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1) Mariana bt Kamal Bahrein


2) Nor Hidayah bt Mohamed Shaffril


3) Ummi Nazira Naemat


4) Nurmalis bt Abdul Wahab


Prepared for: Pn Hajjah Begum bt Mohamed Ibrahim

Submission date: 31st March 2008

Executive Summary

This study was carried out to follow up the current development along Malacca River and their importance to the community surroundings. The researcher had prepared the convenient interview to the respondents, who are the local public of the city, tourists and NGOs. A set of research question was designed to gain primary data from the respondents about the development of Malacca River. The overall findings of the study indicate that this development of Malacca River is importance with the community surroundings because it will give a lot of benefit. The benefits that will gain from the development are can attract more tourist come to Malacca and economic state of Government also can boost up. In conclusion, some suggestions have been made to continue and improve more the development along Malacca River, so that it will improve the economics of the community surroundings and also with the government.


All praise be to Allah S.W.T, finally our group has completed this report. There are many people and organizations to whom this group is indebted to for their help and support in producing this report. We would like to thank all our contributors for their efforts. First of all, we would like to thank to Madam Hajjah Begum bt Mohamed Ibrahim for her comments, guidance and advice in the preparation of this report. We are also indebted to many individuals in the tourism industry and beyond who gave their time to assist us with our request for interviews, information, and visuals. thanks go Furthermore, would like to recognize and thank colleagues, researchers and friends at the UiTM Malacca City Campus. Finally, bondless to Malacca River and Coastal Development Corporation for sharing their unpublished work and visuals.

Table of Contents Item List of figures & abbreviations Page iv

1.0 Introduction 1.1 Background of the Study 1.2 Statement of the Study 1.3 Purpose of the Study 1.4 Objectives of the Study 1.5 Research Questions 1.6 Significant of the Study 1.7 Scope of the Study

1 2 3 3 4 4 5 6

2.0 Literature review

3.0 Research Methodology 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Research Instrument 3.3 Respondents of the Study 3.4 Research Procedure 3.5 Data Analysis

8 8 8 8 9 9

4.0 Findings and Discussion 4.1 Discussion on Findings with Public, NGOs and Tourists 4.2 Discussion on Findings with Authorized Bodies 10 15

5.0 Conclusions 5.1 Overview of the Study 5.2 Restatement of Objectives 5.3 Review of the Study 5.4 Limitations of the Study

17 17 17 17 18

6.0 Recommendations 6.1 Recommendation Based on the Findings 6.2 Recommendation for Future Research

19 19 19



Appendix 1 Appendix 2

21 22


FIGURE A: Importance of Malacca River FIGURE B: Attractions of Malacca River FIGURE C: Several of problems faced by Malacca River FIGURE D: Planning projects along Malacca River FIGURE E: Contributions to the development

LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS NGOs Non Governmental Organizations UiTM Universtity Teknologi Mara



Rivers have been used as a source of water, for food, for transport, as a defensive barrier, as a source of power to drive machinery, and as a means of disposing of waste. Apart from being a rich source of fish, rivers indirectly aid cultivation by supplying water for the crops. Rivers sustain their own food chain. Hence, it is no surprise to find most of the major cities of the world situated on the banks of rivers. Rivers also have been important in determining political boundaries and defending countries. Melaka River is a river which flows through the middle Malacca Town in the Malaysian state of Malacca. It was once an important trade route during the era of Malacca Sultanate in the 15th century. Malacca River became an important conduit for trade. In addition, it was a source of fresh water. The river enabled access to the interior, and provided a means for forest produce such as rattan, canes, gums and resins, to be brought down to the market. The Portuguese was able to overcome Malacca by seizing control of the river to do this they burned the bridge across it. However, it has lost most of this function in the present and the number of tourist visiting Melaka River has decreased day by day.


Background of the study

This section will elaborate detailed explanation of development, the needs of development on Melaka River, and the various jobs to be taken.


The definition of development Development is a process of change that leads to improved well-being in peoples lives, which takes into account the needs of future generations and is compatible with local cultural and environmental contexts.


