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SortPages () function

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Submitted on: 11/3/2004 6:02:54 AM By: BelgiumBoy_007

Level: Advanced User Rating: By 1 Users Compatibility:PHP 4.0 Users have accessed this article 3855 times.

(About the author)

This function will output a page indicator with links, see screenshot. This article has accompanying files

Terms of Agreement: By using this article, you agree to the following terms... 1. 2. 3. 4. You may use this article in your own programs (and may compile it into a program and distribute it in compiled format for languages that allow it) freely and with no charge. You MAY NOT redistribute this article (for example to a web site) without written permission from the original author. Failure to do so is a violation of copyright laws. You may link to this article from another website, but ONLY if it is not wrapped in a frame. You will abide by any additional copyright restrictions which the author may have placed in the article or article's description.

<?php //Connect to your database $db = mysql_connect ("localhost", "########","########") or die ('I cannot connect to the database because: ' . mysql_error()); mysql_select_db ("########", $db); //Get the number of posts in your guestbook $total_entries = mysql_num_rows (mysql_query ("SELECT * FROM guestbooks_entries", $db)); /* Call the SortPages () function

Syntax: SortPages ([number of posts], [current page number], [posts per page], [name of the page])

Ex. of a name of the page: Guestbook.php?, index.php?id=20&, ... */ $arPages = SortPages ($total_entries, $page, 20, $PHP_SELF . "?"); /* Call another query. posts. This one will be the one you use to display your

The difference with the previous call is the LIMIT statement.

Syntax: LIMIT [start], [rows]

Start is from which row it must show the results, the SortPages () function gives this value to you. Rows is the amount of rows to show the results of = the amount of rows after Start. This should be the same value that you gave for posts per page! */ $res = mysql_query ("SELECT * FROM guestbooks_entries LIMIT " . $arPages ["start"] . ", 20", $db); //If there is only one page, the value returned will be null, nothing. Therefore we must see if the string in not empty. if ($arPages ["link"] != "") print ("<div style="textalign: right">page: " . $arPages ["link"] . "</div>"); //From this point onwards it's your code, this is just an example. if (mysql_num_rows ($res) == 0) { print ("There are no posts in this guestbook.<hr style="height: 1px; color: #ff8818" />"); } else { while ($ligne_entry = mysql_fetch_object ($res)) { // YOUR CODE

} }

function SortPages ($totalentries, $currentpage, $entriespage, $pagenam e) { // If this is true then there is only 1 page, no need to calculate anything then. if ($totalentries <= $entriespage) { $pagesinfo ["link"] = ""; $pagesinfo ["start"] = 0;

return $pagesinfo; } // If there is no page specified, we'll make it page 1. if ($currentpage == "") $currentpage = 1; // Calculate the total number of pages. $pages = round ($totalentries / $entriespage, 0); /* In the above statement, we rounded to no decimals (the page cannot be 5.2).

If the amount of pages with decimals is larger than the one without, that means that we need to add a page.

Ex.: the amount of pages is 5.2, this will become 5. 6, on the 6th page the 0.2 left over will be shown. If we don't do this, the extra 0.2 will be lost. */

We turn it into

if (($total / $entriespage) > $pages) $pages = $pages + 1; // This is to prevent errors, if the current page is larger than the amount of pages, we set the current page to the last page. if ($currentpage > $pages) $currentpage = $pages;


This is for the MySQL query, this calculates the starting row. $start = ($currentpage - 1) * $entriespage;

/* Here comes the whole page calculating story. It's actually very simple if you look at it. The fact that it's so long is because there are many special cases that require special attention.

I'm not going to explain it, it's very straight forward. */ if ($pages <= 1) { $tmp_pages = ""; } else { $previous = $currentpage - 1; $next = $currentpage + 1;

if ($previous > 0) $tmp_pages .= "<a class="pagelink" href="" . $pagename . "page=$previous">previous</a>&nbsp;";

if ($currentpage == 1) { $tmp_pages .= "[1]"; } else { $tmp_pages .= "<a class="pagelink" href="$pagename">1</a>"; }

if ($pages <= 9) { for ($i = 2; $i <= $pages; ++$i) { if ($i == $currentpage) { $tmp_pages .= ", [$i]"; } else { $tmp_pages .= ", <a class="pagelink" href="" . $pagename . "page=$i">$i</a>"; }

} } else { if (($currentpage == 1) || ($currentpage == $pages) || ($currentp age == 2) || ($currentpage == $pages - 1)) { for ($i = 2; $i <= 3; ++$i) { if ($i == $currentpage) { $tmp_pages .= ", [$i]"; } else { $tmp_pages .= ", <a class="pagelink" href="" . $pagename . "page=$i">$i</a>"; } }

$tmp_pages .= " ... ";

for ($i = $pages - 2; $i <= $pages; ++$i) { if ($i == $currentpage) { $tmp_pages .= ", [$i]"; } else { $tmp_pages .= ", <a class="pagelink" href="" . $pagename . "page=$i">$i</a>"; } } } else { if (($currentpage == 3) || ($currentpage == 4) || ($currentpage == 5)) { for ($i = 2; $i <= $currentpage + 1; ++$i) { if ($i == $currentpage) { $tmp_pages .= ", [$i]"; } else { $tmp_pages .= ", <a class="pagelink" href="" . $pagename . "page=$i">$i</a>"; }

$tmp_pages .= " ... ";

for ($i = $pages - 2; $i <= $pages; ++$i) { if ($i == $currentpage) { $tmp_pages .= ", [$i]"; } else { $tmp_pages .= ", <a class="pagelink" href="" . $pagename . "page=$i">$i</a>"; } } } else { if (($currentpage == $pages - 4) || ($currentpage == $pages 3) || ($currentpage == $pages - 2)) { for ($i = 2; $i <= 3; ++$i) { if ($i == $currentpage) { $tmp_pages .= ", [$i]"; } else { $tmp_pages .= ", <a class="pagelink" href="" . $pagename . "page=$i">$i</a>"; } }

$tmp_pages .= " ... ";

for ($i = $currentpage - 1; $i <= $pages; ++$i) { if ($i == $currentpage) { $tmp_pages .= ", [$i]"; } else { $tmp_pages .= ", <a class="pagelink" href="" . $pagename . "page=$i">$i</a>"; }

} } else { for ($i = 2; $i <= 3; ++$i) { if ($i == $currentpage) { $tmp_pages .= ", [$i]"; } else { $tmp_pages .= ", <a class="pagelink" href="" . $pagename . "page=$i">$i</a>"; } }

$tmp_pages .= " ... ";

for ($i = $currentpage - 1; $i <= $currentpage + 1; ++$i) { if ($i == $currentpage) { $tmp_pages .= ", [$i]"; } else { $tmp_pages .= ", <a class="pagelink" href="" . $pagename . "page=$i">$i</a>"; } }

$tmp_pages .= " ... ";

for ($i = $pages - 2; $i <= $pages; ++$i) { if ($i == $currentpage) { $tmp_pages .= ", [$i]"; } else { $tmp_pages .= ", <a class="pagelink" href="" . $pagename . "page=$i">$i</a>"; } }

} } } }

if ($next <= $pages) $tmp_pages .= "&nbsp;<a class="pagelink" href="" . $pagename . "page=$next">next</a>"; }

$pagesinfo ["link"] = $tmp_pages; $pagesinfo ["start"] = $start;

return $pagesinfo; } ?>

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