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Question 1: Multiple Answer

1. (10 Points) Consider the ideal mass-spring-damper system below. The walls are stationary. Elements 1, 3 and 6 are springs, 2 and 4 are masses, and 5 and 7 are dampers. Each non-mass element is governed by a linear constitutive law with a nonzero, non-infinite coefficient. The velocities v2 and v4 of the masses are defined positive to the right. Which statement below are true? A statement is false if it is not always true. Correct Answers: f6 = f7 f3 + m4 a4 = 0 v5 + v6 + v7 = 0 v3 = v4 - v2 v5 = v2 v1 = v5


out of 10 points

Question 2: Multiple Answer

(10 points) Question 1 continued Correct Answers: if v6 > 0 and x6 > 0, then v2 < 0 if a4 < 0 , then x3 > 0

if v5 > 0 , then v2 > 0


out of 10 points

Question 3: Multiple Answer

1. Which of the following are possible solutions to the differential equation 3x' - 18x = 0 ? Correct Answers: 3. x = 15 exp (6t) 6. x = exp (6t)

out of 5 points

Question 4: Calculated Formula

Derive a particular solution for the differential equation of Question 3 if you also know that x(t=0.3) = 16. Provide a numerical answer to 2 decimals places for the case t = 0.

Correct Answer:

2.64 0.01

out of 5 points

Question 5: Multiple Choice

1. For each of the dynamic systems below, you may assume that all

elements are ideal (springs, dampers, masses) and that they have linear constitutive laws. In the constitutive laws use parameters named according to the element numbers given, e.g. for system A use k1, k2, b3 etc. Forces, displacements, and velocities are defined according to our usual positive conventions. For system B, assume that velocity of mass 5 is towards the right. For system A which of the following correctly lists the constitutive laws.

Correct Answer: f1=k1*x1 f2=k2*x2 f3=b3*v3 f4=b4*v4


out of 2 points

Question 6: Multiple Choice

1. Which of the following represents the geometric continuity equations for system A?

Correct Answer: v2 - v3 = 0 v1 + v2 + v4 = 0

out of 3 points

Question 7: True/False
1. For system A the state variables are x1 and x2. Correct Answer:


out of 2 points

Question 8: Multiple Choice

1. For system A which of of the following represents the force balance equations?

Correct Answer: f1 = f2 + f3 f2 + f3 = f4

out of 3 points

Question 9: Calculated Formula

1. If k1 = k2 = 97 N/m and b1 = b2 = 31 N-s/m then the coefficient for x1 in the equation of motion for x1' is (answer up to 1 decimal place) Given Answer: Correct Answer:

-6.3 -6.3 0.3

out of 3 points

Question 10: Matching

1. For system B match the following. Question Correct Match C. f1 = k1 * x1 f2 = k2 * x2 f3 = b3* v3 f4 = b4 * v4 A. v2 = v3 v1 + v2 + v4 = v5 B.

Constitutive Laws

Geometric Continuity

Force Balance

f1 = f2 + f3 f2 +f3 = f4 -f1 = m5 * a5

out of 3 points

Question 11: Multiple Choice

1. How many state variables does system B have?

Correct Answer: 3

out of 2 points

Question 12: Calculated Formula

1. For system B what is the coefficient of v5 in the equation of motion for x1' if k1 = 16 N/m, k2 = 8 N/m, b3 = 66 N-s/m and b4 = 16 N-s/m? Answer to 1 decimal place.

Correct Answer:

1.0 0

out of 3 points

Question 13: Calculated Formula

1. For the equation of motion for x2' in system B what is the coefficient of x2 if k1 = 24 N/m , k2 = 31 N/m and b3 = b4 = 13 N-s/m? Answer to 1 decimal point.

Correct Answer:

-1.8 0.3

out of 3 points

Question 14: Hot Spot

1. For the following system, one element is unnecessary and the system could be redrawn as a minimal equivalent mechanical system without this particular element. Select the unnecessary element by clicking anywhere on it.