The needs of development along the Melaka River. Development can meet the basic needs of the people. When many development projects take place, it creates more job opportunities and helps the communities in generating more incomes. The clean river promotes better health care and balances the ecological cycle. Furthermore, the development along the river may give more educational opportunities to the youngsters in learning and appreciating the states heritage. Definitely the river is the main attraction that will bring the tourist into the country and create its own name in world prestige.


The action to be taken. Due to our observation, the river has been neglected for several times. The water was polluted by the surrounding activities, leaching to groundwater, liquid spills, wastewater discharges, eutrophication (increase in chemical nutrients) and littering. Thus, several projects have to be taken in order to develop the surrounding area instead of cleaning the river and reduce the ecological effect. Regulation and more monitoring by Malacca River and Coastal Development Corporation. The cleaning along the river and riverbanks. Restriction to the factory that released their wastages into the river or any those causes the pollution. Levees may be built to prevent river water from flowing on floodplains. Manage the water transportation.


Statement of the Study

Since 2005, Malacca State Administration is taking active measures to develop the river. When completed, the Melaka River is expected to have a new image like pollution free water, beautiful gardens on its banks and pedestrian walkways. The area surrounding the river also had been developed by the Malacca State Administration in order to attract tourists and Malaysian. Given the situation, local government had faced the water pollution that caused by the operation in nearest factory, houses, and buildings that directly thrown into the river. It is high time that our local government must take serious effort in studying the

effects of pollution to ensure the development along the Malacca River is well developed.


Purpose of the Study

Melaka will never be gifted with the glorious history in the past without the existence of Malacca River. Through hundreds of years of fading memories, the history remaining a fact, while Melaka River was changing its role from a busy major port along the spice route to tourism spot which tells the story. In response to this possible national tourism, a special research committee was set up recently to identify the issue further. The purpose of the study describe in this research report was to access the current public knowledge on the impact of development along Malacca River. Besides, to explore the way on how the development can increase the economy of the state.


Objectives of the Study The objectives of this study that the group discuss are:

1.4.1 1.4.2

To investigate the worst problems that can be seen along the river. To recommend solution in cleaning and making the river more attractive.


To identify the potential spot and sector that may generate the surrounding economy.


To spot the current and future development along the river.


Research Question


Objective 1 To investigate the problems that can be seen along the river.

Research Question 1 What are the current problems that can be seen along the river?


Objective 2 To recommend solutions in cleaning and making the river more attractive

Research Question 2 What are the solutions in cleaning and making the river more attractive?


Objective 3

To identify the potential spot and sector that may generate the surrounding economy.

Research Question 3 Which is the potential spot and sector that may generate the surrounding economy?


Objective 4 To spot the current and future development along the river.

Research Question 4 What is the current and future development along the river? 1.6 Significance of the Study

Although the economy of Malacca has been boost up trough the time but its important to find another ways to ensure the economy still increase. The finding of this study are important to acknowledge the public how important the river in enhancing the economy of the state. With the information at hand, it helps to notify the city council of Malacca to overcome the problem. Besides, the study also will give the opportunity to provide suggestions and to find out the benefits of development project along the river.


Scope of the Study

This study was held along the Malacca River in the city of Malacca State on the issue of development along Malacca River. The respondents, who are the local public of the city, tourists and NGOs were convenience interview selected by the research team

themselves. The data collected was from convenience interview, internet and newspapers and magazines.



Sungai Melaka, dubbed by the locals as the "lazy river" due to its slow-moving currents, once was the trading hub of the Malay Archipelago. Traders came from all over the world, bringing spices, tea, silk, tobacco and other merchandise. Malacca River is expected to have new image like pollution-free water, beautiful gardens on its banks and pedestrian walkways -- on par with that found at the San Antonio River in the United States. According to Bernama (2005), Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi is confident that the project undertaken by the state government would not only bring more foreign tourists to Melaka but also allows the locals to sit back and recall Melaka's glorious history. He also added, this development project just not for tourism but also to make people will remember the glorious years for Malacca.

The Chief Minister of Malacca, Datuk Seri Mohammed Ali Rustam(2005) stated that he was confident that Malacca River will be a major tourist destination and he invited to private sector to be involved like setting hotels, restaurants, and souvenir shops along the waterfront zone.




