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Software maintenance is a tedious and challenging job. As long as the software functions as expected, it looks great.

Imagine the situation, your pager keeps buzzing in the midnight (Not a happy feeling, right?). Any software system, no matter how well it has been built and quality tested might get into run-time performance issues. The reasons can be within the functional boundary or can be from the external environment. Software systems are built on certain assumptions and pre-conceived notions. However, when they go live, the assumptions may turn out to be false causing the system to malfunction. In enterprise J2EE systems which generally have very large user base and involve interactions between heterogeneous systems, one of the general runtime issues reported is the system slowdown or system "hang". In such situations, the general trouble shooting pattern would be to analyze the Java thread dumps to isolate the threads which are causing the slow-down or hang. This article discusses the Java stack traces; anatomy of Java Threads and how to read thread dumps in general. Exceptions and Stack Traces All of us encounter and have encountered exceptions during our learning/development phases. Exception is the way Java reports a runtime error. Exceptions have two parts. Message and the stack trace. Message tells you what has gone wrong. Stack Traces provide a complete call flow through all the classes involved top-down as part of the runtime error. The following is an example stack trace for an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 4 at at Test.<init>( at Test.main( In the above exception, the first line "Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 4" tells you that the JVM encountered the reported exception when it tried to access the value at array index 4. The java thread which encountered the exception is "main" thread. Next let's read through the stack trace. The rule of thumb for exceptions is to read from the top line (message line) to understand what the exception is and keep going down to understand the call flow. In the above example, the call flow started at line

number 20 (main() method) and then it called the constructor of the Test class. Constructors are represented with <init> in the stack traces. Then it moved on to the run() method in the Test class and encountered the reported exception at line number 13. From the above stack trace, we can conclude that in, an attempt is made to read past the size of the Array. The Java Thread Dump Java Thread dump can be defined as a snapshot of all threads running inside a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) at a given point of time. A thread dump might contain a single thread or multiple threads. In multi threaded environments like J2EE application servers, there will be many threads and Thread Groups. Each of these threads will have its own call stack and will be performing a separate function at a given time. Thread Dump will provide the stack traces of all the JVM threads and much more information about a particular thread. The Java VM Process and Java Threads The Java Virtual Machine or JVM is an operating system level process. Java Threads are child processes or Light-Weight Processes (in Solaris terms) of the JVM process. Generating Java Thread Dumps Thread Dump is generated by sending a SIGQUIT signal to the JVM process. There are different ways of sending this signal to the process. In Unix, use "kill -3 <pid>" where pid is the Process ID of the JVM. In Windows, press CTRL+BREAK on the window where the JVM is running Java Thread State Each Java Thread can be in one of the four states during its lifetime. Runnable - The thread is either running or ready to run when it gets its CPU turn. JRockit thread dumps refer to this state as ACTIVE. Waiting on Monitor - The thread is either sleeping or waiting on an object for said period of time or waiting to be notified by another thread. This will happen when any of the sleep() methods on Thread object or wait() method on an Object is called. For example, in WebLogc server the idle execute threads are in this condition and they wait till a socket reader thread notify them of some new work to be done. The stack trace will look like this:

"ExecuteThread: '2' for queue: 'weblogic.admin.RMI'" daemon prio=5 tid=0x1752F040 nid=0x180c in Object.wait() [1887f000..1887fd8c] at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method) waiting on <04134D98> (a weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread) at java.lang.Object.wait( at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.waitForRequest( locked <04134D98> (a weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread) at Some other versions of the JVM call this state as CW, Object.wait() (as above). JRockit refer to this as state as WAITING. Waiting for Monitor Entry - The thread is waiting to get the lock for an object (some other thread may be holding the lock). This happens if two or more threads try to execute synchronized code. Note that the lock is always for an object and not for individual methods. Sample stack trace of a thread in this condition: "ExecuteThread: '24' for queue: 'DisplayExecuteQueue'" daemon prio=5 tid=0x5541b0 nid=0x3b waiting for monitor entry [49b7f000..49b7fc24] at weblogic.cluster.replication.ReplicationManager.createSecondary ( - waiting to lock <6c4b9130> (a java.lang.Object) at weblogic.cluster.replication.ReplicationManager.updateSecondary ( at weblogic.servlet.internal.session.ReplicatedSessionData.syncSession ( - locked <6c408700> (a weblogic.servlet.internal.session.ReplicatedSessionData) at weblogic.servlet.internal.session.ReplicatedSessionContext.sync ( - locked <6c408700> (aweblogic.servlet.internal.session.ReplicatedSessionData) at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletRequestImpl.syncSession ( at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.invokeServlet (

