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"Growing Pains" By Benjamin Johnson

Final Draft 08/04/2012

INT. KITCHEN - MORNING Fingers anxiously tap against a mug, the nails bitten and chewed. DEAN, sits at the kitchen table alone. To say he was an empty shell of a man would be wrong... he is well past that. His chapped lips purse the cup, and he takes a sip, placing the cup down. His eyes shut, as if weights had been attached to them. His jaw shakes as he sighs, lamenting, worrying, questioning, reminiscing. Somebody rushes into the room, and Deans eyes gradually open, revealing tears that have not yet fallen. PIPPA rummages through one of the bottom drawers. She hasnt acknowledged Deans presence, but she knows hes there. Every step she takes is rushed, as if the room was filling with poisonous gas, and every moment longer she risked certain death. Dean blinks, the tear rips down his skin leaving its obvious tracks behind it. He wipes the tear away but his eyes are red raw. He looks at Pippa, hoping for her to look back, to see his pain... she doesnt. She slams the drawer shut, not finding what she was looking for and stands up. She opens the fridge and takes some juice out of it. She pours it into a glass and quickly drinks it, her back turned away from Dean. He has stopped looking at her now, her cold shoulder act has won... He just stares at his cup. Hoping to hear some kind words from Pippa... they never come. She faces him, and her mouth opens... but the prepared words she thought of for so long, just dont come out. She sees the worn out look on Deans face and for a moment she just looks at him. Hoping hed return her glance... he doesnt.

INT. BEDROOM - MOMENTS LATER Pippa brushes her long brown hair in the mirror. She stares at herself for a moment, hating the person who is staring back.




Dean enters, discretely. He slowly comes behind Pippa and brushes her hair back behind her ear. She looks at his reflection, his hands skim down her cheek and onto her pale neck. She closes her eyes and breathes heavily, his lips brush her neck, her warm breath fogs the mirror, suddenly she pulls away. PIPPA Dont. She tries to leave, but as she turns she moves into Deans chest, her head droops. He stands there motionless, his eyes fixed on her head. She takes a deep breath and then slowly moves past him. Dean runs his hand through his hair, the neglect is too much for him. A photograph of Him and Her sits on the chest of drawers. The smiles in the picture are real, they were once happy. The delighted faces torture Dean, but he cant take his eyes of it.

INT. CLASSROOM - MORNING - 6 MONTHS AGO The incoherent drones of a MALE TEACHER reverberate through the room. The students sit, bored, lifeless, longing to go outside for a cigarette and a cup of tea. The clock, mocks the students -- it reads -- 09:15 -- over an hour until the next break. Dean sits on the end of the row, but this is not the Dean we met earlier. His hair is tidy, his clothes, neat and colourful. He looks to his left, seeing that there is a chair empty. He looks like a normal 19 year old male, not the broken, empty, shell we met before. --Somebody is absent-He sighs and then looks back at the soul destroying teacher, who is still talking his monotonous humming. The door to the class room opens and through it walks PIPPA. PIPPA -- the type of girl you would take home to meet your mother, they type of girl you want to show off to the world. Her eyes sparkle behind the designer glasses, she carries herself so much different than earlier.




PIPPA Sorry Im late. She looks at Dean while she is walking to her seat. PIPPA (miming) Hi. DEAN (miming) Hi. She brushes past people and sits in the empty seat. Dean looks at her, she looks back and Dean quickly looks away. Pippa smiles. The attraction between the two is obvious. She casually looks at the board and takes out her notebook and a pen and listens intently. Dean keeps sneaking a few looks in here and there. Pippa is looking at the board but she can sense that he is looking at her and she smiles and bites her lip.

INT. COMMON ROOM - LATER ON - 6 MONTHS AGO DEAN and JOHN sit at the table. JOHN Ask her out man. Stop being a little melt. DEAN I will do. JOHN Youve been saying this for time now man, just walk up and say Wanna get drinks after college one day? or something like that. DEAN I will do. JOHN When? Theres like three weeks left of college then... we all bail man. So just ask her out, get some sex for the summer.


CONTINUED: (2) DEAN I dont wanna just get some sex I like her, you know. Like I really like her.




Dean smokes a cigarette, he looks at his phone. He wants to ring PIPPA, the phone lies on the table -- wanting to be used. Dean grabs it and punches in a number.

EXT. STREET - CONTINUOUS - PRESENT DAY The phone in Pippas bag starts ringing. She roots around the bag until she finds it. She sees its Dean and hangs up. She puts the phone back into her bag and starts walking again... Like before the phone rings... she looks again its Dean. This time she puts the phone to her ear. PIPPA Im literally going into work now, so can we speak later, yeah? She switches the phone off.

INT. KITCHEN - AS BEFORE - PRESENT DAY Dean hears the phone click and he slowly lets go of it. He looks around the dark room... He is truly alone. He pours himself a drink.

