bunch of times. Not only is the man a lair but he > is as dumb as a post. Now tell me just who is spaming who?

> I just got out of jail for sending a lawyer in litigation against > me just one email because she had bounced back the US Mail. After I > got out of jail I figued that I might as well be shot for a cow as a > calf. Whereas I already had one bullet hole in me anyway, I sent > thousands of emails but only to lawyers or politicians or media etc. > They all had published email addresses and they all claimed that they > had an interest in ethical matters. My emails contained many legal > documents not porn or some other hussle. How much time do you think > the Mayor should do for sending me proof of his malice? I think I will > report his spam to Yahoo to see what they will do. In fact I just did. > Methinks the fool proved my point for me in my complaints against > him and his friends. What say you? > If I were still a person of Fredericton, I would be truly > embarrassed to have such a person as Woodside as Mayor. However my Mom > is still a taxpayer of Fredericton as are many of my friends and > relatives. Methinks I will ask them to petition the City to give the > Mayor the boot before I sue the City and cost them any money. > Woodside's malicious spam did come from the city's address. Correct? > Perhaps the City Counsel should have an emergency meeting tonight. > I will let you know something I just found out as I was writing this > email. The clerk Mr. Buckley of Dorchester District called me in a > paniac. He still can not find the docket of the criminal complaint > matter against me that he promised me attested copies of last week. He > was ordered to do so by a judge on Oct 19th. I am removing the matter > to federal court and many Canadians will be named to testify in my > defense. It is the clerk's job to keep track of all the records. Has > he acted within the scope of his employment? Should I sue him too? > Nope not if he remains honest. He is in fact an important witness that > the public record has dissappeared. I do know who has it and Mayor > Woodside does not have a clue. Do you? Watch out things are getting > big in a hurry. I am late in going off to court but there is no need > if the clerk can't find anything is to argue about. This is insane and > the court ordered my head examined? > Cya'll in Court:) > David Raymond Amos > > "Woodside, Brad" <> wrote: > From: "Woodside, Brad" > To: 'David Amos' > Subject: RE: Hey Granny D I called last night and sent an email to your st > aff > Date: Mon, 25 Oct 2004 14:08:37 -0300 > > > > -----Original Message----> From: David Amos [] > Sent: Monday, October 11, 2004 8:10 PM > To: > Cc:;; >;;; >;;; >;;; >;;; >;;; >;;;

>;;; >;;; >;; >;;; >;; >;;; >;;; >;;; >;;; >;;; >;; >;;; >;; >;; >;;; >;; >;;; >;;; >;; >;; >;; >;;; >;;; >;; >;; > Subject: Hey Granny D I called last night and sent an email to your staff > > > Good Day Granny D > I am not certain if you saw the email or if the address was > even correct. I received no response from you or your help. I am not > surprised by that. You must be approached by many a strange character > these days. Of that I have no doubt. So I am sending you a far more > elaborate email byway of a different way Yahoo instead of Bill Gates > and one to an address I know is yours. Obviously I sent this to many > other people as well. I will explain that I did it to protect you > because the last one was to just you. I have no doubt my emails are > being moniterd. I want them all to know that you are not the only one > that knows something about my affairs. I will let the following words > tell you a little tale. As I will try to explain I have far more > pressing concerns right now. I have to let go of Yankee politics for > now this email will have to stand as written. > While I was up in Canada I heard about you Granny D and your > intent to run for the Senate. I smiled and agreed with your standing > and gumption. I wished > you luck but I figured that you would not have a prayer because of the > money required to play the wicked game in the USA. There was no more > news about it and I was very busy with my own affairs. I had assumed > that I was right. > Just before Thanksgiving dinner last night (I am a proud > Canadian) less than a week after getting out of jail, I was grateful > to discover that I was wrong. I had taken a minute from my other work > to surf around to see who was running against Gregg and Bass and I got > a pleasant surprise. Although I am far from a religious man, I do > recognize miracles when I see them. I simply do not dismiss them as > luck. I proudly stand corrected. Granny D. I truly wish you your God's

> speed in his highest gear. The entire State of New Hampshire should be > sent to the Pysc Ward instead of me if they don't send Granny D to > Washington. You go girl. Let me know if you want a push. > I will support you as best I can from afar but I will stay away > from your door even if you invited me until after the election in > November. I must avoid all politicians for the benefit of my Clan and > to support my defense in a pending Criminal Trial. I am an honest man > and I have done nothing wrong. They are trying to put me in jail > because I sent a lawyer litigating against me an email she didn't > appreciate. I proudly signed it as Her Client's Worst Nightmare. She > claimed it a threat to cover up her crimes. Massachusetts sent me a > summons to court to answer the liar's lament to cover up their own > wrongs. I was in Canada with my children trying to keep them away from > foul play. As soon as I returned and answered the complaint and proved > the wrongs, they sent me to jail. > The other folks I am sending this email to have the capability to > check every word I say today. I sent the email to so many others to > protect you. It is dangerous if just one person knows to much about > corruption. I will forward this email to many others as well to start > a little grass roots wildfire to support your campaign. I mean you no > harm Granny D. You will just have to take at my word and rest assured > I am a man of it. I sent some files to back it up. Only a few of the > files contain my words or signature. You should ask the other fellas > if the stand by theirs. My main political issue is the same as yours, > Public Trust. > No offense Granny D, you are my pick of the litter running for > office next month in the whole country. You must be an honest person > you have nothing to gain in telling a lie. Your deeds in the past > speak volumes to anyone paying attention. I joke as I say that maybe > they should change the minimum age requirement for Senate from 30 to > 90 but then as soon as I think of it the ghost of mean old J. Strom > Thurmon wanders through my mind. So I guess it must be because I have > a good feeling about you. I do rely very much on my sense of intuition > and humour to keep me safe and sane. I know I am not Physco but I just > may be Physic. I am quite a student of Physics so that must count for > something. I am not sorry that I crack a lot of jokes. I can't resist > it. I hate writing. A joke or two keeps me at it. Plus lawyers hate it > when I don't take them seriously. For very justifiable reasons I might > add. The best part of all is ordinary people appreciate some of the > jokes and want to read more of my stuff. Whatever works. Right? > Please view the files that I said I would send. My phone number > is 506 434-1379. I see that your are an activist. Well I am just a > wild pigheaded Maritimer who is quite active as well but I do what I > do alone. I think you and I would make an interesting team to root out > a little corruption. However for your benefit I will said I stay away > from you. I do wish you success in your race and do not want to bring > any stress or hardship upon you. Win or lose after your race I would > love to cross paths with you. Whereas you are a candidate for the > Senate you have every right to be as informed as the others and I will > tell you openly anything you wish to know. I promise that I will never > complain of you no matter what you do. I will say that I am in your > area but not at the addresses shown. Give me a call if you wish to > know more. Put me in contact with some you trust and please please > don't send a lawyer or he will regret it. I will give him wiretap > tapes in a heartbeat then he will have to deal with the mob and the > FEDS like I have been compelled to do.

> A good place to start your own inquiry into my affairs would be to > pick up the phone and call Mr. Benson and ask him about the stuff I > sent to Mr. Heed, Mr. Mullen and Mr. Goodnow. Then I would call Mr. > Gregg and Mr. Bass mention my name. All those guys sit on the other > side of the political fence from you and are very well aware of me. > Trust there is too much to tell and I won't bother you with my > problems. I think you would make a great lady of the Senate. As long > as you continue to say what think you will be the equal and opposite > of old man Thurmon. A shining example of what your country needs for > taxation with proper representation. That is the reason they rebelled > from the Monarchy of my country. I truly believe my fellow Canadians > should do the same thing and give the Governor General Adrienne > Clarkson her walking papers. She is just a very expensive and > embarrassing figurehead anyway. The money supporting her life style in > lavish hotel suites would be better invested in many hospital beds. > She can well afford to sleep around on her own funds. Be forewarned > Granny D my matters may cost you the friendship of every Democrat you > know. You may have to become an Independent like me and the Sanders > and Jefferds dudes I don't like in Vermont. I won't tell you anymore > unless you ask. > If I can manage it, I will be stress testing the ethics of every > lawyer in almost every race. I will wager the all the other folks that > were sent this email already know a little about me. A big part of > their stock and trade is keeping up on the gossip and using it to > their advantage. If they don't know a great deal more by the end of > the day tomorrow, I will eat your hat. Methinks it is just you that > has been kept in the dark. I am very angry at my native land right now > for throwing me to Ashcroft's wolves. The fact they overlooked was > that Tigers are not afraid of wolves. > Granny D if you are interested, I can put a big feather in > your cap before election day. I am willing to give you the information > that should get Martha Stewart and Frank Quatrone out of jail right > away. I swear its true. If you were to even to present the facts as > you know them to be true in the media, I am certain you would win your > seat in the Senate in a New York minute. Believe it or not, legions of > lawyers, every single member of the Massachusetts Statehouse, Member > of Congress, the Senate, Canadian member of Parliament and every US > Attorney in the USA knows that I have had the power to do so for quite > some time. My problem is they keep trying to send me to Cuba as > Security threat or keep me in jail as a nut to shut me up. The lawyers > representing Martha and Frank didn't want to have it any other way > anyway. Here is the fun part Granny, Even if you do nothing but ask a > question or two and the truth comes out later just show everybody this > email and you will smell like a rose. Truth is stranger than fiction. > Say so quick if you want that stuff before someone is overcome > with a sudden fit of ethics. As for me, I think it would be great fun > to watch Martha come out of jail as mad as a wet hen. I wonder if she > would stop and take the time to bake you a cake? I will just look > forward to go fishing someday with Frank, her brother. He told me to > drop in when I got the chance. I liked him. One thing we have in > common is that Martha didn't believe either of us could help. I don't > think either of us care too much anymore. I know I don't. We both > tried our best. Whether she is guilty or not, it is her fault she > picked the wrong people to trust. > The files attached prove that I do know something. Just press > print and you will see. Then call the fellas I mentioned and listen to

> them stutter. Then call me and listen to see if you can detect a liar. > Best Regards > to you Granny D > > David R. Amos > Now on to the other folks > I called each of your campaign offices Mr. Lynch, Mr. Hodes, Mr. > Nadeau and Mr. Mitchell. I am aware that two of you are lawyers and > two of you are not. I like the mix. It puts us on an even keel with > Granny D as ballast. I had just become aware of the race against Mr. > Benson the night before. Although I consider this race an important > matter to assist in seeking justice for my Clan, I must keep my > attention on the affairs in my native land. They are of greater social > importance for the benefit of all. Until I have completed the task I > have at hand, I will not bother with New Hampshire much if at all. > That said I figured if I was gonna start something political in > the USA, I should begin in New Hampshire and polish it off in > California with a little lingering in Florida and South Carolina then > fill in the rest as the Yankee politicians do. Their plans seem to > work for them. I might as well follow their lead EH? I had planned to > bring the truth out in NH Hampshire US District Court anyway it might > as well be first as last. I was so looking forward to arguing young J. > Strom Thurmon Jr. I have yet to make up my mind. Ask US Attorney Don > Feith and his cohorts why my complaint is so necessary if you wish to > before you see my material. > Whoever is the Governor of New Hampshire after November will be > much embarrassed by the actions of Mr. Heed, Mr. Mullen. Mr. Goodnow > and many others if they don't speak up now. I took particular notice > that Mr. Lynch makes quite a to do about ethics. I applaud that > political standing. My issues relate directly to public corruption and > the betrayal of the Public Trust. If he does his own investigation > immediately he should be able to unseat Mr. Benson for a joke. > Win or lose, I plan to sue Benson anyway. Ask Premier Danny > Williams in Newfoundland why that is or better yet ask my friend Byron > Prior who I am about to introduce you to in short order. I believe > Williams and Benson are birds of a feather and told them so a long > time ago. I am sure Mr. Sackett knows of what I speak. He may have a > lack of talent for hockey but I am sure he has much skill at digging > in a political corner. If not he should give Mr. Dryden a call. > I will be stress testing Mr. Lynch's ethics to the max shortly > and he may feel free to test mine as well. If he wishes to confer with > anyone about me today, there are three people he should call should > call first Bill and Jeanne Shaheen and Charles Putnam. I would also > suggest that he call Peter Heed but I would also tell him to not > believe one word he would have to say about me. > I will send Mr. Lynch a pile of documents for him to study the > first chance I get. The lawyers Nadeau and Hodes will receive the same > stuff plus a little more as well. If they wish to see the material > sooner, then they should send a lawyer to meet me and I will give that > person some wiretap tapes as well. I cannot give them to a layman > without violating the Fourth Amendment Rights of others. > The Yankee representatives of my Clan Senators Kerry and Kennedy > and Congressman Lynch should ask the Suffolk County District Attorney, > Daniel F. Conley why a pile of tapes I had given him were just laying > on the prosecutor's table on October 1st instead of being kept under > seal as they carted me off to jail. They must all be very surprised

> that I got out of their jail in a timely fashion. I know I have more > people that truly love me than I deserve. Friends from home bailed me > without my asking because they knew the fix I was in. Although my > friends are way outnumbered, they are a proud, fearless and honest > band of merry men and that holds true for their ladies too. They can't > wait until I teach the Yankees a hard lesson about the Eighth > Amendment because my friends are far from wealthy people and they need > the money back to pay the bills. None of my friends have ever heard of > man being kept in jail with the charges listed as "other". The cash > bail amount of five grand was a little steep for the possible offense > within one email. They were disgusted with the actions of the Canadian > Consulate so they took care of me themselves. So much for Public > Service at home and abroad. I know of a man by the name of Mr. Arar > that would wholeheartedly agree with me if any of his lawyers had > bothered to tell him about my support of his actions. Let us see if > ordinary folks will fill him in on how I can assist in his sad > complaint. > Since I have deemed my affairs in Canada to be of a far greater > importance at this time, I will let this email at this time stand as a > warning shot over the bow of Mr. Lynch, Mr. Mitchell, Mr. Hodes and > Mr. Nadeau. You should all advise Mr. Eaton that I have some serious > doubts about his integrity. You are all newcomers to me therefore you > have done nothing to offend me. Please view what I have provided you > then ask some questions and act according to your conscience. I will > send a rather substantial email later to reveal some of my Canadian > concerns. > I told the people that answered the phones on your behalf as much > as they were willing to hear. I know that I was short with some of > them the instant I sensed that they didn't believe me. Please believe > that I have even less time to try to convince people that have no time > to listen. I told them that I would forward them an email as soon as I > could and obviously I have. I know I may sound unbelievable but my > actions within NH are nonetheless for real. > I won't bother the nice lady Mayor Evelyn Sirrell with my > political antics she is not running for a seat and she is no lawyer. I > like how the people of New Hampshire support the merits and savvy of > our seniors with the vote. I think the opinions of some Indians of old > have rubbed off on them and properly so. I will leave it for Nancy > Cicco to tell the Mayor of this stuff if she chooses and her boss lets > her of course. Just like Granny D, I feel she is entitled to know. > Last but far from least, I must say hey to my fellow Canadian, > Dave Sackett a founding Partner in The Tarrance Group. If he doesn't > already know what the hell this is all about, he should call some of > his many friends that I have no doubt he knows and ask them. May I > suggest he start with Brian Mulroney, Steven Harper, John Crosbie, > George W. Bush, Clark Kent Irwin, Mitt Romney, Mayor Bloomberg and > Michael E. Shaheen to name a few. I know a particular law firm in > Beantown by the name of Bingham McCutchen that may wish to advise > Sackett to warn all the other Republican Governors etc. about my > wickedly wonderful Weapons of Mass Political Devastation. That law > firm crossed my path when they sued a > Yo Yo from Florida quite a while ago. I bet Sackett knows that too. I > must confess the news about the Lynch crowd stopping The Tarrance > Group's play with Benson was a real hoot for me. I bet Frank McKenna > is laughing too. Ask me why I double dog dare ya. > There are a lot of Canadians listed on the roster of this email. I

> just introduced them all to you. Can you tell a fellow Canadian is > picking a fight with you Sackett? What say we do battle with words. > That is your stock in your trade and I am just a mechanic. You have > lots of people to advise you on what to say and do. I am all alone. > You can never say that I didn't give you the advantage. What say you > sir? Have you got the balls and talent to play my game? > Watch out I study my foes before I pick a fight. A 48th Highlander > taught me that. It was his kilt I wore when running for Parliament and > later into a Yankee jail. I know you and your friends are behind the > curtain helping to pull the strings on the puppets campaigning against > Granny D and her friends. Her adversary Gregg has millions of dollars > to employ against her. Granny D has just some loyal friends. The > Washington Post says she has the same amount of money it took to get > me out of jail. I look upon that as good Karma. I am merely running > tackle for her for free and without her request. As a free man I can > support anyone I wish and there is still the freedom to speak. > Correct? If you dudes are busy with me, maybe she can carry the ball > less impeded to her goal. Interesting EH? > I will be sending some of you more unsolicited emails. The > others I will leave in the dark. May I suggest that those who do > receive them, study them. I will forwarding them on to others as well. > They will see that you got them first and may have some questions for > you about them. I am not harassing you as lawyers love to claim. I am > informing politicians of matters they have a need to know of in order > to properly represent the people they wish to serve. How is that for a > political animal? I think Granny would agree that I am a bit of a > Tiger. I had a sniff and I like her. l will leave her alone in her > just endeavor while I growl at the wolves at my door before I go to > court. > After all it was the lawyers that invited me down from Canada to > argue. They cannot back up and drop the charges after the fact that I > already have done some time towards the matter I have been charged > with. Like a proper Maritimer I enjoy a good fight as long as I know I > am on the right side. That is not a political statement it is the > simple truth about my nature. I am astounded that lawyers are that > dumb. I even told them what I would do. They still didn't believe me > after I already did everything I said I would do. Just because lawyers > are liars it does not follow that I am too. I may not be near as > clever as them but at least I know how to read before I write > something dumb. Good luck trying to understand me. It is a simple > trick. Be brave and try things my way. Think logically and ethically > then act according to your conscience. That simple act does not > require great knowledge or intelligence. Just hold to the Golden Rule > and you will sail on through any dilemma. > Rest assured I am having fun tearing a piece off the folks that > live by the other Golden Rule. "He with the Gold makes the Rules" The > battle between Gregg and Granny D may result in a victory all the > ordinary people will cheer for years. If it is ever gonna happen New > Hampshire is the place and the time is upon us. I sincerely hope that > Granny D passes Old Thurmon's age as Senator by many many years. Like > it or not Granny D I am right behind ya. Never mind me and don't look > back. Please do as I said and YOU GO GIRL and say what you think. > > > >

> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------> Do you Yahoo!? > Yahoo! Mail - CNET Editors' Choice 2004. Tell them what you think. <a > > Inbox 78% of 100.0MB > > > View: All Messages Messages 1-50 of 130First | Previous | Next | Last > DeleteSpamMark Move... > Sender Subject Date Size > cynthia.merlini@ Out of Office AutoReply: > Tony and David thanks for your time Mon 10/25 3k > Woodside, Brad RE: Hey Granny D I called last night and sent an > email to your st aff Mon 10/25 51k > Woodside, Brad RE: Hey Granny D I called last night and sent an > email to your st aff Mon 10/25 51k > Woodside, Brad RE: Hey Granny D I called last night and sent an > email to your st aff Mon 10/25 51k > Woodside, Brad RE: Hey Granny D I called last night and sent an > email to your st aff Mon 10/25 51k > Woodside, Brad RE: Hey Granny D I called last night and sent an > email to your st aff Mon 10/25 51k > Woodside, Brad RE: Hey Granny D I called last night and sent an > email to your st aff Mon 10/25 51k > Woodside, Brad RE: Hey Granny D I called last night and sent an > email to your st aff Mon 10/25 51k > Woodside, Brad RE: Hey Granny D I called last night and sent an > email to your st aff Mon 10/25 51k > Woodside, Brad RE: Hey Granny D I called last night and sent an > email to your st aff Mon 10/25 51k > Woodside, Brad RE: Hey Granny D I called last night and sent an > email to your st aff Mon 10/25 51k > Woodside, Brad RE: Hey Granny D I called last night and sent an > email to your st aff Mon 10/25 51k > Woodside, Brad RE: Hey Granny D I called last night and sent an > email to your st aff Mon 10/25 51k > Woodside, Brad RE: Hey Granny D I called last night and sent an > email to your st aff Mon 10/25 51k > Woodside, Brad RE: Hey Granny D I called last night and sent an > email to your st aff Mon 10/25 51k > GLAHN BILL Out of Office AutoReply: So much for your two parties > ladies Mon 10/25 1k > Mail Delivery System Warning: message 1CLFe9-0000NV-7X delayed 48 > hours Mon 10/25 2k > L-Soft list server at Emory University (1.8e) Carter Center Web > Sun 10/24 2k > MAILER-DAEMON Clinton M. Hendler -- Automatic Reply Sun 10/24 1k > David Amos Fwd: Kathryn allow me to answer Gordon in two words > Sun 10/24 121k > David Amos Fw: I am begging you Sun 10/24 116k > Brad Blanton RE: So much for your two parties ladies Sun 10/24 12k > Abbott-Charters, Marilyn Out of Office AutoReply: So much for > your two parties ladies Sun 10/24 2k > Mail Delivery Subsystem Returned mail: User unknown Sun 10/24 5k > postmaster@ Delivery Status Notification (Failure) > Sun 10/24 10k

> Mail Delivery System Warning: message 1CLFe9-0000NV-7X delayed 24 > hours Sun 10/24 2k > administrator@ Symantec Mail Security detected that > you sent a message with an unscannable atta... Sat 10/23 2k > Byron Prior Re: Kathryn allow me to answer Gordon in two words > Sat 10/23 137k > Byron Prior Re: This is what spooked the Bastards Sat 10/23 17k > Byron Prior Re: This really pissed them off Sat 10/23 11k > MAILER-DAEMON@ failure delivery Sat 10/23 2k > David Amos Say Hey to Tom Finneran for me Sat 10/23 79k > administrator@ Symantec Mail Security detected that > you sent a message with an unscannable atta... Sat 10/23 2k > Kathryn Easter sucks up in Canada Fri 10/22 1k > Kathryn Fwd: This my best effort to protect someone I respect > Fri 10/22 105k > Byron Prior Re: Re: Re: This is too funny many other newsmen will > gossip sooner or later Thu 10/21 75k > Byron Prior Re: Re: This is too funny many other newsmen will > gossip sooner or later Wed 10/20 69k > Kathryn missinf email Wed 10/20 1k > Richard Wright Re: Re: This is too funny many other newsmen will > gossip sooner or later Wed 10/20 31k > David Amos Re: Re: This is too funny many other newsmen will > gossip sooner or later Wed 10/20 54k > David Amos Re: Re: This is too funny many other newsmen will > gossip sooner or later Wed 10/20 51k > Mary E. Gill_CJC Re: Re: This is too funny many other newsmen > will gossip sooner or later Wed 10/20 2k > Mary E. Gill_CJC Re: Why profit from Leonards Troubles Wed 10/20 2k > Robert Jackson Re: Re: This is too funny many other newsmen will > gossip sooner or later Tue 10/19 56k > David Amos Re: Fw: This my best effort to protect someone I > respect Tue 10/19 635k > Robert Jackson Re: Why profit from Leonards Troubles Tue 10/19 6k > Byron Prior Re: Why profit from Leonards Troubles Tue 10/19 6k > Byron Prior Fw: Re: This is too funny many other newsmen will > gossip sooner or later Tue 10/19 57k > Lynne Serpe Re: Another kettle of Fish Tue 10/19 30k > jack cram Re: Re: This is too funny many other newsmen will > gossip sooner or later Tue 10/19 52k > > > Check All - Clear All Messages 1-50 of 130First | Previous | Next | Last > DeleteSpamMark Move... > > > > > From: David Amos <> > Date: Mon, 6 Feb 2012 16:12:59 -0400 > Subject: Re: We were cut off > To: Cara Zwibel <> > > Perhaps we will discuss things before a judge someday soon. > > On 2/6/12, Cara Zwibel <> wrote:

>> Thank you for your reply. I have spoken to our receptionist and she said >> she did not receive a call from you today. She said last week she spoke >> to >> you when you were calling to speak with Nathalie Des Rosiers and offered >> to >> take a message for you but you became angry at this suggestion because >> you >> said other calls for yours to CCLA have not been returned. I have told >> our >> receptionist that if you call again you should be put through to me. In >> any >> event, if she doesn't answer you can access my line directly by entering >> extension 255. >> >> I appreciate you clarifying that you aren't looking for any particular >> type >> of assistance from the CCLA but want to share some history with me. I am >> happy to set up a time for a short call if you'd like, or I can simply >> review the emails you have sent. If you would like to set up a good time >> to >> talk, let me know. Finally, I should let you know that I will be going >> on >> an extended leave from the CCLA in two weeks so I will not be available >> after February 17. If you would like to talk, I suggest we try to >> arrange >> something for this week. >> >> Sincerely, >> Cara >> >> -----Original Message---->> From: David Amos [] >> Sent: Monday, February 06, 2012 2:22 PM >> To: Cara Zwibel >> Subject: Re: We were cut off >> >> Yes the trouble is on my end. While we were talking through my laptop a >> big >> truck went between myself and the wireless IP address I was using. When I >> called you back your receptionist simply hung up the phone on me just >> like >> she did last week when I was trying to talk to your General Counsel >> before >> you spoke on CBC. >> >> That said it seem that you misunderstand me. I am not seeking your >> assistance I am telling you some things you don't know long before we >> ever >> meet in a court in the hope that somebody will finally act ethically. >> Trust >> that your association certianly knows who I am. I even have a signed >> letter >> and emails from Eddie Greenspan more or less telling me to go to hell >> years >> ago. >>

>> FYI your latest General Counsel was the VP of Ottawa U when I questioned >> its >> integrity before one of my political enemies Alan Rock was ever its >> president. >> >> Veritas Vincit >> David Raymond Amos >> 902 800 0369 >> >> On 2/6/12, Cara Zwibel <> wrote: >>> Dear Mr. Amos, >>> >>> We were just speaking by phone but we seem to have been cut off. I >>> tried calling you back on the number 902-800-0369 but it went straight >>> to voicemail. Please feel free to contact me again at your >>> convenience. I should mention that the message you left for me on >>> Friday was also partially cut off, so perhaps there is an issue with the >>> phone line you are using. >>> >>> As I was starting to say during our call, I have reviewed some of your >>> emails but they appear to relate to a whole variety of different >>> issues and cases spanning many years and I have therefore not reviewed >>> all of the emails, attachments and links you have sent. If there is >>> some particular issue or case you are calling about today, it would be >>> best if we could discuss that when we connect and then I can determine >>> what else, if anything, I might need to review to get a sense of >>> whether CCLA can assist you in some way (if that is in fact what you are >>> looking for). >>> >>> I appreciate you have expressed some concerns about writing or calling >>> CCLA in the past and not being able to speak or connect with anyone. >>> I do apologize about this. As CCLA is an organization with limited >>> resources and a very small staff we are not always able to respond to >>> everyone who contacts us but we are always working on ways to improve >>> how we handle correspondence. >>> >>> Sincerely, >>> >>> >>> Cara Faith Zwibel, LL.B., LL.M. >>> Director, Fundamental Freedoms Program/ Directrice, programme liberts >>> fondamentales >>> >>> Canadian Civil Liberties Association/ Association canadienne des >>> liberts civiles >>> 360 Bloor St. West, Suite 506 / 360 rue Bloor Ouest, Bureau 506 >>> Toronto, ON M5S 1X1 >>> tel: 416 363 0321 ext. 255 >>> email: >>> web: >>> twitter: @cancivlib >>> >>> >>> >>> This electronic mail message may contain privileged and confidential >>> information intended solely for the recipient(s) named in it. Any

>>> further distribution or use of this message without the sender's >>> permission is prohibited. If you have received this message in error, >>> please immediately notify the sender and delete this message. >>> >>> Ce message lectronique peut contenir des informations privilgies et >>> confidentielles destines uniquement aux destinataires dsigns. Toute >>> diffusion ou utilisation de ce message sans autorisation de >>> l'expditeur est interdite. Si vous avez reu ce message par erreur, >>> veuillez aviser l'expditeur immdiatement et supprimer ce message. >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >> >> > > On 2/8/12, Kelly, David <> wrote: >> Ms. Greene, >> >> As per your below e-mail request. >> >> As I have told you many times before, I will forward your concerns to our >> City Legal Department and City Administrator including Mayor & Council. >> With >> respect to your e-mail with the subject of "Mr. Richard, Ombudsman" it >> appears to content a concern or complaint relating to a member of the >> Fredericton Police Force. I want to let you know that any complaints >> that >> you have that relate to the conduct of police officers should be directed >> to >> the New Brunswick Police Commission. The New Brunswick Police Commission >> is >> an independent body that investigates and addresses complaints concerning >> the conduct of police officers (telephone: 453-2069). >> >> Members of City Council do not deal with complaints against municipal >> staff, >> which include police officers, as such, I am unable to provide >> assistance >> and will not be further responding to your e-mail nor forwarding a copy >> to >> members of City Council. This also applies to any additional >> communications >> of the same type and nature that you have previously sent to me or may in >> the future send to me. With respect to your e-mail, subject "FW: >> Disclosure >> still outstanding" it appears to relate to some type of legal matter as >> well >> as a police matter, please be advised that Council does not become >> involved >> in legal matters or day-to-day operations of the police force. Again, as >> I >> have indicated before, if you have a concern or complaint relating to a

>> member of the Fredericton Police Force, the matter should be directed to >> the >> New Brunswick Police Commission. The Commission is an independent body >> that >> investigates and addresses complaints concerning the conduct of police >> officers (telephone: 453-2069). As such, I am not able to provide you >> with >> assistance. >> David Kelly, Deputy Mayor >> City Councillor/Conseiller Ward/Quartier 12 >> 128 Chemin/ Golf Club Road, Fredericton >> The "Capital" City Of New Brunswick/Nouveau Brunswick, Canada >> E3B 5M6 H/W (506) 458-8518 fax 443-0808 >> e-mail:<> >> City Website:<> >> >> "Fredericton...what a city should be/toute une ville". >> "Volunteers aren't unpaid because they're worthless, volunteers are >> unpaid >> because they are priceless"- Author unknown >> "There are no mistakes in life, only lessons"- Donald E. Kelly (my >> Father) >> >> "We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give">> Winston >> Churchill >> "You treat each day as "special" David because you never know what >> tomorrow >> will bring"- Donald E. Kelly (my Father said this to me in Hospital in >> June >> 1975 after he fell off a roof leaving him a paraplegic) >> >> From: Evelyn Greene [] >> Sent: Wednesday, February 08, 2012 9:11 AM >> To: Kelly, David >> Cc: Woodside, Brad; MacPherson, Chris; Knight, Brenda; >>; >>;;; >>;;; >>;;; >>;; >>; >>;;; >> >> Subject: CITY POLICE CHIEF AND CERTAIN OFFICERS, CITY OF FREDERICTON; >> MALICIOUS PROSECUTION BY CROWN; GOVERNMENT WILLFUL BLINDNESS >> UNCONSTITUTIONAL SELF-REGULATED GOVERNMENT PROSECUTION >> >> TO: DAVID KELLY, DEPUTY MAYOR, CITY OF FREDERICTON >> >> AND TO: MAYOR BRAD WOODSIDE >> >> AND TO: ALL COUNCIL MEMBERS OF THE CITY OF FREDERICTON >> >> AND TO: CHRIS MACPHERSON, CIVIC AUTHORITY >>

>> AND TO: BRENDA KNIGHT AND THE OTHER THREE CITY CLERKS >> >> AND TO: N.B. POLICE COMMISSION, MR. PETER SEHEULT >> >> AND TO: HON. PREMIER DAVID ALWARD AND CABINET MEMBERS >> >> AND TO: HON.MARIE CLAUDE BLAIS, ATTORNEY GENERAL/JUSTICE MINISTER >> >> AND TO: JUDITH KEATING, DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL OF NEW BRUNSWICK >> >> AND TO: MR. LUC LABONTE, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS >> >> AND TO: GUY DAIGLE, ASST. ATTORNEY GENERAL >> >> AND TO: NANCY FORBES, SOLICITOR FOR THE ATTORNEY GENERAL >> >> AND TO; PIERRE CASTONGUAY, DIRECTOR OF (CRIMINAL) PROSECUTIONS >> >> AND TO: NB OMBUDSMAN, FRANCOISE LEVERT >> >> >> DEAR MR. KELLY: >> >> THIS WILL CONFIRM OUR RECENT TELEPHONE COVERSATIONS AND THE ONE WE HAD >> THIS >> MORNING, FEBRUARY 8, 2012. >> >> I NEED TO CONFIRM THE FOLLOWING POINTS WITH YOU THAT YOU RECENTLY >> CONFIRMED >> TO ME: >> >> (1) That you have sent all my recent emails to the council members; to >> the >> Mayor, Mr. Woodside, to the Civic Authority, Mr. MacPherson, the City >> Clerks, including Brenda Knight; and the City Solicitor, Michelle Brzak. >> >> (2) That you did not care what the article said this morning on Charles >> LeBlanc's blog, regarding the responsibilities of the City and its Mayor >> and >> Council Members, its civic authority, etc. and the roles of the Crown and >> the Government were not of interest to you because you believe you have >> no >> legal responsibility to make the Chief and certain of his officers >> accountable to you and the other members of council, that it is a police >> matter best left with the N.B. Police Commission and perhaps the N.B. >> Ombudsman. >> >> (3) That you do not care that the Police Commission and the N.B. >> Ombudsman >> went behind my back in a concerted effort to block my right to Justice >> last >> May/June 2011 albeit I have the memo revealing same; >> >> (4) Why would you refer me back to public heads of government who you >> know >> play dirty?;

>> >> (5) That you received all my evidence of my having been beaten up at >> Ambulance N.B. by Cst. Nancy Rideout out I find out recently has a >> similar >> claim against her in the Court of Queen's Bench by a Mr. Andre Murray >> with >> similar fact abuse and excessive force; I also told you I never met Mr. >> Murray; >> >> (6) That you had no responsibility to check with Chief MacKnight to >> ascertain if there are more complaints against Cst. Rideout, Cst. >> Sebastien >> Blanchette; Cst. Darryl Carter and Cst. Andrew Phillips; all who were >> involved in my beating while I have an implanted heart >> defibrillator/pacemaker and contact sport can even break the leads; plus >> I >> have a doctor report submitted to the Crown showing I have hypoglycemia >> and >> that day I went into sinus tach. which makes people, at least me, dizzy, >> sick to stomach, etc. Two police reports show that I told them upon >> entering the room that I was sick to my stomach; so how could I be a >> threat >> to them or anyone else. >> >> (7) I was in a public place which I have a right to be in, requesting >> medical attention, which was arbitrarily refused. Instead the paramedic, >> Dennis Boyce, called 911 and four (4) police officers, in four separate >> cars >> arrived and two officers came at me in dog pile fashion and grabbed my >> arm, >> never yet telling me I was under arrest or why. When I brushed away her >> arm >> after she assaulted me, and without cause, she said I was under arrest >> for >> assaulting police officers. Albeit I was sick, they put my hands behind >> my >> back and handcuffed me to a point of real torture and Cst. Rideout kept >> tightening the handcuffs. I was punched, kneed in the back of the leg; >> she >> pressed hard on the top of my shoulders near my defibrillator and punched >> my >> head into the back of the crusier. Also just before this, I said, "I have >> a >> defibrillator and it feels like it is squeezing out of my chest." She >> replied: "If you conk our here, we have paramedics." >> I asked if she could get my purse with my heart nitro puffer out of it as >> I >> have angina, and she said no. She took me to Police Headquarters and >> fingerprinted me for a summary charge. They impounded my car. Here I >> was >> at 61 with all these medical issues and being fingerprinted and charged. >> This is in violation of Section 7, 11, 12, 24 of the Charter of Rights. >> It >> was an illegal arrest because I was doing nothing wrong, was of no threat >> to >> anyone or myself and they knew that.

>> >> (8) Cst. Darryl Carter later said he did not make it that day to >> Ambulance >> N.B., but he was there. Finally, I did get a statement saying he was not >> there, but if you listen to the audio from the police cruisers and >> dispatchers you will see that he was there. >> >> (9) At approx. 8:00 p.m. the dispatch records given to me show different >> times on them as opposed to what shows on the CCTV video evidence given >> by >> Ambulance N.B. to the police and then to the Crown. In fact, one of the >> culprits, Sebastian Blanchette, is the officer in charge of the evidence >> and >> he sends it to the Crown who has accepted it knowing about the >> discrepancies. Cst. Blanchette, for months, told the crown that the only >> pictures of Greene were her mugshots, which was a lie as I had 7 pictures >> taken of my bruises and soft tissue injury. >> >> (10) I have a dr. report of my soft tissue injuries and bruises by my >> family Dr., Dr. Savita Karol. >> >> (11) I wrote 4 complaints against each officer and the paramedics and >> the >> paramedics were all interviewed at the same time on May 13, 2011, the >> date >> in question, by one of the other cuprits, Cst. Andrew Phillips. >> >> (12) The CD of the CCTV evidence given by Ambulance N.B. to the police >> and >> crown is badly compromised and there are incidents of up to 4 minute >> splitting taken place. In another place, a police officer magically >> appears. I have the written documents from Outreach Productions pointing >> out these unacceptable video evidence. >> >> (13) I spoke with Richard Parent, the service co-ordinator for Atlantic >> Alarm and Sound and he said they never got a call to service that >> property. >> he said the only time they were ever there was to clean the cameras. He >> said there are 14 cameras, and there are 4 cameras on each side of the >> paramedic station. He said that if one camera is not working, the other >> cameras pick up the slack, but he said he was unaware of any issue >> regarding >> this. Then I get in touch with the owner who tells me that the service >> co-ordinator had no business telling me this. That is why the service >> co-ordinator needs to be questioned. >> >> (14) Chief MacKnight confirmed to me that he was not going to ask for a >> warrant to look at the original CCTV evidence which is easily done by a >> registered CCTV installer. MacKnight said there were four officers there >> and that is enough evidence, forgetting they are all culprits and the two >> paramedics stood by and watch the beating. The one paramedic Jennifer >> Marshall wrote two reports, making it look like it was the student >> paramedic >> Chrystal Dunphy when I asked Ambulance N.B. for statements under the >> Right >> to Information. The student, Ms. Dunphy is now working as a Paramedic in

>> Campbellton for Ambulance N.B. >> >> (15) The Chief refused to bring in outside investigators. >> >> (16) The crown refused to send my file to the specialized crown >> prosecutor >> which is in the guidelines when complaints are made against the police >> who >> have charged the complainant. >> >> (17) I have given much medical evidence to exonerate myself to the Crown >> who to this day has not commented on what is wrong on the tampered CD >> that >> took place only on May 13, 2011. >> >> (18) There have been six prosecutors to date on my file; none of whom >> have >> had time to review the file as they seemingly just receive it before a >> hearing takes place. >> >> (19) Judge Jackson said he could not order Ambulance N.B. to produce the >> CCTV evidence (original) because it is not a crown corporation. However, >> it >> is a crown corporation under Part 3 of the Public Service Labor Relations >> Act. Also, I had it confirmed from the office employee of the Dept. of >> Health that indeed it is a crown corporation. >> >> (20) I have asked the Judges to date to send the tampered CD evidence to >> the RCMP crime lab but Judge Richards said it is too expensive, however >> many >> other cases have had this done with no excuses. Then I offered to pay >> for >> the costs of the RCMP to look at it but it still was not an option. >> >> (21) I contacted the RCMP who refused to look at the CD evidence as has >> the >> NB Police Commission. Police Inspector Lucie Dubois told me that the >> Minister of Public Safety, Robert Trevors, would not allow them to >> investigate this CD or anything else related to this file. >> >> (22) I was told that the charge was okayed by Assistant Deputy Attorney >> General Guy Daigle, but he had no reason to go ahead because he did not >> know >> the facts; he never interviewed the witnesses independently; he knew >> there >> was no outside investigaor appointment; he knew about the four police >> complaints, and he knew about my health conditions. All of which I can >> prove. >> >> (23) I have two heart specialist appointments this week; one today and >> one >> on Friday. All of this stress is taking its toll and I have been having >> chest pains and the stress alone is not good for me. I have approached >> Mr. >> Kelly to ask that he go to council, ask them to look at my CD audio and >> video evidence to make an informed decision to have the police

>> investigated >> for corruption and to dismiss the charges. As I told Mr. kelly, I have >> two >> daughters who are professional university grads and if this consideration >> is >> not given to me soon, and I die then there will be hell to pay for this >> prolongation of abuse. >> >> (24) I am sending a copy of a report from CBC on defibrillators which I >> trust you all will read because it states very clearly the many problems >> women in general have had with implanted devices and the chances of leads >> breaking. >> >> (25) It is my position that Cst. nancy Rideout would walk over a dead >> body >> and turn around and spit on it. She now has a pattern of excessive force >> and in my case, attempted culpable homicide. Ask Mr. Andrea Murray, Jenn >> Wambolt, Sally Brooks, Luc Begin, Charles LeBlanc how they have been >> treated >> by law enforcement and ask if any of them have been refused medications >> and >> the right to fair process. >> >> (26) I request the MacNeil reports on the officers backgrounds months >> ago >> and Crown Prosecutor Hilary Drain denies having anything relevant. Well >> what about Cst. Rideout beating up Mr. Murray in 2009. That is relevant. >> How do officers get the crown to conceal evidence? >> >> (27) I was told by David Banks of the 911 Dispatch that he gave the 911 >> call that was made on my behalf on May 13, 2011, to the Crown, however, >> the >> Crown denies having it to disclose. >> >> Ladies and Gentlemen: Again read the Charles LeBlanc's blog with a well >> written report on the City councillors responsibilites to act when the >> mayor >> refuses to do so. You will all be held accountable for your actions, and >> you cannot be protected by liability insurance when you act outside of >> the >> act in a way that is against justice and the constitution and Charter. >> >> The Charter hangs in the Mayor's office. I suggest you read it and then >> get >> back to me as to what your position is on dropping these bogus charges if >> for no other reason that my heart and other health issues. >> >> Thank you. >> >> Evelyn Greene >> >> >> >> >> >>

>> ________________________________ >> >> This electronic mail, including any attachments, is confidential and is >> for >> the sole use of the intended recipient and may be privileged. Any >> unauthorized distribution, copying, disclosure or review is prohibited. >> Neither communication over the Internet nor disclosure to anyone other >> than >> the intended recipient constitutes waiver of privilege. If you are not >> the >> intended recipient, please immediately notify the sender and then delete >> this communication and any attachments from your computer system and >> records >> without saving or forwarding it. Thank you. >> >> >> > ----- Original Message ----From: David Amos To: ; ; ; ; Cc: ; ; evelyngreene ; ; ; MacKnightb Sent: Wednesday, February 22, 2012 2:22 PM Subject: Chucky's lawyer can't play dumb with me now EH Freddy Baby?

Steven D. Foulds - Steven Foulds Law Office 65 Shore St Fredericton, NB E3B 1R3 Tel (506) 292-0283 Fax (506) 454-8014

From: "Loiseau, Frederic" <> Date: Wed, 9 Jul 2008 00:58:48 -0300 Subject: RE: Yo Woodsman Werner and Danny Boy :) Your defence of me is greatly appreciated THANX To: David Amos <> Mr. Amos, with respect, I am asking you to stop sending me e-mails as I have no interest in you and your peronnal life. I respect your

opinions of life and personal beliefs but would appreciate that you respect my personnal life and stop sending me e-mails. You have every rights to share your opinions with others however, I have no reasons to be involved in this. Thank you kindly.

At first I though you spelled Soviet wrong Werner but then I realized it is how Germans' spell it. Now that is funny but it proved you sincerity to Danny Boy Fitzgerald as well because he supplied the link to it. QSLS Politics By Location Visit Detail Visit 4,450 Domain Name ? (Network) IP Address 142.167.95.# (Stentor National Integrated Communications Network) ISP Stentor National Integrated Communications Network Location Continent : North America Country : Canada (Facts) State/Region : New Brunswick City : Fredericton Lat/Long : 45.95, -66.6333 (Map) Language English (U.S.) en-us Operating System Microsoft WinXP Browser Internet Explorer 7.0 Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; SIMBAR=; .NET CLR 1.1.4322) Javascript version 1.3 Monitor Resolution : 1024 x 768 Color Depth : 32 bits Time of Visit Jul 9 2008 1:32:02 am Last Page View Jul 9 2008 2:14:38 am

Visit Length 42 minutes 36 seconds Page Views 12 Referring URL Search Engine Search Words daviis raymond amos scribd Visit Entry Page http://qslspolitics....ed-citys-finest.html Visit Exit Page Out Click Post a Comment http://www.blogger.c...=5380982293229221728 Time Zone UTC-4:00 Visitor's Time Jul 8 2008 8:32:02 pm Visit Number 4,450 QSLS Politics By Location Visit Detail Visit 4,458 Domain Name ? (Network) IP Address 156.34.28.# (Aliant Telecom) ISP Aliant Telecom Location Continent : North America Country : Canada (Facts) State/Region : New Brunswick City : Moncton Lat/Long : 46.0833, -64.7667 (Map) Language English (U.S.) en-us Operating System Microsoft WinXP Browser Firefox Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20080623 Firefox/ Javascript version 1.5 Monitor Resolution : 1024 x 768 Color Depth : 24 bits Time of Visit Jul 9 2008 3:47:22 am Last Page View Jul 9 2008 3:47:22 am Visit Length 0 seconds Page Views 1 Referring URL http://charlesotherp...cked-up-by-rcmp.html Visit Entry Page http://qslspolitics....leblower-part-4.html Visit Exit Page http://qslspolitics....leblower-part-4.html Out Click Time Zone UTC-4:00 Visitor's Time Jul 8 2008 10:47:22 pm Visit Number 4,458 QSLS Politics

By Location Visit Detail Visit 4,449 Domain Name ? (Network) IP Address 142.166.66.# (Stentor National Integrated Communications Network) ISP Stentor National Integrated Communications Network Location Continent : North America Country : Canada (Facts) State/Region : New Brunswick City : Saint John Lat/Long : 45.2667, -66.0667 (Map) Language English (U.S.)en-us Operating System Microsoft WinXP Browser Firefox Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20080623 Firefox/ Javascript version 1.5 Monitor Resolution : 1024 x 768 Color Depth : 32 bits Time of Visit Jul 9 2008 12:28:21 am Last Page View Jul 9 2008 12:49:25 am Visit Length 21 minutes 4 seconds Page Views 9 Referring URL Visit Entry Page Visit Exit Page Out Click Time Zone UTC-4:00 Visitor's Time Jul 8 2008 7:28:21 pm Visit Number 4,449 QSLS Politics By Location Visit Detail Visit 4,451 Domain Name ? (Network) IP Address 142.166.66.# (Stentor National Integrated Communications Network) ISP Stentor National Integrated Communications Network Location Continent : North America Country : Canada (Facts) State/Region : New Brunswick City : Saint John Lat/Long : 45.2667, -66.0667 (Map) Language English (U.S.)en-us Operating System Microsoft WinXP Browser Firefox Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20080623 Firefox/

Javascript version 1.5 Monitor Resolution : 1024 x 768 Color Depth : 32 bits Time of Visit Jul 9 2008 1:56:09 am Last Page View Jul 9 2008 2:00:01 am Visit Length 3 minutes 52 seconds Page Views 2 Referring URL Visit Entry Page Visit Exit Page http://qslspolitics....nswick-landgrab.html Out Click Time Zone UTC-4:00 Visitor's Time Jul 8 2008 8:56:09 pm Visit Number 4,451

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Change of heart: Charles LeBlanc speaks with reporters outside the Justice Building in Fredericton in this file photo after pleading guilty to a disturbance charge. LeBlanc says he's recanting his guilty plea.


LeBlanc wants to recant guilty plea

By DON MACPHERSON 21 Feb 2012 10:05AM An anti-poverty activist and blogger who pleaded guilty last month to causing a disturbance is

appealing his conviction, arguing his guilty plea wasnt voluntary. Charles Joseph LeBlanc of 1-145 Westmorland St. pleaded guilty in January to a charge of causing a disturbance between Aug. 8-Sept. 14. The disturbance in question was his one-man protest in front of the Fredericton Police Force station on Queen Street, during which he used a megaphone to declare his allegations and concerns about policing in Fredericton. LeBlanc pleaded not guilty to the charge, and on his blog, he rallied against the city police and promised to take them and private citizens who complained about his protest to task during his trial. On the day of the trial, though, he changed his plea to guilty after he and some supporters met with the Crown prosecutor who was handling the trial. LeBlanc was sentenced to six months probation, the conditions of which were to keep the peace and be of good behaviour, perform 20 hours of community-service work and refrain from using a sound-amplification device. Last week, a notice of appeal was filed with the Court of Queens Bench in Fredericton, challenging the conviction. Appeals of summary charges dealt with in provincial court are typically handled in Queens Bench, not the New Brunswick Court of Appeal. The appellant will ask this court to quash the conviction and order a new trial, the notice of appeal stated. The grounds of the appellants appeal are that the appellants plea of guilty was uninformed and involuntary. LeBlanc wasnt represented by counsel when the disturbance charge made its way through provincial court. However, his notice of appeal was filed by criminal defence lawyer Steve Foulds, whos noted on the document as LeBlancs counsel on appeal. Neither Foulds nor LeBlanc could be reached for comment Monday. On the day of his guilty plea and sentencing, LeBlanc expressed concern after his proceedings about one of the conditions of his probation namely that he was to keep the peace and be of good behaviour. Thats a standard condition included in all probation orders, and it means to stay out of any trouble that could involve the police. The blogger whos butted heads with city police on numerous occasions worried the condition would mean the police could arrest him any time he did or wrote something that irritated officers. Three days after his conviction and sentence on the disturbance charge, police executed a search warrant at LeBlancs home and seized computer equipment in connection with a criminal-libel investigation. Documents related to the search warrant that were filed with the provincial court indicate the libel investigation stems from statement on LeBlancs blog about Const. Fred Loiseau of the city police force. On his blog, LeBlanc claimed the officer was a sexual pervert who touched him inappropriately when he issued the blogger a bylaw citation last year. One of the recurring themes of his protest last fall in the front of the police was that claim about Loiseau. LeBlanc was arrested at his home at the time of the search and released on conditions from police custody on a promise to appear in provincial court April 20 to answer to a charge of libel.

That charge has yet to be laid in court. LeBlanc is also due to appear in provincial court April 11 for trials on alleged infractions of the city bicycle bylaws.
----- Original Message ----From: David Amos To: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Cc: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Sent: Monday, June 11, 2007 1:35 PM Subject: Attention William Corby I am entitled to an answer from the RCMP BEFORE we meet in court N'est Pas?

"Murphy, Michael B. (DH/MS)" <> wrote: Subject: Date: Tue, 30 Jan 2007 12:02:35 -0400 From: "Murphy, Michael B. \(DH/MS\)" <> To: <>

January 30, 2007


Dear Mr. Amos: This will acknowledge receipt of a copy of your e-mail of December 29, 2006 to Corporal Warren McBeath of the RCMP. Because of the nature of the allegations made in your message, I have taken the measure of forwarding a copy to Assistant Commissioner Steve Graham of the RCMP J Division in Fredericton. Sincerely,

Honourable Michael B. Murphy Minister of Health CM/cb Date: Fri, 29 Dec 2006 17:34:53 -0500 From: "Warren McBeath" <>,,, To:,,,,, CC:, "Bev BUSSON" <>, "Paul Dube" <> Re: Remember me Kilgour? Landslide Annie McLellan has forgotten me but the crooks Subject: within the RCMP have n

Dear Mr. Amos, Thank you for your follow up e-mail to me today. I was on days off over the holidays and returned to work this evening. Rest assured I was not ignoring or procrastinating to respond to your concerns. As your attachment sent today refers from Premier Graham, our position is clear on your dead calf issue: Our forensic labs do not process testing on animals in cases such as yours, they are referred to the Atlantic Veterinary College in Charlottetown who can
provide these services. If you do not choose to utilize their expertise in this instance, then that is your decision and nothing more can be done. As for your other concerns regarding the US Government, false imprisonment and Federal Court Dates in the US, etc... it is clear that Federal authorities are aware of your concerns both in Canada and the US. These issues do not fall into the purvue of Detachment

policing in Petitcodiac, NB. It was indeed an interesting and informative conversation we had on December 23rd, and I wish you well in all of your future endeavors. Sincerely, Warren McBeath, Cpl. GRC Caledonia RCMP Traffic Services NCO Ph: (506) 387-2222 Fax: (506) 387-4622 E-mail
Get the free Yahoo! toolbar and rest assured with the added security of spyware protection. ----- Original Message ----From: "David Amos" <> To: "Cara Zwibel" <> Sent: Monday, February 06, 2012 5:12 PM Subject: Re: We were cut off Perhaps we will discuss things before a judge someday soon. On 2/6/12, Cara Zwibel <> wrote: > Thank you for your reply. I have spoken to our receptionist and she said > she did not receive a call from you today. She said last week she spoke to > you when you were calling to speak with Nathalie Des Rosiers and offered to > take a message for you but you became angry at this suggestion because you > said other calls for yours to CCLA have not been returned. I have told our > receptionist that if you call again you should be put through to me. In any > event, if she doesn't answer you can access my line directly by entering > extension 255. > > I appreciate you clarifying that you aren't looking for any particular type > of assistance from the CCLA but want to share some history with me. I am > happy to set up a time for a short call if you'd like, or I can simply > review the emails you have sent. If you would like to set up a good time to > talk, let me know. Finally, I should let you know that I will be going on > an extended leave from the CCLA in two weeks so I will not be available > after February 17. If you would like to talk, I suggest we try to arrange > something for this week. > > Sincerely, > Cara > > -----Original Message----> From: David Amos [] > Sent: Monday, February 06, 2012 2:22 PM > To: Cara Zwibel > Subject: Re: We were cut off > > Yes the trouble is on my end. While we were talking through my laptop a big > truck went between myself and the wireless IP address I was using. When I > called you back your receptionist simply hung up the phone on me just like > she did last week when I was trying to talk to your General Counsel before > you spoke on CBC. > > That said it seem that you misunderstand me. I am not seeking your > assistance I am telling you some things you don't know long before we ever > meet in a court in the hope that somebody will finally act ethically. Trust > that your association certianly knows who I am. I even have a signed letter

> and emails from Eddie Greenspan more or less telling me to go to hell years > ago. > > FYI your latest General Counsel was the VP of Ottawa U when I questioned its > integrity before one of my political enemies Alan Rock was ever its > president. > > Veritas Vincit > David Raymond Amos > 902 800 0369 > > On 2/6/12, Cara Zwibel <> wrote: >> Dear Mr. Amos, >> >> We were just speaking by phone but we seem to have been cut off. I >> tried calling you back on the number 902-800-0369 but it went straight >> to voicemail. Please feel free to contact me again at your >> convenience. I should mention that the message you left for me on >> Friday was also partially cut off, so perhaps there is an issue with the >> phone line you are using. >> >> As I was starting to say during our call, I have reviewed some of your >> emails but they appear to relate to a whole variety of different >> issues and cases spanning many years and I have therefore not reviewed >> all of the emails, attachments and links you have sent. If there is >> some particular issue or case you are calling about today, it would be >> best if we could discuss that when we connect and then I can determine >> what else, if anything, I might need to review to get a sense of >> whether CCLA can assist you in some way (if that is in fact what you are >> looking for). >> >> I appreciate you have expressed some concerns about writing or calling >> CCLA in the past and not being able to speak or connect with anyone. >> I do apologize about this. As CCLA is an organization with limited >> resources and a very small staff we are not always able to respond to >> everyone who contacts us but we are always working on ways to improve >> how we handle correspondence. >> >> Sincerely, >> >> >> Cara Faith Zwibel, LL.B., LL.M. >> Director, Fundamental Freedoms Program/ Directrice, programme liberts >> fondamentales >> >> Canadian Civil Liberties Association/ Association canadienne des >> liberts civiles >> 360 Bloor St. West, Suite 506 / 360 rue Bloor Ouest, Bureau 506 >> Toronto, ON M5S 1X1 >> tel: 416 363 0321 ext. 255 >> email: >> web: >> twitter: @cancivlib >> >> >>

>> This electronic mail message may contain privileged and confidential >> information intended solely for the recipient(s) named in it. Any >> further distribution or use of this message without the sender's >> permission is prohibited. If you have received this message in error, >> please immediately notify the sender and delete this message. >> >> Ce message lectronique peut contenir des informations privilgies et >> confidentielles destines uniquement aux destinataires dsigns. Toute >> diffusion ou utilisation de ce message sans autorisation de >> l'expditeur est interdite. Si vous avez reu ce message par erreur, >> veuillez aviser l'expditeur immdiatement et supprimer ce message. >>

----- Original Message ----From: "David Amos" <> To: <>; "acampbell" <>; "alan.white" <>; "maritme_malaise" <>; "tracy" <>; "water" <>; "water" <>; "Penny Bright" <>; <>; <>; "nbpolitico" <>; "nb. premier" <>; "bairdj" <>; "Nycole.Turmel" <>; "toewsv1" <>; "danfour" <>; "mike.wilson" <>; <>; "tim4nm" <>; "jeff.harrington" <>; "jimemberger" <>; "Samarnold3" <>; <>; "webo" <> Cc: "newsroom" <>; "newsonline" <>; "Newsroom" <>; "Bathurst, News Max" <>; "Mohawk Nation News" <>; "newshour" <> Sent: Friday, September 16, 2011 9:48 PM Subject: Too bad so sad that nobody in New Brunswick ever had the balls to be real journalist or activist EH Heather? > Thus you must write about whatever Irvings' butt buddies are up such > as Chucky Leblanc and his bicyle laments > > > > Lets see if you can explain to the other so called journalists what > this is about > > ---------- Forwarded message ---------> From: David Amos <> > Date: Fri, 16 Sep 2011 14:11:44 -0300 > Subject: RE: Interpol Query Big Bad Billy Elliot finally responded to > you only because of your call to J Divsion and my call the Brits in > Ottawa

> To: "shahtx(gmail)" <>, "alfred.smithers" > <>, danfour <>, >, thepurplevioletpress > <>, "Barry.MacKnight" > <>, "Wayne.Lang" > <>, "Gilles. Blinn" > <>, "gilles.moreau" > <>, oig <>, OIG > <>, "rick. skinner" <>, > "Jacques.Poitras" <>, "jacques.nasser" > <> > Cc: "" <>, > "j.kroes" <> > > ---------- Forwarded message ---------> From: "shahtx(gmail)" <> > Date: Fri, 16 Sep 2011 08:38:08 -0800 > Subject: FW: Interpol Query > To: David Amos <> > > _____ > > From: William Elliott [] > Sent: Friday, September 16, 2011 7:31 AM > To: > Subject: Interpol Query > > > Dear Mr. Shah: > > Thank you for your email of September 3, 2011, and subsequent messages > regarding your personal situation. I regret the delay in responding. > > The INTERPOL General Secretariat in Lyon, France, is responsible for issuing > Red Notices on behalf of its 188 member countries. We have passed on your > concerns to the INTERPOL Command and Coordination Centre. You may wish to > contact them by telephone at 00 33 472 44 7676. > > The Commission for the Control of INTERPOL's Files is an independent body > which oversees the processing and broadcast of Red Notices as well as > requests concerning the information contained therein. You may also wish to > contact the Commission, at the following address: > > Commission for the Control of INTERPOL's Files > 200 quai Charles de Gaulle > 69006 Lyon

> FRANCE > > I trust that this information will be of assistance to you. > > > William J.S. Elliott > > No virus found in this incoming message. > Checked by AVG - > Version: 9.0.914 / Virus Database: 271.1.1/3898 - Release Date: 09/15/11 > 10:34:00

----- Original Message ----From: David Amos To: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Cc: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2007 11:41 PM Subject: Remember Danny Boy Copp fo Fat fred City Finest?

"Copp, Danny" <> wrote: From: "Copp, Danny" <> To: "''" <> Subject: your correspondence Date: Thu, 7 Oct 2004 15:25:29 -0300 Mr. Amos, I am acknowledging receipt of your voice-mail message on October 6th, 2004 and your several e-mails with numerous attachments. In your voice mail you indicated that your are in receipt of my letter dated September 30, 2004. The material received from you does not address the specific points raised in my correspondence. As indicated, would you please provide greater detail regarding: * In what manner the police officers assisted the Sergeant at Arms in banning you from the New Brunswick Legislature. * What, if any explanation was provided to you by the police officers and/or Sgt at Arms regarding their actions * Any explanation or evidence that you might be able to provide which would support your allegation that the conduct of

the officers was "for political not legal reasons" Thank you for your assistance in this matter - I await your response. S/Sgt Danny Copp NCO I/C Personnel/Support Division Fredericton Police Force "Providing Quality Service to our Clients" ----- Original Message ----From: "David Amos" <> To: <>; <>; "myson333 We are Fred up" <>; "advocacycollective" <>; "thepurplevioletpress" <>; "thenewbrunswicker" <>; "Barry Winters" <>; "evelyngreene" <>; "Arthur Taylor" <> Cc: "occupyfredericton" <>; <>; <>; "dan. bussieres" <>; "mclaughlin.heather" <> Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2012 10:45 PM Subject: Re Barby Baird and Danny Copp Your Wingnuts really should have asked me about them and Brucy Noble N'esy Pas Chucky Baby? > Both Barby and Brucy were in most of my classes in High School in Fat > Fred City including Latin and Special French > > My my what snobby woman EH Mr Baconfat? > > > > BTW AS SOON AS MS GREENE MADE FALSE ALLEGATIONS AGAINST ME BECAUSE OF > TEXT CONTAINING SWEAR WORDS FROM NORRAD'S BLOG THE GLOVES CAME OFF. > > I NOTICED YOU WERE QUICK TO REPOST MY NAME IN YOUR BLOG AFTER YOUR OLD > BUDDY MR BACONFAT SHOWED FAT FRED CITY IS EVIL ARSE ON APRIL FOOLS DAY > > From: Evelyn Greene <> > Subject: RE: Sally is still there and comments constantly > To: David Amos > Date: Friday, February 24, 2012, 5:43 PM > > > Hi David, hope you are well. You may have misunderstood me, my > friend. I think it is great for Sally to keep on talking against the > Police and all and I have no problem with that whatsoever. In fact, > in a way, it helps me. Also, I am not interested in getting on the > blog because I found out something this week that I will not write > anyone about yet. It is hot. I also found out that one of the two > lawyers that Sally fired, Stephen Foulds, a legal aid lawyer, is now > Charles LeBlanc's lawyer. If Sally gets her two cents worth into > advice to Charles, and she will, he won't know which way to turn. She > was going to lay a complaint against Stephen Foulds. > > I like them to keep on ranting about Brad and Barry. No skin off my > back. I am taking a more professional and confidential approach.

> > I only wish Sally well. If she knew what was good for her, she would > not be on that blog, spilling her guts over and over about the same > thing. Her energy is better spent looking up case law and continually > asking for disclosure and other documents. > > I have been so busy getting my house ready for sale, etc. I am > working on some court papers and I have no interest in responding to > blogs now. I have someone who is putting info in the Globe and Mail > about my story on a small scale basis right now. > > I will be keeping more in the background, but nonetheless moving forward. > > Be well. > > Evelyn P.S. Did you pass a woman in a purple coat and sunglasses > walking down hanwell Rd. today. Were you in a green coloured Ford > Focus or something? I saw someone with long beard and wondered if it > were you? > > > > -------------------------------------------------------------------------------> Date: Fri, 24 Feb 2012 09:41:49 -0800 > From: David Amos > Subject: RE: Sally is still there and comments constantly > To: > CC: > > Why doubt the obvious??? Just surf through Chucky's blog to see that > Sally the Snob is relentless for yourself. You ask me many questions > then doubt my answers and evn wonder how I get my groceries. I > strongly doubt you have read my emails fully or you would not tell me > that you are willing to plead guilty if provided with a CD and expect > me to understand why you are even before the court. > > Simple question If you had called Chucky Leblanc with questions then > told him to shut up that his opinions were just theories after he had > told you why he was imprisoned and being harassed by the cops what do > you think he would do? You complain of Sally and Chucky to me yet do > not care about thier PUBLISHED slander of me then ask that I kept your > doubts about them private. Wh should I?? More importantly why should I > being willing to be on any witness list if you are willing to plead > guilty anyway? What on earth do we have to meet and talk about and why > should I have to keep proving my Integrity to anyone??? > > This is some of Sally and Joshua Smith's nonsense as of this morning > > > > I am a man of my word and will not share this email. Furhtermore I > quite simply don't give a good god damn who talks to my sister about > what. They can say Hoka Hey to her for all I care. She is just another > lawyer (sister or not) Her Bullshit protecting the corrupt "powers > that be" while my family suffered the Trials of Job many years ago

> pissed me off. Trust that I ain't one bit religious as she professes > to be..Nobody should ever pray for me. Methinks I am too mean to die. > > --- On Tue, 2/21/12, Evelyn Greene <> wrote: > > > From: Evelyn Greene <> > Subject: RE: Sally is still there and comments constantly > To: David Amos > Date: Tuesday, February 21, 2012, 6:13 PM > > > Hi David, no I do not see anything new from her the last two days. > She is not a lawyer but she thinks she is. However, honestly, David, > I would not want to see anything bad happen to her and she is a bad > alcoholic, especially Friday's nights. She wrote a letter to Mr. > Bray, the Court Registrar telling him to stop fucking me around and I > wrote him the next day saying she does not speak for me. When she > goes to to the court, she needs an appointment and then she is > followed anywhere she goes in the Court by Sheriffs. > > I was always talking to her and this week I have been so busy doing my > cleaning and typing. I have to get a Motion Brief ready and a > complaint against two Judges and my application, motion and affidavit > for next week. > > Tomorrow a friend is coming by in the morning and I will get him to > take me to the bank to put the original CD's in the safety deposit > box. Then I will use the copies any other time. I will tell you more > later. Are you able to come to see me something David for a coffee or > is it too dangerous? I could sure use some help with collating some > of my documents from discovery. You are a smart person. I wish those > Anonymous would put the screws to Chief MacKnight and Hilary Drain. > > I talked to a lady tonight from St. John who knows your sister Nancy > S. In fact, she is dealing with something with Nancy right now. > > The young woman who was murdered in the hospital in St. John was only 22. > > Please David, do not send this email to anyone as I am keeping a low > profile for now. I have lots of work to do and the woman is coming to > take pictures of the mini home on Friday, if I am ready for her. I > have a plan up my sleeve which I would like to tell you about soon. > > Take care. Keep well. Evelyn Does Chuck have a lawyer, because he > mentioned something about that and took a lot of his nasty stuff > against the police off his sight? >

----- Original Message ----From: Joshua Smith To: David Amos Sent: Saturday, February 11, 2012 7:33 PM Subject: Re: Take up your concerns with the RCMP Perhaps you "Know it Alls" in Fredricton should LEARN TO READ BEFORE YOU ACCUSE HIM OF HATE CRIMES

Sir, I was not accusing you of hate crimes at all. I was asking if you were the man in question and if so if there was another side to the story. I never judge people with out as many facts as possible.

----- Original Message ----From: Joshua Smith To: David Amos Sent: Saturday, February 11, 2012 7:14 PM Subject: Re: What planet do the sickos in Fredericton come from anyway?

I am not sure that answered my question. I was not trying to be offensive, just making sure who I was talking too. I tend to research people and there are some bits of anti jewish material floating around with the name David Amos attached to it. If this is mistaken identity or a case of some one spreading misinformation please let me know. I am not simply someone who believes everything they read. I just tend to ask blunt questions. On Feb 11, 2012 5:55 PM, "David Amos" <> wrote: From: Joshua Smith <> Date: Sat, 11 Feb 2012 17:44:15 -0400 Subject: Re: FW: Everlyn? To: David Amos <> I am sorry for the blunt question. But are you the same David Amos that has a problem with Jewish people? On 2/11/12, David Amos <> wrote: > I watched the circus unfold its tent within Chucky's blog last week > and shook my head at the nonsense of it all. As you know I offer my > two bits in writng byway of emails to interested parties and sometimes > talk to them on the phone. > > If you do not understand why Chucky hates me perhaps you should have > your friend Chucky explain himself to you just like I tried to do. You > didn't believe me so why should I trust you particularly while you > sing Chucky's praises in his blog? > > Obviosly Chucky and I have both made it clear that nobody cannot sit > on the fence between us and pretend to be friends to both of us. > > I see no need for me to act secretly or not to fully disclose > everything to everyone. Thats Chucky's crooked game no mine. I am > doing nothing wrong but he and his VERY corrupt pals certainly are. > > Veritas Vincit > David Raymond Amos > 902 800 0369 > > > On 2/11/12, Evelyn Greene <> wrote: >>

>> David, I was sending Charles L. emails that I thought would help people >> understand how the N.B. Police Commission etc. are getting away with >> dogging >> their responsibilities. It looks like Charles does not want anything >> connected to your name in an email and you were wondering why I initially >> was BCC copying you? Evelyn >> Date: Fri, 10 Feb 2012 17:44:43 -0800 >> From: >> Subject: Everlyn? >> To: >> >> Why are you sending me private email copied to others like David Amos??? >> > ----- Original Message ----From: Evelyn Greene To: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Cc: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Sent: Sunday, February 12, 2012 12:42 PM Subject: FW: charles David, did you not recently send something on my behalf of Charles Leblance, the blogger and he accepted it? So does he communicate with you, or does he block your emails? He got one from you that I asked you to send him and he took it but complained to Sally. So what is the story here. I personally will not communicate again with Mr. LeBlanc. He could not look me in the eye last week, and for Sally's sake, I tried to overlook it but could not. Sometimes people need to surrender their friends, in order to win which is unfortunate. To my knowledge, you David, have not done anything to make me distrust you, however Charles has. I question why he calls himself the other personality and flaunts that as one of his blog names, and then shows a picture of the Mayor Brad Woodside and the premier at the top of his page, poking fun at the fact that the Premier says he works for him. My theory is that when someone says something like that, believe them and stay the hell away from them. I have big concerns as to why LeBlanc's computers were taken. I think he knows too much and most likely could implicate the police, the mayor, and the premier because of what I wrote last year asking him if he is a stooge for the Mayor after my beating? I am not certain, but I do know what I saw and what I heard and how I felt. Sally went to his court hearing and said Chuck LeBlanc lost his voice and was confused before the Judge and because of his mental illness, he could not speak. However, when a parade of cops come thru his door, he swings into action as was the case with the horn and yelling at the police in front of their offices. I do not believe he is scared of anything or anyone. He is a perfect stooge and plays that part to the hilt. He told Sally and I last week this: "I have friends in high places." I asked who and he refused to say but he laughed it off. Just Ask Mr. LeBlance where he put the long interview with Mayor Woodside shortly after my beating. It was on his blog previously. He and the Mayor were very chummy. So who do you believe you can trust here. In my opinion, if you have anything to say about me, David, you say it to me in an email not behind my back and likewise. Evelyn Greene

----- Original Message ----From: Evelyn Greene To: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Sent: Sunday, February 12, 2012 12:24 PM Subject: FW: charles David, this is sad really because I believe Sally fell into the lap of the blogger's b.s. I am sending some more letters to people to let them know what I cautioned Sally on and she will not listen. She is a nice person but very vulnerable and she thinks LeBlanc and his blog will save her. I do not think so. When I find her making up stories lately to me, I had to make a decision and I cannot afford to get involved any further with LeBlanc. Sally has bought into his ADHD story to the point where she will no longer listen to me. I only wish her good luck. Then there were cases wherein Sally did withhold information from me that some of my friends questioned, but I gave her the benefit of the doubt. Lately she has been saying things to me like this: "I want you to do ......." and I find it a big aggressive. Anway, it appears she does although she never met you either, she has been warned by Charles LeBlanc to not write you. That is her choice indeed. Sally told me last Friday that Chuck LeBlanc did not want anything on his blog, albeit he said it was ours, that would show I wrote the Police Commission a letter and received a questionable letter back. I do not understand this. SEE EMAILS BELOW. However, as I said, I wish them well, will not be corresponding with them further, and if I want to include an email to you, because I hide nothing, then so be it. I do believe you speak the truth David albeit I sometimes not always in agreement with everying as I do not know all the facts. I am sending our a letter I wrote Charles LeBlanc shortly after my beating on May 13, 2011 and you will see I asked if he was a stooge for the Mayor at that time. Charles would not look me in the eye last week when Sally and I had coffee with him and she noticed it too, saying it was his ADHD. However, he puts out everything else and uses his blogging powers whereever it strikes his fancy any other time. For ex. he said a who bunch of police officers came to his home, and he starting filming it. He did not fall to pieces. So was this stagged to. I have no idea, but I would like to find out more as he is very selective as to what he writes and against whom. When someone calls themselves on their blogs, "my other personality" the believe them. I WAS TOLD HE USED TO WORK FOR CBC, IS THAT TRUE? EVELYN GREENE

Date: Sat, 11 Feb 2012 18:38:25 -0800 From: Subject: Re: charles To:

Hi Evelyn, If you want nothing to do with me then stop sending me emails and stop copying me especially with David Amos on the same mail. Please mail my dvd's back to me and I will do the same with yours. Sally

From: Evelyn Greene <> To: Sent: Saturday, February 11, 2012 10:36:27 AM Subject: RE: charles

Hi Sally, I already told Charles I would not contact him further so what part of that does he not understand. He is the one screening everything and yet he cannot speak up in court but can stand with a big horn in front of the police station. He is your friend not mine. So you and him are best off to stay away from me. Thanks. Evelyn I read in the blog that he was going down the street with you and so forth so we must part company. I have no axe to grind with you, only that I am now prepared to go it on my own. Evelyn Date: Sat, 11 Feb 2012 06:40:22 -0800 From: Subject: re: charles To: Hi Evelyn, I think you need to leave Charles off the emails - he is now asking me if I am friends with David Amos and why he is getting emails. He isn't up to it and I don't want to lose his grace. He will get overwhelmed and he doesn't understand the scope of your issues.... Sally
----- Original Message ----From: Evelyn Greene To: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Cc: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2012 8:43 PM Subject: FW: Staff Sgt. or Corporal Gaudet (Investigator in Professional Standards at City of Fredericton Police Force).

Dear Ms. Kerton: Please copy all city council members and please write and confirm why you would not allow me to go before council with the tampered evidence, and having the City Clerk say you have no responsibility to see that the police are acting professionally and within the law; and having Ms. Knight write letters to the security. Who told her I was serving papers? I am asking for this email that she wrote to the security guard and why she did not want me talking to Leslie or ask Leslie to confirm that I was refused a meeting. Ms. Knight said the duties of the city council are mainly dealing with "pot hole" issues. I am sure she knows a lot about pot holes. I am requesting this matter be investigated and that you report back to me as the public ought to know what they are paying taxes for.

Please confirm that you forwarded this message on and ask Mr. MacPherson to get back to me once he has reviewed the manipulated cctv audio and video evidence that is his mandated job to do. He could easily ask for a warrant for the original version from a public body such as Ambulance New Brunswick Inc. He needs that in order to compare them. Also, the suspect list for the manipulation, according to Ambulance New Brunswick Inc. is between two men: Robin O'Hara and Mr. Cormer. Thank you. Evelyn Greene Thank you.

From: To: Subject: Staff Sgt. or Corporal Gaudet Date: Thu, 1 Mar 2012 20:32:55 -0300 Dear Inspector Blackmore: I went to headquarters today to deliver two cd's of manipulated evidence that was given from Cst. Blanchette to the police regarding my getting beaten up by police on May 13, 2011. I spoke briefly with Cst. Hughson at the front desk and asked him the name of the City Authority and the phone number which he gave me. I spoke with a lady on the phone at Chity Hall who called herself Leslie and she told me to bring it on over to City Hall and that the Civic Authority, Mr. MacPherson (sic) was in a meeting, but she would accept the evidence. When I arrived, I was told to go right on in to the Mayor's office reception area where I met Leslie. She was most polite and we had a little joke. A security guard, slim, tall, came around the corner and asked Leslie a question and she just waved him on. I thought it was odd, but I try not to second guess security guards etc. and Leslie said she would see that Mr. MacPherson received the CD's. Again, she was very pleasant and accommodating. When I went out to the lobby, I asked the receptionist if I could speak to the City Clerk, Ms. Knight who agreed to speak to me. In front of the other woman out in the front office, Ms. Knight said, "You will have to excuse the way I am dressed today." She seemed pleasant. However, when I sat across the desk from her, she made in clear that the city councillor over police matters (Megarity) was wrong to advise me to contact her for an appointment to meet with council, the mayor or anyone at City Hall. I asked why and she said well you already met with Mayor Woodside. I said no, I have never met with him. I tried last year, but was not afforded that right. She said that I was

wasting my time coming there and that all council members have advised her, as has the Mayor, to prevent me from seeing them. She also said that they have no authority over the city police or the police commission. She said that they deal mainly with "pothole" issues etc. I got up to leave and went back into the door to leave another message with Leslie to tell the council members what Ms. Knight had told me as I found it unbelievable. Ms. Knight followed me all the way to Leslie's desk and grabbed my arm and said for me to leave. I told her she had no right to grab me and that I was reporting it to the police. The security guard showed and he dropped a piece of information that startled me. He said he received an email message from Ms. Knight approx. two days ago, putting out an alert that if Evelyn Greene shows up there with papers that he would have some part in getting rid of me. He refused to let me see the email. I will go under the Right to Information for that. Cst. Duffy and a couple more constables showed and of course they took the side of Ms. Knight. This was in spite of the security guard confirming that Leslie had waved him away earlier. I went back to the police station, very disappointed that I could be treat that bad and there is no recourse. In fact, I did not have papers to serve today and I was shocked when the security personnel dropped that information. It was as if they were planning for me to arrive and he was on notice. So why did they agree for me to attend there in the first place. So they could set me up to try and make me look bad. I met with S/Sgt. Gaudet at city headquarters and he asked me to go to the interview room with a camera and I agreed. He started out by saying that he did not want me calling the police station and giving them a different name than my own. I said well when I say my own name, I get hung up on quite often or put on hold and then told no one is in. He said you called Inspector Blackmore too. I said I did not know that that was not an option. I said if you want to write me and say that I am not to call the police for any reason than please do so I know where I stand. It is all on camera. Then we talked about me taking the cd evidence of tampered video and audio to the civic authority (bear in mind the RCMP (Wayne Lang and Inspector Duboie told me to take it to the police commission, however, Pierre Beaudon, the Director refused to look at it and would not accept it. I then advised S/Sgt. Gaudet that I recently received documents under the Right to Information Act from the NB Police Commission, revealing that soon after I was beaten at Ambulance N.B. Inc., Gaudet called ANB's Paul Cormier (facilities manager) and asked for the original version of the audio and video. The next day, Mr. Cormier contacted Gaudet and told him that the only way the police could get a copy is to get a warrant, to which S/Sgt. Gaudet so no, that is not necessary.

I confirmed to S/Sgt. Gaudet today that I received a letter from Ambulance N.B. Inc. recently, revealing that they did not order anyone to tamper with the video and that the only two people who had access were Robin O'Hara and Paul Cormier. S/Sgt. Gaudet seemed surprised. I then asked S/Sgt. Gaudet if he looked at the video that was given to one of the perps, Constable Blanchette, which was delivered to Blanchette in person by Robin O'Hara on a USB stick. S/Sgt. Gaudet said no, he did not look at it and he suggested he did not know about it. It was many weeks too before the police sent the pictures of my bruises and soft tissue injury to the Crown. Cst. Estey was told on Aug. 30/11 by Judge Richards to make a call during break at the disclosure hearing. Cst. Estey returned after the break confirming there were 7 pictures which I told the Crown for several weeks, were in existence. Recently, Mr. David Banks, auxillary constable in dispatch (911) confirmed to me that he gave Cst. Estey the 911 audio call from Ambulance N.B. back on Dec. 2, 2011, when the next Judge Leslie Jackson advised the Crown to ask for. However, for several months now, the Crown has been saying they did not have this 911 audio evidence; that it had not been given to them. So now I learn that Cst. Estey is on leave and the Crown says they are awaiting more evidence from the police which they should have in a few days time. They indicated that they have the 911 audio but want to keep it until the other evidence comes. If you know anything about this Inspector Blackmore, please confirm to me what other evidence there could be please? What do you know about the 911 audio and where it ended up. Did Cst. Estey admit not receiving it or giving it to the Crown. This is very important and I feel I should know the answer to these questions. I deserve the truth. I was shocked to hear that S/Sgt. Gaudet did not look at the CCTV audio and video evidence that was hand delivered by one of only two men who had access to manipulating the tapes. Why would S/Sgt. Gaudet not know about the CCTV evidence that was given directly to Cst. Blanchette? Also, it became evident from the information I received from the N.B. Police Commission that Chief Barry MacKnight wrote to the Commission asking if they would want him to have an outside investigator of the incident due to the complaints against the officers. It was the Director of the Police Commission who said "no" according to the reports, not the Chief. Why would it not be investigated by outside investigators since that is the standard policy when police are investigating themselves? Why was I treated differently. Why is Blanchette receiving and dispatching the evidence to the Crown when he is one of the officers complained about? Why would S/Sgt. Gaudet say no to getting a warrant to get the original version of the CCTV audio and video when he did not look at the tampered video with four minutes "splitting" and other manipulations.

I urge you and the City Council members to review the video of my reports to S/Sgt. Gaudet today. How does anyone expect me to trust him when he has done such an incompetent investigation which was echoed by the Chief and the Police Commission. I asked for S/Sgt. Gaudet to ask you for a meeting to discuss my files and to get to the bottom of this inept investigation and follow up. I am not positive but I think the constable who gave me the name of the civic authority is "Hughson." Thank you. Evelyn Greene
----- Original Message ----From: Evelyn Greene To: Sent: Sunday, May 06, 2012 6:56 PM Subject: Fw: so you understand Mr. Amos. Please see Sally's message below and advise her of the fact that you and I have never met in person and most likely never will. Thank you. Evelyn Greene ----- Original Message ----From: Evelyn Greene To: Sent: Thursday, May 03, 2012 7:07 PM Subject: Re: so you understand Sally, please. I called you to make arrangements to drop off your CD's and book. I do not want them. If you cannot make arrangements to receive them, then do not accuse me of keeping them. You are spiteful that way. What I said about your roommate is true. She is a convicted felon (guilty of wire fraud which is an act that is hard to justify when taking money from people without any conscience) and you try to be so righteous about everyone else, but when it suits your purpose, you overlook what you claim to detest in others. That means you are self-serving. I do not have any bad feelings towards you, but I feel you are a confused. You wrote senior people at the Court without my permission saying that senior heads there were "fucking" with me then I did not find out about it until later. It was totally untrue and could have hurt my ability to seek justice. Of course, you were drinking, but you do not speak for me and I said that on that date. You used your words on my behalf without my permission. As for Mr. Amos, take up your beef with him, not me. I have never met the man so feel free to say what you need to say to him. Evelyn Greene ----- Original Message ----From:

To: Evelyn Greene Sent: Thursday, May 03, 2012 5:10 PM Subject: so you understand

What you wrote about my roommate - and copied to all in sundry - could still lose her job and our home. You are selfish and it is always about you. I can't think when you helped me - it was all about you. You just leave me alone. When you want someone to talk to go to crazy David Amos. Leave me alone. Oh - and you stole my dvd's and book.
----- Original Message ----From: Evelyn Greene To: Sent: Sunday, October 30, 2011 10:24 PM Subject: my blog on Charles LeBlanc's site

Hi David: Is there anyway that you can download my message off of Charles' blog and send it out to the heads of government and to Ashley Smith's mother.

There is stuff that Mrs. Smith should know.

Thank you. Evelyn P.S. Interesting that Dr. Braghava signed the Form 1 for you and he is the one who asked me if I was there for a free lunch and he is Sally's psychiatrist.
----- Original Message ----From: Evelyn Greene To: Sent: Sunday, October 30, 2011 9:52 PM Subject: RE: Hey Ken Who is Mental Health's and the Hospital in Fredericton's lawyers?

H David. Thank you for the email. Do you mind if I sent it to my friend Sally who is going thru similar stuff as me? I am not sure what to think of Charles LeBlanc. Could you fill me in? Youare going to get an earful in the near future. Do you know that I tried to contact Barb Whitenect at Dept. of Health and the Minister of Health put a stop to the communication. Mr. Zed in Sussex said there are people who want me locked up. I have contacted Chief Commander of RCMP, Wayne Lang, and he will not look at the evidence I have that the police is covering up the CCTV video tape tampering when I got beaten up outside Ambulance N.B on May 13/11. What do you think of Charles Le Blance these days?

Evelyn Greene (see attached letter that I gave the Crown, the police and the CBC and Daily Gleaner and Wayne Lang of RCMP--No one wants to touch the video and I have copies that I took last Friday to head of NB Police Commission who would not take them) Do you know someone in Ottawa or elsewhere who would look at the video tapes on CD that are evidence of crime?

----- Original Message ----From: To: David Amos Sent: Monday, February 27, 2012 10:39 PM Subject: Re: RE "Let us hear your thoughts" So I just called you John Trimbach and introduced myself Here is the email you requested

Please stop sending me your emails - they are of n o interest to me and go straight to spam.
From: David Amos <> To:;;;;; thepurplevioletpress <>;;;; contact <>;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; maritime_malaise <>;; richard. dearden <>; bob.rae <>; Nycole.Turmel <>;;; evelyngreene <>; "" <>; "" <>;;;;;;;; Cc:; dsimon <>; Arthur Taylor <>; occupyfredericton <> Sent: Monday, February 27, 2012 3:41:59 PM Subject: RE "Let us hear your thoughts" So I just called you John Trimbach and introduced myself Here is the email you requested John Trimbach Trimbach & Associates, Inc. Peachtree City, Phone : 770-883-5086 jamessimon500@

I could tell by your answers that the Yankee lawyer Barry Bachrach

never mentioned my nmae to you. So for the PUBLIC Record I never heard of you or your father either That was until Leonard Peltier's supporters called me a friend of yours last week and really pissed me off. Need I say I that the FBI or the tough tallking Indian warriors don't scare mean old me even a little bit and that am sick and tired of all the death threats etc against my Clan? Veritas Vincit David Raymond Amos 902 800 0369

---------- Forwarded message ---------From: David Amos <> Date: Mon, 27 Feb 2012 13:15:07 -0400 Subject: RE the BBC Perhaps Barry Bachrach and his newfound friends Paul Demain and the ex FBI dudes should review their own work To: robin reid <>, "Fred.Wyshak" <>, "Brian.Kelly" <>, jcarney <>,,,, "" <>,, "rick. skinner" <>, "Wayne.Lang" <>, "Bob.Paulson" <>, newstips <> Cc:, michael wolfheart <>, jlschmidt <>, splitting_the_sky <> Particularly before ol Whitey's trial begins in Beantown EH Bob Paulson of the latest top dog the RCMP? For the PUBLIC RECORD The FBI, the RCMP and even the Yankee lawyer Barry bachrach know I have a very long memory, that I keep very good records and that I am very disgusted with the actions of corrupt law enforcement to say the least. Immediately below are some emails between Barry Bachrach and I before he flew to MN to sue his buddy Paul Demain. I used that trip to introduce him to the FBI Special Agent Colleen Rowley. The instant the Colleen woman of CUPE who had been pretending to be so nice showed me her nasty arse I thought of this Yankee FED lawyer with the same first name. Same shit different day tis all.

----- Original Message ----From: Bachrach, Barry A. To: 'David Amos' Sent: Sunday, April 25, 2004 9:37 PM Subject: RE: BBC NEWS Americas Native American prisoner to fight on

yup that's me. -----Original Message----From: David Amos [] Sent: Sunday, April 25, 2004 8:32 PM To: Bachrach, Barry A. Subject: Re: BBC NEWS Americas Native American prisoner to fight on Mr Bachrach said: "We are not going to go away. This is an injustice and a government cover-up and we are just not going to go away until Leonard is released and even when he is released we will not go away." (: He recently wrote to the US Congress asking them to widen an investigation into FBI misconduct in Boston, Massachusetts (involving mafia boss James "Whitey" Bulger) to include alleged misconduct among FBI agents in South Dakota in the 1970s. :)

----- Original Message ----From: "Tim4nm" <> To: "David Amos" <> Sent: Thursday, February 23, 2012 10:47 PM Subject: Re: Mr Baconfat and all the bloggers in Fat Fred City were best butt buddies less than a year ago EH Danny Boy Fitzgerald? I should probably just do what most others do and just ignore your emails but I don't understand this David. You send these mails to everyone and many of them are actually pretty interesting reads. Some are a bit long but that's okay. But then you go off in a direction that loses me. Why are you nasty to me? If you want to criticize me why resort to name calling?

Back when I made the "public enemy" comment I told you that I was only joking because of what others had said. Not me. You and I had never had any negative experiences. We actually got along pretty well. I didn't label you anything. Think what you wish but that's not my style of labelling. It was just a joke. But after I made that joke you attacked me in front of everyone. And you didn't even do it in a civil way. Only by name calling and nastiness. I tried apologizing and explaining what I had meant to you to correct the misunderstanding. You never even acknowledged it. So I realized that it was best just to not say anything to you. If I try polite small talk you likely fly off with it into a whole wild direction. I mentioned to another of your recipients that it's best not to say anything to you for fear of misunderstanding. I didn't whine anything. He ended up telling everyone about it and again you incorrectly took it as a personal insult to you. Okay. I figured I will never be able to clear anything up so I may just as well continue only reading your mails without saying anything. I saw a few days ago that you started to follow me on Twitter and had no problem with it at all. Why not? It's good that you want to stay in touch with what various folks are doing and talking about. So yesterday the emails start up again from you after getting nothing for a while. I was actually looking forward to reading them. I'm a fat bald headed prick?? Where did that come from? Because of the people that I have as friends? Because I'm not your pal? Because I have a blog? Of all the people that you know you decided to attack me? Whatever. I'm pretty certain that you'll now take this polite letter and blast it out to everyone along with your accompanying insults and name calling of me. I understand that this is just another part of being in the public eye and will just have to accept it. I don't understand it but will accept it. And just for the record, I have no idea about the pedophile stuff or any of the other things you refer to here. I am totally lost with all of what you are going on about. Really, I don't read all those blogs you mention. Ever. I just don't have the time. I do check up on Charles pretty frequently to see his stuff but never read any of the comments. If you think that we all talk about you and are really concerned about what David Amos is doing? Not me. Perhaps the others do but I'm sorry to tell you that I'm not invited to those parties. Maybe some of us are spending our time living our own lives and doing what we can to make our places better for the people around us. Maybe some of us couldn't be bothered becoming immersed in the drama that you seem to live your life for. Okay. I'm done. Rest assured that this is the last correspondence you will ever get from me so go ahead and do what you want with it. Nothing will surprise me. Tim Scammell, PTech

On Feb 12, 2010, at 10:06 PM, David Amos <> wrote: > Chucky was playing dumb and pretending that he thought I was dead > while his buddy Richy Baby Harris was calling me a pedophile and > posting Mr Baconfat and Dirty Dicky Dean malice while complaining > about recieving so many emails from me. DUHHH???? > > Meanwhile the fat bald headed prick Timmy Baby who got himself elected > in New Maryland was whining to Mr Baconfat while labeling me public > enemy number just like Tricky Tracy and all her sissy Fake Left > friends in Fat Fred City did years ago. > > Silent Majority me arse. Chucky whines and bullshits enough for all of > us N'esy Pas Abey Baby ya bay of Fundy Frog I worked the port a bit > years ago and saw you dudes in action. Don't remmber me do ya? Wanna > take a swing at me Abey Baby? > > Beware I am feeling pretty me mean your buddy Mr Baconfat and his pals > and all their death threats and sexual harassment of my children WHAT > DECENT MARITIMER WOULD NOT BE :PISSED OFF CALL ME A PEDOPHILE EH RICHY > BABY? YOUR DAY IS COMING SOON, > > Friday, April 10, 2009 > A message to silent majority!!! > I post 99% of the comments in this Blog but if you wish to insult someone? > > Meet with me so I can get your name and number. > > If they wish to sue? I'll direct them to your direction. > > As for Dan F comment? > > I know the guy < Met him face to face > If there's a problem? He'll handle it. > > So Silent Majority? Don't be a coward? Use your real name!!! > > MERCI!!! > > :p...:p..:p > Posted by Charles LeBlanc at 4:18:00 PM > 8 comments: > Anonymous said... > Lots of blogs in the world. I don't see people using real names. I > assume its because its sort of stupid. Are you and your shallow bums > getting upset from hearing voices in the ethernet? Do you prefer the

> facist way of doing things. Threating in order to shut people > You look like your going the way, of know it all spinks anyway. Must > be the pain felt for your jesus, driving you as nuts as the bunch > here. > > Faith and ritual mix on Good Friday in RP > By Manny Mogato, Reuters | 04/10/2009 4:25 PM > > Printer-friendly version | Send to friend > > CUTUD, ANGELES CITY - Dozens of Catholic devotees were nailed to > crosses, scores more whipped their backs and others chanted the > Passion of Jesus Christ as Filipinos mixed faith and gory ritual on > Good Friday. > > Frowned on by church authorities, the voluntary crucifixions in > villages north of the capital Manila are one of the most extreme > displays of religious devotion in Asia's largest Roman Catholic state. > > Monsignor Pedro Quitorio, spokesman of the Catholic Bishops Conference > of the Philippines, said the church discourages such rituals because > the penitents were expecting rewards for hurting themselves. > > "We only encourage the faithfuls to fast, pray and confess their > sins," Quitorio told Reuters. "We can't stop the practice. It is not > necessary, but the church has no police power. These rituals challenge > us to guide our flock on the true teachings of the Catholic church." > > In the small village of Cutud in Angeles City in Pampanga, about 80 km > (50 miles) north of Manila, the crucifixion of Jesus Christ was > re-enacted in a colorful street play with dozens of men carrying > wooden crosses as heavy as 50 kg (110 pounds) and scores whipping > their backs to a bloody pulp. > > After walking barefoot for more than a kilometer around the village in > scorching heat, the drama ended at a man-made hill where 11 men were > nailed to crosses with three-inch nails driven into their hands and > feet. > > sockit tome > > 7:09 PM, April 10, 2009 > David Amos said... > Need I say BULLSHIT once again Chucky Baby? Even your pals in CBC use > that word CORRECT? Even on you god's Good Friday your bullshit never > stops. As you well know I met you and most of your blogger buddies

> such as the bigot, Danny Boy Fitzgerald and Richy Baby Harris. Thus > you all know who I am EH? > > I must say what tough yapping little French poodle from Memorancook > you truly are. FYI the Beast (RIP) was born in Dorchester and he > married a a sister of friend of mine and he lived on my paper route > when I was raised in Dorchester and you were a sick little five > brained puppy living down the road. Remember when you teased me for > two years about your snobby French buddy Danny Busieres banishing me > from the Leg until it happened to you and now you have whined about > Quebecers ever since? > > Throughout your blog over the years you torture many people then turn > around and call them nice guys etc as soon as you have your way with > them and get what you want. The corrupt lawyers Bernie Lord and the > nasty little bastard Tom Mann are my best examples pertaining to your > malicious nonsense. > > As you well know I won't hold my breath waiting for this to get posted > I will just email some your pals the proof that it was done and post > it elswhere as per usual for shits and giggles N'esy Pas? Frenchy > > Veritas Vincit > Dsvid Raymond Amos > > 8:52 PM, April 10, 2009 > Charles LeBlanc said... > I believe you were dead??? > > Never heard from ya? > > Maybe the Cops got ya? > > I got no problem posting your comment but swearing are not allowed in this blog. > > You know that!!! > > Bullshit is OK these days I guess? > > This is the reason I didn't reject your comment but it can go POOF!!!!! > > :p > > 8:54 PM, April 10, 2009 > Dan F said... > "As for Dan F comment?"

> > Huh? > > Which one? > > "I met you and most of your blogger buddies such as the bigot, Danny > Boy Fitzgerald" > > A bigot, eh? I'm going to have to leave you off my Christmas card list > for that one, Amos. > > 5:44 AM, April 11, 2009 > Silent Majority said... > Yeah like anonymous above is a real name. You just can't post the > truth. You censor the silent majority just like the media. I read your > blog. Given what you write you are not worried about getting sued. > That is a copout. > > 8:02 AM, April 11, 2009 > Charles LeBlanc said... > Silent Majority? > > I will not...I repeat WILL NOT post names of individual that you > accuse of smoking pot!!! > > Sorry...this is not the place!! > > Go to the Cops!!!! > > :P > > 9:30 AM, April 11, 2009 > Anonymous said... > lol, sort of like Irving not posting in their paper of the winning of > Long Wharf for 99 years! > > The Canadian Press > > April 11, 2009 > > SAINT JOHN -- A 99-year lease of Long Wharf to Irving Oil Ltd. has > been approved by the federal government, paving the way for the > company to build its $30-million world headquarters on the waterfront. > > Saint John MP Rodney Weston received word of the approval from > Transport and Infrastructure Minister John Baird on Thursday.

> > 10:54 AM, April 11, 2009 > Seren said... > It is amusing and then frightening to see David Raymond Amos post > here, and infect other sites with mindless insults. > > Charles Le Blanc has a "point of view" whether or not you agree with > is valid. > > David Raymond Amos has insanity. > > 11:51 AM, May 01, 2009 > > ---------- Forwarded message ---------> From: Barry Winters <> > Date: Fri, 12 Feb 2010 14:44:02 -0700 > Subject: Re: More for Tricky Tracy's benefit EH Danny Boy Fitzgerald? > To: David Amos <> > > Friday, February 12, 2010 > Opinion is Israel > It''s been said, "two Jews will give you three opinions about anything." So > whilst in the comment section here our "friend" David who has never been to > the Middle East referred to a "true Jew" British MP Gerald Kaufman's opinion > re IDF ops in Gaza. > > But during the Gaza incursion and now still Israeli public opinion is still > of 90 % in favour of the incursion...... so much for that "true Jew" and > "pink panties". > > It does indeed help David, to have some have some clue of what you are > talking about. You are simply another loud mouth Yankee anti-semite > Posted by Seren at 1:37 PM > 0 comments > ----- Original Message ----> From: "David Amos" <> > To: "Dan Fitzgerald" <>; "tracy" <>; "oldmaison. > wcie" <>
----- Original Message ----From: David Amos To: ; ; ; "Dan Fitzgerald danf" Cc: ; Sent: Friday, January 09, 2009 6:40 PM Subject: And its blogged as well Mr Gallant ask the "Doer of Good" Det Louie LaFleur of Fat Fred City Finest to check

Just Dave By Location > Visit Detail Visit 6,620

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David Raymond Amos said... From: David Amos Date: Fri, 9 Jan 2009 12:43:19 -0800 (PST) Subject: Wanna call me a liar now Mr. Gallant??? To:, "", "", Dan Fitzgerald Cc:, From: Mail Delivery Subsystem Date: Fri, 09 Jan 2009 12:37:43 -0800 (PST) Subject: Delivery Status Notification (Failure) To: This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently: Technical details of permanent failure: Google tried to deliver your message, but it was rejected by the recipient domain. We recommend contacting the other email provider for further information about the cause of this error. The error that the other server returned was: 550 550 Blocked (state 14). ----- Original message ----Received: by with SMTP id p3mr12911014rvn.296.1231533462335; Fri, 09 Jan 2009 12:37:42 -0800 (PST) Received: by with HTTP; Fri, 9 Jan 2009 12:37:42 -0800 (PST) Message-ID: Date: Fri, 9 Jan 2009 16:37:42 -0400 From: "David Amos" To:, "", "", "Dan Fitzgerald" Subject: Fwd: Telephone Conversation re: 1965 Harley-Davidson Motorcycle Cc: webo In-Reply-To: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Disposition: inline References: This should stress test your ethics Mr. Gallant. If you are not

blocking me who is? From: Mail Delivery Subsystem Date: Fri, 09 Jan 2009 12:37:43 -0800 (PST) Subject: Delivery Status Notification (Failure) To: This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently: Technical details of permanent failure: Google tried to deliver your message, but it was rejected by the recipient domain. We recommend contacting the other email provider for further information about the cause of this error. The error that the other server returned was: 550 550 Blocked (state 17). ----- Original message ----Received: by with SMTP id p3mr12911014rvn.296.1231533462335; Fri, 09 Jan 2009 12:37:42 -0800 (PST) Received: by with HTTP; Fri, 9 Jan 2009 12:37:42 -0800 (PST) Message-ID: Date: Fri, 9 Jan 2009 16:37:42 -0400 From: "David Amos" To:, "", "", "Dan Fitzgerald" Subject: Fwd: Telephone Conversation re: 1965 Harley-Davidson Motorcycle Cc: webo In-Reply-To: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Disposition: inline References: This should stress test your ethics Mr. Gallant. If you are not blocking me who is? ---------- Forwarded message ---------From: "MacKenzie, Lloyd (SNB)" Date: Thu, 8 Jan 2009 13:01:27 -0400 Subject: Telephone Conversation re: 1965 Harley-Davidson Motorcycle To: Cc: "Bastarache, Donald J.(SNB)",

"Morrison, Bill (SNB)", "Levesque-Finn, Sylvie ----- Message truncated -----

---------- Forwarded message ---------From: "MacKenzie, Lloyd (SNB)" Date: Thu, 8 Jan 2009 13:01:27 -0400 Subject: Telephone Conversation re: 1965 Harley-Davidson Motorcycle To: Cc: "Bastarache, Donald J.(SNB)", "Morrison, Bill (SNB)", "Levesque-Finn, Sylvie --- On Fri, 1/9/09, David Amos wrote: From: David Amos Subject: Fwd: Telephone Conversation re: 1965 Harley-Davidson Motorcycle To:, "", "", "Dan Fitzgerald" Cc: "webo" Date: Friday, January 9, 2009, 12:37 PM This should stress test your ethics Mr. Gallant. If you are not blocking me who is? ---------- Forwarded message ---------From: "MacKenzie, Lloyd (SNB)" Date: Thu, 8 Jan 2009 13:01:27 -0400 Subject: Telephone Conversation re: 1965 Harley-Davidson Motorcycle To: Cc: "Bastarache, Donald J.(SNB)", "Morrison, Bill (SNB)", "Levesque-Finn, Sylvie (SNB)", "Pleadwell, Derek (SNB)" Mr. Amos: Upon your request I will inform Mr. Derek Pleadwell[(506)444-2897], Chairperson SNB Board of Directors, of our extended conversation regarding the issues surrounding the 1965 Harley-Davidson motorcycle when he visits my office at approximately 3:30 P.M. today. Also, as requested, I've copied in Ms. Sylvie Levesque-Finn [(506) 453-3879], SNB President.

Lloyd D. MacKenzie, AACI, P. App, CAE Regional Manager of Assessment - Beausjour Region/Responsable rgional de l'valuation - region Beausjour Assessment/ de l'valuation Service New Brunswick/ Service Nouveau-Brunswick 633 rue Main St. 4th floor/4ime tage Moncton, NB E1C 8R3 Tel/Tl: (506) 856-3910 Fax/Tlc: (506) 856-2519 Friday, January 09, 2009

"Lafleur, Lou" wrote: Mr. Amos, I would like to talk to you regarding the files I have, Please call Cpl Lou LaFleur 1-506-460-2332 -----Original Message----From: David Amos Sent: Monday, June 11, 2007 4:02 PM To: Lafleur, Lou;;;;; Abbott-Charters, Marilyn;;;;; Woodside, Brad; Kelly, David; MacLaggan, Cathy; Kelly, Stephen; Jellinek, Tom; McConaghy, Scott; Kerton, Marilyn; Brown, Walter; DavidsonWright, Norah; Obrien, Mike; Grandy, Bruce; Keenan, Dan;;;;;;;;;;;;; CITY ADMIN'S / MAYOR'S OFFICES;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Cc:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Subject: Fwd: Fredericton Police Force Hey Lou What did you think of the portion of the police surveilance wiretap tape I just sent ya? Do you think it is contrived? Obviously I did not appreciate you laughing at my plight. EH? The Fredericton Police Force is way past too late to act with integrity now and so is the New Brunswick Police Commission for that matter. However you still have a chance to become a local hero because we had not crossed paths until today. Whereas the Fredericton Police Force is now investigating Sgt Ken Smith's troubles with the RCMP and his wife's laments as well at the behest of the crook, TJ Burke perhaps you should ask Staff Sgt Copp for his files from three years ago before you laugh anymore. N'est Pas? Why not ask the Smiths about the documents and tapes etc that Cpl Paulette Delaney Smith of J Division's Major Crimes Unit received from me in March of 2006? let just say I was not surprised that she refused to send my material to Marion MacGrath the General Counsel of the Security Intelligence Review Commitee in Ottawa as I demanded. After all their lawyer Richard Bell was the first Judge Stevey Boy Harper appointed Correct? Just investigate all that I have given the Fredericton Police force over the years do you god damned job and let the political cards fall where they may and i will have no bones to pick with you. Say Hey to you boss Barry MacKnight tell him to quit laughing at me and making more false allegations against me in order to cover his nasty arse. Will ya? When can I expect my Harley back the FBI in Chicago are wondering too. Veritas Vincit David Raymond Amos "Lafleur, Lou" wrote: From: "Lafleur, Lou" To: "''",

"Lafleur, Lou" Subject: Fredericton Police Force Date: Mon, 11 Jun 2007 15:21:13 -0300 Dear Mr. Amos My Name is Lou LaFleur and I am a Detective with the Fredericton Police Major Crime Unit. I would like to talk to you regarding files that I am investigating and that you are alleged to have involvement in. Please call me at your earliest convenience and leave a message and a phone number on my secure and confidential line if I am not in my office. yours truly, Cpl. Lou LaFleur Fredericton Police Force 311 Queen St. Fredericton, NB 506-460-2332 ________________________________ This electronic mail, including any attachments, is confidential and is for the sole use of the intended recipient and may be privileged. Any unauthorized distribution, copying, disclosure or review is prohibited. Neither communication over the Internet nor disclosure to anyone other than the intended recipient constitutes waiver of privilege. If you are not the intended recipient, please immediately notify the sender and then delete this communication and any attachments from your computer system and records without saving or forwarding it. Thank you. Subject: Date: Tue, 30 Jan 2007 12:02:35 -0400 From: "Murphy, Michael B. (DH/MS)" To: January 30, 2007


Dear Mr. Amos: This will acknowledge receipt of a copy of your e-mail of December 29, 2006 to Corporal

Warren McBeath of the RCMP. Because of the nature of the allegations made in your message, I have taken the measure of forwarding a copy to Assistant Commissioner Steve Graham of the RCMP J Division in Fredericton . Sincerely, Honourable Michael B. Murphy Minister of Health CM/cb Date: Fri, 29 Dec 2006 17:34:53 -0500 From: "Warren McBeath" To:,,,,, CC:,,,, "Bev BUSSON", "Paul Dube" Subject: Re: Remember me Kilgour? Landslide Annie McLellan has forgotten me but the crooks within the RCMP have n Dear Mr. Amos, Thank you for your follow up e-mail to me today. I was on days off over the holidays and returned to work this evening. Rest assured I was not ignoring or procrastinating to respond to your concerns. As your attachment sent today refers from Premier Graham, our position is clear on your dead calf issue: Our forensic labs do not process testing on animals in cases such as yours, they are referred to the Atlantic Veterinary College in Charlottetown who can provide these services. If you do not choose to utilize their expertise in this instance, then that is your decision and nothing more can be done. As for your other concerns regarding the US Government, false imprisonment and Federal Court Dates in the US, etc... it is clear that Federal authorities are aware of your concerns both in Canada and the US. These issues do not fall into the purvue of Detachment policing in Petitcodiac, NB. It was indeed an interesting and informative conversation we had on December 23rd, and I wish you well in all of your future endeavors. Sincerely, Warren McBeath, Cpl. GRC Caledonia RCMP

Traffic Services NCO Ph: (506) 387-2222 Fax: (506) 387-4622 E-mail Jan 3rd, 2004 Mr. David R. Amos 143 Alvin Avenue Milton, MA 02186 U.S.A. Dear Mr. Amos Thank you for your letter of November 19th, 2003, addressed to my predecessor, the Honourble Wayne Easter, regarding your safety. I apologize for the delay in responding. If you have any concerns about your personal safety, I can only suggest that you contact the police of local jurisdiction. In addition, any evidence of criminal activity should be brought to their attention since the police are in the best position to evaluate the information and take action as deemed appropriate. I trust that this information is satisfactory. Yours sincerely A. Anne McLellan

----- Original Message ----From: We are Fred up To: David Amos Sent: Wednesday, October 19, 2011 1:11 AM Subject: Re: Just so ya Mr Fine whilst we were talking the HSBC Bank was checking my work

My God David, where are you? Two different days, when you called I had visitors but I stopped talking with in preference to speak with you. The last time we spoke a friend arrived to visit me who I had been expecting... these are trusted friends of mine. You can count on these people as I do not associate with the pathetic.

So if you wish to bring about significant change I honestly believe we must work together as i have a reliable network which if combined yours we can bring peaceful change. Sincerely Andre On Mon, Oct 17, 2011 at 11:43 PM, David Amos <> wrote: Its a small wonder why I don't trust lawyers eh? QSLS Politics By Location Visit Detail Visit 23,566 Domain Name (Unknown) IP Address 203.112.82.# (HSBC banking and financial services) ISP HSBC banking and financial services Location Continent : Asia Country : Hong Kong (Facts) Lat/Long : 22.25, 114.1667 (Map) Language English (U.S.) en-us Operating System Microsoft WinXP Browser Internet Explorer 7.0 Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR 3.5.30729) Javascript version 1.3 Monitor Resolution : 1024 x 768 Color Depth : 32 bits Time of Visit Oct 18 2011 2:53:07 am Last Page View Oct 18 2011 2:53:07 am Visit Length 0 seconds Page Views 1 Referring URL Visit Entry Page http://qslspolitics....-wendy-olsen-on.html Visit Exit Page http://qslspolitics....-wendy-olsen-on.html Out Click Time Zone UTC+7:00 Visitor's Time Oct 18 2011 8:53:07 am Visit Number 23,566

---------- Forwarded message ---------From: "Carrizosa, Philip" <> Date: Mon, 17 Oct 2011 17:20:12 -0700 Subject: Out of Office: Attn Richard Fine I just called from (902 800 0369) and left a voicemail To: David Amos <> I am now on vacation and not reachable I will return to the office on Monday, Oct. 24 at 7 a.m.

In my absence, please call Daisy Yee at 415-865-8929.

----- Original Message ----From: We are Fred up To: David Amos Sent: Tuesday, October 18, 2011 8:59 AM Subject: Re: Here are some emails and blogs that Chucky Leblanc and his buddies in the Fat Fred City Finest and The Fake Left would like to forget

Hello David, thank you to date for your words of support, regarding my incident of October, 2011 battery at the hands of members Fredericton Police Force. You i find are interesting as your stories of adventure and intrigue must reasonably be. Please, kindly note that I am first a peaceful Artist second and last, likely not at all a politician. The information that you appear to share with me requires that i must struggle to comprehend the significance of that material and or what to do with this. I appreciate that this is part of your lifes work. That being said, if i may be part of something that, which is motivated for the good of all man kind, than one must rise to such an occasion. I do wish to be part of a group of likeminded people. Note: It has been difficult for me to accelerate the learning curve from drawing images to suddenly drafting NOTICES OF ACTION in law, for this purpose several legal minded people, have been attracted to this project. They appear to be only interested in the jurisprudence aspect of my Court Files and this serves me well, since subjective is not my strength. In other words I am attracted to objective, which appears to give best results. More explanation as to the long term scenario and or the short term, as to what are the goals, of the so called elite are, this of course is necessary for me to comprehend and I thank you for taking the time to explain.