at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletRequestImpl.execute ( at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.execute( at In the above stacktrace, you can see that this thread holds the lock an object (6c408700) and waiting to lock another object (6c4b9130) Some other JVMs may not give the object Ids with lock information in the stack trace. The same state may also be called as MW'. JRockit refers to this state as LOCKED. Anatomy of a Java Thread To be able to read/analyze thread dump, it is important to understand various parts of a Thread dump. Let's take a simple Thread Stack example and read various parts of it. "ExecuteThread: '1' " daemon prio=5 tid=0x628330 nid=0xf runnable [0xe4881000..0xe48819e0] at com.vantive.vanjavi.VanJavi.VanCreateForm(Native Method) at at jsp_servlet._so.__newServiceOrder.printSOSection( at jsp_servlet._so.__newServiceOrder._jspService ( at weblogic.servlet.jsp.JspBase.service( at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.invokeServlet ( at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.invokeServlet ( at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.invokeServlet ( at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletRequestImpl.execute ( at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.execute ( at In the above Thread Dump, the interesting part to is the first line. The rest of the stuff is nothing more than a general stack trace. Lets analyze the first line here Execute Thread : 1 This indicates the name of the thread. daemon Indicates that this Thread is a daemon thread prio=5 The priority of this thread (default is 5) tid The Java Thread Id (Unique identifier for this thread in the running JVM instance).

nid Native Identifier of the thread. Indicates LWP id in Solaris. Identifier for this process at the OS level. runnable Indicate the Thread state (See above) [x..y] Indicates the range of addresses in the heap where this thread is executing. The remaining part of the thread dump show the call flow. In this example, the thread (Execute Thread 1) is a OS daemon which is currently executing a native method vanCreateForm(). Putting Thread Dumps to Use In this section I describe few use cases in which Thread dumps are very useful. High CPU consumption Diagnosis The application seems to consume almost 100% CPU and the throughput has come down drastically. Starts to perform very poorly with high load on the CPU. Thread Dump All threads in the dump generally show one or more threads struck doing the same operation through all the thread dumps. Solution

Take a series of thread dumps (around 5-7) for one particular call flow (a web form submit for example) before the call is completed. Looking for "runnable" threads in the Thread Dump. If each such thread seems to move (the method call in each thread dump is different), then the thread is progressing and probably not a culprit. If the thread is executing the same method (same line number) through all the thread dumps, then it is almost for sure the culprit. Go to the code and do the code level analysis. You are almost certain to catch an issue there.

Low CPU consumption and Poor Response time Diagnosis This happens in a high I/O bound systems under high load. The CPU consumption is

low with only few threads consuming reasonable CPU chunk. However the application response time will be very slow. Thread Dump Some or all runnable threads seem to struck performing an I/O operation like a File read/write or a database operation. Solution Understand the I/O operation profile of your application. Use caches where applicable to reduce DB interactions. Application/Server Hang Diagnosis An application or an server JVM hosting the application will hang (become unresponsive). Thread Dump

All runnable threads are struck doing the same operation through all the thread dumps taken. The server runs out of any more threads as all the runnable threads "never" complete their operation.

