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MEAT importers have warned the
Aquino administration it is antag-
onizing the United States and hurt-
ing consumers by imposing trade
restrictions that will raise the cost
of processed meat products.
They also accuse the govern-
ment of failing to consult them,
the US and other countries as
trading partners to get them to
agree to the tariff increases rst.
The warning came in a letter
to Agriculture Secretary Proceso
Alcala dated May 9 and signed by
Jesus Cham, president of the Meat
Importers and Traders Association,
Inc.; Felix Tiukinhoy Jr., president
of the Philippine Association of
Meat Processors Inc.; and An-
thony Dizon, president of the Cold
Chain Association of the Philip-
pines, Inc. They are members of
the Alliance of Food Processors,
Providers and Stakeholders.
The traders are demanding
the suspension of the increase
in the reference prices of pork to
$2.97 a kilo from 80 cents and
$1.23 a kilo for chicken from
54 cents, which they view as a
concession to the local hog and
chicken industries that have
threatened to go on a ve-day
pork and chicken holiday should
the government fail to address
their concerns over the smug-
gling and over-importation of
pork and chicken.
But a representative of the
hog raisers dispute the import-
ers claims.
Say that again? They are
hurting? said Abono chairman
and Swine Development Coun-
cil director Rosendo So.
They never had it so good
for the longest time, and we were
left reeling from the death of 20
percent of the backyard industry
and annual losses amounting to
P8.9 billion,
By Maricel V. Cruz
crossed party lines to demand that
the Aquino administration allow
former President and now Pam-
panga Rep. Gloria Macapagal-
Arroyo to seek medical treatment
abroad due to her life-threatening
condition as a result of the compli-
cations arising from her previous
operations in her spine.
But House Speaker Feliciano
Belmonte Jr. suggested that Mrs.
Arroyo have a series of proce-
dures rst to verify that a cor-
rective operation could not be
done in the country.
I think we need to hear from
the specialists, Belmonte told
THE oil distributors on Sunday
announced another rollback in
pump prices starting at one min-
ute after midnight up to 6 a.m.
Shell, Petron, Eastern Petro-
leum, Chevron, PTT and Phoe-
nix Petroleum cut prices by
P1.60 per liter of regular gaso-
line, P1.70 per liter of unleaded
gasoline, P1.60 per liter of diesel
and P1.50 per liter of kerosene.
The price cuts announced
on Sunday were the second this
month. On May 8, the distribu-
tors cut the price of unleaded
gasoline by P0.70 a liter, regu-
lar gasoline by P0.90, diesel by
P0.60, and kerosene by P0.50.
Oil prices have tumbled in the
world market amid tensions over
the eurozones political and eco-
nomic problems and indications
that Saudi Arabia, the worlds top
oil producer, would increase its
output. Alena Mae Flores
THE Palace on Sunday said Chi-
nas decision to block P700 mil-
lion worth of bananas from the
Philippines was a phytosanitary
issue, and played down sugges-
tions that it was retaliation over
the standoff between Manila
and Beijing over the Panatag or
Scarborough Shoal.
It is a regulatory issue. It
remains a phytosanitary issue,
deputy presidential spokewoman
Abigail Valte said.
They [Chinese quarantine
ofcials] said that certain speci-
men of insects were supposedly
found in a [randomly inspected]
shipment... This is already being
addressed by the government,
Valte said ofcials from the Ag-
riculture and Trade Departments
had been talking to their Chinese
counterparts to resolve the issue.
The Philippine Banana Grow-
ers and Exporters Association said
more stringent quarantine mea-
sures in China could jeopardize
the countrys P4.75-billion banana
industry. China is the second big-
gest export market for Philippine
bananas next to Japan.
Despite the Palaces assur-
ances, there were growing signs
of an economic fallout over the
countrys territorial dispute with
ordered the Department of Sci-
ence and Technology to take the
lead in beeng up the security of
government websites following
the attacks on them last week
as a result of Manilas territorial
dispute with Beijing over the Pa-
natag or Scarborough Shoal.
Deputy presidential spokes-
woman Abigail Valte said govern-
ment website administrators had
already been advised to bump up
the security of their websites.
Before, if a government
website becomes compromised,
that is an automatic signal to ev-
erybody else to take further se-
curity measures, Valte said.
But now, with the con-
tinuation of these attempts to
compromise the websites, the
[Science Department] has ef-
fectively taken the lead in mak-
ing sure that the administrators
By Christine F. Herrera
MINDANAOS lawmakers
and consumers on Sunday
disputed the claims made by
Energy Secretary Jose Rene
Almendras that power is back
in Mindanao, saying outages
continued to cripple the is-
Agham Rep. Angelo Pal-
mones and Akbayan Rep.
Arlene Kaka Bag-ao also de-
manded that the plan to sell
off state-owned power plants
be scrapped so the government
could focus on solving the
power shortage on the island.
They said Zamboanga,
General Santos, Koronadal,
Cagayan de Oro and Bukidnon
continued to experience three-
to four-hour blackouts contrary
to Almendras claims.
Palmones comes from Cota-
bato and Bag-ao from Dinagat
Island in Surigao del Norte.
On Friday, 150 delegates
from consumer groups, elec-
tric cooperatives and local
government units vowed to
pursue peoples solutions to
the power crisis.
The power crisis in Min-
danao is far from over, said
Manjette Lopez, acting presi-
dent of the Freedom From Debt
Coalition, which organized the
Mindanao Consumer Summit.
In fact, Summit delegates
from Regions 9, 10, 11, 12 and
Caraga disputed this irrespon-
sible statement from Secretary
Almendras, revealing the con-
tinuing daily blackouts running
for as long as six to eight hours
each day, Lopez said.
Bag-ao said the people of
Mindanao should be given an
option to choose the power so-
lution best for them.
If Mindanao is to face a
power crisis, it should be given
the option to solve it, Bag-ao
told the Mindanao Consumer
Summit on Friday, the same
day that Almendras declared
power was back in Mindanao
after the Agus hydroelectric
plant came back on stream.
Mindanaoans feel power-
less, no pun intended, as some
groups say they must swallow
the bitter pill of higher elec-
tricity rates or accept frequent
Palmones said the govern-
ments inaction had forced high-
er power rates on Midanaoans.
Tranquil Salvador III agreed
with the analysis by University of
the Philippines professor and po-
litical analyst Prospero de Vera that
the testimony of Corona, who is on
trial for alleged betrayal of the pub-
lic trust, is a defense gambit.
In a way, this is our last
stand, Salvador said.
We rise and fall with this, and
next week youll get to know how
well go about our defense.
Salvador made the statement on
the same day that Malacaang said
it expected an airtight case to be
presented by the Ombudsman on
Coronas alleged dollar accounts.
But deputy presidential spokes-
woman Abigail Valte declined to
comment on the possible meat
and details of the testimony of
Ombudsman Conchita Carpio-
Morales, who has been sum-
moned by the Senate sitting as an
impeachment court to shed light
on Coronas alleged $10 million
in foreign currency deposits.
Given the reputation of the
Ombudsman you can already
tell that she has done her work
thoroughly and she will be telling
us, I hope, what the results of her
investigation are, Valte said.
However, a spokesman for the
Palace: Ombudsman to present air tight case
Defense: Corona
takes last stand
Sight for sore eyes. The sunsets in Kiamba, Sarangani, always draw people out. ROLAND JUMAWAN
Vol. XXVI No. 74 16 Pages, 3 Sections
P18.00 MONDAY, May 14, 2012
Mindanao slams
govt over claims
power crisis over
Meat importers hit concession
given to hog, poultry growers
Palace says banana issue not linked to shoal row
PH to beef up
security vs
cyber attacks
Solons back Arroyos treatment abroad
Pump charges cut again
as world oil prices soften
By Francisco S. Tatad
AFTER an extended break of several weeks, Chief Justice Renato
Coronas Senate impeachment trial is back on track, and expecta-
tions are high it would be over within days. But just how it would
end is anybodys guess.
Coronas reported decision to testify in his own trial was prompt-
ly labeled by some as a victory for the prosecution and the senator-
judges, who had been agitating for it. But it could yet play as Co-
ronas best card in trying to offset or at least balance the growing
administration pressure on the judges.
Coronas testimony is expected to be the piece de resistance of this
long trial. It could make or break his defense. But the testimonies of
several hostile witnesses, whom the defense panel had asked to be sum-
moned to the stand before Corona testies, could prove most revealing
and even render Coronas own testimony anti-climactic.
These include Ombudsman Conchita Carpio Morales who has
apparently decided to open a separate forum for the same charges
being tried in the Senate, and some party-list politicians who are
hoping to be catapulted to the Senate by their intervention in the
Corona case.
The prosecutions
prayers are answered
Turn to A5
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Solid punch. Brian
Viloria connects with
an uppercut that buck-
led the knees of Omar
Nino Romero of Mexico.
Viloria stopped Romero
in the ninth round to re-
tain the WBO yweight
title. (Story on page 8)
prosecution said it was pos-
sible that Corona would be ac-
quitted if he testied.
You cannot get an acquittal
without showing the chief jus-
tice, Marikina Rep. Federico
Romero Quimbo said.
Why? Because the impeach-
ment process is clearly a political
process. He cannot get acquitted
if he does not show up.
Corona on Friday slammed
President Benigno Aquino III
days before he was to take the
witness stand.
The viciousness and bru-
tality of the attacks on the
person, honor and family of
no less than the chief justice
of the Supreme Court... came
on the heels of the decision
on Hacienda Luisita, Corona
told the national convention
of the Philippine Association
of Court Employees in Puerto
Next page
By Joyce Pangco Paares
ONE of Chief Justice Renato Coronas
lawyers on Sunday said his appearance
on the witness stand in the Senate would
be the defense panels last stand.
ManilaStandardToday MAY 14, 2012 MONDAY
Ruiz Lucas
THE top ofcials of Soroptimist
International of the Americas
arrived recently to participate in
the Philippines Region 23rd Bi-
ennial Conference to be held in
Cebu City on May 17 to 20.
SIA president-elect Raquel Arre-
ola Ruiz will be the guest of honor
and keynote speaker, while Eliza-
beth Lucas, SIAs chief executive,
is the speaker and facilitator for the
workshop Educate to Lead.
Soroptimist is the largest
womens volunteer group in
the world, with 100,000 mem-
bers. It has a presence in 124
countries in seven continents.
The Soroptimist mission is to
improve the lives of women and
girls throughout the world.
Top Soroptimists in town
Onions this time. Customs Commissioner Ruffy Biazon inspects conscated smuggled onions worth P9.8 million that his staff
discovered in Manila.
The nationswhich together
account for 90 percent of the
East Asian economywere
holding their fth annual tri-
lateral summit, with Chinese
Premier Wen Jiabao hosting,
and South Korean President
Lee Myung-bak and Japanese
Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda
Lee said the three countries all
agreed that any further provoca-
tions from North Korea would be
A failed rocket launch by
North Korea last month drew
sanctions from the UN Security
Council, and there are now fears
Pyongyang is preparing to con-
duct its third nuclear test.
Wen urged all parties to re-
turn to the right track of dialogue
and negotiations.
The pressing task is to try our
best to prevent tensions on the
Korean peninsula from escalat-
ing, he said.
China, which is a permanent Se-
curity Council member, is North
Koreas closest diplomatic ally.
Noda said Beijing, Tokyo and
Seoul should work together to try
to prevent further provocations
by North Korea.
Lee, meanwhile, said South
Korea was pleased that China
has been urging North Korea to
improve the living standards of
its people.
The summitwhich followed
a meeting among the three na-
tions economic and trade min-
istersalso saw the signing of
an investment agreement, paving
the way for the setup of a free
trade area among the three na-
The leaders agreed that nego-
tiations for the free trade area
should begin by the end of the
The initiative comes amid a
slow global economic recovery.
In times of crisis, if countries,
for their own survival, carry out
protectionist ideas, then the re-
covery of the economy will take
a long time, Lee said.
Wen said the regional pact
which exists in several other
parts of the worldwould ben-
et the East Asian countries amid
rising trade protectionism around
the world.
The establishment of (a free
trade area) will unleash the eco-
nomic vitality of our region and
give a strong boost to economic in-
tegration in East Asia, Wen said.
Noda said economic coop-
eration among Japan, China and
South Korea was crucial in en-
suring the Asia-Pacic region
remain the growth center of the
world economy.
Trade among the three
countries grew to $690 bil-
lion in 2011, and China is
the biggest trade partner for
both South Korea and Japan,
according to a Chinese gov-
ernment report on the three-
nation relationship.
The investment agreement
the rst such document among
the three nationswill stimulate
further investment and promote
additional trade, the Chinese
Commerce Ministry said in a
statement. AP
East Asia
free trade
is pushed
BEIJINGThe leaders of China, South
Korea and Japan said Sunday that they will
work together to try to calm tensions on the
Korean peninsula. The three largest East
Asian economies also took steps toward
deepening their economic ties by laying the
groundwork for a regional free trade area.
The power barges from
Therma Marine were success-
fully installed because the gov-
ernment was left with no choice
but to tap a more expensive
source of power, since it had
not done anything to rehabili-
tate Agus and Pulangui for the
past two years, Palmones said.
Cotabatos residents, who are
reeling from eight-hour black-
outs, are now said to be paying
P7.50 a kilowatt hour, an increase
of one peso per kilowatt hour.
Palmones said the govern-
ment should start reviewing the
Electric Power Industry Reform
Act because it had been doing
more harm than good.
Bag-ao agreed, saying the
promise of affordable power
premised on the privatization of
power industry assets had failed
to materialize after a decade.
Instead of being able to pay
off its loans as envisioned by
the power law, the state-owned
National Power Corp. saw its
debts rising from P943 billion
in 2001 to P1.24 trillion in 2009
while losing its assets.
Many of these assets were
sold at rates often favorable to the
purchaser such as the Masinloc
Geothermal Plant, Bag-ao said.
The promise of competition
didnt prove to be true either,
she said. Instead of competi-
tion, the power industry was
now controlled by a few busi-
ness interests.
The companies operating
power assets in some parts of the
country were also power distrib-
utors in others. And consumers
were now paying more.
Privatization beneted
groups such as San Miguel, the
Lopezes, the Aboitizes, and the
companies owned by Manny
Pangilinan, but left the majority
of electricity consumers at the
losing end, Bag-ao said.
On Sunday, Senator Ralph
Recto urged the Energy De-
partment to project what power
rates would be by 2016 to give
business leaders the ability to
plan their expansion.
Recto asked for the same pro-
jections but did not receive them.
Im quite concerned that [the
government]... would again pass
on [National Power Corpora-
tions] debt and losses to the hap-
less consumers, Recto said.
Weve the most expensive
power rates in the region, are
we still going to be the most ex-
pensive in 2016?
Durian Tan, council director
and treasurer of the National Fed-
eration of Hog Farmers, says the
local hog and chicken industries
are not against the legitimate im-
porters but are ghting the un-
scrupulous traders that ood the
wet markets with imported meat
by passing them off as fresh meat.
The government has ordered a
crackdown on smugglers and cor-
rupt ofcials conniving with the
dishonest traders.
Agham Rep. Angelo Palmo-
nes said Alcala was right in im-
posing the increase in reference
prices because these were also
based on the price being im-
posed by the US in their coun-
Secretary Alcala is correct to
base the tariff rate from the US
meat prices to curb meat smug-
gling, Palmones said.
The problem with the big
meat processors is they want to
continue paying a pittance for
their raw materials to enjoy wind-
fall prots. Thats why they want
imported meat. They even buy it
cheaper from smugglers.
Cham, Tiukinhoy and Dizon
say the increase in the reference
price will result in a higher cost
of doing business.
The injury to our industry is
absolute. The change in refer-
ence price will increase our cost
of doing business under this ad-
ministration by about P200,000
per container or precipitate an
increase in processed meat costs
by P8 a kilogram, the import-
ers said in their letter.
Christine F. Herrera
Although the courts would
have the nal say on her depar-
ture, Belmonte said, it was neces-
sary to determine rst if Arroyo
really needed to go abroad for
He said any medical procedure on
Arroyo, who is accused of election
cheating, could not be done easily
because she is under hospital arrest.
Arroyo is conned at the Vet-
erans Memorial Medical Center
on electoral sabotage charges in
the 2007 senatorial elections. Her
case is pending trial at the Pasay
City court.
Maguindanao Rep. Simeon
Datumanong, an Arroyo ally, ex-
pressed high hopes that the court
would allow the former President
to go abroad for her urgently
needed surgery for humanitarian
Occidental Mindoro Rep. Ma-
ria Amelita Villarosa, another
staunch Arroyo ally, had earlier
conrmed reports that the Pam-
panga congresswoman had a
disheartening and life- threaten-
ing condition.
The reports claim that Arroyos
condition is an offshoot of the
Quantum electro-chemistry ex-
amination conducted by a car-
diologist at the Makati Medical
Center on Thursday. The reports
say Arroyos choking is due to
the titanium implant that has been
blocking her esophagus.
Villarosa said Mrs. Arroyo
was now on a soup diet due to
a choking sensation and had
been experiencing shortness of
Her medical condition is very
life-threatening, she said.
Administration allies Bagong
Henerasyon party-list Rep. Ber-
nadette Herrera-Dy and Western
Samar Rep. Mel Senen Sarmien-
to said Mrs. Arroyo should be al-
lowed to seek medical treatment
abroad for humanitarian reasons.
It is really necessary that she
be allowed to leave the country
for a corrective surgery, espe-
cially if its life threatening, Her-
rera-Dy said.
House Assistant Major-
ity Leader and Citizens Battle
against Corruption Rep. Sherwin
Tugna, meanwhile, underscored
the need for the government to
make a comprehensive verica-
tion of Mrs. Arroyos condition.
Tugna, a public prosecutor in the
trial of Chief Justice Renato Co-
rona, said the State has an interest
and a duty to its people to make
sure that persons charged with
non-bailable offenses should be in
the territory and jurisdiction of the
A thorough examination of
her health is needed to verify
the necessity of going abroad for
medical treatment, Tugna said.
The Courts will decide ac-
cording to the law and according
to what is best for the criminal
justice system of the country.
Princesa City on Friday. The Su-
preme Court in April conrmed its
decision ordering the distribution
to farmers of the Hacienda Luisita,
a sugar estate in Tarlac owned by
Mr. Aquinos family.
I am expecting that they will
not cease until they crush me and
until they take control of the en-
tire Supreme Court. Thats the
only way they can reverse our de-
cision or at least get their billions
of demand for compensation,
Corona said.
Carpio-Morales initiated an
investigation of Coronas alleged
foreign currency deposits based
on the complaints of various pri-
vate individuals.
But three of the complainant
Akbayan party-list Rep. Walden
Bello, former Akbayan Rep. Risa
Hontiveros, and Harvey Keh
have denied personal knowledge
of Coronas alleged dollar ac-
Bello said he was clueless as
to how the Ombudsman came up
with the $10-million gure.
Hontiveros said her complaint-
letter to the Ombudsman only
contained evidence on Coronas
alleged $2 million in deposits that
had already been presented to the
Kehs spokesman said his cli-
ent was not sure of the authen-
ticity of the documents on Co-
ronas supposed foreign currency
Despite the turnaround of the
key complainants in the Ombuds-
mans probe, Malacaang said
the faceoff between Corona and
Carpio-Morales would be the
most crucial battle in the im-
peachment trial.
The two most important testi-
monies would be that of the chief
justice and the Ombudsman. That
is where the battleground should be
and will be, presidential spokes-
man Edwin Lacierda said earlier.
He said it would be an open
season on Corona once he took
the witness stand.
Valte on Sunday denied that
Malacaang never gave Corona
a chance to prove himself worthy
of his position.
President Aquino gave him a
chance several times but we saw
what happened, Valte said in an
interview with dzRB radio.
She dismissed the statement
from Senator Ferdinand Marcos
Jr. saying Mr. Aquinos animosity
toward Corona was clear once he
assumed the presidency.
Corona on Friday said his side
had been worth ghting for espe-
cially because it was for the farm-
ers in Hacienda Luisita.
He thanked the about 2,000
court employees who attended Fri-
days convention for their support.
He said his ght had become a
battle not for himself but for the
Judiciary as an institution.
This ght is not mine alone,
he said.
It is a struggle of all free-
dom-loving Filipinos who be-
lieve in the rule of law, the
independence of the Judiciary
and the separation of powers
principles which dene us as a
people and our worthiness to
live in a democracy. With Rey
E. Requejo and Maricel Cruz
of these websites take the ap-
propriate steps... to avoid being
compromised by unauthorized
The Science Department has
recommended that government
agencies add an extra layer of
security by migrating their data
to secure server facilities.
The government websites
that were recently attacked and
defaced by hackers were those
of the Philippines News Agen-
cy and the Environment Depart-
Hackers claiming to be Chi-
nese have also attacked the
websites of the Philippine At-
mospheric, Geophysical and
Astronomical Services Admin-
istration, the University of the
Philippines, the Budget Depart-
ment, and three websites of the
Ofce of the President. Joyce
Pangco Paares
China, which last week suspend-
ed tours to the Philippines.
On Sunday, an ofcial of the
National Irrigation Administra-
tion said a giant Chinese-funded
irrigation project in Pantabangan,
Nueva Ecija, could be delayed
because of the souring relations
between Manila and Beijing.
Project manager Alexander
Coloma said Phase 2 of the Casec-
nan Multi-purpose Irrigation and
Power Project could be held up
because 75 percent of the fund-
ing would come from the Chinese
government, one of the countrys
biggest sources of Ofcial Devel-
opment Assistance.
Coloma said they were still
awaiting word from the Finance
Department on its negotiations
with the Chinese Embassy for
the loan package for the project.
As it now stands, the con-
troversy over the Spratlys seems
to get in the way of the project,
Coloma said.
The project involves the
construction of a 26-kilometer
underground tunnel that will
divert water from the Taang and
Casecnan rivers to the Pantaban-
gan Dam. It was completed in
December 2001 by its American
build-operate-transfer partner,
California Energy International.
Phase 2 is aimed at provid-
ing full irrigation to 20,321
hectares of new areas in Nueva
Ecija and Tarlac.
An American analyst on Sun-
day said the growing friction be-
tween China and its neighbors
made it important for the Unit-
ed States to solidify its ties with
its traditional allies in the region.
The relationship with the
Philippines went south when the
US lost Subic Bay [naval base]
and Clark [Air Base], the ana-
lyst said.
The hangover is wearing off
and interests are aligning again.
But nationalist sentiments
make an increased American
military presence in the Phil-
ippines a sensitive issue. The
Philippines does not want to
alienate the regions economic
powerhouse, with which it
aims to have $60 billion in two-
way trade by 2016.
And the US also still needs to
get along with China to prevent
their strategic rivalry from spiral-
ing into a confrontation.
The 60-year-old mutual de-
fense treaty between the US and
the Philippines has the potential
to put Washington in hot water
in standoffs like the one playing
out at the Scarborough Shoal,
where Philippine and China
Joyce Pangco Paares and Fer-
die Domingo, with the AP
MAY 14, 2012 MONDAY
A3 News
Labor Dept opens 700
slots to summer interns
Civic groups launch
anti-smoking video tilt
House leadership rejects
same-sex marriage moves
John Hay
to open
very soon
Military keeps nose clean of human rights violations
Fun PH makes mark on Londoners, visitors
We and our Moms. Newly-born babies are breastfed by their mothers at the Fabella Hospital in Sta. Cruz, Manila on
Mothers Day. DANNY PATA
THE Camp John Hay De-
velopment Corp. secured an
occupancy permit from the
Baguio City government after
30 days, paving the way for
the operation of The Suites.
Alfredo Yniguez, CJH-
DevCo executive vice presi-
dent and chief operating of-
ficer, said the issuance of a
certificate of occupancy for
The Suites, a 208-unit con-
dotel in Camp John Hay,
highlighted the raging dis-
pute between CJHDevCo
and the Bases Conversion
Development Authority.
The City of Baguio took
only a month to issue a
permit to occupy The Suites,
Yniguez said, noting that
BCDA and JHMC failed or
refused to deliver said permit
since we applied for it on
February 17, 2011.
Even so, The Suites has sold
out all units, he said. With
the issuance by City Hall of the
Occupancy Permit, we hope to
begin operating the remaining
167 (of the total 208) units, as
well as the 19th Tee Restaurant
and other common areas, with-
in the next quarter.
Its been 15 months since
we applied for an occupancy
permit with JHMCs (One Stop
Action Center) and we still
dont have it up to now. The
main role of JHMC and its
so-called OSAC was tasked
to assist and facilitate various
local and national permits
to help us develop and they
failed miserably in this area,
Yniguez said.
Yniguez claimed the delay
compelled CJHDevCo to
apply directly for the permit
last March 26 with the City
Building and Architecture
Ofce of Baguio City, which
issued the Occupancy Permit
on April 26, 2012.
Rey E. Requejo
Speaker Feliciano Belmonte Jr. and
Majority Leader Neptali Gonzales II
said that American public support
for same-sex marriages may not be
applicable in the Philippines, being
a predominantly Catholic country in
Were not ready for it... I
myself am against to it, Belmonte
said, stressing that the concept of
marriage, as defined by the Family
Code, is a union between a man and
a woman.
Gonzales, on the other hand, said
the concept of two people of the
same gender going into marriage
is not the advocacy of the House
I think, by nature, Filipinos are
generally conservative. I am of the
opinion that, at the moment or in
the near future, its a no-no situation
for same-sex marriage in the
Philippines, Gonzales said.
But Gabriela Womens party-list
Rep. Luzviminda Ilagan said she
sees nothing wrong with same-sex
In fact, Ilagan said, US President
Barack Obamas support for it is
commendable as he is responding
to a pressing demand of his
He (Obama) is a sensitive and
independent-minded leader. PNoy
(President Aquino) will not do the
same. He is detached from the needs
of his people. He is two-faced,
saying he is pro people but bows
to the pressure of the conservative
Catholic Church, Ilagan said.
At present, there are a number
of measures pending in Congress
which espouse same-sex
marriage, one of them is the Anti-
Discrimination Act of 2010, or
House Bill (HB) No. 1483, titled
An Act Defining Discrimination
on the Basis of Sexual Orientation
and Gender Identity authored by
Bayan Muna Rep. Teodoro Casio
and filed on August 2010.
The proposed bill proposes
to apply the rights extended to
heterosexual people to lesbians,
gays, bisexuals and trans-genders
(LGBTs) who have been denied,
either by current laws or practices,
of certain basic civil, political, social
and economic rights.
The House leadership also rejected
another controversial proposal, HB
No. 1799, or An Act Introducing
Divorce in the Philippines, led by
Ilagan and Gabriela Rep. Emmi de
Jesus aimed at liberating couples
who have been experiencing unhappy
and irreconcilable marriages.
By Maricel V. Cruz
THE leadership of the House of Representatives
on Sunday ruled out any possibility of passing a
measure allowing a same-sex marriage.
By Florante S. Somerin
THE military has had no formal
complaints of human rights
violation in the rst four months
of 2012, according to the Human
Rights Ofce (HRO) of the Armed
Forces of the Philippines (AFP).
The intensied efforts of
the AFP to educate and train
its soldiers on the protection of
human rights and adherence to
the International Humanitarian
Law and rule of law continue to
pay off with zero human rights
violation recorded for the rst
four months of 2012, said HOR
chief, Col. Domingo Tutaan.
The AFP put up the ofce
recently to monitor and
investigate human right
violations reports involving
military personnel, including
cases that are referred to the
Commission on Human Rights.
Tutaan said that based on
verication made by his ofce
through a Board of Inquiry on all
reported cases of violations to the
battalion level that were reported or
referred to the CHR, the ndings
revealed that all of the referred
HRV cases tagging military
personnel were only accusations
and did not produce sufcient
evidence against soldiers.
The HRO veried 84
complaints covering the period
from July 2010 to March 2012.
Of this number, 15 were
dismissed, while the rest are for
ling of cases, further evaluation
and/or investigation, he said.
Meanwhile, military
spokesman Col. Arnulfo Marcelo
Burgos Jr. said they maintain
close coordination with the
CHR to reconcile the numbers
of alleged violations recorded by
both parties.
The HRO is not taking these
reports hands down, and is
continuously acquiring the case
information of CHRs reports to
further conduct investigations
that would prove the veracity of
the said HRV cases. The AFP at
the same time will not tolerate
human rights violations within
its ranks, and will continue to
apply the rule of law towards any
soldier at all times whether on
duty or off duty, Burgos said.
He said any soldier who will
be found guilty of violating
human rights or any other form
of misconduct or malpractice
will be dealt with through the
military justice system.
He, however, explained that
the AFP has no prosecutory
powers and it can only go as
far as undertaking disciplinary
actions such as dismissal from
military service and privileges.
Once an involved soldier goes
outside military bounds, the nal
say will come from the higher
civilian court which will undergo
due process of law, Burgos said.
By Macon Ramos-Araneta
THE Department of Tourism is the
rst national tourism organization to
advertise through the digital platform of
London taxis to lure more tourists under
its new tourism campaign Its more
fun in the Philippines, said Tourism
Secretary Ramon Jimenez Jr.
He said 50 black cabs and 25 double-
decker buses now sport a uniform
design of the campaign slogan and
logo with different scenes from the
He said the London cabs come with a
30-minute digital ad which will feature
the 30-seconder Its more fun in the
Philippines television commercial.
The digital ad will also be shown in the
1,400 taxicabs units owned by Verifone
Using receipts with the meme
Commuting: Its more fun in the
Philippines showing kayaking in
Kayangan Lake in El Nido, Palawan is
another medium to capture the interest
of passengers. We will soon furnish
these cabs with yers to contain more
fun information, said Jimenez.
He noted that the media hype through
the London cabs will continue to run
until early next year in order to capture
the millions of visitors attending the
Queens Jubilee in June, the London
2012 Olympics in July and the season
2012-2013 of the Fulham Football
Club of the English Premier League in
Jimenez said London has a population
of about 7.5 million and attracts around
15 million international visitors, half of
the total arrivals for the country.
We are generating awareness not only
among the British population, but also
among visitors to United Kingdom, rated
number seven among the most visited
countries in the world, Jimenez said.
He further said UK is a major source
market for the Philippines being the top
generator from this region.
Last year, Londo ranked 9th overall
with an unprecedented 104,000 arrivals,
registering a 7.78% increase over the
2010 performance.
Aside from the taxis and buses,
the new tourism campaign was also
launched in Londons subway stations.
He said the different Philippine
posters are found at Londons busiest
underground stations and tourist areas
such as Covent Garden, Leicester
Square, Oxford Circus, Piccadilly
Circus and Tottenham Court Road.
Vertical posters and escalator panels
feature the underground river and rice
Living with a national treasure. An Ifugao mother, who likely grew up
in the Cordilleras, appears unmindful of the rice terraces at Barangay Batad in
Banaue, Ifugao. EY ACASIO
THE Department of Labor and
Employment is encouraging college
graduates to join the Government
Internship Program and enable them to
experience the government work.
The government needs a new breed of
young public servants and the DOLE is
opening its doors to those who would like
to join the department as interns under
the GIP, said Labor Secretary Rosalinda
She said that some 700 slots are
available nationwide under the DOLE-
GIP, which was established in support
of the National Youth Commissions
program to help fresh graduates by hiring
them for a three-month internship in the
government agencies.
The DOLE-GIP is open to all fresh
college graduates of S.Y. 2011-2012
who are holders of degree courses
relevant to the DOLEs operations, such
as economics, law, labor and industrial
relations, social science, political science,
public administration, and journalism/
Interested applicants should be at least 18
to 25 years old with good communication
skills and computer literacy. They should
also be able to adapt to a multi-disciplinary
environment with initiative and exibility
in any given task. Internship slots shall not
exceed ve percent of the total plantilla of
each agency.
DOLE interns shall receive allowances
amounting to 75 percent of the existing
minimum wage applicable to their
assigned DOLE agencies. For this year,
the DOLE has set aside P11 million for
the GIP. Vito Barcelo
CIVIL society groups launched an anti-
tobacco video contest in a bid to dissuade
the public from smoking.
In launching the May ibubuga kq Ba?
A Times Up, Tobacco! Video Making
Contest, HealthJustice Philippines and
Dakila Philippine Collective for Modern
Heroism believe that it is time for this
health tragedy to end.
The two groups reiterated that 6
million people die every year because of
tobacco-related causes all over the world.
In the Philippines alone, it noted 240
Filipinos families lose a member every
day because of smoking.
Musician and activist Noel Cabangon,
also an active member of Dakila,
countered tobacco companies claim that
the tobacco industry that it is just like any
other business because their product is a
poison that kills.
The two groups said the video contest
also be part of a video compilation that
will be launched in a media event and
screened in various areas around the
country. Deadline of entries is on June
12, 2012. Macon Ramos-Araneta
Opinion Adelle Chua, Editor
ManilaStandardToday MAY 14, 2012 MONDAY
THE Philippines and China
should contain the standoff
around the Scarborough shoal
within the diplomatic sphere
and avoid actuations that could
further divide the two countries.
The Philippines and China
shoul d i sol at e l ast mont hs
incident on the contested territory
off the West Philippine Sea,
or South China Sea as Beijing
wants it called, and leave it on
the negotiating table for their
diplomats to resolve. Reducing
the tension between Manila and
Beijing should be the rst order
of the day.
Escalating the hostility to
trade and economic matters,
however, tends to complicate
the political tension and widen
t he chas m cr eat ed by t he
standoff. Chinas decision to
suspend several travel tours to
Manila and its untimely move
to tighten its inspections of
Philippine fruit such as bananas
are tantamount to drawing first
blood, and could be interpreted
as Beijings way of warning
Manila of further economic
repercussions if the territorial
dispute worsened or drew other
countries to the row.
The s t at ement s comi ng
from Chinas official military
newspaper, Jiefangjun Bao,
are similarly not helping to
defuse the situation, unless
Beijing deliberately wants to
portray itself as a bully in this
part of the world, which we
doubt. The Chinese Foreign
Ministry has made it clear China
is prepared for any escalation of
the situation by the Philippines.
It goes without saying what this
means, the paper says in an
The Philippines and China
know well that it is not to their
best interest to prolong the
stalemate over the Scarborough
shoal. Saber-rattling from the
two countries will not ease the
situation nor lead to a lasting
solution to their territorial claims.
The economi c r el at i ons
bet ween t he t wo count ri es,
meanwhi l e, may t eet er and
become a collateral damage after
Beijings decision to suspend
travel tours and restrict trade.
China needs the Philippines, and
vice versa, as a trading partner. For
two countries whose economies
have been interdependent since
the pre-Spanish colonial times,
the Philippines and China have
a lot to lose.
Collateral damage
A PANAMIAN diplomat, it has
been alleged, raped a Filipinaand
in the aftermath of that dastardly
incident, international law has been
raped by irate but hardly informed
legislators, each with his or her own
version of diplomatic immunity.
We did not invent diplomatic
immunity. States, for centuries, have
always recognized that immunities
attend the representatives of other
States and history records the fact
that breach of these immunities has,
in several cases, been casus belli
a cause of a war. The proposition
advanced by one female senator
was therefore not accurate: that
diplomatic immunities only go so
far as to allow
a diplomat to
perform his
or her duties.
The privilege
of liberty
from arrest,
appr ehensi on,
prosecution and
trial also have
to do with the
very dignity
of the entity
represented by
a diplomat an
elite in the world-stage (where elite
is a matter neither of wealth nor of
size but of international juridical
The present law on diplomatic
immunity is the Vienna Convention
on Diplomatic Relations. In fact,
it did not create the law. In many
respects, it only codified customary
international law. The immunity
of diplomats has long been part
of general international law, or
international common law. In
respect to diplomats, the immunity
from criminal jurisdiction is
absolute: no ifs, no buts. All
the rhetoric then about rape
never being part of ones official
functions and therefore lying
beyond the shield of immunity
should be reserved for sophomoric
declamation contests. That simply
is not the law. An ambassador is a
diplomat, but one need not be an
ambassador to be a diplomat. The
determination of diplomatic status
is a matter that, by constitutional
allocation of powers, belongs to
the Executive, since it is the latter
that conducts foreign relations
in behalf of the Republic of the
Philippines. However, in Liang v.
People of the Philippines (2001),
the Supreme Court maintained that
Executive determinations did not
necessarily preclude courts from
inquiring into the status of one who
pleads his diplomatic immunity
as an exempting circumstance.
It is for the person who claims
immunity to prove it, and for the
courts to examine the proof. But
it is one thing to demand proof of
immunity, and it is quite another
to misstate the law, no matter that
done so with unction and fervor!
In fact, the same full immunity
from criminal jurisdiction can
rightly be claimed by members of
the administrative and technical
staff of a diplomatic mission!
Some who spoke rst and
researched later must have
mixed up the rules on diplomatic
immunity with the immunities of
agents representing international
organizations: the International Red
Cross, the World Health Organization
or even such entities as the World
Bank and the Asian Development
Bank. Most of the time, the scope
of immunity will be the result of
treaty provisions. (International law
provides for treaties between States
and international organizations.)
In their regard,
immunity is
f u n c t i o n a l ,
m e a n i n g
principally that
the breadth of
immunity is
determined by
the functions
they perform
and only to that
So, what
happens when
a diplomat
goes berserk and hurts and maims
indiscriminately? Such restraint as
may be necessary to prevent him
from visiting more harm and injury
may, as dictated by reason, be used
on him. However, this should not
result in detention or apprehension.
And amid demands of militants that
the diplomat concerned waive his
immunity, it will be well to remind
the delirious mob that diplomatic
immunity, enjoyed not for the
diplomats sake, but for the sake
of the State he represents, can be
waived only by the sending State.
It cannot be presumed; it must be
express, and a waiver of immunity
from prosecution is a different thing
from a waiver of immunity from the
execution of whatever penalty may
be imposed.
Things have turned out as
they shouldthe Philippines has
declared the person concerned
persona non grata (unacceptable,
we are not happy [non grata] to have
him), which is a diplomatic-speak
for shoo, shoo! The sending
State then has the obligation to
recall him or risk his apprehension
by Philippine authorities after the
government declares that it no
longer recognizes his diplomatic
Rape is always a terrible crime,
but ignorance displayed in high
places is despicable, indeed!
The $10-million question
THE most ridiculous and hilarious of the
recent statements from the prosecution
team in the impeachment trial of Chief
Justice Renato Corona is the one where the
prosecution spokesman said that Coronas
willingness to testify on his alleged
$10-million account was an indication
that the prosecution had a strong case.
This statement, sent by the Corona
demolition team as part of their text
blasts barrage the other day, dees logic
and common sense.
In fact, the opposite is true. Corona
apparently made the decision to testify
at his impeachment trial because the
prosecution has presented a weak case in
the impeachment trial and the prosecution
is concentrating on the trial by publicity.
Corona is testifying, according
to his spokesman, former Justice
Undersecretary Ramon Esguerra, to
directly respond to the issues being raised
outside of the impeachment court and
make his accusers repeat their accusations
in the impeachment court, under oath.
Esguerra says Corona decided to
testify because he has had enough of the
baseless accusation that he owns secret
multi-million accounts in several banks,
especially the accusation of Kaya Natin
Movement convenor Harvey Keh that
Corona has at least $2 million in several
accounts in seven banks.
Corona, according to Esguerra, wants
his accusers and Ombudsman Conchita
Carpio-Morales to testify under oath so he
could refute the accusations directly.
Among those who have been
issued subpoenas to testify before the
impeachment court starting today are
Akbayan Rep. Walden Bello, former
Akbayan Rep. Risa Hontiveros Baraquel,
Harvey Keh and Emmanuel Tiu Santos.
In the subpoena, the witnesses were
also ordered to bring the original and
certied true copies of the complaints
against Corona and the documents where
they based their allegations that Corona
has the equivalent of $10 million in
various deposits in different banks.
Ombudsman Carpio-Morales has
also been issued a subpoena apparently
to substantiate her demand in a letter
to Corona to explain his side regarding
the information that she has received
that there are several bank accounts in
PS Bank and other banks in your name,
including those denominated in US dollars
the aggregate value of which amounts to
at least $10,000.000.00.
Those who are expecting Coronas
accusers Bello, Hontiveros-Baraquel,
Keh and Tiu-Santos to come up with
anything explosive should moderate their
It would seem that their accusations
on the cumulative $10 million Corona
deposits will go the way of the 45 real
estate properties that the prosecution
panel initially accused Corona of owning.
In the course of the trial, it has become
apparent that Corona is correct in his
original claim that he owns only ve of the
45 real estate properties originally listed by
the Land Registration Authority as his and
used as basis by prosecutors for their request
for subpoena in the impeachment trial.
In the case of the $10-million bank
deposits, Coronas accusers, faced with
the prospect of testifying under oath and
opening themselves up to possible cases
of perjury, have started to deny personal
knowledge of the alleged $10 million
Hontiveros-Baraquel is now saying that
the letter-complaint she and Bello and three
others led before the Ombudsman was
based only on pieces of evidence already
presented before the impeachment court.
She explained she does not know how
Ombudsman Carpio-Morales came up
with the $10-million gure.
Tiu-Santos who led a complaint
before the Ombudsman last March 28 is
now saying that is complaint is based only
on newspaper reports.
Keh who has gone to town with the
unauthenticated documents about the
dollar and euro bank accounts of Corona
and used them to hit Corona in media can
be expected to tell the impeachment court
that he is not sure about the authenticity of
the documents he was using to hit Corona.
They are adopting basically the same
story line that was used by impeachment
prosecution team member Rep. Reynaldo
Umali who claimed that a small lady
handed Coronas bank documents to him.
Rep. Bolet Banal said he found bank
documents hanging on his gate. Keh said
the documents on the supposed Corona
bank records, composed of 50 pages of
bank transactions placed inside a long
brown envelope addressed to him, was
sent to his ofce in Quezon City.
It would be interesting what Keh, who
had no qualms going to media about those
documents even if, as he now admits,
they were of doubtful authenticity, would
now do when he testies under oath in the
impeachment court.
This time, he might be facing some
legal liabilities possessing and using those
documents as part of the parallel trial by
publicity of the chief justice.
An ambassador
is a diplomat, but
one need not be an
ambassador to be a
CHIN WONG/ RAY S. EANO Associate Editors
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MAY 14, 2012 MONDAY
A5 Opinion Adelle Chua, Editor
WEEKENDS never seem enough
when one spends the time snorkeling
or diving and simply watching the
colorful and rich life underneath
the sea. I do not dive but merely
snorkel and swim but when I am at
it, especially in my favorite marine
paradise in Lobo, Batangas, I forget
the day-to-day problems lawyers
have to face and the worrisome bits
of news that I read in papers. When
I am afloat, not too far from shore,
in what is touted as the center of
the worlds marine biodiversity, or
the Verde Island passage, I feel I
can watch the
c a b b a g e - l i k e
green corals
or the purplish
and bluish
v a r i e t i e s ,
and the blue
or yellow
fishes with
black stripes
forever. But,
somehow, I am
gripped with
a weird and
i n e x p l i c a b l e
feeling. I want
to just stay
there until I have my fill but I have
an inner fear that sometime soon all
these may be gone.
Only last year, the same coast
had corals in bright red, pink, blue,
green, yellow and purple. This
time, I noticed some bleaching,
that is, some corals are now turning
whitish or pale, losing their bright
hues. And bleaching of corals is
one of the dire consequences of
global warming. If temperatures
have risen significantly in the past
five years, causing the bleaching
of corals, I shudder at the thought
of the graver effects of climate
change. For instance, in the news
last week, 5,000 birds and about
900 dolphins were found dead in the
northern coast of Peru. Although
investigation is still ongoing, the
initial prognosis as to the cause of
the animal kill was global warming.
Synonymous with global
warming is the melting of the
massive polar ice caps. With the
ice caps melting, there is more and
more fresh water that dilutes the
saltiness of the sea water. This then
results in ecosystem imbalance,
killing species whose habitat is the
sea. This, in turn, results in reduced
food supply from the sea, affecting
humanity which is at the top of the
food chain. And one of the most
tragic effects of the melting of the
ice caps is that it is accelerating
the process of global warming even
more. You see, the ice landscape in
the Arctic region used to reflect out
the suns rays because ice is white.
This prevented the absorption
by the earth of the heat from the
sun. But because of unabated gas
emissions, the atmosphere became
covered with thick gases, trapping
the suns rays on the earth; melting
the ice caps. With much of the ice
gone, and with the atmosphere
covered with gas emissions creating
a greenhouse effect, more heat from
the sun stays on earth instead of
bouncing out.
Another consequence of ice
cap melting is that sea levels rise.
Fresh water sources will disappear.
Climate scientists, led by James
Hansen, predict that sea water could
rise by as much as 80 feet in time,
sinking many coastal cities and
countries around the world. Since
the Philippines is an archipelago,
consisting of 7,100 islands, it is
under serious threat. Add to that the
rise of extreme
weather patterns
as another
consequence of
global warming.
T s u n a m i s ,
heavy and
p r o l o n g e d
rainfall become
c o m m o n
p h e n o m e n a .
F l o o d i n g
and deaths;
destruction of
crop, homes
and property;
are some of
inevitable effects. Global warming
also causes the spread of diseases
brought on by contaminated water
and insects that thrive and propagate
in hot temperatures.
We may not be able to stop
global warming as the advanced and
progressive countries of the world
which are the biggest gas emitters
because of their industries
are unwilling to reduce their
consumption of oil, coal and other
fossil fuels. But, at the very least,
these countries must compensate
by helping the developing nations
which fall victim to climate change
adapt. Mechanisms to conserve and
protect fresh water sources must be
put in place. Alternative sources of
energy such as the sun and the wind
must be harnessed, aided by funds
from countries that have polluted
the world.
After all, it is always the poor
and developing countries which
suffer from calamities caused by
climate change and global warming
the most. They are also the least
prepared to handle disasters and to
re-build. But, then again, until the
time comes when the community
of nations act together to mitigate
and face the consequences of global
warming, the Philippines and
other countries vulnerable to the
consequences of global warming
must learn to cope on their own.
As for me, I will have my fill of
watching the beautiful creatures and
flora of the sea for as long as I can.
Temperature rise
and its effects
The grotesque Tulfo-Santiago show
THE Ramon Tulfo-Claudine Barretto-
Raymart Santiago brouhaha caught my
attention because of a number of reasons.
No, it wasnt because they gured
in a very public brawl in a very public
place. Heck, weve seen far too many
varieties of that kind of public scandal
in this country. It wasnt because they
eventually engaged in a public contest
as to who among them was the real
victim in the whole sordid mess. Playing
the victim and going lachrymal on
public television is usual in a country
with far too many drama queens. And
it wasnt because they all eventually
trooped to court demanding justice
as if what happened to them were a
matter of national signicance with
far more graver consequences than the
Philippines-China standoff. We have far
too many celebrities in this country who
think their bruised egos deserve national
attention and immediate retribution.
What had me riveted was the level
of hypocrisy and absurdity. It amazed
me that Tulfo and the Santiago couple
actually think that people in this country
couldnt see through the travesty.
I also didnt approve of the fact that
Barretto publicly berated a ground staff
for being the representative of the budget
airline that ofoaded their baggage. But
I must admit that theres a part of me that
thinks her action was justied. Budget
airlines in this country just have to stop
treating passengers so shabbily as if we
owe them a huge favor just because we
avail of their budget ights. Giving lower
fares is not a license to inconvenience
Tulfos assertion that he did what he did
out of empathy for the hapless employee
and that he couldnt stand injustice being
done to another person is the height of
hypocrisy. This is a media person who
has no compunction about skewering in
his radio and television shows and in his
newspaper column anyone who dares
cross him. I personally know people who
have been at the receiving end of far worse
berating from Tulfo compared to what
that hapless girl received from Barretto.
Tulfo does much worse on his shows! He
cusses at people, calls them stupid, dumb,
worthless; even threatens them physical
harm. And all these in public media!
Again, am not saying that what Barretto
did was right. My point is that Tulfo
cannot act in a holier-than-thou manner. In
short, Barretto may be a prima donna, but
Tulfo is not exactly the humblest and most
prudent person in this country.
The Barretto-Santiago couple made
such a big fuss about the fact that their
children witnessed the whole thing
and - in keeping with the illusion
that their family is made of far more
delicate sensibilitiesmay have been
traumatized for life. Dear Raymart and
Claudine, if you truly cared about your
children, you should not have provoked,
or allowed yourselves to be provoked
into, violence. It is quite simplewhen
you have little kids with you, you do not
invite trouble. And even when provoked,
you slink away and ght another time.
This is what ordinary people do - they
avoid trouble when they have their kids
with them.
I was also greatly amused by the
fact that another daily newspaper,
which claims to be the ultimate beacon
of morality in this country, actually
splashed the whole scandal across its
front page and even moved Tulfos
column on the incident also to the front
page. Seriously, folks, were not doing
the reading public a favor by this kind of
skewed prioritization.
The Tulfo brothers got in the act and
issued threats to Santiago because its
what family members are supposed to
do come to the rescue of their family
member. By the same logical deduction,
Santiagos violent behavior is therefore
excused. He was just coming to the
rescue of his wife.
As can be expected, everyone else
got into the act doing what we all like
to do: Mock the protagonists. Some
made it appear like what happened
was some kind of boxing match with
the Tulfo brothers on one side and the
Santiago brothers and Senator Miriam
Defensor Santiago on the other. People
made fun of Barrettos weight. Others
laughed at macho Tulfos basang
sisiw demeanor.
Quite frankly, all of them should
just apologize to each other and to the
Filipino public for being insufferably
kulang sa pansin, shut up, and then fade
out of public consciousness.
By Jonathan Weil
COULD Jamie Dimon really be as
clueless as he sounded on the phone?
Last month, after Bloomberg News
broke the story that JPMorgan Chase
& Co. chief investment ofce had, in
essence, become a ticking time bomb,
Dimon, the banks chief executive
ofcer, called the press coverage a
complete tempest in a teapot. That
explanation no longer works.
But Dimon changed tacks. Losses
on the investment ofces synthetic
credit portfolio had reached $2
billion so far this quarter, though
he refused to give any meaningful
details on how that had happened.
Presumably, these are derivatives of
some sort, but even that basic fact
was too much for the bank to specify.
What Dimon lacked in information,
he more than made up for in assigning
blameto himself and JPMorgan
employees. There are many errors,
sloppiness and bad judgment, he
said, as JPMorgans stock sank in
after-hours trading. These were
egregious mistakes. They were self-
inicted. He called himself and his
colleagues stupid.
But there is more to it than that.
Either Dimon misled the public about
the gravity of the festering trades during
his companys rst-quarter earnings
call last month. Or he didnt know what
was happening inside the bowels of
his own company. History tells us the
latter is the norm for Wall Street bosses,
though its hard to say which is worse.
New rule
Dont bother asking JPMorgan
how it accumulated all these losses.
That information is proprietary, as
if the taxpayers who bailed out the
bank in 2008 dont have any business
knowing. Heres an idea for a new
rule: If a too-big-to-fail bank cant
disclose what its trading desk is doing
for fear of blowing itself up, then the
bank shouldnt be allowed to do it.
Its not often that a huge company
calls an emergency teleconference
on short notice to discuss an intra-
quarter trading loss thats equivalent
to only 1 percent of shareholder
equity. So when a Deutsche Bank AG
stock analyst named Matt OConnor
asked Dimon why the company had
disclosed it at all, the answer was
bound to be revealing.
It could get worse, and its going
to go on for a little bit unfortunately,
Dimon replied. The meaning was
clear. Worse could mean disastrous.
Heres what little Dimon said
of the trades in question: The
synthetic credit portfolio was a
strategy to hedge the rms overall
credit exposure, which is our largest
risk overall in this stressed credit
environment. Were reducing that
hedge. But in hindsight, the new
strategy was awed, complex, poorly
reviewed, poorly executed and poorly
monitored. The portfolio has proven
to be riskier, more volatile and less
effective as an economic hedge than
we thought.
There is a tantalizing clue in this
language. Read the statement carefully
and you can see this wasnt a bona
de hedge. That means it probably
was no different, in substance, than
a speculative wager. The denition
of an economic hedge, literally, is
an investment that doesnt qualify
for hedge accounting, meaning its
effectiveness at offsetting a given risk
isnt sufciently reliable. Otherwise
the wiggle word economic wouldnt
be needed. Its also conceivable that
Dimon didnt understand the details
of the trades, and simply declined to
discuss them rather than admit this.
The reason the world learned
last month of JPMorgans London
Whale bets on the credit markets to
begin with is they had become so big
with as much as $100 billion riding
on one side of a single transaction
that the banks trades were moving,
and maybe even distorting, the market.
Some of the banks counterparts were
so upset about this that they started
complaining to journalists.
Getting squeezed
They seem to have discerned the
broad outlines of the trading positions
a while ago. Now they are squeezing
the bank for maximum gain, while
JPMorgan is trying to unwind
the trades without losing its skin.
JPMorgan can delay coming clean
with the basic facts, though they
probably will come out eventually.
Some congressional committee is
bound to subpoena its trading records.
Remember, Dimon said the purpose
of the strategy was to protect the
company from the risk of a stressed
credit environment. One curiosity:
The footnote on credit derivatives in
JPMorgans latest quarterly report says
the company sold $3.16 trillion of credit
protection as of March 31 and bought
$2.95 trillion of credit protection on the
same underlying instruments.
In other words, on a company-
wide basis, JPMorgan was a net seller
of credit protection last quarterto
the tune of about $206 billion, up
from $116 billion as of Dec. 31. So,
JPMorgan doesnt seem to have been
reducing credit risk last quarter. It
was taking on more. And if credit
defaults suddenly surged, it would
lose a lot of money. (Maybe this is
what Dimon meant when he said the
banks strategy was poorly executed.)
How do the chief investment ofces
trades t into all of this? Hard to say.
Without knowing what they were,
theres no way to know how to reconcile
Dimons description of the strategy
with the numbers in the footnote.
There really is only one
conclusion to draw from all this:
Dimon must know he has a lot more
explaining to do. Bloomberg
The prosecutions prayers...
Continued from page 1
On April 20, 2012, during the
congressional and trial recess, Carpio
Morales asked Corona in a formal
letter to respond within 72 hours to
allegations led with her ofce, that
he had amassed real and personal
properties in signicant amounts but
did not correctly report the same in (his)
Statements of Assets and Liabilities and
Net Worth (collectively, the SALNs).
This was the same charge contained in
Article II of the Articles of Impeachment,
for which Corona is now being tried. It
was led with the Ombudsman on Feb.
17, 2012, one month after Coronas
impeachment trial had begun.
In her letter to Corona, Carpio Morales
said: While you may only be removed
from ofce through impeachment
proceedings, this Ofce has, as reected
earlier, the power and duty to investigate
you for any serious misconduct in
ofce for the purpose of ling a veried
complaint for impeachment, if warranted.
It was on this account that this Ofce
conducted an initial evaluation on the
Furthermore, we received
information that there are several bank
accounts in PSBank and several other
banks in your name, including those
denominated in US dollars the aggregate
value of which amounts to at least US
After the initial action taken, this
Ofce nds that there is reasonable
ground to proceed further with the
conduct of an inquiry vis--vis charges
that you, during your incumbency as a
public ofcer, accumulated wealth that
is purportedly grossly disproportionate
to your salary and other lawful income.
Several things appear to be wrong
The Ofce of the Ombudsman has
many duties and responsibilities, all
intended to help keep public ofce as
a public trust. But investigating an
impeachable ofcerwhich could
mean the President, the Vice President,
a member of the Supreme Court or of
a Constitutional Commission, or the
Ombudsman himself or herself, for the
purpose of ling a veried complaint for
impeachment, if warrantedafter he/
she has been impeached by the House of
Representatives, and while he or she is
being tried by the Senate is clearly not
one of them.
Yet this is exactly what Carpio Morales
did. She gave due course to charges led
by a number of complainants against
Corona two months after he had been
impeached by the House, and one month
after the Senate began trying the same
charges she has decided to investigate.
Two months later, while Congress and
the impeachment trial were on recess, she
came out with her ndings and ordered
Corona to respond to them within 72
hourson the very same charges.
While certain parties engage in
forum shopping in certain cases, in
this instance Carpio Morales provided a
special forum for the same charges that
were already being heard in the Senate.
She took them up as energetically as the
Supreme Court has refrained from acting
on any of the petitions questioning the
validity of the Articles of Impeachment.
So where the high court has denied
Corona every constitutional relief,
Carpio Morales has enlarged Coronas
burden by giving due course to issues
already covered by the Senate trial or
completely excluded.
Assuming the Ombudsman has
the right or duty to investigate any
impeachable officer, including the
President, for the purpose of filing
an impeachment complaint, if
warranted, that still cannot justify
two simultaneous proceedingsone
in the Senate impeachment court
and another in the Office of the
Ombudsmanarising from the same
charges against the same respondent.
The Constitution provides, and
the Supreme Court has eloquently
reaffirmed it, that no impeachment
proceedings shall be initiated against
the same official more than once
within a period of one year.
As a former justice of the Supreme
Court, Carpio Morales cannot be
ignorant of the law. But there seems
to be no rational explanation for her
irrational act, except perhaps what
Senator Joker Arroyos earlier told the
Senate impeachment court, that the
administration has decided to throw in
everything, including the kitchen sink,
to get rid of this meddlesome chief
However, Coronas decision to testify
has provided the defense the opportunity
to ask Carpio Morales her peculiar and
revolutionary understanding of the
Ombudsmans rights and duties, and
to see if the Constitution has not been
breached. She could also enlighten
the Court and the general public on her
information that Corona has something
like $10,000,000 in the banks.
Although she mentions that amount
without any detail or documentation
in her letter to Corona, the Franken
media have turned it into one of their
unexamined and unsubstantiated
hallowed truths.
One female ofcer of the Integrated
Bar of the Philippines thinks it is
bad law, although good theater to
have to discuss in court this alleged
$10,000,000 which was never raised
by the prosecution at all, and which
surfaced from the Ombudsman long
after the prosecution had rested its
case. Indeed, it would not be fair to
ask Corona to explain it, before Carpio
Morales and her political informers
shall have explained it rst, under oath.
So by all means, let them do it. That
should give the informers a chance to
either substantiate their charge or perjure
themselves, and Carpio Morales a chance
to look either self-righteous and seraphic
or diminished and defeated.
Mr. Tatad is a former senator of the
Plain scary
countries must help
the developing ones
adapt to climate
ManilaStandardToday MAY 14, 2012 MONDAY
US bank picks Taguig
for backofce center
(MST-May 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17 & 18, 2012)
Before the court is a
verifed petition fled by the
petitioner through counsel,
praying that after notice
and hearing, an order be
issued declaring JOSE
NONO REYES absent or
presumptively dead for all
legal intents and purposes,
and ordering such other
relief and remedies, just,
necessary and equitable
under the premises.
Finding the petition to
be suffcient in form and
substance, the hearing of
the same is set on May 23,
2012 at 8:30 oclock in the
morning at which date, time,
and place, all interested
person may come and show
cause, if there be any why
the petition should not be
Let copies of this petition
be furnished the National
Statistics Offce, the local
Civil Registrar of Porac,
Pampanga, the subject
person of the petition Jose
Nono Reyes c/ /o his father,
Pio Reyes, of M. Pagalaya,
Porac, Pampanga, the
petitioner and Atty. Jose
Eduardo B. Narciso.
Let copies of this Order
be likewise published at the
expenses of the petitioner
for one week in a newspaper
of general circulation in the
Tarlac City, April 12,
Presiding Judge
Republic of the Philippines
Third Judicial Region
Branch 64
Tarlac City
SPEC. PROC. NO. 4840
(MST-May 14, 2012)
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Public Works and Highways
Caraga Region XIII
Surigao del Norte Engineering District
Dapa, Surigao del Norte
The 2
Surigao del Norte Engineering District, through its Bids and Awards
Committee (BAC), invites contractors to apply to bid for the following contract(s):
Contract ID : 12NG0003 (Re-ad)
Contract Name : Construction of Katipunan-Maasin Farm to Market
Contract Location : Brgy. Katipunan, Pilar, Surigao del Norte
Brief Description : construction
Approved Budget for
the Contract (ABC) : Php.5,000,000.00
Contract Duration : 110 calendar days
Contract ID : 12NG0005 (Re-ad)
Contract Name : Const./Completion of Multi-Purpose Building
Contract Location : Dapa, Surigao del Norte
Brief Description : Construction/Completion
Approved Budget for
the Contract (ABC) : Php.14,191,100.00
Contract Duration : 150 calendar days
Contract ID : 12NG0006 (Re-ad)
Contract Name : Const./Completion of Multi Purpose Building
Contract Location : Dapa, Surigao del Norte
Brief Description : Construction/Completion
the Contract (ABC) : Php.1,830,000.00
Contract Duration : 30 calendar days
Procurement will be conducted through open competitive bidding proce-
dures in accordance with R.A. 9184 and its Revised Implementing Rules and
To bid for this contract, a contractor must submit a Letter of Intent (LOI),
purchase bid documents and must meet the following major criteria: (a) prior
registration with DPWH, (b) Filipino citizen or 75% Filipino-owned partnership,
corporation, cooperative, or joint venture, (c) with PCAB license applicable to
the type and cost of this contract, (d) completion of a similar contract costing at
least 50% of ABC within a period of 10 years, and (e) Net Financial Contracting
Capacity at least equal to ABC, or credit line commitment at least equal to 10%
of ABC. The BAC will use non-discretionary pass/fail criteria in the eligibility
check and preliminary examination of bids.
Unregistered contractors, however, shall submit their applications for regis-
tration to the DPWH-POCW Central Offce before the deadline for the receipt of
LOI. The DPWH POCW-Central Offce will only process contractors applications
for registration with complete requirements and issue the Contractors Certifcate
of Registration (CRC). Registration Forms may be downloaded at the DPWH
The signifcant times and deadlines of procurement activities are shown
1. Issuance of Bidding Documents From: May 14, 2012 to June 5, 2012
2. Pre-Bid Conference May 17, 2012@ 9:30am
3. Deadline of Receipt of LOI from
Prospective Bidders
May 24, 2012
4. Receipt of Bids Deadline: Not later than 8:30 pm
June 5, 2012
5. Opening of Bids June 5, 2012 @ 9:00 a.m.
The BAC will issue hard copies of Bidding Documents (BDs) at 2