Please comprehend that i am struggling to help myself, right now, in a time sensitive, series of Court appearances, and the pre document submissions therefore necessary to accomplish same. I need the assistance of all would be friends. I only have a few people that I can trust to comprehend and or even care to comprehend as most people these days appear to be much more retarded than i. That being said David if I introduce you to speak with anyone it is because I thank those birds of a feather belongs togetherlol the more the better that is if we support the righteous causes together. You are not alone in the quest for justice and the battle against. Justice of course must be for us all... note i will not abandon the righteous in their battle against the sinful, unholy and wicked. Time for all would be free men to unite in conscience pro active endeavors. But let us not be deluded into believing that we will all instantly get it or instantly become each other.

Sincerely Andre

----- Original Message ----From: We are Fred up To: David Amos Sent: Tuesday, October 18, 2011 1:05 AM Subject: Look forward to talking to you again.

Hello David, interesting chat we had, Scott went home, I am heading to bed soon, look forward to talking to you again. Here is a neat little animation which can break the ice regarding banking fraud for newbies: What did you think of my Blog which is under construction? Critique and or suggestions? Sincerely Andre
----- Original Message ----From: We are Fred up To: David Amos Sent: Monday, October 17, 2011 2:05 AM Subject: Re: Locking sombody up in the lonney bin for telling the truth?

Hello David, to follow up our conversation, here are some links to more videos, you may be interested in. We are under attack from the Fallout from the Japan Nuclear disaster.We can survive this thing if we become informed and prepared. Bentonite Clay appears to be the solution, so that we can keep our food and ourselves cleansed of radiative particles and the harmful effects of radiation. I actually have a Geiger counter and have been monitoring the raised levels of radiation following each rain fall, since the Japanese disaster this year. Our food is contaminated to a point where I can tell the difference, with the Geiger counter, if the food I would be eating is from the west coast or not.

Japan Tsunami Fukushima Nuclear Disaster 1/2 Leuren Moret - PDX 9/11 Truth

Japan Tsunami Fukushima Nuclear Disaster 2/2Leuren Moret - PDX 9/11 Truth

Project Camelot interviews Jim Humble, the man behind MMS: Miracle Mineral Supplement

Cancer is Fungus 1 of 2

Cancer is Fungus 2 of 2

RUN FROM THE CURE - Full Version Let me know what you think.
____________________Sincerely Andre

On Sun, Oct 16, 2011 at 2:54 PM, David Amos <> wrote:

---------- Forwarded message ---------From: Alex Hunter <> Date: Sun, 29 Mar 2009 14:32:20 -0700 Subject: Re: Locking sombody up in the lonney bin for telling the truth? To: David Amos <> Fuckin' ASSHOLES!!!! They should lock themselves up!!! - Jkr On Mar 28, 2009, at 7:11 PM, David Amos wrote: > Hmmm Byron does that sound like somebody your friends have been > calling a liar and sexually haraasing his kids for years just because > you called him a Fed after he helped you defend yourself in a > l;awsuit against Big Bad Billy Matthews and Johnny Crosbie's legal > buddies? > > ---------- Forwarded message ---------> From: David Amos <> > Date: Sat, 28 Mar 2009 22:55:56 -0300 > Subject: RE Exposing Newfoundland Corruption to the World. Anybody but > me wonder why Byron Prior left me out of his news but uses the email > addresses I have used? > To: "William J. Wagener" <>, >, edwach <>, >,,, >,,, > webo <>, dean Ray <>, >, Dan Fitzgerald <>, "Edith. > Cody-Rice" <>, rfowlo <>, > Richard Harris <>, "criminal. division" > <>, George > <>

> Cc: Byron Prior <> > > ----- Original Message ----> From: "Byron Prior" <> > To: "William J. Wagener" <>; > <>; "edwach" <>; > <>; <>; < > >; > <>; <>; < >> > Cc: "webo" <>; "dean Ray" <>; > <>; "Dan Fitzgerald" <>; "Edith. > Cody-Rice" > <>; "rfowlo" <>; "Richard > Harris" > <>; "criminal. division" > <>; "George" < >> > Sent: Saturday, March 28, 2009 7:56 PM > Subject: Re: Exposing Newfoundland Corruption to the World. > > >> >> My family was destroyed as young children by Incest, Child Rape and >> Abuse > of >> every kind in a small town of 2500 people. Supreme Court Judges, > Politicians >> and RCMP are involved and in a position of " Conflict of Interest" >> and pay >a >> hooker, their mother, to keep quiet, in this case, in Newfoundland. >> Their >> names and why are evident on Harrietts Customer List at this Website;

>> & >> Before our Premier Danny Williams entered Politics, he and his Law >> Firm >> represented me, when he was elected his Firm returned my File and >> wished > me >> Good Luck finding another Lawyer. No-one in Newfoundland will >> represent me >> since and the last Lawyer I asked told me, If any lawyer in >> Newfoundland >> represents you, it will be the last job they do in this province. >> Newfoundland. >> On Febuary 02/09 at 10 AM in Provincial Court with Judge David Orr >> the >> victim, me, will be further persecuted for telling the truth and this > system >> will protect the criminal, Alex Hickman. My Government appointed >> lawyer > told >> me she won't even ask for a DNA test to prove the TRUTH. Once again >> NL. >> courts will knowingly convict the wrong person. The Judge, David >> Orr knows >> he can't convict me legally of any wrong doing, I'm telling the >> truth, so > he >> has ordered a Psychiatric evaluation on April 03/09 and try to have a > Doctor >> confine me in a Mental Hospital in St. John's to prevent me from >> returning >> to Ottawa with my information Protest and the truth about the >> Newfoundland >> Legal System.. >>

----- Original Message ----From: We are Fred up To: David Amos Sent: Monday, October 17, 2011 1:55 AM Subject: Re: Seems that the phone died again

The most harmful place for Jews is in Israel ________________________________________________________________________ BLOGGER CHARLES LEBLANC IS INTERVIEWED BY CHSR RADIO ABOUT THE FREDERICTON POLICE FORCE, ________________________________________________________________________ New World Order Plan to Kill 90% of the Worlds Population ________________________________________________________________________ Protest Now! CHINA BUYING 4 STATES in the U.S. ___________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Did HAARP weapon cause Haiti Earthquake killing thousands ? ________________________________________________________________________

Japan Tsunami Fukushima Nuclear Disaster 1/2 - Leuren Moret - PDX 9/11 Truth ________________________________________________________________________

The Khazarian Conspiracy, Part 1 of 12 ________________________________________________________________________ ZIONISTS WON'T LET YOU SEE THIS ON YOUR TV ________________________________________________________________________ Jeffrey M. Smith: The GMO Threat

On Sun, Oct 16, 2011 at 2:42 PM, David Amos <> wrote: I was searching for Alex Hunter tatoo info and came across this email Check this out This is Chucky and Richard Harris digging into the murder of the Felsings when everybody knows it was me who told them about it. Just like with Byron Prior See my former friend Alex hunter in this email ---------- Forwarded message ---------From: David Amos <> Date: Wed, 4 Nov 2009 20:33:56 -0400

Subject: I was completely open and honest with you Now I won't trust you anymore than I do any of your friends in Fredericton To: Cc: "Paulette. Delaney-Smith" <>, "" <>, "Ross, Ken (DH/MS)" <>, "MichaelB. Murphy" <> Judith Day, Director Atlantiac Provinces 208 Dunn's Crossing Road Fredericton (N.-B.) E3B 2A6 Telephone : (506) 454-5444. E-mail : ---------- Forwarded message ---------From: David Amos <> Date: Wed, 4 Nov 2009 20:24:42 -0400 Subject: I just managed to talk to Judith Day What kind of Bullshit are you people telling her??? To: For the record this is the second to last email I received from Byron Prior and following a bit of biblepounding you will see his last. ---------- Forwarded message ---------From: Byron Prior <> Date: Sun, 15 Mar 2009 22:37:14 -0400 Subject: Fw: Obama documentary, Byron Prior and your Documents in court. To: David Amos <> David, I've stayed away from any conversations with you because things get to complicated. I'm trying to survive and on Friday in court I entered your information and the letters you wrote and the paper I had signed by Danny Williams Office, Lt. Govonor Ed Roberts office and

from the law society of NL.. In court the Legal Aid Lawyer, Michele Coady, The Crown Lawyer Elaine Reid and the Provincial court Judge David Orr accepted this information with a list of others and letters of people in power who have been informed about T. Alex Hickman and my family. Byron Prior MORE For This WEEKS Battlecry Current Events: Byron Prior updates and callers WARRIORS ... We'll be talking to: Alex Hunter - CCWW Coalition of the Walking Wounded: utbube links on the subject Judith Day-"First of all, I am a Nurse Educator and Patient Advocate: My name is Judith DayI spent many years in UNB lawschool library studying how to practice law and represented myself in The Supreme Court of Newfoundland and Labrador as no lawyer in Newfoundland would represent me to receive justice for being illegally detained in a mental institution and damaged with psychotropic drugs. Since I became involved in this tragic issue around the end of July, when I visited Nl., I had no idea that I would be enlightened with all those facts. I guess what goes around comes around after all. I am the Judith Day mentioned in Karol's emails. Last week, I have personally gone to UNB lawschool and spoke to a couple of young student lawyers from Newfoundland to help spread the word throughout the school about this injustice done to Byron. I also wrote a lawyer here in UNB for advice as I am hoping that someone steps forward to help him legally.. Bryon's health is my main concern right now as I have reasons to

believe after speaking to him and Audrey that his blood prsure is not under control and his rapid weight loss and profuse sweating could be a sign that he may be having bouts of hypotension. (The treating physician has doubled his dose of Altace)I don't believe he is being given Lasix.. I hope not, as that was what killed my mother when I was institutionilized. (Medical records and evidence were presented during my court case )According to Byron, His blood pressure has not been checked in two weeks, since this extension of his confinement.....He needs blood work done now. If his electrolytes are not checked he may go into metabolic acidosis, relapse in a coma or experience psychotic episodes, or even die and that will be very tragic.If he experiences psychosis due to a medical problem, it will be an excuse for the psychiatrists, who are treating him to begin their psychotropic drug regime, which may really damage him as he is not physically well, with only one properly functioning kidney.I was told the Waterford hospital has a "federal order" to hold him for another ninety days and he is not alowed to complete an appeal for release form. Where did this order come from?After reading Karol's information that has me floored, this could be another blackmail prosceution from Ottawa. Who knows.There is no case manager on his floor, she is off on holidays, I spoke to the nurse in charge about Byron's medical condition on Saturday, giving my full name...I am going to get this information out on the radio stations today in St. John's, without mentioning Byron's name so I will not be cut off.I have contacts with Eastern Health and it will be passed on there. If Byron dies, there will be a massive lawsuit for Eastern Health again, with the bad publicity that will go along with it, like the incident when Eastern Health tried to cover up for incompetent pathologists in the botched hormone receptor results.The cover up cost many innocent people time. Time that could have saved their lives. Time that will have the potential to kill Byron as well if we don't get him released in safety. Speaking from experience as it has happened to me, but I survived..Judith Day writes from Fredericton The seventeen million dollars the government just settled will be a joke, when this story ends with the death of Byron Prior and a public inquiry begins.

Attention Everyone else: inspired to call in regarding this very current event, THE PERDECUTION OF BYRON PRIOR. 347 945-5602 Unity of the Faith at work by just a few of the many warriors who got boots working and exposing the Truth and the evidence of Byron Prior's family abuse ... His story of persecution short version: About seven years ago, a man named Byron Prior of Grand Bank, Newfoundland contacted me. He related to me the horrid abuses that he and his siblings suffered at the hands of their now-deceased mother and her countless paramours. Among those paramours were members of the local religious, business, political and judicial community. Byron sent me a huge stack of supporting information that included police, court and RCMP records. Subsequently, I wrote a novel based on their story called Playing With The Devil.During the 50s and early 60s, these children suffered mental, emotional, physical and sexual abuse some from as early as two years old. As the eldest child, Byron tried to get help at the time but no one would listen. Grand Bank was a small, tight-knit community where word traveled fast and most people assumed the children were just difficult kids and troublemakers.Over the years, Byron has never forgotten what he suffered himself and saw done to his siblings, and he has never stopped fighting for justice for all of them. However, some of the perpetrators are high profile individuals one being a former Supreme Court judge, who is now a respected political figure who seems to be beyond the touch of the law. This particular person raped one of his sisters when she was only 12 years old, resulting in the birth of a child. This man, I am told, has been helping the sister and her daughter financially over the years but will not admit to what he did. And although Byron has asked for a simple DNA test to prove what he says is true, no court has thus far allowed it.In the past, he has traveled to Ontario several times to spend months at a time protesting (with the proper legal papers) on Parliament Hill. He hoped that someone anyone would listen and take

him seriously. He has also been in and out of courtrooms. As a result over the years, he has suffered even more as a victim of the system. Due to the nature of Grand Bank, Byron cannot even get a job, let alone a good lawyer to represent him. He has had a number of serious physical problems and life for himself and his family has been difficult, to say the least - but he has never given up. About three months ago, Byron was summonsed to court on a charge of defamatory libel with regard to the man he says raped his sister. Again, Byron asked for a DNA test. Instead, the judge ordered him to spend 90 days in the Waterford Psychiatric Hospital. Byron is of sound mind perhaps more so than most people.Byron has no psychiatric problems, as evidenced by a number of previous tests administered by prominent psychiatrist in Ontario. Thus he has refused to take psychotic medicines that they want to give him. They believe that until he takes them, he will continue to be delusional about what happened to him and his siblings. A few days ago, Byron received notice that he is to remain in the Waterford Psychiatric Hospital for yet another 90 days! His wife, Audrey, is extremely upset as are the hundreds of folks who know Byron and wish they could help him in some way. Over the past few weeks, support for him has grown immensely through forums, web sites, letter-writing campaigns and more. We all feel that his own personal rights have been stripped from him in order to keep him quiet. And we desperately need a brave and tough lawyer who is not afraid to take on the powers that be particularly the jaded legal and judicial system that has for nearly 50 years, refused to listen to the truth. Would you please be kind enough to visit the following web sites? Author/Editor Martha Jette

ocentvictims Battlecry focus on topics including the Legion of dark spirits working and exposing them setting the captives free... DO YOU HAVE A DEAF AND DUMB SPIRIT MANIFESTING AS SPIRITUAL BLINDNESS? Inability to hear or see the Truth clearly? Plagued by a legion of spirits all working together to produce a mingled perverse spirit working error in your(our) understanding? Or do you think you're not able to stumble in this great age of deception due to your spiritual pride??Thinking you've paid the price and couldn't possibly be deceived. Welllll guess what church elect lady, we can be decieved and we can stumble and we do make bigger targets than the luke warm pew sitters. Legion and the dark spirits with him working lawlessness are at war with the Spirit of Prophecy and those of us who have the testimony of the WORD; made flesh...and it is the sword of the spirit of Truth that divides the Truth from spirits of error especially those "familiar" spirits that sound like the spirit of Truth... Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. For I am come; to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law. And a man's foes shall be they of his own household. MT 10 A book of remembrance. I AM; The Way, Life & THE TRUTH...Jo 14:6

the sword of the Spirit, which is the WORD of YHWH Ep 6 I AM the LIGHT of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness.....but have the LIGHT of LIFE. there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; and hid, that shall not be known. Mt 10:26 No man, when he hath lighted a candle, covereth it with a vessel, or putteth it under a bed; but setteth it on a candlestick, that they which enter in may see the light. Luke 8:17 For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither any thing hid, that shall not be known and come abroad.8:18 Take heed therefore how ye hear: for whosoever hath, to him shall be given; and whosoever hath not, from him shall be taken even that which he seemeth to have. Pr 15 The ear that heareth the reproof of life abideth among the wise.15:32 He that refuseth instruction despiseth his own soul: but he that heareth reproof getteth understanding. Pr 10 He is in the way of life that heeds instruction: but he that refuseth reproof erreth. From: Byron Prior <> Date: Sat, 28 Mar 2009 22:02:29 -0400 Subject: Fw: RE Exposing Newfoundland Corruption to the World. Anybody but me wonder why Byron Prior left me out of his news but uses the email addresses I have used? To: David Amos <> ----- Original Message ----From: "David Amos" <> To: "William J. Wagener" <>;

<>; "edwach" <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; "webo" <>; "dean Ray" <>; <>; "Dan Fitzgerald" <>; "Edith. Cody-Rice" <>; "rfowlo" <>; "Richard Harris" <>; "criminal. division" <>; "George" <> Cc: "Byron Prior" <> Sent: Saturday, March 28, 2009 9:55 PM Subject: RE Exposing Newfoundland Corruption to the World. Anybody but me wonder why Byron Prior left me out of his news but uses the email addresses I have used? > ----- Original Message ----> From: "Byron Prior" <> > To: "William J. Wagener" <>; > <>; "edwach" <>; > <>; <>; <>; > <>; <>; > <> > Cc: "webo" <>; "dean Ray" <>; > <>; "Dan Fitzgerald" <>; "Edith. > Cody-Rice" > <>; "rfowlo" <>; "Richard Harris" > <>; "criminal. division" > <>; "George" <> > Sent: Saturday, March 28, 2009 7:56 PM > Subject: Re: Exposing Newfoundland Corruption to the World. > > >>

>> My family was destroyed as young children by Incest, Child Rape and Abuse > of >> every kind in a small town of 2500 people. Supreme Court Judges, > Politicians >> and RCMP are involved and in a position of " Conflict of Interest" and >> pay >a >> hooker, their mother, to keep quiet, in this case, in Newfoundland. Their >> names and why are evident on Harrietts Customer List at this Website; >> & >> Before our Premier Danny Williams entered Politics, he and his Law Firm >> represented me, when he was elected his Firm returned my File and wished > me >> Good Luck finding another Lawyer. No-one in Newfoundland will represent >> me >> since and the last Lawyer I asked told me, If any lawyer in Newfoundland >> represents you, it will be the last job they do in this province. >> Newfoundland. >> On Febuary 02/09 at 10 AM in Provincial Court with Judge David Orr the >> victim, me, will be further persecuted for telling the truth and this > system >> will protect the criminal, Alex Hickman. My Government appointed lawyer > told >> me she won't even ask for a DNA test to prove the TRUTH. Once again NL. >> courts will knowingly convict the wrong person. The Judge, David Orr >> knows >> he can't convict me legally of any wrong doing, I'm telling the truth, so > he >> has ordered a Psychiatric evaluation on April 03/09 and try to have a > Doctor >> confine me in a Mental Hospital in St. John's to prevent me from >> returning >> to Ottawa with my information Protest and the truth about the >> Newfoundland >> Legal System.. >>

----- Original Message ----From: We are Fred up To: David Amos Sent: Monday, October 17, 2011 1:30 AM Subject: Re: Here are some emails and blogs that Chucky Leblanc and his buddies in the Fat Fred City Finest and The Fake Left would like to forget

Hello David, hey what do you think of this Blogg I started to put together regarding my experiences. It is still under construction, and I have not promoted it at all yet. You can view two of my submissions which where provided to the Court of Queens Bench Trial Division for consideration regarding the Residential Tenancy Act of New Brunswick vs. the Banks inter alia. Call me anytime you like. _____________________Sincerely Andr On Sun, Oct 16, 2011 at 11:20 PM, David Amos <> wrote: ---------- Forwarded message ---------From: David Amos <> Date: Mon, 26 Sep 2011 15:39:16 -0300 Subject: Jayson McDonald in the Office of John Rafferty (613-290-0542) wants to argue the law with me??? To:, "" <>, maritime_malaise <>, chebert <> Cc: "richard. dearden" <>, pm <>, nichor <>, toewsv1 <>

my my won't that be fun EH Mr Dearden? ---------- Forwarded message ---------From: David Amos <> Date: Mon, 26 Sep 2011 15:20:51 -0300 Subject: RE Chucky Leblanc the RCMP and the Fat Fred City Finest To: "" <>, "Barry.MacKnight" <>,, "Loiseau, Frederic" <>, "Wayne.Lang" <>, "mclaughlin.heather" <>, maritime_malaise <>, "dan. bussieres" <> Cc: thepurplevioletpress <>, "Jacques.Poitras" <>, danfour <>, chiefape <> Jan 3rd, 2004 Mr. David R. Amos 153 Alvin Avenue Milton, MA 02186 U.S.A. Dear Mr. Amos Thank you for your letter of November 19th, 2003, addressed to my predecessor, the Honourble Wayne Easter, regarding your safety. I apologize for the delay in responding. If you have any concerns about your personal safety, I can only

suggest that you contact the police of local jurisdiction. In addition, any evidence of criminal activity should be brought to their attention since the police are in the best position to evaluate the information and take action as deemed appropriate. I trust that this information is satisfactory. Yours sincerely A. Anne McLellan

"Copp, Danny" wrote: From: "Copp, Danny" To: "''" Subject: your correspondence Date: Thu, 7 Oct 2004 15:25:29 -0300 Mr. Amos, I am acknowledging receipt of your voice-mail message on October 6th, 2004 and your several e-mails with numerous attachments. In your voice mail you indicated that your are in receipt of my letter dated September 30, 2004. The material received from you does not address the specific points raised in my correspondence. As indicated, would you please provide greater detail regarding: * In what manner the police officers assisted the Sergeant at Arms in banning you from the New Brunswick Legislature. * What, if any explanation was provided to you by the police officers and/or Sgt at Arms regarding their actions * Any explanation or evidence that you might be able to provide which would support your allegation that the conduct of

the officers was "for political not legal reasons" Thank you for your assistance in this matter - I await your response. S/Sgt Danny Copp NCO I/C Personnel/Support Division Fredericton Police Force "Providing Quality Service to our Clients" From: David Amos <> Subject: Yo Chucky Baby Leblanc your best French butt buddy Freddy Loiseau just called me twice and sent his love To: "" <>, "danfour" <>, "dan. bussieres" <>, "Wayne.Lang" <>, "maritime_malaise" <>, "Gilles. Blinn" <> Cc: "Loiseau, Frederic" <>, "Barry.MacKnight" <> Date: Tuesday, August 2, 2011, 5:42 PM --- On Tue, 8/2/11, magicJack <> wrote: From: magicJack <> Subject: New VM (8) - 0:00 minutes in your magicJack mailbox from 5064602192 To: "DAVID AMOS" Date: Tuesday, August 2, 2011, 4:00 PM Dear magicJack User: You received a new 0:00 minutes voicemail message, on Tuesday, August 02, 2011 at 07:00:07 PM in mailbox 9028000369 from 5064602192. Date: Tue, 17 Jun 2008 11:00:16 -0700 (PDT) From: "David Amos" Subject: If the Fat Fred City Finest arrest you Chucky say hey to your fellow liars for me will ya? I posted the last email to them you know where EH? To:, Department Public Safety Home | Franais Meet Your Recruitment Champion What did you do before becoming a police officer? Cst. Lisa McFarlane Miramichi Police Force EMAIL: "Before becoming a Police Officer, I worked as a Paramedic, also an exciting profession in the emergency field. Responding to different types of calls is what makes policing an ever changing, unpredictable and exciting career. There is never a dull day in policing!" Why did you choose a career in policing? Cst. Michelle Bliss Saint John Police Force EMAIL: "Why did I join policing??? So many people have asked me this question and every time, I seem to give a different answer. I know it might sound clich but the main reason I wanted to get into policing was to help others and to try and make a difference. All my life I've always loved listening to people and trying to help solve their problems. My personality though, is one where I needed variety in my career and policing is a career that has shown to have an ample amount of this. In this fast pace, adrenaline rush career, no two days and no two

calls are alike. You are challenged everyday and the people you speak with count on you to solve their problems. You become part of an amazing team and I can honestly say that I look forward to going to work everyday! So why do I give so many different answers when it comes to this question? It's because there are so many great reasons to get into policing. So now when people ask me why did I become a Police Officer, I say why not?!" Cst. Cory Jamieson Saint John Police Force EMAIL: "Policing for me was more than a career choice; it was a calling. The idea of being part of something that truly makes a difference in another persons life is far greater than words to paper could ever describe. I hold to the idea that if I help one person in my life time, then my life has had meaning. I chose to matter, and policing has given me this. I challenge you to choose a career in policing and feel it for yourself." What skills did you bring to the job? Cst. Frdric L'Oiseau Fredericton Police Force EMAIL: TELEPHONE: (506) 460-2300 "After serving with the Military Police, I decided to join a New Brunswick municipal Police Force and there is no doubt in my mind I made the right decision. The team I work with is great and I truly feel part of a family. Being a French member, originally from Quebec, really makes me feel helpful as I can assist fellow officers on the job, when dealing with French speaking residents of the community. In return, I get to improve my English day to day while working with them. This is what a team should be." What skills have you learned on the job?

Cpl. Bobbi Simmons Fredericton Police Force EMAIL: TELEPHONE: (506) 460-2300 "I have been a police officer for 10 years and I never imagined I would have so many diverse opportunities in my policing career. I have served in patrols, community policing, traffic section, training and act as the Media Liaison for my Police Force. I was recently promoted to Corporal and credit the skills that I have learned on the job for my success. These skills include dealing effectively with difficult people, managing my time professionally, coaching and mentoring others to name just a few. The most important thing that I have learned is that my safety is paramount and being exposed to the vast array of training in officer, and public, safety has been the most valuable -and it's fun too!" Cst. Jan Smith Fredericton Police Force EMAIL: TELEPHONE: (506) 460-2300 "The initial police cadet training is enough to get started in a career in policing. I learned enforcement tactics, emergency response, officer safety, detainee management, and interviewing. Over my 16-year career as a police officer, I think the greatest skills I have learned are forgiveness and the attitude that, "I will not be defeated" Policing has allowed me to find my passion and use those strengths in the course of my duties. I have found my niche. Policing is a career on the edge of new experiences, new challenges, new problems, new frustrations and new solutions. It's an exciting place to be." Describe a typical day on the job. Cst. Lindsey Mott

Rothesay Regional Police Force EMAIL: "If there was such a thing as a typical day, writing this would be easy. Im sure that fellow officers would agree, and thats what makes policing such an interesting career choice. A typical day in policing does not exist; it changes everyday and thats what makes it so exciting to go to work. The job challenges you daily and requires you to be alert every second. The job that we must accomplish as police officers is to preserve peace and protect the life and property of others. We are also required as police officers to encourage and participate in community programs that make community life better and safer for all residents. It is also the job of police officers to apprehend criminals who break the law. Our job is very diverse and changes with everyday occurrences. We work together to reach goals and uphold principles in our service to the community. With all that said, I love the career I chose and I love going to work each and everyday." Cst. Shawn Coughlan Rothesay Regional Police Force EMAIL: TELEPHONE: (506)847-6300 What do you like most (and least) about your job as a police officer? Cst. Dan Roy RCMP EMAIL: TELEPHONE: (506) 857-1290 "One of the things I love most about a career in policing is the camaraderie. The experiences lived as police officers are no-where near ordinary, which I feel brings us closer together. On a daily basis, police officers depend on each other not only to keep the public safe, but to keep each other out of harms way. It doesnt matter where or what police force a person works for, the day you graduate from the academy and work your first shift, you are the

newest member of a very big family. Personally, the thing I like least in police work is the shift work. It can get hard on the body when other life responsibilities require you to get up after a few hours sleep and go on with your day." Would you recommend a policing career in New Brunswick? Cst. Josh Ouellette Bathurst Police Force EMAIL: TELEPHONE: 506-548-0471 "After serving several years for the Canadian Forces Military Police, across Canada, I returned to New Brunswick to continue my law enforcement career where I believe that the quality of life for my family and I, is second to none. It is, without a doubt, a part of Canada where I feel my work is validated and where police officers are considered by the community to be part of the community. In my career in New Brunswick, I have fulfilled all my aspirations by being part of a Drug Enforcement Unit, an investigator with a Major Crime Unit, a Community Liaison Officer and a Patrol Officer. There's no career like it!!" What advice would you give to new recruits? Cst. Seth Cahill Woodstock Police Force EMAIL: TELEPHONE: (506) 325-4601 "When I speak to people who are interested in policing as a career, I always tell them it is important to start leading a healthy lifestyle and the sooner, the better. If you think policing is a career for you, then start exercising, stay away from illegal drugs, avoid consuming alcohol in excess, and dont use tobacco products. I encourage young people especially to start thinking about how they want people to remember them in the future. As a potential recruit, you should evaluate your lifestyle and

possibly make changes where needed. The recruitment process is extremely competitive and new recruits should be concentrating on community involvement, leadership skills, and education. This career has proven to be challenging and rewarding beyond my expectations! Now is the time to ask yourself --- Are you up for this commitment?" Long hours/Shift work Cst. Tonia Roussel Edmundston Police Force "Twelve-hour shifts are not always easy, but like any good thing, there are also advantages. I work on a four-day rotation, with two day shifts and two night shifts, and I have four days off. On my days off I can go to my appointments, do errands, take part in my recreational activities, and spend some quality time with friends and family. Also, when I take four days of vacation it actually gives me 12 consecutive days off. Think about it! We actually work less than six months a year. These days, it is important to make a distinction between work and social life. Working 12-hour shifts enables us to offer 24-hour service to citizens, which for me is important and gratifying most of the time." Burnout Cst. Aaron Frizzell Fredericton Police Force EMAIL: TELEPHONE: (506) 460-2300 "It has been a little over 4 years now since I was lucky enough to have my dream come true! I have always known I wanted to help people but was not sure what path would be right for me. The first day I was out on my own in a marked police vehicle I had an overwhelming feeling of accomplishment and a desire to make a difference. People have always said that policing is a high stress occupation and it would be a difficult career to continue for 25 years. However, I think they

forget that you are never alone. Working with a team, there is always someone to talk to who can relate to what you are going through. Whether it is a fellow police officer or a member of management, I can always find comfort and guidance around every corner. The Fredericton Police Station is like a big family whose members rely on each other." Concerns regarding physical requirements Cst. Manon Doucet B.N.P.P. Police Force EMAIL: "Five years after graduating from high school, I decided to achieve my life time goal of becoming a police officer. I thought I would not be accepted into police training because of my 5 1 height. If you have determination and you strive to be the best, you can do this. The Academy will prepare you to become a great police officer, regardless of your gender, height or weight." Work/Family Balance Sgt. Suzanne Themens Grand Falls Police Force EMAIL: TELEPHONE: (506) 475-7767 "I am a Mom with 3 kids. Working as a Police Officer, on a shift schedule, has benefited both my career plan and family goals. I have been able to participate in school field trips during the week without compromising my work schedule. It is a huge advantage being able to do shift work as it enhances both my family life and career." Next: FAQs Information Welcome What's in it for you?

Minimum Requirements Do you have what it takes? Police Cadet Training Financial Assistance Recruitment Events Meet your Recruitment Champion FAQs Links -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Department of Public Safety Email | Contacts | Disclaimer | Privacy Statement From: David Amos <> Subject: Hells Angels EH Chucky Leblanc? When was the last time you or the Irvings or the RCMP saw one ride a Panhead alone? To:,,,,, Cc:,,, Date: Wednesday, July 9, 2008, 12:08 AM Remeber these old emails of yours Chucky Baby? Post this photo of my nasty arse I Double Dog Dare Ya to Frenchy. At least my baby boy's little arse is far more innocent looking than Shawny Baby Grahams black eye EH Frenchy? Small wonder that I didn't allow him anywhere near and of Cardinal Law's nasty Boyz in Beantown EH? You must I figured out by now that I hate diddlers and especiallly the ones who pretend to be oh so pious and above us all. By now you must at least understand one of the reasons I supported Byron Prior years

ago in his quest for justice but I was always more concerned about about what he knows about Johnny Crosbie, the Haliburton dudes and our dead fish. But you don't know the first thing about that do ya. It must be because not one of your five brians knows how to read Nest Pas? HELL ANGELS FROM MONTREAL LOOKING FOR CHARLES LEBLANC???? by Charles LeBlanc Saturday, Jun. 12, 2004 at 11:26 AM Thursday morning, I showed up at the Legislature to use the computer at the Library. I was told by security that two rough looking individuals walked through the doors and asked for a Charles Leblanc? They described the guys as rough looking and one of them had a long gray beard with a leather jacket! At first, I believe it was the Hell Angels coming down from Montreal for a hit on Charles. Hours later, I seen my bigot buddy Matthew Glenn and he was in front of the Legislature with his blowhorn. For you people who don't know the bigot? He's the one who started the Anglo Society. I seen him preaching to three young kids and of course I butt in and said - Hey Bigot??? Why don't you bigot go home? Minutes later, we were approached by two guys and they asked politely Where can we locate a Charles LeBlanc??? In a matter of seconds, the bigot quickly pointed at me. I said to myself - Ohhh?? Thanks a lot Bigot!!! At the end? It was a guy named David Amos and I guess that he's running at an independent in the riding of Fundy Royal. The guy have been living in the area of Boston and he's been following my updates on the internet. I'm telling you that the information highway is a great way to spread the message to the rest of the world!

We talked for around 30 minutes and it was nice to see the bigot, me and David Amos together debating our own little concern issue. We all have our own issues and it's too bad that we cannot unite and fight but that's the way Canadians do things. They remind silent until the Government really pissed them all and go out and vote the party in power out of office. What did I tell you people in the past? Someone is going to crack up one of these days and I know for a fact the area targeted is going to be the Legislature. Two weeks later you wrote this Chucky There's always undercovers cops around but only when the House is in session. As God as my witness I hope nothing happens but it's just a matter of time till someone is push over the edge. I guess a guy name David Amos was shown the door yesterday at the Legislature. This guy is running as an Independent candidate in the riding of Fundy Royal. I met the guy over the net and he has a beef with our political bureaucrats. I admire people fighting for what they believe in but you can't get carried away. I guess in this case? He wanted to speak from the Gallery and that's a big faux pas! After you continued to make fun of me throughout the summer of 2004 amongst the other things I forwarded to you was an old joke about my drunken Irish Catholic in laws in Beantown. N'est Pas? It must have pissed you off as I tortured the Hell out of your buddy Bernie Richard the nasty Ombudsman too before my wife and I and a lawyer visited the Police Commission. In response you sent photos of your old soon to be dead dog comparing it to me. I laughed the photos were taken by your Fake Left friends and emailed to you. Your big Faux Pas was that you were so dumb you sent me their email address too. Thus in a wink of an eye I knew and had the proof of who was behind you and pulling your

strings. Do they remember my conversations with them last year? I do. The question is did I record them as they made liars out of themselves. LOL EH? Stay tuned Frenchy. When you saw that I was falsely imprisoned in Boston on October 1st, 2004 you largely shut up and never responded to my emails over the course of the past four years because you knew what I did with them after that. As the old Joke goes many a true word is said in jest and you did not like other people reading your nonsense to me. Correct? Years after that old joke I sent you went around. The Yankees made a movie starring Jack Nicholson based on Whitey's life and times. It is entitled "The Departed". Perhaps the drunken Catholic in you should rent it sometime with your welfare dimes. Listen closely to what ol Jacky Boy says about your Church and their very corrupt doings. My Keith ancestors and I were not alone in our contempt towards your church EH? Did your Mama tell you that the Keiths came out of northern Germany to settle in Scotland in order to escape your nasty Popes and their cohorts? Do you understand that after the shit was settled in 1755 the Frenchmen in Canada who did not wish to be shipped out to other French holdings swore allegiance to the British Crown? What makes you dudes think that you can change the deal now especially in light of the fact every Indian demands that we hold up to all the other deals our ancestors made long before any of us were born? The Scottish part of you should shove that Acadian flag along with its flagpole up your French arse Chucky Baby. Is that clear or COR enough for you? To rub it in I will tell you that after my father died my Mama married Loyd Nickerson a member of the COR Party who was also the Chief Electoral Officer of New Brunswick. One big reason I ran in Fundy is that there are damn few French men registered to vote and not many Catholic churchs in Kings County. I ain't a bigot. I love French Catholic women. Hell I was the first of my family that I know of who married a Catholic woman. It is their greedy Catholic brothers that I hate be they either French or Irish or whatever. I believe they call this shit conflict of colours Orange versus Green not biker bullshit

as you claimed about me. I don't wear Biker colours I where the colours of My Clan and I have many friends. Quite possibly many more true French ones than you do. How can you have true friends at all if they can't trust you. Do your even believe yourself and your obvious Bullshit? How do you sleep at night knowing yourself as you do? Why to do make fun of a fellow Maritimer whose family was destroyed by the very people you pretend to complain about? Never forget I am from Dorchester Frenchy and Ivan Cormier (AKA the Beast) was on my paper route and I liked and admired him and his friends and their art particularly Killer Karl Krupp and the Cuban. Their Bullshit was flat out entertaining and not malicious at all. Yours definitely is malicious and not funny at all. No Class Bobby Bass had way more class in his worst fart than you do in your whole soul. I must say venting some of my venom towards you is definitely good for my savage soul. As a southern friend of mine would say when I was feeling mean years ago "Ya gots to get the poison out or ya die just don't spit out in my direction. Save it for somebody who deserves it." BTW, the man who sold me that old Panhead that your cop buddies in Fat Fred City stole from me last summer was a of French Cathlolic heritage out of Quebec. He was a really good friend of mine and I named my bike after him and his wife. His family moved from Quebec to Vermont about a hundred years ago when your greedy priests demanded that the poor folks build another big fancy church across the road from the one they just built. So they crossed the border, built a simple church and went about the pursuit of happiness in a country that is supposed to keep church and state separate and have only one official language. Go try your crybaby French welfare nonsense in New Hampshire or Vermont sometime Chucky and see if you come back in one piece. I would pay money I don't have to watch that circus tent unfold. The Pope's mission is to keep you dudes poor and dumb. Get it Frenchy? If not ask your hero Spinksy Baby to argue me as if I care what any of you think. I would argue him right after that chickenshit IDs himself and proves to me and everyone else that he is not Brent Taylor. I Double Dog Dare Ya to post this email in his blog. I am posting it

deep in your buddy the Gypsy's blog before I post it in mine. That is if he has still maintained his integrity after all my stress tests last week. You dudes kissing the "The General Blogger" nasty arse was too much for me to stand. It was too funny that T. J Burke blocked my defence of your blatant stupidity N'est Pas? BTW one of my wife's cousins Robert T. Kickham you remember the evil ex banker who turned into the evil priest is still Cardinal O'Malley's secretary in Beantown as far as I know. Why don't you sing their priases on the Internet this Easter and ask that all the corrupt Catholics to pray that I be crucified by the RCMP soon? I must ask you Chucky why did you support diddlers for years and then suddenly turn coat and support Byron Prior's pursuit of justice after ignoring the fact that I introduced you two to each other four years ago? Veritas Vincit David Raymond Amos P.S. For the record Chucky this joke is still funny to me and my arse and my balls are as big as ever. Ain't it funny how time slips away and yet some things remain the same? Everybody knows I find you contemptible and why that is so. I do wish you a long life so that you can recall all your sins countless times with your five brains. However I must turn the page my personal history and go back to how I once was before I am dust once more. Life is too short to argue with liars for long or dance with ugly women so to speak. My Baby Boy turns 18 this year thus my job of raising him is largely done. He and his sisters are my best piece work. They all have the records of all my work including this email. (Obviously I sent it from one of my other email accounts to one of my son's for safe keeping before I save it digitally and print it as well.) Before long my son will be the Chief of our Clan and it will be his job to defend my integrity and my deeds for the benefit of my seed as I grin proudly from the grave. He is quite simply the best man I ever met and truly a man of his word. Never underestimate my darling daughters they are tigers in their own right and I raised them not to take shit from anyone. They may prove

to be the most trouble for the unethical smiling bastards that are the powers that be right now. Between men I asked my son to piss on the graves of my enemies someday if I could not do so and he promised that he would. I would not ask my little Darlins to do such a thing out of respect to their gender. As part of my Blood Feud you made the list Chucky Baby. Your Mama will understand why I told my son that in order to pay proper respect to from Whence We Came he really should drink a lot of Keiths beer before he does so. Whereas neither of us like the taste of beer I will leave him to his own chosen poison as long as he enjoys the in and out of it all. As for me I plan to Rest in Peace in Dorchester someday happy in knowing the fact that I have left at least four very decent folk behind me on this planet. My skull like Yorick's of old will grin like Hell thinking about the fact that the prevailing winds will blow the smell of my rotting corpse towards your old stomping grounds where you no doubt will be buried without any children at all to visit your bones. If you do have kids or an ex wife or two I never read where you admitted it. Dudes like you and your fans such as Dean Roger Ray and the Depupty Dog Robert F. O'Meara are too selfish to make decent loving fathers anyway. If there truly is a Hell like in your dreams Chucky, I will look for you there. I suspect the Devil would promote me to Sergeant at Arms and give me a Black Rod as soon as I landed in order to cram it up your nasty French arse. I have no doubt its hard to get good help in Hell and Satan will need a lot of help pounding on all the evil priests, bankers, lawyers, cops, politicians and the liars like you who supported their malice in this wonderful old world. N'est Pas? Can one of your five brains tell that you have an ethical pigheaded Maritimer you hates you with a very justifiable passion Chucky Baby? Whereas your buddy Shawny Baby Graham enjoys jokes maybe he will enjoy this one since it is on you. It is not my joke and I give credit where credit is due. I hate it when you or your buddies Dean Roger Ray or

the Yankee Stevey Boy Erickson steal my words and claim them as their own while you try to impeach my character at the same time. If anyone doubts that I am the first Chief of the Amos Clan who has every right and duty to defend it fiercely perhaps he should query the dockets of the US District Court in Concord New Hampshire if he knows how. Whereas everything in the Catholic's heaven and hell is down in three I file My Clan's declaration of Independence for the Keiths within three affidavits in three different matters. I do not file nuisance lawsuits as Yankee blogger hero claims. Danny Boy can post the photo of my nasty arse, my boy and my panhead on the Internet with my knowledge and assent and my blessings and thanx as well. However I still own the rights to it. I need it for my book about you Fake Left Creeps on Fat Fred city and elsewhere. It may be the only thing that I leave my kids that could be worth something someday. Maritimers do love juicy gossip N'est Pas? Veritas Vincit David Raymond Amos Date: Fri, 18 Oct 2002 02:02:22 -0400 From: Rollo Tomasi rollotomasi@COMCAST.NET Subject: Bingo-Playing Golden-Age Golden Glove Catholic Gang Members Lay Waste to Bay State Boston - First it was financial scandals, followed by Notre Dame football teams that really sucked, then pederast priests. Now it appears that bingo, the fourth and some would say most important pillar of the Roman Catholic Church, is on the verge of self-destruction. Yesterday members of the Boston Police Department SWAT team, two divisions of the Massachusetts National Guard and the US Army's elite Delta Force had to be called in to stop a riot that had broken out at the Whitey Bulger Memorial Senior Citizen Center at St. Bernadette's Cathedral in the so-called

"Southie" section of Beantown. "Southie," populated mostly by unemployed drunk Irish immigrants, became well-known in the 1970s as a symbol of protest against racial integration, and according to statistics released by the US Census Bureau, contains the highest concentration of dim-witted white people in the world. Although details at this point are sketchy, it appears that the cause of the riot was dissatisfaction over new rules limiting bingo participants to one colostomy bag per person. "I know these old-timers can play bingo all night," said Seamus O'Connor, director of activities at the Bulger Center, "But, my god, seven colostomy bags?! C'mon, we all know they were smuggling in contraband and controlled substances. Heck, we even found one hastily discarded bag filled with two gallons of Curacao. I mean, give me a break. Who pisses blue anyway?" The Diocese of Boston officially denied any responsibility for the riot. John Cardinal O'Donnell, Archbishop of the Diocese, angrily attacked the press for what he termed "sloppy reporting by biased reporters who have been duped by Protestant agitprop." Cardinal O'Donnell assumed a defiant posture as he met with members of the press. "I'm sick and tired of all the anti-Irish prejudice in American society. You read the newspapers and you'd think that all we Irish do is drink, fight and whore around." O'Donnell then chugged a bottle of Guinness Stout, pinched his

secretary on her posterior, made two fists with his hands and said, "And I'll lick any man who says otherwise." __ by William Grim (c) Copyright 2002 Broken Newz Veritas Vincit David Raymond Amos From: Sue Knight <> Date: Tue, 17 Jun 2008 12:17:54 -0300 (Atlantic Daylight Time) Subject: Re: Fwd: You are a liar Frederic Loiseau I demand an answer from all of you in writing. Murder is murder correct/ To: David Amos <> David, Would you kindly remove me from your e-mail list. Thank you. Sue Knight From: David Amos <> Subject: The same hold true for you Cpl Carter Stone of Woodstock. Murder is murder correct/ To:,, Date: Monday, June 16, 2008, 1:12 PM ---------- Forwarded message ---------From: David Amos <>

Date: Mon, 16 Jun 2008 16:48:58 -0300 Subject: You are a liar Frederic Loiseau I demand an answer from all of you in writing. Murder is murder correct/ To:,,,,,,,,,,, From: Jean-Paul Gallant <> Date: Mon, 16 Jun 2008 22:14:25 -0300 Subject: RE: Say Hey to Arsehole Sgt Shutters for me will ya? Some professional he is EH? To: David Amos <> Please refrain from sending email to this address From: "Loiseau, Frederic" <> Date: Mon, 16 Jun 2008 20:09:42 -0300 Subject: RE: Say Hey to Arsehole Sgt Shutters for me will ya? Some professional he is EH? To: David Amos <> ?? ________________________________ From: David Amos [] Sent: Mon 16/06/2008 4:52 PM To: Loiseau, Frederic;;;;;;;;;;; Subject: Fwd: Say Hey to Arsehole Sgt Shutters for me will ya? Some professional he is EH?

---------- Forwarded message ---------From: David Amos <> Date: Thu, 5 Jun 2008 17:31:09 -0300 Subject: Say Hey to Arsehole Sgt Shutters for me will ya? Some professional he is EH? To: ---------- Forwarded message ---------From: David Amos <> Date: Thu, 5 Jun 2008 15:50:17 -0300 Subject: Say Hoka Hey to Patrick Fitzgerald for me will ya? To: ---------- Forwarded message ---------From: David Amos <> Date: Wed, 4 Jun 2008 17:24:58 -0300 Subject: I just called your Commission. As I said somethng smells very fishy in NB about uranium Anne McLellan and Alan Graham To: ---------- Forwarded message ---------From: David Amos <> Date: Tue, 3 Jun 2008 00:03:42 -0300 Subject: Attn Ms. Jordan Mr. Pope I will likely be calling your office again tomorrow (207) 626-3800 & (603) 271-2231 To:, ---------- Forwarded message ---------From: David Amos <> Date: Mon, 2 Jun 2008 16:48:04 -0300 Subject: Attn Patrick Murphy ans Duane Ingram I just called again and

tried to reason with you and got the usual run around have a lawyer call 506 756 8687 To:, ---------- Forwarded message ---------From: David Amos <> Date: Thu, 29 May 2008 16:55:16 -0300 Subject: Some lawyer within Financiere Banque Nationale and Fidelity Investments should call me back now EH Gilles Duceppe? 506 756 8687 To:,,, Cc:,,,,,,,,,, Clearly I am raising a little Financial Hell on both sides of the border and overseas as well much to the former liberal David Emerson's chagrin of that I have no doubt. Veritas Vincit David Raymond Amos QSLS Politics By Location Visit Detail Visit 2,150 Domain Name ? (U.S.) IP Address 170.63.96.# (Massachusetts Department of Revenue) ISP Massachusetts Department of Revenue Location Continent : North America Country : United States (Facts) State : Massachusetts City : Boston Lat/Long : 42.3425, -71.0677 (Map) Language English (U.S.) en-us

Operating System Microsoft WinXP Browser Internet Explorer 6.0 Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1) Javascript version 1.3 Monitor Resolution : 800 x 600 Color Depth : 32 bits Time of Visit May 29 2008 7:15:09 pm Last Page View May 29 2008 7:20:22 pm Visit Length 5 minutes 13 seconds Page Views 2 Referring URL Search Engine Search Words david amos, massachusetts Visit Entry Page http://qslspolitics....eblower-part-1b.html Visit Exit Page http://qslspolitics....leblower-part-4.html Out Click Time Zone UTC-5:00 Visitor's Time May 29 2008 1:15:09 pm Visit Number 2,150 Just Dave By Location Visit Detail Visit 4,482 Domain Name (Unknown) IP Address 209.5.96.# (Financiere Banque Nationale) ISP Rogers Telecom Location Continent : North America Country : Canada (Facts) State/Region : Quebec City : Montreal Lat/Long : 45.5, -73.5833 (Map) Language English (Canada) en-ca Operating System Microsoft WinXP Browser Internet Explorer 6.0

Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727) Javascript version 1.3 Monitor Resolution : 1280 x 1024 Color Depth : 32 bits Time of Visit May 29 2008 1:34:40 pm Last Page View May 29 2008 1:34:40 pm Visit Length 0 seconds Page Views 1 Referring URL Visit Entry Page Visit Exit Page Out Click Time Zone UTC-4:00 Visitor's Time May 29 2008 1:34:40 pm Visit Number 4,482 Just Dave By Location Visit Detail Visit 4,467 Domain Name ? (Commercial) IP Address 192.223.243.# (Fidelity Investments) ISP Fidelity Investments Location Continent : North America Country : United States (Facts) State : Massachusetts City : Boston Lat/Long : 42.3425, -71.0677 (Map) Language English (U.S.) en-us Operating System Microsoft WinXP Browser Internet Explorer 6.0 Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; InfoPath.1) Javascript version 1.3 Monitor Resolution : 1024 x 768

Color Depth : 32 bits Time of Visit May 28 2008 12:13:41 pm Last Page View May 28 2008 12:13:41 pm Visit Length 0 seconds Page Views 1 Referring URL ma&btnG=Search Search Engine Search Words "peter h. collins" construction townsend, ma Visit Entry Page http://davidamos.blo.../03/me-and-bush.html Visit Exit Page http://davidamos.blo.../03/me-and-bush.html Out Click Time Zone UTC-5:00 Visitor's Time May 28 2008 11:13:41 am Visit Number 4,467 QSLS Politics By Location Visit Detail Visit 2,154 Domain Name ? (Canada) IP Address 142.32.208.# (British Columbia Systems Corporation) ISP British Columbia Systems Corporation Location Continent : North America Country : Canada (Facts) State/Region : British Columbia City : Victoria Lat/Long : 48.4333, -123.35 (Map) Language English (U.S.) en-us Operating System Microsoft WinXP Browser Internet Explorer 6.0 Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322) Javascript version 1.3 Monitor Resolution : 1024 x 768 Color Depth : 32 bits Time of Visit May 29 2008 8:37:11 pm Last Page View May 29 2008 8:37:11 pm

Visit Length 0 seconds Page Views 1 Referring URL Visit Entry Page Visit Exit Page Out Click Time Zone UTC-8:00 Visitor's Time May 29 2008 11:37:11 am Visit Number 2,154 Just Dave By Location Visit Detail Visit 4,469 Domain Name (Unknown) IP Address 38.103.43.# (Performance Systems International) ISP Performance Systems International Location Continent : North America Country : United States (Facts) State : District of Columbia City : Washington Lat/Long : 38.9097, -77.0231 (Map) Language English (U.K.) en-gb Operating System Microsoft WinXP Browser Firefox Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-GB; rv: Gecko/20080201 Firefox/ Javascript version 1.5 Monitor Resolution : 1024 x 768 Color Depth : 32 bits Time of Visit May 28 2008 12:56:01 pm Last Page View May 28 2008 12:58:31 pm Visit Length 2 minutes 30 seconds Page Views 3 Referring URL

Search Engine Search Words joe christinat Visit Entry Page http://davidamos.blo.../03/me-and-bush.html Visit Exit Page http://davidamos.blo.../03/me-and-bush.html Out Click Time Zone UTC-5:00 Visitor's Time May 28 2008 11:56:01 am Visit Number 4,469

---------- Forwarded message ---------From: David Amos <> Date: Thu, 29 May 2008 14:08:34 -0300 Subject: Fwd: Somebody should call me back now EH? 506 756 8687 To:, ---------- Forwarded message ---------From: David Amos <> Date: Tue, 27 May 2008 15:32:23 -0300 Subject: Somebody should call me back now EH? 506 756 8687 To:,,,,,,,,,,,, ---------- Forwarded message ---------From: David Amos <> Date: Tue, 20 May 2008 17:36:34 -0300 Subject: You tease me about smoking guns after my family has suffered through pure hell lady? To:

---------- Forwarded message ---------From: David Amos <> Date: Fri, 16 May 2008 11:29:21 -0300 Subject: Better yet call the Treasury Dept's IG To:, ---------- Forwarded message ---------From: David Amos <> Date: Wed, 14 May 2008 18:08:47 -0300 Subject: For the record I called both of you guys to talk about Werner and got voicemail as usual To:, Then I called your mail line and got somebody who didn't care as usual. Well now welcome back to my world. Rest assured I don't care what planet your lawyers come from. They should understand how to come meet me in Federal Court someday if I demand that they testify to all that they know to be true so help them the god of their world EH? Veritas Vincit David Raymond Amos ---------- Forwarded message ---------From: David Amos <> Date: Wed, 14 May 2008 15:49:22 -0300 Subject: I just called you Mr. Houle To:, ---------- Forwarded message ---------From: David Amos <> Date: Wed, 14 May 2008 14:00:19 -0300 Subject: I just call you office to get the number of the Comittee that oversees the Office of Public Sector of Integrity To:,

Cc:,,,,,,,,,, I am sending the three emails I promised. Rest assured that my concerns about the lack of Public Sector Integrity do not begin or end with the lack of integrity within the Ofice of Public Sector Integrity and should be of great concern to many Parliamentry committees and the Canadian People as a whole. Veritas Vincit David Raymond Amos =0&SELID=CONTACT&COM=13196 ---------- Forwarded message ---------From: David Amos <> Date: Tue, 13 May 2008 14:36:13 -0300 Subject: Your recent success begs the obvious question Ivan. Are you and your brother readiy to take me on in Court or stand with me NOW??? To:,, Cc:,,, ---------- Forwarded message ---------From: David Amos <> Date: Tue, 13 May 2008 10:31:28 -0300 Subject: Attn Sheila Fraser I have had enough of your malicious assistants To: ---------- Forwarded message ---------From: David Amos <> Date: Mon, 12 May 2008 13:30:15 -0300 Subject: Say Hello to Anthony fellas he hates it when I tape

conversations I called you all and tried to explain Now I'll Cya'll in Court EH? To:,,,,, Cc: ---------- Forwarded message ---------From: David Amos <> Date: Sat, 10 May 2008 11:41:08 -0300 Subject: Why not ask Byron Prior or Brian Mulroney, or George H. W, Bush or little Bernie Lord if you think I am a liar kid? To: Dan Fitzgerald <> Cc:

On 5/10/08, Dan Fitzgerald <> wrote: > Amos, I saw Prior's videos before I contacted you. > > The Hathaway stuff is common knowledge, he got lenient sentencing > because of? > > I know the restraint needed not to say unprovable things are definite, > but I don't think it's too much to ask to be clearer in the message, i.e.: > > ONLY THE FOUR FELLAS THAT MET IN FAT FRED CITY TODAY COULD KNOW HOW BAD > THINGS TRULY ARE IN THE MARITIMES. CORRECT > > I'm honestly having trouble following the story without clearer > information - who what where when & why.

> > P.S. You prior reactions made it very hard to broach further inquiry > into the matter. > > Best wishes, > > Dan F. > > David Amos wrote: >> Gypsy-blog >> By Location Visit Detail >> Visit 22,977 >> Domain Name ? (Netherlands) >> IP Address 82.169.82.# (Tiscali BV) >> ISP Tiscali B.V. >> Location Continent : Europe >> Country : Netherlands (Facts) >> State/Region : Noord-Brabant >> City : Aalburg >> Lat/Long : 51.75, 5.1333 (Map) >> Language unknown >> Operating System Microsoft WinXP >> Browser Firefox >> Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: >> Gecko/20080404 Firefox/ >> Javascript disabled >> Time of Visit May 9 2008 10:14:21 pm >> Last Page View May 9 2008 10:14:21 pm >> Visit Length 0 seconds >> Page Views 1 >> Referring URL unknown >> Visit Entry Page >> Visit Exit Page >> Out Click >> Time Zone unknown >> Visitor's Time Unknown

>> Visit Number 22,977 >> >> >> >> ---------- Forwarded message --------->> From: David Amos <> >> Date: Fri, 9 May 2008 23:59:26 -0300 >> Subject: RE Justice and Freedom of Speech Danny Boy perhaps you should >> read the judgement with one of my emails today >> To: >> Cc: >> >> Then read the rest of the email. It is within your own blog as well. >> You comment in mine I comment in yours turn about is fair play after >> particularly after what you said of me to others N'est Pas? >> >> >> >> ---------- Forwarded message --------->> From: "Dan F." <> >> Date: Fri, 9 May 2008 18:48:08 -0700 (PDT) >> Subject: [Just Dave] New comment on Me and Bush. >> To: >> >> Dan F. has left a new comment on the post "Me and Bush": >> >> Amos, >> >> I'll be honest with you - I don't have it in me to read through all >> your stuff. >> >> For those who want to hear your story, would you please write a >> medium-long length blog with as much of the story as possible in it? >> >> No pressure - best wishes. >>

>> Post a comment: >> 4666362&ext-ref=comm-sub-email >> >> Unsubscribe to comments for this post: >> >> >> Posted by Dan F. to Just Dave at Friday, May 09, 2008 >> > >

________________________________ This electronic mail, including any attachments, is confidential and is for the sole use of the intended recipient and may be privileged. Any unauthorized distribution, copying, disclosure or review is prohibited. Neither communication over the Internet nor disclosure to anyone other than the intended recipient constitutes waiver of privilege. If you are not the intended recipient, please immediately notify the sender and then delete this communication and any attachments from your computer system and records without saving or forwarding it. Thank you. From: "Loiseau, Frederic" <> Date: Mon, 16 Jun 2008 20:09:02 -0300 Subject: RE: Attn Blair Wilson this is NOT spam Press print on the attachemnt it is most important document for you versus William Vorbett To: David Amos <> ??

________________________________ From: David Amos [] Sent: Mon 16/06/2008 4:54 PM To: Loiseau, Frederic;;;;;;;;;;; Subject: Fwd: Attn Blair Wilson this is NOT spam Press print on the attachemnt it is most important document for you versus William Vorbett ---------- Forwarded message ---------From: David Amos <> Date: Mon, 16 Jun 2008 11:05:45 -0300 Subject: Attn Blair Wilson this is NOT spam Press print on the attachemnt it is most important document for you versus William Vorbett To:,,,, Cc:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Perhaps you should finally get around to calling back now EH Mr. Wilson? Please never deny that you did not receive my emails before I sued the Crown.P posted your computer's response right here for the public you serve to study. ---------- Forwarded message ---------From: Date: Mon, 16 Jun 2008 08:58:09 -0400 Subject: Email received To: Dear Madam or Sir: Thank you for your email. I appreciate feedback about the issues that matter to you. Your message is important to me and I will respond to it shortly. Please note that I do not reply to spam, chain letters or advertisements. Thank you again for taking the time to write. Sincerely, Blair Blair Wilson, Member of Parliament West Vancouver-Sunshine Coast-Sea to Sky Country ---------- Forwarded message ---------From: David Amos <> Date: Wed, 11 Jun 2008 17:46:12 -0300 Subject: Doreen this may be the most important document for you to have for your benefit. To: Use anyway you wish with my blessings and thanks

Best Regards Dave ________________________________ This electronic mail, including any attachments, is confidential and is for the sole use of the intended recipient and may be privileged. Any unauthorized distribution, copying, disclosure or review is prohibited. Neither communication over the Internet nor disclosure to anyone other than the intended recipient constitutes waiver of privilege. If you are not the intended recipient, please immediately notify the sender and then delete this communication and any attachments from your computer system and records without saving or forwarding it. Thank you. From: David Amos <> Subject: Yo Chucky Baby perhaps the Freddy the ffggy Frenchy of the Fat Fred City's Finest will recall this email after he tried to have locked up To: "" <>, "maritime_malaise" <>, "Barry.MacKnight" <>, "Jacques.Poitras" <>, "terry.seguin" <> Cc: "danfour" <>,, "nickysbirdy" <> Date: Sunday, June 26, 2011, 8:28 AM ---------- Forwarded message ---------From: "Loiseau, Frederic" <> Date: Wed, 9 Jul 2008 00:58:48 -0300 Subject: RE: Yo Woodsman Werner and Danny Boy :) Your defence of me is greatly appreciated THANX To: David Amos <> Mr. Amos, with respect, I am asking you to stop sending me e-mails as I have no interest in you and your peronnal life. I respect your

opinions of life and personal beliefs but would appreciate that you respect my personnal life and stop sending me e-mails. You have every rights to share your opinions with others however, I have no reasons to be involved in this. Thank you kindly. ---------- Original message ---------From: David Amos <> Date: Tue, 8 Jul 2008 23:43:58 -0300 Subject: (: Yo Woodsman Werner and Danny Boy :) Your defence of me is greatly appreciated THANX To:,,,, Cc:,,,,,,,,, At first I though you spelled Soviet wrong Werner but then I realized it is how Germans' spell it. Now that is funny but it proved you sincerity to Danny Boy Fitzgerald as well because he supplied the link to it. QSLS Politics By Location Visit Detail Visit 4,450 Domain Name ? (Network) IP Address 142.167.95.# (Stentor National Integrated Communications Network) ISP Stentor National Integrated Communications Network Location Continent : North America Country : Canada (Facts) State/Region : New Brunswick City : Fredericton Lat/Long : 45.95, -66.6333 (Map) Language English (U.S.) en-us Operating System Microsoft WinXP Browser Internet Explorer 7.0 Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; SIMBAR=; .NET CLR 1.1.4322) Javascript version 1.3 Monitor Resolution : 1024 x 768 Color Depth : 32 bits Time of Visit Jul 9 2008 1:32:02 am Last Page View Jul 9 2008 2:14:38 am Visit Length 42 minutes 36 seconds Page Views 12 Referring URL Search Engine Search Words daviis raymond amos scribd Visit Entry Page http://qslspolitics....ed-citys-finest.html Visit Exit Page Out Click Post a Comment http://www.blogger.c...=5380982293229221728 Time Zone UTC-4:00 Visitor's Time Jul 8 2008 8:32:02 pm Visit Number 4,450

QSLS Politics By Location Visit Detail Visit 4,458 Domain Name ? (Network) IP Address 156.34.28.# (Aliant Telecom) ISP Aliant Telecom Location Continent : North America Country : Canada (Facts) State/Region : New Brunswick City : Moncton Lat/Long : 46.0833, -64.7667 (Map) Language English (U.S.) en-us Operating System Microsoft WinXP Browser Firefox Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20080623 Firefox/ Javascript version 1.5 Monitor Resolution : 1024 x 768 Color Depth : 24 bits Time of Visit Jul 9 2008 3:47:22 am Last Page View Jul 9 2008 3:47:22 am Visit Length 0 seconds Page Views 1 Referring URL http://charlesotherp...cked-up-by-rcmp.html Visit Entry Page http://qslspolitics....leblower-part-4.html Visit Exit Page http://qslspolitics....leblower-part-4.html Out Click Time Zone UTC-4:00 Visitor's Time Jul 8 2008 10:47:22 pm Visit Number 4,458 QSLS Politics By Location Visit Detail Visit 4,449

Domain Name ? (Network) IP Address 142.166.66.# (Stentor National Integrated Communications Network) ISP Stentor National Integrated Communications Network Location Continent : North America Country : Canada (Facts) State/Region : New Brunswick City : Saint John Lat/Long : 45.2667, -66.0667 (Map) Language English (U.S.)en-us Operating System Microsoft WinXP Browser Firefox Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20080623 Firefox/ Javascript version 1.5 Monitor Resolution : 1024 x 768 Color Depth : 32 bits Time of Visit Jul 9 2008 12:28:21 am Last Page View Jul 9 2008 12:49:25 am Visit Length 21 minutes 4 seconds Page Views 9 Referring URL Visit Entry Page Visit Exit Page Out Click Time Zone UTC-4:00 Visitor's Time Jul 8 2008 7:28:21 pm Visit Number 4,449 QSLS Politics By Location Visit Detail Visit 4,451 Domain Name ? (Network) IP Address 142.166.66.# (Stentor National Integrated Communications Network) ISP Stentor National Integrated Communications Network

Location Continent : North America Country : Canada (Facts) State/Region : New Brunswick City : Saint John Lat/Long : 45.2667, -66.0667 (Map) Language English (U.S.)en-us Operating System Microsoft WinXP Browser Firefox Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20080623 Firefox/ Javascript version 1.5 Monitor Resolution : 1024 x 768 Color Depth : 32 bits Time of Visit Jul 9 2008 1:56:09 am Last Page View Jul 9 2008 2:00:01 am Visit Length 3 minutes 52 seconds Page Views 2 Referring URL Visit Entry Page Visit Exit Page http://qslspolitics....nswick-landgrab.html Out Click Time Zone UTC-4:00 Visitor's Time Jul 8 2008 8:56:09 pm Visit Number 4,451 ________________________________ This electronic mail, including any attachments, is confidential and is for the sole use of the intended recipient and may be privileged. Any unauthorized distribution, copying, disclosure or review is prohibited. Neither communication over the Internet nor disclosure to anyone other than the intended recipient constitutes waiver of privilege. If you are not the intended recipient, please immediately notify the sender and then delete this communication and any attachments from your computer system and records without saving or forwarding it. Thank you. Friday, April 11, 2008 Why is Quebecois General Dan Bussieres allowed to add criminal records on New Brunswickers??? 2373279757_5472e01c43 Originally uploaded by Oldmaison Lately, I have been hearing non supportive stories from different MLA'S about the attitude of Dan Bussieres. He's out of control!!!! He singles out citizens and ban them!!! He went as far as banning a student. Once you're ban? I believe this is on your record as a criminal act? Someone told me this last year and I believe the individual is correct! Why are we allowing Quebecois to run our Legislature in Fredericton???? Are New Brunswickers that stupid???? Posted by Charles LeBlanc at 6:51:00 AM 8 comments: Anonymous said... Once you're ban? I believe this is on your record as a criminal act? Someone told me this last year and I believe the individual is correct! Dan Bussieres cannot give a person a criminal record- that is just

crazy. If you believe everything that someone tells you then you are a very gullible person. Real journalists are in fact the opposite- they are skeptical about what others tell them until they are able to verify the facts. Charles-- you will continue to lose readers to this blog as long as you stay stuck on this Dan thing. People are tired of hearing you slam the man and I would be concerned that there will be a backlash and he will soon start seeing a lot of sympathy support from people who feel that you are bullying him. 9:09 AM, April 11, 2008 Anonymous said... charles I think you should run it... and let us know whats going on in there. 10:24 AM, April 11, 2008 Anonymous said... Real journalist are told what they can and cannot write,if not the editor will take care of it! There is no such thing as a free press! Charles will continue to gain readers and thats a proven and verifiable fact that You seem unable to deal with? If it was up to Police and Government they would just do away with all rights as it get in the way of plans and thats a fact! 1:28 PM, April 11, 2008 David Raymond Amos said... Just exactly what planet are you from Chucky? 6:00 PM, April 11, 2008 Dan F said... "I would be concerned that there will be a backlash and he will soon start seeing a lot of sympathy support from people who feel that you are bullying him"

Well - that would certainly be a good sign of a healthy democracy where people who go to extremes are acknowledged as such. What we have now, if a system when authoritarian extremists are running things - and you get a corporate prop man defending 'his decisions' from an electronic box, on a Fox-news type stage. Then the growing fiat ransoms they debit against us for failing banks and blackmailing corporate sponsors go unchallenged as another 'decision' we cannot broach or over-rule is set in place. 12:19 PM, April 12, 2008 Anonymous said... danf--- I do not understand a word you wrote. Please translate into english. 1:57 PM, April 12, 2008 Anonymous said... wakeup call. you honarable citizen of the picture province! turn the picture over and look what is on the other side of the picture. the yoker in fredericton and his cohorts are really pulling the wool over your eyes, and by the time you move it out the way and open your eyes, for all of our sake i hope, it wont be to late. that is how a dictatorship starts, one injustice after another, one charles le blanc, one david amos one werner bock, one emmerson bonner, one allison ayers, one mr tabor, one lorence folkins, one woodlotowner one beeffarmer one minimumwage worker and many more one after another being trampled to the ground, by using the crooked arm of the law. all it takes for evil to succed is for good people to nothing, but when good people do nothing, than they are not good people anymore. you are letting this yoker in fredericton give this province, which is not his, away for a mess of pottage. did you ever hear of such a thing as responsibility to future generations, to your children, grandchildren and greatgrandchildren. how much longer do you buy into the crab of those leaders, who are selling you out to big business and powerfull

unions, who are only sticking around long long enough to grab whatever they can, and then move off to greener pastures, leaving the rest of us to pay off the debt and deal with the polluted environment. i was present, when david amos had received the form banning him from the legislature. when dave showed it to me, i went back to the counter and asked the commissionar for what reason it had been done, when he never even had entered the ground of the legislature. the answer was, that they were not allowed to talk about it, so much for open, transparent and accountable government. as far back as thirtytwo years ago, some government officials made remarks to me, refering to some government organisations as follows:" dont you know that they are being called the gestapo", or " and then they take about the nazies". You people have never known what real democrathy is. when you dont want to loose it, you have to use it, and stand up to the bullies and dictators. fredericton is a good place to make a start. 1:21 AM, April 15, 2008 David Raymond Amos said... I must thank my Honourable Farmer Friend Werner Bock for his support. Veritas Vincit David Raymond Amos 11:17 AM, April 16, 2008 Charles Leblancs Other Blog Friday, April 18, 2008 Another chap ban for life from the New Brunswick Legislature by Dan Bussieres!!!

14 Originally uploaded by Oldmaison posted by Charles LeBlanc @ 11:46:00 AM 17 Comments 17 Comments: At 12:46 PM, April 18, 2008 , Anonymous said... What's Charles Manson doing in front of the Legislature? At 1:03 PM, April 18, 2008 , A Jewish Male. said... ENOUGH WITH THE MUSTASH PICTURES THAT ARE INTENDED TO MAKE DAN LOOK LIKE HITLER. AND DON'T GIVE THE EXCUSE OF WHAT COMPARISON TO HITLER IT'S JUST A MUSTASH. IF IT'S JUST A MUSTASH MAKE IT BIGGER OR MAKE IT A BEARD. YOU ARE A SICK PERSON THAT NEEDS HELP! At 4:05 PM, April 18, 2008 , Charles LeBlanc said... Hitler? I don't see any Hitler pictures? Speaking of Hitler? You people are narrow minded. When I think of Hitler? Yes, I also think of the 20 million people that died but my goal is freedom. When Hitler took power he took control of the media to brinwash the citizens of Germany. The same is happening here in New Brunswick with the Irving monopoly. Fascism? That's Hitler. When party members spoke out against Hitler? They were beat up. The same that could have happen to me at Sweetwaters at the Liberal Christmas Party.

I wish you narrow minded people would just ignore this blog!!! :P At 4:22 PM, April 18, 2008 , Charles LeBlanc said... Opps..forgot one more issue. To convict people without providing the evidence is pure FASCISM!!! All we know is I was ban because of the murder of a young girl. Fascism indeed!! New Brunswickers should demand that all the Quebec Security Staff be remove from the Legislature. At 8:47 PM, April 18, 2008 , Anonymous said... hello charles thanks for finally doing the right think and showing david amos as the other man to be banned from the legislature. i happend to be there with him. he never even had entered the grounds, and never gave them a reason for a ban, except that he had been digging up to much dirt of people in high places, including in the new brunswick government, and that made them nervos, so they send their pinchers to serve him with the ban. when he showed it to me i went back and asked a comissionar why mr amos had been banned, when he apparently had done nothing wrong. the answer was, that they were not allowed to tell. so much for open and accountable government in the pictureprovince. comparing david with charles manson showes either ignorance on the side of the commentator, or he or she is one of those creeps from the dark side of humanity. as far as i know david, i only can say that i think, that he is as straight as an arrow, and people of good will better pay some attention to what he has to say. it is complicated,

but who says that live is simple, and only simple and shallow individiums pass on rush judgements. never judge a book by its cover, and never assume a man with a big beard to be of the kind of a charles manson. neither should be assumed that everybody who drives a harley is a hellsangel. charles, i am new at this blogging, but i had to get this off my chest. hope that i click the mouse at the right places and you get the comment. werner bock At 10:11 PM, April 18, 2008 , Anonymous said... Werner Its a wonder you'r not banned from the legislature yourself being sucj a good frient of Amos Mr Email to everyone about everything but the kitchen ink. Why are you backing Member of Parliament elect Amos and What's your beef & cattle with the Goverment anyway ? At 5:34 AM, April 19, 2008 , Anonymous said... David Amos is a menace to society that needs to have a permanent ban against use of the Internet imposed upon him!! At 7:05 AM, April 19, 2008 , Anonymous said... Amos harasses everyone he meets. Banning him is common sense. At 5:04 PM, April 19, 2008 , Anonymous said... David Amos and Childish Leblanc, just like two peas in a pod isn't it...Your only making the case for your banning that much easier to swollow. At 6:13 PM, April 19, 2008 , David Raymond Amos said... The words of no minds with no names are worth less than nothing in cyber space and far less than one of Werner cows farts in downtown Hillsboro.It is what I file in the public record of Federal Court that truly counts. Once I sign my name all the nominds with no names can

get a number and stand in line to argue me if they dare to do so. With respect to Werner, why the RCMP refuse to investigate who has been burning his hay bales for the past year is what I want to know right NOW. Rest assured Cst Britt of the GRC's telling him to move just won't do. I explained that to the nasty Federal buggers last week as I complained of the false allegations of Scotty Baby Agnew of the Irving Empire and his wife the lawyer to them The ex RCMP dude Danny Boy Busierres and his associates T.J. Burke, the cops in Fat Fred City and the National Security dudes such as Norm Plourde and Kevin Jackson know that I am as serious as a heart attack that is why all the dudes with no names pounced so quickly on this blog in a faint hearted effort to impeach my character. FYI they are way past too late to stop me now. The very illegal banishment of me from the Leg four years ago was a breach of my Section 2 Charter rights whilst I was running against the current parliamentry secretary for the Minister of Justice. rest assured that nonsense will backfire on them bigtime in short order or my name ain't "Jusat Dave" At 10:20 PM, April 19, 2008 , Anonymous said... ...faint hearted effort to impeach my character. Naw, you do a fine job of that yourself Dave. You need no assistance. At 11:21 AM, April 20, 2008 , Scott Agnew said... David, can you give me the court docket number of one single case you've filed in ANY Canadian court in the last five years. Just one. You rant and rave about your proclivuty to sue anyone and anything you dislike and yet I cannot find a single reference to a court case filed by you in New Brunswick. If you are a man of integrity and of your word, please just let us all know the docket number of a single filing. If you cannot provide that, why then should anyone listen to anything you have to say? Empty words my friend. Empty words. BTW, two

more emails from you to a particular email account and I will be able to provide a docket number to you for charges laid against you for criminal harassment. At 11:29 AM, April 20, 2008 , Charles LeBlanc said... I don't know what scares people the most? See ya in court??? or You'll be blogged in 15 minutes!!!! :P At 2:45 PM, April 20, 2008 , Anonymous said... Considering how worthless you feel no minds with no names are you sure seem to spend a lot of your time talking to them...Could it be as long as you get to rant and rave your usual sillyness it really doesn't matter all that much after all? At 3:11 PM, April 20, 2008 , Anonymous said... Neither Charles. The loony ramblings of David Raynmond Amos. The non-sensical ramblings would scare anyone. At 11:12 AM, April 21, 2008 , Charles LeBlanc said... I don't know what you mean David? I print your comment. Everyone knows we can't email you because you're so happy in receiving an email that you sent it to everyone. So? There's no way to get your message out because you don't believe in privacy.

WE just have to do it in here I guess? At 7:00 AM, April 22, 2008 , Charles LeBlanc said... Sorry David...foul language won't mke it in this blog. This blog will soon be in the archives soon enough. WE can't send ya an email so I'm telling ya right here. If I want to use the word- Shithead? I can but I won't!!! You want to debate issues in a good and polite way? Go for it!!! Foul language will only be deleted!!! Post a Comment Monday, July 07, 2008 DAVID AMOS PICKED UP BY THE R.C.M.P.??? IMG_2389 Originally uploaded by Oldmaison I don't know if this is a joke? I'm not a David Amos fan but this email was sent to me last week. I wonder what happen there??? hello Charles! Please keep me updated to what is happening inthe pictureprovinces capital and the forgotten hinterlands.

I like to make more comments, but it is to frustrating for me, a cyberspace dummy, to see to many labourosly written letters, getting lost in said realm Charles, David Amos had been picked up by the RCMP, upon false accusations, and put into the Chalmers Hospital. This is a fate that is looming at the horizont for anybody who does not put up with the corruption in this country and especially in " the place to be ". The dictators are running a tide ship, and they dont like it, when someone points out to them, that underneath that picturesque veneer is a big mess hidden. Yesterday it was me and many others, today it is David, and tomorrow it can be You, and me again. Lets put petty bickering aside, and speak out against the real foe. Short before the mighty sowjet empire crumbled and fell, they used the same tactics, putting opponents into loonybins, people who did not appriciate their benevolent rulership, must be something wrong with their head. Tink about it. Werner Bock 506 756 8687 posted by Charles LeBlanc @ 3:04:00 PM 13 Comments: At 5:29 PM, July 07, 2008 , Anonymous said... I think the Guy is harmless. He May be off on another track somewhat but have seen worse like the sociopaths that work in Goverment and Police! Do You think the Cows could have conspired to do it?

At 5:32 PM, July 07, 2008 , mikel said... Why not call the number and find out Charles? You may not be a 'fan', but you two have a lot in common. There was a post at Spinks last night that could be him, it was posted anonymously, but he's the only guy who calls people 'boy'. You are always offering conspiracy stories about people out to get you, his actually make even more sense as he keeps evidence and talks about using the court system-even runs for parliament. By that token he's more 'dangerous' than you, and doesn't have a popular blog to keep him in the limelight enough to protect him. Call the Chalmers and ask to speak with him and see what happens... At 5:57 PM, July 07, 2008 , Charles LeBlanc said... Let the media use their contact to find out if this is true? Not this blogger!!!! I was sent an email and I blogged the issue. My job is done!!!! At 9:56 PM, July 07, 2008 , mikel said... The media is certainly not going to cover it, you are far better known and like you say, the media wouldn't cover your arrest at all. Fighting for people's rights is never 'done'. There are some people who did work for residential tenants acts and about YOUR ban. Ironically Mr. Amos' last blog was a link to www.charlesin asking why YOU got all the attention. I seem to recall lots of blogs with pictures about the clown who was banned, but maybe past posters are right, and its only people who are

nice to you that get any attention. Let's just hope people don't have the same attitude if it does happen that YOU get arrested. Whether you like somebody or not is irrelevant. I don't know what Mr. Amos' story is and have never been able to follow it, but we certainly know from Charles' treatment and Bonnie O'dea's case that just about anything is possible. At 10:28 PM, July 07, 2008 , Charles LeBlanc said... Listen Mike!!! You cannot communicate with David!!! It's an impossible task!!!! I email him for an interview and he sent my request to everyone on his list. What are his issues? I don't know!!!! Dan F tried to helped him and he turned against the guy. Understand? You cannot do a story on a guy if he or she don't answer. He sent me a picture and I blogged it. He quickly turned against me for using the picture. I deleted the blog and pic. Tout fini!!! Understand Mike? But you're right on one issue? The Government could quickly get rid of the guy and nobody will ever know?

Scary eh? He could end up like an Ashley Smith? If he gets out? I'm sure we'll hear lots of story and I'm gonna get blasted for blogging his arrest. See Mike? You can't win for trying? Can't blame the media either. C'est la vie!!! Stay tuned!! At 1:07 AM, July 08, 2008 , Anonymous said... He is a sick man. Hope he's getting some much-needed treatment! At 6:38 AM, July 08, 2008 , Dan F said... "Mr. Amos' story is and have never been able to follow it" David Amos: NB-NWO whistleblower Part 4 "When the Irving idiot Scotty Baby Agnew had the RCMP try to arrest me and have Google delete my blog about them and the nasty French Bastard Chucky Leblanc and then had Yahoo kill two of my email accounts, I laughed at them all and proved to the Irvings' lawyer and the MP Jim Prentice in a wink of an eye that I was far from done with them." "Dan F tried to helped him and he turned against the guy." Deservedly so - too many bloggers shoot their mouth off with nothing but ignorance or a corrupt agenda behind their words. The longer the mindless Canadian and American populace let the Stasi

lapdogs of the fiat-debt thieves run rampant over our land, the more repressive action you'll see against independent media. At least everybody with a clue knows that Main $tream Media is fully co-opted, they'd print their newspapers with uranium-laced ink if their owners gave the command. At 8:39 AM, July 08, 2008 , mikel said... Charles, don't mean to be contrary but virtually everything you've said about him has been said numerous times HERE about YOU. On numerous issues people have posted saying 'you just can't reason with the guy'. I don't particularly like being called 'mikey boy' and was often a target of Mr. Amos' criticism myself. And like I said, if YOU were arrested there are lots who would say exactly the same thing as the above-'he needs help, I hope he gets it' and then move on. The issue is not the PERSON, in order to raise the ire of lawyers, police, etc., you HAVE to be a bit of a malcontent. Most of us would just cry in our coffee and try to move on. The only reason Mr. Amos (and you I dare say) continue to tilt at windmills is BECAUSE you are belligerent, somewhat cantankerous SOB's. I've heard Mr. Amos' called crazy, but then I've also heard YOU called crazy by a lot more people. We don't know the issue behind this, perhaps he IS crazy and maybe he was throwing rocks through people's windows. You SHOULD blame the media, how many people tell YOU that they don't blame the media for ignoring all your letters? It's not pleasant is it? All it takes is a phone call to the DECH or the police station. Can you honestly say that if you get hauled away you wouldn't want people to put at least SOME effort into helping you? Will people just be going over to Spinks blog and saying 'well, he didn't give a rats

ass about David Amos so why should we care about him?' I seem to recall a lot of effort in talking to Bonnie O'dea-was it just because she was nice to you and Mr. Amos wasn't? What the hell is the point of all that buddhist bullshit you keep posting when you don't even seem to pay attention to it. Sorry guy, don't mean to be belligerent, but being a blogger sometimes means rising above pettiness. Otherwise, it makes perfect sense that Irving's press ignores you-after all, you haven't been very 'nice' to them (and have been even more cantakerous towards them than Mr. Amos has been to you). At 9:00 AM, July 08, 2008 , Anonymous said... Charles can be annoying. Amos is crazy and hopefully he'll get the help he needs in hospital. At 11:05 AM, July 08, 2008 , just cruisin' through said... mikel, why don't YOU actually do something if you're so interested. Charles at least blogged it. What have YOU done? At 12:26 PM, July 08, 2008 , Anonymous said... It is simply NOT TRUE, as Mikel suggests, that a person can be commited to a mental health facility on the basis of a phone call to hospital or police. That may have been true in 1950, but not today! If Mr. Amos has been hospitalized, it's on the basis of reliable evidence. btw, I've had dealings with Mr. Amos. He very sincerely believes not only that all lawyers and all politicians and all cops and all civil servants are corrupt, but also that there is a massive conspiracy against him, involving all these people, and the CIA, which he belives is actively trying to kill him, and the media, and Charles, and many many many others. I'm just saying...

At 1:53 PM, July 08, 2008 , Charles LeBlanc said... Mike...Mike...Mike??? Look what Dan F posted? He blames me for the deleting of his yahoo account. I wonder why? I just send his emails to my soam box. < Just like many people do with mine > If I had a chance to know his concerns? I would be behind him but I don't! I did the guy one favor? I blogged the issue so people would know he's been picked up by the R.C.M.P.! Will David Amos be grateful for what I did? Of course not!!! Anyone who tried to help the guy? He turns against them!!!! C'est la vie!!! But lets wait and see what's going to happen? The number is on the blog Mike. Call the guy who sent me the email. At 1:59 PM, July 08, 2008 , Charles LeBlanc said... One more thing Mike? If I'm ever picked up by the Police and sent to a mental ward?

I assigned three people to watch over my situation very closely. In this line of business? You got to be prepare. Especially when you go against the Irvings, the government and the Police!!!! Everything is prepared!!!! At 12:30 AM, July 09, 2008 , Anonymous said... there are people in need of the mental health services and if you fight against or speak out,you may be given these services against your will! It is a tool for those in power to use against the poor and uneducated! At 5:10 PM, July 09, 2008 , Anonymous said... Let's see...Mr Amos truly believes politicians, civil servants and police are corrupt and out to harm or kill him. Hmmmmm...sounds like a blogger I know. If Amos was really picked up and taken to the psyc ward you hadbetter watch your back Charlie. You could be next. Be very afraid. At 11:47 AM, July 13, 2008 , Anonymous said... "You got to be prepare. Especially when you go against the Irvings, the government and the Police" Well Charels add a little Latin at the end of your rants and you start to sound a heck of a lot like Mr Amos. From: David Raymond Amos <> Subject: I already know that you are as crooked as Hell Mr Leger. I am fishing for an honest cop not another corrupt bureaucrat. i am just proving that you know the truth Get it? To: Cc:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Date: Wednesday, October 3, 2007, 7:48 AM Subject: Mr. Amos Date: Wed, 3 Oct 2007 11:41:22 -0300 From: "Leger, Marc (DPS/MSP)" To: "David Raymond Amos" David Amos, I am not able to address your concerns. Your calls and emails are not welcome and I would like you to stop communicating with me by phone and email Marc Lger Deputy Minister / Sous-ministre Public Safety / Scurit publique (506) 453-7412 Working together to build a safer New Brunswick / Travaillons ensemble pour btir un Nouveau-Brunswick plus sr

David Raymond Amos <> wrote: ch The Feds will soon make this blog evaporate for the benefit of Chucky and his Irviing buddies best save it while you can there is lots of info posted there) If not rest assured that it reappear again somewhere else someday. You can take that fact to the Caisse Poplaire. It is worth far more than their integrity. EH? Just Dave By Location Visit Detail Visit 2,302 Domain Name (Unknown) IP Address 207.164.193.# (Canadian Labour Congress) ISP Bell Canada Location Continent : North America Country : Canada (Facts) State/Region : Ontario City : Ottawa Lat/Long : 45.4167, -75.7 (Map) Language English (U.S.) en-us

Operating System Microsoft WinXP Browser Firefox Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20070914 Firefox/ Javascript version 1.5 Monitor Resolution : 1280 x 1024 Color Depth : 32 bits Time of Visit Oct 2 2007 4:00:52 pm Last Page View Oct 2 2007 4:01:46 pm Visit Length 54 seconds Page Views 3 Referring URL Search Engine Search Words Visit Entry Page http://davidamos.blo.../03/me-and-bush.html Visit Exit Page Out Click Time Zone UTC-5:00 Visitor's Time Oct 2 2007 3:00:52 pm Visit Number 2,302 I heard Dean Secord talking all over the Maritimes just before hunting season. (I know him somewhat from ducking fun many years ago) He was arguing with the RCMP on the CBC Radio about who was better trained. Too funny. N'est Pas? In my humble opinion it was the pot calling the kettle black. However I must say it gave me a good chuckle as I prepare to sue everybody and his dog. Ask the corrupt cop Pat Bonner one of Secord's bosses why I must do so. Trust that the corrupt politicians Stockwell Day and John Foran won't shit about this stuff. They and their crooked cop underlings want me falsely imprisoned once again before the writ is dropped for the election of the 40th Parliament. It ain't worked out too well for them thus far. Ask Byron and his new friend Chucky Leblanc? Veritas Vincit

David Raymond Amos Officers suspended after hearing into man's death Last Updated: Friday, December 8, 2006 | 11:19 AM AT CBC News Two Saint John police officers were found in neglect of duty Thursday for failing to respond to a call from a hotel in 2004 to assist a man who eventually died. Const. Dean Secord and Sgt. David Arsenault were both suspended under the provincial Police Act after a hearing adjudicated by Halifax police's deputy chief, Christopher McNeil. On Nov. 1, 2004, a motel manager called police and asked them to check in on a man in one of the rooms. She told the police operator that the man was drunk and had several bottles of the prescription painkiller Oxycontin. She said only two pills were left in one of the bottles. Secord and Arsenault received a call from a dispatcher asking them to check on the man. The two officers told the dispatcher they knew the man and believed he needed those pills, so they didn't go to the scene. The man was found dead at the motel the following morning. McNeil said he heard evidence of a breakdown in communication between the operator who took the call and the police dispatcher that resulted in the police not getting the whole message. However, McNeil said, the two officers knew enough about the man's situation that they should have checked on him. Bob Davidson, who represented the officers at the hearing on behalf of the police union, said they plan to appeal the ruling. "There was nothing that supported a callous or deliberate decision not to go there," he said. "Their evidence is that they made the judgment call based on training experience and limited suppressed informaton." Secord was suspended for two days and Arsenault was suspended for four days suspension.

Subject: RE: Fredericton Police Force Date: Mon, 11 Jun 2007 16:22:44 -0300 From: "Lafleur, Lou" To: "David Amos" Mr. Amos, I would like to talk to you regarding the files I have, Please call Cpl Lou LaFleur 1-506-460-2332 -----Original Message----From: David Amos] Sent: Monday, June 11, 2007 4:02 PM To: Lafleur, Lou;;;;; Abbott-Charters, Marilyn;;;;; Woodside, Brad; Kelly, David; MacLaggan, Cathy; Kelly, Stephen; Jellinek, Tom; McConaghy, Scott; Kerton, Marilyn; Brown, Walter; Davidson-Wright, Norah; Obrien, Mike; Grandy, Bruce; Keenan, Dan;;;;;;;;;;;;; CITY ADMIN'S / MAYOR'S OFFICES;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

Cc:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Subject: Fwd: Fredericton Police Force Hey Lou What did you think of the portion of the police surveilance wiretap tape I just sent ya? Do you think it is contrived? Obviously I did not appreciate you laughing at my plight. EH? The Fredericton Police Force is way past too late to act with integrity now and so is the New Brunswick Police Commission for that matter. However you still have a chance to become a local hero because we had not crossed paths until today. Whereas the Fredericton Police Force is now investigating Sgt Ken Smith's troubles with the RCMP and his wife's laments as well at the behest of the crook, TJ Burke perhaps you should ask Staff Sgt Copp

for his files from three years ago before you laugh anymore. N'est Pas? Why not ask the Smiths about the documents and tapes etc that Cpl Paulette Delaney Smith of J Division's Major Crimes Unit received from me in March of 2006? let just say I was not surprised that she refused to send my material to Marion MacGrath the General Counsel of the Security Intelligence Review Commitee in Ottawa as I demanded. After all their lawyer Richard Bell was the first Judge Stevey Boy Harper appointed Correct? Just investigate all that I have given the Fredericton Police force over the years do you god damned job and let the political cards fall where they may and i will have no bones to pick with you. Say Hey to you boss Barry MacKnight tell him to quit laughing at me and making more false allegations against me in order to cover his nasty arse. Will ya? When can I expect my Harley back the FBI in Chicago are wondering too. Veritas Vincit David Raymond amos "Lafleur, Lou" wrote: From: "Lafleur, Lou" To: "''", "Lafleur, Lou" Subject: Fredericton Police Force Date: Mon, 11 Jun 2007 15:21:13 -0300 Dear Mr. Amos My Name is Lou LaFleur and I am a Detective with the Fredericton Police Major Crime Unit. I would like to talk to you regarding files that I am investigating and that you are alleged to have involvement in. Please call me at your earliest convenience and leave a message and a

phone number on my secure and confidential line if I am not in my office. yours truly, Cpl. Lou LaFleur Fredericton Police Force 311 Queen St. Fredericton, NB 506-460-2332 This electronic mail, including any attachments, is confidential and is for the sole use of the intended recipient and may be privileged. Any unauthorized distribution, copying, disclosure or review is prohibited. Neither communication over the Internet nor disclosure to anyone other than the intended recipient constitutes waiver of privilege. If you are not the intended recipient, please immediately notify the sender and then delete this communication and any attachments from your computer system and records without saving or forwarding it. Thank you. From: David Amos <> Subject: Fwd: [QSLS Politics] New comment on David Amos vs. Fat Fred City&#39;sFinest Youtubers. To:,,,,,,,, Cc:,,,,, Date: Friday, June 20, 2008, 12:51 AM I will have some pretty serious questions about the actions of Cpl Stephen Horsman

and his stated prowess with a computer etc. Lets just say I have been investigating him for awhile. For the record I knew who was behind the following web site Stevey Boy Horsman was investigating the instant they allowed their blogger buddy Chucky Leblanc to slander me as a Hells Angel and tease me about being illegaly banished from the Leg under malicious threat of arrest by the Fat Fred City Finests . FYI they don't own it it is based in the USA One of the Fake Left in Fat Fred City assiting Chucky Leblanc and the Fat Fred City finest against was a dipshit political opponet running under the Green Banner of the Fake Left in Fat Fred City in 2004. Thus it begs the obvious question did the Fat Fred City Finest make a digital deal of sorts with the Fake left in Fat Fred City in 2002? I see that your cops don't mind Chucky Leblanc Following you around. If I tried that just to ask you to go find my old Harley your cops would arrest me in seconds for harassing a chickenshit. Correct? df/dominionissue9.pdf+%22Daron+Letts%22+indymedia&hl=en&ct=clnk&cd=2 [Imc-maritimes] Please contact myself Horsman, Stephen imc-maritimes at Thu Sep 26 22:40:13 2002 Hello, my name is Stephen Horsman, I am a police officer of the Fredericton

City Police Fredericton NB. I am requesting somebody from this organization contact me at 506-460-2427. I can eventually find out who owns the sight and contact them that way but prefer to speak to somebody on their terms. Thanks for your consideration. Nobody is in any trouble. Thanks again hope to hear from you. Stephen ---------- Forwarded message ---------From: David Raymond Amos <> Date: Thu, 19 Jun 2008 22:07:52 -0700 (PDT) Subject: [QSLS Politics] New comment on David Amos vs. Fat Fred City'sFinest Youtubers. To: David Raymond Amos has left a new comment on the post "David Amos vs. Fat Fred City'sFinest Youtubers": From: David Amos Subject: One of the reasons T.J. Burke, the Fat Fred City Finest and the RCMP have been attacking me is doings between the Police Commission and I years ago. To:,,,,,,,, Cc:,,,, Date: Thursday, June 19, 2008, 9:46 PM Danny Boy Have a listen for yourself. I speak pretty plainly. Hear me slap down

the wiretap tapes on the table and discuss jurisdiction and venue in confidence with a snobby Police Commissioner? I am reminding the Police Commission about what I said about the Fat Fred City Finest four years ago and what I would do before I sue the nasty bastards in order to get my harley back and some very justifiable relief from their malice in the support of the cover up of many wrongs practiced against my Clan and many others. . The Police Commission is expecting a letter from me but it may be a summons instead if the cops persist in their nonsense much longer. I think I will sue certain people personally as well. For certain one of them is T.J. Burke because what that nasty little bastards said of me last year in the media went way past just playing dumb. That was flat out evil. I tried several of times to send these recordings to you yesterday. The Sat connection was poor (cloudy) or somebody was messing with me. Hard telling not knowing but i gave up and went about other things for awhile. The Leg is shut down so I have lots of time now to enjoy my summer as well and tease some yankees who wanna be President. It will be manna from heaven for me if Obama picks Edwards and McCain picks Romney. i can come at them six ways to Sunday then.,0,3879276.story . Anyway somebody was googling Joyce Richardson the other day while i was having a little battle with some cops. She is the lawyer from Sussex NB who turned coat on me years ago When they found my blog just as I was raising hell with the Police Commission and the Fat Fred City Cops about their latest nonsense. As you can see they googled some interesting words I took an immediate interest because there are no coincidiences when dealing with these bastards. I truly believe she made a deal with the crooks years ago with my material and now is on

the Gravy Train much to many a liberal's chagrin (Mainly a Yankee draft dodging carpetbagger named David Lutz. (I will explain my take on him to you sometime when there is the time to do so) Richardson was the same lawyer who wanted to run for Herron's (Supported by David Lutz) seat in Parliament instead of Rob Moore and she approached me after I first debated him on June 18th, 2004. She went with my wife and I to witness our visit the Police Commission in August of 2004 to complain of the Fat Fred City Finest and their malicious assistance to Danny boy Busierres and T. J. Burke and all the rest of the smiling bastards in my banishment while running the election in June. This is one portion of that recording with the Police Commission. (two more to follow) I don't have an mp3 converter in Werner's computer as of yet. It is a big poor wave file busted up in three parts but it will do for now in order to get the message across loud and clear that I don't tak shit from anyone. Listen to me put the Police Commissioner in a corner as soon as the bastard (ex RCMP) laughed at our troubles.. If you wish post the recordings in your blog with my blessings and thanx Danny Boy. I truly believe this is why the Fat Fred City Finest stole my old Harley last year and won't give it back. they are trying to force me to make mistake so that they can lock me up a some sort of nut and stop my filings in federal court. The bastards have delayed me and harased me for one solid year now. However they certainly stepped up the pace the last few weeks. I think somebody blew the whistle somewhere on my behalf or the Auditor General would not have called me. Richy Baby you may enjoy it as well. Chucky Leblanc has hasd his copies of these recordings for about a year. Ask him why he has said nothing to you about it all. Notice I talk a lot about his "Blogger General" T.J. Burke and I mention Byron Prior and Chucky Leblan as well? Now do you understand why you should not trust Chucky any farther than you can throw a French man full of shit ? He is nasty player b and a rather profound liar not just your average ordinary

Maritime Bullshittter. Veritas Vincit Davey Baby Amos Just Dave By Location Visit Detail Visit 4,667 Domain Name ? (Commercial) IP Address 99.252.76.# (Rogers Cable) ISP Rogers Cable Location Continent : North America Country : Canada (Facts) Lat/Long : 60, -95 (Map) Language English (U.S.) en-us Operating System Microsoft WinXP Browser Internet Explorer 7.0 Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; InfoPath.1) Javascript version 1.3 Monitor Resolution : 1280 x 1024 Color Depth : 16 bits Time of Visit Jun 17 2008 11:51:41 am Last Page View Jun 17 2008 11:51:41 am Visit Length 0 seconds Page Views 1 Referring URL Search Engine Search Words canadian lawyer caught for fraud joyce richardson Visit Entry Page Visit Exit Page Out Click Time Zone UTC-4:00 Visitor's Time Jun 17 2008 11:51:41 am Visit Number 4,667

I don't know what the above search was about. The only thing I could find recently points to the sneaky bitch still making easy scores. Legal action taken against N.B. for abuse suffered by mentally ill boy By Chris Morris, THE CANADIAN PRESS FREDERICTON - The New Brunswick government is being sued over its alleged failure to properly care for a mentally ill child who was jailed, sexually abused and subdued with stun guns while he was in the custody of provincial authorities. Lawyer Joyce Richardson, who represents the boy and his family, said Friday she believes legal action is the only way to force the government to deal with the problem of inadequate services for children with complex, mental-health needs. "Society failed this child," Richardson said in an interview. "The province does not want to be held accountable for what happened to this boy. That is why we launched a lawsuit." The suit makes allegations yet to be proven in court. The boy's heartbreaking story is one of seven cases reviewed in a scathing report released last week on the state of services for mentally ill children in the Maritime province. The report, by Child and Youth Advocate Bernard Richard, found gaping holes in the support system for troubled children. He said too many of them end up incarcerated in youth jails or adult mental institutions because there is no other place for them. For its part, the Family and Community Services Department has denied all allegations contained in Richardson's lawsuit, including suggestions that it was negligent and breached its fiduciary duty. In a statement of defence filed last month, the department states that at all times "it has acted with the utmost good faith" and in accordance with provincial laws. Richardson's client suffers from a form of autism called Asperger's Syndrome, which, in his case, is characterized by impulsive and obsessive behaviour. The lawyer said the youth was taken from his parents when he was 14 and placed in the protective care of provincial authorities.

"They thought they had no choice, but they also thought Family and Community Services would take good care of the child," she said. "They now realize they were wrong." Bullied and isolated at group homes, his behaviour often led to police intervention. Arrested once when he was 15, he was placed in a holding cell in a jail where he was repeatedly sexually abused by a guard. The guard was later convicted of the crime. On two other occasions, according to Richard's report, police used stun guns to bring the boy under control. Richardson said the youth, now 19, is in a mental institution in Campbellton, N.B., where he is kept heavily medicated. Richardson said she wrote to Premier Shawn Graham earlier this month, asking that his government acknowledge the shortcomings in relation to mental health services and compensate the boy and his family for their suffering. She said she has not yet received a response. Richard's report has generated strong reactions and a promise from the Graham government to address the issue. Tracy Ryan of the New Brunswick branch of the Canadian Mental Health Association said she hopes the province will develop a comprehensive mental-health plan for children and adults. "I'm hoping this report will be the catalyst for a provincial mental health strategy," Ryan said. "We don't have a plan to address mental health issues in New Brunswick." She said such a plan would include the provision of proper housing and income support for mentally ill people.
----- Original Message ----From: We are Fred up To: David Amos Sent: Sunday, October 16, 2011 12:03 PM Subject: Re: Thanks for the call I will send you some of my docs pertaining to Fredericton from my Yahoo account

Hello David, thank you for this

I am delighted with the idea of

sharing time and notes (as few as i have) this is definitely interesting to me. I will tell you now that I am private (this may surprise you) but I am careful of who I interact with. Agents provocateur - inspector Clouseau all that sort of thing lol I accept your invitation to meet anywhere outside city limits. When will be the earliest time, and how much time will be available. my time is my own this week I have these appointments;

10am Tuesday Oct 18, 2011 till noon Wednesday 2 pm till 5pm Thursday 2pm till 4pm

all the rest of week is available. Call me anytime you like. _____________________Sincerely Andr On Sun, Oct 16, 2011 at 10:41 AM, David Amos <> wrote: I have no idea how much longer I will be in the area but I will be back to see some folks at least as long as my Mother is still alive anyway (She still lives here). One thing about Ferderal court though is that I can litigate from anywhere In the "mean" say hoka hey to the Fat Fred City Finest and their latest lawyer TJ Burke for me will ya? I believe this Richard Harris character who chums with Chucky Leblanc still lives close to you.

If you run across him if you can have the hard copy of my documents that he was too chicken to give is MLA TJ Burke after I was arrested. Just show him this email as proof Obviously authhorized you to take my property back. Veritas Vincit David Raymond Amos 902 800 0369
----- Original Message ----From: We are Fred up To: David Amos Sent: Sunday, October 16, 2011 5:28 AM Subject: Re: Thats funny as soon as I mentoned the jesuits the call disconnected and i can't call you back

Hello David, I guess the Jesuits are a little sensitive just now. If you want to get together today, that may be difficult but I am certainly interested for a rendez vous in the future. Question will you be in the area for a while? Although, I have five different law suits that which I am self litigating going on at the same time. I have a Court of Appeal and several other actions in lower Court. I have two years to file against the bicycle incident that causes it not to be a priority at this time. I am satisfied with who you are are and pleased to make your acquaintance. Please comprehend that I do not have much time for socializing, I have become a man of 'action', no pun intended.

Call me anytime you like. _____________________Sincerely Andr On Sun, Oct 16, 2011 at 4:19 AM, David Amos <> wrote: however it works to call others. Here is the lawsuit I was talking about

----- Original Message ----From: "David Amos" <> To: "thenewbrunswicker" <>; "chiefape" <>; "thepurplevioletpress" <>; <>; "danfour" <>; "Richard Harris" <>; "advocacycollective" <>; "nbpolitico" <>; "nb. premier" <>; <>; "tracy" <>; "tim4nm" <>; <>; "Barry.MacKnight" <>; "Loiseau, Frederic" <> Cc: <>; "tim. porter" <>; "brad. woodside" <>; "carl. davies" <>; "mclaughlin.heather" <>; "acampbell" <>; "Jacques.Poitras" <>; <> Sent: Thursday, October 27, 2011 10:10 PM Subject: I am not surprised to see that The New Brunswicker" and the Mad Ape are best of blogging butt buddies > Well Well > > Ian LeTourneau > The New Brunswicker > 61 Watters Dr. > Fredericton, NB > E3A 3S9 > > Need I say that I am now VERY HONOURED that you blocked my one and

> only comment in your blog? Need I say I expected it after talking to > you and noticing that you have a live feed from Chucky Leblanc's blog > and seek Donations for Operating Costs? > > Could that be why I made my comment in your blag th start of a brand > new blog for you all to enjoy as I begin to Blog about all the nasty > bloggers in Fat Fred City? > > > > > > > Sunday, October 16, 2011 > > Call Out to New Brunswickers > Earlier this evening, Michael Murphy, former cabinet minister and so > far only declared candidate for the next Liberal Party leader of New > Brunswick, posted the following on Twitter: > > monctonlawyer Michael B Murphy > Shale gas, Penobsquis, weak environment protection. "Occupy" New > Brunswick. Its a change in culture. We want development but what kind? > The New Brunswicker hopes he has some ideas for development, but > here's your chance to answer him... > > > What do readers here want to see developed in New Brunswick? > > > > > Posted by IanL at 4:40 PM Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to Facebook > Reactions: > 1 comments: > The Mad Ape said... > Intelligence for starters. Anyone from business or government that > keeps harping on economic growth without consideration for the cost to > mother earth is an environmental terrorist. > > You can not have continued growth on a planet of finite resources. > Following that to its conclusion ensures humanities demise. > > Politicians and corporations only care about profit and do not give > one iota of a care about the true costs.

