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Training and Development is a subsystem of an organization. It ensures that randomness is reduced and learning or behavioral change takes place in structured format. Training means equipping the employee with the required skill. It is the process of learning a sequence of programmed behaviors it is application of knowledge. It makes people aware of the rules & procedure to guide their behavior. It improves the performance of employee in current Job & prepares them for indented job. Training is the act of increasing the knowledge and skill of an employee for doing a particular job it is concerned with importing specific skill for particular purpose. After an employee is selected, placed & introduced he or she must be provided with raining facilities training is the act of increasing the knowledge and skill of an employee for doing a particular job. Concentration our mind in the field of industries as a organization, it need to have will trained and experienced people to perform the activities that have to be done. If the current or potential job occupant can meet the requirement training in not important, but every new employee regardless of his previous training, education and experience needs to be introduced to work environment of his new employment and to be taught how to perform specific task. It is necessary to raise the skill levels and increasing the versatility and adaptability of employees for their efficient performance to all new and old employees.

In absence of a systematic training programme the training cost would have been rather higher, The interest of about and management would be closer if not identical if a sound training programme, is establishment in the organization. If no planned programme of training is provided in the organization, employee managers himself by trial and error or by observing. This training costs much and should have to be eliminated. In an organization al types of job requires some type of training for this efficient performance to all new and old employees. Training is the organized procedure by which people learn knowledge and skill for different purpose.

Training is a organized procedure which bring about a semi permanent change in behavior for definite purpose. The three main area involved are skill knowledge and attitude (some time call social skills) but always with a definite purpose in mind training is aimed at specific job based objective rather than the broader society based aims of education it is important that due attention is paid to training right from the training when one first starts doing a job. The job will be really learned satisfactorily by making an individual repeat and demonstrate step by step during instruction by keeping a watch fledge of close intervals in the initial stages and by checking progress periodically later on one can ensure that job will be all done for all time to come.

According to - Dunn and Stephens
"Training refers to the organization's efforts to improve an individual's ability to perform a job or organization role, whereas development refers to the organization's efforts (and the individual's won efforts) to enhance an individuals ability to advance in his organization to performs additional duties." According to - Bill Badly "Becoming number one is easier than remaining number one" According to - Date & Beach The organized procedure by which people learn knowledge and skill for a define purpose

1. The purpose of training is to help employee to meet company objectives by providing opportunities for employee at all organizational level. 2. Employee in work organization tends to be most responsive to training programmes when they feel the need to learn. 3. Learning is more efficient where there is reinforcement in the form of reward and punishment. 4. In the long run award is more effective for changing behavior than punishment.

5. Reward for the application of learned behavior is most useful when they quickly follow the desired performance. 6. Larger the reward given for good performance greater will be the reinforcement of the new behavior. 7. Negative reinforcement result in adequate performance. 8. Training that request the employees to make change in his value, altitudes and social belief usually achieve better results. If the employees are encouraged to participate, decrease and discover new behavior. 9. The employee should be provided with feedback on the process he utilizing training he has received. The training material should be made as meaningful as possible

1. To prepare the employee both new and old to meet the present as well as the changing requirement of the job and the organization. 2. To prepare employee for higher level. 3. To ensure smooth and efficient working of a department. 4. To develop potential of employee for next level job. 5. To increase productivity. 6. To improve quality 7. To meet future heaven resources requirements of the organization. 8. To improve organization climate 9. To improve safety & health. 10.To promote individual and collective morale

The need for training in part depends upon the companys selection and promotion policies .Companies that attempt to employee only people who already have the neede3d skills, place less emphasis on training. On the other hand, firms that stress promotion from within may have to take special steps to ensure that employee develop the skill which will be needed.

People must be interested in learning and be willing to learn

before they will accept training. The operational objective of the training should be know by those responsible for in and by those involved in time constraints and performance standard should be predetermined and also made known. Training must be grated to the individual need of those being trained and be seen to be so. Training must be done either by a supervisor or manager or by an agency acting with in pattern fully understood and approved by the supervisor or manager and which he will subsequently maintain an reinforce. People can learn by being told or shown how to do work but best of all from the personal involvement of doing work to accepted standards under skilled coaching. Training should be planned executed and evaluated systematically in the contest of organization needs.


The principal objective of training and development division is to make sure the availability of a skilled and willing workforce to an organization. In addition to that, there are four other objectives: Individual, Organizational, Functional, and Societal.

Individual Objectives help employees in achieving their personal

goals, which in turn, enhances the individual contribution to an organization.

Organizational Objectives assist the organization with its primary

objective by bringing individual effectiveness.

Functional Objectives maintain the departments contribution at a

level suitable to the organizations needs.

Societal Objectives ensure that an organization is ethically and

socially responsible to the needs and challenges of the society


Optimum Utilization of Human Resources Training and Development helps in optimizing the utilization of human resource that further helps the employee to achieve the organizational goals as well as their individual goals.

Development of Human Resources Training and Development

helps to provide an opportunity and broad structure for the development of human resources technical and behavioral skills in an organization. It also helps the employees in attaining personal growth.

Development of skills of employees Training and Development

helps in increasing the job knowledge and skills of employees at each level. It helps to expand the horizons of human intellect and an overall personality of the employees.

