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American Worldview Chronicle: Issue #4

Frederick Meekins
Copyright 2012

Christian School Propagandizes On Behalf Of Trayvon Martin

At Clinton Christian school in the Maryland suburbs outside of Washington, DC, students gathered in
hoodies at a makeshift prayer vigil in support of Trayvon Martin.
Does the school intend to hold a rally in support of George Zimmerman as well if it turns out Martin
instigated the physical aspect of the confrontation?
More importantly, does the school intend to hold a rally in support of the elderly couple that fled their
home following death threats after Spike Lee posted the incorrect address for what the racially
obsessed film producer thought was the alleged gunman's father?
It must also be asked, with the way things are done in Christian schools in order to coerce mass
conformity, what threats were leveled against students not wanting to participate in such blatant
It was been reported that Mr. Martin vandalized his school with graffiti and may have possessed on
school premises a bag containing marijuana residue.
Back in my day where I attended Christian school, the ENTIRE student body would be denied the
privilege of expelling concentrated metabolic and digestive wastes at the preferred time of ones own
body over less.
Though it is regrettable that Trayvon Martin perished in an altercation he may have instigated, it is
rather ironic that a Christian school would elevate as worthy of adoration and emulation a figure that in
all likelihood would have been expelled for his behavior.
Devoted Christian parents spend good money to protect their offspring from the manipulative
debasement of American culture taking place in the public schools.
Any private school that allows such one-sided grandstanding to take place before all the facts have
been established has betrayed not only this financial trust but also the sacred aide parents plead for in
assisting them to raise their offspring in light of values honoring to both God and country.

Boomeranging Your Own Business

In discussing the phenomena of boomerang children where young adults return to live with their
parents, the hosts of the WMAL morning show conducted the discussion as if the trend was disgusting
and shameful.
It was even asked if those engaged in the practice ought to be embarrassed.
Did this particular program take a similar tone discussing the Flukeys out having so much sex that they
demand that birth control be provided for them at public expense?
Has it been asked on this station if those having children outside of marriage ought to be embarrassed
or the increasing number shacking-up without sanction of matrimony?
These practices are condemned from the pages of Scripture and religious tradition.
On the other hand, provided the young adults are not abusing their parents or on the public dole as a
result of their own indolence, the pages of Holy Writ are quite silent regarding young adults that decide
to live with their parents.
The Hebrew Patriarchs such as Isaac lived with their parents well into their adulthoods.
Interesting, when it happens to be regular Americans that are usually White in terms of their ethnic
backgrounds and genetic phenotypes that live together as extended family it is apparently a living
arrangement one step above cultic or abusive in terms of social condemnation.
However, if nearly entire Central American villages pile into single family domiciles, one is denounced
as racist or jingoistic if one reacts with anything other than fawning praise of how beautifully family
oriented and delightfully communal for a practice that drags essentially drags down property values and
makes neighborhoods less desirable places in which to live.

Do The Ultrapious Want To Silence Women?

An associate has raised the issue if it is proper for a woman to express her disagreement with the pastor
over an ecclesiastical concern.
I say let a couple of deacons place a pillowcase over her head and drag her down to the kitchen.
Some scullion duty should silence her spiteful tongue.
What's gotten into women these days thinking they can just speak to any man they aren't even related
Seriously though, there is nothing in Scripture forbidding a woman from sharing thoughts and concerns
with the pastor.
I Corinthians 14:34 says, "Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto
them to speak...And if they will lean any thing, let them ask their husbands at home; for it is a shame
for women to speak in the church."

This would seem to indicate during the church service.

Would pastors rather for the sake of their own egos prefer women to lie as women walk out the church
door and act as if all things are hunky-dory?
If this injunction is to be absolute, shouldnt we also condemn those women congratulating the pastor
as to how wonderful they found the message to be?
I guess soon, as in the case of Barbara Streisand and pre-World War II Japanese emperors, we mere lay
people wont even be allowed to gaze upon clergy.