> > October 21, 2011 5:39 PM

----- Original Message ----From: "Mad Ape" <> To: "David Amos" <> Sent: Friday, September 30, 2011 10:23 PM Subject: Re: For the record the so callled "expert" Kevin O'Leary yapping on CBC right now is pretending that he has no clue about this > This email has been sent by Mad Ape Bot Automated Response Services. > Your email address has been deemed spam by the great Mad Ape and will > now and forever more be filtered and tossed into the junk bin of > irrelevance and then dumped into the sea of oblivion. > > You are the weakest link. > > Goodbye > > MABARS > > On 30/09/2011 8:34 PM, David Amos wrote: >> It looks Estonia is gonna suffer like Iceland did because its >> political bosses were too dumb to read or worse >> >> >> >> "The EFSF doesn't solve problems, it only takes money," lawyer and >> member of parliament Legal Affairs Committee Igor Grazin from the >> ruling Reform Party told parliament. >> >> Mailis Reps, of the left-leaning opposition Centre Party, said it was >> unfair for Estonia to have to dip into its coffers. >> >> "When we look at the salaries of teachers, the state support for >> children and so on, it's all many times smaller here than in the >> countries Estonia is now going to support financially," she said. >> >> >> ---------- Forwarded message --------->> From: David Amos<> >> Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2011 15:06:31 -0300 >> Subject: Thanks again Mr Kruuv I see the folks in Estonia are still >> debating Thats good >> To: Riho Kruuv<>

>> Cc:,, "Saatkond >> Ottawas ldaadress (e-mail)"<> >> >> >> >> In answer to your question you will find the following words within >> the email you responded to. For the benetit of the taxpayers in >> Estonia your government and I should discuss them ASAP. >> >> I tried hrd to explain my concerns on the phone to you but you wanted >> me to prove that my IP connection was ok for some reason. FYI I >> already knew that it was because I was calling you through the Inernet >> >> Please read and click on the links >> >> I am the unamed Whistleblower that Mr Nester of the SEC mentioned >> in 2009 who is the link from Putnam investments and Madoff matter >> To support , my allegations first and foremost Eric Schneiderman >> should see that Eliot Spitzer testified on the very day he thanked me >> for the info in November of 2003. >> >> Please notice the transcripts and webcasts went of th Senate hearings >> "poof' not long after I made the congressman Ron Paul and legions of >> others well aware of their existence as he bitched about such things >> whilst running for the GOP endorsement to run for president in 2007. >> The records of the hearings were deleted in late fall 2007 just as all >> the subprime mortgages began to smell bad. >> >> 91-9065-4f8c-a465-72722b47e7f2 >> >> Now check the dates on the letters in this file page 13 in particular >> >> >> >> >> A portion of the email below can be found within the following link or >> simply Google Amos and Madoff and anyone can find it >> This is not my blog >> >> >> >> Notice Mr Nestor of the SEC? >> >> These are more informative blogs of his about me

>> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> On 9/29/11, Riho Kruuv<> wrote: >>> Dear Mr. Amos, >>> >>> Now that we have made sure that your e-mails aren't blocked by Estonian mail >>> servers, please specify, where do you see an issue or problem or what do you >>> expect Estonian authorities to do (differently)? >>> >>> Kind regards, >>> >>> Riho Kruuv >>> Charg d'Affaires >>> Embassy of Estonia >>> >>> >>> >>> -----Original Message---->>> From: David Amos [] >>> Sent: 29. september 2011. a. 12:07 >>> To: Riho Kruuv; Saatkond Ottawas ldaadress (e-mail); >>> >>> Cc: >>> Subject: Thanks Mr Kruuv As far as I know Austria, Estonia, Malta, the >>> Netherlands and Slovakia have yet to vote to support Greece >>> >>> Thus there maybe some time yet >>> >>> >>> >>> "Estonia votes on the measures later today followed by Austria tomorrow." >>> >>> Estonian Embassy >>> 260 Dalhousie Street, >>> Suite 210 Ottawa, >>> Ontario K1N 7E4 >>> Canada >>> tel. (1 613) 789 42 22 >>> fax: (1 613) 789 95 55 >>>

>>> >>> Read more: >>> >>> From: Riho Kruuv<> >>> Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2011 10:45:04 -0500 >>> Subject: Communication check >>> To: >>> >>> Dear Mr. Amos, >>> >>> I hope that you received this e-mail and can pass the information you >>> spoke about to me. >>> >>> Sincerely, >>> >>> Riho Kruuv >>> >>> Charg d'Affaires >>> >>> Embassy of Estonia in Canada >>> >>><> >>> >>> >>> From: "OSBORNE, George"<> >>> Date: Fri, 23 Sep 2011 13:56:26 +0100 >>> Subject: Thank you for your e-mail >>> To: David Amos<> >>> >>> >>> Thank you very much for your e-mail to George Osborne. >>> >>> If you are contacting George in his capacity as Chancellor of the >>> Exchequer, please re-send your e-mail to: >>><>. >>> Alternatively, write to The Correspondence& Enquiry Unit, HM >>> Treasury, 1 Horseguards Road, London, SW1A 2HQ or telephone 020 7270 >>> 4558. >>> >>> If you are one of George's Tatton constituents, please ensure that you >>> have included your full postal address and postcode, so that we can >>> identify you as a constituent. The Tatton office, which is for >>> constituent enquiries only, can be reached on 01565 873037. >>> >>> If you are a personal contact of George's, your e-mail will be

>>> forwarded accordingly. >>> >>> With kind regards, >>> >>> Office of Rt Hon George Osborne MP >>> Chancellor of the Exchequer >>> >>> >>> ---------- Forwarded message --------->>> From: David Amos<> >>> Date: Fri, 23 Sep 2011 09:46:12 -0300 >>> Subject: Fwd: ISS10441377 >>> To:, >>> Cc: pm<>, "Dean.Buzza"<>, >>> "j.kroes"<>, maritime_malaise >>> <> >>> >>> ---------- Forwarded message --------->>> From: David Amos<> >>> Date: Fri, 23 Sep 2011 09:17:07 -0300 >>> Subject: Fwd: ISS10441377 >>> To: >>> Cc: maritime_malaise<>, "Dean.Buzza" >>> <> >>> >>> ---------- Forwarded message --------->>> From: David Amos<> >>> Date: Fri, 23 Sep 2011 09:03:32 -0300 >>> Subject: Fwd: ISS10441377 >>> To:, "" >>> <>, pm<>, "bert. hudon" >>> <>,, >>>, "shahtx(gmail)"<>, >>> ""<>, >>> "j.kroes"<>, oig<> >>> Cc: "alfred.smithers"<>, >>>, maritme_malaise<> >>> >>> From: David Amos<> >>> Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2011 08:53:14 -0300 >>> Subject: Fwd: Re: ISS10441377 Perhaps You or your Ambassador in Ottawa >>> or Halifax should call me back? 902 800 0369 >>> To: >>> >>> ---------- Forwarded message --------->>> From:

>>> Date: Fri, 16 Sep 2011 16:34:51 +0100 (BST) >>> Subject: RE: Re: ISS10441377 Perhaps You or your Ambassador in Ottawa >>> or Halifax should call me back? 902 800 0369 >>> To: >>> >>> Dear customer, >>> >>> Thank you for your email. If your query is urgent, or you think you >>> have been contacted by a SCAM do not wait for a reply. Instead, please >>> call our Consumer Helpline on 0845 606 1234, and we will help with >>> your query immediately. Please advise the agent who takes your call >>> that you have emailed us previously. If your query is not urgent, >>> please be aware that we work to a service level of 12 working days, >>> and it is likely that it will take this long to respond to you. >>> >>> PLEASE DO NOT REPLY TO THIS EMAIL ADDRESS >>> >>> This communication and any attachments contains information which is >>> confidential and may be subject to legal privilege. It is for intended >>> recipients only. If you are not the intended recipient you must not >>> copy, distribute, publish, rely on or otherwise use it without our >>> consent. Some of our communications may contain confidential >>> information which it could be a criminal offence for you to disclose >>> or use without authority. If you have received this email in error >>> please notify immediately and delete the email >>> from your computer. >>> The FSA reserves the right to monitor all email communications for >>> compliance with legal, regulatory and professional standards. >>> This email is not intended to nor should it be taken to create any >>> legal relations or contractual relationships. This email has >>> originated from >>> >>> The Financial Services Authority (FSA) >>> 25 The North Colonnade, >>> Canary Wharf, >>> London >>> E14 5HS >>> United Kingdom >>> >>> Registered as a Limited Company in England and Wales No.1920623. >>> Registered Office as above >>> Switchboard: 020 7066 1000 >>> Web Site: >>> ***************************************************************** >>> >>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------

>>> From: FCC<> >>> Date: Fri, 16 Sep 2011 14:44:47 +0100 (BST) >>> Subject: RE: ISS10441377 >>> To: >>> >>> Our Ref: PC41073. ISS10441377 >>> >>> >>> In order that we can deal with this matter as quickly as possible >>> please do not delete the Subject line of this email when you reply. >>> You can add further wording to it but please do not remove >>> "ISS10441377". >>> >>> Dear Sir or Madam, >>> >>> Please accept this acknowledgement of the receipt of your email dated >>> 31 August 2011, the contents of which have been noted for our records. >>> >>> I have not responded to your email, as you have not addressed this to >>> us directly, nor have you asked us any questions. >>> >>> However, I feel it would be of use if I explain our role. We are the >>> UK's financial watchdog set up by the government to regulate financial >>> services. We protect consumers by setting standards that FSA-regulated >>> firms must meet and taking action if they don't. We regulate most >>> types of financial services firms, such as banks, building societies, >>> credit unions, insurance companies, financial advisers, stockbrokers, >>> and mortgage and insurance sellers. >>> >>> If you have any future questions on financial services and products, >>> you may find it easier to call our Consumer Helpline on 0845 606 1234 >>> (call rates may vary). >>> >>> You can also access relevant information online at >>> and via the Money Advice >>> Service website: >>> >>> I trust this is of assistance, and welcome any further feedback you >>> may have in relation to this matter. >>> >>> Yours faithfully >>> >>> Victoria Warren (Miss) >>> Customer Contact Centre >>> Financial Services Authority >>> Consumer Helpline: 0845 606 1234 (call rates may vary)

>>> >>> >>> We are interested in finding out about people's views and experiences >>> of the services offered by the Customer Contact Centre. As a result, >>> we employ a research agency to help us, and they may contact you, via >>> the telephone, to see if you would be prepared to take part in a short >>> telephone interview. If you do receive a phone call you are under no >>> obligation to complete the survey. Please rest assured that your >>> details will remain confidential and will not be used for any other >>> purposes; we are not trying to sell you any financial products or >>> service, and no sales call will result from this. >>> >>> If you do not wish to take part in any of our surveys, please call the >>> Customer Contact Centre on 0845 606 1234 (call rates may vary), or >>> email and we will ensure that your details >>> are not passed on to the research agency. >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> -----Original Message---->>> From: >>> Date Sent: 31/08/2011 16:54:39 >>> To: >>> Subject: RE: ISS10441377 >>> >>> >>> >>> -----Original Message---->>> From: David Amos [] >>> Sent: 28 August 2011 01:40 >>> To:;; oig; >>> whistleblower; Whistle >>> Cc: Dean.Buzza; maritime_malaise >>> Subject: Do your people at RBS think I am joking? >>> >>> ---------- Forwarded message --------->>> From: David Amos<> >>> Date: Fri, 5 Aug 2011 14:08:24 -0300 >>> Subject: i just called you again Mr O'Donnell perhaps you should review >>> the Homestead Act and check your work >>> To: >>> Cc: "Fred.Wyshak"<>, maritime_malaise >>> <> >>>

>>> ---------- Forwarded message --------->>> From: David Amos<> >>> Date: Fri, 5 Aug 2011 13:57:12 -0300 >>> Subject: Fwd: I just called and tried to reason with you people whilst >>> the Stock Markets tumble AGAIN Correct JIM? >>> To: >>> Cc:, oig<>, OIG<>, ir >>> <>, ir<>, jrogers<> >>> >>> I saw you checking my work on the web now check your bank's malicious >>> work in the attachment >>> >>> Just Dave >>> By Location Visit Detail >>> Visit 14,733 >>> Domain Name ? (Commercial) >>> IP Address 12.46.106.# (CITIZENS BANK) >>> ISP AT&T WorldNet Services >>> Location Continent : North America >>> Country : United States (Facts) >>> State : Rhode Island >>> City : Pawtucket >>> Lat/Long : 41.8735, -71.3734 (Map) >>> Language English (U.S.) en-us >>> Operating System Macintosh WinXP >>> Browser Safari 1.3 >>> Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1) AppleWebKit/535.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) >>> Chrome/13.0.782.107 Safari/535.1 >>> Javascript version 1.5 >>> Monitor Resolution : 1280 x 1024 >>> Color Depth : 32 bits >>> Time of Visit Aug 5 2011 1:38:08 pm >>> Last Page View Aug 5 2011 1:38:08 pm >>> Visit Length 0 seconds >>> Page Views 1 >>> Referring URL amos citizens bank Search Engine >>> Search Words david amos citizens bank >>> Visit Entry Page >>> Visit Exit Page >>> Out Click >>> Time Zone UTC-5:00 >>> Visitor's Time Aug 5 2011 12:38:08 pm >>> Visit Number 14,733 >>> >>> QSLS Politics >>> By Location Visit Detail

>>> Visit 22,067 >>> Domain Name ? (Commercial) >>> IP Address 12.154.167.# (CITIZENS BANK) >>> ISP AT&T WorldNet Services >>> Location Continent : North America >>> Country : United States (Facts) >>> State : Massachusetts >>> City : Dover >>> Lat/Long : 42.2417, -71.2874 (Map) >>> Language English (U.S.) >>> en-us >>> Operating System Microsoft WinXP >>> Browser Internet Explorer 6.0 >>> Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR >>> 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.30; .NET CLR >>> 3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; InfoPath.2; .NET4.0C; .NET4.0E) >>> Javascript version 1.3 >>> Monitor Resolution : 1280 x 1024 >>> Color Depth : 32 bits >>> Time of Visit Aug 5 2011 6:39:44 pm >>> Last Page View Aug 5 2011 6:39:44 pm >>> Visit Length 0 seconds >>> Page Views 1 >>> Referring URL >>> Search Engine >>> Search Words amos david madoff >>> Visit Entry Page http://qslspolitics....-wendy-olsen-on.html >>> Visit Exit Page http://qslspolitics....-wendy-olsen-on.html >>> Out Click >>> Time Zone UTC-6:00 >>> Visitor's Time Aug 5 2011 11:39:44 am >>> Visit Number 22,067 >>> >>> >>> ---------- Forwarded message --------->>> From: David Amos<> >>> Date: Fri, 5 Aug 2011 09:59:29 -0300 >>> Subject: i just called and tried to reason with you people whilst the >>> Stock Markets tumble AGAIN Correct? >>> To:,,, >>>,,, >>>, "terry.seguin"<>, >>> ""<> >>> Cc: maritime_malaise<>, oig<>, >>> ministerofstate<>, "Dean.Buzza" >>> <>, newsroom<>,

>>> "Barry.MacKnight"<>, >>> ""<> >>> >>> Since you won't speak to me, why not talk about your deliberate >>> incompetence to the foreign newsmen contacting me? >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> Veritas Vincit >>> David Raymond Amos >>> 902 800 0369 >>> >>> ---------- Forwarded message --------->>> From: David Amos<> >>> Date: Wed, 3 Aug 2011 12:04:33 -0700 (PDT) >>> Subject: Ed Here is your ticket to keep you out of hot water Just send >>> this to Hugh Grant and he can raise hell for you >>> To: >>> Cc: >>> >>> Byway of the US FTC the Feds in many countries can never deny that they >>> did not know the truth long ago >>> >>> From: Ed Pilkington<> >>> Subject: GUARDIAN >>> To: >>> Date: Wednesday, August 3, 2011, 11:42 AM >>> >>> >>> hi >>> >>> here's my email and my cell number is below >>> >>> all best >>> >>> Ed >>> >>> --

>>> Ed Pilkington >>> New York bureau chief >>> The Guardian >>> >>> >>> >>> Cell: 646 704 1264 >>> Please consider the environment before printing this email. >>> ----------------------------------------------------------------->>> Visit - newspaper of the year >>> >>> >>> On your mobile, visit or download the Guardian iPhone >>> app >>> >>> To save up to 30% when you subscribe to the Guardian and the Observer >>> visit >>> -------------------------------------------------------------------->>> This e-mail and all attachments are confidential and may also be >>> privileged. If you are not the named recipient, please notify the sender >>> and delete the e-mail and all attachments immediately. >>> Do not disclose the contents to another person. You may not use the >>> information for any purpose, or store, or copy, it in any way. >>> >>> Guardian News& Media Limited is not liable for any computer viruses or >>> other material transmitted with or as part of this e-mail. You should >>> employ virus checking software. >>> >>> Guardian News& Media Limited >>> >>> A member of Guardian Media Group plc >>> Registered Office >>> PO Box 68164 >>> Kings Place >>> 90 York Way >>> London >>> N1P 2AP >>> >>> Registered in England Number 908396 >>> >>> >>> --- On Tue, 8/2/11, David Amos<> wrote: >>> >>> >>> From: David Amos<> >>> Subject: Re Rupert Murdoch and his associates Perhaps Ms Curtis should

>>> show this email to the actor Hugh Grant >>> To: >>> Cc:,,, >>> "maritime_malaise"<> >>> Date: Tuesday, August 2, 2011, 2:21 PM >>> >>> >>> >>> uiry >>> >>> ---------- Forwarded message --------->>> From: OIG<> >>> Date: Wed, 27 Jul 2011 16:29:48 -0400 >>> Subject: RE: I just called again and tried to speak with John Seeba and >>> Cynthia Hogue of the FTC >>> To: David Amos<> >>> >>> Mr Amos. I just talked to you. Our office only has jurisdiction over >>> internal matters like if an FTC employee is involved in fraud. We also >>> report to congress to notify them how the FTC utilizes funds. >>> >>> What can we do for you? >>> >>> Thanks. Zisa Walton >>> >>> -----Original Message---->>> From: David Amos [] >>> Sent: Wednesday, July 27, 2011 4:23 PM >>> To: OIG; maritime_malaise >>> Cc: Fred. Pretorius; Fred.Wyshak >>> Subject: I just called again and tried to speak with John Seeba and >>> Cynthia Hogue of the FTC >>> >>> ---------- Forwarded message --------->>> From: David Amos<> >>> Date: Wed, 27 Jul 2011 16:56:13 -0300 >>> Subject: RE BSkyB and News Corp I am on the phone to you right now >>> To:,, >>>,,, >>> "Marc.Litt"<> >>> Cc: oig<>, maritime_malaise<>, >>> "Dean.Buzza"<> >>> >>> >>> >>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------

>>> From: David Amos<> >>> Date: Tue, 26 Jul 2011 22:05:59 -0300 >>> Subject: RE BSkyB and News Corp >>> To:,, >>>, >>> Cc: newsroom<> >>> >>> >>> -help-help-combat-us-lawsuits/ >>> >>> >>> sibility-and-role-board-directors/ >>> >>> >>> >>> ---------- Forwarded message --------->>> From: David Amos<> >>> Date: Tue, 26 Jul 2011 02:45:11 -0300 >>> Subject: RE BSkyB and News Corp Opps ol Rupert would be pissed that I >>> forgot to send the oh so important attachments >>> To:,, >>>,, >>>, "" >>> <>, "" >>> <>, Edith Cody-Rice<>, >>> Jacques Poitras<>, Robert Jones >>> <>, Terry Seguin<>, "richard. >>> dearden"<>, maritime_malaise >>> <>, "" >>> <>, "Bob.Kerr@CBC.CA"<> >>> Cc:,, >>>,, >>>, editor<>, news-tips >>> <>, newsonline<>, newshour >>> <>, newsroom<>, Newsroom >>> <>, foreigneditor >>> <> >>> >>> ---------- Forwarded message --------->>> From: >>> Date: Tue, 26 Jul 2011 01:23:36 -0400 >>> Subject: Out of Office AutoReply: RE BSkyB and News Corp Hey Jac Nasser >>> Howcome or the trusted lawyers Arty Siskind and Lony Jacobs did not tell >>> the Murdochs I was still alive and kicking like hell? >>> To: >>>

>>> I am out of the office until Monday, August 8. I will not be reading >>> email until then. Regards >>> >>> This email was sent to you by Thomson Reuters, the global news and >>> information company. Any views expressed in this message are those of >>> the individual sender, except where the sender specifically states them >>> to be the views of Thomson Reuters. >>> >>> ---------- Forwarded message --------->>> From: David Amos<> >>> Date: Tue, 26 Jul 2011 02:23:30 -0300 >>> Subject: Fwd: RE BSkyB and News Corp Hey Jac Nasser Howcome or the >>> trusted lawyers Arty Siskind and Lony Jacobs did not tell the Murdochs I >>> was still alive and kicking like hell? >>> To:,, >>>,, >>>,, >>>,,, >>> "Dean.Buzza"<> >>> Cc: maritime_malaise<>, >>>, >>> >>> ---------- Forwarded message --------->>> From: David Amos<> >>> Date: Tue, 26 Jul 2011 01:41:59 -0300 >>> Subject: RE BSkyB and News Corp Hey Jac Nasser Howcome or the trusted >>> lawyers Arty Siskind and Lony Jacobs did not tell the Murdochs I was >>> still alive and kicking like hell? >>> To:,, >>>,, >>>, "" >>> <>, "" >>> <>, Edith Cody-Rice<>, >>> Jacques Poitras<>, Robert Jones >>> <>, Terry Seguin<>, "richard. >>> dearden"<>, maritime_malaise >>> <>, "" >>> <>, "Bob.Kerr@CBC.CA"<> >>> Cc:, LaytoJ<>, info<>, >>>, danfour<> >>> >>> >>> n-quandary.html >>> >>> Interesting quandary you bskyb dudes have. Seems it just got worse EH >>> Jac?

>>> >>> Clearly you and I crossed paths bigtime before TWO IMPORTANT elections >>> in Canada last year and obviously News Corp and Bloomberg's pal Joel >>> Klein's old buddies in the US Justice Dept and the SEC etc pissed me off >>> way back in 2002 EH? >>> >>> Need I say iIdid not like it when and heard of corrupt cops in seven >>> cars pounced on my son and I at 2;30 in the morning about two weeks >>> after i received this email from you with the attached letter. Small >>> wonder Stevey Boy Harper stopped the BHP take over bid of Potash when he >>> could not get th RCMP to shut me up EH? >>> >>> BTW the pdf file hereto attached that should refresh Siskind's and >>> Jacobs memories can be found here as well the letter you sent to me last >>> September >>> >>> >>> >>> Altough my contempt towards greedy publicly held companies is well known >>> my desire to expose corrupt law enfocement people is far higher on my >>> list of offensive things. If old Rupert were wise and his son is clever >>> perhaps they should have somebody finally call me back ASAP. >>> Perhap Ruper Murdoch can figure how to deal with an honest man ethically >>> for the benefit of many shareholders and the chagrin of the SEC and >>> Barack Obama EH? >>> >>> News Corp has the media and I have the evidence. Why not pretend I am >>> Monte Hall and lets make a deal for the benefit of all. Try leaving the >>> dark side and ignoring your crooked lawyers for a change. What say you >>> Rupert? Dickens wrote books about such things. >>> >>> Veritas Vincit >>> David Raymond Amos >>> 902 800 0369 >>> >>> The links to newsrags etc at the bottom of this email prove that >>> obviously I have been reading many things lately. Your lawyers should >>> study some of my work within this one email alone As you well know i >>> will be forwarding this email to many people in short order. >>> >>> >>> >>> ---------- Forwarded message --------->>> From: David Amos<> >>> Date: Mon, 13 Sep 2010 23:36:47 -0300 >>> Subject: RE the Email from BHP Billiton's Chairman Perhaps your lawyers

>>> and I should talk ASAP? 902 800 0369 >>> To: >>> Cc: >>> >>> Jane McAloon (Group Company Secretary) BEc (Hons), LLB, GDipGov, FCIS >>> Term of office: Jane McAloon was appointed Group Company Secretary in >>> July 2007 and joined the BHP Billiton Group in September 2006 as Company >>> Secretary for BHP Billiton Limited. >>> Skills and experience: Prior to joining BHP Billiton, Jane McAloon held >>> the position of Company Secretary and Group Manager External and >>> Regulatory Services in the Australian Gas Light Company. She previously >>> held various State and Commonwealth government positions, including >>> Director General of the NSW Ministry of Energy and Utilities and Deputy >>> Director General for the NSW Cabinet Office, as well as working in >>> private legal practice. She is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered >>> Secretaries. >>> >>> ---------- Forwarded message --------->>> From: "Collins, Susan J (COSEC)"<> >>> Date: Tue, 14 Sep 2010 09:23:12 +1000 >>> Subject: Email to BHP Billiton Chairman's >>> To: >>> >>> >>> Please find attached a letter from Mr Jac Nasser, Chairman of BHP >>> Billiton >>> >>> Susan Collins >>> Company Secretariat >>> BHP Billiton | 180 Lonsdale St | Melbourne Vic 3000 |Australia >>> T: +61 3 9609 2654 | M: +61 427 713 994 | F: +61 3 9609 3290 >>> E:<> >>> >>> <<Amos D 2010 09 14.pdf>> >>> >>> >>>> -----Original Message---->>>> From: David Amos [] >>>> Sent: Thursday, August 19, 2010 8:36 AM >>>> To:;; >>>>;; >>>>; shawn. graham;; >>>> krisaustin;;; >>>>;; >>>>;;; >>>>;;

>>>>;; >>>> rick.hancox; Bernard.LeBlanc; Liebenberg, Andre; >>>>; MooreR; danfour;; >>>> Harris, Brendan; Dean.Buzza; Gilles. Blinn >>>> Cc: wcoady;;; >>>> WaterWarCrimes; Penny Bright; tony; Nasser, Jacques >>>> Subject: Fwd: PotashCorp should mention my concerns about their lack >>>> of ethical conduct and actions against me to your shareholers before >>>> you people buy much stock in their stock eh? >>>> >>>> With ANOTHER election in the near future I see no need to explain my >>>> issues again about the exploitation of our natural resources to a >>>> bunch of sneaky lawyers.(everyboy shoul checkout the pdf hereto >>>> attache) especially our former Deputy Prime Minister Lanslide Annie >>>> McLelllan an the RCMP thought they knew everything seven years ago and >>>> did nothing let alone call me back just like you an your many >>>> conservative cohorts NEVER did EH Brucy Baby Northrup? (902 800 0369 >>>> Notice my new contact number? You an the RCMP can forget Werner Bock's >>>> now) >>>> >>>> Clearly there is no need for politicians to try to be confidential >>>> with mean old me when the Globe and Mail loves spilling the beans >>>> sometimes ou woul think those unethical journlists woul know that >>>> simple truths spoken amongst common folk about corrupt politicians >>>> have a good habit of coming to the surface sooner or later anyway EH? >>>> >>>> Veritas Vincit >>>> David Raymond Amos >>>> >>>> >>> >>> This message and any attached files may contain information that is >>> confidential and/or subject of legal privilege intended only for use by >>> the intended recipient. If you are not the intended recipient or the >>> person responsible for delivering the message to the intended recipient, >>> be advised that you have received this message in error and that any >>> dissemination, copying or use of this message or attachment is strictly >>> forbidden, as is the disclosure of the information therein. If you have >>> received this message in error please notify the sender immediately and >>> delete the message. >>> >>> ---------- Forwarded message --------->>> From: David Amos<> >>> Date: Fri, 17 Jun 2011 13:05:02 -0300 >>> Subject: Mr Lee I just called you from 902 800 0369 after listening to >>> you on CAPAC last night perhaps we should talk ASAP

>>> To: >>> Cc: maritime_malaise<> >>> >>> First and foremost do you see Eliot Spitzer testified on the very day he >>> thanked me for the info? I ask again where did the transcripts and >>> webcasts go not long after I made the congressman Ron Paul and legions >>> of others well aware of their existence as he bitched about such things >>> whle running for the GOP endorcement to run for president in 2007? For >>> the PUBLIC Record the records of the hearings were deleted in late fall >>> 2007 just as all the subprime morigages began to smell bad. >>> >>> >>> earing_ID=90f8e691-9065-4f8c-a465-72722b47e7f2 >>> >>> Now check the dates on the letters in this file page 13 in particular >>> >>> >>> t.pdf >>> >>> Then read ths old email exchange >>> >>> >>> ml >>> >>> Get it? If not call me will ya? >>> >>> ---------- Forwarded message --------->>> From: David Amos<> >>> Date: Thu, 7 Jul 2011 22:56:05 -0300 >>> Subject: Fwd: Wheras ol Whitey Bulger is now in custody Perhaps the FEDS >>> should review this old file ASAP EH Assange? >>> To:, "jacques.boucher" >>> <>,, >>> ""<>, >>> "Wayne.Lang"<>, dean<>, >>>,, >>>, birgittajoy<>, "Julian >>> Assange)"<>, "Bathurst, News Max" >>> <>, "mckeen.randy"<>, "Frank. >>> McKenna"<>, "mclaughlin.heather" >>> <> >>> Cc: maritime_malaise<>, danfour >>> <>, ""<>, >>> editorial<>, "terry.seguin" >>> <>, nickysbirdy<>, webo >>> <>, "Loiseau, Frederic"

>>> <>, "Barry.MacKnight" >>> <> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> From: magicJack<> >>> Subject: New VM (16) - 0:47 minutes in your magicJack mailbox from >>> 7097728272 >>> To: "DAVID AMOS" >>> Date: Monday, July 4, 2011, 6:16 AM >>> >>> Dear magicJack User: >>> >>> You received a new 0:47 minutes voicemail message, on Monday, July 04, >>> 2011 at 09:16:24 AM in mailbox 902 800 0369 from 709 772 8272. >>> >>> >>> ---------- Forwarded message --------->>> From: David Amos<> >>> Date: Fri, 24 Jun 2011 20:02:45 -0300 >>> Subject: Wheras ol Whitey Bulger is now in custody Perhaps the FEDS >>> should review this file ASAP? >>> To: ""<>, >>> "Wayne.Lang"<>, dean<>, >>> maritime_malaise<>, pm<>, >>> "greg.preston"<>, acampbell >>> <>, LaytoJ<>, godiny >>> <>, Ashfik1a<> >>> Cc: "terry.seguin"<>, danfour<>, >>> ""<>, "richard. dearden" >>> <> >>> >>> >>> >>> Beginning on page 56 All of Whitey's lawyers will get the jitters >>> >>> Notice Andrew Bulger? >>> >>> >>> ge4 >>> >>> >>> ---------- Forwarded message --------->>> From: David Amos<>

>>> Date: Sun, 26 Jun 2011 19:18:17 -0300 >>> Subject: Thanx for the call back >>> To: >>> Cc: maritime_malaise<> >>> >>> ---------- Forwarded message --------->>> From: David Amos<> >>> Date: Sun, 26 Jun 2011 13:35:19 -0300 >>> Subject: "He looks forward to facing the charges against him," said >>> Bulger lawyer Peter Krupp >>> To: >>> Cc: maritime_malaise<>, "Daniel.Conley" >>> <>, "Daniel.Conley" >>> <> >>> >>> ---------- Forwarded message --------->>> From: David Amos<> >>> Date: Sun, 26 Jun 2011 09:43:17 -0300 >>> Subject: Thanx for listening to me I will call WBUR's David Boeri in >>> short order (617 353 1059) >>> To:, maritime_malaise<> >>> Cc:,, danfour >>> <>, ""<> >>> >>> I called and tried to talk to David Boeri because of what he said >>> recently within this video and what he wrote about Whitey na the Feds >>> over the years >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> FYI After I called a lot of parliamentarians, the RCMP and the FBI I >>> noticed this hit on a blog about me this morning. I have no doubt the >>> following emails is what they were reading so I called Fred Wyshak and >>> read him the riot act once again byway of his voicemail within the US >>> Attorney's Office and then called the WBUR newsroom >>> >>> >>> -part-3.html >>> >>> QSLS Politics >>> By Location Visit Detail >>> Visit 21,300 >>> Domain Name (Unknown) >>> IP Address 98.27.50.# (Unknown Organization)

>>> ISP Unknown ISP >>> Location Continent : Unknown >>> Country : Unknown >>> Lat/Long : unknown >>> Language English (U.S.) en-us >>> Operating System Macintosh MacOSX >>> Browser Safari 1.3 >>> Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; U; CPU OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) >>> AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 >>> Safari/6533.18.5 >>> Javascript version 1.5 >>> Monitor Resolution : 768 x 1024 >>> Color Depth : 32 bits >>> Time of Visit Jun 26 2011 4:45:39 am >>> Last Page View Jun 26 2011 4:45:39 am >>> Visit Length 0 seconds >>> Page Views 1 >>> Referring URL >>> Search Engine >>> Search Words fred wyshak >>> Visit Entry Page http://qslspolitics....leblower-part-3.html >>> Visit Exit Page http://qslspolitics....leblower-part-3.html >>> Out Click >>> Time Zone UTC-5:00 >>> Visitor's Time Jun 25 2011 10:45:39 pm >>> Visit Number 21,300 >>> >>> >>> ---------- Forwarded message --------->>> From: David Amos >>> Date: Mon, Sep 22, 2008 at 2:09 PM >>> Subject: Attn Fred Wyshak and Stockwell Day Here is some proof that I >>> was not joking with you last week >>> To:,,, >>>, "", "Duceppe. >>> G",, "layton. j" >>>,, "" >>>, "", >>>, "" >>> Cc:, "" >>>,,, Ryan >>> Johnson, Alfonso Carcamo >>>, robin reid, Byron Prior >>>, "", >>>,, >>>,, "thibault.

>>> r", "", >>> "", >>> "", Dan Fitzgerald >>>, ""> >>> >>> Some of the docments within this file are signed by your boss the US >>> Attorney Michael Sullivan and it was me he was trying to argue about a >>> great deal of money as he covered up for the actions of corrupt US >>> Treasury Agents Correct? >>> >>>>>> >>> And this is a true copy of one of many American Polce surveilance >>> wiretap tapes that I have in my pssession many law enforcement >>> authorities in Canada and the USA have received and acknowledged >>> Correct? >>> >>> >>> >>> Who the Hell do you think chucked them in the garbage in Boston many >>> years ago? Here is your clue. >>> >>> >>> lly_portrayed_as_corrupt_agent/?page=full >>> >>> Furthermore Didn't Connoly tell the bartender's daughter Whitey Bulger >>> buried some of his victims just outsife Yarmouth in the crooked >>> politician Robert Thibault's riding in Nova Scotia? >>> >>> Must I sue you too Fred??? >>> >>> Veritas Vincit >>> David Raymond Amos >>> >>> ---------- Forwarded message --------->>> From: David Amos >>> Date: Mon, Sep 15, 2008 at 4:20 PM >>> Subject: Hey Fred Wyshak Say hey to your boss the US Attorney Michael J. >>> Sullivan for me will ya? In return I will say hey to Callahan's family >>> for you, Deal? >>> To:,, w-five, >>> " >>>",, " >>>", "" >>>, "" >>>,

>>> Cc: "", " >>>", " >>>", " >>>", >>>,,, " >>>", "" >>>,, Ryan Johnson >>> >>> >>> ---------- Forwarded message --------->>> From: David Raymond Amos >>> Date: Mon, Sep 15, 2008 at 3:49 PMy Hey to >>> Subject: [Just Dave] New comment on Just Dave. >>> To: >>> >>> David Raymond Amos >>> has left a new comment on the post "Just Dave >>> >>> >>> ail": >>> >>> From: David Amos >>> Date: Mon, Sep 15, 2008 at 3:47 PM >>> Subject: Attn Willi Burgess perhaps you should read what i just posted >>> in my blog or other people's wesites >>> To:,,, >>>,,, >>>,,, >>>,,, >>>,,, >>>,,, >>>,,, >>>,,, >>>,,, >>>,, >>>,,, >>> >>> Cc:,,, >>>,,,, >>>,,, >>>,, >>> >>> My concerns are far from confidential never mind what I know about >>> BANKERS and the US Treasury Dept etc >>> >>> MURDER is a capital crime CORRECT? Connoly the ex FBI Agent's long

>>> delayed trial started today and I am the guy with the wiretap tapes that >>> he threw out long ago. Why the Hell do you think I took such a chance >>> with the corrupt RCMP last week and recorded me serving a copy of one >>> wiretap tape upon them in Youtube before your boss Stevey Boy Harper had >>> his buddy the Governor General drop the writ? >>> >>> Scroll down you will see that I am no liar. I posted this email there as >>> well. >>> >>> Veritas Vincit >>> David Raymond Amos >>> >>> Just Dave By Location >>> *Visit Detail** >>> Visit 5,486* >>> Domain Name >>> IP Address 71.184.227.# (Verizon Internet Services) ISP Verizon Internet >>> Services Location Continent : North America Country : United States >>> State : Massachusetts City : Winchester Lat/Long : 42.4547, -71.1502 >>> (Map) Language English (U.S.) en-us Operating System Microsoft WinNT >>> Browser Internet Explorer 7.0 Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows >>> NT 6.0; SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; Media Center PC 5.0; .NET CLR >>> 3.0.04506) Javascript version 1.3 Monitor Resolution : 1152 x 864 Color >>> Depth : 32 bits Time of Visit Sep 15 2008 3:06:40 pm Last Page View Sep >>> 15 2008 3:06:40 pm Visit Length 0 seconds Page Views 1 Referring URL >>> winchester%2C ma Search Engine >>> Search Words "john b. callahan" address winchester, ma Visit Entry Page >>> http://davidamos.blo.../03/me-and-bush.html >>> Visit Exit Page http://davidamos.blo.../03/me-and-bush.html >>> Out Click >>> Time Zone UTC-5:00 >>> Visitor's Time Sep 15 2008 2:06:40 pm >>> Visit Number 5,486 >>> >>> >>> FEDERAL EXPRESS February 7, 2006 >>> >>> Senator Arlen Specter >>> United States Senate >>> Committee on the Judiciary >>> 224 Dirksen Senate Office Building >>> Washington, DC 20510 >>> >>> Dear Mr. Specter: >>> >>> I have been asked to forward the enclosed tapes to you from a man named,

>>> David Amos, a Canadian citizen, in connection with the matters raised in >>> the attached letter. Mr. Amos has represented to me that these are >>> illegal FBI wire tap tapes. I believe Mr. Amos has been in contact with >>> you about this previously. >>> >>> Very truly yours, >>> Barry A. Bachrach >>> Direct telephone: (508) 926-3403 >>> Direct facsimile: (508) 929-3003 >>> Email: >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> t-murdoch-needs-legal-help-the-most-2011-7 >>> >>> >>> om-newscorp/ >>> >>> >>> -help-help-combat-us-lawsuits/ >>> >>> >>> b-shares-1.1113963 >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> hief-leads-internal-news-corp-inquiry.html >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> 3732f5b0f343aaab547a63163df246 >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>>

>>> wrence-jacobs-leaves/ >>> >>> >>> We would ask you to treat any communication from us as confidentially >>> as you would want us to treat communication from you. If you are not >>> an intended recipient, please notify >>> immediately. You should know that some of our communications may >>> contain confidential information which it could be a criminal offence >>> for you to disclose or use without authority. This e-mail is not >>> intended nor should it be taken to create any legal relations, >>> contractual or otherwise. The Financial Services Authority >>> 25 The North Colonnade, Canary Wharf, London E14 5HS United Kingdom >>> Registered as a Limited Company in England and Wales No.1920623. >>> Registered Office as above >>> Switchboard: 020 7066 1000 >>> Web Site: >>> >>> >>> This communication and any attachments contains information which is >>> confidential and may be subject to legal privilege. It is for intended >>> recipients only. If you are not the intended recipient you must not >>> copy, distribute, publish, rely on or otherwise use it without our >>> consent. Some of our communications may contain confidential >>> information which it could be a criminal offence for you to disclose >>> or use without authority. If you have received this email in error >>> please notify immediately and delete the email >>> from your computer. >>> >>> The FSA reserves the right to monitor all email communications for >>> compliance with legal, regulatory and professional standards. >>> This email is not intended to nor should it be taken to create any >>> legal relations or contractual relationships. This email has >>> originated from >>> >>> The Financial Services Authority (FSA) >>> 25 The North Colonnade, >>> Canary Wharf, >>> London >>> E14 5HS >>> United Kingdom >>> >>> Registered as a Limited Company in England and Wales No.1920623. >>> Registered Office as above >>> >>> Switchboard: 020 7066 1000 >>> Web Site:

>>> ***************************************************************** >>> >>> ---------- Forwarded message --------->>> From: David Amos<> >>> Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2011 07:09:06 -0700 (PDT) >>> Subject: Lets see if the folks in Estonia receive this email >>> To:, David Amos<> >>> Cc:,, >>> >>> >>> >>> ---------- Forwarded message --------->>> From: David Amos<> >>> Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2011 10:19:52 -0300 >>> Subject: I am calling Environmental Auditing In Estonia right now >>> To:,, >>>, >>> Cc: maritme_malaise<> >>> >>> >>> QSLS Politics >>> By Location Visit Detail >>> Visit 23,153 >>> Domain Name (Unknown) >>> IP Address 161.203.19.# (U.S. General Accounting Office) >>> ISP U.S. General Accounting Office >>> Location Continent : North America >>> Country : United States (Facts) >>> State : District of Columbia >>> City : Washington >>> Lat/Long : 38.8981, -77.0177 (Map) >>> Language English (U.S.) en-us >>> Operating System Microsoft WinXP >>> Browser Internet Explorer 7.0 >>> Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; >>> .NET CLR 1.1.4322) >>> Javascript version 1.3 >>> Monitor Resolution : 1280 x 1024 >>> Color Depth : 32 bits >>> Time of Visit Sep 27 2011 6:42:04 pm >>> Last Page View Sep 27 2011 6:42:04 pm >>> Visit Length 0 seconds >>> Page Views 1 >>> Referring URL >>> Search Engine >>> Search Words david raymond amos, madhoff

>>> Visit Entry Page http://qslspolitics....-wendy-olsen-on.html >>> Visit Exit Page http://qslspolitics....-wendy-olsen-on.html >>> Out Click >>> Time Zone UTC-5:00 >>> Visitor's Time Sep 27 2011 12:42:04 pm >>> Visit Number 23,153 >>> >>> ---------- Forwarded message --------->>> From: David Amos<> >>> Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2011 10:07:03 -0300 >>> Subject: Mr Baconfat I am not surprised that Shaw and and the RCMP >>> support your malice >>> To:, danfour<>, >>>,,, >>>,,, >>>, "davidc.coon"<>, we >>> <>, ""<>, >>> thepurplevioletpress<>, >>> "Jacques.Poitras"<>, >>> Cc:, "Gilles. Blinn" >>> <>, "Raf.Souccar" >>> <>, "" >>> <>, "Wayne.Lang" >>> <>, chiefape<>, >>> "Barry.MacKnight"<>, "Loiseau, >>> Frederic"<>, >>>, porcupine007<> >>> Nothing much surprises me anymore and you can always expect a lawyer >>> or a cop to ignore the law. Hell everybody knows the Shaws can be >>> every bit as nasty and greedy as you are. The fact that their Fat >>> Daddy is on the board of directors of Suncor is a very telling thing >>> to me. Harper and everybody else wants to shut me up before ethical >>> enviromentalists start checking my work EH? Thats why i contacted the >>> people based in Estonia >>> >>> Hell I watched Shaw's legal dept check me out on the web before they >>> called me then the weasels played as dumb as post on their speaker >>> phone I got tired of their nonsense and hung up. I will explain your >>> death threats etc real slow to the Publicly Held Company and the CROWN >>> in a couple of courts ( I suspect that many people will want to sue >>> Shaw and the RCMP and You because of your Blog)I bet this happens long >>> before you quit boozing to much and sending mindless threats and >>> writing incredible slander >>> QSLS Politics >>> By Location Visit Detail

>>> Visit 23,152 >>> Domain Name (Unknown) >>> IP Address 204.209.209.# (Shaw Communications) >>> ISP Shaw Communications >>> Location Continent : North America >>> Country : Canada (Facts) >>> State/Region : Alberta >>> City : Calgary >>> Lat/Long : 51.0833, -114.0833 (Map) >>> Language English (U.S.) en-us >>> Operating System Microsoft WinXP >>> Browser Internet Explorer 8.0 >>> Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; >>> chromeframe/14.0.835.186; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET >>> CLR 3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; InfoPath.1) >>> Javascript version 1.3 >>> Monitor Resolution : 1440 x 900 >>> Color Depth : 32 bits >>> Time of Visit Sep 27 2011 4:47:02 pm >>> Last Page View Sep 27 2011 4:47:02 pm >>> Visit Length 0 seconds >>> Page Views 1 >>> Referring URL >>> Search Engine >>> Search Words david amos new brunswick >>> Visit Entry Page http://qslspolitics....leblower-part-3.html >>> Visit Exit Page http://qslspolitics....leblower-part-3.html >>> Out Click >>> Time Zone UTC-7:00 >>> Visitor's Time Sep 27 2011 8:47:02 am >>> Visit Number 23,152 >>> >>> ---------- Forwarded message --------->>> From: BARRY WINTERS<> >>> Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2011 04:59:05 -0600 >>> Subject: Re: BTW Mr Baconfat the RCMP, Shaw and LOTS of other folks >>> know of your evil blog and your IP address >>> To: David Amos<> >>> save the world....kill your kids and then blow your brains out! >>> bang! >>> >>> ----- Original Message ---->>> From: David Amos<> >>> Date: Thursday, September 22, 2011 12:47 pm >>> Subject: BTW Mr Baconfat the RCMP, Shaw and LOTS of other folks know >>> of your evil blog and your IP address

>>> To:, "Barry.MacKnight" >>> <>, Dean Ray<>, dean >>> Ray<>, "Dean.Buzza"<>, >>> ""<>, dean<>, >>> thepurplevioletpress<>, >>> "Jacques.Poitras"<>, danfour >>> <>, webo<>, tracy >>> <>, tony<>, "Wayne.Lang" >>> <>,, "" >>> <> >>> Cc: "Gilles. Blinn"<>, maritime_malaise >>> <>, "jacques.boucher" >>> <> >>>> Proof of the pudding N'esy Pas Gilles Blinn and Jacques Boucher? >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> Obvious Shaw knows where to send their bills and the RCMP know >>>> how to >>>> get a warrant. What you must ponder is whether or not they do >>>> their do >>>> I know where you live as well EH pervert? >>>> >>> ---------- Forwarded message --------->>> From: David Amos<> >>> Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2011 13:35:21 -0300 >>> Subject: Attn Mr JR Shaw and Mr Gene Dodaro I am on the phone to your >>> offices right now >>> To:,,, >>> maritime_malaise<>, danfour >>> <>, gretchenf<>, tracy >>> <>, todd<> >>> Cc:, raffej0<>, >>> "Raf.Souccar"<> >>> If nothing else this email should prove that it is not a crank call >>> even though I have every right to be very cranky. >>> >>> >>> Veritas Vincit >>> David Raymond Amos >>> 902 800 0369 >>> Perhaps the U.S. Government Accountability Office should check this >>> email exchange first before they atempt to dismiss my concerns. >>> From: Gary Aguirre<> >>> Date: Fri, 26 Aug 2011 07:18:07 +0200 >>> Subject: RE: Mr Aguirre I just called from 902 800 0369

>>> To: David Amos<> >>> Dear Mr. Amos: >>> I will be back in the US after Labor Day and will look over the >>> material you forwarded at that time. >>> Regards, >>> Gary Aguirre >>> The Aguirre Law Firm >>> 501 W. Broadway, Suite 800 >>> San Diego, CA 92101 >>> Tel: 619-400-4960 >>> Fax: 619-501-7072 >>> >>> This E-Mail is intended only for the use of the individuals to which >>> it is addressed, and may contain information that is privileged, >>> confidential and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. >>> Unintended transmission shall not constitute waiver of the >>> attorney-client or any other privilege. If you have received this >>> communication in error, please do not distribute it and notify us >>> immediately by email to >>> ---------- Original message --------->>> From: David Amos<> >>> Date: Wed, 24 Aug 2011 21:14:11 -0300 >>> Subject: Mr Aguirre I just called from 902 800 0369 >>> To: >>> Cc: maritime_malaise<>, >>>, "matt.taibbi" >>> <> >>> FYI I am the unamed Whistleblower that Mr Nester of the SEC mentioned >>> in 2009 who is the link from Putnam investments and Madoff matter >>> To support , my allegations first and foremost Eric Schneiderman >>> should see that Eliot Spitzer testified on the very day he thanked me >>> for the info in November of 2003. >>> Please notice the transcripts and webcasts went of th Senate hearings >>> "poof' not long after I made the congressman Ron Paul and legions of >>> others well aware of their existence as he bitched about such things >>> whilst running for the GOP endorsement to run for president in 2007. >>> The records of the hearings were deleted in late fall 2007 just as all >>> the subprime mortgages began to smell bad. >>> 91-9065-4f8c-a465-72722b47e7f2 >>> Now check the dates on the letters in this file page 13 in particular >>> >>> BTW I just discovered you and your client Darcy Flynn byway of these >>> news reports >>>

defense-20110823 >>> "My first clue came when I called the SEC before the story came out >>> and asked them about the allegations by SEC attorney/whistleblower >>> Darcy Flynn. I sent them a detailed questionnaire, both about the >>> document disposal and the mini cover-up among SEC higher-ups like >>> former Goldman executive Adam Storch (who was not sure he should "take >>> on this exposure voluntarily," because the SEC FOIA officer told him >>> there "might be criminal liability"). Then, when I called back, I >>> expected them to deny the whole thing and trash Flynn as an unreliable >>> disgruntled employee. >>> They did none of that. Instead, to my amazement, SEC spokesperson John >>> Nester copped to the document destruction right away when I got him on >>> the phone. When I asked him how long it had been going on, Nester not >>> only offered that it had been "at least the early nineties," but >>> volunteered, without my even asking about it, that he couldn't be sure >>> it hadn't "always been the policy." He didn't deny any of Flynn's >>> allegations at all. It was a very weird call - I kept waiting for the >>> other shoe to drop, and it never did." >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> I can be found all over the web as well but I am latgely mentioned by >>> people trying hard to impeach my character. However it is the >>> docmentation that is truly important not the malicious spin on them. >>> A portion of the email below can be found within the following link or >>> simply Google Amos and Madoff and anyone can find it >>> This is not my blog >>> >>> Notice Mr Nestor of the SEC? >>> These are more informative blogs of his about me >>> >>> >>> >>> ---------- Forwarded message --------->>> From: David Amos<> >>> Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2011 12:38:13 -0300 >>> Subject: Fwd: Does John JcCallum read anything or does he just write >>> letters to the Interim Auditor General? >>> To:,, >>> "terry.seguin"<> >>> Cc:, maritime_malaise<>, >>> birgittajoy<>, birgir<> >>>

>>> ---------- Forwarded message --------->>> From: David Amos<> >>> Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2011 12:31:34 -0300 >>> Subject: Fwd: Does John JcCallum read anything or does he just write >>> letters to the Interim Auditor General? >>> To: >>> Cc: ""<>, >>> Clemet1<>, maritime_malaise >>> <> >>> ---------- Forwarded message --------->>> From: David Amos<> >>> Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2011 12:14:40 -0300 >>> Subject: Does John mcCallum read anything or does he just right >>> letters to the Interim Auditor General? >>> To:, >>> Cc: maritime_malaise<>, stoffp1 >>> <> >>> ---------- Forwarded message --------->>> From: David Amos<> >>> Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2011 12:01:31 -0300 >>> Subject: Yo Mr Baconfat you and Kenny Baby Zielke should call Shaw >>> (888 262 1484) mention Complaint # 1857598 >>> To: Barry Winters<>, "Ken.Zielke" >>> <>, pm<>, "bob.rae" >>> <>, nichor<>, toewsv1 >>> <>, "greg.weston"<> >>> Cc:, maritime_malaise >>> <>, chiefape<>, danfour >>> <>, ""<>, >>> "Wayne.Lang"<>, "Barry.MacKnight" >>> <>, thepurplevioletpress >>> <>, "Jacques.Poitras" >>> <>, raffej0<>, >>> "Nycole.Turmel"<> >>> BTW Mr Baconfat Harper and everybody else knows for a fact YOU are the Joke. >>> Methinks you should review your own work when yo sober up sometime. >>> Clearly in June of 2004 whilst I was running as an Independent against >>> the corrupt liberals and the evil consevatives you admitted in the >>> Edmonton Journal that you were mad at Martin and his fellow crooks but >>> terrified of Stevey Boy Harper and his Fanboyz in Blue because they >>> wanted in on the War on Iraq amongst other things. Seems that if you >>> were even remotely sincere we may have agreed about a few things at >>> one time CORRECT? >>> inters.pdf

>>> However five years later while you were threatening to kill my kids >>> and I you were even bragging that you were one of the 24 Canadian >>> Officers who went from the DND HQ to SOCOM in Tampa to plan the War on >>> Iraq in 2002??? If you were ever a soldier you should know the job >>> title of the people you purportedly answered to over the years is >>> Minister of Defense NOT ATTACK. SO Who attacked us and when? >>> >>> in 2010 after I had proved to many that I had taken up your Obvious >>> Treason with the DND and the Military Police etc you republish your >>> malice and then raise the stakes about Israel etc while Layton and his >>> mindless minions ignore everything including what you published about >>> them for years. >>> >>> >>> All the politicians played as dumb as posts until 2011 then they >>> suddenly find Harper in contempt of parliament. After the wicked >>> election was history I reminded the CBC that I am still alive and >>> paying attention not long after they started writng about what my >>> former friends in Wikileaks had released about the exact same thing >>> then everybody and his dog shuts up and the RCMP attack me bigtime >>> once again. (Scroll down before you attempt to call me a liar again) >>> >>> >>> All that said Mr Baconfat you certainly cannot deny that I made you >>> quit blogging last Xmass. I just busted you in front of your Zionist >>> Butt Buddies and forever proved you to be the plagarist that you truly >>> are and you immediately deleted some of the stolen work and quit >>> blogging while falsely claiming you flew off to the Zionist's so call >>> "Promised Land" >>> Shaw, the RCMP and their pals in Cybertip have been fully informed of >>> your wrongful actions against my family and friends and many others >>> since you began in 2009. Instead of them acting within the scope of >>> their employment and having you prosecuted they allowed you to >>> continue and attacked me instead. They all deserve to be sued ASAP >>> particularly after my conversation with a lot of mindless dudes >>> yesterday. The dude in Shaw thought your work and that of your buddy >>> Dean Roger Ray was appaulling and clearly illegal but they were not >>> going to do a thing about it anyway. So I CALLED THEIR LAWYERS AND >>> MANY COPS AGAIN. >>> Veritas Vincit >>> David Raymond Amos >>> 902 800 0369 >>> From: magicJack<> >>> Subject: New VM (9) - 0:32 minutes in your magicJack mailbox from 4037504500 >>> To: "DAVID AMOS" >>> Date: Monday, September 26, 2011, 2:39 PM

>>> >>> Dear magicJack User: >>> You received a new 0:32 minutes voicemail message, on Monday, >>> September 26, 2011 at 05:39:28 PM in mailbox 9028000369 from >>> 4037504500. >>> To access your voicemail: >>> Double click the attached .WAV file, or dial your magicJack telephone >>> number from any telephone and press the "*" key at the welcome prompt. >>> You will be asked to enter your voicemail password. >>> You may also click on the "VMAIL" button on your computer's magicJack >>> display and then press the "*" key at the welcome prompt. You will be >>> asked to enter your voicemail password. >>> Thank you, >>> magicJack Customer Care >>> >>> ---------- Forwarded message --------->>> From: BARRY WINTERS<> >>> Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2011 14:29:08 -0600 >>> Subject: Re: Fwd: BTW Mr Baconfat the RCMP, Shaw and LOTS of other >>> folks know of your evil blog and your IP address >>> To: David Amos<> >>> "Harper knows" and I know YOU ARE A JOKE >>> ----- Original Message ---->>> From: David Amos<> >>> Date: Thursday, September 22, 2011 12:56 pm >>> Subject: Fwd: BTW Mr Baconfat the RCMP, Shaw and LOTS of other folks >>> know of your evil blog and your IP address >>> To:, Barry Winters<>, >>> ezra<>, pm<>, "Nycole.Turmel" >>> <>, danfour<>, chiefape >>> <>, nichor<> >>> Cc: "Wayne.Lang"<>, toewsv1 >>> <>, maritime_malaise<> >>>> Mtr Harper knows that I am not joking >>>> >>>> Just Dave >>>> By Location Visit Detail >>>> Visit 15,091 >>>> Domain Name (Unknown) >>>> IP Address 199.212.215.# (DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE) >>>> ISP DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE >>>> Location Continent : North America >>>> Country : Canada (Facts) >>>> State/Region : Ontario >>>> City : Ottawa >>>> Lat/Long : 45.4167, -75.7 (Map)

>>>> Language English (Canada)en-ca >>>> Operating System Microsoft WinXP >>>> Browser Internet Explorer 8.0 >>>> Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; .NET >>>> CLR 2.0.50727) >>>> Javascript version 1.3 >>>> Monitor Resolution : 1344 x 840 >>>> Color Depth : 32 bits >>>> Time of Visit Sep 22 2011 2:55:16 pm >>>> Last Page View Sep 22 2011 2:55:16 pm >>>> Visit Length 0 seconds >>>> Page Views 1 >>>> Referring URL >>>> Search Engine >>>> Search Words harper retains consultant 90 000 >>>> Visit Entry Page http://davidamos.blo...per-and>>>> bankers.htmlVisit Exit Page >>>> http://davidamos.blo...per-and-bankers.html >>>> Out Click >>>> Time Zone UTC-5:00 >>>> Visitor's Time Sep 22 2011 1:55:16 pm >>>> Visit Number 15,091 >>>> >>>> >>>> ---------- Forwarded message --------->>>> From: David Amos<> >>>> Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2011 15:47:16 -0300 >>>> Subject: BTW Mr Baconfat the RCMP, Shaw and LOTS of other folks know >>>> of your evil blog and your IP address >>>> To:, "Barry.MacKnight" >>>> <>, Dean Ray >>>> <>, dean >>>> Ray<>, "Dean.Buzza"<Dean.Buzza@rcmp>>>>>,""<>, dean >>>> <>,thepurplevioletpress >>>> <>,"Jacques.Poitras" >>>> <>, danfour >>>> <>, webo<>, tracy >>>> <>, tony<>, "Wayne.Lang" >>>> <>,, >>>> ">Conte nt-type: >>>> multipart/alternative; boundary=--6277dcec1a1b555c74063 >>>> >>>> This is a multi-part message in MIME format.

>>>> >>>> ----6277dcec1a1b555c74063 >>>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii >>>> Content-Disposition: inline >>>> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit >>>> >>>> See you next week ....wave to me bang >>>> >>>> ----- Original Message ---->>>> From: David Amos<> >>>> Date: Thursday, September 22, 2011 12:06 am >>>> Subject: Yo Mr Ruby just how dumb are your fans such as the Mad Apes >>>> (anarchists) lurking in the alleys around Fat Fred City? >>>> To: chiefape<>, ", >>>>," >>>> <>, "Wayne.Lang"<>, >>>> "Barry.MacKnight"<>, nbpolitico >>>> <>, nbpc<>, >>>> " >
----- Original Message ----From: "David Amos" <> To: <WEAREFREDUP@GMAIL.COM>; <>; "dan. bussieres" <>; "Richard Harris" <>; "advocacycollective" <>; <>; "acampbell" <>; "Jacques.Poitras" <>; "mclaughlin.heather" <>; "Loiseau, Frederic" <>; <>; "tony" <> Cc: "maritime_malaise" <>; "Barry.MacKnight" <>; "brad. woodside" <>; "Wayne.Lang" <> Sent: Saturday, October 15, 2011 12:43 PM Subject: Andre here is a little proof that I am for real and that your blogger friends in Fat Fred City are NOT to be trusted FYI I find this news in the Irving news rags very interesting. Methinks this dude needs some help as well. Simply put Chucky is using you but I suspect you know that already. Thus you are using him as well Correct? Following was an interesting comment. However unlike you and your anonymous supporters I have a whole name. I am a not so proud Canadian citizen who as run for public office four times while being falsely imprisoned in two countries for merely attempting to make law enforsement and public officials DO THEIR GOD DAMNED JOBS. What about this policy and OATH... OATH OF OFFICE CANADA PROVINCE OF NEW BRUNSWICK I, , do swear that I will well and truly serve Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Her Heirs and Successors, in the office of police officer for the Province of New Brunswick without favour or affection, malice or ill will and that I will to the best of my power cause the peace to be kept and preserved and will prevent all offences against the persons and property of Her Majestys subjects and against all the laws enforceable in the Province of New Brunswick and that while I continue to hold this office, I will to the best of my skill, ability and knowledge discharge all the duties thereof faithfully according to the law. So help me God.

Non est arctius vinculum inter homines quam jusjurandum. There is no stronger link among men than an oath. Jenk. Cent. 126 If the Police acted according to their OATH and the law, the public would have nothing to fear... I know several people who have had similar experiences and they are afraid to complain (who knows if you get put on a list)... how backwards is that. The public is sold the line that Police are supposed to protect and serve the people, but in fact something else is happening and I don't think it is the fault of the every day man or woman who puts on a uniform... it is the policies which drive them to act a certain ways or lose their jobs. These same people may be considered great people with a sense of humour and considerably kind out of uniform, but they are forced (put on uniform) to play a roll, and generate cash for the corporation. It is dehumanizing to them and at some base level they must hate it. There must be a point of recognition, where they realize they are not fighting the "good fight" they though they singed up for.

I am sure some people get into policing, because they want to save lives and help old ladies and such but the reality is, in this city, in this case (video)... they are being used to generate revenue for the corporation known as THE CITY OF FREDERICTON. I have seen enough police act like they know, police must know they are doing something wrong... but if police do not fill their "Quota" (that of which we do not speak) police will lose their job. Don't just blame the men and women who put on the uniform and do the

job that is not going to change anything... realize the whole system is corrupt to the core. The Mayor is just as at fault for participating in City Council, let alone each city Council member who are passing these ridiculous revenue generating by-laws, which are then sold to the public as being in the public's interest. We all need to take a good long look in the mirror to ask ourselves how am I contributing to this monster and what can I do to make it better. Congrats to the guy in the video for speaking out, we need more like him to make this a better city. 9:13 AM, October 15, 2011 Subject: Date: Tue, 30 Jan 2007 12:02:35 -0400 From: "Murphy, Michael B. \(DH/MS\)" To:

January 30, 2007 WITHOUT PREJUDICE Mr. David Amos Dear Mr. Amos: This will acknowledge receipt of a copy of your e-mail of December 29, 2006 to Corporal Warren McBeath of the RCMP. Because of the nature of the allegations made in your message, I have taken the measure of forwarding a copy to Assistant Commissioner Steve Graham of the RCMP "J" Division in Fredericton. Sincerely, Honourable Michael B. Murphy Minister of Health CM/cb Warren McBeath wrote: Date: Fri, 29 Dec 2006 17:34:53 -0500 From: "Warren McBeath" To:,,,,, CC:,,,, "Bev BUSSON", "Paul Dube"

Subject: Re: Remember me Kilgour? Landslide Annie McLellan has forgotten me but the crooks within the RCMP have n Dear Mr. Amos, Thank you for your follow up e-mail to me today. I was on days off over the holidays and returned to work this evening. Rest assured I was not ignoring or procrastinating to respond to your concerns. As your attachment sent today refers from Premier Graham, our position is clear on your dead calf issue: Our forensic labs do not process testing on animals in cases such as yours, they are referred to the Atlantic Veterinary College in Charlottetown who can provide these services. If you do not choose to utilize their expertise in this instance, then that is your decision and nothing more can be done. As for your other concerns regarding the US Government, false imprisonment and Federal Court Dates in the US, etc... it is clear that Federal authorities are aware of your concerns both in Canada and theUS. These issues do not fall into the purvue of Detachment policing in Petitcodiac, NB. It was indeed an interesting and informative conversation we had on December 23rd, and I wish you well in all of your future endeavors. Sincerely, Warren McBeath, Cpl. GRC Caledonia RCMP Traffic Services NCO Ph: (506) 387-2222 Fax: (506) 387-4622 E-mail Clearly I am practicing the spirit of full disclosure with my foes Hell one of Chucky's blogger buddies Richard Harris still has a huge pile of my documents and one CD. He whimped out then later attacked me when the Feds tried to lock me up in 2008 Veritas Vincit David raymond Amos 902 800 0369 ---------- Forwarded message ---------From: David Amos <> Date: Fri, 14 Oct 2011 23:18:44 -0300 Subject: I saw NS seeking info These talks with Tommy Boy Young and Chucky's blog finally caused Bernie Lord to finally put my banishment in writing and the QSLS perverts to attack To: "" <>, "mackay.p" <mackay.p@parl.gc>, "Mackay.P" <>, tony <>, "" <>,

"Wayne.Lang" <>, "Barry.MacKnight" <>, occupyfredericton <>, tracy <>, david <> Cc: "" <>, "dan. bussieres" <>, danfour <>, chiefape <>, "" <>, thepurplevioletpress <>, thenewbrunswicker <>, maritime_malaise <> I give up....I'm just going to continue bloggling away.....Bonne Chance... # posted by Charles LeBlanc : 9:27 PM Don't you think you should hire a lawyer too? That last email was hell in a hand basket wasn't it? Why not call Cleveland Allaby (your know Tanker's lawyer) he hates both Bernie Lord and me but he won't demand any sort of apology from me. Hell he won't even whisper my name. Just maybe Cleveland Allaby will help Vaughn and you to understand my material and then ask you two dudes why you didn't call the RCMP years ago. Yea I know I am pipe dreaming. Honest cops and lawyers don't exist. That is pure Hollywood all the way and a long long way from the Maritimes EH? Ask my Newfy buddy Byron Prior how bad things really are around here. I Double Dog Dare Ya too Chucky. Que Sera Sera and Cya'll in Court David Raymond Amos # posted by Anonymous : 9:42 PM Chucky giving advice to David Amos to not burn bridges? That is funny. Chucky is good at burning bridges himself. He has no bridge left to burn. How can give advice to others to not do the same. # posted by Anonymous : 8:04 AM Subject: Fwd: Sue me Eddy Baby I double Dog Dare Ya I telling Lord Black on you

Everybody loves a mystery. A lot of folks were no doubt wondering why the big talking old fart named Petey Newman apologized to Lord Conrad Black not long after he and Mikey Levine laughed off his lawsuit at the big party in Toronto. Didn't it seem strange to anyone that the Tory's law firm wrote the crooked old Lord a fat cheque as well? It seems that the Torys, a dude named Mr. Moate, Levine, Greenspan, Newman and I may be the only ones to know the true reason why and I am the only one who will tell the tale. Here is your clue see if you can figure it out. I know of two Maritimers who will never have a hope in

hell of figuring it out because they do not have two clues between them and if the did they would not know what to do with them. One dude everybody calls Tanker and the other I call Frenchie. They know who they are do you Veritas Vincit David Raymond Amos # posted by Anonymous : 11:02 AM Date: Fri, 6 Jan 2006 06:36:11 -0800 (PST) From: David Amos To: Eddy Greenspan Subject: Sue me Eddy Baby I double Dog Dare Ya I telling Lord Black on you Say hey to your buddies the old fart Peter C. Newman and and the corrupt Yankee FitzGerald for me will ya? "Edward L. Greenspan, Q.C." wrote: Subject: RE: Since Susan Prosnitz and her boss Fynn would not answer Hard Copy Date: Fri, 6 Jan 2006 08:10:13 -0500 From: "Edward L. Greenspan, Q.C." To: "David Amos" Please delete my name from your emails Greenspan, White 144 King Street East Toronto, Ontario M5C 1G8 Tel: 416-366-3961 Fax: 416-366-7994 # posted by Anonymous : 11:11 AM Subject: RE: Sue me Eddy Baby I double Dog Dare Ya I telling Lord Black on you "Cleveland J. Allaby" wrote: Please do not email, write, copy or send anything to me in the future. # posted by Anonymous : 11:14 AM Bingo You Mr. Cleveland Allaby win the cake baked by Bernie Lord. Cya'll in Court . Thanks for finally responding to me. Your timing is perfect. One hour before or so before the 39th Parliament begins and just in time before I polish off my first complaint to file in Federal court in Fredericton. Was it done so quickly after I blogged my letter to you in Chucky LeBlanc's web page? Did the gossip about my blogging in his website reach you first thing this morning? In my book you are as dumb as the Frenchie is. Wise or dumb I will call you as a witness to testify in Federal Court before I get around to suing you. Perhaps your lawyer and I should talk now. Hostile or not you will make an important witness not only on because of your lawsuits concernining Native Aboriginal matters (Remember Barry Bachrach represents me in the USA right now) but more importantly because Bernie Lord paid you a lot of money years ago to study the Justice Dept. (Wasn't it 112,000 grand or so?) Obviously Cleveland you are no wiser than Eddy Greenspan. Clearly you think your status as a well known lawyer allows you not only to ignore

and not uphold the law but break it if you wish. Should you have contacted the RCMP as soon as you listened the the CD I provided you with. Guess what I told them you got it already. My next calls are to the General Counsel of the SIRC and the old lawyer who represent the following folks. He has played dumb with me for way past to long. THE CANADIAN CIVIL LIBERTIES ASSOCIATION A. ALAN BOROVOY, GENERAL COUNSEL Suite 200, 394 Bloor Street West Toronto, Ontario M5S 1X4 phone: 416-363-0321 fax: 416-861-1291 Cleveland did you really think your email will scare me off? Look how fast I bounced it back and forwarded it to many others. When a man has been diligently attempting to impeach George W. Bush for over three years despite the attacks from crooked Feds etc nothing scares him anymore. A threat of litigation coming from the email box of a lawyer into mine is like manna from heaven to me. Didn't I slam Eddy Greenspan the same way? Man you are dumb if you though that I would not do the same thing with you. You just proved for me that every body else got my email and hard copy too. you asgin the same question I asked you on February 23rd. Whois your god damned lawyer maybe I know him already. If not tell him he has a fool for a client. Will ya? Tell me honestly, Cleveland if you can find it in your your soul to do so. Why Didn't you sue Bernie Lord as you threatened to do particularly after you and I talked the day before I gave my material to your buddy Tom Young and the New Brunswick Securities Commission? I heard of no apology from him and I laughed when I saw Tanker being trundled down to the Speakers chair arm in arm with two crooks. I figured another backroom deal went down and Tanker needed a smarter lawyer because I had heard nothing from you and I made certain that you knew the score with Hard Copy of my material before that shit went down. Something definitely smells rotten in New Brunswick EH? Veritas Vincit David Raymond Amos The question still remains who is the April Fool and will Chucky evict me for Blogging? chucky leblanc wrote: You can add this note to all the millions of other notes but I feel that I have to send ya this note. We allowed you to have your own little blog. I believe it's a good way for you to spread your message. I'm still trying to figure out exactly what the message is??? Anyway, there's no need to condenm the people who are activists like Vaugh. I believe it attracts new visitors that search the

names you mention. But once that blog is delete? It's too fini. I too had problems at the Legislature and it's in front of the Human Rights Commission. It takes time..... All I'm asking is that you try to be nice and don't condenm people like Vaugh who an activist also. Just try to be nice..... Lets try to spread our message in a nice way! What do you think??? QSLS Politics By Location > Visit Detail Visit 23,511 Domain Name ? (Network) IP Address 142.167.235.# (Stentor National Integrated Communications Network) ISP Stentor National Integrated Communications Network Location Continent : North America Country : Canada (Facts) State/Region : Nova Scotia City : Truro Lat/Long : 45.3667, -63.3 (Map) Language English (Canada) en-ca Operating System Microsoft WinNT Browser Internet Explorer 9.0 Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.0; Trident/5.0) Javascript version 1.3 Monitor Resolution : 1366 x 768 Color Depth : 32 bits Time of Visit Oct 15 2011 2:43:41 am Last Page View Oct 15 2011 2:43:41 am Visit Length 0 seconds Page Views 1 Referring URL Search Engine Search Words tom young and david amos Visit Entry Page Visit Exit Page Out Click Time Zone UTC-4:00 Visitor's Time Oct 14 2011 9:43:41 pm Visit Number 23,511

----- Original Message ----From: "David Amos" <> To: "Dan Fitzgerald" <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; "we" <>; "layton. j" <>; "Loiseau, Frederic" <>; <>;

<>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <> Cc: <>; <>; <>; "Richard Harris" <>; <> Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2008 12:19 PM Subject: RE Mean Old Me versus Google and the Feds within blogger and my email accounts. It appears that I must post my own comment within my own blog in other people's blogs in order to protect my dumb self righeous arse. It seems that after my doings with Iceland, the PCO office and the RCMP to name a few the Feds are not only delaying and blocking my emails even to myself. (I have called other people to sse if they have received them and when they did not I sent them another way) For years many people deleted or edited or blocked my words within their blogs. Hence I resorted to emails and posted the proff of what was said and done in my blogs and many others.. In the past at least seven email accounts of mine have been killed and one blog as well as two spots on the web where I stored my files. Now the smiling bastards are attacking byway of editing comments in my blog as if I did it? Desperate dudes do desperate things EH? After pondering the problem for a bit methinks I will continue as I have been doing but with a twist. I will post the missing comments from my blog within an email to a well mixed crowd then blog the email elsewhere despite the fact nobody may have received it then save the other people's webpages to prve what was said a done. No matter what anyone may wish to falsely claim the comments were made in my blog first and the emails were sent and I saved the proof of that fact byway of the the webpages of other people's blogs. The first blogspot I will post this email is here because I know Danny Boy won't mind after his comment yesterday once I had cornered the nasty dude who is a software consultant in the PCO office, Gordy Baby MacDonald. Although Danny Boy and the Gypsy practice their right to support the nasty French blogger Chucky Leblanc and his Fake Left friends in Fat Fred City instead of mean old me at least they has the intregrity to allow my words to stand the test of time and let the politcal cards fall where they may. For that I thank them. I just wish they would sit up and pay attention before polling day. "Right on Amos. Any remaining fuckers in power better get real straight, real quick after these elections - enough people know about 911 and the bank fraud for them to carry on as normal even after these Bull$hit elections. What sort of actions and scandals will we continue to see as the NWO attempts to lock in their trifling victories and cover up the damning loses? " Furthermore both Danny Boy and Werenr noticed the strange email game

yesterday. They know it was not imagined. Veritas Vincit David Raymond Amos P.S. At least the Icelanders are finally paying attention and Google are saving their copies of blogs so I should too EH? Just Dave By Location Visit Detail Visit 5,770 Domain Name ? (Network) IP Address 209.71.201.# (Bell Canada) ISP Bell Canada Location Continent : North America Country : Canada (Facts) State/Region : Quebec City : Pointe-aux-Trembles Lat/Long : 45.65, -73.4833 (Map) Language Icelandic is Operating System Microsoft WinXP Browser Internet Explorer 7.0 Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; InfoPath.1) Javascript version 1.3 Monitor Resolution : 1280 x 1024 Color Depth : 32 bits Time of Visit Oct 9 2008 10:28:02 am Last Page View Oct 9 2008 10:28:21 am Visit Length 19 seconds Page Views 2 Referring URL Visit Entry Page http://davidamos.blo.../03/me-and-bush.html Visit Exit Page Out Click View my complete profile http://www.blogger.c...15428735081915360609 Time Zone UTC-5:00 Visitor's Time Oct 9 2008 9:28:02 am Visit Number 5,770 Censurer General By Location Visit Detail Visit 611 Domain Name ? (Commercial) IP Address 66.249.73.# (Google) ISP Google Location Continent : North America Country : United States (Facts) State : California City : Mountain View Lat/Long : 37.4192, -122.0574 (Map) Language English en Operating System Unknown Unknown Browser Google 5.0 Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; Javascript enabled Monitor Resolution : unknown

Color Depth : 24 bits Time of Visit Oct 9 2008 1:44:48 pm Last Page View Oct 9 2008 1:44:48 pm Visit Length 0 seconds Page Views 1 Referring URL Visit Entry Page http://censurergener...le-spinkonymous.html Visit Exit Page http://censurergener...le-spinkonymous.html Out Click Time Zone UTC-9:00 Visitor's Time Oct 9 2008 3:44:48 am Visit Number 611

So here goes. I would not be one bit surprised to see the comments appear in short order EH David Drummond the very sneaky General Counsel of Google. I have no doubt whatsoever that the Feds are watching me type this email EH Porcupine Prique? This is where the comments evaporated in my blog. Your comment has been saved. It may take a moment for your comment to appear on the site. 204 CommentsClose this window Jump to comment form Oldest Older 201 204 of 204 Newer Newest Bob O' said... Mr Nash,,,,,,,,,,,The only thing I was out to get, was arsehole amos out of our lives. For the most part, I was successful. I keep attacking him because he continues his bullshit against MY clan. People like yourself have not seen the real dave amos. I have, for many years I saw how dave amos operates. If you knew any of his old fiends, they would tell you exactly the same thingabout dave amos. He wants people to believe he is the savior of the world, just listen to what he has to say. He is nothing but an amateur con artist. I say amater because he has only been successful at conning a few people. As long as he continues to attack me, I will attack him. Proof,,,,,,I have all the proof I need. He's out and I'm in. Fair and square and he does not like it. Tough shit Dave. No,,, this country is not perfect, and niether is Canada perfect. Could I be happier with the way things are done? Absolutely.Will it ever really change? I doubt it. Thursday, October 09, 2008 David Raymond Amos said... No need of x-ray vision Depupty Dog. It was my envelope that contained the same material that I had just mailed to the Canadian Ambassadors in the UN and Washington (McKenna and Rock) and two FBI Agents. I showed the dumb cop from Canton the wiretap tape and he called his boss (I have a photo of that as well Remember Yankee?) Your lawyer Angela K. Troccoli who came to our home to gloat while she was claiming that I was stalking her advised you to take my material from

Lt Blount before the sale went down and I protested in front of everyone. N'esy Pas? BTW You can't say my friend's name because you don't even remember it. I will wager you don't want to remember when my wife and I woke up one night in the Beach House in the summer of 1991 to you being very drunk and choking your old girlfriend merely because she had kissed a black friend on the cheek in front of your friend Jimmy Mullins Remember Yankee? That shit went down before your politcal pal the Town Clerk Jimmy Mullins (who got himself shot because he was an arsehole in the wrong spot) got you the cushy job with his political buddy the Norfolk County Deputy Sheriff and you continued on scamming Workman's Comp and took a cash payout in order to buy your Mercedes convertible that you have already denied to have existed. Your Father's estate has yet to be closed and YOU were the executor of your Mother's estate and it was YOU who ripped your family off long before I ever knew your greasy name Depupty Dog Robert F. O'Meara. That is an irrefuttable fact. I was never involved in any of your family's affairs and was in Boston only for my wife and kids. That is why I kept my registrations etc elsewhere and did not seek a green card etc so that you people could never claim what you accuse me of you always have. I only attacked your wicked uncles and cousins in court after my wife your sister had tried to reason with them and they challenged her to take them to court and we could not get a lawyer to go against Charles J. Kickham Jr.. Once we were making some headway and had them removed as trustees and legal counsel. The Kickhams paid your big brother Billy to attack us byway of the homes before all the estates and trusts closed and dealt with by the Kichams were examined by the Feds. It was you who forged my wife's signature and it was your lawyer Angela K. Troccoli who created the second Notice of Appearance bearing my signature. As I explained to the world a long time ago in court your Big Brother Billy played you like the fool you are. If you listen to him explain in Quincy District Court he admits being in the nut house and that YOU did everything with his Power of Attorney. The ONLY reason you and your incredibly dumb lawyers have got as far as you have with your obvious malice thus far is because all the smiling bastards way you the wicked food chain want to keep covered up my doings with the politicians, the bankers, the US Treasury Dept. the RCMP and the FBI etc. Now that millions of people are losing trillions of dollars people are starting to recall what I have been proving for six god damned years and the worm is turning on you and your lawyers. As I said you and your lawyers have nothing but slander and false allegations to draw from. What you have wrote of my Father alone I will never forget. Rest assured Depupty Dog Robert F. O'Meara I am going out of my way to see that you will be remembered as the nasty little Yankee Arsehole that you truly are. Your daily comments merely assist me in proving what I say about you is true. I truly do wish you a long and very miserable life and hopefully someday soon you will spend some of your years behind the very bars that you are guarding today as you scheme about how to scam somebody

else. Never rest in peace knowing that my seed will piss on your grave for what you have done to my innocent Clan. I have said enough about you for now. Dealing with you and your nasty friends and their slander of my friends and family has been distracting but necessary. Tis time to turn my efforts towards Obama and McCain because it appears that the Election up here is a somewhat forgone conclusion. The liberals wanted to lose this election in order to get rid of Dion and the rest of the Chretein cronies. They do not want the reigns of power while their bankers buddies get drowned in the privy of their own Bullshit. The liberals will try to impeach Harper later over economic issues after some shit has been settled. Veritas Vincit David Raymond Amos Thursday, October 09, 2008

David Raymond Amos said... This is getting interesting to say the least. The last couple of comments of Depupty Dog's and mine and our little spit and chew as I raised the stakes on the Feds did not appaer on my blog even though Google notified me that they were indeed posted. Lets ee it this comment pops up Thursday, October 09, 2008 David Raymond Amos said... Hmmm Who controls this blog now me or the Feds? Thursday, October 09, 2008 Oldest Older 201 204 of 204 Newer Newest Just Dave Date: Sat, 22 Apr 2006 17:24:55 -0700 (PDT) From: "David Amos" Subject: RE: The game is on To: "aleblanc" ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, CC:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Hey Abe Baby LeBlanc Sometimes less is more EH? Thus I was silent for a while but you really did't think you had run me off. Did ya? I have been kinda busy writing a lot of important stuff to screw the Crown with in federal Court. Thatt said, remember not too long ago when you told me to go fuck myself on a phone that I could not prove contact with? Well as soon as you hung up I talked about it live on Tom Young's radio show with the Bill Carr dude who was speaking for him while he took a little time off. As i was speaking apparently one of John Bragg's lawyers downstairs in Eastlink thought there was a bomb in the building when there was not. The real bomb no doubt went off a couple of days when Tanker farted in your face as you kissed his nasty arse. Now that I have read Tommy Boy's malevolent opinions of the Super Tanker sinking our little Lord's boat that could never have floated without liberal support merely because all you smiling bastards just what a pension you did not earn. The scene recorded in the Irving rag is not the truth at all. even a kissarse like know as well as I Abe Baby that it is private conversations in backroom deals just like the one you and I had that stops the shit from hitting the fan and spreading it all over you crooked bastards. For the record Abe. As you well know I ain't a shy man and I don't mince words with crooks. So let me clearly state for the record before I begin to sue the Crown that You and all your nasty friends and sneaky foes can go fuck yourselves as well. Click "Read on'" in this blog Frenchie. Yankees are starting to bullshit about us too. The Yankee is a liar but I will swear by every word of my email that that crooked bastard posted within his blog. _in_canada/ Veritas vincit David Raymond Amos Wrong answer Abe especially after our little spit and chew on the phone on Friday afternoon Say hey to your buddies Chucky LeBlanc (no doubt your kinsman) and the fat bastard called Tanker. If you don't like my words please sue me. Saves me the costs of filing against you and your cohorts who want a fine pension at the expense of the public interest. Love and Kisses (for Chucky's benefit) Dave

aleblanc wrote:

I would prefer not receiving your e-mails please remove my name from your list. -----Original Message-----From: David Amos []Sent: April 3, 2006 7:37 PMTo: charles leblanc;;;;;;;;;;; hedard.albert@gnb.caCc:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; T.J.Burke@gnb.caSubject: The game is on While Andre Arthur is tipping a glass with the Speaker I predicted would prevail I must begin writing my first complaint to file in Federal Court Fredericton because this is the Province in which I was born and raised. Chucky knows I come from down the road from him in Dorchester and moved to Fredericton with my father's family when Louis Robichaud centralized the government years ago. A fellow Maritimer should understand why I have no wish to bump bellies with Upper Canadian lawyers like Peter Millikin or Billy Graham until I absolutely have to. Petey Baby kept his job as Speaker today simply because he is logically the second best choice for Stevey Boy Harper to have. I still maintain as I said on Ground Hog Day that he should have got Andre Arthur to take the chair just as Bernie Lord did with Tanker. Who knows what deals were struck behind closed doors but I know for certain I laid down the law to Arthur's assistant whilst he watched the Circus tent unfold today. Tomorrow Michelle Jean pitches it and then the Circus begins. both in Parliament Hill and in Federal Court in Fredericton. Maybe Arthur will call me back after he has had a drink or two but I doubt it. In my book he is already way past too late for me not to mention his name within my complaint. Arthur should have called me back months ago when I stuck my hand out to him as a fellow Independent months ago. However he really should have called me ASAP as soon as the UPS man landed at his door one week ago. Last week was an eternity for me because of what happened to my Clan in Beantown USA. Even though Stevey Boy Harper got his wish in another seat or two advantage in the House piggies made of straw. It still ain't enough of an advantage to allow his government to stand if any sort of scandal breaks out byway of some lone wolf like me or Byron Prior blowing as hard as hell. What happened today on the Hill or in Fredericton on the 28th was just the same shit different day tis all. Our little local Lord has the same problem as Harper if somebody blinks and his government topples.

Believe it or not what happened in chucky blog is a far different kettle of fish and really rather unusual in the cyber world of blogger. Chucky just may get his wish and become famous after all. In my humble opinion he should not delete the blog he threatens to. He should promote it to make himself a the hero he lusts to be. Chucky can do what he wishes. It is my job to throw mud in the eyes of the people who supported my false imprisonment for their own gain. Is anybody having any fun yet? I doubt it too. Even I am feeling as mean as snake and yet I am still laughing at the nonsense of it all. The masks of virtue that the talking heads display on the TV don't fool silly little me. I may be rude but at least I am honest. The smiling bastards on TV have great manners and no integrity whatsoever. I have gone to great lengths to prove it. I just need to entertain ordinary folks like me to make them want to watch me have some fun poking holes in the stuffed shirts. If I get Maritimers talking and laughing enough my concerns will be resolved as a matter of political will and justice will be served in the usual fashion. The trick is to make the smiling bastards worry about their own interests and the Maritimers mad about how theirs are being abused. The smiling bastards have proven many times they have no regard whatsoever for the public trust placed in them to protect the public interests. I just have to remind everyone of the awful truth and the political house of cards will fall just like the little piggies houses of straw. The only thing the Speakers of any House worry about is their power, wages and pension. Tanker should speak up . If he did I have no doubt hthe people he represents would applaud and reelect him as some sort of righteous Independent. Only you me and the other dudes that get this email will have another tale to tell Eh Chucky? The obvious question is whay don't you tell it first in your Blog? Tanker won't sue ya because he knows you would call me as witness. After all I wrote it didn't I. You blog it and quote me thats all. Interesting EH? Tis time for you to think about something. EH? Wouldn't it be fun to prove that you were the one to make somebody blink? Steal my thunder I quite simply don't care. you have about a day or so to decide. Then maybe I will blog it myself as you suggested. Now I must address you buddy Vaughn's questions. just like a lawyer the unnamed blogger has neither confirmed nor denied that he is the person I think is asking the questions within you blog. However I am glad that they are being ask even though his sarcasm pisses me off. He know full well what I am talking about and what I am saying is true. If it is not Vaughn doing your bidding byway of the blog he has gotten the last couple of email you did anyway. Most importantly Vaughn confirmed way back in 2004 that he was in possession of the very same material dudes such as Cleveland Allaby and your buddy Danny Boy Bussieres got last Monday. Quite frankly it does not matter to me if this dude is Vaughn or not. Vaughn is already an important witness for me. He should be thankful he is not a lawyer no matter how much he pretends to be one. i have enough enemies it is only lawyers or laymen who choose to attack me that I am preparing to sue. Check my work I have sued some pretty big bad bastards before. Don't think that I will not do it again once I have my ducks lined up. Anyway chucky here is your unnamed blogger's questions. My answer follows. Well, that makes some sense anyway. So how are these New Brunswick

lawyers involved? Are you saying that none of them will represent you or what? You are sending them this wiretap evidence for what reason? If it's federal court why are you even in New Brunswick, all the lawyers in this province are idiots and irving lackeys. Why not go to Toronto where there are at least some civil liberties lawyers. The trouble is, I don't know of any legal grounds that 'forces' the canadian government to intervene in a foreign country's legal system. If somebody plants coke on you in columbia and you get caught, then plead with canada to help you out, you'll be out of luck. Under the charter canadians have fewer rights than americans. Our 'terror laws' are the mirror image of the US's, but never even had moranda rights or anything ike that. In Canada, you are simply f&&&&& if you cross the state, as any native, environmentalist, protestor, or civil rights attorney will tell you. I don't know of a single case where somebody successfully sued, even David Milgaard was given a settlement since it was dragging out so long. Natives have tried suing for years. However, it's easy to talk from the outside. But if Ernst Zundel couldn't sue for being held for almost a decade with no charges against him in Canada, I don't see how far a lawsuit against Canada for not intervening in a foreign country will go. # posted by Anonymous : 2:15 PM The tif file attached should answer Vaughn's quandary in Chucky's blog about why I think my lawsuit should prevail. Obviously September 11th, 2004. Talk to the Arar crowd of lawyers making the score with their fees if you do not understand me. The Canadian government did intervene. It willfully and maliciously assisted in my false imprisonment in the USA. The Crown is accountable. Here is what happened. Prior to returning home to Canada I was inspired to run for a seat because of the answer I had received from the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Public Safety the long gone Landslide Annie McLellan. Her answer informed me that I must go political ASAP or my family would lose everything. If you had bothered to contact me back in 2004 Vaughn I would have shown you another complaint from 2002 that not many people have seen. It proved long ago I had this plan in mind. I know that matters are dismissed all the time and nobody gets justice. Only political will will ever make the justice dept pretend that they conduct themselves ethically for awhile. Anyway while I was running for a seat in the 38th Parliament I was summoned across the yankee border to be arraigned in a criminal matter. The complaint was unsigned because everybody knew it was illegal and fraudulent to boot. All they wanted was for me to come to the border and the DHS could come into play and take me away under the prior false allegations of a presidential threat. they use the better safe than sorry policy all the time. I could not be in Boston stalking a lawyer whilst running for Parliament in Canada further. Everybody knew the lawyer making false allegations against me was a lair. My arguments with her in courts proving her own perjury has caused her to be fired from three law firms thus far as they try hard to disassociate themselves from her actions. She and her former law firms admit it kinda sorta in the usual way legal liars do. The feds wanted rid of me once and for all because I was causing quite a little stink

in the backrooms up hear plus everybody knew I was sniffing around for Whitey Bulger. Talk to Constable Jim Case or Byron Prior in Newfoundland if you don't believe me. I covered my arse big time up here and then I went go to the Yankee court to answer the arraignment as summoned with glee. I loved the prospect of finally getting a jury of my peers as is my right when labelled as a criminal. All I was demanding was for the matter to be heard in the proper jurisdiction and venue as is my right as well. When I stood before that court I did not recognize its jurisdiction over me because it was just a sub court of a municipal court. I demanded to know what the matter was about because I was not given any information about what the matter was about and the police and the district attorney had refused to speak to me. the DA had claimed in writing that they were not involved. The man who had laid the charges against me was a clerk magistrate and not even a lawyer. It had been already argued to the Supreme Court and proven that it was very illegal for a clerk magistrate of a municipal court to lay charges against a man not in jail let alone running for a seat in Parliament in another country. I got all the necessary documents from the court to prove that the attempted prosecution of me was malicious on Sept 3rd, 2004. I then returned to Canada and served upon many Canadian law enforcement authorities the proof of the malice. It was just what I had predicted would happen to the New Brunswick Police Commission before leaving Canada on sept 2nd. The most notable person i sent my material to would have to be Ms, Longo the General Cousel of the Crown Corp known as the RCMP. another Crown Corp known as Canada post took the money and gave a receipt but refused to deleiver the material or send it back and has deneied to this very day that the parcel was ever sent despite the fact i have a receipt. they just challenge me to sue them. Rest assured i shall but that is why Andre Authur and John shuttle got the same material byway of the Yankee firm known as the UPS. It seems they may have a valid complaint because i know for a fact the Canada post is very political. Under the charter I have the right to privacy with my papers don't I. Well where is my god damned mail. Hell I even filed it all attached to my affadavit in a matter in Sussex Provincial Court on Sept 9th and gave the Sussex RCMP some wiretap tapes to seal the deal. On Sept 3rd the Yankee Judge named Coffey who my wife informed me later was my neighbor had heard the District Attorney admit that I had just given them 9 original wiretap tapes. he was quick to ask me for a motion to dismiss because he did not want to hear anymore. I refused because if I did that would recognize that court's jurisdiction and I demanded that the malicious prosection be exposed in a US Federal Court during the due process of law so to speak. So he and i agreed to have a hearing on Oct 1st about the matter and i could file an affidavit stateing my issues and filing more evidence in order to remove the matter to federal court and far away from his bench. On Oct 1st I returned and after having the judge witness my signature and my filing the affidavit with a great deal of documentation to support my defence. I informed the judge he should recuse himself because of the fact that we were neighbours. Coffey properly did so immediately. the matter was delayed to much later in the day when the court was largely cleared of ordinary folks as witnesses and the a very malevolent circus started between me and one of Massachusetts nastiest judges.

She is the judge that Janet Reno gave two million dollars to back in 1999 in order to torture men. The hoedown between me and Judge Sidney Hanlon is well remembered by many ordinary folks that witnessed our arguments in Dorchester. As far as what happened on Oct 1st I still do not know all that was said or why I went to jail. One minute I was arguing and embarrassing the ADA and the next minute I was in a glass cage and could not hear a thing. my next stop was the downtown boston Psych Ward of a city jail and the jailors could not tell me why I was there simply because they did not know. I had not been arrested and there was no bail order. they were in the dark as much as I. In fact after the Canadian consulate came to see me three guards came into my cell in the middle of the night to ask me what the hell was going on. I asked them had they never met a political prisoner before and explained to them that they would be called as witnesses someday and that I bore them no malice even though I had been pretty fierce with them. taking away my freedom is one thing but deny me coffee and cigarettes too and you have an animal on your hands. Their problem was I knew my rights and would not allow them to make a false move. After they unlocked the door to the hole. they shoved me in i still would not come out until they asked me nicely kinda like Chucky just did. That said the Canadian Consulate in Boston finally felt compelled to visit me in jail after my friends raised a lot of hell up here and my wife had served them a copy of the pile of documents that were sent to them the week before had been forwarded by the US mail to somewhere else that they could not say because it was a matter of public safety to even receive mail from me. the Canadians in Boston accepted the document from my wife but refused to take the wiretap tape she tried to given for no stated reason. When i was visited by the Consulate I demanded to know why i was in jail because all my jailer's computer's said was "other" The Canadian consulate were quick to say I was in jail because I had threatened Judge Coffey and gave me the documents to support signed in Judge Sidney Hanlon's hand. I took the documents gratefully and then demanded to know why they refused the wiretap tape s from my wife. they refused to tell me to so I threw them out of my god damned jail and went back to my cell pissed off. Later i was bailed out by good buddies and i stood before Judge Hanlon once again. I asked her directly why i was in jail and she would not say. I told her what the Canadian Consulate said and she said it was untrue and that I did not threaten Judge Coffey. then i showed her the documents signed in her own hand and the facts she stated were not only absurd but out right lies. If I had threatened Judge Coffey he would have handled it immediately it would not be necessary for another Judge to Claim it days later. The plan between Canada and the USA to be rid of me was in my face obvious when the Judge attempted to keep the papers the Canadian Consulate had given me. Trust that that is just the beginning of a 22 month legal battle to get a jury in the USA in the proper court with jurisdiction. Never mind my said but true tale for a minute because I I know for a fact most folks only care about things if it affects them other wise the rest of the world can go to Hell right? Well that is my rant but think about this real slow Vaughn you are the activist not me. However the Feds can never deny my evidence of Bank

Fraud, securities Fraud and Tax Fraud. All issues are under the federal code of the USA. However Canadian interests are bought and on Yankee stock markets every day. We have an interest in the fact that the Yankee entities such as the SEC and the FTC etc are filled with crooks who help global corp rape and pillage our assests under the guise of such things as NAFTA. A wannabe lawyer and actvist such as your self would be impressed at how far i have gone proving the wickedness in the games that you protest. The best way i know of the get the bastards is to make them eat their own words and then fall on their own swords. All of the evil in this old world is dreamt up or supported by the profession you wish to be a part of. Perhaps you should reconsider and do as I do. Take some of my evidence of foul play check and make certain it is true and attack them Pro Se. Two fellas attacking the same bastards separately can have more effect than one. Near as I can gather you tried to run for city council or whatever because Bruce Noble stopped you from becoming a lawyer. Is that true? If so why not let me help you embarrass that fat bastard. He was in the same classes as me in high School and he was far from memorable then. Brucy Baby's wits do not intimidate me. I would love to argue him in fact that is why I played hard ball with the Fredericton Police dept when they broke the law in their actions against me. Hows that for an answer Vaughn? Now read the tiff file and study what I gave Chucky years ago. Will ya? posted by David R. Amos at 7:26 PM on Apr 22, 2006 Leave your comment You can use some HTML tags, such as <b>, <i>, <a> Choose an identity Google/Blogger You're currently posting as David Raymond Amos Use a different account Follow-up comments will be sent to Unsubscribe OpenID OpenID LiveJournal WordPress TypePad AIM Name/URL Name URL Anonymous Publish Your Comment Preview

----- Original Message ----From: David Amos To: ; ; Richard Harris ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Sent: Monday, March 24, 2008 9:34 PM Subject: Time to give Danny Boy the Shaft before he gets the Black Rod EH Chucky? What do ya think Chucky? Why not quit your foolishness and answer a serious question. You know I was banished years before you were and my banishment not only breaches Section 2 of the Charter while I was upholding my rights under Section 3 and running for a seat in the wicked 38th Parliament. furthermore my banishment is signed by none other than your old buddy Danny Boy himself. Yours is unsigned. Correct? What is that piece of paper worth without his signature? Shouldn't we give old Baldy AKA Danny Boy the ex RCMP kissarse the shaft BEFORE he gets the Black Rod and gets to bump big bellies in the House on the Hill in faraway Upper Canada where the Public Trust and the Public Interests of the Common Man are not upheld or protected? Danny Boy and his hero Stevey Boy Harper will have a great laugh at all us dumb defeatist Maritimers with his RCMP cronies Kevin Vickors (The Lt Gov's Ol Guard) and Mikey MacDonald (Mean old Zack ex assistant) if we don't. N'est Pas? Love and Kisses Dave

----- Original Message ----From: "David Amos" <> To: <>; <> Cc: "robert.trevors" <>; "toewsv1" <>; "Wayne.Lang" <> Sent: Friday, January 07, 2011 9:37 AM Subject: Looks like Detective Mike Wilson of Fredericton now has some of my documents etc EH?

> Police Request Public Assistance To Locate Northside Resident ...28 > Apr 2010 ... The Fredericton Police Force is requesting the public`s > ... ask they contact Detective Mike Wilson at 460-2167 or Provincial > Crime Stoppers ... > > > ---------- Forwarded message ---------> From: "Wilson, Mike" <> > Date: Wed, 5 Jan 2011 10:49:47 -0400 > Subject: hi > To: > > > > > ---------- Forwarded message ---------> From: Advocacy Collective <> > Date: Wed, 5 Jan 2011 10:03:06 -0800 (PST) > Subject: Delivery of your material > To: David Amos <> > > Mr. Amos: >

> Earlier today, I delivered your material to the city police via their > neighbourhood place in the Capital Credit Union strip mall on Hughes > Street, Fredericton. Unless there is some remaining issue about this > matter, I will now ask you to refrain from any communications with me, > by e-mail or otherwise - and if you do send me e-mails, please do not > assume that I will read them, for I intend to treat them as Spam. > Thank you, and good luck with any worthy cause you may be pursuing. > > Vaughn "Wannabe Lawyer" Barnett > > > > --- On Sun, 1/2/11, Advocacy Collective <> wrote: > > > From: Advocacy Collective <> > Subject: E-mail & Cops > To: "David Amos" <> > Received: Sunday, January 2, 2011, 4:40 PM > > > > > > > > If you mean JAF, I only mentioned him because you sent me an e-mail > from him saying "plonk," but I don't know the guy. As for the cops, I > haven't delivered your documents to them yet, so you still have a > chance to designate either city police or RCMP. > > VB > > > --- On Sat, 1/1/11, David Amos <> wrote: > > > From: David Amos <> > Subject: SO Barnett which cops did ya give my stuff too the Fat Fred > City Finest or the RCMP? > To:,, >,, >, > Cc: "Wayne.Lang" <>, > "" <>, > "Gilles. Blinn" <>, > "" <>, > "Barry.MacKnight" <>, "Louis.Lefebvre" > <>, "" > <> > Received: Saturday, January 1, 2011, 9:44 AM > > > Interesting that you mentioned your pal the very strange old dude in a > dress Tony Baby Fitzgerald and not the doings of his son and your > other Fake Left butt buddies such as Chucky leblanc and Richy Baby

> Harris EH Mr Bullshitting Wannabe Lawyer? > > Scroll down dummy to see SOME YOUR words and that of Danny Boy's long > after YOU were prosecuted and jailed oh ye who is far from ethical. > FTW that is Danny BOY's pdf file not mine. > > Communication is key that is why i save EVERYTHING and create pdf files as well > > Veritas Vincit > David Raymond Amos > > --- On Fri, 12/31/10, Advocacy Collective <> wrote: > > > From: Advocacy Collective <> > Subject: E-mail > To: "David Amos" <> > Date: Friday, December 31, 2010, 9:21 PM > > So is, listed below, your e-mail address, > and the one you prefer? Not that it should matter for long. Except > for this present exchange about your documents, whenever I get an > e-mail from you, like JAF, and probably many others, I "plonk" it or > treat it as spam. That would explain why I am unfamiliar with the > issues you seem to assume I have been following in your rants. I know > virtually nothing about your crusade. > > As I recall, this yahoo address was my only e-mail for you that > worked, and you had used it yourself. I didn't know until now that > this was your son's account, since that user name could have meant > anything. Once again, as with your documents, you could simply have > made a request early on, instead of complaining long after the fact. > Communication is key. > > VB > > > --- On Fri, 12/31/10, David Amos <> wrote: > > > From: David Amos <> > Subject: Yo Vaughny Baby Please inform me in writing as to which > corrupt cop you gave my documents to > To:,, >,, >, > Cc:, > Received: Friday, December 31, 2010, 9:55 AM > > > In return I will notify the cops around Fat fred City to expect you > byway of other email accounts that you ignored emails from for years. > I must confess I find it interesting that you only send your malicious > bullshit only to my son's email account now. Most folks know I only > use it only now and then for reasons I explained long ago. I will > explain it again within legal documents someday that you really should

> read because you will be mentioned bigtime. > > For the record I suspect that you trying to have this account killed > for spamming or whaever like your pals did with many other Internet > accounts of mine CORRECT? > > However whatever the silly reason you dream up please feel free to > send me more of your bullshit anytime you wish and I will respond from > other email accounts of mine so you Fake Left Friends in Fat Fred City > and others can't bitch about this account. > > Veritas Vincit > David Raymond Amos > > --- On Thu, 12/30/10, Advocacy Collective <> wrote: > > > From: Advocacy Collective <> > Subject: Re: You should have given my stuff to the cops instead of > threatening to destroy them > To: "David Amos" <> > Date: Thursday, December 30, 2010, 5:33 PM > > > I was not "threatening to destroy" your documents, but giving you a > chance to retrieve them before they were discarded, as old documents > typically are. However, if you would now like me to give them to the > police, I can do that (but I do not intend to follow your reading > instructions). > > VB > > > --- On Thu, 12/30/10, David Amos <> wrote: > > > From: David Amos <> > Subject: You should have given my stuff to the cops instead of > threatening to destroy them > To:,, >,, >,, >, > Cc:, > Received: Thursday, December 30, 2010, 9:55 AM > > > Read the document from Landslide Annie and check your other emails dummy > > --- On Thu, 12/30/10, Advocacy Collective <> wrote: > > > From: Advocacy Collective <> > Subject: Re: Fw: RE: Chance to get your stuff BULLSHIT as you know I > called the cops about you again yestrday > To: "David Amos" <>

> Date: Thursday, December 30, 2010, 8:28 AM > > > Feel free to share my e-mails, as I have nothing to be "nervous" about > - and thanks for copying my e-mail below to others, so they can get a > more correct idea of what's going on. > > I will assume, unless you advise me otherwise, that you no longer care > to have your material returned to you. > > VB > > > --- On Wed, 12/29/10, David Amos <> wrote: > > > From: David Amos <> > Subject: Fw: RE: Chance to get your stuff BULLSHIT as you know I > called the cops about you again yestrday > To: > Cc:,,, >,, >,, >, > Received: Wednesday, December 29, 2010, 5:42 AM > > > Did you forget that I published some the emails from you and CHUCKY > that you nasty bastards sent me in 2004? > > You stole the documents and CD alright and I reported it to the RCMP > and the Fat Fred City Finest long ago. > > In my humble opinion you Fake Left bastards have been using my > documents and your knowledge of my actions and concerns to keep > yourselves out of hot water for six fucking years. However my recent > conversations with the NDP dude Dominic Cardy and the cops etc has got > you nervous so you opted to speak up and try to appear honest CORRECT > MR WANNABE LAWYER? > > Veritas Vincit ( the motto of my Clan dummy) > David Raymond Amos > > --- On Tue, 12/28/10, Advocacy Collective <> wrote: > > > From: Advocacy Collective <> > Subject: RE: Chance to get your stuff > To: "David Amos" <> > Date: Tuesday, December 28, 2010, 7:33 PM > > > Mr. Amos, this might be pointless, but to respond: > > 1. I was only given your material by Charles, at your request as I > understood, and decided that I couldn't help you. Any other

> involvement in your issues appears to be solely in your imagination. > > 2. So I didn't steal your material, as you alleged on the phone, and > was always prepared to return them when you asked for them and made > arrangements. > > 3. When you finally did "ask" for your material, I tried to e-mail > you immediately, and offered to send you the material at my expense. > Yet, after complaining about not having your material returned, you > did not give me an address where it could be sent. > > 4. As for the label of "wannabe lawyer," I could have become a lawyer > if I had chosen that over my activism, which was the only thing > preventing me from being accepted by the bar. My qualifications were > not otherwise a problem, as my legal skills, and even my honesty and > integrity, were acknowledged at the inquiry into my admissibility. > > 5. "(902 800 0369)," assuming that's not your phone number, does not > mean anything to me, nor ring a bell, but you can explain it to me if > you'd like. > > 6. Hardly would I want to call you, or speak with you in person, > because so far you've only been rude and threatening. In fact, I ask > that you refrain from phoning me again, until you can assure me that > your communications will be civilized. > > 7. Given my activism against the RCMP and city police, I doubt I have > "buddies" in either force. However, based on my recollection of my > contact with the police about you, I am satisfied that I probably have > far more credibility with them than you do. > > 8. You likely will not believe me, but I have no idea what you mean > by the "truth" and my "nasty pals," and would be very interested if > you would tell me, instead of attacking me as if I already knew. > > 9. Because you do attack people, based on unverified assumptions > about them, and guilt by association (i.e., putting "vincit" ahead of > "veritas"), instead of giving them the fair hearing that you > apparently seek for your own issues, you cannot complain about people > avoiding you and failing to take you seriously. > > Now again, do you want to give me an address where I can send your > material, or shall I throw it out? I will give you at least another > week, until next garbage day. > > Sincerely, > Vaughn Barnett > > > > --- On Tue, 12/28/10, David Amos <> wrote: > > > From: David Amos <> > Subject: RE: Chance to get your stuff before it's too late Need I say > BULLSHIT AGAIN???

> To: > Cc:,,, >,, "tracy" > <>, > Received: Tuesday, December 28, 2010, 4:46 AM > > > YOU are WAY past too late and I just called you the wannabe lawyer > AGAIN to rub it in (902 800 0369) > > I sounded really pissed off CORRECT??? Now I strongly suggest that you > fianlly call me back or call your buddies in the RCMP and the Fat Fred > City Finest and tell the truth, the whole truth and NOTHING BUT THE > TRUTH ASAP because as you well know I already talked to them about you > and your very nasty pals long ago.EH??? > > Veritas Vincit > David Raymond Amos > > --- On Mon, 12/27/10, Advocacy Collective <> wrote: > > > From: Advocacy Collective <> > Subject: Chance to get your stuff before it's too late > To: "David Amos" <> > Date: Monday, December 27, 2010, 8:06 PM > > > Mr. Amos, > > Here's another chance to get your material back (see below). > Otherwise, I intend to throw it out, as I'm trying to clean house. > I'll give you a few days to respond. > > Season's Greetings, > Vaughn Barnett > > > --- On Thu, 2/14/08, Advocacy Collective <> wrote: > > > From: Advocacy Collective <> > Subject: Requested Material > To: > Received: Thursday, February 14, 2008, 2:54 PM > > > Mr. Amos: > > I got your phone message a while back, and tried unsuccessfully to > e-mail you in response, but now I see that you apparently have a new > e-mail address. > > Until I received your message, I don't recall ever being asked to > return your material, nor being given an address for doing so (even > when you left me that cryptic message way back when). But if you

> would like to e-mail me an address, I would be glad to send you the > material at my expense. > > Vaughn Barnett > > > > > ---------- Forwarded message ---------> From: Dan Fitzgerald <> > Date: Mon, 21 Apr 2008 02:52:37 +0200 > Subject: Re: FYI Chucky while you were teasing me about looking like > your dead dog, the Irvings answered me ask your buddy Carl Davies if I > am a lair or not > To: David Amos <> > Cc:,, >,,, > > > Integrity? > > Check the attachment, maniac. > > I still vote you charge all three of us in the first blogger slander > trials of NB. > > Best wishes, > > Dan F. > > David Amos wrote: > > David Amos wrote: >> The comment you won't post >> >> >> >> If what you say is true Perhaps you should read the email I just sent >> you real slow EH Chucky? >> >> Rest assured I don't care if you don't read on. I just want proof this was sent. >> >> I know you won't read this email Chucky and if you did I truly doubt >> you would understand it. After all you got it almost four years ago >> and ignored it correct? More importantly your Iron Horse of a lawyer >> or your not so clever covert legal counsels such as Vaughn Barnett or >> the very nasty Mikey Archibald certainly should pay attention to it >> now. May I suggest that you have them read the affidavit of mine that >> a lawyer filed in New Brunswick Provincial Court in a matter about >> criminal harassment in September of 2004 one month after your buddy >> Carl Davies answered this particular email from an Irving email >> account.. Whereas my affidavits and the related documents evaporated >> from the public records of three court (two in the USA and one in >> Canada) long ago and immediately before I was falsely imprisoned, and >> you laughed at me , methinks that it is high time you suffered the >> same fate. You are predicting that it will happen correct?