Productivity Training and Development helps in increasing the

productivity of the employees that helps the organization further to achieve its long-term goal.

Team spirit Training and Development helps in inculcating the

sense of team work, team spirit, and inter-team collaborations. It helps in inculcating the zeal to learn within the employees.

Organization Culture Training and Development helps to

develop and improve the organizational health culture and effectiveness. It helps in creating the learning culture within the organization.

Organization Climate Training and Development helps building

the positive perception and feeling about the organization. The employees get these feelings from leaders, subordinates, and peers.

Quality Training and Development helps in improving upon the

quality of work and work-life.

Healthy work-environment Training and Development helps in

creating the healthy working environment. It helps to build good employee, relationship so that individual goals aligns with organizational goal.

Health and Safety Training and Development helps in improving

the health and safety of the organization thus preventing obsolescence.

Morale Training and Development helps in improving the morale of

the work force.

Image Training and Development helps in creating a better

corporate image.

Profitability Training and Development leads to improved

profitability and more positive attitudes towards profit orientation. Training and Development aids in organizational development i.e. Organization gets more effective decision making and problem solving. It helps in understanding and carrying out organizational policies Training and Development helps in developing leadership skills, motivation, loyalty, better attitudes, and other aspects that successful workers and managers usually display.


Points of Differences
1. Meaning



Training is an activity to increase Development means the growth understanding, skill and attitude to of employees at every level of perform specific job in better management by planned and ways. organized process.

2. Aim/Purpose

The best possible performance on The best possible utilization-on the specific job by the employee is of employees capabi -lity is it its own main aim.

3. Scope

training is the part of development Development is a wider, term. It and also limited in its scope. includes education learning and training



of The training is imparted at lower The level of development is level for employees and junior higher managers. and concerns senior managers.

persons involved 5. Duration

Training is imparted for a fixed It is continuing process and period unending activity in the industry.



A systematic training program offers the following advantages to the organization. 1. It makes the worker committed and loyal to the organization by educating him about the culture, philosophy and policies of the organization. 2. 3. It helps in improving the quality and quantity of a worker's output. It enables the worker to make the most economical and best use of materials and equipment. This reduces spoiled work and damage to machinery. 4. It gives a sense of satisfaction to the worker and makes him feel that he is being properly cared for. So that, a worker's morale and his relation with superior improve. 5. It develops in the worker effective work habits and methods of work, there by reducing the accident rate and the need for close supervision. 6. It instructs the worker toward better job adjustment and reduces the rate of labor turnover and absenteeism. 7. 8. It helps the bright but dronish employee to formulate his goals. It facilitates promotion of workers to higher jobs and increases their market value and earning power. 9. It helps in creating pool of trained personnel from which replacement can be drawn to fill the loss of key personnel at any time.



NTPC, since inception has been laying emphasis on Training and Development of employees with a view to productively contribute to the growth and performance of the organization. For this purpose guidelines and system have been issued from time to time. A need has been felt to consolidate and codify different practices that guide the Training and Development activities, with a view to streamline and rationalize these under Training function. A comprehensive Training System, covering all aspects of Training and Development activities has been evolved for uniform implementation across the organization. The revised Training System aims to optimally utilize various Agencies of Training and Training instruments in an effort to transforming the Company into a Learning Organization.


The basic philosophy of the guidelines is to make training an effective instrument in transforming NTPC into a learning organization.

OBJECTIVES: The objectives of the guidelines are to: Make learning one of the fundamental values of the Company Ensure value addition through training to the overall business process Institutionalize learning opportunities that supplement work experience Integrate organizational and individual developmental needs enable employees to keep abreast with the latest knowledge and skills and enable them to undertake current and future responsibilities in a more effective manner. Provide linkages between the different functionaries of training activity Provide linkages of training activity with overall Human Resource function.

COVERAGE: The Training System shall cover all regular employees of the Company nominated for training.

Planned Intervention: A grade/level/category-wise in-house training

program, normally based on a template course design, and conducted to improve competency base of employees as felt necessary by the organization. The List of current Planned Interventions is given in Annexure I.


Need-based Program: A training program, designed, developed and

conducted on the basis of the developmental needs felt and identified for the employees concerned in the Training Needs Form.

Specified Intervention: An external training program or an in-house

training program other than a Planned Intervention or a Need-based Program, conducted to improve certain specified competencies, as felt necessary by the organization.

It shall be the Endeavour of the Company to provide seven man days of training in a training year to every employee. Employees shall make full use of the Training Systems to support this endeavor to create a learning organization.

The agencies that shall deal with the training function in the Company shall include:

Power Management Institute: PMI shall be the apex-training institute and the nodal agency for Training for the Company. It shall cater to the advanced training needs of all executives of the Company. In case of employees of Corporate Centre, it shall cater to the training needs of both executives and non-executives. It shall specialize in Management Development and advanced technical areas including Information Technology and shall serve as knowledge dissemination centre for the Company as a whole. It will also engage in research and consultancy.


Unit Training Centers: Unit Training Centers shall cater to the

training and development needs of the employees of the respective units.