Quips & Observations

Is "John Carter of Mars" really as bad a film as critics suggest? Or is it that the story makes the
unforgivable suggestion that there are malevolent, largely unseen, elements orchestrating the rise and
fall of great powers as they plot the world's overall destruction?
The head of the NAACP is flying to Switzerland to sing to a UN human rights organization of how
nobody knows the troubles he's seen. It seems laws in America requiring not only that shiftless
deadbeats must show identification but that also make provision for state personnel to chauffer you to
get your ID are an atrocity of near historic proportions. Wouldn't UN efforts be better directed at
investigating other alleged outrages such as the forced virginity examinations in Egypt?
A Gingrich campaign ad mocks Mitt Romney by insinuating that the former Massachusetts governor
isn't the type to pump his own gas. And you are going to tell me Gingrich pumps his own regularly?
And what about Gingrich's high maintenance ball-and-chain? Didnt he about go into bankruptcy
trying to placate her with fancy trinkets?
A public service announcement sponsored by Frau Obamas Lets Move campaign is urging parents
to manipulate children into getting them to eat five servings of fruit and vegetables per day since
parents are the ones that tell children what to do. Since the government is the one telling the parents
what to do, doesnt that mean these agencies are manipulating adults in a similar manner from a
standpoint of condescending superiority?
Former Obama propagandist Anita Dunn says the White House constitutes a hostile work environment
towards women. As a professed admirer of Mao, I guess she doesnt find mass murder and forced
abortion all that intimidating or a deprivation of fundamental human liberties.
Religious leftists will no doubt work themselves up into an outrage that most Southerners still dont
cotton up to the notion of interracial marriage. It is claimed there is nothing in Scripture forbidding the
individual from believing in interracial marriage. But neither is there anything in the Bible saying that
you are required to believe in it.
A confidant saw a likely Obama voter at an area Walmart take a roll-on deodorant, apply it to his
armpits, and then return the item to the shelf.
In a public restroom, these new cylon sinks are a delight as one doesn't have to touch a filthy faucet for
the water to turn on. However, the question must be asked. At some time in the future, will government
force this upgrade on the residential sector? No longer would individuals be allowed to determine for
themselves whether the water will be cold or hot. Instead, a bureaucrat will determine the tepid in

between. Don't laugh. Need one be reminded of low flush toilets? Already, utility authorities are
taking steps through the proliferation of so-called "smart meters" so that they might ultimately be the
ones to make your climate control decisions for you. Eventually, those insisting on determining for
themselves the temperature of their water will be painted as opposing energy conservation or exhibiting
insensitivity to childhood burn prevention.
If trollops in Virginia can afford to pay for their abortions, they can afford to pay for their own
ultrasounds. If they are so poor, perhaps they should have a second job which would likely leave less
time for fornication or adultery.
MSNBC analyst Karen Finney said conservative values are code words for promoting racism. If so,
diversity, inclusion, and multiculturalism are euphemisms for the deprivation of property, expression,
and conscience.
Since Megan McCain has posed for Playboy and confessed to be a woman of questionable virtue, is it
still a public outrage to categorize her as a slut?
Doesn't replacing recycle bins with new recycle bins when the old recycle bins are still functional
undermine the spirit of a recycling program?
Hillary Clinton insisted that violence against women is "not cultural, it's criminal." However, such an
assertion is only valid if the principles upon which Western civilization rests are superior to those
espoused by competing societies and ways of life.
Unless there is some audible voice indisputably from Heaven saying a steel frame nearly falling on
Sandra Day O'Connor during her visit to the National Constitution Center in 2003 was some kind of
divine judgment against her for errant judicial rulings, isn't to insinuate such itself a presumption
bordering on idolatry? It also raises a number of other questions. Since the falling beam missed,
should we assume that God's aim is off? Secondly, if something bad then happens to the person
making this condemnatory statement against Sandra Day O'Connor, should we assume the person
making the initial assertion is also on the outs with God? Thirdly, since my reproductive and excretion
appendage is pointed outwards rather than inwards, I am able to render criticism regarding this offense
against causation.
A caller to the Chris Plant Show said only a mother can raise a fetus. Caring this reasoning to its
logical conclusion, I guess men shouldnt be required to pay child support.
An associate insists it is inappropriate for a woman to openly criticize a pastor. The associate also
invokes some of the same Scriptures opposing women speaking in church and holding ecclesiastical
office to oppose the involvement of women in politics. Thus, it must be asked, if hardline Christian
Reconstructionists ever seize power, what would prevent them from eventually enacting laws and
regulations that would abolish the public expression of women altogether?
The same ones that forbid a woman from expressing open disapproval of something going on at church
are probably among some of the same ones that would enunciate rebuke should an individual decide to
simply not return to the church in order to avoid conflict.
If a fetus is nothing more than a glob of tissue, why did the story of one found in luggage at a Miami
airport rate a place as a top headline at

