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SMSF Trustee Strategy Day

With Australias leading SMSF Advisor:

Grant Abbott

Advanced technical and investment strategies for SMSF trustees

We are proud to bring you Wide Bays first SMSF Strategy Day where Australias leading SMSF presenter, Grant Abbott, will cover topics including: Top 10 SMSF strategies for 2012/13 Estate Planning SMSF borrowing Investment Strategies

If you are an SMSF trustee or potential trustee looking for advanced SMSF strategies, then our SMSF Trustee Strategy Day is a must-attend event. Even the most experienced trustees will walk away with new insights into highly relevant and actionable strategies. SMSFs hold more than $430 billion in assets and growth is expected to run at 20 per cent a year. However, Australian Taxation Office statistics show a significant holding in cash. The best SMSF trustees focus on a deliberate investment strategy of outperforming retail and industry funds and other SMSFs. However, being the best at SMSF investment strategy does not necessarily promise the best returns. The more savvy and educated SMSF trustees spend time and energy, with or without an adviser, deliberating on the best tax strategies to reduce and legally minimise income and capital gains tax in the fund. Simply put, saving tax means greater consistent after-tax returns over time for these unique multi-generational superannuation funds. With a special subsidised registration fee, this SMSF Trustee Strategy Day will deliver the most advanced technical and investment information for SMSF members and trustees.

About Grant

Where: When:

Hervey Bay Boat Club 7th June 2012 1:30pm - 5:00pm (registrations from 1:00pm) How much: $25 Single $40 Couple (bring a friend and save) Please find registration form attached Or call: 07 4124 6222

Grant Abbott is Australias leading SMSF advisor, author and presenter. Specialising in the SMSF industry since 1994 he has presented on a wide range of topics covering various SMSF issues. He has personally trained more than 500 accountants, financial planners and lawyers to become specialist SMSF advisors. He has written four best selling SMSF books, presented to more than 40,000 SMSF trustees and professionals as well as having consulted to most major and boutique finance houses in Australia.

SMSF Trustee Strategy Day Event Registration

Seminar Ticket: Single $25 Couple $40 (Bring a friend and save)

Title: ________________________________________________________________________________________________ First Name: _________________________________________________________________________________________ Last Name: _________________________________________________________________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ City: ________________________________________________________________________________________________ State: _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Postcode: __________________________________________________________________________________________ Tel: _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Mobile: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Email: ______________________________________________________________________________________________

Payment Method
I have enclosed a Cheque for $__________ payable to RI Advice Group Pty Ltd. Please charge $__________ to my credit card (please select one by ticking box below) Bankcard Card Number Note: RI Advice Group Pty Ltd are unable to accept any cash payments Name of Cardholder __________________________________________ Cardholder Signature _________________________________________ Please send registration form to: A 8/79-81 Boat Harbour Drive URRAWEEN 4655 F 07 4124 6922 E Expiry Date ____ / ____ MasterCard Visa American Express Diners Club

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