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Unit 20 Task 2a, 2b P2, M1

P2: I will be writing a magazine article about two national campaigns that have recently been promoted in an attempt to change peoples views and attitude towards smoking and healthy life styles. There are five different various models which link to the change of an individuals behaviour and these are: The health belief model The theory of reasoned action The theory of planned behaviour The theory of social learning The stages of change model

more at risk of having heart attacks. Also this means it could kill them if they are obese and cut their life short. The benefits of taking the suggested action outweigh the barriers.

Change for life: England obesity war has shown individuals that unless they change their eating and exercise habits then they are in severe danger of becoming overweight and may have problems which may influence their life. Change for life also affects adults and what they are feeding their children and how it will affect their future. The adverts are appealing to different age ranges, use bright colours to attract viewers attention and give simple tips on how individuals are able to swap their lifestyle at this moment in time to a healthy lifestyle. Change for life use adverts that state to the parents and young children are shocking information which will scare and worry individuals. This shows that the threat is real and is important to change so they are able to stay with their loved ones longer. Change for life outweighs the barriers of losing weight. They give examples of different activities of what they are able to do some of this range from: o o o o Walking to school Walking instead of getting in the car Have smaller meals Play outside 1

In this article I will be exploring The health belief model where I will be discussing the reasons behind why people may be influenced by campaigns involving a healthier lifestyle.

The health Belief Model is about the individual where they are more likely to undertake change and follow preventive health action is them believing that: o A threat to their health is real and important. Change for life informs people that if they are obese it will reduce the amount of activity that they are able to do and that they are

Author: L.P

Unit 20 Task 2a, 2b P2, M1 o Changing snacks for fruit, vegetables and drinking more.

They have done this by showing in a cartoon version which means that it seems less threatening but it keeps questions in the viewers mind of what could happen.

2 Author: L.P

Unit 20 Task 2a, 2b P2, M1 Within this kit it includes: o The stages of Change Model are a process where I am basing it around smoking and the 5 stages are: o Pre-contemplation this is where you still have a habit of smoking but are not thinking about giving up. Contemplation this is where the individual is thinking about change of the habit. This is the part where the individual is finding it financially hard to support their smoking and cannot run to the shop without losing breath. Preparation is where the individual thinks about what they need to stop this habit. This will be the part where the individual orders the quit kit. Action is where the individual has stopped smoking. They are now using the chart to stop smoking and monitor the progress of this. Maintaining is where the individual are keeping it up and are not smoking. This ensures that they do not relapse. An addiction test the outcome of this will help them have a view of when they most have a cigarette. This will put it in to perspective for an individual when they most rely on having a cigarette. o Something to beat those craving which is something for the individual to play with and keep their hands and mind busy so they are not tempted to have a cigarette. o They have a DO NOT OPEN TILL YOU FINISH TILL WEEK 1 IS OVER this motivates the individual to keep going. Alongside this they have a chart with stickers to continue the progress of the individual where they can find rewards for their body and a circle movable chart to say How much you save this will motivate the individuals and ensure that they do not relapse because they can see the benefits of giving up. They now provide Extra help if you need it this ensures help for the individual if they need it. This will ensure that they do not relapse and have someone to talk too for advice and support.

Throughout these stages the individual has the risk of relapsing where they would have to start from the beginning. The NHS has provided a quit kit that works well with this theory and provides ways in which the individual will not relapse. The quit kit can be ordered online to the comfort of the individuals own home or can be picked up from the local pharmacy.

3 Author: L.P

Unit 20 Task 2a, 2b P2, M1 M1: better for your lungs and overall health. Also the job difference will depend on which social class that you will be put into. If you are in working class this may be coal miners, mechanics, cleaners or waitressing. A quote from this website shows that coal miners had black lung disease so they died at a younger age. dadvap.html The middle or higher class had less manual work and worked in offices such as an accountant, bankers and managerial positions. This meant that their bodies did less strenuous work and had less of an impact on their health. If the individual feels pressured into doing a habit such as smoking, drinking, drugs, eating or having sex without protection then this is called peer pressure. This can come from friends, family or the media. This would mean that they carry on with the habit they have because they do not want to seem different and follow the trend. If drinking takes place in the home all the time and a young person witnesses their parents doing this then they will not see it as the wrong thing to do and copy this habit not seeing the effects that alcohol has within our bodies. Depending of the age of an individual then this may have different effects Alcohol plays a big part in antisocial behaviour, crime and violence. A Home Office survey found that one in five (18%) 12-13 4 Author: L.P

