Bathroom Reader 5/13/2012

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21, Issue 8

May 13, 2012

Did you know there is a ginger laboratory here? I cant wait for the repopulation effort. ~ Jacob

The Bathroom Reader!

This weeks weather in Rubber Ducks!
Monday, May 14: (Sunny) Tuesday, May 15: 74/53


(Partly Cloudy) Wednesday, May 16: (Partly Cloudy) Thursday, May 17: (Partly Cloudy) Friday, May 18: (Partly Cloudy) Saturday, May 19:



Hello there! So the weather lately has been gorgeous! Just sayin. In other news, Field Day happened. It was awesome as evinced by this photo. Zylman got a little into it as you can tell. If you werent there to see the epicness, then make sure you go n ext year! So many fun things are happening in the spring around here. 26 more days left!!!! AHHH! :] ~ Best, Mattie

Agenda for this week:

80/62 Monday, May 14th: 5pm 6pm: Running club

Tuesday, May 15th: 11am-1pm: P2P Lunches 81/65

Wednesday, May 16th: 11am 1pm: P2P Lunches 5pm 6pm: Co-rec Frisbee playoffs

(Mostly Sunny) Sunday, May 20: 81/63 (Mostly Sunny)

Thursday, May 17th: 4pm 5pm: Challah for Hunger 5pm 6pm: Running club 7pm 8pm: Gender and Leadership Fireside 8pm 9pm: Michael Kennedy Fireside 10pm 12am: Group bonding

The Blind Vices!

Friday, May 18th: 10pm 12am: Slivka Rave!

"Guys, it's like I told you before -- I'm omnisexual."

Saturday, May 19th: 9am 2:30pm: NU Gives Back 1pm 5pm: IMAX trip

"Nailing Carmody will definitely be my favorite part of Field Day this year" ~ Ford Culver

If CCI was a house, they would be Hufflepuff. ~ Isabelle

Sunday, May 20th: 7am 10am: Cradle 5K Volunteering 1pm 4pm: Tennis Tourney! 1pm 2pm: White softball 2pm 3pm: Co-rec softball 5pm 6pm: White soccer 8pm 9pm: Co-rec soccer

Volume 21, Issue 8

May 13, 2012

A Senior Slivkan Interview of What Ford Would Say if He Was Being Interviewed By Brittany Zhang

* Who are you? Where are you from? Major? Etc. Name: Eckford "Ford" Culver (The third? I think) Hometown: The most well dressed place in America, Winnetka (mostly due to my fashion forward classics, polo's and khakis) Major: BME, MechE, Kellogg Certificate, Slivka hobo Etc: Nope, thats about all I do.

* Which class and/or professor did you enjoy the most during your time here and why? I'm going to answer your question with another question. Have you had any interactions with any of your professors? No, because this school is too damn big and the classes are too damn big. Grumblegrumblegrumble

* What will you miss about Northwestern? Austin * If you had to do it all over again, what would you have done differently, if anything? Woulda, shoulda gone to Michigan. They got Sanjay Gupta as a commencement speaker this year. Now THAT guy is a beast. Model wife, CNN doctor, good looking.

* Any particularly funny/memorable moments while at NU? I live with Zylman. I think that is pretty self-explanatory.

* What do you plan on doing after graduation? Bumming around Chicago mostly, maybe do something productive/contribute to society in the least meaningful way possible.

* Any advice for the rest of us? Don't be like me.

* Submit a picture please! No.

So I took the liberty to find some!

But for real guys, actual senior interviews will be coming soon, so look out for those!!

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