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Developing an Application for Android


A Android An operating system for mobile devices such as smartphones. Android SDK Manager A tool used to add and update components in the Android SDK. Android application A software application that runs on the Android platform. Android market An online store dedicated to Android applications. App widgets The small application Views or View objects that are embedded in other applications. Application resources The resources which are present within an application and are separate from an application's source code. AVD Manager (Android Virtual Device Manager) A tool used to simulate the software builds and hardware specifications available on different devices. ____________________________________________

B builder An abstract interface for creating objects. ____________________________________________

C Core Data A powerful framework and set of tools that allows you to retain an application's data in an iPhone file library. ____________________________________________

D Dashcode An IDE that allows you to develop web-based applications and Dashboard Widgets. delegation A design pattern where you can customize an objects behavior by basically forcing a second object to do the first objects work for it. design pattern A template that gives you a consistent way to design an application.

Developing an Application for Android


delegation A design pattern where you can customize an objects behavior by basically forcing a second object to do the first objects work for it. design pattern A template that gives you a consistent way to design an application. ____________________________________________

E emulator Software that helps programmers test how the applications will look and work on a real device. Externalizing resources A process to keep noncode resources such as images external to your code. ____________________________________________

F framework A set of codes that informs an application how it should work. ____________________________________________

G GPRS (General Packet Radio Service) A packet-oriented mobile data service on cellular communication system. ____________________________________________

H ____________________________________________

I Instruments The analysis tools that help you analyze an application in a real-world scenario. Interface Builder A visual editor that helps you design the user interface of applications. iOS SDK (iPhone Operating System Software Development Kit) A kit used to develop native iPhone applications. iPhone Simulator

Developing an Application for Android


Interface Builder A visual editor that helps you design the user interface of applications. iOS SDK (iPhone Operating System Software Development Kit) A kit used to develop native iPhone applications. iPhone Simulator A software simulator that helps you test your application on a Mac machine without using your actual iPhone. ____________________________________________

J ____________________________________________

K ____________________________________________

L LLDB (Low Level Debugger) A high-performance debugger that is built as a set of reusable components. LLVM (Low Level Virtual Machine) A compiler infrastructure written in C, C++, and Objective-C to enable the creation of virtual machines. ____________________________________________

M mobile phone A small, handheld computing device used to make and receive telephone calls by connecting to a wireless communication network through satellite transmissions or radio waves. mobile programming A process by which an application software is developed for small low-power handheld devices such as personal digital assistants, tablet computers, and mobile phones. MVC (Model-View-Controller) A design pattern for developing applications, which keeps the data used in a program and the visual component of the program separate, each interacting only with a controller, which contains the logic of your program. ____________________________________________

N Noncode resource A resource containing the data structures on which the program operates.

Developing an Application for Android



N Noncode resource A resource containing the data structures on which the program operates. ____________________________________________

O Open Handset Alliance An association of 84 firms for developing open standards for mobile devices. organizer window A window used for organizing projects and reading documentation. ____________________________________________

P plug-in A set of software components that adds specific abilities to a larger software application. ____________________________________________

Q ____________________________________________

R root node The top-most node of a hierarchy tree. ____________________________________________

S SCM (Software Configuration Management) A task of tracking and controlling changes in a software. ____________________________________________

T ____________________________________________

Developing an Application for Android



T ____________________________________________

U URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) A string of characters used to identify an abstract or physical resource. ____________________________________________

V view A visual object, arranged on a rectangular area of the screen, used to create the user interface of an iPhone application. ____________________________________________

W workspace window A window that holds most of the user's data. ____________________________________________

X Xcode An Integrated Development Environment (IDE) that allows you to build applications for iOS devices. XML (Extensible Markup Language) A markup language which defines a set of rules for encoding documents in a format which is both humanreadable and machine-readable. ____________________________________________

Y ____________________________________________

Z ____________________________________________

Developing an Application for Android



Z ____________________________________________


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