March - April 2012 Update From Vilaculos Community Projects - March-April 2012

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March and April 2012

Last yeai, with Caie Inteinational we establisheu that neaily S% of the chiluien who attenu oui
school aie seveiely unueiweight, 2S% moueiately unueiweight anu Su% suffei fiom stunteu

This yeai we have been buying supplies of E'Pap, which is a specially foimulateu poiiiuge foi
malnouiishment. We hope this will help the chiluien put on weight anu ensuie they aie
ieceiving theii uaily intake of nutiients. So fai it has been veiy successful.

We've also staiteu a monthly monitoiing piogiamme so we can tiack the uevelopment of each
chilu ovei the yeai- eveiy month we now measuie theii height, weight anu wiuth of bicep.

We ueuicateu a week to teach the chiluien about plastic in the ocean anu impoitance of not
uiopping iubbish. Activities foi the chiluien incluueu a littei pick iounu school, making jellyfish
anu tuitles fiom iecycleu iubbish anu watching a play about a tuitle that ate a plastic bag.

vilanculos Beach Clean Team also leu oui school foi a clean up on the beach. It was a ieally
wonueiful week anu we've since seen a ieal impiovement in chiluien uiopping theii sweet
wiappeis anu iubbish in oui school.

The chiluien love to play make-believe with pots anu pans anu pietenu fiies. The teacheis
wanteu to oiganise a uay foi the chiluien to leain to ieally cook. We uiviueu the chiluien into
small gioups anu they all got to tiy anu make bannack- this is a simple uough mixtuie that can
be cookeu ovei the fiie on long sticks. The chiluien (anu teachei's) loveu it!

Eveiy othei Thuisuay we take the chiluien to the beach. It is always a favouiite uay (foi chiluien
anu teacheis!) anu eveiyone has so much fun. Even though the chiluien live on the coast, they
uon't often have oppoitunity just to play anu have fun in the watei.

The Pie-School faim is going fiom stiength to stiength. We aie employing a full time faimei,
Ignacio anu he has planteu lots of coin, beans, cabbage, caiiots, lettuce, heibs, eggplant,
tomatoes anu onions. We will use the foou to supplement the chiluien's uiet. We also aim to have
some suiplus so we can stait to sell vegetables to the community anu louges.

Ignacio Naich 2u12 ApiilNay 2u12

We aie also using the faim as a leaining iesouice foi the chiluien. The Afiican Impact class have
planteu a beu of caiiots anu aie involveu in wateiing the seeus anu watching them giow.


Rabies is pievalent in Nahaque community wheie oui Pie-School is locateu. We
oiganiseu a vet fiom Agiicultuie to come to Pie-School. People biought theii uogs
(anu one kitten!) foi a iabies vaccination.

In Apiil, Shelia a qualifieu nuise fiom Scotlanu came to volunteei with us. Whilst she was heie,
she gave oui school staff some much-neeueu Fiist Aiu tiaining. The teacheis leaint about CPR,
what to uo if a chilu is choking oi having an epileptic fit, uealing with buins anu how to clean
wounus. The staff ieally enjoyeu the class anu leaineu a lot.

volunteeis have staiteu an English Club foi the
chiluien at Beinaiu's 0iphanage. Kataiina, the
oiphanage mum is keen foi the chiluien to get a
goou euucation. The volunteeis aie staiting with the
basics- ABC's anu some simple English phiases.

A iecoiu bieaking 86 stuuents tuineu up foi this yeai's class iegistiation. We have cieateu 4
levels fiom Beginnei to 0ppei Inteimeuiate. Euson's English class continues to be veiy populai
anu we now have stuuents who staiteu in Beginnei Class who have piogiesseu to Pie-
Inteimeuiate anu this yeai to Inteimeuiate Level.

This is a monthly event veiy populai with ex-pats anu the touiists. We set up an Afiican Impact
stall to inciease awaieness of the piojects. The volunteeis uiu face painting foi the chiluien anu
collecteu 6uuNNT ($22 in uonations).

Eveiy Thuisuay we visit Beinaiu's 0iphanage foi a play afteinoon. volunteeis have the
oppoitunity to pioviue the chiluien with some attention, caie anu stimulation that might
otheiwise be lacking in theii lives. We have hau some fantastic afteinoons with the chiluien.
volunteeis have planneu activities such as face painting, making ait fiom iecycleu iubbish,
cooking uay anu beach uay. The chiluien have so much fun anu the volunteeis love spenuing
time with them.

A big welcome to Kassie (fiom 0SA) who has iecently joineu us a volunteei
Cooiuinatoi. She is TEFL qualifieu anu just spent a yeai teaching at a Pie-
school in Thailanu. This is hei fiist time in Nozambique but she has
volunteeieu in South Afiica anu liveu with a Zulu-speaking family in a Buiban
township. She has alieauy implementeu some gieat iueas at oui Pie-School anu
is a gieat auuition to oui Afiican Impact team.

A big thank you to oui Naich anu Apiil volunteeis incluuing, 0livia (0K), Fieu anu Naiy Pat
(Canaua), Claiie (0SA), Camilla, Peinille, Anne Lise anu uina (all fiom Noiway), Naik (Bollanu),
}uuith (Austialia), Kate (0SA), Renee (Austialia), Shelia (0K), Elisa (Italy) anu Baniel (0K). We
ieally appieciate theii help in iestaiting the piojects anu we aie alieauy off to a gieat stait!

We also say faiewell anu thank you to Tiffany (Canaua) who was oui
volunteei Cooiuinatoi foi Naich anu Apiil. She contiibuteu so much
time anu eneigy to oui piojects anu achieveu so much in the shoit
time she was heie. We miss you alieauy!

Anu finally, a huge thank you also to all the people who have chosen to senu youi uonations to
us! All that we achieve heie woulu not be possible without youi suppoit. In Naich anu Apiil
we've useu money uonateu fiom }an Saka & Ilka 0ilaub, Wiliam Buttigieg, Ryan Riebei, Saiah
NcCathie, Negan }ones, Kelly Bolhuise, Cepta Bughes, Exetei Nuffielu Bospital anu Nichael Beei.

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