There might be many threads waiting for monitor entry. This can happen if a "runnable" thread is holding a lock on an object and never returns it while others are waiting for the same lock.


Check for dead lock. JVM generally detects a deadlock if it is simple enough (Thread A waiting for Thread B and vice versa). However, you need to understand the lock profile at the given moment to see if there is any complex deadlock situation involved.

Revisit the synchronized methods/block in the code. Reduce the size of synchronization area to the extent possible. One issue could be too long a timeout while accessing a remote resource/component. Implement a reasonable timeout on the remote object

clients so that the throw appropriate exception when a remote system does not respond in a reasonable amount of time.

If all the threads are waiting for a resource (like an EJB/DB connection), consider increasing the object pool size for those resources.

Tools There are both commercial and open source tools available for thread dump analysis. One such tool is Samurai. It is a light weight open source tool which runs as a Java Web Start application as well as from your command prompt. For more information and documentation on Samurai, visit Conclusion Maintaining J2EE enterprise application in a production environment is a tough job. As the business dynamics change, J2EE application environments change which might cause runtime instability in the production application. One of the primary factors that effect an running J2EE application is high load. While most systems are designed to be scalable, environmental limitations might cause them to become non-responsive. Java Thread Dumps is an excellent mechanism to identify, diagnose, detect and resolve typical production issues. While application profiling and other mechanisms do exist, analyzing Java Thread dumps will provide us an clear and early understanding of popular production level issues there by saving time and helping us provide better user experience with the production applications.

Of Thread dumps and stack traces

Tags: core, debug, java, performance Rajiv @ 10:45 am UTC

Thread dumps and stack traces are probably some of the least understood features of java. Why else would I come across developers who have no clue what do do after looking at an Exception stack trace?
Street Side Programmer?! Anatomy of a stack trace Innovative usage of stack traces Thread dump 101 Debugging run away CPU Debugging performance issues Debugging hang problems

Street Side Programmer?! An ex-colleague of mine, Manoj The Anger Acharya, had coined the phrase Street Side Programmer [a la Server Side Programmer] and he would dole out this title to all those who would come to him with annoying questions. Nothing annoyed him more than having some one come and ask him I am getting some exception when I do *blah* *blah*. His typical answer *bleep*ing Street Side Programmers what is some exception supposed to mean?! Doesnt it have a name? Doesnt it have a stack trace?? I was reminded of him the other day, when a trainee learning java came to me saying My program is not running there seems to be some problem can you come and take a look?. The kid is quite sweet, so instead of telling him about Anger, I just went to his seat. The command prompt had something like this:
C:\learn\classes>java Test Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 5 at at Test.<init>( at Test.main(

I wonder if the book he was reading had any section on reading stack traces. [Monsieur Bruce Eckel ... are you listening?!] I really think any introduction to java book should have this as one of the earliest chapters right after defining a class and method! Some one makes an error while trying out samples, or is tinkering around with the code, which typically results in an exception what is one supposed to do next?! Anatomy of a Stack Trace Well I explained that an exception stack trace is javas way of telling you exactly what went wrong and where it went wrong. The first line of the stack trace gives you the exception name and the exception message and what follows is the stack trace. The stack trace is to be read from top to bottom, line by line. Each line has the name of the class and the name of the method being executed followed by the file name and line number in parentheses. In this case a java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException with the message 5 was raised. To know where it was raised, we look at the next line. It tells us that the exception was raised while executing the run method of the Test class at line number 11 in file. The next line tells us that the run method was called by the constructor [the stack trace shows Constructors as <init> and static blocks in a class as <clinit>] of the Test class at line number 4 in file. The next line tells us that the constructor was called by the main method of Test class at line number 19 of file. So the java stack trace would read in English would be like: You accessed an array with an index of 5, however the array does not have 6 elements [thanks to zero based index]. This happened when I was executing the run method of Test class which happens to be in line number 11 of file. The run method was called by the constructor of Test class at line number 4 of file. The constructor was called by the main method of the Test class at line number 19 of file.