Surigao del Norte Engineering District, Dapa, Surigao del Norte upon payment
of a non-refundable fee of P5,000.00 each for contract ID Nos. 12NG0003,
12NG0006 and P10,000.00 for contract ID No. 12NG0005 for Bidding Docu-
ments. Prospective bidders may also download the BDs from the DPWH web
site, if available. Prospective bidders that will download the BDs from the DPWH
website shall pay the said fees on or before the submission of their bids Docu-
ments. Bids must accompanied by a bid security, in the amount and acceptable
form, as stated in Section 27.2 of the Revised IRR.
Prospective bidders shall submit their duly accomplished forms as specifed
in the BDs in two (2) separate sealed bid envelopes to the BAC Chairman. The
frst envelope shall contain the technical component of the bid, which shall include
a copy of the CRC. The second envelope shall contain the fnancial component
of the bid. Contract will be awarded to the Lowest Calculated Responsive Bid
as determined in the bid evaluation and post-qualifcation.
The 2
Surigao del Norte Engineering District reserves the right to accept
or reject any or all bid and to annul the bidding process anytime before Contract
award, without incurring any liability to the affected bidders.
BAC Chairman
District Engineer
In the Request for Expressions of
Interest for Consultancy Services for
the Detailed Engineering Design and
Tendering of Additional Projects under
the Road Improvement and Institutional
Development Project (RIIDP) and Asset
Preservation (AP) and Road Improvement
(RI) Projects for Future Financing by the
Asian Development Bank (ADB) published
on May 8, 2012, Road Improvement/
Rehabilitation..Contract Package on
item A.1a.ii should have read as Lot.2.
1B Dumaguete North Road (La Libertad-
Vellehermoso Road), 39 756 km and
Item b.2.c should have read as Caticlan-
Malay-Libertad-Nabas Road, Aklan
(22.94 km)
Our apology
UNDER ITB NO. 05-07-2012
Philippine Amusement & Gaming Corporation
A Sure Bet for Progress in Gaming, Entertainment and Nation Building
The Philippine Amusement and Gaming Corporation (PAGCOR) is inviting all interested bidders in its
forthcoming public bidding for the Two (2) Year Service Contract of Annual Medical Examination
and Neuropsychological Evaluation under ITB No.05-07-2012.
Technical Specifcations Delivery of Service Approved Budget Bidding Fee
Two (2) Year Annual
Medical Examination of
Rank and File Employees
assigned at Corporate
Offce, Metro Manila
branches, CF Angeles, CF
Olongapo and CF Tagaytay
and Neuropsychological
Evaluation of Drivers
The frst conduct of the Annual Medical
Examination and Neuropsychological
Evaluation shall be on the Second (2
Monday of the succeeding month as
specifed in the Notice to Proceed.
The complete schedule of the Annual
Medical Examination is provided in
Section VI (Schedule of Requirements)
of the Bidding Documents.
Twenty Five Million
Nine Hundred Thirty
Seven Thousand
One Hundred Forty
Pesos & 06/100
(PhP 25,937,140.06),
VAT Exclusive, Zero
Rated Transaction
Thirty Six Thousand
Three Hundred
Twelve Pesos
(PhP 36,312.00)
Internally Funded
This bidding is open to all suppliers; provided that the winning bidder should be registered with PAGCOR
prior to award of contract. Unregistered suppliers must register at the Suppliers Registration & Evalu-
ation Section (SRES), Procurement Department (PD), 2nd Floor PAGCOR House, 1330 Roxas Blvd.,
Ermita, Manila, Tel. No. 526-0573.
Bidders should have completed, within the last three (3) years prior to the deadline for the Submission
and Receipt of bids, a contract similar to the Project, which should be at least ffty percent (50%) of the
annual ABC. The description of an eligible bidder is contained in the Bidding Documents, particularly, in
Section II. Instructions to Bidders. Bidding will be conducted through open competitive bidding procedures
using a non-discretionary pass/fail criterion as specifed in the Implementing Rules and Regulations
(IRR) of Republic Act (RA) 9184, otherwise known as the Government Procurement Reform Act.
Bidding is restricted to Filipino citizens/sole proprietorships, partnerships, or organizations with at least
sixty percent (60%) interest or outstanding capital stock belonging to citizens of the Philippines, and to
citizens or organizations of a country the laws or regulations of which grant similar rights or privileges to
Filipino citizens, pursuant to RA 5183 and subject to Commonwealth Act 138.
All particulars relative to Pre-Bid Conference, Evaluation of Bids, Post-Qualifcation and Award of Contract
shall be governed by the pertinent provisions of R.A. 9184 and its IRR.
The schedule of activities is listed, as follows:
Activities Schedule
1. Issuance of Bid Documents 14 May 2012 to 04 June 2012
2. Pre-Bid Conference 22 May 2012, 2:00 p.m.
3. Deadline for the Submission and Receipt of Bids 04 June 2012, 10:00 a.m.
4. Opening of Bids 04 June 2012, 10:00 a.m. onwards
Complete details of the project are indicated in the bid documents which will be available to prospective
bidders at the BAC Secretariat Unit, Procurement Department (BSU-PD), upon payment of a non-
refundable bidding fee.
Prospective bidders may also download the Bidding Documents free of charge from the following
websites: and and may be allowed to submit bids provided that
bidders shall pay the non-refundable bidding fee not later than the date of the submission of bids. The
Pre-bid Conference is open to all interested bidders. Prospective bidders should present to PAGCORs
Cashier at 6th foor, PAGCOR Corporate Offce, M.H. del Pilar cor. Pedro Gil Sts., Malate, Manila either
the Bidding Fee Slip which may be secured from the BSU-PD or a copy of this ITB in effecting payment
for the Bidding Documents. All Bids must be accompanied by a bid security in any of the acceptable
forms and in the amount stated in ITB Clause 18.
PAGCOR assumes no responsibility whatsoever to compensate or indemnify bidders for any expenses
incurred in the preparation of their bids.
PAGCOR reserves the right to accept or reject any Bid, and to annul the bidding process and reject all Bids
at any time prior to contract award, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected bidder or bidders.
Please address all communications to the Bids and Awards Committee thru the BAC Secretariat Unit,
Room 205, Second Floor, PAGCOR House, 1330 Roxas Boulevard, Ermita, Manila, Tel No.: 524-3911,
521-1542 local 223/571.
Bids and Awards Committee 1
(MST-May 14, 2012)
f ast
r esul t s,
pl ease
c al l
l oc .
Las Pias has least red
tape in Metro city survey
More immigration ofcers hired
I have no infra budget, Belmonte warns
By Ferdinand Fabella
LAS Pias City has topped the
latest Anti-Red Tape report
card survey of the Civil Service
Commission, besting the 16
other local government units in
Metro Manila.
Las Pinas Mayor Vergel
Aguilar said the CSC has
ranked the city as the top
LGU in providing frontline
services on health and civil
registry in the survey which is
the commissions barometer
in evaluating the performance
of government agencies in
delivering public services.
Citing a report from the
comissions Metro Manila ofce,
Aguilar said Las Pias garnered
the highest score of 81.85
percent in the survey which is
conducted in accordance with
the Anti-Red Tape Act of 2007.
The survey focuses on health
and civil registry services.
Aguilar attributed the success
of the citys anti-red tape initiatives
to his administrations effort to
streamline operations to provide
better services to the people.
This is genuine service to
the people where there are no
xers, no bribes, no corruption
and no red tape. We have
adopted a Citizens Charter to
promote this, he said.
Las Pias has a modern,
well-equipped business one-stop
shop that hastens the issuance of
business permits and licenses.
While it took days to get a
business permit or license before,
now it takes only 30 minutes
to secure one. Same with other
services, Aguilar stressed.
At the one-stop shop, taxpayers
and business owners are informed
how their papers and documents
are moving within a given service
department. Complaints are
received and acted upon promptly,
the Las Pias mayor added.
Blowing horns
for road safety.
Members of the
Philippine Marines
drum and bugle band
entertain the public
during the program
marking the Decade of
Action for Road Safety
of the Department of
Transportation and
Communication (DOTC)
at the Quezon City
Memorial Circle on
QUEZON City Vice Mayor
Joy Belmonte warned the pub-
lic against people who may be
dropping her name or spread-
ing lies that she awards infra-
structure contracts in exchange
for a fee.
The Ofce of the Vice May-
or has no allocation for infra-
structure projects as the budget
of the city government shows.
Therefore, engaging in selling or
awarding infrastructure projects
and contracts for a fee is fraudu-
lent, the vice mayor said.
It has come to may attention
that certain unscrupulous individ-
uals have been misleading others
into believing false facts and are
sowing intrigues to maliciously
BA, the second-largest American
nancial holding company, is a relative
latecomer in the local nancial business
process outsourcing industry since US
nancial giants JPMorgan Chase & Co.,
Citigroup Inc. and Wells Fargo & Co. have
already long established their backofce
operations in the country.
But House Deputy Majority Leader
and Pasig City Rep. Roman Romulo,
vice chairman of the House committee on
information and communications technology,
said BAs decision to open its own center in
the country will be a big boost to the business
process outsourcing industry.
Our country has secured its place as the
worlds fastest-growing outsourcing hub,
and the preferred offshore site of US-based
global corporations when it comes to labor-
intensive and information technology-
enabled services, said Romulo, son for
former Foreign Secretary Alberto Romulo.
With BA already in, our BPO sector will
hopefully achieve if not surpass its target to
produce 126,000 new jobs and generate $2 billion
in extra revenues this year, Romulo said.
Romulo said BA recently established
a wholly-owned non-bank subsidiary, BA
Continuum Philippines Inc., to execute the
banks backofce operations in Taguig.
By Gigi Muoz David
GLOBAL nancial giant Bank of America Corp., which
operates a small overseas branch in what used to be
called the Bank of America-Lepanto Tower on Paseo de
Roxas Ave. in Makati City, has nally opened its own
call center in the Philippines and chose Taguig City as its
base of operations.
Before it commenced operations, BA
Continuum opened temporary ofces from
the Philam Life Tower on Paseo de Roxas in
Makati, but later announced its permanent
ofce would be at the Bonifacio E-Services
Building in Taguig Citys Bonifacio
Global City district and even opened a
rec recruitment center at Bonifacio One
Technology Tower, also in Global City.
Romulo did not say why the bank
chose Taguig as the site of its call center
operations, but the decision will have a big
impact on the future growth of the budding
nancial district because of the number of
salarymen, who are potential customers.
Already, BA Continuum has been
enlisting college graduates in any eld who
are willing to perform night shift jobs, with
preference for candidates specializing in
banking and nancial services.
The BPO industry is projected to
employ some 1.3 million Filipino workers
and generate $25 billion by 2016.
With a labor force of 630,000, the
sector posted $11 billion in revenues in
2011, according to the Business Processing
Association of the Philippines.
put the Ofce of the Vice Mayor
in a bad light, she added.
Last March, the Makati City
police arrested a 35-year-old
woman who reportedly swindled
around P1 million from contrac-
tors after presenting herself as
an architect cousin of the vice
mayor and a granddaughter of
Speaker Feliciano Belmonte Jr.
who could get contracts for them
from the Quezon City Hall.
The vice mayor is, in fact, the
daughter of the Speaker, who was
once a QC mayor and now repre-
sents the citys fourth district.
Police identied the woman
as Margarita Madrigal, a resi-
dent of Barangay Pio del Pilar in
Makati, who was arrested after
accepting P300,000 in marked
cash from a contractor at about
1 p.m. last Mar. 22.
Police said several Makati-
based contractors had paid money
to Madrigal because she claimed
she would be able to have the
projects awarded to them because
of her purported consanguinity
with the Belmontes.
Police said one such project
was the alleged construction of
a ve-storey low cost housing
building in Payatas, Quezon
City and Madrigal was meeting
with a contractor for an alleged
infrastructure project by Speaker
Belmonte in the Cagayan Valley
region when she was arrested.
I urge all parties against giv-
ing any form of bribe money to
these fraudulent persons [and]
expecting to be favored for proj-
ects or contracts in the ofce of
the Vice Mayor because these do
not exist. Everyone should imme-
diately report such illegal transac-
tions, the vice mayor said.
By Eric B. Apolonio