Introduction This section discusses the methodology of the research. The main purpose of the research is to improve the awareness and knowledge among the civilian of Malacca city, NGOs and tourist. Data for the research were collected through convenience interview.


Research Instruments This research utilized the qualitative research methodology. The instrument used to collect the data convenience interview. The interview was utilized to confirm the findings from the interview as well as triangulate the data collection methods. Thirty respondents were involved in the interview. Five questions

were prepared after consultation with Madam Hajjah Begum bt Mohamed Ibrahim. The interview further explored the opinions about the development along Malacca River among the civilian of Malacca city. In this study, the group do not use quantitative research methodology because it believes that the qualitative data can give accurate data and easy to analyze.


Respondents of the study The respondent of the study were civilian of Malacca city, tourist and NGOs from different races. The thirty questions of convenience interview were distributed to the respondents. Of these numbers 14 were male while the rest (16) were female. All of the respondents were selected to provide in depth information about the topic through interview sessions.


Research Procedures Before the actual data collection period, a pilot study was conducted to assess the validity of the research instrument. A total of 3 individuals are involved in the pilot study. The group were distributed the convenience interview to selected respondent along Malacca River. Respondents were approached with an initial question of whether they have been going to Malacca River before the interview started. The reason of selecting the convenience interview technique is because it is the best way of getting desired information quickly and efficiently.


Data Analysis In this study the group was obtained data from primary and secondary sources. Primary data in this context refer to the information obtained first hand by the researcher on the variables of interest for the specific purpose of this study. In our study, the primary data obtain from the civilians of Malacca city, NGOs and tourist. The data collection method that the group has used is convenience interview.



This section discusses the results of the research on the development along Malacca River.


Discussion of Findings with Public, NGOs and Tourists

The findings will be divided into important topics found from a survey received from 30 respondents. 4.1.1 Importance of Malacca River

Importance of Malacca River

20 18 16 14 12 No of 10 repondents 8 6 4 2 0 Tourism Recreation The importance Income


Importance of Malacca River

Figure A shows the importance of Malacca River that respondents


prefer to choose such as tourism, recreation and their sources of income. The results clearly show that most of the respondents who took part in the convenience interview agreed Malacca River as one of the tourism attraction and these contributed as one of the important asset of Malacca state (18 respondents). sources of income (6 respondents). The government of Malacca had provided the place for recreation such as sidewalk for jogging activities along the river. However, the side walk is not really known by the public and this contributes to lower number of respondents that choose it as one of the importance of Malacca River. The less advertisement about the businesses had done along the river make it fewer important to the public. It can be concluded that the Malacca River should be properly developed since it may contribute to economic growth of Malacca. 4.1.2 Attractions of Malacca River The number of tourist had increased over the year. It followed by recreation (6 respondents) and as

Respondents have their own reason for choosing the attractions of Malacca River during the convenience interview. Figure B shows the main attractions of Malacca River that respondent had agreed. Attractions of Malacca River
10 9 8 7 6 No of 5 respondents 4 3 2 1 0 Morten Eye on Samudera Historical village Malacca Museum building The attractions River cruise Spice garden


Attractions of Malacca River

From the bar chart the highest attraction that had been choose by the respondent was Morten Village (9 respondents) while the lowest attraction was Spice Garden (1 respondent). Other attractions were The River Cruise (7 respondents), Historical Building (6 respondents), Eye on Malacca (5 respondents), and Samudera Museum (2 respondents). Morten Village was chosen as the main attraction by the respondents because it was the oldest village in Malacca and was located at the centre of Malacca River. Most of the house originally maintained its design and architecture since opened by J of Morten. One of the houses had been developed as a private museum known as Villa Sentosa. This museum owned by Tuan Abdul Hashim bin Datuk Demang Abdul Ghani. The reason of lowest number of respondent chooses the Spice Garden because the garden was newly opened and most of the people do not know about the garden so far. Besides the location of the garden was not in strategic place and there is no variety

of spice plants. In conclusion, the government of Malacca should create biggest promotions all around Malaysia in order to attract more peoples come to Malacca.


