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CPWF Project Annual Report

Andy Nelson Project Leader: G1 Project Number: Resource profiles, extrapolation domains and land-use patterns Project Title: Reporting Period: Year 1 April 2011 Mar 2012 Report Serial Number: G1_CPWF_AR_2012_March_31 April 2011 Starting Date: March 2014 Completion Date:

Date: 26-March-2012

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Section 1: Research ..................................................................................................................................3 1.1. What were your teams main activities over the last twelve months? ....................................3 1.2. Adjustments to your research questions ..................................................................................4 1.3. Describe how (research) best bets are evolving based on interaction with potential users and on accumulated learning by your project. ....................................................................................4 1.4. Surprise and success .................................................................................................................4 Section 2: Outputs and programmatic contributions...............................................................................5 2.1. Present your projects milestone plan ......................................................................................5 2.2. Contributions to and from the BDC and its projects, joint work ..............................................5 2.3. Partnerships ..............................................................................................................................5 2.4. Gender and diversity integration ..............................................................................................6 2.5. Contribution to and from Topic Working Groups (TWG) .........................................................6 2.6. Research publications and communication outputs ................................................................7 2.7. Capacity building of people engaged in the project .................................................................8 2.8. Outreach to actors or actor groups identified in the OLMs or others ......................................9 Section 3: Outcomes...............................................................................................................................10 3.1. Working towards developmental goals ..................................................................................10 3.2. Your projects theory of change..............................................................................................10 3.3. Challenges when working towards developmental goals ......................................................10 Section 4: Financial Management ..........................................................................................................11 4.1. Summary financial report .......................................................................................................11 4.2. Project leaders commentary on the summary financial report ............................................12 Section 5: Implications for future action ................................................................................................13 5.1. Response to previous change requests ..................................................................................13 5.2. Emerging opportunities and risks ...........................................................................................13 5.3. Assistance needed ..................................................................................................................13 5.4. Feedback for improving this reporting format .......................................................................13 5.5. Additional comments ..............................................................................................................14 Annexes ...................................................................................................................................................14 Annex 1: Updated Project Workbook.....................................................................................................14 Annex 2: Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) ............................................................................................14

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Section 1: Research
1.1. What were your teams main activities over the last twelve months?
Four main tasks were undertaken in the last 12 months. Desk based research to identify available spatial and survey data that could be used in G1 to address the research questions on extrapolation domains and land use mapping. IRRI, SRDI, LGED and IWM were involved in this process. This resulted in an assessment of critical data or knowledge gaps in the coastal zone which G1 would aim to fill. Coordinated soil and water salinity monitoring by SRDI and IWM has been started in the three target polders. This monitoring will provide data which will be converted into weekly and monthly maps of salinity profiles in the region. Salinity, and its spatial and temporal variability within the seasons and from year to year is one of the major constraints to land use options in the coastal zone. The maps below show the salinity monitoring sites in each polder. In the three target polders there are four surface soil salinity monitoring sites which are synchronized with IWM water salinity monitoring sites. SRDI are also monitoring soil salinity in 65 sites distributed all over the coastal zone. In most places one sample is taken at each site per month. But from March to May we monitor twice a month in some of the places depending on the accessibility of monitoring sites.

Digitising of key spatial data such as soil maps per Upazila and Mouza boundaries to fill in data gaps as identified by the desk research. These are essential spatial datasets required for the extrapolation domain and landuse mapping. Seasonal rice area maps for Bangladesh have been developed by IRRI for the 2009/2010/2011 season showing the extent of rice in the boro, aus and aman season. These maps have been published in RiceToday and submitted as a journal article. The maps are the most recent and detailed maps of rice agriculture in Bangladesh and have revealed changes in cropping intensity in the region, such as the move from single crop aman rice to aus/aman double cropping in the area south of Barisal. This change has occurred in the last 3 to 4 years. The maps detail the complexity of the cropping systems in Bangladesh and also the rapid changes that are taking place in the coastal zone.

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Adjustments to your research questions

The extrapolation domain mapping shifted focus from spatial mapping of domains to a spatio-temporal representation of land use and land use limitations. The G1 partners realized that land use in the coastal zone has been continuously adapting to a changing environment and that this must be reflected in any assessment of possible extrapolation domains. Thus, in addition to collecting existing spatial information, there was a focus on the collection of salinity information on a weekly or daily basis (water salinity) and monthly or bi monthly basis (soil salinity) within the target polders as well as an assessment of land use patterns by season. The research question on domain mapping has shifted from where will technologies be successful to where and when will technologies be successful.