>> >> It appears to me that only the Crown or Byron Prior's associates are >> the only arseholes that can provide the words of my affidavit filed in >> front of Judge Tonning to you if I decide not to. Your lawyer may need >> it if the Fat Fred City Finest or the RCMP decide to arrest you for >> the benefit of your old buddy Danny Boy Busierres and his many >> cohorts. Should I give it to you before or after that bullshit goes >> down? Methinks NOT. For the record I just forwarded the words of it >> that were records within an old email to Byron Prior and his strange >> associates out west on to T. J. Burke and some of his pals such as >> Danny Copp of the Fat Fred City Finest. I did it to protect my own >> dumb arse from further false imprisonment..But I did not send it to >> any of your Fake Left pals because I would prefer to see you arrested >> just like your buddy Scotty Baby Agnew and his nasty lawyer wife want >> to happen to me. Ask your old liberal buddy Senator Joe Day to ask his >> wifey the clerk whom I call Georgey Girl if she can find her copy of >> my affidavit in her public records in Hampton or stuffed under her >> desk just in case she and her hubby need it. >> >> BTW Chucky Baby here are some of the reasons why I hope the cops >> arrest you soon. From my point of view the sooner the cops arrest you, >> the sooner you may start telling the truth, the whole truth and >> nothing but the truth in order to save your own dumb malicious arse >> from false imprisonment and to the chagrin of your liberal party .The >> sooner your words become truthful the sooner they will be of some >> benefit to your ethical readers. N'est Pas? The sooner people >> understand that I am not the bad guy you made of me the sooner the >> shit may hit the fan. I know for a fact the sooner you set the record >> straight about the doings between you and I and T.J. Burke etc, the >> better things will begin to be for my little Clan. Thus I will support >> the Crown's prosecution of you because you most definitely slandered >> me and that is a crime.You did imply that I was a Hell Angel and you >> were the only person to report, publish and support my illegal >> banishment from the Leg while I was running for a seat in Parliament. >> Correct? Imagine if you had said such things of your buddy Andy Scot >> or his strange hero Stevey Boy Harper? Am I any less of man than they >> are? Are any of my rights or my family interests any less important >> than theirs or yours? Who is more ethical in their reporting the CBC, >> CTV, Global, the Irvings or you or your fellow bloggers about the >> malice of the politicians and cops that you complain about? From my >> perch on the fence both sides of the pasture are so full of bullshit I >> am just gonna stay on the fence and keep pissing on all of you smiling >> bastards and your bullshit. A jury of our peers will have to decide >> that someday in court if citizens don;t figure out the truth of it all >> from our many blogs first. Many people with no names within the blogs >> lately have falsely claimed that I have done many illegal things. >> However the only persons to sign a document to that effect were your >> old Buddy Danny Boy Busierres and Danny Copp of the Fat Fred City >> Finest, the very same people whom you claim will have you arrested >> someday soon. Too funny N'est Pas? Be careful sometimes what one >> predicts does come true sometimes. It is easy to see that you are >> running out of friends fast. It is also easy for you to predict your >> arrest when you are the one whose actions and words cause it. Correct? >> Have your buddies affirm to you that slander is a criminal offence if >> the ongoing prosecution of Byron Prior did not convince you of that >> fact. I must ask are you gonna tell the truth before or after that

>> bullshit of yours about a pending arrest goes down and becomes a >> matter of blogger history? Do ya think anyone will raise your bail. If >> not will the Crown allow you to blog from jail or will the CBC dude >> Robert Jones come to your defence once again in order to make himself >> even more famous than he already thinks he is? >> >> I have no understanding why Byron Prior never mentioned my name and >> yet why he asked me to come over to the Rock secretly other than the >> obvious fact he must have made a deal with Stevey Boy Harper byway of >> the very nasty Newfy lawyer Johnny " Never Been Good" Crosbie.Methinks >> that he was trying to trade may freedom for his with Danny Boy >> Williams and was trying to sucker me over into Danny Boy jurisdiction. >> Nothing else made any sense all his lawyer had to do was file the >> former Lt.; Governor's letter to me and Prior's troubles would be over >> in a heartbeat Why Byron Prior and his lawyer let his malicious >> prosecution drag on forever and a day met ether they were incredibly >> dumb or a very nasty deal had be made. The fact that you and your Fake >> Left friends now support Byron Prior caused me to just shake my head >> at the nonsense of it all. Nobody is that dumb not even you Chucky. >> When your friend Danny Fitzgerald burst upon the scene with his two >> faced words about my doings within T. J. Burke and all the rest while >> supporting the inference that I may some sort of one percenter I >> pounced on him bigtime just like I always do. I did it just like I did >> with you and so many others who have done so in the past at the behest >> of the RCMP and the corrupt politicians etc they support. I did not >> waste time with that snotty blogger kid who wants a Ph.D. from >> overseas. Did I? The dumb bastard should have at least read my letter >> to the mean old Commissioner Zack of the GRC in December 0f 2003 and >> understood what I said about what I would do if anyone even implied >> that I was a Hells Angel like you did four god damned years ago. Hell >> Angels like Special Forces dudes such as T.J. Burke brags he is do not >> like anyone stealing their thunder. Falsely claiming to be one of them >> can put one in jeopardy.I am just one guy. I do not belong to any >> organization illegal or otherwise. I run as Independent for public >> office and I refuse to buy Girl guide cookies. I associate with no one >> except those of MY Clan. Anyone who attacks my Clan must deal with me >> first and foremost. Your Fake Left friends do understand that I am the >> Chief? Have your Mother explain what that means to Scottish folks who >> take their heritage seriously Chucky. >> >> Veritas Vincit >> David Raymond Amos >> >> P.S. Say Hoka Hey to our old buddy Carl Davies for me will ya? >> >> ----- Original Message ---->> From: Davies, Carl (Telegraph) >> To: 'David Amos' >> Sent: Monday, August 16, 2004 9:55 AM >> Subject: RE: Text of letter to Joe Day >> >> >> I remember the call in 2002. I didn't make the connection when you >> were at Bill's that time. I'm not sure what exactly it is you're >> asking though. >>

>> >> >> -----Original Message---->> From: David Amos [] >> Sent: Friday, January 04, 1980 3:37 AM >> To: >> Cc:;; >>; >> Subject: Fw: Text of letter to Joe Day >> >> >> >> Yes Frenchy I did get your silly slam about comparing me to to a >> dog. The thing is it is no insult. I compare myself to a mangy old >> guard dog. Ask Brad Green and maybe he will show you the letter I sent >> him. I am not impressed that you made an Irving paper. I have had far >> better coverage than you and trust me they hate me more than they do >> you. Ask Frank McKenna. Have you got around to asking your favorite >> priest where Cardinal Law went after I filed my affidavit on Dec. >> 12th/02? Watch the priest's eyes when he answers you. Never mind >> laughing at my plight Frenchy. Did you ever think the confession booth >> is built the way it is so that you could not see the priests laughing >> at you? >> >> >> >> If you really want to get the scoop on things ask Carl why he is >> no longer with CBC and why he don't say shit about me long ago. >> Remember when I called you from the camp Carl in November of 2002 and >> asked you to get Henrik to call me? Don't deny it because I had a >> witnesses there who had suggested that I call you and I have my cell >> phone records as well. How does it feel to be a part of an interesting >> story Carl? >> >> >> >> As for you Carl you can just say hey to our friends Henrik Tonning >> and Bill Dalton for me and tell them I am still pissed off at them. >> All of you smiling bastards know I ain't no bullshitter because it >> takes one to know one. >> >> >> >> As for you Mr. Vaughn and Mr. Richard perhaps you should get to >> gether and share the material that Charles Leblanc gave you before the >> shit hits the fan. Do you understnd the meaning of the word >> Conspiracy. If not call the US Attorney Michael J. Sullivan in Boston >> and ask him to explain. He is such a good Catholic boy that he edited >> out Cardinal Law from my complaint about religious freedom. >> >> >> >> Now thats funny because after he did so Charles J. Kickham Jr. did it again. >> >> >>

>> Are you still laughing fellas? Watch out for my next complaint. >> >> >> >> ----- Original Message ---->> >> From: David Amos >> >> To: >> >> Cc: ; ; >> ; ; ; >> ; ; >> >> Sent: Friday, January 04, 1980 2:55 AM >> >> Subject: Text of letter to Joe Day >> >> >> >> He can never say that he didn't get it. This is an email is >> sent as triple check as proof that it was done when and where I swear >> I did it. That is his front door and although no one came to it >> because I didn't bother knocking I did bring witnesses and obviously >> took pictures >> >> I can easily prove that I was in contact with Wayne Easter's >> office on November 19th/03 the same day Arar's lawyers from the CCR in >> the USA were. Apparently the Canadian government and Mr. Ashcroft must >> have had a different plan as to what to do about me. Doesn't anyone >> think that Anne McLellan, Wayne Easter and I have lots to argue about >> within the Arar Commission. My evidence certainly supports Arar's. >> >> If anyone who is now seated as a Member of Parliament considers >> themselves worthy of the public trust perhaps they should speak up >> andask a few questions and consider asking for a non confidence vote. >> May I suggest that some member of the NDP who is not a lawyer contact >> me before I return to the USA. I would prefer to talk to Ed Broadbent. >> If he chooses to recall, I did wish him luck. >> >> Veena tell Geoff Regan to give a call when he gets back from >> golfing with Clinton and McKenna's buddies will ya? >> >> Just so everybody knows I am sending this email to many folks all >> around the world. >> >> What do ya thing should I hang around home long enough to see if >> Premier Lord calls an election for a Senator in the Federal government >> or wait until he calls a by-election to fill Bernard Richard's vacate >> seat at the provincial level? I know the Yankees are sick and tired of >> me. But i did make lots of folks uphome laugh and think about things. >> Everybody calls me a rebel or a fool. Both labels I take as my own >> with a smile. However I must ask why am I so rebelious to expect >> lawyers to uphold the law or demand that politicians uphold the Public >> Trust? Why am I so foolish not to trust the law enforcement community? >> Never forget it was the US Secret Service that came to my door with a

>> town cop that is paid to protect and serve me. They did not mind >> investigating false allegations made against me as a by lawyers to >> protect politicians but refused to accept hard evidence of Bank Fraud, >> Securities Faud and Tax Fraud which is well within the scope oftheir >> employment. The well paid governent officials within my own nativeland >> are more than willing to throw me back to the wolves in the USA >> claiming that they don't have jurisdiction over me. Why? Are they >> pissed I ran for Parliament and had too much fun telling the truth in >> the process? Maybe I should hang around and have some fun and piss >> them off some more. Pat Hannraty did suggest that in one of the CBC >> debates that I was excluded from. Joe Day ran for many positions in >> government and never succeeded. However once he became a top dog >> lawyer for the Irving Clan he wasn't long finding a seat. I say the >> first order of business for any elected Member of Parliament would be >> to inspire and act that makes all Senators be elected as well. What >> say you oh ye honourable members of the NDP? Why not put that on Mr. >> Martin'.s table to chew on. >> >> >> >> >> Friday the 13th of August, 2004 >> >> Senator Joseph A. Day >> Ethics Counselor, Howard Wilson >> 14 Everett St. >> 66 Slater St., 22nd Floor >> Hampton, NB >> Ottawa, ON. K1A 0C9 >> >> Prime Minister, Paul Martin >> Geoff Reagan c/o Irwin Cotler, >> 80 Wellington Street >> 900 Justice Building >> Ottawa, ON. K1A 0A2 >> Ottawa, ON. K1A 0A6 >> >> Eva Plunkett Inspector >> General (CSIS) Philippe Rabot >> 340 Laurier Avenue West >> RCMP External Review Committee >> Ottawa, ON. K1A 0P8 >> P.O. Box 1159, Station B >> >> Ottawa, ON. K1P 5R2 >> RE: Corruption >> >> Hey Joe, >> >> The fact that you said I was not worth voting for is no matter >> to me. I just wish my fellow Canadians had the right to vote you out >> of your job. That is one thing I agree with Mr. Lord about. To me you >> are just another lawyer who couldn't get elected so you were >> politically appointed to a high government position for the benefit of >> Irving interests. Now that you are in public service not only must you >> obey the Code of Conduct of your chosen profession, you must act

>> ethically as a well paid federal employee and speak for the public >> good. Forget your former employer's interests and do your job. >> >> It is time to check the work of many high officials and mine as >> well. I demand that you study of the enclosed material then forward it >> all to the Prime Minister Paul Martin. Ask him to forward copies of it >> all to the other above named government employees and to the Arar >> Commission in particular. I can easily prove prior contact to all the >> above named persons or their offices and I believe they should be >> expecting to see this stuff. The CD of the copy of wiretap tape >> numbered 139 is served upon you as an officer of the court in >> confidence in order that it may be properly investigated. I have given >> you many more documents than the ones I will mention in the following >> paragraphs. I will send a copy of this letter to many people as a >> double check on your ethics. >> >> One of the documents of foremost importance to me is a recent >> letter Attorney General Brad Green sent to me dated August 3rd. It is >> attached to the letter and all the other material I had delivered to >> Bernard Lord and Frank McKenna just after Canada Day. I deem the >> aforesaid letter to be so important because he is the first Canadian >> public servant in any office to even admit knowledge my concerns and >> allegations in two months of waiting for a proper response. His >> position in public service and his answer forever prove just how bad >> things really are in Canada and the USA. I am not sorry for the delay >> in providing you with this material as I planned and stated within the >> enclosed email. If you had wanted it, you would have returned my calls >> or answered my email. >> >> I had spoken to many people about my concerns as I ran for >> Parliament. I made certain that the proper authorities knew of my >> allegations the instant I was on Canadian soil. If our government was >> on the up and up, someone should have sent the cops around to pick >> this stuff up or at least ask me a few questions a long time ago. I >> cannot wait any longer for my country to act properly in my defense. >> The Yankees now want me in court. >> >> The recent letter from Brad Green and the actions of some other >> bad actors in Fredericton and the USA gave me cause to pause, rethink >> and rewrite a bunch of stuff. One would think that Henrick Tonning, >> the first judge that Green had ever appointed or the unnamed duty >> counsel in court on the first day of Brad's new plan to defend the >> rights of the people would have informed him that I was very pissed >> off and still in New Brunswick. The Sheriff who refused to identify >> himself in Henrik's court that day was more than willing to take me >> away and under his jurisdiction. What province writes the Sheriff's >> paycheck? Even the local rumormill had enough time to generate enough >> gossip from July 29th to August 3rd for Brad Green to be adequately >> informed before he wrote such a ridiculous letter to me. Clearly Brad >> paid no heed my fair warning to lawyers about making one false move. >> Maybe he should call the former Attorney General in New Hampshire and >> ask Peter Heed why he paid no heed to me. Now I will prove to both Mr >> Heed and Brad Green that I wasn't joking and that I am well within the >> jurisdiction of law enforcement in both New Brunswick and New >> Hampshire. >>

>> If the Fredericton City Police arrest me as I approach the >> legislature one day very soon, Brad Green, Bruce Noble and I will have >> lots to argue about in years to come in many courts. I will be filing >> a complaint against them and several others with the Law Society >> anyway. I am looking to hire an ethical lawyer to sue the bastards >> long before the Law Society gets around to figuring out how to ignore >> my allegations. What would you do if you were I? Do you know an >> ethical lawyer that I can discuss this with? Or would I fare better if >> I acted ethically in a Pro Se fashion? >> >> My encounter with the Ombudsman, Bernard Richard proved much to >> me about NB politicians. I didn't believe what he said about Wayne >> Steeves the second he mentioned Connie Fogal. He tried so hard to >> argue about jurisdiction that he maintained Rule One of the Code of >> Professional Conduct of the New Brunswick Law Society is not about >> integrity but jurisdiction. No lawyer is that dumb and the last thing >> I would want is such a man to speak for me. So I promptly told him I >> would see him in court and ended our conversation. He was obviously >> arguing against me for the benefit of Brad Green rather than making a >> sincere and ethical effort to listen to me and address my concerns to >> the powers that be on my behalf. Richard likely has few Liberal >> friends to chum with. For all I know he may have just got back from >> Larry's Gulch so I allowed him to continue on the fishing expedition >> byway of email. For his information just in case he is that dumb, I >> brought up the subject of integrity so he would stop arguing >> jurisdiction and act more ethically and diligently as a lawyer. When >> he continued, I quit talking and sought proof of contact. Lawyers must >> maintain their integrity no matter the jurisdiction or issue. >> >> I can easily refute the jurisdictional argument of both Mr. >> Richard and Brad Green. I am used to that legal dodge. Thirty-three >> years ago a RCMP officer charged me with speeding by within the city >> limits of Fredericton. When I questioned his jurisdiction the Crown >> was quick to inform me that the RCMP have jurisdiction over everyone >> everywhere in Canada. If I were to unbuckle my seat belt in defiance >> of a NB law as I drove to Hampton to serve this material upon a lawyer >> employed as a Senator in the federal government, in what court would I >> appear? What if I served this material upon the cop that had the >> authority stop me? If the matter was heard in Hampton or Sussex >> Provincial Court shouldn't Judge Henrik Tonning immediately recuse >> himself because of his words to me in court on July 29th. Would I not >> have the right to make a federal case out of what began as a seat belt >> offense and change the jurisdiction to the USA? >> >> A far better example is what happened on June 24th. A man who >> claimed represent the Crown as the Sergeant at Arms in the New >> Brunswick legislature claimed that he and the Fredericton PD had >> jurisdiction over me and the right to throw me out of the public >> building. However when I tried to give them this stuff as the Deputy >> Prime Minister Anne McLellan and Attorney General Brad Green have both >> suggested, they refused. What right did they have to do so? Should I >> file a complaint against the Crown in the USA? I was thrown out of a >> building in NB. Who defends the Crown if not Green? >> >> Senator Day, make certain that Jack Hooper of CSIS sends >> someone to see the priest, Bill Elliott and get the stuff I gave to

>> him the night of his debate on June 21st. Everybody in the churchyard >> watched that old man holler at me as I gave it to him. Now Mr. Waldman >> can listen to what Mr. Harper was harping about on June 22nd on the >> CBC, As I told the priest there were three original wiretap tapes >> within that envelope I gave him. The tapes are important evidence for >> the Arar Commission. If nothing else their mere existence proves how >> far the FEDS in two countries will go to cover things up. Let me know >> if the priest denies he got them or Hooper won't give them up, I have >> several more hidden in Canada that the Arar Commission can have. >> Hooper can hoop and holler about National Security all he wants. I >> must protect my ass if he won't, If you look at the photo I have >> provided, you will see me talking to a RCMP officer that was guarding >> Harper in Sussex on June 19th. Now you know what I was talking about >> to him. What I want to know is that cop's name. Harper wasn't long >> spilling the beans to his political advantage on CBC but his lawyers >> weren't long shutting him up on June 24th after Waldman demanded that >> he testify at the Inquiry. Why is that? >> >> Waldman should have known of me if Arar's lawyers at CCR in the >> USA had kept him properly informed. Rest assured that I did as soon as >> I became aware of him. During our conversation I know I said enough >> for him to check my words. His silence spoke volumes. >> >> Mr. Arar's lawyers had no fear of filing a complaint against >> Ashcroft and the others in the USA after they received my stuff last >> November. I see no further progress with that suit since it was filed >> last January. Why have they ignored me? Did they make a deal and >> settle? Why have they fallen so silent within the inquiry in Canada? >> >> If you don't believe me about what Mr. Harper knows, call >> Arthur Hamilton and ask him about the little talk we had about this a >> little while ago. Mr. Hamilton can never say he doesn't know because I >> saved his voicemail to me. I have no doubt that he has had a long talk >> with our new MP Rob Moore by now. Why are they so silent? >> >> I have many questions to ask Geoff Regan and Anne McLellan >> about the Arar Commission. Geoff has no time to return my call but >> lots of time to golf with Clinton and McKenna. I demand to know if the >> many documents that caused the delay in the inquiry were mine. If not, >> why not? I did do as Anne McLellan suggested and gave this stuff to >> both Customs and Immigration the instant I landed in Canadian >> jurisdiction. If I am not called to testify, I will never understand. >> I did manage to talk to Veena Verma and she had no answers for me only >> arguments about jurisdiction as usual. >> >> Your friend, Mr. Zed can never say he don't know because as >> you can see I served his law office this stuff on June 25th the day >> before he and John Herron greeted Paul Martin at the airport. After >> your review of this stuff you must confess it is obvious to all why >> Paul Zed and his friend Frank McKenna have been struck so dumb. Paul >> Zed was elected to speak for that politically minded priest amongst >> others, correct? Perhaps after they voted according to their >> conscience they should act according to it as well. >> >> I know that I have proved what everybody knows. The word of a >> lawyer is worthless. Peter MacKay also proved that to all the true

>> Progressive Conservatives in Canada. The fact that another lawyer, >> John Crosbie advised the former Alliance party on what to say is too >> funny and sad for the words of this letter. One reason I came home and >> ran for Parliament is to sooth my own soul because I found Mr. Harper >> and his buddies to be a truly dangerous bunch of characters. Crosbie >> did too for awhile anyway. Ain't it funny how he now sings a different >> tune? There is no doubt that the old lawyer Paul Martin is a >> monumental a crook. The boat in Sidney proved that to me two days >> after the election. He can play well within Mulroney's league. It was >> truly sad that so many Canadians were compelled to vote for Martin >> simply because they were too scared that Harper may lead our country >> down a garden path and under an evil Bush. >> >> Perhaps the NDP should check my work closely and then help >> me expose all the crooks in both the Liberal and Conservative camps. I >> will give this stuff to their local lawyer leader Ms. Weir. Maybe it >> is time for the NDP to shine for the benefit of all Canadians. Even >> though the NDP have only 19 seats in Parliament I believe they have >> the power to inspire a non-confidence vote and cause another election. >> I think the NDP politicians should think about the following statement >> a long time then review how they made out in the last election. I did >> say at the Moss Glen debate that the NDP party was the best spot to >> place a vote. However NDP people I know argued with me saying that if >> they did that their vote would be wasted and Harper might get in, so >> they must vote out of fear for a Liberal. Therefore I fall back on >> what I had said during the Hampton debate in that every ballot should >> have one more line on it "None of the above" then I am certain many >> more Canadians would exercise their right to vote. Many did agree. >> >> Senator Day I did come across your wife in the Canada >> Elections office as she worked in support of Herron. Please don't deny >> the fact that the person seated beside your wife in Hampton laughed >> and applauded at many of my remarks, Everybody heard what I said to >> Herron in front of Rob Moore about suing him. Herron is foolish if he >> thought I was kidding. Herron is a layman with few political friends. >> I spoke to him very openly and honestly after the debate in Moss Glen. >> It should be interesting to see whom he and Rob Moore manage to hire >> for lawyers to defend them from my actions. I look forward to meeting >> a judge but I am not certain I would be allowed a jury of my peers. >> Lawyers do have an unfair stranglehold on Canadian justice. As you >> check my work, you should see that I am out to shame all lawyers and >> the political ones in particular. None of this would have been >> necessary if just one lawyer had upheld their oath or one public >> servant had blown the whistle. Why is not the question. The answer is >> Filthy Lucre. >> >> Today is Friday the 13th. I am expected to stand in court in >> Boston and argue allegations of criminal harassment made against me by >> a lawyer who has practiced crimes against me. Clearly I am not making >> an appearance. My kids and I will remain in this jurisdiction. I >> suspect foul play and that it is a ploy to make me return to the USA. >> I have little doubt that agents of the DHS would never allow me to >> appear in that court. I notified everyone down in Boston that I look >> forward to trial. Monday will tell the tale. >> >> In closing I must say I considered myself a raging success to

>> finally break surface in the media and in an Irving owned newspaper of >> all places. A former Irving lawyer needs no explanation as to the >> reason for my joy. That said, let's see if I can make the Internet >> work for me in a grassroots sort of way. The Irvings are a little >> behind the times in that regard. Although I do not wear a blue coat, I >> did give the folks in Fundy one last chance to vote for a PC (Pissed >> off Candidate) and I tried to do it in a fun fashion so that my >> efforts would be remembered. Read the Kings County Record again to >> check my words. As I watch the boob tube, I find the most honest >> reporting of the political circus in America can be found on the >> Canadian comedy shows. The stuff on Barack Obama, Ralph Nader, Melanie >> Sloan and the Clintons should be pretty funny to you as well as you >> read the documents I have provided. Now all I can say is Hooray for >> Canada and thanks to the folks in Fundy that did vote for me. I am >> glad that at least one percent understood and agreed with me. Quite >> likely not one of them was a lawyer. Now I only need one lawyer in the >> right place in government to do the right thing and things will change >> for the better. Until that happens I will continue torturing lawyers >> with dilemmas that a simple application of ethics could easily solve. >> It is just a matter of time before one will break rank with the crooks >> and become a truly honourable hero for the common man. As I said in my >> first political speech I am a son of the Keith Clan whose roots can be >> found in Fundy. Although I have separated myself from that Clan and >> founded my own in order to declare a Blood Feud in my own name, I will >> always honour from whence I came. I simply don't care what lawyers or >> politicians think of me Although I have no religion, I have faith in >> my forefather's motto "Veritas Vincit". >> >> So what say you now, Senator Joe Day? Are you with me or >> against me? Ignoring me just won't do. Please send your answer to the >> following address just as Brad Green did. I don't know where I will be >> from day to day these days. Like it or not you are all now witnesses >> to my sad complaints. I demand an answer from you in writing even if >> it is to refuse this demand to do your job. Your friend the Yankee >> lawyer, David Lutz can turn his back on me then sneak away and try to >> hide but you are a Canadian public servant now. You must answer me in >> a timely fashion. I am part of the Canadian Public and a citizen that >> came to your office in the constituency that I have been hanging my >> hat for over two months. I demand assistance from the Senator >> appointed to watch over us and expect you to act with the integrity >> that is mandated by your license to practice law for a fee. Trust me, >> I am wise to the delaying and denying game. Forget trying to argue >> jurisdiction. I am here. What do you think? Should I run for Senator >> if Lord manages to call an election for one? I can be reached by local >> phone # 506 434-1379 but everything I say from here on out I want >> recorded in the Public Record because it appears that lawyers think I >> must sue the Queen in the USA. Do you think she will get pissed? The >> reason question is can she afford the relief. Check the bottom line of >> my first two complaints. Anne McLellan has made the Crown a >> conspirator against me. Methinks she owes me three times the loss. Now >> we all know the reason for the cover up. Too many lawyer/politicians >> in Boston assisted the lawyer, Charles J. Kickham Jr. assist the ex >> FBI agent William J. Kickham in his crimes against my Clan. If any of >> the above named parties don't like anything >> >> I have stated, Please sue me. I dare ya. I promise I will not

>> file any sort of motion to dismiss the matter but I will demand a >> jury. I will call many witnesses in my defense. I think the first one >> would be Mr. Harper. Wouldn't it be fun if he was a hostile one? >> >> Cya'll in CourtJ >> >> David R. Amos >> >> >> 153 Alvin Ave. >> >> Milton, MA. 02186 >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> Certificate of Service >> >> I, David R. Amos, a Canadian citizen presently within the >> jurisdiction of the Province of New Brunswick in the County of Kings >> on Friday the 13th of August, 2004 delivered the above named material >> to the office of Senator Joseph A. Day at 14 Everett St. Hampton, NB. >> I will also email many people in many places the proof that this was >> done on this day. Check into my beefs with the USPS and look at the >> news about the Canadian Postal Service's political issues with Paul >> Martin today and it should be obvious why this is necessary for me to >> do in person. >> >> David R. Amos >> > > > > > > > > > ________________________________ > > This electronic mail, including any attachments, is confidential and > is for the sole use of the intended recipient and may be privileged. > Any unauthorized distribution, copying, disclosure or review is > prohibited. Neither communication over the Internet nor disclosure to > anyone other than the intended recipient constitutes waiver of > privilege. If you are not the intended recipient, please immediately > notify the sender and then delete this communication and any > attachments from your computer system and records without saving or > forwarding it. Thank you. ----- Original Message ----From: David Amos

To: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Cc: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Sent: Thursday, January 27, 2011 9:35 PM Subject: So Chucky your butt buddy Brucy Baby Northrup was on a trip down to Gasland when I sent the email below EH?

Andrew Holland and his sneaky ways are to be expected but after I watched your video I figured out that it was a small wonder his why women assistants were so nasty to today

--- On Sat, 1/22/11, David Amos <> wrote: From: David Amos <> Subject: I can meet the Yes Men Challenge for a joke as I call a lot of people too My phone number is 902 800 0369 Correct Ezra? To:, "The Honorable Joseph Biden" <>,,,,, "tracy" <>,,,,, "infoamsj" <>, "Edith. Cody-Rice" <>, "maritime_malaise" <>, "" <>,,,,,,,, Cc:, "ezra" <>, "ezra" <>, "Gilles. Blinn" <>, "IgnatM" <> Received: Saturday, January 22, 2011, 6:32 PM Hey The only "Yes Man" I managed to speak to was a sleepy Joseph in New York but i left alot of messages and I spoke to a few people as well. They know who they are. Correct? I did not bother a single Ezzy yet. For the record nobody has called me back thus far today. Rest assured that I am not holding my breath as I send this email as promised and go about the rest of my day after getting something off my chest about actvists and their greedy insincere actions.

Also for the record I remember Ezra of Cinema Politica calling my old cell phone in 2007 as he was between two universities. He left me some funny screaming voicemails and threatened litigation too. As usual I would always respond in writing and begged the nasty lttle bastard to introduce me to his lawyer and then sought them out myself. As odd as he was Ezzy Baby said some interesting things that I wish I had recorded. I could tell he had spoken to other people about me before he mae his calls. He appeared to be trying to pick a fight on behalf of the Fake Left and that did not surprise me considering all the shit that was going down in Fredericton at that point in time. The most interesting of what that wacko Upper Canadian said was what people were saying of me down here in the Maritimes EH Tracy Baby? Anyway this other people's work not mine BTW The same same indignation I have toward activists also holds true about the issues raised the movie Gasland. new bunswickers really shold ask the Minister of Natural Resources Brucy Baby Northrup remembers what Jac Nasser of BHP sent to me dring the latest provincialelection and why he sent it EH? Please allow me to simply say Potash plus Natural Gas mixed in with lots of money produces PURE BULLSHIT/ If you doubt me simpley Google the expression "Nobody Will Say My Name" to find a strange blog and start reading some very old emails etc if they wish to understand wh i laugh at the following links. I found it interesting last night that Gasland is presented within the corporate media just like the very questional work of Michael Moore and Al Gore is. There is obviously no need for people to go to the various Cinema Politica to see it anymore. However ask any priest or politician if they disagree that the worst lies are the ones with some truths mixed in. On the otherhand nobody gives a good god damn about the truth anyway. It is always money that rules the day EH?That said need I say that I found it interesting that the activist artist Josh

Fox and the pack of fellow anti war actors were once supported by the Rockerfeller Foundation. Very strange indeed. Its kinda like who supports the big talking David Suzuki of CBC N'esy Pas? Even more interesting to me is who promotes Gasland in the USA and whom else they also promote. Who is confused mean old me or the spin doctor named Skipper? i feel compeeled to ask has he even watched the movie he promotes? I know for a fact one of Bond's associates has not as of earlier today anyway. Energy/Petrochemical Overview Rachel Shields 504-527-6939 Louisiana is the number one producer of crude oil in the nation as well as the number two producer of natural gas. Roughly 88 percent of the nations offshore oil rigs are located off Louisianas coast. The Greater New Orleans Region is the states energy hub, home to a number of growing refineries and petrochemical plants with planned expansions over the next 2-3 years totaling $6.4 billion. TOO TOO SAD AND FUNNY AT THE SAME TIME Furthermore I also noticed like most activists Josh and his associates do not offer much of their own contact information other than certain email addresses as they suggest that many folks contact many others and raise a little hell for them. Notice in his film he calls lot of people on the phone and presents their messages like I do but he never tells anyone his phone number? Go figure EH Tracy Baby of Fat Fred City? Need say that I am used to the nonsense of your blogging btt buddy Chucky Leblanc No doubt he will never dare to say my name anymore. I am tired of Cardy of the NDP and your many other noname Fake Left friends everywhere else in New Brunswick calling me names. owever I am thankful for cary's recent vocemails. At least I have a name and did run for public office after litigating against US Attorney Generals and Treasury Agents in YankeeDoodleland. Has Cardy done so yet? What have you other activists in Fat Fred City done but watch movies and put on a show protesting infront of your political friends and then go party with them afterwards? Where do you so called activists get your funding? DUHHH??? Methinks that everyone should take Josh's advice and then follow it up

by NEVER EVER voting for the same smiling bastards again. The odds are that someday we may get somebody who may behave like Birgitta Jonsdottir to sit in our parliament. "Integrity Yea Right" Google that simple expression if ya dare. Anyone with half a mind can see that I have been there and done that many times while legions of far from ethical activists ither made fun of me or worse yet made false allegations against me. EH EZRA? Veritas Vincit David Raymond Amos P.S it should prove interesting to mean old me to see if anyone ever has the balls to call me back after attempting to understand the rest of this email about the actions of activists and lawyers here there and everwhere. I know the liberals never will again after your executive in Upper Canada called me last month and asked some some very dumb questions. Perhaps you should call Ms Jonsdottir and say hey to her for mean old me EH IGGY? ---------- Forwarded message ---------From: David Amos <> Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2011 23:26:39 -0400 Subject: Re Wikileaks and Pfc Manning etc I just called you Mr Coombs my number is 902 800 0369 Correct? To:, "" <>, "Julian Assange)" <>, julian <>, julian <>,,,,,,,,,, Cc: "rick. skinner" <>, "" <>, "john.adams" <>,, maritime_malaise <> ---------- Forwarded message ---------From: Wayne_Boone <> Date: Fri, 14 Jan 2011 09:51:21 -0500 Subject: RE: I noticed you report about Assange etc but not about my

friend Birgitta Jonsdottir Howcome? To: David Amos <> I am not certain why you sent this to me, David. Sincerely, Wayne Boone CD PhD Assistant Professor, Infrastructure Protection and International Security (IPIS) Program The Norman Paterson School of International Affairs (NPSIA) Deputy Director, Canadian Centre of Intelligence and Security Studies (CCISS) Room 1315 Dunton Tower Tel: +1 613-520-2600 ext. 6672 Cell: +1 613 863-2993 Fax: +1 613-520-2889 -----Original Message----From: David Amos [] Sent: Friday, January 14, 2011 9:43 AM To:;; Melissa_Haussman;; RICHARD_NIMIJEAN Cc:;; danfour; plee; pleebooks Subject: Fwd: I noticed you report about Assange etc but not about my friend Birgitta Jonsdottir Howcome? From: David Amos <> Date: Thu, 13 Jan 2011 23:33:32 -0400 Subject: Notice that I knew Assange before he got World Famous? To: CLG_News <> From: "Julian Assange)" <> Date: Sun, 7 Mar 2010 18:15:46 +0000 (GMT) Subject: Al Jazeera on Iceland's plan for a press safe haven To:

FYI: Al-Jazeera's take on Iceland's proposed media safe haven More info Julian Assange Editor WikiLeaks

---------- Forwarded message ---------From: David Amos <> Date: Thu, 13 Jan 2011 23:00:16 -0400 Subject: I noticed you report about Assange etc but not about my friend Birgitta Jonsdottir Howcome? To: CLG_News <> ---------- Forwarded message ---------From: Birgitta Jonsdottir <> Date: Sat, 8 Jan 2011 22:37:13 +0000 Subject: Re: RE Canada, the USA, Iceland, Wikileaks, IMMI and Bankers etc the US Attorney Marc Litt no doubt remembers me EH Wendy? To: David Amos <> got your letter David will try to find time to read all the information soon all my best birgitta On Jan 8, 2011, at 4:06 PM, David Amos wrote: > > > > --- On Fri, 1/7/11, Hancox, Rick (NBSC/CVMNB) <> wrote: > > > From: Hancox, Rick (NBSC/CVMNB) <> > Subject: Out of Office: FYI pursuant to the voicemails from Joyce I > talked to her and Laura in Clarke's offices > To: "David Amos" <> > Received: Friday, January 7, 2011, 10:19 PM > > > G'Day/Bonjour, Thanks for your e-mail. I am out of the office until > Monday 10 January, at which time I should be able to respond to your > email. If you need more immediate assistance, please call Gisele > Allard at 506 658-2696. Thanks/Merci Rick > > > ---------- Forwarded message ---------> From: David Amos <>

> Date: Fri, 7 Jan 2011 14:19:39 -0800 (PST) > Subject: FYI pursuant to the voicemails from Joyce I talked to her and > Laura in Clarke's offices > To:, pm <>, >,, "Randy.McGinnis" > <>,, >, "rick. skinner" <>, >,, "PATRICK. MURPHY" > <>, > Cc:,, >,, "jack.macdougall" > <>,, >, toewsv1 <>, >,, >, "Gilles. Blinn" > <>, "gilles.moreau" > <> > > > > --- On Fri, 1/7/11, David Amos <> wrote: > > > From: David Amos <> > Subject: I am on the phone to Mr Cullen right now > To: > Cc: "maritime_malaise" <> > Received: Friday, January 7, 2011, 7:27 PM > > > ---------- Forwarded message ---------> From: David Amos <> > Date: Fri, 7 Jan 2011 14:29:28 -0400 > Subject: Attn Rebbecca Regan 1 415 436 9333 ext 135 > To:, > Cc: maritime_malaise <> > > ---------- Forwarded message ---------> From: Facebook <> > Date: Sun, 2 Jan 2011 04:35:07 -0800 > Subject: Birgitta Jonsdottir confirmed you as a friend on Facebook... > To: David Raymond Amos <> > Hi David, > Birgitta confirmed you as a friend on Facebook. > Thanks, > The Facebook Team

> To view Birgitta's profile or write on her Wall, follow this link: > > ======================================= > This message was intended for If you do > not wish to receive this type of email from Facebook in the future, > please follow the link below to unsubscribe. > eG1b > Facebook, Inc. P.O. Box 10005, Palo Alto, CA 94303 > > ---------- Forwarded message ---------> From: David Amos <> > Date: Sat, 1 Jan 2011 11:32:28 -0400 > Subject: Birgitta I don't know if you will get my message in Facebook > so I also sent it this way as a doublecheck > To: > Cc: maritime_malaise <>,, >,, > > Happy New Year Birgitta > > My foes have been fairly wicked as of late and attacking my friends as > well. I may head the smiling bastards off at the pass so to speak go > into the woods again with no internet etc before I get a bums rush and > possibly lose another good friend. > > Thus I am passing around the world many email exchanges of mine over > the years before I am out of touch with everyone. One of them is ours > from December 8th. I will forward you one example byway of gmail so > you will see I did not put you down and that accurate I felt you were > entitled to know so that you would not think I was using your name > behind your back. > > I understand that you must be busy particulary over Xmass. Trust that > I am still a fan of yours but I must defend my butt fromany cops etc > and try to keep out of jail the best way I know how with what little > assets I have. > > I truly do wish you well but I do wish Iceland and then later IMMI had > checked my work and got back to me long ago. > > If nothing else please check out this old blog. It contains a very > rare document that should be of interest to IMMI or any whistleblower > that as an interest in money. The nasty left wing blogger dude does > like me at all but at least he created it one month before the RCMP

> falsely arrested me and many months before Iceland lost its shirt to > the very corrupt banksters. His blog seems to have certain crooks > quite nervous. If the Yankees, Brits, Saudis and zionists etc are > reading his old blogs about mean old me perhaps IMMI should save them > before they go "Poof" too? > > Here is just one that somebody intereting was checking ot yesterday. > lets just say that Jullian Assange is not the only guy who knows his > way around the Internet. Hell he probably does not even know what the > CSE is. Do you? > > > > Verita Vincit > David Raymond Amos > > P.S. My phone number is 902 800 0369 and I attempted to befriend you > Skpe last spring in order to try to talk to you but you must have > opted to ignore a stranger > > ---------- Forwarded message ---------> From: David Amos <> > Date: Sat, 1 Jan 2011 09:41:41 -0400 > Subject: Most folks do not know this lady or what IMMMI is YET. But > Wikileaks certainly does EH Wayne Lang of the GRC?. > To:, "" > <>, danfour <>, > advocacycollective <>,, > carole <>, "Wayne.Lang" > <>, "Barry.MacKnight" > <> > Cc: "Jacques.Poitras" <>, acampbell > <>, maritime_malaise <>, > > > From: Birgitta Jonsdottir > Date: Wed, 8 Dec 2010 07:14:02 +0000 > Subject: Re: Bon Soir Birgitta according to my records this is the > first email I ever sent you > To: David Amos <> > > dear Dave > i have got your email and will read through the links as soon as i > find some time > keep up the good fight in the meantime >

> thank you for bearing with me > i am literary drowning in requests to look into all sorts of matters > and at the same time working 150% work at the parliament and > the creation of a political movement and being a responsible parent:) > plus all the matters in relation to immi > > with oceans of joy > birgitta > > > On Dec 8, 2010, at 1:35 AM, David Amos wrote: > >> I truly enjoyed talking to you. More to the point I am happy you took >> the time to listen to mean old me. I was impressed with your openess >> and honesty. In return I took a bit of time to study you more closely >> on the Internet and I am now even more impressed to view the artist in >> you. To hell with the politics and the money for a minute. At the >> risk of sounding odd your sincere soul that I sensed in your voice >> came shining through the various webpages. An honest person practicing >> the wicked art of politicking is a rare thing indeed. I must confess >> that I grinned at the possibility of crossing paths with another >> kindred soul when I saw you employ the expression Me Myself and I >> because I often use that expresssion >> >> I also sent you another email to your politcal email address on June >> 24th, 2010 right after you spoke on CBC. (I can resend it if you wish) >> When you folks ignored that and my calls and only sent me nasty >> responses I gave up on Iceland and IMMI because I had made everyone >> well aware I had no respect for Assange and corrupt parliamentarians >> whatsoever. Assange became the big celebrity after releasing the video >> from Iraq but I felt sorry for the kid who went to jail that had given >> him the stuff. Obviously I sent you folks the email below long before >> Assange made the scene in Iceland. Rest assured that I sent him >> evidence of my concerns about Iceland or he would not had sent me his >> bragging emails the following March. >> >> Now that Assange is in jail with no hope of bail like I was a couple >> of times after CBC has been yapping about him for weeks I was feeling >> a little vindictive so I opted to tease some of his friends and fans >> (such as McCarthy and CBC) by reminding them that I was still alive, >> not in jail and kicking like hell. (A host of cops in seven cars >> pounced on my son (who was visiting me) and I at 2;30 in the morning >> right after the results of the recent election was annnounced Although >> I managed to run them off this time need I say it really pissed me off >> and saddend me to put him on a bus back to Boston) >>

>> I did not send you that email with the pdf files attached from my new >> Yahoo address but you will get it in a bit. Heres hoping you will >> enjoy it. >> >> Best Regards >> Dave >> >> ---------- Forwarded message --------->> From: David Amos <> >> Date: Sat, 17 Oct 2009 22:33:10 -0300 >> Subject: RE: Iceland and Bankers Whereas the politicians ignore me >> maybe some fellow bloggers will listen to me eh? >> To:,,, >>,,, >>,,, >>,,, >>, >> Cc:,,, >>,,, >>,, >> >> ---------- Forwarded message --------->> From: David Amos <> >> Date: Sat, 17 Oct 2009 21:23:15 -0300 >> Subject: Fwd: You mentioned Iceland and Bankers just now and I smiled >> To: >> Cc: "Jacques.Poitras" <>, Dan Fitzgerald <> >> >> ---------- Forwarded message --------->> From: David Amos <> >> Date: Sat, 17 Oct 2009 20:52:42 -0300 >> Subject: You mentioned Iceland and Bankers just now and I smiled >> To:, >> >>> ---------- Forwarded message --------->>> From: David Amos <> >>> Date: Thu, 12 Mar 2009 12:24:42 -0300 >>> Subject: Fwd: RE: Iceland and Bankers etc I must ask the obvious >>> question. Why have you people ignored me for three years? >>> To:,,, >>>,,, >>>,,, >>>,,, >>>,,, >>> >>> Cc: webo <>,,

>>>,, >>> >>> I wonder if any lawyer will bother to read this email, understand it >>> and call me back >>> >>> ---------- Forwarded message --------->>> From: >>> Date: Tue, 3 Mar 2009 15:06:39 +0000 >>> Subject: Re: RE: Iceland and Bankers etc I must ask the obvious >>> question. Why have you people ignored me for three years? >>> To: David Amos <> >>> >>> Dear David Amos >>> >>> Unfortunately there has been a considerable delay in responding to >>> incoming letters due to heavy workload and many inquiries to our office. >>> >>> We appreciate the issue raised in your letter. We have set up a web site >>> where we have gathered various practical information >>> regarding the economic crisis in Iceland. >>> >>> Greetings from the Ministry of Finance. >>> >>> >>> Tilvsun ml: FJR08100024 >>> >>> >>> Fr: David Amos <> >>> Dags: 29.01.2009 19:17:43 >>> Til:,,, >>>,,, >>>,, >>>,,, >>>,,, >>>,,, >>>,, "" >>> <>, "" <>, Dan >>> Fitzgerald <>, >>> Afrit:,,, >>>,, >>> Efni: RE: Iceland and Bankers etc I must ask the obvious question. Why >>> have you people ignored me for three years? >>> -------------------------------------------------------->>> >>> FYI Some folks in Canada are watching your actions or lack thereof >>> more closely than others. As you well know I am one.

>>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> You folks should not deny certain responses that I have received over >>> the course of the last few months from your country CORRECT? >>> >>> From: David Amos <> >>> Date: Wed, 8 Oct 2008 13:57:55 -0300 >>> Subject: Re: Regarding your enquiry to the Prime Ministry of Iceland >>> To: >>> >>> Thanx >>> >>> On 10/8/08, <> wrote: >>> David Raymond Amos >>> >>> Your enquiry has been received by the Prime Ministry of Iceland and waits >>> attendance. >>> >>> Thank you. >>> >>> From: Fjrmlaeftirliti - Fyrirspurn <> >>> Date: Sun, 21 Dec 2008 12:23:41 -0000 >>> Subject: Stafesting mttku >>> To: David Amos <> >>> >>> Fjrmlaeftirliti hefur mtteki erindi yar. Erindinu verur svara >>> vi fyrsta tkifri. Vakin er athygli heimasu >>> Fjrmlaeftirlitsins, ar m finna msar >>> upplsingar samt svrum vi algengum spurningum: >>> >>> >>> The Financial Supervisory Authority (FME) of Iceland confirms the >>> receipt of your e-mail. Your e-mail will be answered as soon as >>> possible. We would like to point out our website, >>> There you can find information and answeres to frequently asked >>> questions: >>> >>> Kveja / Best Regards >>> >>> Fjrmlaeftirliti / Financial Supervisory Authority, Iceland >>>

>>> Smi / Tel.: (+354) 525 2700 >>> >>> From: David Amos <> >>> Date: Wed, 8 Oct 2008 10:53:47 -0300 >>> Subject: I just called to remind the Speaker, the Bankers and the >>> Icelanders that I still exist EH Mrs Mrechant, Bob Rae and Iggy? >>> To:,,, >>>,, >>>,, >>>, >>> Cc:,,, >>>,, >>> >>> All of you should review the documents and CD that came with this >>> letter ASAP EH? >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> Perhaps Geir Haarde and Steingrimur Sigfusson should call me at 506 756 >>> 8687 >>> >>> Veritas Vincit >>> David Raymond Amos >> >> I am listening to RBN right now. >> >> I explained a bit of my concerns to people down your way but either >> the talk shows are never aired or I am now banished from their >> talkshow forums. >> >> Do I sound like that bad a fellow? >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >>

>> ---------- Forwarded message --------->> From: David Amos <> >> Date: Sun, 21 Jun 2009 23:36:32 -0300 >> Subject: RE the Fed and my whistle blowing efforts in that regard >> To: thecommonsenseshow <> >> >> These are the missing hearings I am trying to tell you about >> >> a1-f540-4ce5-a701-b6d09b7606b1 >> >> 91-9065-4f8c-a465-72722b47e7f2 >> >> Me talking about a bit Spitzer the year before he got arrested >> >> >> >> Me talking about Spitzer briefly after he got arrested >> >> >> >> >> >> >> This is the first page of where I store of my files for public view. >> >> >> >> This is some of my Spitzer stuff as it pertains to New York Do you >> know of dr Ward Dean? >> >> >> >> You can find some of my stuff pertaining to the Fed within this file >> >>>> >> Anyone can see the email between the US Attorney in New York and many >> other lawyers etc before and after Madoff plead guilty. I posted it >> right here beginning in comment #327 within a wicked little forum >> about corrupt lawyers and judges on Long Island New York >> >>

> > Birgitta Jonsdottir > Birkimelur 8, 107 Reykjavik, Iceland, tel: 354 692 8884 > - > > > > Better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not. > > > Andre Gide Birgitta Jonsdottir Birkimelur 8, 107 Reykjavik, Iceland, tel: 354 692 8884 -

Better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not.

Andre Gide

----- Original Message ----From: To: David Amos Sent: Monday, February 27, 2012 10:39 PM Subject: Re: RE "Let us hear your thoughts" So I just called you John Trimbach and introduced myself Here is the email you requested

Please stop sending me your emails - they are of n o interest to me and go straight to spam.
From: David Amos <> To:;;;;; thepurplevioletpress <>;;;; contact <>;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; maritime_malaise <>;; richard. dearden <>; bob.rae <>; Nycole.Turmel <>;;; evelyngreene <>; "" <>;

"" <>;;;;;;;; Cc:; dsimon <>; Arthur Taylor <>; occupyfredericton <> Sent: Monday, February 27, 2012 3:41:59 PM Subject: RE "Let us hear your thoughts" So I just called you John Trimbach and introduced myself Here is the email you requested John Trimbach Trimbach & Associates, Inc. Peachtree City, Phone : 770-883-5086 jamessimon500@

I could tell by your answers that the Yankee lawyer Barry Bachrach never mentioned my nmae to you. So for the PUBLIC Record I never heard of you or your father either That was until Leonard Peltier's supporters called me a friend of yours last week and really pissed me off. Need I say I that the FBI or the tough tallking Indian warriors don't scare mean old me even a little bit and that am sick and tired of all the death threats etc against my Clan? Veritas Vincit David Raymond Amos 902 800 0369

---------- Forwarded message ---------From: David Amos <> Date: Mon, 27 Feb 2012 13:15:07 -0400 Subject: RE the BBC Perhaps Barry Bachrach and his newfound friends Paul Demain and the ex FBI dudes should review their own work To: robin reid <>, "Fred.Wyshak" <>, "Brian.Kelly" <>, jcarney <>,,,, "" <>,, "rick. skinner" <>, "Wayne.Lang" <>, "Bob.Paulson" <>, newstips <> Cc:, michael wolfheart <>, jlschmidt <>,

splitting_the_sky <> Particularly before ol Whitey's trial begins in Beantown EH Bob Paulson of the latest top dog the RCMP? For the PUBLIC RECORD The FBI, the RCMP and even the Yankee lawyer Barry bachrach know I have a very long memory, that I keep very good records and that I am very disgusted with the actions of corrupt law enforcement to say the least. Immediately below are some emails between Barry Bachrach and I before he flew to MN to sue his buddy Paul Demain. I used that trip to introduce him to the FBI Special Agent Colleen Rowley. The instant the Colleen woman of CUPE who had been pretending to be so nice showed me her nasty arse I thought of this Yankee FED lawyer with the same first name. Same shit different day tis all.

----- Original Message ----From: Bachrach, Barry A. To: 'David Amos' Sent: Sunday, April 25, 2004 9:37 PM Subject: RE: BBC NEWS Americas Native American prisoner to fight on

yup that's me. -----Original Message----From: David Amos [] Sent: Sunday, April 25, 2004 8:32 PM To: Bachrach, Barry A. Subject: Re: BBC NEWS Americas Native American prisoner to fight on

Mr Bachrach said: "We are not going to go away. This is an injustice and a government cover-up and we are just not going to go away until Leonard is released and even when he is released we will not go away." (: He recently wrote to the US Congress asking them to widen an investigation into FBI misconduct in Boston, Massachusetts (involving mafia boss James "Whitey" Bulger) to include alleged misconduct among FBI agents in South Dakota in the 1970s. :)

----- Original Message ----From: "Bachrach, Barry A." <> To: "'David Amos'" <> Sent: Sunday, April 25, 2004 5:52 PM Subject: BBC NEWS Americas Native American prisoner to fight on

> <<BBC NEWS Americas Native American prisoner to fight on.url>> > > > ----- Original Message ----From: David Amos To: Bachrach, Barry A. Sent: Saturday, May 01, 2004 12:22 PM Subject: Re: Arlo's Trial Remember I stand alone. You just guard my wife's interests. I always let you know before I mention you. I have yet to send the one out to the Graham Defense Dudes because I have no money to mail it right now. so I don't think that anyone knows of you and I just yet. I kinda want to keep it that way at least until you have an opportunity to meet Colleen.

----- Original Message ----From: Bachrach, Barry A. To: 'David Amos' Sent: Saturday, May 01, 2004 11:59 AM Subject: RE: Arlo's Trial i know i don't have to tell you this but don't let him know we know each other. -----Original Message----From: David Amos [] Sent: Saturday, May 01, 2004 9:55 AM To: Bachrach, Barry A. Subject: Fw: Arlo's Trial Try to tell Maritimers don't know how to fish ----- Original Message ----From: To: Sent: Saturday, May 01, 2004 2:08 AM

Subject: Re: Arlo's Trial

David-In my opinion, Rensch provided due process right to Looking Cloud. Was it an adequate defense? Hardly not. That's our system, however. It favors those that can afford it, in our country. I'd be glad to take a look at what you have. Thanks for the e-mail. Fred Youngbear

This e-mail message is generated from the law firm of Bowditch & Dewey, LLP and contains information that is confidential and may be privileged as an attorney/client communication or as attorney work product. The information is intended to be disclosed solely to the addressee(s). If you are not the intended recipient, be aware that any disclosure, copying, distribution or use of the contents of this email information is prohibited. If you have received this email in error, please notify the sender by return email and delete it from your computer system. For more information about Bowditch & Dewey, please visit our web site at ----- Original Message ----From: Bachrach, Barry A. To: 'David Amos' Sent: Friday, April 30, 2004 2:22 PM Subject: RE: i'm jean's attorney. -----Original Message----From: David Amos [] Sent: Friday, April 30, 2004 2:30 PM To: Bachrach, Barry A. Subject: Re: I kinda resemble that remark other than the fact that I just tried to enlist you in the Ward Dean matter. ----- Original Message ----From: Bachrach, Barry A. To: 'David Amos' Sent: Friday, April 30, 2004 2:08 PM

Subject: RE: russell is too pompous to have a lawyer. -----Original Message----From: David Amos [] Sent: Friday, April 30, 2004 1:04 PM To: Bachrach, Barry A. Subject: Re: something juicy like I am investigating him. Once I let him know something then he knows I am obviously am up to something. I will allow him to think I am a Fed like the Greenpeace dudes and everybody else thinks I am. The more I deny it the more they think I am. Hell the Feds think I am a Fed. Does Russell have a lawyer? ----- Original Message ----From: Bachrach, Barry A. To: 'David Amos' Sent: Friday, April 30, 2004 12:35 PM Subject: RE: what do you want to know? -----Original Message----From: David Amos [] Sent: Friday, April 30, 2004 12:28 PM To: Bachrach, Barry A. Subject: Re: Tell me about Fred. If he can investigate privately so can I. ----- Original Message ----From: Bachrach, Barry A. To: 'David Amos' Sent: Friday, April 30, 2004 12:35 PM Subject: RE: are you surprised? -----Original Message----From: David Amos [] Sent: Friday, April 30, 2004 12:30 PM To: Bachrach, Barry A. Subject: Re:

Greenpeace's lawyer in Washington just called me. What a dickhead. ----- Original Message ----From: Bachrach, Barry A. To: 'David Amos' Sent: Friday, April 30, 2004 12:15 PM Subject: RE: russell's definetly he is a phony. -----Original Message----From: David Amos [] Sent: Friday, April 30, 2004 10:55 AM To: Bachrach, Barry A. Subject: Re: Would you like me to jerk Fred and Russell's chain? ----- Original Message ----From: Bachrach, Barry A. To: 'David Amos' Sent: Saturday, March 27, 2004 7:56 PM

<<Untitled>> I must be taking after you, taunting phonies. This is one of russ means' buddies doing a private investigation into anna mae.

This e-mail message is generated from the law firm of Bowditch & Dewey, LLP and contains information that is confidential and may be privileged as an attorney/client communication or as attorney work product. The information is intended to be disclosed solely to the addressee(s). If you are not the intended recipient, be aware that any disclosure, copying, distribution or use of the contents of this email information is prohibited. If you have received this email in error, please notify the sender by return email and delete it from your computer system. For more information about Bowditch & Dewey, please visit our web site at ----- Original Message ----From: David Amos To: Bachrach, Barry A. Sent: Wednesday, April 28, 2004 1:06 PM

Subject: This should be payback for the painting

My wife liked ya. Notice she cares more about pictures and people and ties rather than court crap? I told ya she wasn't a bit like me. April 28, 2004 Lynn E. Crooks 213 28th Ave. N. Fargo, ND. 58102 Timothy J. Rensch 731 St. Joseph Street, Suite 220 Rapid City, SD. 57709 Re: Corruption Sirs, Please find enclosed exactly the same material sent to the Solicitor General Theodore Olson. The copy of wiretap tap numbered 139 is served upon you in confidence as officers of the court in order that it may be properly investigated. May I suggest that you confer with FBI Special Agent David Price whom you appear to know quite well. He has received a copy of this letter as well. Perhaps you may trust his words more than mine as to whether or not my concerns and allegations are valid. I will leave it for you to decide as to whom is an honest man and who is not. At the very least I will be calling you to court to testify about what you now know to be true. I will leave it to you to decide your standing in my complaints. If I hear nothing from you within two weeks, I will consider you against me. I am not seeking your assistance I am demanding that you act in ethically promptly. After your review of the enclosed documents you should see that the US Attorneys in both of your States have failed to answer me within the required six months. I will be complaining of them as individuals not acting within the scope of their employment. As you can see by the letter to the former criminal Congressman, Bill Janklow, he failed to obey the Code of Conduct in Congress before he stepped down from his seat and went to jail. Now the US Attorney in Minnesota who has also ignored my allegations for too long, wishes the taxpayers of the USA to pay the damages for his criminal acts. Can you think of any good reason why I should not complain of them all? I have studied both Mr. Renchs defense of Arlo Looking Cloud and Mr.

Crooks prosecution of Leonard Peltier enough to know that it would be fruitless for Canada to allow a Canadian to be extradited to stand trial in the USA for the murder of a fellow Canadian in such Kangaroo Courts. I do not claim to know who did what where or when but I do know injustice and legal malpractice when I see it. The actions of federal law enforcement authorities against me while covering up a criminal conspiracy against me makes me strongly doubt anything FBI Agents such as David Price have to say about anything. He can easily prove me wrong by becoming my witness against his boss, Director Meuller and all his cohorts. My opinion of you fellas is that you are merely crooked little lawyers in bed with big bad FEDS. Fell free to prove me wrong by conducting yourselves in a professional manner immediately. Otherwise sue me. I dare ya. In retrospect you must admit that we are fortunate that Title 28 Section 530b exists and that Jim Traficants Bill was not a bad idea and he has lots to say about the FBI. Righteously so I might add. Cyall in Court :) David R. Amos 153 Alvin Ave. Milton MA. 02186 ----- Original Message ----From: David Amos To: Bachrach, Barry A. Sent: Wednesday, April 28, 2004 9:01 AM Subject: Re: i am reading this now I took the trial and put it in a word document so I could search it better but I saw quick that it was a kangaroo trial. Seems he is in privte practice but for hire to the Federal defender office. I have already tortured the Fed Defenders here. Charles McGinty I think his name is he is also head of local defense lawyer asscoiation and I tickle David Casey a little about Hank Greenburg Stuff ----- Original Message ----From: Bachrach, Barry A. To: 'David Amos' Sent: Wednesday, April 28, 2004 4:18 AM Subject: RE: i am reading this now i think someone got to renshch. no one could have put on such a pathetic defennse. -----Original Message-----

From: David Amos [] Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 2004 9:25 PM To: Bachrach, Barry A. Subject: i am reading this now I am after him Mr. James McMahon but i want to know what about this guy Mr. Timothy Rensch ----- Original Message ----From: Bachrach, Barry A. To: 'David Amos' Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 2004 8:25 PM Subject: RE: give me some juicy shit ok i will get into it. -----Original Message----From: David Amos [] Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 2004 7:55 PM To: Bachrach, Barry A. Subject: give me some juicy shit on Price ASAP if you can some stuff that makes me dangerous to him. Everybody thinks I am a Fed anyway. We might as well make him wonder who to trust. Everybody can see that I am Freeh and Meuller. Price don't scare me lets make him scared of his own friends. I want to turn FBI agents on each other. So thaey don't know who to call. Only Colleen gets it all and I think it best that you meet her in person and give her the stuff for both of your protection. Meanwhile I will be gone and running tackle for both of you in case someone picks on you guys. Understand the game? Oh give me some names of who defended and who prosecuted Looking Cloud that you consider to be bad apples I am writng the FBI crap now

This e-mail message is generated from the law firm of Bowditch & Dewey, LLP and contains information that is confidential and may be privileged as an attorney/client communication or as attorney work product. The information is intended to be disclosed solely to the addressee(s). If you are not the intended recipient, be aware that any disclosure, copying, distribution or use of the contents of

this email information is prohibited. If you have received this email in error, please notify the sender by return email and delete it from your computer system. For more information about Bowditch & Dewey, please visit our web site at ----- Original Message ----From: Bachrach, Barry A. To: 'David Amos' Sent: Wednesday, April 28, 2004 4:19 AM Subject: RE: this old crook gets a lettle

he deserves it, he is scum. have you seen the videos. if not i have to get them for you. don't forget to send me info. -----Original Message----From: David Amos [] Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 2004 10:01 PM To: Bachrach, Barry A. Subject: this old crook gets a lettle

Lynn E. Crooks Attorney at Law 213 28th Ave. N. Fargo, ND 58102 701-239-9967 Bar I.D.: 02756

This e-mail message is generated from the law firm of Bowditch & Dewey, LLP and contains information that is confidential and may be privileged as an attorney/client communication or as attorney work product. The information is intended to be disclosed solely to the addressee(s). If you are not the intended recipient, be aware that any disclosure, copying, distribution or use of the contents of this email information is prohibited. If you have received this email in error, please notify the sender by return email and delete it from your computer system. For more information about Bowditch & Dewey, please visit our web site at

----- Original Message ----From: Bachrach, Barry A. To: 'David Amos' Sent: Monday, April 26, 2004 2:03 PM Subject: RE: This should really piss her off.

i look forward to it. -----Original Message----From: David Amos [] Sent: Monday, April 26, 2004 11:23 AM To: Bachrach, Barry A. Subject: Re: This should really piss her off.

My wife just called and confirmed that she has tomorrow off. I look forward to introducing you to her at Chinese Dentist time (: Tooth Hurty :) She is a very nice character and not a bit like me. I think you will enjoy defending her interests. She did not want to attack her family and was very sad about this shit for a long time. At long last she is mad. Until the Beach house was destroyed everything that was lost could be regained because it was just words and lines on paper that make money come and go. But all that changed when something that was cherished was destroyed. I have had fun torturing all the smiling bastards in the meantime time but when that happened I was fit to be tied and haven't been able to think straight for a couple of days. I was starting to think like Byron as was mean as a snake for a few days. Since then I have recovered my reasoning and humour. As I said you should not have to do too much at first other than file Appearances and possibly say some shit on her behalf in Plymouth on May 28th. But I have gone way ahead of her on my own and should have all the bad actors in a world of shit by then. I tried really hard to save the Beach House but now we must go for the money because there is nothing left to save. For now I am not saying too much about it because I might as well let the bastards build a new house on our land before we take it back. My thinking is that you are the rear guard for my wife who will follow suit for her. We truly do have no money. In fact we are flat busted broke. If you don't want that Harley I mentioned to use for colateral for your fees, I may have to sell it on Ebay or up at the Keene Swap meet this weekend. I don't know how to get it there now that they stole my wife's truck along with the Beach House (they stole

Woody's car, Ray's car, Greg's car and all of my cars and bikes as well) It is going to really upset me to sell the bike but it must be done to feed the kids and keep defending our interests. Perhaps you may wish to call Whiting and ask him if he understands due process we were never evicted or notified of any of it. When my wife tried to report the theft of her truck the Plymouth Cops ran us off. I finally got the tape of the hearing where Whiting used the fraudulent Surchase and Sale agreement against my wife one week after he denied any knowledge of it to you on the phone. I will bring it tomorrow. The bitch BJ is madder than a wet hen so she didn't think before doing something dumb. She did call the cops. Officer Glen Ota of the Andover Town Clowns called my voicemail talking tough and I pounced on his boss Sgt. Collins like a ton of bricks. She just fucked up big time. I picked her as soon as McLaughlin ratted out the rest of the lawyers in October of 2002. I have been playing her like a fiddle along with a couple other folks. She was the first one to blink. When the BBO attacked her it was an amazing stroke of luck for me. I just sat back and jerked their chains and watched them play right into my hand. This bitch loves to litigate. I want her to sue me or charge me. That way I can speak in court and won't have to pay a penny to file. If you think I am long winded try reading her shit and that is a brief try reading her complaint. That poor old bastard Phillips is caught in middle of the Kickham's web and the wolrld wide web. I didn't put him there BJ did but boy I am ever going to pounce on him. He has some hard thinking to do. Check and see how the clerks pulled the same crap with her. This is really funny stuff. ----- Original Message ----From: Bachrach, Barry A. To: 'David Amos' Sent: Monday, April 26, 2004 10:57 AM Subject: RE: This should really piss her off. i can guess. -----Original Message----From: David Amos [] Sent: Monday, April 26, 2004 9:28 AM To: Bachrach, Barry A. Subject: This should really piss her off. Do you understand What I am up to?

----- Original Message ----From: David Amos To: Barbara C. Johnson Sent: Monday, April 26, 2004 9:25 AM Subject: Who do think a jury of our peers would believe me or you?

Barbara C Johnson (978) 474-0833 6 Appletree Lane Andover MA 01810-4102 Admitted to the bar on 1987-12-22 Current status is Active

Next Registration : December Full office addresses for active status attorneys only. Disciplinary History 1/24/03 XXX: Disciplinary Proceedings Pending Data as of 2004-04-26

This e-mail message is generated from the law firm of Bowditch & Dewey, LLP and contains information that is confidential and may be privileged as an attorney/client communication or as attorney work product. The information is intended to be disclosed solely to the addressee(s). If you are not the intended recipient, be aware that any disclosure, copying, distribution or use of the contents of this email information is prohibited. If you have received this email in error, please notify the sender by return email and delete it from your computer system. For more information about Bowditch & Dewey, please visit our web site at ----- Original Message ----From: O'Rourke, Nancy A. To: Bachrach, Barry A. ; 'David Amos' Sent: Monday, April 26, 2004 8:30 AM Subject: RE: BBC NEWS Americas Native American prisoner to fight on

2:30 works -----Original Message----From: Bachrach, Barry A. Sent: Sunday, April 25, 2004 9:11 PM To: 'David Amos' Cc: O'Rourke, Nancy A. Subject: RE: BBC NEWS Americas Native American prisoner to fight on subject to checking my calendar 230on tuesday should work. nancy can you please confirm and put on my calendar. thanks. -----Original Message----From: David Amos [] Sent: Sunday, April 25, 2004 8:18 PM To: Bachrach, Barry A. Subject: Re: BBC NEWS Americas Native American prisoner to fight on

Jean is asking about tueday after 2pm how does that work for you? ----- Original Message ----From: "Bachrach, Barry A." <> To: "'David Amos'" <> Sent: Sunday, April 25, 2004 5:52 PM Subject: BBC NEWS Americas Native American prisoner to fight on

> <<BBC NEWS Americas Native American prisoner to fight on.url>> > > > >


> > > This e-mail message is generated from the law firm of > Bowditch & Dewey, LLP and contains information that is > confidential and may be privileged as an attorney/client > communication or as attorney work product. The information > is intended to be disclosed solely to the addressee(s). If

> you are not the intended recipient, be aware that any > disclosure, copying, distribution or use of the contents of > this email information is prohibited. If you have received > this email in error, please notify the sender by return email > and delete it from your computer system. For more information > about Bowditch & Dewey, please visit our web site at >

----- Original Message ----From: Bachrach, Barry A. To: 'David Amos' Sent: Sunday, April 25, 2004 9:36 PM Subject: RE: Fw: Perhaps Barby, Danny. Judge Young and you should talk about me

good reading. -----Original Message----From: David Amos [] Sent: Sunday, April 25, 2004 8:34 PM To: Bachrach, Barry A. Subject: Fw: Fw: Perhaps Barby, Danny. Judge Young and you should talk about me

----- Original Message ----From: David Amos To: Barbara C. Johnson Sent: Sunday, April 25, 2004 12:07 PM Subject: Re: Fw: Perhaps Barby, Danny. Judge Young and you should talk about me

Your false pretense of ignorance is no excuse to me or the law. You and your adversaries must uphold the law as your license to practice law for a fee demands. Save your arguments to me for court. You know why I am going to sue you. Do you have any idea how you offended me when I gave you your last chance to be ethical before you started your little circus in the BBO office. You failed to realize how easily I could have assisted you against their malice. We have a common foe and yet you sided with them against me and had some asshole who would not give me a his name call me and jerk my chain. He would only say he was your associate but he clearly read my letter to you. He claimed he was not a lawyer, so my question to you is did you allow him to listen to the CD with the copy of wiretap tape numbered 139 on it? If you listen to it again, ask your self when do you think the people recorded on it that have had their Fourth Amendment Rights Violated sue you as well?

Say hey to that Waxman asshole for me will ya you know the fella that likes to peddle his books in Yahoo. Tell him I may be soon sending young ethical lawyers his way as well. ----- Original Message ----From: Barbara C. Johnson To: David Amos Sent: Sunday, April 25, 2004 11:39 AM Subject: Re: Fw: Perhaps Barby, Danny. Judge Young and you should talk about me

From your message, I can tell you read my response to Judge Young's request. What is your story? What happened between you and the Bar? Fill me in. Thanks. Are you a lawyer or a consumer?

David Amos wrote:

----- Original Message ----From: David Amos To: Sent: Sunday, April 25, 2004 10:07 AM Subject: Perhaps Barby, Danny. Judge Young and you should talk about me

Your minor spit and chew in US District Court is too funny to read. Wait until I enter the fray. Say hey Michael Fredrickson for me will ya? I will deal with you guys once I get back from South Carolina. Shame on all of you.

-Barb -Barbara C. Johnson, Advocate of Court Reform and Attorney at Law 6 Appletree Lane Andover, MA 01810-4102 978-474-0833 False Allegations: Participating Attorney:

email: email: ----The judicial system is very broken. It must be fixed. There are four people who can do the job: Everybody, Somebody, Anybody, and Nobody. Everybody thinks Somebody will surely do it. It is a job Anybody can do. But Nobody is doing it. At least I'm trying. What are you doing?

This e-mail message is generated from the law firm of Bowditch & Dewey, LLP and contains information that is confidential and may be privileged as an attorney/client communication or as attorney work product. The information is intended to be disclosed solely to the addressee(s). If you are not the intended recipient, be aware that any disclosure, copying, distribution or use of the contents of this email information is prohibited. If you have received this email in error, please notify the sender by return email and delete it from your computer system. For more information about Bowditch & Dewey, please visit our web site at -----Original Message----From: David Amos [] Sent: Saturday, January 05, 1980 10:54 PM To: Bachrach, Barry A. Subject: Re: Mpls methinks colleen will be your agent ----- Original Message ----From: Bachrach, Barry A. To: 'David Amos' Sent: Wednesday, March 17, 2004 5:49 PM Subject: RE: Mpls i think i'll need an fbi agent on my side soon. good luck. i'll write shithead a letter. -----Original Message----From: David Amos [] Sent: Saturday, January 05, 1980 11:55 AM

To: Bachrach, Barry A. Subject: Re: Mpls

By the way my wife called Whiting Monday and asked him for a copy of whatever it was that they attached to the new purchace ands sale agreement after we argued in court on February 23rd. His help denied that there was any such thing and never got back to us and yet they billed us for 6.4 hours composing it. It is the stuff I sent ya. I would also like to know who that Mr. Harley dude is that he talks so much to about our vehicles. Mama has come and gone with Gracie now I will leave you alone and go watch survivor with my son and my FBI agent Woody. (Fuckin big Indian) ----- Original Message ----From: Bachrach, Barry A. To: 'David Amos' Sent: Wednesday, March 17, 2004 4:15 PM Subject: RE: Mpls too much shit in life pissed me off. i became callous and don't care about alot of things anymore. -----Original Message----From: David Amos [] Sent: Saturday, January 05, 1980 11:04 AM To: Bachrach, Barry A. Subject: Re: Mpls no this is an old laptop in the kitchen the battery is dead so the date goes back to zero when i turn it on i am cooking for my little darlin so that her mama can take her to flute lessons when she gets home. i was just checking my emails and pissed off at the same time ----- Original Message ----From: Bachrach, Barry A. To: 'David Amos' Sent: Wednesday, March 17, 2004 4:04 PM Subject: RE: Mpls

i just got this january 5 email now. that is weird. -----Original Message----From: David Amos [] Sent: Saturday, January 05, 1980 10:48 AM

To: Bachrach, Barry A. Subject: Re: Mpls

I just got back from court and will I was in the area I checked on the Beach house within the week the bastards have cut down our treess cut the phone electric and cacbl lines(all in our name without our say so) broke into our house again . Boarded it up with padlocks etc so we can't even get at our own possessions inside. They also saw off the locks to our outhouse where i keep a bike boat moter lawnmowers etc and left it wide open so that any can have my stuff. Talk about Piss a guy off. especially after reporting break in and theft five times and checking the bastards myself three times and still the police refuse to lay charges while threatening to arrest me. The last break in the cops found our pots and pans and a bunch of other stuff right where i said they would be. they said it was ok because Whiting has told him to do it. This was long before the so called sale ----- Original Message ----From: Bachrach, Barry A. To: 'David Amos' Sent: Wednesday, March 17, 2004 11:14 AM Subject: RE: Mpls

i have called this guy twice and no response. next comes a letter. i will copy you on the letter. -----Original Message----From: David Amos [] Sent: Monday, March 22, 2004 3:25 PM To: Bachrach, Barry A. Subject: Re: Mpls

OPPS excuse me its March 22nd. I don't see why you couldn't delay it for later in the day or even change the date to suit your schedule but you would know more about such things. I have seen the court wait all day for the Kickhams to appear. I asked why and they say that all litigants have a right to be heard and yet when my wife and I were twenty minutes late to answer a motion that was never served upon her it was already allowed before we got there. It is Whiting that set the date and time. I would think that as a member of the bar they should extend to you the same courtesy that they give the Kickhams. Shouldn't it be a simple matter of calling them and informing them before hand. Attached is Whitings letter requesting the hearing and he has already billed us ahead for several hours to argue his motion. Funny how we

have to pay him to argue his crimes. Now thats fucked up. ----- Original Message ----From: Bachrach, Barry A. To: 'David Amos' Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2004 2:34 PM Subject: RE: Mpls shoot does it have to be first thing. is it a set time or can i call and get it moved to a later time in the morning. why can't things be simple. i'll let you know asap about whether depo is changed. i can't leave worcester until about 845 on the 24th. -----Original Message----From: David Amos [] Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2004 2:28 PM To: Bachrach, Barry A. Subject: Re: Mpls Great news. They schedule it for first thing in the morning. My wife has booked the day off and Woody will be with her. She will have an Affidavit of mine to file with attachments that should make the matter pretty clear to you and as to why I am complaining of everyone in federal court. As far as Mlps goes the delay is good as well. It gives me more time to prepare my little attack on Mr. Price. Perhaps the best thing is for me to give my wife the stuff and she can give it to you on the 24th and you can make your own plans with Colleen. ----- Original Message ----From: Bachrach, Barry A. To: 'David Amos' Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2004 2:18 PM Subject: RE: Mpls i'll be around on the 24th. what time is the hearing? if the depo is moved it will be to the 26th. -----Original Message----From: David Amos [] Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2004 12:38 PM To: Bachrach, Barry A. Subject: Re: Mpls

Give me a call about that trip. I thought you were going on the nineteenth and I was in big hurry to corner Price before you went

however I have been busy with the conservative party politics uphome they vote on their new leader this weekend. ----- Original Message ----From: Bachrach, Barry A. To: 'David Amos' Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2004 12:21 PM Subject: RE: March 24th hearing

i may be going to mpls that day. shit, i'll let you know by tomorrow. i've got to much stuff in the air. i'll try to avoid going to mpls that day. -----Original Message----From: David Amos [] Sent: Sunday, March 14, 2004 9:48 PM To: Bachrach, Barry A. Subject: March 24th hearing

Notice that Whiting charges for every minute of his time except for the time he took to respond to my letter in August when I gave him a tape. Also notice that he has refused to speak to me but does not mind talking and charging for the time to talk to my wicked sister in law Paula(the one who helped to forge my wife's signature while her husband Billy was tied down in the nut house for threatening to kill her) and she has even less interest in the matter than he says I do. All you should have to do is make an appearance on behalf of my wife inform the court that you are aware of the forgery of my wife's signature and of our diligent effort to make the court act ethical. Then tell them that you are also aware that I have left my family and the state will be suing everyone involved for personal injury because of the malice practiced against me including the fact that the court created a fraudulent Notice of my own appearance in order to stop me from exposing crime. Also notice that Whiting has now changed the date of his appointment by a judge who was a litigant against us in Federal Court. This is wicked funny stuff. If I could speak with getting chucked out of court again I would go. But if I did and a guard put his hand on me again I would deck the old bastard just to become a defendant in a jury trial. That would not be the kind of man that I wish my son to follow. I want to remain ethical for his benefit not theirs. I see no reason for you not to have a little fun though. I wish you would just to stop them

from tearing down the beach house my wife and kids treasure. Rest assured when I get back, I will sue them all in New Hampshire. Right now I am too pissed off to think straight. I would really like to take it out on Whitey Bulger. If I manage to drop the bastard, I will readily admit it, claim the reward and see no need to explain why. It is obvious that it is time for me to go when the last sentence makes perfect sense to me. Life is too short to feel this mean. I was looking for you on TV yesterday and figured out that it must air on Monday the fact that they call it live is obviously bulshit eh. I have a hell of a letter going out to Crier and her boss Rikki. I am just waiting to hear what you said on the show.

This e-mail message is generated from the law firm of Bowditch & Dewey, LLP and contains information that is confidential and may be privileged as an attorney/client communication or as attorney work product. The information is intended to be disclosed solely to the addressee(s). If you are not the intended recipient, be aware that any disclosure, copying, distribution or use of the contents of this email information is prohibited. If you have received this email in error, please notify the sender by return email and delete it from your computer system. For more information about Bowditch & Dewey, please visit our web site at

From: David Amos <> Date: Sun, 26 Feb 2012 10:17:33 -0400 Subject: Hey Looking Back Woman-Suzanne Dupree I like your style Please say Hoka Hey to the Yankee lawyer Barry Bachrach for me as well will ya? To:, almabrooks26 <>, "" <>, dsimon <> Cc:, "rick. skinner" <>, "Wayne.Lang" <>, "Bob.Paulson" <> Barry Bachrach, Esquire The Law Office of Barry Bachrach 62 Paxton Street Leicester, MA 01524 Telephone No.: (508) 892-1533 Facsimile No.: (508) 892-1633 Email: ---------- Forwarded message ---------From: David Amos <> Date: Mon, 27 Feb 2012 07:36:31 -0800 (PST) Subject: Wow Your buddies within CUPE have shown me their nasty arse in record time To:,, Cc:, David Amos <>,,, evelyngreene <>, occupyfredericton <>,, Arthur Taylor <>,

--- On Mon, 2/27/12, Colleen Reynolds <> wrote:

From: Colleen Reynolds <> Subject: RE: Re "MACDONELL JOHN" <9028837308> Your wish is my command To: "David Amos" <> Date: Monday, February 27, 2012, 7:31 AM Hello David, CUPE is very clear in our support for the release of Leonard Pelletier. Please do not send any more email to regarding this matter. I will not respond to any email that does not directly relate to the work we do for our members or the position we have taken on related issues. In addition, I personally find the content of this email to be unprofessional and at times offensive.


From: David Amos [] Sent: Monday, February 27, 2012 10:14 AM To:;;; Colleen Reynolds Cc: David Amos; Subject: Re "MACDONELL JOHN" <9028837308> Your wish is my command Check the attachments Perhaps you should have long talk with Ross Landry and CUPE ASAP ---------- Forwarded message ---------From: David Amos <> Date: Fri, 24 Feb 2012 14:50:35 -0400 Subject: RE Murdered Mobsters (buried in Nova Scotia) and one murdered Indian lady from Nova Scotia Perhaps the EX RCMP Officer Ross Landry should talk to Yankees ASAP EH? To:,,,,, dsimon <>, toewsv1 <>,, robin reid <>,, Cc: "Fred.Wyshak" <>, "Brian.Kelly" <>, jcarney <>, pm <>,, "" <>,

---------- Forwarded message ---------From: David Amos <> Date: Tue, 21 Feb 2012 15:44:53 -0400 Subject: The Bullshiter Paul Demain should not deny that I just got off the phone with him and that he wished me luck suing him and his butt buddy te back stabbing Barry Bachrach To:,, Ireland For Peltier <>,,,,,,, contact <>,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Cc:, maritime_malaise <>,, "richard. dearden" <>, "bob.rae" <>, "Nycole.Turmel" <>, Quetzal Tzab <>, pm <>, evelyngreene <>, "" <>, "" <>,,, toby13 <>,, michael wolfheart <>,,, counsel <>, toewsv1 <> dc899e809c231c89970098c46475

On 2/21/12, David Amos <> wrote: > From: michael wolfheart <> > Date: Tue, 21 Feb 2012 12:19:11 -0600 > Subject: RE; Mr. Amos. > To: > > > Greeting's LPDOC chapter Member, > > So far i have decided not to respond to this David Amos clown, It > looks like to me he is just another person on a long list of > provocateurs that is coming out of the rotted wood work to create > disharmony and disruption among our support network. In my opinion he > should be treated just like Ed woods and Joe Trimbach - Give him no > further attention or words to spin. > > He makes it very clear to me that he does not support Leonard's > freedom and truly does not understand the facts of Leonard's case . > He may very well be a plant from the other side to discredit the LPDOC

> and other native groups, His intentions are out of balance and no > further attention or time should be spent debating with him. We do > not have time to spend debating with people that have no intentions on > working as a team on behalf of Leonard and Native rights issues. This > message will be sent to Mr. Amos and the others, That will be the last > time i communicate with Mr. Amos or anyone that chooses to continue > communications with him. > > M. Wolf Heart.LPDOC. > > On 2/21/12, David Amos <> wrote: >> Dear magicJack User: >> >> You received a new 0:03 minutes voicemail message, on Tuesday, >> February 21, 2012 at 09:21:06 AM in mailbox 9028000369 from "CUPE" >> <4162924287>. >> >> >> >> Compare >> >> >> >> - Forwarded message >> From: David Amos >> Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2012 10:29:20 -0400 >> Subject: Re: Occupy Wall St and the former spokesperson Bill Csapo >> It appears that your email and phone number no longer function WHY??? >> To:, RT-US , Frank. McKenna , >>, , birgittajoy , >> birgitta ,,, >>,, >>, robin reid , j.kroes , Barry.Shaw , >> Mackay.P , bairdj ,, >> Cc: occupyfredericton , OccupyBostonMedia , OccupyS , >> >> >> From: David Amos >> Date: Tue, 22 Nov 2011 12:32:30 -0400 >> Subject: Andre meet Bill Csapo of Occupy Wall St He is a decent fellow >> who can be reached at (516) 708-4777 Perhaps you two should talk ASAP >> To: wcsapo >> Cc: occupyfredericton >> >> - Forwarded message -

>> From: Mail Delivery Subsystem >> Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2012 14:19:35 +0000 >> Subject: Delivery Status Notification (Failure) >> To: >> >> Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently: >> >> >> >> Technical details of permanent failure: >> Account disabled >> >> On 1/12/12, David Amos wrote: >>> Franky Boy McKenna oversees this park in the Big Apple and the >>> Attorney General of New Brunswick admitted long ago i had issues with >>> McKenna and his bankster associates. >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> From: David Amos >>> Date: Sat, 17 Sep 2011 23:22:00 -0300 >>> Subject: i just called from 902 800 0369 (Nova Scotia) >>> To: >>> >>> >>> >>> I am the guy the SEC would not name that is the link to Madoff and >>> Putnam Investments >>> >>> 91-9065-4f8c-a465-72722b47e7f2 >>> >>> Notice the transcript and webcast of the hearing of the US Senate >>> banking Commitee is missing? please notice Eliot Spitzer and the Dates >>> around November 20th, 2003 in te following file >>> >>> >>> >>> From: Julian Assange) >>> Date: Sun, 7 Mar 2010 18:15:46 +0000 (GMT) >>> Subject: Al Jazeera on Icelands plan for a press safe haven >>> To: >>>

>>> FYI: Al-Jazeeras take on Icelands proposed media safe haven >>> >>> >>> >>> More info >>> >>> Julian Assange >>> Editor >>> WikiLeaks >>> >>> >>> >>> From: Birgitta Jonsdottir >>> Date: Wed, 8 Dec 2010 07:14:02 +0000 >>> Subject: Re: Bon Soir Birgitta according to my records this is the >>> first email I ever sent you >>> To: David Amos >>> >>> dear Dave >>> i have got your email and will read through the links as soon as i >>> find some time >>> keep up the good fight in the meantime >>> >>> thank you for bearing with me >>> i am literary drowning in requests to look into all sorts of matters >>> and at the same time working 150% work at the parliament and >>> the creation of a political movement and being a responsible parent:) >>> plus all the matters in relation to immi >>> >>> with oceans of joy >>> birgitta >>> >>> Better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are >>> not. >>> >>> Andre Gide >>> >>> Birgitta Jonsdottir >>> Birkimelur 8, 107 Reykjavik, Iceland, tel: 354 692 8884 >>> >>> >>> >>> >>>>> >> On Dec 8, 2010, at 1:35 AM, David Amos wrote: >>>>> >> >>>>> >>> I truly enjoyed talking to you. More to the point I am happy you

>>>>> >>> took >>>>> >>> the time to listen to mean old me. I was impressed with your >>>>> >>> openess >>>>> >>> and honesty. In return I took a bit of time to study you more >>>>> >>> closely >>>>> >>> on the Internet and I am now even more impressed to view the >>>>> >>> artist >>>>> >>> in >>>>> >>> you. To hell with the politics and the money for a minute. At the >>>>> >>> risk of sounding odd your sincere soul that I sensed in your voice >>>>> >>> came shining through the various webpages. An honest person >>>>> >>> practicing >>>>> >>> the wicked art of politicking is a rare thing indeed. I must >>>>> >>> confess >>>>> >>> that I grinned at the possibility of crossing paths with another >>>>> >>> kindred soul when I saw you employ the expression Me Myself and I >>>>> >>> because I often use that expresssion >>>>> >>> >>>>> >>> I also sent you another email to your politcal email address on >>>>> >>> June >>>>> >>> 24th, 2010 right after you spoke on CBC. (I can resend it if you >>>>> >>> wish) >>>>> >>> When you folks ignored that and my calls and only sent me nasty >>>>> >>> responses I gave up on Iceland and IMMI because I had made >>>>> >>> everyone >>>>> >>> well aware I had no respect for Assange and corrupt >>>>> >>> parliamentarians >>>>> >>> whatsoever. Assange became the big celebrity after releasing the >>>>> >>> video >>>>> >>> from Iraq but I felt sorry for the kid who went to jail that had >>>>> >>> given >>>>> >>> him the stuff. Obviously I sent you folks the email below long >>>>> >>> before >>>>> >>> Assange made the scene in Iceland. Rest assured that I sent him >>>>> >>> evidence of my concerns about Iceland or he would not had sent me >>>>> >>> his >>>>> >>> bragging emails the following March. >>>>> >>> >>>>> >>> Now that Assange is in jail with no hope of bail like I was a >>>>> >>> couple >>>>> >>> of times after CBC has been yapping about him for weeks I was >>>>> >>> feeling >>>>> >>> a little vindictive so I opted to tease some of his friends and >>>>> >>> fans >>>>> >>> (such as McCarthy and CBC) by reminding them that I was still >>>>> >>> alive,

>>>>> >>> not in jail and kicking like hell. (A host of cops in seven cars >>>>> >>> pounced on my son (who was visiting me) and I at 2;30 in the >>>>> >>> morning >>>>> >>> right after the results of the recent election was annnounced >>>>> >>> Although >>>>> >>> I managed to run them off this time need I say it really pissed me >>>>> >>> off >>>>> >>> and saddend me to put him on a bus back to Boston) >>>>> >>> >>>>> >>> I did not send you that email with the pdf files attached from my >>>>> >>> new >>>>> >>> Yahoo address but you will get it in a bit. Heres hoping you will >>>>> >>> enjoy it. >>>>> >>> >>>>> >>> Best Regards >>>>> >>> Dave >>>>> >>> >>>>> >>> - Forwarded message >>>>> >>> From: David Amos >>>>> >>> Date: Sat, 17 Oct 2009 22:33:10 -0300 >>>>> >>> Subject: RE: Iceland and Bankers Whereas the politicians ignore me >>>>> >>> maybe some fellow bloggers will listen to me eh? >>>>> >>> To:,,, >>>>> >>>,,, >>>>> >>>,,, >>>>> >>>,,, >>>>> >>>, >>>>> >>> Cc:,, >>>>> >>>, >>>>> >>>,,, >>>>> >>>,, >>>>> >>> >>>>> >>> - Forwarded message >>>>> >>> From: David Amos >>>>> >>> Date: Sat, 17 Oct 2009 21:23:15 -0300 >>>>> >>> Subject: Fwd: You mentioned Iceland and Bankers just now and I >>>>> >>> smiled >>>>> >>> To: >>>>> >>> Cc: Jacques.Poitras , Dan Fitzgerald >>>>> >>> >>>>> >>> >>>>> >>> - Forwarded message >>>>> >>> From: David Amos >>>>> >>> Date: Sat, 17 Oct 2009 20:52:42 -0300 >>>>> >>> Subject: You mentioned Iceland and Bankers just now and I smiled >>>>> >>> To:,

>>>>> >>> >>>>> >>>> - Forwarded message >>>>> >>>> From: David Amos >>>>> >>>> Date: Thu, 12 Mar 2009 12:24:42 -0300 >>>>> >>>> Subject: Fwd: RE: Iceland and Bankers etc I must ask the obvious >>>>> >>>> question. Why have you people ignored me for three years? >>>>> >>>> To:,, >>>>> >>>>, >>>>> >>>>,, >>>>> >>>>, >>>>> >>>>,,, >>>>> >>>>,,, >>>>> >>>>,, >>>>> >>>>, >>>>> >>>> >>>>> >>>> Cc: webo ,, >>>>> >>>>,, >>>>> >>>> >>>>> >>>> I wonder if any lawyer will bother to read this email, understand >>>>> >>>> it >>>>> >>>> and call me back >>>>> >>>> >>>>> >>>> - Forwarded message >>>>> >>>> From: >>>>> >>>> Date: Tue, 3 Mar 2009 15:06:39 +0000 >>>>> >>>> Subject: Re: RE: Iceland and Bankers etc I must ask the obvious >>>>> >>>> question. Why have you people ignored me for three years? >>>>> >>>> To: David Amos >>>>> >>>> >>>>> >>>> Dear David Amos >>>>> >>>> >>>>> >>>> Unfortunately there has been a considerable delay in responding >>>>> >>>> to >>>>> >>>> incoming letters due to heavy workload and many inquiries to our >>>>> office. >>>>> >>>> >>>>> >>>> We appreciate the issue raised in your letter. We have set up a >>>>> >>>> web >>>>> site >>>>> >>>> where we have gathered various practical >>>>> >>>> information >>>>> >>>> regarding the economic crisis in Iceland. >>>>> >>>> >>>>> >>>> Greetings from the Ministry of Finance. >>>>> >>>> >>>>> >>>>

>>>>> >>>> Tilvsun ml: FJR08100024 >>>>> >>>> >>>>> >>>> >>>>> >>>> Fr: David Amos >>>>> >>>> Dags: 29.01.2009 19:17:43 >>>>> >>>> Til:,, >>>>>, >>>>> >>>>,,, >>>>> >>>>,, >>>>> >>>>,, >>>>>, >>>>> >>>>,,, >>>>> >>>>,, >>>>>, >>>>> >>>>,, >>>>> >>>> , , Dan >>>>> >>>> Fitzgerald , >>>>> >>>> Afrit:,,, >>>>> >>>>,, >>>>> >>>> Efni: RE: Iceland and Bankers etc I must ask the obvious >>>>> >>>> question. >>>>> >>>> Why >>>>> >>>> have you people ignored me for three years? >>>>> >>>> >>>>> >>>> >>>>> >>>> FYI Some folks in Canada are watching your actions or lack >>>>> >>>> thereof >>>>> >>>> more closely than others. As you well know I am one. >>>>> >>>> >>>>> >>>> >>>>> >>>> >>>>> >>>> >>>>> >>>> >>>>> >>>> >>>>> >>>> >>>>> >>>> You folks should not deny certain responses that I have received >>>>> >>>> over >>>>> >>>> the course of the last few months from your country CORRECT? >>>>> >>>> >>>>> >>>> From: David Amos >>>>> >>>> Date: Wed, 8 Oct 2008 13:57:55 -0300 >>>>> >>>> Subject: Re: Regarding your enquiry to the Prime Ministry of >>>>> >>>> Iceland >>>>> >>>> To: >>>>> >>>> >>>>> >>>> Thanx

>>>>> >>>> >>>>> >>>> On 10/8/08, wrote: >>>>> >>>> David Raymond Amos >>>>> >>>> >>>>> >>>> Your enquiry has been received by the Prime Ministry of Iceland >>>>> >>>> and >>>>> >>>> waits >>>>> >>>> attendance. >>>>> >>>> >>>>> >>>> Thank you. >>>>> >>>> >>>>> >>>> From: Fjrmlaeftirliti Fyrirspurn >>>>> >>>> Date: Sun, 21 Dec 2008 12:23:41 -0000 >>>>> >>>> Subject: Stafesting mttku >>>>> >>>> To: David Amos >>>>> >>>> >>>>> >>>> Fjrmlaeftirliti hefur mtteki erindi yar. Erindinu verur >>>>> >>>> svara >>>>> >>>> vi fyrsta tkifri. Vakin er athygli heimasu >>>>> >>>> Fjrmlaeftirlitsins, ar m finna msar >>>>> >>>> upplsingar samt svrum vi algengum spurningum: >>>>> >>>> >>>>> >>>> >>>>> >>>> The Financial Supervisory Authority (FME) of Iceland confirms the >>>>> >>>> receipt of your e-mail. Your e-mail will be answered as soon as >>>>> >>>> possible. We would like to point out our website, >>>>> >>>> >>>>> >>>> There you can find information and answeres to frequently asked >>>>> >>>> questions: >>>>> >>>> >>>>> >>>> Kveja / Best Regards >>>>> >>>> >>>>> >>>> Fjrmlaeftirliti / Financial Supervisory Authority, Iceland >>>>> >>>> >>>>> >>>> Smi / Tel.: (+354) 525 2700 >>>>> >>>> >>>>> >>>> From: David Amos >>>>> >>>> Date: Wed, 8 Oct 2008 10:53:47 -0300 >>>>> >>>> Subject: I just called to remind the Speaker, the Bankers and the >>>>> >>>> Icelanders that I still exist EH Mrs Mrechant, Bob Rae and Iggy? >>>>> >>>> To:,,, >>>>> >>>>,, >>>>> >>>>,, >>>>> >>>>, >>>>> >>>> Cc:,, >>>>> >>>>,

>>>>> >>>>,, >>>>> >>>> >>>>> >>>> >>>>> >>>> All of you should review the documents and CD that came with this >>>>> >>>> letter ASAP EH? >>>>> >>>> >>>>> >>>> >>>>> >>>> >>>>> >>>> >>>>> >>>> >>>>> >>>> >>>>> >>>> >>>>> >>>> Perhaps Geir Haarde and Steingrimur Sigfusson should call me at >>>>> >>>> 506 >>>>> 756 >>>>> >>>> 8687 >>>>> >>>> >>>>> >>>> Veritas Vincit >>>>> >>>> David Raymond Amos >>> >> >> >> >> On 2/21/12, David Amos <> wrote: >>> Hey Mr Duncan as the current Minister of Indain Affairs you should >>> pepare your lawyers for the Motherload of Deja Vu Your office >>> received Hard Copy of some of my concerns byway of the former Minister >>> Andy Scott in 2004 and then a great deal more when i ran against him >>> in 2005/2006. If my memory serves me right you lost that election to >>> Ms Bell of the NDP CORRECT? >>> >>> Now that you are back in office and a Minister no less perhaps you >>> should finally consider doing your job before the light dawn's on the >>> NDP's marblehead. Failing that yor really should hire yourself a >>> personal lawyer such as your boss Harper has in Richard Dearden. >>> (Another chickenshit Upper Canadian lawyer too shy to return calls or >>> answer emails). You cannot deny the fact that I have called and >>> emailed your office many times about your consituent in Port Hardy >>> Dana Durnford, the RCMP and Indian matters as well. EH MR MINISTER? >>> >>> In my humble opinion the students in Colorado are talking to the wrong >>> people if they truly seek the truth. Silent Bear did not get off to a >>> good start in dealing with me in an ethical fashion. We seem to have >>> resolved some of the animosity. >>> >>>

>>> >>> However the jerks overseas appear to be far more offensive. >>> >>> This person in Ireland means less than nothing to me HE/SHE does not >>> even have the balls to have a name as they slander me. However many >>> people know that Ireland and I have crossed paths many times Remeber >>> the Police Commissioner Kathleen O'Toole who left Beatown to advise >>> Ireland about terrorists years ago? >>> >>> If this person speaks for all of Ireland too bad so sad for them. >>> >>> My best advice to for Irish cry baby is to stedut every word of the >>> email they have acknowledged. Then sprout some balls or get a fucking >>> lawyer far more clever than the sneaky greedy bastards employed by >>> Leonard Petlier Defense Committee. >>> >>> I have a name and I do not joke when I say Hoka Hey. Peltier's lawyer >>> Barry Bachrach and the Prime Minister Harper and his lawyer Arthur >>> Hamilton knew I wasn't joking about the Irish Catholic mob, the VERY >>> corrupt RCMP and the FBI in 2004 BEFORE the YANKEES falsely imprisoned >>> me. >>> >>> Veritas Vincit >>> David Raymond Amos >>> 902 800 0369 >>> >>> Deny these emails I Double Dog Dare Ya Mr Duncan >>> >>> >>> >>> -----Original Message--->>> From: "Bachrach, Barry A." >>> To: 'moto maniac' >>> Subject: RE: Fw: Something weird going on...FR: Byron >>> Date: Tue, 28 Sep 2004 12:49:51 -0400 >>> >>> you got to be careful. just found out someone went out to pine ridege. >>> totally disrupted a group of people trying to fight the corruption. >>> guess what. bingo, his wife is an fbi agent. i smelled something and >>> told them to find out. in the interim, the work was disrupted as >>> planned >>> >>> .-----Original Message--->>> From: Byron Prior >>> To: >>> Cc: Lisa ; moto maniac ; John Bjornstrom

>>> Sent: Thursday, September 30, 2004 6:44 PM >>> Subject: FR: Byron RE; Mafia Boss visit, yesterday >>> >>> Yesterday I had the unpleasent presents of one of Eastern Canada's Top >>> Mafia Bosses & Drug Lord, from Montreal, a Newfie, spend more than 2 >>> hours in my home, inquiring what my intentions were with my WEB-Site & >>> if any persons have made me any offers to get ride of my site. I told >>> him only threats of charging me from the NFLD. Constabulary. His offer >>> to me was to forget everything & come back to work for him, >>> immediately, if I wish, drug mule. I said no thanks & told him my web >>> site will be there until my last breath. His comment to me was, that >>> may be so, and left my home. >>> >>> John, you have my association chart, he married the Mexican Girl who >>> couldn't speak English, by Judge Lloyd Wicks, at the NFLD. Hotel. >>> John, that list has been with, RCMP, NFLD. Const., CIA, FBI, since >>> 2001, why is he still aloud to travel the world from South America to >>> Qubec to NFLD. constantly, & not be bothered by anyone when they are >>> all aware of what he does, is he really representing them & the MOB. >>> I'm sure others in this group know exactly who I'm speaking about, how >>> do you sleep at night? >>> >>> Should anything happen to me I told him & I tell you all, I won't go >>> without a fight, I will inform as many public as I can & I have >>> records hidden in several places & with many different people. What is >>> most disapointing to me is how many foney & corrupt people are out >>> there without consience. >>> >>> YES, I will stay a member of this group, as long as I feel there is 1 >>> honest person here. 34 years a MULE & for that now I call myself a >>> JACKASS. If you have to run drugs for kids, it's better not to >>> survive. >>> >>> Byron David Prior >>> 66 Readers Hill Crescent >>> Conception Bay South >>> A1W5B4 >>> 709 834 9822 >>> >>> ----- Original Message ---->>> From: Harper, Stephen - M.P. >>> To: >>> Sent: Saturday, September 18, 2004 7:29 AM >>> Subject: RE: They read this stuff Monday >>> >>>

>>> >>> >>> Thank you for your e-mail message to Stephen Harper, Leader of the >>> Opposition. Your views and suggestions are important to us. Once >>> they have been carefully considered, you may receive a further reply. >>> >>> *Remember to include your mailing address if you would like a response. >>> >>> If you prefer to send your thoughts by regular mail, please address them >>> to: >>> >>> Stephen Harper, M.P. >>> Leader of the Opposition >>> House of Commons >>> Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A6 >>> >>> Mail may be sent postage free to any Member of Parliament. >>> >>> You can also reach Mr. Harper by fax at: (613) 947-0310 >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> Merci davoir crit Stephen Harper, le chef de lopposition >>> officielle. Votre opinion est importante pour nous. Lorsque nous >>> laurons tudie avec soin, nous pourrons vous faire parvenir une >>> rponse. >>> >>> *Noubliez pas dinclure votre adresse postale si vous voulez recevoir >>> une rponse. >>> >>> Si vous prfrez nous crire en utilisant les services postaux >>> rgulirs, veuillez le faire au : >>> >>> Stephen Harper, dput >>> Chef de lopposition officielle >>> Chambre des communes >>> Ottawa (Ontario) K1A 0A6 >>> >>> Vous pouvez crire sans affranchissement tous les dputs fdraux. >>> >>> Vous pouvez galement joindre M. Harper par fax au (613) 947-0310. >>> >>> >>> >>>

>>> ----- Original Message ---->>> From: David Amos >>> To: >>> Cc: Byron Prior >>> Sent: Saturday, September 18, 2004 6:28 AM >>> Subject: They read this stuff Monday >>> >>> September 15th, 2004 >>> >>> Liliana Longo Senior General Counsel >>> C/o Assistant Commissioner Gerry Lynch >>> RCMP B Division Headquarters >>> 100 East Hills Rd >>> PO Box 9700 >>> St. Johns NF A1A 3T5 >>> >>> RE: Corruption >>> >>> Hey, >>> >>> Please find enclosed an exact copy of all material served upon >>> Lieutenant Governor Roberts by my friend Byron Prior. The copy of >>> wiretap tape numbered 139 is served upon you in confidence as law >>> enforcement authorities in order that it may be properly investigated. >>> I have also enclosed a copy of the correspondence between the RCMP >>> External Review Committee and I. As you review the same material they >>> got, you can see the folks in BC were contacted almost one year ago. >>> Apparently the dumb bastards dont know how to read. If these are the >>> best lawyers Anne McLellan has got to send against me, the government >>> is about to be embarrassed big time by a simple Maritimer. >>> >>> Whereas I have now received my answer from the Lieutenant >>> Governor of New Brunswick and the RCMP External Review Committee, I am >>> about to file my own complaints. I have given up on my native land >>> protecting my dumb ass. If you have any questions may I suggest that >>> you take my matter up with Anne McLellan or Jack Hooper. >>> >>> With respect to my friend Byron Priors sad complaint, let me >>> be the first layman to congratulate the RCMP in the fine job they did >>> covering up his matters for the benefit many corrupt politicians for >>> some many years. It is too bad that the RCMP werent so diligent in >>> upholding the law. Lets see if I can have any luck tearing the mask of >>> virtue off of the RCMP and the likes of T. Alex Hickman for the >>> benefit of all the simple folk like Byron and I. >>> >>> Shame on all of you. Say hey to the cop in the picture that was

>>> guarding Harper on June 19th will ya? I need to know his name and >>> summons him to court to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing >>> but the truth. He can bring his god along to help if he thinks it >>> necessary but I would rather he bring his conscience. What say you? If >>> I dont get an answer from you by Oct3rd. I will be due to sue you >>> too. What do you think should I complain of the RCMP in a court >>> Newfoundland or New Brunswick? >>> >>> I already know Byrons answer. >>> >>> Cyall in Court >>> :) >>> >>> >>> David R. Amos >>> >>> 153 Alvin Ave. >>> >>> Milton, MA. 02186 >>> >>> >>> >>> On 2/20/12, Ireland For Peltier <> wrote: >>>> Mr. Amos, >>>> >>>> I received this rather disturbing email from you in regards to personal >>>> issues that you appear to have with others. This should not have been >>>> sent >>>> to the Ireland for Peltier campaign group, it is filled with personal >>>> opinions and defamatory accusations against a variety of people. I am >>>> offended by the content and can only hope that you stop whatever >>>> campaign >>>> you appear to be on. >>>> >>>> Leonard Peltier needs unity, comradeship and friendship at this most >>>> delicate juncture in his life. Creating division is a blatant attack on >>>> his >>>> campaign for executive clemency. A grave injustice has been done to >>>> him, >>>> he >>>> needs unity in his struggle for freedom. Please remove us from your >>>> mailing >>>> list as we will not be part and parcel in your campaign to slur others. >>>> We >>>> are all related, lets try to stand strong together not pull each other >>>> apart.

>>>> >>>> In the spirit of freedom, >>>> >>>> Ireland for Peltier >>>> On Mon, Feb 20, 2012 at 6:16 PM, David Amos >>>> <>wrote: >>>> >>>>> Robin Your friend Michael Wolfheart is likely an OK guy but you are >>>>> very wise to not trust anyone and put your family first. >>>>> >>>>> It appears to mean old me that all the organizations are corrupt. >>>>> CUPE, AIM and LPDC are fine examples. They talk the talk about freedom >>>>> and justice but if their hero ever got out of prison their gravy train >>>>> would stop. So they merely campaign collect money of his behalf and >>>>> then spend it on themselves as they actually do nothing at all. >>>>> >>>>> FYI Peltier's lawyers first approached me with their concerns about >>>>> their client's false illegal extradition from Canada and his false >>>>> imprisonment just as Arlo looking Cloud's trial began. I assisted them >>>>> for years and even ran against the former Minister of Indiena Affairs >>>>> Andy Scott in the election of the 39th Parliement. They did nothing >>>>> but stab e in the back just like a Little Big Man did to one of my >>>>> heros long ago. After the election in 2006 iw as so disgusted I fired >>>>> Barry Bachrach and advised my wife to do so as well. Obviously i also >>>>> ordered him to send a pile of Yankke wiretap tapes to the US Senate >>>>> before the former Attorney General Gonzales refused to take an oath as >>>>> he lied like the bastard his truly is about bush' proclaimed right to >>>>> wiretap tape the people he purported served without warrants. Just >>>>> like Harper is trying to do now with us. >>>>> >>>>> In my humble opinion any ethical Indian who makes himself well known >>>>> is either sent to prison or killed. All the crooked ones who go along >>>>> with the evil within longstanding governments get wealthy, play >>>>> politics or go to Hollywood. (Sometimes all three Russell Means >>>>> Petier's former friend is a fine example of that fact) >>>>> >>>>> Veritas Vincit ( and of course Hoka Hey) >>>>> David Raymond Amos >>>>> 902 800 0369 >>>>> >>>>> PS I tied to talk to CUPE Peltier's lawyer Michael Kazuma again today >>>>> but as usual the chickenshit would not pick up the phone. So I called >>>>> his friends in Canada and the USA th Canadian's were rather rude and >>>>> made fun of the way I said the Yankee lawyer's even though they FAILED >>>>> to spell his first name correctly in the big announcement. However the >>>>> Yankee democratic listened closely to what I had to say about Senator

>>>>> John McCain and what he sent me when he was chair of Indain Affairs in >>>>> 2005. >>>>> >>>>> Look for my letter to the FBI Agent David Price then check page 25 >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> This is the letter I sent Senator Ben Nighthorse Campbell at Barry >>>>> Bachrach's request. My Scottish ancestors and that of McCain's always >>>>> said to never trust a Campbell. Small wonder the tough talking Harley >>>>> riding Indian from Colorado quit mid term not long after his lawyers >>>>> got my documents and CD. >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> tier's...-a030017942 >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>>

>>>>> "Mr. Peltier's choice as Vice-President is Barry Bachrach, lead >>>>> counsel for Peltier. Mr. Bachrach is a Litigation Partner with >>>>> extensive experience in managing and handling a wide variety of >>>>> litigation. He graduated Magna Cum Laude from the University of Maine, >>>>> School of Law, has authored several legal publications and is >>>>> currently co-authoring a book about the Massachusetts Constitution. >>>>> Bachrach has bar admissions in the states of Maine, Massachusetts and >>>>> Minnesota and in the United Claims Court, Federal Circuit Court of >>>>> Appeals and the United States Court of Appeals for the 1st Circuit. >>>>> >>>>> Mr. Bachrach has been with the Defense Committee for 3 years and >>>>> believes that Leonard's campaign will offer hope to the oppressed, >>>>> bringing back the principles that this country was founded upon, >>>>> regaining the soul that this country has lost. Bachrach believes that >>>>> Native Americans are the foundation of this country, spiritual people >>>>> who cherish the earth, not strive to own it. >>>>> >>>>> In the Spirit of Crazy Horse" >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> FEDERAL EXPRES February 7, 2006 >>>>> Senator Arlen Specter >>>>> United States Senate >>>>> Committee on the Judiciary >>>>> 224 Dirksen Senate Office Building >>>>> Washington, DC 20510 >>>>> >>>>> Dear Mr. Specter: >>>>> >>>>> I have been asked to forward the enclosed tapes to you from a man >>>>> named, David Amos, a Canadian citizen, in connection with the matters >>>>> raised in the attached letter. Mr. Amos has represented to me that >>>>> these are illegal >>>>> FBI wire tap tapes. I believe Mr. Amos has been in contact with you >>>>> about this previously. >>>>> >>>>> Very truly yours, >>>>> Barry A. Bachrach >>>>> Direct telephone: (508) 926-3403

>>>>> Direct facsimile: (508) 929-3003 >>>>> Email: >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> Freedom for Leonard Peltier and justice for all aboriginal >>>>> communities, says CUPE Ontario >>>>> Union joins other supporters to mark 36 years of Peltier's false >>>>> imprisonment >>>>> >>>>> Toronto, ON The struggle for freedom for American Indian activist >>>>> Leonard Peltier, wrongly extradited from Canada to the US in 1976, >>>>> reminds Canadians that the struggle for justice for all aboriginal >>>>> peoples is ongoing, CUPE Ontario President Fred Hahn said today on the >>>>> 36th year of Peltier's false imprisonment. >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> "CUPE Ontario stands with all those gathering today to call for >>>>> freedom for Leonard Peltier," Hahn said. "And we are reminded today >>>>> that the call for freedom extends to a demand for social and economic >>>>> justice for all aboriginal communities." >>>>> >>>>> Hahn, along with CUPE Ontario Diversity Vice-President representing >>>>> Aboriginal Members Joanne Webb, and National Diversity Vice-President >>>>> Brian Barron attended today's events organized by the Canadian Human >>>>> Rights Committee for Justice and Freedom for Leonard Peltier and the >>>>> Indigenous Education Network of OISE/UT. The groups gathered to take >>>>> part in the annual community vigil in honour of Leonard Peltier, North >>>>> America's longest-serving, indigenous political prisoner. >>>>> >>>>> As Canada's largest union, the Canadian Union of Public Employees >>>>> (CUPE) is part of a large number of organizations and individuals that >>>>> believes that Leonard Peltier was convicted on fabricated and >>>>> suppressed evidence, as well as coerced testimony. Hahn encouraged >>>>> CUPE members and all Canadians to call or email US President Barack >>>>> Obama to support Peltier's long bid for freedom. >>>>> >>>>> "From the wrongly imprisoned Leonard Peltier to the challenging >>>>> socio-economic conditions for aboriginals across Canada, the issues >>>>> facing aboriginal people are concerns for all Canadians," Hahn said. >>>>> >>>>> -30>>>>>

>>>>> For more information, please contact: >>>>> >>>>> Fred Hahn, President, CUPE Ontario, 416-540-3979 >>>>> >>>>> David Robbins, Communications, CUPE Ontario, 613-878-1431 >>>>> >>>> >>> >> >

--- On Mon, 2/27/12, magicJack <> wrote:

From: magicJack <> Subject: New VM (11) - 1:06 minutes in your magicJack mailbox from "MACDONELL JOHN" <9028837308> To: "DAVID AMOS" <> Date: Monday, February 27, 2012, 6:02 AM Dear magicJack User: You received a new 1:06 minutes voicemail message, on Monday, February 27, 2012 at 09:02:10 AM in mailbox 9028000369 from "MACDONELL JOHN" <9028837308>. To access your voicemail: Double click the attached ".WAV" audio file to play the message, or dial your magicJack telephone number from any telephone and press the "*" key at the welcome prompt. You will be asked to enter your voicemail password. You may also click on the "VMAIL" button on your computer's magicJack display. Thank you, magicJack Customer Care
----- Original Message ----From: David Amos To: ; ; ; dan.ahlstrand ; ; Arthur Taylor ; occupyfredericton ; Jacques.Poitras Cc: David Amos ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Sent: Friday, February 03, 2012 11:40 AM Subject: Oh My Could somebody within the CCLA actually be ethical?

--- On Fri, 2/3/12, Cara Zwibel <> wrote: From: Cara Zwibel <> Subject: RE: Attn Cara Zwibel I called the CCLA and tried to tell you people about this email before you talked to the CBC etc To: "'David Amos'" Date: Friday, February 3, 2012, 6:02 AM
Dear Mr. Amos, Thank you for your email. I am not currently in the office and will not be for the rest of the day, but feel free to call me next week if youd like. As you know, we are aware of the situation in Fredericton as well as the legal cases where s. 301 of the Criminal Code has been held to violate the Charter. The information you have provided about prior use of the section in Fredericton is helpful. Thank you for contacting the CCLA and should you wish to speak to me directly, please get in touch next week. Sincerely, Cara
Cara Faith Zwibel, LL.B., LL.M. Director, Fundamental Freedoms Program/ Directrice, programme liberts fondamentales

Canadian Civil Liberties Association/ Association canadienne des liberts civiles 360 Bloor St. West, Suite 506 / 360 rue Bloor Ouest, Bureau 506 Toronto, ON M5S 1X1 tel: 416 363 0321 ext. 255 email: web: twitter: @cancivlib

This electronic mail message may contain privileged and confidential information intended solely for the recipient(s) named in it. Any further distribution or use of this message without the sender's permission is prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please immediately notify the sender and delete this message. Ce message lectronique peut contenir des informations privilgies et confidentielles destines uniquement aux destinataires dsigns. Toute diffusion ou utilisation de ce message sans autorisation de l'expditeur est interdite. Si vous avez reu ce message par erreur, veuillez aviser l'expditeur immdiatement et supprimer ce message. From: David Amos Sent: Friday, February 03, 2012 8:38 AM To:;; terry.seguin; Robert. Jones Cc: MacKnightb;;;;;;;;;;;;; Subject: Attn Cara Zwibel I called the CCLA and tried to tell you people about this email before you talked to the CBC etc

For the record the CCLA would not allow me to speak to anyone so i will call you directly after I click send.