Several Problems Faced by Malacca River


Several Problem Faced by Malacca River

Figure C shows the several problems faced by Malacca River in order to develop it as one of the important asset to Malacca. Rubbish was recorded as the biggest problem faced by the river (15 respondents). It followed by dirty (9 respondents) and smell (6 respondents). In general, rubbish can be seen everywhere along the Malacca River. The majority of respondents thought that the highest problems of rubbish due to the lower awareness of people about the importance of river. The main factor that contributes to dirty and smell situation along the river was cause by the water pollutions likes dirt that flows to the river. It can be concluded that not only the authorized body should take care the river but it required the awareness and effort from the each individual.


Planning Projects that Known by the Respondents along the River

Planning Projects that Known by the Respondents along the River

10 9 8 7 6 No of 5 respondents 4 3 2 1 0 Hotel Aerorail Sidewalk Dam Souvenir shops Roller coaster Customs & Immigration Complex

The planning projects


Planning Projects that Known by the Respondents along the River

Figure D shows the planning projects that known by the respondents along the River. There are several project that has been highlighted by the respondents such as hotel (5 respondents), aerorail (9 respondents), sidewalk (3 respondents), dam (2 respondents), souvenir shops (4 respondents), roller coaster (5 respondents), and customs and immigration complex (2 respondents). The highest projects that had been select by the respondents was aerorail (9 respondents) while the lowest was dam construction (2 respondents) and customs and immigration complex (2 respondents) respectively. Most of the respondents surveyed choose aerorail because of the project was approved by the government and had been published in all media. Only small number of respondents had mentioned about the dam and custom and immigration project. The reason of this small number due to less of information

provide to the public. Other than that, this project is still under construction and will take long time to fully complete. The results of the study indicate that the projects that have been planning can boost up the economy of Malacca in term of tourism sector.


Contributions to the Development

Respondents have their own opinions on how to develop the river in order to increase the economy of the state. Contributions to the Development
20 18 16 14 12 No of 10 respondents 8 6 4 2 0 Stop littering Supportive behaviour The contributions Promote


Contributions to the Development

Figure E shows the contributions to the development of Malacca River by the respondents such as stop littering (18 respondents), supportive behavior (8 respondents), and promote (4 respondents). As can be seen in the bar chart, most of the respondents surveyed suggested that public must discontinue littering to ensure the river clean and promote healthy lifestyle. Besides, each individual must support all the activities and development that has been managed by the government. In order to ensure the

development run smoothly, an individual itself shall act as a spokesperson in order to promote the state of Historical City. In conclusion, it is important to preserve the river in order to guarantee the next generation could get pleasure from the river.


Discussions of findings with Authorized Bodies For more elaboration to support the study, the group went to Malacca River and Coastal Development Corporation in Graha Maju on 21st March 2008. The group met Mrs. Nur Adilah bt Abdul Mutalib; the Technical Assistant Officer together with Mr. Mohd Rahi Khan b. Ab Rahim ; the Technician. According to the officer, the development divided into five phase. Currently, the project is now on fourth phase. It will concentrate more on cleaning and water movement process. Rubbish and trash trap has reduced the water pollution. The officer claimed that from the cleaning process which involves higher cost, the cleanliness of water level has increased from Level 3 to Level 2. It means the process implemented has controlled the mud and rubbish. Other project in the phase four is continuing of project to elongate the side walk. It is estimated that the side walk will reach until estuary of the river opposites of the Stadhuys building. The conveniences provided are to facilitate the side walker and more to recreation purpose. Originally, there are 6 bridges across the river. The bridges are Tan Kim Seng Bridge, Chan Koon Cheng Bridge, Kg. Jawa Bridge, Pasar Bridge, Hang Tuah Bridge, and Terminal Bridge. Hang Jebat Bridge is the newest bridge. To maintain the quality and safety of the user, the corporation has monitored the renovation of the bridges that actually done by MBMB. There are two development project is under construction. Water mill which situated in front of Stadhuys buildings expected to become another attraction to tourism sector when it fully completed in early 2009. In addition, Custom and Immigration Complex that expected to complete the construction in two years time looked as the beneficial effort to assist the customs in controlling and monitoring the hub. Moreover,

it will become the busiest seaport connecting ships and cruise. Therefore, with those developments, it shall boost up the economics of the states. In a long journey to reach the mission of the states to reach the status of well developed region by year 2010 (Melaka Maju 2010), several agenda has been framed such as more hotel will be built and Malacca is on their way to upgrade their transportation system with the construction of Aerorail as transportation hub.




