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Marketing Management 'Techno-DOC'

Marketing Plan:
Executive summary:
Techno-Doc is a new device that would revolutionize the provision of healthcare services in Egypt. The product consists of a touch screen, loaded with symptomchecker software and equipped with the necessary tools to measure patient temperature, blood pressure, etc. as well as a printer that gives the patient simple medical reports or medicine recommendations. The device would substantially decrease costs for hospitals as the need for assistant doctors would be eliminated, traffic into doctors' offices would be reduced as patients will be correctly allocated. The healthcare market in Egypt is growing, which serves as an opportunity for Techno-Doc. We are targeting managers of private hospitals, as well as supervisors of clinics in schools, universities, and clubs which will use the device in facilitating the diagnosis and treatment of students and club members. The primary marketing objective is to to sell at least 30% of our inventory to our main target (private hospitals).

Mission statement:
We make the provision of health care services easier and faster, more efficient, flexible and help our providers and patients for better medication.

To always lead the healthcare market towards state-of-the-art technology services.

Situation analysis:
Market summary: Egypts medical market is estimated at about $600 million. The use of sophisticated medical equipment is growing. The healthcare system has been in a transitory period for some time, and this should eventually result in a more modernized, efficient system, with steady growth in the number of private sector health providers. Techno-doc symptom checker will be a milestone in this growth since it will develop the efficiency of hospitals operations through the use of technology. We target private hospitals, clinics in school universities and clubs in Alexandria and Cairo, because they have the biggest number of private hospitals in Egypt. We target hospitals that are technology oriented and encourage expenditure that aims to develop their performance. Techno doc seeks to fulfill a set of benefits that are important to its customers; these benefits include reducing the traffic of patients to doctors, allocating patients to the correct departments. Keeping and updating patient database, therefore providing hospitals with substantial cost savings and a competitive advantage. SWOT analysis: Strengths: Weaknesses: Opportunities: Threats: Exclusive product Focus on doctors comfort Software from award-winning medical organization (webmd) Licensed from ministry of health Easy user interface Keeping records of patients Durable Un-familiar Lack of brand awareness People feel assured when they see the doctor New market (no competitors) Product development Opportunity of exporting in the future. Illiteracy Acceptance is difficult

Competition: As a pioneer in the market techno doc has no competitors, however the product may act as a substitute to assistants in hospitals.

Product offering: Touch screen Symptom-checker Thermometer BMI calculation Bandages, cotton, syringes, etc Blood pressure Fingerprint identification Insurance card scanner Report printer Medicine recommendations Database that keeps the patients' medical history for better analysis

Distribution: Producer Consumer Consumer This distribution channel is cost effective as it will eliminate all intermediaries, allows a direct relation with clients that would help us reach the consumer earlier and able to meet their requirements and complains. We will have a hotline for ordering, as well as direct selling through visits to hospitals.

Marketing strategy:
Marketing objectives: Short term marketing objective: (the 1st quarter) our main aim will be to sell at least 30% of our inventory to our main target (private hospitals). Medium term objective: (1st year) Try to attract more customer and create brand awareness. Long term objectives: (1 -5 years) Target markets: Positioning: Techno-doc helps hospitals eliminate extra costs, doctors save energy, and patients save time through integrating technology into health-care services. STP: Hospitals Clinics (schools, clubs, universities) Doctors Break even Increase sales and profits gradually Open new markets by exporting develop our product by adding new features Maintain or increase our market share

Target Market

Private Hospitals Clubs Schools Univesities

Marketing strategy: Focus on technology, easy user interface to promote more satisfactory service for patients.

Marketing strategies: Product Techno DOC includes all the features that are described in the product offering section, will be sold with a 3-years warranty and the hospitals will be able to exchange the machine with an updated version and pay the difference. Our symptom checker will be introduced to all hospitals and doctors within the coming 6 months. The product will have a small introduction when its opened for better use. Price Our product will be introduced using the cost based pricing method. When we launch the product we will offer 25% mark-up to our main targets to try to attract the maximum number possible.30% for doctors, school, universities and clubs clinics. Our markup will be then reduced to 20% at the beginning of the growth stage. This will ensure that all our costs will be covered and a certain percentage of profit will be achieved. Promotion We offer: - Free delivery - Free installation - 3years warranty Advertising: - Doctorna medical magazine (print ads) - Brochures and catalogs (direct mail) - Web page Public relations: - Sponsoring medical exhibitions/ conferences Credit facilities Free trials during the 1st year through events, conferences and exhibitions Place We will sell our product mainly in Cairo and Alexandria. Our sales representatives will visit all privately owned hospitals. In addition, we will attend all medical conferences and exhibitions and provide a free trial.

Marketing Mix: January: we will launch our product in a Gala Dinner in a hotel in Cairo, where all private hospital managers would attend and watch a presentation about the product. In the following week we will be operating a booth in the 3rd international conference integrated healthy hospital environment: the pathway for accreditation where doctors will get to try the product for free. February: We will advertise in 'Doctorna' medical magazine, and have sales representatives visit hospitals to promote the product. Furthermore, we will activate the hotline for ordering. March: we will start sending brochures to schools, universities, and clubs. April: observing patients' ability of using the Techno-Doc. May: exploring possible markets in which to expand and targeting advertising towards them. June: collecting feedback from customers through interviews and questionnaires, so as to take their reviews and recommendations into account later on.

Marketing research: We visit hospitals and clinics to ask them what are their expectations for the product Questionnaires Buy online articles

Total first-year sales revenue for Techno-Doc is projected at LE 750,000, with an average selling price of LE 15,000 per unit and variable cost per unit of LE 7,000 for unit sales volume of 50. We expect to break-even in the first year as fixed costs of 400,000 will have to be covered. With these assumptions, the break-even calculation is: 400000/ (15000-7000) = 50 units

3 years warranty Can exchange the machine with an updated version Quality control staff will visit the hospital regularly Customer survey will be distributed over our customers Train the hospitals staff to use Techno DOC Free installation

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