Simulator Training Centers: The Simulator training centers at

Korba & Kawas, designed to produce real time behavior of the Thermal and gas modules respectively, shall cater to the needs of the corporation. In addition, depending on the availability of resources, the Simulator training centres would also provide training to external agencies / organizations, on commercial terms.

Regional HR group: The Regional HR group shall cater to the

training and development needs of the employees of the respective region. Wherever it is not feasible for the Unit Training Centres to organise a specific programme, Regional HR group would organize such a programme for the employees in the entire region. It would also take an active and proactive part in finalization of the training calendars of each unit within the region.

Corporate HR Group: HR Group shall co-ordinate external training

programmes for all the employees of Corporate Centre. It would also coordinate specified interventions for targeted groups.

Departmental Training Co-ordinator:

The Head of each Department shall nominate an executive who shall, besides his normal functional assignment, co-ordinate the training and related matters for the employees of the department. It shall be the responsibility of the Departmental Training Coordinator for conducting Training Need Analysis and so ensuring nomination of the employees of the department concerned to training programmes that the Training Target of 7 man days of training for every employee in a training year is achieved.



The objectives of Training Need Analysis are to
Systematically identify developmental needs of employees integrate so-identified individual needs with organizational needs enhance relevance and acceptance of training programmes Employees would identify their training needs once in two years. This is as per the Training Plan implemented in 1998. Each employee will identify his/her training needs in a maximum of four areas in consultation with his reporting officer. The training needs expressed should be related to the employees present responsibilities and his likely areas of future assignments. Training Needs would be classified as Essential and Desirable along two time-frames of short-term (for immediate job performance) and long-term (for future job performance, in next two years or so ). The identified needs would be prioritized in the following manner and would be addressed accordingly:

Priority A Priority B Priority C Priority D

Essential Short-term Desirable short-term Essential long-term Desirable long-term

Training needs identification in case of executives would be done by the executive concerned in consultation with his/her Reporting Officer in the Training Needs Form enclosed at Annexure II.


Training needs identification in case of non-executives would be done by their Reporting Officers in the Training Needs Form enclosed at Annexure III. The Departmental Training Co-coordinator shall trigger the TNA exercise from 1st September, every second year, with the distribution of Training Need Forms. He/she would consolidate and submit the filled up Training Need forms of Executives and Non- Executives, of his/her department concerned to the respective Training Centre by 30th October. In case of projects/stations/units, based on such Training Need forms, a Department-wise analysis would be done by the Training Centre of the Unit and discussed in Site Management Committee/Heads of Department for evolving the yearly Training Calendar for the next two years, by 15th November. With a view to integrate the process of evolving of the Training Calendar and to utilize Training resources optimally, the finalisation of Training Calendars would be done by Heads of Training in association with the Head of Personnel of the respective Regions by 30th November. In case of advanced training needs where it is not possible for the Training Centres to design and conduct programmes, the same should be forwarded to PMI for designing and conducting Company-level programmes and incorporation of the same in its Training Calendar. For this purpose, the Heads of Personnel of Regions and PMI shall meet before 15th December for sharing Training Calendars of the Projects/Stations of the respective Region and for providing inputs to the Training Calendar of PMI. In case of training needs expressed by only a few employees and it is not viable to design and conduct program at the project/station level, the Heads of Personnel / HR of each Region would explore the possibility of conducting the program at the Region-level either at the Regional

Headquarters or in any of the Projects/Stations of the Region, so that the training needs are not left unfulfilled for want of number of employees. In case of Company-level need-based program, the Training Need Analysis forwarded by individual projects/stations and Corporate Centre would be consolidated by PMI and the yearly training calendar for the next two years would be prepared accordingly, by end February. In case of Corporate Centre, the Training Need forms and Department-wise analysis would be consolidated by PMI and the yearly supplementary training calendar for the next two years would be prepared accordingly, after discussion with and acceptance of the EDs/GMs of the respective departments, by 15th December.

The Heads of training from the Projects / Stations would meet in the Regional Head Quarter during 1week of January to share training calendars. They would also provide inputs to RHQ / PMI regarding programmes to be assigned to RHQ / PMI, from out of the training needs identified by the employees of their respective projects. Each Training Centre/PMI shall bring out, by 15th February every year, a Training Calendar, specifying the schedules of the programmes, both planned interventions and need-based interventions, planned to be conducted by it during the following training year. Each Training Centre shall cir Each Training Centre/PMI shall bring out, by 15th February every year, a Training Calendar, specifying the schedules of the programmes, both planned interventions and needbased interventions, planned to be conducted by it during the following training year.


Each Training Centre shall circulate on bi-monthly basis calendar of programmes scheduled for the next two months to all HODs and other Training Agencies. The Training Calendars of the various Training Centers and of PMI would be widely made available to all departments/sections at all plants/offices. Copies of Training Calendar would also be kept in the Central Library of the Unit. Copies of Training Calendar of one Project/Station would be circulated to other Training Centres and PMI by 15th March, for need-based utilization.

The objectives of the nomination system are to ensure that employees are nominated to training in areas which are relevant to their duties or which have been identified as their developmental needs to ensure that opportunities to attend training programmers are made available to all employees to achieve the Training Target of average of seven man days of training in a training year for each employee.



