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Invisible Minorities Module 1: Introduction Materials Projector screen for viewing video (DPAN Waiting on the World to Change)

e) ( Projector screen for viewing the PowerPoint presentation Handouts Pre-Test, Project Overview & requirements sheet, and Project Management worksheet Objectives To gain awareness that some cultures or ethnic groups are left out of popular history To note a similar pattern in Deaf History To emphasize the lack of documentation about certain minorities Lesson (broken into 2 class periods) 1. Students take pre-test. Teacher emphasizes this is for participation points only. 2. Teacher will show video of DPAN Waiting on the World to Change without explanation. 3. After viewing the video, note the use of minorities in the making of the video, but ask students to view the historical figures used in the film to see if any minorities other than white are shown. 4. Students discuss their findings. 5. Teacher presents PowerPoint presentation on Invisible Minorities. 6. Teacher will describe student project (using Project Overview & Requirements) relating to Invisible Minorities & distribute overview handout (Project Based Learning) 7. Teacher will discuss and distribute the Project Management worksheet. Learning Goals Gain a new understanding and insight when they research and learn about minorities within the Deaf Community. Students will become aware of multicultural facts highlighted on otherwise invisible minorities. Assessing Pre-test Emphasizes the need for more information and knowledge. Midterm Project Overview Invisible Minorities Part of learning a language is to learn about the culture and history of the people who use the language. Deaf people are minorities and their language, history, and culture are often left out of popular history. Minorities in general are often left outside of history. They are invisible. Historical paintings or popular stories or facts about American History are mostly centered on white Americans. The class will focus on the Deaf minorities who have, or might be, left out of popular Deaf

history because they belong to a minority population. These people could become, or have become, the invisible minority. Students pick a person/subject/topic related to Deaf invisible minorities to research for a project. Students work in teams for this project. Students become the teachers and present about their minority person/subject/topic and teach it to the class in a 10-minute presentation. Examples: a power point presentation, a video, a virtual tour, or something creative that works for your group. Students come up with an assessment (quiz) on their person/subject/topic.

Student Planning Project Management Worksheet - will provide students with a guide to creating a successful project, including Steinbergs six As of designing projects: 1. Authenticity: Does the project explore a subject that has meaning to the student? 2. Academic rigor: Does the student use critical thinking? 3. Applied learning: Does the work require the student to use organizational and self-management skills? 4. Active exploration: Is the student communicating what they are learning through a presentation? 5. Adult relationships: Does the student collaborate in the design and assessment of the work?
6. Assessment:Doesthestudenthaveopportunityforregularevaluation?

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