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Prepared by Ashok.V, BiologyTeacher, CHSE.

Research shows that regular exercise is not only

good for our muscles and hearts, but also for our immune systems. But too much of exercise could lead to tissue damage and immune suppression. Like a double edged sword, exercise can be our greatest protection against a host of illness and infections , but if over-done , we can leave ourselves defenseless from invaders normally caught out by our immune systems. So get out there and work up a sweat and feel the burn, just dont over do it.
Prepared by ASHOK, Teacher, CHSE, Maldives..

Positive effects of moderate exercise1. Increased BMR. 2. Decreased blood pressure.

3. Increased HDL and Decreased LDL. 4. Decreased risk of CHD.

5. Maintaining healthy BMI. 6. Decreased risk of diabetes.

7. Increased bone density. 8. Improved well being.

9. Decreased adrenaline levels. 10. Less stress. 11. Increases levels of Natural killer cells.
Prepared by ASHOK, Teacher, CHSE, Maldives..

Disadvantages of exercising too much (Over-training)

1.Chronic fatigue (tiredness) and poor athletic performance- due to the body being exposed to constant stress and depletion of energy reserves. The body does not get enough time to repair damaged tissue and increases the risk of further tissue damage. 2.Increase in upper respiratory tract infections(URTI) Sore throats and flu-like symptoms, due to a suppressed immune system with a decrease in the number and activity of cells in the immune system.
Prepared by ASHOK, Teacher, CHSE, Maldives..

Prepared by ASHOK, Teacher, CHSE, Maldives..

The immune system is suppressed due to stress

hormones cortisol and adrenaline. These hormones decrease the number and activity of Natural killer cells, phagocytes, B lymphocytes and T lymphocytes. This decreases the immune response. Inflammatory response in Muscles- due to damage to muscle fibres. Increased wear and tear of joints. Increased risk of cardiac failure- Over exercise results in increased adrenaline levels and increased stress. This increases the risk of cardiac arrest and stroke.
Prepared by ASHOK, Teacher, CHSE, Maldives..

Disadvantages of exercising too little1.Increased risk of weight gain- If energy input is high, leading to obesity (High BMI). 2.Increased risk of high blood pressure, coronary heart diseases and stroke. 3. No increase in the levels of HDL, nor reduction in LDL associated with exercise, which protect against coronary heart diseases and stroke. 4. Likelihood of developing diabetes. 5. No protection against loss of bone density and the development of osteoporosis.

Prepared by ASHOK, Teacher, CHSE, Maldives..

At low and moderate intensity of training there is a negative correlation between level of training and occurrence of URTI. This means that as the level of exercise increases from low to moderate, the risk of URTI decreases. As the intensity of exercise increases from moderate to high intensity, there is an increase in the risk of URTI. These variables show a positive correlation. There is correlation between the two variable but this does not necessarily mean that the change in one is responsible for the change in the other factor( not causative agent). This correlation can be considered as causal when all other factors which Teacher, CHSE, URTI are controlled. affect Maldives.. Prepared by ASHOK,

Prepared by ASHOK, Teacher, CHSE, Maldives..

Damage to Joints- the roles of Medical technologies Joints are especially vulnerable to injury. Repeated force on joints readily leads to wear and tear.
Similarly, over-use results in damage to the joints, often very similar to the effects of ageing.

Prepared by ASHOK, Teacher, CHSE, Maldives..

Knee joint: The knee is a complex joint made up of the femur, the tibia and fibula. A number of ligaments run between the femur and the tibia in the knee joint. 1. The Cruciate ligaments - Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL), the Posterior Cruciate Ligament (PCL)2. The collateral ligaments -LCL-Lateral Collateral ligament (fibular collateral ligament) and MCL- Medial Collateral ligament (Tibial Collateral ligament).
Prepared by ASHOK, Teacher, CHSE, Maldives..

Structure and components of the knee Joint-

Prepared by ASHOK, Teacher, CHSE, Maldives..

Prepared by ASHOK, Teacher, CHSE, Maldives..

Prepared by ASHOK, Teacher, CHSE, Maldives..

Common injuries that occur in the knee joint are:

1. Cruciate ligament damage-due to large forces during sporting activity. 2. Osteoarthritis due to wearing- away of cartilage.

Both procedures can be treated by keyhole surgery1.Cruciate Ligament Damage ACL injuries are common, especially if you play sports.
Prepared by ASHOK, Teacher, CHSE, Maldives..

The injury is mainly caused by - Sudden change of direction, causing a twist in your knee.

- A rapid stop with a change in direction. - Slowing down while running.

- Landing from a jump

Prepared by ASHOK, Teacher, CHSE, Maldives..

Prepared by ASHOK, Teacher, CHSE, Maldives..

TreatmentTreatment usually involves Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation (RICE technique). Use of anti-inflammatory pain killers. Surgical repair, if necessary. ARTHROSCOPY ( Keyhole Surgery) Arthroscopy is a procedure now used by orthopaedic surgeons to examine, diagnose and treat damage to joints.
Prepared by ASHOK, Teacher, CHSE, Maldives..

Prepared by ASHOK, Teacher, CHSE, Maldives..

Prepared by ASHOK, Teacher, CHSE, Maldives..

Prepared by ASHOK, Teacher, CHSE, Maldives..