Overview of the Study

This research investigates the current development along Malacca River and the importance of the river to the area surroundings. Primary data were collected by convenience interview with the tourist, civilian of Malacca and NGOs.

The following conclusions can be drawn based on the findings of the study: 5.1.1 This study has shown that the importance of Malacca River that respondents generally prefer to choose such as tourism, recreation and their sources of income. 5.1.2 The attractions of Malacca River that can attract more tourist visit to Malacca. 5.1.3 There are several problems faced by the Malacca River in order to develop it as the asset to Malacca. 5.1.4 There are several planning projects along Malacca River that been highlighted. 5.1.5 Lastly, shows the contributions to the development of Malacca

River by the respondents.


Restatement of Objectives

As mentioned earlier in the introduction, the purpose of the study was to access the current public knowledge on the impact of the current development along Malacca River.


Review of the Study

The results of the study indicate that the awareness from the public is important to take be concerned with the cleanliness of the Malacca River in order to create healthy lifestyle. There lots of historical building along the river that can be promote not only in Malaysia but in the whole world. The name of Historical City was synonym with Malacca and thats the reason why people should come to this state. When visit to Malacca its just like visiting the whole Malaysia because the history of this country start from Malacca. Besides, each person should take the responsibility to make sure the river can be an important trade route like the era of Malacca Sultanate in the 15th century. This is because it can increase the economics of Malacca through the tourism and attractions along the Malacca River. Nowadays, with the challenges era, the government had done several development projects along the river in order to make this state as a exciting place to visit. Currently the government state wants to add the number of boat in Malacca River (River Cruise) due to higher demand from tourists. Furthermore, the Water Mill is still under construction. For the future, the first aerorail in Malaysia will be build up in Malacca and hotels will be provided at each station. However to ensure this happened it require the corporations from public and private sectors and the citizens of this state itself.


Limitations of the Study

These findings have done through the civilian of Malacca, tourist and NGOs in the city and cannot be generalized to other place or district in Malacca. The same study needs to be conducted with other river in Malaysia with the purpose to develop and

attract more tourists. Any similarities or differences can be used to identify the factors that will influence the current development of the Malacca River.



6.1 Recommendations based on findings The following are several recommendations based on the findings and conclusions of the study to be considered;


It is ought for the Malacca states to be grateful for the existence of the sources provided by the river, to keep

river which operate as a pulse for the states even since the Malacca Sultanate age. Thus, to make certain the continuous clean the river is a must as well to guarantee the opportunity for the next

generation to gain more benefits from the river. 6.1.2 Civilian shall be supportive in the project and development that

executed by the government states to ensure the liability to develop the region is not carry out by the government solely. 6.1.3 The official bodies are obliged to ensure the development project is well

designated and implemented. The action taken might prevent the project which might cause loss and at the same time to generate more income flows to the states.

6.2 Recommendations for future research Since this study had only focused on the current development along the Malacca River, it is recommended that further studies be carried out on the progress of the river to see whether there are any similarities in the findings. Furthermore, further research could also explore the future project and the effectiveness of the strategy. Lastly, although the development actively takes place, but it have got to preserve the historical value of the river and its surrounding which greatly valuable and precious.


