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I. Introduction/Summary (use your character cards) A. Tim Obrien was drafted into the Vietnam war 1.

Any other were as well 2. He was against the war the whole time

B. He made it home safely 1. Everyone who made it home was given a steak dinner 2. Many people never made it home

II. Background Information (Use your 15 fact cards) Each card should be written next to its own letter. Remember that paragraphs 2 and 3 incorporate your research so make sure you split up your facts. A. During the ten years of Americas to the Vietnam war, 55,000 service men would be killed or listed as missing. B. From the late 1800s until WWII France ruled Vietnam as part of its colony of Indochina. C. President Johnson made a decision and a promise that the war would not seek or overthrow the north Vietnamese regime. D. As the 1960s wore on, the war divided the United States.

E. JFk decided to commit America support troops to South Vietnam. Four thousand troops were sent in 1962. III. Background Information Continued A. The assassination of President Diem in 1963 brought chaos to South Vietnam. B. By late 1963, the U.S. had more than 16,000 military personnel in South Vietnam. C. In the later part of 1964, there was a general feeling that the military situation in South Vietnam was deteriorating. D. In early 1965 U.S. President Lyndon Johnson ordered the first of many bombing missions over North Vietnam, which would be known as Operation Rolling Thunder. E. As the U.S. aid increased, so did South Vietnamese opposition to Diem. F. To Vietnamese the ground war took priority. G. As the Vietnam War went on, it wore down American soldiers. G. By the late 1960s, the American government realizing that the conflict would be endless entered into negotiations with the Viet Cong and North Vietnamese in Paris. H. April 1975, Saigon fell and the triumph of the North over the south was over. I. The Vietnam War was the legacy of Frances failure to suppress nationalist forces in Indochina.

IV. Relationship between your book and your research A. How does your novel resemble the time period you have chosen? B. Similarities between the book and the time period. 1. Many people had the same attitude 2. Many people were drafted. C. Differences between the book and the time period. 1. People were happily greeted back 2. People took the war as a joke

V. Conclusion
A. Why you chose this book a. I choose this book because the author is writing about his experiences. B. What you learned about the time period. 1. Learned why the Vietnam War happened. 2. Learned what it was over. 3. Learned how Americans felt about it.

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