Little Rock Municipal Airport has been renamed after Bill and Hillary Clinton. Maybe the Mile High
Club could move its headquarters there.
A Media Matters ad urges listeners to call their station to remove Rush Limbaugh because "we don't
talk to women like that". But why not in reference to those fornicating so wantonly that they proudly
demand the public pick up the tab for their birth control?
If George Zimmerman observed what he thought were 40 crimes, in the name of multiculturalism and
diversity, is he not suppose to bring these to the attention of police? What about the Homeland Security
propaganda that conditions us to "See something. Say something"?
The Trayvon Martin tragedy is being used to denigrate Florida's Stand Your Ground Law granting legal
recognition of the natural right of self defense. Perhaps media attention should be brought to the
miscarriages of justice that occur in epidemic number when citizens are conditioned into not protecting
themselves and criminals walk all over the innocent because they know there is little chance of
Shouldn't the Trayvon Martin tragedy be more of a warning as to the loons that get overly involved
with neighborhood watch programs rather than as a commentary against the Second Amendment and
self defense?
Obama insinuates in light of the Trayvon Martin incident that he wants self defense laws reevaluated.
Does that include regulations that allows the Secret Service to shoot first and ask questions later?
Does Obama plan to express sympathies to the White lad set afire by two Black youths or does the
victim insufficiently resemble the President?
If the judicial system doesn't hand down the decision predetermined by the festering Black mob, how
much property is going to be destroyed. Those of this mentality aren't exactly the demographic most
renowned for contemplative detachment and restraint.
Since the government requires we file a tax return, why shouldn't the government subsidize filers for
the cost of return preparation?
If the Black Panthers can issue bounties for the killer of Trayvon Martin, on what grounds would one
condemn the Ku Klux Klan from issuing bounties against Blacks the terrorist group perceived as
harming the United States?
Rush Limbaugh said that Cheney deserves a new heart if the former Vice President can afford one.
Does that insinuate that those with salaries and fortunes below Haliburton chairman levels don't
deserve to live?
If New York sports journalists grill Tim Tebow over his "core beliefs", do they plan to pester Muslim or
Jewish athletes regarding theirs as well? Is Michael Vick harangued on his positions regarding animal
The New York Times referred to as George Zimmerman as a White Hispanic. Would it have been
preferable had he been one of the dumpy darker ones built like one of the dwarves from the Lord of
The Rings or Disney fairy tale adventures?

So if their head is being slammed against the concrete by a rampaging teen, are liberals going to rely on
their broadmindedness and reluctance to make generalizations to save their lives?
If talk radio and Stand Your Ground Laws are to blame in part for the death of Trayvon Martin, how
about the role played by a broken home in influencing him towards juvenile delinquency? The lad was
visiting the home of his father's fianc.
So according to Black folk logic, if a rampaging Black youth tries to grab your gun, Whitey is suppose
to allow the attacker to take it and be shot by it.
If these Black mobs are so concerned about justice, do they plan to mobilize on behalf of Whites that
have been victimized by Black miscreants?
Maybe if cops didnt do such a shoddy job by obsequiously pandering to minorities, perhaps George
Zimmerman wouldnt have had to be so forceful in standing his ground.
Are all parents that unexpectedly lose a child now going to be extended an invitation to speak before
members of Congress as were Trayvon Martin's?
Do those insisting the impropriety of government compelling the individual to pay for health insurance
also hold to the position that it is improper for government and fellow citizens to pick up the medical
bills of those being financially irresponsible by not purchasing health insurance?
Wearing a hoody doesn't make you a hoodlum. However, vandalizing your school and allegedly
slamming someone's head against the concrete certainly does.
If one of the Supreme Court's most formidable minds panics at the overwhelming length of Obamacare,
just think what it does to the rest of us.
DC Mayor Vincent Gray is justifying the erection of additional speed and red light cameras as way to
protect bicyclists. Will cameras also be set up to protect motorists and especially perambulating
pedestrians from narcissistic bicyclists that just as blatantly flout the standards of vehicular propriety
and decorum?
Marko Rubio is being considered for the Vice Presidency in part because he can allegedly bring in the
Hispanic vote. Had anyone considered the importance of solidifying the White Vote? Does anyone
realize that if Rubio shoots a Black man, given Rubios light pigmentation, hed likely be considered a
White Hispanic?
The children of Andrea Yates are unable to attend church because they were killed by their mother. So
why should she be granted that privilege? The extent of her religious participation should be a worn
Bible tossed into her padded rubber cell. If a depressed father had murdered his children, would he be
given a pass to get out of the loony bin?
Thats depressing news about a study that you are statistically happiest at 33 years old. If so, I demand
a do-over.
For it being an occupation one goes into following considerable deliberation rather than like the rest of
us that have to settle for whatever drudgery we fall into or face starvation and homelessness, teachers
certainly do gripe inordinately.