(2008, March 19). Melaka tambah 30 bot pelancong. Harian Metro, p. M22

Sharen Kaur (2008, February 18). Exclusive homes by the Malacca River. New Straits Times, p. 37

Asmaliana. Tourism Melaka. Melaka River Water Mill. Retrieved March 22, 2008, from http:

Regaining The Glory of The Lazy River. Retrieved January, 2005, from http: www.ministryof

River Project may Bring RM1b Investment. Retrieved March 27, 2008, from http:


REGAINING THE GLORY OF LAZY RIVER MELAKA, Jan 21 (Bernama) -- Sungai Melaka, dubbed by the locals as the "lazy river" due to its slow-moving currents, once was the trading hub of the Malay archipelago. Traders came from all over the world, bringing spices, tea, silk, tobacco and other merchandise. It was also referred to as the "Venice of the East" by European seafarers who are out in search of new conquests in East of India. The booming trade at Melaka port however brought the attention of the then colonial powers like the Portuguese and Dutch. The Portuguese galleons and man-of-war arrived first and brought an end to the reign of the Melaka Sultanate in 1511. However they only managed to take Bandar Hilir after a three-day battle -- capturing the strategic bridge over the Melaka river. After the British made a pact with the Dutch by swapping the port of Bangkahulu with Melaka and turning the straits settlements of Penang and Singapore into port cities, Sungai Melaka began to lose its significance and lustre. After the country achieved independence, the road and air transport sectors took a tremendous development, nailing the final blow to the glorious era of Melaka and its river.

However this is expected to extend no further as last Nov 23, the river was the scene of a historic moment -- the 4.5km cruise along Sungai Melaka by Yang di-Pertuan Agong Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin Syed Putra Jamalullail and Permaisuri Agong Tuanku Fauziah Tengku Abdul Rashid. The royal couple was accompanied by rulers of the Malay states, state governors and their respective menteris besar and chief ministers. The event was held inconjunction with the Conference of Malay Rulers at Istana Melaka, Bukit Beruang near here. TOURISM SPOT Realising the river's importance in the tourism sector, the Melaka state administration is taking pro-active measures to develop the river. It's first step is to embark on a four-phase RM230 million programme to beautify the Melaka river. When completed, the Melaka river is expected to have a new image like pollution-free water, beautiful gardens on its banks and pedestrian walkways -- on par with that found at the San Antonio River in the United States. Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi is confident that the project undertaken by the state government would not only bring more foreign tourists to Melaka but also allows the locals to sit back and recall Melaka's glorious history. "This is a project for tourism and if the river's condition is improved, more people will remember the glorious years of Melaka," Abdullah said in his speech at the opening ceremony of the Tropical Fruit World and Aboriginal Village in Brisu, Alor Gajah recently. Abdullah commended Melaka Chief Minister Datuk Seri Mohamed Ali Rustam for being creative and innovative. "Previously, I have the impression that Sungai Melaka is too dirty. If we throw a crocodile into the river, the reptile could die within two minutes due to the serious pollution, "the Prime Minister quipped. "But he (Mohamed Ali) managed to do it and this (river beautification programme) has convinced me," said Abdullah who had taken a boat cruise along the river. VISIT MELAKA Sungai Melaka is among the state government's priorities to achieve its target of bringing in eight million tourists to Melaka in 2010. Mohamed Ali, who is confident that the river would ultimately be a major tourist destination, has invited the private sector to be involved like setting up hotels, restaurants and souvenir shops along the waterfront zone. The Chief Minister said some 40 boats would be stationed at the river to enable tourists to take cruises along the waterway. Towards this end, the Melaka River and Beach Corporation (PPSM) is entrusted to carry out upgrading works and related projects for the Sungai Melaka beautification programme.