THE Bureau of Immigration
has hired 20 more immigration
officers and assigned them to
new immigration counters in a
bid to lessen passenger queues
at the Ninoy Aquino Interna-
tional Airport (NAIA).
NAIA Immigration is work-
ing with the airport manage-
ment in resolving passengers
inconvenience, especially dur-
ing peaks hours when as many
as 1,000 passengers are seen
waiting in line at the immigra-
tion counters.
BI Commissioner Ricardo
David Jr. said the 20 new im-
migration officers were among
the 35 bureau employees who
were recently hired or promot-
ed to permanent positions in
the agency by Justice Secretary
Leila de Lima.
David said the agency is
continually beefing up its man-
power to address the increasing
volume of international travel-
ers departing and arriving at
the airport everyday.
These employees were ear-
lier picked and recommended
for hiring and promotion by
the BI personnel selection and
promotions board from among
thousands of applicants for var-
ious positions in the bureaus
plantilla, David said.
He said the job applicants
passed through a rigid screen-
ing process, including written
test and panel interviews, aside
from undergoing a month-long
training at the agencys acade-
my in Clark Field, Pampanga.
We want to make sure that
the employees we hire and pro-
mote are the best and brightest
so that we can finally attain
our vision of highly compe-
tent and professionalized rank
and file in the bureau, the BI
chief declared.
He added that the bureau
is still screening thousands of
applicants for about a hundred
positions for immigration
officer that the Department
of Budget and Management
(DBM) had authorized the BI
to fill up.
David said the bureau
sought authority from the
DBM to hire more immigra-
tion officers as there are no
longer enough employees who
can be assigned to man the
immigration arrival and de-
parture counters at the airport
These perennial com-
plaints of long queues in our
immigration counters will be
solved only if we triple the
number of our personnel at the
airports, he added.
David pointed out that
the BI has only about 1,100
organic employees and some
400 contractual confidential
He said half of these
personnel are assigned to
the main office, airports and
extension offices in Metro
Manila while the rest are
assigned to more than 50 BI
field offices and sub-ports
throughout the country.
MAY 14, 2012 MONDAY
A7 Sports Riera U. Mallari, Editor
A few minutes later, the truth
was as undeniable as that 7-foot
Spaniard. Although the Nuggets
drove them to the brink of playoff
collapse, the Los Angeles Lakers
still have the tenacity to win on the
Palaro talk of the town like Pacquiao-Bradley ght
Lakers outlast Nuggets
LOS ANGELESPau Gasol was
consumed by determination, holding
off Kenneth Faried with one arm and
relentlessly tipping the ball at the hoop
with the other in the fourth quarter of
Game 7. One, two, three, four - ve! -
offensive rebounds later, the ball nally
surrendered and dropped through the hoop.
THE heat caused by a blazing summer sun
was the only hitch that marred the just-ended
Palarong Pambansa in Pangasinanif one
would consider heat a hitch.
I wouldnt.
Practically all across the archipelago,
except of course Baguio, Tagaytay and other
places up the mountains, heat has become a
bane brought on by an unusually hot summer.
But still, it didnt cause much harm on the
Palaro as the games plodded on for a week
ending May 12with smashing success
that virtually the entire sporting world is still
oozing with praise from all sectors of society
two days after.
Kudos are, therefore, in place for Gov. Amado
Espino Jr. of Pangasinan, whose principled
leadership ensured a harmonious Palaro as
though it was a philharmonic orchestra that had
been conducted so well by the man wielding the
baton: Guv Spines, who else?
Records had been broken and some dreams
had been half-fullled, but the primordial
consideration at the end of the day was
that friendships had been forged between
protagonists and ofcials alike because, after all,
that is what every competition ought to be: That
it is not in the winning, but in the competing; it
is not how one nished the contest, but how one
conducted himself/herself during the contest.
While the gold medal is the ultimate
dream, it is in how you fought the ght that
would matter in the end.
I also wish to extend my congratulations
to the Guvs Men, especially Raffy Baraan,
Butch Velasco and Modesto Operania,
among others, who played their roles to the
hilt to help ensure a trouble-free Palaro. And,
of course, one lady stood 10 feet tall during
the Games: Elsa Elduayan, the Provincial
Tourism chief who did more than her share
in making the stay of every athlete, ofcial
and visitor extra comfortable and super
worthwhile during the entirety of the Palaro.
I am a Pangasinense and I cringed a bit at
my inability to be present at the Palaro and I
cried a bit at not being able to be in the midst
of action during the momentous event that
happens only once a year. Pressure of work
in the Big City was the culprit. And some
family matters, too, some so sensitive, that I
just couldnt leave behind. Sorry, indeed.
The rst time I covered the Palaro when I
was still a sportswriter for the Bulletin, which
was in 1977 in Lucena City, I immediately
fell in love with the games reserved for 18
and below from the public elementary and
high schools all over the land.
To all those present in Pangasinan during the
Palaro, please bring home the fond memories
and leave behind the foul memories.
Some of you may not have achieved your
goals, but emerge a better person from all the
encounters. As I keep saying, it is not in the
rising but in the falling.
Be not a winner in the literal sense of the
word but instead, be wiser from every battle
that you go into always. As the saying goes,
Failure is the mother of success. That is the
only way to nail that elusive dream.
* * *
remain at 3-1 in favor of Manny Pacquiao
barely four weeks before the PacMan ghts
Timothy Bradley on June 10 (Manila Time)
at the MGM Grand, Las Vegas, Nevada. That
will surely rise as days go by since Bradley,
for one, has nothing but a 28-0 record to boast
of. For another, that mark does not include
ghters of note. Bradleys 12 knockout
victims were virtually unknown, except
Joel Casamayor. But Casamayor, at nearly
40, was denitely over-the-hill and lost to
Bradley by knockout in November 2011.
Im warning Pacquiao, said Bob Arum.
Ive just seen Bradley in training and he
looks formidable.
Of course, almost everybody looks
daunting while training at the gym. Wait till
he comes up the ring on ght night.
To all boxers when the moment of truth
has comethats the time when boys are
separated from men.
* * *
ALL IN. Sonny Guerrero and Raymond
Rodriguez, two top guns at Toyota Motor
Philippines, said they believe Manny
Pacquiao will nally win by knockout.
Hatton went down in two and yet, despite
Bradleys 28-0 record, Bradley looks an easier
customer to dispatch than Hatton. Like you,
Al, I see a Pacquiao victory by knockout,
Raymond said. For his part, Sonny said, If
Bradley wont run as he had promised, then
Pacquiao is poised to nally win by knockout
after four successive wins on points. I can
only nod in agreement, fellas.
THE Basketball Association of the Philippines
and Cobra Energy Drink have jointly agreed to
stage a two-leg Coaches Clinic in Mindanao from
May 11 to 13 at the University of Zamboanga
Summit Center in Tetuan, Zamboanga City.
The clinic was endorsed by Senator
Antonio Trillanes IV, the BAP president, and
Cobra Energy Drink director Chito Bugia, on
behalf of Michael Tan, son of philanthropist
Dr. Lucio Tan, during a recent meeting held
at the Century Park Sheraton.
This coaches clinic is one way of
uplifting the coaching profession in local
basketball,said Senator Trillanes.
The clinic was handled by NBA Development
League coach Hernando Planells and former
Philippine national team coach David Zamar.
Chief Assessor is Roel Natividad, the
BAP Region 9 Director.
The 35-year-old Planells, whose father Hernando
Sr. hails from Spain while his mother Carmer Waga-
Pangan is from Cagayan de Oro City, is one of
Americas top trainers for basketball development.
The Los Angeles-born tactician is also in his 10th
season of coaching, having taught at the high
school, college and professional levels.
Planells is a former head coach of the
Ryukyu Golden Kings and is an assistant
coach with the Maine Red Claws in the NBA
Development League.
Through these coaching clinics, Filipino
coaches will be able to impart to their players
the latest game strategies and scientic
coaching in international basketball, said
Planells, who has served as a scout for Marty
Blake, the NBAs Director of Scouting, the
past three years and coached at Hopewell
Academy in Cary, North Carolina.
BAP coaches clinic backed
biggest nights of the postseason.
Even when Kobe Bryant
doesnt lead them.
[Photos: Best shots from
Saturdays playoff action]
Gasol had 23 points, 17 rebounds,
six assists and four blocked shots,
Metta World Peace scored 15 points
in his return from a seven-game sus-
pension, and the Lakers outlasted
Denver for a thrilling 96-87 vic-
tory Saturday night to win their rst-
round series.
Steve Blake scored a playoff
career-high 19 points and Bryant
had a quiet 17 points and eight
assists against regular double-
teams for the Lakers, who blew
a 16-point lead in the second half
before surviving a nale with
wild momentum swings and
furious physical play.
With Gasol leading the Lakers
emotional effort - exemplied
by those ve offensive rebounds
on a single, unbelievable tip
play with 7:10 left - the Lakers
narrowly avoided becoming the
ninth team in NBA history to
blow a 3-1 series lead. AP
Street, Port Area, Manila
(MST-May 14, 2012)
The DPWH South Manila Engineering District, through its Bids and Awards Committee
(BAC) invites contractors to bid for the aforementioned projects;
Contract I.D. N0. 12OH0066
Contract Name: Proposed Rehabilitation/Reconstruction/Strengthening of
Bridges along National Roads Jesus Bridge along Jesus St.,
Pandacan, Manila
Contract Location: Manila City
Scope of Work: Rehabilitation/Reconstruction/Strengthening of Bridges
Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC): Ph P 16,040,357.14
Contract Duration: 150 cal. days
Bid Documents: Ph P 10,000.00
The BAC will conduct this procurement process in accordance with the Revised
Implementing Rules & Regulations (IRR) of the Republic Act 9184. Bids in excess of the
Approved Budget for the Contract shall be automatically rejected at the opening of bid.

To apply and to bid for this contract, a contractor must submit a Letter of Intent (LOI)
signed and submitted by the person authorized in the Contractors License issued by PCAB.
Upon submission of the LOIs, the interested Contractor must also submit the photo copy
and original (for authentication purposes and issuance of Bid Documents) of the following
documents: 1. Class A Documents (Contained in the Contractors Registration Certifcate)
(CRC), 1.1 Legal Documents: a) Department of Trade and Industry Business Name
Registration (DTI) or SEC Registration Certifcate or CDA; b) Valid and Current Mayors
Permit/Municipal License; 1.2) Technical Documents; a) Valid Joint Venture Agreement, in
case of (J.V.) and Eligibility Docs for each member; b) Valid PCAB License and Registration;
c) Certifcate of Materials Engineering Accreditation duly Certifed by the Authorized Managing
Offce (AMO) d) Latest copy of Authorizing Managing Offcer e) Certifcate of Safety Offcer
Seminar from DOLE f) Phil-GEPS Order form (Document Request List) g) CPE's rating
for the 1
Quarter; 1.3) Financial Documents; a) Prospective Bidders Audited Financial
Statement for the preceding calendar which should not be earlier than 2 years from the
date of bid submission; b) Prospective bidders computation of its NFCC. The LOIs shall
be submitted by the Authorized Liaison Offcer as specifed in the Contractors Information
(CI). Submission of LOIs by persons with a Special Power of Attorney shall not be allowed.
The contractor must purchase bid documents and must meet the following major criteria:
(a) prior registration with the DPWH & PHILGEPS (b) Filipino citizen of 75% Filipino-owned
partnership, corporation, cooperative, or joint venture, (c) with PCAB license applicable to
the type and cost of this contract, (d) completion of a similar contract costing at least 50%
of ABC within a period of 10 years, and (e) Net Financial Contracting Capacity at least equal
to ABC, or credit line commitment at least equal to 10% of ABC. The contractors submitted
proof of required equipments for the project are subject for inspection. The BAC will use
non-discretionary pass/fail criteria in the eligibility check and preliminary examination of bids.

Unregistered contractors, however, shall submit their applications for registration to the
DPWH-POCW Central Offce before the deadline for the receipt of LOI. The DPWH-POCW
Central Offce will only process contractors applications for registration, with complete
requirements, and issue the Contractors Certifcation of Registration (CRC). Registration
Forms may be downloaded at the DPWH website
The signifcant times and deadlines of procurement activities are shown below:

Issuance of Bidding Documents - - - - - - - - - - - - - - May 11-31, 2012
Pre-Bid Conference - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10:00 A.M. May 18, 2012
Deadline of LOI Receipt from Prospective Bidders- 12:00 Noon May 25, 2012
Deadline of Bid Receipt - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 12:00 Noon May 31, 2012
Opening of Bids - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 02:00 P.M. May 31, 2012
Prospecti ve bi dders may downl oad the LOI Forms from DPWH websi te: (allowing the fling of Letter of Intent free of charge and prescribing fxed
costs of bidding documents as per D.O. No. 52 dated October 3, 2011).
The BAC will issue hard copies of Bidding Documents (BDs) at South Manila
Engineering District, upon payment of a non-refundable fee as stated above for bid
documents. Prospective bidders may also download the BDs from the DPWH website,
if available. Prospective bidders that will download the BDs from the DPWH website
shall pay the said fees on or before the submission of their bid documents. The Pre-Bid
Conference shall be open only to interested parties who have purchased the BDs. Bids
must accompanied by a bid security, in the amount and acceptable form, stated in Section
27.2 of the Revised IRR.
Prospective bidders shall submit their duly accomplished forms as specifed in the
BDs in two (2) separate sealed bid envelope to the SMED-BAC Chairman; otherwise, it
will be a ground for an outright disqualifcation. The frst envelope shall contain the technical
component of the bid, which shall include a) copy of the CRC; b) if a propose Key Technical
Personnel is an employee of the bidder and working on another project at the time of the
bidding, the bidder shall submit a certifcation that (1) the personnel will be pulled out
from the on-going project once the bidder is awarded the contract, and (2) he/she will be
replaced with another person with equal or better qualifcations, as certifed by the head of
the implementing offce and c) The bidder may propose a Key Technical Personnel who is
not its employee provided that the said personnel is required to submit a certifcation that he/
she will work for the bidder if it is awarded the contract under bidding. The second envelope
shall contain the fnancial component of the bid. Contract will be awarded to the lowest
Calculated Responsive Bid as determined in the bid evaluation and the post-qualifcation.
The South Manila Engineering District reserves the right to accept or reject any or all
bid to annul the bidding process any time prior to Contract Award, without thereby incurring
any liability to the affected bidder/s.
A P P R O V E D:
Chief, Planning & Design Section
BAC Chairman
N O T E D:
District Engineer
Street, Port Area, Manila
(MST-May 14, 2012)
The DPWH South Manila Engineering District, through its Bids and Awards Committee
(BAC) invites contractors to bid for the aforementioned projects pursuant to Section 53.2
"Emergency Cases" of the Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations of R.A. 9184 and as
per Approved Authority of the Honorable Secretary of this Department to resort to Negotiated
Procurement to wit;
1. Contract I.D. N0. 12OH0067
Contract Name: Propsed Renovation of Coconut Palace Building (Phase 5)
Contract Location: CCP Complex, Pasay City
Scope of Work: bldg. renovation
Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC): Ph P 28,985,507.25
Contract Duration: 60 cal. days
Bid Documents: Ph P 20,000.00
Invited Contractor's:
1. Armando U. Khong Hun Gen. Contractor, Inc.
2. Vivid Construction, Inc.
3. Flordes Construction and Trading
4. ALE Builders Const. and Development Corp.
The BAC will conduct this procurement process in accordance with the Revised
Implementing Rules & Regulations (IRR) of the Republic Act 9184. Bids in excess of the
Approved Budget for the Contract shall be automatically rejected at the opening of bid.

To apply and to bid for this contract, the invited contractor's must submit a Letter of
Intent (LOI) signed and submitted by the person authorized in the Contractors License
issued by PCAB. Upon submission of the LOIs, the invited Contractor's must also submit the
photo copy and original (for authentication purposes) of the following documents: 1. Class
A Documents (Contained in the Contractors Registration Certifcate)(CRC), 1.1 Legal
Documents: a) Department of Trade and Industry Business Name Registration (DTI) or
SEC Registration Certifcate or CDA; b) Valid and Current Mayors Permit/Municipal License;
1.2) Technical Documents; a) Valid Joint Venture Agreement, in case of (J.V.) and Eligibility
Docs for each member; b) Valid PCAB License and Registration; c) Certifcate of Materials
Engineering Accreditation duly Certifed by the Authorized Managing Offce (AMO) d) Latest
copy of Authorizing Managing Offcer e) Certifcate of safety offcer seminar from DOLE f) Phil-
GEPS Order from (Document Request List) g) CPE's rating for the 1st Quarter; 1.3) Financial
Documents; a) Prospective Bidders Audited Financial Statement for the preceding calendar
which should not be earlier than 2 years from the date of bid submission; b) Prospective bidders
computation of its NFCC. The LOIs shall be submitted by the Authorized Liaison Offcer as
specifed in the Contractors Information (CI). Submission of LOIs by persons with a Special
Power of Attorney shall not be allowed. The contractor must purchase bid documents and
must meet the following major criteria: (a) prior registration with the DPWH & PHILGEPS (b)
Filipino citizen of 75% Filipino-owned partnership, corporation, cooperative, or joint venture,
(c) with PCAB license applicable to the type and cost of this contract, (d) completion of a
similar contract costing at least 50% of ABC within a period of 10 years, and (e) Net Financial
Contracting Capacity at least equal to ABC, or credit line commitment at least equal to 10% of
ABC. The contractors submitted proof of required equipments for the project are subject
for inspection. The BAC will use non-discretionary pass/fail criteria in the eligibility check and
preliminary examination of bids.