Describe how (research) best bets are evolving based on interaction with potential users and on accumulated learning by your project.

Too early in the project to assess this.


Surprise and success

The first product that we have developed is the seasonal rice area map for Bangladesh, including the entire coastal zone. These three maps have caused a lot of discussion amongst Bangladeshi scientists at IRRI (Los Banos) because in several cases the maps challenged their perceptions of where, and most importantly when rice is cultivated. The coastal region south of Barisal was one example where several scientists could not believe that there was rice in the aus season in 2010, since their experience was that there was never an aus crop there. Yet, other researchers stated that in the past few years, farmers in this region had started planting rice in the aus season, resulting in a new rice/rice cropping pattern in the aus and aman. This feedback supported the need for regular assessments and updates of land use in what is a very complex and dynamic land use system. It also reinforced the view that land use intensity is already increasing in parts of the coastal zone and that the there is plenty of scope for the adoption of the rice/aquaculture systems that the Ganges Basin Project is testing.

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Section 2: Outputs and programmatic contributions

2.1. Present your projects milestone plan

We have requested a no-cost project extension for reasons that were already stated in the inception report. We have also faced a long delay in hiring a key member of staff a post doc in land use modeling and GIS that would coordinate the research activities of the G1 partners in Bangladesh. Both of these factors mean that we pushed back many of the G1 milestones by 6 months, so that Milestones 0a, 0b, 2a and 2b were the only milestones to be reported on in year 1.


Contributions to and from the BDC and its projects, joint work
Significance of your contribution to other BDC projects objectives (i.e., outputs, outcomes) Maps used for planning purposes for the innovation grant site for G2

Contribution to other BDC projects

1.provision of land use and other maps to G2 2. 3. Contribution from other BDC projects Significance of their contribution to your projects objectives (i.e., outputs, outcomes) 1. 2. 3. Work carried out jointly Significance of the work carried out jointly to projects and BDC objectives (i.e., outputs, outcomes) 1. 2. 3. Contribution to the BDC as a whole Significance of your contribution to the BDC as a whole 1. First assessment of rice crop area Documents the seasonal variation in cropping area for the most by seasons for Bangladesh important staple crop in Bangladesh and feedback suggests that cropping intensity is changing in the coastal zone and that the speed of this change means that more frequent assessments are required to quickly identify opportunities for new rotation systems. 2. 3.



Much of G1s work in year one has been on the collection and development of key datasets required to support activities in year 2 and 3. Thus there has been little interaction with partners outside of the G1 consortium.

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Annual PROJECT PROGRESS REPORT Gender and diversity integration

G1 aims to characterize the household composition in the target polders using census data at mouza level, but we have not yet obtained this information from the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics. Most of the other spatial and survey data that G1 will compile is related to environmental characteristics and natural resources rather than social and gender


Contribution to and from Topic Working Groups (TWG)

Contribution to TWGs (specify)

Significance of contribution to project and BDC objectives (i.e., outputs, outcomes) 1. A. Nelson participated in the first The first meeting aimed to share knowledge and techniques Spatial Analysis and Modeling TWG amongst the basins. This was an excellent and productive meeting in Ethiopia, Nov 7 11 2011 meeting, but it was apparent that the Ganges basin is quite different to the other CPWF basins which have a much stronger emphasis on hydrological watershed modeling. There is certainly scope for cross basin learning, but it remains to be seen just how much relevance the SAM TWG will have for our activities and vice versa. 2. 3. Contribution from any TWG (specify) Significance of contribution to project and BDC objectives (i.e., outputs, outcomes) 1. 2. 3.

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Research publications and communication outputs

How disseminated / promoted / used Any feedback on its use, or how monitored/ evaluated NA

Output Reference (Author, year, title/ Target Type output name, etc.) audience (see (as in above) OLM)

Mapping seasonal rice in a scientists Submitted to journal high cropping intensity environment of Bangladesh using MODIS time-series data and spectral matching techniques. 2012. Murali Krishna Gumma, Andrew Nelson, Aileen Maunahan, Prasad S. Thenkabail, and Saidul Islam. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Scientists, Rice Today magazine, online Article has Rice cropping patterns in national generated a Bangladesh, 2012, Murali level today/maps/rice-cropping-patterns-inlot of Krishna Gumma, Andrew policy bangladesh discussion Nelson, Aileen Maunahan, makers amongst Prasad S. Thenkabail, and Bangladeshi Saidul Islam, Rice Today, Vol rice 11, No 1 2012 scientists since it challenged their perceptions of rice agriculture patterns in the country.

