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High-Five Village

Detroit USA
Precamp 3


Message from the staff More about the theme Message to parents A few reminders Daily schedule And now for something completely different . . . Swimming waiver Photo of an anteater

Pg. 3 Pg. 4 Pg. 5 Pg. 6 Pg. 9 Pg. 10 Pg. 11 Pg. 12

High-Five Village 2012 Precamp 3

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MESSAGE FROM THE STAFF Since we sent out precamp 2, weve been in touch with almost all of you and started to get a sense of who you are. We cant wait to welcome you to Detroit in less than two months, and unleash the high fives! A word about the theme: Your feedback on it is much appreciated. Its the staffs job to create the theme, but all the leaders togetherdelegation leaders, JCs, and staffwill implement it, and were very excited to see what kind of direction you all will take this big idea. If you have any more questions or feedback in advance, we want to hear it. And a word about forms: Have you noticed that we seem to be obsessing about forms? Sorry for all the harassment. But it makes it so much easier to ensure everything is organized in advance if we have as much information from you as possible. The travel forms and details about health and diet issues are most urgent, but the sooner you can submit your whole package of forms (leaders and JCs), the better. And of course, if youve been following us on Facebook and know about the chocolate Manneken Pis, youll know theres an added incentive to get your stuff in first . . . As always, we love to hear from you. You know how to reach us: on Facebook at our village group, by email at, and on Skype (add Michael, ID: mijawara). Were counting down the sleeps! High-Five! Your Staff Team

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MORE ABOUT THE THEME Having a theme enables us to give some coherence to camp activities, focus on a few educational objectives, and come up with ridiculously creative ideas for games. Weve got some ideas, and hope you will come with some, too. Heres our pitch: High-Five: Who we are and what makes us that way High-Five is, very simply, about building global friendship by getting to know one another, and getting to know what makes each of us who we are. It all starts with the simplest gesture--touching hands. Everyone can do this, it requires no language to make a connection. When everyone arrives at the village, this is how well greet you: with high-fives and a smile. We move on from there. We see the programme evolving in five parts, like the fingers on a hand: (1) In the first week, the kids will find out the basics about each other. Names, hometowns, likes and dislikes, where you come from where, where you spend time, and with whom. (2) In the second week, the kids will dig down deeper into identity, learning about each others personality, beliefs, habits, and history. (3) In the third week, they will have the chance to explore all the outside forces that shape identity, like gender, family, whether you come from a rich place or a poor place, your culture and religion, and your education. (4) Those first three steps take us to the bigger picture, in the fourth week--who we are in the world, and what it means to be a global citizen. (5) The thumb touches each of these fingers, and represents something we all have in common--our desire to enjoy ourselves and be included, which runs through all the steps. How these concepts are incorporated into the programme is up to leaders, JCs and kids in the planning groups. Staff will be there to support you and provide ideas, but we want to see you take this theme and run with it!

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MESSAGE TO PARENTS Your daughters and sons are coming to our High-Five Village this summer, and we are very excited to welcome them to Detroit. We are confident that this village will be meaningful for children, JCs and adults alike. CISV Detroit is working hard to make sure the village is a big success. We want kids to realize that its not only possible to make friends that come from different cultural backgrounds, but also to understand how personality and culture shape who we are, and what that means if we are all to coexist peacefully. Our village theme will focus on identity and including everyone regardless of difference, and it will challenge kids to take what they learn back home with them in put it into practice in their schools and communities. During the village, we will do our best to keep you up-to-date about whats happening. A special Facebook group will be set-up for parents, in which we will post photos and videos from the village. You can also contact your kids delegation leader, or the staff, via email. But we would ask you to respect CISVs rules about communication: you will not be able to communicate directly with your kids during the village, unless its an emergency. If you have any questions at all about the village, about Detroit, or about us, please have a look at the precamps. If your questions are not answered in one of the precamps, feel free to email us or track us down on Facebook. With high-fives for everyone . . . The Village Staff: Jon, Maggie, Michael, Nikita, and Raleigh

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A FEW REMINDERS Cleaning All the cleaning at the village site will be done by members of the village community, and everyone will be expected to pitch in. Please make sure the kids understand before they arrive that they will take have cleaning responsibilitiesboth to keep their own spaces clean and tidy, and to take part in cleaning groups for the common areas. This is part of the CISV model: everyone has to share in the duties that make community life possible. Chores can be quick and enjoyable if adults and JCs: set a good example make sure that the kids know exactly what is expected from them establish a routine assign every kid an equal part of the tasks do a quick but efficient job offer genuine praise for a job well-done approach chores with a cooperative attitude

In accordance with Michigan state laws, we can be inspected for health and safety regulations, and we want to make sure our camp is run in the best possible way. Emergency contact Each day in the evening (other than the excursion days and the family weekends), a laptop with internet access will be made available for the leaders and JCs to get in contact with parents and share news about the kids. We remind you again the telephone won't be accessible to kids; it should be used only for emergencies (this is the rule in all CISV Villages). In a crisis, people from outside will be able to reach us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week via the emergency phone: 001 248 763 0516. Forms. Forms. Forms. Precamp 2 listed all the forms we need from you. Here they are again, just to be safe: Parents ALIF 2000 HF 2000 TIF VDIF X Leaders X X X X JCs X X Int. staff X X X X

