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Who Made That Desired Results

Established Goals:
Massachusetts English Language Arts Frameworks GENERAL STANDARD 8: Understanding a Text 8.9: Make predictions about the content of a text using prior knowledge and text features, and explain whether they were confirmed or disconfirmed and why. 8.15: Locate facts that answer the readers questions ISTE NETS Standards Creativity and Innovation a. Apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products, processes b. Create original works as a means of personal or group expression Research and Information Fluency b. Locate, organize, analyze, synthesize and ethically use information from a variety of sources and media c. Evaluate and select information sources and digital tools based on appropriateness to specific tasks Technology Operations and Concepts d. Transfer current knowledge to learning of new technologies Communication and Collaboration b. Communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audience using a variety of media and formats

UNDERSTANDINGS: (big picture)

Reading for purpose helps understanding Making predictions is a strategy used to understand the text Sharing knowledge through a visual/oral presentation reinforces learning How to make predictions about the text using prior knowledge, graphics and text features How to evaluate and select information sources and digital tools How to read for purpose by developing questions based on subheadings and finding answers within the text How to demonstrate knowledge by presenting it using an appropriate format or media

ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS: How can reading for purpose help comprehension? How can making predictions about the text help the readers understanding? Does sharing information through a presentation reinforce student learning? Students will be able to DO: Make predictions based on prior knowledge, text features and graphics Evaluate and select information sources and digital tools Develop questions based on subheadings Find answers to their questions within the text Present answers to questions using appropriate format and media

Students will KNOW:

Stage 2 Assessment Evidence

Performance Tasks: Predictions Research Questions Finding answers within text Select a presentation format (Prezi, Other: Oral presentation using notes and selected presentation tool

Glogster, Voki) Design presentation to show information

Stage 3 Learning Plan

Learning Activities: Activate prior knowledge of subject with group discussion Introduce a variety of online sources Model use of text features and graphics to make predictions Students write predictions Model reading for purpose by demonstrating Turn it into a Question strategy Release task to students students use Turn it into a Question strategy and confirm/alter predictions as they read article Demonstrate a variety of presentation tools (Prezi, Glogster, Voki) Release task to students students elect an appropriate presentation tool Develop a presentation based on research Oral Presentation using notes and selected presentation tools

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