EXT. STREET - MOMENTS LATER - PRESENT DAY PIPPA continues to walk down the road, until she gets to a house. She walks up the drive and rings the bell. A few moments later a MAN answers. He is smoking. He smiles at her. They kiss.

5. INT. COFFEE SHOP - DAY - 6 MONTHS AGO Dean relaxes into his chair, his fingers anxiously twitch. A Cup of tea is placed in front of him, by his DAD. DAD I know that face son... Dean tries to hide what hes thinking. DAD Girl problems? Dean nods. DAD (contd) So who is she? DEAN This girl in college... Pippa. DAD She your girlfriend? DEAN Not yet. Every time I go to ask her out, I sort of just... sweat. DAD Look Dean, son. If this was a film, then Id be the old fella who has the words of wisdom, but (beat) I got nothin. Dean looks away, he knew his Dad wouldnt have anything to say to help him. DAD opens his mouth to say something, but he stops, collects himself andDAD (contd) Maybe you could pretend you was gay. Get in her good books then bam! DAD slaps the counter. DEAN Thats horrible advice. DAD Ive been giving myself that horrible advice for thirty years.




DEAN Is that why you have three failed marriages. DAD And two unwanted kids. DEAN (sarcastically) Youre a wonderful man.

INT. CLASSROOM - MIDDAY - 6 MONTHS AGO John is looking over at Dean, nodding his head at Pippa. JOHN (miming) Go ask her! DEAN (miming) I will. Dean stands up from his computer chair. He slowly and creepily walks over to Pippas seat. He stand behind her and he goes to tap her on the shoulder but stops. He goes to turn away and wimp it but John gives him the evil eyes. DEAN (contd) (super fast) Do you wanna go grab a drink one day after college? PIPPA (confused/smiling) What? Dean composes himself. DEAN Would you like to maybe go out and get a drink after college with me sometime? Maybe? If you want? Or not? You know? She smiles and looks at Dean.




PIPPA Okay. DEAN Okay. Okay. Okay. Dean walks away. He looks over at JOHN who is making some kind of west side symbol which then turns into a weird dance. Pippa turns around from her chair and sees them both, celebrating, Dean sees her see them and he tries to act cool and when she looks away, they silently continue dancing. They both laugh.

INT. BEDROOM - DAY - 6 MONTHS AGO Pippa and Dean enter. DEAN I just dont understand what tapas is... we should of just grabbed a burger or something. Like, the portions where so small... Pippa smiles. PIPPA You can have Burger and Chips any time. Tapas is something different. Pippa sits on the bed, the streetlights from outside are the only thing that illuminates the room. They look at each other, a silence ensues. Pippa smiles and beckons him to come to her. He does. DEAN walks towards her, slowly, calmly, nothing else matters to him, just her. He lowers his body and they are level. He stares into her eyes. PIPPA (contd) Kiss me. They kiss. Their hands intertwine, she moves back giving him room to get on the bed. She breathes deep, her heart racing. He starts to kiss her neck, his hands wrap inside her hair, gently pulling.




DEAN I love you. Pippa smiles. She grabs the back of his head and they start kissing again. Their hands intertwine again, he pushes her further onto the bed. Their eyes locked, staring at each other wondering what comes next. FADE IN:

INT. BEDROOM - DAY - 6 MONTHS AGO They lie in bed, happy. DEAN Do you think about the future? PIPPA Not really, do you? DEAN Sometimes... PIPPA What do you see? Dean looks at her. DEAN You. Pippa smiles, which makes Dean smile. They kiss.

INT. PIPPAS WORK - LATER ON - PRESENT DAY Dean enters, he slowly opens the door. He is drunk. His eyes look around the room, scanning for Pippa. He sees MANDY, Pippas BOSS. Dean walks over to the counter. DEAN Wheres Pippa? Mandy turns around, and smiles at Dean.




MANDY Oh alright Dean. Uh shes not here. DEAN Dont lie to me, just go get her. MANDY Shes not here. I can smell the ale on you. Go home Dean. DEAN Stop being a fucking bitch and go get her, she told me shes in work. MANDY She hasnt been in all week. Dean doesnt listen to her and he tries to get around the counter, Mandy blocks him and he tries to move past her. DEAN Move you fucking slag! PIPPA! Mandy flips and starts slapping him hard in the face. His drunken legs give way and he falls to the floor. His face red off the hand marks. Mandy steps back. She takes a deep breath, calming her down. Dean lies on the floor and crawls to a wall. He starts laughing... but the laughter fizzles out... and his eyes are flooding. The pain on his face is clear and Mandy stares at him, lost in his tormented eyes. DEAN (contd) Shes cheating on me you know. He half smiles when he says this, but you can tell its just to hide the real pain underneath. Mandys face softens. MANDY You dont know that... Ill get you some coffee, you cant go home like that. Mandy leaves the room. Dean slowly gets up, he touches his nose where he just got slapped and then leaves.


