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The Neauows, Ciozet (S7SS Neauows Bi.)

Thuisuay, Nay 17, 2u12 fiom 7:uu p.m. to 9:uu p.m.
1. Agenua Review. (Neg Boluen - CCAC chaii)

2. Appioval of Ninutes fiom Apiil 19, 2u12 meeting.

S. Public Comment.

4. Pioject 0puatesInfoimation:
Communication plan foi County piojects: Ciozet libiaiy constiuction anu
Bowntown Stieetscape piojects. (!""#$%&'())
0puate on Ciozet Libiaiy funuiaising (*(''#+,-%."-)
CCAC membeis paiticipation in Ciozet's Inuepenuence Bay Paiaue anu
Celebiation on }une Su
Talk about wheie we neeu new auvisoiy council membeis to be ombuusman. uo
ovei ombuusman list. (see attacheu)
Bevelopments at the I-64Route 2Su Ciozet inteichange
Any upuates on othei local uevelopment submittals to the county.
o S0B2u12uuuS8 Westlake Bills (view at: http:countyviewweb.albemaile.oig)

S. 0lu Business
PT0 leaueis involvementschool involvement.
Any woiu fiom vB0T on ioauways in uowntown anu on the Blue Riuge
shopping uiivingtuining lanes anu speeu signs.

6. New Business

7. Items not listeu on the Agenua

8. Announcements.

9. Futuie Agenua Items.


Crozet Community Advisory Council Focus Areas

At their public meetings in the Fall of 2011, the CCAC revised the focus areas of the Council. We welcome
anyone with an interest in these areas to join us in gathering community input in the following areas:

Focus Area


Eastern Crozet:

Western Crozet
Northern Crozet
Southern Crozet


Sewer and Solid
Waste, Recycling

Transportation Issues



Historic District


Downtown zoning, streetscape construction, building of the
library, contact with Downtown Business Association
Eastern connector planning, rezoning proposed for
Eastern Crozet, old ConAgra and Acme Visible Records
West Village, Jarmans Gap Road, Old Trail matters
Old School, Crozet Station
Development on Rt. 250 and Yancey Mills

Promote and facilitate walking and biking trails and reporting
on park facilities at all parks

New Crozet Library (
Contact these various agencies, get a picture of the issues
facing these agencies as Crozet grows

Keep informed of the proposed recycle center, water and
treatment facilities.

Keep informed of transportation issues and projects

Linking CCAC with the local schools, PTOs, the
schools population, and the School Board.

Monitor and promote the economic development of the
greater Crozet area. Tourism. Rural Economic development

Assist in final application to state for Crozet Historic District


Mike Marshall

John Savage

Chuck Johnston
Nancy Virginia Bain
Mike Marshall
Jessica Mauzy

Bill Schrader
Kelly Strickland

Meg West
Kelly Strickland

Mary Gallo

Meg Holden

Tim Tolson

Supporting Members

Jon Mikalson, Brenda Plantz

Kellly Strickland,
Bill Schrader

Meg West, Jon Miikalson
Meg Holden, Meg West,
Lucy Goeke,
Tim Tolson,
Kelly Strickland
John Savage, Tim Tolson
Nancy Virginia Bain,
Tom Loach


Meg Holden
Lucy Goeke


Mike Marshall
Brenda Plantz

Do you have information or comments about the focus areas?
Focus area ombudsmen and supporting members will be gathering information
from community members about their specific areas, and they welcome your
input. To discuss your thoughts, please contact one of the CCAC members

CCAC Reps on the
Crozet Library
Steering Committee:
Bill Schrader, Tim Tolson

CCAC Meeting Dates 2011:
January 20 ! February 17
March 17 ! April 21
May 19 ! June 23 ! July 21
August 18 ! September 15
October 20 ! November 17
December 15

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