During ArthroscopyStage - I The patient is given anaesthesia and small punctures are made into the knee joint. A small camera and small instruments (arthroscope) on the end of long narrow tubes, introduced into the knee through small incisions (keyholes). Remove all of existing damaged ACL. This is done with a motorized device which is called a shaver. Stage II Skin incisions are made and the patellar tendon is identified.
Prepared by ASHOK, Teacher, CHSE, Maldives..

Prepared by ASHOK, Teacher, CHSE, Maldives..

A slice of the tendon is harvested with a bone

block at each end of the tendon. This slice of tendon is called graft. The advantage of using the persons own tissue is that there will be no tissue rejection. The tissue is taken from around the knee joint, so that the procedure can be completed with a single surgery. Stage III Tunnels are drilled into the femur and tibia. The bone plugs of the graft will fit into these tunnels. The graft is then placed through the tibia, through the knee joint, and into the femoral drill hole.
Prepared by ASHOK, Teacher, CHSE, Maldives..

Screws, staples or sutures are used to fix the bone plugs.

The biological screws will dissolve in about two years. Tendons are less elastic than ligaments. So physiotherapy will be needed to gently stretch the tendons and regain full movement. Over stretching must be avoided to prevent damage to the tendon.

Prepared by ASHOK, Teacher, CHSE, Maldives..

Prepared by ASHOK, Teacher, CHSE, Maldives..

Disadvantages of Conventional open surgery Relatively large incision required. Significant blood loss likely.
Painful wound as an outcome. Increased risk of infection.

Prolonged recovery period.

Advantages of Keyhole Surgery A smaller incision is made, so there is less bleeding. There is lower risk of infection.
Prepared by ASHOK, Teacher, CHSE, Maldives..

Less scarring occurs. The stay in hospital is shorter, as healing time is quicker. This saves money and reduces the chance of secondary infections.

Disadvantages of keyhole surgery over open surgery The procedure requires a high degree of training. The equipment is expensive, which could result in high surgical costs. It can only be used for certain types of surgery only.
Prepared by ASHOK, Teacher, CHSE, Maldives..

2. Osteoarthritis- due to wearing of cartilage Over-training and sports injuries can result in greater wear and tear which may damage the cartilage in the knee joint and lead to osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis is a joint disease that affects the cartilage . In osteoarthritis, the surface layer of cartilage breaks down and wears away. This allows bones under the cartilage to rub together, causing pain swelling and loss of motion.
Prepared by ASHOK, Teacher, CHSE, Maldives..

Over time, the joint may lose its normal shape.

Also, bone spurs- small growths called osteophytes- may grow on the edges of the joint.

Bits of bone or cartilage can break off and float inside the joint space. This causes more pain and damage.

Prepared by ASHOK, Teacher, CHSE, Maldives..

Prepared by ASHOK, Teacher, CHSE, Maldives..

Prepared by ASHOK, Teacher, CHSE, Maldives..

Prosthesis A prosthesis is a device designed to replace a missing part of the body, or to make a part of the body work better. For many years the most successful treatment for severe arthritis of the knee has been total knee replacement. This means removing all the surfaces of damaged part and replacing them with a metal implant on the lower surface of the femur and a plastic surface on the tibia.
Prepared by ASHOK, Teacher, CHSE, Maldives..

Prepared by ASHOK, Teacher, CHSE, Maldives..

Prepared by ASHOK, Teacher, CHSE, Maldives..

Advances in science have led to the designing of

prosthetic limbs. This has enabled some athletes with deformities to participate in sports.

Prepared by ASHOK, Teacher, CHSE, Maldives..

USE OF PERFORMANCE-ENHANCING DRUGS IN SPORT AND ETHICAL ISSUES The use of performance-enhancing drugs in sport is commonly referred to by the term "doping", particularly by those organizations that regulate competitions. Examples of some performance enhancing drugs1.Erythropoietin (EPO) This causes the bone marrow to generate extra red blood cells. Extra RBCs carry extra oxygen to muscles . Side effect- Causes strain on heart and can lead to infarction.
Prepared by ASHOK, Teacher, CHSE, Maldives..

2. Creatine Creatine combines with phosphate to form Creatine phosphate. This can phosphorylate ADP, regenerating ATP. Side effect- Diarrhoea, vomiting, liver damage and kidney damage. Testosterone It increases the transcription of growth proteins such as actin and myosin. Muscle mass increases, which makes the athelete more powerful. Side effects- Agression, infertility, skin problems.
Prepared by ASHOK, Teacher, CHSE, Maldives..

Ethical issues related to doping:

Why doping may be unethical ? Doping is unfair to those who dont do it. Doping might be good (from the point of view of success in competition) for the few athletes that do it, but is bad for the many that do not. Athletes have the right to be protected from harmful drugs. Sports governing bodies have a duty to ensure that athletes do not take drugs. It is unethical for athletes to play against the rules. Many athletes who take drugs are not really doing so intentionally or willingly. They are usually under pressure from coaches to do so.
Prepared by ASHOK, Teacher, CHSE, Maldives..

Many drugs have harmful side effects.

Why doping may be considered ethical ? Doping gives people a chance to be as good as their potential allows. Athletes have a duty to sponsors to achieve their best performances. It should be up to the. individual athlete to decide for themselves whether they will take drugs to improve their performance or not .

Prepared by ASHOK, Teacher, CHSE, Maldives..


Prepared by ASHOK, Teacher, CHSE, Maldives..

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