Dean is sitting alone. The door opens and Pippa walks in. She sits on the couch opposite Dean. She looks at him, but he doesnt move his eyes from the floor. Dean sniffs up. DEAN When did you start smoking? Pippa knows that Dean knows shes cheating on him. He looks at her and she looks away. DEAN (contd) Who is he this time? (beat) You know what... I dont want to know. Dean doesnt get angry, he doesnt get sad. He doesnt get anything, he just sits there... the last part of him has died. DEAN (contd) Youve broken my heart. Neither Sharing neither of them of them say anything. They sit there for a moment. the silence, the awkward silence, the silence that of them ever wanted to have. The silence where both know that this is the end...

Pippa gets up and she heads for the door. As she leave Dean takes her hand. He just holds it for a moment, his thumb glides on her skin. This contact between them means much more than it appears, Dean strokes her hand, holding on to a past that is just a distant memory. Pippas eyes are filling with tears. Dean stands, he moves into her, her head droops. Dean gently lifts it up and they are looking at each other. Pippa goes to say something, but she stops. Her mouth trembles. PIPPA ImDEAN Dont. Dean moves in to kiss her, she moves her head away... Then she moves in and they kiss. He gently pushes her into the door behind him, they kiss more passionately than ever before.


INT. BEDROOM - LATER ON - PRESENT DAY Dean is shirtless he leans against the headboard. Pippa sits on the edge of the bed, turned away from Dean. Dean goes to say something... but he doesnt. Dean looks at her. The silence seems to go on forever. PIPPA I dont love you anymore. Dean exhales. DEAN I know. PIPPA Then why do you want to be with me? DEAN Isnt that what love is? Getting through the hard times... together. PIPPA I thought I loved you, but you dont make me smile anymore. You dont make me laugh... You just make me miserable. She turns to look at him. Dean does nothing. PIPPA (contd) How can you accept misery? DEAN Misery doesnt seem to bad when Im with you, its the thought of being alone that kills me. The thought of waking up to a cold empty bed. Not hearing you hum while you make your tea, not seeing you look in the mirror to check if your hair is perfect. That, I cant accept. PIPPA I cant do this anymore. Pretend to our friends that were fine, when deep downShe stops, and composes herself.




PIPPA (contd) When deep down, I cant bear to look at you. I want you to hate me. I want you to see my face and be disgusted, but you dont. You just make it harder for me by being so accepting. DEAN If the only way you can be with me is if you sleep with other people, then. Ill have to accept it, wont I? I guess thats love. PIPPA Not for me its not. Silence. Dean laughs to himself. Pippa turns and looks at him. DEAN Do you remember the first time we ever watched Pineapple express? (beat) you laughed so hard that snot came out of your nose. She smiles and starts laughing, they both do, the laughs fade out. DEAN (contd) We had some laughs didnt we? PIPPA Yeah, yeah we did. She stands up. PIPPA (contd) Ill see you around Dean. She leaves. Dean sighs deeply.

INT. COFFEE SHOP - DAY - PRESENT DAY Dean and DAD sit facing each other.




DEAN I dont even blame her to be honest, I dont know who to blame. DAD You know who I blame... Schools. DEAN Why? DAD I remember you must of been about, I dont know 7, maybe 8, and you came home from school with some booklet and inside it, were all these stupid pictures of a family, Mum, Dad, son, daughter, all smiling. Like, youre shown these pictures and there imprinted in you from such a young age that you think youre going to leave school get a job, meet a girl, fall madly in love and then have kids. Die an old happy man. When really its, you leave school, spend ten years thinking of what you want to be, and when you meet the one, when you meet that person, you realise that, thats all she is son, a person, with flaws, and baggage and the things she used to say and do that made you laugh, you just cant fucking stand no more... What Im trying to say is, life has this funny way of turning you into something you didnt want to be... but fuck life, go get your heart broken, go skinny dipping in Greece, go work as a barman, go have sex on a golf course, get arrested, get beat up... because one day, its going to make you into the man that you want to be... and not the one that life has forced you become... Youll get youre happy ending one day, just that the happy ending takes work and effort, but when you sit there and you look at the other person and you break out into a big smile. Thats when you know, that, through all the shit, the fighting, the arguing, all the sneaking around, (MORE) (CONTINUED)



DAD (contd) and the misery. Its worth it, because if you can smile through that then ask yourself this, would you rather be anywhere else?... and I think you know what the answer to that is... I dont know if youd call them words of wisdom but People come with this fatal flaw... a heart. Dean is speechless. He doesnt even know how to process that. DEAN Can you uh, give me a minute? Dad nods. Dean picks up his mobile which lies on the table. He punches in a number... The phone rings and rings... Somebody answers. DEAN (contd) Hi. FADE TO BLACK: THE END:

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