So with certain supermarket chains eliminating so-called pink slime from their meat products, will
prices go higher and move America closer to being an economy where the masses are denied access to
regular meat?
The March 2012 issue of the journal Teaching Philosophy featured an article titled Can Christians Be
Philosophy Professors. Would a similar article be published asking the same of other world religions
such as Judaism, Buddhism or Islam?
The 3/30/12 episode of Fringe featured a Sumerian cult obsessed with directed transgenic evolution for
the purposes of bringing about the New World Order. Will mostly likely be the last season of this
series. There is only so much truth elites will allow. Like how no one will ever see again the episode of
The Lone Gunman that predicted the flying of a jetliner into a skyscraper.
Civil rights icons have certainly deteriorated over the decades. Started out with a little old lady that
bravely wouldn't give up her seat to now a pissant thug slamming someone's head against the sidewalk.
If the National Security State conditions us to reflexively answer every interrogatory put to us by law
enforcement or public safety personnel, who is NBC to criticize when an individual is asked to select
the race of a suspect in question?
So would those sitting on the Obamacare death panel ever decide their own loved ones lacked
sufficient social utility to warrant medical intervention?
Yahoo News notes that the victims of a gunman that shot up a Christian college in California were
"young and diverse". Would it have somehow been a greater or lesser tragedy if those targeted had
been old and homogeneous?
Nearly 80 were sickened by salmonella-contaminated sushi. And what did they think could happen
from deliberately eating raw fish? Thankfully, its doubtful they had much of a brain to damage.
Would Brian Wilson of WMAL constantly describe Brian Neeman as "swarthy" if his sidekick was
named "Brian Sanchez" or "Brian Hussein"?
If Obama mouthpieces are now handing down edicts as to what genders should be admitted to the
membership of a private country club, how long will it be until federal officials are telling you what
genders may occupy your church pulpit? Will Obama demand men be granted access to female gyms
and aerobics classes?
At a White House forum on woman's issues where President Obama was to be henpecked by a bunch
of clucking biddies, he announced that his healthcare legislation included domestic violence screening.
The thing about bureaucrats is that they end up finding what they want to see even if what they are
initially charged with looking for really isn't there. So expect these investigations to go beyond black
eyes and broken bones. It must be warned that to these nags a man doing nothing more than raising his
voice in frustration at a wife that's been texting all day rather than cleaning house or merely disrupting
a woman during a verbal berating constitutes abuse of the first order.
Burger King has been condemned for featuring a Black singer in a commercial about fried chicken.
Diversitymongers claims a stereotype was promoted as a result. There is no winning with these people.
If one had produced an advertisement featuring White folks, these malcontents would be all uppity
about that.

Turning up the AC and turning down the heat defeats the purpose of having AC and heat.
Hardcore Calvinists claim their system is not about works as the route to salvation. Yet the most
strident of this persuasion insist one is not even a Christian if one does not agree with them regarding
matters not even directly related to Christology or soteriology.

Headline Links
Priest Suspended For Doing Things By The Book
Egyptian Court Upholds Forced Virginity Tests
Montel Williams Calls For The Death Of Michelle Bachmann
Is O'Reilly Obama's Lapdog?
Tourists Go On Safari In Black Harlem Churches Since elites lecture those of us that have never set
foot outside of the United States as to why we should feel shameful about the pushiness about the
reputation of the ugly American abroad, do we get to sneer down our noses now about foreigners
disrespecting this nation's religious culture and practices?
Moonbats Blame Rush Limbaugh For Afghan Massacre
FEMA Recruits Stormtroopers
Red China Corners Market On Rare Minerals
Longshoreman's Union Shoves Its Nose Up The Backside Of Chinese Tyrants
What's The Deal With The Pope's Pornographic Potty?
Pathetic Black Father Exhibits Ethnic Favoritism By Permitting Indian Tribe To Slaughter Bald Eagles
If American Indians can be granted an exemption to laws protecting bald eagles, why cant Catholics
and conservative Evangelicals be granted an exemption form having to provide abortion and birth
control coverage to the carnally incontinent?
Obama Worshippers Defile Old Glory
Holder Wanted To Brainwash Against Firearms
Obama Administration Prefers Black Youths To Rampage In The Nation's Schools
Close The Curtain On Principal Castigating St. Patrick As Divisive & Intolerant Would Martin Luther
King Day and Black History months be fundamentally altered to appease those offended by these
celebrations. At least St. Patrick, unlike Dr. King, is not known for denying the basic doctrines of the
Christian faith.
Apparently Test Tube Babies Among The Only Immigrants The Obama Administration Wont Bend
Over Backwards For