Well there is a wealth of information here. It tells you exactly what the VM was doing when the exception was raised. Let us see how to debug the issue given all this information. The file looks like this:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 public class Test { public Test(int[] nums){ run(nums); } private void run(int[] nums) { int n = nums.length; for (int i = 0; i < nums.length; i++) { int num = nums[n]; System.out.println(num); } } public static void main(String argv[]) throws Exception { new Test(new int[]{1,3,5,7,9}); } }

Stepping through the code [as per the stack trace], we called the main method, which invoked the constructor at line number 19, which in turn called the run method at line number 4. Hey the stack trace was correct after all! Now we look at line number 11 where the exception was raised. The exception says that we accessed an array with incorrect index. The only array we are accessing at line number 11 is the num array. The index being used to access the array was n. So what the VM is trying to tell you is that the n is larger that the size of the array nums. Which is in fact true. n happens to be the length of the array. So it IS greater than the last index of the array. What the user really wanted to do was use i as the loop index and not n. Another common exception raised is the java.lang.NullPointerException. The NPE! A NullPointerException

is Javas way of telling a user that a null object reference was being used. Take a look at the following lines from a stack trace [snipped for brevity]:
java.lang.NullPointerException: at

So now we know that a null object was being referened at line number 36 of The code for the servlet looks something like:
35 36 37 String userNameParam = request.getParameter("username"); if(userNameParam.equals("root")) {

The only object reference being used in line number 36 happens to be userNameParam. So it was null when the VM was executing that line. Now we track down what values were assigned to the userNameParam. Line number 35 happens to be the only assignment in this case. It assigns the value of userNameParam to request.getParameter("username"). Since the VM told us that the userNameParam was null, it means that the method request.getParameter("username") returned a null value. Looking at the documentation of the method we know that the method may return null. So the users of the method need to code taking that into consideration. In this case we would change the condition like so:
35 36 37 String userNameParam = request.getParameter("username"); if(userNameParam!=null && userNameParam.equals("root")) {

Thanks to stack traces some one who is not even aware of the code can pin point the exact location of the error. In most of the cases a stack trace is definitely starting points for debugging erroneous behavior. Who wants messy core dumps anyways when you have readable stack traces?!

Innovative uses of stack traces Once you know what a stack trace provides, there are a lot of innovative ways to use it. Basically answer questions like how did I get here or to record the location of an event. Recently a customer noticed that the VM was performing Full GCs very frequently. This would happen even when the application is completely idle. Looking at java -verbose:gc -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps ... , we realized that the Full GC would occur every one minute on the dot. We then tried adding the -XX:+DisableExplicitGC option and voila no more full GCs! So looks like some one was doing a System.gc somewhere at every one minute. So how do we find out who is calling it?! You would extract the file from <jdk-home>/!/java/lang/ and edit it like so:
736 public static void gc() { 737 new Exception("Some one triggered Full GC from here").printStackTrace(); 738 Runtime.getRuntime().gc(); 739 } 740

Compile the modified file and prepend it to your bootclasspath using the option -Xbootclasspath/p:outputDir. Next time we ran the application, we got the stack trace:
java.lang.Exception: Some one triggered Full GC from here at java.lang.System.gc( at sun.misc.GC$

Adding one more stack trace to [You will not find sources for the com.sun.* and sun.* packages in the that comes with your jdk. You will have to download it from Sun's Community Source site.] we get to know that sun.rmi.transport.ObjectTable is triggering the

full GC based on an interval specified by the system property sun.rmi.dgc.server.gcInterval. The default value for the property happens to be one minute. So using the printStackTrace method we could debug where Full GC was being triggered explicitly. You could ofcourse do the same by setting a method break point for the System.gc method. Or you could be a smart googleer and stumble upon the Other considerations section of the GC options page! Instead of doing a new Exception().printStackTrace(), you could alternatively do a Thread.dumpStack() which internally does the same. The only disadvantage is that Thread,dumpStack() does take a message as its parameter. Some times it makes sense to create an exception object and hold a reference to it until a later point in time. Suppose you have a class which looks like:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 import; /** * A class that represents a heavy weight resource. */ public class Resource { private boolean closed; public void close() throws IOException{ if(closed) throw new IOException("Resource already closed."); //resource cleanup closed=true; } //code snipped for brevity ...

