Land Management and Landsildes in North of Portugal

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Land management and landslides in the North of Portugal

A. Pedrosa

J. Gonalves
Peso da Rgua -RDD

M. Martins

International Symposium on Geography, 2-5 June, Antalya Turkey

Research Goals
The landslides in the north of Portugal, resulting of the construction of road and railway infrastructures, displayed the importance of knowing the geomorphologic dynamic of slopes. On the other hand, the increasing number of slope movement events shows that the slope dynamics is being disregarded in the land management strategies. Several examples that we will present makes selfevident that many of the landslides in the north of Portugal are closely related to mans action in the slopes. In this way, this research work intends to contribute to in-deep knowledge of the root causes and unchaining factors of slope movements aiming to prevent that mans actions collide with the natural balance.

The anthropic action and the slope movements

The anthropic action can increase the susceptibility of slopes to the occurrence of slope movements, interacting and reinforcing the natural conditioning factors or emerging as direct cause of slope instability. The urbanization, the construction of communication routes and other infra-structures, as well as, the preparation of the land to farming practices oblige, especially in hilly areas, to profound morphological alterations. These deep changes in the terrain morphology, in the land cover and in the land use are almost always associated to a complete alteration of natural hydrological processes, conditioning the infiltration and the surface runoff.

The human presence represents frequently a factor of instability.

Under natural conditions, the slope movements in the mountain areas of north Portugal are more probable to occur with great slopes (25 to 35) and in alteration mantles of rough texture. With human intervention, that changes natural conditions, the same processes of hillsides evolution may affect smaller slopes. The opening of trenches at the hillside base is perhaps one of the practices that most frequently affect its dynamic. Even in places where there is a high susceptibility to the occurrence of hazardous processes related with slope dynamics, it is often the human intervention that will unchain the process and transform it into a disaster.

Lithologic characteristics of RDD

The current Portuguese agrarian landscape is undoubtedly marked by several viticultural regions characterised by poor, steep lands. The Douro Demarcated Region is precisely one of those regions, where throughout the years, strong people helped create what Orlando Ribeiro considered as the vastest and most magnificent human undertaking of the Portuguese territory (RIBEIRO, O., 2nd Ed, p.78), classified on 14 December 2001 as World Heritage Site.

Average yearly precipitation in RDD (1931-1960)

The climate of Douro Demarcated Region is characterised by its Mediterranean character, this means a short winter and early, intense, dry and long summers. Another characteristic of the Mediterranean climate is the distribution of rainfall throughout the year, concentrated in the end of autumn and beginning of winter with a secondary maximum in April or May, and a period of summer drought clearly marked.

Rainfall (mm)

In general terms, the precipitation decreases as temperature rises: from south to east. The entire region has low levels of precipitation (often below 1000mm): the sub-region of Douro Superior has the lowest levels of precipitation (400-500mm/year) in contrast with Baixo-Corgo with approximately 700-1000mm/year.

Morphology of the vineyard terraces in RDD The evolution of viticulture following the phylloxera plague was marked by the preferential occupation of gentler slopes and the increase in the distance between supporting walls. The system of traditional vineyard, used until the end of the 20th century is characterised by structuring the slopes in terraces of variable dimension that are supported by walls. The system of traditional vineyard comprises the methods of terraces and vinha a eito, in which the terraces are wider, the distance between the walls is bigger and the platform is stepper.

Traditional vineyards
Example of traditional vineyard, formed by terraces supported by walls. In this kind of plantation system, the drainage network was carefully conceived and a continuous maintenance of the drainage channels was ensured to prevent the collapse of the walls, as well as, to reduce the soil erosion.

Viniculture slopes in RDD: Evolution of morphologic patterns

The modern plantation systems, which evolved from the end of the 1970s, are characterised essentially by the suppression of the supporting walls of the terraces.

Among the new systems of plantation are included:

vineyard planted according to level curves; vineyard planted in non-supported terraces and vinha ao alto planting of the rows up the face of the slopes.

New systems of plantation

vineyard planted in non supported terraces

The new plantation systems of vineyards are aggressive farming techniques, which changes the morphology of the slope leading to the development of artificial surface formations, such as schist deposits made of debris resulting from the rock destruction by heavy machinery.

On the other hand, these plantation techniques completely disrespects the water courses, occupying the stream bed, making deviations to the natural flow way and canalizing the waterlines. The change of the slope shape, the alteration of the surface materials and the disruption of the natural hydrological processes induces the occurrence of landslides, debris flows, as well as other types of processes such as gullies.

