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Question 1 4 Choose the best word to complete the sentence. Pilih perkataan yang terbaik untuk melengkapkan ayat berikut. 1. The motorist wears a ...................................... for protection. A. self belt B. helmet C. raincoat D. umbrella 2. We use our ........................... to taste our food. A. feet B. ankle C. hand D. tongue 3. My sister has just given birth to a baby girl. The baby girl is my ....................... A. cousin B. sister C. niece D. nephew 4. Please keep quiet in the ................ A. library B. canteen C. market D. hall

Question 5 7 Study the pictures carefully and choose the best phrase to complete the paragraph. Lihat gambar dengan teliti dan pilih rangkai kata yang terbaik bagi melengkapkan perenggan di bawah. I was very hungry so, I stopped the bread vendor to buy









reached home, I made some ..........................................(7) 5. A a bunch of bananas B a loaf of bread C a piece of cake 6. A B C D fast as lightning. slow as a tortoise. hungry as a wolf. shinning as lightning. 7. A B C D burgers and French fries. delicious sandwich. spicy fried rice. double cheese cake.

Questions 8 10
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Study the pictures carefully. Then choose the best answer. Lihat gambar dengan teliti. Pilih jawapan yang terbaik. 8. A. The girl is offering her seat to a woman. B. Aisyah and her mother are going to town. C. There are many passengers on the bus. D. The pregnant woman is standing.


A. The boy is climbing a tree. B. The rambutan tree is very tall. C. Fahri is plucking some rambutans. D. The boy is plucking some mangoes.









sumptuous meal. B. This is a popular restaurant. C. D. The The restaurant young couple is are crowded going with for a customers. movie.

Questions 11 15 Choose the best sentence to fit the situation shown in the pictures. Pilih ayat yang terbaik bagi situasi dalam gambar. 11.
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A. Yes, I celebrated it yesterday. B. Yes, I bought it yesterday. C. Yes, its from my mother. D. Yes, you can come too.

12. A. Im sorry. B. It;s okay. C. Look out! D. Lets go to the clinic.

13. A. My father bought them for me. B. You look smart in them. C. They dont fit me. D. They must be quite cheap.

14. A. What shall I do with the knives? B. There knives are blunt. C. Can I keep them in my drawer? D. Where are the knives?

15. A. Yes. Are you jealous of that? B. The burger is only for one person. C. Definitely not. Come, join me! D. My father bought it for me, not you.

Questions 16 20 Choose the best answer to complete the sentence. Pilih jawapan yang terbaik untuk melengkapkan ayat berikut. 16. 19.


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Aisyah .................................... beautiful hall yesterday. A. a , an B. a , a C. a , the D. the , an 17. Do you like the blue painting

saw at exhibiton

Amirul broke her nose. A. on B. off C. into D. onto


............................ the wall and


20. pen We didnt buy ......................... vegetables from the market this morning as it started to rain heavily when we reached. A. any B. little C. many D. much

.................... the green pen? A. because B. but C. and D. or

18. .................. A. How B. What C. When D. Where do you plan to do during the year-end holidays?

Question 21 Choose the word that has the same meaning as the underlined word. Pilih perkataan yang sama erti dengan perkataan yang bergaris. 21. JK. Rowling is a popular writer. A. rich B. stingy C. famous D. small Questions 22 23 Choose the answer with the correct spelling. Pilih jawapan yang mempunyai ejaan yang betul. 22. The bride and the ............................. are walking

23. Sky diving is a A. danger

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together down the aisle. A. bridegroom B. brigedroom C. bridgeroom D. briedgroom

B. dangoerues C. dengarous D. dangerous

Questions 24 25 Choose the sentence with the correct punctuation. Pilih ayat yang mempunyai tanda baca yang betul. 24. A. There was a tsunami in pulau Langkawi. B. There was a Tsunami in Pulau langkawi. C. There was a Tsunami in Pulau Langkawi. D. There was a tsunami in Pulau Langkawi. 25. A. The old man, is my mothers grandfather. B. The old man is my mothers grandfather. C. The Old Man is my mothers grandfather. D. The old man is my mothers Grandfather. Question 26 30 Based on the picture, choose the best answer to fill in the blanks in the passage that follows. Berdasarkan gambar, pilih jawapan yang terbaik untuk diisikan pada tempat kosong dalam teks yang berikutnya.

Yesterday the pupils of SK. Gembut Jaya ...........(26)............ Teachers Day . There ..................(27)............ many activities. The Year 6 pupils decorated their classes and held a party for .............(28)............
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teachers. Many pupils gave presents and gifts to their teachers. They were all very ....................(29).............. Both teachers and pupils then played ...................(30).................. football and netball match. 26. A. celebrate B. celebrated C. celebrating 29. A. sad B. happy C. sorrow D. exciting 27. A. are B. is C. was D. were 28. A. his B. our C. their D. them 30. A. many B. the C. an D. a

Question 31 35 Read the story and answer the questions that follow. Baca petikan di bawah dan kemudian jawab soalan-soalan berikut. Pak Jaffar is a taxi-driver. He owns a yellow and white Proton Waja. His taxi is very clean. He washes his taxi every morning before starts his work at 8.30 a.m. He is a very hardworking man. He works until 8.30 at night. Sometimes, he takes his family out for dinner. His children love to eat seafood, so they usually go to seafood restaurant nearby. Pak Jaafar is a polite and kind man. His passengers like him very much for this reason. He is also very popular among the foreign tourists. He can speak English, Arabic, Mandarin and Japanese very well. He greets his passengers in their language when they get into his taxi. He sends his passengers to their destination safely. He is a careful driver. 31. What is Pak Jaffars occupation? A. Shopkeeper B. Taxi-driver C. Bus driver D. Supervisior 32.How many languages can Pak Jaffar

34. Every day, Pak Jaffar works for A. nine hours B. eight hours C. twelve hours D. thirteen hours 35. What type of taxi does he have?
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speak besides Malay? A. 4 B. 2 C.. 5 D. 3 33.Why do passengers like Pak Jaffar? A. He can speak many language. B. He is polite and kind. C. His taxi is clean. D. He drives carefully. Questions 36 40

A. Proton Saga B. Proton Waja C. Proton Wira D. Proton Perdana.

Read the healthy diet pyramid and answer the questions that follow. Teliti pyramid makanan sihat berikut dan jawab soalan berikut.

Anne Amzar Anne Amzar

:What do you usually eat for breakfast daily? :Bread with cheese. I drink hot chocolate with a lot of milk. Sometimes, I eat cakes and cookies. :How about your lunch? :I love fried rice, barbequed chicken and dessert. And by four oclock, I will feel hungry again. So I will eat fried rice together with a can of iced lemon tea.

Anne Amzar

:I see that you have thosai for dinner. : You are right. I prefer thosai with fish curry . Later for supper, I
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usually eat a special burger with eggs.

36. Which food does Amzar take A. Fats and sweets B. Breads and cereals C. Fruits and vegetables D. Meat and poultry 37. Where would you buy the food in Group 3? A. Kindergarten B. Market C. Office D. 38. The least amount of food taken daily must come from ................................. A. Group 1 B. Group 2 C. Group 3 D. Group 4 Clinic the least?

39. The word daily can be best replace with........ A. every month B. every decade C. 40. Which category would Amzar be in? A. Fat and lazy B. Think and weak C. Strong and healthy D. Strong and powerful every week D. everyday



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