Cara Zwibel, Director, Fundamental Freedoms Program - or 416-363-0321 ext 255

Clearly Chief Macknight recieved it before the CCLA entered the fray EH?. --- On Wed, 2/1/12, David Amos <> wrote:

From: David Amos <> Subject: Oh my Chucky what monumental Bullshitters you and Danny Boy are To:,,,,,,, Cc: "terry.seguin" <>,,,,,, Date: Wednesday, February 1, 2012, 12:47 PM

Wednesday, February 01, 2012

The last time Section 301 of the Criminal Code for used in Fredericton was around 1902!!!
Someone told me this story - Two editors of the Daily Gleaner wrote a bad editorial against the Chief of Police of the Day. The Chief got upset, He arrested and jailed the editors over night. That was their punishment. Shouldn't this be setting a precedent??? From the Editors of the Daily Gleaner to the Blogger!!! Hey? We're making headway!!...:P By the way? I found this little story minutes ago - Click below - Libel section in Criminal Code unconstitutional: N.L. court Posted by Charles LeBlanc at 10:44:00 AM 6 comments:

Anonymous said... The was a defamatory libel case in Moncton a few years ago. it resulted in a guilty verdict. It's not as are are you claim. 11:46 AM, February 01, 2012

Charles LeBlanc said... criminal or civil??? 11:49 AM, February 01, 2012

Anonymous said... We all know that the Gleaner isn't an unbiased paper and that Irving has it's hands in what the editors publish!

12:54 PM, February 01, 2012

Dan F said... Are Canadian courts so complicit with the police that there are no hungry lawyers willing to sue on your behalf for false arrest and malicious prosecution? 1:09 PM, February 01, 2012

stu student law optional said... Great searching Charles that will be a significant precident to change legal landscape to something sensible against this silly libel claim by FREDERICTON POLICE FORCE bullies. 1:09 PM, February 01, 2012

Anonymous said... sigh...rolling my eyes... 3:01 PM, February 01, 2012 Try denying the rest of the email I Double Dog Dare Ya Frenchy. You know as well as that there no need for you to bullshit about researching anything. I proved to leagions of people long ago that you Fake Left wackos in Fat fred City knew all about Section 301 ala Byron Prior and my assistance to him since 2004. Well Chucky baby what YOU have to worry about is Section 300. It has not been found unconstitutional. That is the law that got Byron Prior locked up DUMMY. The CROWN has LOTS of time to figure that one out before they lay chges on April 20th. GET IT YET FRENCHY??? If not why not seek the legal advice of your know it all Blogging Butt Buddy Mikey Baby Archibald (You he is remember the sneaky dude who gave you your first digital camera the year after I gave you your first computer in frint of the LEG in 2004) he ws always worried about tenants rights just like Andre Murray is now. It appearsto me that Mindless Mikey does not seem to wish to comment in your blog anymore or are you blocking him just like you did with

mean old me years ago? BTW I saved every video thatyou posted of Jenn Wambolt in YOUTUBE whom you and Norrad interveiwed BEFORE you delete again or opt make more blogs. I will lay odds that my converstions with Evelyn Green and Andre Murray last week caused you and Norrad to go visit Mrs Wambolt and make your interview and compose a special story N'sy Pas Chucky Baby? ndex=3&feature=plcp Nedd I say why don't you evilblogggers tell the truth for a change or do the Fat Fred City Finest and the RCMP a favour and eat your own bullshit and die? Est assured I will use YOUR BULLSIT against them when I deem the timing is just right. --- On Sun, 1/29/12, David Amos <> wrote:

> ---------- Forwarded message ---------> From: David Amos <> > Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2012 13:28:07 -0400 > Subject: RE Sec 301 For the PUBLIC RECORD now that the Fat Fred City > Finest have evil Chucky Leblanc's Computer > To:,, >, "" > <>,, >,, >,,, > "Jacques.Poitras" <>, >, "mclaughlin.heather" > <>,, nmoore > <>,, > > Cc:,, Barry Winters > <>, "Ken.Zielke" <>, > "Barry.Shaw" <>, "bob.rae" > <>, "robert.trevors" > <>, toewsv1 <>, MacKnightb > <>, woodsideb <>, >, > >

629.html > > > > I see that the CBC etc are supporting Chucky Baby bigtime while he is > supporting his blogging buddy Andre but not the ladies such as Evelyn > Greene and Jenn Wambolt EH? > > > > They can never deny that you, Chucky, his cyber butt buddies, all your > cop buddies and I know a lot about section 301 and CRIMINAL Libel EH > Mr Baconfat? > > EVEN THE VERY CORRUPT CBC and vverbody and his dog knows that you and > Chucky's many cyber friends have been calling me a pedophile for > years. > > > > oPDskJp_jxblg8-qi-TV63wVfxq > > > > > > > > > > > > > > From: Evelyn Greene <> > Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2012 16:09:56 -0300 > Subject: FW: GNB harassing public > To:, > > > Gentlemen: Can you try and get me some press coverage and I have lots > to say. Jenn Wambolt was provoked, then the Sheriffs and police said > she uttered threats and her lawyer quit just hours before the hearing.

> You call this Justice. Evelyn Greene > > From: David Amos <> > Subject: Re: FW: Message to Angie re confirmation that David Banks of > the Dispatch 911 at the Fredericton City Police said he sent the 911 > audio evidence to the Crown > To: "Evelyn Greene" <>, "" > <>, "thepurplevioletpress" > <> > Cc: "We are Fred up" <>, > Date: Saturday, January 28, 2012, 2:38 PM > > > > > MNWCHYGvg_AydA > > > > > > > > > > On 1/28/12, David Amos <> wrote: >> No special treatment when police face charges: lawyer >> Craig Babstock (Times & Transcript) With more than 20 years >> experience as a Crown prosecutor, Luc Labont knows how some people >> will react when they hear an RCMP officer had his assault charged >> stayed earlier this week. He knows that some will have the perception >> this individual no longer faces a charge because hes a police >> officer. >> >> Unfortunately, well never be able to change those peoples minds, >> says Labont. >> >> But New Brunswicks director of Public Prosecutions Services wants to >> assure the public that people who are charged with a crime are all >> treated the same, no matter if they are a Mountie, a plumber or a

>> newspaper reporter. >> >> Our system is based on evidence, not on someones profession, says >> the prosecutor. >> >> The case in question involved an accusation a Mountie committed a >> summary assault against his spouse in December and was supposed to go >> to trial in Moncton provincial court on Tuesday. Instead, the Crown >> asked for a stay of proceedings, saying the request came from the head >> office in Fredericton, which the judge granted. Head office gave no >> reason for the request, beyond saying the file was reviewed and it was >> determined that it was not appropriate to proceed with a charge at >> this time. >> >> Knowing the public is quick to scrutinize cases involving a police >> officer, Labont agreed to talk about the procedure thats in place in >> cases where a police officer is charged, in an attempt to reassure the >> public there is no bias, either for or against an officer. >> >> In this particular case, an RCMP officer investigated the RCMP officer >> who was accused and eventually laid the charge against him in court. >> That investigator told the Times & Transcript earlier this week that >> his work was reviewed by officers from a non-RCMP police force in the >> province. >> >> Labont says while its preferable not to have officers from the same >> police force investigate one another, this particular investigation >> was independently reviewed by two Crown prosecutors. New Brunswick is >> whats known as a pre-screening province, meaning that the Crown >> reviews charges and approves them before they are laid in court. The >> director says no prosecutor deals with files involving police officers >> from their own area. >> >> If Im a Moncton prosecutor and they bring me a file about a Codiac >> RCMP member, I would immediately not look at that file and send it to >> head office, says Labont. If a Moncton prosecutor said no to a >> charge for a Moncton police officer, it would look bad. >> >> The head office finds a prosecutor in the province who has not had >> dealings with that police officer. Because Mounties are frequently >> transferred, they also check where that person has been located in the >> past so theres no conflict with the Crown assigned to the file. >> >> During his career in Moncton, Labont took on files involving police >> officers in other parts of the province of whom he had no knowledge, >> which allowed him to treat each case like any other file.

>> >> We want to make sure they dont get any special treatment or treated >> more harshly than any other person, he says. We ensure the threshold >> required to prosecute someone is met. >> >> A common misperception about Crown prosecutors is that they are out to >> register convictions, but thats not the case. As a sign in the lobby >> of the Crowns office in the Moncton Law Courts says, the goal is to >> present the facts and let the judge or jury decide guilt. >> >> We are to be an unbiased presenter of the facts, were not there to >> seek convictions, he says. >> >> Labont says cases are constantly reviewed leading up to a trial and >> there are many reasons why a stay may be sought. For example a witness >> may disappear, a person can change their story, new evidence can be >> discovered, or a new person reviewing the file may have a different >> opinion whether or not it should proceed. >> >> While Labont cant discuss the specifics of the Moncton case from >> this week, he says he reviewed the file and recommended the case not >> go to trial. That recommendation went to his deputy minister, who >> agreed. In cases where the Crown requests a stay of proceedings, it >> has a year to decide if it wants to lay the charge again. >> >> >> On 1/27/12, David Amos <> wrote: >>> Ms Greene your lawyer and the Attorney General did not respond I >>> strongly sugggest that you print this document ASAP >>> >>> >>> >>> Check this out >>> >>> >>> >>> Need I say more? >>> >>> On 1/26/12, David Amos <> wrote: >>>> Ms Greene >>>> >>>> I just got off the phone with Luc labonte's office. Perhaps your >>>> lawyer should talk to me ASAP >>>> >>>> Veritas Vincit

>>>> David Raymond Amos >>>> 902 800 0369 >>>> >>>> On 1/25/12, Evelyn Greene <> wrote: >>>>> >>>>> Hi Leo, this is unreal. Mr. Labonte is the Director of Public >>>>> Prosecutions; >>>>> therefore, has a duty to ensure the Regional Director, Hilary Drain >>>>> plays >>>>> by >>>>> the rules and regulations. I am forwarding to you a press release >>>>> which >>>>> was >>>>> in the Moncton Times on Friday, October 21, 2011, wherein Mr. Labonte >>>>> was >>>>> quoted on or about the 12th paragraph: " "We ensure the threshold >>>>> required >>>>> to prosecute someone is met." Who does he mean by we if he cannot >>>>> control >>>>> the actions of the Regional Prosecutor to act without bias. My email >>>>> clearly revealed the crown is deliberately withholding evidence. IN >>>>> THE >>>>> THIRD PARAGRAPH OF THIS MEDIA REPORT, LABONTE SAYS: "OUR SYSTEM IS >>>>> BASED >>>>> ON >>>>> EVIDENCE,......" WOULD YOU PLEASE ASK MR. LABONTE WHAT SYSTEM HILARY >>>>> DRAIN >>>>> IS OPERATING FROM BECAUSE MY EXPERIENCE HAS BEEN NOTHING SHORT OF >>>>> CROWN >>>>> MISCONDUCT. MR. RUSSOMANNO, AS PER YOUR ADVICE, I WILL CEASE FROM >>>>> ASKING >>>>> ANY QUESTIONS OF THE PROSECUTION WITH THE EXCEPTION OF FOLLOWING UP ON >>>>> RIGHT >>>>> TO INFORMATION REQUEST. I AM GRATEFUL TO HAVE YOU REPRESENT ME. >>>>> THANK >>>>> YOU. EVELYN GREENE >>>>> From: >>>>> To: >>>>> Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2012 14:51:28 -0400 >>>>> Subject: RE: Message to Angie re confirmation that David Banks of the

>>>>> Dispatch 911 at the Fredericton City Police said he sent the 911 audio >>>>> evidence to the Crown >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> Ms. Greene, As I have stated to you repeatedly, the issues of >>>>> disclosure >>>>> are >>>>> to be dealt by the Regional Fredericton office. Should the Crown fail >>>>> to >>>>> comply with its obligation to disclose you have the right to request >>>>> relief >>>>> from the Court pursuant to the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. For >>>>> your >>>>> information, Mr. Robert Murray is a retired Director of Public >>>>> Prosecutions >>>>> who is hired from time to time to assist the short staffed Fredericton >>>>> office. This person is beyond reproach and has not acted unethically. >>>>> Prosecutors are permitted to speak to defendants. If you do not wish >>>>> to >>>>> speak to a prosecutor, that is your right. In closing, your continued >>>>> attempts to argue your case through e-mails and correspondence are not >>>>> the >>>>> appropriated medium. I understand your frustrations with the judicial >>>>> system, but nonetheless, that is where you should make your arguments. >>>>> If >>>>> you are successful, you can then request the appropriate remedy. I do >>>>> not >>>>> intend to embark in an exchange of e-mails to discuss your file. >>>>> Please >>>>> argue your issues in court, where they belong. Luc J. LabontAssistant >>>>> Deputy Attorney General (Public Prosecutions Services)Sous-procureur >>>>> gnral >>>>> adjoint (Service des poursuites publiques) From: Evelyn Greene >>>>> [] >>>>> Sent: Tuesday, January 24, 2012 8:31 PM >>>>> To: LaBonte, Luc (OAG/CPG); Castonguay, Pierre (OAG/CPG); >>>>>; Forbes, Nancy (OAG/CPG); Alward, David Hon. >>>>> (PO/CPM); NB911 - Fredericton; Lavigne, Christopher (OAG/CPG); Drain, >>>>> Hilary >>>>> (OAG/CPG); Blunston, Darlene (OAG/CPG); Bray, Michael (JUS); >>>>> >>>>> Subject: Re: Message to Angie re confirmation that David Banks of the >>>>> Dispatch 911 at the Fredericton City Police said he sent the 911 audio >>>>> evidence to the Crown Dear Mr. Labonte:

>>>>> >>>>> This will confirm my telephone conversation with your secretary, >>>>> Angie, >>>>> today. I asked her to confirm to you and your crown prosecutors that >>>>> I >>>>> spoke with the head of the 911 dispatch dept. at Fredericton City >>>>> Police >>>>> today, Mr. David Banks, who confirmed to me that he sent the 911 audio >>>>> evidence to the crown already. So why have I not received it yet and >>>>> was >>>>> told by Ms. Drain's office that there is no disclosure at their office >>>>> for >>>>> me at this time? >>>>> >>>>> (1) Please confirm what the status of this report is now? I am >>>>> copying >>>>> Mr. >>>>> Banks. >>>>> >>>>> (2) A crown prosecutor was in court yesterday on your behalf, a Mr. >>>>> Murray, >>>>> who got up during court and asked me to attend outside the room with >>>>> him. >>>>> I >>>>> do not know this man and I believe this is unethical behaviour on his >>>>> part. >>>>> Would you please confirm your position on this matter. He is the 6th >>>>> crown >>>>> prosecutor on this case and I am still awaiting information from Mr. >>>>> Lavigne >>>>> as to the questions he asked of the police regarding irregularities on >>>>> the >>>>> CCTV video and audio given by the police to the Crown's office. What >>>>> is >>>>> the >>>>> status of this information? No one can dispute the fact that the CCTV >>>>> video >>>>> and audio are tampered evidence, right? >>>>> >>>>> Thank you. >>>>> >>>>> Evelyn Greene >>>>> >>>>> >>>> >>>

>> > > > ---------- Forwarded message ---------> From: john kelly <> > Date: Sat, 2 Oct 2010 06:35:31 -0700 (PDT) > Subject: Re: Perhaps John Kelly and I should have a long talk ASAP EH > Peter Teasdale? 902 800 0369 > To: David Amos <> > > Dear David, > > Thank you for your support, this is just a quick update... > > I now have limited access to the internet and the Crown is unlawfully trying > to > trestrict even that, They attempted to have a section placed in an order > that I > have refused to acknowledge or sign. The section is restrictive > unreasonable and > is a blatant attempt to stop me from commenting on their false charges and > providing the truth to anyone. > > > That section states the following (in capitals) " PROVIDED HE DOES NOT POST > ANY > COMMENT OR CONTENT ON THEM THAT IS RELEVANT TO THESE PROCEEDINGS > SPECIFICALLY > ANYTHING THAT IS ON THE WEBSITE WWW.ROTTENAPPLES.INFO AND ANY OTHER > INFORMATION > REGARDING DETECTIVE MERCER OR DETECTIVE FRIZELL OR OTHER NAMED PEOPLE IN > CONDITIONS 5 AND 6 ". > > My next court date is October the 7th and despite numerous requests > and promises > the RCMP cannot provide any evidence to substantiate the allegation and > charges > they have laid agains me. Applications will be made to the Court to get them > to > comply...more to follow soon..... > > truly, John Kelly >

> > > > ________________________________ > From: David Amos <> > To:; peter.teasdale <>; > "" <>; >;; >; >; Jacques.Poitras <>; > "" > <>; terry.seguin <>; danfour > <>; "" <> > Cc:;; Barry Winters > <>; Ken.Zielke <> > Sent: Sat, September 18, 2010 10:49:23 AM > Subject: Perhaps John Kelly and I should have a long talk ASAP EH Peter > Teasdale? 902 800 0369 > > What the RCMP claims is pure bullshit need I mention the name of Byron > Prior to CBC or the mindless bad arsed blogger Chucky leblanc? > > 7/?hub=CalgaryHome > > > ---------- Forwarded message ---------> From: David Amos <> > Date: Mon, 13 Sep 2010 23:57:17 -0300 > Subject: How is your conscience and sense of ethical conduct doing now > ladies? > To:, > Cc: "" <>, > "Dean.Buzza" <> > > Jane McAloon (Group Company Secretary) BEc (Hons), LLB, GDipGov, FCIS > Term of office: Jane McAloon was appointed Group Company Secretary in > July 2007 and joined the BHP Billiton Group in September 2006 as > Company Secretary for BHP Billiton Limited. > Skills and experience: Prior to joining BHP Billiton, Jane McAloon > held the position of Company Secretary and Group Manager External and > Regulatory Services in the Australian Gas Light Company. She > previously held various State and Commonwealth government positions, > including Director General of the NSW Ministry of Energy and Utilities > and Deputy Director General for the NSW Cabinet Office, as well as

> working in private legal practice. She is a Fellow of the Institute of > Chartered Secretaries. > > ---------- Forwarded message ---------> From: "Collins, Susan J (COSEC)" <> > Date: Tue, 14 Sep 2010 09:23:12 +1000 > Subject: Email to BHP Billiton Chairman's > To: > > > Please find attached a letter from Mr Jac Nasser, Chairman of BHP > Billiton > > Susan Collins > Company Secretariat > BHP Billiton | 180 Lonsdale St | Melbourne Vic 3000 |Australia > T: +61 3 9609 2654 | M: +61 427 713 994 | F: +61 3 9609 3290 > E: <> > > <<Amos D 2010 09 14.pdf>> > > >> -----Original Message---->> From: David Amos [] >> Sent: Thursday, August 19, 2010 8:36 AM >> To:;; >>;; >>; shawn. graham;; >> krisaustin;;; >>;; >>;;; >>;; >>;; >> rick.hancox; Bernard.LeBlanc; Liebenberg, Andre; >>; MooreR; danfour;; >> Harris, Brendan; Dean.Buzza; Gilles. Blinn >> Cc: wcoady;;; >> WaterWarCrimes; Penny Bright; tony; Nasser, Jacques >> Subject: Fwd: PotashCorp should mention my concerns about their lack >> of ethical conduct and actions against me to your shareholers before >> you people buy much stock in their stock eh? >> >> With ANOTHER election in the near future I see no need to explain my >> issues again about theexploitation of our natural resources to a >> bunch of sneaky lawyers.(everyboy shoul checkout the pdf hereto >> attache) especially our former Deputy Prime Minister Lanslide Annie

>> McLelllan an the RCMP thought they knew everything seven years ago and >> did nothing let alone call me back just like you an your many >> conservative cohorts NEVER did EH Brucy Baby Northrup? (902 800 0369 >> Notice my new contact number? You an the RCMP can forget Werner Bock's >> now) >> >> Clearly there is no need for politicians to try to be confidential >> with mean old me when the Globe and Mail loves spiling the beans >> sometimes ou woul think those unethical journlists woul know that >> simple truths spoken amongst common folk about corrupt politicians >> have a good habit of coming to the surface sooner or later anyway EH? >> >> Veritas Vincit >> David Raymond Amos >> >> > > > This message and any attached files may contain information that is > confidential and/or subject of legal privilege intended only for use > by the intended recipient. If you are not the intended recipient or > the person responsible for delivering the message to the intended > recipient, be advised that you have received this message in error and > that any dissemination, copying or use of this message or attachment > is strictly forbidden, as is the disclosure of the information > therein. If you have received this message in error please notify the > sender immediately and delete the message. > > With ANOTHER election in the near future I see no need to explain my > issues again about theexploitation of our natural resources to a > bunch of sneaky lawyers.(everyboy shoul checkout the pdf hereto > attache) especially our former Deputy Prime Minister Lanslide Annie > McLelllan an the RCMP thought they knew everything seven years ago and > did nothing let alone call me back just like you an your many > conservative cohorts NEVER did EH Brucy Baby Northrup? (902 800 0369 > Notice my new contact number? You an the RCMP can forget Werner Bock's > now) > > Clearly there is no need for politicians to try to be confidential > with mean old me when the Globe and Mail loves spiling the beans > sometimes ou woul think those unethical journlists woul know that > simple truths spoken amongst common folk about corrupt politicians > have a good habit of coming to the surface sooner or later anyway EH? > > Veritas Vincit > David Raymond Amos

> > > > > > > > >'s_Chairman.pdf > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > is-residents-seek-compensation-for-damages&catid=82:environment&Itemid=197 > > > From: David Amos <> > Subject: Attn Rob Moir I have read some of your work perhaps you > should read something from years ago > To:,, >,, >,, >,,, >,,

> > Cc:,, >, > Date: Wednesday, April 30, 2008, 9:46 PM > > > First things first meet Lenny Gold, Dougy Foster and Joey Podwika. You > can be certain that these wicked bastards know exactly who I am and > are no doubt quite nervous that the Feds have not figured out a way to > shut me up yet. > > Everybody knows that far away corporate lawyers such as these three > stooges have been making the big score off us dumb Maritimers forever > and a day and have been laughing their nasty arses off at us all the > way to their buddies' bank. They appear to fear only one Maritimer and > that is yours truly. Ask them if I am liar or not as I speak of the > Bank Fraud Tax Fraud, Securities Fraud and Murders that you are afraid > to talk about. Shawn Graham should know everthing he partied hardy > with my G.A.L. Brian Bixby's Law firm in Beantown one year ago and I > effected an introduction with the lawyer Leonard Gold because that > very dumb Maritimer came to Beantown to talk to many evil Yankees ten > times more worldly wise than Shawny Baby ever could be. > > Your laments Bobby Baby about lost water really rot my socks. You > should know I covered that base years ago and everybody just ran away > scared. Ask the Minister Larry Cannon why I laughed when he gave out a > little federal gold just before Bernie Lord had the writ dropped in > 2006 in the provincial election. It was very telling thing just like > all the money being passed out right now. > > I noticed that you and all you NDP pals ignored the fact that I ran in > that election as well as the Fed one and the one in Nova Scotia > earlier that year. Yea I saw you and Pat Hannratty ducking out the > back just as I walked in that night in January of 2006. Why you didn't > answer my friend Jack's letter either spoke to your personal integrity > EH? If Rob Moore or none of the Conservatives on the Hill faraway > won't talk to you just ask the lawyer Smith in Saint John the boss of > the NB Securities Commission if I didn't raise a little Hell while he > filled the other lawyer Nicholson's boots in PUB just long enough to > cram the pipeline through to the trunk while the election was on and I > was intervening in the pipeline matter in Saint John at the same time > and Norm Miller and his lawyer ignored my arguments but read my words > about it all on the web all the same. > > Better yet why not have some fun and ask the very strange PCS dudes in > Sussex why they had my photo posted at the gate and the RCMP were to

> be called if I made an appearance there while I was running against > your pal John Carty in Fat Fred City. Your clue to their malice is UBS > and another lawyer named Dave Aufhauser whom I have been battling with > for six long years. Do you even know who he is? Rest assured Lenny, > Dougy and Joey do. > > Whereas you trust the words of the very malicious CBC or the Irvings > and not mine read what the CBC were saying one year ago. Then read > what the local Irving rag wrote about me four god damned years ago. > > For the record Bobby Baby I still remember you commenting on the > trouble I was having with the Feds so that my minor son could return > to the USA to comfort his mother and how little milk of human kindness > you have had in your greedy little PHD soul ever since. Can ya tell I > don't like you not even a little bit? > > > > Read on Teacher pay particular attention to my words about oil and > gas.and crossborder public corruption. For the record I have always > considered the water in Penobsquis a federal matter concerning the NEB > and if they ignore me then maybe i would take it up in the Federal > Court. It won't go anywhere though if Maritimers don't finally wise up > start listening to me. > > > FYI I have started to upload some of my ducument for the public to > view. They can be found here and there will be a great deal more to > follow as my time allows. > > > > This Maritimer Danny Boy Fitzgeral who is studying for his PHD in > Holland made several interesting blogs about me as he attacked my > integrity. In the end methinks I may have turned him my way and in > return I left his school out of my battles. > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > Perhaps you should study them sometime EH Teacher? You should take > careful notice that college degrees mean less than nothing to me. Just > like any true Maritimer it is fighters, foresters, farmers and > fishermen I admire not rich snots that do not understand the meaning > of hard work. That said it does appear that Danny Boy does work very > hard on his blog. I do know how long such things take and his blog is > a fine and as fancy as anyones and constantly updated. I particularly > apprciate the fact he leaves his comments open without moderation. > > Also for the record I signed your Fake Left friends' petition. > > Penobsquis Deserves Safe Water > > 98 Fran Oliver There is no excuse for this situation. A responsible > provincial government and a responsible corporation would never allow > local families to bear the financial and social burden, likely > resulting from a provincial mining operation, while government and > corporation choke on huge profits. > > 99 David Raymond Amos Ask Garth Moore why my picture is posted at the > gate while I ran for Parliament will ya? > > My friends tell me tha the Photo the PCS dudes had posted as some sort > of criminal the RCMP were watching out for was clipped from the pages > of the Kings County Record that contained the following articles. > > The following email and two deleted blogs can be found within one > pigheaded Maritimer's blog about government injustice. After the > Irvings had his pal's Chucky Leblanc' former blog wiped out I had to > tease and torture him into doing the right thing and allowing just one > of my comments to stand. Some much for Freedom on Speech on the > Internet when even Maritime bloggers are unethical EH teacher? > > For the record only the Gypsy and Danny Boy fitzgerald have allowed > all of my comments to stand the test of time and ethics. Thus far so I > must give credit where credit is due. Your chosen profession such as > it is should at least understand that EH Mr. Moir? > > Here is my last post in the blogs tonight. Obviously I do not pretend > to be somebody I am not. N'est Pas? >

> > > Veritas Vincit > > David Raymond Amos > > The following email can be found here > > > ---- Original Message ----> From: "McKnight, Gisele" > To: > > Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2005 2:53 PM > Subject: David Amos > > Hello Lisa, > > David Amos asked me to contact you. I met him last June after he became > an independent (not representing any political party) candidate in our > federal > election that was held June 28. He was a candidate in our constituency of > Fundy (now called Fundy-Royal). > > I wrote a profile story about him, as I did all other candidates. That > story appeared in the Kings County Record June 22. A second story, written > by one of my reporters, appeared on the same date, which was a report on > the candidates' debate held June 18. > > As I recall David Amos came last of four candidates in the election. > The winner got 14,997 votes, while Amos got 358. > > I have attached the two stories that appeared, as well as a photo > taken by reporter Erin Hatfield during the debate. I couldn't find the > photo > that ran, but this one is very similar. > > > A1-debate A1-amos,David for MP 24.doc debate 2.JPG > > Gisele McKnight editor > Kings County Record > Sussex, New Brunswick > Canada > 506-433-1070 >

> > Raising a Little Hell- Lively Debate Provokes Crowd > > By Erin Hatfield > > "If you don't like what you got, why don't you change it? If your > world is all screwed up, rearrange it." > > The 1979 Trooper song Raise a Little Hell blared on the speakers at > the 8th Hussars Sports Center Friday evening as people filed in to > watch the Fundy candidates debate the issues. It was an accurate, if > unofficial, theme song for the debate. > > The crowd of over 200 spectators was dwarfed by the huge arena, but as > they chose their seats, it was clear the battle lines were drawn. > Supporters of Conservative candidate Rob Moore naturally took the blue > chairs on the right of the rink floor while John Herron's Liberalswent > left. There were splashes of orange, supporters of NDP Pat Hanratty, > mixed throughout. Perhaps the loudest applause came from a row towards > the back, where supporters of independent candidate David Amos sat. > > The debate was moderated by Leo Melanson of CJCW Radio and was > organized by the Sussex Valley Jaycees. Candidates wereasked a barrage > of questions bypanelists Gisele McKnight of the Kings County Record > and Lisa Spencer of CJCW. > > Staying true to party platforms for the most part, candidates > responded to questions about the gun registry, same sex marriage, the > exodus of young people from the Maritimes and regulated gas prices. > Herron and Moore were clear competitors,constantly challenging each > other on their answers and criticizing eachothers' party leaders. > Hanratty flew under the radar, giving short, concise responses to the > questions while Amos provided some food for thought and a bit of comic > relief with quirky answers. "I was raised with a gun," Amos said in > response to the question of thenational gun registry. "Nobody's > getting mine and I'm not paying 10 cents for it." > > Herron, a Progressive Conservative MP turned Liberal, veered from his > party'splatform with regard to gun control. "It was ill advised but > well intentioned," Herron said. "No matter what side of the house I am > on, I'm voting against it." Pat Hanratty agreed there were better > places for the gun registry dollars to be spent.Recreational hunters > shouldn't have been penalized by this gun registry," he said. > > The gun registry issues provoked the tempers of Herron and Moore. At > one point Herron got out of his seat and threw a piece of paper in

> front of Moore. "Read that," Herron said to Moore, referring to the > voting record of Conservative Party leader Steven Harper. According to > Herron, Harper voted in favour of the registry on the first and second > readings of the bill in 1995. "He voted against it when it counted, at > final count," Moore said. "We needa government with courage to > register sex offenders rather than register the property of law > abiding citizens." > > The crowd was vocal throughout the evening, with white haired men and > women heckling from the Conservative side. "Shut up John," one woman > yelled. "How can you talk about selling out?" a man yelled whenHerron > spoke about his fear that the Conservatives are selling farmers out. > > Although the Liberal side was less vocal, Kings East MLA Leroy > Armstrong weighed in at one point. "You're out of touch," Armstrong > yelled to Moore from the crowd when the debate turned to the cost of > post-secondary education. Later in the evening Amos challenged > Armstrong to a public debate of their own. "Talk is cheap. Any time, > anyplace," Armstrong responded. > > As the crowd made its way out of the building following the debate, > candidates worked the room. They shook hands with well-wishers and > fielded questions from spectators-all part of the decision-making > process for the June 28 vote. > > Cutline David Amos, independent candidate in Fundy, with some of his > favourite possessionsmotorcycles. > > McKnight/KCR > > The Unconventional Candidate > > David Amos Isn't Campaigning For Your Vote, But. > > By Gisele McKnight > > FUNDYHe has a pack of cigarettes in his shirt pocket, a chain on his > wallet, a beard at least a foot long, 60 motorcycles and a cell phone > that rings to the tune of "Yankee Doodle." > > Meet the latest addition to the Fundy ballotDavid Amos. > > The independent candidate lives in Milton, Massachusetts with his wife > and two children, but his place of residence does not stop him from > running for office in Canada. >

> One has only to be at least 18, a Canadian citizen and not be in jail > to meet Elections Canada requirements. > > When it came time to launch his political crusade, Amos chose his > favourite place to do soFundy. > > Amos, 52, is running for political office because of his > dissatisfaction with politicians. > > "I've become aware of much corruption involving our two countries," he > said. "The only way to fix corruption is in the political forum." > > The journey that eventually led Amos to politics began in Sussex in > 1987. He woke up one morning disillusioned with life and decided he > needed to change his life. > > "I lost my faith in mankind," he said. "People go through that > sometimes in midlife." > > So Amos, who'd lived in Sussex since 1973, closed his Four Corners > motorcycle shop, paid his bills and hit the road with Annie, his 1952 > Panhead motorcycle. > > "Annie and I rode around for awhile (three years, to be exact) > experiencing the milk of human kindness," he said. "This is how you > renew your faith in mankind you help anyone you can, you never ask > for anything, but you take what they offer." > > For those three years, they offered food, a place to sleep, odd jobs > and conversation all over North America. > > Since he and Annie stopped wandering, he has married, fathered a son > and a daughter and become a house-husband Mr. Mom, as he calls > himself. > > He also describes himself in far more colourful termsa motorcyclist > rather than a biker, a "fun-loving, free-thinking, pig-headed > individual," a "pissed-off Maritimer" rather than an activist, a proud > Canadian and a "wild colonial boy." > > Ironically, the man who is running for office has never voted in his life. > > "But I have no right to criticize unless I offer my name," he said. > "It's alright to bitch in the kitchen, but can you walk the walk?" > > Amos has no intention of actively campaigning.

> > "I didn't appreciate it when they (politicians) pounded on my door > interrupting my dinner," he said. "If people are interested, they can > call me. I'm not going to drive my opinions down their throats." > > And he has no campaign budget, nor does he want one. > > "I won't take any donations," he said. "Just try to give me some. It's > not about money. It goes against what I'm fighting about." > > What he's fighting for is the discussion of issues tainted blood, > the exploitation of the Maritimes' gas and oil reserves and NAFTA, to > name a few. > > "The political issues in the Maritimes involve the three Fs fishing, > farming and forestry, but they forget foreign issues," he said. "I'm > death on NAFTA, the back room deals and free trade. I say chuck it > (NAFTA) out the window. > > NAFTA is the North American Free Trade Agreement which allows an > easier flow of goods between Canada, the United States and Mexico. > > Amos disagrees with the idea that a vote for him is a wasted vote. > > "There are no wasted votes," he said. "I want people like me, > especially young people, to pay attention and exercise their right. > Don't necessarily vote for me, but vote." > > Althoughif you're going to vote anyway, Amos would be happy to have > your X by his name. > > "I want people to go into that voting booth, see my name, laugh and > say, 'what the hell.'" > > ---------- Forwarded message ---------> From: David Amos <> > Date: Wed, 18 Aug 2010 16:38:35 -0300 > Subject: Fwd: PotashCorp should mention my concerns about their lack > of ethical conduct and actions against me to your shareholers before > you people buy much stock in their stock eh? > To: henrybanta <> > > ---------- Forwarded message ---------> From: David Amos <> > Date: Wed, 18 Aug 2010 15:47:02 -0300 > Subject: PotashCorp should mention my concerns about their lack of

> ethical conduct and actions against me to your shareholers before you > people buy much stock in their stock eh? > To:, ir <> > > > > > > > ---------- Forwarded message ---------> From: David Amos <> > Date: Wed, 18 Aug 2010 15:47:02 -0300 > Subject: PotashCorp should mention my concerns about their lack of > ethical conduct and actions against me to your shareholers before you > people buy much stock in their stock eh? > To:, ir <> > > > > > > >> > ----- Original Message ---->> > From: "STAINTON-JAMES, Angela" <> >> > To: "'David Amos'" <> >> > Sent: Tuesday, June 01, 2010 5:50 AM >> > Subject: RE: So what is the Conservative MP Hugh Robertson gonna do >> > about people in his riding torturing people on the Internet? In Canada >> > such slander is a crime EH Vic Toews? >> > >> > >> > >> > Dear David >> > >> > Thank you for your e-mail addressed to Hugh Robertson. Your e-mail >> > has come through to Hugh's constituency office when, clearly, you need >> > his Department. Sadly, I do not have an e-mail address for him but >> > the telephone number of the Department of Media Culture and Sport is >> > 020 7211 6200 and they should be able to provide you with the >> > necessary information. >> > >> > Thank you for writing to Hugh and if you have any problem at all >> > please do not hesitate to come back to me. >> >

>> > Best wishes >> > Angela Stainton-James >> > >> > -----Original Message---->> > From: David Amos [] >> > Sent: 29 May 2010 23:24 >> > To: STAINTON-JAMES, Angela; toewsv1 >> > Cc:; Gilles. Blinn; gilles.moreau; roger. gillies; >> > rogerduguay21 >> > Subject: So what is the Conservative MP Hugh Robertson gonna do about >> > people in his riding torturing people on the Internet? In Canada such >> > slander is a crime EH Vic Toews? >> > >> > Need I say that "Satan's Crack Dealer" and his many evil little fans >> > atacked the wrong pissed of Maritimer in Youtube? Scroll down read >> > real slow and then call your lawyer or the cops Mr Roberson >> > >> > >> > Richard Coughlan >> > Faversham, United Kingdom >> > email >> > Website: >> > Phone 07935333407 >> > >> > >> > ---------- Forwarded message --------->> > From: David Amos <> >> > Date: Sat, 29 May 2010 15:46:20 -0300 >> > Subject: Mr. Finkelstein I just discovered you and your concerns today >> > perhaps we should have a long talk ASAP? i an be reached at 506 485 >> > 2578 for a couple of days >> > To: >> > >> > Need I say that I am hounoured that this evil person hates me/ >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > ---------- Forwarded message --------->> > From: David Amos <> >> > Date: Fri, 28 May 2010 14:23:46 -0300 >> > Subject: Lets see if the Russians will understand Fwd: We just talked >> > this what I was trying to relate to the President of Mexico while he >> > was in Canada >> > To: >> >

>> > ---------- Forwarded message --------->> > From: David Amos <> >> > Date: Fri, 28 May 2010 14:19:51 -0300 >> > Subject: We just talked this what I was trying to relate to the >> > President of Mexico while he was in Canada >> > To: atperez_lee <> >> > >> > The easiest way to check something about my concerns quickly is to go >> > to the US Senate Banking Committee hearing on November 18th and 20th >> > 2003 and notice the webcasts and transcripts of a very important >> > hearing about the financial industry are missing. Please notice the >> > crook Eliot Spitzer testified on the 20th >> > >> > >> 3 >> >> > >> > >> > >> e41a1-f540-4ce5-a701-b6d09b7606b1 >> >> > >> > >> e691-9065-4f8c-a465-72722b47e7f2 >> >> > >> > Now look for Spitzer's answer to me on page 13 of this pdf file >> > >> > >> > >> > The easy answer to your next question is YES I am the the guy nobody >> > will talk about. so perhaps you should for the benefit of your >> > concerns and pocketbook. (Google David Amos and Wendy Olsen to see how >> > far down the rabbbit hole I can take anyone) >> > >> > I explained some of it a year ago on many talk shows and nobody cared. >> > Listen here if you wish then go figure whom you should trust. >> > >> > >> > >> > If nothing else have laugh at my espense and Google this expression >> > "Nobody will say my name" >> >

>> > >> > Here is just one of the many reasons why >> > >> > -----Original Message---->> > From: Olsen, Wendy (USANYS) >> > Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2009 9:21 AM >> > To: David Amos; USANYS-MADOFF; Litt, Marc (USANYS) >> > Cc: webo;;; >> > Subject: RE: USANYS-MADOFF AND IMPORTANT INFORMATION FROM US >> > ATTORNEY'S OFFICE SDNY >> > >> > Thank you for your response. >> > >> > Wendy Olsen >> > Victim Witness Coordinator >> > >> > -----Original Message---->> > From: David Amos [] >> > Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2009 8:48 AM >> > To: USANYS-MADOFF; Olsen, Wendy (USANYS); Litt, Marc (USANYS) >> > Cc: webo;;; >> > Subject: RE: USANYS-MADOFF AND IMPORTANT INFORMATION FROM US >> > ATTORNEY'S OFFICE SDNY >> > >> > Ms Olsen >> > >> > Thank you for keeping me informed. >> > >> > Yes unseal all my emails with all their attachments immediately and >> > make certain that the US Attorny's office finally practices full >> > disclosurement as to who I am and what my concerns are as per the Rule >> > of Law within a purported democracy. >> > >> > As you folks all well know I am not a shy man and I have done nothing >> > wrong. It appears to me that bureacratic people only use the right to >> > privacy of others when it suits their malicious ends in order to >> > protect their butts from impreacment, litigation and prosecution. >> > >> > The people in the US Attorney's Office and the SEC etc are very well >> > aware that I protested immediately to everyone I could think of when >> > the instant I knew that my correspondences went under seal and Madoff >> > pled guilty so quickly and yet another cover up involing my actions >> > was under full steam. Everybody knows that.the US Government has been >> > trying to keep my concerns about the rampant public corruption a >> > secret for well over seven long years. However now that a lot of >> > poeple and their countries in general are losing a lot of money people

>> > are beginning to remember just exactly who I am and what i did >> > beginning over seven years ago.. >> > >> > Veritas Vincit >> > David Raymond Amos >> > 506 756 8687 >> > >> > P.S. For the record Obviously I pounced on these Yankee bastards as >> > soon as the newsrag in Boston published this article on the web last >> > night. >> > >> > >> > ormat=&page=2&listingType=biz#articleFull >> > >> > Notice that Nester just like everyone else would not say my name? It >> > is because my issues surrounding both Madoff and are NOT marketing >> > timing They are as you all well know money laundering, fraud, >> > forgery, perjury, securites fraud, tax fraud, Bank fraud, illegal >> > wiretappping and Murder amongst other very serious crimes. >> > >> > "SEC spokesman John Nester dismissed similarities between Markopolos >> > and Scannell's cases as "not a valid comparison." >> > >> > He said the SEC determined the market-timing by Putnam clients that >> > Scannell reported didn't violate federal law. Nester said the SEC only >> > acted after another tipster alleged undisclosed market-timing by some >> > Putnam insiders. >> > >> > Scannell, now a crusader for SEC reforms, isn't surprised the agency >> > is in hot water again. >> > >> > Noting that several top SEC officials have gone on to high-paying >> > private-sector jobs, he believes hopes for future employment impact >> > investigations. "It's a distinct disadvantage to make waves before you >> > enter the private sector," Scannell said." >> > >> > --- On Mon, 3/30/09, David Amos <> wrote: >> > >> > From: David Amos <> >> > Subject: Fwd: USANYS-MADOFF IMPORTANT INFORMATION FROM US ATTORNEY'S >> > OFFICE >> > SDNY >> > To:,, "oig" >> > <>,,, >> >, "Dan Fitzgerald" <>

>> > Cc:,, >> >,, >> >,, >> >, >> > Date: Monday, March 30, 2009, 10:00 PM >> > >> > Need I say BULLSHIT? >> > >> > >> > ormat=&page=2&listingType=biz#articleFull >> > >> > >> > ---------- Forwarded message --------->> > From: David Amos <> >> > Date: Mon, 30 Mar 2009 00:03:13 -0300 >> > Subject: RE: USANYS-MADOFF IMPORTANT INFORMATION FROM US ATTORNEY'S >> > OFFICE >> > SDNY >> > To:,, >> >, >> > Cc:, >> >,, jacques_poitras >> > <> >> > >> > ---------- Forwarded message --------->> > From: David Amos <> >> > Date: Sun, 29 Mar 2009 23:40:55 -0300 >> > Subject: Fwd: USANYS-MADOFF FW: IMPORTANT INFORMATION FROM US >> > ATTORNEY'S OFFICE SDNY >> > To:, MartiK1 <>, >> > "Paul. Harpelle" <>, Jason Keenan >> > <>, Kandalaw <> >> > Cc:, >> > >> > From: "Peck,Dave" <> >> > Date: Sun, 29 Mar 2009 22:32:32 -0400 >> > Subject: Out of Office AutoReply: USANYS-MADOFF FW: IMPORTANT >> > INFORMATION FROM US ATTORNEY'S OFFICE SDNY >> > To: David Amos <> >> > >> > I will be unavailable until 4/1/09. >> > >> > Deputy Chief MacNamara will be in charge while I am away. >> > >> > He can be reached at 254-4831 or email him at

>> > >> > >> > I will not be checking emails or cell phone messages. >> > >> > Thank you, >> > >> > Chief Dave Peck >> > >> > ---------- Forwarded message --------->> > From: David Amos <> >> > Date: Sun, 29 Mar 2009 23:32:18 -0300 >> > Subject: Fwd: USANYS-MADOFF FW: IMPORTANT INFORMATION FROM US >> > ATTORNEY'S OFFICE SDNY >> > To:,, >> > >> > ---------- Forwarded message --------->> > From: David Amos <> >> > Date: Sun, 29 Mar 2009 23:19:35 -0300 >> > Subject: RE: USANYS-MADOFF FW: IMPORTANT INFORMATION FROM US >> > ATTORNEY'S OFFICE SDNY >> > To: >> > >> > -----Original Message---->> > From: USANYS-MADOFF >> > Sent: Saturday, March 28, 2009 3:06 PM >> > To: DAVID.RAYMOND.AMOS@GMAIL.COM >> > Subject: IMPORTANT INFORMATION FROM US ATTORNEY'S OFFICE SDNY >> > >> > In United States v. Bernard L. Madoff, 09 Cr. 213 (DC), the Court >> > received a request from NBC and ABC to unseal all correspondence from >> > victims that has been submitted in connection with the case. >> > >> > This includes your email to the Government. >> > >> > If the correspondence from victims is unsealed, the victim's personal >> > identifying information including name, address, telephone number and >> > email address (to the extent it was included on the correspondence) >> > will become public. The Government must submit a response to the >> > request by NBC and ABC by Tuesday, March 31, 2009. Please let us know >> > whether you consent to the full disclosure of your correspondence, or >> > whether you wish to have your correspondence remain sealed for privacy >> > or other reasons. >> > If you wish to have your correspondence remain sealed, please let us >> > know the reason. We will defend your privacy to the extent that we >> > can. Thank you. >> >

>> > I looks like the US attorney in New York finally has to unseal my >> > emails that you dudes have been sitting on for quite some time for no >> > reason I will ever understand other than you are just a bunch of >> > chickenshits. >> > >> > I know NBC, ABC, your blogger buddies or any other media wacko will >> > never say my name but the pissed off folks that lost a lot of money >> > with Bernie Baby just may ask how the hell I am EH? >> > >> > Veritas Vincit >> > David Raymond Amos >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > From: David Amos <> >> > Date: Wed, 11 Mar 2009 15:48:50 -0300 >> > Subject: Fwd: Trust that whatever covert deal that Bernie Madoff and >> > KPMG etc may make with the Feds they are not fooling mean old me >> > To: >> > >> > ---------- Forwarded message --------->> > From: David Amos <> >> > Date: Wed, 11 Mar 2009 15:29:42 -0300 >> > Subject: Fwd: Trust that whatever covert deal that Bernie Madoff and >> > KPMG etc may make with the Feds they are not fooling mean old me >> > To: >> > Cc: webo <> >> > >> > ---------- Forwarded message --------->> > From: "Olsen, Wendy (USANYS)" <> >> > Date: Tue, 10 Mar 2009 19:08:04 -0400 >> > Subject: RE: Trust that whatever covert deal that Bernie Madoff and >> > KPMG etc may make with the Feds they are not fooling mean old me >> > To: >> > >> > On March 10, 2009, the Honorable Denny Chin provided the following >> > guidance for victims who wish to be heard at the plea proceeding on >> > March 12, 2009 at 10:00 a.m.: >> > >> > Judge Chin stated that there are two issues that the Court will >> > consider at the hearing: (1) whether to accept a guilty plea from the >> > defendant to the eleven-count Criminal Information filed by the >> > Government, which provides for a maximum sentence of 150 years' >> > imprisonment; and (2) whether the defendant should be remanded or >> > released on conditions of bail, if the Court accepts a guilty plea.

>> > Judge Chin also stated that, at the hearing on March 12, 2009, he will >> > conduct a plea allocution of the defendant and then will announce >> > whether the Court intends to accept the plea. At that time, the Court >> > will solicit speakers who disagree with the Court's intended ruling. >> > >> > Assuming the defendant pleads guilty and his plea is accepted by >> > the Court, the Court intends to allow the Government and defense >> > counsel to speak on the issue of bail. The Court will then announce >> > its intended ruling on that issue. The Court will then invite >> > individuals who disagree with the proposed ruling on bail to be heard. >> > >> > The Court noted that there will be opportunity for victims to be >> > heard in the future on the subjects of sentencing, forfeiture and >> > restitution in advance of any sentencing of the defendant. The Court >> > also noted that it is not appropriate for victims who wish to speak >> > concerning sentencing issues to be heard at the March 12, 2009 >> > proceeding. >> > >> > A link to the a transcript of the March 10, 2009 Court hearing can >> > be found on the website of the United States Attorney's Office for the >> > Southern District of New York: >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > -----Original Message---->> > From: Olsen, Wendy (USANYS) >> > Sent: Monday, March 09, 2009 10:56 AM >> > To: >> > Subject: FW: Trust that whatever covert deal that Bernie Madoff and >> > KPMG etc may make with the Feds they are not fooling mean old me >> > >> > >> > -----Original Message---->> > From: David Amos [] >> > Sent: Friday, March 06, 2009 12:58 PM >> > To:; Nardoza, Robert (USANYE); >> > USAMA-Media (USAMA); Olsen, Wendy (USANYS) >> > Cc: oig >> > Subject: Trust that whatever covert deal that Bernie Madoff and KPMG >> > etc may make with the Feds they are not fooling mean old me >> > >> > >> > >> > ---------- Forwarded message --------->> > From: "Sartory, Thomas J." <>

>> > Date: Fri, 6 Mar 2009 07:41:20 -0500 >> > Subject: RE: I did talk the lawyers Golub and Flumenbaum tried to >> > discuss Bernie Madoff and KPMG etc before sending these emails >> > To: >> > >> > >> > Dear Mr. Amos, >> > >> > I am General Counsel at Goulston & Storrs. Your email below to >> > Messers. Rosensweig and Reisch has been forwarded to me for response. >> > While it's not clear what type of assistance, if any, you seek from >> > Goulston % Storrs, please be advised that we are not in a position to >> > help you. Please do not send further communications to any of our >> > attorneys. We will not be able to respond, and your communications >> > will not be protected by the attorney-client privilege. >> > >> > We wish you well in the pursuit of your concerns. >> > >> > Sincerely, >> > >> > Thomas J. Sartory >> > >> > >> > -----Original Message---->> > From: David Amos [mailto: >> > Sent: Wednesday, March 04, 2009 8:18 PM >> > To: Rosensweig, Richard J.;; Reisch, Alan M.; >> > >> > Subject: Fwd: I did talk the lawyers Golub and Flumenbaum tried to >> > discuss Bernie Madoff and KPMG etc before sending these emails >> > >> > Perhaps somebody should call me back now. EH? >> > >> > UK Parliament Disclaimer: >> > This e-mail is confidential to the intended recipient. If you have >> > received it in error, please notify the sender and delete it from your >> > system. Any unauthorised use, disclosure, or copying is not permitted. >> > This e-mail has been checked for viruses, but no liability is accepted >> > for any damage caused by any virus transmitted by this e-mail. >> > >> > >> > >> > ----- Original Message ---->> > From: "R Hide (MIN)" <> >> > To: "David Amos" <> >> > Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2009 6:33 PM

>> > Subject: RE: BENJAMIN'S EASTON'S PROTEST NOTICE ABOUT INJUSTICES I >> > have an idea for you Ben >> > >> > >> > On behalf of the Hon Rodney Hide, Minister of Local Government, I wish >> > to acknowledge receipt of your email. >> > >> > Your correspondence has been placed in front of the Minister. >> > >> > regards >> > >> > Sandy Grove >> > Ministerial Private Secretary (Advisory) >> > Office of Hon Rodney Hide >> > WELLINGTON >> > Ph 04 817 6630 >> > Email: >> > >> > The content of this email, including any attachment, is intended for >> > the named recipient only and is not necessarily the official view or >> > communication of the Department of Internal Affairs It may contain >> > privileged material and/or confidential information. >> > >> > If you are not the intended recipient of this email, you must not >> > copy it, distribute it or take any action in reliance on it. If you >> > have received this email in error, please notify the sender >> > immediately and delete this email. Although this email has been >> > scanned for viruses, this email is not guaranteed to be free of >> > viruses and should be checked by your own security mechanisms. No >> > liability is accepted for any loss or damage arising from the use of >> > this email or its attachments. >> > >> > >> > -----Original Message---->> > From: David Amos [] >> > Sent: Tuesday, 29 September 2009 3:05 pm >> > To: T Ryall (MIN); Amy Adams; Jim Anderton; >> >; Jacinda Ardern; Shane Ardern; Chris >> > Auchinvole; Kanwaljit Singh Bakshi; Rick Barker; Carol Beaumont; David >> > Bennett; Loren Bolton (MIN); Jackie Blue; Chester Borrows; >> >;; John Boscawen; >> > Sue Bradford;; Simon Bridges; Natalie >> > Roberts (MIN); Brendon Burns;; Chris Carter; >> >; D Carter (MIN);; J Carter >> > (MIN);; Steve Chadwick; Charles >> > Chauvel; Ashraf Choudhary; J Coleman (MIN); J Collins (MIN);

>> >; Clayton Cosgrove; >> >; David Cunliffe; >> >; Clare Curran;; >> > Kelvin Davis; Jacqui Dean; Catherine Delahunty; Roger Douglas; P Dunne >> > (MIN);; Ruth Dyson;; B >> > English (MIN);; Darien Fenton; >> >; C Finlayson (MIN); Jeanette Fitzsimons; Te >> > Ururoa Flavell; Craig Foss;; David >> > Garrett; Aaron Gilmore;;; >> > Jo Goodhew;; Kennedy Graham; Hon. Tim >> > Groser (MIN);; >> >;; Kevin >> > Hague; Hone Harawira; Terry Ututaonga; George Hawkins; John Hayes; P >> > Heatley (MIN); Tau Henare;; R Hide (MIN); >> >; Paul Hutchison;; >> > Shane Jones;; S Joyce (MIN); Rahui Katene; >> > Nikki Kaye; Sue Kedgley; J Key (MIN);; >> >;; >> >;; >> >; Melissa Lee; >> >; Keith Locke; >> >; >> >; Tim Macindoe; >> >; Nanaia Mahuta; >> >; Trevor Mallard;; >> >; W Mapp (MIN); Todd McClay; M McCully (MIN); >> >; Sue Moroney;; >> > Stuart Nash; Russel Norman; Hekia Parata; David Parker; Allan Peachey; >> > Ritchie Wards;; S Power (MIN); >> >;; Rajen >> > Prasad; Paul Quinn;; >> >; Chris Hipkins; >> >;; Pete >> > Hodgson;; Parekura Horomia; >> >;; Darren Hughes; Raymond >> > Huo;; Ross Robertson; >> >;; Eric Roy; H >> > Roy (MIN); Heather Henderson; Pita Sharples (MIN); Sua William Sio; >> > Trish Wanden;; N Smith (MIN); >> >; Maryan Street; Lindsay Tisch; >> >;; >> >;; >> > Metiria Turei;; T Turia (MIN); >> >; Philip Twyford; Louise Upston; Nicky Wagner; K >> > Wilkinson (MIN);; M Williamson (MIN); Michael >> > Woodhouse;; P Wong (MIN);

>> >;; >> >;;; >> >;; >> >;; >> >; >;; >> >;; >> >;;; >> >;; >> >;; >> >;; >> >;; >> >;; >> >;;; >> >;; >> >;;; >> >;; >> >;; >> >;; >> >;; >> >;;; >> >;;; >> >;; >> >;; >> >;; >> > >> > Cc:; jane burgermeister >> > Subject: RE: BENJAMIN'S EASTON'S PROTEST NOTICE ABOUT INJUSTICES I >> > have an idea for you Ben >> > >> > From: National Kapiti Electorate Office <> >> > Date: Mon, 28 Sep 2009 09:14:19 +1300 >> > Subject: RE: NZ HEALTH MINISTER TONY RYALL - MS PENNY DO YOU READ >> > EMAILS AS WELL AS WRITE THEM? >> > To: David Amos <> >> > >> > Dear Mr Amos >> > Thank you for copying Nathan in with your email to NZ Health Minister >> > Tony >> > Ryall. This has been passed on to Nathan for his information. >> > >> > Regards >> > Heather >> > >> > Heather Shaw| Electorate Agent for Hon Nathan Guy MP for Otaki >> > P: +64 4 298 2906| F: +64 4 298 4845| Shop 3, 23 Amohia Street, >> > Paraparaumu,

>> > Kapiti Coast 5032 >> > >> > >> > Regards >> > Heather >> > >> > Jan 3rd, 2004 >> > >> > Mr. David R. Amos >> > 153 Alvin Avenue >> > Milton, MA U.S.A. 02186 >> > >> > Dear Mr. Amos >> > >> > Thank you for your letter of November 19th, 2003, addressed to >> > my predecessor, >> > the Honourble Wayne Easter, regarding your safety. I apologize for the >> > delay in responding. >> > >> > If you have any concerns about your personal safety, I can only >> > suggest that you contact >> > the police of local jurisdiction. In addition, any evidence of >> > criminal activity should be brought >> > to their attention since the police are in the best position to >> > evaluate the information and take >> > action as deemed appropriate. >> > >> > I trust that this information is satisfactory. >> > >> > Yours sincerely >> > A. Anne McLellan >> > >> > September 11th, 2004 >> > >> > Dear Mr. Amos, >> > >> > On behalf of Her Excellency the Right Honourable Adrienne >> > Clarkson, I acknowledge receipt of two sets of documents and >> > CD regarding corruption, one received from you directly, and the >> > other forwarded to us by the Office of the Lieutenant Governor of >> > New Brunswick. >> > >> > I regret to inform you that the Governor General cannot >> > intervene in matters that are the responsibility of elected officials >> > and courts of >> > Justice of Canada. You already contacted the various provincial

>> > authorities >> > regarding your concerns, and these were the appropriate steps to take. >> > >> > Yours sincerely. >> > >> > Renee Blanchet >> > Office of the Secretary to the Governor General >> > >> >> >> >> >> >> ---------- Forwarded message --------->> From: David Amos <> >> Date: Wed, 28 Jul 2010 10:12:44 -0300 >> Subject: Fwd: We just talked >> To:,, >> >> Cc: IgnatM <>, LaytoJ <>, >>, hiddenfromhistory >> <> >> >> Need i say i was not surprised when Askari and his boss Kevin Page >> formerly of the PCO office did not respond to my phone calls or email >> yesterday? >> >> ---------- Forwarded message --------->> From: David Amos <> >> Date: Tue, 27 Jul 2010 15:39:54 -0300 >> Subject: We just talked >> To: >> >> Mostafa Askari >> Director General >> Library of Parliament >> Economic and Fiscal Analysis >> Parliament Buildings >> Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A9 >> Canada >> >> Telephone : 613-992-8045 >> >> >> ---------- Forwarded message --------->> From: David Amos <>

>> Date: Mon, 12 Jul 2010 18:07:59 -0300 >> Subject: You Cato dudes played dumb again about your missing blog and >> the documents I sent ya but lets see if one of your Directors is a >> dumb as you and the Feds pretend to be >> To:,,, >> >> Cc: "rick. skinner" <>, "Dean.Buzza" >> <> >> >> The text of the blog of Tom Palmer's that Cato denies existed can be >> found within my blog and many other places as well as this email >> >> >> >> March 24, 2005 >> Crazy as a Loon, but Free >> >> Off to Iceland! >> >> Well, Bobby Fischer has his Icelandic passport. The U.S. government >> can now stop persecuting him for the crime of playing chess in >> Yugoslavia. Fischer may be out of his mind (thats almost certain, if >> you consider his anti-Semitism and praise for the 9-11 attacks), but >> hes not out of his mind for choosing Iceland as his country of >> refuge. And the Icelanders, who may later regret having such an >> utterly crazy person wandering around in their country, have done the >> right thing by offering him refuge. >> >> NOTE: I seem to have attracted a stalker, who keeps posting strange >> messages on this site. Whatever. >> >> Posted by Tom Palmer at March 24, 2005 07:09 AM | TrackBack >> >> Comments >> Quite frankly I do not understand this. What does Iceland gain from >> this? Fischer himself stated that he would NEVER return to chess. So, >> it is unlikely that he will play for Iceland... and even though he >> did, it is not like hed be back at the top. >> Now, he might want to teach his fellow Icelanders >> Fischerrandom...Fischerrandom is to chess what Estonian grammar is to >> linguistic ...And THAT sounds like a threat to me. NV >> >> >> Posted by: Nathalie I. Vogel at March 24, 2005 08:36 AM >> I doubt that Iceland has much to gain. (And I suspect that the >> inhabitants of Reykjavik may suffer from having an insufferable

>> loudmouth crackpot wandering around.) But they did the right thing. >> The better thing would have been for the U.S. to drop its case against >> Mr. Fischer. I don't think you should lose your passport or suffer >> criminal prosecution for traveling someplace to play chess. I think >> that the position of the U.S. government (and of both Democratic and >> Republican administrations) is the harder one to understand. >> >> Posted by: Tom G. Palmer at March 24, 2005 08:47 AM >> TGP: "Fischer may be out of his mind (thats almost certain, if you >> consider his anti-Semitism " >> >> I don't want to go all Szaszian on someone for what is most likely a >> casual comment, but suggesting someone is "out of his mind" simply >> because he is (labeled as) anti-Semitic seems overmuch. Immoral, >> perhaps...poorly informed, possibly...holding to views developed as a >> result of childhood associations, maybe...a confusion on either the >> part of Fischer or the person making the accusation of anti-Semitism >> with anti-Zionism, quite possible. But "out of his mind"? >> >> Posted by: Ross Levatter at March 24, 2005 11:17 AM >> Ross, Tom did refer to 'his' anti-Semitism; maybe it's not just that >> Fischer does not like Jews, but that he suffers from a particularly >> radical form of bigotry. >> >> I wouldn't know myself, but that was the inference I drew from Tom's >> comment. >> >> Posted by: Henri Hein at March 25, 2005 02:45 AM >> Then, Henri, he would be immoral, or bigoted, not "out of his mind". >> And he should consult an ethicist, not a travel agent or chiropracter >> to bring him back to his mind or better align it. >> Again, my point was merely that "out of his mind" implies one must be >> crazy or mentally ill to be anti-Semitic; I think that's a category >> error. >> >> Ross >> >> Posted by: Ross Levatter at March 25, 2005 06:54 PM >> Ross's points are well taken, but I do think that some term such as >> "crazy" (I'll stay away from "mentally ill") is useful in describing >> Mr. Fischer. (And even Thomas Szasz readily admits that there are >> "lots of crazy people" around; he just says that they're not sick.) >> >> The anti-Semitism that Mr. Fischer spouts is not of the "they wouldn't >> be welcome in our club" sort (bad as that is), but of the "Organized >> International Jewry is out to get me," sort. The former is an example

>> of bad behavior, bad manners, immoral views, or the like. The latter >> sort of anti-Semitism is an obsession that seems in general to be >> immune to either moral appeal (since it's a claim about an alleged >> state of affairs, viz., that the Jews run everything and are out to >> get one) or to factual refutation (how do you argue someone out of >> such a...for want of a better word...crazy view?). >> >> Posted by: Tom G. Palmer at March 25, 2005 11:34 PM >> ----- Original Message ---->> From: David Amos >> To: >> Sent: Sunday, March 27, 2005 9:59 AM >> Subject: This is going to get interesting >> >> >> Hey Richard >> >> Thanks for calling me back the other day. Here is my number in Boston >> 617 698-6549 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 617 698-6549 >> end_of_the_skype_highlighting. I will be hitting the road shortly >> and I will be sending out to you hard copy of what I am sending to >> Scott Daruty. However there is a great deal more you should know ASAP. >> I am involved against the biggest and baddest of them all and we all >> know they play for keeps. It is important that you know much and have >> evidence of it in order to protect yourself. I know they moniter my >> phone calls and I have know doubt that they listen to the Canadain >> Cell as well. The fact that you spoke to me honestly and openly puts >> you in jeopardy. If you had acted like most lawyers, the bastards >> would leave you alone. If you come to my aid, they will attack you. >> Trust me it has happened before and I will send proof of it in the >> following emails. Some contain the Tiffs I mentioned I am curious to >> see if they get through AOL system. I hack been blocked by them in the >> past. I have not heard from Barry Bachrach since just after he warned >> me that the FBI was about to pounce on me on Oct 1st. It seems they >> have him running scared. I must do my best to protect honest men.. >> >> The following is what I just posted but it seems Bill Gates does not >> allow Tiff files in his sites so I will forward it to you to support >> what I said is true. Answer this email if and when you get it an I >> will send some others if you wish. However I think it would be better >> not to use AOL. As I said just get one in Yahoo or Hotmail they work >> better and are free. >> >> From: motomaniac in response to Message 1 Sent: 3/27/2005 9:21 AM >> >> In defense of Bobby Fischer I must say that he is just another man

>> like me. He has his strengths and his weaknesses. Just like me. One >> particular forte of his, the amazing ability to play a game very well >> thrust him into the limelight for the whole wide world to study and >> examine his every move. More importantly I believe his fame caused him >> to become a pawn in the big big game. Although he had his right to >> privacy, the whole world dogged at his heels and critized his every >> action as a man. The Masters of War obviously tried use him to their >> advantage during the Cold War. He is not a stateman or a lawyer. He is >> simply a free thinking individual who has every right to speak his >> mind particularly after he has suffered through hell just because he >> plays chess so very well. >> >> I say judge not lest ye be judged and mind your own mouth about things >> you do not know all the details of. I am far more outspoken than Bobby >> ever was and yet you have never even heard of my name. It is because >> the corporate controlled media is not permited to do so. I am nobody >> with any special talent that had caused me to be thrown into public >> scrutiny before I was compelled to speak out as Bobby has done. I do >> not have to agree or disagree with his every word over the years to >> understand his meaning and his troubles. That said, in all honesty it >> would behoove us both if his lawyer would listen to me and employ >> Bobby's fame to expose the truth of all that we say. >> >> I am am not a perfect person and neither is Bobby. I do not know him >> nor do I judge him. Yet I do agree with with his standing in defense >> of his freedom. The Chessmaster has every right to spout off against >> the Masters of War because they have offended him greatly. It is for >> his attorney to weed out the truth and evidence of his convictions and >> present it in court in order to seek relief on his client's behalf. A >> jury of his peers will decide the truth of his matters not us bloggers >> without veiwing and hearing all the evidence. Forget what you may >> glean from the media. The information is controlled and slanted >> against him. Listen to what his lawyer says and what is used in >> arguement against him on the public record. Do not hold court in the >> media just gossip about things you know are true in order for the >> courts to act properly in the public interest. >> >> Bobby has paid the devil his due and done time in his jails. It is >> time for him to seek relief. I have as well. I was summoned to jail in >> the USA while running for Parliament in Canada and held under the >> charges of "other". I will not want allow myself to be judged on just >> one particular act or deed. My criminal trial in the USA is coming >> very soon. I will have lots to say. >> >> It is the average of all our days and deeds that speaks of us as the >> men we are. Like any game, it is what happens in the end that counts.

>> Sometimes sacrifices must be made and sometimes mistakes are made. >> However once the word "checkmate" is declared, it is all over but the >> crying as long as we play by the rules and the fat lady sings in tune. >> I am more than happy to provide to Mr. Vattuone my evidence of much >> public corruption in order to support Bobby's lawsuit against the USA. >> It is high time the the Masters of War paid the fiddler and then be >> compelled to dance to a different tune as we make them fall on their >> own sword. No one is above the law. The public trust must be upheld or >> we are all losers in the the big big game. Forget Bobby and chess for >> a minute and listen to what he is saying through his attorney. I >> applaud is efforts in support of Bobby and his legal matters. I hope >> we get on like a house on fire. Any enemy of my foe should be a friend >> of mine. Bobby lawyer is your neighbor listen to him and then speak >> out to protect your own civil rights. What happened to Bobby and I >> could happen to you next. Get it? >> >> If anyone wishes to challenge what I have said, respond to this >> message with a email account that can hold of 25 megs of attachments. >> I will send you Tiff files of legal documents etc. that will take you >> down path of of the Garden of Good and Evil that everybody knows is >> true. I simply made it a point to prove it. My particular forte that >> helped accomplish such a necessary task is that I am more stubburn >> than a pig, meaner than a snake and smarter than the average bear. >> Much to my chagrin, I am just an average sort of chess player and have >> much to learn from Bobby in that regard but I maintain that chess is >> just a game. Bobby was compelled to play a far more serious and deadly >> game just because of his love of a game. I do recognize his talent but >> my hat is off to him because of what he did and stood for as a man not >> a chess player. In regards to his legal actions methinks I can teach >> his attorney a trick or two of mine. >> >> If anyone has any questions here is my phone number. 506 434-1379 >> begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 506 434-1379 >> end_of_the_skype_highlighting Feel free to argue me and stress test my >> ethics to the max. It is your freedom as well as my own that I am >> protecting. I think anyone has the right to question my motives. I >> speak plainly and do not hide my identity. Integrity does not need a >> mask to hide behind. However men like John Ashcroft and all his >> cohorts need jails to cage honest men who speak their mind about their >> masks of virtue. >> >> Bobby is just one man of many. His is fortunate that he is famous. >> Iceland would not do such things on behalf of the likes of me and many >> others. However Canada or Japan or whatever would do the same against >> me to support President Bush in a New York minute. In fact it already >> happened. The one file I have attached is the reason Clark Kent Ervin

>> got fired immediately after the recent election. He long along proved >> to me that he was not interested in Truth Justice and the American Way >> and in fact he is a dumb as a post. I will wager I could beat him at >> chess. I know I played him like a fiddle as a lawyer and that is his >> game of choice. It was really to funny to me the advice he offered to >> others as he entered into the Aspen Crowd of nasty dudes. I feel the >> need to quote him. Many a govenment lawyer will understand why I am >> busting my gut laughing. I hope Bobby's lawyer does too. >> >> Lauren Robinson POGO Fellow " Any advice for your fellow public >> servants?" >> >> Clark Kent Ervin "Well, just do your job and let the political chips >> fall where they may. Unless your're willing to do that, it seems to me >> you shouldn't take the job in the first place." >> >> My answer to his remark is No Shit Sherlock. The former Inspector >> General can expect a rather profound civil lawsuit. He must argue me >> Pro Se or a at least without government assistance on his behalf >> because he failed to act within the scope of his employment and he is >> now out of the job. >> >> David Raymond Amos >> >> >> Posted by: David R. Amos at March 27, 2005 06:12 PM >> December 7th, 2003 >> >> Gene Healy Senior Editor Cato Institute >> 1000 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W. >> Washington D.C. 20001-5403 >> Phone (202) 842-0200 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting >> (202) 842-0200 end_of_the_skype_highlighting >> Fax (202) 842-3490 >> RE: Corruption >> Sir, >> Please find enclosed an exact copy of a letter with all its enclosures >> recently sent to the Hearst Corporation and many others. Many of your >> directors such as Lewis E. Randall, John C. Malone and Jeffrey S. Yass >> should find the documents an interesting read. I ask that you make >> them available for their review. >> I watched David Boaz speak on C-Span the other day and heard him say >> many things. What I found the most interesting was that he said that >> the Cato Institute was named after some rather prolific letter >> writers. I invite you all to read mine. They can be found at the >> website mentioned in the enclosed documents. I could not send this

>> letter to Mr. Boaz because he is not a lawyer and an officer of the >> court as you are. This is because only law enforcement authorities or >> officers of the court have any right to listen to the copy of wiretap >> numbered 139. It is served upon you in confidence as an officer of the >> court in order that you may act ethically and see that it is properly >> investigated. Please share the contents of the Cd with only the proper >> authorities so that I may never be accused of violating anyones >> Fourth Amendment Rights. >> As I have said to many other lawyers, at the very least I have now >> made you a witness to my pursuit of justice. I ask you simply the >> following. What will you do with your newfound knowledge of Civil >> Rights Violations and Government Corruption? >> Best Regards >> David R.Amos >> 153 Alvin Ave. >> Milton MA. 02186 >> >> Posted by: David R. Amos at March 27, 2005 06:22 PM >> Um, as I was saying about some people being, um, a bit....well, >> "different." >> >> Posted by: Tom G. Palmer at March 27, 2005 09:12 PM >> Did I mention that I found snotty Oxford dudes had stuffed shirts and >> were great fun to poke fun at as they bullshit others about how smart >> they are? >> >> ----- Original Message ---->> From: David Amos >> To: >> Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2005 5:08 PM >> Subject: Fw: I just called I am not kidding >> >> >> >> ----- Original Message ---->> From: David Amos >> To: ; ; >> ; ; >> ; ; >> >> Cc: ; ; ; >> ; ; ; >> ; ; >> ; ; ; ; >> ; ; ; >> ; ; ;

>> ; ; >> ; ; >> ; ; ; >> >> Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2005 4:21 PM >> Subject: Fw: I just called I am not kidding >> >> >> Hey >> >> It appears that all the Law Schools know nothing of ethical behavior >> if it may affect their coffers. I made it my task to prove it. Lets >> see if I can turn the worm and make the light dawn on Marblehead for >> the benefit of all. >> >> Whereas Todd Klipp is on Legal Advisory Committee United Educators >> (UE) Insurance Risk Retention Group I called Corporate Counsel, Jan >> Holt and told her something is up and that I would be serving the Hard >> Copy of the evidence that proves what I say is true upon Mr. Klipp. If >> I were you I would go to the US District Court in Beantown, query the >> dockets that bear my name and ask the BU professor Chief Justice Young >> about his integrity and his association with crooks like Charles J. >> Kickham Jr. and all of his cohorts. >> >> Cardinal Law would be a good witness to ask to start a proper >> investigation that is if you can get whoever becomes the next US >> Ambassador to the Vatican to make him fess up about his sins. >> Otherwise ask his former secretary Robert Kickham he is now O'Malley's >> secretary. I have no doubt that little bastard knows everything but >> trust that the three legal stooges Todd, Rogers and Hannigan have told >> him to shut up and wait for me to quit or die. However I think the >> Kickhams will soon fold their hand and start rattin out others very >> soon. Their is no honour amongst theives and I have the Kickhams >> cornered after three years of hard work. Their big daddy Chucky is >> dead and the rest of them are as dumb as a post. Uncle Franky has been >> dead since last June and I have finally forced the court to admit it. >> None of their accountings have been assented to by anyone and the IRS >> must check their work before my wife will settle. the Feds have a big >> problem and everybody knows its me. >> >> I am proud to say I won't quit and don't care if I die. I made certain >> that my truths live on and that no Kickham relatives can no longer >> claim to be kin to my little Clan. I refuse to allow my family to >> associate with bible pounding criminals that expound of law nor will I >> settle with them in order that they may escape justice. They must be >> held accountable and so should all their friends.

>> >> I may seem crazy but at least I know my rights and will not allow >> wrongs against my family to go unpunished, particularly when the >> wrongs are practiced by people well paid or licensed by the state to >> insure that matters such as this never happen. If I am not crazy then >> the governments of Canada and the USA must be insanely corrupt. I know >> for a fact that there are a lot of ordinary people that agree with me >> therefore I know I am OK but I have my doubts about you. i am giving >> Mr. Klipp just enough evidence to impeach George Bush and for safe >> measure I am giving the same material to many others as well. Here's >> hoping ethics wins out after all. Otherwise we are all losers and the >> crooks within such organizations as the Aspen Institute will keep on >> advising the bastards on how to screw us all. >> >> The judges of the First Circuit of the US District Court have a lot to >> be accountable for and Judge Young is well aware of it all. He has no >> right to teach others about trial practice and the law until he proves >> that he understands how to uphold the law. I will be suing the bastard >> in short order you pick whether you wish to stand with him or me. >> There is no middle ground in this legal battle for Boston University >> to stand on. Judge Young is in your employ. However methinks he is no >> longer a feather in your cap. The University has bragged to have such >> a man to teach the students. What say you now? >> >> Trust that I don't care if anyone reads this email or not. In fact it >> will be more fun if ya didn't. >> >> "The Honorable William G. Young was appointed judge of the U.S. >> District Court for Massachusetts in 1984, after serving as associate >> justice of the states Superior Court. Prior positions include special >> assistant attorney general, chief counsel to the governor, and clerk >> for the Honorable Raymond Wilkins, former chief justice of the >> Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court. Judge Young has a long list of >> pro bono activities, teaching experience, and several awards, >> including the Award for Judicial Excellence from the Massachusetts >> Academy of Trial Attorneys. Judge Young developed the course Advanced >> Trial Practice and also teaches Evidence." >> >> ----- Original Message ---->> From: David Amos >> To: >> Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2005 1:02 PM >> Subject: Fw: I just called I am not kidding >> >> >>

>> ----- Original Message ---->> From: David Amos >> To: ; >> Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2005 12:36 PM >> Subject: I just called I am not kidding >> >> >> >> ----- Original Message ---->> From: David Amos >> To: ; ; >> ; peter. ; >> >> Cc: ; ; moto >> maniac ; ; ; >> ; Wes Penre@Illuminati ; ; ; >> ; ; ; >> ; ; >> ; ; ; >> ; ; >> ; ; >> >> Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2005 9:30 AM >> Subject: I just left voicemail for Jim Spiegelman >> >> >> Hey Fellas >> I have picked you Mr. Gerson to send exactly the same material that I >> sent to two Solicitor Generals last year before I ran for Parliament >> in Canada. I am certain that material caused Theodore Olson to quit >> his job and your brand new fellow, Clark Kent Erwin to get the boot >> from his job right after the last Yankee election. >> Obviously I picked you because of your own bragging. There is no need >> for me to expand upon things that you and I know to be true. It is >> merely my task to prove to the world that you are well aware of my >> concerns and allegations. Then if you and your Association does >> nothing to uphold the public trust, I will make it my best effort to >> embarrass you all in court in front of a jury of my peers. You people >> claim to inspire people to ethical leaders? I say Bullshit. What say >> you? >> Say Hey to Superman for me. Will ya? Yea I know I just did but he >> likes to keep everything in confidence while his cohorts keep me >> falsely imprisoned. However I plan to call him to testify during my >> pending criminal trial as I have the right to do. I should be very >> interesting to see if he takes the fifth. >> David R. Amos

>> >> >> "Elliot Gerson is responsible for the Aspen Institute's seminars, >> including the Executive Seminar, topical and custom seminars, and >> those offered in the Society of Fellows and Socrates programs. He also >> manages the Institute's public programs and activities, including the >> Aspen Ideas Festival. He is a graduate of Harvard College, Oxford >> University, where he was a Rhodes Scholar, and Yale Law School. As >> American Secretary of the Rhodes Trust, he manages the U.S. Rhodes >> Scholarships and is an advisor to the Mandela Rhodes Foundation in >> Cape Town, which focuses on African higher education and leadership. >> He was a U. S. Supreme Court clerk and has had a career including the >> practice of law, executive positions in state and federal government >> and a presidential campaign, president of leading insurance and >> healthcare companies, and service on many non-profit boards, >> especially in the arts." >> >> >> Posted by: David R. Amos at March 30, 2005 05:23 PM >> >> ----- Original Message ---->> From: David Amos >> To: >> Sent: Monday, March 28, 2005 4:01 PM >> Subject: Fw: Cya in court Cato >> >> >> ----- Original Message ---->> From: David Amos >> To: ; ; ; >> ; ; ; >> ; ; ; ; >> >> Cc: Wes Penre@Illuminati News ; >> ; ; ; lloyd >> brinson ; J. D. Kuntz ; ; Jack Hook ; John Bjornstrom >> Sent: Sunday, March 27, 2005 8:47 PM >> Subject: Cya in court Cato >> >> >> >> Hey Tommy Boy >> You invited me. These are your words correct? I tried to register on >> line but your link does not work. I want to come. we should be in >> agreement in most things but I know we are not and we should really >> talk about it before I file my civil lawsuits. You people have already

>> proven to me your malice. this is your last chance to act ethically. >> My criminal trial will begin shortly thereafter and I may call some of >> you to testify at it. One of them could be you. I am one of those >> people that many already turn to for an honest opinion. Right or wrong >> they know my answer comes from sincere ethical consideration because I >> am more a man of my word than legions of lawyers ever were. I am good >> to my friends and sheer hell to my foes. I hate the false fronts of >> integrity of the people you joke about within your following >> invitation. You are joking. I am not. >> Dear Friend, >> >> Would you like to be the person to whom others turn for an explanation >> of the debate over Social Security and retirement, the economics of >> international trade, or how to control pollution and protect the >> environment through incentives? Would you like to be better able to >> explain the benefits of free markets, private property, and free trade >> to your friends, colleagues, and family members? >> >> If so, you should come to Washington, D.C., for the Cato University >> seminar April 28 to May 1 on Applied Economics: User-Friendly Tools to >> Understand Politics, Business Enterprise, and Life. The faculty >> includes top-level economists and policy experts from universities and >> the Cato Institute. >> >> The seminar will be held in the F. A. Hayek Auditorium of the Cato >> Institute, with dinner and a tour at Mount Vernon, the historic home >> of George Washington. >> >> Our goal is to help attendees become the people to whom their friends >> turn to explain the economy and how political interference in markets >> tends to generate disaster. And there's a reason it's being held in >> Washington, D.C. You see, we want to change fundamentally the culture >> of Washington, D.C. Washington's a very strange city. Most of the >> people here spend their working days taking from Peter to give to Paul >> (minus a substantial cut, of course). Or writing minute and >> incomprehensible "regulations" on the optimal size of broccoli, or >> warning people to wear sensible shoes, or just figuring out new ways >> to strip American citizens of their rights and dignity. >> >> You can come to D.C. for a long weekend and learn how to change that. >> You'll learn how to make the arguments that will convince your >> friends, coworkers, and neighbors that they don't need or benefit from >> all those rules, redistributions, regulations, and rip-offs. >> >> You're invited to attend one Cato University seminar, or two, or >> three. Each is a stand alone seminar, but all three are complementary.

>> (The other two are on history and on the art and technique of >> persuasion.) >> >> Please check out the faculty and schedule, and register using our >> secure registration form. Online registration is safe, easy, and fast. >> >> Come to Washington, D.C. ... and learn how to change it. >> >> I look forward to welcoming you to Cato University this year. >> >> Cordially, >> >> and Signed by you. Tom Palmer >> >> In order not to be somehow overlooked, I just called you cell phone to >> cell phone so that I would have a record of contact to let you know we >> had a problem to discuss. You were to busy to talk so you missed your >> chance. Methinks you are a fine example of the reason your buddy Gene >> Healy and his ilk ignored me. I read enough of your work to think you >> are a very snotty tall talking whore for the Global Corps. I wanted to >> hear your voice to be certain my feelings were correct. You did not >> dissappoint me. If you don't like my opinion of you, sue me and bring >> all these emails to court. I promise I will not file a motion to >> dismiss. In fact I can't wait to meet your lawyers. I thought what you >> said about Bobby Fischer was far more offensive and as you can see I >> blogged in his defense. Many people call me crazy too. That seem to be >> the label bad actors put on someone when they are cornered. I wanted >> you to hear my voice so that you would understand that I am not nuts >> but very sincere. when you shunned my last words were see you in >> court. Ignore me some more and you certainly will. Check my work >> before you laugh and call me crazy too. >> In order to prove you all I am serious I will send Roger Pilon, Vice >> President for Legal Affairs at 1000 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W., >> Washington D.C. 20001-5403 hard copy of exactly the same material I >> sent to two Solicitor Generals last year just before I ran for >> Parliament. Teddy Olson quit and went into private practice as soon as >> Stephen Harper opened his mouth about the Arar Inquiry but thus far >> Landslide Annie has hung onto hers. Now if you have any questions of >> me before we meet, ask them to New Canadian Ambassador Franky Boy >> McKenna. He knows exactly who I am and what has happened in the year >> since. If you want a Yankee perspective ask John Ashcroft, John >> Edwards. Tom Ridge, Clark Kent Ervin, Theodore Olson or David >> Aufhauser to name a few. They all are now free agents and in the same >> hot water as your buddy and now you. >> I emailed ya, blogged ya, called ya and am now telling some your >> friends plus a few of mine for good measure. Under Title 18 of the

>> federal code you are all as guilty as everyone else if you don't get >> honest real fast. Ask Frank Quatronne and Martha Stewart about email >> evidence in federal court >> In light of the reasons I was falsely imprisoned and what I had sent >> you dudes the year before it makes Cato's work in "Go Directly to >> Jail: The Criminalization of Almost Everything." a total bullshit >> piece of work. It is my job to properly shame you bastards so that >> nobody will take you seriously ever again. >> >> "At one time, the sanction of the criminal law was reserved for >> serious, morally culpable offenders. But during the past 40 years, an >> unholy alliance of tough-on-crime conservatives and anti-big-business >> liberals has utterly transformed the criminal law. Today, while >> violent crime often goes unpunished, Congress continues to add new, >> trivial offenses to the federal criminal code. With more than 4,000 >> federal offenses on the statute books, and thousands more buried in >> the Code of Federal Regulations, it is now frighteningly easy for >> American citizens to be hauled off to jail for actions that no >> reasonable person would regard as crimes. At the same time, rampant >> federalization and mandatory minimum sentencing are making Americas >> criminal justice system ever more centralized and punitive. The result >> is a labyrinthine criminal code, a burgeoning prison population, and >> often real injustice. Go Directly to Jail examines those alarming >> trends and proposes reforms that could rein in a criminal justice >> apparatus at war with fairness and common sense." >> If you dudes do not want me to turn up after being invited please let >> me know why in writing and introduce me to the lawyer I will be >> arguing someday in court. >> David R. Amos >> 153 Alvin Ave. >> Milton, MA 02186 >> >> ----- Original Message ---->> From: David Amos >> To: >> Sent: Sunday, March 27, 2005 10:20 AM >> Subject: Fw: Hunky-dory EH Petey >> >> >> ----- Original Message ---->> From: David Amos >> To: >> Sent: Sunday, March 27, 2005 10:04 AM >> Subject: Fw: Hunky-dory EH Petey >> >>

>> ----- Original Message ---->> From: David Amos >> To: >> Sent: Friday, March 25, 2005 7:27 AM >> Subject: Fw: Hunky-dory EH Petey >> >> >> ----- Original Message ---->> From: David Amos >> To: >> Sent: Friday, March 25, 2005 7:03 AM >> Subject: Fw: Hunky-dory EH Petey >> >> >> ----- Original Message ---->> From: David Amos >> To: ; ; Jack Layton ; >> ; ; ; >> >> Cc: ; ; >> ; ; ; >> ; ; >> >> Sent: Thursday, March 24, 2005 7:12 PM >> Subject: Hunky-dory EH Petey >> >> >> I got a better one for ya Petey Boy. "Thar she blows". I bet Belinda >> is really pissed off at everybody and is letting off some steam. If I >> were you I would start bailing out of your new party like any other >> rat that would desert a sinking ship. That is one boat that could >> never float. The way you back stabbed your way into its creation will >> likely never be forgotten. Some of the new Senators Martin just >> appointed proved that didn't they? Right now you are just hanging on >> and kissing Harper's arse because nobody else will ever trust you in >> their Dory except maybe the diddler, Billy Matthews. He is used to >> turningcoat and needs help bailing out his punky little craft. I think >> the liberals are tired of him by now and Johnny Crosbie is likely >> pretty pissed at him too. I think you two dudes should be good company >> for each other as everybody else tries to distance themselves from a >> couple of cry babies that call themselves Maritimers. You were born >> there alright but a lair lawyer and a nasty old diddler reflect poorly >> upon the rest of us. But bad apples fall from the best of trees. The >> sooner the better so that they don't suck the sap out of the good >> ones. >> Dare to argue me Petey Boy? I am ten times meaner with no temper than

>> the man that pitches silly fits kicks chairs. I would kick your arse >> in a good debate. I would laugh if you asked me to step outside, head >> for the door and quit talking immediately in a sincere effort to kick >> your arse in the street. Win or lose, rest assured I would have fun. >> Fighting is a true Maritime tradition. EH MacKay? Feel free to try to >> call me a liar. Everybody knows it would be a case of the pot trying >> to call the kettle black. >> >> "The Nova Scotia MP described his relations with Conservative Leader >> Stephen Harper as "hunky-dory, everything's great - that's a good >> Maritime phrase." >> Forwarded Message >> >> Date: Thu, 24 Mar 2005 10:14:47 -0800 (PST) >> >> From: David Amos" >> >> Subject: Attn Don Amos >> >> To:,, >> >> >> As I stated within an earlier email, Scott Daruty finally called me >> back and pissed me off. He picked the wrong guy to try and toy with. I >> will take up my concerns with Magna byway of Daruty and Cellucci down >> here in the Yankee courts. I have much proof of what I sent Belinda >> Stronach long before she ever became a Member of Parliament up home. I >> will deal with her in a political fashion first to see if she is >> interested in up holding the public trust while protecting her >> interests in Magna. Good luck with your conscience as a lawyer named >> Amos as you check my work. Here is my phone number 506 434-1379 >> begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 506 434-1379 >> end_of_the_skype_highlighting if you have any questions before >> deciding whether or not to uphold the law and protect the investor's >> interests in Magna from my necessary civil actions. I gave my material >> to Argeo P. Cellucci in Canada in July of 2002 before I sent the >> Sheriffs out with my first complaints. I know by the fax numbers at >> the top of my first complaint that it was Ashcroft and Cellucci that >> directed the US Attorney to try to make my complaints evaporate. Now >> that Cellucci speaks for Magna and Belinda speaks for Canadians there >> is a couple of Amos boys that should have along talk about many >> things. But forget trying to label me as your brother until I am >> assured of your integrity. I have a high contempt towards lawyers and >> their sense of ethics for very justifiable reasons. >> >> Note: forwarded message attached.

>> >> >> ----- Original Message ---->> From: David Amos >> To: ; moto maniac ; ; >> ; ; ; >> ; ; ; >> ; ; >> ; ; >> ; ; >> >> Cc: ; ; ; >> ; ; >> ; ; >> ; ; >> ; ; >> ; ; >> ; ; >> ; ; >> ; ; >> Sent: Thursday, March 24, 2005 12:14 PM >> Subject: Shame on you Della >> >> >> At least I am a man of my word. I called you personally as I stated I >> would. I have the record of the call that I was directed to do by your >> boss, Stevey Boy May. Too bad you would not speak to me to protect >> your own interests. At least I have your signature because no word >> from you is worthless to me. You can never claim ignorance of my >> concerns after directing me to your lawyer. I stuck my hand out to you >> as a layman but you had picked your friends the lawyers and had >> enlisted them to bite it? Do you really Think I am afraid of dealing >> with the likes of Johnny Crosbie and Stevey Boy May when I am >> preparing a lawsuit against the likes of John Edwards, John Ashcroft >> and Theodore Olson to name a few? Plus there is the irrefutable fact >> that you and the law firm you work for have already admitted that you >> are aware of the crimes practiced against me. You have done nothing to >> uphold the law and have already filed the evidence of that fact in the >> Newfoundland Supreme Court. Lady, either I or my estate will bankrupt >> you and your firm with its own sworn testimony that you witnessed. You >> can take that to the bank. The first question I must ask you Della >> what did your law fir do with its copy of the police surveillance tape >> # 139 and did you listen to it? You should not have because you are >> not an officer of the court nor are you employed by law enforcement. >> The Lieutenant Governor Roberts notified me that he had given his >> copies of the material to Tommy Marshall to be investigated but I have

>> received no word from your law firm as to what the hell they did with >> their copies. Have your lawyers explain their integrity to you because >> you and I will never come to an understanding of ethical behavior >> after your treatment of me today. I often sing the praises of Newfys >> because they are amongst the nicest folks on the planet excepting of >> course their lawyers and their cohorts such as you Della. By the way I >> heard about the clerks in Supreme Court having a little wager over who >> buys lunch if I managed to do what I said I would do. I would like to >> meet the lady who felt I was as serious as a heart attack and willing >> to buy lunch if I was not a man of my word. I would love to buy her >> lunch some time because the courts need more folks like her in their >> employment. She clearly did not disregard the word of a common man. >> On the other hand after our exchange of the mere few words today it >> would not be wise for me to trust your word or typing if I had left >> the voicemail you desired. I have much evidence of many edited >> transcripts of things I have said in the past. You and I will argue >> them some day no doubt byway of your lawyer friends because I think >> you don't speak pro se very well in order to protect your personal >> interests. I just got off the phone with one of Frank Stronach's >> Yankee lawyers Scott Daruty. He did me the service of really pissing >> me off today by finally calling me back after I had torn a piece off >> of Magna in Canada about his neglect of duty on their behalf. He >> thought he was funny by joking that the Canadian lawyer, Don Amos was >> my brother. No lawyer is a brother of mine. He thought I was joking >> when I told him I would sue him personally if he did not uphold the >> law and rat out Magna's brand new Vice President his brother, Argeo P. >> Cellucci so I had to repeat myself so he would understand me in no >> uncertain terms. I do make a lot of jokes about very serious business >> however it would not be wise to underestimate my sincerity and attempt >> to toy with me. I enjoy a good fight win or lose as long as I stand on >> the right side of the battle. You just picked a fight with me lady on >> a day when I ain't taking prisoners from lawyers or their cohorts. All >> lawyers are liars and I have proven it. It is only laymen I will >> settle with from now on and only if they tell the truth, the whole >> truth and nothing but the truth. >> I don't care if your god helps you or not. We can all do it again in >> hell for all I care. >> From now on I must rely on hard copy of my own creation. For now I >> will send you and Stevey Boy a bunch of emails that have been >> forwarded to many other people first. I require the record of doing >> so. Whereas I have no doubt Stevey Boy will wan to argue about the >> emails I have already sent I figure why not be hung for a cow as a >> calf? Since everything in heaven and hell is done in threes. I will >> forward to Magna's lawyer, Don Amos, Stevey Boy and three large emails >> that contain Tiff files. There is no need to be redundant with hard >> copy already sent to Scott Daruty and Johnny Crosbie. You can tell the

>> folks at Patterson Palmer who directed you to offend me that the >> emails contain exactly the same documents that Greg Byrne and Johnny >> Crosbie received and that you should all prepare to argue every word >> within in them. The first email contains a file called Big Day. It >> contains every document I served upon Two Solicitors Generals Theodore >> Olson and Anne McLellan before I ran for Parliament and Olson quit his >> job on June 24th immediately after Johnny Crosbie told Stevey Harper >> to shut up about the Arar Inquiry. the second file is called Big >> Canada Add and it is a copy of the documents served upon my political >> opponents while running for Parliament. Last but not least are what >> was added to the first to pile of documents and then served upon >> Patterson and Palmer by way of Greg Byrne. >> Scott Daruty is receiving the documents within "Big Day" and other >> interesting material that Magna should find quite interesting to say >> the least. Magna really made my day when they appointed Cellucci and >> their new VP. I is comical that he is going to lobby the government >> about horse racing especially after listening to what is recorded on a >> lot of the tapes and the fact that the top dog of the RCMP had to >> teach that dumb Yankee how to ride a horse last summer so that he >> would not make an ass out himself at the Calgary Stampede. This was >> almost as rich as when Martin sent Franky McKenna to Washington after >> he and I had a spit and chew about dogs and pork. At least I am clever >> enough to realize when I am a lucky man and how to make the best out >> of a golden opportunity to see that justice is served upon some very >> nasty bastards. I am very pissed off but still having more fun than >> ten men. I love cornering lawyers and listening to them stutter and >> try to duck the issues. I will wager that you are having a bad day >> too. EH Della? It looks good on you if you are. Why not get mad? I >> hope you share your anger with the others at Patterson and Palmer and >> start bitchin about me. Never forget all I want is the truth from you. >> It will cost you nothing. Why do you want to stand with crooks and >> liars for a days pay? I bet you have witnessed lots of dirty dealings. >> I truly beleive that there is no honour in your work. To me working >> for lawyers is like a lady being sent to a nunnery in Medieval times. >> I share ol Shake's opinion of such a place. Times changes nothing >> lawyers still work for Jesuits. Look around downtown St John's and >> call me a liar. I dare ya. Even the name of the town says it all. >> Cya'll in Court:) >> David R. Amos >> >> ----- Original Message ---->> From: David Amos >> To: ; moto maniac ; ; >> ; ; ; >> ; ; ; >> ; ;

>> ; ; >> ; >> Cc: ; ; ; >> ; ; >> ; ; >> ; ; >> ; ; >> ; ; >> ; ; >> ; ; >> ; ; >> Sent: Thursday, March 24, 2005 8:33 AM >> Subject: RE: Me versus Patterson and Palmer >> >> >> Hey Della, >> I see that Stevey Boy is on vacation and told me to contact you. I am >> happy to hear that he is saving all of my emails in a special spot for >> some apparent future litigation. I keep very good records as well and >> look forward to his argument but I will wager that I sue him first. >> I see by the following Affidavit you witnessed and Stevey Boy filed in >> court that every lawyer within Patterson Palmer is a flat out liar. I >> served Greg Byryne in Fredericton myself with witnesses before Byron >> Prior served everyone else in Newfoundland. If Byrne did not share the >> info with his buddy Johnny Crosbie, it is not my fault. Yet I suspect >> that he did so out of the gate because he sent me an email in which it >> appears that he was conferring with many others about me and my >> concerns. It was too funny that Byrne clicked the wrong button and >> forwarded his email to me as well. >> I also sent many of your people the same emails that I sent to Byrne >> and May as soon as I got out off jail last October and Stevey Boy >> first contacted Byron Prior and I had called him. (Thank you for >> making a transcript of my voicemail and filing it in court for me. It >> is quite hard for me to make lawyers even admit that I exist) Some of >> the aforesaid emails were responded to by other members of your law >> firm byway of their computers like Stevey Boy's just did. At least >> computers are far more honest than the lawyers that own them. I am >> compelled to rely on the integrity of their machines and the ability >> of their computers and mine to keep perfect records. (Never forget I >> am being prosecuted for sending an email to a lawyer I have been >> litigating against for years who even went as far to fraudulently >> create a document bearing my signature) Because of the fact I can >> prove contact with many members of the law firm you work for, they can >> never say that they did not know of my concerns and allegations long >> before Stevey complained of Byron Prior's actions on behalf of his >> client Billy Matthews. He only went forward with his malicious threat

>> when he thought my goose was cooked down here. There is quite simply >> no way you could have prepared his filing on January 21st and he had >> Judge green sign it in the time between Byron had served it and the >> Judge signed it without the Bastards reading our private emails and >> listening to our phone calls. I sent the last email containing the >> words to Byron's counterclaim just before I went to court that morning >> and he only managed to see it filed by 3 PM Newfy time. You may be a >> fast typists but the courts don't work that fast unless they are >> covering up something big time. No know as well as I that is true >> because the judge and Stevey Boy do not even want other lawyers to >> view the public record. Small wonder he took a vacation. If Stevey Boy >> has any semblance of a conscience he no doubt has trouble dealing with >> himself. I can only wonder if he and Johnny Crosbie are singing for >> more tequila right now. >> As you no doubt know I am preparing to defend myself in a criminal >> trial in the USA and filing some rather profound civil lawsuits in >> Canada and the USA that will make the whining of Billy Matthews in >> Newfoundland Supreme court seem rather comical. I will be filing >> copies of the documents you no doubt helped create for Stevey Boy May >> on behalf of your law firm in many courts. >> If Greg Byrne, the former Minister of Justice and Attorney General of >> New Brunswick had acted ethically last September while I was in Canada >> and under Brad Green's jurisdiction I would not have been falsely >> imprisoned in the USA the following month. I will be suing him, your >> law firm and many others for personal injury and conspiracy to cover >> up the many crimes practiced against my Clan and I. My question to >> you, Della is why don't I sue you too? As you can see if you have read >> my work my battle is with corrupt lawyers not layman. I would settle >> with you in a heartbeat for costs if you would be honest about all >> that you know to be true. If you decide to go against me I suggest >> that you seek legal counsel outside of your law firm or in fact all of >> Newfoundland. I am about to take on every damned lawyer within the >> Newfoundland law Society. You would not be wise to doubt me before you >> have a look at my work in the USA. I will deal with Newfys under the >> heading of fun after I have embarrassed the Yankees. >> I will give you a call as Stevey Boy suggests so that at least you can >> understand that I am not an unreasonable person and not the sort of >> person that lawyers claim that I am. I am just a simple, sincere and >> serious man that refuses to play the wicked games lawyers play. I am >> willing to die in order to expose the truth. No lawyer can say that. >> they love money to much to be willing to miss the chance to spend it. >> Judge me for yourself and your own best interests before you choose >> whom to stand with. >> Whether you believe me or not I am battling for your rights as well as >> my own. I am forwarding this email to many ordinary people like you >> and me. To Hell with the lawyers and politicians. They do what they do

>> for personal gain not public service. Their concerns are lucre not >> justice and everybody knows it. All I did was go to great lengths to >> prove it. There is no need for you and I to argue about simple truths. >> As far as I am concerned up until the time you received this email all >> you have done is type things and witness signatures. However you >> cannot say that anymore. >> My pending phone call to you is not harassment. I need the Yankee >> phone bill record of my call to you in order to assist in the defence >> of my freedom in the USA. Stevey Boy told me to call ya. Please be >> nice. After today you can't say that you are not involved in my false >> imprisonment in the USA. I am doing no more or less than Stevey Boy >> and his malicious clients would do if the same thing had happened to >> them. If Billy Matthews had been summoned to the USA while he was >> running for his seat in Parliament to be presecuted by an unsigned >> criminal complaint and then held without bail under the charges of >> "other", he would be more pissed off than I am. >> Cya'll in Court:) >> David R. Amos >> >> ----- Original Message ---->> From: "May, Steve" >> To: "David Amos" >> Sent: Wednesday, March 23, 2005 8:32 PM >> Subject: Out of Office AutoReply: Dan and Tom Remember me >> >> >> Mr. May is out of the office till 11 April 2005. He will not be >> checking his e-mail. Please contact Della Hart at 709-570-5527 >> begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 709-570-5527 >> end_of_the_skype_highlighting or if you >> require immediate assistance. >> >> >> 2005 01 T 0010 >> IN THE SUPREME COURT OF NEWFOUNDLAND AND LABRADOR >> TRIAL DIVISION >> BETWEEN: >> WILLIAM MATTHEWS PLAINTIFF >> AND: >> BYRON PRIOR DEFENDANT >> >> AND BETWEEN: >> BYRON PRIOR DEFENDANT/PLAINTIFF >> BY COUNTERCLAIM >> >> AND: WILLIAM MATTHEWS PLAINTIFF/FIRST DEFENDANT

>> BY COUNTERCLAIM >> >> AND: T. ALEX HICKMAN SECOND DEFENDANT >> BY COUNTERCLAIM >> >> AND: THOMAS MARSHALL THIRD DEFENDANT >> BY COUNTERCLAIM >> >> AND: DANNY WILLIAMS FOURTH DEFENDANT >> BY COUNTERCLAIM >> >> AND: EDWARD M. ROBERTS FIFTH DEFENDANT >> BY COUNTERCLAIM >> >> AND: JOHN CROSBIE SIXTH DEFENDANT >> BY COUNTERCLAIM >> >> AND: PATTERSON PALMER SEVENTH DEFENDANT >> BY COUNTERCLAIM >> SUMMARY OF CURRENT DOCUMENTCourt File Number(s):2005 01 T 0010Date of >> Filing of Document:25 January 2005Name of Filing Party or >> Person:Stephen J. MayApplication to which Document being filed >> relates:Amended Application of the Plaintiff/Defendant by Counterclaim >> to maintain an Order restricting publication, to strike portions of >> the Statement of Defence, strike the Counterclaim in its entirety, >> and to refer this proceeding to case management.Statement of purpose >> in filing:To maintain an Order restricting publication, to strike >> portions of the Statement of Defence, strike the Counterclaim in its >> entirety and refer this proceeding to case management. >> A F F I D A V I T >> >> I, Stephen J. May, of the City of St. Johns, in the Province of >> Newfoundland and Labrador, Barrister and Solicitor, make oath and say >> as follows: >> >> THAT I am a Partner in the St. Johns office of PATTERSON PALMER >> solicitors for William Matthews, the Member of Parliament for >> Random-Burin-St. Georges in the Parliament of Canada. >> >> THAT Mr. Matthews originally retained Mr. Edward Roberts, Q.C. on or >> about 30 April 2002 after Mr. Byron Prior, the Defendant/Plaintiff by >> Counterclaim, had made allegations against Mr. Matthews in a >> publication called My Inheritance - The truth - Not Fiction: A Town >> with a Secret. In that publication, the allegation was made that Mr. >> Matthews had had sex with a girl who had been prostituted by her >> mother. That girl was alleged to have been Mr. Priors sister.

>> >> THAT upon being retained, Mr. Edward Roberts wrote a letter to Mr. >> Prior. That letter to Mr. Prior is attached as Exhibit 1" to my >> Affidavit. >> >> THAT subsequent to Mr. Roberts letter to Mr. Prior, Mr. Roberts >> received a 1 May 2002 e-mail from Mr. Prior. That e-mail is attached >> as Exhibit 2". >> >> THAT subsequent to Mr. Roberts receipt of the e-mail, Mr. Prior swore >> an Affidavit acknowledging that what had been said in that publication >> was false. That Affidavit is attached as Exhibit 3" to my Affidavit. >> Following Mr. Roberts receipt of that Affidavit, Mr. Matthews advised >> that he was satisfied not to pursue the matter any further and our >> firm closed our file. >> >> THAT on or about 25 October 2004, I was retained by Mr. Matthews >> following his gaining knowledge that a web site, made a series of >> allegations against him relating to my having sex with a girl of >> approximately 12 years old through to an approximate age of 15 years >> old. It also accused him of being a father of one of her children and >> accused him of having raped that girl. Upon checking the web site I >> saw that Byron Prior, the Defendant, had been identified as the author >> of the material on the site. >> >> THAT Mr. Matthews instructed me to write Mr. Prior, to remind him of >> the fact that the allegations had been admitted to being false through >> a 16 May 2002 Affidavit to advise him of Mr. Matthews intentions to >> commence legal proceedings if the comments were not removed from the >> web site. A copy of my letter to Mr. Prior is attached as Exhibit 4" >> to this Affidavit. >> >> THAT I attach as Exhibit 5" a transcript from a 5 November 2004 >> voicemail left by David Amos, identified in the voicemail as a friend >> of Mr. Prior. >> >> THAT I attach as Exhibit 6" a portion of a 6 November 2004 e-mail >> from Mr. Amos. >> >> THAT until I received his voicemail and e-mail, I had never heard of Mr. >> Amos. >> >> THAT Mr. Amos has continued to send me e-mail since his 5 November >> e-mail. Including his 6 November 2004 e-mail, I have received a total >> of 15 e-mails as of 23 January 2005. All do not address Mr. Matthews >> claim or my involvement as Mr. Matthews solicitor. I attach as

>> Exhibit 7" a portion of a 12 January 2005 e-mail that Mr. Amos sent >> to me but originally came to my attention through Ms. Lois Skanes >> whose firm had received a copy. This e-mail followed the service of >> the Statement of Claim on 11 January 2005 on Mr. Prior. I also attach >> as Exhibit 8" a copy of a 19 January 2005 e-mail from Mr. Amos. >> >> THAT I attach as Exhibit 9" a copy of a 22 November 2004 letter >> addressed to me from Edward Roberts, the Lieutenant Governor of >> Newfoundland and Labrador covering a 2 September 2004 letter from Mr. >> Amos addressed to John Crosbie, Edward Roberts, in his capacity as >> Lieutenant Governor, Danny Williams, in his capacity as Premier of >> Newfoundland and Labrador, and Brian F. Furey, President of the Law >> Society of Newfoundland and Labrador. I requested a copy of this >> letter from Government House after asking Mr. Roberts if he had >> received any correspondence from Mr. Amos during his previous >> representation of Mr. Matthews. He advised me that he received a >> letter since becoming Lieutenant Governor, portions of which involved >> his representation of Mr. Matthews. Mr. Roberts letter also covered >> his reply to Mr. Amos. >> >> THAT I attach as Exhibit 10" an e-mail from Mr. Amos received on >> Sunday, 23 January 2005. >> >> THAT I swear this Affidavit in support of the Application to strike >> Mr. Priors counterclaim. >> >> >> SWORN to before me at >> St. Johns, Province of Newfoundland >> and Labrador this 24th day of >> January, 2005. >> >> >> Signed by Della Hart STEPHEN J. MAY Signature >> STAMP >> DELLA HART >> A Commissioner for Oaths in and for >> the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador. >> My commission expires on December 31, 2009. >> The Conservatives in Canada have very Punky Dory EH Tommy Boy? >> >> Posted by: David R. Amos at March 30, 2005 05:26 PM >> The Cato dudes ain't got nothin on me when it comes to letter writing. >> Here is where I am teasing abunch of dumb Yankees. The whole world >> calls our Newfys dumb. So what does that say of Danny williams the >> Premier? He is a Rhodes Scholar that works for free. Is he dumb or

>> evil? I will have to ask the Aspen Dudes have I attend Tommy's little >> hoe down EH? >> >> Posted by: David R. Amos at March 30, 2005 05:38 PM >> >> HMMM no link we will try this way ok? >> >> Posted by: David R. Amos at March 30, 2005 05:40 PM >> I'm very proud to have had such a person as David Amos, help us with >> our fight and the legal work. I will never be able to repay him.Thank >> you David. >> Byron Prior >> >> Posted by: Byron Prior at August 21, 2005 10:59 PM >> keno hot spot califorina lottery odds of wining keno sandles >> keno paypal card keno >> and .... >> california state keno odds information ohayou - keno mp >> keno satisiken >> free keno keno outdoor >> theatres keno casino_html >> .Thanks. >> >> Posted by: wildball keno at December 23, 2005 10:46 PM >> This is great stuff! I can't wait to see how things end for David! An >> "edge of the seat" and "mile a minute" thriller with unsuspected >> twists and turns! Keep up the good work! When it comes to writing >> fictional thrillers with international intrigue and betrayals, John >> LeCarre has met his match. Love it! >> >> Posted by: MFH at January 24, 2006 02:05 PM >> Post a comment >> >> >> ---------- Forwarded message --------->> From: David Amos <> >> Date: Mon, 12 Jul 2010 14:35:16 -0300 >> Subject: Fwd: I called the crook from Calgary Jason Kenney to remind >> him of the documents his office recieved from during the election of >> the 40th Parliament >> To:,,, >>,,, >>,,, >>,, >> Cc:,, >>, whistleblower <>,

>> "" <>, vickiconrad >> <> >> >> ---------- Forwarded message --------->> From: David Amos <> >> Date: Mon, 5 Jul 2010 19:33:09 -0300 >> Subject: Fwd: I called the crook from Calgary Jason Kenney to remind >> him of the documents his office recieved from during the election of >> the 40th Parliament >> To:, >> >> ---------- Forwarded message --------->> From: David Amos <> >> Date: Fri, 28 May 2010 13:52:15 -0300 >> Subject: I called the crook from Calgary Jason Kenney to remind him of >> the documents his office recieved from during the election of the 40th >> Parliament >> To:, godiny <>, toewsv1 >> <>, Mackap <>, robin reid >> <>, "" >> <>, tony <>, >> WaterWarCrimes <>, "Wayne.Lang" >> <>, "John.DeWinter" >> <>, billestabrooks >> <> >> Cc: pm <>, "" <>, info >> <>, info <>, IgnatM >> <>, LaytoJ <> >> >> His snotty help picked a very bad day to play games with me EH Vic >> Toews? Although Kenney never cared about my human rights as he laughed >> while i was falsely imprisoned and my children were sexualy harassed >> and threatened at least he cannot deny receiving my documents twice >> thanx to an ethical government computer EH stevey boy Harper? >> >> >> >> >> ---------- Forwarded message --------->> From: Minister <> >> Date: Fri, 28 May 2010 12:39:27 -0400 >> Subject: RE: Sept 23rd is coming fast for another Yankee War Resister >> eh Mr Harper? >> To: David Amos <> >> >>

>> >> La version franaise suit. >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> This is an automatic acknowledgement of your e-mail addressed to the >> Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism. >> >> >> >> If this is a request for case information, the responsibility placed >> on us by the Privacy Act to protect all personal information precludes >> us from responding using e-mail unless we are able to verify that you >> are entitled/authorized to receive the case specific information. In >> this respect, if you are the applicant and you provide us with your >> full name, date of birth, and a file number or Citizenship and >> Immigration Canada (CIC) client ID, or you are a person to whom we are >> authorized to release information (written consent on the citizenship >> or immigration file) and are able to provide the applicant's full >> name, DOB and the file number or CIC client ID, you will receive a >> reply by e-mail within 10 - 30 working days. If you are not the >> applicant or you are not authorized to receive the information, you >> will not receive a further reply to your e-mail. Please note that we >> will not respond to e-mails concerning the following: >> >> >> >> * Assessment of points/qualifications. >> * Calculation of time for citizenship eligibility, visit >> . >> * Refusal of an application by immigration or visa officials. >> * Complaints about the Call Centre (will be sent to CIC officials for >> necessary action/information). >> * Processing of Permanent Resident Cards (will be sent to the >> Permanent Resident Card Processing Centre for necessary >> action/information). >> * Processing of Citizenship applications (will be sent to the Case >> Processing Centre in Sydney). >> * Requests to expedite processing of cases (will be sent to the >> processing office). >> * Travel documents/requirements for travel to other countries. >> * Complaints about U.S. Immigration.

