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altogether. To give an example of the positive advantages of an informed awareness: mainstream science has not ascertained why killer-viruses are fatal to some but not all. The reason is clear, however, to anyone who possesses elementary occult knowledge. Everything in the universe consists of energy at varying frequencies of vibration. Viruses arise due to the low and deleterious vibrations of our own negative thinking and emotion; viruses thrive at low vibratory rates. Those with an altogether higher vibration of consciousness who are positively oriented toward selflessness and love are generally immune from the so-called killer-diseases, and without the need for harmful inoculations! 'Miracle cures' have been repeatedly recorded throughout history, and all such remedies were made possible by raising the patient's vibratory rate of consciousness so that healing forces could flow unimpeded from within the ailing person themselves. This has been the case whether the cure was labelled faith-healing, white magic, God's blessing or whatever else; the true reasons are always the same, and it is ever the frequency of one's consciousness that is the key to success. The easiest and quickest way to raise the vibration of consciousness - and certainly the safest for most people - is to make contact with the Divine in oneself, and this may be done by focussing out of and away from the personal self and upon some higher and worthy purpose In fact, if in aligning with universal law mankind were to adopt and maintain such an inclusive and expanded focus, perfect healing on all levels would eventually ensue in the world, and in most cases without the need for intermediaries like doctors or drugs etc. For the majority of the planetary population this is a vitally needed education today, and it is this lesson which the impending inner and outer upheavals prior to the birth of the New World will endeavour to impart to all who attempt to continue living within the shadows of selfishness and fear.

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Judgement Day (The Harvest Time)

INSUPERABLE COSMIC FORCES began the prophesied acceleration and advancement of the Divine Plan for Earth much earlier this century, but only relatively recently has this necessary process been substantially hastened. By way of its more tangible effects, therefore, it Search has attracted the attention of a larger percentage of the world's population, and it is these more Search History: aware persons who are responsible for introducing today's novel thought-trends, elaborate Searching... cosmologies, expanded spiritual philosophies and new healing modalities, which collectively Result 00 of 00 have come to be regarded as the New Age movement . The ongoing changes that are currently being so avidly discussed and researched by those who belong to this movement represent a 00 results for result for very important preliminary phase of the Divine Plan for mankind at the end of this Piscean


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Download Embed Doc Share Copy Link Add Embed Doc To Copy Link Collection cycle, yet they constitute only an integral part of a much larger process, the concluding stage of which, as Readcast far as humanity is presently concerned, has generally and metaphorically come to be Comments known as Judgement Day . The destiny of every single soul upon Earth is inseparably linked Collections Readcast with this momentous and now impending time of critical human choice and planetary transformation. Share CommentsGo Back Download occurred many times during the past and they will continue to take place whenever the have
These culminating world events within the vast cycles and sub-cycles of cosmic unfoldment dawn of a major epoch is about to break. They present, therefore, in and of themselves, nothing new, yet the great opportunity that is offered to all life which they influence is unprecedented for that cycle.

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Approximately every 25,000 years the hour of Judgement Day strikes for planet Earth, and each 75,000-year period represents a major cycle which yields its own major Judgement Day. These most important occasions present great catalysts for the spiritual advancement of accomplished souls, and some aware persons have more aptly termed such a momentous period The Harvest Time , signifying that all those who have learned well the lessons of the physical plane will be harvested into, or promoted to, a higher, more expansive level of education and experience. In the past, certain individuals have managed to harvest themselves early. These assiduous personalities have often been referred to as 'enlightened', and techniques of self-liberation, e.g., yoga, meditation, etc. have addressed this possibility, although sitting for enlightenment has ever been lengthy and difficult, and only those persons possessing an indomitable will and unyielding diligence have succeeded. Today, however, at the end of this 75,000-year major cycle, and consequently due to the tremendous spiritual opportunity afforded each and every person on Earth, it is much easier for all humanity to ascend in consciousness, and groups of souls will be harvested during the birth of the New World in accordance with their ability to attune to the grace of the present period and to thereby succeed in raising the frequency of their consciousness, for the key to success at the Harvest Time is vibration . Each individual's consciousness (which is an integral part of the planetary vibration) must be raised to a minimal level in order to qualify for graduation into the New World. There are many legends of a 'Day of Judgement' at which time the future destiny of mankind is decided. Behind these legends there lies an important truth, although the fanciful imagination of certain religious adherents has in the past misinterpreted the perfectly simple and logical fact of necessary karmic reconciliation into a distorted and whimsical idea of 'everlasting damnation'. It is a perfect part of the Divine Plan that cosmic forces bring to an end cycles, ideologies, societies and civilisations when the due and right time comes. This is done in order to make place for that which is better and which will prove adequate, and not limiting, to the awakening consciousness and to the emerging life. The Judgement Day as found in scriptural behests is a conveniently recallable simile for a necessary separation of souls, when human beings who are not sufficiently advanced to progress with the rest will be excluded from the ongoing stream of life. With regard to the imminent Judgement Day, divine ordinance will ensure that the development of such immature

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souls will continue upon another planet where conditions are better suited to their specific needs and more befitting to their level of evolvement. Leading up to the 'Day of Reckoning' when the 'Book of Records' will be opened for everyone to see, all those who have failed to take full advantage of the spiritual opportunities afforded

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Search Search History: Searching... Result 00 of 00 Most Christians today do not fully realise that for result forgreat mission of Jesus two 00 results a vital part of the
thousand years ago was to attempt to prepare humanity for this present time of unprecedented planetary transformation and spiritual opportunity. It was with the objective of saving as many p. souls as possible from avoidable delay and suffering that the Piscean Christ said to his disciples: "Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature; he that believeth and is baptised shall be saved, but he that believeth not shall be damned" . For baptism, and its corresponding rites in other religions, is a sign of the dedication of one's life in service to the Divine Plan and to humanity, and the one who grasps the truth of universal law and so resolutely forgets the self in order to look forward and upward in the right direction, will certainly be amongst the saved who escape the "damnation" of the succeeding Judgement Day. The word "damned" is indicative of the rejection from the present life-current which is about to

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35 And everyone can read the records he has written for himself, and he will know his doom before the judge shall speak, and this will be the sifting time.


36 According to their records men will find their own. Search History: 37 The judge is Righteousness, the king of all the Earth, and he Result 00 of 00 will separate the multitudes as shepherds separate the sheep and 00 results for result for goats. 38 The sheep willp. their places on the right, the goats upon the find left, and every man will know his place. 39 And then the judge will say to those upon the right, "You blessed of the Father-God, come unto your inheritance, which was prepared for you from times of old. 40 "You have been servants of the race; I was hungry and you gave me bread; was thirsty and you gave me drink; was naked


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