Hezbollah Subversives Poised To Strike American Targets

Pelosi Insists Death Panels & Rationed Medical Procedures In Keeping With The Founders Vision
Negro Malcontents Threaten Violent Uprising
Michelle Obama Purchases Detergent For Her Post-Election Career As A Laundry Scrub Woman
Obama Confesses They All Really Do Look Alike
Did Obama, Farrakhan, Or Sharpton Denounce Black Marauders Setting White Lad Aflame?
White Lad Set Afire Victimized By Black Teacher
Was Trayvon Martin A Violent Hooligan?
Obama Promises To Surrender To Russia Following Election
What Spews From Santorum's Mouth Still Not As Filthy As What No Doubt Goes Into Sandra Fluke's
Tolerancemongers Insist George Zimmerman Should Have Led Trayvon Martin Beat Him To Death
Did Ayers Family Finance Obama's Education?
High-priced Toll Road Already Crumbling To Pieces
Trayvons Mother Connives To Make A Killing Off Her Sons Name
UFO Cult Believes Extraterrestrials Live In French Mountain
Trayvonites Begin Looting
Praying Muslim Nurse Allows Patient To Die
Muslim Sympathizer Named As Head Of CIA Counterterrorism Operations
Witchcraft Sparks Increase In British Child Abuse
Black Rabblerouser Threatens Riot If Welfare Benefits Cut
Obama Doesnt Give A Flip About Murdered British Teens
Time Magazine Proposes Abolishing Right Of Self Defense
George Zimmermans Father Realizes Obama Might Be The Biggest Hater Of Them All
Hispanosupremacists Denounce George Zimmerman As Racially Impure
Quaker Oats Mascot Redesigned For Being Too Old & Fat Next we will hear that he is too White.
Will Montel Williams Become A DC Drug Pimp?

Linguistic Prudes Fly Into Outrage Over The Letter N

Chinese Scarf Down Urine-Soaked Eggs
Government Asserts Right To Expose Your Privates
Former LDS Bishop Mitt Romney Stumped By Question On Mormon Theology
GSA Blows Fortune On Clowns & Psychics
The Scarlet Woman Dismounts The Protobeast: Oprah Distances Herself From Obama
Bedbugs Infest School
Arizona Legislature Vows To Outlaw The Internet
Obama Threatens To Crash Planes If His Budget Demands Are Not Met
Frau Obama Sets Children At Variance With Grandparents
Pentagon Confesses No Proof Bin Laden Dead
Octomom On $2000 Per Month Of Foodstamps An integral part of Obamacare is the curtailment of
medical procedures to those deemed to be a poor return on the investment. Perhaps one of the
procedures that ought to be abolished is artificial insemination, especially for the unmarried.
Food Fascists Want Ice Cream Trucks Banned So in leftwing hovels where such a policy is
implemented along with medical marijuana dispensaries, the Good Humor Man will be more of an
outlaw than the sanctioned drug dealer.
New Yorkers Conditioned To Avoid Thoughts Of Dinosaurs, Aliens, Birthdays & Halloween (In other
words, anything worth thinking about.)
Trayvonites Beset Upon Elderly Caucasian In Revenge For Their Fallen Messiah
Eco-Nazis To Herd Remaining Humans Into Concentrated Areas (One Might Say Camps)
School Condemns Depiction Of Traditional Family As Obscene
Did Passengers Aboard A South Korean Airliner Encounter UFO?
Black Panthers Threaten Bloodshed
Victim Of Scrotum Attack Sent To The Ball Hospital
White House Guests Invited To Play With Obama Balls
Holder Praises Sharpton For Bringing America To The Brink Of Violent Upheaval
Baltimore Law Enforcement Lackadaisical Regarding Attacks Upon Whites
Jesse Jackson Insinuates Jesus Would Defecate On Police Cruisers

Militant Lesbian Tells Dedicated Mothers To Sit Down & Shut Up

Annapolis Hot For Cock These filthy beatniks do realize, I hope, that chicken sh-t needs to be cleaned
Maryland Legislature Overlooks German & Irish American Months The was no doubt ample time to
enact proclamations commemorating Black & Hispanic History Months.
Muslim Propagandist Calls For Compulsory ADULT Workplace Breastfeeding But given that many
Islamic women wear veils and burkas, will you be allowed to gaze into each others faces while you do
Baboon Taught Rudiments Of Reading Didn't Planet Of The Apes suggest this wouldn't be a good idea?
Penguin Assassin Assaults Gingrich
Does Weightlessness Shrivel Manhood?
Christ Removed From New Bible
Is Earth Day A Death Cult Liturgy?
Feminist Theologian Suggests Jesus A Hermaphrodite
Civil Detainment Threatens Due Process
DC Mayor Plans Environmental Dictatorship
Are Smart Meters The First Step Towards UN Energy Control?
Graduation Speaker Selected Over Whom He Likes To Rub His Privates Against
Holocaust Deniers Linked To Obama's Atrocity Prevention Board
Teens Plastered On Hand Sanitizer So does this mean to purchase this product we will be required to
show a photo ID (something you don't even have to do to vote) and have our details entered into yet
another computer database as is the practice of those wanting to purchase over the counter
Occutards Threaten May Day Rampage
State Department Denies Terrorism Any Longer Exists If the War on Terror is over as one State
Department functionary proclaimed, shouldn't we abolish the more onerous provisions of the Patriot
Act such as those allowing the government to snoop through our library records and kick off the
government payroll perverts doubling as security personnel in the nations airports? If there is no war
against terror but the state continues to enforce these deprivations of liberty and personal dignity, arent
we living in a police state bordering on dictatorship?
Will Egypt Legalize Necrophilia?
Was There A Proverbial Negro In George Zimmermans Woodpile?