Planned Interventions:
The Training Centre/PMI would send to departmental training coordinators, schedules for the next three programmers of a planned intervention, who in turn shall seek preferences for nomination from the employees in the target group and send the list of employees to the Training Centre/PMI. On the basis of the preferences received for nomination, the Training Centre/PMI shall send confirmation.

The Training Agency will ensure that employees are normally nominated to programmes related to training needs identified. An employee interested in attending any of the training programmes included in the training calendar of the training centre of respective Unit or PMI should forward his/her request for nomination, through the reporting officer, at least two weeks before the commencement of the programme.

External Training:
Employees may generally be considered for nomination to training programmes only in the areas identified in the Training Needs Analysis and after verifying if a similar programme is being conducted in-house during the year. Training centres shall, as far as possible, try to provide training to employees in-house. Employees will normally be nominated for external programmes only for advanced programmes or where conducting the programme in-house is not feasible.

The authorities competent to nominate for external training programmes are as given below

A) Plants & RHQs

i) For period up to 2 weeks in each case in ED/GM/Head (Orders to respect of employees up to E6 level of the Project be issued by P&A) ii) For period up to 4 weeks in respect of ED employees up to E6 and up to 2 weeks in respect of E7


Corporate Centre

i) For period up to 2 weeks in each case in GM respect of employees up to E4 level ii) For period up to 4 weeks in respect of ED employees up to E4 and up to 2 weeks in respect of employees in the level of E5 to E7

Full Powers

Functional Director

Specified Interventions:
The A) B) C) authorities competent to approve specified training programmers are as given below: Plant-level intervention Region-level intervention Company-level intervention Head of the plant concerned ED of the Region concerned Functional Director

With a view to achieve the Training Target of average of seven mandays of training in a training year for each employee, the Training Centre, along with the Departmental Training Co-ordinator will periodically prepare a list of employees who have not attended any training programme or have not yet completed an average of seven mandays of training. Nominations should generally based on this list. The list should be made available to all employees.





Power Development :The electric power generation in India on a commercial basis is almost a century old, substantial power development efforts began only after independence. At the launch of the First Five Year plan in 1951, power generation was recognized as a major input for the countrys economic development and was accorded high priority. Power sector outlays have among the highest in successive Five Year Plans ever since. The two plans focused on hydropower (as component of multi-purpose projects). Subsequent plans emphasized on rapid installations of thermal power stations. As a result of plan efforts, Indias installed power generation capacity grew to 16,664 MW in 1974. However, assessment of the planned growth since 1951 indicated that with the uneven distribution of resources, power development with only states as spatial units would result in large inter-state imbalances. This, and the need for quicker and greater capacity addition, led the Government Of India to assume a leading role in large-scale power generation as a matter of policy and, through an amendment of the Electricity (Supply) Act, National Thermal Power Corporation Ltd. (NTPC) and National Hydroelectric Power Corporation Ltd. (NHPC) were set in the central sector to supplement the efforts of the states. Consequently, total installed capacity of power utilities has increased from 1,362 MW in 1947 to 1,04918MW in March 2002. Electricity generation, which was only about 4.1 billion units in 1947, has risen to 515 billion units in 2001-02. As on March 2002, the


total installed capacity of utilities stood at 104918 MW. Most of this installed capacity is under government control nearly 60% of the power generation capacity. Currently, the central government owns about 30% of the power generation capacity in the country, the majority of which is in the thermal sector. Of the total installed thermal capacity of 25366.50MW in central sector, NTPCs share is 20092MW (76.61%).

NTPC- An Integrated Power Major
JOURNEY TOWARDS EXCELLENCE established in 1975, NTPC A Limited, a premier Public Sector Enterprise, is Indias largest power utility with an installed capacity of 27,904 MW through 26 power stations including stations operated under Joint Venture Companies. NTPC has emerged as an Integrated Power Major with presence in Hydro Power, Coal mining, Oil & Gas exploration, Power Distribution & Trading and also plans to enter into Nuclear Power Development. NTPC plans to become a 50,000 MW Company by 2012 and 75,000 MW plus company by 2017. The Company contributed 29.25% of the total electricity generated in the country during 2006-07 with 20.71% share of the total installed capacity of the nation including capacity and generation of Joint Venture Companies.

NTPC has acquired 44.6% equity stake in Transformers & Electricals Kerala Ltd. (TELK) for manufacturing of Transformers. As part of globalization initiatives, NTPC plans to construct and operate thermal power plants in overseas market. NTPC has signed an MOU with

Nigeria for supply of LNG. NTPC in turn shall set & operate 500 MW coal based and 700 MW gas based power plant in Nigeria. The company has also signed an MOU for setting up of a 500 MW coal based power plant in Sri Lanka.


NTPC Electricity Supply Company Ltd., (NESCL) formed as a subsidiary company to take up power distribution activities. NESCL has started the process of implementation of Accelerated Rural Electrification Programs in West Bengal. NTPC Vidyut Vyapar Nigam Ltd. has been formed as a subsidiary company for power trading. NVVN transacted business of 2664 MUs in 2006-07. Entered the coal mining business and has been allotted 8 coal mining blocks.
1. NTPC has got the approval for Mining Plan of 15 MTPA for its

first coal mining project at Pakri Barwadih. It is the largest ever capacity planned, in the very first phase, in a single mine in the country
2. NTPC has also signed a MOU with CIL and SCCL for formation

of Joint Ventures to undertake development, Operation & Maintenance of coal blocks and integrated coal-based power plants.
3. MOU signed with BEML for joint business development in the

field of contract coal mining Consortium comprising NTPC, Canorous and Geopetrol has been allotted an oil exploration block in Arunachal Pradesh. 4. MOU signed with Ministry of Railway for setting up power plant of 1000 MW at Nabinagar in Bihar.