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>> consulter le site ( ) >> >> >> >> Veuillez noter que le courriel n'est pas une voie de communication >> protge. CIC se dcharge de toute responsabilit pour ce qui est de >> la divulgation non autorise de renseignements personnels une tierce >> partie ou de la mauvaise utilisation de ces renseignements par une >> tierce partie s'il a pris des mesures raisonnables pour s'assurer de >> l'identit de cette partie. >> >> >> >> Pour plus de renseignements sur notre ministre, visitez les sites >> suivants : >> >> Information gnrale : >> >> Pour l'adresse du tlcentre: >> >> >> Pour la liste des bureaux des visas l'tranger : >> >> >> Formulaires de demande : >> >> >> Carte de rsident permanent : >> >> >> Parrainer des membres de la famille : >> >> >> Immigrer au Canada : >> >> Rfugi : >> >> Citoyennet : >> >> Annonces et communiqus rcents du Ministre: >> >> >> >> >> Pour effectuer un changement d'adresse ou pour vrifier l'tat de >> votre demande d'immigration, consultez les services en ligne

>> l'adresse suivante : >> >> >> >> ---------- Forwarded message --------->> From: David Amos <> >> Date: Tue, 9 Sep 2008 04:09:14 -0300 >> Subject: Sept 23rd is coming fast for another Yankee War Resister eh Mr > Harper? >> To: "" <>,, >>,,, >> >> Cc:,, >>,, >>,, >>,, >>,,, >>,,, >>,,, >>,,, >>,,, >>,,, >>,,, >>,,, >>,, >> >> When do ya think one will ignore his dumb lawyer such as Jeffry House, >> sprout some balls, print a pdf file and say my name? >> >> Before polling day would benefit all Canadains not just the wannabes and >> the >> wannabe Prime Ministers eh Jacky boy Layton? . >> >> Veritas Vincit >> David Raymond Amos >> >> If your too chicken to print a pdf file perhaps you can watch Youtube >> then >> EH Jacky Boy Layton? >> >> >> >> >> >> ---------- Forwarded message --------->> From: David Amos <>

>> Date: Tue, Jun 3, 2008 at 12:16 PM >> Subject: Maybe Corey Glass should contact me before Harper gives him the >> boot EH? 506 756 8687 >> To:,, >>,, >>, >> >> Cc:,,, >> >> >> >> >> >> His purported friend Lee Zaslofsky would not give me his contact >> number for some strange reason i will never understand. >> >> I would lay odds that would have be different if I had been elected >> in the last couple of elections or was player within one of the >> established politcal parties. It certainly appears to me that fellow >> concerned Canadian citizens don't count to American war protesters and >> their outspoken supporters unless they are politcally connected EH >> Mikey Ignatieff AKA Canada's Prince of Darkness south of the 49th? >> >> That said I cannot begin to try to help anyone unless they learn how >> to help themselves and that starts with picking up the phone retuning >> calls and answering emails. N'est Pas Stevey Boy Harper? >> >> Veritas Vincit >> David Raymond Amos >> >> ---------- Forwarded message --------->> From: David Amos <> >> Date: Tue, 3 Jun 2008 02:17:23 -0300 >> Subject: Your tally of blogs about me to date dictates that maybe you >> can inspire a war resister such as Corey Glass to contact me before >> Harper gives him the boot. >> To:, >> Cc:,,, >>, >> >> Like you everybody thinks I am a nut excepting of course Stevey Boy >> Harper and the dummy Dion. They just flat out hate me. Nest Pas? >> >> > >>

>> >>l >> >> >>l >> >> >>l >> >> >>l >> >> >>l >> >> >>l >> >> >>l >> >> >>l > ----- Original Message ----From: "David Amos" <> To: <>; "Paul. Harpelle" <>; "nb. premier" <>; "nbpolitico" <>; <>; "tim4nm" <>; "tim. porter" <>; "jacques_poitras" <>; "Robert. Jones" <>; "Richard Harris" <>; "Eidt, David (OAG/CPG)" <>; "carl. davies" <>; "Aurele. Daigle" <>; <>; <> Cc: "Godin. Y" <>; "webo" <>; <>; <>; "Dan Fitzgerald" <>; <> Sent: Thursday, January 29, 2009 12:43 AM Subject: Imteresting blog that Chucky Leblanc posted hours after I sent him this email. What game are you dudes playing now TJ Baby ? Wednesday, January 28, 2009 Former MLA Frank Branch is defended by a reader!!!!

102760546_37a430de14 Originally uploaded by OldmaisonHi Charles, This is a first for me, writing to your Blog, which I find very interesting by the way. Keep up the good ones. In regard to the criminal charges against Frank Branch, I have a very different story to tell, which I hope you will publish. Is Branch a crook? See for yourself. Here is the story that I am aware of. In 2003, Premier Bernard Lord is struggling to keep a majority in his Govt. He offers Liberal MLA Frank Branch to be the Speaker of the House at the Legislature, taking a vote away from the Liberals. Branch refused. Lord would not have been pleased with Branch refusal. We need a majority at any cost. During that time, Branch has a part time job, being Chairman of the North Shore Forest Marketing Production Board. A not much paying job, but a challenging and interesting job for someone from the North Shore. Lord offers Branch something much more interesting to Branch. Lord wants to create the new position of the Forest Products Commissioner of NB,a salary which would add up to 1.2 millions of $s for ten years for Branch. Branch refuses the offer. (I believe Bernie Valcourt took the new created Commissioner's job) Of course if Branch accepted the job, he would have had to resign as MLA and leave his seat open to a partial election which Lord hoped to win. This is where it gets nasty. Around 2004/2005, rumours started that Branch had misappropriated funds from his office at the NSFMPB in Bathurst. Tim Quigley Private Investigator was hired by the Board to investigate. (Quigley was the Commanding Officer of The RCMP NB Division until he retired sometimes in 2004) Branch requested to be interviewed by Quigley, but never was. Quigley went directly to the NSFMPB and reported that there was enough stuff in this case to have Branch charged in Criminal Court for fraud. Then the media took over and the reputation of Branch went down. Shawn Graham at the end of 2005 asked Frank Branch to step out until this matter was clarified and Branch sat as Independent at the

Legislature, probably much humiliated and betrayed. The RCMP investigated Branch, although they didn't interview Branch, they concluded that there wasn't enough evidence to charge him. I don't know what happened then. For some reason, the Bathurst City Police took over again the investigation and charged ex MLA Frank Branch for Breach of Trust, Fraud and extortion. I'll make a one looney bet that Frank Branch will never be convicted of any of those accusations, but unfortunately his reputation is tarnished. I would normally think that after a thorough investigation done by the RCMP, Mr Branch would have been cleared of those allegations, the matter would be closed. The problem is that Mr Branch has civil actions against some individuals in this matter. The problem I believe for ex MLA Branch is the fact that the NB Department of Justice is a brotherhood of Free Masons. Yes, Brad Green (now Mr Justice) is a Free Mason and T.J. Burke as well. they are Brothers first, irrelevant of who you are. (Don't believe me? Go to the Masons of NB, you may find some interesting pictures or names) The pressure Bathurst Police got from the Department of Justice must have been quite strong. Now, will there be a Crown Prosecutor willing to pursue Branch in Court? I bet you it will be a hired no name lawyer to prosecute if this ever goes to Court. If I were Frank Branch, I would go immediately to the Bathurst Police and request the evidence they have against him and I would also go to the RCMP to get their file they have on him. As a Canadian citizen he has every right to get those files. People who are keeping a distance from Frank Branch, I suggest you don't go to conclusions and get more informtions before letting the man down. Please Charles, Publish me.

Posted by Charles LeBlanc at 8:51:00 PM 0 comments ---------- Forwarded message ---------From: David Amos <> Date: Wed, 28 Jan 2009 16:17:29 -0400 Subject: Remeber me Mr. Siscoe? Say hey to Frank Branch and your buddies in the Barhurst PD and the Crown for me will ya? To:, "jeff. mockler" <>,,,,,,, Cc: "Godin. Y" <>, webo <>, "" <>, "" <>, Dan Fitzgerald <> I remember talking to you on the phone while you were in a motel room in Edmonston not long after I ran in the election of the 39th Parliament. I did so because after your client Frank Branch was compelled to sit as an Independent he had began making a lot of interesting statements into the parliamentry public record so that he could not be sued for his words. Later in June of 2006 while the Sgt at Arms and the Fredericton Police Force were outside on the gounds and busy illegally attempting to banish me from the Legislative properties a friend of mine was inside the Legislative building talking to many people iincluding the current Premier Shawn Graham and your client Frank Branch. Perhaps Werner Bock should remind you and your client and the Crown what your client told him in a very public forum? Perhaps as you review some of my emails once again I should remind you of the Law Society Act and that of the fact that you are an officer of the court and are required by law and your licence to practice law for a fee to report your knowledge of crimes. Correct? if nothing else you should at least affirm for me that the The Crown and it servants in the RCMP cannot pick and choose which law to uphold in a partisan fashion. Just because all the smiling corrupt bastards do not appreciate my style of hard ball politicking in an ethical fashion it does not make me a criminal or mentally unstable. Correct? Veritas Vinct David Raymond Amos

---------- Forwarded message ---------From: David Amos <> Date: Wed, 28 Jan 2009 12:59:07 -0400 Subject: RE: Michel Chossudovsky and Catherine Austin Fitts if you are sincere perhaps we should talk ASAP your are in Chicago correct? To:, Cc: Dan Fitzgerald <>, webo <> ex.php?cmd=programs From: Catherine Austin Fitts <> Date: Sun, 25 Jan 2009 12:55:46 -0600 Subject: Your information To: Send away. Why not try reposting on the blog? -Catherine Austin Fitts Solari, Inc. PO Box 157 Hickory Valley, TN 38042, USA off: 731.764.2515 fax: 731.764.2232 web: e-mail: ---------- Forwarded message ---------From: David Amos <> Date: Wed, 28 Jan 2009 00:13:37 -0400 Subject: Attn Michel Chossudovsky if you are sincere perhaps we should talk ASAP eh? To:, "" <>, "Brison. S" <>, "Casey. B" <> Cc:,

Anyone can see byway of reading the Wall Street Journal's law blog that the trancripts and webcast of these imporatnt hearing have dissappeared. earingID=102e41a1-f540-4ce5-a701-b6d09b7606b1 Cutler along with Spitzer certainly testified at this hearing. earingID=90f8e691-9065-4f8c-a465-72722b47e7f2 And clearly I have my copy of the transcript of the hearing taht the US Senate Banking committee has lost. EH? Veritas Vincit David Raymond Amos Here was the last commet I put in THe Beast

---------- Forwarded message ---------From: David Amos <> Date: Mon, 26 Jan 2009 17:30:27 -0400 Subject: Joanne Sewell Legal Counsel at Merrill Lynch Canada Inc To:,, Cc: "" <> These emails should be enough to meet the demands of your associates Michael J Northcott in Boston and Nanacy Clancy in Toronto before I sue your company Correct?

Nancy Clancy Brookfield Place, 181 Bay Street Suite 400 Toronto ON M5J 2V8 (416) 369-7400

---------- Forwarded message ---------From: David Amos <> Date: Mon, 26 Jan 2009 16:16:08 -0400 Subject: While researching you it appears that I figured out that Power Corp owns La Presse perhaps you will return phone calls and answer emails now EH Mr Julious Grey? To:,,,,,,, Cc: "Robert. Jones" <>, "Jack - M.P. Layton" <>, "Duceppe. G" <> JULIUS H. GREY 3410 Peel Street Suite 2102 Montreal, Quebec H3A 1W8 Tel: 514-288-6180 Fax: 514-288-8908*&ie =UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&startIndex=&startPage=1 Attention News Editors: Power corp was right but then so was I EH ? Surprise Surprise Barack Obama an easy victor if the rest of the world could vote, according to a poll by eight international newspapers MONTREAL, Oct. 17 /CNW Telbec/ - Barack Obama would score a crushing victory if the rest of the planet could vote. That's according to the results

of a major worldwide poll conducted by eight international newspapers in which residents of Canada, France, Japan, Mexico, Poland, Switzerland, Great Britain and Belgium answered a series of questions on the November 4th election and on their perception of the United States. In each of the eight countries polled, Obama would win hands down, beginning with Switzerland, where the senator from Illinois picks up 83 percent of support as against only 7 percent for John McCain. Canada is the second of the eight countries where Obama can count on the biggest number of fans: 70 percent of Canadians would vote for the Democratic candidate in the presidential election. His Republican rival would have to settle for 14 percent. The country in which McCain is most popular is Poland, which supported George W. Bush's war in Iraq. But even there, Obama's lead is virtually insurmountable at 17 percentage points. And the majority of respondents hoped to see the withdrawal of American troops from Iraq in the coming year ahead. Mexicans are the most impatient, with 68 percent in favour of an accelerated exit from Iraq, followed by the French (63 percent), the Poles (58 percent), the Swiss (57 percent) and the Canadians (53 percent). Moreover, perceptibly put off by the adventure in Iraq, a large number of inhabitants of the countries surveyed feel that the U.S. president elected in November must exclude the possibility of a military intervention in Iran. Complete results are available online at About La Presse Canada's leading French-language national newspaper, La Presse serves a readership of 815,900. Based in Montreal, La Presse has correspondents in New York, Los Angeles and Paris. La Presse is owned by Gesca, a subsidiary of Power Corporation of Canada (TSX: POW). For further information: To obtain an interview about the surveys and the results: Caroline Jamet, Vice-prsident, Communications, (514) 285-7119, Mobile: (514) 236-7119,

---------- Forwarded message ---------From: David Amos <> Date: Mon, 26 Jan 2009 14:16:16 -0400 Subject: Hey Chucky Leblanc Re Me, you the CBC and Existing blogs and the fact that EVERYTHING is Political To: "" <>, editor <>, "" <> Cc: webo <>, Richard Harris

<>, Dan Fitzgerald <> Need I say Bullshit to you once again? Most folks have heard of the name of the lawyer who became Judge Gomery but not many know who Gilles Moreau of the RCMP was that said I have not been able to get past French speaking Quebecers palying dumb to find out for certain if he is the same cop mentioned in the articale in This Magazine years ago about killer cops. ---------- Forwarded message ---------From: David Amos <> Date: Mon, 26 Jan 2009 10:36:34 -0400 Subject: Re Me you the CBC and Existing blogs To:, Cc:, "" <>, Dan Fitzgerald <>, gypsy-blog <>, Richard Harris <>, "" <>, "jack. keir" <>, "" <>, tim4nm <>

---------- Forwarded message ---------From: David Amos <> Date: Sun, 25 Jan 2009 18:09:04 -0400 Subject: So Derek Burney you yap on CBC with Rex Murphy before Obama comes up to see us but you don't call or write me Howcome? To:,,, checkup <> Cc: "" <>, "Ignatieff. M" <>, "Duceppe. G" <>, "Jack M.P. Layton" <> ---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: David Amos <> Date: Tue, 20 Jan 2009 11:31:18 -0400 Subject: RE Stephen M. Cutler Executive VP, General Counsel and head your company's Legal and Compliance activities worldwide To:,,,,,, Cc: "" <> ---------- Forwarded message ---------From: David Amos <> Date: Mon, 19 Jan 2009 17:38:32 -0400 Subject: Anyone can check the pdf files hereto attached and call me back to stress test my ethics just like I am yours 506 756 8687 To:,,,,,,, jtravers <> Cc: "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <> ---------- Forwarded message ---------From: David Amos <> Date: Fri, 16 Jan 2009 09:27:53 -0400 Subject: I just called both of you fellas. say hey to your buddy Chucky Leblanc, the RCMP and your Minister for me will ya? To:,, "Gilles. Blinn" <>,,, Cc: "" <>, ---------- Forwarded message ---------From: David Amos <> Date: Thu, 15 Jan 2009 15:21:04 -0400 Subject: It is not I who is infortunate Ms. Mason To: Cc:,,

---------- Forwarded message ---------From: David Amos <> Date: Thu, 15 Jan 2009 14:26:31 -0400 Subject: Fwd: IF AbitibiBowater Inc. or you were ethical then you dudes would return phone calls and answer emals Correct Mr Heyer? To: ---------- Forwarded message ---------From: David Amos <> Date: Thu, 15 Jan 2009 12:57:26 -0400 Subject: Fwd: IF AbitibiBowater Inc. or you were ethical then you dudes would return phone calls and answer emals Correct Mr Heyer? To: Cc: "" <>, "" <>, "johnw. betts" <>, "" <>, "" <> ---------- Forwarded message ---------From: David Amos <> Date: Thu, 15 Jan 2009 12:37:07 -0400 Subject: IF AbitibiBowater Inc. or you were ethical then you dudes would return phone calls and answer emals Correct Mr Heyer? To: Cc:, "Nicholson. R" <>,, I saw you dudes checking me out on the web. Now who should I talk to about you? Veritas Vincit David Rayomond Amos 506 756 8687 Just Dave By Location Visit Detail Visit 6,708 Domain Name ? (U.S. Government) IP Address 149.101.1.# (US Dept of Justice) ISP US Dept of Justice Location Continent : North America Country : United States (Facts) State : Maryland City : Potomac Lat/Long : 39.023, -77.1993 (Map) Language English (U.S.) en-us

Operating System Microsoft Win2000 Browser Internet Explorer 6.0 Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0; DOJ3jx7bf) Javascript version 1.3 Monitor Resolution : 1280 x 1024 Color Depth : 32 bits Time of Visit Jan 15 2009 11:23:24 am Last Page View Jan 15 2009 11:23:24 am Visit Length 0 seconds Page Views 1 Referring URL Visit Entry Page Visit Exit Page Out Click Time Zone UTC-5:00 Visitor's Time Jan 15 2009 10:23:24 am Visit Number 6,708

Just Dave By Location Visit Detail Visit 6,706 Domain Name ? (U.S. Government) IP Address 149.101.1.# (US Dept of Justice) ISP US Dept of Justice Location Continent : North America Country : United States (Facts) State : District of Columbia City : Washington Lat/Long : 38.9097, -77.0231 (Map) Language English (U.S.) en-us Operating System Microsoft Win2000 Browser Netscape 7.02 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:1.0.2) Gecko/20030208 Netscape/7.02 (CK-DNJ702R1) Javascript version 1.5 Monitor Resolution : 1280 x 1024 Color Depth : 32 bits Time of Visit Jan 15 2009 10:17:08 am Last Page View Jan 15 2009 10:17:08 am Visit Length 0 seconds Page Views 1 Referring URL Visit Entry Page Visit Exit Page Out Click

Time Zone UTC-5:00 Visitor's Time Jan 15 2009 9:17:08 am Visit Number 6,706

Investor Relations AbitibiBowater Inc. 1155 Metcalfe Street, Suite 800 Montral, Qubec H3B 5H2 Canada T 514 875-2160

---------- Forwarded message ---------From: David Amos <> Date: Thu, 15 Jan 2009 10:35:39 -0400 Subject: I just talked to the Mayor prehaps he should have his lawyer call me now EH? tell him to say hey to your hero Danny Williams for me. To:, Cc: premier <> Gordon D. Giffin Senior Partner with the law firm McKenna, Long & Aldridge LLP. Mr. Giffin served as U.S. Ambassador to Canada from August 1997 to April 2001. He is a member of the boards of directors of Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, Canadian National Railway Company, Canadian Natural Resources Limited, TransAlta Corporation and Ontario Energy Savings Ltd. He is also on the Board of Advisors for Kissinger McLarty Associates. Mr. Giffin serves on AbitibiBowater's Audit, and Environment, Health and Safety board committees.

---------- Forwarded message ---------From: David Amos <> Date: Thu, 15 Jan 2009 10:09:31 -0400 Subject: We just talked didn't we Arsehole? To: Cc: "" <> ---------- Forwarded message ---------From: David Amos <>

Date: Wed, 14 Jan 2009 19:38:08 -0400 Subject: I am certain that all the liberal lawyers such as Allan Rock, Stephen Owen and Stephen Toope remember me EH Stockwell Day? To: "day. s" <>, stoffp1 <> Cc:,,,,,, Clearly some students and their teachers know where to look to get a hell of an education.about the economy from a dumb Maritimer EH? Just Dave By Location Visit Detail Visit 6,698 Domain Name ? (Canada) IP Address 137.122.97.# (University of Ottawa) ISP University of Ottawa Location Continent : North America Country : Canada (Facts) State/Region : Ontario City : Ottawa Lat/Long : 45.4167, -75.7 (Map) Language English (U.S.) en-us Operating System Microsoft WinXP Browser Internet Explorer 6.0 Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; GTB5; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; InfoPath.1; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.30; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.648; MS-RTC LM 8) Javascript version 1.3 Monitor Resolution : 1280 x 1024 Color Depth : 32 bits Time of Visit Jan 14 2009 7:28:11 pm Last Page View Jan 14 2009 7:28:11 pm Visit Length 0 seconds Page Views 1 Referring URL Visit Entry Page Visit Exit Page Out Click Time Zone UTC-5:00 Visitor's Time Jan 14 2009 6:28:11 pm Visit Number 6,698

---------- Forwarded message ---------From: David Amos <>

Date: Wed, 14 Jan 2009 16:23:33 -0400 Subject: RE: Federal Financial Oversight in Canada? Tell me another Mr. Davies right after you talk to the RCMP, INTERPOL and T.J. Burke. To:, "George. Bentley" <>,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Cc: "" <>, "" <>, "victor. boudreau2" <> Now that the economy is a tailspin for reasons that are largely YOUR cohorts' fault. What I would like to know is why the Dept of a Foreign Affairs and the Bank of Canada allowed the Americans to falsely imprison me in 2004 and why the RCMP did the same four god damend years later? ---------- Forwarded message ---------From: David Amos <> Date: Wed, 14 Jan 2009 09:52:53 -0400 Subject: I heard you joking on CBC Ms. Francis and the lawyer Bill Rice bitching about the lawyer John Coffee and Tom Hockin bragging while I was calling Mr Bentley of a questionable panel. To:,,,,,,, Cc: "" <>, "martine. turcotte" <> ---------- Forwarded message ---------From: David Amos <> Date: Tue, 13 Jan 2009 17:20:19 -0400 Subject: RE: the Brennan Center for Justice To:,, Cc: webo <>

---------- Forwarded message ---------From: David Amos <> Date: Tue, 13 Jan 2009 15:41:52 -0400 Subject: We just talked Mr. Vickery To: ---------- Forwarded message ---------From: David Amos <> Date: Tue, 13 Jan 2009 14:06:57 -0400 Subject: we are talking To: Cc: ---------- Forwarded message ---------From: David Amos <> Date: Tue, 13 Jan 2009 13:41:18 -0400 Subject: what planet do Jean St-Gelais people from To:,,,, ---------- Forwarded message ---------From: David Amos <> Date: Tue, 13 Jan 2009 13:07:02 -0400 Subject: Fwd: You fellas at PARADIGMcalled me back EH Seth Moskowitz? (506 756 8687) To:, ---------- Forwarded message ---------From: David Amos <> Date: Tue, 13 Jan 2009 12:30:12 -0400 Subject: You fellas at PARADIGMcalled me back EH Seth Moskowitz? (506 756 8687" To:,,,,,,,,,,, Cc: webo <> The Investment Funds Institute of Canada 11 King Street West, 4th Floor Toronto, Ontario M5H 4C7 Phone: (416) 363-2150 Fax: (416) 861-9937 Susan Yellin, Director of Communications Email:

Phone: 416-309-2317 The Quebec Investment Funds Council 1010 Sherbrooke Ouest bureau 1800 Montral, Qubec H3A 2R7 Phone: (514) 985-7025 Fax: (514) 985-5113 The Economic Club of Toronto 80 Richmond Street West Suite 501 Toronto, Ontario, Canada me=&no_ads= PARADIGM looks forward to hearing from you. For questions regarding any of PARADIGM's products and services or to comment on our website please contact us at: Tel: 212. 271.3388 Fax: 212.271.3395 Email: Marketing/Client Services Seth Moskowitz : Ext. 401

The Vancouver Board of Trade World Trade Centre Suite 400, 999 Canada Place Vancouver, B.C. V6C 3E1 Phone: 604-681-2111 / Fax: 604-681-0437 E-mail:

CAIR - NY (New York) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------475 Riverside Drive #246 New York, NY 10115 Contact Name: Nasir Gondal Main Telephone: 212-870-2002 Fax Number: 212-870-2020 Email: Website:

---------- Forwarded message ---------From: David Amos <> Date: Mon, 12 Jan 2009 23:42:45 -0400 Subject: Perhaps you fellas should finally call me back now EH? 506 756 8687 To:,,,,, Cc: Naveed Majid Ph: (506) 455-7292

Professor D. Jack Gegenberg Dept of Math & Stats University of New Brunswick PO Box 4400 Fredericton NB Tel 506-453-4768 E-mail Dr. Hussein Mouftah (Chair of CIC's Regional Directors Committee) 613-899-0058 (cell) ---------- Forwarded message ---------From: David Amos <> Date: Mon, 12 Jan 2009 15:56:43 -0400 Subject: These are the pdf files I mentioned to Paul Jones' assistant and some lawyers within the OLIPHANT COMMISSION To:,,,,,,, "rick. skinner" <>, "rae. b" <>,,,,,,,,, Cc: webo <>, "kirk. macdonald" <>, "jeff. mockler" <> The lawyers within OLIPHANT COMMISSION should study every link and every document I send them rather closely begining with the files with the following links. Myriam Corbeil and Giuseppe Battista should recall my doing with the Gomery Commission and Oliphant should rember me me from my doings with the "Montreal criminal lawyer Giuseppe Battista concurs. He says that the Quebec Court of Appeal appears to have "established the norm that in principle" when abuse of trust and the public purse is involved in matters of large-scale fraud a jail term is "required." "But it is important to note that the court maintained the quantum of the sentence," noted Battista. "In other words, they didn't touch the amount of the sentence but they said that it should be served in jail and not in the community." Somebody within Time Warner should check this file out ASAP EH? "Because AOL employees are just as diverse as AOL members, individuality is valued and personal skills are put to use. Our employees have ambition and ability; therefore, opportunities for career development and advancement throughout the Time Warner/AOL family are plentiful."

Shannon O'Brien AOL Halifax Suite 600 1550 Bedford Highway Bedford, Nova Scotia B4A 1E6 Canada (902) 832-1014 Phone (902) 832-1015 Fax The lawyer Paul Jones just has to know who I am. Paul Jones is Executive Vice President -- General Counsel and Regulatory Policy for tw telecom inc. Mr. Jones previously served as Senior Vice President - Corporate Development for Time Warner Cable Ventures and was Senior Vice President and General Counsel for Warner Cable Communications. Prior to joining Warner Cable, Mr. Jones served as Vice President, Strategy and Development for CBS, inc.'s publishing group. In 2004, President George W. Bush nominated Mr. Jones to serve a 5 year term on the IRS Oversight Board as one of the Board's "private life members." In 2006, the IRS Oversight Board elected Mr. Jones to serve as its Chairman. A native of Worthington, Ohio, Mr. Jones earned a Bachelor of Arts degree from Yale University in 1968 and a Juris Doctorate degree from Yale in 1972. Just Dave By Location Visit Detail Visit 6,668 Domain Name ? (Commercial) IP Address 64.236.208.# (AOL Transit Data Network) ISP AOL Transit Data Network Location Continent : North America Country : United States (Facts) State : Virginia City : Herndon Lat/Long : 38.9553, -77.3881 (Map) Language English (U.S.) en-us Operating System Microsoft WinXP Browser Firefox Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:

Gecko/2008120122 Firefox/3.0.5 Javascript version 1.5 Monitor Resolution : 1280 x 1024 Color Depth : 32 bits Time of Visit Jan 12 2009 3:09:31 pm Last Page View Jan 12 2009 3:11:35 pm Visit Length 2 minutes 4 seconds Page Views 2 Referring URL Visit Entry Page Visit Exit Page Out Click Time Zone UTC-4:00 Visitor's Time Jan 12 2009 3:09:31 pm Visit Number 6,668

Just Dave By Location Visit Detail Visit 6,637 Domain Name ? (Network) IP Address 64.129.127.# (Time Warner Telecom) ISP Time Warner Telecom Location Continent : North America Country : United States (Facts) State : District of Columbia City : Washington Lat/Long : 38.9097, -77.0231 (Map) Language English (U.S.) en-us Operating System Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Browser Internet Explorer 6.0 Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.2; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.30; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.648; .NET CLR 3.5.21022) Javascript version 1.3 Monitor Resolution : 1280 x 1024 Color Depth : 24 bits Time of Visit Jan 9 2009 3:59:42 pm Last Page View Jan 9 2009 4:01:05 pm Visit Length 1 minute 23 seconds Page Views 1 Referring URL Visit Entry Page Visit Exit Page Out Click View my complete profile http://www.blogger.c...15428735081915360609

Time Zone UTC-5:00 Visitor's Time Jan 9 2009 2:59:42 pm Visit Number 6,637 Just Dave By Location > Visit Detail Visit 6,635 [<<] [>>] Domain Name ? (Network) IP Address 64.129.127.# (Time Warner Telecom) ISP Time Warner Telecom Location Continent : North America Country : United States (Facts) State : District of Columbia City : Washington Lat/Long : 38.9097, -77.0231 (Map) Language English (U.S.) en-us Operating System Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Browser Internet Explorer 6.0 Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.2; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.30; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.648; .NET CLR 3.5.21022) Javascript version 1.3 Monitor Resolution : 1400 x 1050 Color Depth : 24 bits Time of Visit Jan 9 2009 2:29:07 pm Last Page View Jan 9 2009 2:29:07 pm Visit Length 0 seconds Page Views 1 Referring URL Visit Entry Page Visit Exit Page Out Click Time Zone UTC-5:00 Visitor's Time Jan 9 2009 1:29:07 pm Visit Number 6,635

Just Dave By Location Visit Detail Visit 6,201 Domain Name ? (Network) IP Address 74.202.51.# (Time Warner Telecom)

ISP Time Warner Telecom Location Continent : North America Country : United States (Facts) State : Ohio City : Columbus Lat/Long : 39.9968, -82.9882 (Map) Language English (U.S.) en-us Operating System Microsoft WinXP Browser Internet Explorer 6.0 Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727) Javascript version 1.3 Monitor Resolution : 1024 x 768 Color Depth : 32 bits Time of Visit Nov 19 2008 3:19:49 pm Last Page View Nov 19 2008 3:19:49 pm Visit Length 0 seconds Page Views 1 Referring URL Search Engine Search Words "david aufhauser" "david amos" Visit Entry Page http://davidamos.blo.../03/me-and-bush.html Visit Exit Page http://davidamos.blo.../03/me-and-bush.html Out Click Time Zone UTC-5:00 Visitor's Time Nov 19 2008 2:19:49 pm Visit Number 6,201

---------- Forwarded message ---------From: David Amos <> Date: Sun, 11 Jan 2009 16:16:23 -0400 Subject: These are the pdf files I mentioned To: ---------- Forwarded message ---------From: David Amos <> Date: Sat, 3 Jan 2009 19:38:24 -0400 Subject: Do you MPPs remember David Myles or even mean old me? Rest assured your old buddies in the CBC do EH Bill Casey? To:,,, Byron Prior <>, "Gilles. Blinn" <>, "oldmaison. wcie" <>, "" <>, porcupine007 <>

Cc: garth <>, "" <>, "Casey. B" <>,,,,, Feel free to have David Myles and his blogger buddies or the RCMP or the cops around Halifax Nova Scotia explain why I have had enough of their malice toward my family and I. In the "mean" time perhaps Garth Turner who should not be too busy these days can teach you Upper Canadians a trick or two about the fine art of politicking byway of Youtube and the blogs. Rest assured I won't tell ya my secrets EH Mr. Canadiancrimenews? Everybody and his dog south of the 49th knows that I am a little busy stress testing the ethics of Greg Craig before his bos Obama takes the oath of office Correct Bill Casey? Maybe Garth Turner can explain to his old politcal/lawyer buddy Jimmy Flaherty byway of his blog what the Hell I am talking about the Wall Street Journal's Law blogs and why the transcripts of the Hearings of the US Senate Banking Committee on November 18th and 20th 2003 evaporated just before sub prime mortages began to smell bad to the common man. Garth knows everything EH? Veritas Vincit David Raymond Amos ---------- Forwarded message ---------From: David Amos <> Date: Sat, 3 Jan 2009 11:03:52 -0400 Subject: Whereas David Myles of QSLS enjoys watching politcs he should enjoy this email sent out long before Barack Obama takes his oath of

office To:, Cc:,, Dan Fitzgerald <>,, "Dewar. P" <>,, ---------- Forwarded message ---------From: David Amos <> Date: Fri, 2 Jan 2009 14:10:17 -0400 Subject: Eliot Spitzer writes spin for the Washington Post while a former boss of HUD prays nobody says my name as he begs for a seat in the Senate? To:,,,,,,,,,,,,, Cc:,,,,, Lets just say that you nasty Yankees can't fool one dumb Maritimer Can they Mrs. Constantine? (check your voicemail) Perhaps your former boss, Rupert Murdoch should have his not so wise lawyers review the pdf files hereto attached and the files found in the following links Then read the Wall Street Journals's law blog. EH? Say hey to the brain dead Ted Kennedy and obama's lawyer the elusive Mr Craig for me will ya? This Blog is just too funny if one knows the sad truth of it all EH? "Murdoch has a special place in his heart for the Kennedy clan. It was Sen. Ted, who is gung-ho about his niece entering the family business, who granted the Aussie a waiver to buy the Post even though News Corp. owned Channel 5 in NYC. It's now payback time." Veritas Vincit David Raymond Amos

---------- Forwarded message ---------From: David Amos <> Date: Thu, 1 Jan 2009 12:05:54 -0400 Subject: Hey Don Mills who must agree that you and Eliot Spitzer work very hard in corporate research but only one of us works for crooks EH? To:,,,,,,,,,, "Gilles. Blinn" <> Cc: "" <>, "tomp. young" <>, "" <> ---------- Forwarded message ---------From: David Amos <> Date: Wed, 31 Dec 2008 21:28:07 -0400 Subject: As I was researching Sam Zell today I discovered a Youtube provided by the Observer so I called it, KTLA, the LA Times, and Mr. Zells office.. To:,,,,, Cc: webo <>, checkup <>, newsonline <>, atvnews <>, "Robert. Jones" <> I must say I like Mr. Zell's open frankness. I believe we may become friends if only because we have a similiar aproach to dealing with obvious matters and the Art of Motorcycle

Maintenance of sorts. (I am a mortorcycle mechanic and I believe that he likes them as as well) How it is his words that I am refering to. Clearly the man knows his business and he doesn't pull his punches and is quite prophetic. Considering the news these days Mr. Zell may be the man America needs to solve its Real Estate woes but i doubt Obama would seek his counse. The third reason for the overdevelopment, Zell said, was the advent of the HP 12 -- "one of the most wicked instruments that has ever been created in the real estate world." The revolutionary new calculator allowed aspiring developers to "do projections, on pretty paper with pretty lines," Zell said. The machine created "a world full of MBAs in windowless rooms on Wall Street playing with their HP 12s and coming up with economic justifications for what they were suggesting somebody else do with somebody else's money. This was truly a disaster. (For those of you who don't know what an MBA is: an MBA is somebody who knows how to do the numbers but doesn't know what they mean.)" When asked the value of his U-M legal education, Zell said that although he "didn't remember shit from law school," the experience was "an extraordinary asset" because "it taught me to think, it taught me how to deal with problems." Need I say I like this guy? I must say while I was admiring Mr Zell's character and reading his words a nasty little reporter from the Chicago Tribune called me back after I had talked to Mr. Hunter's office. Just before that I managed leave a voicemail about Obama in one of Mr. Zell's offices in Chicago. As the young fella tried to sound like sort of big cheese and insulted me about the emails I had sent earlier, I merely dismissed him as the arsehole he is and told him I want to talk to Mr. Zell. Later I after making my way past some very dippy and rude women I also managed to speak to some man who was purportedly was the station manger at KTLA but he would not say his name. When that dumb bastard challenged me I did not mince words with him. Lets just say these minor men of the media mean less than nothing to me Check my work and you will see why. Now I only wish to speak to Sam Zell as I forward this email and someof the others to some serious bloggers who do not have any respect for the corporate media whatsoever for justifable reasons. . It appears to me by his words within the Youtube provided to the world

by the Observer that Mr. Zell well understands my frustation with the prima donnas in the corporate media outfits he now controls. If I were he, I would do some more serious weeding in short order. As you can see I for one am doing my best to embarass the Hell out of the Crown Corp the CBC and its cohorts in BellGlobemedia. Whereas Mr. Zell was educated as a lawyer but practices the fine art of saving businesses heading for the grave I am certain he will understand why I sued three US Treasury Agents and a host of other snobby Americans seven god damned years ago which was long before the ecomony headed south and I have made my own accurate predictions. Press print on the pdf files and a sk yourselves why the US Senate Banking Comitee lost its records of a hearing I inspired five years ago and howcome I still have my records before you dare to call me a liar. Whereas Mr. Zell has made a deal to print the Wall Street Journal perhaps he should consider reading my words in a couple of its law blogs before any of his idiot associates in the media piss me off any further. I would not be a bit surprised if Rupert Murdcoh's lawyers made the links above go "Poof" in short order. Rest assured I saved my copies. That said I think Mr. Zell and I could have quite a pow wow someday EH Mr. Sinclair? Do ya think I will have a lot to say about David aufhauser and Eliot Spitzer and many others? Whereas Mr Zell appears to be a republican from Chicago and a man of common sense he is gonna love what I tell him about Obama and his cohorts. The sad part is his various reporters all around the USA have known the truth of my matters for many years. They have many ghosts to answer to in the New Year or my name ain't "Just Dave" n%3Aopensource_audio

You will find this email posted in the latest comment within the following blog and several others as well. Try googling you email address before you doubt my sincerity and dilgence in defence of my Clan. If the wiretap tapes I have can impeach Bush then they can also Impeach Obama because that lawyer has had a true copy for nearly five years. In truth I beleive he used my material as alever to become the keynote Speaker in Boston in july of 2004. Ask Teddy Kennedy. I dare ya. Some of the folks whose estates were pilfered with the assistance of bankers and lawyers etc are buried right beside his Mother, Rose. No shit. Whereas the Securities Industry Automation Corporation (SIAC) checked out some of my words there recently perhaps you should too. after all I am blogging about you EH? Happy New Year??? Bah Humbug!!! I wanna see the purportedly Free Press empoy the First Amendment and the Charter and the Justice Systems in two purported profound democracies functioning properly before I seek more joy. I have had more fun than than any ten of my ancestors already. I answer to their ghosts as I defend my seed or they will not allow me to rest in peace. Heres hoping Mr. Zell and I cross paths in short order. Veritas Vincit David Raymond Amos The New York Observer, LLC 915 Broadway, 9th Floor New York, New York 10010 (212) 755-2400 Toll-free: (800) 542-0420 Nancy Sullivan Executive Director, Communications 213-237-6160 Communications Department Los Angeles Times 202 W. 1st St. Los Angeles, CA 90012

KTLA-TV 5800 Sunset Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90028 323-460-5500

---------- Forwarded message ---------From: David Amos <> Date: Wed, 31 Dec 2008 17:00:19 -0400 Subject: Reporters looking for official Newsday comment on news items, call Deidra Parrish Williams at 631-843-3783 ??? Yea right Tim Knight, To:,, Cc:,0,5203939.htmlstory ---------- Forwarded message ---------From: David Amos <> Date: Wed, 31 Dec 2008 16:41:10 -0400 Subject: I am on the phone right now 631-843-2700 To: ---------- Forwarded message ---------From: David Amos <> Date: Wed, 31 Dec 2008 12:23:58 -0400 Subject: Mr. Gonzalez I called you now I am on the phone to Mr Wright may I suggest you lawyers make Mr. Burris aware of these files ASAP? To: "" <> Cc: "" <>, "" <>, "" <> ---------- Forwarded message ---------From: David Amos <> Date: Wed, 31 Dec 2008 12:00:47 -0400 Subject: Mr Jones I opted to send the pdf file I mentioned by itself just to you dudes and Mr. Burris so the Feds would not bounce the first email back they have it all anyway EH? To:,,, Cc: Mr. Jones If you think that I don't know about big money best you think again.

Look at just one of a crownd or worried people who have been checking my work lately. Mr. Braden I was not surprised that you would not come to the phone just now. We have crossed paths and your law firm and I have crossed swords before CORRECT? Veritas Vincit David Raymond Amos Just Dave By Location Visit Detail Visit 6,527 Domain Name (Unknown) IP Address 198.140.63.# (Securities Industry Automation Corporation (SIAC)) ISP Securities Industry Automation Corporation (SIAC) Location Continent : North America Country : United States (Facts) State : New York City : Staten Island Lat/Long : 40.5865, -74.1497 (Map) Language English (U.S.) en-us Operating System Microsoft WinXP Browser Internet Explorer 7.0 Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; InfoPath.2) Javascript version 1.3 Monitor Resolution : 1024 x 768 Color Depth : 32 bits Time of Visit Dec 30 2008 10:23:45 am Last Page View Dec 30 2008 10:23:45 am

May suggest again that you press print. and show it to a lawyer ASAP after you ask the cop Warren McBeath if i am lair or not and watch hime clam up bigtime(He is now in Ottawa). The RCMP seemed to be pretty pissed off today after what I did with them in their YOUTUBE There is quite of parade of strange cars going past the farm. It appears that my adveraries are trying hard to pick a fight with me. Rest assured I am up for it. Nobody can say that i don't keep good records

Subject: Date: Tue, 30 Jan 2007 12:02:35 -0400 From: "Murphy, Michael B. (DH/MS)" To: January 30, 2007


Dear Mr. Amos: This will acknowledge receipt of a copy of your e-mail of December 29, 2006 to Corporal Warren McBeath of the RCMP. Because of the nature of the allegations made in your message, I have taken the measure of forwarding a copy to Assistant Commissioner Steve Graham of the RCMP "J" Division in Fredericton . Sincerely, Honourable Michael B. Murphy Minister of Health CM/cb Date: Fri, 29 Dec 2006 17:34:53 -0500 From: "Warren McBeath" To:,,,,, CC:,,,, "Bev BUSSON", "Paul Dube" Subject: Re: Remember me Kilgour? Landslide Annie McLellan has forgotten me but the crooks within the RCMP have n Dear Mr. Amos, Thank you for your follow up e-mail to me today. I was on days off over the holidays and returned to work this evening. Rest assured I was not ignoring or procrastinating to respond to your concerns. As your attachment sent today refers from Premier Graham, our position

is clear on your dead calf issue: Our forensic labs do not process testing on animals in cases such as yours, they are referred to the Atlantic Veterinary College in Charlottetown who can provide these services. If you do not choose to utilize their expertise in this instance, then that is your decision and nothing more can be done. As for your other concerns regarding the US Government, false imprisonment and Federal Court Dates in the US, etc... it is clear that Federal authorities are aware of your concerns both in Canada and theUS. These issues do not fall into the purvue of Detachment policing in Petitcodiac, NB. It was indeed an interesting and informative conversation we had on December 23rd, and I wish you well in all of your future endeavors. Sincerely, Warren McBeath, Cpl. GRC Caledonia RCMP Traffic Services NCO Ph: (506) 387-2222 Fax: (506) 387-4622 E-mail From: "Lafleur, Lou" To: "''", "Lafleur, Lou" Subject: Fredericton Police Force Date: Mon, 11 Jun 2007 15:21:13 -0300 Dear Mr. Amos My Name is Lou LaFleur and I am a Detective with the Fredericton Police Major Crime Unit. I would like to talk to you regarding files that I am investigating and that you are alleged to have involvement in. Please call me at your earliest convenience and leave a message and a phone number on my secure and confidential line if I am not in my office. yours truly, Cpl. Lou LaFleur Fredericton Police Force 311 Queen St.

Fredericton, NB 506-460-2332 ________________________________ This electronic mail, including any attachments, is confidential and is for the sole use of the intended recipient and may be privileged. Any unauthorized distribution, copying, disclosure or review is prohibited. Neither communication over the Internet nor disclosure to anyone other than the intended recipient constitutes waiver of privilege. If you are not the intended recipient, please immediately notify the sender and then delete this communication and any attachments from your computer system and records without saving or forwarding it. Thank you. From: David Amos <> Subject: Re: I just called the House, Stan Carew, his Deputy Dog and the QSLS puppy David Myles who loves politicking after you promoted their website on air To:, "webo" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "nb. premier" <>, "nbpolitico" <>, "gypsy-blog" <>, "" <>, "tim4nm" <>, "tomp. young" <>, "" <>, "Richard Harris" <>, "bert. hudon" <>, "Duceppe. G" <>, "layton. j" <>, "Ignatieff. M" <>, Cc:,, "Dan Fitzgerald" <>,, "Dewar.P" <>,, Date: Saturday, January 3, 2009, 6:57 AM

Davey Baby I truly do thank your for the email. Methinks that you should have took law as your mom suggested then you would not have made such a major Faux Pas. On CBC last I believe you talked of your great interest in politicking and would not mind a job in the UN or whatever. Thus it follows you know exactly who I am N'esy Pas? . May I suggest that you quit the BULLSHIT, sprout some balls and call

me ASAP (506 756 8687) Before I take you and your snobby friends in Fat Fred City to blogger and Youtube hell with me and make you rather infamous like your local hero Chucky Leblanc? BTW Your QSLS website is not private and it is overseen by your buddy Danny Boy Fitzgerald. As you kids well know most of the things you dudes lament about we agree on. I have no understanding why you kids attacked me other that to have some malicious fun at my family's expense. Perhaps you nasty little dudes should try to make amends with me. It starts by picking up the god damend phone EH? Veritas Vincit David Raymond Amos On 1/3/09, <> wrote: > Hi David, > Thanks for the email. I just wanted to clarify a couple things. I did > not mention the website on the air let alone promote it. The group, which > I did mention because of a reference that was made in a phone call, was > formed as a way for friends to stay in touch (it's meant to be private). > Dan, a fellow Frederictonian, enjoys blogging about politics and was asked > to create his own site if that's what he was going to do, seeing as we > didn't necessarily agree with his views. and that the nature of that site > was different. that's the site you're talking about. That's his thing not > ours. Anyway, sorry for any confusion. > All the best in the New Year, > take care, > David > > > On Sat, January 3, 2009 8:22 am, David Amos wrote: >> Now guess who is singing these tunes hereto attached. >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> Veritas Vincit

>> David Raymond Amos >> >> >> ---------- Forwarded message --------->> From: David Amos <> >> Date: Wed, 31 Dec 2008 17:40:24 -0400 >> Subject: I sure hope you call me back Mr Hunter 506 756 8687 the >> lawyers and the cops can do nothing to stop me now To: >>, >>,,, "Robert. >> Jones" <>, "richard. >> dearden" <>, "Duceppe. G" >> <> >> Cc:,, >>,,, >> >> >> Too many people know the truth of my matters. >> >> >> My first lawsuit against the Crown is written >> >> >> If I don't hear from Mr. Duccppe right after the New Year it is in the >> mail and the circus begins >> >> Obama's lawyer Mr. Craig should be clever enough to understand that I >> can prosecute the capital crime of murder in the USA in a civil matter in >> Canada. If not he should study the Canadain Criminal Code. >> His boss Obama will have no control over my litigation in Canada as we >> argue about the malice he practiced for the past four years towards his >> fellow American citizens in support of George W. Bush . Two of whom are my >> children. >> >> The pdf files that you people have already received from me and some >> have acknowledged are irrefuttable. However these wav files are Hell in a >> Handbaskert are they not? Shame on you all.

>> >> >> Veritas Vincit >> David Raymond amos >> >> >> ---------- Forwarded message --------->> From: David Amos <> >> Date: Thu, 6 Nov 2008 16:00:08 -0400 >> Subject: How does Harper, the RCMP and CRTC and Bell Canada etc >> explain to anyone why I have police surveilance wiretap tapes? To: >>,,, >>,,, >>,,, >>,,, >>, rob <>, kreicker >> <>, >>,,, >>,,,, >> Cc: "" >> <> >> >> >> ---------- Forwarded message --------->> From: David Amos <> >> Date: Mon, 3 Nov 2008 14:58:29 -0400 >> Subject: I will lay odds that Rob Horwood knows T.J. Burke and that >> you Yankees know of these mobsters EH? To:, >>, >>,, >> >> Cc: "" <> >> >> >> ---------- Forwarded message --------->> From: David Amos <> >> Date: Sun, 2 Nov 2008 19:10:48 -0400 >> Subject: Feel free to lick T.J. Burke's nasty little arse and while >> you are at it have him explain the sound files attached will ya? To: >>, "" <> Cc: >> "" <>, >> "" <>, Dan

Fitzgerald >> <>, Richard Harris <>, >> gypsy-blog <>, "nb. premier" <>, >> tim4nm <> >> >> ---------- Forwarded message --------->> From: David Amos <> >> Date: Wed, 8 Oct 2008 11:38:24 -0300 >> Subject: We just talked Mr. Hickey and Mr. Mellish shame on both of you >> lawyers To:, >> Cc:, >> >> >> ---------- Forwarded message --------->> From: David Amos <> >> Date: Wed, 9 Jul 2008 07:17:23 -0300 >> Subject: What you are hearing in the attachments is for real. The cops >> are crazy not I. To:, >> Cc:,,, >>, >> >> >> ---------- Forwarded message --------->> From: David Amos <> >> Date: Thu, 19 Jun 2008 14:12:19 -0300 >> Subject: Have a little listen to the Yankee mobsters they may wish to >> sue you crooks too To:,, >> >> >> Thank you. We have received your e-mail to >> . We will endeavour to respond as soon as possible. >> >> >> E-mail sent through the Internet is not secure and should not be used >> to send us confidential information. To send us an email securely, use >> our >> online contact form available at >> >> Register now for Investor Centre, an online suite of self-service >> functions that will provide you with direct access to manage your >> securities portfolio - sign up today! Go to >>

>> Or, view your security holdings on-line at >> just click on "Investors" and "Account Access". After logging in, you'll >> be provided view only access to your account details. You will require >> your Holder Account Number in order to complete your request. Your Holder >> Account Number can be located on the front of any >> statement, proxy, cheque or tax form and is generally 11 characters, >> starting with the letter "C" (eg. C0000012345). >> >> ---------- Forwarded message --------->> From: David Amos <> >> Date: Wed, 18 Jun 2008 08:52:00 -0300 >> Subject: Have alittle listen to the Yankee mobsters they may wish to >> sue you crooks too To:,, >>,,, >>,, >>, >> >> ---------- Forwarded message --------->> From: David Amos <> >> Date: Fri, 6 Jun 2008 12:24:06 -0300 >> Subject: Attn David Emerson and Stockwell Day I just tried to call Mr >> Skinner the IG of the DHS (1-800-323-8603) once again this is gettting >> beyond ridiculous To:,, >>, >>,,, >>,,, >>,,, >>,, >>,,, >>,,, >>, >>,, >> >> Cc:,,, >>,, >>, >> >> >> For the record I wrote this email in a hurry while making many phone >> calls. I make no apology whatsoever for any honest mistakes in a time of >> great stress. My Farmer friend Werner Bock and must go out and secure

the >> evidence of more of his cattle dying today while the RCMP laugh at our >> concerns with the DHS and his persecution. >> >> Whereas all my calls to the RCMP recently are always directed to some >> noname Commissionaires I just got off the phone with the purported boss >> of >> the Commissionaires Mr. Driscoll in his National Office to ask him why my >> concerns concern his people and not the RCMP. As usual he was too busy to >> talk to me so I called to talk Ms. Clowater one of his underlings in Saint >> John once again and she just tried to difer me to >> someone else as usual. >> >> To say that II am tired of people playing dumb would be an >> understatement on quite possibly the last day 39th Parliament sits this >> summer. It appears to me that your first line of defence in your support >> of public corruption boils down to retired RCMP and military people EH >> Stockwell Day? If So then So be it. They will receive Hard >> Copy of my material BEFORE we meet in Federal Court even though my old >> classmate from High School Bruce Noble and every law society and court in >> Canada have acknowledged that email and their attachments etc are >> very legal and very binding evidence. That is why Fat fred city has now >> web >> page email just like Mr. Harper's cohorts do N'est Pas Brucy Baby? >> >> >> For the record the dude who calls himself "freddybeachsleuth" is NOT >> me. The fact that he steals my name and thunder like the nasty bastard in >> Edmonton Alberta Dean Roger Ray did over a year ago should >> be of great concern to the RCMP. Correct? >> >> Here are some of the people I called just now. >> >> >>

>> >> >> Commissionaires National Office >> 100 rue Gloucester Street, Suite 201 >> Ottawa, ON K2P 0A4 >> T 613 688 0710 >> TF 888 688 0715 >> E >> >> >> I am doing as I just promised to the DHS and am posting this email on >> the Internet in several places immediately. This will be the first place. >> >> >> >> >> For the record the Irving media who are reporting the American >> nonsense byway of cut and paste of the Canadain Press are ignoring the >> fact >> that to Office of Inspector General of the Department of Homeland Security >> answered me in November of 2003 with a complaint numbered C04-01448 and >> promised to investigate my concerns long before most Canadians had ever >> heard the name of Arar. >> >> Hell I complained to the DHS the instant Wayne Easter and the Office >> of Public Complaints Against the RCMP laughed at my concerns on November >> 18th and 19th, 2003. Ask the long gone Liberal Lawyer >> Landslide Annie. >> >> >> Now it is over six years later and the Irving media comes out with >> this BULLSHIT in their local rags? >> >> >> >> >> For the Record I gave the Irving rag called the Gleaner in Fredericton >> New Brunswick many documents supporting my concerns about my family's >> safety and the lack of integrity of the US Treasury Dept in late January

>> of >> 2002 after my wife and I met SGT Boucher of the RCMP and >> left our children in Canada for safe keeping while I took on many Yankees >> including the FBI while my wife argued many nasty bastards in court. This >> was long BEFORE the Yankee Department of Homeland Security or the Canadian >> Department od Public Safety ever came into existence. >> I began my private investigations into the abuse of my Clans' Rights >> and Interests in the fall of 2000 BEFORE George W. Bush was ever elected >> and long before September 11th, 2001 became a very important date in World >> History. That is a very simple irrefuttable fact >> affirmed in writng by the US Department of Treasury in February of 2002 >> over one year BEFORE the Yankees attempted to falsely imprison me in their >> very questionable prison in Cuba supported by false allegations of a >> presidential threat made against me by the crooks within Quincy District >> Court of Massachusetts on April 1st, 2003. >> These ARE the very same people who ordered my wife and children to be >> evicted from our home in 2005 without warrants or due process of law over >> a >> false claim of the lawyer Angel K. Troccoli about unpaid rent owed to >> nobody. She is the same lawyer whose false claims that I was stalking her >> while running for a seat in the 38th Parliament in Canada had me falsely >> imprisoned in October of 2004 as soon as I returned to the USA after >> explaining everything in great detail to the Police Commision of New >> Brunswick with a lawyer and my American wife >> witnessing it all. >> >> My concerns are the concerns of the DHS and the Department of Publi >> cSafety and WE THE PEOPLE of TWO purportedly profound democracies Rest >> assured we will meet in cout or my name ain't "Just Dave". >> >> >> >>

>> Office of Inspector General Hotline Information >> OIG Hotline >> If you have knowledge of fraud, waste, abuse, or allegations of civil >> liberties or civil rights abuses, or mismanagement involving Department of >> Homeland Security programs or operations, you can: >> >> >> DHS OIG Hotline Poster (PDF, 1 page - 1.80 MB) >> DHS OIG Hotline: 1-800-323-8603 >> Fax DHS OIG Hotline at: (202) 254-4292 >> Email us at >> Or write: >> Department of Homeland Security >> Washington, DC 20528 >> Attn: Office of Inspector General, Hotline >> When making a report convey as much information as possible such as: >> Who? What? Where? When? Why? How? Complaints may be made anonymously >> or you may request confidentiality. >> >> For the record my concerns about rampant cross border public >> corruption are not anonymous or confidential ask the Sergeant at Arms of >> the US Senate whose lawyer I argued yesterday. I was suggesting that he >> uphold his mandate and arrest the President of the USA. Clearly some >> Yankees took my concerns seriously last night EH >> Stockwell Day? >> >> >> Just Dave >> By Location Visit Detail >> Visit 4,553 >> Domain Name ? (Network) >> IP Address 68.10.32.# (Cox Communications) >> ISP Cox Communications >> Location Continent : North America >> Country : United States (Facts) >> State : Virginia >> City : Roanoke >> Lat/Long : 37.2744, -79.9576 (Map) >> Language English (U.S.) en-us >> Operating System Microsoft WinNT >> Browser Firefox >> Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; en-US; rv: >> Gecko/20080404 Firefox/

>> Javascript version 1.5 >> Monitor Resolution : 1280 x 800 >> Color Depth : 32 bits >> Time of Visit Jun 5 2008 9:24:03 pm >> Last Page View Jun 5 2008 9:24:03 pm >> Visit Length 0 seconds >> Page Views 1 >> Referring URL >> Search Engine >> Search Words "david r amos" >> Visit Entry Page http://davidamos.blo...04/just-dave_22.html >> Visit Exit Page http://davidamos.blo...04/just-dave_22.html >> Out Click >> Time Zone UTC-5:00 >> Visitor's Time Jun 5 2008 8:24:03 pm >> Visit Number 4,553 >> >> >> Veritas Vincit >> David Raymond Amos >> >> >> ---------- Forwarded message --------->> From: David Amos >> Date: Thu, 5 Jun 2008 19:03:41 -0300 >> Subject: I was not surprised when none of you called me back. You are >> all as crooked as Bob Rae and all cop, lawyers and parliamentarians >> correct? To:,, >>, >> >> >> ---------- Forwarded message --------->> From: David Amos >> Date: Sun, 1 Jun 2008 19:47:02 -0300 >> Subject: Murder is still a capital crime correct John Foran? What >> about the wiretap tapes in my saddlebags? To:, >> >> >> >> ---------- Forwarded message --------->> From: David Amos >> Date: May 16, 2008 11:27 AM >> Subject: Murder is still a capital crime correct Ben? Perhaps you should >> call the FBI and ask them if I am a liar To:

>>, >> >> ---------- Forwarded message --------->> From: David Amos >> Date: Fri, 16 May 2008 08:53:37 -0300 >> Subject: Fwd: FwIt been over a year Chief Colicott and I received no >> answer from you Murder is still a capital crime correct? To: >> >> >> ---------- Forwarded message --------->> From: David Amos >> Date: Fri, 16 May 2008 06:00:53 -0300 >> Subject: FwIt been over a year Chief Colicott and I received no answer >> from you Murder is still a capital crime correct? To: >>,, >>, Cc: >> >> >> >> ---------- Forwarded message --------->> From: David Amos >> Date: Wed, 14 May 2008 15:31:22 -0300 >> Subject: Here is a little proof of what I just said to your lawyers is >> true To:,, >> >> >> For all general inquiries: >> Catholic School Centre >> Phone: (403) 298-1411 (Main switchboard) >> >> >> >> >> If you are a member of the media, please contact one of the following >> individuals to talk about potential story ideas, arrange interviews with >> spokespeople, follow up on a recent news release or discuss other >> news-related issues: >> >> >> >> >> >> Tania Younker >> Director, Communications

>> Phone: 403-298-1363 >> Fax: 403-298-1483 >> Mark Budd >> Manager Informatics, CMSS/SSO/CS/CS-A >> Natural Resources Canada >> P.O. Box 4000 >> Fredericton, NB >> Canada E3B 5P7 >> >> >> Telephone: (506) 452-3634 >> >> >> >> Janet Sutherland >> Senior Communications Specialist >> Phone: 403-298-1134 >> Fax: 403-298-1483 >> >> >> E-mail: >> >> >> Just Dave >> By Location Visit Detail >> Visit 4,330 >> Domain Name ? (Network) >> IP Address 139.142.154.# (CALGARY ROMAN CATHOLIC SCHOOL) >> ISP Bell Canada >> Location Continent : North America >> Country : Canada (Facts) >> State/Region : Alberta >> City : Calgary >> Lat/Long : 51.0833, -114.0833 (Map) >> Language English (U.S.) >> en-us Operating System Microsoft WinXP >> Browser Internet Explorer 6.0 >> Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR >> 1.1.4322; InfoPath.1) >> Javascript version 1.3 >> Monitor Resolution : 1024 x 768 >> Color Depth : 16 bits >> Time of Visit May 14 2008 12:07:16 pm >> Last Page View May 14 2008 12:07:16 pm >> Visit Length 0 seconds >> Page Views 1

>> Referring URL >> Visit Entry Page >> Visit Exit Page >> Out Click >> Time Zone UTC-7:00 >> Visitor's Time May 14 2008 9:07:16 am >> Visit Number 4,330 >> >> >> >> >> ---------- Forwarded message --------->> From: David Amos >> Date: Wed, 14 May 2008 13:02:51 -0300 >> Subject: We just talked Ms. Legget I must say you picked a bad day to >> play dumb EH? To:, >>, >>,, >>,, >>,, >> >> >> ---------- Forwarded message --------->> From: David Amos >> Date: Tue, 13 May 2008 14:59:42 -0300 >> Subject: Fwd: Perhaps you should call RCMP now EH Mr. Nugent? >> To:,, >> Cc:,, >> >> >> ---------- Forwarded message --------->> From: David Amos >> Date: Tue, 13 May 2008 14:47:58 -0300 >> Subject: Perhaps you should call RCMP now EH Mr. Nugent? >> To: >> >> >> ---------- Forwarded message --------->> From: David Amos >> Date: Mon, 12 May 2008 19:13:42 -0300 >> Subject: Fwd: Are you still laughing at me Roland Baby? Perhaps you >> should call RCMP now that people pissed me off overseas EH? To: >>,, >>,, >>,, >>,,, >>,, >> >> ---------- Forwarded message --------->> From: David Amos >> Date: Mon, 12 May 2008 11:43:29 -0300 >> Subject: Are you still laughing at me Roland Baby? Perhaps you should >> call RCMP now now that people pissed me off overseas EH? To: >>,,, >>, >> Cc: "", "" >>, "", >> "", >> ""> >> >> >> The wind that blows off of our land carries the scent of your Bullshit >> over there Correct Frenchy? >> >> Ask one of your strange supporters overseas Danny Boy Fitzgerald why >> he supports your cover up of crimes and attacks my integrity right after >> you listen again to some portions of tapes of Yankee mobsters that I don't >> give a damn about but he certainly does and you should too. Nest Pas?. >> >> Veritas Vincit >> David Raymond Amos >> >> >> ---------- Forwarded message --------->> From: David Amos <> >> Date: Sat, 10 May 2008 16:23:41 -0300 >> Subject: Can ya tell why I have no respect for lawyers Jamie? >> Shouldn't you call the RCMP now? >> To: >> >> >> ---------- Forwarded message --------->> From: David Amos <> >> Date: Fri, 9 May 2008 16:30:58 -0300 >> Subject: For the record Haney your office has had these emails for >> years and you refused to call me back long ago To:,

>> Cc: >> >> >> You as Police Commisioner should be also well aware of what happened >> between the Cape Breton Police Force, at least two MPs and I last January. >> They all received these emails and I did receive many >> responses and false allegations since then Correct? >> >> Unlike you I do my home work and I never play dumb. Thats your forte >> not mine. Politics got you your fancy jobs. Of that I have no doubt. Our >> conversation today was just malicious politicking that you were practicing >> on behalf of Cecil Clarke and his malicious assistant MacDonald CORRECT? >> >> >> For the record if some nasty bastard hollers at me I holler back like >> any proper Maritimer with any balls should. My father taught me that and >> the ghost of the Old Lady From Hell who was one of my best friends agrees. >> That is why he gave me his kilt. My father's ghost would be >> the first to tell any military dude that his wild but ethical child don't >> take orders from anyone and is fierce as hell without ever losing his >> temper. I ain't in your god damned army and I hate those who prompt WAR. >> Were peacekeepers my whole life and your new hero >> Petey Baby MacKay is the latest Minister of DEFeNCE NOT ATTACK that is >> why I wish to run against him in the election of the 40th Parlaiment >> whilst >> suing Her Magesty the Queen. >> >> Also for the record my father named me after his friend David Hornell >> (a military man should know who he was) and my mother named me after >> her favorite brother both men died so that nasty bastards such as yourself >> should not support the efforts of men in black who come at night and try >> take decent man away in front of their children just because he had proven >> that he had the evidence to impeach a Yankee President BEFORE the War in >> Iraq started. GET IT YET? Ask you boss the

>> latest Attorney general to show you the hard copy of my material that has >> been in his office since August of 2005 before you dare to call me a liar >> SIR. >> >> >> Nonsense such as hollering etc don't work out to well with me EH? I >> immediately raise the stakes and set up the nasty bastard for a lawsuit. >> Perhaps you should contact you friends in the Police >> Commission in Fredeicton or the lawyer Paul Kenendy of the Public >> complaints Against Against the RCMP and ask them to forward to you hard >> copy of my material so you can have lawyers check my work more thoroughly >> if Cecil Clarke and his cohorts won't tell you shit. Perhaps Nova Scotia >> should have a lawyer call me now EH Arsehole? I waited until I got a >> response from the Halifax PD requesting my material before I pounced on >> you once again. I will lays odd that you had a lawyer listening in on our >> converstion that is why you would not introduce me. CORRECT? >> >> For the Record I just sent you and your buddies in Halifax PD and some >> of their buddies evidence of murder once again. The Canadian Criminal Code >> is still in effect in Nova Scotia. Correct? Say Hoka Hey to the RCMP for >> me will ya? I will look forward to meeting you all in court and then once >> again in hell someday if there truly is such a place. Can ya tell ya >> pissed off the Wrong Maritimer Mr. Haney? You picked this fight not me. >> Say Hoka Hey to my MP Billy casey ofr me will ya? >> He has had Hard copy for wway past too long too and the recent ghost >> of far too many honourable Canadian soldiers are haunting me as they >> should >> you. >> >> Veritas Vincit >> David Raymond Amos >> >>

>> Rest Assured we will be disputing this and the following emails in >> court someday or my name ain't "Just Dave" As I watched somebody studying >> my words yesterday on the web I called the Halifax PD many times and >> nobody would talk to me or call back so I called you. A Police >> Commissioner can Play Dumb but at least computers don't >> bullshit. >> >> Just Dave >> By Location Visit Detail >> Visit 4,276 >> Domain Name ? (Network) >> IP Address 142.68.66.# (Aliant Telecom) >> ISP Aliant Telecom >> Location Continent : North America >> Country : Canada (Facts) >> State/Region : Nova Scotia >> City : Halifax >> Lat/Long : 44.65, -63.6 (Map) >> Language English (Canada) >> en-ca Operating System Microsoft WinNT >> Browser Internet Explorer 7.0 >> Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0; SLCC1; .NET CLR >> 2.0.50727; Media Center PC 5.0; .NET CLR 3.0.04506) >> Javascript version 1.3 >> Monitor Resolution : 1280 x 768 >> Color Depth : 32 bits >> Time of Visit May 8 2008 2:51:23 pm >> Last Page View May 8 2008 3:19:47 pm >> Visit Length 28 minutes 24 seconds >> Page Views 2 >> Referring URL >> Visit Entry Page http://davidamos.blo...per-and-bankers.html >> Visit Exit Page http://davidamos.blo...per-and-bankers.html >> Out Click >> Time Zone UTC-4:00 >> Visitor's Time May 8 2008 2:51:23 pm >> Visit Number 4,276 >> >> >> >> >> >> >> Thomas P. Haney SBStJ, CD, BA, cdse, pcsc, plsc >>

>> >> Tom Haney took up his appointment as the Director, Nova Scotia Police >> Complaints Commission on 21 August 2006. >> Prior to this, he was the Director of the Police Leadership Program at >> Dalhousie University, the CEO of Commissionaires of Nova Scotia and >> CEO of the Nova Scotia Safety Council. >> Tom has worked as a consultant in policy and democracy matters in >> Jamaica, Ukraine and for the Iraqi Electoral Commission as well as an >> advisor with the Haitian National Police. All of this followed a career as >> a Military Police officer which spanned nearly 30 years and included >> service in Canada, Germany, United Kingdom, Cyprus, Egypt, Israel, Somalia >> and Qatar. He holds a BA from St. Mary's University and is a graduate of >> the Executive Development Course of the Canadian Police College as well as >> the Canadian Forces Staff College. He lives in Chester, Nova Scotia with >> his wife Lynden and has three children. >> >> >> ---------- Forwarded message --------->> From: David Amos <> >> Date: Thu, 8 May 2008 18:52:40 -0300 >> Subject: Hey Gary Tingley make sure Georges checks these ones out OK? >> I explained to Ms. Barnes the duties of an officer of the court >> To:,, >> >> >> ---------- Forwarded message --------->> From: David Amos <> >> Date: Tue, 29 Apr 2008 17:21:32 -0300 >> Subject: Cya'll in Court EH Martine Turcotte? >> To:,, >>,,, >> Cc: >> >> >> ---------- Forwarded message --------->> From: David Amos <> >> Date: Mon, 28 Apr 2008 15:20:17 -0300 >> Subject: Farmers picked a bad day to piss me off with Stockwell Day >> Checking my work EH Mr. Moore? >> To:,, >>,,,

>>,,, >> Cc: >> >> >> Just Dave >> By Location Visit Detail >> Visit 4,100 >> Domain Name ? (Canada) >> IP Address 198.103.108.# (Solicitor General Canada) >> ISP GTIS >> Location Continent : North America >> Country : Canada (Facts) >> State/Region : Ontario >> City : Ottawa >> Lat/Long : 45.4167, -75.7 (Map) >> Language English (Canada) en-ca >> Operating System Microsoft WinXP >> Browser Internet Explorer 7.0 >> Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727) >> Javascript version 1.3 >> Monitor Resolution : 1280 x 1024 >> Color Depth : 32 bits >> Time of Visit Apr 22 2008 6:30:49 pm >> Last Page View Apr 22 2008 6:31:17 pm >> Visit Length 28 seconds >> Page Views 2 >> Referring URL >> Visit Entry Page >> Visit Exit Page http://davidamos.blo...-stewart-and-me.html >> Out Click >> Time Zone UTC-5:00 >> Visitor's Time Apr 22 2008 5:30:49 pm >> Visit Number 4,100 >> >> >> >> ---------- Forwarded message --------->> From: David Amos >> Date: Thu, 7 Feb 2008 11:07:15 -0800 (PST) >> Subject: Hey Mr Taft my father was in the RCAF too He named me after >> his friend named David Hornell. Because of them I did not have to go off >> to >> war. To:,, >>,,,

>>,,, >> Cc:, >>,,, >>,,, >>,,, >>,, >>,, >> >> >> >> Here's hoping Dennis Kucinich and his fine looking British Redhead are >> paying attention for the benefit of us all EH? >> >> >> >> >> Lets just say that I am proud to have David's name and Uncle Raymond's >> too. >> >> My old man and many other decent men who lived through it taught me >> to hate war. That said, there are some ghosts I must answer to someday and >> the top of the list is my father. I must do my best to see that no more >> honourable warriors become ghosts before their time for no reason that I >> will ever understand or I will not peace in peace someday. >> >> Check the time and date when I first sent this email. Clearly it was >> composed and sent before Captain Nichola Goddard was killed overseas (her >> family lives in your neck of the woods correct?) Didn't twenty some of >> your fellow liberals vote to support Stevey Boy Harper and his malice >> towards us all within the day of this email first being sent? We all know >> why don't we? >> >> Veritas Vincit >> David Raymond Amos >> >> >>

>> >> >> >> >> >> David Amos wrote: >> Date: Thu, 7 Feb 2008 07:30:39 -0800 (PST) >> From: David Amos >> Subject: Fwd: Portions of wiretap tapes to impeach George W. Bush and >> put a stop Harper's motion tommorrow To: >> >> >> >> >> David Amos wrote: >> >> >> Date: Sat, 12 Jan 2008 >> 10:53:56 -0800 (PST) >> From: David Amos >> Subject: Fwd: Portions of wiretap tapes to impeach George W. Bush and >> put a stop Harper's motion tommorrow To: >> >> >> >> >> David Amos wrote: >> Date: Thu, 3 Jan 2008 >> 13:02:25 -0800 (PST) >> From: David Amos >> Subject: Fwd: Portions of wiretap tapes to impeach George W. Bush and >> put a stop Harper's motion tommorrow To: >> >> >> >> David Amos wrote: >> Date: Sun, 21 May >> 2006 18:01:23 -0700 (PDT) >> From: David Amos >> Subject: Fwd: Portions of wiretap tapes to impeach George W. Bush and >> put a stop Harper's motion tommorrow To: David Amos >> >> >> >> David Amos wrote:

>> Date: Sat, 20 May >> 2006 16:57:59 -0700 (PDT) >> From: David Amos >> Subject: Portions of wiretap tapes to impeach George W. Bush and put a >> stop Harper's motion tommorrow To:, >>,, >>,, >>,, >>,, >> CC:, >>, >> >> Hey >> >> >> Before all the Parliamentarians argue and then vote to >> support further Canadian deaths in one of George W. Bush's Wars for Global >> Control for the benefit of his corporate cohorts perhaps, you >> should at least listen to the attachments if you do not wish to bother to >> read what Billy Casey and the Bankers got on May 12th. If I can assist in >> preventing the demise of just one more Canadian warrior in a malicious >> foreign war, all of my work will have been worth it EH? >> >> If everyone ignores me as usual, I will not be surprised. >> At least I will sleep well with my conscience tonight because I know I >> have done my very best to stop the nonsense since early 2002 long before >> the War in Iraq began. None of you deserve to sleep well at all because >> you all supported Harper's orders to send our people to war even before >> the 39th Parliament sat this year. As far as I am concerned the blood of >> four very honourable soldiers can be found on your hands. Shame on all of >> you for not even bothering to honour our dead by lowering the flag on the >> Peacetower. As long as I have been >> aware and could consider myself a Proad Canadian, I thought we were >> peacekeepers rather than poorly paid hired guns for crooked corporations, >> corrupt politicians and their wicked Yankee bible pounding buddies. >>

>> Veritas Vincit >> >> >> David Raymond Amos >> >> >> >> FEDERAL EXPRESS February 7, 2006 >> >> >> Senator Arlen Specter >> United States Senate >> Committee on the Judiciary >> 224 Dirksen Senate Office Building >> Washington, DC 20510 >> >> >> Dear Mr. Specter: >> >> >> I have been asked to forward the enclosed tapes to you from a man >> named, David Amos, a Canadian citizen, in connection with the matters >> raised in the attached letter. Mr. Amos has represented to me that these >> are illegal FBI wire tap tapes. I believe Mr. Amos has been in contact >> with you about this previously. >> >> Very truly yours, >> Barry A. Bachrach >> Direct telephone: (508) 926-3403 >> Direct facsimile: (508) 929-3003 >> Email: >> >> >> >> Date: Thu, 11 May 2006 00:00:53 -0700 (PDT) >> From: >> "David Amos" >> Subject: Jumping Jimmy >> Flaherty's jump boots versus Crosbie's old mukluks in a liberal Senate >> To:,, >>,, >>,, >>,, >>,,,

>>,,, >>,, >>,, >>,,, >>,,, >>,, CC: >>,,, >>,,, >>,,, >>,,, >>,,, >>,,, >>,,, >> >> Deja Vu Anyone? Anyone? >> >> >> That's what John Crosbie wore in 1979, the last time a budget >> brought down a Canadian government in a minority-Parliament situation. It >> proved to be a bad omen, given that the Conservative government of the day >> foundered on Crosbie's document. The mukluks proved to be symbolic of >> Joe Clark's short-lived administration -- overconfident >> and blind to convention. As Crosbie observed in his memoirs, Clark >> "decided >> to govern as though we had a majority, a decision that was as arrogant as >> it was presumptuous." By RANDY BURTON Saskatoon Star-Phoenix >> >> >> >> May 10th, 2006 >> >> >> Prime Minister Stephen Harper, Franky Boy >> McKenna, Deputy Chair, >> Minister of Public Safety, Stockwell Day, John Bragg and John >> Thompson, Directors >> President of the Treasury Board, John Baird, Chris Montague >> Legal Counsel >> Ministers James Flaherty, and Vic Toews C/o Jill Crosby, >> Bank Manager >> C/o Bill Casey MP TD

>> Financial Group >> 103 Albion Street South, 620 Main >> Street >> Amherst, NS, B4H 2X2 Sussex, >> NB, E4E 5L4 >> >> >> W. Geoffrey Beattie, Director John >> Manley PC, Director >> David Allgood, Legal Counsel, E. >> Jennifer Warren, Legal Counsel >> C/o Sharon Armstrong, Bank Manager C/o Maria >> Cormie, Bank Manager >> Royal Bank of Canada Canadian >> Imperial Bank of Commerce >> 644 Main Street 761 Main >> St, >> Sussex, NB, E4E 7H9 Moncton, >> NB. E1C 1E5 >> >> >> >> RE: Blowing the whistle on big banks and corrupt politicians too. >> Hey, >> Flaherty's budget looming on the horizon tonight is gonna >> get the big OK from the Bloc EH? Well a mean old bike mechanic in the >> Maritimes has been waiting to chuck a wrench in the works of many a >> crooked beancounter. I just served your offices in hand some of the same >> material that Andre Arthur MP and Senator Kinsella received before the >> 39th Parliament began. I am also giving you other material >> and a political rant that they did not receive. The legal counsel of all >> the monstrous Canadian banks have shown me their arses, two for a month >> and three for almost two years. It is high time to boot you bankers out >> off bed with the corrupt politicians you depend on to cover up wrongs or >> sue you bastards too. N'est pas? You can expect to see litigation against >> the Crown soon. The severe of lack integrity of people employed in public >> service to protect the public interests has caused me to prosecute a >> matter of public trust in Pro Se fashion. As is my right. I will do my

>> best to hold accountable all those in public office, public service and >> the lawyers etc that have acted wrongfully against me. In the past I filed >> forms in the public record and in confidence, argued cops, sued treasury >> agents, lawyers, judges, an Attorney General who aspires to be a Governor >> and even a high priest. To no avail, I made thousands of phone calls, sent >> many more emails and sent mountains of letters proving my concerns and >> sincerity. To date no one has ever called me a liar but all of it was >> ignored all the same. If there were such a thing as an honest cop, lawyer >> or politician they could never deny that it is ridiculous that a >> whistleblower would have to go to such lengths to attempt to see Justice >> served in two purported Democracies. Pursuant to my quest for Justice, you >> will find enclosed hard copy of the material that I promised I would send >> to you before we meet in court. The copy of wiretap tape # 139 that all >> law enforcement authorities in Canada and the USA have refused investigate >> should be of the greatest concern to all of you right away. It is served >> upon you in confidence as officers of the court. Prepare to argue me about >> many more tapes and cases of other documents. The bankers and I may be >> arguing the Securities, Bank and Tax Fraud in the USA sooner than they >> think. The AT&T dudes should have known police surveillance tapes when >> they heard them. EH? Whether you admit it or not, I know I have served >> upon you some of the irrefutable evidence that should have warranted the >> process to impeach George W. Bush years ago. All who sat in the 37th, 38th >> and now the 39th Parliament know why the Yankee DHS tried to take me away >> to Cuba on April 1st, 2003. It was because of my legitimate efforts to >> expose Bush and his cohorts BEFORE the War on Iraq began. For years >> legions of politicians, lawyers, cops, bankers and priests proved an >> Orwellian truth as they laughed at my ethical efforts to >> defend the rights and interests of my Clan. "In the time of universal

>> deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act" EH? Do you think your >> banks' investors will laugh like your lawyers did? By law and the rules of >> your professions you must conduct yourselves ethically and hold matters in >> confidence. I do not. Now it is a rebel rouser's turn to laugh as you turn >> page. Awful truths will put your fancy panties in a knot yet make me feel >> as free as my big balls do under my kilt. J Please fell free to sue me if >> you disagree but you, Stevey Boy Harper got your party its mandate with >> rhetoric claiming to crack down on crime and hold the government >> accountable. Now that Conservatives have had the reigns of power for over >> three months, Stockwell Day at the very least must be well aware of all >> the secrets the two previous liberal governments kept from you and us >> Common >> Canadian Citizens. The secrets about me that most other Canadians do >> not give a damn about, do concern me greatly. Ask the Commissioner, John >> Reid, he must know of the cover up of my efforts to expose the >> well known rampant cross border public corruption that has caused my >> little >> Clan to suffer so. His office hung up on me on the very day he >> was speaking about the Conservatives' new rules to Parliament. No doubt he >> knows of the evidence I have provided over the years to many Canadian law >> enforcement authorities that is considered a matter of public safety. Yet >> we all know it is not. Nevertheless it has caused three very corrupt >> Canadian Federal >> governments and all Provincial governments to willfully support the malice >> of Yankee State and Federal governments acting wrongfully against me. WHY? >> Now Harper has shown us his true colours, too bad for you >> that the DHS did not manage to take me away to Cuba. EH Mr. Day? I must >> ask >> you in court someday soon if you have listened to the original wiretap >> tapes that I provided to CSIS and the RCMP before and after the

federal >> election in 2004. It was done before I was falsely imprisoned in a Yankee >> jail. Why did the nasty Canadian Consulate officers in Boston refuse to >> accept any more of the Yankee wiretap tapes that my wife tried to give to >> them while I sat in jail held under the charges of "other" without bail or >> even being legally arrested or charged? As I sat in a jail in Beantown >> Eliot Spitzer, a >> Yankee in New York made the big score with my info. Yet he allowed >> Morgan Stanley to sue my wife? The 38th Parliament continued to ignore >> my plight throughout its mandate. As we all watched Bush pull off another >> very questionable election it appears only I saw Count Peter-Hans >> Kolvenbach fly to the USA to speak in >> aid of the very evil smoke and mirror show. EH? Whereas all Canadian >> authorities have ignored my pleas for assistance for three years, I must >> sue the Crown to seek relief under the Charter for my government's >> deliberate assistance in malicious prosecution and false imprisonment etc. >> Did you politicians think I >> was kidding when I said it in January on CTV News? The smirking newsman, >> Stevey Boy Murphy asked me clearly and I answered him >> plainly. It was watched live all over the Maritimes just minutes before >> the >> only time I was ever allowed to debate dumb Andy Scott in front of a live >> crowd as I ran against him for his seat in Parliament. Many common folks >> heard me say it and have commented about it in the months since. Some of >> them must have questioned some of their various MPs by now. I watched a >> friend confront his MP, Greg Thompson in front folks of two ridings. He >> gave all other candidates running against two seated Conservatives a copy >> of the letter he served upon Thompson in hand. Now you have your copy too. >> Thompson in front of witnesses promised to respond in writing to >> his constituent before polling day three months ago. Just as I

suspected, >> the new Cabinet Minister broke his promise. I know for a fact in 2005 Greg >> Thompson, Bill Casey and Andy Scott ignored other >> constituents of theirs who brought hard copy of my material to their local >> offices personally while I was being illegally prosecuted in the USA. >> Obviously our MPs Liberal or Conservative have no respect for >> their own constituents if they are kin or friends of mine. EH? Check the >> letter that Landslide Annie McLellan sent to me when she had Stockwell Day >> 's day job. Clearly she was compelled to answer >> me after so many high placed Yankees had already done so. She did what all >> Martinites have done in the past and blamed one of Chretien's >> arseholes, Wayne Easter for my plight as a whistleblower. Stockwell Day >> did >> you get off your Jet Ski to follow the lead of liberals such as a dumb PEI >> farmer and a very malicious political lawyer from Nova Scotia? You will >> not provide me any assistance whatsoever as is required by the mandate of >> your office? None of your underlings even the nervous Marshal dude will do >> me the simple courtesy of calling me back just like your political cohorts >> never did? Your little Newfy buddy, Rob Moore forgot something just as >> Landslide Annie as the >> Minister of Justice did when Easter was Solicitor General. She did not >> have any idea what mechanism a layman would employ to hold many a corrupt >> Parliamentarian >> accountable. The answer is so simple to me. Sue the Bastards. Didn't >> anyone >> notice I have done it in the past to many Yankees? I have changed my style >> and waited until some very corrupt public servants were out of public >> office so that they could not employ the weight of a corrupt justice >> system against me. Vic Toews will have his job cut out trying to defend >> the malice of all three recent government mandates two of them liberal >> against one Proud Canadian. EH? J Whereas Federal Court in Canada does

not >> allow me the right to a trial by jury and its Commissioner David Gourdeau >> has shown his arse too, I plan to do a double check in the USA. With luck, >> at about the same time my matters may begin in Fredericton, I will be >> seeking a jury in a Yankee Federal Court with a lawsuit against some very >> crooked Canadian political lawyers and their many Yankee associates acting >> against other Canadians, Yankees and me. In the "mean" time I have been >> lining up ducks while Jumping Jimmy Flaherty was drop kicking his wicked >> budget past the very confused corrupt clucking Chickenshits sitting as the >> opposition in the Chicken House. Tonight byway of the Bloc I am making my >> best fiercely political efforts to see that all Conservatives will be >> looking for a new day job far from the Hill in Upper Canada. Then I will >> give this material to other bankers when I judge the time is right. Any >> great mechanic knows that there is true magic in the timing of things. If >> a >> crook in opposition blinks and mentions me in a public forum even after >> the budget is allowed, it will be all over but the crying for George W, >> Bush and his lapdog, Stevey Boy Harper. Who may >> wish to mingle with the media soon is interesting. EH? If the bankers who >> did not wish to call me back last month want this material explained, it >> is the task of the Thomson dudes, Jealous Johnny Manley and Franky Boy >> McKenna to do now. I did my best >> to make certain they knew everything over the years. The Thomson dudes >> claim to know everything that goes on in court in Canada and the USA. The >> Upper Canadian lawyer was Minister of Finance etc in the 37th >> Parliament, and the Maritimer was our Ambassador to the USA under the >> mandate of the 38th. They can explain the malice of Landslide Annie and >> her >> many cohorts in support of corrupt bankers etc. Better yet let the

Yankee >> lawyer Michael Hefler and his Canadian counterpart Deborah Alexander >> explain their support of Putnam Investments, Brian Mulroney, Cendant Corp. >> and Franky McKenna's old BMO crowd etc. Tell me, do ya think my name came >> up when they cooked a little deal between Citigroup and Scotia Bank >> recently? Jennifer Warren should be capable of explaining why Garfield >> Emerson quit the Rogers outfit recently. Geoffrey Beattie of Thomson >> Corp no doubt can explain why David Allgood is playing dumb. Need I >> say that the brotherhood of the bar and bankers make me as sick as >> politicians do? The reason I ran against the aptly named lawyer, Rob Moore >> in 2004 should be painfully clear to all Canadians in recent days. Stevey >> Boy Harper is proving to all that he is a lapdog for Bush just like >> Franky Boy McKenna said of him years ago. I do not have put one word >> in the text of this letter in support of what many Proud Canadians are >> agreeing with in Frank Boy's political dogma speech years ago in support >> of the reelection of Rotten Ralphy Goodale. The fact that Moore is now >> Canada's Parliamentary Secretary for the Minister of >> Justice greatly offends me. All Canadians have the right to know why. >> If he or any other Canadian lawyer had acted as a proper officer of >> the court then my Clan would not be suffering from many wrongs right now. >> The Yankee Carpetbagger, David Lutz whom I had given this >> material to BEFORE Moore was elected in 2004 must agree. I am very curious >> what Rob Moore will say in Parliament in his own defense when I put him >> and Lutz in bed in a Canadian complaint. >> Rob Moore can explain to all Canadians why I think the blood >> of four very honourable Canadian soldiers and countless others can be >> found >> on his hands and that of his cohorts. In June of 2004 during a debate at >> the Moss Glen Legion we were questioned in front of many people including >> David Lutz, I stated my position clearly with regards >> to War. In defense of our warriors I said that they must get the best >> training and weapons possible, then be kept home to defend our country. >> That is their job. Lutz a Yankee draft dodger nodded in >> agreement. Moore did not argue me because he did not need to. Less is more

>> for Moore when matters are a sure thing. The Blue Coat got the seat he >> expected to win in Fundy just like my dog would have if she had worn his >> coat. However Moore and Lutz are lessor men than I because of their >> inaction as purportedly ethical men. If the lawyers in Moore and Lutz >> disagreed with all I wrote of them since, why didn't they sue me to >> protect their reputations? The answer is the same as I have proven in the >> turncoat Bad Boy Billy Matthews versus Byron Prior matter in Newfoundland. >> Politically appointed Judges like Derek Green or lawyers like Bernard >> Roy controlling the show in court or Inquiry only cover up and delay >> awful truths. It is important that public corruption be argued in public >> view quickly. Thus I will sue Crown. Before anyone attempts to deny what I >> have just stated, study this material closely. Look how sending this >> material to any of you is truly redundant. The evidence that you or your >> associates and I crossed have paths many times in the past is irrefutable >> despite the fact that I can prove my many letters, phone calls and emails >> that I sent over the years. Turn the page, lawyers. It gets worse for you >> J >> If any of you truly do not know who I am, it is the Fed's >> fault, not mine. I can easily prove that the Feds have done no service >> whatsoever for the public they have an obligation to serve. The fact that >> the Feds have done their worst to keep my legitimate actions a >> whistleblower secret with false claims such as confidentiality or public >> security further serves to prove my point about rampant public corruption. >> To refute the false claims of secrecy, I must point out >> that much of my work can still be found in the public record of many >> courts >> in Canada, the USA and on the Internet as well. Last fall my wife saw a >> copy of wiretap tape # 139 in the docket of a Yankee court that anyone >> could listen to. I had filed that copy in a sealed envelope with that >> court in order to protect the Fourth Amendment Rights of the people >> recorded on it. As you can see by the documents I have provided that one

>> year ago the District Attorney in Boston lost the many original wiretap >> tapes that I gave him in court in 2004. Nothing yet has been said about my >> lawyer in the USA sending 9 original wiretap tapes to the Senate >> Judiciary Committee in Congress this year on February 7th. So much for >> Yankees upholding the law EH? Canadians are no better. >> As you can see despite my wife and my lawyer's best efforts >> to stop them, the Yankees seized our home without warrants or due process >> of law. A couple more Yankee bankers and insurance dudes made out like the >> bandits they are. This was done while my children and I were in Canada >> last summer without a home. Nobody in Canada or the UN even bothered to >> care about our Human Rights. All of my pleas to the spendthrifts Adrienne >> Clarkson, Pierre Pettigrew and their >> replacements Michaelle Jean, Petey Baby MacKay were ignored despite our >> Canadian birthright and our rights under the Charter. Canada >> supported the theft of our property including many original wiretap tapes >> I >> had in my possession in our home. I have been recently informed that >> Yankees have sold all of my >> possessions at a public auction including the wiretap tapes. However, much >> to chagrin of Yankees, I have proven that I have many more wiretap tapes >> in Canada and elsewhere. The aforesaid malicious auction of my property >> was done while my Clan is still awaiting a long delayed trial about the >> illegal actions against us. Our property was supposed to be safely stored >> according to the rules of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of >> Public Safety until the matter was >> resolved. This latest malice begs the obvious question.. Whereas Yankee >> law >> enforcement authorities feel free to violate their Constitution and sell >> wiretap tapes of their citizens at public auction, why can't I do the

>> same? Interesting question. EH? Why should I as a Canadian Citizen care >> about the Civil Rights of Yankee mobsters and their families anymore when >> their evil government does not? Methinks I should sell a few on EBAY in >> Europe to see if I can >> recoup some of my losses ASAP. I could use the funds from the sale of the >> wiretap tapes to sue many lawyers etc in the USA and Canada. Look at the >> very dumb answers I got in 2003 from a crooked District Attorney in >> Massachusetts and the corrupt US Attorney in New >> Hampshire, before you try to claim that what I would be doing is >> illegal. The former is a good friend of Argeo P. Cellucci and the latter >> enforces federal code in the State where I now permanently reside. Both >> Yankees claim the tapes are not what I say they are but >> merely evidence in a probate action? What planet do Yankee lawyers come >> from? I can't be the only person on this planet who wishes to see George >> W. Bush impeached ASAP. Ask the fat dumb happy Yankee Michael Moore >> before you disagree. These tapes may fetch quite a price from story hungry >> dudes such as he. Truth is stranger than fiction and far more marketable >> and profitable with less money spent in production using real people >> instead of big name actors. Even clever lawyers must admit that wiretap >> tape # 139 makes one wonder what happened next. EH? Stay tuned dudes. >> Small portions of other tapes may be in your email inbox >> for you to listen to. Other politicians can read the text of this letter >> and listen to their Parliamentary email along with the rest of mine they >> have ignored for over three years. The many words of a fiercely political >> rant may be added as a postscript to the text of this letter and sent to >> the government's opposition first. I must be fair. You dudes got this >> letter first. My next email may cause quite a stir amongst the clucking >> Chickenshits in the House. Canadians should find it very interesting

>> indeed if one or more the smiling bastards decide to mention my name to >> the >> Speaker. >> How they vote against the political pollution of hot air from >> the windbags of Baird and Flaherty that is stinking up the House is >> critical to our future. I see no need to let all the cats out of the bag >> in this letter to you but for fun just check my work. See me teasing Derek >> Burney and his boss Brian Mulroney? They know the >> Barbarian at the gate who is me knows what lawyers hold the keys that >> lock all political parties together on both sides of the 49th parallel. >> One >> nasty Yankee's name is Harper too. J That smiling bastard's law office >> ain't too far from the UN. EH? Depending how far left you are Michael >> Ignatieff,Canada's Prince >> of Darkness or our Sexist Cerebral man knows the Yankee Harper quite well. >> Derek Burney and Karl Rove as aymen or Louis Freeh and the new >> General Counsel of the FBI as lawyers would likely agree with little >> ol me and on one thing. It is that bigassed Yankee lawyers like the one >> named Harper makes little liberal lawyers such as Humpty Dumpty, Land >> Slide Annie, Asinine Allan Rock, Franky Boy McKenna, and Johnny >> Jealous Manley look like the little lost puppies truly they are. >> Perhaps bankers etc will want Franky Boy McKenna to call some crooked >> cop he knows hanging out in his hometown to figure out how to handle me >> now. Before you do, check my work that I have provided to you to see what >> I have already given you many clues not to. I have had enough >> police harassment for any ten men to stand. My ghost or I will sue every >> cop that has tried to stop me from justifiably and legally seeking >> justice. There is no middle ground for any honest man to stand on in my >> battles against very corrupt justice systems in two purported Democracies. >> The >> interests of investors in many banks would be better served if the bankers >> chastised in public view a certain few employees who deliberately

failed >> to uphold the law and protect the public's interests invested in their >> bank and many other publicly held companies. From a Canadian's perspective >> of the world I know that the interests of all Canadians are bought and >> sold on Yankee stock markets everyday. I know of many lawyers who should >> be knocked off their high horses ASAP. In fact I just named some them. EH? >> Canadian politicians should know this before the vote on the >> budget becomes a matter of history. I truly believe that Conservatives >> will >> continue to follow Bush's lead for the benefit of the bankers whose HQ's >> surround Flaherty's office. Like Bush he will try to take our country deep >> into debt. Bankers and politicians will do what they wish with the world, >> tis true. Trust that I don't care the more the merrier for me in >> litigation. You dudes are about to meet a rather formidable layman in >> court. I have been studying and arguing law night and day for four years, >> all the while clearing each and every hurtle that rampant public >> corruption has thrown into my path to Justice. I will not pity any lawyer >> who chooses to stand in court beside the likes of Franky Boy, Landslide >> Annie and Humpty Dumpty. You can see >> that Harper has ignored the words of the Accountability Act with >> doubletalk >> if his pals need money for their party war chests. Our little Lord of NB >> and his buddy Brad Green affirmed that they knew the same truths that Rob >> Moore, >> Franky Boy and Landslide Annie did years ago. It was within a few days >> of the election and Humpty Dumpty's Third World boat named after his wife >> was caught in Nova Scotia bringing cocaine to Canada along with more Blood >> Coal. Humpty Dumpty employed lawyer's rhetoric and recused >> himself and Landslide Annie's underlings made the matter evaporate. Harper >> just looked away in support even as Humpty Dumpty picked Franky Boy to be

>> our Ambassador within the year to obviously support the Yankee's malicious >> persecution of me rather than act within the scope of his employment as a >> public servant. If bankers do not understand my words, blame your own >> lawyers. David Allgood should have walked the talk of Chris Montague's >> words about Red Flags in his speech on Feb 11th 2005 and called me back if >> he did not wish to argue me in court. When I called both of them Deborah >> Alexander, Ronald Sirkis and >> Jennifer Warren were past >> too late. They knew of wiretap tapes and Bank Fraud etc since 2004. This >> year after the Conservative government accepted Franky Boy's resignation >> and well before the TD Financial Group hired Franky Boy, I called his >> spokesperson Ruth McCrae. After a minor spit and chew ensued, she told me >> to sue her along with the law firm of McInnes and Cooper. A liberal talk >> show host Tom Young will soon affirm that I do not have to be asked twice >> to sue someone but I did call many partners of the aforesaid law firm to >> see if they agreed with Franky Boy and his outspoken gal. The words of the >> lawyer Costello, a partner who argues NB Power on behalf of the Venezuela >> and the silence of the rest affirmed that all apparently stood with >> McKenna including some of >> the former partners of Paterson and Palmer. Furthermore, Franky Boy should >> have disclosed everything about a potential lawsuit etc to the TD >> Financial dudes before accepting his new position. However I was >> very open and very honest with them as soon as I was aware of his new job. >> Now that >> Franky Boy and I are both back home in our old stomping grounds and I >> am on the warpath, John Manley may quit hustling the Ottawa Senators >> hockey >> team to CIBC. It would be wise to try to explain why Franky Boy praised >> Yankee success at pond hockey to the law partners of Burns and >> Levenson whom he partied with last fall instead of being a proper

>> public servant and discussing with Yankees the failings of their partner, >> my Guardian Ad Litem Brian Bixby. J For my benefit, I made it a point to >> look into Stevey Boy Harper's pale blue eyes on June 19th, 2004 when he >> stopped in Sussex for ice cream the day after I debated Rob Moore the >> first time. We both knew each other at a glance. Lets just say I found >> nothing I admired behind Stevey Boy's eyes. His soul is far meaner than >> Rob >> Moore's. With luck on my side, this year my fellow Maritimers should >> be entertained and educated in a three-ring circus of a long awaited >> monumental hoe-down in court. Our little Lord's justice system that his >> buddy, Cleveland Allaby was well paid to study in secret years ago will be >> the unwilling confused ringmaster to oversee the affair. When it comes to >> being showmen Franky Boy and I are on and even keel. We are both smiling >> bastards who crack a lot of jokes fearlessly in front of crowds. To his >> advantage, he is a lawyer whereas I am not. He is famous whereas I am not. >> Franky Boy is very wealthy, whereas I am not. >> On the other hand, I am >> honest whereas he is not. I have many friends that I can trust, whereas he >> does not. I have much evidence of many crimes he has covered up in his >> personal pursuit of lucre, whereas he has only fancy legal doubletalk. >> Franky Boy has climbed high up on the crooked totem >> pole of affluence pedaling his influence over common Maritimers without a >> common man's conscience that is lost to all lawyers. Franky Boy and his >> many pals in banks and companies such as the Carlyle Group may gain the >> whole world at the expense of their own souls. However one pigheaded >> ethical soul will try hard to hold them all accountable by just knocking a >> few off their high horses. I also know there are many souls in the >> Maritimes who were entertained and understand the >> meaning of the old story of David versus Goliath or my name ain't Dave.

>> Watch me look into the eyes of the people I pick for a jury >> before I start chucking rocks in court. Stevey Boy Harper and his little >> lawyer Rob Moore would not understand why I am humming the old tune sung >> the dude who loved to hang around mobsters but many other old farts like >> me will. They will understand why I am writing the letter in April and >> delivering it in hand to my MP Bill Casey in May. (I am sending Duccepe >> and Fortier the same material Allan Rock and Franky Boy received last May) >> To give the >> devil his due, that old dead Yankee Franky Boy sang "That's Life" very >> well. Methinks that Stevey Boy's big mistake was following the directions >> of Derek Burney and Karl Rove too closely. He really should learn to think >> for himself. He is flying too high in April for his own good in May. It >> seems that Harper don't even know that what goes up always comes down. The >> higher they go the harder they fall. Ask Humpty Dumpty. The clucking >> chickens in opposition may shoot his government down in May without the >> effect he desires. To challenge the opposition to unseat him just because >> he is momentarily higher in the polls is dumb beyond belief. If Mulroney >> and his cohorts think Harper can win a majority in the House next time >> around simply by blaming the opposition for causing the election, they do >> not remember Humpty Dumpty's big faux pas last year. I sincerely hope that >> next week holds a very bad day for many nasty political Maritimers who >> have kissed Upper Canadian fat fancy arses for years. It has always been >> Hard Times in the Maritimes >> and it is their fault. N'est Pas? Time will tell the tale. Right now I can >> only wish that my efforts help knock Jumping Jimmy Flaherty out of his new >> jump boots and into the Newfy, Crosbie's old mukluks from 1979. With any >> luck at all Luc Lavoie will not be so lucky anymore. He and all the

other >> all clucking Conservatives will start singing for more Tequila from Sheila >> as Dominic LeBlanc learns how to play his Daddy's kazoo. As I look >> towards the horizon in the direction of far off Upper Canada, I will dream >> of Petey Baby MacKay and his very punky hunky dory sinking beneath the >> waves of bullshit that has kept him afloat for years. There is no denying >> that I will chuckle as I imagine his very nasty ex sweetyfart Belinda Baby >> picking up the phone and calling Magna Entertainment's Yankee VP Argeo P. >> Cellucci and its General Counsel >> Don Amos. Her Big Daddy Franky may want to rip them new arseholes for >> in order to shove each other's head into. Clearly they did not do a good >> job protecting the interests of Stronach's publicly held company from one >> pigheaded Maritimer who is serious gambling man in the big game called New >> World Order. I am >> still gambling that there is no honour amongst thieves and somebody will >> blink in order to protect their own butt. I too am wondering and ain't >> betting on the ethics of any politician. For instance only a fool would >> bet on the ethics of Andre Arthur the Independent MP and if he will quit >> being as quiet as a mouse in the House. If the government goes down, I >> doubt he will get elected again. He had his chance to do the right thing >> just as Chucky Cadman did years ago. The Yankee midterm election is the >> biggest game in the world right now. Ask my Clan's Senator Teddy Kennedy. >> J >> I will wager that I do know why nobody wants to talk to or >> about me. The dark horse in this game is the one who will blink, when and >> where. Knowing who won't say a word is easy. Strangely predicting who may >> be honest is tough. How sad is that? For instance Senator Kinsella's

>> malice against me was a nobrainer. I expected it about as much as that he >> would vote for Lynch in Fredericton. On the other hand Andre Arthur had no >> ethical reason whatsoever to ignore me particularly after reading things >> he has said in the past. His recent appointment to oversee the CRTC proves >> to me that he is a crooked as Hell. He must have known he was finally free >> from all the lawyers that had once chastised him in the past. They cannot >> hold him accountable for whatever he says in the House to a nationwide >> audience as an MP like they once did when he spoke on local radio. The >> chickenshit, Andre Arthur may be laying back and waiting for just the >> right point in time to start clucking into the Parliamentary record to >> make >> history in his own best interests. I don't know. Nor do I care if he has a >> plan or is just holding to a backroom deal. I do know when we talked on >> the phone months ago, I could tell that he did not have any balls at all. >> The silence of a >> former big talking talk show host from Quebec spoke volumes to me months >> ago about why that Frenchman won't mingle with the media he now oversees. >> His appointment to the committee that oversees the very >> dudes who once tortured him, stinks of backroom deal and a political >> payoff >> to me. All Andre Arthur or anyone else in the House had to do this month >> or in the years before was to have the sand to stand up and ask the >> Speaker in a question period on the record simply state the >> following. "Who the Hell is David Raymond Amos and what the Hell is >> talking >> about?" There I even wrote the script for him just in case he or anyone >> sprouts some testicles real soon. If anyone acts like an ethical >> Parliamentarian, it will be >> Rob Moore's task to explain my affairs to the House. I will lay odds >> that if Andre Arthur or anyone else were certain that they could profit

>> rather than suffer from such few words, they would. love to make history >> and become the hero who saved Democracy for us all. Nobody will talk to me >> for the same reason Arthur is silent to everyone else. It is based in >> political deceit. Justice is always a matter of political will rather than >> the way that it should be. I am just wise enough to know I can be the most >> effective in finding a little justice when the political process is flux. >> Bernie Shapiro's >> office and that of his fellow crook, Jean Fournier's have denied receiving >> anything of mine from Andre Arthur or Noel Kinsella. That makes me >> understand that I am on the right track this time. When Shapiro's office >> called me last year, they were nervous campers after I had made Parliament >> uphold an act and give Fournier a job so that I could complain to him >> about Senator Joe Day. The far from ethical parliamentary counselors are >> quite likely hiding under a rug somewhere in the House and praying Baird's >> Accountability Act replaces them >> soon. Shapiro and Fournier are just playing dumb while waiting to duck out >> the back and scurry into the sunset with unearned severance pays in their >> purses. Once they are all out of public service, they will become just a >> few more paragraphs to me in a future complaint against many individuals >> out of public service I plan to sue. The rats abandoning Humpty Dumpty's >> boat like David Dingwall and Howie Wilson should offend anyone with half a >> mind. Most ordinary folks have all but forgotten the Dingwall affair but >> I doubt most did not even know who the dude Howie Wilson was or >> how he assisted Landslide Annie in making Humpty Dumpty's doings with >> Tainted Blood disappear on everyone else's watch but mine. Does anyone >> but me remember where the bad blood came from and who made the deal with

>> whom? I do. This brings me to why I find the Bloc so interesting these >> days. I know Ducceppe is a crooked as the rest but some other Bloc may >> want to fill his shoes. Humpty Dumpty's loss was a given, to me. The loss >> of the Bloc and the Conservative gain was a surprise to everyone. It would >> be truly comical if their leader, Ducceppe were to act ethically on my >> behalf after all these years. It is not beyond the realms of possibility >> that he could be the next PM if the Bloc had the majority next time >> around. The other parties could be so decimated by his integrity that >> maybe a legion of Independents would inhabit the House. Less of a pipe >> dream would be that perhaps the Bloc could get the ten seats in Quebec >> from the Conservatives and truly make the Liberal history as well. C'est >> Vrai? >> I know what I just stated seems crazy but think about it for a >> minute. Ignore what crooked liberals such as the local talk show host, Tom >> Young may say of me being a nut. He retracted "the fool for a >> client spiel" in another matter when it suited his political agenda. He >> knows I was not nuts in my predictions about picking Speakers, the Tanker >> Malley affair or wiretap tapes too. Young was not wise to >> challenge a man such as I to sue him on live radio. I ain't that foolish >> not to sue Jennifer Warren and Rogers Media J . Whatever liberals such >> as Young and his cohorts in Rogers say about me negative or otherwise on >> the radio almost two years later is gravy after I had made my mission >> known byway of his own program. I openly declared that it was my >> Securities Fraud issues that should >> most concern my fellow Maritimers. Soon it is my turn to fall silent in >> the >> text of this letter anyway. However before I do become truly silent you >> may wish to know that some of you will receive this letter in your email >> and see it posted on the Internet at about the same time the budget vote >> becomes history. I cannot give you time to run political damage control. I >> have long understood your wicked game of hear, no evil, see no evil

and >> speak no evil for your own benefit and not the people you claim to serve. >> I know that the things like Freedom >> and Justice that lawyers claim are so important in a Democracy are merely >> myths. Bankers and lawyers know as well as I that Freedom does not have >> prayer because Justice is bought and sold everyday to the highest bidder >> in the marketplace and the courts. Money is all the beancounters care >> about as they count the percentage points of gain and lawyers follow suit >> in their fees for assisting in the malice against us all. The corrupt >> Yankees that you people support have taught me a lot about how to deal >> with many crooked Canadians. The answer is simple. Make Justice a matter >> of >> political will particularly in a time of War. Now that we all understand >> the wicked game, why mince words anymore? I am raising the stakes and >> laying some more of my cards on table before I summons you all to court. >> You do not have much time to decide >> if I am bluffing or not. Lets just say I have no doubt whatsoever why the >> blog in CTV W5 website was deleted recently after it had stood for almost >> a year. I save all blogs long before they are lost in cyber space. The >> words of the one within CTV's W5 domain that was erased for the benefit of >> CIBC John Manley and the Thomson dudes will resurface >> somewhere else on the Internet in short order. Hard copy of the aforesaid >> blog and many others will be presented in various courts someday. Dempsey >> the lawyer, who has since fallen silent had apparently filed a complaint >> in BC about what anybody who has studied the banking profession knows to >> be true. Wise guys know the root of all evil is not exactly money but >> Filthy Lucre, the words that King >> James employed just once. Gain of >> control over the land is the name of the game. Money is just a clever >> paper >> tool that is based on nothing at all. The idea of money in the form of

a >> banknote that is no longer based on gold but debt was invented and >> controlled by bankers and the same holds true for the notion of religion >> invented the banker's cohorts the Roman who turned into priests of one >> god. It is money I must attack and seek because it is what the lawyers who >> made the rules for the benefit of bankers and priests claim I must do in >> order to play their wicked game. I did so out of the gate years ago. If >> you bother to check my work you will see that I employed my right to have >> the freedom to have no religion at all to attack what the smiling bastards >> hold most dear, their money. The law is clear in matters of money and >> beancounters rely on such laws. It is against the law for a trustee to >> give money he holds in trust to any charity on his own accord. For a >> well-respected old lawyer to assist an ex FBI agent in his wrongs against >> the terms of a trust and without the knowledge and accent of the >> beneficiaries is interesting to say the least. To steal it and give it to >> a church that the beneficiaries have no faith in is particularly offensive >> especially when the Cardinal's secretary is the offended person's cousin. >> When I exposed to the Feds the fact that the crooks had also >> hid some of the stolen funds in a bank account in the name of a person >> whose estate was long closed, things got really bad. The people who are >> supposed to enforce the law turned against me for the benefit of crooked >> bankers. It took me awhile to understand why the Feds were behaving so >> poorly. The reason was all the pension funds of government employees >> controlled by Putnam Investments and the fact that they owned half of the >> Brookline >> Savings Bank, another publicly held company. >> Perhaps you dudes should read the fine print of the >> whistleblower form 211 that I filled out many years ago. Whereas bankers >> and priests employ many puppets in the form of politicians, lawyers, cops >> and priests to play their deadly game of World Control for them, it is

the >> puppets I must deal with day to day. However I always knew who were >> sending the people to act against me. Bankers invented money and the >> miserable bastards known as Jesuits invented lawyers. Correct? The real >> nature of the wicked game is World Control or New World Order just as the >> carpetbaggers named Bush love to say. Before you dare to call me a liar, >> have the local liberal lawyer Dominic Leblanc and non elected Cabinet >> Minister Michael Fortier study >> the material I just sent to them. It is the same material Franky Boy >> McKenna, Deborah Alexander of the Scotia Bank and Petey Baby MacKay >> from Nova Scotia for example got back in 2004. As I said in the CTV blog >> it >> is just the tip of the iceberg. J What I have just delivered in hand to >> the bankers and Bill Casey is different material than the liberals have >> ever received from me. Find the email within this material that the >> General Counsel of >> Bell Canada, Martine Turcotte sent me in 2004 and you will see that >> Bell Canada spent three days printing my files off the web. They still >> did not have it all by a long shot. Ask the serial killer and his cohorts >> the Feds about that simple fact. As I said earlier in this letter now that >> the Stevey Boy Harper, a lapdog for the Bush regime has shown all >> Canadians that his nasty arse is flying too high, it is >> high time that someone gives it a boot ASAP. I will take license and >> employ >> some of Franky Boy McKenna's choice of words. The only hope I see on the >> horizon in far off Parliament Hill to see that that our democracy is >> served can be found within the personal greed of members of the Bloc >> Quebecois. Yet that is the very >> party that wants to break up our country. Thus I think that what I see >> must >> be a mirage to give me false hope. All Canadians can see the Liberals are >> wandering around lost in the far from deserted halls of the House with no >> leader in sight. The Liberals crippled up old German Shepherd wants to >> talk to high school kids and the media in the Maritimes about the future

>> of the liberal party but the kids and nobody else seems to care about >> Humpty Dumpty anymore. Everybody wants >> to talk to the Conservatives and they won't talk to anybody unless Karl >> Rove and Derek Burney first bless the script. The annoying >> arsekissing terrier and boss of the NDP Jacky Jackass Layton is truly >> irrelevant. He has lost all credibility. Ask yourselves why the yapping >> little terrier is not willing to give the Conservatives the boot as he >> claims he did with the Liberals last year. Even Layton 's old buddy Bob >> Rae has quit the NDP >> and joined his old college roommate's liberal crowd of wealthy thieves. >> Rae >> wants to lead liberals out of the desert for selfish reasons of his own. >> The first thing Rae, a pal of Landslide Annie >> bragged of on CTV the morning he announced he was running for leader was >> of >> his work within the Security Intelligence Review Committee. It seems he >> has chosen to forget my emails to him or the phone conversation we had >> late in the week before. I know Rae knows that Marion McGrath, the General >> Counsel of the SIRC has refused to do her >> god damned job just like Franky Boy's old lieutenant Adleea Landry does. >> Because of that Bob Rae felt free pat to his own back about the >> work he did with the SIRC? Marion MacGrath and many others whose names can >> be found within the enclosed documents have forever proven to me the >> malice of all politically appointed public servants. The cop, Dean Buzza >> of the arm of the RCMP known as IMET really pissed me off in March. I defy >> anyone to try to talk to the crooked lawyer, Paul Kennedy about him. IMET >> was created within a week or so of Ashcroft meeting with Easter in >> November of 2003. Amongst a host of public servants that know all >> too well what I say is true and ignore the law for personal gain is Rick >> Hancox and his cohorts within the New Brunswick Securities >> Commission. They are just like the lawyers of the Public Service >> Integrity Office, sneaky Howard Wilson, Bernard Shapiro, Jean T.