Biden Announces Obama Has A Big Stick Some headlines simply write themselves.
IRS To Be Granted Power To Revoke Passports This is not so much about recovering revenue but
rather as a way to prevent escape during times of upheaval, deprivation, and persecution.
Are Your Atoms Colliding With Dark Matter?

Youths laying on the ground to block access to the Sanford, Florida police department should have
been run over by the paddy wagon. These pissants weren't even arrested. So if it's okay to block
entrance to a police station, why not an abortion clinic?
Eric Holder has assured that Americans feel the pain of Trayvon Martin's parents. How about the pain
of the White child set afire for daring the answer a Black history question? How about the pain of the
elderly White man in Ohio nearly kicked to death by rampaging Trayvonites? Or how about the pain of
the elderly couple driven from their home as a result of inaccurate tweets on the part of Spike Lee and
Roseanne Barr? But I guess the victims of these crimes insufficiently resemble the visage of our
exalted leader.
Mayor Bloomberg has announced a campaign to abolish Stand Your Ground Laws across the country
that allow the individual to defend themselves against violent assault. As a mere municipal official,
what business is it of Bloomberg what the laws are in another state. Perhaps rural sheriffs should now
interject themselves into the policies decisions of Babylon on the Hudson. And if the average citizen
cannot protect themselves with firearms, why ought police be permitted to?
The news was in an uproar over the death of 8 illegals in a Texas traffic accident. Are local auto
wrecks with a similar fatality tabulation broadcast across the nation? If so, are we also obligated to
wring our hands over the economic status of such victims if they are run of the mill Americans?
If Cuban Americans rampage in the streets wanting to deny the expression of ideas that they oppose,
what makes them really all that different at their core than the dictator they claim to oppose? Its just
that they have not yet been able to violently put down their adversaries. So I guess the moral of the
story is that opposing anyone opposing the prevailing ideological consensus should have an array of
persecutions inflicted upon them ranging from outright existential liquidation to the deprivation of
Trayvon Martin's father says he will continue to march until the right thing is done. Does that include a
not guilty verdict being returned by the jury? Or is this code that that their will be rampaging in the
streets should the one other than the verdict wanted by the mob be handed down?
The special prosecutor in the Trayvon Martin case snidely remarked that, unless one has been involved
in a similar kind of case, we mere serfs can't possibly understand the complexity of the issues involved.
So perhaps George Zimmerman should point out that, unless a rampaging is beating your head against
concrete, you can't possibly understand the necessity of defending yourself with such decisive force.
Bill Cosby blames the Trayvon Martin incident on guns. So if Bill Cosby has a body guard mean this
security professional is armed with nothing more formidable than a half melted pudding pop?
An editorial in the 4/6/12 issue of America: The National Catholic Weekly condemns Stand Your
Ground Laws. Does this mean the papal security detail intends to renounce physical weapons and
defend the life of the pontiff with only prayer and rational persuasion?
Sean Hannity is apprehensive about discussing the Secret Service prostitute scandal because of deep
respect he possesses for the agency. Then shouldn't he be as reluctant in detailing the GSA convention
shenanigans as not every member of that agency participated in that squandering of taxpayer funds
either? Law enforcement or military personnel that betray the trust of the American people are
deserving of no more respect than any other public employee that fails to live up to their obligations.
And they are perhaps even more deserving of greater condemnation since, unlike errant paper pushes