Unregistered contractors, however, shall submit their applications for registration to the
DPWH-POCW Central Offce before the deadline for the receipt of LOI. The DPWH-POCW
Central Offce will only process contractors applications for registration, with complete
requirements, and issue the Contractors Certifcation of Registration (CRC). Registration
Forms may be downloaded at the DPWH website
The signifcant times and deadlines of procurement activities are shown below:

Issuance of Bidding Documents - - - - - - - - - - - - - - May 11-31, 2012
Pre-Bid Conference - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10:00 A.M. May 18, 2012
Deadline of LOI Receipt from Prospective Bidders- 12:00 Noon May 25, 2012
Deadline of Bid Receipt - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 12:00 Noon May 31, 2012
Opening of Bids - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 02:00 P.M. May 31, 2012
Prospecti ve bi dders may downl oad the LOI Forms from DPWH websi te: (allowing the fling of Letter of Intent free of charge and prescribing fxed
costs of bidding documents as per D.O. No. 52 dated October 3, 2011).
The BAC will issue hard copies of Bidding Documents (BDs) at South Manila Engineering
District, upon payment of a non-refundable fee as stated above for bid documents. Prospective/
invited bidders may also download the BDs from the DPWH website, if available. Prospective/
invited bidders that will download the BDs from the DPWH website shall pay the said fees on
or before the submission of their bid documents. The Pre-Bid Conference shall be open only
to interested parties who have purchased the BDs. Bids must accompanied by a bid security,
in the amount and acceptable form, stated in Section 27.2 of the Revised IRR.
Prospective/invited bidders shall submit their duly accomplished forms as specifed in the
BDs in two (2) separate sealed bid envelope to the BAC Chairman-SMED. The frst envelope
shall contain the technical component of the bid, which shall include a copy of the CRC. The
second envelope shall contain the fnancial component of the bid. Contract will be awarded to the
lowest Calculated Responsive Bid as determined in the bid evaluation and the post-qualifcation.
The South Manila Engineering District reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bid
to annul the bidding process any time prior to Contract Award, without thereby incurring any
liability to the affected bidder/s.
A P P R O V E D:
Chief, Planning & Design Section
BAC Chairman
N O T E D:
District Engineer
BAP President Senator Antonio F. Trillanes IV shakes hands with Michael Tan of Asia Brewery Inc.
to seal the joint partnership between the BAP and the Cobra Energy Drink-organized Coaches
Clinic for the Mindanao Circuit in Zamboanga City from May 11 to 13 during a dinner hosted by
Asia Brewery Inc. and Cobra Energy Drink. With them (from left are) Rolando Averilla, Chief of
Staff of Sen. Trillanes; FESSAAP Honorary President Richard Ang; FESSAP President David Ong;
Michael Tan; former national coach David Zamar; NBA Developmental League coach Hernando
Planells; Danny Ignacio of Eton Properties; BAP Secretary General Graham Lim; Chito Bugia of
Cobra Energy Drink; and FESSAP Executive Vice President Prof. Robert Milton Calo.
Colwil stuns
ace PH riders
CLARKAustralian Richard Colwill
unleased an impressive debut as he up-
staged ace Pinoy riders in clinching the
Superbikes crown recently in the second
leg of the 2012 Bridgestone Philippine
Superbikes Championships at the Clark
International Speedway here.
Colwill not only eclipsed all the experi-
enced riders in the 11-man eld, but also
captured both the Expert and Intermediate
crowns of this event sanctioned by the Su-
perbikes Racing Association and support-
ed by Bridgestone the ofcial tires.
He clocked 20 minutes and 41.284
seconds in the 10-lap race, narrowly es-
caping by just 0.378 of a second ahead of
Batangas kickoff winner Raniel Resuel-
lo, who copped the runner-up honors in
both the Expert and Intermediate classes.
Anthony Roman, the reigning Un-
derbone King, checked in third overall,
while John Defensor and Erwin Agra
wound up fourth and fth, respectively.
Colwill took the pole position at the
start of the nal race, but slowly slipped
down to fth as Roman, Resuello and
Marvin Mangulabnan controlled the
tempo from the second to the fth lap.
Herbalife Formula 1
wins Subic triathlon
HARD work and team pride paid off for
Herbalife Formula 1 as it ended Fitness
First Body Combats four-year reign of the
Team Competition in the recent K-Swiss
ITU Subic Bay International Triathlon,
presented by Century Tuna.
Composed of triathletes Monica Tor-
res, Hiroshi Takei, Dante Macalintal, John
Omar Paredes and Julian Valencia, Herb-
alife Formula 1 won the grueling 1.5 Km
swim40 Km bike10 Km run events
team competition with a combined time of
10 hours, 22 minutes and 54 seconds.
Fitness First Body Combat (members Rizzi-
elle Tangan, Melvin Wong, Mark Ellis, Miguel
Lopez and Andy Leuterio) clocked 10:31:22
for the silver medal. For the previous few years,
Herbalife Formula 1 won bronze medals.
At third place in the event sponsored by
K-Swiss, Century Tuna, Subic Bay Met-
ropolitan Authority, Speedo, Harbor Point
Ayala Malls, SM City Olongapo, Davids
Salon, Travelers Hotel, Asian Center for
Insulation Philippines, Gatorade, Fitness
First, Philippine Sports Commission and
Standard Insurance, was Fitness Attack
which timed 10:34:28.
THE core of the national badminton team,
including newly minted Australian junior
champion Malvinne Ann Venice Alcala, will
spearhead an expected 400-strong eld in
the Philippine National Open-Ming Ramos
Youth Cup Badminton Championships,
which re off today at the Rizal Memorial
Sports Complex.
The ve-day tournament ending Friday
offers a total cash prize fund of over
P500,000 with Alcala leading the title
chase in the premier division along with
fellow Phl team mainstays Ariel Magnaye,
Joper Escueta, Ronnel Estanislao and Paul
Vivas, who have undergone the stringent
rst two weeks of training under top-notch
Indonesian coach Rexy Mainaky.
No less than former PBA president,
former First Lady Amelita ``Ming Ramos,
will grace the opening ceremony at 8 a.m.,
followed by registration at the Philippine
Sports Commission Badminton Hall inside
Also expected to appear in the opening
rites are PBA president, Vice President
Jejomar Binay and secretary general, Rep.
Albee Benitez. Telecommunications tycoon
Manny V. Pangilinan, the PBA chair, has
also been invited to attend the ceremonies.
The tournament is sponsored by Victor/
PCOME, Binggo Bonanza, Sun Cellular and
the Philippine Sports Commission.
PH Open-Ramos Badminton starts
Manila Standard TODAY
Garcia upstages Tiu in drag racing
PH cyclists move up
HBO discusses Pacman-Floyd fight
Mioza Jungolf Circuit resumes
Ian siblings
lead US Kids
CLARK Just when everyone
expected a grueling four-way
battle among the top contenders,
Vanni Garcia of Vannitec stole
the limelight when he captured
the Quick 8 crown recently in
the third and penultimate leg of
the 2012 Philippine Drag Racing
Championships Northern Series
at the Clark International
Speedway here.
He not only got that rare
chance of beating multi-titled
champion Jonathan Tiu of
JCT-Blanche Racing in the
nal showdown, he likewise
posted a fast time that nearly
shattered the existing Clark
record in this series sanctioned
by the Automobile Association
Philippines and sponsored by
GT Radial, HKS Motor Oil,
M&H Race Master, Yokohama
and powered by Racing Beat@
Wave 89.1.
Known as Tius ercest rival
three years ago, Garcia nally
found the right setup for his
Mitsubishi for the crucial victory
as he marked his return into the
countrys elite circle of marquee
drag racers.
He clocked a fast time of 9.523
seconds in the Quick 8 nal, close
to breaking the existing record
of 9.223 seconds owned by Pepi
Santos of H3 Autoworks.
And his win against Tius 9.887
seconds came out a big surprise as
he only clocked 10.477 seconds
in winning the seminal match
over Mark Galamay. Tiu clocked
a consistent 9.819 seconds in
ousting Edison Cayco of H3
Pushing his cars power to
the limit, Garcia immediately
pulled away from Tiu at the
start and eventually wrapped
up the quarter mile race 0.3 of
a second faster.
Galamay prevailed over
Cayco, clocking 10.781 seconds
to claim third place.
MAY 14, 2012 MONDAY
6/49 000000
3 DIGITS 000
2 EZ2 00
THE Philippines, thanks to the
conquest of Baler Rabina and
the excellent result registered by
Filipino cyclists in last months
Le Tour de Filipinas, made a
giant stride in the Asian nations
rankings of the Union Cycliste
Internationale and is now No. 4
overall in the continent.
Rabina also made a signicant
move and is now No. 30 in
the Asian cyclists individual
rankings, a development that
cemented cyclings potential in
the international arena.
Rustom Lim, only 19, also
made his presence felt. The Best
Young Rider (under 23) of the Le
Tour, also the rst Filipino to win
the award in a UCI race, made it
to No. 91.
However, the organizer of
the annual Le Tour de Filipinas,
the only international race in the
country which staged its third
edition last April 14 to 17, lamented
cyclings exclusion from the
Philippine Sports Commissions
10 focus sports under its 2011-2016
Philippine Sports Roadmap.
The 10 focus sports in the Road
Map program which President
Aquino pledged to support for P1
billion are Olympic sports boxing,
taekwondo, athletics, swimming,
archery, wrestling and weightlifting
and non-Olympic sports wushu,
billiards and bowling.
TOP Rank promoter Bob Arum and Golden
Boy Promotions Chief Operating Ofcer
Richard Schaefer have discussed the
possibilities of a Manny Pacquiao-Floyd
Mayweather ght one more time.
This time, they discussed the issue on the
initial episode of The Fight Game with Jim
Lampley, the HBO boxing commentator. reported that Schaefer
said he believes Mayweather should get the
lions share.
If in fact, theyre (Pacquiao and
Maywethers numbers) the same, they
produce the same amount of pay-per-views,
the same amount of live-gate revenues, then
you know what? Yes, it should be a 50-50
split. But if they dont, then why should it?
asked Schaefer.
However, Schaefer failed to recognize the
fact that in Mayweathers last ght against
Miguel Cotto, which HBO said had 1.5 million
pay per view hits, Mexican Saul Canelo
Alvarez, who fought Shane Mosley, obviously
contributed signicantly to the numbers.
Even WBC president Don Jose Sulaiman
said the following of Alvarez in Mexico was
Mayweather has made it clear in the past,
following conversations with Pacquiao on
the phone and meetings with his adviser
Michael Koncz that he wont ght the
Filipino unless the Fighter of the Decade
agrees to his terms of a guaranteed $40
million, with the American keeping all the
PPV and other ancillary income.
Mayweather is scheduled to serve almost
three months in prison at the Clark Country
Detention Center this June, while Pacquiao
defends his World Boxing Organization
welterweight title against undefeated
Timothy Bradley on June 9 in Las Vegas.
Ronnie Nathanielsz
American referee Michael
Ortega called a halt to the
bout, with Romero groggy and
wobbling against the ropes near his
own corner, following a barrage of
telling blows from Viloria.
The stoppage came at 2:07 of
the ninth round.
At the time the ght ended, all
three judges had Viloria winning
comfortably, with American judges
Carlos Ortiz and Glen Feldman
having the champion ahead at 79-
72 and 80-70, respectively. Filipino
judge Danrex Tapdasan had Viloria
ahead 80-71.
Viloria started aggressively,
connecting with a solid right
followed by a 1-2 combination
in the opening round, but
Romero fought back before the
Fil-Hawaiian stopped him in his
tracks with a left hook.
The third round was decisive
for Viloria as he nailed Romero
with a cracking right hand,
followed by a combination
capped by two left hooks.
As the challenger came
forward, Viloria caught
him with another counter
left hook.
Romero was
cautioned by referee
Ortega for hitting
on the break before
Viloria nailed him with
a cracking right that
shook the challenger, who
mistakenly walked to the neutral
corner when the bell sounded.
I was patient. I knew that if
IN-FORM Gio Gandionco guns
for a second straight victory in
boys Class A when the Frankie
Minoza Jungolf Circuit resumes
today at the hazard-laden Alta
Vista Golf and Country Club in
Pardo, Cebu.
After pounding out a close one-
stroke victory in the previous leg at
the Del Monte Golf Club course in
Bukidnon, Gandionco is bracing
for another tight battle, with Cebu
Country Club teammate LJ Go in
the centerpiece division for 15 to
17 years.
The Frankie Minoza Circuit
forms part of the ICTSI Jungolf
Circuit, sponsored chiey by
ICTSI and also backed by
Philippine Airlines, Pancake
House, Teriyaki Boy, Sizzlin
Pepper and Inquirer Golf.
The tourney is enjoying the
patronage of the countrys most
successful golfer and held under
the auspices of the Junior Golf
Foundation of the Philippines
as part of its talent-development
Jungolf president Luigi
Tabuena said that it gives juniors
in the south the needed exposure
to become better players and give
themselves a chance to represent
the country in international events.
We are one with Mr Frankie
Minoza in providing opportunities
for the youth in the south for their
progress, said Tabuena.
Riera U. Mallari, Editor
Canaleta slam-dunk champ a 5
NINO Canaletas aerial artistry was in full display
once again.
The Barangay Ginebra high-yer bagged his
fth Slam Dunk Championship Sunday after
outlasting fellow aerial artists JC Intal and Gabe
Norwood in the nal round in the 2012 Philippine
Basketball Association All-Star Weekend.
Canaleta nished with a perfect scored of 100,
having scored 50 each in his two dunks in the
nals after wowing the judges and the audience
with his rim-rattling displays.
In his rst nals dunk, Canaleta jumped over a
man. He then topped himself in the second round
by jumping over three, lined-up guys, including
Meralco center Asi Taulava to delight everyone at
the Ilocos Norte Centennial Arena in Laoag City,
Ilocos Norte.
Intal placed second with 99 points, while Gabe
Norwood nished third with a 93 total in the nal
round. Jeric Lopez
Viloria keeps
world crown
By Ronnie Nathanielsz
WORLD Boxing Organization yweight
champion Brian Viloria scored a rousing
ninth-round technical knockout victory
over former two-time light yweight
champion Omar Nino Romero before a
throng of cheering Filipino fans at the
Ynares Sports Center in Pasig City.
SIBLINGS Bernice and
Miguel Olivarez-Ilas pulled
off contrasting victories to join
the qualiers in the recent US
Kids World Championship
tournament at the Player course
of the Orchard Golf and Country
Club in Dasmarias, Cavite.
Rupert Zaragosa likewise made
an auspicious return to competitive
play after a life-threatening
accident by topping the 14 years
division of the tourney staged by
Golf Depot, local distributor of
US Kids products, in coordination
with the Junior Golf Foundation
of the Philippines.
Bernice continued her unbeaten
run in the ICTSI Summer Jungolf
Circuit by coasting to an easy win
in the girls 10 years division with
her rounds of 83, 75 and 74 for a
232 total, while Miguel survived
a last-round meltdown to capture
the 8 years division crown in the
tourney that staked slots to the US
Kids World Championship proper
in Pinehurst, North Carolina.
Ilas led by nine holes after 36
holes, but Sean Granada came
charging back in the nal round
and almost snatched the crown.
Ilas nished with a 90-258,
ahead of Granada, who had an
Blowout wins punctuated the
other divisions, with Jose Javier
Lazatin (6 years), Francis Andre
Lanuza (7 years), Josh Jorge
(9 years), Zoon Wou-woo (10
years), Aidric Chan (11 years),
Park Min-ung (12 years), Lanz
Uy (13 years) and Park Kyung-
chun (15-18) taking the winners
trophies in the boys division.
I walked him down, broke him
down when I rocked him in the
third and his eyes watered up a
little bit, I knew okay, I got him.
But I didnt want to rush and get
open for any wild punches. I told
myself settle down, continue what
youre doing and its just a matter
of time before you put him away,
and I did, said Viloria.
The champ kept the pressure on
the Mexican and hurt him once
again in the fourth, with a right
hand that sent Romero staggering
all over the ring as the champion
picked his punches and battered
the challenger, often switching
from the head to the body.
Olympic outtter. Philippine Olympic team Chief of Mission
Manny Lopez (second from left) and Mastersports-Mizuno president
and Chief Executive Ofcer Lovell Gopez shake hands after signing
an agreement making Mizuno the ofcial outtter of the PH squad
to the Olympic Games set July 27 to Aug. 12. The world-renowned
sports apparel is the third entity to support the London-bound
Pinoy athletes, the other being the International Container Terminal
Services Inc. and Bank of Philippine Islands. Looking on are Philippine
Olympic Committee secretary general Steve Hontiveros (left) and
Mizuno marketing manager Jai Cortes.
Vanni Garcia (inset) steers away early from Jonathan Tiu to
capture the Quick 8 crown at Clark
Josh Urbiztondo of B-MEG and Willie Miller (top) of Barako
Bull glide at the sand of sand dunes of La Paz, Ilocos Norte
during one of the side-activities of the PBA All-Star Weekened
in Laoag City.
Photo by
Manila Standard TODAY
MAY 14, 2012 MONDAY
Ray S. Eano, Editor
Roderick T. dela Cruz, Assistant Editor
Closing May 11, 2012
LPG/11-kg tank
Unleaded Gasoline
Auto LPG
Currency Unit US Dollar Peso
United States Dollar 1.000000 42.4490
Japan Yen 0.012502 0.5307
UK Pound 1.615700 68.5848
Hong Kong Dollar 0.128816 5.4681
Switzerland Franc 1.077935 45.7573
Canada Dollar 0.998702 42.3939
Singapore Dollar 0.800384 33.9755
Australia Dollar 1.012146 42.9646
Bahrain Dinar 2.652661 112.6028
Saudi Arabia Rial 0.266660 11.3195
Brunei Dollar 0.797194 33.8401
Indonesia Rupiah 0.000109 0.0046
Thailand Baht 0.032134 1.3641
UAE Dirham 0.272257 11.5570
Euro Euro 1.294800 54.9630
Korea Won 0.000876 0.0372
China Yuan 0.158378 6.7230
India Rupee 0.018744 0.7957
Malaysia Ringgit 0.326264 13.8496
NewZealand Dollar 0.787588 33.4323
Taiwan Dollar 0.034106 1.4478
Source: PDS Bridge
Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas
Friday, May 11, 2012
Closing MAY 11, 2012
VOLUME 1100.260M
HIGH P42.400 LOW P42.570 AVERAGE P42.479
Govt starts review
of biofuel program
Atlas sees shipments
increasing to $300m
Higher credit rating seen in 2014
By Jenniffer B. Austria
COPPER and gold producer
Atlas Consolidated Mining and
Development Corp. aims to
deliver 30 shipments this year
equivalent to $300 million from
24 shipments in 2011 valued at
$290 million.
Atlas vice president Adrian
Paulino Ramos said in an
interview he expects a just slight
increase in the value of exports
because of the prevailing
lower copper prices in the
world market, despite higher
Copper prices hover between
$3.60 and $3.90 a pound,
slightly down from last years
average $4 per pound.
Ramos said the company
was on track with its plan to
increase daily ore production
from wholly-owned copper
unit Carmen Copper Corp. to
100,000 per day.
Carmen Copper is currently
producing 40,000 to 42,000 tons
of ore daily. Output is expected
to increase daily to 60,000 by
2014 and to 100,000 over the
next six years.
Carmen Copper, which
operates the Toledo copper mine
in the province of Cebu, last
March raised $300 million in
xed rate notes to renance debt
and fund capital expenditure
Carmen Copper in 2011 posted
a net income of P2.54 billion, up
273 percent from P670 million
in 2010, on higher production
and metal prices.
Core net income in the same
year reached P2.28 billion,
up 60 percent from a year ago
while gross revenues increased
41 percent to P12.5 billion, as
shipment volumes totaled 68
million pounds of copper in
2011 from 58.7 million in 2010.
Copper revenues improved 38
percent to P11.66 billion from
P8.42 billion a year ago while
gold sales rose 25.5 percent to
P530 million from P422 million
in 2010.
DFC Holdings Inc., the
private holding company of the
Consunji family, last month
acquired a 5.34-percent stake in
By Elaine R. Alanguilan
THE Philippines is expected to
attain an investment grade rating
by 2014, if the government
will pursue more scal reforms
and higher investments in
infrastructure, according to the
Standard Chartered Bank.
Standard Chartered Bank noted
the countrys external payments
position had improved in recent
years, but said improvements are
needed in the areas of revenue
collection and investment.
We see scal reforms,
in particular improving tax
collection efciency and boosting
infrastructure investment, as pre-
conditions for a rating upgrade.
If these conditions are met,
the Philippines could achieve
investment grade by 2014, said
the bank in its latest report on the
It noted that while the
Philippines scored well in the
categories of trade surplus
and external vulnerabilities,
it has room for improvement
in infrastructure, government
effectiveness and the investment
The Philippines possesses a
unique set attributes. It need not
follow exactly the development
path of others like Indonesia,
which has investment grade, but
should concentrate on leveraging
on its strengths and improving on
its weaknesses, it said.
It cited the Philippines
strength in the areas of trade
surplus, logistics and resilience
to external shocks. It said
the strong domestic economy
and current account surplus
supported foreign exchange
reserve accumulation.
The report, however, also
showed that the country scored
below average in terms of its
investment-to-gross domestic
product and debt-to-GDP ratios.
Investment was only about
22 percent of GDP in 2011,
compared with 33 percent in
Indonesia. Revenue was also
relatively low at 14 percent of
GDP in 2011.
Fiscal progress, alongside
effective governance, will help
to accelerate the countrys
development plans, reduce its
relatively high debt-to-GDP
ratio, and improve the ease of
doing business, said the report.
The Philippines lowest score
is in infrastructure. It ranked
out of 142 countries in the
World Economic Forums Global
Competitiveness Report 2011-
2012 on quality of infrastructure.
The country will need to
invest more to ease infrastructure
bottlenecks that have curbed its
potential growth rate, the bank
THE United Coconut Planters
Bank plans to raise another P1.85
billion from the third tranche of
high-yield deposit products it is
issuing to the public, following
the huge demand on previous
In 2010, we offered P3 billion
in LTNCDs [long-term negotiable
certicates of time deposit], which
was oversubscribed by some P4.5
billion. Last year, we did it again
by raising P3.15 billion from the
planned P3 billion. Given the high
investor condence, we knew
that this latest venture would be
worthwhile, UCPB treasury
banking group head Eulogio
Catabran III said in a statement.
Catabran said proceeds
from the sale would be used
to increase the banks long-
term deposit base and sustain the
growth of loan portfolio, which
provide higher margins and cover
the banks maturing long-term
The banks latest issuance,
called UCPB Series 3 LTNCDs,
are deposit products with higher
returns and longer maturities than
regular time deposits.
Individual Filipino and
corporate investors may invest a
minimum of P50,000 at a xed
interest rate of 5.875 percent per
annum to be paid quarterly over
the next ve years and three
Elaine R. Alanguilan
By Alena Mae S. Flores
THE Energy Department will revisit
the countrys biofuel program and
come up with more realistic targets, a
government ofcial said.
Energy Undersecretary
Jay Layug told reporters the
countrys bioethanol production
had remained minimal compared
with demand since the passage
of the Biofuels Law in 2006.
Five years ago, government
wants the Philippines to be the
top ethanol producer in Asia but
we hardly produced, Layug
Bioethanol is used as additive
to gasoline under the Biofuels
Law, to reduce the countrys
dependence on imported fuels.
Current production of
bioethanol is placed at just 79
million liters from three plants,
namely San Carlos Bioenergy,
Leyte Agri Corp. and Roxol
Green Futures Innovations,
which will produce 54 million
liters, is set for commissioning this
year while Cavite Biofuels and
Kanlaon AlcoGreen are expected
to produce 34 million liters and
45 million liters, respectively,
over the next two years.
The government, meanwhile,
expects bioethanol demand to
reach 500 million liters this year.
We will revisit the national
biofuels program and then update
it. And hopefully provide a more
realistic target in the next ve
years, he said.
Layug said the government also
wants to update the bioethanol
program after the release of a
department circular prioritizing
the utilization of locally-produced
bioethanol as a blend to gasoline.
We want to update it in light
of the circular. We hope the
local ethanol industry will be
developed given the govt support
through the DoE circular, the
energy ofcial said.
Layug said the department
had also started consultations
on the possibility of increasing
biodiesel blend to 5 percent from
the current 2 percent.
Whether it is feasible to move
to B2 from B5, this year we will
look into that. We will go around
cities and conduct consultations,
he said.
Meanwhile, DMCI Holdings
Inc., controlled by the Consunji
Group, plans to put up a 7.5-
megawatt, coal-red power plant
in Tablas, Romblon.
DMCI Holdings president
Isidro Consunji told reporters
Tablas was one of the three
missionary electrication areas
of National Power Corp. that the
government planned to privatize.
They just asked us to express
submit letters of interest. For
Tablas, we did due diligence.
Were looking at coal, more or
less, 7.5 MW, Consunji said.
He said building a coal plant
was expensive but still cheaper
than diesel-red stations.
UCPB raising P1.85b from deposit instrument
Singapore envoy. Trade Secretary Gregory Domingo (center) welcomes Singaporean ambassador VP
Hirubalan (second from right) during a visit at the Board of Investments. The diplomat vowed to further
strengthen trade and investment relations between the Philippines and Singapore. With them are (from
left) Trade Assistant Secretary Glenn Pearanda, Undersecretary Adrian Cristobal Jr. and Singapore embassy
second secretary Daniel Wang.
I-Pay plans IPO
THE Securities and Exchange
Commission approved the planned
initial public offering of remittance
and payment service provider I-Pay
Commerce Ventures Inc.
Documents led with the SEC
showed that I-Pay Commerce
would list under the second board
of the Philippine Stock Exchange
through a process called listing by
way of introduction.
I-Pay Commerce plans to list
59.54 million common shares for
P8.60 apiece.
I-Pay Commerce is 74.9 percent
owned by IP Ventures Inc., the
newly-established private holding
company of listed technology and
gaming company IPVG Corp.
Established in 2007, IP
Commerce provides end-to-end
payment solutions, card issuance
platforms, payment vehicles linked
to electronic wallets, switching
solutions and remittance services.
Its primary business activity is
providing remittance services in
partnership with Western Union
Network (Canada) Co.
Jenniffer B. Austria
LBP reducing risks
STATE lender Land Bank of
the Philippines is strengthening
measures to reduce the risks of
lending to small farmers and
sherfolk even as bad loans remain
at manageable levels.
Landbank said loan
disbursements to the sector reached
P285.5 billion from 1991 to 2010
while write-offs amounted to just
0.17 percent.
Landbank president and chief
executive Gilda Pico said the bank
had strengthened the implementation
of mitigating controls for lending to
small farmers and sherfolk, who
in most cases do not have hard
collaterals to offer.
One measure is the enhancement of
the banks Cooperative Accreditation
Criteria and the Countryside Financial
Institution Risk Assets Acceptance
Criteria, which are used in assessing
the cooperative and CFIs eligibility
to access the banks credit facilities
and other services.
Elaine R. Alanguilan
MAY 14, 2012 MONDAY
Leadership deficit:
The solution lies in the youth
Philodrill Corp. `A 8,223,450,000
Manila Mining `A 1,549,780,000
Oriental Pet. `A 1,523,700,000
IP E-Game Ventures Inc. 1,077,530,000
Manila Mining `B 864,750,000
Greenergy 735,800,000
Megaworld Corp. 725,104,000
United Paragon 582,900,000
Oriental Pet. `B 224,400,000
Abra Mining 218,000,000
Metrobank 2,343,769,354.00
SM Investments Inc. 1,853,743,295.00
PLDT Common 1,696,305,280.00
Bloomberry 1,651,794,086.00
Megaworld Corp. 1,587,629,240.00
Alliance Global Inc. 1,526,251,444.00
Universal Robina 1,287,096,254.50
SM Prime Holdings 1,115,530,884.00
Ayala Corp `A 1,047,291,982.00
Banco de Oro Unibank Inc. 922,816,663.00
MAY 7-MAY 11, 2012 APRIL 30-MAY 4, 2012
Banco de Oro Unibank Inc. 63.00 14,315,180 922,816,663.00 67.00 8,511,340 566,623,892.00
Bank of PI 71.20 10,716,570 769,340,138.50 73.10 3,621,620 269,394,481.00
Bankard, Inc. 0.73 540,000 394,300.00 0.73 1,634,000 1,222,850.00
China Bank 550.00 154,630 84,896,975.00 528.00 68,330 35,570,400.00
BDO Leasing & Fin. Inc. 1.81 393,000 702,080.00 1.80 250,000 447,650.00
COL Financial 22.65 543,900 12,279,775.00 23 839,700 19,405,900.00
Eastwest Bank 18.84 66,431,000 597,168,060.00
Filipino Fund Inc. 10.00 40,600 428,002 11.00 49,700 563,926
First Abacus 0.75 475,000 363,890.00 0.79 120,000 95,820.00
First Metro Inv. 66 780 51,182.50 68.05 2,110 140,056.50
I-Remit Inc. 2.45 80,000 182,990.00 2.30 12,000 27,660.00
Manulife Fin. Corp. 530.00 960 508,800.00 540.00 780 415,150.00
Maybank ATR KE 29.65 769,000 22,198,235.00 28.4 1,009,900 27,105,860.00
Metrobank 87.00 26,217,150 2,343,769,354.00 92.00 9,841,820 906,193,441.00
Natl Reinsurance Corp. 2 799,000 1,621,420.00 2.2 1,209,000 2,566,900.00
Phil Bank of Comm 75.00 2,170 164,300.00 80.00 490 37,760.00
Phil. National Bank 69.20 2,932,730 212,894,968.00 77.40 3,034,570 231,324,394.50
Phil. Savings Bank 82.00 740 60,680.00 81.30 330 26,774.00
PSE Inc. 360 227,090 82,960,370.00 368 281,910 104,558,070.00
RCBC `A 43.6 5,102,300.00 226,438,290.00 44.55 3,443,000.00 153,313,350.00
Security Bank 142.7 4,789,200 697,132,297.00 154 6,978,200 1,048,493,794.00
Sun Life Financial 990.00 575 564,165.00 1005.00 2,390 2,387,520.00
Union Bank 102.70 2,053,670 211,518,756.00 105.50 1,091,860 116,725,917.00
Vantage Equities 1.88 531,000 996,020.00 1.88 73,348,000 136,429,920.00
Aboitiz Power Corp. 34.75 16,408,100 568,536,015.00 35.1 10,767,700 373,532,315.00
Agrinurture Inc. 11.34 255,700 2,997,480.00 12.24 2,269,300 27,759,220.00
Alaska Milk Corp. 23.6 2,007,900 47,413,930.00 23.65 211,700 5,009,610.00
Alliance Tuna Intl Inc. 1.48 3,257,000 4,881,830.00 1.54 2,567,000 3,907,120.00
Alphaland Corp. 31.9 5,400 165,395.00 30 16,900 497,700.00
Alsons Cons. 1.33 5,517,000 7,542,820.00 1.41 6,999,000 9,920,380.00
Asiabest Group 32.25 732,400 28,979,850.00 46.6 512,900 24,073,115.00
Bogo Medellin 68.00 170 11,560.00 62.05 550 33,847.50
Bloomberry 9.00 175,274,800 1,651,794,086.00 9.70 449,686,400 4,162,324,700.00
C. Azuc De Tarlac 15.50 14,200 200,470.00 19.96 11,000 215,198.00
Calapan Venture 2.3 119,000 271,610.00 2.3 66,000 145,910.00
Chemphil 279 170 25,990.00
Conc. Aggr. `A 80.00 2,060 134,750.00
Chemrez Technologies Inc. 2.62 702,000 1,855,650.00 2.68 1,089,000 2,916,340.00
Cirtek Holdings (Chips) 8.15 207,000 1,673,093.00 8.19 171,900 1,395,129.00
Energy Devt. Corp. (EDC) 5.96 69,541,500 414,912,824.00 6.00 53,024,700 316,353,583.00
EEI 6.16 7,427,200 46,111,406.00 6.35 4,461,100 27,880,138.00
Euro-Med Lab. 2.37 351,000 762,770.00 1.89 114,000 213,050.00
Federal Chemicals 12.98 147,700 1,702,724.00 12.80 1,128,800 15,414,692.00
First Gen Corp. 13.88 8,456,400 117,960,170.00 14.18 13,419,500 191,060,280.00
First Holdings A 64.5 2,318,390 149,195,721.50 65 2,013,350 130,483,833.50
Ginebra San Miguel Inc. 22.30 238,400 5,282,200.00 22.45 400,300 9,039,345.00
Greenergy 0.0140 735,800,000 10,812,100.00 0.0160 836,900,000 13,528,600.00
Holcim Philippines Inc. 11.50 882,500 10,592,372.00 12.02 2,669,400 32,382,674.00
Integ. Micro-Electronics 4.65 1,462,000 7,024,930.00 4.76 146,000 696,760.00
Ionics Inc 1.380 1,075,000 1,457,410.00 1.480 578,000 878,180.00
Jollibee Foods Corp. 108.50 1,753,160 193,101,445.00 111.00 2,153,700 239,882,423.00
Liberty Flour 62.00 1,870 108,323.00 53.30 400 21,320.00
LMG Chemicals 1.95 1,634,000 3,945,080.00 3 11,543,000 36,712,410.00
Manchester Intl. A 2.11 127,000 251,730.00 2.13 632,000 1,360,280.00
Manchester Intl. B 1.92 6,000 11,520.00 1.91 9,000 17,190.00
Manila Water Co. Inc. 25.2 8,678,700 219,062,560.00 25.55 15,762,400 392,901,590.00
Mariwasa MFG. Inc. 3.99 26,000 101,740.00 3.5 96,000 341,000.00
Megawide 16.60 3,939,300 66,162,656.00 17.00 10,828,500 176,186,410.00
Mla. Elect. Co `A 252.00 755,210 193,909,742.00 263.00 570,990 149,269,772.00
Panasonic Mfg Phil. Corp. 6.40 17,700 106,080.00 6.40 41,800 279,720.00
Pancake House Inc. 11.7 1,700 17,920.00 12 200 2,400.00
Pepsi-Cola Products Phil. 2.66 2,340,000 6,415,430.00 2.85 18,187,000 51,993,870.00
Petron Corporation 10.36 14,421,300 112,347,131.00 10.74 14,021,600 150,769,406.00
Phinma Corporation 11.00 18,700 208,150.00 12.00 1,900 22,800.00
Phoenix Petroleum Phils. 9.28 2,276,700 21,087,396.00 9.40 1,781,700 16,603,793.00
Republic Cement `A 8.50 264,000 2,242,738.00 9.14 200 1,832.00
RFM Corporation 2.65 12,147,000 32,297,030.00 2.60 27,993,000 76,266,860.00
Roxas and Co. 2.28 18,000 41,040.00 2.4 1,000 2,400.00
Roxas Holdings 2.9 362,000 1,119,020.00 2.95 7,000 20,650.00
Salcon Power Corp. 3.8 96,000 364,950.00 3.8 25,000 95,000.00
San Miguel Brewery Inc. 29.50 275,200 8,213,120.00 29.90 59,100 1,760,780.00
San Miguel Corp `A 113.40 2,906,800 329,543,559.00 112.90 2,524,500 283,461,555.00
Seacem 1.73 6,936,000 12,065,100.00 1.78 20,250,000 36,031,850.00
Splash Corporation 1.86 882,000 1,657,240.00 1.89 556,000 1,053,570.00
Swift Foods, Inc. 0.130 16,430,000 2,162,170.00 0.135 6,000,000 807,030.00
Tanduay Holdings 3.79 1,505,000 5,704,000.00 3.80 483,000 1,838,650.00
TKC Steel Corp. 2.35 277,000 647,680.00 2.35 162,000 384,230.00
Trans-Asia Oil 1.24 13,504,000 17,024,200.00 1.28 35,907,000 44,957,910.00
Universal Robina 67.75 19,085,290 1,287,096,254.50 66.20 13,832,010 919,768,134.50
Vitarich Corp. 0.630 6,500,000 4,358,230.00 0.730 40,249,000 28,023,810.00
Vivant Corp. 12.36 10,700 119,234.00 10.50 900 10,088.00
Vulcan Indl. 1.05 2,402,000 2,462,940.00 1.05 2,691,000 2,839,150.00
Abacus Cons. `A 0.70 6,360,000 4,543,530.00 0.75 2,945,000 2,201,330.00
Aboitiz Equity 52.85 8,780,330 461,868,518.50 53.90 6,432,740 336,645,168.00
Alcorn Gold Res. 0.0160 185,200,000 2,798,800.00 0.0160 16,200,000 259,400.00
Alliance Global Inc. 12.90 115,810,000 1,526,251,444.00 13.40 133,984,100 1,754,402,410.00
Anglo Holdings A 1.98 1,002,000 2,017,580.00 2.14 429,000 915,270.00
Anscor `A 4.70 501,000 2,319,990.00 4.90 1,348,100 6,640,021.00
Asia Amalgamated A 4.00 697,000 7,511,640.00 4.50 326,000 1,487,310.00
ATN Holdings A 1.79 163,000 265,300.00 1.7 174,000 302,410.00
Ayala Corp `A 457 2,314,730 1,047,291,982.00 454 1,955,930 873,286,082.00
DMCI Holdings 62.10 13,437,710 837,326,305.50 62.35 12,476,120 766,249,874.50
F&J Prince A 2.61 116,000 305,040.00 2.7 44,000 119,170.00
Filinvest Dev. Corp. 4.18 7,173,300 31,834,308.00 5.02 5,095,000 25,199,162.00
Forum Pacic 0.255 720,000 183,600.00 0.260 690,000 178,900.00
GT Capital 491 1,394,040 694,290,597.00 511.5 2,311,510 1,164,647,239.00
House of Inv. 4.55 213,000 979,680.00 4.75 523,000 2,452,250.00
JG Summit Holdings 34.00 12,542,700 430,810,780.00 35.50 12,121,400 427,037,575.00
Jolliville Holdings 2.3 31,000 72,120.00 2.4 7,000 16,600.00
Keppel Holdings `A 4 5,000 19,500.00 4 8,000 32,000.00
Lopez Holdings Corp. 5.54 11,420,200 63,200,390.00 5.7 7,438,800 43,124,527.00
Lodestar Invt. Holdg.Corp. 1.13 30,851,000 36,317,400.00 1.21 21,934,000 27,123,820.00
Mabuhay Holdings `A 0.570 414,000 236,150.00 0.600 1,375,000 846,740.00
Marcventures Hldgs., Inc. 3.050 41,213,000 130,195,100.00 3.250 62,342,000 219,436,460.00
Metro Pacic Inv. Corp. 4.19 151,768,000 676,013,260.00 4.50 229,773,000 1,044,379,620.00
Minerales Industrias Corp. 4.95 935,500 4,552,247.00 4.9 770,000 3,887,049.00
MJCI Investments Inc. 1.65 14,000 23,100.00
Pacica `A 0.0540 48,240,000 2,681,110.00 0.0570 10,100,000 585,100.00
Prime Media Hldg 1.450 226,000 336,580.00 1.500 258,000 388,960.00
Prime Orion 0.480 10,413,000 5,193,330.00 0.510 1,109,000 565,590.00
Republic Glass A 2 75,000 149,390.00 2.05 26,000 54,270.00
Seafront `A 1.38 211,000 295,360.00 1.40 42,000 61,010.00
Sinophil Corp. 0.345 4,210,000 1,474,400.00 0.350 5,610,000 1,981,850.00
SM Investments Inc. 708.00 2,654,860 1,853,743,295.00 698.00 1,087,600 765,056,860.00
Solid Group Inc. 1.45 5,105,000 7,614,530.00 1.50 8,200,000 11,979,540.00
South China Res. Inc. 1.29 176,000 220,640.00 1.28 176,000 228,970.00
Unioil Res. & Hldgs 0.2500 4,290,000 1,077,050.00 0.2600 6,800,000 1,735,150.00
Wellex Industries 0.3800 45,420,000 17,516,800.00 0.3800 61,250,000 24,202,100.00
Zeus Holdings 0.500 8,404,000 4,589,240.00 0.600 6,954,000 4,252,350.00
Anchor Land Holdings Inc. 44.00 9,600 391,610.00 43.00 33,900 1,263,450.00
A. Brown Co., Inc. 2.48 470,000 1,198,790.00 2.70 663,000 1,788,740.00
Araneta Prop `A 0.690 1,464,000 1,080,240.00 0.780 4,433,000 3,479,710.00
Arthaland Corp. 0.179 7,920,000 1,428,600.00 0.183 6,190,000 1,150,390.00
Ayala Land `B 20.50 32,799,500 690,872,265.00 22.00 45,040,600 974,818,345.00
Belle Corp. `A 4.8 23,838,000 115,545,730.00 4.94 25,223,000 123,925,340.00
Cebu Holdings 6.7 16,413,400 120,291,182.00 7.97 33,321,800 267,955,653.00
Cebu Prop. `A 5 169,000 845,000.00 5.2 210,700 1,069,930.00
Cebu Prop. `B 5 15,000 75,000.00 5.2 154,000 781,200.00
Centennial City 1.50 33,055,000 51,696,550.00 1.68 11,950,000 20,023,880.00
City & Land Dev. 2.55 1,094,000 2,844,510.00 2.45 446,000 1,083,260.00
Cityland Dev. `A 1.27 301,000 383,550.00 1.28 743,000 936,260.00
Crown Equities Inc. 0.081 22,470,000 1,810,980.00 0.081 43,430,000 3,555,800.00
Cyber Bay Corp. 0.84 12,280,000 10,508,600.00 0.88 6,304,000 5,592,240.00
Empire East Land 0.740 95,199,000 73,199,450.00 0.820 128,301,000 104,432,280.00
Eton Properties 3.40 179,000 611,800.00 3.35 44,000 147,140.00
Ever Gotesco 0.170 5,510,000 971,200.00 0.189 770,000 144,310.00
Global-Estate 1.95 23,793,000 49,309,730.00 2.08 37,540,000 76,533,990.00
Filinvest Land,Inc. 1.33 170,160,000 227,770,460.00 1.39 219,342,000 305,763,000.00
Highlands Prime 1.80 492,000 980,550.00 1.84 218,000 404,620.00
Interport `A 1.11 1,435,000 1,623,540.00 1.30 2,537,000 3,146,390.00
Keppel Properties 1.98 38,000 75,500.00 1.97 3,000 5,910.00
Megaworld Corp. 2.12 725,104,000 1,587,629,240.00 2.17 431,995,000 936,186,490.00
MRC Allied Ind. 0.1840 26,650,000 5,169,750.00 0.2000 28,590,000 5,799,940.00
Phil. Estates Corp. 0.7200 151,962,100 114,260,260.00 0.6800 95,736,000 68,074,560.00
Phil. Realty `A 0.510 1,988,000 1,038,330.00 0.520 28,000 14,800.00
Phil. Tob. Flue Cur & Redry 14.54 5,000 72,700.00
Polar Property Holdings 3.31 120,000 410,470.00 3.51 575,000 2,007,710.00
Primex Corp. 2.40 14,000 33,650.00 2.40 5,000 12,610.00
Robinsons Land `B 17.00 7,239,400 130,706,448.00 18.20 17,780,000 318,720,864.00
Rockwell 4.9 40,955,000 222,002,200.00
San Miguel Prop. 566 150 81,280.00
Shang Properties Inc. 2.60 2,090,000 5,413,080.00 2.60 3,697,000 9,607,650.00
SM Development `A 6.95 4,745,000 33,179,526.00 7.01 11,957,300 84,030,450.00
SM Prime Holdings 15.92 69,489,100 1,115,530,884.00 16.78 42,640,600 716,005,156.00
Sta. Lucia Land Inc. 0.69 4,138,000 2,972,760.00 0.74 557,000 420,750.00
Suntrust Home Dev. Inc. 0.560 1,090,000 614,800.00 0.570 422,000 241,540.00
Vista Land & Lifescapes 4.220 15,810,000 67,400,580.00 4.290 21,247,000 91,856,060.00
2GO Group 1.88 137,000 267,590.00 1.9 287,000 559,500.00
ABS-CBN 36.3 76,100 2,884,005.00 38 72,900 2,942,220.00
Acesite Hotel 7.59 1,459,900 12,909,186.00 10.8 165,300 1,762,612.00
APC Group, Inc. 0.670 3,407,000 2,273,120.00 0.690 2,721,000 1,879,810.00
Asian Terminals Inc. 9 225,600 2,079,905.00 9.2 104,500 951,100.00
Boulevard Holdings 0.1630 132,550,000 22,669,860.00 0.1780 240,600,000 44,270,340.00
Cebu Air Inc. (5J) 67.25 3,596,500 248,870,810.00 70.00 1,073,740 75,512,548.00
Centro Esc. Univ. 10.48 6,200 64,016.00 9.9 24,400 242,620.00
DFNN Inc. 6.30 1,826,500 12,504,496.00 7.18 1,433,300 10,552,393.00
Easy Call Common 3.20 614,000 2,535,420.00 3.50 97,000 340,030.00
FEUI 935 790 734,435.00 920 960 881,960.00
Globalports 32 38,300 1,250,345.00 34 35,600 1,120,215.00
Globe Telecom 1055.00 244,400 268,695,950.00 1121.00 299,290 332,793,800.00
GMA Network Inc. 9.75 2,637,400 25,434,780.00 10.06 5,994,200 60,117,652.00
I.C.T.S.I. 73.5 12,328,870 911,668,011.50 74 7,530,350 534,834,165.50
Information Capital Tech. 0.420 1,110,000 464,800.00 0.445 6,610,000 2,950,300.00
Imperial Res. `A 8.70 13,700 120,490 9.00 45,800 465,718
IPeople Inc. `A 6.11 20,000 122,830.00 6.5 50,000 311,412.00
IP Converge 3.28 2,495,000 8,083,430.00 3.14 1,707,000 5,479,230.00
IP E-Game Ventures Inc. 0.058 1,077,530,000 67,180,050.00 0.058 513,260,000 39,312,590.00
IPVG Corp. 1.04 6,966,000 7,564,500.00 1.15 8,870,000 10,266,110.00
Island Info 0.0560 5,310,000 282,500.00 0.0570 1,100,000 62,700.00
ISM Communications 2.8900 2,297,000 6,791,320.00 3.0700 361,000 1,109,620.00
JTH Davies Holdings Inc. 2.35 360,000 880,360.00 2.45 253,000 625,800.00
Leisure & Resorts 6.85 4,987,000 34,948,233.00 7.20 4,289,100 30,785,495.00
Liberty Telecom 2.85 629,000 1,758,500.00 2.82 398,000 1,108,350.00
Lorenzo Shipping 1.7 44,000 76,620.00 1.77 56,000 99,190.00
Macroasia Corp. 2.90 715,000 4,785,020.00 3.00 726,000 2,179,970.00
Manila Bulletin 0.69 59,000 42,740.00 0.71 291,000 206,630.00
Manila Jockey 1.55 16,757,000 25,921,220.00 1.5 1,594,000 2,382,620.00
Metro Pacic Tollways 6.00 1,300 8,040.00 7.88 1,800 12,508.00
Pacic Online Sys. Corp. 20.95 61,000 1,271,275.00 21 99,600 2,117,240.00
PAL Holdings Inc. 7.64 1,399,100 10,510,646 7.51 460,300 3,526,776
Paxys Inc. 2.45 7,352,000 18,451,500.00 2.7 4,419,000 12,320,260.00
Phil. Racing Club 9.05 178,000 1,603,515.00 9 60,800 549,850.00
Phil. Seven Corp. 44.00 65,900 2,919,600.00 44.00 323,600 14,551,300.00
Philweb.Com Inc. 16.78 1,807,700 30,881,490.00 17.62 2,453,600 40,473,444.00
PLDT Comm & Energy 3.60 192,000 752,070.00 4.10 62,200 300,940.00
PLDT Common 2506.00 672,165 1,696,305,280.00 2566.00 542,875 1,396,183,920.00
PremiereHorizon 0.320 7,600,000 2,596,500.00 0.365 7,710,000 2,846,850.00
Puregold 23.55 13,039,500 316,105,870.00 24.75 8,914,300 221,448,000.00
Touch Solutions 3.53 27,000 95,400.00 3.79 40,000 141,950.00
Transpacic Broadcast 2.75 59,000 159,340.00 2.75 74,000 205,340.00
Waterfront Phils. 0.405 15,499,000 7,110,100.00 0.520 2,964,000 1,544,800.00
Abra Mining 0.0053 218,000,000 1,139,600.00 0.0053 172,000,000 926,700.00
Apex `A 5.05 567,100 2,889,523.00 5.20 2,567,700 13,897,580.00
Apex `B 5.05 1,752,100 8,903,327.00 5.35 971,700 5,251,140.00
Atlas Cons. `A 18.00 7,492,900 138,408,386.00 19.00 10,770,000 207,313,788.00
Atok-Big Wedge `A 30.00 25,600 758,505.00 30.00 35,900 1,070,195.00
Basic Energy Corp. 0.260 52,980,000 14,467,950.00 0.290 17,830,000 5,073,500.00
Benguet Corp `A 25 313,900 8,354,910.00 26 329,700 8,531,190.00
Benguet Corp `B 25.3 465,700 13,315,475.00 28.5 181,100 4,692,090.00
Century Peak Metals Hldgs 1.63 9,569,000 15,835,470.00 1.71 8,655,000 14,850,600.00
Dizon 39.65 13,168,330 575,201,035.50 54.00 5,029,540 292,744,935.00
Geograce Res. Phil. Inc. 0.77 85,298,000 70,790,540.00 0.87 72,018,000 63,934,770.00
Lepanto `A 1.270 176,675,000 236,685,970.00 1.410 113,688,000 160,636,910.00
Lepanto `B 1.310 105,484,000 147,837,600.00 1.510 19,690,000 30,136,750.00
Manila Mining `A 0.0640 1,549,780,000 102,915,870.00 0.0710 801,320,000 57,779,520.00
Manila Mining `B 0.0640 864,750,000 57,935,350.00 0.0720 183,000,000 13,358,730.00
Nickelasia 28.05 9,888,300 301,624,010.00 34.2 2,910,500 101,565,575.00
Nihao Mineral Resources 10.08 52,093,300 506,768,962.00 10.8 25,688,700 298,820,244.00
Omico 0.7500 1,038,000 784,210.00 0.7900 2,004,000 1,536,540.00
Oriental Peninsula Res. 5.500 44,465,100 272,688,927.00 6.900 42,549,500 310,512,627.00
Oriental Pet. `A 0.0190 1,523,700,000 31,273,300.00 0.0220 1,653,200,000 36,641,900.00
Oriental Pet. `B 0.0200 224,400,000 4,722,200.00 0.0220 314,700,000 7,154,100.00
Petroenergy Res. Corp. 6.30 79,700 504,284.00 6.40 108,000 700,200.00
Philex `A 22.95 17,852,100 429,468,030.00 25.00 32,687,500 819,103,045.00
PhilexPetroleum 24.85 9,962,200 264,350,815.00 25.9 36,225,800 879,333,960.00
Philodrill Corp. `A 0.042 8,223,450,000 391,060,650.00 0.055 5,573,410,000 321,115,590.00
Semirara Corp. 249.00 945,290 236,725,090.00 253.00 1,359,710 343,972,780.00
United Paragon 0.0190 582,900,000 11,119,400.00 0.0210 236,800,000 4,819,300.00
ABS-CBN Holdings Corp. 37.5 205,400 7,725,500.00 40 50,000 2,000,000.00
Ayala Corp. Pref `A 545 540 294,300.00 543.5 5,000 2,724,375.00
First Phil. Hldgs.-Pref. 104.9 228,060 23,965,016.00 105.2 738,070 78,203,808.00
GMA Holdings Inc. 9.2 10,643,700 101,737,292.00 10 11,084,000 110,664,757.00
PCOR-Preferred 115.2 197,330 22,751,777.00 115.4 16,660 1,919,556.00
SMC Preferred 1 75 18,300 1,382,880.00 76 6,850 521,150.00
SMPFC Preferred 1030 10,270 10,608,740.00 1030 2,705 2,791,820.00
Swift Pref 1.12 178,000 199,360.00 1.2 118,000 141,600.00
Megaworld Corp. Warrants 1.18 16,489,000 19,558,520.00 1.19 1,688,000 1,996,300.00
Omico Corp. Warrant 0.0710 1,850,000 142,740.00 0.0990 340,000 29,300.00
European debt woes
to affect stock prices
THE core stability of any institution highly depends
on its leaders. This leads us to consider a critical
problem in societyleadership decit. This is
the root cause of the recent ethical ascos in the
world economy. Integrity leadership, so crucial in
building an integrity culture, is wanting.
Corporate life has always elevated those with
superior abilities. It is then high time to realize
that this should not be the case. Leadership is
about character. Nelson (2010), in his article
Stepping in early to grow great leaders, explains
that ethicacythe close interrelation between
ethics and efcacydrives the end-direction of
any entity.
Inculcating servant leadership
I recently attended the launch of the Ayala
Leadcom program and realized that there is a
solution. It lies in the youth.
This is the rationale behind Leadcom, a program
meant to inculcate servant leadership among
student leaders in the provinces. It is an extension
of the prestigious Ayala Young Leaders Congress
an annual four-day summit for student leaders
to foster commitment to nationalism, integrity and
values-based leadership.
Forming future leaders
It is interesting to note that the corporate, non-
prot, and government sectors are now converging
and coming together, through their respective
efforts, to form the future generation of leaders.
For one, the Gerry Roxas Foundation has been
working for about 50 years on developing a strong
sense of responsibility and stewardship among the
young people through scholarships, grants, and
Meanwhile, the Kalinangan Youth Foundation
is another initiative with youth formation as its
mandate. Their Lead project is an apprenticeship
in leadership through service, through which the
habit of self-giving is nurtured among students
upon their entry into college.
The public sector also promotes the role of the
youth in nation-building through the many activities
organized by the National Youth Commission, a
statutory body established to implement rights-
based strategies in youth development.
Starting them young
As it takes a lifetime to build authentic leaders,
it has to start on timethat is, before they are
directed to give primacy to efciency as the end-
goal of their actions. Those with potentiality to be
great leaders have to gain the right content while
they are young and malleable.
I have been working on the topic of leadership in
my doctorate study in De La Salle and have nished
the leadership and management development
program at the Ateneo. From my readings and
study, I have concluded that leadership is a science
and therefore requires in-depth training to better
inuence cognition and behavior.
Working together
For this, the entire nation will have to work
together to bring about integrity leadership among
young people. Primarily, parents should teach their
children how to handle responsibilities, especially
in their formative years. Educational institutions
could consider how they can institutionalize a
formal leadership development curriculum.
Private corporations could follow the example
set by Ayala. In case they lack the logistics to do
so, they could probably work with what is within
their reachsay, ensuring that on-the-job training
of students be on-the-job encounters with authentic
leaders. Marketing should incorporate values that
the youth could emulate. Media could feature the
good works done by leaders, not just scandals and
terrifying news.
All of us have opportunities to deal with young
people and take part in this big project of youth
leadership development in our society.
Cristine Atienza is a doctor of Business
Administration student at the RVR College
of Business, De La Salle University. She is a
consultant/trainer in leadership and people
development, strategic management, and
macroeconomic/industry analyses. She served as
executive board member of several foundations
(PFCED, FPTI, KALFI, etc.) and founding
research/executive director of the Institute for
Development and Econometric Analysis Inc.
The views expressed above are the authors and
do not necessarily reect the ofcial position of
DLSU, its faculty, and its administrators.
SHARE price of Rockwell Land
Corp. rose 236 percent Friday in
its maiden listing, after saying it
expects net income to break the
P1-billion level this year.
The stock reached a high of
P7.71 per share before closing at
P4.90 apiece.
Rockwell Land listed all
outstanding 6.22 billion common
shares at a listing price of P1.46
apiece. It listed the shares
by way of introduction after
Manila Electric Co. declared a
51-percent property dividend
for its 51-percent stake in the
Rockwell Land president
Nestor Padilla said in an interview
following the listing ceremony
that the company would aim for
a P1-billion net income this year
from P915 million in 2011.
Padilla said growth would come
from the real estate and retail
The company has lined up three
real estate projects to generate
substantial revenues and ensure
the companys growth over the
medium-term period.
One of the projects in the
pipeline is a mixed-used
development project situated on
a 3.6-hectare property adjacent to
Rockwell Center in Makati.
The project, currently known
as The Greater Rockwell
project, involves the construction
of additional ve residential
towers to be complemented by
15,000 square meters of retail,
10,000 sq. m. of ofce space
and a 700-seater performing arts
Rockwell Land will also build
a 20-story ofce building with
retail component within the
Rockwell Center in Makati. The
project, called Lopez Tower,
will become the headquarters of
different companies within the
Lopez group.
Construction of the tower is
scheduled by the middle of the year
and is expected to be completed
over the next three years.
Another project of Rockwell
Land is the 205 Santolan, the
companys rst townhouse
community venture. The property
is situated on a 1.8-hectare land
located near the Santolan-Ortigas
Avenue intersection.
The project is a 105-unit low-
density community complete
with master-planned landscaping
and amenities. It broke ground
in February and is scheduled for
turnover to the buyers by June
Jenniffer B. Austria
By Jenniffer B. Austria
STOCKS will continue to move in a
narrow range this week as the political
tension in Greece renewed concerns about
the Euro zone debt problem.
AB Capital Securities said
market sentiments were likely
to be driven by developments
overseas, particularly headlines on
Greece and even Italy, Germany
and France, which would release
their preliminary economic
growth gures this week.
AB Capital said technical
indicators were pointing to a
correction, after the markets
recent surge, which caused share
prices of most stocks to reach
overbought levels.
It noted, however, earnings
growth of most listed companies
in the rst quarter of the year was
positive, which could justify the
spike in share prices.
We expect the PSEi to be in a
range next week, with more room
to the upside as valuations remain
modest amid high liquidity
levels in our nancial system. A
correction may not occur in the
short term unless global market
sentiment becomes considerably
worse, AB Capital said.
Analysts said if there would be
technical retracements, the PSEi
may hit a low of 5,070. The index
declined by 1.15 percent last
week to close at 5,169 on May 11,
as concerns about the elections in
France and Greece lingered in the
minds of most investors.
The broader all-share index
also shed 1.30 percent to 3,421.
Foreign investors, however,
remained net buyers last week,
even as the global market
sentiment remained dire.
Most listed companies reported
positive earnings last week.
These included Lopez-owned
Energy Development Corp.,
which booked recurring earnings
of P2.71 billion; and International
Container Terminal Services Inc.,
which registered a 24-percent
growth in rst-quarter net prot.
Conglomerates Ayala Corp.
and San Miguel Corp. likewise
posted strong earnings in the
rst three months of the year
on strong performance of core
Rockwell sees profit hitting P1b
ManilaStandardToday MAY 14, 2012 MONDAY
Philex also seeking other partners
NCIP issues order vs.
Lopez-led foundation
(MST-May 14, 2012)
Republic of the Philippines
Misamis Occidental 2
District Engineering Offce
Tangub City
The Bids and Awards Committee (BAC) of the Mi sami s Occi dental 2