5. Project approved by CCEA. MOU signed with ADB for establishment of power generation of about 500 MW through Renewable Energy Sources.
6. MOU signed with BHEL for taking up EPC jobs together.

Project name: Address: Approved capacity:

Vindhyachal Super Thermal Power Station P.O.vindhyanagar-486585, Distt. Singrauli, Madhya Pradesh 3260 MW (Stage-I 260X6MW, Stage-II 500X2MW, Stage-III 500X2MW)

Coal source: Water source: Beneficiary States:

Nigahi, Mines, Dudhichua Discharge Canal Of Singrauli VSTPS Super Thermal Power Station Madhyapradesh, Chattisgarh, Maharashtra, Gujrat, Goa, Daman & Diu And Dadar Nagar Haveli

Approved investment: Stage-I & II Rs 4053.42 crores, Stage-III Rs 4201.5 crores


Unit I Unit II Unit III Unit IV Unit V

: : : : :

210MW October 1987 500MW July 1988 210MW February 1989 210MW December 1989 210MW March 1990

Unit Commissioned
Unit VI Unit VII Unit VIII Unit IX Unit X : : : : : 210MW February 1991 500MW March 1999 500MW February 2000 500MW July 2006 500MW March 2007

International assistance


World Bank under Time Slice Loan Stage-II



1. Capacity: 1000MW (2X500MW) 2. Approved cost: Rs 4125 Cr. +WCM 76.5 Cr. 3. Land: No additional land was required (6178 acres available) 4. Water: rihand reservoir thru singrauli discharge canal (40 Cusec) 5. Coal: nigahi mines of NCl (4.8MMT) 6. Power allocation: Madhya Pradesh 23.1% , Chattisgarh 4.2%, Maharashtra 31.9%, Gujrat 23.9%, Goa ,Daman & Diu And Dadar Nagar Haveli 1.9% Unallocated 15%.


Vindhyachal Singrauli Korba Ramagundam Farakka Rihand Kahalgaon Dadri Talcher Kaniha Unchahar Talchar Thermal Tanda Simhadri Badarpur Anta Auraiya Kawas Dadri Jhanor-Gandhar Kayamkulam

A. Coal Based
Madhya Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Chattisgarh Andhra Pradesh West Bengal Uttar Pradesh Bihar Uttar Pradesh Orissa Uttar Pradesh Orissa Uttar Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Delhi

3260 2000 2100 2600 1600 2000 840 840 3000 1050 460 440 1000 705 413 652 645 817 648 350

B.Gas Based
Rajasthan Uttar Pradesh Gujarat Uttar Pradesh Gujarat Kerala

Faridabad Raurkela Durgapur Bhilai Ratnagiri Koldam Kahalgaon-Ii Sipat-I Sipat-I Barh Bhilai Kahalgaon-Iii Loharinag Pala Dadri-Ii Farakka-Ii


430 120 120 74 740 800 1500 1980 1000 1980 500 500 600 490 500

C. Joint Venture
Orissa West Bengal Chhatisgarh Maharastra

D. Project Under Construction

Himachal Pradesh Bihar Chhatisgarh Chhatisgarh Bihar Chhatisgarh Chhatisgarh Uttaranchal Uttar Pradesh West Bengal









1. To add generating capacity with prescribe time and cost. 2. To operate and maintain power stations at high availability ensuring minimum cost of generation.
3. To maintain the financial operation in accordance with good

commercial utility practice. 4. To develop appropriate commercial policy leading to remunerative tariffs and minimum receivables.
5. To function as a responsible corporate citizen and discharge social

responsibility, rehabilitation.








The corporation will strive to utilize the ash produced at its stations to the maximum extent possible through production of ash bricks buildings materials etc. To adopt appropriate human resources development policy leading to creation of team of motivated and competent power professionals. To introduce, assimilate and attain self-sufficiency in technology, acquire expertise in utility management practices and to disseminate knowledge essentially as a contribution to other constituents of the power sector in the country. To develop Research & Development (R&D) for achieving improved plant reliability. To expand the consultancy operations and to participate in ventures abroad.


Powering Indias Growth: - Through People
NTPC strongly believes in achieving organizational excellence through Human Resources and follows People First approach to leverage the potential of its 23,500 employees to fulfill its business plans. Human Resources Function has formulated an integrated HR strategy, which is rests on four building blocks of HR viz. competence building, commitment building, culture building and system building. All HR initiates are undertaken within this broad framework to actualize the HR vision of enabling the employees to be a family of commitment world class professionals making NTPC a learning organization. To induct


talent and groom them into dedicated cadre of power professionals Executive Trainee Scheme was introduced in the year 1977 for recruitment in the discipline of Mechanical, Civil, Electrical, Control &Instrumentation and now encompasses Computer Science, Chemistry, HR and Finance disciplines also. Besides a comprehensive one-year training comprising theoretical inputs as well as on the-job training, the new circuits are attached with Senior Executives under a systematic and formal Mentoring System of the company to integrate them into the culture of company.

