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Project Name Year 2011-2012

Chapter 1

1 Mini Project

Project Name Year 2011-2012

1.1 Project objectives :1. Provide information about the Tour Packages. 2. Provide information about the Hotel Facilities. 3. Book the Tour with simple filling form with details information about tourist. 4. Maintain the database of all tourist information. 5. Easily display all tourists. 6. We can also a modify and delete tourist data.

1.2 Purpose :This project is aimed for creating simple application Tourism Management System, which is used in tourism company to provide a good quality service. This application contains details information of every tourists such as its name, his address, his package, hotel facility and account related information like total tour price and deposited price and also the remaining price. We can modify it and also we can delete it permantly.

1.3 Scope :We have chosen this project for giving total information about tour packages, hotel facilities provided by company, all information about the tourists and also for maintaining account information of the company. To store all information in the file, register or in the book is a very tedious and very difficult process to maintain the all information. This process is also slow and time consuming. Tourists have to wait more time. So we have to avoid this and provide good quality service and maintain information correctly and provide a service fastly we need a one software. So we decide to create a system that is very fast and storing data easily. It is also faster than the manual recording of files, register or books.

2 Mini Project

Project Name Year 2011-2012

Chapter 2

3 Mini Project

Project Name Year 2011-2012



2.1 Requirement analysis: The analysis phase begins with problems statement generated by user & possibly the developer. The statement may be incomplete or informal; makes it more precise. The real-world system described by problem statement must be understood & its essential features abstracted into model. The Analysis phase includes following activities: Gather information Define system requirement Discovery of requirements Generated & evaluated alternative solutions Review recommendations

2.1.1 Software requirements : Front End : Turbo C. Back End : File Handling. Operating System : Windows XP. 2.1.2 Hardware requirements : Pentium4 machine. 512MB RAM. 80GB HDD. 2.1.3 Functional requirements : Write Functional Requirements for your project 2.1.4 Customer requirements : They require software which is easy to operate means any one can use this software.
4 Mini Project

Project Name Year 2011-2012

Provide fastly information about Tour package and Hotel facilities. Simple booking form. Simply display all tourists information. Ability to modify and delete the tourists information. Auto calculation of Tour price and store it. Maintain account information.

2.2 Design constraints

2.2.1 Software Requiremet : Run on any machine which are above Pentium4 machine. Simple. Secure. Reliable. 2.2.2 Hardware Requiremet : Nil.

2.3 External Interface Requirements 2.3.1 Hardware Requiremet : Nil. 2.3.2 Software Requiremet : Nil.

5 Mini Project

Project Name Year 2011-2012

Chapter 3

6 Mini Project

Project Name Year 2011-2012


A data flow diagram (DFD) is a graphical representation of the "flow" of data through an information system, modeling its process aspects. Often they are a preliminary step used to create an overview of the system which can later be elaborated. DFDs can also be used for the visualization of data processing (structured design). A DFD shows what kinds of data will be input to and output from the system, where the data will come from and go to, and where the data will be stored. It does not show information about the timing of processes, or information about whether processes will operate in sequence or in parallel

3.2 Types of DFD : Explain it briefly. 1 Level 0- overall idea of project. 2 Level 1- interaction of modules with each other. 3 Level 2-all brief idea of the system.

3.3 Notation

7 Mini Project

Project Name Year 2011-2012

3.4 DFD of our system

DFD level 0

Tourist Information Show Tourist Details Store Information

Tourism Management
Gives Information


Send Tour Prize

Send Tour Package

Send Hotel Facility

8 Mini Project

Project Name Year 2011-2012

DFD level 1

Tourist information Show inf. Operator Show details Show Package Tourism Management Booking

Give Information

Gives Information

Send Package

(name, ph etc)


DFD level 2

9 Mini Project

Project Name Year 2011-2012

Tourist Information Store Information Show Information Total Price


Account Details


Total Balance

Tour Package s
Send Show Tour Package Send Package Package Amount


Name, City, Ph, etc

Tour Package, Hotel Facility Total Prize

Send hotel price Show facility


Mini Project

Project Name Year 2011-2012

Chapter 4

11 Mini Project

Project Name Year 2011-2012

4. SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION 4.1Theory of coding: Print the Snap Shots of your project. Copy the code of your project.

12 Mini Project

Project Name Year 2011-2012

Chapter 5

13 Mini Project

Project Name Year 2011-2012

5. CONCLUSION Advantages of your project and in future what should be update.

14 Mini Project

Project Name Year 2011-2012

Chapter 6

15 Mini Project

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