District Engineering Ofce, Tangub City, invites contractors to apply to bid
for the project:
Contract ID : 12KJ0028
Name of Project : Construction/Repair of SeawaII
aIong the Highway
Location : Brgy. Sinonoc, Sinacaban, Mis. Occ.
Brief Description : Construction of 234.70 Ln.m Seawall
Approved Budget For the Contract : P 5,729,984.38
Contract Duration : One Hundred Twenty (120) CD
Cost of Plans & Bid Documents : P 10,000.00
The BAC will conduct the procurement process in accordance with the Revised
Implementing Rules and Regulations of R.A. 9184. Bids received in excess of
the ABC shall be automatically rejected at the opening of bid.
To bid for this contract, a contractor must submit a Letter of Intent (LOI),
purchase bid documents and must meet the following major criteria: (a) prior
registration with DPWH, (b) Filipino citizen or 75% Filipino-owned partnership,
corporation, cooperative, or joint venture, (c) with PCAB license applicable to
the type and cost of this contract, (d) completion of a similar contract costing at
least 50% of ABC within a period of 10 years, and (e) Net Financial Contracting
Capacity at least equal to the ABC, or credit line commitment for at least 10%
of ABC. The BAC will use non-discretionary pass/fail criteria in the eligibility
check and preliminary examination of bids.
Unregistered contractors, however, shall submit their applications for
registration, to the DPWH-POCW Central Offce before the deadline for the
receipt of LO. The DPWH-POCW Central Offce will only process contractors'
applications for registration with complete requirements and issue the
Contractor's Certifcate of Registration (CRC). Registration Forms may be
downloaded at the DPWH website
The signifcant times and deadlines of procurement activities are shown below:
Activities Schedule
1. Issuance of Bidding Documents May 10, 2012 to May 31, 2012
2. Pre-Bid Conference May 18, 2012 at 10:00 AM
3. Deadline of Receipt of LOI from
Prospective Bidders
May 25, 2012
4. Receipt of Bids May 31, 2012 until 10:00 AM
5. Opening of Bids May 31, 2012 at 02:00 PM
The BAC will issue hard copies of Bidding Documents (BD's) at DPWH-Misamis
Occidental 2
District Engineering Ofce, Tangub City, upon payment of a
non-refundable fee as stated above. Prospective bidders may also download
the BD's from the DPWH website, if available. Prospective bidders that will
download the BD's from the DPWH website shall pay the said fees on or
before the submission of their bids Documents. The Pre-Bid Conference shall
be open only to interested parties who have purchased the BD's. Bids must
accompanied by a bid security, in the amount and acceptable form, as stated
in Section 27.2 of the Revised IRR.
Prospective bidders shall submit their duly accomplished forms as specifed in
the BDs in two (2) separate sealed bid envelopes to the BAC Chairman. The frst
envelope shall contain the technical component of the bid, which shall include
a copy of the CRC. The second envelope shall contain the fnancial component
of the bid. Contract will be awarded to the Lowest Calculated Responsive Bid
as determined in the bid evaluation and post-qualifcation.
The DPWH-Misamis OccidentaI 2
District Engineering Ofce, Tangub
City reserves the right to accept or reject any bid and to annul the bidding
process at anytime prior contract award, without incurring any liability to the
affected bidder/s.
Engineer III
OIC-District Engineer
(MST-May 14, 2012)
The Bids and Awards Committee (BAC) of the DPWH-Cavite District Engineering
Offce, through the (stated below), invites contractors to bid for the aforementioned
Contract ID: 12DF0072
Contract Name: Const. of MuIti-Purpose BuiIding at Brgy. Maduya,
Contract Location: Carmona, Cavite
Scope of Work:
Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC): Php 5,000,000.00
Contract Duration: 150 calendar days
Cost of Bidding Documents: PhP 5,000.00
Contract ID: 12DF0073
Contract Name: Construction of SIope Protection aIong AIapan-
Carsadang Bago-Medicion-R1
Extension Road, Imus, Sta 02+726 - Sta 03+593
(Phase 2)
Contract Location: Imus, Cavite
Scope of Work:
Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC): Php 39,150,000.00
Contract Duration: 210 calendar days
Cost of Bidding Documents: PhP 20,000.00
The BAC will conduct the procurement process in accordance with the Revised
IRR of R.A. 9184. Bids received in excess of the ABC shall be automatically rejected
at the opening of bid.
To Bid for the contract, a contractor must submit a Letter of Intent (LOI), purchase
bid documents and must meet the following criteria: (a) prior registration with DPWH,
(b) Filipino Citizen or 75% Filipino-owned partnership, corporation, cooperative, or
joint venture, (c) with PCAB license applicable to the type and cost of this contract,
(d) completion of a similar contract costing at least 50% of ABC within a period of 10
years, and Net Financial Contracting Capacity at least equal to ABC, or credit line
commitment at least equal to 10% of ABC. The BAC will use non-discretionary pass/
fail criteria in the eligibility check and preliminary examinations of bids, evaluation of
bids and postqualifcation. All interested bidders should present the original copy of
their PCAB License, Two (2) valid D's, CRC, Tax Clearance, PhilGEPS Certifcation
to the BAC Secretariat, DPWH-Cavite District Engineering Offce, Trece Martires City
for authentication.
Unregistered contractors, however, shall submit their applications for registration to
the DPWH-POCW Central Offce before the deadline for the receipt of LO. The DPWH
POCW-Central Offce will only process contractor's applications for registration with
complete requirements and issue the Contractor's Certifcate of Registration (CRC).
Registration Forms may be downloaded at the DPWH website
The signifcant times and deadlines of procurement activities are shown below:
BAC Activities ScheduIe
1. Issuance of Bidding Documents May 11, 2012 - June 5, 2012 until 9:00 A.M.
2. Pre-Bid Conference May 18, 2012 at 10:00 A.M.
3. Deadline of Receipt of LOI from Prospective
May 31, 2012 until 10:00 A.M.
4. Receipt of Bids June 5, 2012 at 10:00 A.M.
5. Opening of Bids June 5, 2012 at 10:30 A.M.
The BAC will issue hard copies of Bidding Documents (BD's) at DPWH-Cavite
District Engineering Ofhce, Trece Martires City, upon payment of non-refundable
fee of (stated above). Prospective bidders may also download the BD's from the DPWH
website, if available. Prospective bidders that will download the BD's from the DPWH
website shall pay the said fees on or before the submission of their bids Documents.
The Pre-Bid Conference shall be open only to interested parties who have purchased
the BD's. Bids must accompanied by a bid security, in the amount and acceptable
form, as stated in Section 27.2 of the Revised IRR.
Prospective bidders shall submit their duly accomplished forms as specifed in the
BD's in the BD'S in two (2) separate sealed bid envelopes to the BAC Chairman. The
frst envelope shall contain the technical component of the bid, which shall include a
copy of the CRC. The second envelope shall contain the fnancial component of the
bid. Contract will be awarded to the Lowest Calculated Responsive Bid as determined
in the bid evaluation and post-qualifcation.
The DPWH-Cavite District Engineering Ofhce reserves the right to accept or
reject any bid, to annul the bidding process at any time prior contract award, without
thereby incurring any liability to the affected bidder/s.

