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Hi, my name is Henry Lau. I'm a loner, don't have a friends and parents.

My parents died because of some yakuzas were killed them when i was a kid. So, starting on that day, i hate yakuzas. In my school, i don't have a friend. Some peoples were always bullying me. But my life turns out when I met Him.... I went to school as always, alone. I saw some peoples were laughing at me. Suddenly someone kick my feet, making me lost my balance and fell down, I heard his friends laughing at me. "Yah! Take that ugly nerd!" Someone shouted and kicked my glasses out of my sight. I just kept silent and searched for my glasses. "Hey! Are you listen to me NERD!" That man said while using his feet to touch my face. "No." I said coldly. I noticed he was really angry and started to kicking my whole body. I groaned in pain and tried to protect my body. I want to scream from help, but it's no use since I'm still far away from school. God, when did all of this torture will end? "YAH! STOP HURTING OTHERS! DO YOU NOT HAVE ANY SORT OF DAMN EMOTION IN YOU! YOU HURT HIM BADLY! WHAT IF HE FUCKING DIED! STOP BEING SUCH A BULLY AND ASS YOU DAMN BASTARD!" Someone shouted angrily. I closed my eyes and heared a good fight there. And when i opened my eyes, that kid was gone with his friends. Infront of me, it stands a man with umm.. comrades? or.. I'm not sure.. bodyguards? My vision were blur so i don't know how many people there. The one who help me was wearing a school uniform while the other not but I never saw his face in school. "You okay?" He asked, squatted infront of me and give me my glasses. "I'm okay. It happens usually." I said while put on my glasses. When i use my glasses i just saw one man. Huh.. Weird? "Use this." He said while give me his handkchief. I looked at him confusedly. He seem see my confused face and sighed. So he took the handkchief from my hand and wiped my face. "Your face were bleeding." He said while wiped the blood on my face neatly. -----------------------Yo, I'm the Sharp Fang group's young master, Li Hankyung or Hangeng. I'm 22 years old, Scorpio. I like sake, fighting and ehm.. pudding. People call me Tornado. Huh? What's a Tornado? I don't really know but it's probably something strong and cool. Yeah, I'm the strongest in Korean. Korean number one Yakuza! But because of my stupidity, and because of someone.. My life changes.. >Flashback -Hong Kong"Listen, It's 27. If they go below 27 billion, Tell them 'No.' Well, he's Hong Kong number 1 filthy rich overnight mafia. If we pressure him with our silence, he probably won't try to undernegotiate us." someone said on the phone. "Okay, it's 27 right?" Hankyung said.

"Yah, listen up Hankyung. Don't make a mistake. This time-" "I know boss. Don't worry. I'll call later." He turned off the phone. "If it's under 27 then it's 'No.' " "Young master!" Someone called. "It's time." "Yeah." He throw out his cigarette. "Let's go." ----------"He said for us to begin the trade." The translator said to Hankyung. "Bring it on." Hankyung smirked. "20." the hong kong man said. "No." The hong kong man said in chinese and then the translator said. "Plus five." "No." "Then plus five more." "No." He said, making his comrades startled. "Korean yakuzas sure are so greedy. Then plus five, that will satisfy you right?" "No." Hankyung said. "What?" "NO!" "What! I'm saying i'll giving you 35 billion!" The hong kong man shouted. "Huh? It's no, right?" Hankyung mumbled. "20 plus five, plus five, plus five. It's smaller than 27 right, no bigger?" "Are you a fucking idiot!" The hong kong man said. "YAH! What was that you-" "Wait." Hankyung stops his comrades. He then stands up and face the hong kong man. "You. will. Die!" And after that there was a big fight there.. -Korea"IDIOT!" Someone shouted angrily. "What the hell have you done! I told you not to screw up this time! At this time, you ruined a 27 billion deal!" "I'm sorry.. boss." Hankyung bows, and the others too. "I apologize for my mistake. But give me one more chance to negotiate. Then-" "Shut up!" His boss shouted, making him startled. "Don't ever speak again! Listen, it's either 'Yes! or 'No.' Don't say anything else. Understand!" "Y-yes." Hankyung nodded. Then his boss signaling everyone to go, leaving Hankyung and his boss. His boss stands from his seat and face him. "Idiot." He said to Hankyung. "You really are an idiot son!"

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