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No 1

Mean Sial

Noun Bad Luck

Adjective - Unlucky

Verb -

Phrase -


2 3 Berengsek Bodoh Fuck Stupid

Pesky Unhappy Inauspicious Inopportune Fortuneless hoodoo


1. stupid 2. foolish 3. fool 4. dumb 5. silly 6. ignorant 7. ridiculous 8. dull 9. idiotic 10. goofy 11. thick 12. obtuse 13. senseless 14. brainless 15. asinine 16. dense 17. inane 18. unwise 19. goosey 20. stupe 21. opaque 22. emptyheaded 23. thickheaded 24. lumpish 25. featherhead ed 26. harebrained 27. slow-witted 28. featherbrain ed 29. fat 30. goosy 31. blunt 32. idiotical 33. fat-witted

34. gawky 35. thickskulled 36. footling 37. poky 38. rattleheaded 39. headless 40. lamebrained 41. fatuous 42. cockeyed 43. idle-headed 44. thick-witted 45. puddingy 46. wooden 47. rattlebrained 48. cloddish 49. rattle-pated 50. woodenheaded 51. blockish 52. sottish 53. insensate 54. muttonheaded 55. featherpated
4 Gila Crazy

1. crazy 2. mad 3. insane 4. nuts 5. lunatic 6. crazed 7. wild 8. maniac 9. psychotic 10. demented 11. deranged 12. maniacal 13. rabid 14. loony 15. cracked 16. crackpot 17. daft

be out of one's senses

1. off one's head 2. off one's trolley 3. off one's rocker 4. out of one's mind 5. go out of one's head 6. have a screw loose


18. loopy 19. coo-coo 20. potty 21. obsessed 22. infatuated 23. madcap 24. bereft of reason 25. moonstruck 26. cracky 27. redwood 28. loco 29. crackbraine d 30. bughouse 31. dippy 32. cuckoo 33. balmy


1. tickl e 2. enco urag e




1. desolate 2. sadden 3. pain 4. damp 5. sore 6. dispirit 7. depress 8. grieve 9. dampen 10. make miserable 11. smart 12. cut up 13. harrow 14. wrench 15. rue 1. deli ght

Menggembira kan


2. bris k 3. plea se 4. enli ven 5. glad den 6. che er up 7. live n up 8. chir k 9. mak e glad 10. elat e 11. exhi lara te 12. sati sfy 13. jolli fy 14. rean ima te 15. hear ten 16. rejo ice



1. pain 2. irrit ate 3. twi nge 4. try


1. rese

nt 2. cau se rese ntm ent



1. disg ust 2. nau seat e 3. sto mac h 4. sick en 5. rev olt 6. rep ugn 7. cloy 8. mak e smb . sick 9. wa mbl e

1. make one's gorge rise 2. turn smb. 's stomach




1. drin k 2. take 3. wat er 4. con sum e 5. hav ea drin k 6. liqu

or 7. dow n 8. part ake 9. imb ibe 10. touc h 11. tipp le


Luar Biasa

1. extraordinar y 2. remarkable 3. incredible 4. exceptional 5. unusual 6. fantastic 7. unbelievabl e 8. terrific 9. special 10. out of the ordinary 11. uncommon 12. uncanny 13. phenomenal 14. singular 15. irregular 16. extravagant 17. prodigious 18. superhuman 19. striking 20. rare 21. exotic 22. monumental 23. fantastical 24. abnormal 25. off-beat 26. supernormal 27. ungodly 28. portentous 29. way-out 30. frabjous

1. incredibl y 2. extraordi narily 3. extremel y 4. unusually 5. exception ally 6. excruciati ngly 7. uncomm only 8. beyond measure 9. singularl y 10. signally 11. corking

31. confounded 32. immoderate 33. screwy 34. corking 35. shining 36. signal 37. out-of-theway

13 14

Payah Kecewa


1. disappointe d 2. frustrated 3. crestfallen 4. frustrate

pull a long face

15 16

Terharu Tipuan


1. sham 2. indire ction 3. con 4. spoof 5. cheat 6. confi dence trick 7. spoof ery 8. trap 9. prete nse 10. duper y 11. knave ry 12. confi dence game 13. confi dence job 14. gam mon 15. juggl

1. sham 2. shoddy

e 16. crock 17. trepa n 18. taradi ddle 19. touch 20. cram mer 21. gyp 22. impos ture 23. chous e 24. cajole ry 25. gouge 26. snip 27. bullsh it 28. cajole ment 29. swizz le 30. takein 31. crack er 32. flimfl am 33. inver acity 34. swiz 35. cram 36. fiddle




1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

crazy infatuated crazed delirious infatuate

2. be mad 3. be deli riou s



1. tempt

2. tease 3. seduce 4. lure 5. harass 6. tantalize 7. bedevil 8. entice 9. vamp 10. badger 11. razz 12. rib 13. persecute 14. heckle 15. ride 16. sirenize 17. plague 18. overpersuade 19. rally 20. josh 21. obsess 22. twit 23. needle 24. tribulate 25. push around 26. make fun of

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