Approved by:
BAC Chairman

District Engineer
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Public Works and Highways
Regional Offce No. V-A
Trece Martires City
Tel. No. (046) 419-0058 / Tel. Fax No. (046) 419-0694
(MST-May 14, 2012)
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Public Works and Highways
loilo 2nd District Engineering Offce
Balabag, Dumangas, Iloilo
The IIoiIo 2
Engineering District through its Bids and Awards Committee
(BAC) invites contractors to apply to bid for the following contract(s):
Contract ID: 12GG0036
Contract Name: Rehab/Concreting of AIimono - Magdungao - Bayan
Road Section with DoubIe BarreI Box CuIvert
Location: Sta. 0+000 Sta. 1+060, Passi City
Brief Description: Construction of 1.0531 kilometer road: Scope of Work
includes; Construction of 427.00 L.M. PCCP (0.23 m
thick), Embankment, Sub-base and Base Course, Cross-
Drainage (1-3m x 3m x 11m Double Barrel RCBC with
Wingwall and Apron Slab on Both sides & 0.61m RCPC
with Straight Type Headwall on Both sides).
Net Length: 1,053.10 L.M.
Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC): P 9,700,000.00
Duration: One hundred Twenty (120) Calendar Days
Cost of Bidding Documents: P 10,000.00
Procurement will be conducted through open competitive bidding procedures in
accordance with R.A. 9184 and its Revised ImpIementing RuIes and ReguIations.
To bid for this contract, a contractor must submit two (2) copies of Letter of
Intent (LOI), purchase bid documents and must meet the following major criteria: (a)
prior registration with DPWH, (b) Filipino citizen or 75% Filipino owned partnership,
corporation, cooperative, or joint venture, (c) with PCAB license applicable to the
type and cost of this contract, (d) completion of a similar contract costing at least
50% of ABC within a period of 10 years, and (e) Net Financial Contracting Capacity
at least equal to ABC, or credit line commitment at least equal to 10% of ABC. The
BAC will use non-discretionary pass/fail criteria in the eligibility check and preliminary
examination of bids.
Unregistered contractors, however, shall submit their applications for registration
to the DPWH-POCW Central Offce before the deadline for the receipt of LO.
The DPWH-POCW Central Offce will only process contractor's applications for
registration with complete requirements and issue the Contractor's Certifcate of
Registration (CRC). Registration forms may be downloaded at the DPWH website
The signifcant times and deadlines of procurement activities are shown below:
BAC Activities ScheduIe
1. Issuance of Bidding Documents May 11 June 5, 2012
2. Pre-Bid Conference May 24, 2012 @ 10:00 AM
3. Deadline of Receipt of LOI from
Prospective Bidders
May 31, 2012 not later than 12:00 noon
4. Receipt of Bids June 5, 2012 not later than 10:00AM
5. Opening of Bids June 5, 2012 @ 10:00AM

The BAC will issue hard copies of Bidding Documents (BD's) at IIoiIo 2

Engineering District, BaIabag, Dumangas, IIoiIo, upon payment of a non-
refundable fee of the corresponding Cost of Bidding Documents for each contract.
Prospective bidders may also download the BD's from the DPWH website, if available.
Prospective bidders that will download the BD's from the DPWH website shall pay
the said fees on or before the submission of their bid Documents. Bids must be
accompanied by a bid security, in the amount and acceptable form, as stated in
Section 27.2 of the Revised IRR.

Prospective bidders shall submit their duly accomplished forms as specifed in
the BD's in two (2) separate sealed bid envelopes to the (BAC) Bids and Awards
Committee. The frst envelope shall contain the technical component of the bid, which
shall include a copy of the CRC. The second envelope shall contain the fnancial
component of the bid. Contract will be awarded to the Lowest Calculated Responsive
Bid as determined in the bid evaluation and post-qualifcation.
The Iloilo 2
Engineering District, pursuant to Section 41 of R.A. 9184 and its
Revised ImpIementing RuIes and ReguIations, reserves the right to reject any
and all bids, declare a failure of bidding, annul the bidding process anytime before
Contract Award, or not award the Contract without incurring any liability to the affected
bidders, in the following situations: a) If there is a prima facie evidence of collusion
between appropriate public offcers or employees of the procuring entity, or between
the BAC and any of the bidders, or if the collusion is between or among the bidders
themselves, or between a bidder and a third party, including any act which restricts,
suppresses or nullifes or tends to restrict, suppress or nullify competition; b) For any
justifable and reasonable ground where the award of the contract will not redound to
the beneft of the GOP, as follows: (i) if the physical and economic conditions have
signifcantly changed so as to render the project no longer economically, fnancially,
or technically feasible, as determined by the Head of the Procuring Entity; (ii) if the
project is no longer necessary . as determined by the Head of the Procuring Entity;
and (iii) if the source of funds for the project has been withheld or reduced through
no fault of the procuring entity.

Engineer III
BAC Chairman

OIC-District Engineer
Alcala in Tawi-Tawi. Agriculture Secretary Proceso Alcala (third from left) discusses agri-shery
initiatives with Tawi-Tawi Gov. Sadikul Sahali (left), during the agriculture chiefs rst visit in the
countrys southernmost province. Alcala committed an initial P6.5 million worth of shery and farm
projects, equipment and inputs to further prop up the productivity and incomes of sherfolk, farmers
and other ruralfolk in the province.
By Julito G. Rada
PROPERTY developer CDC
Holdings Inc. is looking at P2
billion in sales this year from
major projects.
CDC Holdings president
Elsie Chua said P1.5 billion of
the projected sales would come
from local projects and P500
million from overseas, mostly
from Filipinos working abroad.
Two of our major projects this
year are the Sentrale in Makati
and Rivergreen Residences in
Sta. Ana, Manila, Chua said,
adding the company would turn
over the two in 2015.
Sentrale is an 859-square
meter condominium project
comprising of 380 units, while
Rivergreen is a 3,454-sq.m.
residential project offering 580
units. Chua said she expects
P1.1 billion in sales from
We are targeting P24 million
annually from commercial income
in Rivergreen, Chua said.
CDC Holdings has grown in
the last 25 years and expanded
its set of core businesses
to meet clients needs by
delivering almost 10,000
quality investments.
Apart from engaging in the
development and management of
its own properties, the company
also became a lead broker of
Ayala Land Inc., marketing
projects such as Serendra in Fort
Bonifacio and the Columns and
Residences in Makati City.
The companys earliest
development projects were the
Quadrillion Mansions in Pasig
City, Somerset Millennium
Suites and Millennium Plaza
in Makati City, and Platinum
1000 and Platinum 2000 in
Annapolis, Greenhills.
Chua said the company
would bank on its successful
track record to push forward
its latest series of residential
Just recently, it completed the
La Joya de Sta. Rosa, a Spanish-
Me d i t e r r a n e a n - i n s p i r e d
subdivision in Laguna, and the
Lions Park Residences, a 19-
hectare community of 11 low-
rise condominium structures in
Paraaque City.
Chua said the company was
scheduled to open foreign ofces
in Germany and Israel, two of
the potential emerging markets
because of the concentration of
Filipino migrant workers in the
two countries.
Chua said the ofces would
be in addition to those earlier
opened in the Middle East,
Japan and other parts of the
THE National Commission on
Indigenous People has ordered an
environment advocate group to
stop making further improvement
on an ancestral place that it
intruded and converted into a
resort early this year in Palawan.
The NCIP asked ABS-
CBN Foundation Inc.-Bantay
Kalikasan headed by Gina Lopez
to temporarily cease from further
improving the subject area.
The agency sent a letter to James
Adrian Bicaldo, ofcer-in-charge
of Bantay Kalikasan in Palawan
on April 11, stating the non-
government organization should
rst secure the certicate of pre-
condition from the NCIP and the
free and prior informed consent
from the ancestral domain owners.
Lopez, on the other hand,
said their presence aims to save
the place from mining because
the mountain is sacred. Rather
than mining the area, it will
be converted to a bio-diversity
school, Lopez said.
Lopez added the foundation
was helping the indigenous people
make money from forest products
because they have medicinal
herbs. Bantay Kalikasan will
employ 30 forest rangers to make
sure there was no logging in the
forest, she said.
CDC Holdings expects P2b in sales this year
By Jenniffer B. Austria
PHILEX Mining Corp. will pursue plans
to bring in a Chinese partner to develop
the gas deposits at the disputed Recto
Bank off the coast of Palawan province,
the companys chairman said.
Philex chairman Manuel
Pangilinan said in an interview
the companys primary objective
was to conduct a work program
with the government that will
hasten the development of the
Recto Bank, which reportedly
sits on vast oil and gas reserves.
We have a work program with
our government and we intend to
implement that work program.
Its something that we would like
to do. I think its something that
country would want to see done.
If theres gas there, its good for
the country, Pangilinan said.
He said, however, the company
would not limit the partnership
to Chinese investors, but would
also consider other foreign
investors that could bring in
expertise and capital to develop
the Sampaguita gas eld at Recto
Pangilinan went to Beijing
early this month to meet with
ofcials of China National
Offshore Oil Corp. reportedly to
discuss Recto Bank, also known
as Service Contract 72. CNOCC
is Chinas biggest offshore oil
and gas producer.
Philex Petroleum Corp., led by
the group of Pangilinan, holds a
64.45-percent direct and indirect
stake in UK-based oil and gas
exploration company Forum
Energy Plc while former Trade
and Industry minister Roberto
Ongpins Atok Big Wedge owns
around 26 percent through Hong
Kong-based Tidemark Holdings
Forum Energy has a 72-
percent interest in SC72 with the
remaining stake is held by Monte
Oro Resources and Energy Inc.
of port magnate Enrique Razon.
Razon had earlier expressed
opposition to the plan of Philex
group to bring in a Chinese
company as a partner in tapping
natural gas deposits in Recto
Forum Energy said in a recent
report it would need around $75
million to continue with its drilling
program at the Recto Bank,
which showed improvement in
resources estimate.
Forum Energy on its Web site
posted a report by Weatherford
Petroleum Consultants on the
interpretation of new 3D and 2D
data acquired over the Service
Contract 72 license area, also
known as Recto Bank, in 2011.
The Weatherford Report
shows an improvement in the
resources previously known
and supports the case to proceed
with the drilling program. We
will continue discussions with
our major shareholders, our joint
venture partner and our advisors to
determine how the SC 72 drilling
program, which we anticipate will
cost a total of $75 million, will
be funded, company chairman
Robin Nicholson said.
Forum Energy had previously
said that based on a 2006 study,
the Sampaguita eld had a
potential of up to 20 trillion cubic
feet of natural gas, or more than
5 times the initial estimates.
The Sampaguita gas eld is
near the Malampaya gas eld,
with about 2.7 trillion cubic
feet of natural gas, and which
supplies fuel to three power
plants in Luzon.
MAY 14, 2012 MONDAY
Manila Standard TODAY
Edited by Leo A. Estonilo
Governor wants senate seat
Malaysian prince
eyes investments
in Isabela province
Kalinga gets
P430-m grant
for irrigation
By Jessica M. Bacud
ILAGANMalaysian Prince joined Isabela Governor
Faustino Dy III in leading the 156th founding
anniversary rites of the province, vowing investments
and continued promotion of his advocacies.
We, too, have agriculture, industry, tourism like
you have here in Isabela, he told Manila Standard.
And as an adopted son, I am very glad to tell the whole
world about the beautiful province of Isabela.
He was accompanied by his sons, Tunku Kuyim
and Tunku Khairul Zaim, to visit healthcare facilities
related to programs of his Yayasan Tunku Naquiyuddin,
a global non-prot organization whose mission has
extended to the battle against dengue and malaria.
We are looking for possible investment in
minerals, copper, iron and maybe gold, said the
former diplomat who was posted in Paris.
The festivities on May 10 were ushered in by a mass
at the St. Ferdinand Cathedral in Gamu attended by
local executives along with Police Region 2 director,
lawyer Rodrigo de Gracia and Provincial Police chief
Francisco Moises Mabanag.
The royal entourage later visited the Governor
Faustino N. Dy Memorial Hospital and the Lingap
Center here.
Jaafar said he chose Isabela, being the second
largest province, to stage his Stop Dengue Mission
using his REAP strategy on reduction of the mosquito
population, education, awareness, and prevention of
mosquito bites.
Prince Tunku Naquiyuddin Ibni Jaafar reads a copy of Manila Standard joined by his sons.
Inset shows author interviewing him. JESSICA M. BACUD
Model mom awardee
CAINTAThe wife of Mayor Mon Ilagan
has been chosen Ulirang Ina Awardee for
2012 by the National Mothers Day and
National Fathers Day Foundation Inc.
Vernon Ilagan was selected by a panel
that included Justices Consuelo Santiago,
Angelina Gutierrez and Normandie Pizarro
and foundation president Wilfredo Tayag.
Cited for civic projects benetting welfare
of women, children in the community, Mrs.
Ilagan is being prodded to widen her public
Meanwhile, the Mon Ilagan Golf Tourney
marks its seventh year on Tuesday at Valley
Golf and Country Club.
We expect an action-packed competition
in the greens, Mayor Ilagan told Manila
Ilagan, who turned 52 Saturday, said
proceeds will be used for scholarship
grants of the Ramon A. Ilagan Center for
Studies and Development Inc. and its 1,327
beneciaries. Gigi Muoz David
Crop protection assured
THE Department of Agriculture and
National Irrigation Administration are
ready to help farmers with the onset of
the wet season, Secretary Proceso Alcala
He said seed stocks for rice, corn and other
prime produce have been put in inventory
even as he urged planters to sign up with
the Philippine Crop Insurance Corp.
I know how farmers suffer over the loss
of their harvest, the sole source of support
to their families, he said. We are here to
be of help.
Irrigation administrator Antonio Nangel
and Alcala are now meeting different groups
of farmers in Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao
to ensuire a smooth third planting period.
The Aquino administration has targetted
next year for rice sufciency under its food
security masterplan.
High yield seed varieties, upgraded
irrigation, reduced post-harvest losses
including less wastage among consumers
are among the factors expected to turn the
country from being the worlds top importer
in the previous administration to achieve a
surplus for export.
Gigi Muoz David
By Dexter A. See
TABUK CITYRice framers here
and the neighboring town of Quezon,
Isabela are expected to boost production
from 2.8 metric tons per hectare to 3.4
metric tons with the increase in the
irrigated agricultural lands by over
4,000 hectares following the grant
of P430 million from World Bank to
rehabilitated the Chico River irrigation
Raymond Apil, chief of NIA Kalinga-
Ifugao-Mt. Province Division, said the
project is set for bidding for segments
in the two localities.
Works under Phase 1 consist of
replacement of the diversion dams steel
gates, repair of spill way, improvement
of downstream apron facility while the
main diversion canal needs restoration
of embankment and provision of canal
lining for long term service, Apil told
the Manila Standard.
For Phase II, there is a need to
increase lateral water distribution
to cover idle target service areas in
Quezon, Isabela that is seen to add rice
production area by 4,000 hectares.
According to Ampil, the World
Bank assistance supports the Food
Sufficiency Program of the Aquino
administration under the enhanced rice
production across the country.
He appealed to farmer-beneficiaries
being served by the irrigation
system to help protect the facilities
to ensure longer service by helping
defray expenses for operation and
Now our farmers understand
why they should pay their irrigation
fees religiously if they want quality
irrigation to their farm lands, Apil
said, noting improved collection
efficiency from 75 to 95 percent.
By Jess Malabanan
Gwendolyn Garcia has taken Pampanga
by a storm, declaring her bid for a seat
in the Senate in next years midterm
This is my rst time to
announce my political plan
outside of Cebu and it is here
in Pampanga, Garcia told
reporters at Caf Mesa in this
Freeport zone.
She called on the support of
the province for her slate under
the One Cebu party.
I will institute creative and
effective programs and hope to
bring it to the national level,
said Garcia, the rst woman
governor to break the macho-
dominated Cebu politics.
Angeles City Councilor
Maricel Morales invited her
to keynote the 5th Gawad sa
Marangal at Ulirang Ina on
Mothers Day at the SM City-
Asked if she was ready
to take on a national office
coming from a more secured
local government enclave,
Garcia said Cebus 2.5 million
voting population could give her
a headstart along with her nine-
year experience as provincial
chief executive with a 12-point
recipe of good governance.
I hope One Cebu will take
my bid, a bid not just to put a
Cebuana in the Senate but for
all, she said, enumerating her
key priorities on infrastructure;
water; power; health; education;
agriculture and food production;
women children and elderly;
business; tourism, heritage and
culture; environment; peace
and order; computerization;
enterprise development and
international relations.
She admitted an alliance with
Vice President Jojo Binays United
Nationalist Alliance, a coalition
of Partido Demokratiko Pilipino-
Lakas ng Bayan and former
President Joseph Estrada and his
Partido ng Masang Pilipino.
Garcia earlier said her
senatorial announcement will
be made in July after being
endorsed by National Unity
Party which is led by her father
Deputy Speaker Pablo Garcia of
Cebu 2nd district.
fashion beauty health wellness

Vibram Five Fingers
latest collection enables
you to run as if youre
All the glitz and
glamour have a long-
term effect on the
beneciaries of Sagip
Gianna Maniego, Editor
Manila Standard TODAY
Dinna Chan Vasquez, Assistant Editor
Living in a tropical
country is not an excuse
not to take care of your
hair and skin
MAY 14, 2012 MONDAY
By Dinna Chan Vasquez
talks hair
and sun sense
SENATOR, comedian and TV host Vicente Tito Sotto wants to make it clear that every
strand of hair on his head is his own. His endorsement of Svenson is really more of prevention
than anything else.
Ive always had thick hair but my father had thinning
hair during the 1970s but it was due to sun exposure.
He played a lot of golf, too. His hair really thinned. I
dont want to reach that stage, not if I can help it, said
Sotto in an interview to announce his endorsement of
the brand.
Sotto, like his brother Vic, plays golf regularly. Before he
entered politics, he would play four times a week. Now, its
down to once a week, twice if he is lucky. Because of this, his
hair and scalp were always exposed to the suns burning heat.
When Sottos wife Helen Gamboa started noticing his thin-
ning hair, the senator became alarmed.
I always used a visor which left the crown of my
head bare. Later on, I would find out that that is a no-no
if you want to keep your hair. Im an avid golfer. And
that exposes me to too much sun at a time. But will hair-
loss stop me from playing? No. Thats why I addressed
it before it got worse. Because I dont want to have to
give up things I love doing. Losing my hair was a health
issue for me. My hair shouldnt have to be that way. I
dont have to put up with thin-
ning hair, especially kung ex-
ternal lahat ang contributing
factors, Sotto explained.
Before Svenson, he tried different shampoos recom-
mended by family members and friends. Unfortunately,
nothing worked.
Hairloss can certainly diminish ones self-condence.
When it happened to me, I was determined to do something
about it. Svensons Revage Hair Recovery helped restore
my hair back to its healthy thickness. No more thinning
hair for me, said Sotto.
Hair loss, he believes, is not something that one should
accept as part of his fate.
You can do something about it! You can restore your
hair to the way it used to be. And a thick head of hair hap-
pens to be a part of good health, said Sotto.
Revage Hair Recovery is a corrective treatment that helps
restore lost hair and strengthen every strand.
I didnt want my hair to grow back pero manipis naman.
It has to grow back thicker. Thats why Im very satised with
the results Revage gave me, shared Sotto.
Revage boasts of an 87 percent success rate in stopping
hair loss progression. It also gives 38 percent or more in-
crease in hair volume. With Revage Hair Recovery, hair
loss is mitigated. Your condence and the health of you
hair, restored.
Call 892-HAIR (4247) for a free hair and scalp analysis.
By Ed Biado
YOUD think that for the American entertainment industry, the
Academy Awards would be their most fashionable night. But
Hollywood has own to New Yorkthe fashion capital of the United
Statesto inltrate the world of fashion. Movie, TV and music stars
now harmoniously coexist with fashion designers and magazine
editors at social events, like the recent Costume Institute Gala,
informally known as the Met Gala, held at Manhattans Metropolitan
Museum of Art.
The Met Gala has always been known bring out the fashion wild
child in most celebrities, as it is their opportunity to step out in
ensembles they normally wouldnt wear at their own industry
gatherings. Being surrounded by supermodels and the most
important names in fashion, Hollywood A-listers try not to be
outdone by wearing over-the-top outts and accessories.
This years gala, in honor of Miuccia Prada and Elsa
Schiaparelli, was truly fashions biggest night. And we took a
peek at the red carpet to seeand judge for ourselvesjust how
fashionable the turnout is.
But it seems that times have changed. There really wasnt
any surprising revelations at the Met this year and the event
was really more trendy than out-of-the-boxmaybe except
for Marc Jacobs in a see-though black dress shirtdress from
Comme des Garcons revealing white boxers underneath. Lets
see you wrap your mind around that.
Sheer was actually a recurring element. Heidi Klum (wearing
Escada) and Beyonce (Givenchy) rocked the trend while Florence
Welch took it up a notch in an exaggerated Alexander McQueen
sheer creation. As did Lily Collins, who seemed to be wearing two
dresses, one over the other. Her Valentino frock looked like it would
have been prettier without the long-sleeve lace overlay.
Many celebs took the Pantone color of 2012tangerine
at the Met
tangoseriously. Those in orange include Ginnifer Goodwin
(wearing Monique Lhuillier ), Kathar ine McPhee (Ellie Saab),
Kr isten Bell (Tommy Hilger) and Kristen Wiig (Stella
McCar tney).
The peplum was another big hit. We saw the style appear on the
dresses of Eva Mendes (wearing a tangerine Pradatwo trends in one
dress), Elizabeth Banks (Mary Katrantzou) and Solange Knowles
(Rachel Roy). There was also a lot of long sleeves, as seen on
Mary-Kate Olsen (wearing The Row), Cameron Diaz (Stella
McCartney) and Rihanna (Tom Ford). Still on long sleeves
whenever Sarah Jessica Parker attends an event, people expect
her to be in an eye-catching New York-chic ensemble. Instead, she
went to the Met in a long-sleeve Valentino with dainty ower prints
thats a little confusing. And a bit boring.
One of the few celebs that took a Met-worthy risk was Chloe
Sevigny in a mirrored geometric cutout Miu Miu mini. Carey
Mulligan was likewise a refreshing change of pace in a sparkly
metallic and scaly Prada. Many critics didnt seem to like Christina
Riccis elaborate Thakoon look with a bodice that owed into a cape
and train. But I thought it was magnicent.
Gwyneth Paltrow arrived in a super chic super mini Prada, which
gave an anti-red carpet vibe. And contrary to how it sounds, thats
actually a very good thing. Its the total opposite of Scarlet Johanssons
embellished Dolce & Gabbana with tons of tullea gown that screams
red carpet. And thats also a very good thing because the dress was
simply perfect. And somewhere in between those two great extremes is
Nina Dobrev, whose black-and-gold Donna Karan had a vampy print
thats to die for.
Speaking of death, would it kill Kristen Stewart to smile for the
cameras? A little warmth on her face couldve made her mismatched
Balenciaga a tad more bearable. Instead, her stony demeanor only
accentuated the fact that she cant pull off a quirky, risky and adventurous
dress. Another question: how many symmetrical and structured Versace
pieces can January Jones wear? Shes been seen in various incarnations
of virtually the same dress for the last ve seasons now.
That brings us to Rachel Zoe. I seriously love this woman but
her ivory fringed number from her own collection didnt do her
any favors. Fashion model Karolina Kurkova, on the other hand,
who wore Rachels glittering gold long-sleeve sequin gown with
shoulder pads and matching turban looked like a million bucks.
And oh, Anna Wintour has a lobster on her dress. Because she
can and its Prada.
Scarlett Johansson showed off her
fab gure in a bejeweled-and-tulle
strapless Dolce & Gabbana nude dress.
Think her tousled hair was too casual
for such a fancy fete?
Va-va-voom! Soa Vergara got
hearts racing in an eye-popping
shimmery Marchesa dress and
Harry Winston jewels.
Vicente Tito Sotto