caught going wild on someone else's dime, when these servants neglect their obligations the innocent
could very well end up losing their very lives.
If suicide bombers don't want their remains photographed, perhaps they ought not to blow themselves
to smithereens.
Regarding the Violence Against Women Act up for reauthorization before Congress. Firstly, unless
there is companion legislation specially protecting men, this law technically violates the Equal
Protection Clause of the U.S. Constitution. Secondly, since these crimes occur within the border of one
particular state, why should they be of national federal concern?
If harlotry is legal in these Third World countries, foreigners should be no more outraged over the
Secret Service prostitution scandal than over these UN bureaucrats that don't pay their NYC traffic &
parking tickets.
The GSA spent $7000 on sushi in Las Vegas. If you are going to blow that much on seafood, at least
make sure it is cooked.
Watching the Price Is Right, one should not be assaulted by Earth Day propaganda. One of the ecoconscious showcases featured a trip (no doubt consuming unnecessary fossil fuels) to the Spotted Dog
Cafe. The establishment not only sounds like a place President Obama would like to eat but also what
he would like to order from the menu.
And how does Rush Limbaugh suggest the aged unable to work or forced from gainful employment by
physically superior youth pay for healthcare? And dont tell me they should have saved enough by
then. I know of someone whose nursing home care is $9000 per month. Most of us never even make
that much per month. Should those of us that never will forfeit our right or privilege of continued
Rush Limbaugh insists New York Times staff on the verge of losing their pensions are getting what
they deserve because of what the journalists have written over the years and for how they have voted.
One could make a similar argument regarding Limbaughs deafness and cardiac events in light of his
struggle with drug abuse.
The DC sustainability plan calls for roof top agriculture. What makes you think these ghetto dwellers
will grow vegetables? Many of them won't even pick up the trash that blows into their miniscule yards.
If Obama is so concerned about preventing atrocities, shouldn't a marine stating he would not follow
unlawful orders be applauded rather than punished?

Headline Links
Priest Suspended For Doing Things By The Book
Egyptian Court Upholds Forced Virginity Tests
Montel Williams Calls For The Death Of Michelle Bachmann
Is O'Reilly Obama's Lapdog?

Tourists Go On Safari In Black Harlem Churches Since elites lecture those of us that have never set
foot outside of the United States as to why we should feel shameful about the pushiness about the
reputation of the ugly American abroad, do we get to sneer down our noses now about foreigners
disrespecting this nation's religious culture and practices?
Moonbats Blame Rush Limbaugh For Afghan Massacre
FEMA Recruits Stormtroopers
Red China Corners Market On Rare Minerals
Longshoreman's Union Shoves Its Nose Up The Backside Of Chinese Tyrants
What's The Deal With The Pope's Pornographic Potty?
Pathetic Black Father Exhibits Ethnic Favoritism By Permitting Indian Tribe To Slaughter Bald Eagles
If American Indians can be granted an exemption to laws protecting bald eagles, why cant Catholics
and conservative Evangelicals be granted an exemption form having to provide abortion and birth
control coverage to the carnally incontinent?
Obama Worshippers Defile Old Glory
Holder Wanted To Brainwash Against Firearms
Obama Administration Prefers Black Youths To Rampage In The Nation's Schools
Close The Curtain On Principal Castigating St. Patrick As Divisive & Intolerant Would Martin Luther
King Day and Black History months be fundamentally altered to appease those offended by these
celebrations. At least St. Patrick, unlike Dr. King, is not known for denying the basic doctrines of the
Christian faith.
Apparently Test Tube Babies Among The Only Immigrants The Obama Administration Wont Bend
Over Backwards For
Hezbollah Subversives Poised To Strike American Targets
Pelosi Insists Death Panels & Rationed Medical Procedures In Keeping With The Founders Vision
Negro Malcontents Threaten Violent Uprising
Michelle Obama Purchases Detergent For Her Post-Election Career As A Laundry Scrub Woman
Obama Confesses They All Really Do Look Alike
Did Obama, Farrakhan, Or Sharpton Denounce Black Marauders Setting White Lad Aflame?
White Lad Set Afire Victimized By Black Teacher
Was Trayvon Martin A Violent Hooligan?
Obama Promises To Surrender To Russia Following Election