I will be conferring about the barriers to changing behaviour. Not everyone had the same ability to change their health behaviours and this may be due to various reasons. Some of the reasons that individuals are unable to change their behaviours are: If the individuals are unable to afford the change. This could be will they be able to afford fresh fruit, vegetables instead of what they usually eat. Will they be able to afford to go to the gym and pay a membership. If an individual smokes will they be able to afford the patches, gum and the gadgets that is able to help stop the habit. This links to the black report 1980. The black report states that working class men and women are significantly more likely to die early compared to middle class who are in managerial or professional positions. Depending on which social class that an individual is in will depend on the level of health benefits that they are able to receive. An example of this would be that if you are in a lower social class then you may be living in a tower block where the air around is heavily polluted. Whereas if you was in a higher social class you may live in the country side where it is less polluted and will be

Unit 20 Task 2a, 2b P2, M1 year olds and over a quarter (28%) of 14-15 year olds caused damage while drinking, while one in 10 15-16 year olds said that drinking had led them to get in trouble with the police actsheets/alcohol-and-young-people. If an individual is pressured by friends to have unprotected sex because they are all having it then you will not know the person who you having sex with their sexual history and know if they have any STIs. This is a quote from eleases/67110.php Over half (51%) of the individuals surveyed admitted to having unprotected sex without being aware of their partners' full sexual history and there was a fairly equal split between men and women with 53% of men and 50% of women admitting to having unprotected sex. This means that it is increasing and both females and males are likely to not know who they have slept with and get an STI where in the future if untreated then this could cause infertility. This is a barrier to change of behaviour because if the message cannot be received in the individuals preferred way of communicating this could be a barrier. An example of this would be if a person who communicates through sign language needed help to stop drinking where they would go for individual support and information to be able to stop. This will be a personal barrier because they are unable to express their feelings and thoughts through a website and writing. Another example would be not having the information in another language this could be a barrier because the individual is unable to access the correct information that they need to change their behaviour. It also means that they are not able to be educated on the subject such as sex education. If someone cannot understand the language and know how to use what they have been given then this will be a barrier and not be effective communication. This is a barrier to the change of behaviour because it depends on the availability of a product in the area if this is possible of the individuals change. An example of this would be if an individual wanted to give up drinking alcohol and they lived in a rural area the availability of AA meetings and support groups will be limited compared to an urban area in London. This is a barrier because it gives the individual less choice and options that they are able to make. Another example would be that if parents leave cigarettes around the house and do not count how many they have then this will make it available to their children and give them access to this which could promote smoking. This is a barrier to the change of an individuals behaviour because if parents have a supply of fatty foods at 5 Author: L.P

Unit 20 Task 2a, 2b P2, M1 home that their parent buys then it is acceptable for the individual to eat this. This is a barrier to change because the rest of the family is not changing their own diet. This would mean that the individual would not want to change because they would be different compared to the rest of their family. The campaign change for life have targeted all families so they all change their ways and no one gets left out which is good because it includes everyone and making simple easy steps that can benefit the health of individuals. This is a barrier to the change of the individuals behaviour because the peer group that they are in may not agree with the choices that they have made. An example of this would be that if a Muslim chooses not to drink and does not agree with the Christian religion because they drink wine with a meal and it is a religious symbol for when Jesus has turned water into wine. This would be a barrier of understanding of what the different religions believe and what they think is morally right. This information has come from the Quran and the Bible. This is a barrier to the change of the individuals behaviour because it may shock an individual of what they need to change. An example of this would be if someone has had a heart attack from high cholesterol and an unhealthy diet then this may change 6 Author: L.P their view of what they consume. The barrier to this is that they need a sudden realisation that what they are doing to their body is negative and can harm their body and is bad for their health. This is a barrier to the change of the individuals behaviour because they put excuses in place where they are unable to change their individual habits due to the time they have. An example of this would be a university student full time says that she does not have enough time to have a proper meal so has take away and ready meals because they are less time consuming. This is not good for their health because it is full of fat, salt and sugar which give it flavour and preserve it to make it last longer. This is a barrier because it can cause ill health and lead to obesity.

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