HEAT stroke is a medical
emergency that needs prompt
and proper medical attention.
It is a condition in which body
temperature dramatically in-
creases, associated with phys-
ical and neurological symp-
toms. The body generates heat
as a product of metabolism
and releasedin the head by ei-
ther radiation of heat through
the skin or by evaporation
of sweat. Heat stroke occurs
when the body temperature
dramatically rises because of
its inability to release the heat
in cases of extremely hot en-
vironmental temperature, high
humidity or strong physical
exertion under the sun. One
other cause of heat stroke is
dehydration, where the body
FOR a child living in Smokey Mountain, the thought
of having a bright future may seem farfetched. Thank-
fully, there are organizations that nd ways to alleviate
the plight of poverty-stricken children. One such way is
through sports development, which helps build character
and keeps kids away from drugs and vices.
Only recently, Rexona formally turned over a brand
new track and eld oval to the Junior Chamber of Com-
merce Internationals (JCI) Manila chapter and Gawad
Kalinga (GK) to help promote sports development among
fashion beauty health wellness
MAY 14, 2012 MONDAY
59 Watchman
62 Much-anticipated time
64 Like Little League
World Series qualifying
65 Dealers demand
66 One who decks the
halls, say
67 Tachometer part
1 Household chore
2 Healthy smoothie
3 2000 Ben Kingsley
crime drama
4 __-appropriate
5 Who shot J.R.? e.g.
6 __ dixit: unfounded
7 Hosp. area for heart
8 Alsatian dadaist
9 People, for one
10 Male people
11 Needing
12 Marsh of mysteries
13 Squabble
15 Piquant sushi choice
1 Condiment often
mixed with soy sauce
7 Cowboys-and-Indians
14 Help, metaphorically
15 Scrape together
16 Bobby __: 40s-50s
adolescent girls
17 Teen dieters target,
18 Stop right there!
19 Classic pop
21 Start of a personal
trainers motto
22 ASCAP competitor
24 Phrase from one who
27 __-wop music
28 Song of thanksgiving
30 Workaholics
personality pattern
31 Talk on the street?
32 Zoom
33 Santas laughs
36 And the following, in
a bibliog.
37 James Bonds outfit
38 Given to gloom
40 Spot for a snooze
41 Asian soup noodle
43 Trumps The __ the
44 Vex supremely
46 Guggenheim Museum
Bilbao architect
47 OPEC measure
50 Campfire treat
51 Dogfish Head product
52 Sought-after group
54 Courtroom cry
56 Thats the spot!
20 Google success
23 Hair very apparent?
25 Zenith
26 Field for a fold
28 Infinitesimal division
of a min.
29 Middle harmony part
33 Easily angered, or
what the answers to
3-, 5-, 9- and 15-Down
appear to be?
34 Stink
35 Ghost Hunters
37 Dog in Kansas
39 Sports analyst
42 River project
45 Mystery writer
47 Iraqi seaport
48 Go through the page
49 Techspeak, e.g.
53 Cup-a-Soup direction
55 Abba of Israel
57 Lug
58 Publicists job
60 L.A.-to-Helena dir.
61 Kernel holder
63 Merged comm. giant
Gianna Maniego, Editor
Dinna Chan Vasquez, Assistant Editor
MAY 14, 2012
RUNNERS will now have more reasons to
go out and pursue their passion.
Vibram has launched their latest Spring/Summer 2012 offerings.
All of the latest products carry a unique patented Vibram TC-1 per-
formance rubber, which makes everyday physical activities less
strenuous. The new line of Vibram FiveFingers has models which
are also machine-washable and air-dry.
Women runners who are fashion forward have nothing to wor-
ry about with the Classic Fresca, because of
the style element fused with the model.
Designed for barefoot balance and agili-
ty, it has a lightweight, stretch upper with
a back pull-tab that allows the wearer to
cinch the top line for an adjustable and se-
cure fit. Added protection and abrasion resis-
tance is provided with the durable printing on the
toes, sides and heel. The Classic Fresca sole has a
Polyutherane reinforced pocket on the big toe for added durabil-
ity and protection. It is available in grape/grey/white and grey/
blue/white colors.
Natural born runners have found a best friend in the FiveFingers
Bikila as it was designed specically for a more natural, healthy
and efcient forefoot strike. The Bikila offers plating protection
and distributes forefoot impact without compromising important
ground feedback essential to a proper forefoot strike
running form. An athletic padded col-
lar and top line, together with a single
hook-and-loop closure nish off this
breakthrough design. It is available in
The Bikila LS for women offers a
closed speed lace system to accom-
modate a wider foot or higher instep. It
shares the same revolutionary platform
as the Bikila to provide superior plating
protection and distributes forefoot impact
without compromising essential ground feed-
back. The naturally breathable upper features an
athletic padded collar and top line, and road-worthy,
LONGING to be whisked into a
world of fantasy and magic? This
summer, fall under the spell of
Eternal Magic Enchanted, the lat-
est fragrance from Avon. It is the
perfect scent-sual escape into an
idyllic woodland haven, and will
be lingering on your skin like a
misty memory of the perfect sum-
mer getaway.
With Eternal Magic Enchant-
ed's alluring scent combining
mystery and magic, any woman
can be as enchanting and unfor-
gettable as its ambassador, Miss
Universe Philippines and Avon
Endorser Shamcey Suspsup.
Keeping everyone enthralled
by her unforgettable presence,
Shamcey is easily Eternal Magic
Enchanted's magical persona.
Lead the senses on a chase with
this fragrance's host of rich ingre-
dients. Be drawn in by top notes
of tantalizing Black Raspberry,
Juicy Cassis, and Lush Greens.
Step into the heart of the fra-
grance, and be captivated further
by a bewitching bouquet of Violet
Leaf Absolute, Green Diamond
Rose, and Velvet Iris that enve-
lopes one in a dreamy haze of rich
feminine oralcy. Finally, entice
ROSY Peel, a new product in
capsule approved by BFAD,
when taken regularly, exfoliates
the skin for a healthier, rosier and
smoother face. It is now available
at all Mercury Drug stores. This
amazing drug is also the solution
to acne as it prevents its growth. It
likewise heals the pockmarks and
scars they leave on the face.
Rosy Peel is not only for the
younger generation but for the
young-at-heart, as well. This new
drug has anti ageing components.
Rosy Peel is all natural made
from strawberries, guava, kamias
(averrhoa bilimbi) and bignay.
Strawberries have Vitamin C, io-
dine, potassium, folate, Vitamin
B6, Vitamin K (for wound heal-
ing), Riboavin, Magnesium and
Copper, among others. It also helps
reduce the risk of developing can-
cer. Guavas can improve the tex-
ture of the skin and helps avoid
skin problems. Kamias is good for
acne and swellings. It is an antioxi-
dant and is antimicrobial and anti-
bacterial. Bignay is a great source
of Co-enzyme Q10 that strengthens
the immune system and prevents
premature aging. It also simulates
natural weight loss and helps burn
fats without exercise. Taking Rosy
Peel regularly is enough supply for
the vitamins your body needs.
For more information call or text
the hotline at 0923-9187437.
By Ed Biado
ONE of Southeast Asias big-
gest fashion extravaganzas,
Fashion Steps Out @ Orchard,
wrapped up its six-week run
on Singapores Orchard Road
on April 29. The annual series,
formerly known as Fashion
Season @ Orchard, aims to
celebrate fashion and promote
everyday-style through com-
pelling shopping rewards and
exciting events.
Orchard Road, as everyone
whos been to the Lion City
knows, is the countrys premier
fashion, shopping and lifestyle
destination. Fashion Steps Out
reiterates that fact and increas-
es Singapores prole as an
emerging Asian fashion hub.
This years installment was
preceded by fashion installa-
tions by students of the Raf-
es Design Institute that were
unveiled on March 12. Fash-
ion Steps Out ofcially kicked
off on March 17 with an open-
ing event that demonstrated
how fashion can literally step
out. A hundred models walked
the al fresco runway wearing
familiar high street brands.
From March 23 to 25, the
Mandarin Gallery played host
to the fashion bazaar featuring
the newest trends at the lowest
prices. Meanwhile, the event
called Fashion Gets Real pro-
vided helpful style tips to shop-
pers. It was makeover galore
at the interactive workshops,
Spring/Summer style talks and
demos, and expert advice from
some of Singapores most im-
portant names in fashion.
MasterCard Worldwide, for
the third year running, was the
Ofcial Card for Fashion Steps
Out. The credit company pre-
sented cardholders with an ex-
citing host of priceless privileg-
es, each designed to deliver an
enriching shopping experience.
Owners of MasterCard
credit cards indulged in six
weeks of retail therapy and
perksendless shopping, dis-
counts and promos,
rst dibs on the lat-
est collections of
fashion houses
from all around
the globe, fashion-
themed photog-
raphy exhibitions
and parties.
Cardholders each
had a chance of win-
ning shopping vouch-
ers in any of the par-
ticipating malls like
313@somerset, Forum
The Shopping Mall, ION
Orchard, the Mandarin Gal-
lery, Orchard Central, Paragon,
Takashimaya Shopping Cen-
tre/Ngee Ann City, TANGS
Orchard, The Centrepoint and
Wisma Atria. The rst 100
MasterCard cardholders (each
week per participating mall)
to spend at least S$300 were
rewarded with S$30 shopping
People coming from over-
seas were also in for a treat.
The Grand Park Orchard, the
Mandarin Orchard Singapore
and the Singapore Marriott Ho-
tel has special room rates avail-
able for guests who stayed at
least three nights and used their
MasterCards to foot the bill.
They also received complimen-
tary passes to exclusive Fashion
Steps Out events.
Those who stayed at the
Grand Park Orchard were
further treated with welcome
drinks, complimentary break-
fast and Internet access and late
checkout until 3PM. Guests
of the Mandarin Orchard Sin-
gapore indulged in welcome
drinks at Bar on 5, complimen-
tary in-room movies, Internet
access, buffet breakfast and
S$30 daily dining credit. From
the Singapore Marriott Hotel,
guests received complimentary
breakfast-to-go, Internet access
and fruit platters.
With MasterCard, Fashion
Steps Out was denitely so
much more fashionable and
VIBRANT shades, gorgeous designs and true
musical talent dominated the runway in the
recently-concluded Metrowear Rocks The
Runway fashion show at the Isla Ballroom of
EDSA Shangri-La Manila.
Twenty of the countrys most talented de-
signers, from two generations, re-imagined,
innovated and transformed various concepts
and perceptions of eco-fashion into sleek and
stylish pieces highlighting three of the biggest
trends this season: Aquatic, La Dolce Vita, and
1950s Couture. Each designer
presented a capsule collection
inspired by these trends, led by
their own design aesthetic.
Models worked the runway
with Basti Artadi and the rest of
Wolfgang, wearing whimsical
Aquatic-themed designs. Ferdi
Abuel opened the show with
a bronze collection that was a
play on hard (structured jack-
ets) and soft (draped skirts),
followed by beautiful sequined
gowns accented by stunning
fascinators from Dennis Lus-
tico. Veejay Floresca wowed
with billowing gowns while
John Her rer as sculpted piec-
es offset by owing layers, all
in white, were showstoppers.
Louis Claparols gave plastic
clothing a whole new person-
ality with colorful neon-hued
creations. Randy Or tiz closed
TIRED of haircare brands that never
solved your hair problems in the
long run? Pantene unveils its lat-
est line in the Philippines to give
Filipinas the Gold Standard when
it comes to hair health. With the lat-
est from Pantene, Filipinas can say
goodbye to temporary xes and say
hello to real, long-lasting results.
To address this protein loss, the new
upgraded Pantene Total Damage Care
shampoo has three times more con-
densed protein1 to fortify and protect
your damaged hair. The new Pro-V for-
mula channels deep into the hair shaft
and helps repair and seal every strand of
hair effectively stopping the damage
progression and helping prevent future
split ends through regular usage.
As a nal step to the regimen, Pan-
tene All Day Smooth Miracle Water
contains a formula to help control
your hairs moisture balance.
Pantene Hair Fall Control regi-
men is designed to strengthen hair
from the root to tips, giving you
stronger hair and noticeably less
hair fall. With a precision-blended
Pro-Vitamin formula that targets and
treats the weakest parts of your hair.
Pantene Root Lift Mist is a non-sticky
formula that creates more volume right
where its needed most the roots.
BECAUSE we live in the tropics,
our hair and skin are abused all
year round but most specially in
the summer. This is why we need
products that are good for us. It
would be better if they are envi-
ronment-friendly, too.
O.N.E. Naturales are beauty
and personal care products that are
organic, natural and eco-friendly.
They contain no ingredients that
can irritate the skin such as syn-
thetic fragrances, preservatives and
dyes that actually lead to reduced
shelf life. For packaging, no plas-
tics are used, only recyclable and
cruelty-free materials.
Its time to stock up on this great
product line. From May 10 until July
10, Watsons is offering the follow-
ing O.N.E. Naturales products for
only Php199 each.
The Movie Star Skin variant of
the body lotion is a unique bou-
quet of fragrances, coming from
its natural ingredients (sweet al-
mond, lavender, coconut), youll
smell like a star! It is perfect for
rescuing and smoothing out those
overworked, really dry areas- el-
bows, knees, and hands. Made
with almond oil (emollient and
moisturzier), it nourishes and soft-
ens skin making it smooth to the
touch similar to the oil excreted
by baby skin. Also has linseed oil
that strengthens and treats dry skin,
relieves itchiness, irritation, and re-
duces redness in burns.
The body scrub line Exfoli-
ant, gently polishes away dead
skin cells to rejuvenate skin,
moisturizes and cleanses your
body. This line uses dead sea
salt, known as therapeutic to the
ancient cultures like the Greeks.
By Dinna Chan Vasquez
Protecting your
hair and skin
Can you
By Arian Vina L. Sarmiento
abrasion-resistant toe protection. It is available in red/grey/
Walking on rugged surfaces as if barefoot has never been made
seemingly simple with the Spyridon and Spyridon LS. The soles
have a stitched-in polyutherane insole that protects the skin and
foot, and a molded nylon mesh in midsole that adds a rock
block effect, dispersing impact over a wider area. A minimal-
ist Vibram rubber sole with an aggressive tread design provides
sure-footed grip in all directions and a 3.5 mm rubber sole that
maximizes impact protection from stones and debris, while better
allowing proper barefoot dynamics. It is available in black/green
for men and lilac/black/green for women.
The new Spyridon LS offers a closed speed lace system to ac-
commodate a wider foot or higher instep. It also has the same
features as the original Spyridon model. It is available in military
green/grey/black for men.
Vibram FiveFingers allows the wearer to move freely with its
thin, exible and deconstructed sole which allows the foot to curl
and ex as nature intended. Every step taken in FiveFingers is a
lesson in texture, temperature, and biomechanics that can make
us healthier and more connected to our bodies.
Vibram FiveFingers is perfect for athletic
- such as training, running, participat-
ing in sports - and non-athletic pur-
Aside from making everyday
physical activities less strenu-
ous, Vibram FiveFingers is also
known for its corrective and
therapeutic qualities. It lever-
ages all of the body's natural
biomechanics so one can move
freely and naturally.
Vibram is available at SM
Mall of Asia, SM Megamall,
Trinoma, Planet Sports (Rock-
well, Vmall Greenhills, New-
port and Glorietta), Tobys (Mall
of Asia and Shangrila), Runnr (BHS,
Trinoma and Ayala Center Cebu), ROX
BHS, Urban Athletics Greenbelt and Chimes Davao.
Classic Fresca for women
Not only on Mother's Day
Be prettier without makeup
It is rich in magnesium, calcium,
and minerals, easily absorbed by
the skin, known to treat psoriasis,
improves hydration of the skin by
strengthening the barrier function,
draws water from the lower lay-
ers of the dermis up to the surface
of the skin, and improves cellular
metabolism, meaning old cells are
replaced with new cells at a faster
rate. The natural oils it contains
also provide long-lasting scent. To
use, rub between palms and on el-
bows and feet, then simply rinse.
The solid shampoo line
lathers up fantastically for a
great sensation while show-
ering. A bar typically lasts as
long as three 8oz bottles of
regular shampoo, and has a
unique range of scents beyond
the usual range available. Sim-
ply wet hair rst, run bar over
hair 3 or 4 times, lather, then
rinse. Also available in Land-
mark, Robinsons and Rustans
Take care of your hair with
Perfection by Cream Silk, a
collection of specially formulated
conditioning products that restore
the health and prolong the aw-
less and full-bodied look of salon-
straightened hair, via roving salons
and beauty salon partnerships.
The Perfection by Cream Silk
Mobile Salons will be visiting
some of the busiest malls in the
metro last month and ladies ex-
perienced for themselves the hair
treatment and styling power of
Perfection by Cream Silk at the
mobile hair salons. See and feel
how Perfection by Creamsilk
works wonders on salon-treated
hair at partner salons Henri Ca-
layag Salon in Greenbelt, Em-
phasis Salon in Rockwell, and
Essensuals Toni & Guy with
branches located at 6750 Maka-
ti, Megamall Atrium Orti-
gas and Trinoma.
Avail of any of these sa-
lons hair cut or other hair
treatments and you will get a
free Perfection by Cream Silk
Daily Treatment Conditioner.
Promo is offered starting April
28 until October 28, 2012.
Perfection by Cream Silk
features a superior technol-
ogy called Keratinology,
which penetrates in up to 3
layers of the hair strand and
weave its way into the tiniest
of cracks to help restore straight-
ened hair to optimum health, from
roots to tips. It comes in the forms
of Daily Treatment Conditioner,
Intensive Treatment Mask, Instant
Frizz Control Leave On and De-
tangling Spray.
Steal away for an escapade
with seductive notes of rich Cash-
mere Woods, Creamy Vanilla, and
Enveloping Musks that create an
aura of mystery, and lingers like
an afterthoughta sensual and
addicting trail that leaves you al-
ways wanting more.
Avon Eternal Magic Enchant-
ed will be available exclusively
through Avon Representatives na-
tionwide beginning April 16, 2012.
Dont have an Avon Lady yet? Log
on to to nd out
how to contact an Avon Representa-
tive. Dont forget to visit facebook.
com/AvonPhilippines and twitter.
com/avonph for more updates on
the latest products!
Beating the summer heat with Pocari Sweat
SUMMER gets even hotter as
fashionable ensembles are given
that chic touch with the nest jew-
elry selections from F&C.
This season, F&C showcases
their latest collection that spruc-
es up your summer fashion story
whether you are girl looking for
that classic touch or a playful
Passion for pearls. From the
simplest of ensembles to elaborate
fashion statements, pearls prove
to be a classic accent. F&C show-
cases a selection of contemporary
pearl designs mixed and matched
with gold settings. Made solo or in
a bouquet these pearls do make a
lasting impression.
Gold Rush. The timelessness
of gold can make a woman feel
more glamorous. F&Cs state-
ment earrings add a certain glow
to a polished look while gold link
bracelets are denite arm candies.
Sweet Diamonds. A must-have
for every girl, add sparkle to your
ensemble with some sensational
diamond sets from F&Cs latest
collection. Dress up a casual out-
t with heart stopping accessories
for every occasion.
Backed by more than 30 years
in jewelry making, F&C Jewelry
continues to merge long standing
family tradition and modern de-
sign producing beautifully crafted
pieces for their loyal customers.
F&C Jewelry is available in all
SM Department Stores nation-
wide and Glorietta 5. Visit www. or call 812-8595
to know more about their latest de-
signs. Over 40 stores nationwide.
F&Cs looks for the season
Pave and illusion diamond cocktail rings and earrings set in
18-karat and 14-karat white gold all from F&C jewelry
Rexona builds hope
through sports
The gold standard in hair health
Smokey Mountain kids tries out the new football eld
Mom in Bloom
Step out, shop
and swipe!
a red
ber by
lacks thefluids to deplete the
heat causing the body temper-
ature to rise.
Be ready to face the summer
heat by keepingoneself hy-
drated. Drink plenty of fluids,
but water is not enough. We
need to make sure the body
gets the correct fluid replen-
ishment.While water satisfi-
esthe need for fluids, water
alone cannot replace the lost
Electrolytes are minerals in
the blood and other body uids
that carry an electric charge. It
is important to maintain the bal-
ance of electrolytes in the body
because these affect the amount
of water in the body, blood pH,
muscle action, and other im-
portant body function. Electro-
lytes exist in the blood as acids,
basesand salts such as sodium,
calcium, potassium, chlorine,
magnesium and bicarbonate.
Otsuka (Philippines) Pharma-
ceutical Incorporated is keeping
Filipino consumers properly
hydrated this summer with Po-
cari Sweat. This leading health
drink from Japan, is the rst
complete ION supply drink that
contains electrolyte minerals
such as Magnesium, Sodium,
Potassium and most notably,
Calcium which the leading iso-
tonic beverage does not have.
These electrolytes are lost by
the body when it sweats buckets
of perspiration under the heat of
the sun and needs to be replen-
ished immediately to prevent
spontaneous dehydration that
can lead to heat stroke.
Pocari Sweat now comes in
2-liter variant that makes it
the bigger option in the mar-
ket today.
GIVE a gift of love not only on
Mother's Day with new designs
from FitFlops. an extraordinary,
fashionably sweet gift thats best
for only her. In honor of Moms
everywhere, FitFlop, the worlds
award-winning function-forward
luxury footwear brand, lets you
bedazzle your dearest Moms with
this fab choices and recommenda-
tions to help you nd that perfect-
ly tting gift for a one-of-a-kind
While a single rose or a spe-
cially arranged bouquet of dai-
sies may spark her beautiful
smile, FitFlops Frou and Fleur
symbolically remind her of
her elegant, gentle nature. For
young fun-loving Moms, adore
her footsies with Frous butter-
soft suede ower rufes which
come in bright, monochrome
colors, namely cosmic purple,
maple sugar, supernavy,
and black.
Fine, shimmering gems that
speak elegance and taste, every
priceless Mom surely deserve
such precious studs. But while
the much-coveted real thing
may cost a fortune, FitFlop of-
fers pocket-easy, captivating
gem alternatives that come
as splendidly regal. For a bet-
ter, sweeter deal, FitFlop has
come up with equally decadent
footwear treats, beginning with
Walkstar III Patent, or that goes
with anything you've got on
sandal. This masterpiece comes
in yummy new colors (Pagoda
Blue, Mint Chip, Red, Indium,
Honey Gold, Steely Blue, Rasp-
berry and Henry Green) and in a
variety of luxe materials (bright
patents, cracking metallics and
neutral nubuck/leather).
FitFlops latest Spring-Sum-
mer Collection creates that
wonderful shoe experience with
its broad spectrum of styles, all
lovingly made with the brands
amazing pressure-diffusing
multi-density Microwobble-
board midsole.
Exclusively distributed in
the country by Primer
Group of Com-
panies, Fit-
Flop prod-
ucts are
avai l abl e
at any of the
authorized re-
tailers listed at
the segment with a neutral-
themed collection of beautiful-
ly-tailored jackets worn with
cocktail dresses, and elegant
gowns. Wolfgangs perfor-
mance of two of their biggest
songs Semenelin and Dias-
pora Mama made for a rock-
ing opening, to cheers from the
audience, to Metrowears rst
salvo of designers.
KJWAN led by
vocalist Marc
Abaya brought
the shows energy
up a notch as they
performed their hits
What About Us? and
Lifeline, as the La
Dolce Vita segment
took to the stage. Among
the standouts were Car y
Santiagos gowns and dress-
es made of natural wool and
lace accented by intricate
beading. Sassa Jimenezs gold and black col-
lection used lace and appliques for a feminine
and edgy feel. Ronaldo Ar naldo showcased
his aesthetic with a play on metallics, seen in
a capsule collection that is a study in geomet-
ric proportions and three dimensional pattern
techniques, while Mar tin Bautista presented
draped gowns in soft fabrics and interesting
cuts for A classic yet modern vibe. Topping off
the set was Roland Alzates collection which
zeroed in on the womans hourglass silhou-
ettes using silk and lace while Jojie Llorens
redened the little black dress, complement-
ing them with bold turquoise
accessories, and black head-
The stylish era that is the
50s was given a couture in-
terpretation in the nal set of
collections of the night. Open-
ing the segment was callalilys
kean cipriano, looking dapper
as he strut around the stage
singing their hit songs Stars
and Song For The Youth.
Fr ancis Libir an and Mak
Tumangs took the feminine
route with luxurious gowns.
Libiran made use of geomet-
ric patterns while tumang used
silk to mimic feathers in his
pieces. Joey Samson made
quite an impression with his
varied interpretation of mens
suits that were striking and
modern. Jerome Lor ico also
displayed his unique take on
fashion with Scottish-inspired
skirts and tops in blue plaid and
black. Modern lipiniana was
the inspiration of JC Buen-
dias striking dresses with
appliques. Ker mit Tesoros,
known for his avant-garde take
on fashion, presented a play on
shapes and silhouettes in his
rst metrowear appearance.
Avel Bacudios went feminine
with a pink and white collec-
tion of tailored pieces and clas-
sic dresses with nipped waists.
Closing the segment was Er ic
delos Santos who used natural
hablon layered with red lace
for a modern look.
As a tting nale, Rico
Blanco came onstage with all
the bells and whistles, sing-
ing Say Forever and Neon
Lights. Blancos captivat-
ing vocals
topped off
this years
biggest fash-
ion exhibi-
tion as mod-
els strode on
the catwalk
donning var-
ious fashion
i nt er pr et a-
tions of the
little gold
dress. After-
wards, it was
the Philip-
pines prime
d e s i g n e r s
who took
the stage to
the sound of
cheers and
a p p l a u s e
from the au-
Metrowear Rocks the Runway- Fashion
for a Cause is for the benet of Sagip Ka-
pamilya, a division of ABS-CBN Founda-
tion, bringing awareness to their recover
and rehabilitation projects, to help those af-
fected by natural calamities. The event also
partnered with EDSA Shangri-La Manila, in
celebration of the hotels 20th Anniversary,
as Chef Warren Brown created Designer
Chocolate Bars inspired by the pieces fea-
tured during the show. These sweet treats
are being auctioned off at HEAT until the
end of May, for the benet of Sagip Kapam-
ilya and Isla De Cocomo.
Zanjoe Marudo wears a suit
by Cary Santiago
Maja Salvador wears a creation
by Avel Bacudio
Rayver Cruz looks dashing in a
suit by Randy Ortiz
the youth living in Smokey Mountain. Constructed
using proceeds from last years Rexona Run, eight
schools and as many as 5,000 families will benet
from the facility, which has since been renamed the
Field of Dreams-Rexona Sports Center.
Gracing the turnover ceremony was Manila Vice
Mayor Isko Moreno, Unilever execs led by vice presi-
dent for corporate affairs Chito Macapagal, market-
ing manager for deos and oral care Cindy Melocoton,
Rexona brand manager Anne Remulla and Rexona
assistant brand manager Mara Llanera. Also joining
them were JCI president Rodney Dizon and Nonoy
Marquez, GK project director for Smokey Mountain.
We believe in the power of sports to help trans-
form the lives of those affected by poverty, especially
children. Through sports, children are inspired to
dream big and persevere in making these dreams a
reality. We are honored to play a role in making a
positive difference in the lives of todays children,
says Rexona brand manager Anne Remulla.
It was in 2010 when GK and JCI Manila built a prop-
er baseball eld in the former dumpsite that is Smokey
Mountain. A football eld was also constructed adja-
cent to the baseball eld for the sites football program.
The Field of Dreams is part of JCI Manilas Dare to
CA.R.E. (Community Awareness and Rehabilitation
Effort) program for Smokey Mountain in Tondo, Ma-
nila. It aims to instill values of teamwork, camaraderie,
sportsmanship, discipline, and positive thinking among
the marginalized youth.