Project No of projects
NTPC OWNED COAL 15 GAS/LIQ.FUEL 07 TOTAL 22 OWNED BY JVs COAL 03 GAS/LIQ.FUEL 01 GRAND TOTAL 26 *captive power plant under JVs with SAIL ** power plant under JV with GAIL,FLs& MSEB

Commissioned capacity (MW)

22,895 3,955 26,850 314* 740** 27,904



Coal based power stations Commissioned Coal based 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Singrauli Korba Ramagundam Farakka Vindhyachal Rihand Kahalgaon Ntcpp State Uttar Pradesh Chattisgarh Andhara Pradesh West Bengal Madhya Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Bihar Uttar Pradesh Capacity (MW) 2,000 2,100 2,600 1,600 3,260 2,000 1,340 840


Additional Coal/hydro State Fuel capacity under implementation (MW) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Kahalgaon stage II (phase I) (phase II) Sipat (stage I) (stage II) Barh Bhilai (exp.power project-JV with SAIL) Korba (stage III) Farakka (stage III) NCTPP (stage II) Simhadri (stageII) Koldam (HEPP) Bihar Chattisgarh Bihar Chattisgarh Chattisgarh West Bengal Uttar Pradesh Andhara Pradesh Himachal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal Coal hydro

500 500 1980 500 1980 500 500 500 980 1000 800

10. Loharinag pala (HEPP) 11. Tapovan vishungad(HEPP)

Pradesh Uttarakhand Uttrakhand

hydro hydro

600 520

Total (coal +hydro)






1. To study about various type of training and development

activity/initiatives for different levels of employees. 2. To study about the quality of training system at VSTPS. 3. To come out with a road map for improvement. 4. To determine the areas of improvement in training and development. 5. To know the cost effectiveness of training programmed. 6. For the partial fulfillment of MBA (HRD) degree.


Type of Data: Both Primary & Secondary data will be collected for the project. Data Collection Method: Sample Size:Sampling size detail as follows.

In this particular sample we have chosen 100 employees

(EXECUTIVE/NON EXCUTIVE) for the study. Data is collected through:a. b. c. Observations Survey through questionnaire Personal Interaction. The sources of data collected are: 1. Primary:Through Executive) 2. Secondary:a. Internet b. companys Intranet Data Analysis:Percentage Data Presentation :Pie-Chart survey method on employees (Executive/Non

Data Source:-



Limit is fence which comes everywhere it has been found in my object also, where some of them could not be ignored. 1. It was very difficult to collect data from the files because they were hundreds of files. 2. There was some confidential information about the company which was not shown. 3. Time was also limited.




1. The training centre at my unit is well equipped.

1 2 3 4 5

Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree Total

60 20 12 6 2 100

1So g A r e r n ly ge 1% 2 6 % 2 % 2A r e ge 3N ith r A r eN r e e ge o D ar e is ge 2% 0 6% 0 4D a r e is ge 5So g D a r e r n ly is ge

The Training Center of NTPC (VSTPS) is well equipped because mostly employees are satisfied in this favor so we can say that training center of NTPC (VSTPS) HREDC is better.


2. Training centre at my unit is well maintained.

1 Strongly Agree 2 Agree 3 Neither Agree Nor Disagree 4 Disagree 5 Strongly Disagree Total 40 50 5 3 2 100

Strongly agree 5% 3%2% 40% 50% Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree

Almost employees are satisfied with the maintained of Training Center of NTPC (VSTPS) so we can say that Training Center of NTPC is well maintained.


3. A mix of internal and external faculty takes training session at EDC.

1 2 3 4 5

Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree Total

15 80 5 0 0 100

1 Srongly Agree 5% 0% 15% 2 Agree 3N either Agree N or D isagree 4D isagree 80% 5 Srongly D isagree

The Almost Employees of NTPC (VSTPS) are satisfied with the internal and external faculty provided by the Organization for taking training program.

4. Most training needs of employees are addressed by the local EDC.


1 Srongly Agree 5% 5% 0% 2 Agree 42% 3N either Agree N or D isagree 4D isagree 48% 5 Srongly D isagree

1 2 3 4 5

Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree Total

42 48 5 5 0 100

In the Training Center of NTPC is done analysis of employees about training needs is so good because almost employees are satisfied of the organization.

5. Faculty knowledge and training methodology at EDC are to my satisfaction.

1 Strongly Agree 2 Agree 3 Neither Agree Nor Disagree

20 75 3

4 Disagree 5 Strongly Disagree Total

2 0 100




1 Srongly Agree 2 Agree 3N either Agree N or D isagree 4D isagree


5 Srongly D isagree

Almost employees are satisfied with their faculty Knowledge and training methodology thats provided by the Organization.

6. Training nomination takes place as per the training needs of the employee.

1 2 3 4 5

Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree Total

27 63 10 0 0 100

1 S n ly A re ro g g e 1% 0 0 % 2% 7 2 A re g e 3 N ith r A re N r e e g e o D g e isa re 4D g e isa re 6% 3 5 S n ly D g e ro g isa re

The Nomination System of Training needs of an employees is provided by is company properly because mostly employees are satisfied so we can say that nomination system of training needs of NTPC is better.