The class throws an exception when a user invokes close on an already closed resource. The stack trace of the IOException is going to tell you where in the code you tried to close the already closed connection. For example the following output tells you that when you called close on the Resource at line 41 of it was already closed.
C:\learn\classes>java ResourceTest Resource already closed. at Resource.close( at ResourceTest.closeResource( at at ResourceTest.main(

But now what if you want to know where did you close it the first time?! You would change the code like so:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 import; /** * A class that represents a heavy weight resource. */ public class Resource { private boolean closed; private Exception closedAt; public void close() throws IOException{ if(closed) { closedAt.printStackTrace(); throw new IOException("Resource already closed."); } //resource cleanup

18 closed=true; 19 closedAt=new Exception("Resource closed here the first time."); 20 } 21 //code snipped for brevity ...

The output would after making the changes would look like

C:\learn\classes>java ResourceTest java.lang.Exception: Resource closed here the first time. at Resource.close( at ResourceTest.useResource( at at ResourceTest.main( Resource already closed. at Resource.close( at ResourceTest.closeResource( at at ResourceTest.main(

So now from the stack traces we know that a close was called first at line 32 of and later at line 41 we called a close on the same resource for the second time. There are a lot of multi threaded problems [NullPointers] which we were not able to debug with a debugger because the whole application would become too slow to simulate the problem scenario. However, by using Exception objects to track threads which were setting the fields to null, we were able to resolve the issues. A word of caution though creating exception objects is resource intensive. Creating too many exception objects takes lot of CPU. And if you are holding references to all the objects it requires memory too! Thread dump 101 If the stack trace which gives the information on what a thread was doing at that moment can help us in so many ways, just imagine the possibilites if you could find out what every single thread in the Java VM is doing at any given moment! A Full Thread Dump or a thread dump for short gives us exactly that information. Consider the following source
1 2 3 4 5 6 public class Test { public Test(char[] chars){ System.out.println("New line at "+findNewLine(chars)); }

7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

private int findNewLine(char[] chars) { int i = 0; char aChar; do{ aChar = chars[i]; }while(aChar!='\n'); return i; } public static void main(String argv[]) throws Exception { new Test("Hello World!\nHowz goin?!">.toCharArray()); } }

The method findNewLine is supposed to return the first index of a new line character in a given char array. [Purists please don't mail me with the list of reasons why this approach is not right ... the idea here is not really to write the best way to find a new line character!] Now when you run the program it just wont print the result. One look at top in unix or the task manager in windows we get to know that VM has taken the CPU for a spin. 100% CPU consumption for ever! Now wouldnt you want to know what the VM is doing. Why is it taking all this CPU and not printing the output it is supposed. One way to do this would be rerun the program in debug mode. Use the debugger and debug the application. However, many a times you come across such the situation on a live system after running the app for a long duration. Since it is a live system and we hit the issue only after running the application for a long duration we can not leave it in debug mode for ever. The first line of defense under such circumstances is the thread dump. Run the program from the command prompt and when the CPU peaks take a thread dump. You can get a thread dump by pressing the following at the command prompt: Ctrl+\ for unices or Ctrl+Break for windows machines. If you are running your application as a back ground