Number of landslides occurred in 2000/01 which affected road structures

More than 150 roads and tracks were affected

Landsildes 2001

During this hydrologic year, there are records of about 270 landslides affecting road systems.

Some are represented by dots, but others given the frequency and proximity are represented by lines, extending for several kms and affecting the roads continuously.

Road affected by landslides in January 2001

Landslides 2001 Road network Municipality boundarie

In the most affected area it is possible to observe the great number of landslides, that were recorded almost continuously in many places. The cases where the entire road was blocked are frequent. The recuperation of some communication routes demanded an intervention in almost the entire road.

The drainage system and its impacts over the road network
There is a match between the area that was affected by landslides and the points where the roads overpass the waterlines.

Landslides 2001 Road network Hidrographic network

The drainage system and its impacts over the road network
Due to the predominance of schist subtract, the water drainage system is extremely complex. It is easy to find a road that crosses several waterlines (either sporadic, temporary or permanent). However, the main sources of slope instability, related to the road network, are the characteristics of the infrastructure, the related engineering design process and the abandonment of the associated drainage systems. The construction of the road may influence de natural drainage in several ways:
Ignoring the waterlines by landfilling the streams bed; Channelizing the streams with under-dimensioned pipes; Not providing the necessary maintenance to the drainage systems, particularly in what concerns to its cleaning and unblocking.

The inadequacy of drainage infra-structures to the streams flow during flood events
The construction of the roads often leads to the obstruction of the waterlines, to the under-dimensioning of the drainage pipes regarding the extreme events and, in some cases, to its total inexistence.

These drainage problems are worsened by the change of the waterlines course, especially in the case of torrential streams.

The steepness of road barriers

Some slope movements are strictly related with the abruptness of the slopes jointly with the existence of road barriers that cutting the slope almost vertically origins dangerous cliffs highly susceptible to rock fall and debris flows.

Rainfall analysis
Comparative analysis between the yearly average rainfall and the extreme values recorded in the hydrologic year 2000/01



1000 Rainfall (mm)





0 Peso da Rgua St Marta Yearly average rainfall Penajia Hydrologic year rainfall Meso Frio

The records of all rainfall stations under analysis have always presented much higher values than the 30-year climatic average, with especial focus in Peso da Rgua Station, over passing almost twice the yearly average precipitation.

Rainfall analysis
Comparative analysis between the monthly average rainfall and the extreme values recorded in the hydrologic year 2000/01



250 Rainfall (mm)





0 Outubro Novembro Dezembro Janeiro Fevereiro Maro Date Month average rainfall Hydrologic year rainfall 2000/01 Abril Maio Junho Julho Agosto Setembro

The rainfall station of Peso da Rgua shows that the yearly rainfall in 2000-2001 concentrated mostly between November and March.

1st Study-case
National Route - EN 313 - Nogueira
Near the village of Nogueira there has been an huge number of slope movements. Two of the most destructive debris flows affected the National Route (EN 313), that is particularly important for road communications within this region. Indeed, this road is the main connection between the nearest big towns: Vila Real and Peso da Rgua.

Study-case of Nogueira
Location of the most destructive landslides that affected the National Route - EN 313

Landslides 2001

In the place where the two main debris flows occurred the amount of land on the road was so great that it was obstructed for more than a year.

Landslide that affected the National Route EN 313

Detail of the debris flow that affected EN 313, near Nogueira. In the photo we may see the starting point of the debris flow and the dimension of its scar that affected the road.

Study-case of Nogueira - EN - 313 Alternative way

Study-case of Nogueira - EN - 313 Alternative way

The road that has been closed to traffic during a year was a crucial communication structure at a regional level, affecting not only the accessibility to the small local villages, but also the connection between the two greatest cities of the Demarcated Region of Douro, Vila Real (50,000 inhab.) and Peso da Rgua (20,000 inhab.). There was only one viable alternative connection: the National Route n. 2, which have also been affected by the slope movements, but not so severely. Despite the fact that the damages were not so large, this road is not suited for heavy vehicle traffic (trucks, coaches). Actually, this road is very narrow, has a bed pavement, a sinuous design, a great number of curves and, in some stretches, it has a strong steepness.

2nd Study-case Destruction of the only access to 3 rural villages

In the following example it is possible to see that the access to 3 villages became very difficult, since car traffic was completely blocked for three days and very conditioned for a month during the repair works. All roads in the area were affected as a consequence of the large number of slope movements that blocked all roads.