Element number 4

(279, 30) Bottom Right Coordinates (331, 79)

Instructor selection and student response

out of 2 points

Question 15: Hot Spot

1. For the following system, one element is unnecessary and the system could be redrawn as a minimal equivalent mechanical system without this particular element. Select the unnecessary element by clicking anywhere on it.
Element number 2 Correct Answer: Top Left Coordinates (187, 45) Bottom Right Coordinates (251, 97) Instructor selection and student response

out of 2 points

Question 16: Hot Spot

1. For the following system, one element is unnecessary and the system could be redrawn as a minimal equivalent mechanical system without this particular element. Select the unnecessary element by clicking anywhere on it.
Element number 5 Correct Answer: Top Left Coordinates (342, 33) Bottom Right Coordinates (411, 93) Instructor selection and student response

out of 2 points

Question 17: Multiple Choice

1. Which of the following represents the force balance equation if you use the standard convention for the sign of forces? (The spring is element 1 and the damper is element 2)

Correct Answer: - f1 - f2 = 0

out of 2 points

Question 18: Multiple Choice

1. By using the force balance equations, geometric continuity equations and constitutive laws you can find the equation of motion for the system in question 17. Which of these represents a correct formulation for the differential equation?

Correct Answer: x1' + (k1/b2) * x1 = 0


out of 3 points

Question 19: File Response


out of 5 points

Question 20: Multiple Choice

1. Derive the particular analytical solution for this system with the parameters and initial condition listed above. The equation is of the format x1 = A * exp(B*t) Which of the following represents correct values for A and B? Correct Answer: A = 0.03, B = -1.5

out of 3 points

Question 21: File Response

1. Run the code with k=1500 N/m, b=1000 N-s/m,an initial spring extension/displacement of 0.03 m, and two values of the time step dt = 0.5, and 0.1 seconds for a total time of 5 seconds. Plot these two trials to show the extension/displacement of the spring versus time, on a single set of axes. To these curves add a curve that shows the

analytical solution. You must have axes labels and legend in your plot. Upload your plot here. Make sure the graph is a JPEG image.

out of 5 points

Question 22: Multiple Choice

1. In comparing the numerical solution with the analytical solution, which of the following observations can you make? Given Answer: If you decrease dt it is closer to the analytical solution Correct Answer: If you decrease dt it is closer to the analytical solution

out of 2 points

Question 23: Multiple Answer

1. Now consider the spring-mass-damper system. Which of the following represents a correct expression for the force balance if you use the standard convention for the sign of forces? (The spring is element 1, the damper is element 2 and the mass is element 3 )

Correct Answers:

1. - f1 - f2 = m3 v1' 3. f1 + f2 + m3 dv3/ dt = 0 4. - f1 - f2 = m3 v3'

out of 3 points

Question 24: Multiple Answer


Which expressions correspond to the differential equations of motion for the extension of the spring and the velocity of the mass ?
Correct Answers: 1. - m3 v3' = k1 x1 + b2 v3 2. x1' = v3

out of 2 points

Question 25: File Response

1. To find a numerical solution, modify the code in Question 19 to solve for the differential equations of motion for the spring-mass-damper system by the forward Euler method. Upload your code here. It should be an m-file.

out of 5 points

Question 26: File Response

1. Run the code with k=2000 N/m, b=1200 N-s/m, m3 = 100 kg, the spring is initially compressed with x0= -0.02m, and the initial velocity of the mass is zero. Take dt = 0.01 seconds and solve for a total time of 3 seconds. Plot the extension/displacement of the spring and the velocity of the mass versus time separately and place the second graph under the first graph. You must have axes labels and legend in your plots. Upload your plots here. Make sure the file is a JPEG image.

out of 5 points

Question 27: Multiple Choice


Qualitatively which trend in the velocity as a function of time should you observe ?
Correct Answer:

the mass initially speeds up because the spring extends before slowing down because of the damper which is in tension once the mass moves

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