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Foundations of management Planning and decision making Law of unintended consequences results of purposeful actions are often difficult

t to predict. Condition of certainty solid factual basis allows accurate prediction of decisions outcome. Condition of risk decision made on basis of incomplete but reliable information. Objective probabilities odds derived mathematically from reliable data. Subjective probabilities odds based on personal judgement. Framing error how information is presented influences ones interpretations of it. Escalation of commitment people get locked into losing courses of action to avoid the embrassment of quitting or admitting error. Programmed decisions repetitive and routine decisions. Decision rule tells when and how programmed decisions should be made. Nonprogrammed decisionsdecisions made in complex and nonroutine situations. Knowledge management developing a system to improve the creation and sharing of knowledge critical for decision making. Tacit knowledge - personal, intuitive, and undocumented information. (deep smarts) Explicit knowledge documented and sharable information. Collaborative computing teaming up to make decisions via a computer network programmed with groupware. Creativity the reorganization of experience into new configurations. Causes variables responsible for the difference between actual and

desired conditions. Satisfice to settle for a solution that is good enough. Optimize to systematically identify the solution with the best combination of benefits. Idealize to change the nature of the situation in which a problem has arisen.

Organizations : Effectiveness, design, and cultures. Organization cooperative and coordinated social system of two or more people with a common purpose. Authority right to direct the actions of others. Organization chart visual display of an organizations positions and lines of authority. Line and staff organization oraganization in which line managers make decisions and staff personnel provide advice and support. Organizational effectiveness being effective, efficient, and satisfying todat; adapting and developing in the intermediate future; and surviving in the long term. Contingency design fitting the organization to its environment. ******Mechanistic organizations rigid bureaucracies. Organic organization flexible, adaptive organization structure. Departmentalization grouping related jobs or processes into major organizational subunits. Span of control number of people who report directly to a given manager. Centralization the retention of decision-making authority by top management Decentralization managements sharing of decision-making authority

with lower-level employees. Delegation assigning various degrees of decision-making authority to lower-level employees. Hourglass organization three-layer structure with a constricted middle layer. Cluster organization collaborative structure in which teams are the primary unit. Virtual organizations internet linked networks of value-adding subcontractors. Organizational culture shared values, beliefs, and language that create a common identity and sense of community. Organizational values shared beliefs about what the organization stands for. Organizational socialization process of transforming outsiders into accepted insiders.

Internet Communication interpersonal transfer of information and understanding. Media richness a mediums capacity to convey information and promote learning. Noise any interference with the normal flow of communication. A communication continuum with five strategies - sprary & Pray - Tell & Sell - Underscore & explore - Identify & reply

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Grapevine unofficial and informal communication system. Semantics study of the meaning of words.

Motivating and Leading Expectanct theory model that assumes that motivational strength is determined by perceived probabilities of success. Expectancy the belief or expectation that one thing will lead to another. Goal setting process of improving performance with objectives deadlines, or quality standards. Job design creating task responsibilities based on strategy, technology, and structure. Realistic job previews honest explanations of what a job actually entails. Job rotation moving people from one specialized job to another. Contingent time off rewarding people with early time off when they get the job done. Job enlargement combining two or more specialized tasks to increase motivation. Job enrichment redesigning jobs to increase their motivational potential. Rewards material and psychological payoffs for working. Extrinsic rewards payoffs such as money, that are granted by other. Intrinsic rewards self-granted and internally experienced payoffs, such as a feeling of accomplishment. Cafeteria compensation plan that allows emplotees to select their own

mix of benefits. Participative management empowering employees to assume greater control of the workplace. Quality control circles voluntary problem-solving groups committed to improving quality and reducing costs. Open-book management sharing key financial data and profits with employees who are trained and empowered. Self-managed teams high-performance teams that assume traditional managerial duties such as staffing and planning. Flextime allows employees to choose their own arrival and departure times within specified limits. Family-friendly companies companies that recognize and accommodate employees nonwork lives and priorities.

Motivating and Leading Social capital productive potential of strong relationships, goodwill, trust, and cooperation. Group two or more freely interacting individuals with a common identity and purpose. Informal group collection of people seeking friendship. Formal group collection of people created to do something productive. Cohesiveness tendency of group to stick together. Norms general standards of conduct for various social settings. Ostracism rejection from a group. Six stages of group development: 1. Orientation 2. Conflict and challenge 3. Cohesion 4. Delusion 5. Disillusion

6. Acceptance Organizational politics the pursuit of self-interest in response to real or imagined opposition. Conformity complying with prevailing role expectations and norms. Groupthink janiss term for blind conformity in cohesive in-groups Cross-functional team task group staffed with a mix of specialists pursuing a common objective. Virtual team task group members from dispersed locations who are electronically linked.

Change, Conflict, and Negotiation Anticipatory changes planned changes based on expected situations. Reactive changes changes made in response to unexpected situations. Incremental changes subsystem adjustments required to keep the organization on course. Strategic changes altering the overall shape or direction of the organization. Organization development planned change programs intended to help people and organizations function more effective. Unfreezing neutralizing resistance by preparing people for change. Refreezing systematically following up a change program for lasting results. Tempered radicals people who quietly try to change the dominant organizational culture in line with their convictions. Conflict incompatible behaviors that make another person less effective. Conflict trigger any factor that increases the chances of conflict.

Negotiation Bargaining zone the gap between two parties BATNAs(the area of overlapping interests where agreement is possible.) Added value negotiating five-step process involving devolopement of multiple deals. 1. Clarify interests. 2. Identify options. 3. Design alternative deal packages. 4. Select a deal. 5. Perfect the deal.

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