7. Reporting officer takes active interest in training of their subordinate.

1 2 3 4 5 Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree Total 30 64 3 0 3 100


0 % 3 %

1 S n ly A re ro g g e 3 % 3% 0 2 A re g e 3 N ith r A re N r e e g e o D g e isa re 4D g e isa re

6% 4 5 S n ly D g e ro g isa re

Mostly employees are satisfied with the taken active Interest by their superior to subordinates during providing training program so we can say that officers are taking active interest of their subordinates

8. Employees are given as per their development plan by their reporting officer for job rotation etc.

1 2 3 4 5

Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree Total
1 Srongly Agree 5% 2% 3% 33% 2 Agree

33 57 5 2 3 100

3N either Agree N or D isagree 57% 4D isagree 5 Srongly D isagree


Almost employees are the satisfied in the favor of development plans provided by the organization to their employees for the job rotation. Job rotation of NTPC is to be done properly mostly employees are enhanced their knowledge and skills by the job rotation in the organization.

9. Employees actively apply their learning from training at work place. 1 2 3 4 5 Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree Total 19 63 10 2 6 100

1 S n ly Ag e ro g re 1 0% 2 % 6 % 19 % 2 A re g e 3 N ith r A e e gree N r o D g isa ree 4 D gree isa 63 % 5 S n ly D ro g isag e re



Almost employees are actively applied their all employees are satisfied

knowledge & skills at the

working place whose they are learnt during the training program because


Employees are given time for attending training


1 2 3 4 5

Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree Total

17 73 2 1 7 100

1 S n ly A re ro g g e 21 %% 7 % 1% 7 2 A re g e 3 N ith r A re N r e e g e o D g e isa re 4D g e isa re 7% 3 5 S n ly D g e ro g isa re



NTPC (VSTPS) is provided a fix training program for attending to the employees in training calendar because mostly employees are satisfied in attend training program in per annum training.


In my opinion training and development system

of NTPC adds value to organization.

1 Strongly Agree 2 Agree 3 Neither Agree Nor Disagree 4 Disagree 5 Strongly Disagree Total 23 57 4 3 13 100

3% 4%



1 Srongly Agree 2 Agree 3 Neither Agree Nor Disagree 4 Disagree 5 Srongly Disagree




Mostly employees are satisfied with the training &development of NTPC (VSTPS) so we can say that training & development of the organization is better. 1 2 3 4 5 Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree Total 12 58 12 9 9 100

12. I look forward to take up special assignment as a part of cross functional training.

1 Srongly Agree 9% 12% 9% 12% 2 Agree 3N either Agree Nor D isagree 4D isagree 58% 5 Srongly D isagree


Given that chart special assignment is provided to the employees in the cross functional training program by the organization because almost employees are satisfied.

13. All employees in my department get nominated for training programs uniformly. 1 2 3 4 5 Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree Total 18 62 5 10 5 100

1 Srongly Agree 10% 5% 5% 18% 2 Agree 3 Neither Agree Nor Disagree 4 Disagree 62% 5 Srongly Disagree



All employees are satisfied with the nominated for training program at the department levels because nomination system of training program is better in the organization.

14. Employees in my department almost get same number of training man days per annum.

1 2 3 4 5

Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree Total

11 49 23 13 4 100

1 Srongly Agree 13% 4% 11% 2 Agree 3 Neither Agree Nor Disagree 49% 4 Disagree 5 Srongly Disagree




A mix reaction is got for the same no. of training man days per annum in the NTPC because some employees are not satisfied with the man days per annum of training program.

15. Seniors readily share their knowledge and experience with their juniors.
1 2 3 4 5 Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree Total 15 35 4 43 3 100

1 S ng Agre ro ly e 3 % 43 % 35 % 4 % 5 S ng D gre ro ly isa e 15 % 2A gree 3 N er Ag e N eith re or D g e isa re 4D g e isa re



A mix Reaction is got for the seniors of share their knowledge and experience with their juniors in the organization.

16. People openly share their knowledge and ideas with each other.
1 2 3 4 5 Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree Total 22 38 7 30 3 100

1 Srongly Agree 3% 30% 3N either A gree N or D isagree 7% 4D isagree 38% 5 Srongly D isagree 22% 2 Agree

Mostly employees are satisfied in the favor of shares their knowledge and ideas with each other in the organization.


17. I have imported adequate training needed to carry out my

responsibility effectively.
1 2 3 4 5 Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree Total 32 46 11 7 4 100

1 Srongly Agree 7% 11% 4% 32% 2 Agree 3N either Agree N or D isagree 4D isagree 46% 5 Srongly D isagree

Almost employees are satisfied in the favor of impart adequate training needed to carry out responsibility effectively by the organization.


18. I feel NTPC as an organization is committed towards training and development of its employees.

1 Strongly Agree 2 Agree 3 Neither Agree Nor Disagree 4 Disagree 5 Strongly Disagree Total

28 62 5 3 2 100

1 Srongly Agree 5% % 3% 2 28% 2 Agree 3N either Agree N or D isagree 4D isagree 6 2% 5 Srongly D isagree

Almost employees are satisfied with the committed towards training & development of its employee by the organization so we can say that NTPC (VSTPS) is provided properly training program to their employees.




