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Minutes from the Meeting of Digbeth Residents Association (DRA) and Neighbourhood Watch on Monday 2nd April 2012

at 6pm in the Nomad room, ground floor ZELLIG, Custard Factory. 1. Roll Call and Apologies Present: Lisa Zdravkovic, Dan Newso, Pauline Roche, Joe Holyoak, Ted Ryan, Rob Bench, Chris Crean, Val Woodward, Pamela Pinski Apologies: Andy Wood, Richard Trengrouse, Russell Poulton, Tony Clabby, Sandra Hall, Monica Lee, Sardul Dhesi, Michael Hopkins, Gabriela Butler, Lisa Loudon, David Chatten, Julie Brown As committee members Rosie Pocklington and Michael Dadra have not attended two consecutive meetings, they will be contacted pursuant to clause 6.13. of the Constitution. Matters Arising 2a. Community Chest Funding The Treasurer and Secretary submitted DRAs application to Birmingham City Council by the deadline date of 31st March 2012. 2b. Digbeth Summit Outcomes Brochure It was agreed that DRA did not require a glossy brochure for this purpose. Ted Ryan volunteered to meet with South Birmingham College and Richard Trengrouse on behalf of DRA to ask if their in-house team could design a PDF brochure that could be publicised cheaply online. Action Ted Ryan There was also a suggestion that DRA should consider holding another Digbeth Summit later in the year, perhaps in September/October. 2c. Response to Local Development Order (LDO) This was tabled at the meeting, publicised online and sent to MP Shabana Mahmood to keep her informed of our activity. Julie Brown, Joe Holyoak and Val Woodward worked together on this collective response, which was described as very impressive by Pauline Roche. 2d. Response to draft Eastside Masterplan This was tabled at the meeting, publicised online and sent to MP Shabana Mahmood to keep her informed of our activity. Julie Brown, Joe Holyoak and Val Woodward worked together on this collective response, which Val handed in personally to the Council. Digbeth resident Lisa Zdravkovic attended the consultation event organised by MADE and kindly agreed to forward the formal outcomes to the Secretary to publicise. 2e. St Patricks Parade Feedback There was not a good turnout for the DRA parade walking group, and only three people attended the festival launch party, for which DRA had been given 10 tickets. It was decided that the seven people who had been allocated tickets for the party but didnt attend will be asked to cover the cost of their tickets (5 each) so that this could be returned to the festival organisers; as a voluntary organisation, DRA cannot make a direct donation to the festival. It

was suggested that if an invoice was received for the cost of the tickets, this would be a valid use of DRA funds. 3. Planning Report Julie Brown (Plannning Liaison) sent apologies to the meeting, but also sent details of a recent planning application for the Beorma Quarter. Joe Holyoak volunteered to draft a response from DRA before the deadline on 26th April. Action Joe Holyoak 4. Police Report and Neighbourhood Watch News Although the Police were unable to attend, a report was sent to the meeting. There has been a very large increase in the number of crimes over the last month, but if a couple of the main contributing factors are taken out (below), Digbeth remains fairly stable. i. More than 30 offences can be directly attributed to the St Patricks Day Parade and 17th March. ii. One prolific vehicle offender was caught and sentenced to 12 months after admitting to 22 vehicle crimes in the space of a week. Hopefully we will see an improving picture for over the next month. 5. Discussion focussed on Community Power A productive discussion was held on the subject of Community Power, led by Val Woodward. Any Other Business 6a. HS2 Community Forums Joe Holyoak attended the Washwood Heath to Curzon Street HS2 Community Forum on behalf of DRA on 27th March. Thank you Joe for attending! The next meeting is planned to take place on 14th May, the location is yet to be decided. 6b. Resignation of Chair In the absence of a set procedure for resignations in the Constitution, the Chair, Val Woodward, announced that she will be resigning from her position at the next meeting of DRA. A Special Meeting will be organised with serving Committee Members to discuss this and hopefully find a solution that enables the Chair to stay. 6c. Securing Connaught Square Site Local artist Newso informed the meeting that the hoardings around the Connaught Square site are becoming dangerous. Newso and Rob Bench have used rope to secure the hoardings to prevent injury to passersby, but a more permanent solution needs to be found. Lisa Zdravkovic agreed to check with colleagues at the council to see what could be done. Action Lisa Zdravkovic 7. Date and Time of Next Meetings The next committee meeting will be held on Monday 14th May 2012 at 6pm in the NOMAD room, ground floor ZELLIG, Custard Factory. The next open meeting will be held on Monday 11th June 2012 at 6pm in the NOMAD room, ground floor ZELLIG, Custard Factory.

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