HEAT stroke is a medical
emergency that needs prompt
and proper medical attention.
It is a condition in which body
temperature dramatically in-
creases, associated with phys-
ical and neurological symp-
toms. The body generates heat
as a product of metabolism
and releasedin the head by ei-
ther radiation of heat through
the skin or by evaporation
of sweat. Heat stroke occurs
when the body temperature
dramatically rises because of
its inability to release the heat
in cases of extremely hot en-
vironmental temperature, high
humidity or strong physical
exertion under the sun. One
other cause of heat stroke is
dehydration, where the body
FOR a child living in Smokey Mountain, the thought
of having a bright future may seem farfetched. Thank-
fully, there are organizations that nd ways to alleviate
the plight of poverty-stricken children. One such way is
through sports development, which helps build character
and keeps kids away from drugs and vices.
Only recently, Rexona formally turned over a brand
new track and eld oval to the Junior Chamber of Com-
merce Internationals (JCI) Manila chapter and Gawad
Kalinga (GK) to help promote sports development among
fashion beauty health wellness
MAY 14, 2012 MONDAY
59 Watchman
62 Much-anticipated time
64 Like Little League
World Series qualifying
65 Dealers demand
66 One who decks the
halls, say
67 Tachometer part
1 Household chore
2 Healthy smoothie
3 2000 Ben Kingsley
crime drama
4 __-appropriate
5 Who shot J.R.? e.g.
6 __ dixit: unfounded
7 Hosp. area for heart
8 Alsatian dadaist
9 People, for one
10 Male people
11 Needing
12 Marsh of mysteries
13 Squabble
15 Piquant sushi choice
1 Condiment often
mixed with soy sauce
7 Cowboys-and-Indians
14 Help, metaphorically
15 Scrape together
16 Bobby __: 40s-50s
adolescent girls
17 Teen dieters target,
18 Stop right there!
19 Classic pop
21 Start of a personal
trainers motto
22 ASCAP competitor
24 Phrase from one who
27 __-wop music
28 Song of thanksgiving
30 Workaholics
personality pattern
31 Talk on the street?
32 Zoom
33 Santas laughs
36 And the following, in
a bibliog.
37 James Bonds outfit
38 Given to gloom
40 Spot for a snooze
41 Asian soup noodle
43 Trumps The __ the
44 Vex supremely
46 Guggenheim Museum
Bilbao architect
47 OPEC measure
50 Campfire treat
51 Dogfish Head product
52 Sought-after group
54 Courtroom cry
56 Thats the spot!
20 Google success
23 Hair very apparent?
25 Zenith
26 Field for a fold
28 Infinitesimal division
of a min.
29 Middle harmony part
33 Easily angered, or
what the answers to
3-, 5-, 9- and 15-Down
appear to be?
34 Stink
35 Ghost Hunters
37 Dog in Kansas
39 Sports analyst
42 River project
45 Mystery writer
47 Iraqi seaport
48 Go through the page
49 Techspeak, e.g.
53 Cup-a-Soup direction
55 Abba of Israel
57 Lug
58 Publicists job
60 L.A.-to-Helena dir.
61 Kernel holder
63 Merged comm. giant
Gianna Maniego, Editor
Dinna Chan Vasquez, Assistant Editor
MAY 14, 2012
RUNNERS will now have more reasons to
go out and pursue their passion.
Vibram has launched their latest Spring/Summer 2012 offerings.
All of the latest products carry a unique patented Vibram TC-1 per-
formance rubber, which makes everyday physical activities less
strenuous. The new line of Vibram FiveFingers has models which
are also machine-washable and air-dry.
Women runners who are fashion forward have nothing to wor-
ry about with the Classic Fresca, because of
the style element fused with the model.
Designed for barefoot balance and agili-
ty, it has a lightweight, stretch upper with
a back pull-tab that allows the wearer to
cinch the top line for an adjustable and se-
cure fit. Added protection and abrasion resis-
tance is provided with the durable printing on the
toes, sides and heel. The Classic Fresca sole has a
Polyutherane reinforced pocket on the big toe for added durabil-
ity and protection. It is available in grape/grey/white and grey/
blue/white colors.
Natural born runners have found a best friend in the FiveFingers
Bikila as it was designed specically for a more natural, healthy
and efcient forefoot strike. The Bikila offers plating protection
and distributes forefoot impact without compromising important
ground feedback essential to a proper forefoot strike
running form. An athletic padded col-
lar and top line, together with a single
hook-and-loop closure nish off this
breakthrough design. It is available in
The Bikila LS for women offers a
closed speed lace system to accom-
modate a wider foot or higher instep. It
shares the same revolutionary platform
as the Bikila to provide superior plating
protection and distributes forefoot impact
without compromising essential ground feed-
back. The naturally breathable upper features an
athletic padded collar and top line, and road-worthy,
LONGING to be whisked into a
world of fantasy and magic? This
summer, fall under the spell of
Eternal Magic Enchanted, the lat-
est fragrance from Avon. It is the
perfect scent-sual escape into an
idyllic woodland haven, and will
be lingering on your skin like a
misty memory of the perfect sum-
mer getaway.
With Eternal Magic Enchant-
ed's alluring scent combining
mystery and magic, any woman
can be as enchanting and unfor-
gettable as its ambassador, Miss
Universe Philippines and Avon
Endorser Shamcey Suspsup.
Keeping everyone enthralled
by her unforgettable presence,
Shamcey is easily Eternal Magic
Enchanted's magical persona.
Lead the senses on a chase with
this fragrance's host of rich ingre-
dients. Be drawn in by top notes
of tantalizing Black Raspberry,
Juicy Cassis, and Lush Greens.
Step into the heart of the fra-
grance, and be captivated further
by a bewitching bouquet of Violet
Leaf Absolute, Green Diamond
Rose, and Velvet Iris that enve-
lopes one in a dreamy haze of rich
feminine oralcy. Finally, entice
ROSY Peel, a new product in
capsule approved by BFAD,
when taken regularly, exfoliates
the skin for a healthier, rosier and
smoother face. It is now available
at all Mercury Drug stores. This
amazing drug is also the solution
to acne as it prevents its growth. It
likewise heals the pockmarks and
scars they leave on the face.
Rosy Peel is not only for the
younger generation but for the
young-at-heart, as well. This new
drug has anti ageing components.
Rosy Peel is all natural made
from strawberries, guava, kamias
(averrhoa bilimbi) and bignay.
Strawberries have Vitamin C, io-
dine, potassium, folate, Vitamin
B6, Vitamin K (for wound heal-
ing), Riboavin, Magnesium and
Copper, among others. It also helps
reduce the risk of developing can-
cer. Guavas can improve the tex-
ture of the skin and helps avoid
skin problems. Kamias is good for
acne and swellings. It is an antioxi-
dant and is antimicrobial and anti-
bacterial. Bignay is a great source
of Co-enzyme Q10 that strengthens
the immune system and prevents
premature aging. It also simulates
natural weight loss and helps burn
fats without exercise. Taking Rosy
Peel regularly is enough supply for
the vitamins your body needs.
For more information call or text
the hotline at 0923-9187437.
By Ed Biado
ONE of Southeast Asias big-
gest fashion extravaganzas,
Fashion Steps Out @ Orchard,
wrapped up its six-week run
on Singapores Orchard Road
on April 29. The annual series,
formerly known as Fashion
Season @ Orchard, aims to
celebrate fashion and promote
everyday-style through com-
pelling shopping rewards and
exciting events.
Orchard Road, as everyone
whos been to the Lion City
knows, is the countrys premier
fashion, shopping and lifestyle
destination. Fashion Steps Out
reiterates that fact and increas-
es Singapores prole as an
emerging Asian fashion hub.
This years installment was
preceded by fashion installa-
tions by students of the Raf-
es Design Institute that were
unveiled on March 12. Fash-
ion Steps Out ofcially kicked
off on March 17 with an open-
ing event that demonstrated
how fashion can literally step
out. A hundred models walked
the al fresco runway wearing
familiar high street brands.
From March 23 to 25, the
Mandarin Gallery played host
to the fashion bazaar featuring
the newest trends at the lowest
prices. Meanwhile, the event
called Fashion Gets Real pro-
vided helpful style tips to shop-
pers. It was makeover galore
at the interactive workshops,
Spring/Summer style talks and
demos, and expert advice from
some of Singapores most im-
portant names in fashion.
MasterCard Worldwide, for
the third year running, was the
Ofcial Card for Fashion Steps
Out. The credit company pre-
sented cardholders with an ex-
citing host of priceless privileg-
es, each designed to deliver an
enriching shopping experience.
Owners of MasterCard
credit cards indulged in six
weeks of retail therapy and
perksendless shopping, dis-
counts and promos,
rst dibs on the lat-
est collections of
fashion houses
from all around
the globe, fashion-
themed photog-
raphy exhibitions
and parties.
Cardholders each
had a chance of win-
ning shopping vouch-
ers in any of the par-
ticipating malls like
313@somerset, Forum
The Shopping Mall, ION
Orchard, the Mandarin Gal-
lery, Orchard Central, Paragon,
Takashimaya Shopping Cen-
tre/Ngee Ann City, TANGS
Orchard, The Centrepoint and
Wisma Atria. The rst 100
MasterCard cardholders (each
week per participating mall)
to spend at least S$300 were
rewarded with S$30 shopping
People coming from over-
seas were also in for a treat.
The Grand Park Orchard, the
Mandarin Orchard Singapore
and the Singapore Marriott Ho-
tel has special room rates avail-
able for guests who stayed at
least three nights and used their
MasterCards to foot the bill.
They also received complimen-
tary passes to exclusive Fashion
Steps Out events.
Those who stayed at the
Grand Park Orchard were
further treated with welcome
drinks, complimentary break-
fast and Internet access and late
checkout until 3PM. Guests
of the Mandarin Orchard Sin-
gapore indulged in welcome
drinks at Bar on 5, complimen-
tary in-room movies, Internet
access, buffet breakfast and
S$30 daily dining credit. From
the Singapore Marriott Hotel,
guests received complimentary
breakfast-to-go, Internet access
and fruit platters.
With MasterCard, Fashion
Steps Out was denitely so
much more fashionable and
VIBRANT shades, gorgeous designs and true
musical talent dominated the runway in the
recently-concluded Metrowear Rocks The
Runway fashion show at the Isla Ballroom of
EDSA Shangri-La Manila.
Twenty of the countrys most talented de-
signers, from two generations, re-imagined,
innovated and transformed various concepts
and perceptions of eco-fashion into sleek and
stylish pieces highlighting three of the biggest
trends this season: Aquatic, La Dolce Vita, and
1950s Couture. Each designer
presented a capsule collection
inspired by these trends, led by
their own design aesthetic.
Models worked the runway
with Basti Artadi and the rest of
Wolfgang, wearing whimsical
Aquatic-themed designs. Ferdi
Abuel opened the show with
a bronze collection that was a
play on hard (structured jack-
ets) and soft (draped skirts),
followed by beautiful sequined
gowns accented by stunning
fascinators from Dennis Lus-
tico. Veejay Floresca wowed
with billowing gowns while
John Her rer as sculpted piec-
es offset by owing layers, all
in white, were showstoppers.
Louis Claparols gave plastic
clothing a whole new person-
ality with colorful neon-hued
creations. Randy Or tiz closed
TIRED of haircare brands that never
solved your hair problems in the
long run? Pantene unveils its lat-
est line in the Philippines to give
Filipinas the Gold Standard when
it comes to hair health. With the lat-
est from Pantene, Filipinas can say
goodbye to temporary xes and say
hello to real, long-lasting results.
To address this protein loss, the new
upgraded Pantene Total Damage Care
shampoo has three times more con-
densed protein1 to fortify and protect
your damaged hair. The new Pro-V for-
mula channels deep into the hair shaft
and helps repair and seal every strand of
hair effectively stopping the damage
progression and helping prevent future
split ends through regular usage.
As a nal step to the regimen, Pan-
tene All Day Smooth Miracle Water
contains a formula to help control
your hairs moisture balance.
Pantene Hair Fall Control regi-
men is designed to strengthen hair
from the root to tips, giving you
stronger hair and noticeably less
hair fall. With a precision-blended
Pro-Vitamin formula that targets and
treats the weakest parts of your hair.
Pantene Root Lift Mist is a non-sticky
formula that creates more volume right
where its needed most the roots.
BECAUSE we live in the tropics,
our hair and skin are abused all
year round but most specially in
the summer. This is why we need
products that are good for us. It
would be better if they are envi-
ronment-friendly, too.
O.N.E. Naturales are beauty
and personal care products that are
organic, natural and eco-friendly.
They contain no ingredients that
can irritate the skin such as syn-
thetic fragrances, preservatives and
dyes that actually lead to reduced
shelf life. For packaging, no plas-
tics are used, only recyclable and
cruelty-free materials.
Its time to stock up on this great
product line. From May 10 until July
10, Watsons is offering the follow-
ing O.N.E. Naturales products for
only Php199 each.
The Movie Star Skin variant of
the body lotion is a unique bou-
quet of fragrances, coming from
its natural ingredients (sweet al-
mond, lavender, coconut), youll
smell like a star! It is perfect for
rescuing and smoothing out those
overworked, really dry areas- el-
bows, knees, and hands. Made
with almond oil (emollient and
moisturzier), it nourishes and soft-
ens skin making it smooth to the
touch similar to the oil excreted
by baby skin. Also has linseed oil
that strengthens and treats dry skin,
relieves itchiness, irritation, and re-
duces redness in burns.
The body scrub line Exfoli-
ant, gently polishes away dead
skin cells to rejuvenate skin,
moisturizes and cleanses your
body. This line uses dead sea
salt, known as therapeutic to the
ancient cultures like the Greeks.
By Dinna Chan Vasquez
Protecting your
hair and skin
Can you
By Arian Vina L. Sarmiento
abrasion-resistant toe protection. It is available in red/grey/
Walking on rugged surfaces as if barefoot has never been made
seemingly simple with the Spyridon and Spyridon LS. The soles
have a stitched-in polyutherane insole that protects the skin and
foot, and a molded nylon mesh in midsole that adds a rock
block effect, dispersing impact over a wider area. A minimal-
ist Vibram rubber sole with an aggressive tread design provides
sure-footed grip in all directions and a 3.5 mm rubber sole that
maximizes impact protection from stones and debris, while better
allowing proper barefoot dynamics. It is available in black/green
for men and lilac/black/green for women.
The new Spyridon LS offers a closed speed lace system to ac-
commodate a wider foot or higher instep. It also has the same
features as the original Spyridon model. It is available in military
green/grey/black for men.
Vibram FiveFingers allows the wearer to move freely with its
thin, exible and deconstructed sole which allows the foot to curl
and ex as nature intended. Every step taken in FiveFingers is a
lesson in texture, temperature, and biomechanics that can make
us healthier and more connected to our bodies.
Vibram FiveFingers is perfect for athletic
- such as training, running, participat-
ing in sports - and non-athletic pur-
Aside from making everyday
physical activities less strenu-
ous, Vibram FiveFingers is also
known for its corrective and
therapeutic qualities. It lever-
ages all of the body's natural
biomechanics so one can move
freely and naturally.
Vibram is available at SM
Mall of Asia, SM Megamall,
Trinoma, Planet Sports (Rock-
well, Vmall Greenhills, New-
port and Glorietta), Tobys (Mall
of Asia and Shangrila), Runnr (BHS,
Trinoma and Ayala Center Cebu), ROX
BHS, Urban Athletics Greenbelt and Chimes Davao.
Classic Fresca for women
Not only on Mother's Day
Be prettier without makeup
It is rich in magnesium, calcium,
and minerals, easily absorbed by
the skin, known to treat psoriasis,
improves hydration of the skin by
strengthening the barrier function,
draws water from the lower lay-
ers of the dermis up to the surface
of the skin, and improves cellular
metabolism, meaning old cells are
replaced with new cells at a faster
rate. The natural oils it contains
also provide long-lasting scent. To
use, rub between palms and on el-
bows and feet, then simply rinse.
The solid shampoo line
lathers up fantastically for a
great sensation while show-
ering. A bar typically lasts as
long as three 8oz bottles of
regular shampoo, and has a
unique range of scents beyond
the usual range available. Sim-
ply wet hair rst, run bar over
hair 3 or 4 times, lather, then
rinse. Also available in Land-
mark, Robinsons and Rustans
Take care of your hair with
Perfection by Cream Silk, a
collection of specially formulated
conditioning products that restore
the health and prolong the aw-
less and full-bodied look of salon-
straightened hair, via roving salons
and beauty salon partnerships.
The Perfection by Cream Silk
Mobile Salons will be visiting
some of the busiest malls in the
metro last month and ladies ex-
perienced for themselves the hair
treatment and styling power of
Perfection by Cream Silk at the
mobile hair salons. See and feel
how Perfection by Creamsilk
works wonders on salon-treated
hair at partner salons Henri Ca-
layag Salon in Greenbelt, Em-
phasis Salon in Rockwell, and
Essensuals Toni & Guy with
branches located at 6750 Maka-
ti, Megamall Atrium Orti-
gas and Trinoma.
Avail of any of these sa-
lons hair cut or other hair
treatments and you will get a
free Perfection by Cream Silk
Daily Treatment Conditioner.
Promo is offered starting April
28 until October 28, 2012.
Perfection by Cream Silk
features a superior technol-
ogy called Keratinology,
which penetrates in up to 3
layers of the hair strand and
weave its way into the tiniest
of cracks to help restore straight-
ened hair to optimum health, from
roots to tips. It comes in the forms
of Daily Treatment Conditioner,
Intensive Treatment Mask, Instant
Frizz Control Leave On and De-
tangling Spray.
Steal away for an escapade
with seductive notes of rich Cash-
mere Woods, Creamy Vanilla, and
Enveloping Musks that create an
aura of mystery, and lingers like
an afterthoughta sensual and
addicting trail that leaves you al-
ways wanting more.
Avon Eternal Magic Enchant-
ed will be available exclusively
through Avon Representatives na-
tionwide beginning April 16, 2012.
Dont have an Avon Lady yet? Log
on to to nd out
how to contact an Avon Representa-
tive. Dont forget to visit facebook.
com/AvonPhilippines and twitter.
com/avonph for more updates on
the latest products!
Beating the summer heat with Pocari Sweat
SUMMER gets even hotter as
fashionable ensembles are given
that chic touch with the nest jew-
elry selections from F&C.
This season, F&C showcases
their latest collection that spruc-
es up your summer fashion story
whether you are girl looking for
that classic touch or a playful
Passion for pearls. From the
simplest of ensembles to elaborate
fashion statements, pearls prove
to be a classic accent. F&C show-
cases a selection of contemporary
pearl designs mixed and matched
with gold settings. Made solo or in
a bouquet these pearls do make a
lasting impression.
Gold Rush. The timelessness
of gold can make a woman feel
more glamorous. F&Cs state-
ment earrings add a certain glow
to a polished look while gold link
bracelets are denite arm candies.
Sweet Diamonds. A must-have
for every girl, add sparkle to your
ensemble with some sensational
diamond sets from F&Cs latest
collection. Dress up a casual out-
t with heart stopping accessories
for every occasion.
Backed by more than 30 years
in jewelry making, F&C Jewelry
continues to merge long standing
family tradition and modern de-
sign producing beautifully crafted
pieces for their loyal customers.
F&C Jewelry is available in all
SM Department Stores nation-
wide and Glorietta 5. Visit www. or call 812-8595
to know more about their latest de-
signs. Over 40 stores nationwide.
F&Cs looks for the season
Pave and illusion diamond cocktail rings and earrings set in
18-karat and 14-karat white gold all from F&C jewelry
Rexona builds hope
through sports
The gold standard in hair health
Smokey Mountain kids tries out the new football eld
Mom in Bloom
Step out, shop
and swipe!
a red
ber by
lacks thefluids to deplete the
heat causing the body temper-
ature to rise.
Be ready to face the summer
heat by keepingoneself hy-
drated. Drink plenty of fluids,
but water is not enough. We
need to make sure the body
gets the correct fluid replen-
ishment.While water satisfi-
esthe need for fluids, water
alone cannot replace the lost
Electrolytes are minerals in
the blood and other body uids
that carry an electric charge. It
is important to maintain the bal-
ance of electrolytes in the body
because these affect the amount
of water in the body, blood pH,
muscle action, and other im-
portant body function. Electro-
lytes exist in the blood as acids,
basesand salts such as sodium,
calcium, potassium, chlorine,
magnesium and bicarbonate.
Otsuka (Philippines) Pharma-
ceutical Incorporated is keeping
Filipino consumers properly
hydrated this summer with Po-
cari Sweat. This leading health
drink from Japan, is the rst
complete ION supply drink that
contains electrolyte minerals
such as Magnesium, Sodium,
Potassium and most notably,
Calcium which the leading iso-
tonic beverage does not have.
These electrolytes are lost by
the body when it sweats buckets
of perspiration under the heat of
the sun and needs to be replen-
ished immediately to prevent
spontaneous dehydration that
can lead to heat stroke.
Pocari Sweat now comes in
2-liter variant that makes it
the bigger option in the mar-
ket today.
GIVE a gift of love not only on
Mother's Day with new designs
from FitFlops. an extraordinary,
fashionably sweet gift thats best
for only her. In honor of Moms
everywhere, FitFlop, the worlds
award-winning function-forward
luxury footwear brand, lets you
bedazzle your dearest Moms with
this fab choices and recommenda-
tions to help you nd that perfect-
ly tting gift for a one-of-a-kind
While a single rose or a spe-
cially arranged bouquet of dai-
sies may spark her beautiful
smile, FitFlops Frou and Fleur
symbolically remind her of
her elegant, gentle nature. For
young fun-loving Moms, adore
her footsies with Frous butter-
soft suede ower rufes which
come in bright, monochrome
colors, namely cosmic purple,
maple sugar, supernavy,
and black.
Fine, shimmering gems that
speak elegance and taste, every
priceless Mom surely deserve
such precious studs. But while
the much-coveted real thing
may cost a fortune, FitFlop of-
fers pocket-easy, captivating
gem alternatives that come
as splendidly regal. For a bet-
ter, sweeter deal, FitFlop has
come up with equally decadent
footwear treats, beginning with
Walkstar III Patent, or that goes
with anything you've got on
sandal. This masterpiece comes
in yummy new colors (Pagoda
Blue, Mint Chip, Red, Indium,
Honey Gold, Steely Blue, Rasp-
berry and Henry Green) and in a
variety of luxe materials (bright
patents, cracking metallics and
neutral nubuck/leather).
FitFlops latest Spring-Sum-
mer Collection creates that
wonderful shoe experience with
its broad spectrum of styles, all
lovingly made with the brands
amazing pressure-diffusing
multi-density Microwobble-
board midsole.
Exclusively distributed in
the country by Primer
Group of Com-
panies, Fit-
Flop prod-
ucts are
avai l abl e
at any of the
authorized re-
tailers listed at
the segment with a neutral-
themed collection of beautiful-
ly-tailored jackets worn with
cocktail dresses, and elegant
gowns. Wolfgangs perfor-
mance of two of their biggest
songs Semenelin and Dias-
pora Mama made for a rock-
ing opening, to cheers from the
audience, to Metrowears rst
salvo of designers.
KJWAN led by
vocalist Marc
Abaya brought
the shows energy
up a notch as they
performed their hits
What About Us? and
Lifeline, as the La
Dolce Vita segment
took to the stage. Among
the standouts were Car y
Santiagos gowns and dress-
es made of natural wool and
lace accented by intricate
beading. Sassa Jimenezs gold and black col-
lection used lace and appliques for a feminine
and edgy feel. Ronaldo Ar naldo showcased
his aesthetic with a play on metallics, seen in
a capsule collection that is a study in geomet-
ric proportions and three dimensional pattern
techniques, while Mar tin Bautista presented
draped gowns in soft fabrics and interesting
cuts for A classic yet modern vibe. Topping off
the set was Roland Alzates collection which
zeroed in on the womans hourglass silhou-
ettes using silk and lace while Jojie Llorens
redened the little black dress, complement-
ing them with bold turquoise
accessories, and black head-
The stylish era that is the
50s was given a couture in-
terpretation in the nal set of
collections of the night. Open-
ing the segment was callalilys
kean cipriano, looking dapper
as he strut around the stage
singing their hit songs Stars
and Song For The Youth.
Fr ancis Libir an and Mak
Tumangs took the feminine
route with luxurious gowns.
Libiran made use of geomet-
ric patterns while tumang used
silk to mimic feathers in his
pieces. Joey Samson made
quite an impression with his
varied interpretation of mens
suits that were striking and
modern. Jerome Lor ico also
displayed his unique take on
fashion with Scottish-inspired
skirts and tops in blue plaid and
black. Modern lipiniana was
the inspiration of JC Buen-
dias striking dresses with
appliques. Ker mit Tesoros,
known for his avant-garde take
on fashion, presented a play on
shapes and silhouettes in his
rst metrowear appearance.
Avel Bacudios went feminine
with a pink and white collec-
tion of tailored pieces and clas-
sic dresses with nipped waists.
Closing the segment was Er ic
delos Santos who used natural
hablon layered with red lace
for a modern look.
As a tting nale, Rico
Blanco came onstage with all
the bells and whistles, sing-
ing Say Forever and Neon
Lights. Blancos captivat-
ing vocals
topped off
this years
biggest fash-
ion exhibi-
tion as mod-
els strode on
the catwalk
donning var-
ious fashion
i nt er pr et a-
tions of the
little gold
dress. After-
wards, it was
the Philip-
pines prime
d e s i g n e r s
who took
the stage to
the sound of
cheers and
a p p l a u s e
from the au-
Metrowear Rocks the Runway- Fashion
for a Cause is for the benet of Sagip Ka-
pamilya, a division of ABS-CBN Founda-
tion, bringing awareness to their recover
and rehabilitation projects, to help those af-
fected by natural calamities. The event also
partnered with EDSA Shangri-La Manila, in
celebration of the hotels 20th Anniversary,
as Chef Warren Brown created Designer
Chocolate Bars inspired by the pieces fea-
tured during the show. These sweet treats
are being auctioned off at HEAT until the
end of May, for the benet of Sagip Kapam-
ilya and Isla De Cocomo.
Zanjoe Marudo wears a suit
by Cary Santiago
Maja Salvador wears a creation
by Avel Bacudio
Rayver Cruz looks dashing in a
suit by Randy Ortiz
the youth living in Smokey Mountain. Constructed
using proceeds from last years Rexona Run, eight
schools and as many as 5,000 families will benet
from the facility, which has since been renamed the
Field of Dreams-Rexona Sports Center.
Gracing the turnover ceremony was Manila Vice
Mayor Isko Moreno, Unilever execs led by vice presi-
dent for corporate affairs Chito Macapagal, market-
ing manager for deos and oral care Cindy Melocoton,
Rexona brand manager Anne Remulla and Rexona
assistant brand manager Mara Llanera. Also joining
them were JCI president Rodney Dizon and Nonoy
Marquez, GK project director for Smokey Mountain.
We believe in the power of sports to help trans-
form the lives of those affected by poverty, especially
children. Through sports, children are inspired to
dream big and persevere in making these dreams a
reality. We are honored to play a role in making a
positive difference in the lives of todays children,
says Rexona brand manager Anne Remulla.
It was in 2010 when GK and JCI Manila built a prop-
er baseball eld in the former dumpsite that is Smokey
Mountain. A football eld was also constructed adja-
cent to the baseball eld for the sites football program.
The Field of Dreams is part of JCI Manilas Dare to
CA.R.E. (Community Awareness and Rehabilitation
Effort) program for Smokey Mountain in Tondo, Ma-
nila. It aims to instill values of teamwork, camaraderie,
sportsmanship, discipline, and positive thinking among
the marginalized youth.
MAY 14, 2012 MONDAY
Isah V. Red, Editor
Manila Standard TODAY
Rhian Ramos in The Road
The Alliance, according to him,
expressed positive views on the
Philippines because of the very active
campaign and coordination the OMB
has with the Intellectual Property Ofce,
Bureau of Customs, and the Philippine
National Police.
The anti-piracy drive has resulted in a
piracy-free zone in Harrison Plaza, Makati
Cinema Square, St. Francis Square.
The agency is now coordinating
and conducting dialogue with the
management of Metrowalk in Pasig,
another known hub of pirated movies
and software.
Ricketts is very active in the
information campaign and targeted
schools this year, among which were
St. Paul University Quezon City, De La
Salle College of St. Benilde, Lyceum
University of the Philippines,Wesleyan
University in Cabanatuan, and
Polytechnic University of the Philippines
in Sta. Mesa, Manila.
Ricketts thanks the Muslims for
helping him in achieving positive resuts
in OMBs anti-piracy campaign.
He also coordinated with City Mayors
nationwide, foremost of them were
Mayors Alfredo Lim of Manila, Junjun
Binay of Makati, Florencio Bernabe
Jr. of Paranaque, Antonio Calixto of
Pasay, Ando Cumigad of Isabela and
Tarlacs Ace Manalang.
The stakeholders of the movie
and music industry have been very
supportive of Ricketts.
Meanwhile, in his spare time, he is
writing the script for a movie that he wants
produce, direct and star in partnership with
Viva Entertainment, He said, I already
have a title. Its Fighting Chefs.
With NAIA Ninoy Aquino International
Airport Manager Jose Angel A. Honrado,
Ricketts is hoping that all entry points in
the cargo bay of the airport is free from
pirated optical media products.
He is also very thankful for the support
of the OMB staff in the success of anti-
piracy campaign. More importantly,
he says that without his wifes kind
understanding and his childrens love,
he couldnt muster courage to hurdle
this insurmountable challenge.
The Road in Hollywood
The Road hit cinemas in the United
States last Friday.
The Yam Laranas lma three-act
spectacleis also available in digital
media format, Video-on-Demand (VoD),
Netix, and other online lm distribution
platforms available worldwide.
For Filipinos who missed the lm or
who simply want to watch it once more
on the big screen, The Road is also
screening in selected digital theaters in
the Philippines.
Wednesday last week, the producers,
several members of the cast, director
and VIPs from Hollywood were at the
premiere of the lm at the Arclight
Cinemas in Los Angeles, California.
Both GMA Films and Freestyle
Releasing have put so much effort in
preparing for this much-awaited event.
Weve been planning this for almost
four months now and were glad that
everything is happening according to
our plans. Were all excited for The
Road because it is not every day that
one could see a locally-produced movie
achieve this level of international
recognition, and were proud not only
because we are the producers of this
lm but also because this was made by
Filipinos, says GMA Films President
Anna Teresa Gozon-Abrogar.
Early this year, GMA Network Films
and US based international lm distribution
company Freestyle Releasing signed an
exclusive distribution deal which made
way for the release of The Road in the
mainstream markets in the United States.
Apart from the US, The Road will also
be shown in six theaters in Singapore
beginning May 15.
The Road stars Carolina Villaroel,
Marvin Agustin, Rhian Ramos, TJ
Trinidad, Barbie Forteza, Derrick
Monasterio, Lexi Fernandez, Alden
Richards, Louise delos Reyes, Ynna
Asistio, and Renz Valerio, with Jacklyn
Jose, John Regala, Lloyd Samartino,
Gerald Madrid, Allan Paule, Dex
Quindoza and Ana Abad Santos.
Pinoy Adventures
on Sundays
Adventure is surely more fun in the
Philippines. And GMA News and Public
Affairs newest weekend offering, Pinoy
Adventures, will show viewers why.
Hosted by Kapuso star and
environmentalist Richard Gutierrez,
Pinoy Adventures is a weekly public
affairs program that is set to go around
the country in search for undiscovered
paradise, forgotten relics, cultural
treasures, and the totally unpredictable
adventure that goes along the way.
Pinoy Adventures is denitely not an
ordinary travel show.
Pinoy Adventures is all about exposing
the Filipino viewers to fantastic, magical
and astounding places in the country that
they are rarely seen on television. With
Richard Gutierrez as their tour guide, it
would denitely be a one of a kind treat
that they cannot miss, adds GMA AVP
for Public Affairs Neil Gumban.
Expect Richard, who is widely
regarded as the face of reality adventure
programs in the country today, to go down
and dirty once more as he climbs the steep
mountains, braves the deep seas, explores
hidden caves, and unearths buried stories.
Program Manager Patty Gutierrez
shares More than a pretty face,
Richard has very deep insights on every
experience he goes through. He has
a very sincere appreciation of nature,
the beauty of the Philippines and the
different culture he encounters. Because
of this, it is not difcult to achieve the
goal of Pinoy Adventuresthat is to take
the viewers to places that only a few have
seen and tell them stories that only a few
have heard. And of course, he makes
every adventure so much fun to do.
Pinoy Adventures is expected to be
the latest addition in the list of successful
collaborations between Richard and the
Kapuso Networks News and Public
Affairs group. The list includes the
award-winning documentaries Signos,
Planet Philippines, Wildlife for Sale, and
Oras Na, and the last two seasons of the
hit reality show Survivor Philippines.
An adventure-lled Sunday awaits
viewers every Sunday, after I-Bilib, on
GMA Networks Sunday Grande.
braves all
to keep
one safe
JASON Statham was once a
member of the British National
Diving Team and nished 12

in the 1992 World Champion-
ships. He was also a fashion
model, securing the audition for
his debut role, in Guy Ricthies
Lock, Stock and Two Smoking
Barrels (1998), through French
Connection, for whom he was
working. He teamed up with
Ritchie again for Snatch (2000)
and then Revolver (2005). Other
notable movies include a trio of
Transporter lms (2002, 2005,
2008), the blockbuster remake
of The Italian Job (2003), Crank
(2006), War (2007), The Bank
Job (2008), Death Race (2008),
The Expendables (2010), The
Mechanic (2010) and last years
Killer Elite. He is currently
shooting the action-thriller Hum-
mingbird. In Safe, he plays Luke
Wright, a man who loses every-
thing but who learns to live, and
kill, again.
Youre in the middle of Hum-
mingbird, which sounds a bit
mental. Whats it all about?
It is a difcult one to talk
about. How can I put this? There
are a lot of different ways that
you can say what the movie is
about. I think the thrust of it is a
guy whose encounter with a nun
has a very signicant impact and
I dont want to say much more
than that, but it is a terric fuck-
ing script. Steve Knight who has
written it has done some brilliant
screenplays. This is just full of re-
ally emotional stuff that I never
done some brilliant screenplays.
This is just full of really emotion-
al stuff that I never get to do, so
well see how it goes.
Did you fancy getting a bit
Yes, yes. It is a good reason for
doing it and the shoots at home
with good locations. I always want
to come back and do a lm in the
UK because you get so wrapped
up in working away all the time.
When you come home you real-
ize, Hang on, this is a great way
of making lms. The crew is so
small that you get more intimate
and you learn everybodys name
in two minutes. Theres not like 10
cameras running at the same time.
We are running on one camera,
which is very unusual. The OP is
an old school sort of a chap, us-
ing single cameras. It is a quite a
hea-scratcher; you never usually
see that.
In Safe, Luke is a very hard
man but has an air of vulner-
ability about him. That must
be one of things that attracted
you to the lm?
[Producer] Lawrence Bender
was the chap who said, You have
never done anything like this, and
he was right. I normally play the
indestructible hero who doesnt
have much to get down about so,
yes, this is certainly something that
I dont get to do that often.
Hummingbird, though, is
another step beyond that. Far
more dramatic. For me theres
no question. We are only three
weeks into shooting that lm, so
we still have a lot to do. I dont
want to jeopardize anything.
Safe has emotion as a driving
force, as much the action, maybe?
Yeah, this guy has lost every-
thing he has and is on the verge
of giving up. But a chance en-
counter gives him a reason to live
again. I liked that idea.
Are you trying to do lms
with a little more depth?
You can only eat the food thats
on the table but if an opportunity
comes your way, you have to anal-
yse the quality of it. You either go
to work or you sit on your arse. The
thing is do you wait for the perfect
role or wait for the perfect script or
do you go to work and take some-
thing from that experience? I feel
the more you do, somewhere along
the line you are
going to meet the
right person who
is going to give
you something that
gives you a chance to
do a little bit more, or
at least the quality goes
up in some way. I think
thats the way it has been
going. It is snakes and ladders.
Sometimes you hit something thaf s
really good and sometimes its not
so good and you just keep press-
ing forward in the hope of having
a smart man at the helm with some
good material. The pursuit of that
is what we are trying to get to, so it
is not as though I am actively look-
ing for more emotion to make dra-
matic pieces; 1 am always looking
for that, always have been. Its just
not been available for me. Just re-
cently there has been an improve-
ment on that.
After Lock, Stack you went on
to become a major Hollywood
star. Did you set out to be an ac-
tion hero?
There was no conscious effort to
try and go down a pathway where I
could form a niche. No. As soon as
I did that Transporter lm people
saw that I could beat a few people
up, do some fancy moves, do some
stunts and risk my neck and then,
all of a sudden, people liked that
and I got to do another and then
another. And to go to work and
be the guy who was working al-
most every day was great. There
is nothing better than turning up
every day and going t o
another location
and you get into
a rhythm and
it was great. I
was so happy
to be doing it
that I thought,
be ac-
tion is for
me. Then
if you have
a certain suc-
cess you can
go and make
another one;
people of-
fer you a
chance. The
Transporter movie made money so
other people want to do something
like that as well. The next thing you
know you are doing more movies
from that genre. I wasnt getting
any other movies other than the
ones that made a few quid!
Your movies have made shed
loads, Jason...
Not bad. For the size and the
scale of the lms. People were
making money out of them so
others wanted to do the same.
The next thing you know you are
doing more of that.
As a kid did you idolize the
hard men of the era, the Slys
and Amies?
I did grow up on action lms;
I love all the Die Hard lms. I
grew up in the 1980s and it was
the big thing. Rocky, Stallone,
Rambo. Stallone and Rambo
were two of the biggest franchise
of movies that anyone could ever
know. So, to think that Sly just as-
sembled all of those guys for The
Expendables is amazing.
Did you have to pinch your-
self doing The Expendables
and then The Expend-
ables 2?
Yeah, we just n-
ished The Expend-
ables 2 and I was
stood there thinking.
There was Bruce
Willis, Sylvester
Stallone, Arnold
J e an- Cl aude
Van Damme,
Chuck Mor-
ris, a whole
row, and I was
obviously the
youngest there.
Would you call Sly your
buddy now?
Yes. I would like to call him
that. He is very intelligent. I have
so much respect for him. And,
for him to include me in those
movies, man, I am really, really
grateful to be one of them. It was
so big. There were so many peo-
ple working on it. It was a bit like
a whirlwind coming in but for-
tunately for me we still had the
relationship with Sly and Randy
Couture and all the people from
the rst lm so it was great to get
back and just put on all the gear.
It was a great day to go to work
and that be your job.
If you had to ght one of
The Expendables cast, who
would it be?
Id rather not! It wouldnt be
Randy Couture, thats for sure.
He is just so lethal. Thats the last
thing Id want to do! Maybe Jet
Li because we could just have a
chat and talk each other down.
Can you spot a good action
movie just from the script?
Yes. I think so. You can only go
by that if it is on the page you have
some element of potential. An ac-
tion script has to have at least some
pull with the characters. If they are
there, the action is the easy part. It
is when you give a fuck about the
characters. And that is on the page
or it is not. The running around,
shooting, beating people up, we
can do that easy but you just have
to have the relationships. I think
thats why The Expendables works
because they are always arguing
and they are a bunch of useless
idiots really. When they all get to-
gether they dont know what they
can do!
Anti-piracy drive
gets tougher, info-campaign launched
OPTICAL Media Board Chairman Ronnie Ricketts has launched a nationwide
information campaign on media and software piracy. This is to inform the public on
what the OMB is doing to take the country out of the watch list of the Internationl
Intellectual Property Alliance of Washington D.C. that recently put the country in
the priority watch list.
Jason Statham as ex-Government
agent Luke Wright
Pinoy Adventures host
Richard Gutierrez
Optical Media Board Chairman Ronnie

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