process in unix, you could execute kill -SIGQUIT <pid> from another command prompt. The above signals the VM to generate a full thread dump. Suns VM prints the dump on the error stream while IBMs JDK generates a new file with the thread dump every time you send the signal. In our case the thread dump would look something like this: C:\learn\classes>java Test Full thread dump Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (1.4.2_04-b05 mixed mode): "Signal Dispatcher" daemon prio=10 tid=0x0091db28 nid=0x744 waiting on condition [0..0] "Finalizer" daemon prio=9 tid=0x0091ab78 nid=0x73c in Object.wait() [1816f000..1816fd88] at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method) - waiting on <0x10010498> (a java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue$Lock) at java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.remove(Unknown Source) - locked <0x10010498> (a java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue$Lock) at java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.remove(Unknown Source) at java.lang.ref.Finalizer$ own Source) "Reference Handler" daemon prio=10 tid=0x009196f0 nid=0x738 in Object.wait() [1812f000..1812fd88] at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)

- waiting on <0x10010388> (a java.lang.ref.Reference$Lock) at java.lang.Object.wait(Unknown Source) at java.lang.ref.Reference$ nown Source) - locked <0x10010388> (a java.lang.ref.Reference$Lock) "main" prio=5 tid=0x00234998 nid=0x4c8 runnable [6f000..6fc3c] at Test.findNewLine( at Test.<init>( at Test.main( "VM Thread" prio=5 tid=0x00959370 nid=0x6e8 runnable "VM Periodic Task Thread" prio=10 tid=0x0023e718 nid=0x74c waiting on condition "Suspend Checker Thread" prio=10 tid=0x0091cd58 nid=0x740 runnable The thread dump generated here is on Suns JDK 1.4.2. Though the output differs from version to version and from vendor to vendor, the basic structure is the same. The output is somewhat like going over all the threads and doing a Thread.dumpStack in each of them. In this case we can see that, at the time we took the thread dump, there were seven threads:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Signal Dispatcher Finalizer Reference Handler main VM Thread

6. VM Periodic Task Thread 7. Suspend Checker Thread

Each thread name is followed by whether the thread is a daemon thread or not. Then comes prio the priority of the thread [ex: prio=5]. I am not sure what the tid and nid are. My best guess is that they are the Java thread id and the native thread id. Would love if someone could comment on that. Then what follows the state of the thread. It is either:

Runnable [marked as R in some VMs]: This state indicates that the thread is either running currently or is ready to run the next time the OS thread scheduler schedules it. Suspended [marked as S in some VMs]: I presume this indicates that the thread is not in a runnable state. Can some one please confirm?! Object.wait() [marked as CW in some VMs]: indicates that the thread is waiting on an object using Object.wait() waiting for monitor entry [marked as MW in some VMs]: indicates that the thread is waiting to enter a synchronized block

What follows the thread description line is a regular stack trace. Debugging run away CPU When we are trying to debug a run away CPU, as in this case, what we need to look at is the set of Runnable threads in the thread dump. The question to ask is: What was the thread which was consuming CPU doing? At the instant we took the above thread dump, the thread was at line 13 of Well looks like it was checking the condition for the while loop. But eventually it should have returned right?! So we take a few more thread dumps. Each time it shows us the thread is within the while loop. This definitely indicates from the first time you took a dump to the last time you took a dump, the thread never got out of the loop. The problem is narrowed down that loop. Putting the loop under the magnifying glass, we realize that the counter i was never being incremented.

Well if you have a single class in your application it is no big deal! But when you have gazillions of classes, narrowing down the problem to a single loop within single class is a big saver! I have found this a useful tool even when I am using a debugger. It helps me choose a good location to set my first break point! Debugging performance issues Its the night before the release and your application is not performing good enough. You really dont have enough time to run the app through a profiler. Take heart! Like Ramesh says there are always some low hanging fruits! The way a java profiler works is, it takes snapshots of what the CPU was doing at frequent intervals and generates a statistical report on where most of the CPU time was being spent during the run. If your application is performing so poorly that you could take say 10-12 thread dumps before an operation completes, you would get a rough idea of distribution of CPU time. Some of the easy kills I can think of:

Symptom: High CPU consumption and poor response time Thread dump profile: Most of the dumps show the same thread in the same method or same class Solution: The method/class is the one which is definitely taking a lot of CPU. See if you can optimize these calls. Some of the REALLY easy kills we have had in this category is using a Collection.remove(Object) where the backend collection is a List. Change the backed collection to be a HashSet. A word of caution though: There have been times when the runnable threads are innocent and the GC is the one consuming the CPU. Symptom: Low CPU consumption most of which is kernel time and poor response time Thread dump profile: Most thread dumps have the runnable threads performing some IO operations Solution: Most likely your application is IO bound. If you are reading a lot of files from the disc, see if you can implement Producer-Consumer pattern.

The Producer can perform the IO operations and Consumers do the processing on the data which has been read by the producer. If you notice that most IO operations are from the data base driver, see if you can reduce the number of queries to the database or see if you can cache the results of the query locally. Symptom: Medium/Low CPU consumption in a highly multithreaded application Thread dump profile: Most threads in most thread dumps are waiting for a monitor on same object Solution: The thread dump profile says it all. See if you can: eliminate the need for synchronization [using ThreadLocal/Session-scopeobjects] or reduce the amount of code being executed within the synchronized block. Symptom: Medium/Low CPU consumption in a highly multithreaded application Thread dump profile: Most threads in most thread dumps are waiting for a resource Solution: If all the threads are choked for resources, say waiting on the pool to create EJB-bean objects/DB Connection objects, see if you can increase the pool size.

Debugging hang problems A textbook case of deadlock is the easiest to debug with the newer JDKs. At the end of the thread dump you will find something like this:
Found one Java-level deadlock: ============================= "Thread-1": waiting to lock monitor 0x0091a27c (object 0x140fa790, a java.lang.Class), which is held by "Thread-0" "Thread-0": waiting to lock monitor 0x0091a25c (object 0x14026800, a java.lang.Class), which is held by "Thread-1"

Java stack information for the threads listed above: =================================================== "Thread-1": at Deadlock$ - waiting to lock <0x140fa790> (a java.lang.Class) - locked <0x14026800> (a java.lang.Class) "Thread-0": at Deadlock$ - waiting to lock <0x14026800> (a java.lang.Class) - locked <0x140fa790> (a java.lang.Class) Found 1 deadlock.

But many a times we come across hangs which are not deadlocks. One thing that easily comes to my mind is a resource limit. For example in an EJB container you have set the maximum bean pool size to 1000. Now say two threads have started executing a finder each returning a collection of 1000 odd beans. Assuming a decent CPU time slice distribution it could happen that the first thread iterates over 500 beans and the next thread iterates over the 500 beans. At this moment both the threads need more beans to proceed further. However the container will not create new beans as the bean pool limit has been reached. So both the threads wait for some beans to be release to the pool which is not going to happen. We have a hung app here. however it is not a javalevel deadlock. It is an artificial deadlock introduced due to resource limitation. When your app is not responding and your CPU consumption is 0%, take a thread dump. If it does not have a java level dead lock, then take multiple thread dumps. If all of them show that the threads are waiting for resources [EJBs or DBConnections] see if you can increase the pool limit or decrease the number of resources required within a transaction. Finally Thread Dumps and stackTraces are really good tools they may not replace a debugging/profiling tools but are definitely good starting points and huge time savers. Unfortunately, I think they are undersold.

Classes dont teach you about them, Books dont talk about them and tools dont support them. I mean I can run any class from my IDE. I has buttons to Start/Pause and Stop the app from within the IDE. But why cant I have a button for Generate full Thread dump. Every time I need to generate a thread dump, I have to rerun the application from command line. Well maybe things are not so bad after all. What if the IDEs dont support generation of a thread dump?! Most of them now open up the file and line number if you double click on a line in the exception stack trace obtained on runninga program! And what if the books dont talk about it? People like Ashman make sure anyone joining the support team gets their dope on thread dump from me!

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