A sluice gate will be installed at the river estuary, to pump in more water during the low tides to enable the boats to freely move upstream while ferrying tourists. With the historical Kampung Morten as the backdrop, coupled with various cultural and arts activities, the Melaka river has the potential to become a leading tourist destination in the country. PPSM Chief Executive Officer Mohd Sofi Ibrahim said works to deepen the river are regularly done and a special culvert to drain out wastes from the river has been operational since July last year. MELAKA RIVER CRUISE Tourists can now take boat cruises along the river under the Melaka River Cruise programme. Two boats are used, one a 40-seater and a smaller craft with 20 seats. Both boats cost the PPSM RM250,000. The two cruise boats started operations last Nov 12, inconjunction with the state-level Aidilfitri celebration held along a 4km-stretch of the river. Among the first to take the boat rides were Yang Dipertua Negeri Tun Mohd Khalil Yaakob and Melaka Executive Council members. The boats are made of fibreglass and able to cruise along the Melaka river even if the water level drops to a mere 0.8m, capable of passing below the bridge at the highest tides. Having the tonnage of 2,900kg and 1,500kg respectively, the boats are equipped with retractable roof that can be pulled out for cover during rains. The idea for the river cruise is mooted by Mohamed Ali after he visited the San Antonia river in Texas. Inspired by the success there, he began implementing the project for Sungai Melaka. There are seven stopovers along the cruise -- Hang Jebat Bridge, Kampung Morten, area in front of Livo Hotel in Jalan Kilang, Kampung Hulu, Padang Nyiru, Fisheries Development Authority's (LKIM) jetty and Royal Malaysia Customs godowns. TRADERS' INCOME With this development, traders and those living along the riverbanks can expect a slow and gradual "windfall". Tourists would be tempted to buy gifts and souvenirs and those seeking to quench their thirst and taste local delicacies can seek out modern-style food stalls to be set up along the river. Mohamed Ali Kadir, 58, who has been selling cendol for 45 years in front of the Stadhuys Building here, is among the hundreds of traders expected to reap this windfall. He inherited the cendol business from his late father, Kadir Abdul Ghani, who set up the stall when Mohamed Ali was a 13-year-old. He said, "there are many changes happening following the government's move to develop the tourism industry along Sungai Melaka. "Now many visitors come and they stop at my stall to taste the cendol. When the works to beautify the river are completed, many more will come," he said.

The cendol man recalled the times when he was a teenager. "The river was very dirty then and there was a stench coming out from it. Those days, if you wish to see huge monitor lizards, the river is the place. Now these big lizards have gone," he added. Sungai Melaka is set to welcome its glorious years.

NST ONLINE River project may bring in RM1b investment 27 March, 2008 MALACCA: The RM320 million Malacca River beautification project is expected to generate RM1 billion in investment in spin-off projects along the river. Chief Minister Datuk Seri Mohd Ali Rustam said the project, which was in its final phase and aimed at turning the river into a major tourist attraction, would have more value with the spin-off projects.

"Among the projects approved are a RM90 million flood-mitigation project and a RM120 million project to prevent flash floods," he said after performing the ground-breaking ceremony for the Casa del Rio Hotel in Jalan Kota Laksamana, here yesterday. Casa del Rio is a boutique hotel with 58 rooms and 32 serviced apartments. The RM85 million project by Kumpulan Casa del Rio (M) Sdn Bhd is expected to be ready by November next year. Ali said RM25 million would also be spent on building a marina for recreation and RM35 million on a customs, immigration and quarantine complex in the vicinity. "All the spin-off projects undertaken by the government and private sector are proof of the state government's commitment to develop the state." He said about 6.8 million tourists were expected to visit Malacca this year, a 10 per cent increase over last year's figure. According to him, the hotel industry had, in 2006, contributed almost RM14 million in service tax to the state. "The hotel and restaurant sector in Malacca also provides jobs to more 24,000 people," he said. On the 110-metre revolving tower in Bandar Hilir here, Ali said its opening to the public, scheduled for next week, had been postponed to the end of the month. -- Bernama


Water Mill in Melaka River? Yup Melaka will have its own water mill in the heart of Banda Hilir near Quay Side Restaurant and accross it (the river) are the OCBC Bank. This watermill will be powered by the Melaka River and it is said to be name the Melaka Sultanate Water Mill. Although the function is not for agriculture irrigation system or crushing a flour, it will soon to be a tourist attraction. As Chief Operation Officer at Kumpulan Melaka Berhad, a State Own Company Mr. Ismail Lajen Said, the water mill is 90percent complete. The construction for the Melaka water mill started September last year. The 13 meter water mill cost about RM1.5 million. At present, final work on installing the water mill bucket, platform and bricks floor are actively carried out. The water mill bucket will scoop Melaka river water and the water will be poured into a man made pond and goes back to the river again. Well, when completed we can enjoy lunch / dinner at restaurant nearby while hearing the clunking sound of the water mill in operation plus the water pours back into the river like natures music into our ears..maybe like the famous Historic water mill in the world at Hama, Syria.




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