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0 Introduction
Shahjalal Islami Bank Limited (SIBL) commenced its commercial operation in accordance with principle of Islamic Shariah on the 10th May 2001 under the Bank Companies Act, 1991. During last nine years SJIBL has diversified its service coverage by opening new branches at different strategically important locations across the country offering various service products both investment & deposit. Islamic Banking, in essence, is not only INTEREST-FREE banking business, it carries deal wise business product thereby generating real income and thus boosting GDP of the economy. Board of Directors enjoys high credential in the business arena of the country, Management Team is strong and supportive equipped with excellent professional knowledge. Thus, I want to identify the relation and importance of SME banking for the development of SME sector in Bangladesh. Now it is the era of Business & Technology. To keep pace with the Education system has become more and more practical and as a result practical knowledge has got priority. To provide fresh graduates with professional knowledge related to the academic training, North South University, which is conducting Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA). The program contains indispensable practical orientation in different organizations as a part of the BBA Program. Under this program the students are sent to gather practical knowledge about organizational environment and activities. And we the Students are placed in enterprises, organizations, research institutions as well as development projects. This report has been prepared on practical orientation has been originated on above thinking. As such, I have worked on my interested business sector under Private Commercial Bank and my projection was made on a country's leading Private Commercial Islami Bank i.e., Shahjalal Islami Bank Limited.

1.1 Origin of the Report

While working under SME Division in SIBL as an intern, I choose SME as my internship report topic and the topic was SME Banking: A Study on Shahjalal Islami Bank Limited is selected by me with the help of my honorable faculty Md. Abdullah Al Mahmud, School of Business.

1.2 Objectives of the Study

Know the over view of SME loan, types of SME and sector of SME allocation, and to describe the detailed operational procedure of SME Loan of SJIBL. Identification of problems regarding SME financing, and to recommend solutions to overcome the problems of SME banking.

Finding out the opinion of customers about SME financing and Banking and statistically analysis and interpret the findings.


1.3 Significance of the Study

The report covers the over view of SME financing of SJIBL, types of SME contribution of banking sector to the SME sector, importance of SME Banking to the development of SME sector in Bangladesh identification of problems regarding SME banking etc.

1.4 Methodology
1.4.1. Sampling methodology To make the report more meaningful and presentable, two sources of data and information were used widely. Both primary and secondary data sources were used to prepare this report. The nature of this report is descriptive with some survey or using sampling method. Most of the necessary information has been collected by a questionnaire, discussing with officers who working in Retail Banking 1.4.2 Data collection Both the primary and secondary forms of data are used to make the report more rich and informative. The details of these sources are gives below: Primary Sources Most of the information was acquired by discussing with the officers working in the Gulshan Branch of Sahajalal Islami Bank Limited. Observation and work experience with different divisional in-charges and suggestions of many executives of the bank. Secondary Sources Annual Report of the Sahajalal Islami Bank Limited. Various books, articles, compilations etc. Websites of the Bank. Instruction circular of Head Office, brochures of different banks, newspapers and magazines regarding banking issues, seminar papers and so on. 1.4.3. Data analysis procedures The report is based on information and it is also a descriptive research. After collecting all the relevant data, analysis has been done with the help of arithmetic and statistical operations. Software such as Microsoft Excel was used to calculate the data and present the results in graph. Based on all the possible results that have been found from the analysis I have tried to identify the reason behind the problem and draw the solution of the problem by formulating the conclusion and preparing the report. 3|Page

1.5 Limitations
Finally I want to talk about my limitations that I had to face during the completion of the report. On the way of preparing of this report, I have faced following problems that may be termed as the limitation of the study. Only three months are not enough to understand the overall operations of a commercial bank. Banks policy of not disclosing some sensitive data and information for obvious reason posed an obstacle to the practical orientation that could be very much useful. Non-availability of data and information that are more recent on different activities of SIBL was a great difficulty to depict the actual and up-to-date business position of the bank. The clients were too busy to provide me much time for interview. Though I have prepared many reports before, I had no experience of internship. So Inexperience is one of the main constrains of the study.


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