Landslides 2001

It was not only the large urban centres that were isolated, since it was impossible to travel on EN 313, but it was also impossible to travel to Nogueira, which is a parish centre.

Construction of a bridge, near the village of Vilarinho de Tanha, during the recovery stage of the Municipal Route that was washed way by a torrential stream.

Detail of the road affected near the village named Tanha

Slope movements that affected the road near the village of Alfoles.

3rd Study-case National Route n. 222

Finally, the example of the National Route 222, which connects the city of Peso da Rgua and the tourist city of Pinho. This vital connection was affected by a very serious slope movement in the night of 28th December 2002. This kind of hazardous processes affects this road very frequently

Debris flow that affected the National Route n. 222

Debris flow that affected the National Route n. 222

Debris flow that affected the National Route 222 in an area of steep slopes (over 40) occupied with vineyards planted in nonsupported terraces. As one may observe in the photo in the precedent slide, the natural drainage network was completely transformed. The natural course of an intermittent stream (represented by the blue line) was deviate through an artificial pipe (represented by the red line) that was broken by a small slope movement, inducing the drainage of the water directly to the slope (detail photo on the left). Thus, this first small slope movement created the favourable conditions to the development of the second movement, much more bigger and destructive. This slope movement resulted undoubtedly of the uncompleted drainage system of the pluvial waters, being the surface runoff drained by a temporary solution, as we may confirm in the detail photo on the right.

Rainfall analysis
Daily rainfall - total and acumulated values - recorded in "Peso da Rgua" in December 2002
60 250

50 200

Daily rainfall (mm)

40 150 30 100 20

50 10

0 1- 2- 3- 4- 5- 6- 7- 8- 9- 10- 11- 12- 13- 14- 15- 16- 17- 18- 19- 20- 21- 22- 23- 24- 25- 26- 27- 28- 29- 30- 31Dez Dez Dez Dez Dez Dez Dez Dez Dez Dez Dez Dez Dez Dez Dez Dez Dez Dez Dez Dez Dez Dez Dez Dez Dez Dez Dez Dez Dez Dez Dez Date Daily Rainfall Accumulated rainfall

As one may observe in the Rainfall Chart the daily precipitation was around 30 mm and the monthly accumulated precipitation was around 250mm. This continuous period of heavy rainfall lead to the soil saturation, increasing the runoff rate, the sub-surface flow, favouring, therefore, the slope instability.

Accumulated rainfall (mm)

Alternative way to the National Route n. 222

The road was blocked for a year. The less expensive alternative, but only suitable for passenger cars, was to travel through the road represented by the blue line, much narrower. The increase of the distance resulting from the traffic divert was of 23 KM. The heavy vehicle traffic would now have to travel more 60 KM.

Alternative Way

Economic impacts of the slope movement risk in the most affected Municipalities
Number of events Alij Meso Frio Mura Peso da Rgua Sabrosa Santa Marta Penaguio Vila Real TOTAL 18 21 9 12 10 11 74 155 costs () 638.524,20 2.026.625,10 1.152.223,10 5.379.582,90 329.510,90 2.154.806,90 4.490.604,30 16.171.877,50 Government help() 349.158,50 1.246.994,70 249.398,90 1.496.393,70 299.278,70 1.745.792,60 748.196,80 6.135.214,10 Government help (%) 54,7 61,5 21,6 27,8 90,8 81 16,7 37,9

Besides other economic impacts (like losses of agricultural productions and property damages, for instance), the money spent to repair the roads affected by slope movements in January 2001 amounted to approximately 17 million euros in the 7 municipalities. The Portuguese State contributed, in average, with 40%. However, the States contribution to some municipalities, such as Santa Marta de Penaguio and Sabrosa, was of more than 80%, since their annual budgets could not support the involved costs.

The main permanent factors that influence the occurrence of an elevated number of slope movements (particularly landslides and debris flows) in Demarcated Region of Douro are: - The lithological features of this region, marked by the schist soils containing high quantities of clay. - The naturally accentuated slope of the hillsides, often superior to 30; - The steepness of the road barriers (>85) and of the slope embankment (> 40), - The inexistence or the inadequacy of drainage systems, which often are not designed to extreme rainfall events; - The insufficient maintenance of drainage systems, particularly in what concerns to the cleaning of the pipes and open channels; - The change of the natural course of the streams and of the surface runoff. In these favorable conditions, the slope movements are quickly triggered by the high levels of rainfall, which are recorded by long periods of time, between the months of December and March in RDD.

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