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1. Rationale behind the study With the liberalization and globalization of Indian economy during last few years, Indian customers in the middle income group who till sometime back had very limited options for buying a personal transport vehicle, now find multiple choices. The middle and upper middle class buyers, who traditionally were dependent on , and were forced to compromise on quality and technology, available with handful of local manufacturers now have a completely different outlook. With the entry of almost all reputed two-wheeler and car manufacturers of the world, either through collaboration or with their wholly owned subsidiaries having various models from a small and sporty bike to the one with tremendous power and styling as well as from a small car to a highly luxurious one, has made a major change when it comes to making a favorable or unfavorable purchase decision. The importance of creating a satisfied customers base, there by taking advantage of positive word of mouth has emerged as a serious need
The motive behind the proposed study to be conducted is, to closely understand the factor and their relative importance, which influence customer satisfaction once product has been purchased. Different societal strata of income, age, sex, education etc play a vital role in deciding the expectation level of a customer from a particular product availed. Issue of competitors offering similar products at very competitive prices along with the ever increasing customers education level apparently interacts in forming at favorable or unfavorable attitude towards purchase of personal transport vehicle. Presentation, product, technology, price, brand name, service network etc. combined in a multifaceted way fin ally shape market of a personal transport vehicle. In view of the specific and absolute changes in the technology being used in the modern automobilescarburetors being replaced by Multi point fuel Injection or the traditional engines being redesigned to make adaptable to work on Compressed Natural Gas or Liquefied Petroleum Gas combined with the complete change in market scenario due to cut throat competition and ever increasing customers expectations triggers the need of a study

Like this. International automobile manufacturers who are relatively newer entrants in the Indian market with latest technology packed machines are on exception and hence the strengths and weakness need to be brought out. The above changes in the situation warrants a complete review of Training and Development areas in the automobile industry, which traditionally, have been most ignored one. The marketing function in the industry was limited to funding ways of helping respective sales departments to push sales in the short term without caring much for the aftersales -effects and customers opinion. The role of Marketing Function, which was traditionally limited to the pre purchase process, has gone for beyond. The shift in market outlook has made it necessary for the manufacturers to consolidate their training and development functions, not only with in the company but also at the respective dealerships, where the customer actually comes in contact with company. Assessing the need of training and development in view of customers expectations, from product as well as related services, and the degree of their fulfillment by each supplier should be pruning point of any research. The development of dealers network with special focus on proper response and thereby satisfying customers play a vital role on a competitive market like this where the difference between the products of one company to the other is greatly narrowing down and role of services pre and post purchase in taking a front seat. There is need to go into the details of

the preparedness level of various dealers vis a vis customers expectations to meet the current and dynamic situation.
Further, the researcher having worked in the industry for about 15 year and closely deals with the automobile market as well as technologies, as part of job in daily routine, through the proposed study intend to assess empirically and combine it with the on the job experience.

2. Objectives of the study

The proposed research study is to be centered around fulfilling the following objectives: 1. To find out the expectation levels of a customer from the company and its dealers w.r.t. services before and after buying a two-wheeler or a car. 2. To find out the preparedness level of two-wheeler and car companies and their dealer network to respond to the increased customers expectations. 3. To find out the role of training in manpower development as a marketing aid.
4. To find out the exact need of training in terms of Knowledge, skills and attitude and also the enhancement of training need due to change in technology, if any.

5. To find out the role of dealership development, systems and equipments, as a marketing aid.
6. To identify the development areas in the customer interface systems with in companies as well as dealerships for matching to the customers expectations.

3. Research Methodology:
a. Hypothesis: b. Research Design: c. Sample size and design: It is proposed to have a sample size each of 150 customers of two wheelers as well as cars who own Indian/international brand machines of all the companies operating in the country. Geographical area to be covered shall be Bangalore city which is considered to be the one of the biggest market having operating very high no. of these vehicles. Due consideration shall be given to include respondents from all categories of the customers like people of various age groups and educational qualifications, working and non-working males and females, professionals, students and business class. All the dealers of all two-wheeler and car companies in Bangalore shall be included for the purpose of the study . concerned departments and training centers of all two wheeler and car manufacturing companies in the country shall be contacted, in person over telephone, e-mail or through postal means, to get first hand data A well structured questionnaire shall be designed and distributed to the target audience for collection of primary data. Interviews shall be held with the company executives, dealers and functional heads on various aspects of the research.

Though random sampling is interned, yet, convenience and judgment sam pling items are not ruled out. Efforts shall be made to have as many close ended questions as possible. d. Method of data collection: f. Period: the primary data is proposed to be collected through various means of communications, ie. In person, by telephone, e-mail , and postal means between 03.05.2012 to 15.06.2012 the period and mode of collecting data shall be reviewed suitably at the appropriate times so as to make it meaningful and closest possible to the objectives set for the research study.

e. Tool/s for data collection

Expected Contribution from the study: The proposed study is expected to contribute on the following terms: 1. To know up to what extent, the training and dealer development effort can help two-wheeler and car manufacturing company in meeting their Marketing objectives. 2. To know the Training and Development needs in the marketing function of Indian two-wheeler 7 car industries. 3. To know the capability of the industries to cope-up with the current and increasing training and development needs by in-house facilities and through external means. 4. To know the role of newer technology in influencing the training and development needs in the two-wheeler & car industries. 5. To know the exact levels of persons in hierarchy who need to be trained and at dealerships of both the industries. 6. To know exact contents of training nodules meant for each target group of the trainees to get maximum advantage of the efforts. 7. An ideal training Facility most suitable to the current needs of the Automobile industry may be imasgined.

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