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Annual PROJECT PROGRESS REPORT 2.7. Capacity building of people engaged in the project
FAMILY Gender Nationality Level (e.g., MSc, NAME, PhD), affiliated Given University/ type of Name training Research / thesis subject Output and/or OP*

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2.8. Outreach to actors or actor groups identified in the OLMs or others

None there are no such activities in the G1 project plan until late 2012, early 2013.

Type of outreach activities (e.g. informal/ formal meeting, stakeholder consultation, seminar, training, forum)

Actors/ Actor groups Dates, venue (taken from OLM or any (location, other newly identified country) target group). How many participants (gender/ diversity distribution)?

Any feedback or how monitored/evaluated? Any evidence that your outreach activities led to some positive change?

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Section 3: Outcomes
3.1. Working towards developmental goals
As covered in 2.1 and 2.3

3.2. Your projects theory of change

No changes within the first 12 months. The information that we will develop has changed but the desired outcomes from the application of this information have not

3.3. Challenges when working towards developmental goals

It has proven exceptionally difficult to attract good candidates to fill our post doc position in Bangladesh

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Section 4: Financial Management

4.1. Summary financial report
1 30 Apr 2011

30 Sep 2011

01 Oct 2011 01 Nov 2011 31 Oct 2011 31 Jan 2012





Completion Report and Final Audit for project closure

(thousands of $US) 1

Inception Report US$

Progress Report 1 US$

Progress Report 2 US$

Progress Report1 US$

Progress Report 2 US$

Progress Report 1 US$

Progress Report 2 US$


4 5

Value of tranche payment received this report period Value of tranche payments received to date Value of expenditures for report period Cumulative value of expenditures to date Balance held against cumulative tranche payments Value of committed funds




7 7 (7) -

62 69 116 4

43 112 73 73

I certify that the summary financial report is correct

Controller Financial Management Services: Date: March 21, 2012

Sunil K. Jhunjhunwala

Adjust the dates to fit with our contract period

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Annual PROJECT PROGRESS REPORT Project leaders commentary on the summary financial report
Expected date of expenditure As soon as possible As soon as possible


Please explain any significant commitments currently being held: Commitment is held against payment to which partners or Amount, providers? USD SRDI 36250 IWM 37500

If you are over-spent / under-spent please explain why or any aspect of the financial progress of your project that has or will affect progress:

Under spending is mainly due to not being able to hire staff in Bangladesh

If you had moved budgets across line items please explain why:

Any other comments about financial aspects of your project, and any advice you would like to receive:

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Section 5: Implications for future action

5.1. Response to previous change requests
Describe your response to requests made in the MT evaluation of your last Project Progress Report (six months back) What were the requests made in the MT evaluation of your Project Inception Report? 1. revision of OLM and milestones Describe and provide evidence of what you did to address the issues The milestones and gantt charts were altered to reflect the no-cost extension request. The OLMs were simplified and clarified based on feedback from MT and G5. Workbook and inception report were revised following MT comments and submitted to basin leader on Jan 17th.


Emerging opportunities and risks

Implications for future action Output/OP

Emerging opportunities 1. 2. Emerging risks 1. delay in funding from CPWF 2.difficulty in hiring post doc

Implications for future action Delay in activities Delay in activities

Output/OP All All


Assistance needed
By whom (e.g. TWGs and/or the CPWF Research Team, Coordination Project and/ or CPWF KM team) Why is it important?

Assistance needed with


Feedback for improving this reporting format

Nothing major, but I do dislike text boxes. On one hand the report encourages creativity, on the other hand, everything is compartmentalized into a large number of sections and subsections. Whilst filling in these subsections I felt compelled to repeat a lot of information in order to respond to the questions, which is not useful for anyone.

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Annual PROJECT PROGRESS REPORT 5.5. Additional comments

Annex 1: Updated Project Workbook
(see attached)

Annex 2: Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)

Please send any updates to your projects 3rd Party Intellectual Property Audit using this template If there are no updates, please state this in this section. No updates on 3rd party IP

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