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7 Tips for Controlling and Preventing Employee Absenteeism

by Caron_Beesley, Community Moderator

Created: December 15, 2011, 6:52 am Updated: March 2, 2012, 3:13 pm

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Absenteeism in the workplace is a problem all managers encounter, and although absences are often due to legitimate reasons, they can get out of control if theyre not managed carefully. Persistent unexcused absenteeism, particularly when it involves just a few individuals, not only lowers productivity and increases everyone elses workload, but it can precipitate a sour atmosphere in the workplace. Its something that needs to nipped in the bud. Statistics vary on the monetary impact of absenteeism, but the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics says it tends to be highest among service occupations, such as healthcare, food service, cleaning, and so forth, and administrative staff. Absences occur for many reasons burnout, stress, low morale, job hunting, etc. and need to be addressed quickly. The following tips may help: 1. Is the Absence for Genuine Reasons?

Ever wondered if there was a good reason behind that call you just got from an absent employee excusing himself from work for the day? Often there is a genuine reason and your gut instinct can guide you on this one. However, if you are noticing an excessive pattern and finding it hard to take your employees word for it, then its time to take action. If an employee is simply not bothering to show up or give you advance notice, then an intervention is essential. Start keeping a paper trail and records of absences. 2. Give Absent Employees an Opportunity to Explain Themselves

The first thing you can do is give employees an opportunity to explain themselves. When they return to work, have a one-on-one discussion about their absence and express your concern. This is not a disciplinary discussion, but more of a fact-finding mission. Your goal is to understand whats happening and try to solve the issue. For example, if stress is a factor, then you may need to discuss strategies that can help, such as shifting workloads, reducing responsibilities, etc. Very often, employees are pleased that they have been given an opportunity to air their problems or grievances. But be warned, you may learn things that you dont want to hear, particularly if it turns out that your management style is the problem. Try to remain objective during the discussion and use it as a platform to change things. 3. Put a Performance Improvement Plan in Place

If the tactic above doesnt work, then you need to put a performance review plan in place that sets specific goals for improvement, attendance being one of them. Put the plan in writing and clearly explain the timeframe of the plan and the consequences of not fulfilling its requirements.


Develop and Communicate a Clear Leave / Sick Leave Policy

A written policy wont stop absenteeism, but it will help you deal with it more effectively. It will also demonstrate to all employees that you dont tolerate absenteeism. Use the document to clearly explain paid and unpaid leave policies and the consequences of unexcused absences. If you have a company newsletter or intranet, use these to promote your policy. Note that the law doesnt require you to provide common leave benefits, but it does require employers to provide leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA). Be sure you know what the law is. Read more about the FMLA leave entitlement qualifying medical events in SBAs Employee Benefits Guide(scroll down to Leave Policy). 5. Assess your Management Style

Its hard to acknowledge, but one of the more common reasons for employee dissatisfaction is management style. Could your style be encouraging employees to harbor grudges or lose morale? Step back and assess what you can do differently. Is your open door policy really that open? Do employees really feel valued? Plan on setting side more management time for your team, discuss their professional goals, and share your vision for the continued growth of your business and their role in it. For tips on assessing your management style and ideas to shake it up some, read 4 Tips for Effective and Inspiring Business Leadership. 6. Consider Introducing Incentive Plans

While their are no guarantees that you can control absenteeism, initiatives such as incentive plans and programs such as flex-time, wellness programs, and project completion perks, are proven to increase morale and productivity. They also send a clear message to your employees that they have a recognized and valuable role to play in your business as a whole. The following articles have tips on how to recognize, nurture, and incentivize employees:

Get More from Your Team - 5 Employee Incentive Program Ideas That Pay Off Recognizing Performance in a Tough Economy: How to Best Reward Stand-Out Employees Terminating Repeat Offenders


If youve exhausted all these intervention measures and arent seeing improvement, then termination may be your only option. Follow your HR policy to the letter on this one and refer to the law as it pertains to terminating employees, final pay checks, and more. Related Blogs

Employee Benefit Plans: What's Law and What's Optional Can an Employee Be Fired for Taking Extended Sick Leave? How to Deal with Difficult Employees in the Small Business Workplace

About the Author

Caron Beesley is a small business owner, a writer, and marketing communications consultant. Caron works with the team to promote essential government resources that help entrepreneurs and small business owners startup, grow and succeed.
Tags: Community Blogs, Small

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