What Spews From Santorum's Mouth Still Not As Filthy As What No Doubt Goes Into Sandra Fluke's
Tolerancemongers Insist George Zimmerman Should Have Led Trayvon Martin Beat Him To Death
Did Ayers Family Finance Obama's Education?
High-priced Toll Road Already Crumbling To Pieces
Trayvons Mother Connives To Make A Killing Off Her Sons Name
UFO Cult Believes Extraterrestrials Live In French Mountain
Trayvonites Begin Looting
Praying Muslim Nurse Allows Patient To Die
Muslim Sympathizer Named As Head Of CIA Counterterrorism Operations
Witchcraft Sparks Increase In British Child Abuse
Black Rabblerouser Threatens Riot If Welfare Benefits Cut
Obama Doesnt Give A Flip About Murdered British Teens
Time Magazine Proposes Abolishing Right Of Self Defense
George Zimmermans Father Realizes Obama Might Be The Biggest Hater Of Them All
Hispanosupremacists Denounce George Zimmerman As Racially Impure
Quaker Oats Mascot Redesigned For Being Too Old & Fat Next we will hear that he is too White.
Will Montel Williams Become A DC Drug Pimp?
Linguistic Prudes Fly Into Outrage Over The Letter N
Chinese Scarf Down Urine-Soaked Eggs
Government Asserts Right To Expose Your Privates
Former LDS Bishop Mitt Romney Stumped By Question On Mormon Theology
GSA Blows Fortune On Clowns & Psychics
The Scarlet Woman Dismounts The Protobeast: Oprah Distances Herself From Obama
Bedbugs Infest School
Arizona Legislature Vows To Outlaw The Internet
Obama Threatens To Crash Planes If His Budget Demands Are Not Met

Frau Obama Sets Children At Variance With Grandparents

Pentagon Confesses No Proof Bin Laden Dead
Octomom On $2000 Per Month Of Foodstamps An integral part of Obamacare is the curtailment of
medical procedures to those deemed to be a poor return on the investment. Perhaps one of the
procedures that ought to be abolished is artificial insemination, especially for the unmarried.
Food Fascists Want Ice Cream Trucks Banned So in leftwing hovels where such a policy is
implemented along with medical marijuana dispensaries, the Good Humor Man will be more of an
outlaw than the sanctioned drug dealer.
New Yorkers Conditioned To Avoid Thoughts Of Dinosaurs, Aliens, Birthdays & Halloween (In other
words, anything worth thinking about.)
Trayvonites Beset Upon Elderly Caucasian In Revenge For Their Fallen Messiah
Eco-Nazis To Herd Remaining Humans Into Concentrated Areas (One Might Say Camps)
School Condemns Depiction Of Traditional Family As Obscene
Did Passengers Aboard A South Korean Airliner Encounter UFO?
Black Panthers Threaten Bloodshed
Victim Of Scrotum Attack Sent To The Ball Hospital
White House Guests Invited To Play With Obama Balls
Holder Praises Sharpton For Bringing America To The Brink Of Violent Upheaval
Baltimore Law Enforcement Lackadaisical Regarding Attacks Upon Whites
Jesse Jackson Insinuates Jesus Would Defecate On Police Cruisers
Militant Lesbian Tells Dedicated Mothers To Sit Down & Shut Up
Annapolis Hot For Cock These filthy beatniks do realize, I hope, that chicken sh-t needs to be cleaned
Maryland Legislature Overlooks German & Irish American Months The was no doubt ample time to
enact proclamations commemorating Black & Hispanic History Months.
Muslim Propagandist Calls For Compulsory ADULT Workplace Breastfeeding But given that many
Islamic women wear veils and burkas, will you be allowed to gaze into each others faces while you do
Baboon Taught Rudiments Of Reading Didn't Planet Of The Apes suggest this wouldn't be a good idea?
Penguin Assassin Assaults Gingrich

Does Weightlessness Shrivel Manhood?

Christ Removed From New Bible
Is Earth Day A Death Cult Liturgy?
Feminist Theologian Suggests Jesus A Hermaphrodite
Civil Detainment Threatens Due Process
DC Mayor Plans Environmental Dictatorship
Are Smart Meters The First Step Towards UN Energy Control?
Graduation Speaker Selected Over Whom He Likes To Rub His Privates Against
Holocaust Deniers Linked To Obama's Atrocity Prevention Board
Teens Plastered On Hand Sanitizer So does this mean to purchase this product we will be required to
show a photo ID (something you don't even have to do to vote) and have our details entered into yet
another computer database as is the practice of those wanting to purchase over the counter
Occutards Threaten May Day Rampage
State Department Denies Terrorism Any Longer Exists If the War on Terror is over as one State
Department functionary proclaimed, shouldn't we abolish the more onerous provisions of the Patriot
Act such as those allowing the government to snoop through our library records and kick off the
government payroll perverts doubling as security personnel in the nations airports? If there is no war
against terror but the state continues to enforce these deprivations of liberty and personal dignity, arent
we living in a police state bordering on dictatorship?
Will Egypt Legalize Necrophilia?
Was There A Proverbial Negro In George Zimmermans Woodpile?
Biden Announces Obama Has A Big Stick Some headlines simply write themselves.
IRS To Be Granted Power To Revoke Passports This is not so much about recovering revenue but
rather as a way to prevent escape during times of upheaval, deprivation, and persecution.
Are Your Atoms Colliding With Dark Matter?

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