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JC Information Form TWAL 2000 YLIF 2000 Swimming waiver (provided by staff)


All forms can be found at, except the swimming waiver, which is attached to this precamp. Forms can be sent by email to Many thanks to those of you who got your TIF and VDIF / JCIF forms in by May 1st; please note that all forms are due to us by June 1st. If there is some reason you cannot submit your forms before then, contact us immediately. Leaders, please have one copy of the health and legal forms for each of your kids in your hand luggage, to be given to the host family on arrival. The rest should be fine in your stowed luggage. You should also leave copies of the forms with your parents and a chapter contact person including photocopies of your tickets and passports, just in case. Please bring copies of all of your forms, as well as originals! We are also keen to hear about any food or dietary issues, or particular equipment and supply needs, as early as we can. Lice! No one likes lice, but unfortunately the little critters are a frequent guests of CISV events around the world. Please let your kids know that there will be a discrete lice check when they arrive at the village (and that, if anyone does have lice, we will make sure theres no embarrassment when we slip them out for treatment). But we can avoid this if leaders and parents check the kids for lice just before they leave for the village. Please do this if you can! What to bring (and what not to bring) A packing list is attached to precamp 2; please print it out and give it to all the members of your delegation. We cant predict the weather for July, but it will probably be hot. So it's a good idea to dress light, but with at least one jumper / hoodie, a raincoat, and waterproof shoes. Original prescriptions for drugs (in English) should be brought along in case someone needs a refillit can be very difficult to get a prescription filled in Detroit without the doctors original!

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Make sure not to forget your national costume, and a national flag for your delegation. Please do not bring mobile phones (except for adults), jewellery and valuables. Personal electronic devices like laptops, camcorders, iPods or MP3 players, and PSPs or GameBoys are lifesavers on the plane, but we will ask all the kids to hand theirs in as they arrive at camp; iPods and MP3 players can be made available if needed for village activities. You do not need to bring any sleeping equipment, like sleeping bags and sheets. We will have everything. Remember: lots of trading happens between kids at a CISV Village, and delegates should leave behind anything that their parents would be upset about them trading away. Dont forget about the International Nights! At every village, each delegation presents its country during an evening / day. International Nights usually involve singing, dancing, games, a PowerPoint presentation or movie about your country, and some food. An International Night presentation usually lasts about 1 hours. We want to know more about where you come from, and we want it to be as fun as possible. As much as possible, we encourage you to talk to your kids about things they actually do, places they hang out, people that are important, facts about your country that they think are interesting, rather than present folk culture (though that is obviously fine, too!). Each delegation should bring a small amount of typical food from home, anything that is easy to prepare and can be handed out at the end of the evening or at any other moment. If you want to prepare something special, let us know in advance so we can try to arrange it in the kitchen; it should be possible to accommodate most requests. Beware that, if we cannot find in Detroit, you might have to bring it with you. Registering with CISV Friends Dont forget to register! And a note for JCs . . . Youve been asked to come two days early so that we can give you some time to get to know each other, share your expectations about the village, and help us out with preparations. This is standard across most CISV villages. When you arrive in Detroit, you will be met at the airport or train station and be accommodated either with a host family (all together) or at the village site. If you have any questions about this, contact us at

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DAILY SCHEDULE Weve included here a proposed schedule for each day. This schedule is not carved in stone! When we get together for the orientation weekend at the beginning of village, leaders, JCs, and staff will have the opportunity to discuss the schedules so we can work out the best fit for everyone. Kids will have the chance to input on scheduling through the Village Meetings as the camp progresses.
8:00 8:20 8:30 9:15 10:00 10:45 11:00 12:00 12:30 13:30 14:15 15:15 15:30 16:30 17:45 18:30 19:30 20:45 21:00 21:15 22:00 Wake-up Flag time Breakfast Cleaning groups Activity period 1 Snack, water Activity period 2 Free time Lunch JC shop open, then siesta Activity period 3 Snack / water Activity period 4 Free time / shower time; adults and 2 JCs in leaders meeting Dinner Delegation time Activity period 5 Snack time Flagtime Lullabyes Good night / lights out

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If its hot, were going to swim. It important to note that all children and youth at the village (everyone under the age of 18) must be in possession of this Swimming Waiver, signed by their parent or guardian. Please enter the necessary data, print it out, have it signed and bring it with you.

I, the undersigned ............................................................................................................................. ( parent / guardian ) Of .............................................................................................................................................................. ( name and country ) Declare hereby that my son or daughter has my authorization to take part in swimming activities during their stay at the High-Five Village in Detroit, USA (V2012-047), and give formal permission to the camp director, a staff member, or the delegation leader to accompany my child for these swimming activities.

Signed in ...................................................... ( country ), on ............................................ ( date )

Signature :

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