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Eco-Friendly Chapter One - The Plastic Bag

I woke up one morning and found myself surrounded by tons of garbage and stuff. I look around and take a deep breath... "What the Heck?! What the...Who...Darn'it! How did this Happen?! Where did all this garbage come from?!" The hole place seemed to be filled with garbage and not a single place for me to throw a needle. I unsuccessfully attempt to clear my way through unchewed cheeseburgers and while doing that, a tomato gets stuck under one of my wings. I was getting really pissed-off so I called Badgy, my badger pall, 'n asked for his help. In five minutes, the whole army was there. "This ain't matter for we to play with!", says Badgy."Ronny, get here, boy!". He calls a boy that seemed really smart and...Kinda nerdy."Swan, boy, we ain't gonna fall down, 'cause this boy, here, he got a plan...And, boy, what a plan!" and he started laughing like a retard... And he was right, unfortunately. If there was something that could help us, that would be the BBA (Aka. Badger Bust Army). The plan was flawless and we were to make the first planned move tonight. We geared up and got the camouflages on. The first mark on the map was the ammunition factory near the Zoo. It went exactly as planned: me and another four guys were to get in the secret underground facility of the factory and steal The Ultra-Secret X5 Plane. It was quite easy to get it: it took us five minutes to silently kill twenty guards and one minute for me to read the plane's instructions manual. After we took over the plane, I flied it back to our base, where half the army got in the plane. There were several nuclear warheads on the plane and the last steps were simple. Badgy's words were still haunting my head, "Y' ain't got nothin' but ya' self! Y'all wanna live? Then fight, darn' it! 'em humans done 'nough! Brothers of the BBA and you lucky animals, tonight, THEY die in Hell! Arghh!!" The wind was playing with my camouflaged feathers. None was speaking, but the crickets. No prayers needed here. Everyone went to their designated spots and waited for the order. This step of the plan was crucial. The nuclear power plant had to be overtaken BY ANY MEANS. THIS power plant had to be overtaken. Those stupid humans made this power plant the command centre of all the nuclear plants in the world. "I'm wondering how come none thought of this before...", says one fellow army brother. I guess others did think of this in the past, but we're the only ones to take action. The order has been given: "Leave none alive!". We stormed the facility and, before the humans could realise it, they were dead. Barney, a Hacker-Badger, cracked the system's codes 'm modified it so that we could remotely control it. But as we were about to leave, something went wrong. We heard an explosion and some badgers screaming. We ran to the place where the screaming was coming from...And we found the unthinkable. Badgy started shouting "Ronny, no!". As I looked around, I saw badgers ripped apart and still alive, screaming for help. Badgy took Ron's head on his knees. "Please, Ron, Don't leave me! Gawd darn' it! Don't die, pall...Who the Heck did this?! 'm gonna smash his head!". I saw it. It was The Ninja Bear.

Chapter Two - The Ninja Bear

My dad used to tell me, "Get me a beer, Swan, or I'll snap your wings in five places and get you to the ASPCA!". Hope I'll live to eat another earthworm, 'cause that Ninja just snapped my wings in five places with a finger punch. Someone took me off the ground and got me to cover. "What's goin' on?!", I ask. "Badgy's just fightin' to that piece of McBurger!". "Son of a retarded cow...", indeed, he was fighting The Bear, but I never knew he could do that. He was like "Watcha!" and "Pchiaw!" and "Kbwaw!" and The Ninja Bear was getting angrier. "None touches I!", says The Ninja, "Destroy!" and draws out his sword and swings it towards Badgy and, just before it could hit his face, Ronny jumped in its course, taking the hit in his face. But the sword's laser actually hit his glasses, reflecting itself back in The Ninja Bear's head, making a huge splash.

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