>> Fournier and Paul Kennedy of the Public Complaints Against the RCMP >> crowd. All these people are worse than useless as tits on a bull. They are >> crooks. They should be fired and prosecuted immediately. At the very least >> the malicious public servants are definitely not entitled to severance pay >> a la David Dingwall. There are many honest Canadians in the Maritimes >> looking for work. They could be hired to replace the corrupt politically >> appointed bureaucrats we have now. I am part of that public these >> bureaucrats etc are supposed to serve. I am also one of those over fifty >> folks that the CARP50 dudes hustle about where to invest our money. If the >> Cop Dean Buzza and his cohorts in IMET who had talked to CARP had done >> their job while I was running for a seat in Parliament and truly >> investigated the spike in Income Trust trading, many a banker etc would >> have had their panties in a knot for months. Instead the cops hush the >> CARP dudes up for the benefit of Rotten Ralphy Goodale and >> his banker buddies? Furthermore the far west Conservative M.K. Braaton >> deletes my words about Income Trusts from his blog after he allowed a >> Yankee Deputy Dog to attack my rep while running for a seat against >> his cohorts? Harper who claims Maritime roots and yet calls us defeatists >> has done a little service for all Canadians and unseated the wealthy >> corrupt liberals. More importantly he has proven in a timely fashion that >> he living is up to the Maritimer, Frank Boy's description of him when he >> had a fine breakfast out west with the fancy former Minister of Finance >> two years ago. A true Maritimer who will never admit defeat has given many >> bankers who have a lot to lose fair warning that they should not side >> with Harper against me. J Prior to printing this letter I will await the >> results of the budget vote. Just in case someone in the Bloc suprises me >> with a display of ethics. Yesterday and today I called many members of >> various entities known as Conservatives, Liberals, NDP, Bloc, US Congress, >> RCMP, FBI, CSIS, SRIC, the Fredericton Police Dept and New >> Brunswick Police Commission etc for the last time and waited one more

>> day for someone honest to call me back. Nobody did and nobody ever will. >> Here is my humble opinion for what it is worth to the deaf ears >> of Upper Canadian bankers. Ed Clark should fire his new Deputy Chair of >> the >> TD Financial Group and his lawyer Chris Montague ASAP for the >> benefit of TD Bank's shareholders. Lawyers and politicians are far easier >> to replace than repairing a bank's damaged reputation. The same goes for >> the CIBC, John Manley and E. Jennifer Warren and of course the RBC and >> David Allgood. >> Yea I know I am dreaming but at least you can never say that >> you did not know before I send the text of this letter in a email >> everywhere I can think of. That said guess who just played you all like >> fiddle? I not only made you litigants against me in my sad complaints but >> I may make this letter the introduction for a book that >> I have been writing for years. It is called "Pro Se Once Removed" as >> named in the first complaint that I ever filed. It is not a bad piece of >> work for a layman but I am far more proud of the second complaint I filed. >> I have not shown it to anyone other than litigants against me. >> It is a very rare Prima Facia complaint about legal malpractice that >> any lawyer should study. It has caused several Bills to be inspired in a >> very corrupt Yankee Statehouse. Thomson dudes should query it sometime. >> Two courts in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts must keep it >> in the public record forever. The matters began and ended in Dedham MA, >> hometown of Sumner Redstone and the stomping grounds of his old Harvard >> Law School pal, >> Charles J. Kickham Jr., my wife's evil cousin. The matters were >> delayed and dismissed over a year after my opposition to Cardinal Law's >> motion to dismiss was destroyed after the cases were removed illegally and >> doctored in federal court without any hearing whatsoever. Clark Kent >> Irvin, >> the former Inspector General of the Department of Homeland Security

should >> know all about Truth Justice and the American Way. Ask him if US District >> Court docket # >> 02-CV-11686-RGS or Norfolk Superior Court docket # 02 01113 are worth >> checking out. I legally signed the complaint in my wife's name as her >> attorney in fact after she had suffered a breakdown because of the >> wrongful actions against her by her kin and the justice system over mere >> matters of money. The Yankee Court accepted the sad complaint and filed in >> the last hour of work before July 4th, 2002. Within weeks I gave the US >> Secretary of State his copy byway of the Ambassador Argeo >> P. Cellucci to remind Yankees why their forefathers rebelled against >> the Crown (No taxation without proper representation). The rest is >> history. >> Now that I have chucked my wrench, I must deal with a far >> more important matter I have at hand. Whereas my family needs a roof over >> their heads, I looked around to see which Maritime crooks live handy to >> where I'm camped right now. I decided there are Three Stooges in each big >> party that I should sue soon. To the left I see the easiest of all, >> Whining Wayne Easter. Landslide Annie confirmed her >> pal's malice towards me during the 37th Parliament. Franky Boy McKenna is >> the very political banker/lawyer who worked against me in the USA under >> the mandate of the 38th Parliament for the benefit of Yankee banks. Plus >> he really pissed me off when he had too much fun with my G.A.L. while my >> wife and kids were in the streets around Beantown. Franky Boy's old pal >> Andy Scot is a close tie with the Newfy Bad Boy >> Billy Matthews as the dumbest and nastiest of all Maritime >> Parliamentarians. It is the failure of the NDP and the Conservatives >> that they sit in the 39th Parliament today. To the right, are Rob Moore, >> Greg Thompson and Bill Casey for >> reasons I already explained. These Maritime Stooges have properties to >> fill >> the bill of my Clan's needs. I will sue them along with my G.A.L.,

Bixby's >> law firm in Canada in order to seek some immediate relief from the wrongs. >> I love teasing hostile laymen with a temper. >> Thus Wayne Easter and Greg Thompson will be a lot of fun in court. Ask >> the goddamned biblepounders Cardinal Law or Pat Robertson's song and dance >> man Johnny Never Been Good Ashcroft why I love to argue lawyers. Canadian >> lawyers should consider the following. Whereas the Crown stood with the >> USA and the Holy See against me it has caused the >> Queen to lose Sovereign Immunity in the USA on two counts. As soon as >> I crossed an international border with the former Governor General's >> blessings in hand and into a Yankee jail, all MPs should have paid >> attention. Instead they ignored the fact I was held under the charges of >> "other" before Clarkson made her last Speech from the Throne to >> allow the 38th Parliament to begin. J This is no conspiacy theory as >> liberal talk show hosts like to suggest. You are looking at hard copy of >> the proof of what I say is true. clearly before I went into the Yankee >> jail, I had notified many Canadian authorities and my Yankee lawyer etc >> that my US Mail to the Canadian Consulate in Boston had been blocked and >> directed elsewhere and that my Canadian Mail to the General Counsel of the >> RCMP >> had disappeared. That is Mail Fraud practised by two governments of two >> countries on the same day in order to cover up a conspiracy against me. >> The Canadian Consulate finally did come to visit me in >> jail after a few days with prodding from my friends and relatives but my >> Yankee lawyer friend never did. The Canadian public servants were >> bearing hard copy of more false allegations that have since disappeared >> from the public record. I told the Consulate off and went back to my cell >> and said Bingo to myself. The nut of Sovereign Immunity in regards to the >> Crown, the Holy

>> See and the USA was cracked not once but twice in October of 2004. >> You hold the proof in your hands. Call me crazy and put it in writing >> in fact, I Double Dog Dare Ya To. In closing I confess I have no false >> illusions. Any man with half a mind has understood for years why I must >> prosecute matters Pro Se. Ethical lawyers and politicians do not exist. >> They created the >> myth called Justice to suit their own selfish ends. I have no doubt >> whatsoever the weight of a corrupt justice system will try hard to smother >> my complaints. I expect all you to maintain standard operating procedure >> and ignore me as our government acts wrongfully on your behalf. I also >> know some common men like me will not. Some of us vote and invest money >> too. Some of us know our rights and interests are bought and sold on >> Yankee stock markets everyday for the benefit of >> crooks that ignore the public trust. Some of us are broke and can't vote >> but are fierce political animals when the evils of longstanding >> governments are insufferable. It is not only our right but it is our duty >> to do so. I also know that many Canadians were raised to Hate War and are >> proud that much of the World recognizes us as Peacekeepers. Even the dumb >> as a post Stevey Boy Harper, a Canadian lapdog of the Yankee moron, George >> W. >> Bush and the Yankee Norfolk County Sheriff and his equally dumb Deputy >> Dog, Robert F. O'Meara must know at least that. >> Cya'll in Court J >> >> >> Veritas Vincit >> >> >> David Raymond Amos >> >> >> PO Box 234 >> >> >> Apohaqui, NB E5P 3G2 >>

>> >> >> >> >> >> -------------------------------->> Feel free to call! Free PC-to-PC calls. Low rates on PC-to-Phone. >> Get Yahoo! Messenger with Voice >> >> >> >> -------------------------------->> How low will we go? Check out Yahoo! Messenger's low PC-to-Phone call >> rates. >> >> >> -------------------------------->> Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Yahoo! Search. >> >> >> >> -------------------------------->> Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your homepage. >> >> >> >> -------------------------------->> Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it >> now. >> >> >> -------------------------------->> Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Yahoo! >> Search. >> >> > > > > > >

> >
----- Original Message ----From: David Amos To: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Cc: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Sent: Sunday, May 27, 2007 1:20 AM Subject: So why all the Desperate Bullshit about threats TJ? To take the eyes off your crooked banker buddies and your own questionable past? So much for RCMP Integrity EH?

You brag of being in the Yankee Special Forces while decent Canadians are being killed overseas in order to disguise your support the malice of your Yankee pals so that Shawny Baby can have his way with our own little province and sell our energy resouces at fire sale prices to the same Yankee crooks and corrupt Upper Canadians as well while all eyes are looking overseas instead of paying attention to all the ridiculous bullshit in our very own backyard. Need I say bullshit once again? Why not sprout some balls TJ and tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth for a change? to whom should i send this email to next, Dizzie Lizzie May or Blinda's old flaming crybaby lawyer Petey Baby MacKay? The newfound liberal, David Orchard or his old pal Brian Mosher should remember him. Don't ya think that Michael Bray who got to be Queen's counsel should try to reason with the tow truck driver whose sister works as his Deputy EH? I want my harley the the cops stole and no doubt everybody wonder what is on the wiretap tapes in my saddlebags as they listen to this particular email N'est Pas Chucky Leblanc? Say hey to one of the dumb as a post Fat Fred City finest cops Cpl Randy Reilly for me will ya? Take his picture like I did I Double Dog Dare ya Frenchie. Better yet post this sound file on your Blog and explain your malice to your Iron Horse of a chickshit lawyer. David Amos <> wrote: Date: Thu, 17 May 2007 13:31:06 -0700 (PDT) From: David Amos <> Subject: Say hey to Arthur Hamilton and Peter Mackay for me will ya? To:,,,,

CC:,,, I remember you Mr Deardon. Remember me? You were the Auditor General, Sheila Fraser's lawyer in the Gomery matter. The last thing you are is ethical EH? I also remember quite a crowd of you dudes from McCarthy over the years as well. Need a I say you are all less honourable than "AL" If you think I am a liar sue me, will ya. One thing I know for certain Stevey Boy Harper won't have Parliamentry immunity when I sue him.

PM invokes immunity to avoid testifying at ex-candidate's libel trial

Tim Naumetz, The Ottawa Citizen Published: Wednesday, May 16, 2007 Prime Minister Stephen Harper is claiming parliamentary immunity to avoid giving evidence in a libel lawsuit launched by a prominent Ottawa lawyer who stepped aside as an election candidate to make way for sponsorship whistleblower Allan Cutler. Mr. Harper's lawyer, Richard Dearden, told court yesterday sections of the Constitution and the Parliament of Canada Act prevent the prime minister from being compelled to testify in the legal action by lawyer Alan Riddell as long as Parliament is in session. Mr. Dearden served notice of the immunity claim in legal documents he filed before he and a lawyer for the Conservative party, Robert Houston, convinced a judge yesterday to postpone a trial that was to begin this week on a claim related to the libel action. "It's absolute," Mr. Dearden said after presenting his arguments to Justice Monique Metivier. "Any member of Parliament can invoke parliamentary privilege when Parliament is in session. No reasons need be given." Allan Riddell has sued Mr. Harper and Don Plett, the president of the Conservative party, over their claims in November 2005 there was no agreement between Mr. Riddell and the party for him to step aside to let Mr. Cutler run in the campaign that fall. The agreement, which a Superior Court judge ruled last year had been reached between Mr. Riddell and the Conservatives, included a promise that Mr. Riddell would be compensated for expenses he incurred while campaigning for the Conservative nomination in Ottawa South. But the Conservative party claims the agreement also included an unstated term of confidentiality, which it says Mr. Riddell breached when he publicly disclosed its existence. The trial Judge Metivier postponed to an unscheduled date was to have decided whether the agreement included a clause of confidentiality. Superior Court Justice Denis Power ruled last year that, even if there was a confidentiality clause, the agreement continued to exist even though Mr. Riddell disclosed its existence. The trial of Mr. Riddell's libel claims against Mr. Harper and Mr. Plett is not scheduled to begin until February.

But the acrimonious atmosphere of the legal proceedings that have taken place behind close doors so far, primarily in examinations of discovery to gather evidence, surfaced as Mr. Houston, Mr. Dearden and Tom Conway, Mr. Riddell's lawyer, exchanged barbs before the judge. Mr. Dearden told Judge Metivier he had been "ambushed" by Mr. Conway with last-minute information. Meanwhile, Mr. Houston reacted angrily to statements Mr. Conway made about the Conservative party's wish to keep the agreement with Riddell "a secret." Mr. Conway claimed the Conservatives wanted to delay the trial over the confidentiality clause because they had "painted themselves in a corner." The claim of secrecy creates an unwholesome image of "cigar-smoking backroom boys" cutting a political deal behind closed doors, Mr. Conway said. David Amos <> wrote: Date: Thu, 17 May 2007 11:18:06 -0700 (PDT) From: David Amos <> Subject: Hey Brad do ya think that the Arseholes at Capital Towing or their lawyer will get a grip on this when i serve them hard copy? To:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, CC:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, RE: Portions of wiretap tapes to impeach George W. Bush and put a stop Harper's motion tommorrow Date: Thu, 18 May 2006 13:49:47 -0400 From: "Dewar, Paul - M.P." <> To: "David Amos" Subject:
Hi David. My name is James and I have been asked to send this message onto you from Paul Dear Mr. Amos, Thank you for informing me of your concerns regarding Canada 's role in Afghanistan after February 2007.

The NDP voted against this motion because we believe it is the wrong mission for Canada . It does not reflect the peace-making values that Canadians want to see our forces undertake on the world stage. This forced motion essentially ties our aid and development funds to warmaking, and we cannot support that. It is quite clear that Harper's Conservatives aren't interested in due diligence. They're interested in dragging us further into a US-style combat role and away from our traditional peace keeping role. Much like the Liberals before them, the Conservatives have failed to tell Canadians: - What the chain of command and control will be for this mission. - What the definition of success will be for our troops. - What our exit strategy will be. Many Canadians have written me wanting answers and it is our duty as representatives of our constituents, to get answers before committing to any new missions overseas. As any soldier knows, time spent on reconnaissance is never wasted. New Democrats recognize that Canada does have a role in assisting Afghanis in rebuilding their country. Afghanistan is the largest recipient of Canadian overseas development aid and we fully support the continuation of that funding - outside of this mission. Thank you again for the time and effort you have taken to share your thoughts with me, and for bringing your opinion on this matter to my attention. Sincerely,

Paul Dewar, MP Ottawa Centre

From: David Amos [] Sent: May 16, 2006 8:13 PM To: Allen, Mike - M.P.;;; Angus, Charlie - M.P.; Atamanenko, Alex - M.P.; Bell, Catherine - M.P.; Bevington, Dennis - M.P.; Black, Dawn - M.P.; Blaikie, Bill - M.P.; Charlton, Chris - M.P.; Chow, Olivia - M.P.; Christopherson, David - M.P.; Comartin, Joe - M.P.; Crowder, Jean - M.P.; Cullen, Nathan - M.P.; Davies, Libby - M.P.; Dewar, Paul - M.P.; Julian, Peter M.P.; Marston, Wayne - M.P.; Martin, Pat D. - M.P.; Martin, Tony - M.P.; Masse, Brian - M.P.; Mathyssen, Irene - M.P.; Nash, Peggy - M.P.; Priddy, Penny - M.P.; Savoie, Denise - M.P.; Siksay, Bill - M.P.; Wasylycia-Leis, Judy - M.P.; Emerson, David - M.P. Cc: Simms, Scott - M.P.; Russell, Todd - M.P.; Manning, Fabian - M.P.; Hearn, Loyola - M.P.; Doyle, Norman - M.P.; Byrne, Gerry - M.P.; McGuire, Joe - M.P.; MacAulay, Lawrence - M.P.; D'Amours, JeanClaude - M.P.; Hubbard, Charles - M.P.; Murphy, Brian - M.P.; Thibault, Robert - M.P.; Savage, Michael M.P.; Regan, Geoff - M.P.; Keddy, Gerald - M.P.; Eyking, Mark - M.P.; Cuzner, Rodger - M.P.; Brison, Scott - M.P. Subject: Portions of wiretap tapes to impeach George W. Bush and put a stop Harper's motion tommorrow


Before all the Parliamentarians argue and then vote to support further Canadian deaths in one of George W. Bush's Wars for Global Control for the benefit of his corporate cohorts perhaps, you should at least listen to the attachments if you do not wish to bother to read what Billy Casey and the Bankers got on May 12th. If I can assist in preventing the demise of just one more Canadian warrior in a malicious foreign war, all of my work will have been worth it EH? If everyone ignores me as usual, I will not be surprised. At least I will sleep well with my conscience tonight because I know I have done my very best to stop the nonsense since early 2002 long before the War in Iraq began. None of you deserve to sleep well at all because you all supported Harper's orders to send our people to war even before the 39th Parliament sat this year. As far as I am concerned the blood of four very honourable soldiers can be found on your hands. Shame on all of you for not even bothering to honour our dead by lowering the flag on the Peacetower. As long as I have been aware and could consider myself a Proad Canadian, I thought we were peacekeepers rather than poorly paid hired guns for crooked corporations, corrupt politicians and their wicked Yankee bible pounding buddies. Veritas Vincit David Raymond Amos

Date: Thu, 11 May 2006 00:00:53 -0700 (PDT) From: "David Amos" <> Subject:Jumping Jimmy Flaherty's jump boots versus Crosbie's old mukluks in a liberal Senate,,,,,,,,,,, To:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, CC:,,,,,,,,,,, Deja Vu Anyone? Anyone? That's what John Crosbie wore tHe mAdd pRoFeSsOr <> wrote: From: "tHe mAdd pRoFeSsOr" <> To: <>, <>, <>, <>,

"Greenman" <> Subject: Get a grip on this? Date: Wed, 19 Jan 2011 09:07:12 -0600

For those of you who wanna stir the pot, I offer the above link to contact regarding this. It is an FBI (illegal?) wiretap you are listening to, where it is evident the FBI is lying and covering up some black op with ovbious complicity of the FBI itself. Research this at the below website..........

The letter I sent Specteor is below. I don't really expect that there would be much improvement even if we got rid of bush, (the democrats are thick as thieves with the idea of the new world order and betrayal of all America once stood for too, but at least it is a stand for the truth, and it will make them squirm a little. As well as increase their guilt whenever they do face judgement for their actions, which all men will answer to our Lord sooner or later anyways after its all over. FEDERAL EXPRESS February 7, 2006 Senator Arlen Specter United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary 224 Dirksen Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510 Dear Mr. Specter: I have been asked to forward the enclosed tapes to you from a man named, David Amos, a Canadian citizen, in connection with the matters raised in the attached letter. Mr. Amos has represented to me that these are illegal FBI wire tap tapes. I believe Mr. Amos has been in contact with you about this previously.

Very truly yours, Barry A. Bachrach Direct telephone: (508) 926-3403

Direct facsimile: (508) 929-3003 Email:

This sent to Specteor today.....

Could you please inform me of the results of your disposition regarding the following matter. I am concerned over the information presented by this Mr. David Amos fellow regarding illegal wiretaps, and the treachery and deceit practiced by the present Administration, all under the guise of "Homeland Security" ? Would you please be kind enough to show me where David Amos has made false allegations, or if not, then explain to me what actions have been taken to remedy this situation. It seems to me that if indeed our present Administration is guilty of half of the things Mr. Amos presents on his website, then there should have already been some action taken by any honest person, by you or your collegues to get that lying deciever out of office, along with his consort Cheney too? Or if those allegations are false and baseless that were made by David Amos, then could you explain that to me as well? I refer to the matter addressed below........... FEDERAL EXPRESS February 7, 2006 Senator Arlen Specter United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary 224 Dirksen Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510 Dear Mr. Specter: I have been asked to forward the enclosed tapes to you from a man named, David Amos, a Canadian citizen, in connection with the matters raised in the attached letter. Mr. Amos has represented to me that these are illegal FBI wire tap tapes. I believe Mr. Amos has been in contact with you about this previously. Very truly yours, Barry A. Bachrach Direct telephone: (508) 926-3403 Direct facsimile: (508) 929-3003 Email:

----- Original Message ----From: David Amos To: ; Sent: Monday, August 20, 2007 1:38 PM Subject: Looks like I will have to send your other RCMP owhistleblowers hard copy byway of you EH Billy Boy? In the "Mean" time say Hoka Hey to Ken Smith and his wife for me will ya?

Mon, 20 Aug 2007 12:28:40 -0400 From: "William GILMOUR" <> To: Subject: automated response
Prouse, Dash & Crouch, LLP and William R. Gilmour announce that William R. Gilmour now carries on the practice of law as a sole practitioner at 3-1

Royce Avenue, Brampton, Ontario L6Y 1J4, Telephone (905) 451-1768. Mr. Gilmour's new e-mail address is "". Please amend your records accordingly.

David Amos <> wrote: Date: Mon, 20 Aug 2007 09:28:17 -0700 (PDT) From: David Amos <> Subject: Proof that Eddy and the Feds got Round One Watch me prove that all lawyers are rats Sam never mind what the Rogers media dudes have to say To:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, CC:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Capital Towing LT 095 027 880CA

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Date: From: Subject: To:

Sun, 19 Aug 2007 18:06:39 -0700 (PDT) "David Amos" <> Fwd: Re Conrad Black His lawyer Eddy Geenspan answered this letter

David Amos <> wrote: Date: Sun, 19 Aug 2007 14:02:01 -0700 (PDT) From: David Amos <> Subject: Fwd: Re Conrad Black His lawyer Eddy Geenspan answered this letter To:,,, Just Dave By Location > Visit Detail Visit 1,692
[<<] [>>]

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David Amos <> wrote: Date: Sun, 19 Aug 2007 12:41:46 -0700 (PDT) From: David Amos <> Subject: Re Conrad Black His lawyer Eddy Geenspan answered this letter To: Date: Tue, 7 Aug 2007 18:16:07 -0700 (PDT) From: "David Amos" <> Subject: Round One,,,,,,,,,,,,, To:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, CC:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ROUND ONE August 7th, 2007 Interim Commissioner, Pierre Martel

Public Sector Integrity Canada 60 Queen St. Suite 605, Ottawa,ON. K1P 6Y7 Phone 1 866 941-6400 Senior Counsel, Marian McGrath Security Intelligence Review Committee P.O. Box 2430, Station "D" Ottawa, Ontario KlP 5W5 Phone 1 613 990-5866 Lord Conrad Black C/o Eddy Greenspan 144 King St.East Toronto,ON M5C 1G8 Capital Towing C/o Alan MacPhee and Andy Aker 29 Cityview Ave Fredericton, NB E5A 1S9 RE: Public Corruption Hoka Hey, Out of the gate I must ask you all the obvious question. Why did you play dumb instead of just trying to do your jobs byway of simply calling me back to ask me few legitimate questions to stress test my integrity and understand the gravity of my concerns if you do not support public corruption? Pursuant to my many phone calls and emails etc, your demands for hard copy plus the invitation of Alan MacPhee to sue his company in order to reclaim my old Harley, please find enclosed the material that I promised to send to you before we may meet in a court someday soon. The list of the material and a brief explanation as to why I am providing it to you is listed as follows: 1. I have attached directly to this letter copies of nine letters of mine, three from me that were cover letters to my material from the USA that is enclosed with this letter and listed in paragraph # 2 of this list. Six letters were sent to me in response to it. The first letter attached was delivered in hand to the office of Andy Scott MP after I ran in the election of the 38th Parliament. Eddy Greenspan should make note that I mentioned his client, Lord Conrad Black. The second is a response from his liberal associate Shawn Murphy MP after I ran in the next election against Andy Scott. The third is a copy of my letter to Murphy and several others that prompted his very dumb response. Obviously I am not shy about what I think of unethical Canadian bureaucrats and law enforcement authorities. Nest Pas?

The fourth letter attached is a copy of one I received from an Inspector General of the US Treasury Dept. It was sent to me while I as running for a seat in the 39th Parliament. It came at about the same time that Marion McGrath and I were talking about my concerns about the severe lack of integrity of the RCMP and CSIS and of their wrongful assistance to many corrupt Yankees acting against me. The fifth letter is dated October 6th, 2003 from the office of the US Attorney in Northern Illinois, Patrick J. Fitzgerald. It was sent to me in response to the material that I sent to every US Attorney in the USA on the same day. It is a dandy of a Catch 22 for any lawyer acting in the best interests of a former Canadian who gave up his citizenship to become the first British Lord of a subway stop and who is now a convicted criminal in the USA. The same holds true for any of his codefendants attorneys. EH? The last two letters attached are from January of 2004. The sixth letter was sent to many lawyers concerned with Martha Stewarts prosecution and Frank Quattones lawyer, John Keker. For my Clans benefit, I made certain that many Yankee law enforcement authorities and lawyers were given sufficient evidence to support my opinion that the criminal charges against Quattrone and Stewart were ridiculous in light of the malicious actions by the very same Feds against me in order to cover up their own wrongs. Clearly I warned Keker that the US Attorney would prosecute his client again if Stewart were convicted. The seventh letter is Kekers incompetent answer in an effort to play dumb at the expense of the freedom of his client and mine. I learned to treat Lord Conrad Blacks lawyers somewhat differently. Eh Eddy? 2. The eight and ninth letters hereto attached should be of the greatest concern to the bureaucrats, Marian McGrath and Pierre Martel more than anyone else. The first person McGrath should call is William J. S. Elliott, the latest political lawyer/bureaucrat from the Mulroney days to be politically appointed to a very high post much to the chagrin of the RCMP this time around. Nest Pas? That nasty lawyer in particular has been ducking me for years and there is no way he can deny it. The eighth letter from the first Minister of Public Safety and the former Deputy Prime Minister, Anne McLellan and my many emails to her Conservative replacement, Stockwell Day proves it. Hell I even called the PMO office and thanked Harpers people for their latest wicked appointment. I promised to begin my long delayed legal actions shortly. The last letter is from the Public Service Integrity Office. Perhaps Martel should call them and ask how he or the new Commissioner Elliott could act with integrity ASAP. EH? More importantly on behalf of all their clients commonly known as Canadian citizens and one snobby British Lord, the bureaucrats and the Lords lawyer will find enclosed the material that one proud pigheaded Maritimer promised to send to their offices in Upper Canada. The material is exact copies of the same document I brought to Canada from the USA and a CD that contains a digital copy of a Yankee police wiretap tape # 139 that I mentioned in the previous paragraph. I served this material upon the Canadian Border Services, the Fredericton Police Dept., the RCMP and the Attorney General in New Brunswick amongst many others in the summer of 2004. I did just as the former Minister of Public Safety suggested I do while I ran against her political party for a seat in the 38th

Parliament. If any of you wish to pretend that you do not understand the significance of the material I have just listed as sent to you, shame on you. It also follows that as you read on, I must ask you who is the dumber of two Martimers, Alan MacPhee or I? Who are the defeatist Maritimers under the thumb of the current Prime Minister Stevey Boy Harper and who is not, the Fredericton cops, Premier Danny Williams or I? I am not sending the aforesaid documents and CD relating to my affairs in USA to Alan MacPhee. He is not a lawyer or a law enforcement authority of any sort. His many friends within the Fredericton Police certainly are and they have had this material and a great deal more for three years and have done nothing to investigate it for the same political reasons that they continue to harass me to this very day. Furthermore MacPhee should still have my Harley that is titled in the USA within his questionable custody. That old bike is important to me and is also important evidence against the cops, the Crown and MacPhee in and of itself. Whether the Crown admits it or not pursuant to the Constitution of the USA no law enforcement authority anywhere should invade the privacy of my saddlebags on my bike without a US Federal Court Order first being served upon me. If perchance that were to happen, rest assured I would take the Yankee court order with glee and demand that the cops finally do their job. 3. In lieu of the material from the USA and in support of a lawsuit or a settlement about the illegal seizure of my old Harley by the Crown, the Fredericton Police, MacPhee and his towing company. I am providing to MacPhee copies of some the documents that Cpl. Randy Reilly of the Fredericton Police did examine and then refused in front of his underling, Mike Maclean and MacPhees tow truck driver on May 9th, 2007. MacPhee or his lawyer should confer with the Fredericton Police and get back to me ASAP or prepare to deal with me in court in short order in order for me to recover my rightful property and seek relief from their deliberate malice. The cops did steal my property with MacPhees knowledge and assistance. It was done without due process of law. After Cpl. Randy Reilly briefly examined my documents he talked to his HQ. The cops opted to ignore my rights under the Charter and the US Constitution, the Police Act of New Brunswick and the Criminal Code of Canada that they swore to uphold and invited me to sue them as they seized my private property. The cops failed to quote one law that entitled them to do so. They failed to give me a receipt for my property or put in writing in any rule of law to support the ridiculous conditions that Alan MacPhee stated to me in order to recover it. Three months later the Crown has not pressed the malicious traffic charges of the local cops or arrest warrants would exist. The clerks and the cops have affirmed that no records of warrants for my arrest exist caused by unpaid fines or false allegations of criminal harassment or anything else. 4. I am also providing MacPhee with copies of correspondences of mine from 2004 that were sent to and received from many lawyers and cops etc in the Fredericton area that he obviously stands with and against me. MacPhee will find enclosed exact copies of letters to and from his associates the Fredericton Police Dept, the RCMP, the Police Commission, the

Ombudsman, the Law Society and the Judicial Council of New Brunswick amongst several other local lawyers, three of whom have been recently appointed to be judges. Go figure. 5. To prove what I said to MacPhee and the rest of you is true about what I have sent and received, I have enclosed true copies of many letters of mine, some selected copies of documents that were filed in the public records of the docket of Dorchester District Court in Boston, MA beginning nearly three years ago and hard copy of one email exchange at the same point in time. The letters are to and from many highly placed Canadian public officials at a provincial, federal and royal level. I am more than prepared to argue every single word with anyone in open court on the record. No more of the so called confidence games of lawyers and cops for me. I have a great many more material that the Maritimer in me is rather proud of, but this material will do for now in order to prove my concerns about public corruption to people who really dont want to know the awful truth anyway. Four of the letters you are now looking at are to and from Bernard Lord the former NB Premier, Brad Green his ex Attorney General, Rick Hancox of the New Brunswick Securities Commission that reports to T.J. Burke in his capacity as the Minister of Justice, Jeff Mockler a lawyer who continues to be an Attorney Generals assistant after the recent election and another far more notable local lawyer Franky Boy McKenna who was appointed the Canadian Ambassador to the USA just as the corrupt Yankees were trying hard to be rid of me by selling my Clans home without warrants or due process of law in a desperate attempt to break our backs and our hearts. That malice only served to make me even more determined to prove that there is no Truth or Justice within the Canadian or American Way. Four other letters consist of three responses to largely the same material from Adrienne Clarkson, a former Governor General and her Lieutenant Governors of New Brunswick and Newfoundland and Labrador and one letter of mine that caused quite a Royal tizzy indeed before her Speech from the Throne allowed the 38th Parliament to begin. Please make note that the Newfy Lt. Governor admitted that Danny Boy Williams, the Newfoundland Law society and Johnny Never Been Good Crosbie had received my material. Never forget Crosbie was Harpers Atlantic caucus co-chair along with the aptly named little Newfy lawyer Rob Moore whom I had just ran against for Herrons seat. Notice that Eddy Roberts forwarded the stuff I sent him to the former Attorney General and Minister of Justice Tommy Marshall three years ago to be investigated? What do you suppose happened next? Please dont try to tell me that corrupt politicians dont make crooked backroom deals all day long at the expense of the public trust and interests. You cant fool me because I am too stupid. Correct? The media knows what I say is true and wont even say my name even when I run for public office. The newsmen know nothing of ethical conduct. Lord Conrad Black is a fine example to prove my point. The email exchange enclosed is between Stevey Boy Harpers computer and I before I was falsely imprisoned in the USA and he was allowed to sit in opposition by the Governor General after he had his way about American missile defence scheme for a

little while in October of 2004. At least Harpers computer even though it is dumb as I am is at least ethical enough to respond to what it knows to be true. I hope Harper allowed it to keep good records like I do in mine. However I doubt it. Dont you? Please notice by the email addresses recorded that I made Harper and many other politicians (Danny Boy Williams in particular) and bureaucrats well aware that my mail in Canada to the RCMP and in the USA to the Canadian Consulate disappeared before the corrupt Yankees pounced on me. With regards to Harpers comment years ago about Maritimers being defeatists and all of Premier Danny Boy Williams bullshit rhetoric against the Feds, just study my work and ask yourself what you would think about it all if you were I. Why not become a rather fierce but ethical political animal? 6. The last three sets of correspondences of mine that I am providing to all of you deserve immediate attention from the bureaucrat, Pierre Martel before my lawsuits in Federal Court begin. First is the letter of mine from 2004 to Elections Canada, the lawyers working within the Arar Inquiry, the Upper Canadian lawyer, Peter Rosenthal and the Maritime MP Petey Baby MacKay who is now the Minister of Foreign Affairs. Please notice that Elections Canada answered my concerns in a rather incompetent fashion twice, then read it real slow. Perhaps Mr. Martel should give the lawyers Dianne Davidson and Holly McManus a call. EH? Rest assured that I did not long before writing this letter. After that maybe Martel should ask me why the election of the 39th Parliament was not legal. In fact I Double Dog Dare You To. Your clue is what would Stevey Boy Harper do if a District Returning Officer threatened to call the Fredericton Police on him in order to have him evicted from a polling station on election day because the DRO did not believe that he was the candidate named on the ballot even after he had shown the DRO his drivers licence? Then after the election, the Commissioner of Elections Canada or Kingsley himself would not discuss the obvious wrong no matter how many times they were called and emailed? Would Stevey Boy sue? Am I any lesser of a man or Canadian citizen than Harper or anyone else is? I dont think so. Do you? What would you say if I have the proof of the malice in writing signed by the DRO himself and another candidate willing to testify as to what he witnessed? Pretty justifiable lawsuit EH? What would be the ramifications if I am successful? The next two letters prove that I was covering my bases big time after a very questionable federal election and long before I decide to darken the door of Federal Court and file my lawsuits. This letter serves the same purpose. Mr. Martel should read the letters I sent to the Privy Council Office, the Commissioner of Federal Court, Senator Kinsella, the Independent MP Andre Author, an Assistant Attorney General in New Brunswick Michael Comeau and to the Dean of Osgoode Hall. Then read two of the responses I have provided and give a lot of bureaucrats a call. Perhaps he should ask them if they wish to blow the whistle for their benefit if not mine. Better yet why dont you blow the whistle yourself Mr. Martel? Rest assured the newly Independent MP Bill Casey received this material and a great deal more last year when I was running against his friend, Murray Scott, the Attorney General of Nova Scotia. Watch out, the Maritime politicians such as Bill Casey or Elizabeth May or Yvon Godin to name but a few just might start saying my name and speaking of things they know to be true in order to appear ethical and protect their personal pocketbooks from litigation.

I cannot deny the pissed off tone of this letter. I make no apologies whatsoever as I poke fun at you all. Sue me if you wish. I promise not to file a motion to dismiss. I would want to prove my justifiable words to you people very quickly. The now convicted Lord Conrad Black may make my rage towards the deliberate incompetence of lawyers pale in comparison once he finds out about the call I got from the FBI in Chicago while his trial was in progress. It came at about the same time that MacPhee and the Fat Fred City Finest stole my old Harley. Immediately after the FBI called me I called MacPhee, the Fat Fred City Finest, the RCMP and you, Eddy Greenspan. I told you all to pay attention. Didnt I? Greenspan and the cops etc. should not deny my recent calls and emails. If you, Greenspan are half as clever as you think you are then you should have studied our email exchange from quite a while ago that I sent to you again after I saw that Andrew Freys law firm was checking my work in my blog. Anyone can have a good giggle if they understand the ramifications of the letter hereto attached from the US Attorney, Patrick Fitzgerald on October the 6th, 2003. It is a case of the pot calling the kettle Black if there ever was one EH? Quite frankly, Eddy I am surprised that you have not called me back yet. What are you going to do once I start faxing and emailing Fitzgeralds letter and few other relevant documents everywhere? What if the other fellas who were prosecuted alongside Lord Conrad Black become aware of my concerns about the lack of integrity displayed to me by their lawyers, Fitzgerald and you? If you do finally decide to call me someday, why should I bother to pick up the phone? Methinks it is better for you and I to only confer in writing if at all from now on. EH? I am tired of that nonsense of false allegations of criminal harassment being made against me by crooked lawyers and tow truck drivers etc. For the record Mr Martel, I gave your contact information to many Canadian public servants I have talked with as soon as I became aware of it months ago. I do not know if anyone has contacted you yet in order to blow the whistle on their behalf and mine but I do know that I am tired of waiting for some ethical bureaucrat to burst upon the scene. I will remain true to my word to them and insert your contact info in the text of my first complaint in Federal Court. I will do as I promised. I will give the portion of the Crowns possible future settlement with me that I promised ($1,000,000.00) as a reward to first whistleblower who sprouts enough balls to make my name and concerns known along with theirs in a wide public forum. The only qualification I have is that the Crown must settle for at least three times that sum first. My Clan deserves to have their homes and property replaced. I do not care if a future whistleblower is a Yankee or Canadian bureaucrat or even a crooked RCMP officer now working with the Upper Canadian lawyer I have named, Wee Willy Gilmour as the cops whine about wanting to blow a whistle or two themselves. To put it simply I am very tired of being the man with no name as every crook in two goddamned purportedly profound democracies tries hard to falsely imprison me in order to cover up their own wrongs. As a whistleblower, I definitely do deserve whatever protection the mandate of your new office in the Canadian government affords

particularly after I went to considerable expense and trouble in order to prove to you what I say is true as your office demanded of me. The fact that your sneaky bureaucratic lawyers would not speak me and the fact that your help tried to imply that you dudes only wished to investigate the concerns of public servants, grates on my savage Maritime soul. Ms. McGrath, you should not deny that I had a long talk with you when I was running for a seat in the 39th Parliament. I made certain you knew the score. I also had several talks with Cpl. Delaney-Smith of the RCMP before the Speech from the Throne on April 4th, 2006 and afterwards. On the very day the three ring circus of Stevey Boy Harper was allowed to begin in the house on the hill in faraway Upper Canada where the common sense of the common man has been lost to all, you called me back and laughed at me? Didnt that just piss me off EH? I had gone out of my way to introduce you to Cpl. Delaney-Smith and you should never deny it. I saw that the lawyer Richard Bell was involved with the Arar Inquiry just like one of the lawyers working with Sierra Legal was. I was not surprised when Cpl. Delaney-Smith called me not long after Harper picked her lawyer to be a judge and she refused to send my material anywhere in order to have it properly investigated. Stockwell Day had just announced the Air India Inquiry and I had sent my material to Bob Rae too. As you must know by now, I saved your voicemail to me and Cpl. Delaney-Smiths voicemail as well and forwarded them to anyone I wished for the benefit of my little Clan and I. I figured it was high time you spoke up even if it were in a strange fashion. Your silence and that of Cpl. Delaney-Smiths for over a year spoke volumes to me about the fact that I was in the pursuit of defending our rights and freedoms alone. Well lady, try calling me back and laughing at me again now that you have received some of my material directly from me byway of the registered mail. I truly believe your time would be better spent acting within the scope of your employment and giving dudes such as the politician Bob Rae or the cop Norm Plourde of the RCMP (506 452-3724) and Special Agent Don Mcgosy (312 907 8082) of the FBI in Chicago a call. Then say Hoka Hey to Stockwell Day or his new bureaucratic Commissioner of the RCMP William J.S. Elliott for me. I could not believe my luck the day Elliott was appointed by Stockwell Day to be the first bureaucrat to become a RCMP Commissioner. I sent many emails before he was sworn into his new job just to tell everyone of my joy. I was not a bit surprised that the RCMP blocked every email to Elliotts new underlings. I just waited until they were sleeping at their post and sent them twenty-five blistering emails in another fashion. You should ask Elliott to whom I sent them. MacPhee, I do require an answer from you good, bad or indifferent. For the benefit of my old bike I would have to say the sooner the better. If you behave as a proper Maritimer and convince me that that you screwed up by believing in the words of corrupt cops and lawyers, I will allow you to keep your pride intact and leave you to your own devices. If you aint serious about settling, dont bother to call me to try to piss me off some more. My little rant after this proves that you succeeded already. How is this for a response to the fight that you picked with me, MacPhee? I have no recollection of meeting you in 1978 or at any other time. If we did back then, you were

just a kid. I had no idea why you behaved so poorly towards me because of some perceived offence. As soon as you said it and seemed pretty cocky in your attitude and insults, I made inquiries. I soon saw that your father was a lawyer. When I mentioned him to some friends of mine, his memory did not garner much respect. It did not take me long to see your sisters association the very corrupt lawyer/clerk, Michael Bray and everything you said made sense then. With regards to your last repetitive statements on Friday the 13th of July about your saying that you were not aware of anything, I suspect that you were adhering some misbegotten principle that likely means Ignorance is bliss. I believe that your last words to me were quite likely dreamed up by a crooked lawyer. Perhaps your father taught you to talk like that. By your many other words to me, I suspect that you do know a great deal about my matters. What you dont know I have no doubt that your sister can soon find out for you. Thus I suspect that you will stick with the crook T.J. Burke and the Fat Fred City Finest until the bitter end. Feel free to prove me wrong. If nothing else I have proven that I am not shy about my opinion of you and your actions. My documents if nothing else should make your lawyer and cop buddies somewhat less blissful today. EH? For my benefit not yours, MacPhee I will tell you something no brother of the bar such as Brucy Baby Noble would dare to tell you openly. Did you know that you could have made a profit from losing a lawsuit to me about your theft of my bike because of what the cops told you to do? However, I doubt that you can do so now because I brought up that point first. If in the future you tried to sue Fat Fred City in order to recoup any losses to me about this matter, Brucy Baby Noble is smart enough to point to this paragraph and suggest that you had this plan all along. In a wink of the eye one of his judge pals would make sure that you lost. That is how the corrupt justice system works in our so-called purportedly profound democracy. Nest Pas? I do declare that I am grinning like the Cheshire Cat was I wonder if you are even man enough sign your name to the postal receipt for this material. Need I say as a proper Maritimer, that I do love a righteous scrap? I fight with the written word these days, not my fists. I am getting too old and slow for such nonsense of youth. Because of my encounters with you on the phone, I doubt that you are man enough to put what you want to say against me in writing. Once again feel free to prove me wrong. I also know that you are not as stupid as Robert F. OMeara, my Yankee brother in law, whom I love to call Depupty Dog. Nobody could be that dumb. Like you, I will say something snide but unlike you it will be oh so true just to piss Depupty Dog off to get him running off at the mouth. I do it so that he can hang himself and his cohorts who had me falsely imprisoned with their own false allegations of criminal harassment. For shits and giggles just in case you are as dumb an arsehole as he is I Double Dog Dare You to put your malicious words towards me in writing. MacPhee, you should have allowed me to pick up my bike and pay your towing charges the first day you were ordered to take it from me by the cops. You had the right to your fees that day only. The delay after that point in time was your fault and that of the cops, not mine. Yet you are not a cop and they gave you or me nothing in writing to back up your obvious and often stated malice towards me.

It should be obvious to you that you do have a way out of this battle. Get honest and properly blame the cops for their bad instructions. It is just that simple. The cops are now claiming the problem is only between you and I as they direct all my calls to you. Remember when a friend of mine asked you for something in writing? Your answer to him proved to us that you and the cops knew that you definitely did not have any right whatsoever to order me to do anything not found in a law book within the jurisdiction of New Brunswick. That is why the cops and the Crown would never speak to me about the matter and why they dropped their malicious charges. You and the cops should not have made matters worse byway of attempting to press more false charges of criminal harassment against me on your behalf merely because I would not comply with your baseless demands. In the phone conversations that I had with you I responded to you in a like fashion after you insulted me and threatened to make criminal charges against me if I ever called you again. Get it yet? Read on. I was never belligerent as you have claimed to others. In fact you were the one to fit that label. You would hardly let me get a word in edgewise as you ask your redundant questions pretending to be Eddy Greenspan no doubt. Just about the only thing that I was allowed to say was Fuck you just before I hung up right after you claimed that you would make your false allegations about my so called criminal behaviour. As far as I know those two fine old words put together and properly applied that are not illegal in private as of yet even if some snobby folks consider it rude. Even if they were a crime to mouth, they definitely were a very proper Maritime rebuttal to your false allegations despite what any Upper Canadian lawyer or bureaucrat may think about me writing them as well. I am no lawyer or liar, MacPhee. However you certainly are the latter as your try hard to act like the former. Your demands of me to come to your place of business all pissed off and pick up my bike in person was so that your cop buddies could have a reason to arrest me as you accused me of something I didnt do. I just shook my head at the nonsense and that you could possibly think I was that dumb. I am very proud of the fact that I played your wicked little game as cool as a cucumber and stayed out of the jurisdiction of the Fat Fred City Finest for my benefit not yours. Everybody knows I have dealt with a lot of nasty bastards in an ethical fashion byway of hard copy, phone calls, emails and then lawsuits. Ask the Board of Bar Overseers in Beantown how I went about suing them over five goddamned years ago. You cant teach an old dog new tricks but now and then he changes his style so it looks like he learned something new. Hell most people do not even know what I look like excepting of course the corrupt politicians tough talking buddy, Danny Boy Bussieres and some of the Fat Fred City Finest. The fact that they posted my photo inside the Legislative Building for years is too ridiculous for words. It seems that the smiling bastards dont have a good grip on what slander can entail. It is still a crime. MacPhee did you know I came to Fredericton to file some lawsuits in Federal Court and the cops are trying hard to stop me? The cops in Fredericton (both local and RCMP) that you are assisting for reasons of your own gain, assisted in my illegal banishment from the Legislative Buildings for the benefit of many a corrupt local politician. The die was caste

between the corrupt local cops and I the instant they threatened to arrest me without legal documentation to support their malice towards me way back in 2004. When the Police Commission asked the Fredericton cops to investigate themselves, that in my face insult and obvious conflict of interest was truly offensive. I have not backed away from any wrongful intimidation and I quite likely never will. The Fredericton cops must continue their harassment of me because they quite simply cannot back up either. If any one of them acts ethically now, many a big fat head will roll. Watch that they make Cpl Randy Reilly and you the fall guys if I manage to make the truth of the matter well known. The latest attempt at false allegations of criminal harassment made against me by a very desperate Attorney General, T.J. Burke are far beyond contemptible. As the Attorney General, Burke should well know I have no criminal record whatsoever. The fact that I continue to hold legal permanent resident status in the USA proves it. The US Department of Homeland Security is far stricter in dealing with aliens with a criminal history than what the current corrupt Attorney General of New Brunswick could ever dream up about the words and deeds of an honest Canadian citizen. The Yankee Feds do not take anyone at their word like the Law Society does just because the dude wants to be a liar and a lawyer too. T.J. Burke cannot say the same about his own criminal record. He has yet to explain how his criminal record allowed him to become a lawyer in the first place. Whether he was pardoned or not the Yankees would know it and pardon holds no water with the DHS. Burke should not be allowed into to the USA because of that fact. I am still wondering if he joined the American military before or after he pled guilty to a crime in Canada and did he lie to them too. Most important of all is, who is Burke and the Sergeant at Arms Danny Bussieres to label me a criminal stalker and post my photo inside the legislative building while I ran for public office four times in the Maritimes in three years? That is slander and that is a crime according to the Criminal Code of Canada. Nest Pas? Well, MacPhee now you just got my registered letter and material that you laughed about as I promised it to you. You get first kick at the can to sue me or settle with me for chump change. You choose. If you had the balls to accept this registered mail and read thus far you showed more sand and sense than I expected. Maybe there is hope for you yet to redeem yourself. You should understand that the ball is now in your park. If you even glance at the material I sent you then you should understand that any arsehole with half a mind could see that you are way out of your league, kid. If you dont, then ask me to send your lawyer the motherload of information byway of email or get yourself an email address. They are free dont ya know or was that another lie? I will waste no more paper on you. My emails will contain enough evidence about my legal doings down in Yankee Doodleland to support what I say is true if your lawyer makes an appearance. Trust that it will cost you a lot of dough for your lawyer to read it all as he prepares to argue every word. It would be far cheaper just to settle. You have nothing invested in my bike except a tow and a small spot on your lot yet you have a lot to lose. Jokes and insults aside, you must realize that I am as serious as a heart attack and that you are the man who is in possession of my property that you held onto very illegally despite my legit protests. Your money and the old bike I love under my arse as I ride

away from the Fat City that you love for awhile will prove to me the depth of your sincerity. Your silence or your lawyer will prove you are not. You must realize by now that I am not crazy or a Hells Angel or any sort of criminal despite what the RCMP and many others may wish to claim I am in their vicious attempts to impeach my character. I am Just Dave, your friends with computers will find this letter posted @ If you do decide to settle, give me a call ASAP. Here is my number again (506 434 1379) Despite whatever you may wish say on the phone in faint-hearted effort to be nice, I cannot afford to trust you. I do not ever wish to meet you in person except in a court if need be. Be reasonable on the phone and I will send a trusted friend to settle my business with you. If you wish to take me on in court, just have your lawyer send me a response in writing to my friend Werner Bocks address or an email directly to me at motomaniac_02186 AT yahoo Dot com and I will deal with your lawyer just like I did with the other lawyers named in this letter. Hell I may already know who your lawyers is, Nest Pas? If you do opt to settle with me, MacPhee, I will reserve the right to call you to testify about your association with the Fat Fred City Cops. You can argue me all you wish then on the public record. I know that I would enjoy grilling a hostile witness. I can get to pretend that I am Eddy Greensapan for a bit and probably have more fun than that Upper Canadian lawyer did a couple of months ago in a Yankee city that is far from my kind of town. Methinks honesty is always the best policy. Too bad for us all that the cops, lawyers and quite likely even you wont agree with me. EH? I will give my last words on this matter as a word to your not so wise business partner, Andy Aker because I hear he rides a bike too. He should understand my rage about your malicious actions and why I will hold him accountable too. He should make certain that my old Harley remains safe and sound until this matter is resolved. Failing that he should inform anyone who attempts to purchase my bike from your towing company of my pending lawsuit. If you dudes try to sell my old bike before due process of law, I will sue everyone involved in order to get it back. My word is my bond and it is far more reliable than any bond of a crooked banker or document a corrupt bureaucratic lawyer dreams up. Veritas Vincit David Raymond Amos 121 McLaughlin Rd. Acworth, NH 03607 506 434 1379 C/o Werner Bock 3345 Route 890 Hillgrove, NB E4Z 5W3 506 756 8687 Tuesday, August 07, 2007

----- Original Message ----From: David Amos To: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Cc: ; ; ; ; ; Richard Harris ; Dan Fitzgerald ; ; ; Sent: Friday, April 11, 2008 2:37 PM Subject: Re: Notice regarding your contacts

I know what I sent you lady. Are you really that dumb to think I am that stupid to trhreat or harass anyone? I have had enough of the malicious slander and false allegations by your hubby Scotty Baby Agnew and his corrupt lawyers and cops plas. FYI I had no idea whatsoever that Scotty Baby was your hubby but rest assured I was more than delighted to find out that fact from the legal counsel who takes to him in bed. Trust the fact that I am not that samrt to know about Scotty Baby and you. I had not clue as to your relationship. As I clearly stated int he emails last night I was contacting you because of your other associates who pretend to be concerned about French education were making fun of me bigtime yesterday as I asked everyone and his dog if they understood the email I sent you and them a while ago. As soon as you made a liar out of yourself to me yesterday lady I clearly told you that I enjoyed suing lawyers(particularly ones who make false allegations to cover their nasty arses) and hung up because you are a lawyer and a woman too. Such people are the first to make bullshit criminal allegations. I was not shocked to get your malicious response today but in fact delighted. Your relationship about Scotty Baby was mana from heaven if there is such a place. For the record you know as well as I that the digital evidence I sent you is largely the same material your hubby requested last summer as he was attacking Chucky Leblanc for the benefit of the Irving Empire. As you two have your little pillow pow wow tonight know that I know you both know that my documents include evidence of murder. As a criminal lawyer you should well understand the ramifications of that simple fact Correct? If not look it up in the Criminal Code of two purportedly profound democracies that I am aperson of. As you can see I have notified the Attorney General, the RCMP and the Ministers of Public Safety and Fat Fred City's Finest about my indignation towards your severe lack of integrity and that of your hubby. I am also having a friend contact the RCMP on the phone on my behalf so that the RCMP and I can discuss your malicious false allegations ASAP. I repeat Cya'll in Court. Veritas Vincit David Raymond Amos Just Dave By Location > Visit Detail

Visit 3,949
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Domain Name IP Address 74.15.169.# (Sympatico) ISP Bell Canada : North America Location Continent Country (Facts) : Canada State/Region : Ontario City : Ottawa Lat/Long : 45.4167, -75.7 (Map) Language English (U.S.) (Canada)

Operating Microsoft WinXP System Browser Internet Explorer 7.0

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Javascript version 1.3 Monitor Resolution : 1024 x 768 Time of Visit Last Page View Visit Length Page Views Referring URL Search Engine Search Words Visit Entry Page Visit Exit Page Out Click Time Zone Visitor's Time Visit Number
Color Depth : 32 bits Apr 10 2008 3:31:02 pm Apr 10 2008 3:31:02 pm 0 seconds 1 vaillancourt&meta= stphane vaillancourt UTC-5:00 Apr 10 2008 2:31:02 pm 3,949

On Fri, Apr 11, 2008 at 10:15 AM, Alison J. Menard <> wrote:
Mr. Amos Please stop communicating with me immediately by telephone, cellular, and email and/or by any other means of communication. Your contacts with me are unsolicited and unwanted and I am asking you to cease and desist.

Please also take this as your notice that should you continue to harass me, I will make a complaint to the police and pursue this matter through the criminal courts. I am a criminal lawyer and I am very aware of what constitutes criminal harassment and/or threats. I also have an understanding of how you operate because of information provided to me by my husband, Scott Agnew. I can tell you that I will not tolerate it. Yours truly Alison Mnard

----- Original Message ----From: David Amos To: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Cc: ; ; ; Richard Harris ; Dan Fitzgerald ; ; ; Sent: Saturday, April 12, 2008 5:12 PM Subject: Need I say Bullshit about what the Irvings have to say about anything? FYI Ms. Menard The RCMP were contacted twice about you and I

The GRC dudes just played dumb and hostile as usaual. so I told them what i told you on the phone Cya'll in court.
After all Murder is still a capital crime correct? Subject: Date: Tue, 30 Jan 2007 12:02:35 -0400 From: "Murphy, Michael B. \(DH/MS\)" To:

January 30, 2007 WITHOUT PREJUDICE Mr. David Amos Dear Mr. Amos: This will acknowledge receipt of a copy of your e-mail of December 29, 2006 to Corporal Warren McBeath of the RCMP.

Because of the nature of the allegations made in your message, I have taken the measure of forwarding a copy to Assistant Commissioner Steve Graham of the RCMP "J" Division in Fredericton. Sincerely, Honourable Michael B. Murphy Minister of Health CM/cb Warren McBeath wrote: Date: Fri, 29 Dec 2006 17:34:53 -0500 From: "Warren McBeath" To:,,,,, CC:,,,, "Bev BUSSON", "Paul Dube" Subject: Re: Remember me Kilgour? Landslide Annie McLellan has forgotten me but the crooks within the RCMP have n Dear Mr. Amos, Thank you for your follow up e-mail to me today. I was on days off over the holidays and returned to work this evening. Rest assured I was not ignoring or procrastinating to respond to your concerns. As your attachment sent today refers from Premier Graham, our position is clear on your dead calf issue: Our forensic labs do not process testing on animals in cases such as yours, they are referred to the Atlantic Veterinary College in Charlottetown who can provide these services. If you do not choose to utilize their expertise in this instance, then that is your decision and nothing more can be done. As for your other concerns regarding the US Government, false imprisonment and Federal Court Dates in the US, etc... it is clear that Federal authorities are aware of your concerns both in Canada and theUS. These issues do not fall into the purvue of Detachment policing in Petitcodiac, NB. It was indeed an interesting and informative conversation we had on December 23rd, and I wish you well in all of your future endeavors.

Sincerely, Warren McBeath, Cpl. GRC Caledonia RCMP Traffic Services NCO Ph: (506) 387-2222 Fax: (506) 387-4622 E-mail Say Hoka Hey to your snotty hubby the latest publisher of the Kings County Record. wiil ya? Perhaps he and you buddies in Kings county should review what his/Irvings paper wrote about me four god damned years ago. You will find that article within a blog of chucky Leblanc's that he had Goggle delete. It is within an email that his editor sent to a reporter and I in the USA before I ran for a seat in Parliament again. Never forget my words are legally published int the USA according to its Consitution. Scotty editor sent her email to me in the USA and to a fellow reporter too. Whereas you are just a criminal lawer in New Brunswick I doubt that you have a licence to argue civil lawsuits in the USA. Perhaps you should find a lawyer now EH Ms. Menard? Why not ask the Irving's new sorta son in law who replaced Paul Zed (the lawyer in New York or whereever) to take me on? Veritas vincit David Raymond amos Veritas Vincit David Raymond Amos First the Irving's Rags write this about the doings between T.J. Burke and I last year. have my blog and emails killed then sing your praises about your legal Bullshit next year? Have alook for yourself lady

Date: Thu, 24 May 2007 07:56:09 -0700 (PDT) From: "David Amos" Subject: Who says they are ignoring me Chucky? Ask Barry McKnight why the Yankees are researching him To:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, CC:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Just Dave By Location Visit Detail Visit 1,013 Domain Name (Unknown) IP Address 206.15.101.# (NEWS CORPORATION) ISP NEWS CORPORATION Location Continent : North America Country : United States (Facts) State : New York City : New York Lat/Long : 40.7605, -73.9933 (Map) Language English (U.S.) en-us Operating System Microsoft Win2000 Browser Firefox 2.0 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv: Gecko/20070309 Firefox/ Javascript version 1.5 Monitor Resolution : 800 x 600 Color Depth : 32 bits Time of Visit May 23 2007 6:17:17 pm Last Page View May 23 2007 6:17:17 pm Visit Length 0 seconds Page Views 1 Referring URL mcknight%22 Search Engine Search Words fredericton police department "barry mcknight" Visit Entry Page Visit Exit Page Out Click Time Zone UTC-5:00 Visitor's Time May 23 2007 5:17:17 pm Visit Number 1,013

charles leblanc wrote: Where are ya living now???? Since the media seem to ignore ya? I'll sit down for a debate with a recorder for the blog...Now? Don't get all exicted and send this all over the ----- Original Message ---From: David Amos To:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Cc:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Sent: Tuesday, May 22, 2007 10:37:04 PM Subject: I promised one of the Fat Fred City cop Randy Reilly that I would try to make him famous A man is only as good as his word EH? To bad priests, bankers, politicians, lawyers and cops can't claim the same N'est Pas Date: Thu, 24 May 2007 19:01:11 -0700 (PDT) From: "David Amos" Subject: Now everybody and his dog knows TJ Burke and his cop buddies allegations against me are false and you had the proof all along EH Chucky? To:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, CC:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Methinks your liberal pals just made a major faux pas N'est Pas? Scroll down Frenchie and go down?. Threat against Burke taken seriously By STEPHEN LLEWELLYN Published Thursday May 24th, 2007 Appeared on page A1 An RCMP security detail has been guarding Justice Minister and Attorney General T.J. Burke because of threats made against him recently. Burke, the Liberal MLA for Fredericton-Fort Nashwaaksis, wouldn't explain the nature of the threats. "I have had a particular individual or individuals who have made specific overtures about causing harm towards me," he told reporters Wednesday. "The RCMP has provided security to me recently by accompanying me to a couple of public functions where the individual is known to reside or have family members in the area," said Burke. "It is nice to have some added protection and that added comfort." The RCMP provides protection to the premier and MLAs with its VIP security unit. Burke didn't say when the threat was made but it's believed to have been in recent weeks. "When a threat is posed to you and it is a credible threat, you have to be cautious about where you go and who you are around," he said. "But again, I am more concerned about my family as opposed to my own personal safety." Burke said he doesn't feel any differently and he has not changed his pattern of activity. "It doesn't bother me one bit," he said. "It makes my wife feel awful nervous." Burke served in an elite American military unit before becoming a lawyer and going into politics in New Brunswick.

"(I) have taken my own precautions and what I have to do to ensure my family's safety," he said. "I am a very cautious person in general due to my background and training. "I am comfortable with defending myself or my family if it ever had to happen." Burke said it is not uncommon for politicians to have security concerns. "We do live unfortunately in an age and in a society now where threats have to be taken pretty seriously," he said. Since the terrorism attacks in the United States on Sept. 11, 2001, security in New Brunswick has been beefed up. Metal detectors were recently installed in the legislature and all visitors are screened. The position of attorney general is often referred to as the province's "top cop." Burke said sometimes people do not differentiate between his role as the manager of the justice system and the individual who actually prosecutes them. "With the job sometimes comes threats," he said. "I have had numerous threats since Day 1 in office." Burke said he hopes his First Nations heritage has nothing to do with it. "I think it is more of an issue where people get fixated on a matter and they believe you are personally responsible for assigning them their punishment or their sanction," he said. Is the threat from someone who was recently incarcerated? "I probably shouldn't answer that," he replied. Reporters asked when the threat would be over. "I don't think a threat ever passes once it has been made," said Burke. "You have to consider the credibility of the source." Bruce Fitch, former justice minister in the Conservative government, said "every now and again there would be e-mails that were not complimentary." "I did have a meeting with the RCMP who are in charge of the security of the MLAs and ministers," said Fitch. "They look at each and every situation."

Fitch said he never had bodyguards assigned to him although former premier Bernard Lord and former health minister Elvy Robichaud did have extra security staff assigned on occasion. He said if any MLA felt threatened, he or she would discuss it with the RCMP.

Group studies its legal options

Early immersion | Reversal of decision wanted ASAP By JENNIFER DUNVILLE Published Tuesday April 8th, 2008 Appeared on page A1 A lobby group opposed to the elimination of New Brunswick's early immersion program is weighing its legal options. Rob Hoadley, spokesman for Citizens for Education Choice, said the group's goal is to take legal action that will affect the upcoming school year. "We're consulting with lawyers on avenues of legal recourse," Hoadley said. "Our legal team is preparing a legal challenge to the decision. "At this point, we're just making sure we have all the documentation we need. Whatever we decide to do, it's going to happen fast." One of the options the group is considering is approaching the Court of Queen's Bench for a judicial review of the decision to eliminate the early immersion program. Hoadley said they've filed a request under the Right to Information Act for all documentation relating to the provincial government's decision to axe the program. "The New Brunswick ombudsman is doing this already, but we're also looking to get all the documents so we can review them too," Hoadley said. "I wouldn't want to comment yet on all the legal options we are weighing because I don't want to limit our group to one thing." Citizens for Educational Choice disagrees with the government's decision to implement a new French second-language model, which includes the intensive French program and excludes early exposure to the French language. It wants the decision reversed. "We want a proper consultation process," Hoadley said. "We know the system needs changes, but we want to make sure that those much-needed revisions are done with the research in mind."

Alison Menard, president of the New Brunswick chapter of Canadian Parents for French, said she commends the citizens' group for fighting the decision through the legal system. But she said it's unfortunate it's been pushed to that point. "When we see the absolute, very quick refusal to the ombudsman's suggestion that this decision be delayed for a year while he investigates, that gives you an idea of what we're dealing with," Menard said. "It's not likely that we're going to see the government back down or have sober second thoughts. "Citizens find themselves in the kind of situation where they don't have much of a choice but to undertake legal action." Menard said Canadian Parents for French won't get involved in legal action against the government because it's not part of the group's mandate. But she said she's pleased the citizens' group is trying to have the decision reversed. "I would think that citizens and governments would have better things to do than sue each other," Menard said. "It's unfortunate they have to do this, but Canadian Parents for French supports them all the way." Hoadley said he and other members of the group have been writing to MLAs, and Members of Parliament, along with sending opinion letters to newspapers throughout the province. "We're not going away," Hoadley said of the citizens' group. "If the government thinks we've been vocal to this point, they should know we're only just getting started." On Fri, Apr 11, 2008 at 10:15 AM, Alison J. Menard wrote: Mr. Amos Please stop communicating with me immediately by telephone, cellular, and email and/or by any other means of communication. Your contacts with me are unsolicited and unwanted and I am asking you to cease and desist. Please also take this as your notice that should you continue to harass me, I will make a complaint to the police and pursue this matter through the criminal courts. I am a criminal lawyer and I am very aware of what constitutes criminal harassment and/or threats. I also have an understanding of how you operate because of information provided to me by my husband, Scott Agnew. I can tell you that I will not tolerate it. Yours truly

Alison Mnard "Lafleur, Lou" wrote: From: "Lafleur, Lou" To: "''", "Lafleur, Lou" Subject: Fredericton Police Force Date: Mon, 11 Jun 2007 15:21:13 -0300 Dear Mr. Amos My Name is Lou LaFleur and I am a Detective with the Fredericton Police Major Crime Unit. I would like to talk to you regarding files that I am investigating and that you are alleged to have involvement in. Please call me at your earliest convenience and leave a message and a phone number on my secure and confidential line if I am not in my office. yours truly, Cpl. Lou LaFleur Fredericton Police Force 311 Queen St. Fredericton, NB 506-460-2332 ________________________________ This electronic mail, including any attachments, is confidential and is for the sole use of the intended recipient and may be privileged. Any unauthorized distribution, copying, disclosure or review is prohibited. Neither communication over the Internet nor disclosure to anyone other than the intended recipient constitutes waiver of privilege. If you are not the intended recipient, please immediately notify the sender and then delete this communication and any attachments from your computer system and records without saving or forwarding it. Thank you. I know for a fact the RCMP and the Crooks in KPMG read my work and the commet after you proves it too. Here is a little proof about me versus you Fed and your old buddies in KPMG. BTW Eat shit and die willya? Date: Thu, 7 Feb 2008 06:12:26 -0800 (PST) From: David Amos Subject: I waited nearly two weeks for your lawyer to call me Paulette now I will email and post

this as i promised To:,,, CC:,,,,,

I understood your hints about KPMG and the ex RCMP dudes It was kinda a nobrainer to me after you selected that one email to respond too after all that I had sent but why should I help you people with your pensions while you people work hard to falsely imprison me once again? This contains a true verison of he email I sent you over a month ago about the crooked KPMG crowd You complain of the RCMP treatment of you and your family yet you take a new job trying to recruit new people for the RCMP to abuse. what gives with that? I thought you were more honest and professional than that. What do you tell the kids about your concerns with the the lack of integrity of the RCMP as you suggest that they join the force? Norman Inkster From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Norman David Inkster, OC, BA (hons.), Commander of the C.St.J., LL.D. (born August 19, 1938) served as 18th Commissioner of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, from September 1, 1987 to June 24, 1994. From 1992 until 1994 he also served as President of Interpol. Born in Winnipeg, Manitoba, he was educated at the University of New Brunswick, where he studied sociology and psychology; during his studies he was continuously employed in the Human Resources department of the RCMP. From 1994 to 2003 he was a partner with KPMG in Toronto, the latter part of which he was global managing partner of the forensic practice. In 1995 he was made an Officer of the Order of Canada. In 2003 he retired from KPMG and started Inkster Group. He was the President of the Inkster Group, which provides various security and policing services to a list of international clients, including the Province of Ontario. In 2006 Inkster Group was acquired by Navigant Consulting where Inkster is now a managing director. David Amos wrote: Date: Sun, 27 Jan 2008 10:57:48 -0800 (PST) From: David Amos Subject: What kind of Bullshit Response is that Paulette To: Paulette Delaney-Smith We also talked at least twice recently because your fellow cops directed me to you instead of the

dudes I wanted to speak to. You told me that you gave my material to Kevin Jackson and commented that you had not received any emails from me lately ( you never respnded to the ones I sent in the past anyway) and I told you that they had been blocked by your pals and I suggested that you talk to your incompetent lawyer Gilmour. Remember lady? Anyway I was so pissed off by your pals stalking me and putting the proof of their malice in Youtube that i sent you some emails from my son's email address (your cop pals killed my other email accounts) just to see if they would get through. Surprise surprise some did and some did not. However I knew that you got yours Methinks there is some defections in your ranks. Perhaps you and your fellow whisleblowers who cry alot in the Media should pick up the phone and make a deal with a honest whistleblower and then tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth for the benefit of all Canadians EH? Everybody and his dog knows that the RCMP are as crooked as hell and they only care about the RCMP and their pensions not the interests of the people they were hired to serve and protect. Vertias Vincit David Raymond Amos P.S. I will keep this email in confidence for one day then email it to politicians and the media and then post it on the web. Quit playing games and call me will ya? they may be a very importenat election in the near future and our affairs may become of interest to some smiling bastards loooking to get relected. Obviously nobody can deny that you and I did not cross paths before the 39th Parliament sat on April 4th, 2006 and you refused to act within the scope of your employment for some strange reason and shortly thereafter your former lawyer Richard Bell whom I had crossed paths with in 2004 became the first judge Stevey boy Harper appointed Surprise Surprise N'est Pas? 506 434 1379 Please use it tomorrow before I file my first complaints in Federal Court. Paulette Delaney-Smith wrote: David, I received your voice mail, I have been transferred to another unit and I am unaware of who is dealing with your complaints at this time. Paulette Delaney-Smith, Cpl. RCMPolice "J" DIvision HQ David Amos 01/03/08 12:49 AM Date: Wed, 2 Jan 2008 20:49:27 -0800 (PST) From: David Amos Subject: Fwd: Response to your emails To:,,, CC:

Date: Wed, 2 Jan 2008 20:49:27 -0800 (PST) From: David Amos Subject: Fwd: Response to your emails To:,,, CC:,,,, Whereas you RCMP people refused to act within the scope of your employment and investigate major crimes Tis time for me to sue many bankers too N'est Pas Ms. Paulette Delaney-Smith and your old buddy Louie Lefebvre?

US-KPMG FW Ombudsman Office wrote: Subject: Response to your emails Date: Tue, 13 Nov 2007 10:16:12 -0500 From: "US-KPMG FW Ombudsman Office" To: ,

Dear Mr. Amos, Thank you for contacting us. We have reviewed the information that you provided in your emails, and are not able to determine what specific issues you are raising that we should consider investigating. Thus, in order to conduct an investigation, we need to gather more specific information. Would you be willing to have a confidential conversation with me, the Ombudsman here at KPMG LLP (US) or would you be willing to provide me with a summary of your allegations as they relate to KPMG LLP or its clients and any evidence to support those allegations? Thank you for your continued assistance with this matter. Thanks, Michael Plansky Ombudsman

*********************************************************************** The information in this email is confidential and may be legally privileged. It is intended solely for the addressee. Access to this email by anyone else is unauthorized. If you are not the intended recipient, any disclosure, copying, distribution or any action taken or omitted to be taken in

reliance on it, is prohibited and may be unlawful. When addressed to our clients any opinions or advice contained in this email are subject to the terms and conditions expressed in the governing KPMG client engagement letter. Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2008 03:23:18 -0300 From: "David Amos" To: "Eidt, David (OAG/CPG)",,,,,,, Subject: Re: Hey Mr Eidt is it you or the RCMP I argue in order to get my Harley and the wiretap tapes back? Go cry a river to your boss T.J. Burke or his buddy Jeff Mockler I know what I sent you and I understand your obligations as a lawyer and a public servant . It is not harrassment tio expect a bureaucrat in the justice dept to uphold the law. You are a liar sir please allow me to tell your boss and the cops for you what I think of you. Please all the cops I already have your false allegations in writing and you have only some of my files. Can you think of any reason why I shouldn't sue you personally someday after we argue professionally? Veritas Vincit Davidraymond Amos

On Wed, Mar 26, 2008 at 8:53 AM, Eidt, David (OAG/CPG) wrote: Mr. Amos, You sent me two pieces of email on March 24, 2008. They have nothing to do with me either personally or professionally. Please note that your correspondence is unwanted. Any further such communications will be considered harassing in nature. Please do not send me any more of your communications. Regards, David Eidt Legal Services Office of the Attorney General Tel: (506) 453-3964 Fax: (506) 453-3275 Notice : CONFIDENTIAL and PRIVILEGED. This document contains privileged and confidential information and should not be distributed or copied to anyone without prior consultation with the author. Thank you. Avis : CONFIDENTIEL et PRIVILGI. Ce document contient des renseignements privilgis

et confidentiels et ne devrait tre copi ou circul sans consultation pralable avec l'auteur. Merci.

Thursday, September 29, 2005


Error! Filename not specified. # posted by Charles LeBlanc @ 3:14 PM Comments: It is more like a mint for Bernie. # posted by Anonymous : 4:37 PM "I have to remind MLA Kenny that it was the former Liberal that cut the hourly pay for home support care workers by $2." Tony Huntjens in a letter to editor in the Gleaner. When will these idiots stop living in 90s and realize that 21st century is upon us. What kind of drug he is on? # posted by Anonymous : 4:56 PM John Hamm a man of great integrity resigned as a Premier of Nova Scotia. We have unscrupulous Bernard Lord who is still Premier. There is something wrong with us NBers to tolerate this man as our Premier # posted by Anonymous : 7:04 PM Here is the real reason Hamm quit it is at the very bottom of this particular blog. This email is also why the dudes in Fredericton are so nervous these days. Simply put I'm back. I can only wonder how long this Blog will remain before Chucky Leblanc deletes it in order to cover up the public corruption he secretly supports. ----- Original Message ----From: David Amos To: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Cc: ; ; ; ; ; ; ;

; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Sent: Tuesday, October 04, 2005 1:19 AM Subject: Fwd: Re: This is who I am Bobby Baby. Read it and weep.

I had to respond to this. Brian Gaudet should have read my last email before bouncing it back to me with his insults. I was already gone. At least this Frenchman, sounds more like a proper Maritimer. Yet if he was going to spout off to me he should have been man enough to say it front of the rest of you too. Let us all see if he has truly Billy Gates blocking me after trying to pick a fight with me. Yahoo will tell the tale on that. That said, I do admire that he defends his wife's name and is willing to fight about it even if he does not understand the issues. That is honourable but dumb. I was confused that the email address said two mech so I suspect that he may be a mechanic just like me and not any sort of lawyer or newsman either. I like that as well. It seems he has been raised on the four F's just like me. Only thing is I ain't hiding behind an electronic mask like he said. If he had bothered to read I had even inserted my phone number. I will be coming to Sackville very soon but by then your protests will likely be over and I would be met with the indifference that I was faced with last year. So I will bother you all no more even though I will be forwarding and blogging this email in many other places. It is the same methods that the locked out people employed to bring CBC to the table. they have no right to put down my actions against them. I do not wish to speak to the CBC or the employees about a lawsuit I am filing against the Crown because of their actions against me. That would be kinda dumb even for a Maritimer don't you think? I would rather have spoken to pissed off people CBC had locked out of work. It made far more sense to me. I have many friends in the Sackville area. Perhaps Frenchy should ask around about me to some mechanics he may know to see if most folks who know me well think me to be a liar. He should not rely on CBC to find out the truth about me. To offset any confrontations from people he did not know, Frenchy should have told his wife not to use his email address. If he did not want to be bothered by people she and her other CBC buddies had ignored last year during the last federal election he should have told me out of the gate that he was not his wife. She could have gotten her own hotmail account like my eleven year old in Amherst just did. Instead she used her husband's email to tell the world on the internet that she was actively protesting being out of work? She was soliticiting our support for her plight but in the next electronic breath her husband proves that they care about nobody else? CBC and all of its reporters are the bullshitters in this matter not me. They are self centered greedy bastards also. CBC does have a mandate to give all people running for a seat in Parliament equal time not just the people the reporters want to win. That is the law and their mandate as a Crown Corp. In case you are reading this Brian Gaudet talk tough all you wish. I don't scare easy because I am too dumb to know fear. Ask the Secret Service who tried to take me away to Cuba over two years ago or the jailers who threw me in the hole last year because I was pretty pissed off if I am a chickenshit or not. Because I display no fear people label me as crazy in order to make

themselves feel better about their own cowardice. I have walked the walk for far too long to be frightened by anyone now. I live each day as my last. Only integrity surprises me now. It is a rare thing to find combined with age and power. If you don't believe me or think I am harrassing you in any way why not call the RCMP or sue me French?. Bring along this email to prove how I have offended you. I will love to argue the Crown about it in court. I will bring along what I served upon the CBC in Saint John while I was running for Parliament last year. It should make for an interesting argument that CBC will not report. Their lawyers have not answered me yet but many others have and know tha CBC got my material too. It appears that i must sue to get an answer as to why the CBC ignored its mandate. Frenchy I would prefer to meet your lawyer face to face in court in a civil lawsuit rather than duke it out on the street with you and inspire another criminal matter. Besides I have too much to lose even if I won such a senseless thing in court or in the street. You are another ordinary asshole like me. There is no need to battle with you. I am getting too old for such nonsense now but I will certainly defend myself from anyone. If you wish to pursue the matter be forewarned that I don't fight fair anymore. If perchance I lose I am very big on getting even. My battles are never over until that happens. What I teach my son also holds true for me. I tell him to never back down from anyone because it is too expensivee to one's own pride and you will have to run from bullies your whole life. In truth a brawl proves nothing at all except how dumb we can be. Nevertheless like hockey fighting can be a great sport sometimes. Confused? Me too. what do you teach your son Frenchy? Like you Frenchy I prefer face to face confrontations but only in front of many witnesses these days so that nobody can accuse me of saying or doing anything wrong. If you wish to fight, call the cops first and announce your intentions then all that I ask of you is that you throw the first swing so that my actions will be in defence. Is that OK with you Frenchy?????? You are right about one thing though. Nobody cares. However it is not stupid of me to piss people off. It is merely one of those things I do that nobody seems to appreciate. It works like a charm to get others to prove to me that they are assholes. The big difference between an asshole like me and an asshole like you is that I care about what happens to others. You don't. If you disagree why not help another Maritimer by the name of Byron Prior. He needs all the help he can get. I don't. You don't even have to Google him. Read the portion of his his web site that was at the bottom of the second email I sent to you today. If you have any heart in you at all pick up the phone and call him to see if he is for real for yourself. I did the best I could to help him with his litigation against Billy Matthews and all his Newfy buddies while your wife's buddy Ian Hannamansing who is from Sackville only called Byron a liar while he was doing his big special in Newfoundland about justice last year. If my memory of what Byron said about the show that night is correct, your wife's fellow CBC workers carefully edited Byron from any of their tapes shown on TV while the Attorney General Tommy Marshall's son sat right by his side and made it on TV. In my opinion the CBC dudes in Newfoundland should all be fired ASAP for that reason alone. That fact has nothing to do with me and my concerns whatsoever. All Canadians were denied the opportunity to hear what Byron Prior had to say about how justice is being served in the Maritimes. It should make no difference at all whether or not Hannamansing thought of Byron a lair. We all had the right to hear what he had to say after CBC had invited the public they work for to speak on TV. How else can we decide the truth about anything if we do not hear from all sides? This is a Democracy isn't it is free speech a myth on public TV? CBC does not have the right to to be judge and jury simply because they have the ability to edit tapes.

Get it Frenchy??????????? Here is my phone number again Frenchy 506 434 1379 if you wish to ask me any questions. I will not bother to look up yours. I do not care about you think anymore if you don't wish to speak man to man. I will do as you requested and merely leave you all alone just like I said in the last email I ever intended to send to any of the CBC crowd. Now that they are comfortably back at work editing the truth for Paul Martin's benefit not ours, I know it would be fruitless to approach them anymore. Before you give me a call Frenchy, perhaps you should review email that you bounced back to me. For your education here is my face as well and an article about me in a local paper then ask yourself why the CBC reporters ignored an interesting little circus. I ain't hiding and I ain't a lair. I am just another Maritime asshole just like you Frenchy. You should understand me as being a simple, sincere and serious asshole even if you do not believe that I am a man with some pretty serious beefs against the corrupt justice system and the CBC that helps it in its malice towards us all. It is late and my rambling rant is over. As I wrote this I kept remmbering my encounters with the Frenchy from the far side of my hometown of Dorchester last year. His name is Charles LeBlanc. Man that bastard is full of hot air. I had to get this off my chest. I will sleep better with you dismissed from my mind too. Good luck with your own conscience from now on. Say Hey to Chucky Leblanc for me will ya> Like you he is blocking my emails after sending me a flood of them last year. I will lay odds your wife knows of him. The Maritimes ain't that big a place and he is quite a bragger. Veritas Vincit David Raymond Amos ----- Original Message ----> > > > From: "McKnight, Gisele" > > > > To: > > > > > > > Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2005 2:53 PM > > > > Subject: David Amos >>>> >>>> > > > > > Hello Lisa, > > > > > David Amos asked me to contact you. I met him last June after he > > became > > > an > > > > > independent (not representing any political party) candidate in our > > > > federal > > > > > election that was held June 28. >>>>> > > > > > He was a candidate in our constituency of Fundy (now called > > > Fundy-Royal). >>>>I > > > > > wrote a profile story about him, as I did all other candidates. That > > > story > > > > > appeared in the Kings County Record June 22. A second story, written > > by

> > > > one > > > > > of my reporters, appeared on the same date, which was a report on > the > > > > > candidates' debate held June 18. >>>>> > > > > > As I recall David Amos came last of four candidates in the election. > > The > > > > > winner got 14,997 votes, while Amos got 358. >>>>> > > > > > I have attached the two stories that appeared, as well as a photo > > taken > > > by > > > > > reporter Erin Hatfield during the debate. I couldn't find the photo > > that > > > > > ran, but this one is very similar. >>>>> > > > > > Gisele McKnight > > > > > editor A1-debate A1-amos,David for MP 24.doc debate 2.JPG > > > > > Kings County Record > > > > > Sussex, New Brunswick > > > > > Canada > > > > > 506-433-1070 >>>>> >>>> >>> Raising a Little Hell- Lively Debate Provokes Crowd By Erin Hatfield "If you don't like what you got, why don't you change it? If your world is all screwed up, rearrange it." The 1979 Trooper song Raise a Little Hell blared on the speakers at the 8th Hussars Sports Center Friday evening as people filed in to watch the Fundy candidates debate the issues. It was an accurate, if unofficial, theme song for the debate. The crowd of over 200 spectators was dwarfed by the huge arena, but as they chose their seats, it was clear the battle lines were drawn. Supporters of Conservative candidate Rob Moore naturally took the blue chairs on the right of the rink floor while John Herron's Liberalswent left. There were splashes of orange, supporters of NDP Pat Hanratty, mixed throughout. Perhaps the loudest applause came from a row towards the back, where supporters of independent candidate David Amos sat. The debate was moderated by Leo Melanson of CJCW Radio and was organized by the Sussex Valley Jaycees. Candidates wereasked a barrage of questions bypanelists Gisele McKnight of the

Kings County Record and Lisa Spencer of CJCW. Staying true to party platforms for the most part, candidates responded to questions about the gun registry, same sex marriage, the exodus of young people from the Maritimes and regulated gas prices. Herron and Moore were clear competitors,constantly challenging each other on their answers and criticizing eachothers' party leaders. Hanratty flew under the radar, giving short, concise responses to the questions while Amos provided some food for thought and a bit of comic relief with quirky answers. "I was raised with a gun," Amos said in response to the question of thenational gun registry. "Nobody's getting mine and I'm not paying 10 cents for it." Herron, a Progressive Conservative MP turned Liberal, veered from his party'splatform with regard to gun control. "It was ill advised but well intentioned," Herron said. "No matter what side of the house I am on, I'm voting against it." Pat Hanratty agreed there were better places for the gun registry dollars to be spent.Recreational hunters shouldn't have been penalized by this gun registry," he said. The gun registry issues provoked the tempers of Herron and Moore. At one point Herron got out of his seat and threw a piece of paper in front of Moore. "Read that," Herron said to Moore, referring to the voting record of Conservative Party leader Steven Harper. According to Herron, Harper voted in favour of the registry on the first and second readings of the bill in 1995. "He voted against it when it counted, at final count," Moore said. "We needa government with courage to register sex offenders rather than register the property of law abiding citizens." The crowd was vocal throughout the evening, with white haired men and women heckling from the Conservative side. "Shut up John," one woman yelled. "How can you talk about selling out?" a man yelled whenHerron spoke about his fear that the Conservatives are selling farmers out. Although the Liberal side was less vocal, Kings East MLA Leroy Armstrong weighed in at one point. "You're out of touch," Armstrong yelled to Moore from the crowd when the debate turned to the cost of post-secondary education. Later in the evening Amos challenged Armstrong to a public debate of their own. "Talk is cheap. Any time, anyplace," Armstrong responded. As the crowd made its way out of the building following the debate, candidates worked the room. They shook hands with well-wishers and fielded questions from spectators-all part of the decision-making process for the June 28 vote. Cutline David Amos, independent candidate in Fundy, with some of his favourite possessionsmotorcycles. McKnight/KCR The Unconventional Candidate David Amos Isn't Campaigning For Your Vote, But. By Gisele McKnight

FUNDYHe has a pack of cigarettes in his shirt pocket, a chain on his wallet, a beard at least a foot long, 60 motorcycles and a cell phone that rings to the tune of "Yankee Doodle." Meet the latest addition to the Fundy ballotDavid Amos. The independent candidate lives in Milton, Massachusetts with his wife and two children, but his place of residence does not stop him from running for office in Canada. One has only to be at least 18, a Canadian citizen and not be in jail to meet Elections Canada requirements. When it came time to launch his political crusade, Amos chose his favourite place to do so Fundy. Amos, 52, is running for political office because of his dissatisfaction with politicians. "I've become aware of much corruption involving our two countries," he said. "The only way to fix corruption is in the political forum." The journey that eventually led Amos to politics began in Sussex in 1987. He woke up one morning disillusioned with life and decided he needed to change his life. "I lost my faith in mankind," he said. "People go through that sometimes in midlife." So Amos, who'd lived in Sussex since 1973, closed his Four Corners motorcycle shop, paid his bills and hit the road with Annie, his 1952 Panhead motorcycle. "Annie and I rode around for awhile (three years, to be exact) experiencing the milk of human kindness," he said. "This is how you renew your faith in mankind you help anyone you can, you never ask for anything, but you take what they offer." For those three years, they offered food, a place to sleep, odd jobs and conversation all over North America. Since he and Annie stopped wandering, he has married, fathered a son and a daughter and become a house-husband Mr. Mom, as he calls himself. He also describes himself in far more colourful termsa motorcyclist rather than a biker, a "funloving, free-thinking, pig-headed individual," a "pissed-off Maritimer" rather than an activist, a proud Canadian and a "wild colonial boy." Ironically, the man who is running for office has never voted in his life. "But I have no right to criticize unless I offer my name," he said. "It's alright to bitch in the kitchen, but can you walk the walk?"

Amos has no intention of actively campaigning. "I didn't appreciate it when they (politicians) pounded on my door interrupting my dinner," he said. "If people are interested, they can call me. I'm not going to drive my opinions down their throats." And he has no campaign budget, nor does he want one. "I won't take any donations," he said. "Just try to give me some. It's not about money. It goes against what I'm fighting about." What he's fighting for is the discussion of issues tainted blood, the exploitation of the Maritimes' gas and oil reserves and NAFTA, to name a few. "The political issues in the Maritimes involve the three Fs fishing, farming and forestry, but they forget foreign issues," he said. "I'm death on NAFTA, the back room deals and free trade. I say chuck it (NAFTA) out the window. NAFTA is the North American Free Trade Agreement which allows an easier flow of goods between Canada, the United States and Mexico. Amos disagrees with the idea that a vote for him is a wasted vote. "There are no wasted votes," he said. "I want people like me, especially young people, to pay attention and exercise their right. Don't necessarily vote for me, but vote." Althoughif you're going to vote anyway, Amos would be happy to have your X by his name. "I want people to go into that voting booth, see my name, laugh and say, 'what the hell.'"

Brian Gaudet wrote: From: "Brian Gaudet" To: "David Amos" Subject: Re: This is who I am Bobby Baby. Read it and weep. Date: Mon, 3 Oct 2005 21:41:47 -0300

Listen, asshole.......This is not Suzanne's email it is her husband. I certainly don't care for the remarks that you are making about her. Having said that, I asked you once politely to remove us from your list. I will have blocked you by now, so I will not have to put up with your e-mails or bullshit any longer...................But I am not one for emails anyway.........I prefer to talk face to face............So you can't hide behind this electronic mask.............Do You get it???????????? I

would not hide from a pathetic waste of oxygen such as you antway. People just don't care............Understand............No body cares about you and your stupidity..................Go AWAY........... ----- Original Message ----From: David Amos To: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Cc: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Sent: Monday, October 03, 2005 3:00 PM Subject: This is who I am Bobby Baby. Read it and weep.

Hey To put it simply in answer to your dumb request Mr. Sharpe. My answer is HELL NO. That is a nice as I can put it. I just called Katie Nicholson and introduced myself. I will it leave you to wonder whom I will call next. Your clue is that you sent them greetings as a Locked-Out brother in sunny St. Johns. To elaborate, I must say that I definitely will not go away. Look how you people act since you have been locked out of your jobs. You behave far worse tha I. In fact I may be coming to Newfoundland very soon to copy the material in the dockets of Newfoundland Supreme Court in the Billy Matthews versus Byron Prior matter as it pertains to me me. I need hard copy before I sue the CBC and the Crown. My question right now is hey Bobby Baby why don't I sue you too? Maybe I will come around and watch your people do their song and dance for their job. Perhaps you should try meeting me toe to toe and looking me in the eye if you want to meet a simple sincere and very serious man and then dare me to. I will be real easy to pick out. I am the hairy bastard in the Kilt once worn by a good friend of mine Ol Tom. He is one of the last of the Ladies from Hell. I wear it with his blessings. too many of his friends fought and died many years ago so that shit like this should not happen in our own nativeland. Even the Yankee bastard I call Deputy dog has met Ol Tom long before I dated the Yankee's sister. You bear the same first name as Deputy Dog Bobby Baby and you just forwarded all them your dumb little email that jerked this mangey old dog's chain bigtime. Need I say that my wife did not like receiving

your response? She has warned me not to send out her email address anymore. Like her I do not listen real good sometimes but I did accomadate her on her birthday at least. Bobby Baby if you want someone's shoulder to cry on give the lady Liza Frulla a call. She is a former sister of yours correct? I think she may have some job security issues when there is finally a federal election called. The sooner the better for me and the NDP. Frulla did not answer me so I must remain a man of my word and pass this email on as I promised her I would. Quite honestly I did not expect her to answer me. Everybody knows that she does whatever Paul Martin and the warroom dudes within PCO/PMO offices tell her to do. I needed the proof of contact thats all because I was banking on the fact the warroom will tell her to ignore me. I was just playing her like a fiddlewhile fishing for response from yo sos like you and hopefully an ehtical person or two. Paul Dugas who likes to play the fiddle in the town where I was born should certainly get my joke. On the one year anniversary of Ashcroft visiting Canada and Wayne Easter's office talking to me, he joined a forum to yap about violins. I found the coincidence strangely comical. If Paul Dugas or anyone within the CBC had elected to report my doings on that day instead of talking about fiddlin etc, we would all be better off right now. The CBC recived received my material July 16th 2002, the very same day Argeo P. Cellucci did. That was long before the War on Iraq had started. Have your conscience dwell on that sad fact for a minute or two before you answer a lot of ghosts in your Heaven or Hell someday. As you can see I study people a bit and I already have a pretty good idea who will be naughty and who may be nice. I learned long ago cops, lawyers, bankers, priests and newsmen never are. So I attack them out of the gate but only in an ethical fashion byway of the written word and carefully worded phone calls. Newsmen should know that the word is mightier than the sword. You make your living by it you should die by it as well. Please fall on it ASAP or use it to hang the rest of the corrupt bastards. How is that for a challenge? Furthermore I like to do everything in threes just like they purportly do in Heaven and Hell. Now that Suzanne Gaudet, Paul Dugas from the town where I was born and you the Newfy Bobby Baby have responded to me you have sealed the fate of the Crown Corp of CBC for me. I need no more responses from the likes of you. Why spoil my own fun? I will likely not tell you anymore about what I am up to after I send the next email and print both of them as evidence to use in Federal Court. I will sue the Minister who oversees your conduct and none of you can ever say that you did not know the truth of my concerns before I did. The CRTC can go to Hell for all I care. Starting with their crooked little Minister many of the public servants under her supervision need to be replaced if the public trust in your profession is ever going to be upheld. Even though the unethical people at CBC, CTV and all other media pretend to have no understanding of what I mean, a lot of Maritimers understand me quite well already. Blogging is truly the only way to go these days. Watch out. Ordinary folks will replace you in a New York minute. Why else has CBC locked you out I might ask? It appears to me that only the Frenchmen has job security EH? Why do you think that is? Better yet look how quick Bloggers embarrassed Dan Rather before you call me a dreamer. That said look to find the text of this email in many Blogs in the near future and you can study the work of a very fierce political animal. All you should have to do is Google your own name or email address. Turn about is fair play. EH? If you don't like please sue me just like Billy Matthews did with Byron Prior. Google that name some time then tell me all is well in Newfoundland.

It is my fellow Maritimers that I want pissed off at the CBC etc. and all the corrupt politicians they have chosen to support. I do not give two hoots about you as a man Bobby Baby. To me you are just a dumb little pawn in a big big game. I am taking on the Masters of War alone despite the laughter from the likes of you. IF you want some insight in to my character have Rudyard Kipling explain my nature to you within his wonderful poem called IF. I take his advice not your. thus you have the reason behind my simple answer of NO. What I would prefer though Newfy is for you to call me a liar in a public forum. I dare ya. You do not seem all that sharp to me so I will warn you I was raised to the F's of the Maritimes that your former Premier explained to the Yankees years ago. I found it funny the chickenshit named only three. So much for being politically correct EH? He came close but no cigar. Castro will get my joke someday soon. Here is me phone number 506 434-1379. Use it Newfy if you dare to use a phone with a caller ID. Otherwise do not bother at all. just find me in the Blogs. On a personal note Bill, I liked your voicemail to me. You and I should have a long talk sometime. I think it would be best to do in public in front of many witnesses who have no idea what we are talking about. I am up against some pretty bad acting Feds right now. I am sorry to say that I cannot afford to trust anyone. A very busy Bar or Diner where ordinary folk like me hang out are my favorite haunts. I know of a few down your way. Maybe I will give ya call when I am heading to your town. Better yet for the benefit of your party why not come see me ASAP? I ain't hard to find ask the RCMP. They have been watching me like a hawk. Veritas Vincit David Raymond Amos

Date: Mon, 3 Oct 2005 06:00:23 -0400 (EDT) From: ROBERT SHARPE Subject: Re: Moma and Max and Happy Birthday Cards To: David Amos,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, CC:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Who are you to have me on your list? Go away.

--- David Amos wrote: > > Yo Mama > > In lieu of a Birthday card or gift this year > I figured sending you our Joy Boy Max will have to > do to cheer you up and then later this email may > give you some more joy at the thought that it may > give Deputy Dog a serious stroke or a minor hat > attack at the very least. I have been waiting awhile > to repond to the bastard's blog for your benefit as

Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2005 09:49:02 -0700 (PDT) From: David Amos Subject: RE Communications in the Public Interest To:, CC:,, From: "Paul Dugas" To: Subject: Re: Moma and Max and Happy Birthday Cards Date: Mon, 03 Oct 2005 12:36:14 -0300 Please remove me from your email list thank you Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2005 22:51:16 -0700 (PDT) From: David Amos Subject: So much for ethical reporters the town I was born in EH? To:,,

Suzanne Gaudet is just like Bill Hamilton, She plays the see no evil, hear no evil speak no evil game. While Maurice Doiron, Murray Meldrum and Paul Duhas just opt to play dumb. What

must Liza Frulla think of all this. From my point of view you do nothing so why not replace you with nothing at at. It is cheaper for the Taxpayer to keep piping in the BBC. Bullshit is Bullshit no matter what the accent. wrote: From: To: David Amos Subject: Re: Hey Duffy I know why Dr. Hamm quit and why dog MacKay don't hunt in Nova Scotia Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2005 20:00:42 -0400 Please remove me from your mailing list. Thank you. > > From: David Amos > Date: 2005/09/30 Fri AM 08:40:44 EST > To:,,,, >,, >,, >,, >,,, >,,, Hey Lady Liza Frulla I got the following response from the email I just sent to one of your underlings Ms. Macphee so I called the number she suggested and got the usual governmental voicemail from her help so I left a message. I got a call back just now from her assistant at 819 997-0313. I told her that I would send this email to you and she affirmed my right to do so. However when she attempted to lay down the law to me, I told her I would see her in court. I prefer to argue their lawyers in court rather than spit and chew with civil servants on the phone on my dime. More importantly to me is that I responded to you her Minister byway of email because I require hard copy for evidence to use during the pending arguments of the complaint against the Crown that I do intend to file in Federal Court in Fredericton New Brunswick soon. I am sending you two more emails after this one because my lawyer advised awhile ago to try hard to make my matters well none to the media. From this point forward as the Minister who oversees the CRTC who can never saw that you did not know what many other have known for quite sometime. For what is worth in my humble opinion if you play your political cards right you could be our first Lady Prime Minister. I will give you Ms. Frulla the weekend to respond to me before I send this particular email to many others but many others will be receiving what Ms. Macphee aready got. I do not care what her assistant Ms Gable may think. She can gab to somebody else about what she wishes to inform me of. I have done my homework and need no advice from the likes of her. What Ms. Gable may not understand about me is that unlike Paul Martin I am a man of my word. I am just like him in one regard. I am also a very fierce political animal who is is equal and opposite in all things that define men. Martin is evil. I am not. Martin is a very wealthy lawyer. I am a just poor

layman. Martin is labeled as Honourable and I am called as crazy as a loon. However I am a man Martin is not. He is a snake. I am indeed a very Proud Canadian who is definitely not proud of the people who speak for me. Get it Ms. Frulla? As Minister Responsible for Status of Women, you really should make certain that the integrity of all women in government does not come into question. From my point of view some women such as the Yankee Judges, Sidney Hanlon, Paula Carey and Cristina Harms for example do much harm to the reputation of your gender. What they have done to my little family in the USA in order to support the rampant public corruption in Canada and the USA should offend anyone with half a mind at all. My wife is a woman too after all. She has never done any wrong at all. Her only offence to the justice system was to stand against the politcally connected family members who had stolen her interests because no lawyer would dare speak for her. When she had her breakdown I took up the fight as any proud husband and father should. It is not only my right but my duty to protect my little Clan. The biggest difference in our genders is that men are not so quick to cry or back down from any bully. My wife is a very tender soul while I can be as mean as a the snake Paul Martin is. The New World of the Internet has afforded me quite a weapon to do battle with against the likes of Paul Martin and all his crooked cohorts. There is still a place in this Old World for a fierce ethical warrior such as I. Otherwise crooked men and women who are merely low people in high places to me will walk all over us common ordinary folk. I am no physical threat to anyone. I do battle with the word not the sword. It is mightier. Anyone who once worked for CBC should understand that simple fact. Furthermore this email is definitely not Spam. I am greatly offended when the powers that be label it as such and block it to protect their own greedy interests. Whether you or anyone else believe me or not, my communications are in the best interest of the public. I feel confident that it is much to the chagrin of the people who have failed the public trust in their elected and politically appointed positions. I suspect that is why Nancy Gabler sounded so pissed off just like the tone of Hlne Lapointe's email to me . Rest assured many Canadians will be reading this email after I sent it to you. It is me on the phone to your office right now after that I am putting a bunch of material in the mail and serving many lawyers in hand. My phone call is an ethical effort to introduce myself in order to prove to you that I am sincere. I know what I have sent to many Members of Parliament during the course of the past two years and I keep very good record to prove simple truths. For certain you just made my list of people who may be naughty or nice. After Xmas Martin must see that Gomery tells his tale and the Canadian people will decide once again who they think is naughty and nice. As as the freedom loving individual that I am I will decide long before then in the hope that my opinions become well known before an election is called. Whereas the people cannot depend on the CBC etc. to report all things of public interest, I will rely on the Blog. I have no doubt whatsoever that your buddies within the CBC reported heavily your run for a seat in Parliament last year. As one of our newest Ministers besides Belinda Stronach ask them for your own education why the CBC failed in their mandate to report my bid for a seat as well. Better yet if you want to have fun take it out with the nasty dudes inside the warroom of the PCO/PMO offices. I will wager my name is the biggest curse word in Parliament right now. I am certain that is why it is not said over the airwaves or put in print. From now on at least you can never say that you did not know my name too. I am begging ya, please do not be like two other women who once worked for the CBC Adrienne Clarkson and Michaelle Jean. Nobody is that dumb. They must have deliberatly ignored my

laments because Paul Martin directed them to. May I suggest that you read this entire email from the point of view of an ethical Minister in charge of the public interest of the Canadian people? Please do the right thing despite what the leader of your party may wish. If not as you talk the talk on TV etc in the coming months about the doings of CBC and Parliament etc I will walk the walk and complain of many politicans in court. History has proven that in the end the truth usually wins out even if it is ignored in court in the present tense. By the way guess who is campaigning hard for a fall election? To have an election on Boxing Day is righteously fine by me. I ain't religious. Ask the Holy See or George W. Bush why. I dare ya. Veritas Vincit David Raymond Amos Excerpt from, Canada on Sep 27, 2005 of news by the Canadian Press "CBC employees in Quebec and Moncton, N.B., are not affected by the lockout. Information pickets set up early in the day under pouring rain didn't try to stop Prime Minister Paul Martin or Adrienne Clarkson, the Governor General, as they headed in for a morning news conference on Parliament Hill. Clarkson, who will be replaced Tuesday by Michaelle Jean, governor-general designate, leaned out of her car to speak with CBC pickets. At the rally, locked-out workers presented petitions signed by thousands of CBC fans calling for an end to the labour dispute. Heritage Minister Liza Frulla acknowledged the anger of the Canadian public, telling the rally that cabinet ministers have been hearing demands that something be done to get the network back in business. "All summer, we had messages from the population out there, messages from all through Canada, saying how they miss you," she told the rally. "

I just had to insert the campaign manager for Oscar Doucet for Leader Hlne Lapointe's answer in comical font. It is too funny to do other wise. How is is that dor the local NDP trying hard to play dumb?

"Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2005 10:28:40 -0300 Subject: Re: Free Thinkers please feel free to blog this. From: Hlne Lapointe To: David Amos

I DON'T WANT TO RECEIVE YOUR E-MAIL ANYMORE. PLEASE REMOVE ME FROM YOUR MAILING LIST!!! Le vendredi, 30 sep 2005, 10:30 Canada/Atlantic, David Amos a crit : > The CBC and all others in the media and governemnt will not relay > this crap to the people. Perhaps we the people should all ask the > politicians who were elected to speak for us why I have been compelled > to sue the Queen and the Holy See along with the USA. > ----- Original Message ----> From: David Amos > To: ; ; ;" "Macphee, Betty" wrote:

Subject: Out of Office AutoReply: Free Thinkers please feel free to blog this. Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2005 09:30:51 -0400 From: "Macphee, Betty" To: "David Amos"

I will be away from the office until Friday, September 30th. If you have any urgency, please send your email to Nancy Gabler or contact her at 997-4319. Je serai absente du bureau justqu'au vendredi le 30 septembre. Si vous avez des urgences, svp envoyer votre courriel Nancy Gabler o tlphoner 997-4319.

Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2005 06:30:46 -0700 (PDT) From: David Amos Subject: Free Thinkers please feel free to blog this. To:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, CC:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

The CBC and all others in the media and governemnt will not relay this crap to the people. Perhaps we the people should all ask the politicians who were elected to speak for us why I have been compelled to sue the Queen and the Holy See along with the USA. ----- Original Message ----From: David Amos To: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Cc: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Sent: Friday, September 30, 2005 8:40 AM Subject: Hey Duffy I know why Dr. Hamm quit and why the little dog MacKay don't hunt in

Nova Scotia(slightly edited DRA)

The sad part is so do you people. I am gonna tell everybody the truth about what CTV and CBC have refused to report for years for the benefit of the rampant public corruption you support for your own personal gain. Need I say that I am happy the crooked CBC dudes are locked out of work right now? It appears to me that blogging is the only way to go these days. What say you? Call me a liar after you hear me speak in Federal Court in Fredericton in the near future. I dare ya to have your lawyer Martine Turcotte explain why Robert C. Pozen has become George W. Bush's favorite Democrat. Better why not ask Sunlife's Yankee lawyer Jeffery Carp why a proud Maritimer smells a lot of rotten fish in Beantown. Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 20:43:18 -0700 (PDT) From: David Amos Subject: Dr. Hamm you picked an interesting day to Quit To:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, CC:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Looks like I am about to rain on your party. Perhaps the sneaky political/lawyers Regan and MacKay will tell you why if your own lawyer Mikey Baker won't do so.

"As premier, I am proud of our record,'' Hamm said. Unlike many of his predecessors, the family doctor is leaving office without a cloud of controversy hanging over his head.