During the project I found that: 1. Any a better technical training & provide a better development

programmed to their Employee are trend his skilled is developed and his working condition is better.
2. We found that in NTPC (VSTPS) have a good working

environment and better working place.

3. We found that in NTPC (VSTPS) has no senior share their

knowledge & experience with their junior.

4. During the project I found that in NTPC (VSTPS) training centre is

well equipped and maintained.

5. We found that in NTPC (VSTPS) have provided training to their

employee by external faculty for the latest and modern technology.

6. We found that in NTPC (VSTPS) have organized two type of

trainingi. ii. Training 7. Company provides anew facility to employees. 8. We found that employees are more competent after found response for employees we reach a conclusion the employees. ITI Training Diploma


On the analysis of data collected through my observation we reached to conclusion.
1. HRD is working with its full potential for effective training

programmed, it has also adopted the modern technique of development within its specialized in particular field.
2. HR Dept. of NTPC (VSTPS) is nominated to employee for

providing training & development programme. The programmed are organized by HR-EDC.
3. Some time the person from out side on also give training to

employees for acquiring the latest and recent knowledge.

4. HR Dept. is giving much stress on behavioral programs for over all

development to their employees .This also help in development good working culture and industrial relation in the organization. 5. Class room lecture participation in exercise and discussion supported by case study role play business games presentation etc. are organized by the HR EDC. 6. On the Job training and rotational training where learning take place by direct experience provided by HR Dept. in NTPC (VSTPS).


1. Training nominations must be made in accordance with the

identified training need of each employee.

2. Training of subordinates may be made mandatory KSA for each

reporting officers .In addition training impact assessment study may be carried out for a least technical/job related training program. 3. Critical incident diary may be maintained by reporting officers to check time to time the improvement of their skill/performance
4. Reporting officers must be maintained to their diary for before

joining to the training program and returning to the training program what are the improvement to their skills and knowledge.



Ashwathapa K., Human Resource Management (third edition), Chhabra. , T. N. Human Resource Management, ninth edition. VSP RAO, Human Resource Management. Deepak Kumar Bhattacharya, Human Resource Planing.






: : : :


I am Anil Kumar Yadav MBA (HRD) III Sem. from A P S University Rewa, doing my project on Training & Development at ntpc (VSTPS) .As part of my summer project work, I request you to kindly fill this questionnaire. Your response will be used only for academic purpose and will be kept confidential. 1. The training centre at my unit is well equipped. i. iii. v. i. iii. v. i. iii. v. i. iii. Strongly Agree Neither Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree Neither Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree Neither Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree Neither Agree ii. iv. Agree Disagree ii. iv. Agree Disagree ii. iv. Agree Disagree ii. iv. Agree Disagree

2. Training centre at unit is well maintained.

3. A mix of internal and external faculty takes training session at EDC.

4. Most training needs of employees are addressed by the local EDC.


v. satisfaction. i. iii. v. employee. i. iii. v. i. iii. v.

Strongly Disagree

5. Faculty knowledge and training methodology at EDC are to my Strongly Agree Neither Agree Strongly Disagree ii. iv. Agree Disagree

6. Training nomination takes place as per the training needs of th Strongly Agree Neither Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree Neither Agree Strongly Disagree ii. iv. Agree Disagree ii. iv. Agree Disagree

7. Reporting officer takes active interest in training of their subordinate.

8. Employees are given as per their development plan by their reporting officer for job rotation etc i. iii. v. i. iii. v. i. iii. v. Strongly Agree Neither Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree Neither Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree Neither Agree Strongly Disagree ii. iv. Agree Disagree ii. iv. Agree Disagree ii. iv. Agree Disagree

9. Employees actively apply their learning from training at work place.

10. Employees are given time for attending training programs.


11. In my opinion training and development system of TPC adds value to organization i. iii. v. Strongly Agree Neither Agree Strongly Disagree ii. iv. Agree Disagree

12. I look forward to take up special assignment as a part of cross functional teams. i. iii. v. uniformly. i. iii. v. Strongly Agree Neither Agree Strongly Disagree ii. iv. Agree Disagree Strongly Agree Neither Agree Strongly Disagree ii. iv. Agree Disagree

13. All employees in my department get nominated for training programs

14. Employees in my department almost get same number of training man days per annum. i. iii. v. juniors. i. iii. v. i. iii. v. Strongly Agree Neither Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree Neither Agree Strongly Disagree

Strongly Agree Neither Agree Strongly Disagree

ii. iv.

Agree Disagree

15. Seniors readily share their knowledge and experience with their ii. iv. Agree Disagree

16. People openly share their knowledge and ideas with each other. ii. iv. Agree Disagree

17. I have imported adequate training needed to carry out my responsibility effectively. i. iii. v. Strongly Agree Neither Agree Strongly Disagree ii. iv. Agree Disagree

18. I feel NTPC as an organization is committed towards training and development of its employees. i. iii. v. Strongly Agree Neither Agree Strongly Disagree ii. iv. Agree Disagree


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