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The Gay Nebraska Youth Network

2012 C.V. Starr Social Entrepreneurship Fellowship Drew Heckman

Project Updates
Spring Break
PFLAG Speakers' Bureau Picnic & Hunger Games Event

Scale South Dakota

Succession Plan
Identifying Potential Leaders

Upcoming NAP Fashion Show, Pride New HRC President

MA Suicide Prevention
Training NE Training

Logic Model, Inputs

Group Leaders Training Time Planning At Events Online Facebook Group Resource List Community Calendar Money to subsidize events

Logic Model, Activities

Moderate online discussion board Post about relevant news in politics, sexual health, etc. Diffuse public interpersonal conflicts Poll members about important decisions Plan and facilitate group events Make connections with relevant community groups and find ways to collaborate Maintain community calendar Contribute to community listserv

Logic Model, Outputs

Events held Members gained/retained Increased number of youth who come out to their peers/family (demonstrated mental and physical health benefits of being "out") Decreased number of youth indicating feelings of isolation, loneliness, or depression because of their sexual identity Increased average number of community resource organizations (LGBT and otherwise) with which members are involved Increased knowledge of sexual health and current political events

Logic Model, Outcomes

Better psychological and social outcomes More visible LGBT youth community Greater sense of LGBT youth community Greater organizational participation and crosscollaboration Increased awareness of and access to resources Youth feel empowered to make active change in their own communities and beyond Youth actively and intentionally contribute to the shaping of the norms and climate of the communities they inhabit Youth leaders train others to lead Better climate for LGBT populations in NE, eventually other places

Metrics & Measurement

Outputs Total membership Events held & turnout Increased "outness" of members Outcomes Better psychosocial outcomes Sense of young gay community Empowered and impassioned youth

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