----- Original Message ----From: David Amos To: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Cc: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Sent: Thursday, September 29, 2005 12:16 PM Subject: I bet a man named Mr. Tax who works for the Justice Dept doubts that he will

----- Original Message ----From: David Amos To: ; ; ; ; ; ; Cc: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Sent: Thursday, September 29, 2005 11:08 AM Subject: Hey Ted Tax as soon as I saw that the Lt. Gov had honoured you

I figured you would do nothing to rock the Queen's boat for reasons of job security. However even you and your pension funds rely on the ethics of the Yankees employed by the SEC in the USA. Perhaps you should side with me ASAP. My kids need a roof over their heads. I am not above suing anyone to get one including the Queen and the Holy See. However it is your job to prosecute criminals not mine. Correct?

"Ted Tax and the Department's Atlantic Regional Office (ARO) were honoured at a Nova Scotia Lieutenant Governor's Awards Ceremony. Tax was presented with a Certificate of Recognition for "contribution to the Reserve Force by taking positive action to assist its employees who are reservists in maintaining their commitments to the Canadian Forces." Following September 11, 2001, there was an increase in the demand for military legal officers on operational deployments. Major John Smithers, a lawyer with the Tax Law Services Section of the ARO, was granted

military leave to serve on an overseas mission."

For the record this is the text of the cover letter sent to Baker etc. Lets see what Mr. Speaker has to say now. I believe he is an ex cop ain't he? Lets see if he remembers how to uphold the law. If not don't you think it is high time that the lawyers in the NDP give the crooked Conservative Goverment the Boot? Everybody knows they are lapdogs for George W. Bush. Why else did he make it a point to fly down and see them last year and snub Paul Martin and his cohorts in Ottawa?

July 31st, 2005 Lt. Gov. J. Lonce Bernard Lt. Gov. Myra A. Freeman Premier Pat G. Binns Premier John F. Hamm c/o Att. Gen. Mildred A. Dover c/o Att. Gen. Michael Baker Fourth Floor, Shaw Building, North Department of Justice 4th Floor 105 Rochford Street Room 5151 Terminal Road P.O. Box 2000 P.O. Box 7 Charlottetown, PEI C1A 7N8 Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 2L6

Lt. Gov. Norman L. Kwong Lt. Gov. Iona V. Campagnolo Premier Ralph Klein Premier Gordon Campbell c/o Att. Gen. Ron Stevens c/o Att. Gen. Wally Oppal 208 Legislature Building Stn Prov Govt PO Box 9044 9E210800 - 97 Avenue Parliament Buildings East Annex Edmonton, Alberta T5K 2B6 Victoria, BC V8V 1X4

RE: Public Corruption Hey,

Apparently everybody wanted to play dumb about my concerns and allegations so that Humpty Dumpty Martin's minority government would not fall and they could party hardy while the Queen was in Canada. As you all know months ago, I began faxing, emailing and calling the eight other Lt. Governors I had yet to cross paths with. I fully informed them of my indignation towards the Governor General Clarkson and two of her other Maritime Lieutenants Roberts and Chaisson before the latest wave of bad acting Yankees invaded my home in the USA without warrants or due process if law. I made certain all of the provincial Attorney Generals and Premiers can never deny the fact that I tried to make them well aware of my concerns and allegations in order to make everybody should sit up and pay attention. Not one person from any of your offices ever responded in any fashion at all. You can be certain that I expected the deliberate ignorance. It is one of the oldest tricks in the book that lawyers employ in order to play their wicked game of see no evil, hear no evil speak no evil. I knew it would happen particularly after Nova Scotia's Conflict of Interest Commissioner Merlin Nunn had blocked my emails before I had contacted you. I have no doubt it helped to relieve him of his ethical dilemma before the NS NDP decided what to do about their chance to unseat the Conservatives. I have no doubt whatsoever many lawyers in Canada were praying that the Suffolk County District Attorney would have me back in the loony bin by April 28th and that all your troubles would go away. I opted to let you all have your way and did not bother you anymore until the Queen had left our shores and Parliament quit for the summer. Now it is my turn to have some fun and raise a little Political Hell. While the Queen, Clarkson and Martin where all having a grand old time on the Canadian dime my little Clan went through living hell down here. Trust me, lawyers need to learn some new tricks. Ignorance is no excuse to the law or me. Making some Canadian Attorney Generals and their political buddies show me their arses is child's play to me after all that I have experienced in the last few years. If you doubt me ask Michael J. Bryant and Yvon Marcoux why I am so pissed at their bosses and the DHS. Then check my work for yourself. If the tag team of John Ashcroft and Tom Ridge could not intimidate me, believe me you people don't have a prayer. Both of those dudes have quit their jobs but I am still standing and squaring off against their replacements now. If it were not for all the decent folks I know, the snotty ones like you would make me feel ashamed to be a Canadian. There is no shortage of lawyers. It is just that ethical ones that are rare birds, that's all. You must know how easily the Canadian people can replace you with other lawyers if it becomes widely known how willing you are to ignore crime if it means some fancy dude may be compelled to suffer for his own wrongs. The justice system is supposed to be self-policing. It should clean up its own act rather than trying to maintain a false mask of integrity for lawyers that are obviously criminals. It is way beyond my understanding why you people would choose to support the likes of Paul Martin, Adrienne Clarkson, T. Alex Hickman and Billy Matthews if you are not all as crooked as hell as well. The deliberate ignorance and double-talk employed by the wealthy few to dodge simple truths is absolutely offensive to ordinary people blessed with the rare attribute called common sense. Not all folks are like sheep. Paul Martin's latest tricks make for a very fine example of truly how bad things are. Even amidst wholesale scandals breaking out hell, west and crooked everywhere lawyers and politicians just

close ranks and stand together as thick as the thieves they are. I stress tested the ethics of the ladies of the Bloc Quebecois and the Gomery Inquiry immediately after Martin's carefully orchestrated little circus in Parliament on May 19th was a matter of history. Lets just say I was not surprised to not hear one peep in response from anyone other than to get a call from an unidentified and very nervous but cocky Yankee lawyer claiming that Tony Blair was mad at me. Pursuant to my phone calls, emails and faxes please find enclosed as promised exactly the same hard copy of what I sent to the Canadian Ambassadors Allan Rock and Franky Boy McKenna and a couple of nasty FBI agents on May 12th just before an interesting event in front of our home in Milton. I have also included a copy of four letters I have received in response since then that you may find interesting to say the least. I also sent you a copy of a letter sent to a lady Ms. Condolezza Rice whom our former Prime Minister Brian Mulroney considers to be the most powerful woman in the world. The CD of the copy of police surveillance tape # 139 is served upon all the above named Attorney Generals as officers of the court in order that it may be properly investigated.

I will not bother you with the details of what I am sending to you byway of the certified US Mail because I will be serving identical material to many other Canadian Authorities in hand and tell them I gave this stuff to you first and enclose a copy of this letter. All that is important to me right now is that I secure proof that this mail was sent before I make my way back home to the Maritimes. However I will say I am also enclosing a great deal more material than what Allan Rock had received in the UN. Some of it is in fact the same material the two maritime lawyers, Rob Moore and Franky Boy McKenna in particular received, while I was up home running for Parliament last year. Things have changed greatly in the past year so I have also included a few recent items to spice things up for you. I am tired of trying to convince people employed in law enforcement to uphold the law. So all I will say for now is deal will your own conscience and be careful how you respond to this letter. If you do not respond. Rest assured I will do my best to sue you some day. Ignorance is no excuse to the law or me. Veritas Vincit David R. Amos 153 Alvin Ave Milton, MA. 02186

The enclosed letter from The Public Service Integrity Office, whose boss recently testified before the Gomery Inquiry and following quotes prove why I must speak out. "Well what do you expect?" said Le Hir in reaction. "Anybody who had been involved in that kind of thing isn't going to admit readily, or willfully, to having participated." Asked why he's

waited 10 years to come out with his allegations, Le Hir said he was "sworn to secrecy." "I'm breaking that oath, and the only way I could have been relieved by that oath was by a judge in a court saying, 'Mr. Lehir, I understand that you have made an oath of secrecy; and you're hereby relieved of that oath." "Mr. Wallace added that police and the courts, not internal rules, are best-equipped to deal with bureaucrats who cross the line and break the law. But Judge Gomery did not appear satisfied. "It takes a major scandal to get the police involved," he said. "It is not in the nature of the public service to call in the police." Everybody knows that in order to protect the rights and interests of my Clan and to sooth my own soul, I have proven many times over that all lawyers, law enforcement authorities, and politicians in Canada and the USA are not worthy of the public trust. I maintain that their first order of business is to protect the evil longstanding system they have created for their own benefit rather than the people they claim to serve. Call me a liar and put it in writing. I Double Dog Dare ya.

Baker got my material. So did everyone else. Only the Attorney General in Quecbec refused it. I bet our newest Governor General knows why. It is likely for the same reason she will not accept my emails. It should be obvious to anyone why I must sue the Crown.

USPS Track and Confirm Label/Receipt Number: ED71 7170 440U S Detailed Results: Delivered Abroad, August 05, 2005, 9:23 am, CANADA At Foreign Delivery Unit, August 05, 2005, 8:10 am, CANADA Out of Foreign Customs, August 04, 2005, 2:52 pm, CANADA Into Foreign Customs, August 04, 2005, 2:22 pm, CANADA Arrived Abroad, August 04, 2005, 2:22 pm, CANADA International Dispatch, August 03, 2005, 10:28 am, KENNEDY AMC Enroute, August 03, 2005, 9:08 am, JAMAICA, NY 11499 Acceptance, August 02, 2005, 10:32 am, QUINCY, MA 02169 # posted by David R. Amos : 2:48 AM

After you are done reading the Blog above Ms. Menard perhaps YOUR lawyer should study this Blog of Chucky's inserted below one below. FYI these word were posted BEFORE I became an intervener in the Emera Pipeline Project in Saint John Harbour while I ran against the "Not So Good" Dr. Eddy Doherty in 2006. Ask your lawyer pals in New York if Frank Quatrone or Martha Stewart don't think emails make hellish evidence to use against crooks. Canada East can lay no claim to owning one god damned word in this April Fools Day Blog However rest assured the Irvings and the RCMP will have to Argue Every One of MY Words within Chucky Leblanc's God Damned Blog or my name ain't "Just Dave" Saturday, April 01, 2006


Error! Filename not specified.
Picture 064, originally uploaded by Oldmaison.

EVICTION NOTICE FOR CHARLES LEBLANC It has been bought to my attention that you have been bloggling too much and taking too many pictures without consent of individuals. You must leave the premises in one houe as of this time and date. 7:15am April 2/06 Thanks Millie and Jim

# posted by Charles LeBlanc @ 10:35 AM Comments: You are being evicted for blogging? # posted by Anonymous : 10:45 AM

Methinks it is because of our little spit and chew EH Frenchie? Did ya notice the CT Yankee put back my work and a great deal more? Give me a call at(506 434 1379) and try to call me a liar. I Double Dog Dare Yaa Too. Say Hey to your wannabe lawyer buddy Vaughn for me will ya. Veritas Vincit David Raymond Amos # posted by Anonymous : 11:13 AM April Fool's # posted by Anonymous : 11:13 AM Way ahead of ya Frenchie I was already laughing at the joke Verita Vincit David Raymon Amos # posted by Anonymous : 11:24 AM You ain't as quick on the draw all of a sudden. Did you fall asleep Frenchie or have a stroke? # posted by Anonymous : 11:45 AM who the heck is David Amos? # posted by City Under Siege The Fight for Saint John : 12:47 PM is this for real. he is a good person, he trys to help people out. i hope he is not evioted because he is a good person # posted by Anonymous : 12:58 PM The obvious answer is: You see my phone number why not call me and ask me direct? I ain't shy.It is not my fault you never heard of me. I ran for a Seat in Parliament twice with no hope of getting elected if you are so concerned about LNG whay not ask me what i know of the crap. Furthermore I sent you some emails to prove my integrity. Didn't so it I before I tried to post my comments in your blog? Why did you block them? My question Mikey MacDonald is who the hell are you? Veritas Vincit David Raymond Amos Watch Frenchie prove his malice shaortly by making this blog melt as he always does however As a double check I just emailed it to you and Chucky in order to prove that it once existed. # posted by Anonymous : 1:24 PM Mr Amos when I tore apart Mr Chases article I sent it to him with my full name .I don't care that you know who I am. I may soon have a pipeline running through my back yard which is going to change the quality of life of my family.I am a citizen who got fed up with one sided journalism.There is no smoke and mirrors with me.I am calling them as I see them.If you don't like the blog .I guess all I can say is don't blog or blog away .Thats what it is there for.I don't expect everyone to agree with me.Thats

democracy. If you are trying to intimidate me with your rants.think again. # posted by City Under Siege The Fight for Saint John : 2:35 PM No you think again Mikey Baby. USE your telephone as I challenged you to do. The simple truth should not intimadate an honest man. It was you who struck my words. If you had bothered to read my so called rants before you ignored them and then asked the world you the Hell I am, you would have noticed I agree with you and in fact know about this crap than you can dream of. # posted by Anonymous : 2:48 PM Now stayed tuned to this particular blog and watch Frenchie make it melt. He is the liar not me. He labelled me as a Hells Angel when I ran against the aptly named lawyer Rob Moore in Fundy in 2004. There is no denying that I am a vindictive son of a bitch with a long memory but even you must admit that i am fair. Although both Chucky and Indymedia erased their blogs when I protested their obvious malice, like you they erased everything I attemped to post. Ask yourself why Mikey Baby and the cry me a river again about what Irving is having crammed through your backyard. Guess who saves every word I write or what is said of me to use in litigation? In answer to your question in your own blog. Yes the people in Saint John should sue somebody in order to put a stop to the evil Empires control. Good luck finding a lawyer that ain't afraid of Irvings. You took a picture down as soon as you got a phone call. In my book that makes you a chickenshit. You talk the talk but do not walk the walk. You should have let them sue you in order to meet them in court and make you issues well known and recorded in the public record. I have been begging someone to sue me for years if they think they can prove what I say is untrue because whenever I sue them the corrupt courts meerely see it dismissed and stricken from the record. Look up Byron Prior sometime in Google and then tell me again that you Obviously you used my phone number now I know yours. Clearly you just pissed me off Lets see you apology ya bastard. # posted by Anonymous : 3:09 PM ok...I just came back from moving someone. I see that David is debating his issues again. Listen David? I'll let a debate your issues in this blog here. I must delete the blog that has emails. As long you don't swear and smear anyone? You should be ok!! Everyone has their different style of sending out their message. I got mine and you got yours. By the way? Evicted??? It was a April Fool joke from Millie and Jim but I didn't bite! # posted by Charles LeBlanc : 3:35 PM This is weird! What in the hell is going on here? # posted by Anonymous : 3:38 PM

Hey David??? Why don't you start your own blog? You got that email list and you could invite people to your site like I do!!!! # posted by Charles LeBlanc : 3:56 PM THere's no site like Charles!!! Entertaining as all hell! I have no idea what all these people are talking about, but it's more entertaining than anything on television! God bless the loonies! # posted by Anonymous : 4:01 PM February 24th, 2006 Rick Hancox Executive Director c/o Suzanne Ball Senior Legal Counsel and Manon Losier General Counsel and Secretary to the New Brunswick Securities Commission 85 Charlotte Street, Suite 300 Saint John, NB E2L 2J2 RE: Securities Fraud and Public Corruption Sir, Pursuant to our conversation today please find enclosed exactly the same material sent to the eight other provincial Attorney Generals in Canada before I returned to my native land again this year. Obviously the AGs Brad Green and Tom Marshall have known the truth of my matters since the summer of 2004. They have maliciously ignored my false imprisonment in the USA for their own political benefit. The tapes enclosed are exactly the same copies that were served upon the lawyers acting for Rogers Media byway of their newsman Tom Young today. As you listen to the tape you will hear that I mentioned your Commission on air in Saint John weeks ago. Methinks you should have called me then instead of waiting for me to contact you again today. The tapes and the CD of wiretap tape #139 are served upon the Commission's lawyers Ms. Ball and Ms. Losier as in confidence as officers of the court in order that my allegations of illegal wiretaps by crooked law enforcement authorities may be finally properly investigated ASAP by ethical law enforcement authorities. Hopefully this will be done before I sue the Crown about my false imprisonment but I am not holding my breath. April 3rd is coming fast. Upon your study of these documents you will see that I have not yet given the Yankee SEC all of my evidence of Securities Fraud. However every Attorney General in Canada has been made well aware of it for quite sometime before the SEC declared it was willing to investigate the actions of the former Minister of Finance Ralph Goodale. To date not one person has responded me nor did me the simple courtesy of returning my calls or emails as you finally did today. Clearly I must complain of the Crown myself without delay before further harm is done to my Clan. Rest assured I will be calling you, Mr. Hancox and the lawyers within your Commission to testify at a trial of my matters in Federal Court in Fredericton. A very pigheaded yet ethical Maritimer knows that justice has been delayed way past too long for the benefit of public corruption and not the public trust. I will not wait for anyone on public service to act within the scope of their employment anymore. To put it simply, after our conversation today I had no faith

that you were willing to do your job. Veritas Vincit David Raymond Amos P.O. Box 234 Apohaqui, NB E5P 3G2 # posted by Anonymous : 4:05 PM Nope the first question should be Chucky where is the computer I gave you in 2004 Yopu know the one the Anglo due from Minto took home for you. You claimed it was no good yea well I would like to have it back # posted by Anonymous : 4:09 PM The next question is does your buddy Vaughn Burnett still have the material that you promised you would serve upon Brad Green in June of 2004 for me? Has he listened to the CD which is a copy of police surveilance tape # 139? I will call hinm and you as witnesses to testify in Federal Court in Fredericton. The wannabe lawyer and you buddy Bernard Richard both admitted to me that they had the evidence before I was falsely imprisoned in the Yankee jail in 2004. So much for etyhical EH? # posted by Anonymous : 4:14 PM What do you do with a computer that don't work? You know the answer! Papers? to deliver to the Justice Minister? Sorry...I'm not a Sheriff!!!! Remember be nice in this blog.... # posted by Charles LeBlanc : 4:16 PM What's everybody talking or fighting about ? Always read your site Charles. The person is right. More entertaining the TV, and I mean that as Big Compliment :>) # posted by Anonymous : 4:22 PM As far as blogging goes I do have one but do not post much. Because unlike you I feel that less is moreI do not need a blog I employ other people's blogs and only deal with the issues they raise first then take them down the path of the garden of good and evil just like I did with you years ago when they call me a liar. Check with your associate Mikey. He did not allow even my first comment. Just like your buddies in Indymedia. However they certainly allowed you to slam me. Didn't they Chucky? Just in case anyone cares about the spelling I am typing quickly because Methinks Chucky will soon erase this stuff just like he always does. However here is my phone number again call me and I will show anyone the proof of what I is true and I will even allow them to listen to a wiretap tape or two.

# posted by Anonymous : 4:22 PM Your said the computer didn't work but I know that it did and I brought it all the way from Boston because you were crying poor mouth on the phone. Furthermore I have to witnesses that heard you say you would love to take on Brad Green. the Anglo dude from Minto is one. you the one you call a bigot. I was looking for you in the legislature library to witness me serving the liberal lawyers Burke and Lamrock next door at 710 Queen St when your buddy Dannyboy Bussieres and the Fredericton cops threw me out on June 24th 2004. I was not talking from the gallery as you falsely claim. I have a witness to that fact to . In fact he is a Deputy Minister you was on the floor at the time. the Commisssioners you have befriended made false allegations about me. # posted by Anonymous : 4:29 PM Charles? Friends with the commissioners?? That's funny! Sounds like you two guys should be getting along great-two peas in a pod of crazy. Nobody even knows what you guys are talking about. # posted by Anonymous : 4:41 PM C'mon keep it going # posted by Anonymous : 4:44 PM Anonymous said... wroteBonjour Mr. David Raymond Amos, We respectfully invite you to consider a Letter to the Editor, i.e.., How Free Trade undermines Maritime Economic Development. We had heard you make some representation about a U.S. company which truck out Maritime 'wealth', as a result of not having similar .provincial resources rights as Alberta, Many Maritimes would be potentially interested in such an editorial. Merci. Office of John Stokes The Canadian National Newspaper internet site: # posted by Anonymous : 4:48 PM Hey Mr. Stokes Thanks for the suggestion. As you should know the most glaring example of a company that has been raping the Maritimes with abandon for many years is obviously the Irving Empire. However lately there are some very nasty new players on the scene such a PCS and Corridor Resourses etc etc. I am very busy these days and I am not a journalist. You people are though yet it seems you would rather me say the awlful truth than yourselves because of some possible lawsuit EH?

So be it. I will because it is not slander if one's words are true. Perhaps you should consider checking my work and then come to court sometime in order to listen to me argue all the smiling bastards. You can have much of my work in a click of the button of my mouse. But first please allow me to introduce you to the New Brunswick Securities Commission. I got a rather interesting response from them today whilst I was in Fredericton. They have ignored my concerns for almost a year but now that Bernie Lord's government is getting tipsy, it appears all the bad actors want to show me their arse just in time for me to boot it. It is Securities Commissions such as this that allow many publicly held companies such as Corridor Resources or Magna Entertainment etc to get away with many things rather than remind them of the law and on how they should conduct business in an ethical fashion. That said, these Commisssions have no say whatsoever over the Irving Empire and that is truly bad. It is a privately held corporation that knows very well the power of money and on how to pay off greedy politicians in order to get anything they want. In the nutshell of the Maritimes that is quite simply everything. It seems that I am the only Maritimer who is not afraid of the ghost of mean old KC Irving and his monoply game. It has always been hard times in the Maritimes. We lament about it all the time but our apathy and fear of the Irvings etc gives us the govenments we deserve. Print this if you wish. You are off the hook that Irving's lawyers threaten ordinary folks with. I am fearless yet never reckless with the truth. I stand by my own words and invite anyone to sue me if they think I am a liar and wish to argue me. I hate it when the chickenshits send crooked cops against me bearing false allegations in a faint hearted effort to shut me up. It does the smiling bastards no good and only serves to make matters worse. Veritas Vincit David Raymond Amos # posted by Anonymous : 4:52 PM March 24, 2006 Michael "Tanker" Malley C/o Cleveland Allaby 480 Queen Street Suite # 200 Fredericton NB. E3B 1B6 Simpson Thacher & Barlett LLP C/o Derek Burney Chair of the Board of Directors of NB Power 515 King Street Fredricton, NB E3B 4X1 Jody Carr C/o Paul Blackmore Chestnut Complex 470 York Street Fredericton, NBE3B 3P7 Patrick A.A. Ryan

Edgecombe House 736 King Street Fredericton, NB E3B 1G2 Re: Public Corruption Sirs, Pursuant to my many phone calls and email to your offices please find enclosed the material I promised to you before I file my complaints in Federal Court in Fredericton. The CD which is a true copy of wiretap tape number 139 is served upon you all in confidence as officers of the court in order that it may be investigated byway of my suing the Crown. While Norm Betts and Derek Burney's buddy Stevey Boy Harper is busy in New Brunswick today trying hard to shore up the shaky government of Jody Carr's buddy, Bernie Lord with long delayed federal tax dollars. I am polishing off my promises to crooked lawyers in the hope that the very corrupt House crumbles ASAP. If not maybe President Chavez will help me bankrupt the crooks working within NB Power within a crooked government's blessing. Methinks Tanker will need another lawyer if the one he has now continues to play dumb. Lord paid Allaby a lot of money to study the doings of the Justice Dept a long time ago. He should understand the scene. Shame on you all for forcing me to go to such lengths to protect my rights under the Charter. Methinks you have underestimated my diligence EH? Now ask yourselves why I don't sue you after I sue the Crown? I fail to see any reason not to. That is the only way I know of to hold such people as you accountable. Stevey Boy Harper never will even though he talks the talk of such things. Everybody knows what I served upon his party's lawyer Arthur Hamilton before I was falsely imprisoned in the USA in 2004. Despite whatever Act our latest Prime Minister wishes to introduce to the Canadian people that he claims will compel our government to act with integrity, he can never deny my right to drag anyone into court. In fact he has done so himself in the past and I am no less of a man than he. Even a simple pigheaded Maritimer has the right to argue the law even with people who think themselves above it. How you all have failed to uphold the law and the public trust placed in your public office is either a matter of public record or soon shall be or my name ain't Dave. There is no Democracy without Truth and Justice. It is just that simple. Thats all for now fellas. I look forward to seeing you all in court someday or I will die trying to make it happen in an ethical fashion. It is just another one of those things I do that lawyers fail to appreciate. Ask your friends why that is if you don't already know. Veritas Vincit David Raymond Amos P.O. Box 234 Apohaqui, NB. E5P 3G2 # posted by Anonymous : 5:15 PM Hey Everybody received hard copy in hand to their offices except of course what the UPS dudes are bringing to Paul Shuttle and Andre Arthur. Obviously Yankees ain't as quick as me even when I give them two days head start. I have signatures and pictures to prove that all the New Brunswickers named below got their material today as I promised last week except for the sneaky Conflict of Interest Commmissioner Mr. Patrick who hides behind locked doors. He just sent the Sergeant at Arms who tried to run me off again.

However the Frenchman Danny Boy Bussieres had to accept my material on behalf of the Commissioner and our Queen whom he represents no matter how much he wishes to ban me from the Legislature. He didn't sign anything but what transpired between us was witnessed by a man who was not involved. I gave the crooked Quebecer hard copy in hand. Somebody speaking for the Queen should answer me ASAP. EH? If Danny Boy wishes to attempt to ban me from the Legislature again he really should put it in writng. EH? Perhaps he should clearly state the reasons behind his malice and who is accusing me of what. Otherwise I will ignore him until we meet in court. Then I will have many questions for him on the public record. I repeat, I have never threatened or harassed anyone. The next time he and I meet I hope to have many witnesses watching our exchange of words instead of just one man.The Sergeant at Arms Danny Boy Brouseirres lake most lawyers and politicians is a liar. I will leave you all to wonder who receives this email next but lets just say I was very correct about my assessment of the Public Utilities Board and the New Brunswick Securoties Commission. corrupt Maritimers act just like crookedYankees. After all most of them are lawyers and their brotherhood practices their malice across borders all day long every day. The thing is can they trust each other when the politiking gets down and dirty. Methinks there is no honour amongst theives no matter how powerful they are. What say you? I know your answer already and that only time will tell the tale to prove what I say is true. Until then I will simply remain a man of my word and hope for justice to prevail. It is your job to uphold the Public Trust not mine. Veritas Vincit David Raymond Amos # posted by Anonymous : 5:28 PM March 24, 2006 Bernard Shapiro Ethics Commissioner C/o Andre Arthur MP 325 de l'Eglise Donnacona, Qubec G3M 2A2 Jean T. Fournier Senate Ethics Officer C/o Senator Noel Kinsella and Michael Comeau Holy Cross House Rm. 206 St. Thomas University Fredericton NB Kevin Lynch Clerkc/o Paul Shuttle Director of Legal Operations Privy Council Office 59 Sparks Street Ottawa, ON K1A 0A3 David Gourdeau

Commissioner for FederalJudicial Affairs c/o Willa Doyle District Administrator Suite 100 82 Westmorland Street Fredericton, NB E3B 3L3 Re: Public Corruption Sirs, Pursuant to my many phone calls and email to your offices please find enclosed the material I promised to you before I file my complaints in Federal Court in Fredericton. The CD which is a true copy of wiretap tape number 139 is served upon you all in confidence as officers of the court and or Parliamentarians in order that it may be investigated byway of my suing the Crown. While Stevey Boy Harper is busy in New Brunswick today trying hard to shore up the shaky government of his little buddy, Bernie Lord with long delayed federal tax dollars. I am polishing off all my promises to crooked lawyers in the hope that the very corrupt House crumbles ASAP. Shame on you all for forcing me to go to such lengths to protect my rights under the Charter. Methinks you have underestimated my diligence EH? Now ask yourselves why I don't sue you after I sue the Crown? I fail to see any reason not to. That is the only way I know of to hold such people as you accountable. Stevey Boy Harper never will even though he talks the talk of such things. Everybody knows what I served upon his party's lawyer Arthur Hamilton before I was falsely imprisoned in the USA in 2004. Despite whatever Act our latest Prime Minister wishes to introduce to the Canadian people that he claims will compel our government to act with integrity, he can never deny my right to drag anyone into court. In fact he has done so himself in the past and I am no less of a man than he. Even a simple pigheaded Maritimer has the right to argue the law even with people who think themselves above it. How you all have failed to uphold the law and the public trust placed in your public office is either a matter of public record or soon shall be or my name ain't Dave. There is no Democracy without Truth and Justice. It is just that simple. Thats all for now fellas. I look forward to seeing you all in court someday or I will die trying to make it happen in an ethical fashion. It is just another one of those things I do that lawyers fail to appreciate. Ask your friends why that is if you don't already know. Veritas Vincit David Raymond Amos PO Box 234 Apohaqui, NB. E5P 3G2 UPS Ship Notification, Tracking Number 1Z24RW270464505354 Shipment Detail Ship To: PAUL SHUTTLE PRIVY COUNCIL OFFICE 59 SPARKS STREET OTTAWA ON K1A0A3

Number of Packages:1 UPS Service: EXPRESS SAVER Shipment Type: Envelope Tracking Number: 1Z24RW270464505354 Reference Number 1:813556NY Reference Number 2:25/03 1339 Status: Billing Information Received Shipped or Billed on: 27/03/2006 Tracking Number: 1Z 24R W27 04 6450 535 4 Service Type: EXPRESS SAVER Note: UPS has received shipper's billing information electronically. Billing information received does not indicate shipment pickup or drop-off. Please contact the shipper for more details. UPS Ship Notification, Tracking Number 1Z24RW270464505363 Shipment Detail Ship To: ANDRE ARTHUR MP 325 DE L'EGLISE DONNACONA QC G3M2A2 Number of Packages:1 UPS Service: EXPRESS SAVER Weight: 5.0 LBS Tracking Number: 1Z 24R W27 04 6450 536 3 Reference Number 1:813557NY Reference Number 2: 24/03 4399 Status: Billing Information Received Shipped or Billed on: 27/03/2006 Tracking Number: 1Z 24R W27 04 6450 536 3 Service Type: EXPRESS SAVER Weight: 5.00 Lbs Note: UPS has received shipper's billing information electronically. Billing information received does not indicate shipment pickup or drop-off. Please contact the shipper for more details. Tracking results provided by UPS: 27/03/2006 16:18 Eastern Time # posted by Anonymous : 5:32 PM David Amos is mentally ill folks. just ignore him and maybe he will go away. he is a criminal and a liar. he rants and raves like a lunatic. he makes charlie seem like a choir boy. he is one sick s.o.b. # posted by Anonymous : 6:20 PM Well I must say I am not surprised. I am in fact delighted to introduce some folks in the Martimes to the man most responsible for my false imprisonment in the USA. I have been fishing for him to make his usual appearance within a Blog. If one speaks of the devil long enough he is sure to appear. EH Chucky? This crook's name is Deputy Dog Robert F. O'Meara of the Norfolk County sheriffs Dept. A bigger snake in Massachusetts there never was. Right now it is suppertime and I ain't goona let it grow cool worrying about what he may say of me but rest

assured I will relish and save every word of it. Stay tuned and I will post many of his words that have been deleted from many other blogs in order to protect him and the crooks who have covered up his many crimes. At least I have a name EH Deputy Dog? Even on the internet you use girlfriend's Wicked Wanda Willard's ID # posted by Anonymous : 7:07 PM Hey? As long he leaves his view in this little blog and not others? I don't have a problem with the guy. He's pretty mellow with his words compare to past emails. Hey? We might have a second Spinks here??? # posted by Charles LeBlanc : 7:11 PM David is a less of lunatic compared to Chucky. # posted by Anonymous : 7:15 PM SPINKS??? WHERE ARE YA???? # posted by Charles LeBlanc : 8:48 PM Now that I finally see one vote of confidence.It is time to stress Chucky's words to the max. Lets see if this post stands the test of time. I am posting something that only a few politicians have seen. Whereas Chucky's buddy Danny Boy Brussieres had banned me from the Legislature and Chucky did not have the balls to deliver the material to Brad Green I and my son, Max delivered in hand the matereial to both of the following dudes offices in Moncton right after Canada Day and Paul Martin's boat had been caught in Sidney with more coke than coal on board. We then went home to where I was raised in Dorchester Nb and I laughed at the thought of Charles LeBlanc as I drove through his hometown. If he had had the sand to deliver this letter and the material I had given him to Brad when he promised to so. He would be my hero, Bernie Lord's government would have fallen, my adversary Deputy Dog Robert F. O'Meara would have gone to jail instead of me and most importantly my little Clan would be still in their home today. If Brad Green Bernie Lord and Franky Boy McKenna had acted with integrity I would not have to sue the Crown in order to have a fraudulent warrant for my arrest revoked in the USA. Anyone should feel free to print or email the text of this letter with abandon simply because Brad Green answered it. I can email anyone a copy of his response in a tif file. In fact I will email one to Frenchie and Deputy Dog Robert F. O'Meara, Brad Green and his buddies first first. You will know that Chucky got it first and can never play dumb no more. I will forward it on to anyone who asks and they can decide you is crazy and who is not and who is a liar and who is not. My email address is motomaniac_02186 at and my phone number is 506 434 1379 I do not call people collect as Chucky does. July 1st, 2004 Brad Green c/oBernard Lord

132 Mill Road Moncton, NB. E1A 4A5 Frank McKenna c/o McInnis Cooper 655 Main St. Moncton NB E1C 8T6 RE: Corruption Hey Fellas, Please find enclosed exactly the same material served upon Paul Zed before he met Paul Martin at the airport last weekend. The copy of wiretap tape numbered 139 is served upon you in confidence as officers of the court in order that it may be properly investigated. As you review the material it should be painfully obvious to you why I have no respect for your chosen profession of lawyer/politician. I must say that both Mr. Lord and Mr. McKenna were clever to keep some distance from the recent federal election but I don't think it was very wise for Mr. Lord to have me expelled from the Legislature Building for political reasons rather than legal reasons. I have done as the Sargent at Arms ordered on June 24th and stayed away from the Legislature and waited for it to take its summer break so that no more bullshit about me can be said. I have now delivered this material to your constituency office Mr. Lord so that you may deal with this at a personal level with Mr. Green. I will complain of you Mr. Lord and your friends Mr. Green, Mr. Armstrong and Mr. Burke to court along with the Fredericton Police Dept. and the Sargent at Arms if I do not receive a satisfactory response very quickly and convince me of your ethics and stand with me. I have not heard from the Fredericton Police Dept. thus I suspect that Corporal Ross has done as he threatened and thrown this material in the trash for the benefit of his fellow police officer, Mr. LeBlanc. Mr. Green may I suggest that you study every word and listen to the CD closely and prepare to argue every word if you disagree with the fact that a fellow Canadian has the right to seek justice and relief for the many wrongs practiced against him. What would you do if the Men in Black had appeared at your door and were willing to take you away to Cuba without counsel because of false allegations were made against you in order to stop you from defending your family's interests? As you can see I have come home to protest these actions in a political and legal fashion. I have done only as the Solicitor General Anne McLellan has suggested and given the evidence to those who claim to have jurisdiction over me. You speak for the Sargent at Arms and the Fredericton Police. They dropped the ball the instant they pulled me outside the building for no reason. They claimed jurisdiction but refused to investigate. I have seen it reported that I had tried to speak from the gallery and the Sargent at Arms falsely claimed that I had attempted to serve someone within the legislature building. Both statements are untrue. I left materials at the door in the custody of the security guard as he requested. I was only looking to find Charles Leblanc in order that he may witness me delivering the enclosed materials to T.J. Burke's office. This was necessary for me to do because as you know most lawyers are reckless with the truth. I will let your fellow politician/lawyer. Peter McKay, explain to you the reason why that is. However it was no longer necessary to require a witness because the Sargent at Arms and the Fredericton Police had watched me go into 710 Queen St and come out without the material they had just refused after harassing me. They are my witnesses as you are now. As for you, Mr. McKenna, I expect you and your fellow lawyers at McInnes Cooper to uphold

the law and conduct yourselves in a professional manner according to the rules that allow you to practice law for a fee. Don't you think you should act ethically rather quickly and report your newfound knowledge of crime? At the very least I have made you witnesses to my complaints and rest assured I will be asking you many questions in court if the RCMP doesn't ask you first. Mr. McKenna, I read your recent speech about how you likened the actions of federal political leaders to various purebred dogs. I must add my two bits worth to your comments. Those fancy dogs don't hunt like the mangy old mutt that is the guard dog of my little Clan. I don't bark but I am quick to bite. If you turn around you will see me sniffing at your heels. If any lawyer makes one false move, I make every effort to rip his nuts off. Check my work before you call me a liar. I have followed the money home to the Maritimes. I find that you and many other liberals have been in pursuit of filthy lucre every bit as much as Mr. Mulroney, Mr. Crosbie and their many cohorts. The Maritime Provinces have suffered the most from the many years of political abuse by greedy lawyers and their bosses. Mr. Harper called Maritimers defeatists but he failed to say who was beating us up. Obviously it was federal politicians on both sides of the fence. The last thing Mr. Martin is to me is noble. In my opinion he is a fine example of a very crooked lawyer aspiring to be an adept politician like his daddy. I view your speech about dogs simply as a little dog licking a big dog's nuts in a stylish way in order to win the Alfa male's favor and someday win his position amongst a pack of political thieves. Feel free to argue me after you explain to me real slow how Cardinal Law was legally removed from my complaint and what right the Men in Black had to try to take me away because I am exposing the awful truth about bad acting bankers and Feds. Please don't pretend that you guys don't know a few very well heeled Yankees that have helped you along in your own personal pursuit of happiness. Mr. Tobin got a great job working for an interesting Conservative. Eh? Should Belinda listen to Mr. Mulroney and Mr. Harper or to her new CEO? What do you think? How much time do you think I may have left on the planet for asking such questions as this? What do you think may cause my demise? In the end I will rest assured that someday my ghost will be very vindictive against lawyers that failed to uphold the law. At this point in time it would be very easy for some lawyer to act ethically and become the people's political hero. What say you? Can you trust your legal and political friends to not turncoat and stand with me? Interesting dilemma, eh? Cya'll in Court:) David R. Amos 153 Alvin Ave. Milton. MA. 02186 Certificate of Service I, David R. Amos on July 2, 2004, I served the enclosed materials in hand to the offices of Frank McKenna at McInnis Cooper 655 Main St. Moncton NB E1C 8T6 and Bernard Lord at 132 Mill Road. Moncton, NB.E1A 4A5 David R. Amos 153 Alvin Ave. Milton, MA. 02186 # posted by Anonymous : 8:54 PM

"WOW" What a guy.Where did all that come from. Sounds like this guy has a problem.NO maybe a lot of problems.Too bad. # posted by Anonymous : 9:32 PM He just goes on and on doesn't he? # posted by Anonymous : 9:34 PM yeah it's not pretty. it's like a car wreck that just keeps happening. kinda scary knowing he is in our back yard again. Mr.Amos you need professional help man. i can give you some numbers. you don't have to live with your paranoia. there is help if you seek it. # posted by Anonymous : 9:48 PM Before I can even begin to believe that you are for real Why not crawl out of cyber space and into the real world. It stars by proving to all that you have a name. Cheap shots under Anoymous in Chucky's ain't worth squat to me unless you are man enough to look me in the eye and stand by your words. I do What say you got a name and a set of balls or just a mouth like Chucky? # posted by Anonymous : 10:01 PM Only the crooks are scared that I am back in the Maritimers. A lot of ordinary folks like me are laughing at how I am poking holes in their stuffed shirts. This letter is wickedly funny, Both Adrienne Clarkson and Hermngilde Chiasson answered this one after my wife and I and a lawyer who wanted Rob Moore's seat in parliament visited the Police Commission in New Brunswick. Bev Harrison would not answer this letter or even return my calles even though he has represented me from my spot on the hill since I landed home last year. His assistants have affirmed to me several times that they received it. I am demanding an answer from Tanker now tha old Bev's assistant Bill Oliver refused to call me back for the last time on Friday. I do not care what the tough talking Danny Boy Bussieres says only the Speaker can authorize the Sergeant at Arms to ban a man from the legislature. Besides that the Governor General his ultimate boss told me I was doing the right thing before I returned to the USA and into Deputy Dog's buddy's jail. I wiil put this letter and the responses in the same email to Chucky and Deputy Dog August 24th, 2004 Lieutenant-Governor of New Brunswick, Hermngilde Chiasson Old GovernmentHouse 51 Woodstock Road Fredericton, NB E3B 9L8 Phone (506) 453-2505 Fax (506) 444-5280 Speaker of the Legislative Assembly, Bev Harrison Constituency Office: Hampton-Belleisle

Room: Unit 4, 46 Keirstead Avenue Hampton, NB E5N 5A4 Phone (506) 832-6464 Fax (506) 832-6466 RE: Corruption Sirs, Please find enclosed exactly the same material served upon Premier Lord and Frank McKenna on the day after Canada Day and a copy of Brad Green's response. I have also enclosed a letter to Senator Joe Day that was to be forwarded to the Arar Commission. The copy of wiretap tape numbered 139 is served upon you in confidence as the Queen's representatives of in order that it may be properly investigated. I ask New Brunswick's Lieutenant-Governor of, Hermngilde Chiasson to forward this material to the Governor General of Canada. I have already emailed her notice to expect this material and I will email her the text of this letter as well. Whereas the Legislative Assembly of New Brunswick stands adjourned until Tuesday, December 14, 2004, at 1 o'clock p.m, perhaps you fellas can find a little time to answer me before I sue the Queen in the USA. My questions are as follows: Why did Sergeant-at-Arms, Dan Bussieres and the Fredericton Police Dept. ask me to step outside the Legislature Building and then forever ban me from re-entering the premises on June 24th, 2004? What will you do with your newfound knowledge of crime? It is only fair that I ask these questions. After all I am a Canadian Citizen and I do have the right to ask any question to those who represent me. Whether they are born to the position or elected or appointed or merely hired, they all must uphold the law and the public trust. The Queen of Canada, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, is the official Head of State and is represented in New Brunswick by the Lieutenant-Governor. Therefore, the Lieutenant-Governor is the nominal Head of State at the provincial level, empowered with the responsibility of representing the Queen in the province. Thus I have asked him the aforesaid questions before I leave the jurisdiction of New Brunswick. The Ombudsman, Bernard Richard told me to take my matter up the Speaker of the House and thus far Mr. Harrison has ignored my phone calls and emails. Bev Harrison did have the opportunity to ask me any question he wished before he decided not to vote for me. It seems he would rather have the lawyer, Rob Moore speak for him in Parliament. I would not be surprised to learn that Bev Harrison was the same man I had spoken to months ago or that he had attended the debate in Hampton. I have no doubt that Mr Harrison knows exactly who I am and why I was in Fredericton that day. I am not a rebel just because I make inquiries and demand that people in public service uphold the law. The problem is that on June 24th I was a candidate for the 38th Parliament. I was busy challenging those still in public service such as John Herron to do their jobs and uphold the law. I was merely in the legislative building looking for the Frenchman Charles Leblanc so he could witness me serve this material upon the lawyer, T J Burke next door. I had made certain that many politicians were made well aware of my concerns and allegations before coming home to run for a seat in the next Parliament. The local liberal, Leroy Armstrong was willing to debate me so I was giving this material to his liberal lawyer friends to review. Dan Bussieres offended me for political reasons not legal reasons. The Speaker of the House should not have allowed the Sergeant's actions or at least responded to my inquiry. These must be irrefutable facts because after almost two months of asking everyone imaginable about the actions of the Sergeant-atArms, no one would even tell me his name let alone explain his actions, It appears that the

Government of Canada would rather assist corrupt politicians within a country that had rebelled against the Queen than assist one of her subjects to escape their harassment. I must return to the USA because I have been summoned to court to argue more false allegations made against me. Whereas my country is willing to throw me back into Ashcroft's clutches, I must complain of the Crown. It seems the Yankees may have been right long ago when they refused to pay taxes without proper representation. Perhaps Canada should follow suit. We all know what has been said about the evils of longstanding governments. What say you sirs? Am I speaking sedition or common sense? I have heard that Louis Riel once said that the French would take over Canada without firing a shot. Now many of the French wish to separate. Maybe true Canadians can reunite our country in the same fashion. There is no need of the cartridge box as long as we properly employ the soap box and ballot box. The tools of bloodless revolutions are the laws of the land. They are in the hands of people begging us for our vote every so often. Canada does not need to pay homage to a Queen who will not check the work of the people representing her and us. We need a new form of government. I agree with Louis Riel's thinking when he proclaimed that the Metis were "loyal subjects of Her Majesty the Queen of England'. If we are rebels, we are rebels against the Company that sold us" Although he was labelled a rebel, Louis Riel was a Canadian patriot who did stop Western Canada from being absorbed by the USA. He was also elected to Parliament twice. He would abhor NFTA as much as I. The words in Riel's diary are well worth heeding. "O my God! Save me from the misfortune of getting involved with the United States. Let the United States protect us indirectly, spontaneously, through an act of Providence, but not through any commitment or agreement on our part." Riel stated in his diary this as well: "God revealed to me that the government of the United States is going to become extraordinarily powerful." Cya'll in Court:) David R. Amos 153 Alvin Ave. Milton. MA. 02186 # posted by Anonymous : 10:20 PM This letter really put Lizzy Weir's panties in a knot. Chucky's buddy Bernie Richard answered me immediately but she never did. When I got out of jail and jumped bail in the USA one year later and started demanding answers from the NDP she was not long taking a job from Bernie Lord and leaving her party in the toilet. Bernie Richard di the same thing years ago to save Lord nasty little minority. The problem is the liberals are no better ask the not so good Dr. Doherty if he wishes to argue me in public about it. In order to argue him and the pretty woman Bernie Lord had his eyes on I tried to run in Bernie's snap election in Saint John Harbour because in my opinion I caused Lizzy to quit and run off. I knew I would never be elected but the decent folks who always voted NDP deserved to know the score and my opinion of the LNG scene is worth listening to. However the not so non partison Anne Hollies and her yo yo underling Paddy Addison illegally refused me for the benefit of Bernie Lord.The Irvings and the Spanish dudes who have lost their popularity in other countries want to put such a dangerous thing right int the damned harbour and the crooked Mayor suppots it? What planet is he from I must ask. People with no names call me crazy. Well in retort I say if the politicians are sane then I am glad I am nuts. However before they put me away anyone can have this letter and Bernie Richard's very dumb

answer. I would not be surprised if this blog turns into a pumpkin by midnight EH Chucky? However if you leave it up I will post sometime a very wicked Cinderella Affadavit by Newfy Johnny Crosbie's law firm of Patterson Palmer that will explain why the liberal President in NB Greg Byrne has now gone solo. August 24th, 2004 NDP Leader Elizabeth Weir Constituency Office 39 King Square North Saint John, NB E2L 1E6 Bernard Richard Office of the Ombudsman 767 Brunswick Street Fredericton, NB E3B 1H8 Re: Corruption Sir and Madam, Please find enclosed exactly the same material served upon New Brunswick's LieutenantGovernor, Hermenegilde Chiasson and many others today. The copy of wiretap tape numbered 139 is served upon you in confidence as officers of the court in order that it may be properly investigated. There is no need to be long winded with you two people. I can prove contact with each of you and your associates many times. I know that you are expecting this material and why I am providing it to you for your review. Not only will I be mentioning your names today to the Police Commission but your names can be found in various places within my documents. I feel that you are entitled to review the material and I am entitled to expect you to act ethically and with integrity as would befit an officer of the court. What you will do with your newfound knowledge of crime? Please send your response to this letter to the address below. I can no longer linger in New Brunswick and wait for politicians to find the time to uphold the Public Trust. Cya'll in Court:) David R, Amos 153 Alvin Ave. Milton, MA. 02186

CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I, David R. Amos, of 153 Alvin Ave. Milton, MA. on August 25th, 2004, I delivered the enclosed material to the Office of the Ombudsman, Bernard Richard at 767 Brunswick Street, Fredericton, NB E3B 1H8. Whereas the Provincial office building at 710 Queen St. is no longer assessable to the public, I will provide these documents to Elizabeth Weir's Constituency Office at 39 King Square North Saint John, NB E2L 1E6 as soon as possible.

David R, Amos # posted by Anonymous : 10:57 PM Some people sent me private emails asking me- Who the hell is that nut??? Well? As I said earlier in the day. No swearing or smears and everything should be ok. I can delete this particular blog in seconds but we'll keep it here. So far so good.... Try to be nice.... # posted by Charles LeBlanc : 11:18 PM One no named dude lamented that I go on and on and I admit that that is true. On ther other hand earlier another fella ask for more and lamented that I was too slow posting. Rest assured I know most Maritimers do not give a damn about legal crap or politics. I fit in that boat as well it is just that the smiling bastards attacked me and my little clan and I must defend myself the best way I know how. I figure fire with fire so to speak so I went fiercely political and did not care about being elected. I just wanted to make my issues public for the benefit of my family first and foremost and the awful truth only hurts crooks. Most folks would find this crap boring yet lawyers and politicians like old women are gossips big time. They climb to the top pulling on the balls of others to get there. Trust that many would find this an interesting read. There is a lot to tell after being blocked in most places for years and I am trying hard to stay local to Fredericton only simply because that is the audience the Chucky draws. If the dude don't like to read my stuff click to another of Chucky's mindless blogs and look a pictures that take a long time to look at in dial up. For ethical lawyers (if there is such athing) benefit here is something that will help explain the news today in a very funny light. McAllister answered me but Miller did not. Miller's (David Hache's too)law firm is merging with the rest of Patterson Palmer's outfit so it appears I have now crossed paths with the same bunch of bastards at least four times in various matters. Merging makes a firm more powerful but it also opens the door to the need to defend the bad actions of your many partners. Everybody knows you can't trust lawyer the that Patterson and palmer in Halifax went with Franky Boy McKenna's buddies i all to funny to me. The dudes in Turo are the only smart ones in the bunch. They said to hell with them all. Maybe I will give then a call. If you cannnot find an honest lawyer your might as well hire the wisest one EH? As i said Byron Priors complaint will prove to the Maritimes why. Look him up on the web or in front of Parliament next week. August 24th, 2004 Gary A. Miller 371 Queen St. Suite 400,

Fredericton, NB E3B 4Y9 George A. McAllister 212 Queen St. Fredericton, NB E3B 1A8 RE: Corruption Sirs, Please find enclosed exactly the same material served upon New Brunswick's LieutenantGovernor Hermenegilde Chiasson and many others. The copy of wiretap tape numbered 139 is served upon you in confidence as officers of the court in order that it may be properly investigated. Months ago I contacted you, Mr. McAllister by phone and informed you that I wholeheartedly agreed with your standing that Insurance companies were making the consumers cover their losses in the stock market. Brad Green and Premier Lord played Ms. Weir and the Commission like a fiddle and were merely doing their part to assist the interests of the Insurance Companies at the expense of the public trust. Although you were happy to hear that your opinions had been read and understood, you definitely did not want my evidence supporting your claims. Pursuant to my last statement to you, Mr. McAllister I have now proved to you that I am a man of my word and I now expect you to obey the Code of Conduct that you must obey in order to practice law for a fee. Mr. Miller, the same holds true for you. Within these documents you will find the name of a lawyer you know very well, David Lutz. I find this man to be a very poor example of an officer of the court and I don't mind telling the world my opinion of him. Please read my letter to him and let me know as to whether or not you stand with him and against me. If anyone were to ask me, Mr. Lutz is a man in need of legal aid and has no right to charge others for his malicious assistance. Will you spring to his defence when I file a complaint against him? Whether you fellas like it or not I have now made you witnesses to my sad complaints before I returned to the USA. If I survive the malicious prosecution that I am looking forward to in Boston next month, I will return to litigate in New Brunswick. There is no middle ground for any lawyer to stand on in this battle within two corrupt justice systems. All that I have demanded from any lawyer is simple ethical conduct. Why is that too much to ask for? I have read your various spit and chews with Brad Green and I must admit I find them to be quite comical from my position as a layman in the catbird seat. Rest assured that I will endeavour to make my opinions widely known. Sue me if you wish. In fact I double dog dare ya to. Bring this material to court so that the jury can have something to read while we argue truth, justice and the Maritimes kowtowing to the American Way. Cya'll in Court:) David R, Amos 153 Alvin Ave. Milton, MA. 02186 # posted by Anonymous : 11:26 PM Even if you do delete it Chucky you know for a fact that I already saved it. With luck I will be showing you a printed copy of it in court someday. I will ask you many questions in public not

private emails about what the hell you know about this crap. Why you lied about me called me names and didn't give Brad Green my material as you promised spoke volumes to me about your integrity. Don't even try to argue me about my manners. I know how to behave myself it is you who does not. # posted by Anonymous : 11:32 PM 2005 01 T 0010 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF NEWFOUNDLAND AND LABRADOR TRIAL DIVISION BETWEEN: WILLIAM MATTHEWS PLAINTIFF AND: BYRON PRIOR DEFENDANT AND BETWEEN: BYRON PRIOR DEFENDANT/PLAINTIFF BY COUNTERCLAIM AND: WILLIAM MATTHEWS PLAINTIFF/FIRST DEFENDANT BY COUNTERCLAIM AND: T. ALEX HICKMAN SECOND DEFENDANT BY COUNTERCLAIM AND: THOMAS MARSHALL THIRD DEFENDANT BY COUNTERCLAIM AND: DANNY WILLIAMS FOURTH DEFENDANT BY COUNTERCLAIM AND: EDWARD M. ROBERTS FIFTH DEFENDANT BY COUNTERCLAIM AND: JOHN CROSBIE SIXTH DEFENDANT BY COUNTERCLAIM AND: PATTERSON PALMER SEVENTH DEFENDANT BY COUNTERCLAIM SUMMARY OF CURRENT DOCUMENTCourt File Number(s):2005 01 T 0010Date of Filing of Document:25 January 2005Name of Filing Party or Person:Stephen J. MayApplication to which Document being filed relates:Amended Application of the Plaintiff/Defendant by Counterclaim to maintain an Order restricting publication, to strike portions of the Statement of Defence, strike the Counterclaim in it's entirety, and to refer this proceeding to case management.Statement of purpose in filing:To maintain an Order restricting publication, to

strike portions of the Statement of Defence, strike the Counterclaim in its entirety and refer this proceeding to case management. AFFIDAVIT I, Stephen J. May, of the City of St. John's, in the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador, Barrister and Solicitor, make oath and say as follows: THAT I am a Partner in the St. John's office of PATTERSON PALMER solicitors for William Matthews, the Member of Parliament for Random-Burin-St. George's in the Parliament of Canada. THAT Mr. Matthews originally retained Mr. Edward Roberts, Q.C. on or about 30 April 2002 after Mr. Byron Prior, the Defendant/Plaintiff by Counterclaim, had made allegations against Mr. Matthews in a publication called "My Inheritance - The truth - Not Fiction: A Town with a Secret". In that publication, the allegation was made that Mr. Matthews had had sex with a girl who had been prostituted by her mother. That girl was alleged to have been Mr. Prior's sister. THAT upon being retained, Mr. Edward Roberts wrote a letter to Mr. Prior. That letter to Mr. Prior is attached as Exhibit "1" to my Affidavit. THAT subsequent to Mr. Roberts' letter to Mr. Prior, Mr. Roberts received a 1 May 2002 e-mail from Mr. Prior. That e-mail is attached as Exhibit "2". THAT subsequent to Mr. Roberts receipt of the e-mail, Mr. Prior swore an Affidavit acknowledging that what had been said in that publication was false. That Affidavit is attached as Exhibit "3" to my Affidavit. Following Mr. Roberts' receipt of that Affidavit, Mr. Matthews advised that he was satisfied not to pursue the matter any further and our firm closed our file. THAT on or about 25 October 2004, I was retained by Mr. Matthews following his gaining knowledge that a web site, made a series of allegations against him relating to my having sex with a girl of approximately 12 years old through to an approximate age of 15 years old. It also accused him of being a father of one of her children and accused him of having raped that girl. Upon checking the web site I saw that Byron Prior, the Defendant, had been identified as the author of the material on the site. THAT Mr. Matthews instructed me to write Mr. Prior, to remind him of the fact that the allegations had been admitted to being false through a 16 May 2002 Affidavit to advise him of Mr. Matthews' intentions to commence legal proceedings if the comments were not removed from the web site. A copy of my letter to Mr. Prior is attached as Exhibit "4" to this Affidavit. THAT I attach as Exhibit "5" a transcript from a 5 November 2004 voicemail left by David Amos, identified in the voicemail as a friend of Mr. Prior. THAT I attach as Exhibit "6" a portion of a 6 November 2004 e-mail from Mr. Amos. THAT until I received his voicemail and e-mail, I had never heard of Mr. Amos.

THAT Mr. Amos has continued to send me e-mail since his 5 November e-mail. Including his 6 November 2004 e-mail, I have received a total of 15 e-mails as of 23 January 2005. All do not address Mr. Matthews' claim or my involvement as Mr. Matthews' solicitor. I attach as Exhibit "7" a portion of a 12 January 2005 e-mail that Mr. Amos sent to me but originally came to my attention through Ms. Lois Skanes whose firm had received a copy. This e-mail followed the service of the Statement of Claim on 11 January 2005 on Mr. Prior. I also attach as Exhibit "8" a copy of a 19 January 2005 e-mail from Mr. Amos. THAT I attach as Exhibit "9" a copy of a 22 November 2004 letter addressed to me from Edward Roberts, the Lieutenant Governor of Newfoundland and Labrador covering a 2 September 2004 letter from Mr. Amos addressed to John Crosbie, Edward Roberts, in his capacity as Lieutenant Governor, Danny Williams, in his capacity as Premier of Newfoundland and Labrador, and Brian F. Furey, President of the Law Society of Newfoundland and Labrador. I requested a copy of this letter from Government House after asking Mr. Roberts if he had received any correspondence from Mr. Amos during his previous representation of Mr. Matthews. He advised me that he received a letter since becoming Lieutenant Governor, portions of which involved his representation of Mr. Matthews. Mr. Roberts' letter also covered his reply to Mr. Amos. THAT I attach as Exhibit "10" an e-mail from Mr. Amos received on Sunday, 23 January 2005. THAT I swear this Affidavit in support of the Application to strike Mr. Prior's counterclaim.

SWORN to before me at St. John's, Province of Newfoundland and Labrador this 24th day of January, 2005.

Signed by Della Hart STEPHEN J. MAY Signature STAMP DELLA HART A Commissioner for Oaths in and for the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador. My commission expires on December 31, 2009. # posted by Anonymous : 11:43 PM Dear Mr. Amos, On behalf of Ms. McLellan I would like to thank you for your email message concerning the current federal election. I regret that the volume of messages prevented me from responding sooner. Your message has been brought to Ms. McLellan`s attention, as she is always pleased to receive comments, both positive and negative.

Again, thank you for bringing this matter to Ms. McLellan`s attention. Sincerely, Kirsten Odynski Office of the Deputy Prime Minister # posted by Anonymous : 11:47 PM Hey Mr. Costello Need I say I was not impressed by you yesterday. At least you confessed that you knew who I was but so much for a jealous defense of your client's interests. EH? That said there is no need to send you hard copy of my material. Your associates within McInnes Cooper already have enough to review and confer with you about. Perhaps you should call the dudes or ladies (: Tell them how I chuck rocks will ya? from Patterson Palmer in Halifax that merged with your firm or better yet Lenny Hoyt and Franky Boy McKenna. In my humble opinion your little buddy Franky Boy as Canadian Ambassador should have tried to stop NB Power's malicious lawsuit against Venezeula in the USA before it picked up steam. But what do I know. EH? I think the dudes from Venezeula were wise to bring the issues back to the Maritimes and into the Irvings' lap. I think it was a hoot that they employed your firm to do so. What say you? Whereas you do not wish to speak to me I will speak to these dudes about you, Embassy of Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, 32 Range Rd Ottawa Ontario K1N 8J4, Phone: 613 235-5151 and then send them what I sent Allan Rock Franky Boy Mckenna and the FBI almost one year ago. Perhaps you should call some of your friends mentioned below that I served my stuff upon yesterday after I talked to you and ask them what the Hell I am up to if you don't already know. Veritas Vincit David Raymond Amos P.S. the following was an interesting article to come out in the local paper just as Humpty Dumpty had the Governor Gerneral drop the Writ on the last election. It certainly seems to me that the Irving's and Bernie Lord were trying hard to help Stevey Boy Harper's government and John Wallace get elected in order to protect their own selfish interests. EH? If he won't tell ya then ask me why Franky Boy does not want to be the liberal leader right now. I Double Dog Dare Ya. As I said in closing yesterday you have my number but maybe the dudes from Venezeula lost it so here it is again 506 434 1379. Your problem is do I want to talk to you now. Whilst I am talking to your clients about your incompetance I will explain to them why I am preparing to sue your whole god damned law firm. November 25, 2005 Liberal leader 'jeopardizing' NB Power's chances in lawsuit over failed Orimulsion deal: Tory MLA New Brunswickers should question whether Liberal Leader Shawn Graham is fighting for them or for Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, says a Tory MLA. Jody Carr, MLA for OromoctoGagetown, made the stinging indictment against Mr.Graham Thursday during a heated committee hearing where the Liberal leader took repeated swipes at David Hay, NB Power's president and chief executive officer, for failing to answer legal questions regarding the utility's

Orimulsion lawsuit. Mr. Graham questioned some of the tactics being advanced by NB Power's legal staff and demanded to know how much the power corporation budgeted for the legal battle against the Venezuelan government and its state-owned oil company. Mr. Carr said the Liberal leader crossed the line in Thursday's committee hearing and could endanger NB Power's lawsuit. "The issue is complicated and it shows the issue is far over his head to what he can comprehend," Mr. Carr said in an interview later."He was in effect working on the side of the Venezuelan government by jeopardizing the court proceedings."He was jeopardizing the chances of government and NB Power recouping the $2.2 billion in savings and therefore, in essence, that put him on the other side." NB Power restarted its lawsuit on Sept. 1, when it filed a statement of claim looking for $2.2 billion in financial damages, which equates to the price difference between purchasing heavy fuel oil to burn at the Coleson Cove Generation Station and Orimulsion, a cheap water-and-bitumen mixture patented by Petroleos de Venezuela, S.A. (PDVSA). NB Power has hired Stewart McKelvey Stirling Scales to quarterback the lawsuits filed in Fredericton and New York along with Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP to serve as their U.S. counsel. Mr. Hay estimated that the corporation has already spent as much as $600,000 on legal bills relating to the Orimulsion lawsuit.The Liberal leader grew increasingly frustrated when Mr. Hay stonewalled his attempt to get a firm answer on NB Power's budget for Orimulsion-related legal fees. "For the life of me I can't understand how it could jeopardize the court proceedings in saying how much we are thinking this court challenge may cost," Mr. Graham said.Throughout the committee session, Mr. Hay assured the Liberal leader that the power corporation was evaluating the risk-reward ratio at each legal "fork in the road." Mr. Hay said he cannot disclose any details that could tip the utility's legal hand considering the Venezuelans are keeping a close eye on the proceedings."We are dealing with people with extremely deep pockets. And if you go to a poker game "... and you say, I have my $1,000 here or whatever it is you are playing with, that gives an advantage to the other side," Mr. Hay said. Mr. Carr also accused Mr. Graham of misleading Saint John residents about the Orimulsion costs during the recent byelection campaign in Saint John Harbour. Mr. Carr said he found it disconcerting that Liberal campaign signs said the Conservative government lost $2.2 billion through the bungled Orimulsion fuel deal but now Mr. Graham admits the money was a "potential loss of savings." - Daniel McHardie - Canadaeast News Service Source: Telegraph-Journal | page A5 on Nov. 25, 2005 # posted by Anonymous : 11:57 PM From: "Steve Erickson" To: motomaniac Subject: from Steve Erickson from Masschusetts Date: Tue, 28 Mar 2006 19:26:32 +0000

Mr. David Amos, we talked about 2 years ago. My cell that we talked on is [Boston area code cellphone # snipped] Much has happened good for me since then.

Are you in Canada, in Parliment, or are you still in the Boston area? -Steve Erickson

Does this stuff answer your question Stevey Baby? I read what you said of me within your long winded Blogs. I told you the truth years ago and now I will tell you a little bit more. To me you are just another greedy sneaky Yankee now. But to be fair to you I must admit that we have our share of bull___ing bloggers and crooked politicians in the Maritimes as well One of them is a Frenchie named Charlie Leblanc and another named Bernie Lord. Please allow me to introduce them and some of their cohorts to you. Their emails are wittin and his Blog and yours is below. How dare you bastards imply that I am a one percenter in order to promote yourselves. This is obvious Bull__ supported by Charlie Leblanc for his old buddy the malevolent Sergreant at Arms Danny Boy Bussieres were talking two years ago. Now that he has lost his trusted staus he files a human rights compalint after he laughed at my false imprisonment in a Yankee jail? Original article is at Print comments. IS ELVY ROBICHAID SEEING THE LIGHT???? by Charles LeBlanc Friday, Jun. 25, 2004 at 10:56 AM Fredericton updates from Charles I got a few late stories that I want to bring up. They had a protest at the Legislature on Wednesday and I would say about 400 people showed up. I made my own little investigation in the crowd and I soon found out that many people from the Northern Part of the Province knew about my protest. These Acadians read about my protest in L'Acadie Nouvelle! A few weeks earlier, I found out that the English Population from the Miramichi area didn't know about my fight so this shows me that it's so important to have the media covering your issues. During the protest, I felt like I was in a police state. There were cops are over the place. I approached three of them and said - My God? We need violence, bricks going through windows, people being shot and tear gas!!! This is the only way that the Government will listen. One cop said - If I have to use my gun? I know exactly where my first bullet is going to go!! Pretty

scarylol. Speaking of violence? That guy from the Sackville area who went to Toronto with his vehicle full of guns! Very scary Stuff!!! What did I tell you people in the past? Someone is going to crack up one of these days and I know for a fact the area targeted is going to be the Legislature. There's always undercovers cops around but only when the House is in session. As God as my witness I hope nothing happens but it's just a matter of time till someone is push over the edge. I guess a guy name David Amos was shown the door yesterday at the Legislature. This guy is running as an Independent candidate in the riding of Fundy Royal. I met the guy over the net and he has a beef with our political bureaucrats. I admire people fighting for what they believe in but you can't get carried away. I guess in this case? He wanted to speak from the Gallery and that's a big faux pas! # posted by Anonymous : 12:04 AM After Stevey Boy Harper gets sworn in I will call Washington to see if Spectre got the wiretap tapes and then start forwarding this email everywhere. In an ethical effort to impeach Bush and his lapdog Harper myself. What did Lamrock, Burke, Murphy, McGuinley and you think of the copy of # 139? Scared the shit out of you EH? Whereas you little local liberal lawyers would not help me unseat Premier Lord and stop Stevey Boy Harper in h9s tracks i will through in the same lawsuits with him. It is hard to get good help these days. The word integrity does not fit in the job discription of a lawyer or a Parliamentian. EH? The fact that Emerson just crossed the floor and the Dastardly Dave Dingwall story broke yesterday kinda sends your wicked little party down the tubes EH? From my point of view it looks good on you dudes. Say Hey to Franky Boy McKenna for me will ya? I hope to argue you all very soon in court. Veritas Vincit David Raymond Amos

FEDERAL EXPRESS February 7, 2006 Senator Arlen Specter United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary

224 Dirksen Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510 Dear Mr. Specter: I have been asked to forward the enclosed tapes to you from a man named, David Amos, a Canadian citizen, in connection with the matters raised in the attached letter. Mr. Amos has represented to me that these are illegal FBI wiretap tapes. I believe Mr. Amos has been in contact with you about this previously. Very truly yours, Barry A. Bachrach Direct telephone: (508) 926-3403 Direct facsimile: (508) 929-3003

David Amos wrote To Whom it may concern I know Petey Baby MacKay don't love me so there is no sense in wasting my dime calling him. Hell he has refused to answer my letters or call me back even after Belinda Baby dumped him, so I do not expect him to do the right thing as Minister of Foreign Affairs other than to accept nasty little Franky Boy McKenna's resignation ASAP. Tell me is Franky Boy entitled to severance pay like his fellow Malawyer ritime buddy Dingwall is? Whereas the liberals Wayne Easter and Landslide Annie refused to protect my dumb arse over the years in their capacity as Solicitor General/Minister of Public Safety. I guess I should be fair and allow it Mr. Day's to try to act ethically on my behalf for a day or so, before I sue the Crown. EH? Rest assured that I ain't holding my breath waiting for Mr. Day to call me back. Like many of the rest of you Stockwell Day has known of my troubles ever since Harper was elected as his latest boss in 2004 when he sat in the 37th Parliament In the meantime in answer to Andrew Kyrstal's very dumb question on the radio just now.,methinks I should inform the NHL dudes that are being prosecuted by corrupt Yankees how I can help them.I know Andrew Kystral and all the Rogers dudes never will. What the New Jersey Dudes are up to right now is merely a case of the big bad pot calling a minor little kettle black to me and Andrew Kyrtal knows it too. Just like the Lord Conrad Black versus FitzGerald matter in Chicago everybody is trying to play dumb and it was to funny that Peter C. Newman apologized after I sent his lawyers some of my stuff.. Tell me something honestly if any you can find it in your soul to do so. Do you really think that the Conservatives thought that I didn't notice that Mulroney's right hand man Dereck Burney set up your Cabinet or that Michael Fortier was not a partner in his law firm? Veritas Vincit David Raymond Amos # posted by Anonymous : 12:12 AM

As a little reward Frenchie Here is the reason Franky Boy McKenna, Allan Rock, John Manley, and Brian Tobin will not run for leader of the liberal party. Call them and ask them or the FBI to sse if they wish to call me a liar. Better yet call the Yankee Senators Arlen Spevter or Russ Feingold. Nitey night Chucky. The clock clicked past midnight and the blog has not turned into a pumpkin yet. I am impressed with your your Newfound sense of integrity but quit the wise cracks and try to say something about this crap I have posted that really matters. Will ya? A polite argument in public in front of many witnesses would be nice. May 11th, 2005 Ambassador: H.E. Mr. Allan Rock One Dag Hammarskjold Plaza 885 Second Avenue , 14th Floor New York , NY 10017 Ambassador Franky McKenna Canadian Embassy 501 Pennsylvania Ave., NW Washington, DC 20001 Assistant Director Louis M. Reigel III Federal Bureau of Investigation J. Edgar Hoover Building 935 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, D.C. 20535-0001 Special Agent David Price FBI Minneapolis Suite 1100 111 Washington Avenue, South Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401-2176 RE: Rampant Public Corruption in Canada and the USA Hey, Now that Paul Martin has finally set the date for his confidence vote, methinks its time to pack my bags and head for home. I must raise some serious political hell in the Maritimes before the Commonwealth of Massachusetts does its worst to bankrupt my wife and put my kids on the street before I can expose the rampant public corruption. This is also a very good day to prove within the USA that we are well aware of each other and of my concerns and allegations in order to stress test the integrity of the US Mail. It and the Canada Post have failed me big time in recent years particularly just before the Yankees falsely imprisoned me last year for the benefit of George W. Bush, John Kerry and Paul Martin to name a few. I have no doubt whatsoever each of you dudes know more about me than I do about you. However that does not mean that I have not studied each of you a lot more than the ordinary layman. Just so we are clear, I have no respect for any of you. I know that all of you are as crooked as Chief Mearn, his cops and the lawyers who are coming into our home tomorrow without a warrant. This mail should prove your

malice and willingness to support crime and public corruption. Pursuant to my many emails, phone calls and faxes etc., you will find enclosed as promised exactly the same material I served upon the Solicitor Generals Teddy Olson and landslide Annie McLellan last year before I ran for Parliament last year. The CD of the copy of wiretap tape # 139 is served upon you as officers of the court and FBI Agents in order that it may be properly investigated. Franky got this stuff and more last year. The FBI got even more the year before. Perhaps they should go find the original tapes that the Suffolk County District Attorney and Special Agent in Charge Ken Kaiser have been playing dumb about for far too long. This material was good enough to impeach George W. Bush last year and cause many people to quit or lose their jobs. It is every bit as valuable today and you all know it. Ask the many people whose names can be found within these documents or Franky Boy or Claude Richer, Allan Rock's lawyer buddy in the RCMP about this stuff before you call me a liar. As you all know I am out of jail on bail pending my upcoming criminal trial in front of a jury of my peers. I have the right to remain silent in the USA. I will employ different rights in Canada and say a lot. What I choose to say while stumping for a seat in Parliament in Canada is of my concern not yours. If you dudes do your jobs here and I act ethically and legally up home with luck the world will be far better off in short order. I have already checked the rules with the people working for Elections Canada. We agree it is perfectly legal for an innocent man to run for Parliament while being prosecuted with false charges in the wrong jurisdiction and venue in the USA. Everybody knows I can secure my personal freedom quicker in a political forum in Canada rather than argue crooked judges in the USA. They have already imprisoned me on bull**** charges without even reading me my rights or telling me why I was in jail. The crooks are not going to have a sudden fit of ethical behavior now without it becoming a matter of political will. We all know it is high time for a change, the sooner the better for the Maritimes as well as the rest of the world. What better politician to argue with than a right wing lawyer named Rob Moore? As you all no doubt know I have been talking to many people within the UN and have sent many much of my stuff. You all must have laughed as hard as I did when the Cubans were afraid to talk about my stuff. I must agree with George Bush about one thing. The UN is certainly in need of an overhaul. Yet we all know that nasty dudes like Maurice Strong's buddy, Paul A. Volcker, the Former North American Chairman of the Trilateral Commission and Karl Rove's puppet, John Bolton are just going to make matters worse. The same holds true with the turncoat Robert C. Pozen. He now offers advice to Bush on how to fix Social Security simply because I sent him running for cover with my Putnam Investment concerns and the malevolent media control of Global Corporations. Feel free to argue me or act ethically. You choose. I don't care. Franky Boy knows he is way past too late. I am just rubbing his nose it before I talk a lot about him and his failure to uphold the public trust in our old stomping grounds up home. I can't help but wonder how he explained his "Harper is a lapdog for Bush" dogma to Karl Rove and his nasty cohorts. I suspect it was an allowed comment from an insider of the Carlyle Group. Don't you? We all know Stephen Harper would never fit in that group. He is as dumb as a post. All of his successes playing at politicking have just been a matter of luck and playing on the PC and Liberal scandals. Harper is kinda scary to me. He has a truly awful agenda in store for all Canadians like evil old T. Alex Hickman and Johnny Crosbie did for our Newfys. Sometimes less is more. So in conclusion I will just quote former Inspector General of the DHS Clark Kent Irwin and simply say it would have benefited all if he had taken his own advice way back in November of 2003 when he had an important job. POGO: "Any advice for your fellow public servants?"

Irwin: "Well, just do your job and let the political chips fall where they may. Unless you're willing to do that, it seems to me you shouldn't take the job in the first place." What say you? Cya'll in Court:) David R. Amos 153 Alvin Ave. Milton MA. 02186 They got their mail now. Check for yourself

USPS Track & Confirm Current Status You entered 0302 1790 0001 6045 6592 We attempted to deliver your item at 6:58 am on May 14, 2005 in MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55401 and a notice was left. It can be redelivered or picked up at the Post Office. If the item is unclaimed, it will be returned to the sender. Information, if available, is updated every evening. Please check again later. Here is what happened earlier: ACCEPTANCE, May 12, 2005, 9:30 am, QUINCY, MA 02169 Current Status You entered 0302 1790 0001 6045 6608 We attempted to deliver your item at 8:04 am on May 14, 2005 in NEW YORK, NY 10017 and a notice was left. It can be redelivered or picked up at the Post Office. If the item is unclaimed, it will be returned to the sender. Information, if available, is updated every evening. Please check again later. Here is what happened earlier: ACCEPTANCE, May 12, 2005, 9:32 am, QUINCY, MA 02169 Current Status You entered 0302 1790 0001 6045 6615 We attempted to deliver your item at 4:03 am on May 14, 2005 in WASHINGTON, DC 20535 and a notice was left. It can be redelivered or picked up at the Post Office. If the item is unclaimed, it will be returned to the sender. Information, if available, is updated every evening. Please check again later.

Here is what happened earlier: ARRIVAL AT UNIT, May 14, 2005, 4:01 am, WASHINGTON, DC 20022 ACCEPTANCE, May 12, 2005, 9:31 am, QUINCY, MA 02169 Current Status You entered 0302 1790 0001 6045 6707 Your item was accepted at 9:32 am on May 12, 2005 in QUINCY, MA 02169. Information, if available, is updated every evening. Please check again later # posted by Anonymous : 12:21 AM So charlie what papers did he ask you to deliver to brad Green? And why didn't you complete the task? # posted by Anonymous : 9:26 AM Hey David Amos you complain about Chucky's pictures. He posts many pictures of himself so you fall in love with him. He really likes you. Chucky really needs you. # posted by Anonymous : 9:58 AM I am impressed with Chucky's newfound sense of ethics the blog still stands this morning. If anyone would like to view the material and listen to a copy of a wiretap tape that Chucky and his buddy Vaughn are so afraid of all they have to do is call me and meet me in public somewhere before I leave Fredericton. I am sitting in town right now and trying to write my first complaint to file in Federal Court ASAP. Here is my cell number again 506 434 1379 Veritas Vincit David Raymond Amos # posted by Anonymous : 10:44 AM Methinks Mr Amos is a wacko # posted by Anonymous : 12:22 PM Mr. Amos is in good company with Charlie though. They will get along fine. They seem to have a lot in common. # posted by Anonymous : 12:39 PM Methinks too but Mr. Amos is in good company with Charlie though. They will get along fine. They seem to have a lot in common. # posted by Anonymous : 12:39 PM Oh ye critics with no names why not pick up the phone tomorrow and call your Ombudsman and Chucky's buddy Bernie Richard mention my name and ask him whether or not he received this email on August 11th, 2004 at 3.11 pm two weeks before he met my family in his office. Then if

you grow up and get a name and an emaiul address watch me prove to you I am no friend of Charles Leblanc

Hey Bernard Thanks for your response though. I didn't believe you on the phone the instant that you tried to make an issue about not receiving the email to Wayne Steeves. I figured that you were covering for Brad Green because that would mean that you knew the CISNB was involved. I laughed when you repeated it in the email. Do you think me dumb?The Fredericton PD guard the legislature correct? Ask Sgt. Kelly or Chief Carlisle if they had jurisdiction over me when they threw me out. The Crown always has jurisdiction over a Canadian citizen particularly when he is on native soil. I figured out it was Dan that threw mw out. He should have taken the stuff in the yard just as soon as he affirmed that he and the cops had jurisdiction over me as he ordered me away from the legislative building. They did watch me go into 710 Queen St to serve TJ Burke and come out without the stuff. They know I did it. Over Two hundred people watched me serve Leroy.Armstrong once he stuck his nose in my affairs. Anne McLellan and Brad Green both suggested that I give this stuff to cops that claim jurisdiction. Go argue Bruce Noble. .I don't need any luck Uncle Franky has been dead for two months even though no one has notified my wife I know it. Watch me turn the worm on the Secret Service, the FBI and the RCMP There is no way you could have known about Connie Fogal without getting Wayne Steeves' email as well. He should have sent the CISNB out to do their job by now. Obviously that is not the case. Maybe Elizabeth Weir will have more luck making you understand. As for me I simply don't trust you. I will be calling you to court. We can argue about integrity and jurisdiction there. In the mean time perhaps you should go find Leroy Armstrong or T J Burke or Brad Green or Premier Lord or Bruce Noble and ask to see the documents and the copy of the wiretape tape I sent them before I compel you to argue about them with me. There is another fella running around Fredericton with the same stuff. His name is Vaughn Barnett. If the politicians won't talk to you, maybe he will. his number is 457-4559 But he is likely out in the front yard protesting something. I don't trust him either because he and Charles Leblanc are buddies and I know he is a liar. Cya'll in Court David R. Amos # posted by Anonymous : 1:21 PM I still can't understand what this guy is trying to say. His posts/letters or whatever are WAYYYYYY too long! I still have no idea what his beef is or who it's with. # posted by Anonymous : 2:52 PM I sent the email I promised I would to Chucky and many of his buddies. I will forward it on to anyone else. All you have to do is ask. Again my email address motomaniac_02186 (at) Veritas Vincit David Raymond Amos # posted by Anonymous : 2:59 PM

My beef is what all politicians talk about but do nothing about because they are the ones who practice it. In a nutshell it is called Public Corruption Get it? If not so be it. I have said enough for now. Dave # posted by Anonymous : 3:03 PM All I know is that David and Chucky make great friends. They are heavenly made couple. They think alike and behave alike. Only difference is that David rights a little better English when Chucky sucks. # posted by Anonymous : 3:27 PM rights??????? # posted by Charles LeBlanc : 4:03 PM Ok "writes" smart a**. # posted by Anonymous : 4:55 PM Charlie you've been leaving comments since someone above asked you what papers you were supposed to deliver to brad green for this guy? and #2 why didn't you complete the task? # posted by Anonymous : 6:03 PM Thanks for asking that question again but rest assured Chucky will never answer it? Dave # posted by Anonymous : 7:25 PM > HELL ANGELS FROM MONTREAL LOOKING FOR CHARLES > LEBLANC???? > by Charles LeBlanc Saturday, Jun. 12, 2004 at 11:26 > AM > Fredericton > Thursday morning, I showed up at the Legislature to > use the computer at the Library. > I was told by security that two rough looking > individuals walked through the doors and asked for a > Charles Leblanc? > They described the guys as rough looking and one of > them had a long gray beard with a leather jacket! > At first, I believe it was the Hell Angels coming > down from Montreal for a hit on Charles. > Hours later, I seen my bigot buddy Matthew Glenn and > he was in front of the Legislature with his > blowhorn. > For you people who don't know the bigot? He's the > one who started the Anglo Society. I seen him

> preaching to three young kids and of course I butt > in and said - Hey Bigot??? Why don't you bigot go > home? > Minutes later, we were approached by two guys and > they asked politely Where can we locate a Charles > LeBlanc??? > In a matter of seconds, the bigot quickly pointed at > me. > I said to myself - Ohhh?? Thanks a lot Bigot!!! > At the end? It was a guy named David Amos and I > guess that he's running at an independent in the > riding of Fundy Royal. The guy have been living in > the area of Boston and he's been following my > updates on the internet. I'm telling you that the > information highway is a great way to spread the > message to the rest of the world! > We talked for around 30 minutes and it was nice to > see the bigot, me and David Amos together debating > our own little concern issue. We all have our own > issues and it's too bad that we cannot unite and > fight but that's the way Canadians do things. > They remind silent until the Government really > pissed them all and go out and vote the party in > power out of office # posted by Anonymous : 7:40 PM From: charles leblanc Subject: Re: This is David Amos To: moto maniac I don't know what you're talking about but I gace your info to Vaughn...Maybe he can explain to me what your papers are all

--- moto maniac wrote: > Hey Charles > I just found out a simple truth about you. You > are a liar. Not only did you not give my stuff to > Brad Green as you promised. You did not give it to > the man from Minto that you enjoy calling a bigot. I > just had a little talk with him and he affrimed what > I had suspected about you and denied receiving the > documents etc. from you as you claimed. > Perhaps you should get honest and give the

> stuff to Vaughn Barnett. (I just called him 506 > 457-4559 and left him a message to assure him that I > am sincere and this is not spam I have not been to > Fredericton lately but I plan to come soon if you > don't give him the documents and CD I will) I am > certain he will understand them and know what to do > with them. Rest assured that I will tell him you > have them. (In fact I just did didn't I) You can > explain your own actions to your friends. I > understand you well enough already. > I always suspected that you were all about > Charles LeBlanc and in the self promotion game. But > I thought you may at least be ethical. Turns out you > are just a liar and a chickenshit like all the rest. > By the way I did figure out who threw me out of the > legislature it was a french fella by the name of > Dan. I have no idea why he would claim that his name > was Jean Claude but it does explain to me why he did > not show me his ID. I ain't no Hells Angel as you > and the fellas in the legislature like to claim that > I am. However I am a plenty pissed off boy from > Dorchester who just had another French asshole show > me his ass. Ask me why I am not surprised? Don't you > think I asked around about you? Never forget you > were raised just up the road from me. I told you > that out of the gate when I first called you from > Boston. Remember? That should have been a little > clue to you. You should have done the same before > slandering me and adding to the offense by proving > to me that you are a liar. I > gave you the benefit of my doubt but you proved for > me once more first impressions are seldom wrong. I > have now thrown you in the same boat with your > frienf the Sergeant at Arms(Even that has acquired a > french spelling for an English Queen) I don't hate > french folks but I do find french bullshit very > contemptable. I have many Cajun friends that share > the same opinion about french Canadians. In fact I > was the first Canadian that a lot of them ever met > that they actually saw eye to eye with. We quickly > put the english/french stuff in the proper corner > and went on with our pursuit of happiness We just > laughed at your snotty attitudes about culture. > everybody knows it ain't about that at all. It is > about money and power as usual. Wave all the flags > you want, you can't fool me. I am too stupid. What

> you and all my other fellow maritmers seem to be > overlooking is that while we can't see the forest > for the trees because of our petty squabbles, the > evil Global dudes have been raping our > forest primeval. They playing us like a fiddle > while you dance their jig out of your own self > interest. Do you want a job in the media or do you > wish to be like Michael Moore and become famous > byway of notoriety? Do you really think anyone in > the media owned by the rich and powerful takes you > seriously? Can anyone take you seriously once they > find you to be a liar? At least I do what I say and > say what I mean. What say you now Chucky Baby? > Better yet wait until I turn up and say it to me in > front of your friends. Premier Lord know I love to > argue with Frenchmen we can talk about it on his > front lawn. You buddy Dan and the CISNB can listen > in. > The following are your words about me. I find > that you are so full of yourself it is ridculous > particularly in light of the fact that I consider > you to be full of shit. Watch how easily I prove > that fact about you the next time I am in > Fredericton. Which maybe sooner that you think. Rest > arrured I will be telling your friends what I think > of you. Feel free to argue with me. It should prove > interesting to see who they believe. > David R. > Amos > 506 > 434-1379 # posted by Anonymous : 7:44 PM Vaughn did you get my material as Leblanc claims? You are the third guy he says he gave it to. If not I know I will be the last. I have had enough of him and his funny ways at my expense. He whined and complained that he had no computer so I gave him one. But he failed to even say Thanks. Now the liar wants people to buy him a Bull Horn so he can bother more people with his Bullshit. Well Fredericton has already met a real legal and social activist and i did it all without a whisper or any press coverage. Soon Ottawa will receive the same stuff and much much more before I return to the USA to argue the bastards pulling the strings up here in our old houses. The folks working there seem to care more what language the liars are speaking in rather than what they are actually saying. Charles LeBlanc spoke with a forked tongue when he claimed his Scottish heritage. He made my blood boil and my ancestors bones rattle when he went on and on about his roots. First the frenchy wants his flag on the government houses then he wants to wave it wearing our kilts? I am of the Keith Clan and founded my own. My ancestors were fine and noble warriors. Read their motto on the beer bottle Chucky and tell me if you believe it or not.

Rest assured I do. Neither my Septs nor I would accept such a man as Charles Leblanc as a trusted friend. # posted by Anonymous : 7:45 PM David, Yes, Charles gave me the material - although I must admit that I was not able to make much sense of it. Because of that, and because it appears to be out of my area of expertise, I doubt that I can help you very much. Also, unfortunately, your clash with Charles, and your low opinion of him (which I feel is unwarranted) has created a conflict of interests, as Charles is a friend of mine and a fellow activist. Since I doubt I can assist you much anyway, perhaps that doesn't matter. In any event, good luck with your cause. Vaughn # posted by Anonymous : 7:47 PM Chucky finally met his match in David Amos. Chucky deserves it. He messes with good people. Someone is speaking out. # posted by Anonymous : 8:09 PM I must admit that you have lots of guts to condenm me in my blog site. Anyway? I tried to read those papers and I can honestly say that I don't uderstand what your battle is all about? I never told you that I would give those papers to any MLA's. Why the hell do I want to be involded in your issues anyway. I got enough on my own plate. got a little blog because a good supporter of this blog asked me to let you post your views. Don't blow it!!!! Is you wish to smear and used bad words? I'll delete the whole blog. Try to be nice. Not too many websites allowso you to post your views so be nice in here..... Watch the not??? Well? Why don't you start a new blog???? Is easy to do..... I really don't understand your point of view. All the activists are trying to bring important issues to the public and you wish to condenm the

same people. Why burn all those bridges? Oh well c'est la vie..... # posted by Charles LeBlanc : 8:46 PM Lets get this straight Chucky so there is no misunderstanding. You only allowed my words to stand this time around because other people read them and asked you to? Hmmm some ethics EH? As for guts not only is my belly bigger than you my balls are as big as basketballs compared to yours. I ain't afraid of Count Peter Hans Klovenbach so why would I be afraid of you? You and your wannbe lawyer friend know full well I have been trying to impeach George W. Bush byway of the courts since 2002. Long before that nonsense in Iraq began. You hate me because if you had even glanced at the papers you just confessed you read then you know I sued Cardinal Law and caused him to quit his job on Dec 13th, 2002. It had nothing to do with child abuse like the media claims. It was merely filthy lucre that is all. Well my wife's cousin the exbanker turned priest Robert T. Kickham is still around around and cooking the books for the brand new Cardinal in Beantown. You know the dude in named O'Malley. Furthmore Chucky you offer no argument to anything I state other than lie about not promising to serve Brad Green or falsely claiming that the computer I gave you was no good? The best you can is make jokes or critize my choice of words whilst I point out your serious lack of integrity? In my law books it is not illegal to have poor manners or use the words I have employed thus far(as of yet anyway) I believe it falls under something that can be found in the Charter However to slander someone and tell ouright lies about them for one's own gain is more than offensive. I have been falsely imprisoned because of the perjury of people like you who choose to support public corruption for their own gain. Methinks I should seek relief in court in fredericton particularly when I can prove it. Furthermore you know you have told several lies within the very blog. I will wager if I posted something that you can never refute this blog will evporate immediately. Perhaps I should seal its fate and let your friends wonder why you erased me so quickly after I busted you in front of everybody. Never fear though I saved this blog in its entirety already. However you really should check you email and press print on the tif file that I just sent you and yoy hard copy of the proof that I keep wonderful records. Some of your buddies and adversaries may be reading it already. At the end of the day you may realize that I just may turn out to be the honest man that you ever met. # posted by Anonymous : 9:11 PM I give up....I'm just going to continue bloggling away.....Bonne Chance... # posted by Charles LeBlanc : 9:27 PM

Don't you think you should hire a lawyer too? That last email was hell in a hand basket wasn't it? Why not call Cleveland Allaby (your know Tanker's lawyer) he hates both Bernie Lord and me but he won't demand any sort of apology from me. Hell he won't even whisper my name. Just maybe Cleveland Allaby will help Vaughn and you to understand my material and then ask you two dudes why you didn't call the RCMP years ago. Yea I know I am pipe dreaming. Honest cops and lawyers don't exist. That is pure Hollywood all the way and a long long way from the Maritimes EH? Ask my Newfy buddy Byron Prior how bad things really are around here. I Double Dog Dare Ya too Chucky. Que Sera Sera and Cya'll in Court David Raymond Amos # posted by Anonymous : 9:42 PM Chucky giving advice to David Amos to not burn bridges? That is funny. Chucky is good at burning bridges himself. He has no bridge left to burn. How can give advice to others to not do the same. # posted by Anonymous : 8:04 AM Subject: Fwd: Sue me Eddy Baby I double Dog Dare Ya I telling Lord Black on you

Everybody loves a mystery. A lot of folks were no doubt wondering why the big talking old fart named Petey Newman apologized to Lord Conrad Black not long after he and Mikey Levine laughed off his lawsuit at the big party in Toronto. Didn't it seem strange to anyone that the Tory's law firm wrote the crooked old Lord a fat cheque as well? It seems that the Torys, a dude named Mr. Moate, Levine, Greenspan, Newman and I may be the only ones to know the true reason why and I am the only one who will tell the tale. Here is your clue see if you can figure it out. I know of two Maritimers who will never have a hope in hell of figuring it out because they do not have two clues between them and if the did they would not know what to do with them. One dude everybody calls Tanker and the other I call Frenchie. They know who they are do you Veritas Vincit David Raymond Amos # posted by Anonymous : 11:02 AM Date: Fri, 6 Jan 2006 06:36:11 -0800 (PST) From: David Amos To: Eddy Greenspan Subject: Sue me Eddy Baby I double Dog Dare Ya I telling Lord Black on you Say hey to your buddies the old fart Peter C. Newman and and the corrupt Yankee FitzGerald for me will ya? "Edward L. Greenspan, Q.C." wrote: Subject: RE: Since Susan Prosnitz and her boss Fynn would not answer Hard Copy Date: Fri, 6 Jan 2006 08:10:13 -0500

From: "Edward L. Greenspan, Q.C." To: "David Amos" Please delete my name from your emails Greenspan, White 144 King Street East Toronto, Ontario M5C 1G8 Tel: 416-366-3961 Fax: 416-366-7994 # posted by Anonymous : 11:11 AM Subject: RE: Sue me Eddy Baby I double Dog Dare Ya I telling Lord Black on you "Cleveland J. Allaby" wrote: Please do not email, write, copy or send anything to me in the future. # posted by Anonymous : 11:14 AM Bingo You Mr. Cleveland Allaby win the cake baked by Bernie Lord. Cya'll in Court . Thanks for finally responding to me. Your timing is perfect. One hour before or so before the 39th Parliament begins and just in time before I polish off my first complaint to file in Federal court in Fredericton. Was it done so quickly after I blogged my letter to you in Chucky LeBlanc's web page? Did the gossip about my blogging in his website reach you first thing this morning? In my book you are as dumb as the Frenchie is. Wise or dumb I will call you as a witness to testify in Federal Court before I get around to suing you. Perhaps your lawyer and I should talk now. Hostile or not you will make an important witness not only on because of your lawsuits concernining Native Aboriginal matters (Remember Barry Bachrach represents me in the USA right now) but more importantly because Bernie Lord paid you a lot of money years ago to study the Justice Dept. (Wasn't it 112,000 grand or so?) Obviously Cleveland you are no wiser than Eddy Greenspan. Clearly you think your status as a well known lawyer allows you not only to ignore and not uphold the law but break it if you wish. Should you have contacted the RCMP as soon as you listened the the CD I provided you with. Guess what I told them you got it already. My next calls are to the General Counsel of the SIRC and the old lawyer who represent the following folks. He has played dumb with me for way past to long. THE CANADIAN CIVIL LIBERTIES ASSOCIATION A. ALAN BOROVOY, GENERAL COUNSEL Suite 200, 394 Bloor Street West Toronto, Ontario M5S 1X4 phone: 416-363-0321 fax: 416-861-1291 Cleveland did you really think your email will scare me off? Look how fast I bounced it back and forwarded it to many others. When a man has been diligently attempting to impeach George

W. Bush for over three years despite the attacks from crooked Feds etc nothing scares him anymore. A threat of litigation coming from the email box of a lawyer into mine is like manna from heaven to me. Didn't I slam Eddy Greenspan the same way? Man you are dumb if you though that I would not do the same thing with you. You just proved for me that every body else got my email and hard copy too. you asgin the same question I asked you on February 23rd. Whois your god damned lawyer maybe I know him already. If not tell him he has a fool for a client. Will ya? Tell me honestly, Cleveland if you can find it in your your soul to do so. Why Didn't you sue Bernie Lord as you threatened to do particularly after you and I talked the day before I gave my material to your buddy Tom Young and the New Brunswick Securities Commission? I heard of no apology from him and I laughed when I saw Tanker being trundled down to the Speakers chair arm in arm with two crooks. I figured another backroom deal went down and Tanker needed a smarter lawyer because I had heard nothing from you and I made certain that you knew the score with Hard Copy of my material before that shit went down. Something definitely smells rotten in New Brunswick EH? Veritas Vincit David Raymond Amos The question still remains who is the April Fool and will Chucky evict me for Blogging? chucky leblanc wrote: You can add this note to all the millions of other notes but I feel that I have to send ya this note. We allowed you to have your own little blog. I believe it's a good way for you to spread your message. I'm still trying to figure out exactly what the message is??? Anyway, there's no need to condenm the people who are activists like Vaugh. I believe it attracts new visitors that search the names you mention. But once that blog is delete? It's too fini. I too had problems at the Legislature and it's in front of the Human Rights Commission. It takes time..... All I'm asking is that you try to be nice and don't

condenm people like Vaugh who an activist also. Just try to be nice..... Lets try to spread our message in a nice way! What do you think??? # posted by Anonymous : 11:20 AM What, specifically, are all these people being sued for? You rant and rave and nobody can make heads or tails out of what you are talking about. We know you ran for office. We know that you try to impeach Bush (and anybody who does that certainly gets good marks from me!) We know that for some reason they held you in jail? Is that correct? I'm assuming its under the new terrorism laws, since you say they wouldn't let you see evidence. That also is not surprising the way the US is functioning. But what are all the lawsuits about? There is something about wiretap evidence that for some reason you are sending to canadian politicians and lawyers..why is that? What exactly are all these law firms doing? If they are crooked, then specifically what evidence do you have? That lawyers are crooks also doesn't surprise most people, I"m mostly surprised we continue to elect so many of them. But if you could explain point by point what the grievances are against these people, then people may understand. Perhaps you don't care and just want to let off steam, that's fine too, that's what blogs are for. However, many people would like to know what you are suing these people for? # posted by Anonymous : 12:37 PM Good day to ye with no name. thanks for the question. Methinks by your questions you must be Vaughn.I stated the reason for my first lawsuit clearly live on CTV news to that Murphy character at suppertime just before I was allowed to debate Andy Scot in Oromocto. My first lawsuit will be to seek relief for the offense against my rights under the Charter because I was falsely imprisoned without being charged, held without bail and it was all done without even being read my rights. Then I was denied my right to a trial after met the Canadian Consulate in jailand came screaming out. I had tried to remove the matter to the proper jurisdiction and venue in order to prove the malicious prosecution to no avail. the bastarsds in the USA will never give a jury of my peers and Federal Court in Canada does not employ a jury. Thus I must make my issues well known locally before I file so that the Judges will not dismiss my complaints so easily as they have done in the past. Give me a call if you are not Vaughn and I will meet you show you the evidence. Veritas Vincit David Raymond Amos P.S. My next posting is quite a rant. I explain things in greater detail to say the least but my

manners are slipping fast. It will be the maximum stress test of Chucky's newfound sense of ethics. # posted by Anonymous : 1:17 PM So you are suing the canadian government for being held in jail in the US? Is that right, or were you held in Canada? How does that even work? Why go on a lengthy rant to 'test' Charles? Take a break if your manners are slipping. Having your messages deleted on the last place your story can be told hardly seems helpful. "Then I was denied my right to a trial after met the Canadian Consulate in jailand came screaming out" That makes no sense whatsoever. People don't need long rants, they need clarity. You are suing the canadian government because they refused to help you while in US custody, is that correct? # posted by Anonymous : 1:43 PM Bingo. Vaughn # posted by Anonymous : 1:57 PM Wouldn't it be funny if you are not Vaughn but actually Clevelans Allaby or Bras Green or Jeff Mockler or beter yet David Lutz or Vaughn's buddy Brucy Baby Noble. that can't be though because Vaughn must be Chucky's only legal minded friend # posted by Anonymous : 2:00 PM I am typing to fast because I am upt to something far more important right now involving J. Division. Mean old Zach's old stomping grounds. # posted by Anonymous : 2:03 PM You know what? I am am gonna take you advice and take a break from Chucky's little sideshow and go downtown to see what condition my condition is in Fredericton. I will be the ugly guy grinning and smoking a lot but not saying a damned think. From now on i want everything i say recorded. One must do such things when one sues the Crown. EH Vaughn? # posted by Anonymous : 2:09 PM Well, that makes some sense anyway. So how are these New Brunswick lawyers involved? Are you saying that none of them will represent you or what? You are sending them this wiretap evidence for what reason? If it's federal court why are you even in New Brunswick, all the lawyers in this province are idiots and irving lackeys. Why not go to Toronto where there are at least some civil liberties lawyers. The trouble is, I don't know of any legal grounds that 'forces' the canadian government to intervene in a foreign country's legal system. If somebody plants coke on you in columbia and you get caught, then plead with canada to help you out, you'll be out of luck.

Under the charter canadians have fewer rights than americans. Our 'terror laws' are the mirror image of the US's, but never even had moranda rights or anything ike that. In Canada, you are simply f&&&&& if you cross the state, as any native, environmentalist, protestor, or civil rights attorney will tell you. I don't know of a single case where somebody successfully sued, even David Milgaard was given a settlement since it was dragging out so long. Natives have tried suing for years. However, it's easy to talk from the outside. But if Ernst Zundel couldn't sue for being held for almost a decade with no charges against him in Canada, I don't see how far a lawsuit against Canada for not intervening in a foreign country will go. # posted by Anonymous : 2:15 PM Civil rights? Where do you think you ar?? Lok at th e blog. A woman can't panhandel to make life a little bettre. Boarding house residents can't do anything. This was a joke, but if that owner wanted to, he could toss Charles for just that reason. Hell, owners could show up at their apartments and tell them they want a blowjob, any body who said no would be told to get out. Welcome to New Brunswick. # posted by Anonymous : 2:53 PM I am back in more ways than one. It is half past quitting time and all the corrupt politicians are out getting drunk or laid or both. Tis time for bloggers to come out and play maybe with luck what the smiling bastards read in the morning will give a few of them a stroke and Lord can call some more snap by elections EH? "Welcome to New Brunswick?" Jeez I was born and raised here i have lived here for over forty years of my life. I am older than Chucky and lived just down the road from where he was brought up in Dorchester NB. I went to High School and UNB in Fredericton when most of the snots that are screwing us did. Why do you think I am so pissed off? You don't think I know the score. If someone claims that I am a Yankee again I think I may hunt them down. If because a man lives somewhere else for awhile makes him a man of that place then how come a Newfy is always a Newfy everywhere he goes. Here is a God's moment for Chucky: Wht did God tell the Newfys? Play dumb til I get back Will ya? that joke seems to hold true here to. since I left the room nothing further was said. How come. cat got you tongue chucky or could it be the emails I sent ya? Love and Kisses Dave # posted by Anonymous : 6:52 PM Can ya tell I am fishing? If you speak of the devil he is sure to appear particularly when you jerk his chain and piss him off. Dave again # posted by Anonymous : 6:55 PM

Nobody called you a yankee, but starting threatening people is sure to get you deleted, as well as guaranteeing no court in the country will give you the time of day except to prosecute. As was said, there is virtually zero chance of suing the government for your claim. At least Charles is being constructive and taking it to the human rights people and doing his part to get more rights for new brunswickers. But good luck getting to court. # posted by Anonymous : 7:25 PM I see that you are watching Vaughn. Spoken just like a lawyer you wish to be. "Hunt you down" is an expression. But it brought you out of the woods didn't it. Perhaps you should read your next email real slow. Before I go I must ask you are you trying to intimadate me by making false allegations against me? Love and Kisses Dave (hows that for nice Chucky?) # posted by Anonymous : 7:34 PM "As was said, there is virtually zero chance of suing the government for your claim." Hmm maybe I will ask Vaughn under oath in court someday why he has formed that opinion of my pending lawsuit. Clearly he knows more of my matters than what I or Chucky have given him. I am still human don't you know. Fredericton does not have the only courts in this old World. I except them crooked judges here to try hard to dismiss my matters. Why to you think I am raising hell first. If anyone should understand what I am up to it is an actvist. Love and Kisses Dave # posted by Anonymous : 7:48 PM You certainly ain't Bruce Noble because he represents the Fredericton PD if you choose to send them to hassle me. He already know I have a few bones to pick with him in court. I would welcome more false charges. Here is the obvious question. Are you Chucky's buddy Vaughn or are you not? If not who are you? Love and Kisses Dave # posted by Anonymous : 7:53 PM Thirty minutes have passed and still no comment. Come on now the email was not all that long Vaughn. Love and Kisses Dave # posted by Anonymous : 8:02 PM I have noticed that Chucky hit counter has picked up a little speed. His count is starting to appraoch Byron Prior's website. Here it is if anybody cares. I know I do. Byron is human too and he has been far more offended than Chucky ever was.

I was bored waiting and check to see if it clicked over a big milestone for him. 80 grand was how many viewers he had when the MP Billy Matthews intmadted him into taking it down. Chucky is appraoching that number for the first time. this is Byron second kick at the can of worms of injustice. Love and Kisses Dave # posted by Anonymous : 8:10 PM Tick tick tick Methinks when the count get to 100 I will evict myself before I get the bum's rush. It is getting kinda boring here anyway. I wil just safe the posts and go about my evening knowing nobody will miss me here. Hell I was even being kinda sorta nice:) Love and Kisses Dave # posted by Anonymous : 8:16 PM Your silence is deafening Vaughn i must be coorect at you or are you to busy trying to revive Chucky with mouth to mouth. Did I give you two too much information in the last email and it overloaded you little minds? What gives Chuckys other blogs barely have any comments at all he can't be that busy. I will leave the comment after 99 for Chucky to fill in or delete. He always likes to have the last word. EH? I will post this look for a comment and then be gone to leave you to wonder when and where we will cross paths again. Love and Kisses Dave # posted by Anonymous : 8:38 PM Now I don't even make sense to myself. I will consider myself evicted and save the blog in its entirety to argue about later. Cya'll in court or in Hell. C'est la meme chose n'est pas? Bon nuit ma petite chou chous. (Aren't I nice) Veritias Vincit (check the Keiths beer bottle) David Raymond Amos # posted by Anonymous : 8:48 PM I don't know who Vaughn is, I was interested in the story because I couldn't decide whether you were crazy or just very angry. I still don't know. I know there are constructive uses for anger, Charles has accomplished quite a bit with his. I'd

hate to see ANYBODY spend all that time and energy in a fruitless cause such as trying to sue the government. The mention of being an 'activist' was heartening. Charles has been an activist and he and Tim Smith have almost single handedly got the rights of tenants on the map, and soon an injustice there 'may' be rectified, one that is a hundred years overdue. Yet he and Tim accomplished it in less than two months, albeit with the help of a byelection. Being imprisoned in the states is no crime in my book, their entire federal system is an illegal entity. Manlin Chee has been a public defender for over twenty years, won many awards, and now sits in jail because she sat on a panel that argued against the patriot act. While Canada isn't MUCH better, it is SOME better. But like I said, the courts will give no recourse, as the courts have clearly stated that Canada's own terrorist act does not infringe on civil liberties. Anybody who thinks highly of civil liberties in Canada just needs to remember Oka, or Quebec, where thousands of french were rounded up without charge just so Trudeau could pretend to be macho.

There are lots of organizations that are attacking these things, and personally I think its a shame that those who have virtually identical claims against the government can't seem to get along. If there were a dozen Charles Leblanc's in the province we could literally turn the province upside down. YOu seem to have the passion, but maybe a little too much, as often you are incomprehensible. That's unfortunate because those who are victims of the aggression of the state are those whose stories most deserve to be heard. Just a recommendation, but when you mentioned all those lawyers then you definitely got my interest. These guys work in a shroud of secrecy and somebody with the guts to air their dirty laundry would definitely accomplish more good with political activism than with lawsuits. Courts were designed to put undesirables in jail, not mete out justice. Hell, New Brunswick doesn't even allow class action lawsuits! I don't always agree with Charles, and often his views and how he states them make me cringe, but I'm glad that he does what he does, and NB is a province that NEEDS more 'activism'. I'd just suggest doing it in a way that's guaranteed to get the most results. But that's just my opinion-not Vaughns. # posted by Anonymous : 10:50 PM What planet in cyber space are you from oh yet with noname who claims not to be Vaughn? The first thing you should do when you touch down on mother earth is get a name. Then learn to read BEFORE you write. I ain't no god damned activist. GET IT? However I am a very fierce political animal. GET IT? I am just a very pissed off Maritimer with way bigger balls than you. Some activist you are with only half a mind to say something like this to me. Go to jail sometime in Yankee Doodleland and then come back home and tell me that crap again. "Being imprisoned in the states is no crime in my book,"

After you figure out the nonsense that you just wrote in support of a liar. Why not get an email account and a telephone too and learn how to use them BEFORE you attack a man who understands more about what you are yapping about than you could ever dream. I have no doubt that you are clever and you may be well on your way to being just another lawyer but you cannot learn to be ethical in any law school. You must be born with the genes. It seems that you and Chucky are a couple bricks shy of that load. On the other hand in reading some of your words about what Chucky has done I think you may be the political science student at the homeless shelter that the lady that was on Tom Young's show spoke of when I called her afterwards. Either way I don't care. i don't want to know you. Ask you buddy Chucky sometime to share his emails from me with you if you are truly are not his buddy Vaughn. Better yet go on a mission with your mouse and go through Chuckys many blogs and figure out who he is for yourself. Then ask Vaughn if you can view the hard copy of the material he admited having BEFORE I was falsely imprisoned in 2004. Activists have a lot to learn about listening to folks before there is trouble. It seems they allow things to happen just so they can protest about it later. I was challenging the FBI etc and arguing crooked US Attorneys about other matters in Federal Court in Boston months before that nonsense in Iraq began. whereas you seem to have a love of lucre Vaughn should tell ya that in two matters I was awarded judgements by default for 32 million bucks and I laughed and told them to shove it up their arse because the judgement came from the wrong court. It is all about jurisdiction venue and justice. I cannot demand integrity of others without proving my own first. When the crooked lawyers filed motions to remove the defaults and file their answers late I did not oppose them. It so shocked the hell out of the Yankee bastards they were not long sending the Secret Service to try to take a man away who would rather argue the awful truth than take a pay off. In my book false imprisonment is definite illegal and when I look at your writing and Chuckys I cannot forget what I was taught. There are NO degrees of honesty either you are or your are NOT. Go kiss Chucky good night. Will ya? I have had enough of both of you oh ye who may be Vaughn. I so not feel sorry that I do not believe you.(Damned for a little Damned for at lot) Veritas Vincit David Raymond Amos # posted by Anonymous : 11:57 PM One last ting before I sign off that I forgot to say. Yankee lawyers swear an oath before the Bar before they are allowed to practice law for a fee. Part of it goes something like this. "I will not delay or deny any man for lucre or malice" the politicians and lawyers I am arguing ignore their oath for lucre which far easier to understand than the malice you and Chucky wish against me. i tried to help Chucky and even gave him a computer because he whined that he did not have one. The only thing I asked in return was for him to go to Brad Green's office and give him a pile of documents and one CD in an unsealed envelope so that every one could see that there was nothing harmful inside.The liar claimed many things and slammed me six ways to Sunday while blocking my protests. I was getting even on April fools and draging him into a place where most lawyer fear to go. An ethical argument in public view. Like Tom Young on the radio he keep threatening to press the delete button when things were not going his way. Charles Leblanc is all about Charles LeBlanc no less no more. Veritas Vincit # posted by Anonymous : 12:13 AM

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